#i wish i had at least gotten a screenshot cause omg
grimmjow · 2 years
thinking about that time a blog i follow accidentally(?) vagued one of my mutuals
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Hi, I know you’re a fan of namjoon so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this ring thing? I’m kinda new and assumed all these namjoon is married with kids stuff were a joke. But some people seem to totally believe that. I mean where he’d get the time to see a partner and kids is beyond me but who knows? Anyways I was looking at some of their recent pics and he doesn’t wear it all the time - which if it was a couples ring - wouldn’t he? I thought maybe he would only wear it if they were appearing on Run or Korean shows, but he didn’t have it on for either of the new shows they’ve been on recently, as they may not have been as widely watched. I mean I guess it’s none of our business - but I’m trying to rip of my delulu hat for making me think Seokjin gave it to him 🙈
Hi anon, I hope you don’t mind that I’ll combine my answer for you with my answer to another ask since I feel like they fall into the same kind of category, as in people taking things too far and/or blowing things out of proportion. And, coincidentally, both have something to do with rings.
I’ll start with your question though and give you another example that followed a very similar trajectory as the omg namjoon is married with kids because ring narrative/theory. Some months ago, Namjoon posted a few pictures on twitter and among them was a picture of him with another guy wearing a green sweater. His face though was covered. At first ARMY didn’t think much of it, but then, eventually, someone started a joke that “remember that sweater Joon wore for BV4? The guy is wearing the same one, what if that's his boyfriend?” and it went viral.
It started out completely harmless with hundreds of positive and funny tweets made in good humor, no one taking it that seriously knowing that we’d never find out even if it were true. But, as the jokes started to simmer down, everyone had their laugh, the next wave came in and this one decided that this isn’t a joke at all but serious matter. Quickly this harmless fun turned into a witch hunt of “ARMY” trying to figure out who the guy might be, if he is Namjoon’s mysterious friend that once sent him a coffee truck with custom drawn designs on it, perhaps the same one with whom Namjoon already once posted a picture sitting on this garden porch swing type thing, some even trying to prove that the guy is either Seokjin (in which case, what would be the need to cover his face?) or Florist Isaac whom they met during that one RUN episode.
So, very quickly a few idiots turned harmless fun into something almost malicious and got into fights with ARMY who were trying to tell them to stop.
The ring thing followed a similar story. It was once a harmless joke based on the fact that Namjoon wants to have kids one day, so some made jokes about what if he’s already married but we just didn’t know etc. But very quickly that got out of hand as well, going as far as people claiming the little girl in his pictures which he posted around his birthday or something is his daughter (even though it was said it’s probably the child actress from BTS WORLD) and that him making jokes (during a BangtanB while trying on glasses before their MOTS7 press con) about his child being able to read/write hangul at a very young age wasn’t jokes at all but solid proof of the fact that he is married with a child (despite the fact that he would’ve had to have gotten married and his wife pregnant not long after their debut for the timeline to even work out somehow which makes it seem even more ridiculous). This even went as far as people spamming the comments during this vlives with questions about it, flooded his selcas on twitter with questions and “jokes” and, again, attacked anyone who told them to stop.
In all of this, watching it happen from the sidelines as someone whose bias is Namjoon, I was confused why these particular rings (which I don’t even think were the same ones each time) caused such a reaction. The members have all worn so many different rings over the years, on all fingers, sometimes even like eight at the same time, and yet it wasn’t until 2020 and their KBS interview after their first BBH100 #1 that things went bonkers. All because Namjoon decided to take the ring off before they started filming or something.
In all of this I see two things that make me wonder:
When would he have the time to find a girl (since same sex marriage is not a thing in Korea) with whom he would have enough time to befriend her, trust her (considering who Namjoon is, that one is a major thing), fall in love, date and be together for a few years, and then get married? From Seokjin we know they have maybe two or three days off a month and work at least ten hours a day on their BH regulated schedules. Add to that the time they spend in the studio working on music outside of schedules, gym time, a few hours of sleep, and perhaps a few scarce hours of free time to (in Namjoon’s case) go to a museum or ride his bike, does that really leave enough time for romance (with an outsider) that leads to marriage (and a child)?
Is age 26 at the height of their career really the time for marriage? Even more so when you are someone like Namjoon, the leader of the world’s biggest group with more responsibilities than we can likely imagine as outsiders. Sure, he said he wants kids, but he can still have those in his thirties, he can also get married in his thirties, after all, life does not end once you hit thirty despite what some teens believe.
Lastly, I actually think that if it were true, Namjoon, or really anyone from the hyung line, would be the ones who wouldn’t have to hide it, at least not when compared to the maknaes. You could argue that “it would threaten their career” but would it really? Perhaps if the ring were from a man (some namjinists did make jokes that it’s like his promise ring from Seokjin or whatever, but it was all in good fun, nothing more than that), then yes, but connected to a woman? That one member from EXO also came out and said he’s getting married because his fiancé was pregnant and all it did was cause a few fansites to close and a handful of people to “protest” in front of the SM building. 
Little correction about my comments about that EXO member, though even with this my point still stands:
From anon: Re: your last post about namjoon’s rings! I agree with everything you said but just a small correction. I’m not an EXO stan but it wasn’t just a a few “protests” or fansites closing. From what I read online, he his fiancée and later wife, and his child were harassed, threatened and stalked to the point where he enlisted early just to give his family some relief. We all know there are people like this in every fandom and I know BTS would be aware of these things, so they’ll be extra careful.
Would there be delulus like this who’d go crazy if Namjoon were to say “ARMY, I’m (getting) married”? Of course. Would it ruin BTS’ career? I seriously doubt it. Do I think Namjoon would actually come out and say it if it were the case? No, but not because it’s bad idol etiquette or because BH wouldn’t allow him, but because people are insane and who knows what they would do.
It’s the same with times when people argue “I wish X ML members would just say he has a girlfriend so the ship wars would end” without taking into consideration the girl’s safety and the fact that a partner different than the one X member is shipped with has never been that big of an obstacle for some before. Just create a conspiracy theory about the company forcing this upon them and voila problem solved. We’ve seen that before when the tattoo scandal happened, and people thought JK might be dating that tattoo artist and therefore it would mean he isn’t in a relationship with Jimin or Tae.
Whatever happens in the members private lives, it is safer for all parties involved if it stays private, even more so if their romantic partners were non-idols, or non-celebrities, or another member.
Now onto the second ring question:
From anon: I am a young army and I am slowly losing my bearings. I've seen Vlive S, H and V. Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it, and the V even wore the friendship ring for Jungkook. Is it true? I don't understand anything about it, I don't see it. After the last BTS interview on TV, I thought Vmin are best friends, not Tk*ok. I thought V said he didn't want Tk*ok and yet he was so happy during Vlive because it was Tk*ok day? Help!
Now this one, I was curious if we’d get an ask about this, even more since, if you’re a reader of our blog, you likely already know what I’m going to say.
Let’s start where you usually do—at the beginning. The day of the vlive coincided with what T*ek*okers have decided on is T*ek*ok Day, based on how supposedly some years ago this was the day Tae and JK named their subunit like this. I tried to find where exactly this happened, as in in which piece of official content, but I couldn’t find anything except for a screenshot. Anyone have a clue or a link?
Side note: T*ek*okers love using the “ship” naming as proof that not only are they real but also proudly showing it off by giving themselves a name but continently forget that they are not the only ones who gave themselves subunit names. After all Jimin and Namjoon named themselves MiniMoni, or Yoongi and Jimin who are MiniMini, Namjoon and Seokjin calling themselves RJRJ last year, or that one vlive with JK, Jimin and Seokjin where they also put together their names the way you build ship names. At the end of that vlive Tae, thanks to come prompting from the chat, named their trio vsope, so does that mean they are a romantic ship now too?
If you were watching that vlive as it was happening, and decided to look at the chat, then you know what was happening. For those who did not, basically the chat was flooded with comments about T*ek*ok Day, asking where JK is whom Tae loves, where his boyfriend JK is, congratulating Tae for T*ek*ok Day etc. Basically shippers took their shipping into a space where it doesn’t belong, into a space where the members can see it, and therefore purposefully broke one of the shipping rules (I even saw some tweet about how they were proud of themselves for literally spamming the chat with T*ek*ok comments which is so wrong, and I mean that regardless of which ship we talk about). In between those were the usual other comments like speak English or say hello to XYZ or say XYZ in whatever language, and very few comments that actually reacted to what the members were doing on screen. Like when Tae said he didn’t shave, instead of telling him that it’s fine, which it is, it’s his face after all, some decided to tell him he should shave more often, basically telling him what to do, which he saw and read out. Great job.
But all the madness came to a “climax” when Hobi was reading comments and among some other ones read out T*ek*ok, just the word not the T*ek*ok Day ones, and unfortunately we all knew he wasn’t reading out the Korean word for Thailand, which sounds the same though it is spelled a little differently. In that moment all hell broke loose. Focus cams of Tae’s facial expression in that moment went viral among shippers, most of course claiming he looked so happy, while other non-shippers claimed he didn’t look happy at all. It’s a micro moment so I won’t get into it, who knows what Tae thought in that moment and what his facial expression meant and if it even had any connection to the word and Hobi reading it out loud at all.
Because he read that comment, Hobi was basically crowned the new leader of the T*ek*ok shippers (I thought that role already went to Jimin?) and twitter basically had a meltdown.
As for the ring, I know this is something a lot of ships have, with romantic connotations according to their shippers, so I was curious how these rings supposedly look like in T*ek*ok’s case and if they even match the ring that Tae wore in the vlive. If it would, fine, if not, well…
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If it’s not clear from the picture, the “supposed couple” or friendship rings are very delicate and thin, and sure enough I did find a lot of pictures in which both Tae and JK wore them, usually at different times, I will admit that. But the ring Tae wore during their vlive recently was much thicker and had some kind of design on it, therefore it’s a completely different one. Sorry. Why he wore it, if he bought it for himself or received it from someone, what emotional connotation to may or may not have, those are things we won’t know anything about unless he would tell us, so there's no point in speculating.
“Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it” now this is curious to me since I watched the vlive as it was happening, and I didn’t see that at any point in the vlive. Sure, Hobi read that one comment, but if 95% of comments were about that, I wasn’t even surprised by it. Perhaps he thought that it would get people to stop? Perhaps he just read whatever comments his eyes landed on? Perhaps something else entirely? We have no way of knowing it so there is no point in trying to fixate on it. But besides that, they were talking about many other things and having fun making their smoothies, decorating them and just having a good time together with each other and with ARMY. 
So, this way of presenting the vlive basically comes down to shipper perception, confirmation bias, and simply, almost, rewriting history.
Rings do not determine who your best friend is (according to a quick google search, wearing a ring on your index finger simply means friendship or self-esteem/authority), after all many of the members have rings either from each other or ones that match, like Namjoon buying Jimin a Cartier ring for his birthday a few years ago which Jimin proudly wore since it’s really pretty, or pink and blue rings (there are several different ones, actually) that Namjoon has worn with Seokjin in the past (which fits into the Namjinist pink and blue agenda), or the rings Jimin and JK have together according to their shippers, and many more. Jimin and Tae have a whole plethora of matching jewelry in form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, even contact lenses (as in wearing one of each pair to match each other), some which were chosen by their stylists and others they bought themselves for themselves (which are all conveniently “forgotten” by those who ship either big ML ship). Though we’ve seen that even with clothes given by their stylists they were still the ones to choose their own accessories, like Namjoon choosing a pair of glasses from a whole box of different ones, or the members choosing rings from two big boxes before going on stage.
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Tae himself said, on multiple occasions across multiple years, that Jimin is his best friend, even his one and only best friend, and that he’s the one he likes most which he even proclaimed on national TV. As long as Tae doesn’t say that this has changed in the last, what, two weeks and suddenly JK is officially his new best friend, those who claim otherwise are basically nothing but shippers pushing a narrative that willfully ignores Tae’s own words. Just like they ignore and twist his Weverse comment about how T*ek*okers should get out of their imagination. What doesn’t fit is ignored or adjusted until it does fit.
Lastly, sure enough, Tae really was happy during that vlive but I’m fairly certain (though neither you, them or I will ever know for sure, we’re not in Tae’s head) it had absolutely no connection to T*ek*ok Day, something shippers created and not Tae and JK themselves, seeing as Tae has been in a very good and happy mood for a few months now. Whatever makes him so happy, I truly hope it’ll continue making him happy and I wish shippers (and solo stans) would stop trying to force a reason (which fits them) upon his emotions.
I know it’s easy to get confused by how loud shippers are online, especially as young ARMY (in this case both ARMY who are young age wise but also young in the sense of being new to the fandom), but shipper opinions, in many cases, are just noise, and also noise twisted and skewed a certain way to suit them. If you kept to OT7 spaces on the day of that vlive, no one really paid attention to the ring, most were annoyed by and furious at the shamelessness of the shippers in the comments, and tried to just focus on how fun the vlive was instead.
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ryouverua · 6 years
Chekhov’s Bathroom
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so you may be wondering how I got myself into this situation -
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... we found out the classroom has an incredibly interesting mechanism that not only creates flashback lights, but immediately transforms the whole setup back to normal the moment someone comes in. WHICH. UH. IS HUGE.
Also, we’re nowhere near the girl’s bathroom - but we’re getting to that, I promise.
.... Also also, Himiko is alive, which is very good! And I’m super happy for her! I’m just, uh, distracted, that’s all.
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Oh crap that’s right though! I guess we aren’t assuming she was able to dislodge it enough from her side by way of time and effort? .... I did just associate the word effort with Himiko, didn’t I. T-TO BE FAIR THOUGH, SHE HAS GOTTEN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT -
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sweetcheeks has the cutest little ‘e-eto...’ sound clip istg
Aaaaw Shuichi! He’s gotten so much better at expressing his feelings!
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WE’RE TREADING INTO UMINEKO TERRITORY WITH THAT SORT OF LANGUAGE man she really is trying to change the genre even now
I was going to say you really need to tell her about the flashback light machine you found but now I’m afraid of bursting her bubble. 8′D
You know what? Speaking of adorable sound clips, her ‘KA KA KA - !’ is also cute af. Equality!
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- another seacats references
sweetcheeks I’m sorry I can’t help it
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okay I know that it’s just the building collapsing from the damage but at the same time -
I was just one away k1-b0 I was just one away -
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“And how crazy would it be if someone died in an investigation, anyway - oh wait -”
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Yet another bone for the my fellow Umineko fans but man I can’t get over the similarities between Maria and her - I honestly wonder if she was inspired by her at all. 8′D
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..... you lost me. But I suppose that’s why she’s inviting us to investigate the bathroom with her -
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......... this would be a bad time to bring up the Love Hotel, huh.
It would also be a good time to bring up the whole flashback light situation too, but??? We don’t? Okay, fine. Moving on, I suppose.
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Omg I love Shuichi’s internal monologue here as he stares at the bathroom door and tries to psyche himself up after going in -
Full disclosure Shuichi? It’s just a room. I’ve accidentally walked into the guy’s room myself. It’s... just a room. It’s not a big deal. Just. Just go in there, dude.
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One step two step three step you can do this Shuichi Saihara this bathroom’s got nothing on you, we have the Detective’s Authority on our side - !
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“Please tell me quickly before I pass out from stress.”
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................ this sounds more like the Chamber of Secrets to me, but okay.
Wait, no, seriously, were they connected? Since when was Junko’s hidden room connected to the bathroom? I swear they weren’t??? Wasn’t there a special control room and everything? Am I misremembering?
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?????? Seriously, though? W-What in the world are you talking about???
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Honestly if this appeared behind the sink I would have freaked out. .... Well, more than I’m freaking out, for multiple reasons. There’s the general ‘oh shit a secret passage’ and then there’s the more specific my brain associates two characters with this room because of a certain scene for shipping purposes and one of them is still alive, currently with us, and incredibly suspicious -
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Oh goodness, how fitting that they left finding the hidden passage for the Ultimate Magician. 8′)
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Where’s the exit then? Like, the hidden one that leads to the bathroom? Was it also concealed in case this room was discovered?
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TSUMUGI SAID SHE WENT TO THE BATHROOM IN CHAPTER 1 WHEN WE WERE COLLECTING ALIBIS - or someone said she did? There was the whole group that went downstairs, Kaede and Shuichi in the classroom, and the ones left upstairs were Kokichi, Miu, Korekiyo, Tsumugi, and... Ryoma? K1-b0? Did Ryoma get invited down? He seems like he would’ve been an asset but okay now’s not the time to criticize Kaito’s ‘best fighters’ choices -
oh god where’s the screenshot I really didn’t document anything in the first chapter at all lmao -
I just - I just remember it being so weird at the time? Like a random tangent that went nowhere? She just said she went to the washroom, they followed up for like, five minutes, and then that was it - or... or something, right? Because she never went past Kaede and Shuichi? And then there were apologies passed around for accusing her, and I thought it was cute at the time, and I thought she was kinda cute, and Ryoma too, and oh god I miss them but I’m getting distracted -
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Enter through the bathroom.... run out and grab the handbook.... sneak back up while no one’s the wiser? What if Kaede’s plan had failed???? Then again, Tsumugi said she had the aura of a protagonist.... did she have that much faith in her to succeed? this is some twisted Kaemugi at work lmao
And omfg it wasn’t included on Rantaro’s map for the sole purpose of setting him up for some kind of ambush - 
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A mastermind who, honestly, was heavily hinted to be female with the initial ‘mother’ comments in Chapter 4 but has definitely been confirmed.
Also this game is really driving over how badly the mastermind screwed Rantaro over. what was it she said, backflip onto a landmine and die or something -
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Then again you didn’t have the benefit of being with me for the Chapter 1 fanservice scene... 8′D
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T... thanks for confirming I suppose.
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....  ew. Why can’t being busted stop you from talking, too.
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Wait... really??? Why? Shouldn’t you and the mastermind have the same shared interests at heart?? Even if you’re at your end, shouldn’t you want to protect the identity of the mastermind - or at least keep on with this whole Kaede frame-job?
... But yeah, okay, I get it now - they’re trying to drive that phrase into my brain, and I think I understand why. I just, uh, wish there was another way about it, or that the wording could be a bit different, that’s all. 8′D
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oh ew it vomited like, motor oil or something. Eeeew.
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Man K1-b0, even though I’m pretty sure it was Monotaro that caused the explosion, you really... really aren’t being careful with your classmates’ lives anymore, huh?
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J-J... Just let her have this one, Shuichi. It’s okay to add a layer of fantasy as long as we can get the answer. 8′D
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I’m so glad we have a little chance for sassy Sweetcheeks to rear his head. 
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I still want to get a visual on what the pathway looks like from the mastermind’s end but I guess just knowing it exists is enough. 8′D Ah well.
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He.... he’s getting better, but man he’s still pretty obtuse when it comes to emotions. I’m glad that while he’s showing some improvements, he didn’t just transform all at once.
Anyway, after Shuichi and I try to leave and Himiko literally doesn’t move Shuichi realizes that there’s some emotional work he needs to do on the side of his detective work. Himiko still has to spell it out for him though. B-Baby steps, kid.
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.... Though this made me smile. Aaaaw, that’s pretty sweet. Just a thought, but I wonder if this is another case of him thinking everyone else is on the same page as him and projecting, the same way he does with his anxieties? ‘This is the clue that will change everything. And now that I know that, surely Himiko does too.’ It’s another example of him diminishing his own skill as a detective - “if I could do this, anyone can” - so naturally, he had already assumed Himiko understood this. Why would she be worried if she already knew the huge contribution she had just made, after all?
anyway small tangent ignore me
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You’re the Ultimate Mage. :D
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Sometimes I’m a little worried about indulging in her magic/escapism fantasies but then she smiles like this and I can’t help but think it’s worth it ~ she has been through so much, you know? She needs something familiar lol to lean on and as long as it’s not impending the investigation like it did in Chapter 2.... 8′D
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Adrenaline is disappearing, huh? Well, keep that energy up - now we have to be nearly done, right? .... Right? What else could there possibly be?
“Shuichi come quick there’s something weird in Hotel Kumasutra -”
“NO. NO, I REFUSE!!!!”
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lmao Shuichi never change
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punkwithpaints · 7 years
Ungrateful Weeb (Weeb story #3)
So, my Junior year, my art teacher asks me to come over to her desk to talk to me about something. I was just hanging out in the art room (As usual.) I wasn’t a part of this class, It was like, Art 1 or 2, I forget. But I was hanging around anyway. She points out a new student, gonna call her CM. She tells me that she’s kinda shy, and is very good at color choices, shading, all that jazz, however, is not very good at coming up with original work/style. 
You guessed it, she drew anime.
Now, thing is, it wasn’t like, shitty, horribly draw animu. It was actually well draw and colored great. Considering this person only had access to crayola and sharpies, it was pretty awesome. My teacher asked me to go over and talk to her to see if I could convince her to step outside the anime territory and try something new. My confidence to stand up for myself had grown, but I’m the kind of person that waits for someone else to start the conversation usually. But, whatever, sure, I’ll talk to her. So, I head over where she’s drawing and kinda just look over her shoulder. I noticed she had a second sketchbook out and it was the same brand as mine. “Hey, I have the same sketchbook. They’re pretty good.” She looked up and seemed a little confused to have someone talking to her, but we got to talking and she warmed up pretty quick. She asked if I drew too, and I said I did. She was super excited and asked if she could see my sketchbooks and she would let me see hers. Alright, sounds fine. Now, she’s a little loud, but I can be too, so I don’t mind too much. 
I had my ‘regular’ sketchbook which was a sketchbook that I had whatever I was currently working on in it. I also had my Concept sketchbook with me, which had drawings and references for my characters I had created. So, pulled them out and sat them on the table for her, letting her decide if she wanted to look at both or one. Shit you not, she pulled out like, 5 sketchbooks, complete full. (They have around 60 pages per sketchbook I think.) Okay, whoa, shit, hold on. I signed up to see what your making now, not your life story. 
She doesn’t even touch my sketchbooks, just staring at me expectantly. I awkwardly take the sketchbooks and start flipping through them. Again, amazingly colored and not bad at all, but very ‘eh’ in the originality area. i just felt like I was looking through screenshots of varies anime’s and the google image page for the search ‘anime girl’ or ‘anime boy’. I told her they were nice, but she wouldn’t let me stop looking until I went through every single book. THEN she started on mine. It was odd to me, considering other artists who I’ve swapped sketchbooks with typically look through mine the same time I look through theirs. She flips through AS FAST A POSSIBLE (I tried to take my time, being nice to take time to look at details.) while basically screaming. 
Okay, thank you for liking my stuff but holy shit. Honestly, I understand she was complimenting my art but I’ve heard the whole ‘I wish I could draw like this’. ‘Can I have your talent?’ (Not a talent, it’s a skill.) and all that so much it honestly annoys me to death. And to have them screaming while taking .2 seconds per drawing to look at it was even worse. You’re not even actually looking at the art, you’re just screaming. So I thanked her and let her keep screaming, very loudly all the way through my sketchbooks. This had gotten the attention of everyone is the class, who now, was staring at me. I was flustered and uncomfortable with not only the things she was saying, but everyone looking at me. Anyway, I finally tell her: “Hey,if you wanna maybe develop a style like this, you can always try drawing other things. Learning realism is a really important part of it.” She kinda just blew it off and kept gushing over Tokyo Ghoul and Black Butler, talking about she only drew anime and blah blah blah. 
Through out the year, she’d always run up to me, showing me a new drawing, and I always was supportive but tried to gently encourage her to draw something other than anime. She would only not draw anime if it was impossible to fit into one of the assignments. Pointillism? Anime character. Pencil drawing? Anime. Still life drawings were the only thing she couldn’t put anime in, and she complained the whole time. Thing was, she had a lot of potential to do amazing things with her skill level, but didn’t want to. 
At some point of time, she noticed my drawing were with markers. She asked:
“Do you use markers for your drawings?!?” I answered that I did and she continued with, “ARE THEY COPICS?!!!!!???” I just nodded and was like, “Uh, yeah, actually.” 
Uh, excuse me? Can you have some??? No? Hell no? They’re expensive as fuck and I’ve saved up a long time to get the ones I have. I just kinda laughed, cause I thought she was joking. Nope, turns out she was begging for even just one of them. I told her no, that I couldn’t do that. She wouldn’t stop begging. I kept explaining that they we’re expensive and I had bought them with my own money. I tried to help her out by giving her the website that I got them from, but she said her parents didn’t let her buy stuff off the internet. Not my problem dude, go to Michaels or something. Eventually, she stopped asking. For that day. 
One day, I’m working on a piece. She had migrated to sit across from me since I regularly came into this class to work on stuff. I had my markers in my satchel, still in one of the 72 copic case’s, along with two of the 12 marker grey sets. (Warm and neutral) I’d like to say the 72 set was all bought individually, not as a complete set. I found buying them separately helped me get a color selection that was best matched to what I drew, and I wouldn’t have a bunch of marker colors I would never touch. I had been in the art room the period before hers, so I already had claimed my usual area with my markers sitting on the table by me. She came in, and all I hear is this high pitched screeching and she comes running over, grabbing some of my markers from the case to look at them. 
Don’t touch my shit. Especially my markers.
I gently (as much as I didn’t want to be gentle) took the markers back and put them in the case, kinda just being like, “Yeah, they’re great. I’ve saved up for a long time now. Thanks.” She wouldn’t stop freaking out over them, as if they were the damn Holy Grail. I mean, I get it, it’s a nice marker, but damn. She kept telling me how badly she wanted copics and would die just to have a few, all the while, staring at me expectantly, as if I’m gonna be like, “WELL GOODNESS ME! Let me just give you mine! Of course!” She realized I wasn’t budging and kinda pouted. 
Now, as I’m coloring, I see this hand just slowly reach for my markers that are out of the case and laying by my sketchbook since I’m using them. I look up, and she acts all surprised I caught her and laughs. “I was just gonna burrow one to see how they work!” Nope. You’re watching me draw, you can see just fine how they work. I try and tell her no, but she snatches up the blue one she liked so much, and scribbled it on her paper, gasping dramatically and squealing. “IT’S SO PRETTY!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS COLOR!!!!!!” 
Excuse me, what the fuck. 
So I get my marker back and tell her more or less not to use anymore. 5 minutes later, there she was reaching for my markers again. Are you shitting me?
I just looked at her and shes like:
“HAHAhahahaa lol can I just use them to color in the skin of one of my drawings???”
“Oh come on! Please???”
No, my skintones are running low on ink and I need to buy refills. 
“Well, can I color in the eyes at least?”
No. They’re expensive and my parents wouldn’t be very happy about me letting other people use them...
“Just really quick!!!!!!! *grabs for my markers again*”
I once again, pulled the markers away and very firmly said no. I knew that if I gave her an inch, she’d take a mile. So I told her no and she seemed to quit. However, she was obviously mad I wouldn’t let her use them. So, she started being a jerk instead. 
Over the course of that year, she constantly would make me feel bad for having the markers, asking if “It was nice being rich.” while complaining that she only had crayola. I remember I had went to Hobby Lobby at some point and had a coupon for an item. I bought a 12 set of Derwent Inktense pencils. Originally they were 35 dollars, but my coupon made them like, 15 dollars or something like that. They had one of those sticker price tags on the front of the tin. I had them with me one day, and of course, she snatches them up before screeching to the whole class, “*Dramatic choking and gasping sounds, accompanied by wheezing noises and clutching her chest* THIRTY-...THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS FOR 12 PENCILS?!!! GOD YOU ARE RICH!!!! WHO WOULD PAY THAT? ARE YOU STUPID?!!” I tried to explain I had a coupon and they were a great brand and was something I had been wanting to try, but no, she just kept yelling at me for it. “THAT’S SUCH A WASTE OF MONEY!!!!” 
Any time I would use my markers, she would of course try and get me to let her use them and try and just grab them. I would keep telling her no, and eventually kept the case in my bag, next to me and not on the table, so she couldn’t grab at them. She continued to bitch now about how I was ‘rich’ and I spent too much money on markers, obviously pissed I wasn’t giving her what she wanted and jealous. This continued through the school year, and when the art show rolled around, she looked at me as I was matting some of my marker pieces and gasped, “ARE YOU PUTTING THOSE IN THE SHOW????” Well duh, yeah. “Yeah...” “THAT’S NOT FAIR! YOU’RE RICH AND CAN AFFORD THOSE! YOU SHOULDN’T PUT THEM IN BECAUSE NONE OF USE CAN AFFORD THAT!.” 
Whatever, if you’ve read my past stories, you know I’ve dealt with this shit for forever, and don’t care anymore but butthurt people. Senior year rolls around and she still sits by me and forces me to look at her 5,000 sketchbooks Every. Single. Day. EVERY PAGE. Child, I’ve seen it, a dozen times. I have nothing left to tell you.Remeber when I said that if I gave her an inch she’d take a mile? Senior trip was coming up, so all senior year I sold homemade brownies. I knew she didn’t normally have money, so the first time she asked for one for free, I let her. After that, every day she would whine and cry, trying to get a free brownie from me. Nah. So, Senior trips ends and I have close to 600 dollars or something left over, since I didn’t really buy anything while I was in New York.
I got back just in time to go on an art trip. We were visiting a near by college for art related things and decided that we could stop by a Michaels/Hobby Lobby after we left. I took my money I had left over, having rather spend it on supplies instead. I got in with my basket and go ahead, loading up on markers and pens, just things I had been wanting to try out. I checked out and came back to the bus with my bags. Sure enough, she see’s I have multiple bags and starts yelling, “WHOA DID YOU BUY ENOUGH?????!!! WHAT DID YOU BUY?!? THE STORE?!?!??” She then starts asking repeatedly how much everything cost. I really didn’t wanna disclose that information to her, considering I knew how she would act. (BTW, it wasn’t 600 dollars.) She basically forced me to tell her and kept screaming it to the whole bus while once again saying I was rich and stupid or spending that much money...wow it’s like I saved up money for a full year or something. 
During this year, the art classes were told they could enter into a contest held my Dole fruit cups. they created a poster or something. Winning school got money for the class, and also like, a shit ton of fruit cups. I don’t know man, it was weird. CM took part, and she actually did really good, considering she didn’t do anime. So, her poster won and our class got like, 500 dollars or something to spend on supplies. At this point, it’s toward the end of the semester, so my teacher asked me about CM. She had come from a low income family, kinda low class, and Miss B wanted to get her some markers since she always talked about mine. Fair enough, I’ll help you figure out a brand to get her. She tells me she’s not getting copics, since she’s only using a certain about of the winnings to buy CM markers while rest goes towards supplies we REALLY needed. Mama B decided on Dick Blick Studio markers. Good for beginners, but still around 150-200 dollars for a set of 48 or something.
Markers come in and she gives them to CM, who acts so happy and amazed, until Miss B left. 
Shit you not, this ass looks at me and goes: 
“Pffffft, what am I suppose to do with these????? I don’t even like markers! What brand even is this???”
Are you fucking kidding me. 
I got a note later that night on DeviantArt that said, “I wish I had your Copics still ;u;” 
Fuck you. 
She dropped out after that year.
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xingsdae · 7 years
Tagged by @xiu-dangerous and @grinding-on-baek!
THE LAST 1. Drink: Water. 2. Phone Call: Facetime with Diana @longlivethesemoments, actual phone call was with my dad. 3. Text Message: Diana again lol. 4. Song you listened to: "what U need?” by Lay (Yixing lol). I was taking screenshots of the music video for my selfie/bias tag post. 5. Time you cried: I’ve teared up multiples times today, but actual crying was probably like a few weeks ago? I forget. 6. Dated someone twice: Nah, but I have been on at least two dates with my boyfriend. At least two in the 4 years we’ve been together. 7. Been Cheated on: Nope. Unless you count the boy I liked in kindergarten. He kissed another girl and I had to pretend I wasn’t mad haha. 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: I kissed my boyfriend when he had nasty morning breath and I regretted it. And I kissed him when he had a cold sore, which caused me to have multiple cold sores and left scars on my chin and neck. But I still like kissing him. For whatever reason. I guess I love him or whatever. 9. Lost someone special: I lost my snapback. Well, I forgot it at the concert and it was too late to go back and get it because we were already downstairs and near the doors. It was cute and I only had it for a few months. RIP You will be missed. 10. Been depressed: Never been diagnosed. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Once. I blame “Chunks” for throwing up twice before me and I had to clean up the mess while I was still drunk. I like to think his vomit made me vomit.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: Blue, purple, and green.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made new friends: A few. I think. Unless they all hate me like my old friends do. Oh God, they probably hate me. 16. Fallen out of love: I used to kind of like Times Square. Now I hate it. Mostly because I like going to NY for the food and there’s only boring food there. 17. Laughed until you cried: Nah. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: HA. Yes. Not everyone has something nice to say, apparently. Something about me being desperate for friends? Something about being scared of me because of my race? Something about me being annoying? But who knows? They’ll never say it to my face. 19. Met someone who changed you: I breathed the same air as EXO and they looked at me/in my direction and now I will never be that happy again until I see them again. 20. Found out who your true friends are: Yep. Again. It keeps happening. At this rate, I’ll be all alone by the time I’m 25. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yep. My boyfriend. I know, it’s a shock, but I have to tell the truth. 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The real question is, do they even know the real me??? #FakeDeep 23. Do you have any pets: I’m not into pet play, sorry. 24. Do you want to change your name: I’ll eventually change my middle and last name once my boyfriend puts a ring on it because it’s tradition and I don’t mind changing it. 25. What did you do for your last birthday: I had some friends over at my house and we played some games. 26. What time did you wake up: 4 A.M. I had to pee lol. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Skyping with my boyfriend, probably already falling asleep. 28. Name something you cannot wait for: EXO’s comeback. 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: A few hours ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Probably to be motivated. I would probably get more shit done. 31. What are you listening to right now: The voice in my head that tells me to be sad. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have an Uncle Tom and I knew a Tom in middle school and we only talked because we sat next to each other in assigned seating...omg I am old. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My family. 34. Most visited website: This hell hole. 35. Elementary: I’ve been in 2, 3 if we’re including middle school in this category. Catholic school from kindergarten till the 4th grade, then public school because I moved and Catholic school is too much money anyway. 36. High School: 1 public school. 37. College: 1 state university. Husky pride. It’s like a 6 on the party school scale to everyone except those who hate big campuses. Then it’s a 10 apparently. 38. Hair color: Black (or Blackened brown or whatever). 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Don’t tell my boyfriend I have a crush on him. He thinks I’m crushing on Yixing. He’s right, but I believe in multiple crushes. 41. What do you like about yourself: I’m funny sometimes. 42. Piercings: The regular ear piercings. 43. Blood type: Like the name of that short series Kyungsoo was in, B+. 44. Nickname: “What do you want to do with your life? Be a loser? Am I that bad of a parent?” It’s a bit long, but it just sort of caught on. 45. Relationship status: In a relationship. 46. Zodiac sign: Leo. My moon sign is Cancer and my Venus sign is Virgo. 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite tv show: I’m currently watching Running Man, Elementary, Total Divas, and Shingeki no Kyojin season 2. 49. Tattoos: Not yet. I can’t commit to a tattoo idea. Also, if my parents saw it they will kill me. 50. Right or left hand: Right.
FIRST… 51. Surgery: I got my molars removed. 52. Piercing: The typical ear piercings. 54. Sport: Crying. 55. Vacation: The Philippines when I was 7. 56. Pair of trainers: I remember having sneakers with Disney princesses on them and Velcro.
MORE GENERAL… 57. Eating: My feelings. 58. Drinking: Away my problems. 59. I’m about to: Go to the next question. 61. Waiting for: All 9 members of EXO to be together again. 62. Want: Money. 63. Get married: Eventually. 64. Career: Accountant. 65. Hugs or kisses: Both. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Taller. 68. Older or younger: Older. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms. 71. Sensitive or loud: Both? But I guess sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker, but for like small things. Like deciding to only eat ice cream for dinner. You know, the rebel life.
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: Nope. 75. Drank hard liquor?: Yes. Mostly mixed with yummy fruity stuff to make it taste not like liquor. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses?: I constantly lose contacts. 77. Turned someone down?: Like at a bar to dance. 78. Sex on first date?: Never done it. 79. Broken someone’s heart?: I mean, have you seen me? I’m kind of cute. I’m sure someone was disappointing in knowing I have a boyfriend/not interested. 80. Had your heart broken?: Nope. 81. Been arrested?: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died?: Not anyone I know. Only fictional characters. I guess that’s messed up. 83. Fallen for a friend?: Nope.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself?: Meh. Sometimes. 85. Miracles?: Like actual religious ones? Not really. 86. Love at first sight?: Nope. 87. Santa Claus?: I used to, but then the kids in the 4th grade made fun of me. And it all made sense why one time I looked under the tree and nothing was there and I was sad I was a bad kid, but then my mom said Santa left the gift in my parents room for safe keeping. 88. Kiss on the first date?: Sure. Never done it though. 89. Angels?: Yixing exists.
OTHER…. 90. Current best friend’s name: Diana. Another name drop ayyyy. 91. Eye color: Brown. 92. Favorite movie: I’ll say Aladdin because I just saw it on Broadway and Get Out because that was the last movie I saw in theaters. I’ll tag @ninetytwoline @jongjn @for-the-love-of-lay @tousdae @chengineering and @okaybaekhyun! This is long and really personal so only do it if you want to! :)
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