#i just wanna believe that people are good and they just do shitty things sometimes
stubbornflood · 2 years
i wish i could time travel and grab my younger self by the hand and say please don’t give multiple chances to shitty people come on girl we gotta go
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plutonianeris · 9 months
pick a pile: how does this new love feel like a fairytale? ⛓️💗
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this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Interpret & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. messages can be either from you, them or both🍒
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile one
right off the bat this is someone whose been eyeing you for a while. they could be the type that stare in awe at the pictures you post on social media “so pretty” or when they met you that have that immediate attraction.. “who is that?” lol them asking their friends when you walk in. this honestly feels like a fairytale because theyve been wanting you for a while but theyve been super patient i heard “no hard feelings” theyre actually so sweet (im getting water sign suns: cancer, pisces, scorpio energy oop 🙈).
like they have no problem admiring you from afar at alllll. they are mesmerized by you. and honestly they could have been a little toxic before meeting you (not abusive, but someone unable to share their emotions in a healthy way). it seems like they dont want u to see them in the shades and shadows of their trauma, wounds, healing. for them you are the light at the end of that tunnel. i heard “my day was pretty shitty until you showed up” they are willing to work hard for you. they are also very attractive & in an unconventional way (unique hair, being really tall, tattoos, something like that makes them stand out especially in their friend group).
💌letter from their pov;
I know you dont need me. you dont really look like the type to depend on anyone. I can see it in the way you eye people, especially men, with suspicion. you question my motives and thats fair. when youre that beautiful and charming, theres bound to be people that just want to use you. that are dying to be in you energy just to get the chance to say they were in your presence. i dont wanna be like that. i dont wanna be another read message in your phone. i dont wanna be another face that disappears in the crowd for you. and i know you feel that way too. that the worst thing for you isnt to be talked about. its to be ignored. its to be underestimated. trust me when i say since the moment i laid eyes on you, i never once doubted you. i know you are capable of bringing men to their knees with your eyes. i know that your laugh makes my pulse speed up. i know that you make me feel special. and sometimes i get jealous, wondering if you make other people feel that way too. I want to give you the whole world if you just let me.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile two
this new love feels like a fairytale because this happened in the moment when you’re least expecting it and also after you’re recovering from something. Whether it be a relationship break up with a partner or you just changing things in your life, like moving to a different neighborhood or no longer believing in certain things that were very important in your belief systems in the past. this is like a prince or princess, waiting to rescue you. At first, though it seems like you’re suspicious of this energy. You could find that they are way too good with their words. “too good to be true” “I bet you say that to all the girls/guys” energy. but honestly, it seems like you’re the only one that can keep up with them. You don’t give into them like other people do, and they constantly want to impress you by telling you random facts or teaching you about some thing they learned abroad or when traveling.
I am getting a sense that they are very flirty, but with other people it never goes past that it’s just something they do in the moment or theyre just really playful. But even as they’re talking to someone else, their eyes can’t seem to leave you even if you’re across the room. You like your routine and consistency so changing things about your own life is hard, much less accepting other people in. So when they flirt with you, you might not immediately flirt back. you might roll your eyes, but you can’t help but smile when they turn away. you could be someone with earth placements, especially capricorn or virgo. They give off a lot of mischievous energy. This other person could have a gemini placement, third house placements or ninth house placements (if ur into astro).
💌letter from their pov;
Relationships have never really been a priority for me. I mean, cmon I'm young. Isn't it the whole point to experience as much as I can? I know other people have things to say about me.. maybe I lead some people on. Maybe sometimes you feel that way too. But I promise it's not really like that. Well, with you, it isn't. I'm just inexperienced. And I guess that doesn't really stop me from flirting so much and being so cocky…But the truth is I crave your attention badly. You look like you really know what you want in life. And for me, that's all I ever wanted. Because when you know what you want, you get it. and thats when you really start living. After that, even our mistakes are our own and beautiful and intimate in their own way. I see the weariness in your eyes when you look at me. I know you're wondering if I am even worth your time. I promise I am. I promise I can be. And if I'm not, then you can just never speak to me right then and there, I swear. But I know there's more than weariness in your gaze as well. I know you are just as curious about me as I am about you.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile three
This love feels like a dark romance. This pile is not as lighthearted as the previous two at all. It feels like a fairytale in that "magical" sense though because it will feel like love at first sight. You both will feel immediately physically attracted to the other but what makes it even more intense is that at first no one seems to be able to make the first move. It might seem too good to be true to the point where you don't even wanna disturb the "illusion." You dont wanna burst the bubble. Also, the magnetic attraction you feel/ that slow burn makes it even more desirable for both of you. In synastry, you both might have a lot of conjunctions (especially with pluto, moon, and mars). I also pulled north node synastry as well (and this synastry makes it feel like you're meant to be aka its destiny. but its also uncomfortable). "I have never felt like this before" energy.
Honestly, I see this pile as being able to go both ways and it can easily make you feel heartbroken. You might have venus-pluto placements yourself or 8th house placements or they do. When you are together though, you both hate when other people interrupt. You love your alone time. It feels really good. This pile is all about intense eye contact, glancing down at each others lips, meeting in secret, getting jealous when other people try to talk to the other, hands brushing as you walk but never fully touching. But then devouring each other when alone (if you both end up trusting each other when to get there because, again, one of you or both are hesitating). If you open your heart and learn to trust and communicate in a healthy manner, it could be a life changing connection.
💌letter from their pov;
It feels wrong to fantasize about you the way I do. But I can't really help it. I think about the way your back would feel arched under my palm. your lips on mine, tongues meeting, teeth clashing. I look at your hands and imagine them gripping the sheets at the same time I grip your thighs. It feels wrong that these are things that have crossed my mind since I first met you. sometimes I try to lie to myself. Tell myself that maybe im not really that into you. but its such bullshit. even then, theres the what if. what if. what if. it looks like every odds are against us. we are complete opposites. it might never work. but im willing to take that risk. im willing to bet on us. even if it falls apart. but judging from the way you freeze up when we make eye contact I know its far beyond that. I know you felt it too. the day we met, how you paused. i know that we would love hard. and fall harder. and if it doesnt work out, it would be devastating. and yet, i would still decide to do it all over again. and you would too. life is too short. I dont want us to be a what-if.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
ummmm found this on tiktok
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look I try not to judge some rando's opinion on the Internet but idk... why do you even want to make that kind of oc? I sometimes just think this is probably some edgy teen phase believing serial killers are cool and shit. maybe I just don't have the sadistic weird mindset they have to like this sort of shit. I genuinely never find that kind of oc amazing to make. like why tiktok why tf you show me more of this stupid hazbin shit?
I literally abandoned my own oc who's a chainsmoker cus I realized oh yeah smoking is bad, like actually bad to your body and the environment around you. I longer see it as a thing to show your oc is badass by smoking it.
also the last part... can we stop pretending the moth bitch was a good pimp villain. the first time we see him, he's treated like he's a goofy villain who whines Angel Dust ran away from him in a "funny" pompous tone. I hate that stupid moth wanna rip off his wings and burn him with a magnifying glass.
i wish hazbin hotel was never made so these edgy losers would never come out of their hiding to like this ugly slop and harass people who don't like this fugly shitty mess
I think people should be allowed to write characters that are rapists, pedophiles, serial killers, chain smokers, and puppy botherers. Storytelling is a fundamental human need and not all stories are fun ones. Valentino's existence isn't the problem.
The problem is that Valentino isn't an OC anymore, he's a character in a show on Amazon Prime with a heavy following of actual children. He's a part of the professional work that Viv makes her actual living off of. That means a completely different set of rules applies, and people can and should consider whether this silly clown that Viv very openly views as a goofy babygirl is a depiction of a rapist they're comfortable with.
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casanovawrites · 11 days
random sentence prompts   ━ from various tv shows, part 13
i need a life away from death.
you are so cute when you theorize.
i’m kidding myself to believe you’re really open to being with someone as open as me.
i think it might be too late for you.
not a lot of people wanted to take a shot on me right now.
i don’t date. i don’t even know where to start.
fuck what you wanted.
you have a gun. why won’t you use it?
there she is. there’s the fucking killer.
i’m so done with trying to be more. 
you raised me from the dead.
everyone wanted to get out of here. you at least had a shot.
i’ll figure something out. but i’ll figure it out alone.
i’m uninterested in letting the past define me.
i’m not gonna ask you for help. i’m not gonna ask you for anything.
you know i wouldn’t say no. not to you.
will you two just make out already? get it over with.
we do not have to stay here.
i don’t wanna be me anymore. 
i am so sorry, but i need your help.
i feel like i’m hanging on by a thread here.
this will be so fun. a little slumber party.
we’ve both done terrible things, but we’ve done them for each other.
can’t tell if it’s been 20 minutes or 8 hours.
when it really comes down to it, you’re like… wallpaper.
are you mad at me now?
we don’t have to be friends for me to make sure you’re okay.
don’t you just assume that i’ll go along with whatever you say.
i never really thought of us as a “we.”
if i’m the right person, i think it’s supposed to be easy.
closing your eyes to reality doesn’t change anything, it just makes you blind.
we’re just two tired, shitty people who needed to feel something.
i don’t think he’s ever talked to a woman in a hoodie before.
i’m not gonna make you pay rent. i kicked you out.
you’ve got your own life, and i’m taking up too much space in it.
you can’t rise above something if it’s eating you up inside.
up until 20 minutes ago, i didn’t know i liked you.
i’ve never been confused about the fact that i’m a piece of shit.
does that make her a murderer, or just… quirky?
so i’m not normal because i want to live my life the way i want to?
turns out i’m actually good at doing terrible things to people who have it coming to them.
sometimes taking the high road is overrated. especially if it’s driving you crazy.
you keep coming back alive, don’t you?
if this is you broken, stay broken. 
maybe we can die alone together.
i’ve done some shit. i’m like a monster now. i hurt people. 
i just risk everything, so that afterwards, when it’s done, i just die alone.
you think i can pull off big and violent?
can we just talk for a minute and i’ll fuck off after if you want?
i am realizing i used to think you were kind of stupid.
what the hell are you supposed to do if you can’t close your eyes and picture a better life?
do you ever think about trying to have just a little bit of fun?
i just need to be depressed and alone.
i was in some sort of delusional state last year.
it’s only when you’re alone that the real haunting begins.
i’m just here because i’m so fucking supportive.
oh, i see. you’re funny all the time now.
something great happened to me, and that’s all i care about.
i think you know i think you’re pretty.
from where i’m sitting, you wanted someone to listen and nod and agree with you.
do not fucking follow me.
you can’t live in fear. you gotta be honest with yourself.
i’m always impressed with how you can make nothing to do with you all about you.
we’re in that mutually assured destruction territory now, yeah? 
actually, i just wasn’t having any fun.
just take care of yourself. alright? and i’ll do the same.
we’ll be depressed together because i am not leaving you here alone.
i had a stupid fight with someone.
basically, i was embarrassed.
you blew up my life. was that just for fun?
i’m trying to be less of an idiot now.
if you do not stop smiling at me like that, then i’m gonna have to kiss you. 
are you gonna be this romantic all year?
like it or not, you have a way of bringing people together.
what scares me even more is that i need you.
why don’t we just be scared together?
i think… i think i cheated.
today’s the worst day that i’ve had in a decade.
fuck that, i am not leaving you here.
i’m always ready to lie to an adult.
you’re only honest when it serves you. 
i don’t have the energy to pretend to be nice.
damn, you make it hard not to love you.
sometimes looking the part is more important than what’s really going on.
so if we hate each other so much, then why do we keep ending up in the same fucking room?
i am a walking shit show. i’ve let people down multiple times.
that kiss was just me fucking things up like i always do. nothing more.
there’s so much anger between us. maybe that’s how it’s always gonna be.
you don’t know me like that.
are you always this fucking helpful?
your skin glows like your heart holds a piece of the sun.
do you always change the subject when things get complicated?
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Been thinking a lot about bojack horseman and resident evil; their similarities (which is really just me psychoanalyzing everything lmao) So here are a few quotes that remind me of each resident evil character
(kinda wanna do one of just Leon because a lot of the show reminds me of him)
Leon Kennedy: "Usually when someone ask me how I'm doing, the real answer is I'm doing shitty. But I can't say I'm doing shitty cause I don't even have a good reason to be doing shitty. So, if i say I'm doing shitty, they're like, why what's wrong? And I have to be like, I don't know... all of it? So instead, when people ask me how I'm doing, I say I'm doing so great."
Ada Wong: "All I know about being good, I learned from TV. And in TV, flawed characters are constantly showing people that they care with these surprising grand gestures. And I think that a part of me still believes that's what love is. But in real life, the big gesture isn't enough. You need to be consistent, you need to be dependably good. You can't just screw everything up and then take a boat out into the ocean to save your best friend, or solve a mystery, and fly to Kansas. You need to do it everyday, which is so... hard."
Chris Redfield: "In this terrifying world, all we have are the connections we make."
Claire Redfield: "I don't believe in deep down. I kinda think that all you are is just the things that you do."
Jill Valentine: "When you get sad, you run straight ahead, and you keep running forward no matter what. There are people in your life who are gonna try to hold you back, slow down, but you don't let them. Don't you ever stop running and don't you ever look behind you. There is nothing for you behind you. All that exists is what's ahead."
Carlos Oliveira: "You can't save everyone, because some people will thrash and struggle, and bring you down with them."
Ethan Winters: "I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever."
Ashley Graham: "Sometimes life a bitch and you keep living."
Rebecca Chambers: "It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day - that's the hard part. But it does get easier."
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drop-dead-dropout · 4 months
Fuck's a pro shipper?
We've got a new one boys try not to scare em off /j
Okay but seriously, I'm more than happy to explain. I assume that if you're asking this question you're not aware of the proshipper vs antishipper, uh, "conflict", I guess. So, here is what both of those terms mean, to the best of my descriptive abilities:
Antishipper (often just "anti"): someone who vaguely believes that consuming problematic fiction (usually specifically problematic sexual fiction like lolicon or incest) is either a true reflection of them as a person or a corrupting force that will cause them to play out these desires in real life, onto real people. Basically, if you read age gap, you touch real kids in real life or secretly want to.
Proshipper (sometimes "profic"): someone who does not believe the above, and believes that fiction is not the same as reality because it doesn't harm anyone and therefore people should be left alone as long as you have no reason to believe that they would ever do something like that irl. Often hand in hand with things like anti censorship, kink positive, etc, though being a proshipper does not necessarily mean you have a problematic ship or kink yourself (example: me).
You're probably asking this question because you saw me day in my bio that I am a proshipper. I've tried to stay neutral in this initial description, but obviously I probably didn't manage to be completely unbiased considering that I believe myself to be right (most people do) so if you want to ask further questions after this that's perfectly fine. That being said:
Why am I a proshipper?
So, to understand this, let's first look over the issues within both communities— every group has issues, after all.
What problems do proshippers have?:
- sometimes 4chan assholes co-opt the label "proshipper" just because they're lolicons, even though there's good evidence to suggest that they would do or even have done criminal sexual acts in real life, or that they possess actual csam (child sexual abuse material, a term being used in favor of "cp" these days as porn implies consent). Proshipping has nothing to do with the harmful idea that you should be allowed to exploit and abuse real children.
- there are still many gray areas which proshippers themselves don't agree on. For example: I've seen a bunch of arguments about if writing fanfiction of live action shows or movies changes the equation. The general consensus of proshippers is that writing fanfiction of a character played by a child actor is definitely a more delicate situation and should not be sexual as it's inextricably tied to the image of a real child, but there are others who believe differently.
- I'm genuinely struggling to come up with more of these. Um, sometimes lolicons are really shitty people, like in point 1. This isn't SUPER relevant though cause in reality the overlap between predominantly queer or female proshippers and Reddit incels who just wanna jerk off to a petite anime girl is pretty small, though I'm sure it exists somewhere .
Now, what problems do antis have? (Fair warning, this is gonna sound even more "biased" but I hope my logic is still sound from the outside :p):
- I don't have any statistics on this (haven't exactly been many research papers on fandom drama), so you're going to have to trust me when I say that antis are absolutely NOTORIOUS for extreme harassment campaigns. The first time I was exposed to the word "antishipper", it was attached to a story of a former animator committing suicide because antis had gotten them fired by "exposing" their porn alt on Twitter and they could no longer afford medication for their disability. So, hell of an intro!
- their opinions are, in pretty basic ways, not backed by science or even practical common sense. The human brain can distinguish between fiction and reality after around age four or five
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and people certainly aren't trying to hand nsfw content to children that age so I think it's safe to say that the people who are reading these things won't be "confused" by them or whatever. Also, even just using your brain and talking to these people, you find out most of them project onto the YOUNGER character.
- they claim to support victims but often simply don't. I won't keep dragging threats into the spotlight because I know there are probably antis who aren't as violent, but it's honestly astonishing to me how often they jump straight to wishing death and terrible things on people, and this has included more than once telling a rape victim they hope they get assaulted again just because they're a proshipper. See, a lot of these "taboo" sexual fantasies like age gap and incest actually themselves stem from a traumatic experience, and any therapist will tell you that fiction is a much healthier way to explore intrusive thoughts and urges than more dangerous coping mechanisms like self harm or substance abuse. And when confronted with this, in my experience and many others', antis will simply ignore that fact or say that the therapist is some sort of evil enabler.
-the general cognitive dissonance of believing an incest fanfiction will make you "forget" that incest is bad vs being fine with horror movies and slashers speaks to a deeper and honestly kind of worrying anti-sex mindset. I'm not sure I'm qualified to tackle this particular topic, but I definitely agree that it's a thing; after all, I have no idea how else those two things could coexist.
Anyways, I'd like to close this off by saying not everyone is as crazy opinionated as I am, I'm just autistic and like talking lol. A lot of people who id as proshippers just have a sort of minding their own business, ship-and-let-ship mentality, and a lot of antis are unfortunately just teenagers who were told proshipper = evil pedophile groomer and thus they put "proship dni" in their bios just cause they don't know and don't really care what it means. It is undeniable that many antis are kids themselves, and that does worry me, because fandom drama (especially Twitter fandom drama) is dangerous and vitriolic and also they're putting extremely serious threats on their digital footprints at the tender age of 14! But whatever, I'm not their parents, that's just my worry. Sorry for rambling this long lol, I wouldn't blame you if you dropped out halfway through but this is basically my summary of this whole thing. Do with this knowledge what you will! Or, you know, don't! I'm not a cop!
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wilcze-kudly · 25 days
do you find it odd azula basically did everything zuko did ( he burnt down a village, she seized ba sing se, they both tried to kill aang multiple times) and wasn’t afforded a redemption( like mai and ty lee who helped in everything she did and this are also culpable ) despite being redeemable ( caring for ty lee as shown by her apology in the beach episode) and was also younger than everyone else and very mentally and abused but somehow kuvira the facist is redeemable and so is ursa who neglected azula?
I do think about that anon I think about it a lot.
I want to say that the reason Zuko got a redemption arc is because we were following him from the beginning of the series and he had time to grow. I have also heard that there was a plan for Azula to get a redemption arc but it never came to fruition.
However when looking purely at the canon material we see that Azula had virtually no support network other than two other teenage girls who were scared of her and also struggling with their own shit, she spent at least 3 years with her only family member being her abusive dad who molded her into a weapon. Like did we really expect her to turn out as anything else?
On the other hand we have Zuko, whom we see do horrible thing, but he has a supportive (and also enabling tbh) uncle, who helps him through these dark times. Zuko has a support system, he gets chances that Azula never got. His banishment was awful, but I think it also saved him in the long run because he was able to free himself from Ozai's direct influence.
Azula never got the chances Zuko did, ironically due to her talents, and because she succeeded where he did not. Being a "good daughter" was a death sentece for her morality.
And I don't want to say that Azula is purely a victim, and that she's a good person. She's not. She has her kind behaviours but she has done awful things. But so has Zuko. Azula was just better at it lol.
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When it comes to Ursa, I have mixed feelings about her. I try to stave away my biases against Ursa, but she reminds me very much of my own mother (if you wanna know what type of woman my mom is just mix Ursa and Lin Beifong, and add in Catholicism.). So Ursa kinda makes my skin crawl.
I think Ursa is a very good deduction of a victim, but it comes at the cost of her being a good mother. I think her situation made it difficult for her to parent both her children, hence the gross favouritism towards Zuko. It sometimes feels like Azula was a sort of 'sacrificial lamb' that Ursa allowed Ozai to influence, which let her focus all her attention on Zuko.
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And once again, it's hard to blame Ursa fully for her behaviours, due to the strenuous, horrifif position she was in. I want to believe that she did her best, even if she made the occasional mistake.
I think her behaviour in the Search, while shitty, is also at least semi realistic due to her abuse and the awful frame of mind she was in at the time.
This does not really decrease the effect her behaviours have had on Azula, and we should take them into account, even if we don't fully blame Ursa for them. Ursa isn't a bad person, she's someone forced into an awful situation, where it would be impossible for her to take an objectively perfect action. That doesn't mean that she didn't massively drop the ball on Azula.
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As for Kuvira, it's honestly really funny to compare Azula and Kuvira. Azula is 14 and has no support system and a controlling abusive father. She is a pawn to Ozai. A talented, brilliant pawn, but a pawn nonetheless.
Kuvira is an adult woman, at least early to mid twenties by my estimate. She had a support system which she handily rejected, probably due to her past traumas. She created her Empire and led it. She had all the cards in this situation.
So why is Kuvira more deserving of redemption?
I think honestly the reason Kuvira got a redemption arc and Azula didn't has more to do with the people around them, especially their mothers, or mother figure in the case of Kuvira.
Azula has no support system, and her mother always treated her like the problem. Ursa's treatment would favour Zuko, the "model" child, over Azula, the "problem" child.
While Kuvira had a support system. It wasn't perfect, but the Beifongs, particularly Suyin clearly cared for her. Also, Suyin was extremely lax in her treatment of Kuvira. Suyin's parenting actually favoured Kuvira, the "problem" child, over, for example Opal, the "model" child.
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I think Suyin and Ursa can be posited as opposites, in a way. Ursa seemed to have grown up in a very loving household, but was forced to raise her children in an abusive environment. On the other hand, Suyin grew up in a neglectful, if not abusive household, but managed to create a loving, safe environment for her children.
Ursa sees Ozai, a man whk hurt her, in Azula, and Ikem, a man she loves, in Zuko, to the point where she even lied about Zuko being Ikem's son, which put Zuko in actual danger.
Suyin probably sees herself in Kuvira, they have plenty of parallels between each other. Of course she'd be kinder to Kuvira. Kindness and forgiveness probably saved Suyin's life.
And in the end, Ursa cannot give Azula the love she's craved for so long. While Suyin openly embraces Kuvira, for better or worse.
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When we see what characters receieved redemption arcs over Azula, the pattern quickly emerges:
Zuko had Iroh and Ursa, Kuvira had Suyin and the Beifongs.
Azula only had an abusive dad and friends who were scared of her and who probably couldn't help her even if they wanted to.
It's a shitty way to treat characters we know deserve better, but it's also sadly realistic. Shitty people with support networks, with people willing to bat for them are more likely to "get better". And shitty people who are on their own, or surrounded by other shitty people... they have to stew in their misery and shittiness.
I hope Azula gets her redemption arc. But I don't think she ever will, because the only person who seemed genuinely kind to her in the comics was Aang, but I think she's much too fargone at this point to even care or see it as genuine. It would take a really long, intricate comic novel or series to even start on Azula's journey, and I don't know if the creators of Avatar are willing to put the time, effort and money into that.
Damn that was depressing.... oh well, back to ye ol'e Azula is the Shaman from tlok theory because that at least gives me hope lol.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Proxies with a fem reader going to a pumpkin patch so she can pick out her pumpkin? :>
Proxies and Fem!Reader going to a pumpkin patch!
obligatory toby is platonic but tbh i dont think romance ties too much into these specific hcs also i havent been to a pumpkin patch in years so im really scraping my brain trying to remeber what people do asides pick pumpkins...and google... a lot of google... i admit i had to fight myself not to make this a group thing where it's all together but im 80% sure you wanted these separate no unique gifs for each character, too eepy (its 6am rn and i couldnt sleep for the life of me SOBS)
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I feel like out of the three he's probably going to give the most resistance, he just doesn't like being around where loads of people may be; too much noise you know? But with enough coaxing and reassurance I do believe you can convince him to tag along
Most straight forward about it, wants it to be in and out, so he kinda beelines and tries to find a pair of pumpkins that'll do
"Babe... those ones are too small to carve..." "They're. Average."
Sorry I had to make that joke
Out of all the activities there you might get him to sit down for a hayride if it's not too too packed!
Overall it's an okay experience, but really this guy would prefer the pumpkin carving at home after the fact; out on a porch sitting next to one another, alone in comfortable silence! He saves the seeds to make into snacks later
A little more willing to go out! I feel like he's the easiest in terms of talking into stuff! As long as it's not anything dangerous he's more than willing to spend time with you.... all the better to keep his eye on you.. both in a cute aww he wants to protect you way and a creepy way but hey that's creepypasta for you
If they're offering shitty quickly constructed rides count him in, he's going to be the one dragging you!
While I'm not sure what rides would be there I'm sure there'd be but you're gonna be there for way longer than originally planned
Saving this for another day but Ferris Wheel trope where it gets stuck, one of y'all totally shouldn't send in a character for me to do that for wink wink nudge nudge
Probably the most emotive you see Hoodie, ever, it's actually a little jarring at first but it's cute in it's own way that he's getting all hyped up over some rides
overall? y'all forget to actually. pick pumpkins so you guys have to almost immediately return to go browse at the pumpkins that remain. Does the thing where you knock on produce to make sure it sounds right. Does he know what he's going or what he's looking for? No clue but hey there's that mental image, Hoodie kneeling down on the ground, head pressed against a pumpkin and tapping it
Ticci Toby:
Pretends to not wanna go but really he's totally fucking stoked that you wanna go somewhere with him, him? like him him? Toby? Well if you insist-
That bit sounded mean but I believe Toby feels.... I don't know how to put it but like I think it's because he used to be bullied and left out that he still gets a little surprised when you willingly invite him to hang out; not that he's complaining though
Haunted corn maze. This fucker beelines for the corn maze. You have lost your silly friend with an affinity for collecting empty snail shells (hc)
Good luck trying to find him, if it's one of those mazes with scare actors he's not going to flinch or scream so there goes your audio cue
Eventually you do find him though! So it's not totally disastrous! It just takes you upwards of fifteen minutes because you yourself got lost before looping back to the entrance, only to find this little shit sitting right by the entrance
Seriously how the fuck did he do that?
No clue
You know how sometimes pumpkins are bumpy or a lil... off looking? Leave it to this fucker to make several jokes about how they look, primarily ragging on the bumpier ones
"Hey look, it looks like you" "shut the fuck up"/j
Generally a very good time as long as you ignore the small heart attack you got when Toby disappeared! Good luck cleaning the mess after carving up your pumpkins
He probably tries to see what the guts taste like
idk what raw pumpkin guts taste like
not sure if its any good because ive only tried pre canned pumpkin puree and used it for baking so idk if it tastes good straight from the source
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yuimatsumatsuno · 5 months
hi there! May i req a matsu brothers x a younger adopted sister? Ofc this is gonna be platonic, hcs pls! Thank you have a wonderful day! (U can do this later or delete if u dont feel like u wanna do this ^^)
hi hii! :33 thanks for the request, I really like this idea <3
Matsuno siblings x adopted little sister s/o
TW//CW: ???
Tumblr media
Osomatsu is a typical older brother. He jokes about you a lot and treats you like a small child, not paying attention to your age. But still, he is much softer towards you than towards the rest of his siblings. He can be very clingy and even annoying, constantly trying to hug or touch your cheeks. there is a feeling that he is jealous of your other brothers, so he tries to spend as much time with you as possible in order to show himself as a “cool older brother.” in fact, he doesn’t care that you are adopted, he considers you part of his family and is ready to protect you just as much as the others.
Karamatsu loves you VERY MUCH. He was delighted when he found out that he was going to have a little sister. always tries to show himself as a “protector” around you, although he does it as stupidly as possible. He treats you like a princess, dresses you up in beautiful clothes, paints your nails and does your hair. If you have a hard time sleeping at night, he will offer to lie next to you and sing you a lullaby (which will make your ears bleed, but he really tries his best..). Consults you about his clothes, asking for your opinion. sees in you a small creature that he is obliged to protect.
Choromatsu seems quite strict. Monitors your studies, cleanliness in the room and behavior, not allowing you to say even mild curses. But in fact he really loves you and just doesn’t know how to show it. Allowing you to read his mangas (SAFE ONLY, he hides any porn mangas from you), takes you with him to Nya chan’s concerts and sometimes allows you to play with his anime figurines. He believes that the rest of Matsuno are a bad influence on you, especially Osomatsu, so he tries to spend more time with you than they do.
it looks like Ichimatsu doesn't care about you, but that's not true at all. At first, he didn’t even come close to you, nervously peeking from the corner and avoiding, as if afraid to scare you away. but if you take the initiative into your own hands, you can easily make friends with him. You are one of the few people with whom he likes to spend time and with whom he is comfortable, together with you he looks for cats on the street and offers to feed them. Thinks he's a shitty big brother, but he really tries to be nice to you.
Jyushimatsu considers you his best friend! Seriously, you guys have been together since the first day you crossed the threshold of the apartment. When he wakes up, the first thing he does is run to wake you up, shouting “y/n-nisaan!!!!! get up!!!! get up!!!! Good morning!!! let's go!!!! Y/N-NISAAN!!!!!” tugging and lifting from bed. Since he has no one to play with, he teaches you baseball, rejoicing at your success and showing you what he can do. He talks to you a lot, telling you all his thoughts and listening to you carefully. He is pleased that he finally has a sibling with whom he is so close friends besides Ichimatsu.
Todomatsu adore you very much. He is glad that now in their house there are not only stupid virginal degenerates, but also a sweet little sister. Loves to dress you up in cute outfits or wear his hats on you. He takes you with him to cafes or dates, which is why many girls are touched by you and want to communicate with Todomatsu more, which is why he always takes you with him. Among all the siblings with you, he is the softest and kindest. (smells like sibling favoritism)
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Hi I've had an influx of followers again so I wanna say hi and tell y'all a little what I'm about.
So hi, I'm decol. I'm a grown Ojibwe leftist living with my trans gf and my kid ❤️
You may have noticed I posted a lot of politics. Lately it's been Free Palestine but thats because it became my new normal. Before I became so focused on Palestinians liberation tho, I posted a lot more other things. Human rights, trans rights, women's rights, Im mentally ill and AuDHD and post about mental illness stigma, landback, calling out white supremacy, decolonization, etc. My blog has been political for along time but always on the side of human rights and fighting oppression. But that's just liberal stuff. What makes me a leftist is that I don't believe states or borders are good for people.
Let's get into why that is.
I support life and believe that a state or government fundamentally opposes life.
I also support whatever means necessary the oppressed seek to gain freedom. I don't think it's my place or anyone else's to say liberation can only look one way. Especially when it's often from privilege and a myopic view of comfort that most us speak.
There wouldn't be so many people being oppressed if there weren't so many people dedicated to their own comfort instead of liberation. Nobody should have to Vote to have human rights and if in fact any oppressed people had allies we would not have had to march for them either. We shouldn't have to earn our human rights from a majority that didn't want us to vote in the first place and nobody should have to do it now.
I think voting therefore is also a fundamentally flawed system that no amount of voting blue will change because it is not the Votes that must change, but the people who are casting them. It's the people in the majority who are not demanding equality and the people in the majority who are leaving others to fight for themselves.
But I do unfortunately live in a society that continues to use and weaponize that system anyway for their bi-annual puppet theater where they watch BIPOC fight and bid on who will give us more rights .
I think few people see this for what it is and even less are willing to demand the change necessary to give all people a proper and equal voice. Such is the nature of the majority is it not? They may pretend to hate injustice but remember that myopic view of comfort they have? Injustice is included with it, free of charge.
So yeah, you will see me advocate for certain things on this blog that may contradict the views I've stated at first glance. But It's just me working within the framework that I have been given.
For example I'll push for presidential candidates despite the fact that I support Landback and believe voting is flawed and the country is fascist. Because I know we are far from an organized revolution full of intersectional solidarity and realistically I must work within the framework I have. Which is a shitty voting system and a population who doesn't even fully realize why it's so shitty.
Or you'll see me support violence when I support saving lives. And that's because I also believe the language of the oppressor is violence and likewise that anyone who's ever tried catering to their "better conscience" has found that oppression wouldn't exist if the oppressors had a conscience to appeal to. Violence is the answer sometimes and I've found that sometimes it's the only answer that a state will understand.
To that end...I don't want to hear about any state military anywhere. Every single military on earth has done some seriously fucked up shit. I know this. You know this. I don't support any military anywhere. Period.
I don't think anyone is innocent either. As I've gotten older I've realized it's been made clear that race and religion are part of everything including our headlines today and that's it's been that way for a long time. Even freedom and liberation and oppression have been racialized and as a native 'leftist extremist' I've seen that firsthand. I've learned that both sides will lie to make the other look bad without taking accountability for whatever awful thing they did themselves.
Power corrupts. And it's why I support principles and ideas behind a movement and not necessarily the specific people of it or even the movement itself and it's why I will ALWAYS disregard any attempt to undermine a movement because the people leading it were found to have flaws. Of course they did. And of course they're being politicized. Such is the reality of the Us vs Them political landscape. Anything to make the other guy look bad.
It's up to us who were going to stand behind despite their flaws. It's up to us to decide what principles matter to us. And I refuse to let perfection be the enemy of progress. Because I understand a lot of people in 2024 have been spoon fed puritan ideas that have made them believe most movements are not good enough to support. Either they don't follow their ideology perfectly or their tactics are too aggressive or their goals are "unrealistic." It's always something.
I don't subscribe to this puritan 2.0 logic. Nor do I believe that it should apply to everyone. I didn't ask to be held under a microscope for example. I'm just a Tumblr blogger. Yeah I blog about a lot of politics and such but that's because I like politics and such lol I'm not a representation of anything but myself, but you'll find I too have been politicized in ongoing race and theological wars. "Why would you say x if you support y?" says anon in another attempt to make all supporters of Y look unreliable and bad for their opinions on X. As if my singular bad opinion is somehow a representation of everyone else who supports Y and not just my opinion specifically on x.
I also want to be very clear that I'm still learning :)
I don't know everything about everything yet and as such I'm sure I'll fuck up or say the wrong things or use the wrong terminology sometimes.
Please just give me a heads up. Don't be a puritan about it and make a whole post about how ignorant and harmful I am or something, especially when it's been made clear my intentions are not to offend or exclude anyone and I would Never intentionally do anything like that.
I try to educate myself on topics before I speak about them but lots of the things I discuss on my blog require a lot of knowledge to be spoken on in confidence. I am often not confident lol. As a native tho it annoys me to no end when people use the excuse that "well I didn't know enough about the topic so I stayed silent and didn't share opinions on it at all ever" because that's also a puritan act thats detrimental to movement and helps to maintain our status as 'Irrelevant Concern.' So I try to educate myself and show support, tho sometimes it isn't as well worded or educated as it should have been.
All I ask is you have some grace when that happens as I have good intentions. Additionally if I ever fuck up Please tell me. I do not ever want to make someone feel like shit cuz or singled out cuz I said something ignorant I shouldn't have.
Some people choose comfort and don't acknowledge when they fucked up. I try to pride myself on Not doing that and correcting myself where others can see and learn from it too.
Not everyone wants to learn tho. Those are the people I don't understand. Those are my opposers; the people standing indifferently in the way of progress while oppressed fathers beg for them to move aside. And what is he to do with the child dying in his arms? Just allow this man to keep being the only obstacle to saving them? Of course not.
And so I aggressively and vehemently stand by the opinion that self defense in this way is never wrong. Let all the ignorant white supremacists die if they have to and let all their allies cry about it. I don't care. White supremacists fundamentally oppose life which I support. And so I fundamentally oppose white supremacy the same way I do a state and as such I openly call for their destruction as well.
This is getting long so I'll wrap it up.
Human rights are to be taken by any means necessary if they were not given to you. The people with-holding them don't get to complain about how you get them and either does anyone else especially if they aren't helping you get them now. Additionally, people should be given room to grow but choosing not to grow is a choice too so don't tolerate the intolerant who stands in your way. If you can cut him down then do it.
My asks are always open. I get a lot of mean, bad faith asks and so I answer most asks with this mindset and I'm trying to be better about it but if you send one in good faith and my attitude sucks, please don't take it personally.
I share a lot of politics and upsetting things and images on my blog. I don't feel the need to tag every post because So Many of them are this way..
However, the posts that are especially bad ARE tagged
My trauma/trigger tag is: decolstw
This is a catch-all tag. Gore, white supremacist violence, historical hate crimes, and the like are all tagged with this.
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topguncortez · 7 months
its been a couple of days since i made the tough choice to cut ties and temporarily walk away from a place that i love really really deeply.
but i’ve had some time to reflect and come to some conclusions about myself.
now excuse me while i vent out loud:
1) the phrase “once an addict, always an addict” is true. just because i don’t take pills anymore doesn’t mean i haven’t found a way to feed the craving of being addicted to something. im not 100% sure what that addiction is; maybe it’s that im a sucker for pain, maybe it’s i can’t walk away when i know i should, maybe it’s fucking caffeine (it’s 97% caffeine).
2) everyone heals and handles things differently. again, back to my past with addiction; some addicts can heal with still being able to be around the thing they are addicted to. i learned a long time ago, i am not that person. i have a hard time knowing when to walk away, but once i do… its like breathing fresh air. it hurts like a bitch sometimes but its also one of the best things for you. sometimes we get so blind with those rose colored glasses on, that we truly can’t see our own faults until we step back and reflect
3) i’m an angry person. i always have been and probably always will be. i’ve dealt with a lot of shitty things in my life. i’ve lost people who didn’t deserve to be taken away. i’ve watched some of the most vile humans get away with horrible offenses. i have been abused and assaulted. i’m angry. and there’s little i can do to shake that anger. however, i can control it. i can lock it away and deal with it in a healthy manner than just let it explode all over the place.
4). God knows what’s best for you. now, i don’t mean to get all religious on yall. i have struggled with my faith for years. I went through a period of time of questioning who God is and what his intentions are. If this great and almighty God sent his son to die to end our suffering… why are people still suffering? I still struggle with my faith, but i am relearning to put my trust in him and know that He is putting things in my life he knows I can overcome.
And finally,
5) never feel bad for doing things for yourself. i have been so well trained to put other peoples feelings above my own. for years, i have bit my tongue and told myself “i can’t say that, that’ll hurt their feelings” and let people continue to roll over me. believe it or not… i hate conflict. i hate awkward situations. i hate feeling like im being suffocated and i can’t breathe. i have become more vocal (good and bad thing) in speaking up when i have been hurt. it’s a slow learning process and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass cause i’m thrust into another situation i don’t know how to handle and the anxiety builds and then there’s tears and all that shit. but i have learned i should never feel bad for doing things for myself.
anyway, i know this is just a long ass vent that nobody is gonna read, but i hope maybe, just maybe this reaches someone who has been feeling the same way i have these past couple months.
i know not everyone has a great support system in real life that they can rely on when things get hard. i can honestly tell you that without some of the people in my everyday life and online life being there and helping me and offering me an ear to listen while i vent and scream at the world… i don’t think i’d still be here. but i want yall to know, if you need a place to vent and scream at the world, i am here for you. and i’ll do whatever i can to get you the help and resources if you need it. or if you just wanna get shit off your chest.
i’m here for you.
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lunatic-pudge · 6 months
Spy SWF Headcanons
TW for SH in the U section
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Poor Spy can be iffy with affection. There are days he enjoys being able to cuddle up with his partner, and other times, he needs his space. It all really depends on how he's feeling that day. He'll usually let you know when he's having one of those "don't touch me" days. Also no PDA in front of the other mercs. If you guys were in a different area where no one knew you two, then he's a little more open to it. But only little things like hand holding, little kisses here and there, an arm around the waist, that sort of thing
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Good luck trying to befriend this guy. Lots of trust issues. Lots of commitment issues. Cause of his line of work, he can't just be going around befriending people, plus he's kinda an introvert. Finding comfort in being alone with some alcohol and a book. But once you do befriend him, you got yourself such a sassy queen. He's the perfect person to go to if you're looking for some juicy drama, fashion advice, or just someone to BS with. I can see him being such an unintentional mom friend too. Fussing over you while acting like he doesn't want to and has better things to do. He doesn't like showing people that he cares
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He does like a good cuddle, he really does, but remember,  there's times he just can't handle physical contact. He claims that he has to be the big spoon and how dare you wanna spoil him by being the big spoon. But with some determination and patience, you can get him to cave him and let you spoil him. It takes a while cause he's not used to being doted over like that. plz help him
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
Spy? Settling down? Such a preposterous thing! Okay, but like, he's never really let such thing come across his mind. He's like Medic in the sense where he's so dedicated to his work. It's all he's ever really known. I'm sure he's thought about settling down when he was actively with Scout's Ma. Cause think about it. He's got a baddie that loves him. He's got a son (and a bunch of step sons). But there's a reason why he wasn't there, there's a reason why he left. Imma get more into it later though.
But as for cooking and cleaning? He's def up there with Engie when it comes to who's the best cook. He just doesn't like having to cook. To go through all that work and mess, and only be made to share with everyone else. He'd rather just go to some fancy restaurant or wait for some merc to make dinner (depends on who's cooking). And he's definitely the cleanest one of all mercs. He can't stand messes. His bedroom and smoking room are in such perfect condition. The only way you can tell that someone was even in the room is from the perpetual smell of cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol/glass that's been moved
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Due to his commitment issues, it's very hard for Spy to be in a relationship. He's got too much trauma and baggage for anyone (and even himself at times) to handle. Sometimes, he does the right thing and tells the person that he can't do it anymore. Other times, he'll just up and leave, never to be seen again. Yeah, it's a real shitty thing to do, but it's what he feels he has to do. It's easier for him to just disappear and act like he never existed. He doesn't know how to cope with his issues and it shows
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Yeaaah, no. Absolutely not. Never. Marriage is a line Spy doesn't have the strength to cross. Dating is one thing. Marriage is a whole other thing. He could believe he's with his soulmate and still woudn't be able to propose. The thought alone fills him with anxiety. If you wanna be with this man, you gotta understand that he ain't ever gonna pop the question. Not even as an old man on his death bed. The most he can do is get you a pretty ring and let you say that he's your husband, but even that can be a little too muc
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Spy is a lot more gentle than you think. More so physically than emotionally though. He will love all over you as much as you want. Emotionally, it can be tough. He's a good person to vent your worries to. He does give some real good advice. But if you ever want him to let his walls down and open up, that's gonna be something that would take YEARS to do. He can let little bits of info out, but nothing too big. He's trying though. It's easier for him to hold you and let you spill your worries out to him
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are only in private or if he's trying to show that he's better than the person who's trying to win your affections over. His hugs aren't the best? Like, it's basically hugging a chain-smoking skeleton in a suit. I'm also gonna go on a limb and say that he's perpetually cold (cause he ain't got no meat or fat on them bones, ya know) so he'd use hugging you as a way to warm up. You wouldn't let this poor old man freeze to death, would you? Also, homie's got some of the NICEST cologne ever. So yeah, while he's got that constant cigarette smell to him, he also smells divine? I dunno. He's weird like that
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
Ain't no way in hell this man is saying I love you first. And yet at the same time when you say I love you for the first time, he might cry. Spy might think he's some bad boy who pulls bitches like no other, but deep down, he's just a boy who's been through hell his whole life, never was able to cope with it in a healthy way which led him to down a rabbit hole of essentially made everything worse (I'm trying to not derail this entire post, plz help, I'm struggling) But he will say it. It'll take a while, but it's worth it when he says it. God, he could probably write a whole ass novel on why he loves you
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I wouldn't say that Spy is a jealous person, more so he just likes being able to woo/seduce you in front of the person who's trying to flirt with you. It fuels his ego. He knows he's better than that pathetic excuse of a person that thinks they could ever be on his level. It's one of those times he gets to be so smug and prideful
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Oh boy oh boy, does this man know how to kiss. He's got the experience,  he's got the skill, he can easily make one little peck on the lips turn to a full make out session. He will leave you breathless. He will leave you wanting more. And he won't stop til he's satisfied,  gosh darn it! And I know you ain't gonna stop it. I know that you want this Frenchy, disgusting. (I'm kidding, plz, I luv u, don't leave yet)
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Now Spy has never really been much of a kid person. Like, he can tolerate kids, but only for so long before he needs to leave the room to recoup from how chaotic kids can be. Now, I'm sure that when Scout's Ma told Spy she was pregnant, he was over the moon with how happy and exciting this news was. And I bet he cried when he held Scout for the first time. I bet you he still has baby pics of Scout hidden in his room he looks at when life isn't going well. But remember, there's a reason why he left. And as he got older, dealing with kids became more of a chore to deal with. He's a mercenary! He doesn't have time to be dealing with kids, he's got a job to do, man!
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's GRUMPY in the mornings. He just wants to be left alone til he's ready to deal with everyone. And since he's an old man, he's up early. I... I don't think he sleeps to be honest
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He's got a whole ass night routine he follows every night before bed or he'll kill someone. He tends to stay up late so he tends to not get much sleep at all. He won't cuddle when he first goes to bed, but then if you wake up in the middle of the night, he's all cuddled up with you, refusing to move. It will take a while for him to let you spend the night with him. He doesn't like having to sleep with his Balaclava on. He does get frequent nightmares though so be ready to be there to comfort him
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
As I said before, it takes Spy a very long time for him to open up about himself. And even then, he isn't gonna tell you everything. It's just not his thing.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This is another thing that's weird. Like it's a 50/50 sort of thing, but also depends on the person? When it comes to his partner, he tends to be more lenient with them as compared to someone like Scout or Soldier. I would say he's also good at keeping a level head, unless he's stressed out, then oops
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh honey, this man knows EVERYTHING about you, whether you told him or not. Even the most private things like your family's medical history, he knows it already. Don't question it. As a matter of fact, why are you even questioning it? He's a spy! of course he knows all these little things about you. He never forgets >:(
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
It was the moment you let him doll you up for the first time. This man wouldn't stop going on about how he wanted to dress you up and do your makeup (if that's something you're comfortable with). FInally, you gave in and let him. And boy, was he ready. He already knew you're measurements and was so quick to take you to the tailor and fit you in an outfit that costs more than your house. He'd do your hair, nails, makeup, he'd go all out for you and make you look like a GOD (or goddess)
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He can be rather protective of his partners. He will literally have you living in a luxury house, filled with security, in a country of your choosing if it means to keep you safe. And, man, if you protected him, he'd be at a loss for words. He wouldn't even know what to do. He'd be so confused as to why you would ever wanna protect him? He'd probably get upset and scold you for putting yourself in such a dangerous situation
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Homie's going ALL OUT. He loves being able to go all out and show off. You guys will be dressed to the 10's, at a fancy restaurant, eating some of the finest foods, and you sure as hell are getting spoiled with gifts. Every occasion is a chance for Spy to spoil you and show off how perfect you are. Don't fight it, he won't listen
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's got a lot of bad habits. He doesn't know how to cope with trauma well. He's definitely someone who has or actively self harms. I'm sorry to say that, but it's just something I can see. Also he chain smokes. He's ALWAYS smoking, never giving himself a break
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Oh you know he is always concerned about his looks. Even if he's got his Balaclava on, he's still fussing over his appearance. He'll fuss over yours too. He wants you both to constantly look your best. Even a tiny speck of dirt if your cheek is the end of the world for him. He will fuss about it for HOURS
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Spy is very much used to being alone. He can handle it. He'll miss having you around. You were always his favorite person to complain to. But he's not worried about it. He's a tough cookie
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Finally, I can say what I've been wanting to say. >:)
I fully believe that Spy is still in love with Scout's Ma. He most definitely is still in communication with her. Helping her out and even coming to see her when he can. That's his baby mama! He can't just abandoned her like he has with every lover he's had. He does still very much care about her, even if it's hard for him to express it and such. He only left so her and the kids could stay safe. Him being there just causes problems. She was the only one who was willing to stay with him no matter what. Even now, with Scout being an adult, she's still around, sending him letters and even gifts.
Yeah, if you couldn't tell, I'm a hard Spy x Scout's Ma defender. Their relationship may not be perfect, but God does it have me in such a chokehold, and I'm not really one for shipping
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Spy don't want no slob. He has very high standards. He doesn't want someone who's sloppy and doesn't take care of themselves (I smell some slight hypocrisy here)
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Awful sleep schedule. What even is sleep? He stays up late like a youngster, and wakes up early like an old man. I basically said what needs to be said up in the night section, oops
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casanovawrites · 9 months
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 6
you saw me as someone worth saving.
i didn’t want what happened to change the way you saw me.
we’re gonna get through this. we kind of have to.
sometimes our mistakes follow us.
in fact, i did not start out a bad person.
glory’s fine. revenge is more fun.
as usual, i make the wrong decision.
i was scared. i’m just tired of being scared. 
all that rage is bad for your complexion. 
you are so sweet and naive and dumb.
curious. how many more rock bottoms are you going to have to hit before you start taking care of yourself?
i used to think a lot of shit matters.
talking makes things real. and real things end.
i wanted to be a part of your world. but i didn’t know your world was like this. 
i’m so sick of people telling me who i am.
the guilt of it all. what are we supposed to do with that? 
i don’t want to be afraid anymore.
it’s like i always used to need someone else to make me feel whole. 
you didn’t let me down.
you’re this fiery, passionate person.
we’re working to stop the monsters and to stop people from turning into monsters.
it’s important to have an exit plan that’s more than just an exit.
maybe it’s not so bad when you’re the one holding the knife.
at least i know who i am.
i’m nobody’s guiding light.
i don't belong to anybody.
i was alone. surrounded by people, but still alone.
rise and shine, we’re in hell. 
this is the worst it’s been. that feeling in the pit of my stomach.
you’re going dark on me again.
if you’re bullshitting me, i don’t care.
i never wanted to be the bad guy.
why did anyone ever do shit for me when all i ever did was let them down?
look at you, always standing in my fucking way.
your memory is like… lethally selective.
what if we end up making each other freaking miserable?
what if i hurt you? i’ve hurt people before. very badly.
for what it’s worth, i’m proud of you.
you’re the future, kid. never forget that. 
i guess i just want it to make some kind of sense.
however this plays out, i’m seeing it through with you.
you’ve done a lot, no question. but there is always more.
you believed in me when i didn’t.
this may shock you, but not everyone here likes you.
this place makes you face your demons or something, and turns out, your demons are really fucking ugly.
maybe in the end it’ll be me and you trying together. 
maybe it makes me selfish. i don’t think it makes me wrong.
there’s a whole world out there for you. go. fight for it. be brave.
i'm talking the greater good. doesn't always have to be what's best for everybody.
it doesn’t matter how shitty they are. it still fucks you up when they’re gone.
sometimes, someone comes into your life at just the right moment, you know?
stop being mad at me for wanting a different future.
you’re not like the others. but you know that, don’t you?
this isn’t pressure. it’s winning. 
i want a life where we can just… be. 
the worst has already fucking happened. i don’t think i’ve got it in me to be that scared about something that could be good.
we can’t save anyone until we save ourselves.
if you’re with me, i need you to say it.
what gives you the right to choose who lives and who dies?
i don’t know how this is going to end or what happens to me, but for whatever it’s worth, i am with you. 
why am i always doing bad things in your dreams?
you don’t trust anybody else to take care of things.
enough people have died. 
tell me you didn’t kill anyone. if you say it, i’ll believe you.
thank you for believing in me. 
i don’t wanna die.
i was just following your lead the whole time. we all were.
i’m not a hero. i’m just helping a friend.
i don’t think this is goodbye. 
you need someone to help get you there, and you have to get there.
i’m sorry you met me, but i’m glad i got to know you. i’ll never forget you.
can’t i just blame everything on my mother and be done with it?
the whole world’s haunted.
i did monstrous things. 
you’re happy. which you’re allowed to be, in case you didn’t know.
just because someone saved your life doesn’t mean you have to live the rest of it for them.
it is not up to you to carry everyone else.
put your trust in other people. in me.
sometimes, helping hurts like hell.
i just wish sometimes i had a map to figure you out.
it’s a crazy world out here, full of people who sometimes disappoint us, but it’s damn beautiful.
i’m sorry. small words for something so big.
what do you live for? living takes effort now, it takes everything. those still alive have their reasons.
the world is nothing without hope.
think about what you want. what you truly want.
the bad things we do must be done. we carry that burden so the others don’t have to.
i’m gonna screw with your life just like the way you did with mine.
this place, it’s safe. it’s good for everybody.
we take what we got, and we make it work.
they changed the game, so we change how we play.
oh my god, you killed him.
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any recs for fics with unique formats/elements (non-linear narrative, second pov, epistolary, etc) and fics with flowery language / good prose ? hope this makes sense lol
thanks for the work you do on the blog, i hope you have a great day!
Hi, this is a very interesting ask! We love unusual elements in stories and tried to put together some very different examples. Hope you have a great day too and happy reading 💕📖
what the night does to the day - Ian and Mickey have been best friends since childhood. Sometimes things just fit together perfectly.
Thicker Than Forget - Ian is a poet. Mickey is his recently-corporal muse. They eat an absurd amount of stupidly named ice cream, try to find beauty in things, and fall hopelessly in love.
Suncatcher - He grins. “Maybe, but you still wanna find out if it’s true.”
Unsent - Five emails that sit in drafts for over a year. One reply.
and all the moments in between - When people look back at the past, they're only seeing the standout moments, never the whole fucking picture.
a lot like love - Ian wants more than what Mickey is offering. Mickey doesn’t believe he deserves to be loved.
Minutes - A moment of life post S5, canon divergent.
There is no me (without you) - An exploration of Ian and Mickey's respective insecurities and past trauma as we follow them through a tough couple of weeks as newlyweds.
the sun, chasing the moon - Ian waits for Mickey.
The Art of Maintaining Moral Ambiguity - AU in which Mickey was raised in a shitty New Jersey beach town and Ian just wanted to see the ocean.
Postcards From Mexico - Everyone likes getting postcards.
Chapter 8: Hey Mick - A letter from Ian to Mickey in juvie (set between seasons 1 and 2).
The Buzz Under His Skin - Ian's manic thoughts, set in early S4 after he runs away.
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blkkizzat · 24 days
Kali losing her virginity story time when
sis lmfao it's not glamorous... ngl i 18 and i was crossfaded af at a college party and "superman" by eminem was playing.
LMFAO A MESS, ill talk about it but i don't wanna trigger anyone so under the cut. tw sex under the influence; dubcon
i probably wasn't in the right mind frame to consent or anything tbh (so please dont be like me stay safe). well, honestly now that i think about it, i think it was just that last bong hit that had me out of my mind. although i was already naked atp lol so i was down to have sex. but right after that's when i blacked out and when i came to i was literally moaning as ol'boy had a mouth full of my pussy hjdfasdjhfasdjh. i just wanted to lose my v and get it over with so i was happy to go with the flow. (disclaimer: back in the day when i was drinking hard dark liquor and mixed it with weed i would literally black out, but not go unconscious but just lose that time and not know wtf i was doing for the last 20 mins. But people have told me i was talking/acting like normal so idk.bdjhsdfjh but it happened then too. its only happened to me like 3-4 times tbh all when i binge drank heavy in college and smoked a fuckton of weed. so no it wasn't like i was unconscious and he was hooking up with me anyway).
that said, ngl that was some of the best sex i ever had in college. high sex is always great for me tbh and i dont remember it hurting much (but he had also just ate me out for like 45 min) but i think me and ol'boy just had good natural chemistry. he lived on the 3rd floor and my friends on the first floor said they heard me kfjhsdkjshdfkvjhsd.
one awkward asf thing though is the guy did not know i was a virgin and i would have told him if i wasnt so fucked up fjkhrfkdhgkdf.
also just wanna note, im not sad or upset at all. i always gave zero fucks about the construct of virginity (personally, please if you want it to be nice and special that is your preference and nothing is wrong with that). and sidenote thats why other than the one virgin!reader fic i will write (she wont really give af either tho tbh), i dont like writing virgin!reader cause i dont believe in idealizing it.
honestly i just wanted to lose it cause up until that point i was scared to use a tampon and was tired of being in the bloody dirt trenches with pads fhsdfjkhasfjaksh. like it wasnt even about "losing my virginity to a tampon", i was just scared to put it in. but literally got my period a week later and was like "well a dick has been in me" and found the courage to put it in. i was a silly bitch im fully aware LOL!
but i will say, it was this weird thing after where i felt bad for NOT feeling bad. like i had other friends who idealized virginity so much (then were all pikachu face when they found out i didnt want to tell them i had sex), i felt like there was something wrong with me for not thinking it was a big deal. even sometimes now, i wont want to discuss it just because so may people do idolize it its annoying to have to deal with their reactions and reassure them "no i dont feel like i was SA'd, no i dont regret it, yes i actually enjoyed the experience."
however i will say now im in the middle.
these days im alot more selective with who i fuck as personally i subscribe to the ideas of tantra/tantric sex. That while you can have sex without emotions, you can't have it without an energy exchange. sometimes ive felt shitty after one-night stands or liked the friends with bennies for the pleasure in sex but felt off after. i realized that those feelings weren't due to guilt from slut-shaming but the fact that their energy was off and it was now having an effect on me. so rn im DTF 100%—but yo energy gotta be right. and usually i cant tell that just from the bar or first meeting so ive been waiting more.
i rambled again jsdhsdjhbj but oh well.
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thenumber-e · 4 months
Wifeyyyyy! Tell me about Craig's sports Hobbies? Or Hobbies in general:3
ok feeling shitty rn so this’ll (hopefully) get my mind off of stuff
anyways oh boy there are SO many of these that i have this is gonna get long i think
starting off with sports, i feel like he’d be an active guy. not like gym bro buff craig kinda stuff you see, he’s definitely a lanky beanpole. but i feel like he does a few sports so has a bit of muscle
first off, basketball. i’m a truther for this one, i don’t see it a lot tho. like, i hc him as being pretty tall, and i don’t have much like canon advice to back this up but that and the fact that there’s a basketball in his garage in tsot- but i think it jus fits him tbh. and also because it’s funny, he’s a total fucking loser nerd, but since yk i’ve gotta stick to canon sometimes, he’s technically popular and attractive, he definitely has like a jock alter-ego or smth stupid like that LMAO
he definitely seems like a hockey guy. like- the enforcer is so him. he’d totally wanna beat people up just cus he can. also i think he’d be a really good skater- i think he’s a pretty well balanced person physically. also, i see kyle as doing hockey, and they’re definitely close. i just see them being friends making sense, so now theyll have a sport together. also- because im insane, ike does hockey too and kyle and craig help him practice
i believe i’ve seen this once, but yk. i always see boxer tweek and don’t get me wrong i love that, but i feel like craig would continue doing martial arts afterwards too. like he’s canonically a violent and angry guy, but he’s kinda mellowed out, and i feel like that’s him just holding it back or smth cus he gets in trouble alllll the time. tweek also probably scolds him for it. but i feel like it would be a good way for him to get out any extra emotions, because he is NOT good at expressing those. also, back onto lanky criag, he’s got long limbs, and i feel like that’s good for someone to do martial arts (trust me im projecting) also, that’s also why he has good balance i feel.
alright, done with sports, just normal hobbies.
starting off, he’s 100% a music guy. i see stuff about him preferring podcasts over music, but i see him as a total music guy. in @panicatthecourtx more recent posts, she kinda went over that stuff, but because yk, im the craig ceo i’ll go over it too. i call it dad rock cus thats what my dad listens to, but he definitely listens to nirvana, ac/dc, weezer, that kinda stuff. he’s just a nerd. but i feel like he’d also have music as a way to vent in some sort of way? idk if it makes sense this is just how my brain works, but when he’s stressed, overstimulated, or just down in the dumps he zones out and just listens to music. he’s also just a nerd
space, duh. he could go on and on about that shit for hours. he can make every constellation, am every galaxy, all the nebulas, and basically anything. especially black holes. they fascinate him, he finds them so interesting and yk. is a nerd about em. ik it doesn’t really tie in with space stuff but i’ll put it here, he definitely loves conspiracy theories, especially ones about aliens and stuff. he thinks of his own all the time. especially about other space related things. also, back to conspiracy, death absolutely fascinates him. he just want to know what happens after that.
this is a basic one, but sleeping. he’s the heaviest sleeper ever, literally sleeps 24 fuckin 7
he’ll never admit it, but he kinda likes school. not because he likes sitting around all day or listening to teachers drone on and on, it’s because usually he can talk about things. in classes he enjoys, it’s his favorite thing ever. i also see him as that one kid who literally never studies or pays attention and yet has all A’s in every class.
he’s 100% a reader. he can zone out and not lay attention to anything. he gets lost in books all the time and it’s so nerdy but he loves it. it’s almost like an escape from reality which he likes. he’d never admit it, but he frets stressed pretty easily so he enjoys the way to just be alone in his own world. this also ties in with the music hc- he probably listens to music while reading. he also just zones out a lot in general
this also kinda feeds into music headcanons but he skateboards. he just gives me 90s grunge/kurt cobain vibes and youll never change my mind on this. he thinks he’s so fuckin cool but he’s just some random ass lame kid but he gets away with it cus he’s mildly popular or whatever. but he definitely has a little mini skateboard for stripe
why do these headcanons keep feeding off of each other? i dont know but yk its ok. craig fucking loves mini things. it’s definitely iconic, cus my craig is really tall and has big ass hands. but small things remind him of tweek (my tweek is like 5’8 so compared to him yeah kinda short) but he’s just gay and loves anything and everything that reminds him of tweek
i’ve also realized i don’t need a really detailed description for everything so yeah uhh (don’t mind this it’s my train of thought)
he collects shit he has the most random stuff in his room. random lego pieces he found that he thought were cool, a shit tom of rocks, different leaves, little trinkets, anything space related, stickers, just stupid stuff. those are just the basics, but he has soooo much stuff
he loves making detailed lists and ordering them and stuff
going on hikes he loves hiking he just loves the outdoors tho
stargazing is a must. he loves it and has specific times and places for them
from like a singular scene in like on episode, he plays the fuckin violin cus he’s cool like that yk. because friends, he and wendy practice together- a friend headcanons that she plays the flute, so yk it works.
hanging out with friends is a must. especially clyde they have the bromance ever they’re so lovey dovey best friends
it’s like 2am and i’m getting lazy so here ya go this isn’t even half but alas it’s ok so have fun with my stupid ass spews ty for ur time
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