#i went to a queen cover concert today it slapped
My mutuals watching me slowly descend into madness atm
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beomglocks · 4 years
sk8ter boi ; c.bg
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summary : he was a boy, she was a girl. can i make it anymore obvious?
pairing : skaterboy!beomgyu x reader
warnings & other : reader already has a child with yeonjun ok, beomgyu still pining after all these years, based off queen avril lavigne’s sk8ter boi song, listen while reading if you want 
w/c : 2.1K (i may have gotten carried away)
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"where'd you get that note and roses from?" your friend maria asks you when you get into class. you wipe away your smile quickly, already knowing who the mystery person was. "i don't know."
yeah, of course you knew. how could you not when the boy oh so clumsily shoved them in your locker while you were literally turning the corner. he tried to act like he wasn't doing anything but he was clearly caught. he tried to play it off in the best way possible and smooth talk his way into a conversation with you but you shut him down due to the bell ringing.
"oh- oh ok sure...yeah," beomgyu stumbled over his words, nervousness eating away at him with you being here. "yo gyu you coming? i just finished fixing my drum kit," his friend, jeongin, calls him over, interrupting your already over conversation.
"you should go...but thanks for whatever you just threw in my locker," you laugh. he nods hesitantly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "dude," jeongin now stands in your vicinity. he looks at you and beomgyu before pulling away his best friend to where the spare band room was.
"well open the letter, we wanna know who your little secret admirer is," maria says, leaning onto your desk. your other friends agree, eager to know who was pining over you. you laugh nervously before opening it. you're not sure how they'll react to finding out that it's beomgyu.
you see, you wouldn't exactly call yourself the prettiest girl in the school but hell it sure was close. almost everyone would compliment you every day even if it was something minor like a change in your nail color. you kind of prided yourself in that, not to gas yourself up or anything.
someone like beomgyu...well. he wasn't exactly the ideal guy, to put it simply. he was a skater boy, he hung out with the "simple boys" who skated and did music and hung out around the skate parks after school. he wasn't the scholar type like soobin or the athlete type like yeonjun, he was simple.
you liked simple but your friends didn't. they had preferences for people like soobin and yeonjun, not people like beomgyu. you could probably guess they felt like beomgyu was the bottom of the barrel, like a roach on their foot not worthy of their time.
you pull the letter out of the envelope. for some reason without even trying, you could smell his cologne all over it. you want to smile at the obvious try hard gesture but your friends don't allow it. "what the fuck is that smell, it's so strong," maria gags. you roll your eyes at her dramatics. "it doesn't smell that bad."
"yes the fuck it does," she retorts. "just see what it says." you read over the letter, smiling at certain parts where you could tell he'd done his research on the things you liked. "it's from beomgyu," you say when you finish the letter. you already knew this anyway but maria's eyes go wide and she suddenly snatches the letter from your grasp. "hey!"
"CHOI beomgyu?" she asks while she reads the letter herself. "yeah?" you confirm.
your other friends mumble amongst themselves and you can hear some snicker. "y/n you could do so much better. beomgyu is like a street rat or something. don't do that to yourself," she laughs like it's the funniest thing she's ever said. you don't think beomgyu's that bad but you also don't stand up for him, simply biting your lip as she continues.
"he barely comes to school and when he does all he does is sleep. he skates with those other weirdos and thinks he's gonna make it big with his shitty guitar playing- i mean have you heard him?" she rolls her eyes, throwing the letter back on your desk. "you should go out with yeonjun, i think yall would be a cute couple. the prettiest girl with the coolest guy, your babies would be so damn cute."
"babies?!" you laugh at her ridiculousness. "yes! have you seen choi yeonjun?" she sighs in content. "anyways, don't pay beomgyu any mind because he's not gonna make it in life. go for someone like yeonjun and please for the love of god throw that letter away!"
you never did throw the letter away. you sigh as you think back to your high school years. you had just found it hidden behind one of the closet drawers while you were looking for valkyrie's binkie. she was crying so much since her father had gone out for the day and you were stuck taking care of her, as always.
you wonder how beomgyu was doing. you both talked after the fact but fell off during college since he had gone off to do his own thing. you didn't know what that thing was but you were proud of him nonetheless. you finished high school, went to college, got a good paying job, and were now married with a kid. all at the young age of 21. the typical life, you figure.
you're snapped out of your thoughts when you hear your child crying in the next room. "shit," you mumble to yourself. you leave the letter in your drawer and head back to the living room with the binkie. "valkyrie~" you sing song.
she continues crying, not giving a fuck about your efforts to calm her. she was usually a bit of a daddy's girl. "val please stop crying," you exasperate. "daddy's not coming home until late today. cut me some slack babygirl."
you slip the binkie into her mouth but her shrill cries go right through it. "let me go see if you need a diaper change," you mutter.
before you can even get up from the couch you hear your phone ring from somewhere in the couch. "shit where did i put my phone?" you put valkyrie down to look for your phone but it stops ringing before you can begin searching. you wait for it to ring again you find it between the cracks of the couch.
"oh hey mari," you say in confusion. after high school ended, you and maria kind of fell off along with all your other popular friends. you still had that clout all throughout college given who you were dating but you kind of strayed away from her. you guys were still on speaking terms though but this call was odd since it had been months since the last time she called.
"GIRL-" she pauses for a moment, still as dramatic as ever. "what it is mari? val won't stop crying she needs attention," you sigh, looking over at your daughter. her cries had gotten softer but she was still grumpy about not being with her father.
"girl turn on your tv to MTV right now- like right now before you miss it!" she says hurriedly. "this better be good you know i dont watch those shows," you say into the phone. you place the phone between your ear and shoulder so you can hold valkyrie while watching whatever it was that maria wanted you to watch.
then you see it. "is that-?" you begin. "CHOI beomgyu! yes girl!" maria finishes your sentence. she's right. there he is, the boy you were just thinking about was on your tv screen. "he's famous?" you ask.
maria sucks her teeth, "apparently after high school and like a year or two of college, he dropped out to pursue a music career and i guess it worked out for him." you nod even though she can't see you. "he signed with a label and now he's in like some super fucking famous band, look at him," she continues.
you stare at your tv screen in silence, watching beomgyu have the time of his life on the MTV stage. he really did get good on his guitar. the camera pans to the drummer and your eyes go wide when you see jeongin. wow, they really stayed together this whole time.
"he's fine as hell," you admit. you hear maria cackle on the other side, "you said it, he looks so attractive playing guitar like that, look at his fingers."
"ok alright maria, i have a child right next to me," you say. she laughs again, "anyways, i got tickets to their next show. you wanna come with?"
you're not sure how you managed to convince yeonjun to stay home with the baby while you went out with maria to this concert, but you did it. he was skeptical of letting you go out with what you were wearing which is why you both argued before you eventually stormed out to go anyways.
when you met up with maria outside the venue she looked up and down with a knowing smile. "i thought that pussy belonged to mr. choi yeonjun? what're you all dressed up for?"
"dressed up?" all you were wearing was a black and white bandana for a top and tight leather pants and comfortable shoes. "do the pants really have to hug your ass like that though?" she jokingly slaps your butt and you glare at her. "that's what yeonjun said," you mumble to yourself.
the concert goes smoothly and you're glad you actually got to see beomgyu in person and playing guitar. one thing about choi beomgyu is that he will play guitar like it's his last day on earth. he plays with so much intensity that you almost feel bad for the guitar.
you could almost feel how the crowd's energy in this packed room transferred to the members. if it was even possible, they started to play with more vigor.
at some point, beomgyu was full on immersed in his own playing. his once fluffy hair was now soaked with sweat and covering his forehead and eyes. he kept headbanging along to the beat while skillfully moving his fingers along the strings of the guitar.
during the middle of one of their songs, beomgyu took the center stage for his guitar solo. it was a fast paced riff that just seemed to give the song more life. his head is down so that it's solely focused on the guitar but once he finished the hardest part of the riff he looked up smugly. the crowd went absolutely mad when beomgyu bit his lip during the rest of his solo.
you had to admit the boy had stage presence, you practically almost re-fell in love with him.
after the show, you and maria went to get refreshments at the nearby bar. beomgyu seemed to already be there talking to one of his members so you took this opportunity to speak with him. you wonder if he'll remember you after all these years but you take your chances.
"beomgyu!" you shout over the music that's playing in the background. he whips his head around to the sound of his name being called and smiles lightly when he sees you. when you get to him, he subtly looks you up and down, taking in your body and attire. "y/n is that you?" he says, his voice laced with something teasing.
"you remember me?" you ask him with a smile. "how could i forget a face like yours," he smiles, leaning back. you laugh and he smiles. "i just saw you on stage, i never thought you'd become this huge! congrats!"
he nods, "yeah, i always wanted to make it big you know." he trails off, looking over you again like he's entranced somehow. "so how's life? you still with-"
"yeonjun...yeah we um- we have a kid...now," you finish nervously. did he really have to bring yeonjun up right now. "a kid?" he says, surprised. "let me see."
you show him a selfie of you and valkyrie that you took at a time when she wasn't completely hating your existence and wanting to cuddle her father instead of you. he laughs and leans back once again, "she's cute like you, she definitely got her mom's features."
"yeah and she's got her dad's attitude," you say, mostly to yourself but beomgyu catches it. "oh yeah! i wanted to say, i really like that one song you played, uh- fairy?"
"fairy of shampoo? yeah we added our own little rock twist to it," he says. "you know the lyrics are actually about y-" your phone cuts him off and you apologize, turning away to answer it. "what is it yeonjun"
beomgyu sighs in frustration when he hears you say that. when you finish talking you turn back to him and he has his eyebrow raised in question. "looks like my fun is over," you laugh dryly. he nods in understanding, "before you go though, let me get your number so we can catch up sometime."
you agree, not wanting to pass up the chance to reconnect with your now famous friend.
"maybe we'll see each other around gyu," you smile, beginning to walk away.
he smiles at the old nickname, waving you off, "i sure hope so."
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Queen Survey Results
The results are finally here!!! They took forever to summarize, but I’m finally done. Some of them were obvious, some were rather surprising. Enjoy!
Favourite member
This one was interesting. The results kept changing drastically over the week and I became curious myself. But the final winner of our hearts is...
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Roger Taylor
With 213 votes!!!
Next were John (170 votes), Brian (169 votes) and Freddie (154 votes). 25 voters couldn’t choose between these four amazing humans and went with “I don’t know”.
With mind-blowing drumming skills, a sharp wit and the ear-piercing voice, Roger sure is a beloved man. And that’s without mentioning his good looks: beautiful like an angel, yet sexy like a demon. Not half bad.
Favourite album
🏆A Night at the Opera: 182 votes
🏆🏆Sheer Heart Attack: 111 votes
🏆🏆🏆A Day at the Races: 85 votes
News of the World: 82 votes
Queen II: 69 votes
The Game: 36 votes
Jazz: 35 votes
Hot Space: 34 votes
The Works: 31 votes
Queen: 22 votes
Innuendo: 20 votes
A Kind of Magic: 11 votes
The Miracle: 10 votes
Made In Heaven: 3 votes
Favourite writer
All four members of Queen are gifted writers that created brilliant and iconic masterpieces. However, one member stood out and won with 278 votes. The winner is...
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Ah, yes. Such moving and well-phrased words.
In all seriousness, Freddie’s writing had an insanely impressive range: from the operatic and powerful ballad “Bohemian Rhapsody” to the playful and romantic tune “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, Freddie sure shows talent. Not every musician can take three different songs and turn them into one iconic bop.
Brian is the runner-up with 225 votes for his emotional and space-themed songs we all know and love.
John is in 3rd place with 115 votes. Us Queen fans love both his disco tunes and his rock tracks. The only thing that held him back from defeating Brian was probably “I’m happy at home”.
Meanwhile, Roger suffers a dramatic defeat with only 35 votes. I suppose “I’m in Love With My Car” backfired big time.
76 voters remain undecided. Can you blame them?
BoRhap view count
Once: 55 votes
Twice: 106 votes
Three times: 105 votes
Four times: 81 votes
Five times: 61 votes
6 times or more: 280 votes
I don’t know: 43 votes
Fanfics are very common among Queen fans. How common? Let’s see:
I read fanfics: 607 votes
I don’t read fanfics: 124
Well, looks like the writers on Tumblr have a pretty large crowd. Just remember to reblog those fics, alright? Break the unfair like-reblog ratio and show writers respect!
The queer community makes a big portion of the Tumblr community. How big of a portion do they make of the Queen community?
394 voters are LGBT+. Happy pride month, folks!!!
220 voters are straight. Hello there!
117 voters are questioning their sexuality or gender. You are valid and we love you.
BoRhap rating
The film “Bohemian Rhapsody” was a huge success that drew people from every country and age to the Queen fandom. But it also causes many conflicts and controversies. What do Queen fans think on a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (good)?
1: 2 votes
2: 3 votes
3: 6 votes
4: 31 votes
5: 40 votes
6: 75 votes
7: 144 votes
8: 186 votes
9: 122 votes
10: 122 votes
On an average, the movie scored 7.6 out of 10.
Freddie’s sexuality
Freddie’s sexuality is a sensitive and controversial topic that Queen fans argue about to this day. I have gathered the various claims and opinions into this:
Gay: 352 votes
Bisexual: 105 votes
I don’t know: 51 votes
I don’t care: 100 votes
I don’t know OR care: 123 votes
Hot space
Queen’s 1982 disco album “Hot Space” received both great and horrible reviews. What do we think about it?
“Hot Space” slaps: 575 votes
“Hot Space” sucks: 103 votes
“Hot Sapce” had a couple of good songs, but I don’t like it that much: 53 votes
Are you over or under 1.50 meters (5 feet)?
Over: 677 votes
Under: 54 votes
John’s nickname
Brian spells it “Deacy”, Roger spells it “Deaky” - how do you spell it?
Deaky: 546 votes
Deacy: 146
Both: 24 votes
Other answers:
Jihn Richid Diqin (who hurt you?)
DiScO dEaKy
Favorite song
This question took hours and hours to summarize, but here are the fandom’s top 3 Queen songs:
3rd place:
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I guess you guys love it so much, you can listen to it... ALL DAY LONG!!!
2nd place:
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This lovely, emotional tune by Brian May is one of the fandom’s favorite songs. YEE-HAW!!!
And in 1st place...
Somebody To Love
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“Somebody To Love” is an absolute masterpiece: beautiful harmonies, perfectly-fitting guitar solo, Freddie’s impressive voice, John’s creative bass line and the relatable lyrics make it one of their most popular songs.
Best bass
John Deacon composed many iconic bass lines that you can recognize right away. Here are the three best bass lines:
Another One Bites the Dust
Dragon Attack
Under Pressure
Best guitar solo
Brian may is a guitar genius. He has a one-of-a-kind guitar, an engineer’s mind and raw talent. You voted for many different songs, but here are the best Brian solos:
Don’t Stop Me Now
Brighton Rock (of course!)
Bohemian Rhapsody
Best back vocals
Queen are known for their epic harmonies. They make their songs powerful and emotional. Three songs in particular show this incredible feature.
Somebody To Love
In the Lap of the Gods (AAAAAAAAAAA)
Bohemian Rhapsody
Roger’s best falsettos (natural range, whatever. You know what I mean!)
As I mentioned before, Roger has a beautiful, high-pitched voice. His screams are an important part of many Queen songs. Which songs has Roger’s best “falsettos”?
In the Lap of the Gods
Bohemian Rhapsody
My Fairy King
Best concert
Queen’s concerts are a crazy sight to the eyes and a musical experience to the ears. Even today, Queen and Adam Lambert shock and entertain the world with their spectacular shows. Which Queen concert would totally rock you?
3rd place...
Live @ the Rainbow (1974)
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2nd place...
Wembley stadium (1986)
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And in 1st place...
Rock Montreal (1981)
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We have friends from age 13 to 65, but the average Queen fan is 22.2 years old.
The Queen fandom offers many ways to celebrate and enjoy both the music and the musicians. How much do you contribute to the fandom?
I don’t make content: 361 votes
Art: 109 votes
Music edits: 18 votes
Photo edits: 103 votes
GIFs: 20 votes
Memes: 42 votes
Fanfics: 239 votes
Covers: 34 votes
Rare videos\photos
Video edits
Video montages
3D models
Me: Shitposting is not content.
That one person: I disagree with your exclusion.
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That’s all, folks! This was super fun, I really enjoyed it. What do you think? Let me know in the comments. Thanks again for your cooperation!
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meetthemoosemonster · 4 years
Glowing Eyes and Shimmering Scales
Introducing: Layla, Sam, Lonna, Jay, and a fuck ton of other side characters, places, and organizations that i didnt really explain, but im to lazy to write something that will explain everything, which will become relevant in the future! Maybe! If I summon the will to write!
also, sorry that I don't post consistently at all, but I hope you enjoy the writing, under the cut.
This is probably going to be a part one for a certain chain of events, and then ill disapear for months agian, so sorry ahead of time, lol.
Tw: abusive parents, torture, emotional breakdowns
Layla's wings flapped as she landed on the training area platform, and saw the instructor stride up to her, looking concerned.
“Layla, you have to leave. Your father is coming, and what he's bringing is not suitable for you to see.”
“Come on Lonna, can’t I stay? I'm going to be of age soon, I need to know what Kron is dealing with.”
“May i remind you that you are not of age yet, and the king still has control over you. Please go back to the cave, its safer there.” Lonna pleaded, fear lighting up her eyes.
“Ok, fine.” Layla grumbled, and started to shift into a dragon in order to get across the castle quickly. But just as she started to flap her wings, a thud was heard behind her, followed by shouts and faint whimpers. Which sounded familiar. Layla turned around to look back at the platform, and saw Sam laying on the ground, shackled, bleeding and shaking violently as the guards sent shocks through his body with wires attached to his temples. Next to him, her father stood, glaring at the child on the ground.
“S-Sam?” Layla could barely breathe, stopped in her tracks as she saw what was happening to Sam only a few feet away. Lonna started to push Layla away, trying to get her to leave, but the king looked up anyway.
“Layla? What in the hell are you doing here?” Laylas fathers voice boomed as he advanced upon Lonna and Layla. “I told you to make sure she wasn't here? You will regret this.”
“O-ok your highness, I'm sorry, I should have-” Lonna stuttered, shaking in fear.
“Dad? What the hell is happening? What are you doing to Sam? Is this why you never tell me shit? Because you're torturing him? Is this-” Layla was cut off by the kings tail slapping her across her face. The tip of his tail scratched at the skin around her eye, leaving blood to trickle down her cheek. She could hear Lonna gasp as the sound of the slap echoed around the training platforms walls.
“Don't speak of things you'll never understand.” the king growled. Layla just stared at him in shock, holding her cheek. He turned to Lonna, who was trying to not glare at him “Why is she still here? I thought I told you to make sure she was long gone.”
“Oh! U-um, I'm- I'm sorry your highness. She came late, and I didn't have time to make sure she had left before you got here.” At the shaky words of Lonna, the king turned to his daughter. “And why were you late?”
“I-I,” Layla was shaking. She was still clutching her cheek and eye, her mind reeling. She knew that her dad had just hit her. She never thought he would go that far. She started thinking about the time that Jay had come back to the cave with a swollen cheek. Anger flared in her chest, her fists tightened, and her skin turned scaly. Her nails grew longer and sharper and cut into her palms. “Did you hit Jay too? How much do I not know about you? And what the HELL are you doing to Sam?” Layla was still shaking, but now she was angry.
“He is a prisoner, and he is treated accordingly. You have no business questioning my authority.” The King returned her glare, then snarled. “You need to leave. Lonna, Make sure she goes to the cave, and doesn't leave. We will talk about this later. Remember, you aren't queen yet Layla. Not for a long time. If I have to correct you all the time, there will be consequences.” Layla started shaking from fear at the word ‘consequences’. Lonna grabbed Layla's arm, and started to pull her away. Layla looked back at her dad as he turned around and advanced on Sam. Sam looked over at Layla in the midst of his pain, and they locked eyes. Layla tried to give Sam a look, hoping Sam would understand what she meant. Sam nodded everso slightly before being shocked back into the torture. Lonna made sure Layla was turned around before she could see Sam again, and they both jumped off the cliff, transforming into their dragon forms in midair.
When they reached the cave where Layla, and her little sister, Jay lived, Layla turned back to her human form right before she landed, and Lonna shook her head at the young girl. Usually Layla would have done a flip, or rolled her eyes at Lonnas disapproval, but her eyes were still red, tears ready to fall from her eyes. Once she noticed Lonna looking concerned at her, Layla wiped the tears and blood away, and shook her head, trying to return to normal.
“Oh honey,” Lonna said, and hugged Layla. “I'm so sorry you had to see that. You are ok, right? He didn't hurt you too bad?” Layla remembered her cheek and eye, and felt it throbbing again.
“Oh, I guess I forgot. I’m ok Lonna, I swear, stop worrying about everything, god.” Layla tried to cover up her choked voice with teenage annoyance. But Lonna saw right through it.
“Come on honey, let's get you inside, and take a look at your cheek.” The two of them walked into the cave, and Lonna had Layla sit down on the couch in her room. She started to take care of the swollen skin, grabbing a box of magical ointments from the kitchen. Lonna started to hum childrens songs about ghost stories and dragon legends and such and Layla started to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. But then she heard her sister land on the ledge, and run through the door.
“You won't believe what Mica got me!” Jay ran into Laylas room, a wide smile across her face, but it faded when she saw Layla. Layla sat up. “Oh no, are you ok?”
“Yeah, im ok Jay, dont worry about it, training just got a little too aggressive today, that's all.” Jay gave her a weird look.
“Ok, if you say so. Anyway, look at the necklace Mica got me!”
“OoooOh, so Micas giving you necklaces now. It's almost like your, um, DATING?” Layla fake gasped, and started laughing with Jay. Lonna smiled, but then got serious.
“Jay, you have to be careful, you know your dad doesn't want you dating a citizen, much less Mica.”
“I Know, he wont find out, it's all good. Please, just let me have this Lonna?” Lonna nodded, but still looked worried. Jay continued to talk about her day with Mica, and after a while, layla zoned out, and began making a list in her head of the things she would need, and her plan to get Sam out, and FAR away. Shed never really liked him, but she couldn’t let him suffer like that, not now that she knew.
Later that night, Layla was packing her bag, going through the list she had come up with earlier.
“Ok, i've got a change of clothes for me, and for Sam, warmer clothes for when it gets cold at night, the straps and blankets for my back that sam can stay on, blankets for when we sleep, enough food for 2 weeks, a water filter, some matches for Sam, and a map. I think that's everything-” Layla stopped when she heard Lonna in the doorway. She threw the bag under her bed quickly, then looked up to see that Lonna had been there the entire time.
“Don't worry, i won't tell your dad, or anyone else, i promise.” Lonna said before Layla could even open her mouth. “Take it from someone with a history of running away, don't expect that anything will go as planned, make sure you have something from the people you're leaving behind.” Lonna threw a necklace over to Layla, who caught it, then turned it over in her hand. “It's a scale from each person in your family. Jay, Me, Mica, Nao, your mom, and your dad. And one of your scales too. I thought you might want to have something to have from us when you're gone.”
“No, I can't take this, I'll be back right away, I just need to get Sam out, I'll be back before they even realize what happened, so you should keep it.” Layla held out the necklace for Lonna to take, but she just shook her head.
“Even so, keep it. I made it for you. regardless of whether you leave or not, I want you to have it.” Lonna smiled sadly at Layla. Layla looked down at the necklace as the six scales shimmered and clinked together.
“Ok, I guess I’ll keep it, but I'll be right back, seriously.”
“Ok honey, just be safe for me, ok? Promise me that you'll be safe. And give me a hug before you go.” Layla nodded, and hugged Lonna tight.
“I promise, I'll be safe. And thank you Lonna, thank you for everything.” Layla felt Lonna nod, and tighten her grip before finally releasing.
“Is there anything you want me to tell Jay? Just in case I mean?”
“Um, I actually wrote her a note already. Can you give it to her if i don't come back?”
“Of course honey, I'll give it to her.” Layla handed the folded up piece of paper to lonna, and then clasped the necklace around her neck.
“I'm going to go hang out with Jay now, bye, I love-” Layla stopped herself, but then noticed that Lonnas eyes were tearing up, and she was looking at her so tenderly. “Um, I love you Lonna. Thank you for basically being me and Jay's mom when Mom died. And sorry for all the times I messed up, I know I'm kinda a lot.”
“Oh baby, you're not a lot, it's an honor to be your step in mom for you and Jay. I love you too honey, come here.” Lonna hugged Layla again, and Layla hugged back. They stayed like that for a while, then Lonna let go, and wiped the tears off her face. “Ok, go say bye to your sister kiddo, and remember, i love you.” Lonna walked out of the room and went to the kitchen.
Layla took a deep breath before going into her sisters room. She listened to Jay talk about the karaoke date that she was planning for her and Mica for their anniversary, the big test she had coming up next week, and her concert.
“Hey, you'll be there, right? Dad obviously doesn't want to go, you know how he is with that stuff, it's next weekend, and you don't have training that day, so you'll be there?” Jay looked at Layla. Layla's breath caught, and her heart dropped down to her stomach.
“Oh,...um, yeah, i'll be there.” Layla tried to remind herself that she would be back before the concert, she would be right back. There was no reason to worry.
“Awesome! We sound really cool, we've been working on this set for a couple months now, it's not easy AT ALL.”Jay looked over to see her sister looking like she would throw up. “Hey, you sure you're ok? You've been acting weird ever since you got home, and so has Lonna.”
“Oh, it's ok Jay, I'm fine, just tired, long day, you know how it is.” Layla yawned, trying to act tired.
“...Ok, if you say so, but somethings up, I know it. You don't have to tell me, but somethings up.” Jay hugged Layla. “Hey, whatever is happening, please just be careful, you know how dad is.”
Layla chuckled. “Yeah, I know, don’t worry about it.” Layla hugged Jay back. “I love you, you know that right?”
“Yeah. I love you too.”
Eventually Jay had fallen asleep in Layla's arms, and Lonna came and stood in the doorway and whispered, “You should go now, I'll make sure she's safe.” Layla nodded, and gently moved her little sister off of her, and under the blankets. She kissed Jay's head, hugged Lonna again, and slung the straps with the bags and blankets attached across her body. Once she was outside she took a deep breath and then jumped silently off the ledge, wings sprouting from her back, scales raising across her skin, claws growing from her fingers, and her tail slicing through the air. She felt the straps slide into place as she turned. She began gliding silently toward the dungeons, hoping that Sam had used Sight to see the plan she had written down.
In the dungeon Sam was shivering in the corner. He dug his fingernails into his palms hard, and his eyes began to glow white as a vision triggered.
The wind was roaring past his head, and he heard the flapping of wings. Panicked he looked around, expecting to see the king. Instead he saw the mountains in the distance, and bursts of light coming from Layla's mouth as she breathed fire for warmth. He noticed he was sitting on the dragons back, on top of blankets, and surrounded by a couple bags of supplies. He looked behind him, and saw the Gorge and castle falling away behind them as the distance grew. Sam started to turn back around, but his vision flared white, then black.
Sam returned to the dark, damp cell, his heart beating fast.
“It's ok, you're ok, you're getting out.” Sam whispered to himself trying to calm down after the vision. He would panic after even good visions because of how defenseless he was after them. “At least I was able to control it today. I didn't See until I wanted to, which is progress.”
“Yes, it is” Sam jumped when he heard someone else whisper next to him. A burst of orange fire sparked near his head, illuminating the cell with dim light for a second before it died out. Sam saw Layla's face before the light faded.
“Oh, Layla, you scared the shit outta me. Are we going now?”
“Yeah, come on, the guards are sleeping, but now for long, we have to go right now.”
“Ok, cool.” Once they had escaped the dungeons, Layla turned back into a dragon, and Sam climbed on her back and sat down on the blankets.
“I packed you some new clothes in the green bag, and some food and water that you can eat, cause I bet you're hungry.” Layla growled to the best of her ability in dragon form.
“Oh, you think?” Sam immediately started rifling through the bag, pulling out the clothes, and a container of food. “Thanks dude, I owe you one.” Layla just snorted, and took off, causing Sam to get jolted back, and nearly drop the clothes and food. “Hey! Warn a person, for the love of Sight Layla.” Sam changed into the new clothes, ate a sandwich, and drank some water. He saw his vision carry out in real life, and breathed a sigh of relief. Eventually he patted Layla's neck, then tied himself down so he wouldn't fall off, and went to sleep.
After a long day of flying non stop, avoiding all towns and traces of dragons as to not be seen, Layla eventually reached the forest that bordered Kron and Verlorn. She landed in the forest, and let Sam get off her back before she transformed back to human form.
“Hey, Sam, we're going to rest here for a bit, then you can go off on your own to Verlorn and meet up with the travelers there, they should be able to help you. I'll see you to the border, then make my way back to the Gorge. It'll only be two days, so hopefully my dad will think that i just needed a break and went to the woods for a bit.” Layla started to take off the straps and bags, and started to set up a little lean-to for her to sleep under for a bit.
“Wait, hold up dude.” Sam was looking at Layla, concern etched across his face. ‘Your telling me that you think you can go back? He hit you! And he’ll do it again. You can't go back, it's so obvious that you got me out, if you go back, you'll be killed, 100 percent.” Layla looked at Sam, starting to panic. “Even Lonna told me to make sure you make it to the Resistance base in Verlorn, she said that you had to get out and stop your dad? You didn't know?”
“L-Lonna? But- But she wouldn't do that. She couldn't.” Layla was hyperventilating. She looked down at her necklace, and grabbed lonnas scale remembering what lonna had said to her before she left. “Is that why?”
“I'll take that as a no…”
“I-...I have to go back, i have to go back, right now. He- he wouldn’t hurt me again, he cares. Yeah, he gets angry sometimes, but that-” Layla's eyes filled with tears, and she felt like she was being punched in the gut.
“And I thought I had issues, my god. Dude, he doesn't care about you, he's kinda evil if you didn't notice? How do you not see that?” Layla didn't even look at him, but her breathing got more rapid.
”I have to go back, I want to go back. I can't leave him, I can't leave them.” Layla was full out sobbing now, hunched over as if her stomach hurt, and to be honest, it did. “Oh no, Jay, i cant- i cant- I have to go back, i can't leave her, i promised her, I PROMISED HER. I can't just leave. Oh my god, no, nononononono. I have to go back, i have to go back now.” Layla forced herself to stand up straight, and began to walk toward a clearing so she could fly back. Sam ran in front of her, and grabbed her arms.
“You can't go, he’ll kill you Layla. We have to find my brother, then we’ll be safe.” Layla started to push past him, still sobbing, but he wrapped his arms around her. Almost immediately Layla sunk to the ground, sobbing and screaming.
“I have to go back, i have to, i should have never left, it wasnt supposed to go like this, this wasnt the plan, THIS WASNT THE FUCKING PLAN.”
“I know, but you can't go back.” Sam looked around, unsure how to deal with the situation. “Layla, do you trust Lonna? She seemed to care about you alot, she wouldn't let you do something that she didn't think you needed to do.” Layla was still sobbing on the ground, whispering ‘i have to go back’ under her breath over and over again. Eventually she nodded a little, but then closed her eyes. Sam held her for a while, before getting her to move under the lean-to, and wrapped her in a blanket. Layla drifted off to sleep, exhausted, and Sam just stood watch, occasionally looking over at Layla, worried, and confused at her response.
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ace-angel-judas · 5 years
∞Pairing∞ ⁞ Queenie/TOP/CL/Dara 
∞Series∞  ⁞ 2NE1 5th Member AU 
∞Rating∞ ⁞ Fluff 
∞Synopsis∞ ⁞ Queenie attends Jinae’s solo concert. 
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Walking through the backstage area, Queenie couldn’t help but feel proud and thrilled, the concert had been a massive success after all. The fan chants, the singing along, it had been a while since she’d performed but it was all very memorable. Dara and CL stood to one side of her, TOP on the other.
“That was an amazing concert,” Dara complimented, “Jinae’s hardly a rookie anymore, the stadium was filled,”
“Lucky you got it all on camera,” Queenie pointed out, “Jiyong would cry seeing that,”
“Her singing!” CL grabbed Dara’s arm and shook her, “Did you hear it?! They’re finally letting her sing properly, Hanbin better let her have some singing parts in their songs from now on,” 
The eldest girl laughed, “Did you see them today? It’s only a matter of time before those two get together,” 
Top chuckled, “She’s always had her brother’s charisma, she’ll be just as good as him,”
Queenie snorted, “She already is,”
Her ex leader slapped her arm playfully and Queenie laughed, covering her arm and shying away from the girl.
“Queens!” CL laughed, “Don’t say that in front of him when he comes back, Daesung won’t protect you from him,”
Laughing, Queenie waved her off. TOP smiled at the girls interactions, it was almost as if they were young again back during the YG family concerts. He liked that, Jinae really did bring a lot of YG together, she’s been there since the very beginning after all.
“You two are engaged now,” TOP pointed out, “I never saw the ring,”
“Oh, here,” Queenie held out her hand to the male, showing off the glittering diamond band, “Honestly, I would still adore it even if it was just a piece of wire with a stone on it,”
TOP smiled, “It suits you, Daesung knows your taste very well,”
“Of course he does, he’s my fiancé!”
Pointing forward, Dara smiled, “Watch out, Seunghyun,”
An overexcited, sweaty Jinae came running towards them. Queenie, and the other three, swore for a moment it was Jiyong until she came closer. She wrapped her arms around the tall male and the girls gasped as she managed to pick him up for a moment.
“You guys all came!” Jinae was bouncing up and down, “Did you like it? Was it good?!”
“Extremely impressive,” CL pointed out, “Jiyong would be proud,”
Queenie placed her chin on CL’s shoulder, “Except for the performance with Hanbin..,”
Jinae furrowed her brows together as all four of them nodded.
“Don’t dance with your boyfriend like that on stage if your brother is watching,” Dara laughed softly, “He might get just a little bit protective..,”
She swallowed thickly, “H-hanbin isn’t my b-b-boyfriend..,”
“Yeah,” TOP nodded, “Queenie and Daesung used to say the same thing too, it’ll happen eventually,”
Jinae went red.
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Ed. Note: Wesley is back with another round up of amazing live music in Memphis this month, from global superstars to club shows and everything in between. February starts strong with the International Blues Challenge finals on the 1st, and things just get better from there.  This columns tends to focus on one-time shows and special concerts, Memphis is full of regular gigs at unique venues across town. Check out the Lounge, Hernando’s Hideaway, B-Side, and Eight & Sand in the Central Station hotel, in addition to all the usual haunts. Top photo: Allison Kasper performs at Bar DKDC on Feb. 27. FEBRUARY 1 Rock the Vote at Shangri-La Records 2 p.m., all ages, free show Just in time for the February 3 registration deadline for the TN Democratic primary election, Memphis musicians Kelley Anderson (Crystal Shrine), and Alex Greene are throwing a voter registration drive/show at Shangri-La Records in Midtown. It’ll feature free live music from a bunch of really good local musicians and feature electronic voter registration. The music will be great and free, Shangri-La’s selection keeps getting richer all the time, and Kwik Chek is down the street. Go have a blast! (Voting is important. I can understand why some people feel that it isn’t. But even if you don’t feel like your vote matters, get out and vote for the people you know are directly affected by bad legislation. Anyway, back to the music.) FEBRUARY 1 Qemist, Strooly + DJ DanceAlone at the Hi-Tone Doors at 8 p.m., $5, 18 and up When selecting artists to feature on this column, finding the best value for your precious cover money is almost as important to me as the quality of the artist and show. This is one of those rare “why not both?” moments. The Hi-Tone will have a sick showcase of Memphis DJs and producers that are part of Future-Everything, a worldwide multimedia label based in Memphis. Prepare for real heady mixes that will be extremely easy to vibe to. FEBRUARY 5 Riff Raff with 6roke 6oy SiX, HANNYA CHAOS, and Odd Rodd w/ Nodus Defect at Growlers Doors at 7 p.m., all ages, $20 advance, $25 day of show No one who took themselves seriously would rap “non-stop through desert / salisbury steak sweater / they figured I was kin to Chester / the way I chase cheddar”, and that self-awareness is why we liked RiFF RAFF ten years ago. But it’s 2020, and the joke’s over. The real reasons you should pay attention to this show are the supporting acts: Memphis rappers 6roke 6boy SiX, HANNYA CHAOS, and Odd Rodd. This lineup will hit you like a freight train pushing cars full of blood and guts. Twenty bucks for three good shows and one potentially hilarious one is a great deal. FEBRUARY 8 Mo3 with El Zappo Foreign at Minglewood Hall Doors at 7 p.m., all ages*, $35+ *Minglewood’s site says “all ages”, but use parental discretion. Twenty-seven year-old Dallas rapper Mo3 allegedly took a bullet to the head in December, then went on Instagram live immediately afterwards to let folks know he was good. Only rap gossip sites are reporting this, but hey. Mo3 doesn’t necessarily bring anything new to the craft with his rags-to-riches gangsta rap, but he is signed to Boosie Badazz’s label Bad Azz, so he’s definitely got some juice. And if he really got headshotted and decided to flex, then Bad Azz is where he belongs. FEBRUARY 9 Frankie valet with Blvck Hippie & Late Night Cardigan at the Hi-Tone Doors at 10 p.m., $5 *ages TBD, but it’s most likely 18+ Once again, we have out-of-town talent supported by great local talent. Frankie valet, from St. Louis, hides very cheery and soft melodies under blankets of fuzz. They’ll fit right in with Blvck Hippie and Late Night Cardigan, both established indie rock bands in the Memphis music community with devoted followings. The fact that they’re only charging five bucks for this is crazy. Highly recommended. Use the extra cash to buy some drinks or one of Josh McLane’s good-as-hell sandwiches.  FEBRUARY 9 Celine Dion at FedExForum 7:30 p.m., $46+ Celine needs no introduction. We know she is the Queen of Canada, and probably the world. What I didn’t know is that Celine Dion is prolific, putting out at least one record every 3-5 years since 2003. She also put out an album, Courage, in November of last year. Celine Dion slaps. Drake thinks so. A lot. And y’all love Drake. So take his word for it.  FEBRUARY 11 The Beach Boys at The Orpheum Theatre 7 p.m., $49.50+ Are you going steady and wanna get your sweetie an early Valentine’s Day gift? Got in-laws with birthdays this month? Are you a youth getting “really into music” and discovering Pet Sounds? An older millennial experiencing second-hand nostalgia? Look no further: a version of the The Beach Boys are making waves in Memphis. While none of the founding Wilson brothers tour with this group, Mike Love is an original Beach Boy, and Bruce Johnston basically is. FEBRUARY 12 Umphrey’s McGee at Graceland Soundstage Doors at 7 p.m., $30+ I saw Jim James (My Morning Jacket), John Oates (Hall & Oates), Brittany Howard (Alabama Shakes), and R. Kelly (Problematic Would Be An Understatement), do a famous Bonnaroo Superjam in 2013. It was incredible, and while I never really liked jam bands, I understand them better now. It’s all about the vibe. Being the “moment”. If you’re into that, you’ll be into Umphrey’s McGee at the Graceland Soundstage this month. Check out the Jungle Room bar, or head across the street to the Guest House for a bar with a sweet happy hour. FEBRUARY 14 PJ Morton at Minglewood Hall Doors at 8 p.m., all ages, $25+ We all need some good R&B in our lives. It reminds you to stop and appreciate sensuality and emotion. It’s good for the soul! PJ Morton knows this. He’s a frequent Maroon 5 collaborator, and his live album Gumbo Unplugged snagged three Grammy nominations last year. His R&B is more traditional, think Kem and not the hyper-inward experimentalism of Frank Ocean. Both are necessary, but Frank Ocean songs are, for me at least, too sad to play during you-know-what*. *building with my friends on my private Christian Minecraft server, no cussing allowed. FEBRUARY 27 Allison Kasper w/ Daykisser at BAR DKDC Doors at 9 p.m., 21 and up $7 Seeing Red, Feeling Blue by Allison Kasper I’ve written about Allison Kasper before in this column, but while I try not to list the same bands, this will be Kasper’s first show in nearly eight months. She rocks, her band rocks, and she’s one more artist on the list of excellent new musical talent in Memphis. Don’t miss it.  About The Author Wesley Morgan Paraham is a Memphis native, a University of Memphis graduate, freelance writer and PR professional who spends most of his free time in his Midtown apartment playing video games with his partner. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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