#i will say i haven't watched season 7 of clone wars or rebels yet
awkward-but-nice · 2 years
idk lads, but i figure that bo-katan probably feels a ton of guilt and regret about her past with death watch, and her part in the fall of mandalore and her sister's death. and i'm guessing that her quest, to reclaim mandalore and lead the people, is part of her own personal journey to try and right those wrongs she's done. so the fact that any hope of that happening went out the window because a random dad won the special sword by accident, and then he doesn't even want it? i feel like she's allowed to be a bit pissed off lmao
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knightsofrayx · 1 year
tumblr’s being a lil shit and saying it wasn’t able to send an ask, so apologies if this is in your inbox twice or anything, but what are your fav pieces of star wars media?
(Lol this one showed up and then what I'm guessing was your initial ask popped up a couple minutes later)
Anyways, favorite pieces of Star Wars media?
I mean, obviously there's the Original Trilogy. They're a classic. As for the Prequels... I really love playing in the pre-empire sandbox, but in terms of actually enjoying this trilogy, it is more for how it laid the groundwork for greater stories than the actual plot (and well, of course the memes). And the Sequel Trilogy? I didn't love it, but I also didn't hate it? Like, they definitely tried to flesh out the situation to be more complex and nuanced, but kinda dropped the ball on it. I think it had the potential for greatness, but they just kept falling short on the delivery.
One of my early favorites was the "Jedi Quest" book series by Jude Watson, which takes place between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. It was the first piece of media I was exposed to that got into what life as a Jedi (at least pre-empire) was like. And also, it introduced the character Darra Thel-Tanis, who was one of the first female Jedi characters I had come across (I don't count anyone who showed up in the prequel movies because literally none of them had speaking roles). Granted, back when I first read the books a lot of it went over my head as I was about 7-8 years old, but I hold a nostalgic fondness for the series even though it's no longer considered canon.
Another one I really enjoyed was the "Young Jedi Knights" series, which follows Han and Leia's children Jaina and Jacen as they train in the Force and deal with the threats of the remnants of the Sith and the Empire. It's been a while since I've gone over them, but I remember the series just being filled with so much world-building stuff, as well as a good depiction of what a post-empire galaxy would look like.
The "Crimson Empire" and "Dark Empire" comics were also pretty memorable. They dabbled in the palpatine clones (and honestly did a much better job of it than Disney) and kind of serve as a prequel to the "Young Jedi Knights". But "Crimson Empire" specifically stands out to me because it was the first Star Wars content I came across where the main character was "one of the bad guys". Just... having that alternate point of view was eye-opening.
I'm not really a video game person (my gaming consists of Lego Star Wars wii and building castles in creative Minecraft), but I do love the storylines in Fallen Order, Battlefront: Inferno Squad/Resurrection, and KOTOR and it's expansions.
Are we counting music? Because in that case pretty much everything both from the OSTs and the epic orchestrations (I have multiple playlists dedicated solely to Star Wars music).
Moving on to the TV shows
I haven't actually watched Andor yet (i know, I'm a disgrace), but I have high hopes based on what I've heard.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Mandalorian. I mean, it's cool, Baby Yoda's cute and the little bits of world-building are nice; plus actually showing how even though the Rebellion won at Endor and toppled the Empire, it still exists (that just killing Palpatine isn't enough to "fix" the galaxy, and not everyone is going to just accept another regime change). And I just love Mandalorians. They're freakin awesome, so having an entire show dedicated to them was cool.
But my main problem with the show was how it practically ignored so much of what Star Wars had already done with Mandalorians. Earlier canon stuff (such as The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels) already gave us some pretty solid background and lore to Mandalorian culture and history, and it feels like they kinda just brushed it off in the show (I mean, come on. They literally went all three seasons without even name-dropping Satine) (also, Mandalorians have their own language, multiple dialects of it even, yet we pretty much only heard them speak Galactic Standard. I am saltier than the Dead Sea about this). I also just, expected it to be a little more dark and angsty than what we got (lol went on a bit of a tangent there).
Anyways, next up is Star Wars Rebels. While it is a little more juvenile in execution (i mean, it is a kids show), I think it did a good job in setting up the foundations of the Rebellion, and how small acts can lead to great change. Also just, contextualizing the state of the galaxy under the Empire's thumb and incorporating a lot of the rejected concepts from the Original Trilogy.
And finally, my all-time favorite, The Clone Wars. I practically grew up watching this show. There is just so much to it. While yes, most of it follows Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka, we also get entire episodes dedicated to other characters on all sides of the conflict, and the show does a lot to set up later events in Revenge of the Sith and beyond. My favorite thing about the show was the character development. We get to see Anakin in the context of his relationships with others as well as the progression of his downfall. We get to see the clones actually get personalities and become more than the faceless armored bodies of the movies. We get to see the progression of the characters being fired up to fight to steadily getting worn down by all the loss and destruction of war. And we get to witness some of the best character development ever in Ahsoka. There is so much this show gave the fandom that I can't really verbalize it all.
So yeah, these are all my favorite/most memorable pieces of Star War media as well as my thoughts on them.
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omegas-spaghettios · 3 years
The Batch can 100% rescue Crosshair, y'all just haven't thought about it.
I have seen some posts and comments bemoaning Crosshair fans' frustration with the Batch not rescuing him. "Omega is their priority, they can't do it without putting her at risk, the Empire is too powerful.", all things I have read that supposedly make it so the Batch can't attempt to liberate Crosshair.
All of them are false.
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I am going to go into excruciating detail of all of the ways I can think of that the Batch could reasonably do it.
Also, all of these are not just my ideas! I talked with @bimormondisaster pretty lengthily about this, a lot of the ideas are hers, check her out!
Now, the first "reason" why the Batch can't.
1) They can't put Omega at risk
I agree that taking Omega to try and liberate Crosshair is putting her at risk. But guess what? Cut Lawquane exists.
Cut has already shown he would happily take Omega in and raise her in his family. I seriously doubt Rex or the Batch have lost contact with him when he moved, they could contact him and ask him to watch Omega, he almost certainly would. Best case scenario the Batch succeeds and Omega just got a fun few days at Cut's house, they all have a reunion where Crosshair gets to see Omega and Cut again, they can have a nice reunion and celebration party. Worst case? The Batch fail and die, where Omega is safe and in good hands with Cut's family. Since the Batch's chips are removed and there is no evidence in canon to suggest they can be replaced, there is little risk of the Batch being reprogrammed and hunting after Cut.
Omega is also just part of the Batch now, guys. They've said this. The Batch has agreed to let her take any risk they take, and she could be incredibly helpful on a Raid on Kamino if it came to it, she could be a big help in saving Crosshair and I'm sure she would LOVE to help.
2) Kamino/The Empire is Too Powerful
First of all, no they aren't. The Clone Wars has shown us on multiple occasions that Kamino is able to be infiltrated. During the Rookies arc, we see that Ventress made it on planet with Aqua droids. They relied on Debris to build attack ships, but Ventress and the droids got there BEFORE Grievous did. This shows it is possible to get on planet undetected. Then the Conspiracy arc shows that if you are smart, you can navigate Kamino's defenses. Fives and AZ ALONE managed to infiltrate the medical bay, the DNA chambers, and the place where the earliest clones were being grown. They did that on there own! Not to discredit Fives, he is incredibly capable. But so is the Batch. Tech probably already knows that place inside and out, but if he doesn't he can learn very quickly. Omega also likely knows the facility incredibly well. If they don't, they could just convince a Droid like AZ to help or flat out reprogram them. Also, once in the facility, Hunter would certainly be able to track Crosshair. Bonus points, Fives got from the water up into the facility undetected, so between those two TCW arcs there is a clear demonstrated path to get into and around the facility.
Also, the Batch's entire Clone Wars career was designed around impossible missions. They were the ones called in when literally no other clones could cut it, I seriously doubt Kamino is the worst thing they have waded in to.
But even if it was too hard to do that for them (it isn't), they could try other avenues. The Batch could create a staging ground and dare Crosshair to come after them, which is almost certainly would. The Galaxy is so freaking big the writers could come up with countless planets and staging grounds for the Batch to create a good defensible position, but a good idea is a CIS war outpost.
We saw in Rebels that many old outposts and forts from The Clone Wars were abandoned. While I severely doubt that the Republic ones have been abandoned by this point in the timeline, they could have pretty good luck finding a CIS one. Most of the droids were deactivated, so finding a Fort or outpost or armory and seizing it should be easier than storming Kamino. They may have to deal with scrappers or pirates, but they are decidedly less intimidating than Kamino. Take a CIS post, take a few days to learn it, get it running, and modify it for a battle, and they're golden! Those facilities were DESIGNED for war, the hard part is just getting it functioning. They could fix it up, dig in their heels and dare Crosshair to attempt it, which they could capture him during the battle.
3) "They don't have the manpower"
Sure they do, I have already established that Kamino is not impossible to get around, one clone and Droid did it, for Christ's sake. But fine, they don't want to do it with just Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo. Good news! They have allies!
They could ask Rex. Rex at least has Trace and Rafa, undoubtedly more. If they went to Rex and asked for his help in exchange for their help in the future, that can boost their numbers.
Then they have Cid. Now she will charge. But if they spend time doing jobs and saving up, they could pay for Cid's help in acquiring supplies or allies who would be willing to help for hire. Cid also might just be willing to point them in the direction of someone who could help.
Then there is Saw Gerrera. They would have to find him, but I'm SURE he would help. If they went to him and said "hey, we need your help rescuing a brother, in exchange for your help we will give you guided access to Kamino and help you sabotage or damage it while we are there." Saw would almost certainly jump at the chance.
Then, absolute worst case scenario, they could find battle droids. We have already seen in the series where they could find some, they are probably not incredibly hard to get. They might even be on Bracca, too. They could take some time and find droids to reprogram and build themselves a force that way.
Even just ONE of those 4 options could help. If they went for all 4, they legit have the allies to form a small army, that's enough.
4) How to remove Crosshair's Chip
This isn't criticism I have seen but it's more evidence, you can remove his chip easily. Do it on Kamino during the raid, for one. The procedure itself takes only a few minutes. Granted, that is a lot of time in a high stress situation. But even if Crosshair took as long as Wrecker to recover, taking an unconscious Crosshair out of Kamino would be just as easy if not easier to take than an unconscious or tied up Crosshair with an active chip.
I also doubt the empire figured out why the Batch were on Bracca, most likely thought they were just scavenging. They could return to Bracca on another ship and use their facility. But if they don't want to do that, the ship Rex went down on in Season 7 has one. If not that, Tech has worked personally with the equipment on the ship, he could certainly find somewhere in the Galaxy with comparable equipment to do the procedure.
In Conclusion
Please stop saying shit to Crosshair fans about this. The Batch is well within their power to do this, they have the resources available. They can do it now, but they haven't yet. I am aware a lot of these resources were found during the first half of the season. But now they have them and no explicit goal, they can 100% look at all of these ways or even ways I haven't thought of, pick one, and do it.
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photogirl894 · 3 years
hehe i know it’s a lot, but for the ask game: #30-40?
Oh wow! That's a lot, but I love it and I'll gladly answer every one of them! Thanks, anon! For the Star Wars asks:
30. Do you have any headcanons?
Not any that I can think of off the top of my head. I did see a post earlier wondering if Rex and Cody ever wondered what it'd be like serving with the other's Jedi General. I can see them doing that 🤣
31. Have you made any fan content?
Just my Bad Batch fanfic and drabbles that I've been doing. I don't have any artistic abilities to do fan art or anything.
32. Who would you cosplay as?
So I'm a redhead and there's, like, no redheads in Star Wars 😜 I'd go with Bo-Katan. She's got red hair and, plus, she's a Queen and I love her! 🥰
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33. Which movie have you watched the most?
Probably "Empire Strikes Back". I spent a lot of my childhood watching the OT trilogy and that one is my favorite of the three.
34. Which trilogy is the best?
Can't beat the originals, really. And I'm gonna be controversial here and say I love the sequel trilogy a lot.
35. Opinions on the animated series?
Considering I returned to Tumblr for one of them, I think it's safe to say I love them 😁🥰 I grew up watching the Clone Wars with my brother, we'd be so excited for new episodes every week and some of our favorite characters in all of Star Wars come from Clone Wars. Needless to say, when season 7 was announced, I was ecstatic! I haven't really watched Rebels; I've seen a few episodes and parts, but I just couldn't really get into it. I know enough to know characters and certain things about the show. Then, of course, Bad Batch...I am obsessed! 🥰 I love it so much and it's so good!
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36. Opinions on the Mandalorian?
Love that show, too! The technology used to make the show is phenomenal and the idea of following a Mandalorian, which is something that hadn't really been explored yet, was intriguing. Plus, the show gave me my green, bouncing baby boy 🥰😍
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37. Opinions on the Jedi?
Well, they kinda suck. I mean, fighting with lightsabers is cool and all, but the Jedi were incredibly flawed and hypocritical. The thing that basically sealed the deal for me was, in the Clone Wars, when Ahsoka was framed for murder and for bombing the Jedi temple and they didn't even hesitate to believe the accusations. Then when it was proven she was innocent, they didn't even apologize at all! They tried claiming the whole thing was Ahsoka's "great trial" to try and cover up the fact that they f-ed up and so they didn't have to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong. I hated the Jedi after that cuz that was straight up bullshit!
38. Fic recommendations?
I've got a few! Not specific fics, but I know a few people who write really well! (Mostly for Bad Batch, though)
@moonstrider9904 , @lavenderstars37 , @hellothere501lover , @loth-wolffe , @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s , @nahoney22 and so many others!
39. If you wrote a "fix-it fic", what would you write about?
I would fix Ben Solo's death. He deserved to live and live the rest of his life with Rey! 😭 That's my big thing I would want to fix.
40. If you could make your own Star Wars trilogy/series, what would it be about?
That's kind of a hard one to answer because a lot of things I could think of have already been done for Star Wars one way or another. I've never really thought about it 😅
Star Wars Asks
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