#i wish i could run out of fuel and just lie here dormant
gl8m · 2 years
im so fucking sad
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The Fallen, 7/17
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 7/17.
Pairings: Nine x Rose.
A/N: Tagging @thebookster on her demand.
“We've all fallen, but at the same time we're not broken. There is the hint that we are going to get up again.” - Amy Lee.
The Doctor was standing in the middle of the corridor of this prison they dared calling a hospital. He was a bit off from all the drugs they had stuffed his body with to make sure he wouldn’t lash out on them. It had happened a couple times since he was here. They weren’t taking any risk anymore. He had harmed too many people. Those drugs wouldn’t have had any effects if he had still been a Time Lord but now, he was in a human body and his biology was weak. It couldn’t resist the mix of drugs it had been given. That was why he was standing so still and so silence when he usually was unable to stop bragging around. He had never been a man who staying in one place forever, but this time, no choice had been given to him. To get what they wanted, they had to master him and so far, only the drugs had worked. He wasn’t alone in that corridor. Around ten nurses were surrounding him and forbidding him ever access he could have found to run away if he wasn’t so high. One of them was checking his restraints. He was wearing a black thick leather collar with a small steel ring around his neck. To that ring was fastened a solid chain. His hands and feet were locked into heavy steel bracelets. They were connected between each other with chains that were all fastened to the leather belt that was tightly clasped around his waist and to the chain on his neck. They weren’t taking any risk. After all, he was classified as a ‘high risk’ patient. ‘Prisoner’ would be a better word than patient. He hadn’t come here on his own. He had been caught and sent here. His curiosity had thrown him into the darkest secret of the place. Except for Nash, he didn’t have many persons to talk and complain to. At first, she was nice to him and then, Jeremy had laid his hands on her and she had become his puppet like many others in this underground hospital. She was torturing him, against her will, and she was the only one he could talk to implicitly. It was one of the benefits to be the most feared patient of this hospital. They were all afraid of what he would do to them if he ever was able to think and free himself from his chains. It was one of the benefits when your therapy was done by the chief of the hospital himself. The man had a morbid interest in him because he was in his son’s body, because he had access to the purest power. The power to control Time. To control life and death. “Walk,” ordered someone in his back. An electrical stick was pressed against his back to push him forward. His chains jingled as he took the first step toward the yellow room. That was the first room where they were taking him. The yellow room to make him talk. The purple room for private stuff. The green room to submit him, force him to use a power that wasn’t his, a power he didn’t really have access to. The Doctor smirked to himself. It was gonna be fun all over again. He walked, his mind as empty and numb as his body because of the drugs. He couldn’t walk fast because of the chains but they kept pushing him in the back to make him go faster. He said nothing. Now wasn’t the time, but he would get his revenge on all of them soon enough. They walked until they were in front of the yellow room. Nash was waiting for him as usual. He smirked. The wait was over. “Ah, Doctor. Maybe you’ll be more cooperative today.” He wouldn’t. He would resist. Like every day. The woman would have nothing from him. He was the Doctor. He had seen worse than these colourful rooms, worse than those stupid humans thinking they had him trapped in their stupid basement. He was a Lord of Time and a part of the Vortex was stuck in his mind. They couldn’t do anything against him but it was fun to see them try. What was waiting for him in this room, he already knew. The first time, he hadn’t seen it coming and he had given them a real hard time. That was why they were drugging him so much and tying him up that way every time they were taking him out of his cell. That way, he wouldn’t attack anyone. He had already killed someone and it was one too many. It was a name to add on his long list and another load of guilt on his shoulders. The power of the Vortex was driving him mad and he wasn’t stable back then. He was now. More or less. Trapped in a human body with nothing to fuel it, the Wolf had soon become dormant. It hadn’t disappeared and it wouldn’t. It would wake back up in time. They were trying to break him, trying to get the key to that power. He had been in such a situation once, but they were after his real name. The name of the man he was before he was the Doctor. Everyone knew that the Doctor was stealing faces and if you couldn’t kill him while he was an invulnerable Time Lord, you could reach him in his earlier life. If you killed his next face before the Doctor used it, you were rewriting Time and were making the Time Lord vulnerable and, consequently, easier to exterminate. Here, that identity didn’t matter. If they were killing him, they were losing the Wolf, the Vortex, and the only way to find Rose Tyler, the second half of the power of Time. He wouldn’t tell them anything. What would they do once they had access to that power? Mr Jeremy Backfire and company would only use it to enslave the universe. Or worse. Once again, he was tied down on that cold table, totally unable to move or defend himself, and sensors were placed on his forehead and temples. Nash threw the lot of nurses out and waited for the drugs to wear off her patient’s system – which was taking less and less time over the days: it usually was working for a longer moment on a normal human, but he wasn’t a normal human, not anymore – and when he was fully back to himself, she started her questions. She preferred speaking to a person with a clear mind. “You know the game, Doctor. You lie to me and I press this button.” She pointed to the red button on her right. “The more you lie, the more you suffer.” “I do understand very well what you want from me. It doesn’t mean I’m gonna give it to you. What would you do with that power? I’ve told you already that no one can handle it. I would kill you.” “Alright then, Doctor. Let’s change the method.” The emphasis on his name was unnecessary. It was always him, the Doctor, who was answering her questions. He would never let Maxence face the torture they were making him go through in this place. Nash was holding back though. She didn’t agree with these methods. She was here against her will. They were both prisoners, but she was on the better side. “Oh, you’re changing your approach? Five months, two weeks, five days and two hours since you’ve locked me down here and you’re changing your approach just now? Have you found something interesting about me? Or are you just tired of being unable to break me? I can understand. I’m very hard to break. You’ll have to hit harder than that.” “You’re the clever one in the room. That’s up to you to give me what I want. What is the Wolf? Who is Rose Tyler?” Again the emphasis was useless. It wasn’t her wishes to know how to use the power of the Wolf, to find Rose. She didn’t care about that. She only wanted to protect herself, her friends. If she could, she would have let him escape but Jeremy was on her back all the time. The Doctor laughed. So many questions. Always the same. Oh, it was his fault. He had been found babbling deliriously in the streets by the police. The regeneration had gone wrong. He had had what he wanted. He was back on Earth where he would find Rose and tell her about the Wolf splitting in three. He had known it before his life as the Doctor was over, and he remembered it after the regeneration, but the Bad wolf was too much to handle for the human he had become again and he had gone insane. However, he had been meant to keep the Wolf in his mind. He wouldn’t have survived otherwise. But had Rose survived to the Wolf? Had the new Doctor helped her? From the glimpses of her life he had gotten, she was back to her human life but wasn’t suffering from the Wolf like him. It must be dormant. “I don’t see what’s so funny, Doctor. I’m just here to help you. You kept on saying that you were the Doctor and that you had to find Rose Tyler before the Wolf burnt her. If we find out what this means, we will make a huge step in your therapy.” “A therapy,” he scolded. “That’s how you call that? Drugging me, chaining me up, electrocuting my brain? That’s a therapy? I’d rather not know what you do to people who really are insane!” “You’ll know it soon enough.” “Oh, I’ll get a chance to see that? I feel honoured.” His sarcasm was dripping through his words and it was annoying the nurse. She could do whatever she wanted to him – as long as it was fitting Jeremy’s orders – but he wouldn’t break and gave her what Jeremy expected from him. This man would have no answer. “I’m gonna tell you the truth.” “About time.” “The Wolf is…” He paused and looked at Nash in the eyes. “an animal. It could be a legend too. A story. The Big Bad Wolf. Everyone knows about that one. Humans are very good at creating legendary creatures. You know, dragons, unicorns and all.” This answer resulted in him getting an electrical shock. Nash was getting started. She didn’t like that but if she didn’t do it, it was her who would get punished. None of them wanted that. That was why she was doing it and the Doctor accepted it. The shock was light. It would get worse with the time passing by. But he wouldn’t break. He had seen worse than that. “Nice! Nothing better than an electroshock to wake you up! Thank you very much. Now, what’s your next question?” “I can’t wait for you to give up on all your bravery and lose your confidence.” “You want me to fear you like everyone is fearing you in that hospital whether they’re patients or staff?” He laughed. “Never.Gonna.Happen.” “We’ll see that. Later. For now, let’s summarize the situation. You say you are the Doctor…” “I don’t say, I am.” “Maybe, you’ve been here for almost six months now.” “Five months two weeks, five days, two hours and thirty-three minutes.” “Here’s my thought, Doctor,” Nash continued. “From what you’ve said, you’re an alien. Am I right?” “From my point of view, you are the alien.” “The Doctor, a Time Lord, some pompous title for a species that is watching over Time and Space, who can intervene in the biggest conflicts but never does because of the strict rules they have, is an alien, who totally looks like a human, who’s the only survivor of the Time Ward. He survived only because he’s a coward. Is that right?” “So far, you are.” At least, she had a good memory and she knew the subject. She had been a part of that war and he had – according to her words – saved her life by enabling her to run away from Gallifrey before he ended the war. One of the few people to know what he had done. One of the only people to thank him for losing everything that day. What a life achievement!
To be continued...
The Fallen © | 2019-2020 | Tous droits réservés.
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bublp0pr · 7 years
UT Shower Thoughts (i.e. random questions/thoughts about life)
*What if the reason that Frisk find Papyrus’ mail box is empty is simply because he’s not lazy and actually bothers to check and empty it frequently?
*If so much fanfiction suggests that Sans treats ketchup like alcohol... then why is it ok for him to pour an entire bottle of the stuff over Frisk’s food?
*Maybe the reason that those flowers from the surface flourish in the throne room maybe because sunlight shines through the barrier and reaches it.
*...Am I the only one who find it strange that Asgore grows facial hair... over fur?
*Why is there weather Underground? Magic? If so... have you ever thought about the monsters whose magic made that possible? Because that’d be an awesome job. *In fact... if magic can control the snowfall in Snowdin, then why not just use that to cool the Core?
*If Asgore named Snowdin, does that mean that the Inn was likely the first building monsters set up there? (There! We just built an inn here. And it just snowed. Let’s call this place Snowed Inn! //Uhh, did you say Snowdin?// Sure! Let’s go with that!) *Hang on a sec. Even better idea: what if Snowdin was originally called Snowed Inn but the person who made the welcome sign was the same one who did the Librarby and the misspell just stuck? 
*Normally the way the ground works is that it gets hotter as you travel deeper into the earth. Was the trip from the Ruins to Hotland actually a decline with the elevators making up the difference at the end? ...Or is Mt Ebott a dormant volcano?
*Is Grillby made of the same sort of fire magic that Asgore and Toriel use?
*I wonder if Tsunderplane ever lands or if she just... hovers everywhere because she doesn’t have to worry about running out of fuel.
*Do more normal animals like snails and spiders technically not classify as monster citizens? Is that why it’s ok to eat them? Thats... well, that’s pretty messed up. No wonder Muffet has a vendetta.
*A lot of monsters were pretty chill to be hired to hunt someone down and kill them. In fact, Mettaton was able to get in touch with a lot of shady people at very short notice for this (literally shady lol) ...is there some sort of organised crime functioning within New Home we don’t know about?
*Does Asgore know about Temmie Village? Like, is it an acknowledged place under the rule and management of Asgore? Or is it... just... Tem thing.
*When they say that the products are “made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders”... how does that work? Because monsters turn to dust when they die... so something made of spiders would just have monster dust in it, right? Or do I have to fall back on spiders not counting as monsters.
(we interrupt your reading for an completely unnecessary tangent) Mannn. New headcanon: spiders existed under Mt Ebott BEFORE monsters were trapped there. Because you just do find spiders in caves and stuff. And Muffet befriended them at one point after that. Like, the whole concept of animals being a neutral party in the whole war. asdgjhjkl this makes the whole Muffet’s death in the genocide route worse for me because the spiders were people that she bonded with. People who understood her and she did everything in her power to manage their issues because of it. Forget monster-kind. She cares more about spider-kind. They’re her surrogate family ,;_,;
*How does Toriel use a phone if her ear flaps are actually covering the phone when she presses it to the side of her face?
*If Papyrus collected the bones from his fight with us - they didn’t just dissipate after the fight - does that mean that all those spears Undyne threw at us are all just lodged into the cavern walls of Waterfall somewhere?
*We don’t know how old Papyrus and Sans are obviously. Under this logic... technically Papyrus could actually be a teenager in the game. I mean, his behaviour and role in the plot would all still fit if he is. I... I’m seriously trying to contradict myself here but none of my arguments are holding ground... Papyrus could be a teenager.
WAIT. WHAT? NO... BUT... I’m not sure how i feel about this... I need to lie down. Has the fanbase been conditioning me to expect an adult Papyrus this whole time??? Have I assumed that since all the cast is older than Frisk, they must be under the role of adult and Frisk under the role as kid without considering that age is a lot more fluid than just child and adult???? My brain hurts. 
*How does the nice cream guy include messages on his nicecream? I always assumed it was like an icecream cone. But i guess it could just be more of a frozen treat in a wrapper situation.
*When a Loox closes their eye... does they blink or wink?
*What if Alphys only wears glasses to look smart like the anime stereotype? I wouldn’t put it past her...
*Do you ever wonder if Alphys has an additional surveillance system hooked up for the garbage dump to make sure that any anime trash that could possibly arrive doesn’t get lost in the streams of other garbage and fall into the abyss?
*Shopkeep jobs are like the safest position you can be in the game. If Sans and Papyrus had spent more time at their stations rather than facing the human in the open, they would have interacted like shopkeep NPCs and they’d have been safe. Take your own advice Pap lol.
*Toriel gets stuff for her butterscotch cinnamon pie from those buildings at the dead end you find the toy knife... wait. Does that mean are there people there?
*I wish I actually got to see New Home. Instead I just followed some grey express route path through it to Asgore’s castle. Lame.
*What if dinosaur fossils are monster corpses from the war? They’re not extinct. Just trapped under Mt Ebott...
*Toriel and Asgore are both boss monsters, which means they don’t really grow old ever. But never anywhere does it say they were born around the same time. Asgore could be 200 years older than Toriel and it’d make no difference. Creepy.
*What if Temmie’s instincts to think muscles r gross is an evolutionary thing and at one point in their deep history of Tem they learnt not to trust them.
*Never anywhere does it say that Papyrus’ spaghetti tastes bad. The only description given is ‘indescribable’. People just assume that if he learnt from Undyne then it must taste bad.
*Do you reckon the ruins were always purple? Or do you think Toriel painted it that way?
*Getting all your entertainment from the dump must suck. Spoilers everywhere you look when editions come down out of order would kill Alphys.
*Everyone always brings up conspiracy theories for how Sans and Papyrus could have been born like skeletons are an irregular form of monster and maybe even have connections to dead humans... but ghosts being related to eachother brings up no questions whatsoever?
*If monster food can’t expire... then why are there so many fridges in the game?
*It was never really made clear to me if it’s the home in the Ruins or the home in New Home the one that Chara and Asriel lived in before they died. I’m pretty sure it’s the one in New Home? If that’s the case... Toriel make an exact replica of it in the ruins for some twisted reason. That or maybe they just templated the one in New Home based off the one they must have built when monsters were originally cast underground. That’s a story I’d like to hear
*Do other monsters hear their themes playing when they battle? Or is it all in Frisk’s head?
*Am I the only one who sees eternally waiting in the room Toriel told you to stay in an ending to the game? Like, if you quit right there the game would technically satisfy enough to be over. The human dies of old age waiting for Toriel or she eventually returns and they live happily ever after. The end.
*Mettaton really lucked out with what he chose to become fully corporeal with. If he ever regretted his decision, he can just completely re-customise himself to be whatever he wants. Kinda hard to do that as a dummy.
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