#i will forever hate that these dudes don't have an official ship name
wheredidalltheusersgo · 4 months
Brody the type of dude to throw his arms in the air and go "yay!" right before making out with Geoff (this is what happened in front of don during the marriage episode im dons left eyebrow)
Guys, this is canon, I was the cameraman
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zoekrystall · 6 months
My twt timeline is partially filled with the new pokemas alt bc it got officially revealed and fanart next to the important stuff and it is wild how it has been a decade and I can still turn into a blushing mess and feel my temp rise it's ridiculous how much power a single fictional pretty boy got over me fuck. I might be aroace irl but reg the aro part am I not immune to a select few fictional guys. You can really figure out who fronts by testing this I remember having been such a mess on my 18th birthday when I replayed w a friend and some wine. I cannot think of a single other char that makes me that incapable and like sure I'm kinda into obey me again and lucifer is my dear there but it's so whatever in comparison. I started stardew valley and like harvey you're cute but by 99% of fictional guys it's just out of boredom. Maybe wilson from don't starve ages ago ig I recall having read a lot of x reader on good ol wattpad *shrugs*. All I know is I realized I have a thing for science dudes ig esp when we take my only ever miracle irl crush into consideration who was our class science nerd who I gen still think abt a fair amount,, anyways this ain't about him everyone hope I get my husband once the event drops without falling into bad habits again or I will combust <3
I'm getting more and more over it now I think the discovery gets it's one year anniversary or already did but I had zero idea how to proceed reg this aspect when being a system got found out w a fictive of him I remember I felt like dying out of embarrassment even tho it was already who cares and I can easily differentiate esp since the relationship is so different but man it's still weird sjsksk. It doesn't get used since then but I still got that dakimakura from an artist on deviantart in 2017. All I know is fandom space is smth w this bc both extremely different reactions to specific kind of fanart and such comments get avoided completely. A single specific ship sure whatever literally following multiple artists and reason my twt acc even exists him single it's closing eyes pretend I do not see and scroll away unless maybe for once I am single fronting then it's forgetting what the fuck I wanted to do again and brain needing as much reboot time as the oldest pc ever. Also ngl the ig relationship difference between the char w me being a mess and fictive which is way more purely parental/familial I'd argue is a bit funny.
Also quick note exclusive gameverse talk I do not like that specific anime part at all I could rant abt aniverse and that one specific fit in one ep makes me scream I hate it sm
Anyways uh back to grinding for the dlc in case the talk abt that academy in sv being hard is true I will schedule this post so I forget and won't delete it. If you find me not writing the char name down then boy you should see the messages I sent an old friend for years abt him bc me often not being able to even write it has been going on since forever. high school level crush for real jsksk.
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funkylittlebats · 2 years
Listen. I love Timberkon. Anyone who follows me could tell you that. But Timberkonbart doesn't get enough love. BUT Timberkonbartcas (how long can we get this ship name lol) gets NO love. I'm sorry but just imagine Bernard the superhero fanboy in a relationship with an entire TEAM of superheros.
I headcanon Cassie as a lesbian and she's in the polycule platonically and is just as important as the romantic commitments because they don't prioritize romance. She's the biggest spoon when they cuddle :) I also headcanon Bart as aroflux bc I'm arospec and I like Bart. He's also platonic (most of the time).
Anyway, imagine Tim introducing his boyfriend to yj and they all slowly worm their way into the relationship. First is Bart. He and Bernard get along like a housefire, much to everyone's dismay. Bernard may not be able to keep up with how fast Bart speaks, but he can definitely keep up with his train of thought, which astounds Bart on account of how rare that is. They absolutely adore causing chaos together. Tim jokes a few times about losing Bernard to Bart, and Cassie jokes back that the obvious answer would be a polyamory. Neither of them had thought about Bart like that until that moment, but... now that they are thinking about it...well actually they're still not sure. But Bernard wants some form of recognized commitment with his new friend. He and Tim have a conversation a few days later, and then Bernard and Bart had a conversation, and then Bart was official with them.
Kon was the next to join. He'd been in agony ever since Tim came out to them... by revealing he had a boyfriend. Great, the guy he's liked for years is into dudes, but he still doesn't have a chance because he's taken. He tried so hard to hate Bernard. But, damn, the guy was charming! It took Kon a while to realize his feelings for Bernard. He insisted to himself that the pounding in his heart, the shaking in his hands, the swirling thoughts were all just because of how much he hated Bernard for "taking" Tim. Eventually he admitted to himself that no, he just liked Bernard. In the same way he liked Tim. Great, now he's in love with two guys that he'll never be able have. But then they opened up their relationship to Bart and it struck him that he might just have a chance. Then, he has an "oh shit I like Bart too?!" moment as he watches his friend be all fuckin cutesy with his crushes. He went whining to Cassie, asking for how he was supposed to tell them. Cassie of course told him to just man up and communicate directly. So that is the exact opposite of what he does. He starts cooking them meals, inserting himself into their dates, their cuddle piles. Eventually Bart just up and asks him if he's trying to be the fourth addition in their relationship and Kon bluescreens. Once he finally processes the words he's nodding SO fast, it's adorable. They have a thorough discussion with him about how he'll fit into the polycule and about the importance of direct communication, and then he's official too.
Cassie does not play games with this shit. She had started to feel left behind. She knew her friends still cared about her, of course, she never doubted that. It's just... seeing them all together like that... it made her want that same level of commitment with them that they had with each other. A word, something official that recognized that she is more than just their friend. Not that the word friend is inaccurate, she didn't feel romantically inclined toward any of them, it just didn't feel deep enough. Not deep enough for the people she had been with for years and would be with for years to come. The people she'd lay down her life for without a second thought. The people she'd do absolutely anything for. (Sure, Bernard was a new addition, but it felt like he had been there since forever). And thanks to Bart, she knew that a platonic partner would be perfectly fine for their polycule. So she asked. They were watching a movie and her friends were all tangled up together on the couch while she sat on a beanbag chair. She left to get more popcorn, and when she came back, said fuck it, strecthed herself across the four of them, and asked how they'd feel if she was a platonic addition to their relationship. Tim, who she had layed her head on, pulled her in and said he'd love that, the others following suit. Their legs were numb by the end of the movie and Cassie had slight aches in weird places from the contortion (and their knees) but they were all happy and together so why should they give a shit?
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brittanacedes · 6 years
I'm interested in your S3 hate list, if you don't mind
Because this list would be so long if I named every individual issue I had with the season, I tried to break it up into sections and grouped things together. I also listed them in order of my biases because admittedly some things that made me hate the season, others might not care about at all and vice versa.
IKAG. Honestly, the seething hatred I have for that episode is probably enough to bring down the entire season for me, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve already discussed why that episode is The Worst 42 Minutes of Anything I’ve Ever Seen On Television before, so lemme not rehash it further.
Brittana. Pretty much everything about how Brittana was handled in S3 is so beyond frustrating and makes me SO bitter. I don’t even think I can properly explain all the reasons they failed Brittana in S3, but let me try. They dated all season but they literally only had 5 minutes worth of conversation the whole time, none of which were private (always in a crowded place or supervised by an adult). Brittany had zero POV regarding anything in their relationship and was completely ignored in what should’ve been their biggest storyline that season (IKAG). The sextape storyline, full stop. Just utter garbage. They officially got together in 304, but weren’t allowed to kiss until 313, and only after fans had to literally fight the writers on Twitter for it. They had no discussion about their future all season long, unlike the other couples. It took forever for them to get a duet and it was meh when they finally got it. They existed purely in the background for most of the season, and most of what we got was just thanks to Heya doing their thing. There was just so much wasted potential for them in S3 that just went down the drain.
Brittany. They failed Brittany in so many countless ways in S3. The most obvious way is how she was pretty much mute for a great deal of the season, to the point that they even had one of their ~hilarious meta jokes about it. She had no storyline, which sucks enough, but to make matters worse, the storylines she SHOULD have had went to/were about other people: she wants to run for student council president to prove to herself and others that she’s not dumb, but that lasts for about an episode before she’s reduced to the dumb cheerleader handing out pixie sticks and promising Topless Tuesdays and tornado protection, all so Poor Kurt can lose unfairly - and then once he does, her being president isn’t mentioned again until Prom, when it’s just used as a joke for the prom theme. As mentioned above, she and her girlfriend were outed and she got to say one single line about it (”She is normal”), and honestly the biggest offense: SHE FAILED SENIOR YEAR AND ONLY GOT A SINGLE THROWAWAY LINE ABOUT IT IN THE FINALE AFTER PUCK GOT A MULTI EPISODE ARC ABOUT EVERYONE HELPING HIM GRADUATE.
Quinn. Do I even need to summarize how awful every single thing about her this season was? Surely even people that love S3 know how horrible she was treated, yes??? So lemme just leave it at that: Quinn.
Samcedes. First it was dropped and Mercedes got reduced to saying lines about “chocolate babies” or whatever it was with her new love interest that they gave no importance to. But then they finally bring Sam back and give them a storyline, and it was a messy, convoluted mess. They give them a small decent arc, only to have them cheat (which was OOC for both their characters) and then drop them. They had a cute scene in 3x16 but then??? Were they dating??? Who the fuck knows! They got no screentime or focus for us to know.
Finchel/Double Standards. They ATE the show. Yes, they were always the main couple of the show, but OH BOY, did they get shoved down our throats in S3. The amount of screentime they got would’ve been awful on it’s own, but when you factor in the double standards and how little the same gender ships got in comparison, it was honestly so gross. And let me not forget what Rachel Berry’s character was reduced to in order to facilitated their storyline that season. Rachel Hudson was just painful to watch and in the end, it all amounted to nothing.
Finn. I’m not gonna list everything I hated about him this season because it’s a touchy subject and everything, but wow. My issues with how he was written were at an all time high that season. Obviously everyone knows how I feel about his role in Santana’s outing, but the hero worship!!!! Remember when the Juniors dedicated their song to the Seniors specifically to Finn in the finale? Honestly summed up that season perfectly.
#GleeHatesGirls. It was a running theme throughout the show, yes, but it was at its peak in S3. If my write ups for IKAG, Brittana, Brittany, Quinn and Rachel didn’t prove that enough, there’s also how Tina was made a prop all season long, the entire domestic abuse storyline in Choke, Quinn getting HIT BY A CAR but Blaine singing Fighter the next episode, the comparison of how Santana’s outing was handled vs Karofsky’s (and Brittany’s failing vs Puck’s), all the ~bro scenes compared to how few girl scenes there were, the fact that Kurt dedicated his song in the finale to the dudes in the room even though he was pointedly excluded from ALL the bro scenes, and lets not forget the almost all dude ND line up for Sectionals (that beat the all girl group, I might add).
Bad/Offensive Episodes. In the spirit of not giving every episode it’s own write up, a special shout out to: Asian F (Mercedes Jones Deserved Better), The First Time (Rachel’s virginity basically being a consolation prize, The Car Scene, Brittany’s disgusting line implying she was raped), IKAG, obviously, Extraordinary Merry Christmas (so! boring!), Saturday Night Gleever (the sextape, enough said), Dance With Somebody (Whitney episode so soon was tacky as fuck and the Klaine storyline was awful), Choke (how about teaching the BOYS not to be abusive perhaps???) and Goodbye (just absolutely horrendous from pretty much any angle you look at it).
Misc. Who gave a fuck about Rory or Joe? The Shelby/Puck storyline! Yikes! How the fuck did the Troubletones lose to ND? lmao. Quinn and Santana fixing the prom queen votes for Poor Rachel when Becky was Right There! Them talking about how their high school experiences were ~perfect compared to Rachel’s LMAO. Hey Tina, I know we’ve ignored you all season but here’s an episode dedicated to you learning to just sit down and shut up and wait for your turn. It’s never gonna come but still! The disgusting people shipping Santana with dudes (namely Finn and Sebastian)! Admittedly not entirely the show’s fault, but having her have scenes with them while barely any with her actual girlfriend didn’t help. I don’t pretend to like Klaine, but they got the shaft post 3x05, too.
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