#i wish i woulda had more fun when i was younger too without being so scared of upsetting a controlling partner
stubbornflood · 2 years
i wish i could time travel and grab my younger self by the hand and say please don’t give multiple chances to shitty people come on girl we gotta go
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quirkle2 · 4 months
love your mogami arc thoughts… do you think there’s a parallel between the irrationality of mogami’s actions and how ritsu acts in big cleanup arc? Like neither of them make sense really but it doesn’t have to because it’s an expression of deep seated stress and guilt
it took a couple of watches for me to actually Get cleanup arc, but i do think clean up arc makes sense. maybe not from a logical point of view, but given ritsu's history of trauma and perfectionism, pressure to never act out or upset his brother for obvious reasons, and desperation for control in his own life, i think ritsu's actions made sense. they were Terrible actions, and they definitely go against the logic and hindsight of an outsider's perspective, but it was all the result of that stress and guilt and secretive hatred toward an aspect of his brother that caused it, and maybe a little bit of grief for a sibling relationship he wishes was still intact
u make a rly interesting point tho, bc Yeah, on your first watch, neither of these guys make sense to you. at least they didn't for me. i understood part of ritsu's reasonings at the beginning, but it sorta delved into... quoting ritsu, "violence for the sake of violence." and honestly??? i don't know Why ritsu's arc is sm more compelling to me than mogami's, bc rly, they're very similar in that way
at least it seems that way? im,,, honestly convinced the exposition for mogami arc was just,, rushed, or incomplete for whatever reason, bc it feels So Close to making sense, but it's just missing a couple of pieces. ritsu's arc has more substance to it, i think. i believe the biggest difference here is that mogami blamed other people for his misfortune, and didn't see anything wrong w what he was doing. ritsu made no such excuses. he Knew what he was doing was wrong, and he kept doing it. and that, to me, is Fascinating
even ritsu's "violence for the sake of violence" motive makes some sort of sense to me. he said it himself: "i was just tired of being myself. maybe i wanted to find out what it would feel like to be a fool." when u break it down, it's him exploring.... other options. until 7th division arc, he's of the mindset that if he had psychic powers he'd be Better, in all aspects, that he's nothing without psychic powers. he puts his entire identity and self-worth on having the abilities of an ESPer
now that he has them, he feels limitless, he feels unstoppable. he's so tired of being himself, of being perfect, of being the well-behaved younger brother w perfect grades and perfect attitude (bc let's face it, he's definitely a gifted kid, and gifted kids tend to develop habits of perfectionism, and eventually become exhausted). so he switches tactics, to find out what it would feel like to be a fool.
i honestly think cutting mogami's messy backstory and making him "evil" for the sake of being "evil" woulda been better. im sure not everyone agrees w me on that, and i can absolutely see why, but sometimes simple is "better" (imo). an underdeveloped villain is better, to Me, than a villain that is trying too hard to have a compelling motive. mogami's character feels like it is trying too hard, and branching out in too many directions, and it ends up just feeling,, stretched thin
i like shimazaki more than mogami. hell, i like shimazaki more than Any of the villains, and we all Know it's not because he has a good backstory (or one at all). he's not even very compelling to me, i just think he's cool, and i'll forever be stoked about how they let a character use teleportation powers right for once. sometimes simple is better
i'm not a fan of any of mob psycho's other villains, but they serve their purpose, and yaknow what, mogami serves his. i think seeing him as an "unreliable narrator" instead is a rly fun way of looking at it
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
Little Lion Heart
@pillarspromptsweekly fill #45: Bit Parts. There are so many minor characters I want to write about I started a list. :P First up: Derrin.
As long as he could remember, Derrin had wanted to be a big brother.
It was fun, of course, being the only child. Sometimes. He enjoyed being able to run among the ships at the dock, gawking up at the tall masts and listening to the sailors’ stories without worrying about anyone keeping up. But there weren’t a lot of kids in Ondra’s Gift and most were years older or younger, which meant he spent a lot of time playing by himself.
And so Derrin wished and hoped and prayed every chance he got. He didn’t much care whether it was a brother or sister, he just wanted a younger sibling. And one of the gods must’ve heard him, because Mama got pregnant. She and Father were much less excited than Derrin. Mama cried, Father’s face got hard, and Derrin knew they were worried about having another mouth to feed. They already went hungry at least one day most weeks. Or at least, Mama and Derrin did. Father was at work most days, so Derrin didn’t know if he got to eat. Many days, he caught Mama worrying, one hand rubbing her stomach, extra mending from the neighbors forgotten on the table.
“It’s alright, Mama,” he said. “I’ll help. The baby can have some of my food. I don’t need all of it. I”m growing fine. See?” He made a muscle with one scrawny arm. “I can protect it.”
Mama smiled and wiped away her tears, brushing her fingers through his hair before giving his arm a playful squeeze. “You are my strong, brave lion. It’s very sweet of you to offer, but remember babies drink milk. He or she won’t be able to eat your food. But they will certainly need protecting. Babies are very small, after all.”
“I know that, Mama,” Derrin protested. “If the baby can’t eat my food you can have it. That’ll help, right?”
Mama’s smile looked sad. “It would, sweetheart, but you need to eat, too. It’ll help you stay big and strong so you can look out for the baby, how’s that?”
He was still pretty sure Mam needed it more, but he nodded. “Okay.”
They talked a lot about the baby after that, while Father was at work. Derrin could tell Mama was getting excited now, like him, even if she was still nervous. Derrin rattled on for hours, drawing stick figures in the dirt floor of their house, dreaming of all the adventures he would have with his new brother or sister. When they were old enough, of course. Sometimes he went long enough Father got home to hear some of his plans, and while Derrin couldn’t be sure, he thought maybe Father was looking forward--just a little--to it, too.
And then Little Sister was born, and something wasn’t right. Derrin tried to get her to smile, but she wouldn’t even look at him. Father cursed and called her Hollowborn and started drinking more and more. Mama cried and tried to nurse her and cried again. Neither of them would name her.
“What’s the blazing point?” Father growled when Derrin asked. “Names are for living things.”
So Derrin called her Little Sister and ran down to the docks to talk to someone, because that sounded bad. Most of the sailors shooed him away, but Marceno must have been off duty, because he asked what was wrong.
Derrin hesitated, picking at a blister, even though he knew he shouldn’t. “What’s a Hollowborn?” 
Marcena frowned. “A baby born without a soul. Why?”
Don’t tell anyone, Mama warned him every time he left the house, so Derrin shrugged. “Mama keeps worryin’ the baby will be one, an’ won’t tell me why.” He felt bad lying to Marceno, but he’d promised not to tell. “Are they bad luck?”
Marceno made a face. “Some people think so. Others say they’re just more helpless.” He reached over and awkwardly patted Derrin’s shoulder. “I’ll hope for the best, boy.”
“Thank you.” Derrin’s blister started to weep, his fingers going still a second too late. “Ow!”
Marceno shook his head and handed Derrin a relatively clean rag. “You should know better than that by now.”
Derrin nodded and thanked him again before scampering off. He hoped Marceno didn’t run into Father at the Salty Mast and mention what they talked about. Derrin was pretty sure he’d be in trouble if Father found out.
Still, there wasn’t anything else to do right now--maybe later when more ships came in--so he headed home to see if Mama needed his help. He couldn’t take care of the mending, of course, but he could watch Little Sister so Mama didn’t worry. 
It wasn’t like Little Sister did much.
He was halfway home when he heard a yelp. Not a people-yelp, a dog-yelp. It was followed by people laughing, though, and Derrin ran. The sounds were coming from a narrow alley behind Aefre’s house, and he reached the mouth of it just in time to see a rock miss the beagle puppy cowering next to a crate and bounce off the wall instead.
“Stop it!” he hollered, hands balling into fists, and stood his ground when the two bigger boys--Connor and Cedric--spun around and glared at him.
“Why, runt? It’s only a dog,” Connor sneered.
“No one cares about it, either,” Cedric said as he palmed another rock. “It’s just a stray.”
“I care!” Derrin retorted, moving to stand in front of the dog, which pressed against his legs. “I won’t let you hurt it!”
“Really, now?” Cedric dropped the rock and gave him a menacing look.
“Really.” Derrin crossed his arms. He wasn’t afraid of them. Not too much. Connor took a step closer and slapped him and the beagle growled from behind Derrin’s legs. Both older boys’ attention flicked to the dog for a second, and Derrin took advantage to kick dirt up in Connor’s face. Just because he wasn’t afraid of them didn’t mean he could actually fight them. Better to get the dog safe. He scooped up the puppy, dodged past Cedric, and bolted.
Something hard--a rock, probably--hit his shoulder and he almost fell. But after several minutes of running, Derrin and the beagle were safe. He set the puppy on the ground and looked in its sad eyes. “You’re safe now. I’m pretty fast, so I bet they don’t know where to look for you.”
The puppy whined and pawed his leg.
“No, you can’t come home with me, we don’t have enough food. You’d starve.” He scratched between its floppy ears. “I have an idea, though...” Cartugo was always interested when the children living in the Gift brought him things he could sell. Talking him into taking a dog might be tricky, but Derrin could wheedle with the best of them.
He was successful at convincing Cartugo to take the dog. He was not successful at avoiding Connor and Cedric on his way home. Or at hiding the resulting black eye and split lip from Mama when he got back.
“Ah, my little lion,” she sighed as she helped him clean up. “Who were you protecting this time?”
“A puppy,” Derrin said, trying not to flinch as she held his bruised shoulder. Mama was worried enough as it was, he didn’t want to make it worse. “Older boys were throwin’ rocks at it.”
“I couldn’t just let them hurt it!” he protested. “It was practice, for takin’ care of Little Sister!”
Mama’s face softened, and she cupped his chin in one hand to kiss his forehead. “You’re plenty brave enough as it is, little lion. You don’t need to practice.”
“Still wouldn’ta let ‘em hurt it,” he grumbled. “Woulda been wrong...”
“You can’t save everyone, Derrin,” Mama said softly, smiling but sad.
Derrin cocked his head and clumsily brushed hair out of his face, wincing as he hit the bruising around his eye. “I know, Mama. “ He patted her hand before scurrying over to Little Sister’s cradle to check on her, the thought forming as he tried without success to get her to look at him. But I can try.
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You Can’t Cross the Same River Twice - Chapter 17
Winchester has apparently finished the first round of interviews for potential wives - and now it's Trapper's turn to cause some chaos. He still thinks the whole thing is stupid and a terrible idea, but as long as he gets to be the one laughing at Winchester when he gets egg on his face, he's willing to help out.
It's not as if he's the kinda guy to believe in true love or any of that bullshit. But it's just that this way of finding a wife feels like a game show, like it oughtta be televised and have a studio audience. And the argument could be made that Trapper's own marriage ended in divorce so what the hell does he know. But Trapper thinks that his own failed marriage might just stand as an argument against rushing into a relationship to fulfill expectations instead of outta a genuine sense of partnership with the other person. At least Winchester is waiting until after the huge, terrible, life-changing event to get hitched.
Still, Trapper ain't one to turn down an opportunity for mischief just cuz he don't agree one hundred percent with the plan. If that were the case, he woulda got into a lot less trouble - especially cuz most of the time Hawkeye didn't even have a plan besides a vague idea of sticking it to the army. But Winchester's plan ain't much more fleshed out, considering that it basically consists of Trapper being himself and seeing if that makes any of the fancy rich ladies run screaming from the room in horror at his lower-classness.
Surprisingly, that's pretty much what happens with the first lady - though Trapper ain't the one that causes it. They - minus Honoria - are all meeting up at some posh restaurant and when Winchester's date walks into the private dining room and sees Letta, it looks like she'd french kissed a lemon. Trapper kinda directs Letta behind him, just in case things get ugly, but hers seems to be an incoherently sputtering kinda rage.
Charles declares their date over and stiffly escorts her outta the room. When he comes back, it's to get real drunk and call her all kindsa posh people insults like "uncouth" and apologizes to Letta, who leaves pretty quick after that. Trapper can't blame her, he wants to make his own escape, but Charles probably shouldn't be left alone right now. So he and Hawkeye have a really expensive dinner on Winchester's tab and eventually talk him around to pleasanter topics - namely the many failings of the Boston Mercy board of directors - till he's ok to go home.
So Trapper ain't exactly looking forward to doing all that again. Though it can't turn out much worse than the first go round, and that's a relief.
The bad part is that this time the deal is being held at the Winchester house in Back Bay - a place Trapper swore he'd have to be dragged into kicking and screaming. And the house is monstrous - clearly built to intimidate rather than welcome. The entryway is a soaring cathedral of white marble - and, like a church, the echos of his footsteps make Trapper feel real small. Plus there's all these unnaturally silent servants hovering in the background, waiting to be called for. It gives Trapper the creeps.
One of the servants leads them into a stupidly opulent sitting room where Letta and Honoria are waiting. It's a little intimidating, meeting Winchester's sister. But polite chatter with rich women he has no interest in is something Trapper knows how to do. Something he'd learned through an unfortunate number of sorority mixers he'd been dragged to by dint of being the Dartmouth football captain. It's how he'd met Louise, actually - and now Trapper's pissed that Winchester couldn't have met a wife that way and saved them all this trouble. But instead he's stuck here, waiting for Winchester's date to show up so they can eat dinner.
At least Honoria proves to be as much fun as Hawkeye had said - full of embarrassing childhood stories Winchester will probably go to the grave denying ever happened. And Letta has some stories about her kids, and she and him and Hawkeye talk shop a little - none of the gory stuff, outta consideration for Honoria - and Honoria talks about an exhibit she's helping curate about women's suffrage that Letta has opinions about, so the time passes well enough. But it gets to be late enough that Trapper wonders if Winchester's been stood up. Cuz there's a line between fashionably late and just plain rude.
Finally, Winchester comes to get them, his date on his arm. And she's pretty, all right - but maybe a little younger than Trapper was expecting from Hawkeye's description. And Hawkeye and Honoria look a little surprised to see her as well. Maybe they didn't figure she'd make the cut. But they're polite through the introductions.
To her credit, Miss Marjory Oakes doesn't seem taken aback at Letta or Trapper's presence. So dinner goes well enough, with them kinda feeling out her politics. And she's honestly probably more liberal than Winchester - who's suspension of bigotry tents to be more individual than anything. He can stand being friends with some of "the good ones" without ever bothering to wonder if the rest might just be human too. In contrast, Miss Oaks appears to be a fairly progressive individual - even if it's like how most rich people are and centered around helping all those poor unfortunates by throwing charity galas - but she ain't condescending to him or Letta and appears genuinely interested in what they and Hawkeye have to say. Trapper wonders how the hell she survived almost two decades of fancy private school with her humanity intact.
Dinner's over and they've returned to the sitting room they'd waited in before. Miss Marjory Oakes has gone home so Hawkeye feels no shame in saying, "Excuse me for asking, Charles, but who the hell was that? I'm pretty sure she's not the Miss Oakes we went to the opera with several weeks ago. What gives?"
Charles sighs. "Indeed she is not the same woman. Miss Oakes the elder, who attended the opera, was indisposed this evening."
"Run off with another fellah, huh," Letta comments dryly.
"Quite. However, Miss Marjory Oakes is just finished with her art history degree and her parents are... eager... to see her married suitably. She has apparently had some rather ungenteel acquaintances as of late, and her father is concerned she may marry into the middle class."
"How terrible," Trapper deadpans.
"You simply must do everything in your power to rescue her from such a horrible fate," Hawkeye adds in a mockery of Charles's accent.
"St-st-still, I quite liked her," Honoria says. "I'm almost glad her sister th-th-threw you over."
"Indeed." Then Charles blushes. "I hope to call upon the lovely Miss Oakes, if she will allow me that honor. And if I hadn't already made promises to several other young ladies, I would end this interview process at once."
"You might wanna think about coming clean about this whole inheritance deal," Trapper says. "She sure seems like a good sport and if she's looking to get out from under family expectation, she might not mind a quick wooing." Hawkeye can't help but think Trapper's advice is influenced by his own marriage ending.
"You may be right at that, McIntyre. In any event, Miss Oakes deserves to hear the truth of things before deciding if she wishes to hear from me again. I would not do her the dishonor of misleading her."
"You're such a pompous wh-wh-windbag, Charlie," Honoria says with a grin.
"But that's what we love about you," Hawkeye adds.
Charles is.. nervous.. when he calls on Miss Oakes the next day. She really seems an exemplary woman - and one that Charles could see himself with for many years. A partner, rather than simply a method to acquire an heir and an occasional ornament for his arm. Additionally, the information he's about to divulge doesn't paint himself or his family in the best light.
He is allowed into the receiving room nearly immediately, and that indicates she holds him in some regard - and that knowledge serves to sooth Charles's nerves a bit. There is, of course, a chaperone present - anything else would be an impropriety - but she is sitting across the room, allowing at least a semblance of privacy. Still, Charles will need to use some... discretion in explaining the situation.
After the requisite greetings, he gets right into the reason for his visit. "My dear Miss Oakes. I greatly enjoyed your company last evening and I would be honored if you would deign to join me for more such outings."
"I had a lovely time as well, Dr. Winchester. I found your friends most engaging and your sister - I shall be delighted to strike up a friendship with her." Here Miss Oakes pauses delicately. "And if we are to continue our own friendship, Charles, you had best call me Marjory."
This visit is going better than Charles had dared hope. An invitation to use Marjory's first name - and her expressed desire for a continued relationship with Charles and his family. He only hopes the next ultimatum he must deliver does not revoke her goodwill.
"You do me a great honor, Marjory, in considering me a friend. It is in this spirit of friendship that I must make the following disclosure - for I would not disrespect your character with falsehoods - not even by omission."
Here Marjory looks quite serious but she has not asked Charles to leave or shown any signs of anger or upset. So he continues on.
"As you are aware, the Emerson Winchesters are an old and prestigious family with a substantial legacy. In the interest of preserving that legacy, my family hopes I shall be engaged by the summer. Otherwise, it may fall to other branches of the family to carry out that duty. I am most genuinely impressed by your character, your wit, and your beauty - my attentions are in no way solely directed by my family. But you must understand that this expectation does rather weigh on my mind."
Marjory lays a genteel hand on Charles's arm. "I quite understand your situation, Charles, and I commiserate. All of us must bear the weight of familial duty and expectation. Indeed, my own family should like to see me make a suitable match sooner rather than later."
"I am certainly not ready to become engaged this instant," Marjory continues, "but this information does not dissuade me from seeing you again, Charles. Indeed, I think it speaks well of your character that you have disclosed such a sensitive topic in order not to mislead me." She smiles most warmly at Charles. It looks like McIntyre was in the right about making a full disclosure.
"In that case, Marjory, may I escort you to the art museum next Tuesday? Honoria will be available to chaperone." That last bit is directed to their current chaperone, who smiles when Charles makes eye contact with her.
"I should be delighted to accompany you," Marjory says and Charles departs her home in high spirits.
Charles is almost glad that the remaining... interviews... with potential brides are a waste of his time. One young lady - and Charles feels she is barely deserving of that epithet when judged under any other criteria than family legacy - treats the household staff so poorly that it is embarrassing to witness. The evening ends when a pudding is accidentally upset over her lap as she is being served. And Charles can perhaps detect the hands of Pierce and McIntyre in the event, but he cannot express any disapproval over it. If she never steps foot in his home again, Charles will be most glad.
The rest of the candidates do not fare so poorly as her. They are simply boring after the eloquence and charm of Miss Oakes. Charles is pleased when the entire list of young women Grandmama provided is exhausted and he can concentrate on wooing Marjory. Because Marjory is not simply the best option on a list he's forced by circumstance to choose from - she is rapidly becoming the woman Charles would give almost anything to get to spend the rest of his life with.
Still, Charles does hope she accepts his marriage proposal before the Winchester summer cotillion. Cousin Alfred is such a blight on the family name. Not to mention, Charles would like to be able to offer Marjory the world - and the Emerson Winchester fortune would certainly aid in that goal.
"Well, Charles certainly seems to be in a good mood," Hawkeye says after the subject of his remark has gone home from poker night.
"Spring," Trapper declaims, "the time when a young aristocrat's fancies turn to thoughts of love - or inheritance, as the case may be."
"Is there a difference in those emotions?" Letta asks, a little snidely. She hadn't been all that impressed with Winchester's plight.
"To be fair to Charles, he does appear to actually care about Miss Oakes. And for whatever reason, she appears to like him. So it may be a marriage more convenient than most, but they'll hopefully be able to actually stand living together.”
"And if it don't work out, Winchester's got about one wing of mansion per family member, so they won't even have to see one another if they don't want," Trapper adds.
Hawkeye raises his glass in a toast. "To true love - as found in the pages of the financial report."
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kazosa · 7 years
Secrets - SoA: Chapter 12
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Summary: Reader has lived in a life full of secrets. When her father dies unexpectedly and sends her on a trip all over the country, she finds out just how much like her father she really is. The end of her trip brings her to Charming, CA where she finally gets some big pieces of her family puzzle put back in place and form new relationships with the people there. Chapter 12: the reader is in jail Warnings: language A/N: If it wasn’t clear before, this takes place after the events of the final episode, SPOILERS! Italics are for Chibs side of the story. Bold is for the reader’s inner thoughts. Word Count: 2100 Tags: @telford-ortiz-teller  @sam-samcro  @tstieff  @yourcroweater  @kacilove26  @hiddlelove  @evilsorceress  @reallynigga21  @suz-123  @between-shades-of-winchester  @caitcrook  @i-was-made-of-nutella @charlottecl  @gunsnrosesislife  @yoonjigu  @mkindoll2016  @confidencerush  @jade770
“It’s the hot cars that make me think it’s all a smoke screen,” you tried to explain your theory. “The throw away cars, the Hondas and Cavaliers, etc., they’re the diversion.”
“So, do you think there’s more than one person at this?” Jarry asked.
“With as many cars as were stolen and dropped in such a short amount of time each night, and then there’s the ones that were not recovered, it makes me think there were at least four people doing the throw-away cars and at least three on the valuable cars. One person drops them at the car they boost then pick up once they’re ready to ditch the car. The hot cars need more time to scope and plan but that was probably one person dropping off and one doing the boost. Sometimes the drop off is the lookout, but doesn’t have to be. The person doing the boost is probably the one orchestrating this whole plan, too. In a town like this, if they were coming from outside, that would get noticed, so they’re probably a local team.”
“Do you know anyone that looks good for this?” Jarry asked after considering your words.
Of course, Jarry knew it wasn’t you. Either she, or someone from her department, had been watching you since you arrived in Charming, only proving that Happy was right and she had surveillance on the Sons. With that kind of coverage, there was no way it could have been you and Jarry not know. Jarry had worked stolen car cases before and they never really ever got resolved. Those small cases were nothing in comparison to what she had to deal with regarding the high-end cars that were missing. In the case file, she’d included possible suspects for the thefts, all of which had priors for GTA.
“Out of the ones you gave me, only this one looks good,” you handed the mug shot through the bars. “He could be the one good for the high-end cars, maybe even running the show, hard to say. The other ones will be kids, probably no priors, get one of them, they can point you to the leader.”
A few moments passed as Jarry thought over everything you had told her. A look of resignation had crossed her face. She knew with certainty it wasn’t you and it was because she had the surveillance set up. Jarry had thought that when Filip had come back to her, it was because he still cared for her. She’d regretted letting him go and had spent a lot of time trying to get him back. She’d reasoned that the surveillance was necessary for the safety and well-being of the community since SAMCRO had quite the reputation in Charming. If she happened to find out Chibs’ whereabouts as a result, then it was just icing on the cake. You coming into town had thrown a wrench in the works.
“I’ll take all of this now,” she said stiffly. She was not happy at all. The scene that greeted her with the three of them sitting like a picnic pissed her off. Chibs was smiling at the bitch, not like she had said something funny, but like he was…proud of her? But ‘proud’ wasn’t the word. He looked at her with love in his eyes.
You gathered all of the papers and supplies and handed them back to her. It looked like Jarry was about to walk out without another word, but you weren’t that lucky. She stopped just as she got to the doorway and turned back to face you.
“It’ll never work between you two, you know that, right?” she asked plainly.
“Excuse me?” you said. How in the hell would she know?
“You’re too different. If you knew all of the things he’s done for and because of the Sons, you’d run for home right now. He would get calls while he was in bed with me and would go take care of whatever mess your useless cousin got them into, doing whatever it took to clean it up. We could never tie him to anything though. Even so, he’s been in prison for very serious offenses. And you, you’re just a princess with a silver spoon up her ass, moonlighting on the dark-side. Stupid kid stuff when you were younger.” She looked at you with pity.
You couldn’t believe your ears. Her impression of you was completely wrong. You’d stolen everything you could get your hands on up until the incident with Brandon, but you’d always been very careful. Your dad had been very successful as a businessman, but the wealthy part didn’t come until you were almost out of high school. You’d had to work hard for everything you had. You were no stranger to hard work, but you weren’t above taking a five-finger discount.
“Thought you should know before he breaks your heart,” Jarry told you and turned on her heel to leave.
Sitting down on your empty cot, you almost laughed at her assumptions. The container holding the brownie was next to you, calling out to be eaten. Leaning back against the wall, you ate the brownie your sweet boy got you and hoped to hell he called Jack.
“Hey kiddo, how are ya?” Jack answered.
“Is this Jack?” Chibs asked.
There was a pause on the other end, “Aw shit. Is this Chibs? Is she okay?”
“Yes, to both,” he said. “She’s in jail, though. Needs a lawyer, said ta call ye.”
Chibs could hear Jack sigh heavily on the other end, “Tell me everything you know.”
Chibs told him everything about what Jarry had been doing, watching the club, stalking him, the party and what had happened that day.
“Well, sounds like Sheriff Jarry is a clever one, hauling her in on a Sunday,” Jack grumbled. “Alright,” he continued, “I’ll be out as soon as I can. You know I have to tell Debbie, right?”
“I think the lass would prefer ye didn’,” Chibs suggested.
Jack outright laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure she would, but I would prefer to keep my head attached to my shoulders!”
“Shit,” he conceded. “Best o’ luck, bruv. Let me know when ye get in. Need a ride from the airport? I’ll have the lass’s phone.”
“Nah, it’s okay. I have it covered. Thanks, Chibs, see you soon.”
He didn’t know what to do with himself without (Y|N) and while he had to wait for Jack to fly in. It was barely after two on a Sunday afternoon, but he decided to take a chance on going to the clubhouse. There was usually someone in there. He put the phone in his jeans pocket, grabbed his kutte off the peg and made his way down the hall to the clubhouse doors.
Happy and Tig were sitting at a table, drinking beers, listening to classic rock, smoking and bullshitting. He was glad they were there. Tig saw him first.
“CHIBS!” he popped up from his seat and greeted his brother with the customary bro hug complete with the sound of hands slapping on leather backed kuttes. Happy soon followed. Tig grabbed a round of beer and they all sat down at the table.
“What’s goin’ on, Chibs, thought you’d be with that sexy badass gettin’ laid,” Tig asked. “Or did she figure out what a bum you are and ditch you?“
Tig wasn’t too far from the truth. He worried the lass was going to decide he wasn’t worth the trouble anymore. He took a long drink from his beer.
“(Y|N) is in jail. Jarry brought her in for questioning,” Chibs explained.
“What for?” Happy asked, instantly angry.
“Why didn’t she tell Jarry to fuck off?” Tig wanted to know. “Why isn’t she here if it was just questioning?”
“Jarry wanted her to look at a car theft case she’s working, thought the lass could help,” Chibs said.
Tig had a confused look on his face, “Why would (Y|N) be able to help?”
“The lass used to steal cars,” they both were still looking at him with blank expressions. “A lot. Everyday. Only arrested twice. Once on the first time, and once on the last when she wrecked the car. Jarry thought she could look at the case and give her a lead. Told (Y|N) if she didn’t help, she’d press charges.”
Chibs was sure his brothers had seen her leg, at the very least, at the party. It was hard to miss.
“I knew I liked that girl,” Tig said.
“It pissed off the lass something awful, Eglee said. But (Y|N) looked at the case anyway. The cars caught her eye.” Chibs wanted to drink himself into oblivion, but he needed a clear head for when Jack arrived and maybe he’d get to go down to the jailhouse to get (Y|N) out, too.
“So, she looked at the case anyway and Jarry didn’t drop it?” Tig asked.
Happy chimed in, “Want me to get her out, Pres?”
“Yeah Chibs, I don’t have a problem shooting that gash, Jarry. It’ll be fun, like old times,” Tig looked nostalgic.
Chibs considered their offers for a hot minute ultimately deciding against it.
“No,” he shook his head, “the lass needs us on this side o’ the bars.”
Happy sat back in his chair, a disappointed look on his face.
“I want to kill something,” he said.
“I know ye do, bruv,” Chibs empathized. He would have liked to shoot Jarry, too. The lass didn’t deserve being treated the way she was just because she was with him.
“Five years ago, we woulda done it,” Tig mused.
“Aye and five years ago, we would have been in there with her,” Chibs said. “We need to stay clean so we can earn clean. I’m not putting anyone in danger again.”
Bored. To. Tears. You were desperately trying not to over think things, but when you had nothing to do but count the bricks in the wall, your mind wandered (there were 492). Eglee had asked you about any tattoos or distinguishing scars that needed to be documented, which led to more photographs and more questions. You did cut Eglee some slack, she was very nice about how she asked.
Telling the story about how you wrecked the Porsche was easy enough. You had no memory of the actual event, just the burning pain and rehab after. You’d accepted all of the details about what had happened long ago. Bringing up Brandon and what he’d done was completely different and was almost impossible to talk about without being nauseated or crying. You remembered every second of what he did to you. You just let Eglee assume that it was from the crash, just like you let Filip believe the same. The cops had caught Brandon and he went to prison where karma caught up with him.
Eglee probably suspected you weren’t telling her everything but she just let it go. You didn’t want to tell her all of the gory details anyway. There was no way you were going to tell Eglee that part of your life before you told Filip. Lying through your teeth and keeping secrets was always something you’d been good at, but now, after being with Filip, it was like you were finally getting a conscience about it all. It felt wrong not to tell him.
Before Charming, you’d never had a problem being alone. Sitting in your cell, you were feeling very alone and you were lonely for Filip. The last week had been the happiest of your life and it was because of him. The attraction had been immediate, but it was more than just lust, you genuinely liked him and got along with him so well. Being with him was like going home, it was so natural, as if you’d always been together. You’d finally found someone that treated you like a queen, cared about you and it was all in jeopardy.
You leaned back against the cell wall and tried to clear your mind. If Filip called Jack, he would be on his way as soon as he could, you were sure of it, maybe even close to landing. Jack would call your mother, there was no question on that point. He’d been keeping track of you more than just to make sure you were okay. Your mother would have found a way to annoy the hell out of you if Jack hadn’t been the go-between. He was the one that relayed the details to your mother so you didn’t have to.
God, I hope she didn’t come with him, you thought to yourself.
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╯jon bernthal, he/him.╭  ─ get off the street, it’s ( gabriel warshawsky ) ! i heard they’re a ( forty ) year old ( assassin ) in the saints. don’t let that smile fool you, i heard they’re most known to be ( fanatical ); sometimes they can be ( disciplined ) but i hardly doubt it. they seem like they’d be the ( archangel ). 
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hey demons it’s ya boy elliott with another old man! elliott’s old men-- now with more age! anyway this is gabriel warshawsky! he’s got tinnitus & PTSD so you guys are in for a wild ride with this big boy!                       lets back track a bit though, shall we?
first off gabe here comes from a fairly normal household, his father was a lawyer with a big sense of justice and his mother was a homemaker with a massive focus on her family. he has two younger brothers and an older sister, all of them he mostly gets along with, still to this day. however life wasn’t without it’s hiccups. his parents had always been super religious ( jewish ) for one; integrating it into him from a young age. to the point where when gabriel joined up with the military for awhile ( like he joined up pretty young like asap ) he earned the nickname ‘cohen’ ( it’s the jewish word for priest ) he was always reading scripture in his free time and it just kinda stuck. from there gabe sorta developed some bad PTSD from the things he saw and did ( worked in a tanker and boy! did he see some shit ) it’s also what caused his tinnitus ( loud noises without ear protection one 2 many times woops ) and that’s when things started to go downhill, or up hill depending on how one wants to look where it’ll eventually bring us. gabriel got into odd jobs after that, not wanting to depend on his family because his time in the military left him with a macho though guy persona-- fun!
those odd jobs left him to work as a body guard, eventually things get a bit hazy here though for him, something set him off one night and somebody ends up dead, ya dig?! he goes to a mental institution for a hot minute, well more than that but you get the jist.
eventually they let him out, on account of some changes with the system, staff and him seeming low-key much better ( plot twist: he’s not but he is on medicine now for his PTSD so there’s that ) so he’s back at square one but worse off ( sorta ), his family wanted him to come live with them but he doesn’t, assures them he’ll be fine-- he isn’t and that leads him down the rabbit hole that is assassin work through an old military buddy who’s APPARENTLY doing that now, wow the more u know. at first he doesn’t want to, mostly because ya know the whole religion dealio and his guilt over killing someone innocent, he justifies it by saying he’ll only kill bad people; much like he justified his time in the military-- he ‘only’ killed bad people.
at some point he’s sorta forgotten his reasoning for starting assassin work in the first place and now he just is stuck in a rut where he can’t stop??? it’s around this time that he hooked up with the saints, he’s only been with them for like three years but it’s chill. he kinda keeps to himself ( beyond a handful of people ) but he’s known as being nice for the most part when he actually gets to talking to folks.
gabe is bicurious despite his v religious background, he’s keeping it on the dl because he’s lowkey ashamed and scared who woulda thought gabe actually scared of something. wow.
his apartment is super bare, he hardly has anything in it beyond what he needs, what does he do with his money you ask-- saves it. he wants to retire and live a quiet life eventually maybe of a farm??? he hasn’t really thought much about it save for knowing he doesn’t want this life forever. he hasn’t thought much on the fact you don’t usually leave gangs alive either. BUT YEAH, gabe is v frugal.
he was engaged once before he went to prison, the girl left him for her ex and it took everything in him not to kill the guy.
gabe is actually v sweet??? like he’s got this macho guy persona ofc but overall he’s a big softie, like tough guy with a heart of actual gold. he’s not soft enough to like cry and shit tho most of the time, so don’t expect him to be that soft. he is quiet though so don’t expect him to be the one to talk a lot. 
he struggles with religion but it’s also been his only real comfort in life. he doesn’t always follow it like he should and uses it as more of a scapegoat than anything else.
he loves the 212 and they’ve helped get his head on straight surprisingly, he’s been better than he’s been in years.
he doesn’t like being an assassin but it’s a job and it doesn’t bother him nearly as much as he wishes it did. 
his PTSD isn’t as bad as it used to be, he takes sertraline ( medication ) for it now and while in the mental institution was in therapy.
gabe wears sunglasses a lot, even at night because he’s a total dork.
gabe has tinnitus, meaning he hears a constant ringing sound in his ears, he drowns it out with music ( usually from ipods he’s kinda stolen from people ) because of the tinnitus when he does jobs he usually has music playing in his ears thanks to headphones, he’s also pretty good at reading lips so many times even if he’s looking like he’s not paying attention he is.he totally picks out specific songs/ipods for the jobs he does to help his dissociate.
honestly he’s just trying to find anything to make him feel like himself again??? aka the good ol’ boy who wanted to be a decent person, fight for his country and pray lots; like his family had believed him to be. but he doesn’t even know if he can be that person again, so really he just wants to feel happy again like outside his actual family because that’s too much pressure to disappoint. 
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