#i will Die.
strangerhands · 2 months
to put it simply.
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sserrafeim · 1 month
What if… ikevil does a threesome event like ikevamp did… and one of the choices is Victor x William…
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azrielfiend · 1 year
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i might get crucified for this but prns headcanons :3
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mishapen-dear · 7 months
If those little eyeball guys go evil on bbh i will NOT RECOVER. those are his KIDS NOW HE’S HAPPIEST WHEN HES A DAD HE JUST MISSES HIS KIDS
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pencil-peach · 9 months
Thinking about how Miorine was waiting for Shaddiq, the one person she thought she could trust, to reach out and save her from a life she felt trapped in, but Shaddiq was too preoccupied with his goals and ambitions to risk stepping forward and showing any kind of vulnerability around her.
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More Under the Cut (said with the intonation of a crypt keeper inviting you to the torture dungeon)
He didn't duel for Miorine's hand because as holder, there would be more eyes on him, and he would be unable to maintain the connections and secrecy that his (relative) anonymity provided, and he couldn't risk tainting her good name by involving her in his affairs.
He relied on Guel to keep his place as holder so he could slide in and take her hand when he had already achieved control of the group.
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Shaddiq had relied on keeping his distance. His bid for power forcing him to keep Miorine at length. He was counting on being the only person in her life who hadn't yet explicitly treated her like an object or prize to be won.
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This is symbolized by how Shaddiq is always standing just outside the entrance of the green house. Before Suletta, Shaddiq was the one person she would allow to be this close to it. But Shaddiq is always looking in the opposite direction. His eyes are only ever looking towards the future, in a direction he refuses to lead Miorine down. But because of this, he's blind to her, and how his actions (or in this case, inaction) is hurting her.
But Suletta had ruined that fragile balance. Not just because she took the title of holder from Guel, but because she was the only person who honestly, truly reached out to help her. Not with any ulterior motive, not as a move in some game, but just out of kindness. And that was all Miorine ever wanted. Someone, anyone, to just show her any kind of love whatsoever.
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And that love put her directly in the path of Shaddiq's ambition. And because of his unwavering will, he had no choice but to step over that line. He had no choice but to reveal to her that, even if he does truly love her, Miorine is another pawn in his game. Just like with her father, and Guel, and the entire Group.
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And he looks back into the greenhouse. He finally looks back across the distance he's made between himself and Miorine, to really look at her, but it's too late. He's irrevocably betrayed her trust. He is no longer allowed to maintain his position as a well meaning bystander. He has to go. And him losing that connection is what causes him to finally, fully commit to his path to power.
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Shaddiq failed her because he thought he needed power to be with her, but that was never the problem. All he ever needed to do was to be there for her. And he couldn't. He was so focused on his own goals, he failed to see what was right in front of him the whole time.
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He's looking into the greenhouse again in this scene. He's finally looking back and realizing what he missed. He's really, fully seeing Miorine, and he realizes exactly what she needed from him all along.
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But it's too late. Miorine cuts an unripened tomato from its stem as she says this. She'd been holding onto Shaddiq for the vain hope that maybe, one day, he would realize that she needed him and come to her aid. But he never did. The potential relationship they could have had, the love they could have shared was never allowed to blossom. And she has no choice but to cut it off as it stands. Cold and stagnant.
Too little, too late.
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yeonjun4beagles · 6 months
wtf kang taehyun
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rocketrouquine · 8 months
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shiominato · 20 days
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As a special perk for being part of the Guild, you’re receiving this information before ANYONE ELSE!
Nahobinos, we’re bringing back the beloved Nahobino plushie, this time in his awesome new form!
10 LUCKY WINNERS will be able to get their hands on one!
When the giveaway goes live at the end of May, original Godhood Guild members can use the code below to increase your chance of winning[…]
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gayleafpool · 1 year
very easy 2 send me into a leafpool rage
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fella-lovin-fella · 1 year
just walked up the stairs holding water, coffee, a smoothie, and my phone. i think i just outed myself as trans. the years without pockets caught up to me
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reigningmax · 2 years
Picture this: it’s Friday, October 21st in Austin. It’s my birthday. It’s me and my besties reuniting. It’s our first time seeing our vroom vroom dudes. And Max decides to fuck me right up by wearing Ric’s Rodeo shirt......
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
Yea I'm def gonna write for Ellie more often now. She got me foolish and dumb and lovestruck I'm drowning.
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vcrnons · 10 months
vernon in his live today saying he wants to grow his hair out comes w this warning. if i ever see that man with a ponytail. that will be it for me. none of you will ever see me again. i’m so serious
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underpaidimmortal · 10 months
teeth chattering body trembling sweat pouring down etc. at the thought of science class
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bylertruther-moved · 2 years
the fact tht we really have to wait to get the juiciest scripts....... life is nothing but endless pain </3
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daekarys · 1 year
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the mouth.
sharp teeth, sharper tongue, all growl and bark and bite, bite, bite.  your power is gritted teeth and set jaws, quick and powerful words, decisive actions.  everything you do is so personal and vulnerable — the way you love, the way you are loved, the way you attack, the way you drink in and feast on life.
tagged by:  @heireign :* tagging:  anyone that wants to do this!
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