#i wish these japanese agents showed up elsewhere
theshadowsanctum · 4 years
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Shadow Comics 41
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otomechuchu · 5 years
Personal GUIDE - Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice) - How to Play COLLECTIVE
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Here’s my UPDATED personal walkthrough/how to play, Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
My first attempt (click here) was a little bit of a mess. So I’m giving it a second try with pictures and more details!
I have played this since it launched in China back in 2017! So I realize some things feel “normal” to me, but might be confusing to others, so I’ll try to explain them step by step when I get the time! Feel free to point it out or ask questions.
CLICK HERE FOR MY FIRST DRAFT (more like a summary for all the functions & without pictures)
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Before I start, I would like to point out that although there are a lot of functions and things to do, it’s not as intimidating as it seems. It looks intimidating at first glance, but if you take your time instead of rush through the game, it will be easier. I would like to point out that the mechanics are very much like Love Nikki (another Chinese game also by Elex). It has almost all the same functions, plus a few extra. So if you already play Love Nikki (or played it before), then that will help a lot.
NOTE:  After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features. That means, not everything is unlocked when you start, so it’s not too overwhelming.
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Here’s how the screen looks like when you start, vs how it looks like after lvl 50. As you can see, a lot more stuff has appeared. I also added some things that aren’t out in English yet (based on the Original Chinese game)
That being said, when does things unlock? I made a small chart (in Paint, don’t judge)
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Here’s the things that unlock up to 24 Hr Challenge, which is in Chapter 5. Nothing else is unlocked up till Chapter 10, which is how far the English version is at.
First, what is the “point” of the game?
You (main character), 22 years old, takes over your fathers TV production company and you wish to produce amazing TV shows. It’s not doing well and the sponsor is pulling out. Along the way, you get the help from four men (love interests): a 28 years old CEO named Li Zeyan (Victor), a 24 years old police officer/agent named Bai Qi (Gavin), a 26 years old scientist named Xu Mo (Lucien), and a 22 years old idol named Zhou Qiluo (Kiro).
Ok, so even though the game is Chinese and released by the original Chinese company, the English version does not include the original Chinese voices! It’s dubbed into English. But once you start playing, you can download a Japanese voice pack? Makes no sense. So here’s a list of what the characters are named:
Li Zeyan - Victor - Zen Bai Qi - Gavin - Haku Xu Mo - Lucien - Shimon Zhou Qiluo - Kiro - Kira
So there aren’t any routes in the game, there’s just a never-ending main story. No, actually, considering the plot, the story has to end some time. I’m guessing it would end around Chapter 30, and right now we’re at Ch 24 in China. Every 3-4 months we get new chapters, so the main story will probably end 6-12 months from now in Chinese (this is as of May 2019). Because of this, I suspect maybe they will add routes to keep the game alive. I don’t think adding more cards and events will be enough to keep players, so maybe routes could exist in the future!
NOTE: ALL answers give the same number of intimacy. In other words, pick whatever you want when messaging, talking on phone, or commenting on posts. There are no “best” answer.
From here on, I will give each section their own page. So click on the section you’re wondering about: 
MISCELLANEOUS (Main Screen, Friends, Mail, etc)
This is a type of event. Look under EVENT LIST
This is a type of event. Look under EVENT LIST
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
PERSONAL NOTE: I'm beat. I finally sat down and did a very detailed Guide for Love and Producer, with lots of pictures. We're talking 80 pictures here! FINALLY done *dies*
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Ben Ful Links | March 29/2021
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Ben Ful Links | March 29/2021:
While this pathetic charade denigrates the U.S. image even further, economic warfare is raging with attacks both by and against the Rockefeller mafia and their stooges.  The most obvious sign of this, of course, is the Evergreen company ship that blocked the Suez Canal after navigating an “up yours” sign.
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Evergreen is the secret service code for Hillary Rockefeller Clinton, meaning this blockage was a clear message to the Rockefellers.
Corporate media avoided using the company name “Evergreen” and instead referred to the ship’s name “Ever Given”  to divert attention.
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As has been reported widely elsewhere, a major Chinese highway was also blocked by a truck with the Evergreen logo on it.
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The message is clear, the Chinese communist party deal with the Rockefellers to fund their fake Biden presidency must be ended or Chinese trade routes will be blockaded.
The Chinese took the blockage of the Suez Canal to be an act of war and responded by shooting down two U.S. military satellites, Asian secret society sources say.  The short video clips below show their destruction, the sources say. https://video.wixstatic.com/video/bcb736_616b35e912434434ae6e1350cfa7d746/720p/mp4/file.mp4
The blockage of the Suez Canal and the shooting down of satellites were only the most visible recent signs of the ongoing hybrid world war For example, the Automobile industry, a remaining stronghold of Rockefeller industrial strength, is being slowly strangled by a shortage of semiconductors.
NXP Semiconductors and Infineon Technologies, the world’s No. 1 and No. 3 players in automotive chips, had their production knocked out in February by the unnatural storms in Texas.  Now Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics, the number 2 player in automotive chips, says their plant was destroyed by a fire last week.  So the world’s automotive industry is grinding to a halt.
We are also seeing attacks on oil and gas refineries all over the world.  Again, these are key bastions of Rockefeller power.  In particular, damaging attacks against Rockefeller oil facilities in Saudi Arabia have now been followed by attacks on facilities in places ranging from Mozambique to Indonesia.
There is also a new spate of assassinations and executions going on.  Tom Heneghan, who published the picture of Nazi CIA agent Mike Cottrell, briefly reported last week that Cottrell had been killed.  That report has since been totally scrubbed from the internet.
This death cult, having failed to kill us with bio-weapons is now trying to kill us with vaccines as countless whistleblowers are now saying.  The following link and short excerpt from former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon has a clear message:
The forensic trail to the head of this octopus or the Octogon group remains Switzerland.  Remember, when I went to visit the P2 (now P3) Freemasons in Italy, they told me they were going to fire pope maledict and prime minister Berlusconi of Italy and they did.  Now, one member of this group, Leo Zagami, says pope Francis (or more likely his body double) will “soon resign.” https://leozagami.com/
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casualarsonist · 7 years
Son of Saul review
When it comes to harrowing stories from World War Two, you can take your pick really - would you like to talk about the slaughter of seventeen million people, including six million Jews, during the Holocaust, or the Japanese mass-murder and mass-rape of up to three hundred thousand Chinese civilians known as The Rape Of Nanking, or the subjugation and enslavement of entire countries such as Poland and Czechoslovakia at the hands of the German army? If these aren’t to your liking, there are plenty more to choose from, but no matter your choice, it’s beyond a doubt that the event is one of the most uniquely harrowing and well-depicted catastrophes in human history. And whilst some films have gone to lengths to portray the disturbing inhumanity of it all, few have delved into what might arguably be one of the most horrific stories of all - that of the Sonderkommando. Literally meaning ‘special unit’, Sonderkommando was typical Nazi doublespeak that applied to two separate and unrelated groups, the first a unit of the SS, and the second a work unit of Jewish men picked from the ranks of those imprisoned in concentration camps specifically for the purpose of disposal of the corpses of victims of the gas chambers. 
They were forced on pain of death to work, with no warning in advance nor right to refuse the task given to them. Their first duty was usually to dispose of the corpses of their predecessors - an activity that clearly defines the Nazi’s keen mastery of creating an atmosphere of utter fear and hopelessness. This cycle of extermination was due to the fact that they held intimate knowledge of the terrible secret of the gas chambers, and thus they were kept separate from the rest of the camp and then killed when they had outlived their immediate usefulness. The Sonderkommando occupy one of the most terrible places in human history. Their stories were rarely shared outside the walls of the camps, both due to the Nazi’s effectiveness at disposing of the ‘evidence’ of their crimes, as well as the fact that survivors often wanted nothing more than to forget what they had experienced, but over time and through the thorough and relentless dissection of all aspects of the war a picture, a glimpse, of the hell they went through came to light. And here, in László Nemes’ film, Son of Saul, we are given a most personal insight into what that experience might have been. 
Hold onto your hats children, because this isn’t going to be fun. 
Son of Saul follows Saul Ausländer (Géza Röhrig), a Jewish-Hungarian prisoner and Sonderkommando in Auschwitz. The film begins amidst the action with a strict focus on Saul alone. In the background, blurred just beyond the peripheries of the camera’s eye we see the concrete walls, the incandescent bulbs in metal cages, the barking Nazi officers commanding herds of terrified and naked people into cramped rooms as they tell them that they’re just going in for a shower, before shutting heavy metal doors on them. Through it all, Saul keeps his eyes to the ground, or on the task before him. We hear the wailing, then the banging at the door, then the silence. We see the Sonderkommando collect the clothes that were left for collection under false pretences, and we see Saul scrubbing the floors of the chambers, washing blood and faeces and vomit away. We see him carting bodies out from the piles in which they fell. And we see a Nazi doctor as he coolly suffocates a child - a boy that accidentally survived the process. Without explanation, Saul offers to take the boy’s body to the prison doctor, a fellow Hungarian, who agrees not to perform an autopsy so that the boy may be given a Jewish burial. Thus begins Saul’s journey to offer one last act of respect to this boy. What instigates this compulsion, and why this child, of all things, is the one thing that compels a man dealing every day with the horror and despair of his work to risk his life is largely left hidden, and even when a reason is revealed it’s uncertain as to whether it’s true. But regardless of the reason behind his actions, the question at the heart of it all is simply this - what price does one put on retaining their own humanity? 
Röhrig’s understanding and portrayal of a man in unimaginable circumstances is an utter triumph of truth in cinema - both he and the film eschew all melodrama, offering nothing but discrete and sober emotion fighting against a world in which the only thing left to feel is despair, and as his journey progresses we are exposed to the minimalist sight of a human trying to claw his humanity back from a world that only exists to shred it away from him. Throughout the film Saul is largely impassive, but Röhrig doesn’t hide from the camera the decay of his character’s soul through his experiences, and through him we begin to learn the language of life in the camp and we see how these men hold on to (or in some cases, let go of) the little they have left in order to simply get through another day.
Through all this though, it never feels like the film is being dishonourable or disrespectful because in many ways Son of Saul is a horror film without gore, a war film without war, and a Holocaust film in which the Holocaust is barely seen. Don’t get me wrong - this film is relentless - but through much of it, Saul is one of the few agents in the camera’s focus, whilst the rest of the camp exists just outside of the frame or semi-obscured in the background. Most of what we experience of the outside world is forced on us by the incredible and devastating sound design, or hinted at in the periphery of the shot, something that would almost be more digestible if it were right there in front of us and we were able to accuse it of being exploitative. But like Saul himself, as much as one would wish to be able to shut out and ignore the things going on around him, the best one can do is divert their gaze. This method of training the audience’s focus is employed to its greatest effect in the opening scene, and allows the film to maintain a minimalist style elsewhere. We get no view of the greater goings on as we do in Schindler’s List, for example, but to be honest, had this isolated, focused, and personal story been diluted by extraneous attachments, Son of Saul wouldn’t be nearly as effective or as necessarily shattering. 
And I mean ‘necessarily’, because this is a rare and unflinching portrayal of one of the humanity’s worst moments inside of one of humanity’s worst moments - it should never, ever be forgotten that we did this to one another in the not-so-distant past. My girlfriend asked me what I was writing about, and I described the film and the details of the Sonderkommando to her. The look of disgust on her face said enough, but above everything it said ‘why would someone watch this?’, and Son of Saul is obviously not a film for everyone, but it remains one of the most important films that I have ever seen, as well as the hardest I have ever had to watch. But despite all that, it’s not gratuitous; it’s not brimming with violence or spectacle (like the utterly disingenuous Hacksaw Ridge), and it doesn’t stoop to depicting explicit suffering simply to elicit reflexive horror from the audience. Instead it depicts something worse - the true and internal degradation of a person’s connection with life through their forced participation in acts of unfathomable inhumanity. And this is harder to watch than something more blatant because rather than showing your eyes a crude recreation of a person dying, it forces its depictions upon senses that you can’t switch off - through sound, and through your imagination as you unconsciously create in your minds eye the things that are happening out of your field of view. And in this way the film shunts into into the position of the character you’re watching - someone who can’t simply close their eyes and be removed from the situation. 
This was the brutal cunning of the Nazis and the key to the true horror of their regime: in every way, their weapon of choice was terror - the complete immersion of their victims into lives of fear, and pain, and degradation, and death. And of course it does an utter disservice for me to compare, in any way, the experience of someone watching a movie to the experience of the men of the Sonderkommando, but of all the attempts to translate the unimaginable experiences of those that suffered in the concentration camps of World War Two, perhaps this film comes the closest to helping a modern audience understand. 
Son of Saul is devastating and invaluable. I’m compelled to say that it ought to be essential. As this world of ours travels further down a path towards enabling capricious leaders to make decisions that threaten entire countries and cultures and ethnicities, Son of Saul is a reminder of what we are when we stray towards the end of that road. For anyone who wishes to understand this sobering and terrifying reality, Son of Saul is more than worth watching - it is unforgettable.
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calvinwatchesstuff · 7 years
Calvin Reacts to Overwatch Finale: Profiles
I’m not even sure if anyone is reading these things, but I’m sure as hell going to finish them. 
Alright, here we are on the last section: the character profiles. I admit, I’m still not at all sure what’s going on with the majority of these characters, which might mean it was a bad idea to watch all the shorts first. But ah well, too late for that now. For now, it’s time to get straight into what I’ve been waiting for... the profiles! (Note: the format is going to be a little bit different this time; I kind of want to get all this done in one post. I’m also not going to be paying much attention to the gameplay section, since I don’t own the game and probably won’t any time soon.) 
Okay, so this is basically the story I kind of inferred from “Dragons”: Hanzo and Genji had a falling-out, Genji was left for dead, but he ended up getting saved by Overwatch and rebuilt as a cyborg. It’s interesting to learn that Genji is (at least as far as I can tell) the good guy in this scenario, since he was the one who wanted nothing to do with all the criminal shit that their family was involved in. Also interesting to see how Zenyatta is involved in this; I like this new sense of interconnectedness between the characters. 
Now here’s someone I barely saw in the trailers, and not at all in the shorts. I have to say, I like the idea; mercenaries almost always have something interesting going on. I still have no goddamn idea why he’s dressed like a cowboy, though; that was kind of the thing I was most interested in finding out. Ah well, I guess we all have our own thing. 
Okay, based on her gameplay style, I’m officially calling her “Miss Explosion”. 
On the serious side, I can kind of relate to her in terms of getting to something just in time to find that whatever you were excited about was already over. It happens to me a lot with shows and book series I’m interested in; on the one hand it’s nice because I get to see everything at once, but on the other hand I don’t get the excitement of waiting for the next episode and the odds of me getting spoiled are overwhelmingly larger. It happened with Fablehaven, it’s happening with Homestuck, and it’ll almost definitely happen with Kingdom Hearts III. Goddamn early Japanese release dates. Let’s hope for a worldwide release for once. 
...did I say that was the serious side? Because I probably shouldn’t have. Anyway, another cool bio. 
Okay, here they just kind of cheated. I came here looking for information about who Reaper is and what’s driving him, and literally the second sentence of the bio is “[Reaper’s] identity and motives are a mystery”. Although the theory they do provide (which, let’s be honest, is probably going to be the one they go with or else why bring it up at all) is pretty damn cool. Still, wish we could have had some kind of backstory. 
Yeah, this is basically the same bio we got from the animatic. Really should have read these earlier. Hey, don’t blame me; blame TVTropes for listing the profiles last. 
Well, for one thing she’s apparently capable of hacking the fourth wall to remove her personal information. 
Alright, so here’s where we’re starting to get into the lore: apparently Sombra stumbled upon some kind of conspiracy, presumably the same one that was responsible for whatever the fuck happened to Overwatch itself. It can’t be Talon, since the article specifically identifies them as being different entities. So who is it? I guess we’ll just have to wait for future updates to find out. 
Literally just the same stuff as the animatic, in some cases word for word. 
Basically the same stuff, but we do get some nice worldbuilding about the Omnic Crisis, and about Omnics in general. Yeah, definitely getting Iron Giant vibes from Bastion here. 
Yeah, this is just the “Dragons” short. From here on out I’m not going to comment on a page too much unless it has something new. 
Alright, now here’s the something new I was talking about. So apparently in the future Australia has been rendered even less habitable than it currently is, due to an attack on something called an “omnium”. I’m gonna look up what the fuck THAT is once I’m done here. And apparently Junkrat found some sort of secret in the ruins of said omnium, but no one has any idea what it is. Intriguing. That’s something I’m gonna have to look into as well. Also, Junkrat’s face reminds me of someone, but I can’t for the life of me think who. 
Another character I have literally no context for. And if you’ll forgive the unspeakably shitty pun, she has a pretty cool backstory! So apparently she was an environmentalist working with Overwatch to figure out how specifically we were fucking over the planet this time, but an avalanche caused her and her team to get cut off; so she basically Futurama’d herself in order to survive until rescue came. This again feels like something that’s getting built up to in coming updates; all these unknowns excite my inner theorist. 
So this guy seems to have created most of the weapons for the original Overwatch agents. I guess he really is a futuristic dwarven smith. And of course no one listened to him when he was talking about robots trying to take over the world, and then the bad things happened. Not too much backstory on this one, but I want to hear more about him tracking down his old weapons; that sounds like a killer story. 
Okay, so she’s a gamer, I guess. That’s always cool. As for the backstory proper, it’s like Pacific Rim, only somehow even more ominous: some kind of giant robot thing appeared near South Korea, no one knows where the fuck it came from, and apparently the entire country’s military and an army of giant mechs can’t kill it faster than it can adapt. Also, that last sentence indicating that she is now livestreaming her military battles might be the single most amazing thing I’ve yet come across in this series. 
Basically the same thing as the animatic. More cryptic references to Doomfist. I want to know who the fuck Doomfist is. Get on that, Blizzard. 
Well, I like that he’s a knight. In terms of backstory there’s not too much new stuff here, but I have to say, I kind of like the guy so far. I hope he gets some spotlight later on. 
So this is basically a prequel to Junkrat’s entry. I guess an “omnium” is an area that’s controlled by the Omnics, or else some kind of facility for robots? I’ll look it up later. As for this guy, I have to admit it’s a pretty sad story. I feel for the guy. 
A lot of stuff I already suspected, but it’s nice to have it confirmed. Also, this backstory was even more full of feels than I was expecting. I love the idea that genetically enhanced gorillas are just a thing that everyone accepts exists in the future. 
So she was an Olympic athlete who spent most of her life training to compete, but at the last second ended up having to change course and fight robots. Also, yeah, an omnium is definitely some kind of base for robots. 
The last of the three post-release characters (so far; come on, Blizzard, where’s that Doomfist ARG?). Basically the same as the animatic. 
Another character I know nothing about, other than the fact that Hobbes keeps calling his weapon a “bass cannon”. As for the backstory...eh, it’s not much I haven’t seen in a crapload of other stories. Cool character design, though. 
Ah, so she’s the one who rebuilt Genji! Wow, nearly at the end and that whole thing comes full circle. Anyway, I like her character; she’s basically the world’s most badass pacifist. The backstory is pretty cool too; again, not too much I haven’t seen elsewhere, but it’s still interesting. 
“Symmetra literally bends reality.” Well, that’s certainly one way to keep the reader on their toes. 
Yeah, this one is pretty cool. Absolutely cringe-worthy dialogue aside (seriously, “architechs”? “Utopaea”? I was having a hard enough time buying “Symmetra”), I am curious about who’s side she’ll ultimately end up being on. It’s interesting that one of the most powerful characters so far is one who isn’t with Overwatch or explicitly fighting it. 
And here we are, the one I’ve been waiting for: Robo-Monk. I actually read the abilities on this one because I was so confused by them in the trailer. As for the backstory, it’s pretty damn cool! I have to say, I really like the whole thing with robots finding religion; that’s one of my favorite sci-fi tropes, seeing how aspects of our culture would be interpreted and adapted for a completely different form of life. And again, we get some more hints about future events. 
And with that, I have caught up. I am now familiar with the characters and the lore. Of course, I’m not finished; there are still the comics (which I'll check out on my own some time), and of course there is the game itself (which I might get at some point if I can figure out how the hell to run it on a Duel Disk). And of course, there will probably be other videos in the future, which I will of course react to. But for now, at least, I can finally put this series to rest. This is Calvin, signing off. 
(Oh, and expect some Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V reactions...soon-ish.) 
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otomechuchu · 5 years
Personal walkthrough/how to play - Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
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Here’s my personal walkthrough/how to play, Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
This is my first attempt to write a “How to Play” guide, so it’s a little messy and all over the place. I tried to make it sound connected and divide it into sections, but it could need some cleanup. It would be nice to add pictures to make this look less like a big block of text, but we’ll see. Maybe I’ll change it later...
I have played this since it launched in China back in 2017!
*Will/might update, but it’s kinda finished* <-- I realize some things feel “normal” to me, but might be confusing to others, so I’ll try to explain them step by step when I get the time!
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Before I start, I would like to point out that although there are a lot of functions and things to do, it’s not as intimidating as it seems. It looks intimidating at first glance, but if you take your time instead of rush through the game, it will be easier. I would like to point out that the mechanics are very much like Love Nikki (another Chinese game also by Elex). It has almost all the same functions, plus a few extra. So if you already play Love Nikki (or played it before), then that will help a lot.
NOTE:  After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features. That means, not everything is unlocked when you start, so it’s not too overwhelming.
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First, what is the “point” of the game?
You (main character), 22 years old, takes over your fathers TV production company and you wish to produce amazing TV shows. It’s not doing well and the sponsor is pulling out. Along the way, you get the help from four men (love interests): a 28 years old CEO named Li Zeyan (Victor), a 24 years old police officer/agent named Bai Qi (Gavin), a 26 years old scientist named Xu Mo (Lucien), and a 22 years old idol named Zhou Qiluo (Kiro).
Ok, so even though the game is Chinese and released by the original Chinese company, the English version does not include the original Chinese voices! It’s dubbed into English. But once you start playing, you can download a Japanese voice pack? Makes no sense. So here’s a list of what the characters are named:
Li Zeyan - Victor - Zen Bai Qi - Gavin - Haku Xu Mo - Lucien - Shimon Zhou Qiluo - Kiro - Kira
In addition to the main story, you have “side stories” (kinda) for each guy. These happen by going on “City Walks” where you help people or do other types of missions. This will make the love interest like you more, and will result in more “Dates.” These “Dates” are dates/romantic scenarios with him. You need certain cards as well. NOTE: There are different types of “City X”, look further down the page.
As for the main story, you have to do “Shoots”, as in you shoot episodes of your show. This is where “Karma” (cards) come in. You collect cards and other items to advance. You want to make successful TV shows, and getting good cards is the way to go. These are ranked as N (normal), NH, R (rare), SR (super rare), and SSR (the most rare and best). These cards can be evolved, star up, and lvl up. As for the story, you can go back and re-read/watch the story any time you want. See “Missions & Rewards” for more information.
Cards, called Karma, are your units to do everything in the game. You use them to “fight” and progress throughout the story. 
Collecting cards can be done through different ways, but the “easiest” way is by paying real money. I’m not saying you have to pay money! You can easily play the whole game for free. I’m just saying it’s nice to support things you love, right? You can also pay a monthly subscription fee, it’s $3,99 USD (30 yuan). Other than that you can get them through the gacha (Wish Tree), special events, or merging Shards together.
These cards has a lot of functions. You need to level them up to make them stronger. Every 10 lvl will give the chance to Star Up that card, giving it bonus stats. When reaching the cap, you can Evolve the card, increasing the lvl cap and changing the appearance of the card. 
Then there are “Experts” you can hire for your company to finish quests. You get these by either reading the main story or by exchanging “Medals” in the “Talent Market.” These can be upgraded with coins/gold (free in-game currency), and will up the score of your company, which is useful in “Shoots.”
All “Shoots” and “Footage” will be rated with 1-3 crowns (3 being the best). You will always have the chance to re-do to get a better score, or all the crowns if you didn’t get them all on the first try. When you succeed one, also have a chance to receive special items. These also costs stamina (hearts) to do, which are replenished as time goes by. Doing one once costs 5 stamina. Also note that they got “Keywords” or “Strengths” on the description. Selecting Experts with those Keywords, or cards with those Strengths, will up your success. This will also give your cards exp. Rewards are items to star up cards.
This will unlock after Chapter X (forgot which). This is just like the normal Shoots, except they’re harder and give “better” rewards. These rewards are items to evolve cards. Each has a limit of 3 per day. In terms of Love Nikki, “Elite” is the same as Princess Stage. These are more difficult but will give greater rewards. Each costs 8 stamina.
Footage is like Shoots and Elite. It has a cap of 10 but will regenerate one every hour. Each stage has a max of 3 and there are 6 parts so far. Doing these will give Shards as rewards. 
Sometimes you get “Shards” and when you have enough shards, you can combine them into a card. These Shards can be obtained when doing “Footage” or from the gacha. “Footage” has a limit of 3 per day. However you use Film, not Stamina, and that has a max of 10. It regenerates every hour.
After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features.
When reaching Chapter 3, you will be able to do “Training.” Once you finish training a Card, you receive rewards and lvl up. You can also Train your company stats. 
Shards are given from “Footage” or from “Wish Tree” (gacha). You can combine them into a card (Karma) for gold (free in-game currency). 
R card = 15k gold
SR card = 30k gold
SSR card = 60k gold
When you have a certain number of shards, you can combine them into a card (Karma). Combining them costs Gold (free in-game currency). Here are the requirements:
R card - 30 shards - 15k gold
SR card - 50 shards - 30k gold
SSR card - 80 shards - 60 gold
Then there’s the Phone. You can call, send messages, and post on social media or comment. Doing these things will increase intimacy with the love interests. Remember to check your phone often to see if there are new posts on social media or text messages. Phone calls will be notified. You do not have to be awake at specific times to receive these and you can open them whenever you want without them disappearing. 
The “Wishing Tree” is the gacha. There are two types of gachas, the “Gem Karma” and “Gold Karma.” The Gem one is free once every 48 hours and will cost Gems otherwise (Gems cost real money). The Gold one is free once every 24 hours and will cost Gold otherwise. Also, each time you do one, you will get  “Heart Petal” (think of it as a shard) and when you have enough, you can combine them into a “Flower”, which can be exchanged for limited cards.
Sometimes you get more than one of a card, or you simply don’t care for it. When this happens, you can “shred” it. Basically, you can exchange it for Memory Stardust, which is used to Evolve cards. Just press the Karma Pass button (it’s yellow).
Achievements give you daily rewards for completing specific requirements daily.
Just like Love Nikki, you will also recieve free Stamina twice a day, at 12-14 and 18-20. This is either 30 or 60 Stamina! And like all mobile games, there are daily login rewards.
Lastly, there’s the “Box Office Contest” and “Achievement.” The “Box Office Contest” is like a PvP where you “fight” other players and receive medals. There are 5 free tries every day. The next day you will receive a gift depending on how high you ranked.
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which). This is a minigame that depends on your 3 strongest cards (Karma). You pick 3 (they will be by default, so if you get stronger cards later, you need to switch them out manually), and they will give a combined score. When “News” pop up, you go to investigate and “help” people. You get 3 questions and you click one of three choices for each. This can be re-done unlimited times, so don’t worry if you answer wrong. Between each question you have to tap the screen as quick as possible (repeatedly, think of a gauge bar, where each tap will fill it). As you finish more and more of these “News”, you lvl up your detective? skill and receive items as you progress. As your level up in detective skill, you can unlock even more experts, get better rewards, and you can use more than just 3 cards. 
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which).
Events happen often enough. In the beginning of English release, it might be slow, but it should pick up over time. During events, you can get free SR cards and maybe SSR cards if you’re lucky. Events vary in content and are done differently. Some can be limited Wish Tree cards, some can be collect items from doing Shoots, or from doing Strolls, etc. or other things. It really depends on the event.
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which). 
In order to Evolve a card, you need a certain amount of items, Memory Stardust, and gold. Here are the amounts: 
R card - 30k gold
SR card - 60K gold
SSR card - 120k gold
Your avatar walks around meeting the love interests and other citizens, helping people or having mini scenes with him. Helping people will increase his fondness of you (intimacy), which lets you go on dates more often. It also gives you bonus rewards and items. No need to rush with this, it refreshes once a week. 
Challenge 24 other players around your lvl/strength. Each stage will give rewards. When clearing at least 12 stages, you can quick clear, meaning you can skip X number of stages but still get the rewards from these. Doing this will not weaken your cards either, making it possible to clear stages that were too hard. You can only Quick Clear a specific amount, at max it’s 16 stages or 18 stages (VIP). Any more than this you have to fight manually. 
These battles are done by using 1-3 cards that are at least lvl 20. Look at the requirements (card strengths) to know what cards you should use. Doing these battles will “damage” your cards, meaning their strengths will decrease. When reaching 0 strength they will be 100% damaged and can no longer fight. 
You can reset this once every day, doing so will put you back on Stage 1, and all rewards you didn’t claim will disappear. 
VIP Supply (Monthly Subscription)
Pretty cheap, it costs the same as a cup of coffe. For $3,99 USD every month, you get this:  - 30 gems every day, lasts 30 days.  - double rewards on the login card - 20 max stamina increase - 50% extra exp  - 300 gems instantly
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
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