#i really like the mirror scheme here
Infernal Shadows 02
Synopsis: Being one of the most powerful overlords in Hell, you like to keep up with colonies and overlord plans. Recently with the new extermination date out, you hold your annual gala sooner than usual. You hadn’t expected to get in the middle of the already heated feud between the Radio Demon and the head of Vox Tech.
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used for the reader, mentions of blood, voodoo?, Angel Dust being a horn-bag, Reader is referred too as Madame to the public. Vox and Alastor feud because I live for it.
Song for this chapter: HAUSER - Adagio (Albinoni)
A/N: I’m so glad part one did well! I really liked this idea and hoped other people would too. As always comment if you want to be tagged and I will tag you in the next post! I wanted this to be three parts, but depending on how much I can fit in this chapter and the next one, I’ll see if I need to make four parts. The song at the beginning of this chapter is meant to be played when the line “ The music picked up” Is read. Skip to 5:35 for it to play smoothly, or as smoothly as possible.
Word count: 3.k or something over that idk I got too lazy to count :(
Taglist: @dollops-of-delusion @nebusokuxp @scrunchss @rosedasy @valluvz @chesstras @pishybowl @iaaeav @forgotten-blues @22carolina08 @roboticsuccubus83 @doflamingadonquixote
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!! // Serendipity Writes (event) // Part One. // Part three.
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Within, the grand foyer unveiled itself, revealing a sweeping staircase adorned with a rich, mahogany handrail in stark contrast against a black and white color scheme. Crystal chandeliers, dangling from lofty black ceilings, cast their brilliance upon white walls adorned with ornate mirrors. Plush Victorian-era furnishings, upholstered in rich black and white fabrics, adorned the parlor rooms, establishing cozy settings for guests to assemble and engage in enriching conversations. Each room murmured tales of a past era – intricately patterned black and white wallpaper, frames gilded in black to showcase classical art, and a subtle aroma of aged wood and lavender lingering in the air, harmonizing with the monochromatic elegance. The guests walking in all marveled at the details of the mansion.
Charlotte and Vagatha both stepped in, Charlotte in awe of the detailing. A shadow figure bent down slightly to offer her a drink, to which she happily took.
“Vaggie this is all so beautiful. I hope I can make a good impression.” Charlotte said, turning to her partner to ease her nerves. Vagatha just smiled, a hand on her shoulder lovingly.
“You’re gonna do great babe, besides, there’s so many people here, if one likes it I’m sure other people will get on board too.” Vagatha said.
“Or they can laugh at you if one person points out how ridiculous it is.” Husk said, chugging his drink before placing it back on the servers tray.
“Thanks for the kind words Husk.” Vagatha said sarcastically. He just shrugged, looking towards the bar area which was practically calling him over.
Upstairs in your room, you stared at yourself in the mirror as your shadows made the finishing touches on your outfit. Draped in a long, elegant black gown that gracefully embraced your commanding figure, the fabric cascaded like shadows. Delicate chain motifs intertwine with the dress, creating an alluring dance of darkness. A chain belt cinches your waist, a subtle nod to your captivating ability to ensnare and command over your shadows. Completing the regalia, silver chain cuffs adorn your wrists, reflecting both power and refinement.
“Madame, the guests are all in the lobby awaiting your arrival.” One of the shadows said. You nodded, stepping down from your showcase, winking to yourself in the mirror before chuckling to yourself. A shadow approaches you, bowing in respect before holding out a tray with your drink, a contrast to your dark colors. You take the glass in your hand, another shadow lightly putting a thermometer in your drink so it’s the perfect temperature for you, fifteen point five degrees Celsius. The liquid is a light yellow-ish green, Lafite-Rothschild, an expensive French wine you tried in 1906 when you were alive. Lifting it to your lips, you take a long sip and sigh, the spicy and earth notes, mixed with a hint of tobacco and red Barrie’s dance on your tongue like a performance of Gavotte. You pull back with a sigh, setting the glass down, a perfect Ridel Vinum Bordeaux, personally crafted for you as the bottom of the glass is a Smokey black, fading into clear glass towards the top.
“Let’s get this Gala started shall we~?”
In the lobby, guests were socializing amongst themselves. Velvet, Vox and Valentino had split for a short while. After the incident outside, the two overlords wouldn’t stop tantalizing the picture box about his fit of frustration dealing with the Radio Demon. From the lobby, there were large crystal doors revealing the back exterior of the house. The greenery was just perfect, with cobblestone flooring revealing another bloody fountain. Vox stood with his drink, speaking to some sinner he couldn’t remember the name of, about how well his business was going.
“You ever get,” Vox asked, eyeing one of the shadows who stood in a corner, white eyes soulless as they held out drinks to guests. “Creeped out by those, things?” Vox asked, turning back to the sinner. He just scoffed.
“Please, they’re always around and as far as I know, harmless.” The sinner said. At that, a shadow appeared between the two, taking their empty glasses and replacing it with new, full ones. Vox tried his hardest not to seem alarmed at this, and took the glass silently, sipping his drink slowly as it floated away. It was then he took in the shadows appearance. They all looked the same. Tall figures, Smokey outlines, but no feel or hands, just a faded end to their limbs. Their eyes were white and soulless, almost as it they were vacant, a shell of what they used to be. There were no facial features, just two white circles and a thin white line for their mouth. Each one however, had a light Smokey chain around their chest, wrapped in the shape of an X.
“What are the chains for then? They’re pretty much smoke, what do they need chains forever?” Vox asked. The associate laughed, but before he could answer, another overlord stepped in.
“They have chains because they’re claimed souls.” Fredrick Von Eldritch says, his sister Bethesda in toe. The two grin, a shadow following behind them with a tray of their drinks. “If you get invited to the gala long enough, you get a personal one.” He said with a wink, gesturing to the shadow behind the two.
“They’re quite cute once you get used to them.” Bethesda said with a smile, cooing at the shadow lightly. Yet, it still remained expressionless.
“Actually, now that you say that.” The sinner says, looking around for a moment. “It’s been awfully quiet with a laugh track being played.” He says, referring to Alastor. Vox just rolls his eyes.
“Who gives a shit about where that old timey freak is?” Vox asks. Fredrick and Bethesda snicker to each other, catching Vox’s attention.
“Probably hunting for his dear Madame.” Bethesda said dramatically, laying her head on her brothers shoulder and batting her lashes playfully. Fredrick and the sinner laughed at his sisters antics, but Vox grew serious.
“What does that mean? He knows her?” Vox asked, to which Fredrick scoffed, finishing his drink before reaching for another off the shadows server tray.
“Of course he does. She died before him, and they’re the closest overlords in time period. Well, aside from Zestial and her.” Fredrick explained. Vox didn’t say anything else, instead looking to the red ‘moon’ of hell, before glancing at the blood fountain. He had heard rumors about being at the Madame’s table, and how she gave the inside to all her projects and plans before the next extermination. Apparently, this year was supposed to be ‘different’ as people had been talking.
“When does this dinner start anyway? We’ve been standing out here for two hours.” Vox said annoyed.
“In a few minutes, Madame will make her grand entrance. She will socialize with the guests as it is polite to have one on one time with them. Then she will spend the rest of the time while the orchestra gets together deciding on contenders to sit at her table.” A shadow walking by said, stopping to stare at Vox. “Madame is always watching.” It then said, turning to serve other guests. Vox said nothing, instead turning on his heel and making his way inside the mansion. How could someone feel suffocated outside? Fredrick and Bethesda said nothing, watching him go, but sharing a glance between each other before making their leave too, leaving the sinner all by his lonesome.
Inside, Charlotte and Vagatha conversed about how she could get people behind her project.
“Maybe if I sing-“
“Please no. These people are too…” Vagatha said, glancing around the room. Everyone seemed too, fake. Vagatha knew Charlotte being herself around these people would do absolutely no good to the hotel, and though she hated telling Charlotte these things, she knew her kindness would be frowned upon, and made fun of. “Serious for that kind of thing.” Vagatha finished, taking a sip of her champagne. She settled for champagne in a flute while Charlotte drank water, wanting to hydrate herself in hopes to calm her nerves.
“I heard that Madame might be making her entrance soon.” Charlotte said nervously, looking around. She half expected her parents to show up, but knew how they rarely liked getting involved in overlord affairs. She’d be surprised if they showed up.
“Then when she does you can try to pitch your idea to her.” Vagatha said supportively. Charlotte just smiled and nodded, hoping someone would listen to her. She had tried practicing on two sinners moments ago, to which they both laughed and called her delusional. The defeat was beginning to get to her, and she hadn’t even started yet.
With Velvet, she began studying the interior of the old-styled mansion. She was trying her hardest to not be too rude about it, but of course she had her comments, but ultimately kept them to herself. Cramoisie, your fashion line, was the top fashion brand in hell, everyone wanted a piece of it. Velvet had never had an article for herself, despite trying her hardest to get something, anything, even a sample. But people feigned for it like drugs. Velvets line was successful sure, but with your validation and guidance, she could become perfection, the same way you were. Everyone in hell looked up to you, shit, you had even gotten Lilith’s praise as she was photographed wearing a custom piece you designed for her. Your work was art in its purist form, and Velvet kept a close eye on her other colleagues to make sure they didn’t fuck your chance up. Velvet had her assistant hold samples and sketches of designs Velvet had been working on, wanting to show you her best work in hopes of winning you over. She could brag about having you support her line, and her fans would die of excitement. Maybe, she could get you to design her a custom piece, or Velvet could design one for you. The possibilities were limitless, if you agreed to meet with her of course. But that was all the more reason why she needed to make sure she had a seat at your table tonight. She needed to get close to you.
“Are you fucking high?” Velvet whispered to Valentino, who just chuckled softly at her.
“What’s the matter hermosa? Just enjoy the Gala, we’re here to have fun right?” He asked with a giggle. Velvet huffed, deciding to find Vox, hoping he could straighten Valentino out. Valentino would not fuck up her chance tonight.
Near the large staircase in the middle of the room, Alastor stood, glass of whiskey in his clawed hands. He smiles, humming to himself while quietly back up into a wall, careful to scan the room quickly before he disappears into the shadows. Then, moments later, appears in a room separate from the gala. It’s a study, your study. Alastor takes a step forward and quickly the shadows in the room seemed to deepen, casting larger, more dramatic silhouettes that seemed to dance on the walls. The interplay of darkness and light only heightened the mysterious allure of the study. In the midst of this chiaroscuro ambiance, Alastor found himself surrounded by an atmosphere that mirrored the complex nature of the figure depicted in the portrait hanging above the fireplace, which was in the far back wall of the study. It was the only light source in the room. Black wooden shelves lined against the tall walls, showcasing famous pieces of literature, all hand picked and to your liking. The fire place, crafted with dark marble, commanded his attention. Above the mantel, a striking portrait of Madame hung, capturing his focus, like a trance. The image portrayed a being universally admired, yet equally feared; someone who elicited both admiration and intimidation all at once, you.
“Hm, hiding now are we?” Alastor asks with a grin, tutting lightly. “That’s not very proper of you Madame~” He says, calling out to you. Seconds later, a dark shadow appears in the corner of the room, taking up the entire corner, before a shadowy figure steps out. Similar to the servant’s out in the lobby, Alastor’s eye twitch’s slightly.
“Oh don’t be so pissy. You know no one gets to see me before my entrance.” You say, the shadow expressionless, but Alastor can hear your tone through the figure, taunting him. He sighs, setting his staff on a slant along his foot.
“And here I thought I could connect with an old friend.” Alastor said with a chuckle, staring down the shadowy figure, hoping his gaze would ease you to show yourself to him. But alas, stuck in your ways, you didn’t show yourself, instead laughing, though the figure did not open its mouth, making your ‘shadow a-presence’ all the more eerie.
“If you really want to speak with me it can wait until my entrance. I should be done soon.” You say, before Alastor just smiles, tossing his staff from hand to hand.
“Well if you’re really going to make me wait, mind you speed the process up a bit? You know it doesn’t take much to make you look breath-taking.” Alastor compliments, but earns a scoff from you.
“Oh please, don’t start with me ‘Radio Demon.’” You mock, before the shadow figure begins to step back.
“Wait, a moment before you go.” Alastor says, standing his staff on the floor. The shadow figure stops, before you speak again.
“Make it quick. You know how much energy it takes to keep this up.” You say.
“So, about this hotel business. I know she’s planning to talk to you about it.”
“Yes the idea you tell me so much about.” You say sarcastically. Alastor had told you bits and pieces about the princess’s project, but didn’t tell you what it was for exactly, leaving you to wonder how important it really was if even he wouldn’t speak on it.
“Well you know how much I crave entertainment. Is it possible to make a request for the seating arraignment tonight?” Alastor asks. You laugh, figure still unmoving.
“Humorous to think you even have a seat. You’ve been gone for what? Seven years?” You say with a scoff.
“You’ve been gone decades my dear, you didn’t even show up to your last twenty gala’s, having your pity shadows do it for you. I doubt you should be speaking on the matter.”
At that, you chuckle to yourself before the shadow begins to back into the corner, black smoke enveloping the corner like a cloud. “I presume you would be correct. Well, I’m off now. Don’t sneak into my quarters again.” You say finally before disappearing. Alastor just grins, stepping into his own shadow, joining the other guests.
The shadows had slowly but, eventually ushered the guests into the lobby, everyone gathering around the staircase as the shadows lined up against the railings, the orchestra playing the music you had specifically requested. You were about to make your grand entrance, something you hadn’t done in centuries. Everyone stood around, awaiting your arrival, the shadows momentarily disappearing to give the guests more space to crowd around. Candles lit along the walls, as well as floating lights appearing going up the staircase. There, the shadows took their place, two on each step on opposite sides, facing each other. The music picked up, the lights focusing at the top of the stairs. Black smoke began to roll down the steps slowly, the anticipation for your arrival growing. The music gets calm for a moment, a larger shadow figure standing at the top of the staircase. It’s larger than any of the other shadows in the room, standing at fifteen feet tall. It speaks in a monotone voice, but loud and commanding.
“Thank you all for your attendance tonight. The Crimson Gala is held once every year to start the new year with all those who survived the extermination. This being said, Madame would like to say her personal congratulations for not being apart of the bloodshed this year. While the past years she has used me to say that she will unfortunately not be in attendance, I am pleased to say that tonight, along with all the new guests, she will make her grand entrance. Presenting to you, the prowess of darkness and queen of shadows, Madame.”
The lights shine bright, and the shadow vanishes quickly. Velvet shushes Vox and Valentino, eyes practically bulging out of her skull to see you. Alastor just stares, waiting in anticipation. Charlie claps her hands quietly to herself while Vaggie just smiles. Rosie sips her glass, eyes waiting to see what outfit you’ve put together this time. At the top of the staircase, a large black smokey circle opens at the bottom of the floor, smoke swirling upwards slowly in a tornado form, smoke getting quicker as it swirls around itself. It gets larger, and guests closer to the stairs have to back up a bit as the wind picks up. Carmilla turns her face to the side, not wanting the wind to mess up her hair too much. Finally, the music picks up again, the peak point in the song, which lasts eight seconds, before the smoke falls to the side in one swoop, leaving you in the midst, now on display for all guests to see. The music continues, the chains against your dress glistening under the light. The music continues the play as you take steps down, looking at the guests. There’s a serious expression on your face, but somehow neutral all the same. Your shadows had added last minute black lace gloves, which went up to your forearm. The bottom of your dress had a lace trimming, as well as the bodice being laced with trim along the bust area. The jewelry was a simple black diamond crystal on a metal chain around your neck, paired with black diamond earrings. The cuff links on your hand remained all the same though. Finally reaching the end of the steps, everyone clapped, now finally being graced with your presence.
Velvet was in awe, staring at you with wide eyes like a child being gifted the most precious thing. Her excitement grew enormously, watching you shake hands and socialize with guests. She had never seen you before, after you had gone ghost for centuries, hardly anyone had photos of you. Hell she didn’t even know what you sounded like.
Charlie was so excited to meet you. She hadn’t seen you in, forever, and was now finally excited to be seen as your equal. Well, that was what she had hoped at least. Having seen a portrait of you in her parents' home when she was younger, she learned of the close relationship between Lilith and you. The anticipation had built over the years, and now, finally, she looked forward to being seen as your equal. Her hope was to hopefully get your support for the hotel, aiming to elevate her standing in the eyes of others. With your backing, she believed people would take both her and the redemption project more seriously, fostering a genuine desire for redemption. Maybe it would even work.
Husk smiled as he watched you socialize with guests. He was glad to finally see you back out again. He never knew why you went into hiding of course, but he never had the balls to ask, so he just stood quiet. When you disappeared, it was after a particularly rough extermination, and he knew something had happened, he just didn’t know what. Since then, the world only had glimpses of you to go on. Some sinners were starting to think you were a myth, since you never showed your face at the Crimson Gala, especially since you were the host.
Vox was taken aback, a sense of confusion and unease settling within him. Your presence had caught him off guard; he had anticipated something different, perhaps an older figure. The unexpected impact left him feeling uneasy, realizing the gravity of your influence. It dawned on him why Velvet had stressed the importance of making a favorable impression. Apart from Zestial and the twins, you stood as one of the strongest and most enduring overlords. In Vox's mind, securing your alliance was imperative for the success of his company. Your potential support would make his endeavors foolproof. Everything had to be flawless – not for any personal reasons, of course, but solely for the sake of his company. He needed you.
Making your rounds to guests, you began to get closer to your colleagues. With a wave to Stolas, and a nod to Zeezie, you run into the Radio Demon himself, Alastor. He grins, sharp teeth getting you. He smiles and nods his head, and you nod back. Alastor takes in your stoic expression, before carefully taking in your outfit.
“My, my, Madame, you’ve truly outdone yourself tonight. Your choice in attire is as captivating as ever – a perfect blend of elegance and sensibility. Quite the spectacle for the grand event, don’t you think?” He asked, holding his arm out to you. You take it, and the two of you walk around the lobby together, conversing.
“Well you don’t look to bad for yourself. Maybe going into hibernation was perfect for you.” You say back, and he grins.
“You’re too kind darling.” He says, dead heart quickening. He puts a hand to his chest, mocking fragility. “Your words leave me breathless my dear.” He says with false dramatics. You roll your eyes and smack his arm playfully.
“Oh please, your ego is quite large enough already, yes?” You ask. He doesn’t say much else, but instead, gently moves you to the side while you look at your shadows, now waltzing around in the middle of the lobby, putting on a performance.
“Did you plan that?” Alastor asks. You shake your head.
“No, but the music is perfect for it, so I let them be. They’re already trapped with me, I might as well make them useful.” You say, and Alastor just hums, a laugh track playing. However, as the two of you walk, his track screeches to a halt upon seeing Vox approach the two of you.
“Madame.” Vox says, nodding his head. His expression is serious, and though you’ve heard of him, you’ve never seen him.
“Ah hello. Vox I presume?” You ask, free hand reaching forward to shake his own outstretched hand. The two of you shake hands, and Alastor can’t ignore the way he fights to keep his smile. Why he could just shove his staff right into that flace faced fuckers scree-
“Alastor, I suppose you’ve met Mr.Vox before, correct?” You ask. Alastor nods with a smile, and you notice the way it stretches almost painfully across his face. It makes you uneasy, but you ignore the feeling. He’d surely tell about what this is about later on in the night you supposed.
“Why yes we have! I’ve made him loose his signal quite a few times.” Alastor says with a laugh, his laugh track playing. Vox doesnt say anything, though he doesnt have too as his eye twitching had given enough away. The two clearly did not like each other. Than again, you had felt the same way about Alastor when you first met him, so the feeling was understandable.
“Madame, a dance?” Vox asked, turning his attention back to you. You thought for a moment, before untangling your arm from Alastors and nodding to Vox, taking his outstretched hand to you and leading you to the dance floor, which now had a couple other sinners dancing as well. Alastor held onto his staff tight, but relaxed as you discreetly slid him a card. In white with black lettering, cursive font. Seat number five. He was invited to your table. Guaranteed a seat. That was enough to have him back in light spirits, now searching out his dear friend Rosie to share the good news.
Velvet had been looking for you all over, her assistant close in toe. She had tried her hardest to get to you when you initially made your enterance, but alas you had been too overcrowded with people for her to get to you. She had heard rumors about how you hated rudeness and disrespect. That meant no interruptions, and no loud speaking, or vulgar language. She was sure to keep herself in check, and that meant her colleagues too. So, naturally, you could imagine her shock upon seeing Vox dancing with you on the dance floor, black dress twirling at your feet. You looked so regal, so elegant, flawless. She wanted to be just like you. She waited patiently on the sidelines, waiting for the dance to end. She could see the two of you having a conversation, but couldn’t pinpoint what about.
“So, I presume you’re one of the, newer overlords?” You asked as the two of you danced. Vox chuckled, leading you slowly.
“New? Well, maybe to you I would be. I heard you haven’t really left your own head for quite some time.” Vox says lowly. You nod, letting him dip you.
“Yes that would be correct. So what are you supposed to be exactly?” You ask, quite unsure of his purpose. Overlords are meant to have a strong leading purpose in hell, so what was his?
“Well, you’re looking at the head of Vox Tech. A software company.” He says, and you hum in understanding.
“So modern technology.” You confirm, and he nods, pearly whites shining brightly back at you.
“You’re looking at the future Madame.” Vox says, spinning you quickly, before bringing you close by your hip.
“Interesting. So, what’s your social influence?” You ask. Vox thinks for a moment, before laughing to himself.
“People have televisions in all their homes. Any piece of modern technology comes strictly from me. With a little mind control, there isn’t any influence I don’t have.” Vox says, noticing a sinner walk by with a smart watch, to which he holds a finger up to you, sending himself through it, and then to another sinner with their smartphone, making his way around the room in seconds before he’s back in front of you, stepping in time for the next number. “See? Nothing I can’t do.” He says with a wink. You nod slowly, looking around the room. Being back out in the spotlight after being gone for so long makes you feel a bit, behind. But with an overlord like this in your circle, maybe this could be a way for you to keep up with the current world, get you back up to pace. The dance finally comes to a close, and the two of you bow to one another, before you summon a card, handing it to Vox. Seat number nine. Vox grinned at you, giving you a nod. You nod back, before looking at another sinner who’s asked to speak with you. With that, you leave Vox at the dance floor, white card in hand. His spot at your table was secured. But, this made his emotions churn even more. What was this feeling he had? He was happy yes, but for the companies sake. But, maybe for once, he could mix just a little business with pleasure.
Charlotte had lost her partner at the bar and had been looking for her for quite some time. However, instead of finding Vagatha, she found you instead. You had seemed to be finishing a conversation with Vox, and though she disliked him, she took her chance the moment she saw you walking away.
“Excuse me, Madame- Miss- Um.” Charlotte said quickly, causing you to stop in your tracks. She got closer to you, now a few inches away. It was then she realized how tall you were compared to her. You were easily around seven feet, or just under that. With your heels that was. You looking down at her made her feel intimidated, small, like the child. But, feeling her nerves rise, she began to ramble again. “I know you probably have a lot to do tonight and I don’t want to take up your time, I just want you to hear me out, if that’s okay with you of course.” Charlotte said quickly, pausing to inhale. You narrowed your eyes at her, snapping your fingers and causing a shadow to appear next to you, singular glass on the tray. It was the same tall shadow from earlier, with the same drink. Again, using testing the temperature of the drink, before nodding to you so you could take it. You lifted the glass to your lips, maintaining eye contact with Charlotte as you drank the wine in one go, putting it down on the tray with a sigh.
“Go on.” You replied, now intrigued. You knew who she was. “You’re the girl with the hotel? Lucifer and Lilith’s child, correct?” You asked. Charlotte smiled, stars appearing in her eyes as she gushed.
“You know who I am?” She asked surprised. You nodded, cracking a small smile for the first time tonight, causing many eyes to stare in shock. You hardly ever smiled. In fact, there were three counts ever of you smiling in hell. Once, when you first got to hell, killing and claiming territory, and smiling once you finally settled down. The second being after World War One, when so many souls came to you seeking ‘help’ yet only being met with contracts. Third, being just before the extermination you disappeared after. You had gone through your belongings from Earth that managed to get brought to you from the surface, and was looking at family photos with one other overlord. Zestial. Now, at the gala, here was Lucifer’s brat, as some would call, making you crack a grin at her giddiness.
“Of course I know who you are. Do you forget I know your mother? You’re practically a niece of mine at this point.” You say, motioning at Charlotte to walk with you. “Now, what is this hotel I’ve heard about?” You ask. She beams at this and follows excitedly.
“OkaysobasicallyIhavethishotelandit’scalledthe’HazbinHotel’whichisforsinnerswhowantobebetterandredeemthemselvestotryand-“ You stopped her, allowing her to take a breath of air after rambling for so long. You lead her outside, finding a nearby bench to sit on. With how quickly she spoke, she needed all the ‘fresh’ air she could get right?
“Why are you speaking so quickly? Also, sinners who want to better themselves? Where would you find those?” You ask with a laugh, the same tall shadow appearing with a glass for you. Again, you sip on your drink as Charlotte collects herself together.
“Usually if I explain slowly people cut me off and I never get to finish, so I’ve gotten used to just saying everything as quickly as possible so they don’t cut me off and actually listen to what I have to say.” Charlotte says, again rather quickly. “Like I was saying; the Hazbin Hotel is a place for sinners who want to better themselves to possibly try to get into heaven through redemption, and I know what you’re thinking, we’ve all died and got sent here, but I believe people can change and that everyone deserves second chances.” Charlotte explained. She saw the look of confusion on your face, and began to speak again. “We already have two residents, who are making strides to be better people every day with group activities and I believe it’s working. If I could just get other people on board, people like you on board who actually believe in my cause, then we can get rid of extermination and maybe save some people here.” Charlotte explained. You thought for a moment, and the fact you hadn’t laughed in her face yet gave her some hope that maybe she had gotten through to you. You stood up, setting your empty glass on the tray before the shadow disappeared.
“Honestly,” You said with a sigh, looking around, your eyes landing on your shadows serving other guests. “The entire project sounds delusional.” You said sharply. Charlotte looked down at this, defeated, before standing as well.
“Well, thank you for hearing me out I guess. You’re the only other person who has aside from Alastor. So, thank you for your time.” Charlotte said, turning to walk back inside the gala, head hanging low with tears brimming her eyes. Maybe it was the connection to her mother, maybe it was because she reminded you of her mother. But, something had to change.
“I didn’t say we were done speaking Charlotte.” You said sharply again. She stopped and tensed up at that, before turning around, wiping a tear that slipped down her cheek.
“W-what?” She asked. You stepped forward to her, putting your hands flat together before smoke encased them. Then seconds later it was gone, and in your hands was a white card. You handed it to her with a nod.
“It sounds delusional. But, maybe someone will like that about you.” You said. She read the card, face dropping once she realized what it meant.
“So, so I can sit with you tonight? I can pitch my idea?” She asked excitedly. You nodded, patting her shoulder.
“Yes you may. I’ll allow you to have your time. You get thirty minutes, there will be overlords and royalty there, I’m sure someone is bound to take an interest in it.” You say. Charlotte squeals excitedly before jumping up and down, clapping her hands.
“Oh my goodness! Thank you so so so much!! You won’t regret this I swear!” Charlotte said, and you just nodded.
“Of course I won’t. I don’t make mistakes.” You say, before walking past her. “Oh, and thank Alastor for that. He was insistent you be present at my table tonight.” You say to her. She’s left standing outside in shock, watching as you walk back into the lobby to socialize with other guests.
It seemed Velvet had finally caught you, rushing her assistant to follow you as she made her way over to you.
“Madame, you look absolutely breathtaking tonight! Your presence here is like a beacon of individuality and charisma,” she exclaims, eyes sparkling. You look her up and down for a moment, stopping in your tracks to listen to her. Something feels, odd about this one. “I’ve been ardently following your unique style for ages, and it’s truly an honor to be in your presence. The way you effortlessly blend boldness with subtlety, it’s unparalleled, truly outstanding. Now, I’ve ventured into a daring new fashion brand, and I can’t help but envision you as the unrivaled star in my collection. Picture it: the illustrious Madame, gracing the world with a revolutionary expression of style. This would be the perfect way to make your way back into the public eye, and of course you would look ravishing doing so.” Velvet said, her assistant handing you sketches of Velvets designs, and photographs of some of her work on her models. “So, what do you say Madame? Will you be the luminary of a new era in Hell’s fashion?” Velvet says. You grow quiet for a moment. Aside from Rosie, you’ve had no other overlord come into the fashion realm, and Rosie is only partially in it as a side hustle, but everyone knows it’s your thing. The designs are things you would never wear, bold and odd colors together, like a child’s clothing line.
“Is this for children?” You ask. Velvet nearly chokes and her assistant tenses up.
“No Madame. It’s modern fashion.” Velvet says cautiously. She knows what she’s doing. Correcting you. No one ever does that. You don’t need to be corrected because you know what you’re looking at. A sad fashion designer who wants you to slap your name on her sloppy work so if it goes up in flames it’s your reputation taking the fall, not her’s.
“So all your models look like they came from a whore house? Correct?” You ask. Velvet’s jaw drops and her assistant hides a laugh. Velvet, inhaling softly, tries her hardest not to cry on the spot. You’re her idol. She can’t fuck this up.
“No Madame! Not at all!” She says, showing you a design she had made personally for you. Based on your other collections, she knows your favorite color is black, so that’s a plus. All she had to do was add a bit more, of her flair to it. It was a black jumpsuit, with a fur coat that dropped down to the knees, black with white fur around the edges of the coat and the cuffs. The sketch wasn’t half bad, and quite frankly better than the others. Maybe it was the forgiving mood Charlotte had put you in. Velvet hands you the design and you skim over it, taking in the details, the hair and eye makeup, the shoes and jewelry notes written on the side. The sketches aren’t bad, but modern fashion isn’t your fashion.
“I’ll consider it. Do you mind if I keep these?” You ask. Velvet shakes her head, handing you the folder from her assistants hands.
“Please, take whatever you’d like Madame!” Velvet says. You nod, flipping through the pages.
“You’ll hear from me soon. In the meantime, I want new sketches of these designs. Modern fashion is fast fashion. Nothing stays memorable that way. You want to be good?” You ask her, and she nods quickly. “Then be better. Modesty and elegance are what people strive for. It radiates power, and everyone is greedy for that. If you can sell that through an item, you won’t ever go out of style.” You say, handing her back the folder, keeping the sketch she’d done for you. Well, at least you liked something. Vevelt nodded her head and watched you walk away, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Um, miss?” Her assistant asked.
“What?” Velvet asked annoyingly.
“She left a card on the folder.”
At that , Velvets eyes snapped down at the folder, before she screamed in excitement. Seat number six. She was invited to your table. Mission accomplished. Now, with only six seats left to fill, you were off to talk to your other guests. The night had proved to be interesting, and you knew your encore would not disappoint.
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lillotte17 · 3 months
*throws more Veilguard Banter into the gaping maw of Tumblr and then flees*
Solas: “I have another question, Varric. If I may?”
Varric: “Just the one?”
S: “For now. I must admit, I was surprised to see that you were the one they asked to make an attempt at dissuading me from completing my mission. Not to belittle our prior bonds of friendship, but if the intent was to send an agent who might presumably hold some power of persuasion over me, I…would have thought another candidate might have seemed like the more obvious choice.”
V: “Would it really have changed anything if she had been the one telling you to stop?”
 S: “I…do not know. I should think not.”
V: “But at least you would have gotten to see her again, right?”
S: “Perhaps.”
V: “Heh, don’t you worry, Chuckles, I’m sure you’ll get your chance. The fact that I was here instead of her is more of a fluke than anything else. She was more than eager to follow up on the tip that led us to you, but then the kid insisted on tagging along, and you know how it is.”
S: “…kid?”
V: “Right, the kid. You probably haven’t seen him either.”
S: “…No. I have not. Although, I would have thought that there would have been news if the Herald of Andraste had… Well. I suppose there is wisdom in striving to keep such affairs private. I certainly have no right to voice an objection.”
V: “Why would you object to seeing the kid again?”
S: “Again? I… You are referring to Cole.”
V: *snorts* “Well, yeah. Who’d you think I was talking about?”
S: “Never mind.”
Rook: “So, Varric, do you really think the Inquisitor is going to show up?”
Varric: “Oh, don’t worry, she’ll be here. She’s been searching high and low for Chuckles for nearly a decade.”
R: *whistles* “And she never caught up to him in all that time?”
V: “Once. It…didn’t end well. After that, a few of our agents came close over the years, but it turns out that the world is a pretty big place, and tracking a lone elf with a network of magical transportation mirrors on his side is about as tricky as you’d expect. It’s even harder when you’ve got a notorious reputation and half of Thedas has seen portraits of your face. One whisper of the Herald of Andraste entering a city, and all our leads would vanish overnight.”
R: “But…I thought the two of them liked each other?”
V: “I think that made it worse, actually.”
Solas: “You do realize that I am standing right here?”
Solas: “For what it is worth, I am sorry about your Bianca, Varric.”
Varric: “Oh, you know, what’s an irreplaceable keepsake from the woman I can never be with in the grand scheme of things, anyway? At least you didn’t turn me to stone.”
S: “Your anger is justified. I do not expect your forgiveness, but I would apologize for my actions, none the less.”
V: “Look, if I were you, my forgiveness isn’t what I’d be worried about right now. Someone else has a much bigger bone to pick with you than I do.”
S: “I am not expecting her forgiveness, either.”
V: “So, you’re not even going to try?”
S: “And what, precisely, should I be trying, Master Tethras? This is hardly the sort of situation to be solved by a bouquet of flowers and a well-constructed poem.”
Rook: “Maybe you could send chocolates?”
V: “I was going to suggest groveling, actually.”
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lovingseventeen · 10 months
matchy-matchy with seventeen
a/n: me in my single era pt 2093520395 and here’s me projecting just a little bit yk. also i tried really hard to make these creative i hope it went well
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seungcheol: jackets
✧ specifically varsity jackets or those racing jackets
✧ maybe not exactly the same, maybe it’s the same style of jacket but in different, but complementary colors
✧ absolutely loves knowing that it’s so easy to tell that the two of you are a couple when you walk together
✧ his lock screen is a mirror picture of the two of you :’)
jeonghan: hair accessories
✧ matching hair accessories oh myyy
✧ it could be in simple barrettes or clips with little cutesy designs
✧ or ribbons !!
✧ one day he sees you tie back half of your hair (like a semi-updo) and he just asks you, “can you do that to me too?”
✧ you two can be dainty together 🫶🏽
joshua: rings
✧ perhaps he’s a simple romantic
✧ rings can go with any outfit and he wants a reminder with you everywhere he goes
✧ loves seeing his ring on his finger in all of his daily activities
✧ also loves to hold your hand to look at the ring on your finger only to follow with a soft kiss to the back of your hand too
jun: earrings
✧ maybe he’s a little more subtle with it
✧ but he finds earrings as an easy way to be connected with you, knowing you have the same pair
✧ all that matters to him is that it’s something that the two of you know about - and maybe others if they’re paying attention
hoshi: tiger phone cases
✧ ofc you support his tiger agenda and one day he just surprises you with matching tiger print phone cases
✧ falls a little more in love with you when you don’t hesitate to swap your current case with it LOL
✧ loves taking mirror selfies where you can see your cases and as the two of you make the tiger claw hand gesture
✧ if you’re with literally anyone else together, he’ll just grab both of your phones to go “look!”
wonwoo: headphones
✧ thought of this because he games but headphones are also pretty necessary in general
✧ you each pick sticker packs and you place some stickers on your own pair
✧ then you swap headphones and fill up the rest of the negative space of each other’s :’)
woozi: pajamas
✧ he’s someone who’s also very lowkey methinks
✧ he doesn’t feel the need to flaunt his relationship too much, or go out on his rest days either
✧ he likes the moments you have just between the two of you and pajamas are a cute way to still have that
✧ whether you’re cuddling on the couch or just walking around the house, his heart is content seeing your matching home outfits
seokmin: shoes
✧ just felt like this would be soooo cute with him
✧ it gives you both freedom with your outfits and individual styles but anyone looking at you two together would know that you’re dating
✧ he love love loves taking those pictures of your matching shoes
✧ maybe he even takes a short video for his story and you can tell he’s happy in it because he can’t stop his feet from doing a little dancey dance
mingyu: hoodies
✧ adores seeing the two of you matching so obviously in the reflection of windows, mirrors, etc. when the two of you are out
✧ takes so so many pictures of you two
✧ you definitely have more than one matching hoodie
✧ will fall in love with you more if matching couple clothes was your idea first LOL
minghao: nails
✧ i had to, i HAD TO, just imagine the two of you with the prettiest hands ever
✧ maybe he lets you pick a color first and then he’ll pick a second to complement it aaa
✧ and even if you aren’t too much of a nail person, maybe you just get one nail painted with a little image or design to match the color scheme of his
✧ also imagine the intimacy of painting each other’s nails and he’s holding your hand close to his face and blowing on your nails to dry them
seungkwan: bracelets
✧ the two of you make your matching bracelets at one of those shops meant for dates
✧ i just know he would try so hard !! to make yours so pretty
✧ his heart ACHES when you find these 2 bear charms to represent the two of you (so you can have a little bear of each other)
✧ “this one’s me and this one’s you, don’t you think?”
vernon: beanies
✧ he’s always giving you his beanies when it’s cold out anyway
✧ then on this day he’s shopping and he can’t pick between 2 options (they’re both the same 2 colors but in different combinations)
✧ vernon just gets both and lets you pick the one you like more
✧ he knows you’ll look good in either one :)
chan: crewneck/hoodie-sweatpants-set
✧ this is various things but here me out, he’s a dancer and he probably has a good amount of athleisure
✧ sometimes you visit him during his solo dance practices and he likes to try to convince you to dance with him
✧ one day you stopped by without the intention to dance and he just casually pulls out the set for you that coincidentally matched with his
✧ he’s so giddy when you change. so so many recordings of you dancing together (regardless of how coordinated the two of you actually are) and mirror selfies to capture your outfits
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noneorother · 10 months
I went dumpster diving into the posters for Good Omens Season 2 and found a few pearls.
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I found it odd that this season had SO MANY official posters. Hours and hours of work and real dollars from Amazon went into the production of these things. This one won a freakin Clio award. I know Neil confirmed he didn't have a lot of control of what went into these 21 (Or 22 depending on whether or not you count the umbrella piece that was made before season 2 shooting began. Personally I don't!) pieces, but I will leave no stone unturned, so here we go. I combed through every single season 2 poster I could find so you don't have to. Here's everything I've found so far:
1. The allegiances poster
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After having watched season 2, knowing what we know now, this poster seems very much to me like a Game of Thrones style family at war image. We have a perfect mirror down the center, with Aziraphale/Angels/Nina&Maggie on Aziraphale's traditional left side, and Crowley with Beelzebub & Jim as reflections of Maggie/Nina, and Shax and Michael(?) as reflections of the three angels on the other side of the mirror. It seems unbalanced, unless you count the floating white head (conveniently watching in the background) as The Metatron...
Which means Michael is... not on the same side as Uriel and Saraqael? She's also grouped in with the Metatron and Shax, on the side of the demons. How very odd. Gabriel & Nina also have a mirror in that they've both turned their backs to the crowd. Gabriel is willing to go live with Beelzebub in hell, and shut down Michael's plan and the Metatron's scheming for a second Armageddon, so that literal turn towards Beez and away from everyone else makes sense to me. The Nina one however? Not so much from what we've seen. Why is she turning her back on the angels & demons? 2. The individual posters
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Interestingly, the individual posters all line up pretty much exactly with the all the allegiances this season. You just have to look at the way the characters are slanted vs. how the backgrounds behind them are slanted. All 3 bookshop posters and all 3 street posters are slanting left, with their characters also slanting left. They are who they say they are, and they're on the same side.
Michael and Uriel have right slanting backgrounds, so odds are heaven is supposed to slant right. Uriel is following the rules and slanting right, but of all the characters on the posters, Michael is the only one really betraying the background slant, and is slanting left against her background. Something's up with Micahel. They're not on the same side as they claim to be. Saraqael is more mysterious, as the only one sitting straight, and the only angel to have a left slanting background. Shax seems to be slanting left with a left slanting background, which puts her in the same pose as Uriel, but mirrored. While Beelzebub is weirdly slanting right with a right slanting background, making them a bit of a traitor, like Michael. Shax, Saraqael and Michael have some explaining to do. Lastly, and I think mostly obviously, there's clearly a missing poster in the set. Why doesn't hell have a third green poster? Is it supposed to be the Metatron, and they didn't want to spoil the surprise? Furfur maybe? Why wouldn't poor old Furfur get a poster when he has more screen time than Uriel? I don't think this is very important other than it's funny : everyone single person is holding something in their right hand, except for Shax and Crowley, who are holding things in their left hands, and Muriel, who's holding fucking NOTHING. Poor baby Muriel lolsob. One thing I do think might be important is that there are 21 posters in total + 1 missing one. So maybe 22 posters for season 2? How appropriate. 3. The triple phone box
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In both the Nina street poster and the group street poster, there's are a set of 3 red phone boxes down the street. We never see phone boxes in series 2. Seriously, not once. Every other detail in these ones is from Whickeber street footage: gumball machine, post box, newspapers, coffee sign, puddle, walking extras... The only thing out of place is those blasted phone boxes. As far as I can tell it's literally the only thing in all 21 posters that never appears in the show in some form, and this background plate is used for all the street posters, so the phone boxes are in quite a few of them.
4. Crowley is showing his good side, Aziraphale is always facing away from Crowley.
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Crowley is always shown with his head tilted to his right this season, body tilted towards Aziraphale and always with long sideburns. Even in the illustrated poster his default is head to the right, sideburns long.
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EXCEPT for this poster. This is the only time he's looking away from Aziraphale, and his snake tattoo is visible. And his sideburns are short. Either nobody noticed this or they refused to fix it. There's also the matter of Aziraphale facing his body away from Crowley in every single image except the allegiances poster, where they face each other. So cute.
5. The sneaky details posters
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This one has: 1. Pride & Prejudice 2. Treasure Island 3. A tale of two cities 4. The Crow Road 5. Catch-22 9.
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AND whatever the hell this photoshop artifact/invisible thing coming out of the scroll on Aziraphale's desk. I checked every version I could find of this poster and it's always there. It looks like someone tried to edit out something that was there and sort of got it mostly right. Which is completely ludicrous given the amazing amount of flawless photoshopping and collaging going on in this image. These are the magicians linking rings from the 1941 magic shop. Mystery solved!
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This one has the yellow book on the bookstand, the record, and : 1. Only one clock hand on the grandfather clock, facing 6. 2. A feather duster on the floor (but weirdly it's grey not yellow). 3. The dark horse statue with Crowley's old sunglasses on it. 4. Aziraphale's bowtie ON THE FLOOR. What. Why. I can only conclude that in this poster either A) Aziraphale and Crowley have left these things behind (meaning no more bowtie for Aziraphale in season 3) B) They are currently not wearing these items somewhere else in the bookshop....
_____________________________________ I ran out of images. So the dome poster will have to be it's own post!
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kurishiri · 1 month
Crown’s revenge on Vogel giving them nicknames
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but please don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ info ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this is formatted in like a group chat text format, and it’s basically crown assigning silly nicknames to vogel as “revenge” for nicknames getting assigned to them. it’s really silly. the translation is below the cut!
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“The chatroom of my cute Crown members”
William: This is an emergency meeting.
Liam: hi hii, I’m here, Will!
Victor: Hello hellooo, William
Roger: I see you guys are always the first to respond
Harrison: It’s not every day Will’s the one gathering all of us though.
Elbert: Did... something happen?
Alfons: I would very much prefer it if the discussion that’s about to happen doesn’t go south...
A: Hm? Where are the two that work at their trading company?
Ellis: I’m here
E: Jude’s here too. he’s smoking next to me
Jude: Don’t y’all know I’m extremely busy right now.
J: Gatherin all of us in a place where that ordinary person isn’t, y’all probably gon push some disturbin mission on us, aren’t you.
William: It would appear Vogel has been giving us very amusing nicknames, you see.
Jude: Ha?
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J: ‘Nicknames’? You called us here for somethin’ as worthless as that? Ya got worms for brains or what.
Harrison: To be fair you didn’t strike me as the type to do that.
Liam: oh, maybe it’s because it’s been so hot for some days in a row? Will’s not good with heat
William: Well, how many shall I read to you guys?
W: The shameless mirror man, an assassin under the command of the company president, sparkly pink, a person with a short fuse...
Alfons: Ahha! Did you hear that, Roger? They called you ‘the shameless mirror man.’
Roger: I can say with 100% confidence that ‘the shameless mirror man’ is referring to you, not me
Ellis: ‘A person with a short fuse’ must be Jude
Jude: I see ya want a pay cut, Ellis.
Victor: Hey, what about me? What’d they say about me?
William: I don’t want to give a nickname, a weirdo with long hair, and a cheerful dove. Supposedly.
Victor: Doesn’t want to... ah wait, more than that... a... dove?
Jude: That bloody Vogel’s clearly lookin for a fight.
William: ...Actually, I believe it’s the opposite.
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Ellis: opposite?
William: To have thought up these most special nicknames, they must have wanted to deepen their friendship with us.
W: If that’s the case, then we must return the love, yes?
Liam: ah, I see! as expected of Will
Harrison: Are you being for real now? I guess Will is also the type to face forward in his own, Will way.
Victor: That’s what’s so wonderful about William ★
Harrison: you shut your mouth, Dove.
Victor: Youre so cold, Harrison~~!
Alfons: Anyway, what you are saying is that we deal to them what they dealt to us...
A: ...so, as thanks, we should assign nicknames to them as well, no?
Jude: We really goin all out.
Liam: I’m getting excited now! Hey hey, who should we give a nickname to first?
William: Let us start with the leader then.
Elbert: ...I have one.
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Alfons: Well, aren’t you in tip-top shape today, Elbie?
Elbert: Fluffy and smiley leader.
Ellis: Its cutesy
Liam: oh, it’s because he wears a fluffy coat, and he’s always smiling!
Alfons: I must say, I expected nothing less, seeing it came from Elbie, but is it not a little too much in the cuteness department?
A: For example, let’s see... perhaps we could do the scheming and perverted fallen angel or something to that degree.
Roger: I see you’re not holding back on badmouthing him. I think the perverted part fits you more than him though
Ellis: He might be scheming, or he might be perverted. I’m not really sure
Alfons: For the record, this is what I hope for. Do you not seethe at the sight of that face that screams popularity?
Roger: Can’t argue with that there. Maybe something like very hairy legs
Liam: you two are always fighting but then agree on the weirdest things..
William: Alright, so Darius is the scheming and perverted fallen angel then...
Liam: wait what since when!?
William: Next up is the twins, Nika and Ring.
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W: Let us see now. I believe it would be good to assign the twins nicknames that work in a set.
Elbert: ...twins...twins......
E: Twins with disheveled eyelashes.
Alfons: That hit rock bottom!
Ellis: Pudding & Pie
Roger: That also hit the bottom
Alfons: Then how do we feel about Clever & Cherry?
Liam: I can see ‘clever’ being Nica, but how is Ring a ‘cherry’?
Roger: Ah, don’t tell me
Harrison: Don’t you dare speak another word, Roger. A man’s pride on the line here.
Alfons: Oh, I assure you, this is all a mere guess, pure speculation ♡
A: I am actually not in the know regarding that.
William: Alright then, so the twins will be Clever & Cherry.
W: Then it’s decided. All that’s left to do now is to tell Vogel what we have come up with.
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Roger: Wait, we’re telling Vogel? All of this? Are you crazy!?
William: We spent so much time coming up with these nicknames, would not telling them be more of a waste?
Liam: sometimes, I can’t tell if Will’s being or serious or not
Victor: And that’s what’s so wonderful about William ★
Harrison: shut up, Dove.
Victor: Youre so cold to me agaiiin Harrison~~!
William: Well then, who will be telling them...
[Jude has left the group chat]
William: Oh my, could this be a bug?
[William added Jude into the group chat]
Jude: What the hell
[Jude left the group chat]
[William added Jude into the group chat]
[Jude left the group chat]
[William added Jude into the group chat]
Harrison: ...Thank the lord she’s not here right now.
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I have never seen anything like this remodeled 1930 home in Rochester, MN. It has 3bds, 3ba, and is completely tiled inside and out. The exterior is basically bathroom tile. Asking $849K. Well, at least you don't have to ever paint, just spray it down with shower cleaner.
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You'd think that it would at least be something other than the usual white, gray, and black. And, you don't even have the option of painting. Ever.
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Tile stairs go up into the living room.
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I don't really like the small subway-type tiles on the walls in here. Even the fireplace is tile. The bookshelves & ceilings, however, are wood.
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I've never seen a combination fireplace/kitchen counter.
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The lower cabinets are nice.
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The backsplash is a herringbone pattern.
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The primary bedroom has a fireplace wall. As if it doesn't have enough shine, they had to put mirrored doors on the closets.
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The en-suite bath has that nice shower door that looks like paned glass.
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What is this nonsense? No tiled walls? This is actually very nice. It can be repainted in a very attractive color scheme.
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Bath #2 has large pieces of tile joined by metal strips around the tub, plus a wood-tone ceiling. There are 4 different tiles in here.
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Bedroom #3 has the small tiles on the walls.
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Well, that's different - twin fireplaces.
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The finished basement is set up as someone's bedroom, office, and gym. I like the glass wall partition.
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There's also a shower down here.
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And, a sauna.
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There's an outdoor kitchen with storage.
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The kitchen is, of course, tile.
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The lot is .25 acre.
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zablife · 2 months
Save me Darlin'
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Benny Cross x female reader
Benny Cross Masterlist
A/N: Bc this seemed to be a fave line from my headcanons about Benny, it gets its own imagine. "Did you pray for me every night like a good girl? On your hands and knees? Let me see."
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, blow job, corruption
"Fix your damn jacket," Johnny grumbled, turning to give Benny a scowl as the young man flicked his cigarette butt onto your father's perfectly manicured lawn.
"Jesus Christ we're trying to get these people to change their mind about us," Johnny huffed, climbing the steps to greet your father with a firm handshake.
Benny ducked his head to hide the smirk on his lips as he mumbled under his breath, "Well they really ain't gonna trust us now." Johnny was an unknowing accomplice in his plan to get close to you, a diversion to gain access to the prettiest little thing he'd ever seen.
Normally he wouldn't need to meet anyone's daddy, let alone pretend to care what they thought about him, but you were different. A carefully guarded princess in a tower, he might never have known you existed if Betty hadn’t dragged him to that church picnic last month.
Sometimes he wondered if he might be better off never to have met you though. As it was, most nights he lay awake replaying every minute you'd spent together, jerking off to the memories he’d carefully stored. Your innocent doe eyes staring up at him as you passed him a glass of lemonade, biting your lip just so. Or the way you absently twirled your necklace between delicate fingertips, running the tiny gold cross over your tongue before dropping it into the front of your sundress. And, God, the way your chest rose and fell as he showed you his motorcycle, soft voice promising so earnestly, "I'll pray for ya every night, Benny."
You entered his mind at the most inopportune times, stealing his concentration. He was a man obsessed, in need of one more glimpse of you. Even at this very moment as your father stared at him with disapproval, he knew he'd risk everything to make that a reality. If only he could get out of this living room and find you.
"I asked you a question, son," your father's voice boomed suddenly, pulling Benny from his scheming.
Blinking helplessly, Benny looked to Johnny who came to his aid. "Few odd jobs, nothing regular, but he ain't been here long."
Your father pursed his lips as he replied, "Spose that's why you have so much free time to ride those death machines."
"They're safer than they look," Johnny assured, clearing his throat and wishing Benny would say or do something other than stare down the hallway.
Luckily your mother came into the room with refreshments, breaking the tension as she began to ask questions about Betty and the children. It seemed to lighten the mood momentarily and Benny took it as his opportunity to escape, asking for the bathroom.
As soon as he turned the corner away from prying eyes, he heard a gentle humming and his heart began to thunder in his chest. Walking as carefully as possible on the rickety floorboards, he willed his heavy boots not to make a sound as he approached the crack in your door. Face bathed in the sliver of light emanating from a tiny lamp at your bedside, he watched in hushed awe as you tied pink, satin ribbons in your hair. Lace nightie inching higher with each raise of your elbow, the thin material slowly grazed along your upper thighs, making him sigh appreciatively.
He could have sworn he saw a hint of a smile winking back at him in the mirror as you reached for your lotion and a familiar heat began to rise in his abdomen. In a moment of courage, he slipped inside your room. Closing the door behind himself with a soft thud, he placed a finger to his lips with a look of mischievous delight.
The sight was utterly contagious, making you clasp a hand to your mouth to stifle the giggle ready to erupt from your lips. However, the sound of your father's voice a few rooms over soon impressed the seriousness of the situation upon you.
Rushing at Benny with palms splayed on his chest to move him back across the threshold, you whispered frantically, "We can't...you have to go."
"You want me to go?" came Benny's breathless response, hoping this wouldn't be the way things ended.
As you lost yourself in the ocean's of his eyes, you gulped, shaking your head pathetically.
"Then let me stay," he begged, giving his best puppy dog eyes. You tried to look away, but he hooked your chin with his fingers holding your gaze in a smoldering stare. He watched as your resolve crumbled before him, a small smile playing on his lips as he asked, "Did you pray for me every night like a good girl?"
You nodded as best you could in his firm grasp, only a whimper of agreement as your reply.
His cock stirred at your admission, the idea that you'd thought of him at night enough to rouse his deepest desires. The world fell away as he tugged you into his body, hands roving your hips and lips brushing the shell of your ear as he whispered, "Yeah? On your hands and knees? Let me see."
Benny could tell by the way your breasts crushed against his chest that you were breathing hard, unaccustomed to someone manhandling you like this. You tapped his elbow for him to relinquish his hold and for a moment his heart stopped, worried he'd pushed you too far. As he surveyed the crucifix on your wall and the sweet confection of a dress you'd laid out for Sunday service in the morning, he reminded himself you weren't the kind of girl who did these things....even knew about them.
Then something miraculous happened. You sunk to your knees in the plush carpet, hands trailing along his muscular thighs reverently before coming to rest inches from his crotch. As you sat back on your heels you looked up at him, eyes glistening and plump lips parted. He might have hallucinated the next part, but the golden glow over the crown of your head looked damn near like a halo in the dim light. You offering yourself to him like an angel in one of his dreams.
Benny wasn't a religious man by any stretch of the imagination, but if he was he'd swear God sent you straight to him. He was certain the warmth of your smile and the softness of your touch was all he'd ever need to feel complete. Now he understood why you had to be kept under lock and key. A person like you was too precious to be defiled and his conscience began to gnaw at him the longer he stared, thumb stroking your bottom lip tenderly.
But the sinner that wanted every part of you was winning the battle inside him and soon his own desire overtook him. He moved his hand to tangle in your hair and took hold of your silky ribbons like a set of reins, guiding you closer in silent demand. Widening his stance to accommodate you, he urged, "Go on, baby."
And you answered the plea, tethered to his side dutifully. You nuzzled against his bulge, feeling the effect you had on him. In a word it was intoxicating and you needed more. Undoing his zip you gasped at the sight of him, knowing instantly you'd take the risk of being caught if it meant touching him, holding him...feeling the weight of him on your tongue.
The growls you pulled from him were devilish even as your delicate fingers and mouth tried to calm the beast inside him. He was a man possessed, but you did your best to keep pace with the ravenous desire of his hips pushing into you, causing saliva to run down your chin and past your knuckles. With every gag, he seemed to clutch your shoulder tighter, sigh a little deeper and it spurred you on until you heard him instruct you in a shaky voice, "Have to... swallow it all now, darlin'... okay?"
Your mind raced as you tried to recall what your friends had told you about this, but you didn't have time as he spilled into your waiting mouth. The bitter tang coated your tongue with his grateful pants echoing over your head. As you swallowed everything he had to give, you felt him stroke your cheek adoringly. "Angel, I think I love you," he exhaled on a low breath, raising you to your feet for a passionate kiss.
There was little time to bask in the afterglow, however. The din in the lounge had grown, indicating some kind of argument and he quickly stuffed himself back into his jeans.
“I don't think you can stay," you mumbled sorrowfully against his lips.
"S'okay, nothin’s gonna keep us apart," he assured you, that wicked grin returning.
"You promise?" you asked, tears gathering at your lashline in fear he'd never return.
"Always keep my promises, angel. Keep prayin' for me now," he winked, glancing down at your dimpled, reddened knees before exiting out your bedroom door.
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thinkingabprice · 18 days
“you want me to put you in a headlock?”
“well yes”
john price x reader, reader loves arms
you had always liked arms, you didn’t really know how it started, it was like one day you had woken up and decided that arms were going to be your favorite body part.
it didn’t help that your boyfriend had very nice arms. even as he did the most mundane tasks you found yourself staring and successfully looking away before he saw, or so you thought.
you were laying in bed watching tv and you hear the shower turn off and a couple moments later you see john walk out of the bathroom.
he was only wearing a pair of sweatpants and his upper body was on full display.
it’s not like it was the first time you had seen him shirtless, but you always find yourself admiring him when you think he isn’t looking.
he was currently drying his hair with a towel, and you took that opportunity to glance at him and his arms for only a second.
unfortunately for you, you weren’t paying attention and he already put his towel down and he could see your eyes on him and he just smirked.
he continues to walk over to his dresser, rummaging through it for a shirt, you think. his back faces you and although you can’t see his face, he can see you through the mirror.
he really wasn’t looking for a shirt, just setting you up and confirming his suspicions and when he saw your eyes look back at him again he knew he had found what he was looking for.
“something the matter, sweetheart?” he asks after he clears his throat.
“what? no, nothings the matter why do you ask?” you say.
“can feel you staring at me, you know,” you could hear the smirk in his voice.
you pause for a moment and you feel your face heat up from embarrassment.
“i wasn’t staring,” you deny.
“mhm, sure you weren’t darling,” he says as he teases you.
for the rest of the night, he made subtle movements that allowed him to flex his arm, trying to get you to break. you, completely oblivious to his scheme, were left suffering as he did so. you couldn’t understand why you were staring at his arms so much more now. were you just crazy? the only thing on your mind was him.
the show you were watching had become completely irrelevant, you only stared at his arm as it rubbed up and down your side gently.
“you’ve been staring for a while, sweetheart. you mean to tell me there’s nothing you wanna say to me?” he questions.
your eyes find themselves glued to his arms again and all you can do is gulp nervously.
you had thought about his arms a lot to be fair. sometimes you would find yourself thinking about how they would feel wrapped tightly around you.
no, not just a normal hug, but having them squeeze you. to have them practically suffocate you. he was your boyfriend, after all, but you weren’t even sure if you had enough courage to ask.
“your arms are nice…” you respond quietly.
“thank you baby but i know you’ve got more to say so get it out. i promise i wont judge you,” he says, that soft smile of his encouraging you.
you look at him once again and just decide to get it out as fast and as shameless as possible. the worst that he could say is no.
“could you wrap your arm around my neck?” you say quickly as you finally manage to keep eye contact with him.
his eyes widen a bit in surprise but he laughs at your words.
“you want me to put you in a headlock?”
“well, yes,” you reply, shifting against him nervously.
he pauses for a moment before speaking softly.
“alright then, get over here.”
he gestures for you to move even closer and you eagerly listen, cuddling closer to him as you’re giddy with excitement.
he holds you up against him on his left side, wrapping his left arm around your neck and you could feel yourself melting into him.
his forearm is positioned under your chin with his bicep against your cheek, the hair on his arm ticking you as he holds you.
“this alright?” he asks looking at you for reassurance and making sure that you’re okay.
you can only giggle as you reply with a happy “yes.”
he can’t help but smile at your reaction. he caught your lingering gazes here and there throughout the time that you’d been together but he never thought you would ask to do something so, out-of-character? it was certainly an unusual request from you but he was enjoying it nonetheless, any time spent next to you was pleasing.
he wasn’t complaining, having you up against him and giggling like crazy because he had his arm wrapped around you certainly did something to him. he took pride in his physique and he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy the attention you were giving him.
having you laying next to him made him want to mess with you even more. he decides to flex his arm a bit and you feel his arm close more tightly around you and it feels like heaven. the feeling of his arm subtlety squeezing you has an involuntary noise leaving the back of your throat.
“oh?” john says, “you like it that much?”
“maybe i do,” you reply, finally feeling more comfortable.
“i guess we’ll have to do this more often then.”
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pancakeszs · 12 days
I’d rather be with you
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♡ Megumi Fushiguro x fem!reader
♡ word count: 2.3k
♡ synopsis: reader’s date canceled so megumi steps up and takes her out to cheer her up instead
♡ warnings: all characters are aged up! (18+) FLUFF, confessions, making out, slightly ooc megumi
♡ authors note: this is my first jjk fic on here! i’m really nervous so i hope you all enjoy! i’m sorry if this is a bit fast paced i tried my best. <3
WRITTEN BY @pancakeszs (please do not repost or make any translations)
you were getting ready for your valentine’s day date, filled to the brim with excitement until you received a text. a text from the very man who was supposed to take you out.
date: hey i can’t make it today. my ex wants to go out w me so i’m gonna be with her instead. maybe another time 🤷‍♀️
you almost chucked your phone across the room, but realized that would just make things much worse. you felt your eyes begin to water but you blinked them back. this douche didn’t deserve your tears. taking a deep breath you dialed the number of the only person who could make you feel better.
after the second ring you heard his voice through the line.
“hey, what’s up?” megumi’s comforting voice hit your ear and it immediately made you feel better.
“my date just cancelled on me to go out with his ex.” you had to hold yourself back from screaming into the phone, megumi wasn’t the one who needed to be on the receiving end of your rage.
“that asshole, he doesn’t deserve you.” megumi meant it, he didn’t think anyone was ever good enough for you. mostly because he wanted you all to himself but he would never tell you that. he would never forgive himself if he ruined your friendship over his stupid feelings.
the line was silent for a moment before megumi spoke again “since you don’t have any plans, wanna come over? we can go to the bookstore to cheer you up if you want?”
you smiled at his offer, megumi was never really straight forward with his words but his actions let you know that he truly cared about you. “i’d like that. thank you, gumi.”
“mhm, i’ll be there in 10 is that okay?”
you suddenly felt much more nervous about hanging out with megumi than when you were going on your actual date. you turned around to examine yourself in the mirror. you wore a crimson red skirt, a white babydoll blouse, with crimson red mary jane’s with frilly socks to match your skirt. you decided to add a heart necklace that megumi had gotten for your birthday one year and the matching earrings that went with it.
after adding your finishing touches you looked at yourself again and decided that you looked good enough. even though megumi has seen you at your lowest you still wanted to look presentable, especially since it was valentine’s day.
you wondered to yourself if this was technically a date. deep inside of you, you wished that it was but you didn’t think megumi could ever see you as more than a best friend. you decided that it was just a hangout to make you feel better after being canceled on by your date.
you were startled out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. your heart began to beat faster as you walked towards the door. you opened the door to find your best friend. he was holding of bouquet of white roses, your favorite, and wore beige dress pants and a red sweater vest. the color scheme matched your outfit perfectly.
you smiled at him and megumi thought he was going to melt. you had stars in your eyes and megumi couldn’t think of a smile more perfect than yours.
“they’re beautiful megumi…” you said staring at the flowers, which meant you were too busy to notice the faint blush coating megumi’s cheeks.
he handed them out to you and you took them gently, not wanting to ruin their beauty. “come inside, i’ll put these in a vase before we head out.”
megumi followed you inside and still hadn’t said a word. he didn’t know what to say. you looked stunning in your outfit. he couldn’t help but notice the heart necklace and earrings you wore. the same ones he gifted to you on your birthday.
he decided to say something so he didn’t look like a total idiot. “you look..very pretty.” he was glad that you were searching for a vase while he said it.
you looked over your shoulder and smiled trying to sound calm but ending up stumbling over your words “thank you, you too- not pretty, but handsome. but i mean you are pretty too.” you cringed at yourself and quickly returned to searching for a vase.
megumi blushed at the compliment, seeing you as flustered as he was helped his nerves cool down.
finally you found a vase and filled it up with water. “so what do you want to do?” you asked looking at megumi.
he shook his head “no, what do you want to do?” he would’ve added that you were the one who’s date flaked out on you but decided it might’ve been best not to mention that detail.
you hummed to yourself as you thought. “well, you did mention the bookstore.” you say sheepishly as you cut the bottom tip of the stems off.
“i had a feeling you would say that. we can go there first.” he said. you picked up the vase and placed it in the middle of the dining room table, admiring its beauty.
you turn to look at megumi who was already looking at you “you ready to go?” you ask to which he nods in response.
the drive to the bookstore quiet, but not in an awkward way. it was never awkward with you and megumi. it felt natural to sit in the car, listening to your favorite artists and enjoy the ride. it was one of your favorite things that you both did together, you felt like you were bonding just by listening to your favorite songs and taking in the scenery.
megumi put the car into park and you both walked towards the bookstore. “any books you’re looking for in particular?” he asks you.
you think for a moment and then shake your head “not really, i’ll just look at whatever catches my eye.“
when you walk into the bookshop you feel like you’re transported into a different universe. the warm arm and the soft scent of vanilla made you feel at peace as you walked towards the fantasy section of the store.
megumi followed you, content to watch you skim through the books until you chose the perfect one. it wasn’t the first time you guys had visited a bookshop together, you did so quite frequently since you both loved reading.
he stood silently behind you as you read the different titles until you saw one that caught your eye. you gently pulled it out and read the back, immediately intrigued by the story.
you turn around to look at megumi, your face practically glowing with excitement. “i’m getting this one, it sounds really interesting. is there anything you want to look at?”
megumi shakes his head, he wasn’t here today for himself he was here for you. even though it wasn’t a date, he wanted to treat you to the best valentine’s day you’ve ever had. a day better than the one that douche would’ve given you.
you pout feeling bad that he isn’t getting anything but he insists that he has enough books at home. eventually you budge and you make your way to the register.
once it’s your turn in line you hand the cashier the book and reach into your wallet for your payment. right as you look up to hand the cashier your card megumi is already handing it to the lady. “megumi, i can pay.” you insist
“what kind of man would i be if i let you pay for a book on valentine’s day?” he asked raising an eyebrow at you.
“fine, but if we stop somewhere to eat i’m paying.” megumi makes a noise in the back of his throat that makes you think he’s agreeing when he’s really not.
once you guys exit the bookstore and walk back into the cool brisk february air you look up at him and thank him.
“it’s no problem.” he says shrugging it off, but he’s actually really happy that he got to buy you a book that you seemed excited to have.
“where to next?” he asks as you walk down the street with no particular destination in mind.
“how about the park?”
he nods as you both walk towards the direction of the park. that was another place you both enjoyed hanging out, you usually went there to read together. it was a little book club spot that you both had. except this time you were seeing it in new eyes, it seemed more romantic now. a secluded bench in an unoccupied part of the park. you wondered if people the who would pass by you thought that you were a couple. you blushed at the thought.
on your way to your bench you saw some food trucks and you both looked at each other and immediately knew that you both wanted something to eat.
“what do you want to eat?” you ask megumi but he shakes his head simply and says “no, what do you want to eat?”
“if i choose then i get to pay, deal?”
megumi rolls his eyes at you and mumbles “fine.”
you smile, content that he accepted your deal. you look around at the trucks and pick one that sells gyoza’s, something that both you and megumi enjoy. luckily there wasn’t much of a wait so you order pork dumplings for yourself, while megumi orders beef dumplings. you pull out your card and smile at megumi as you hand it to the man running the truck.
megumi rolls his eyes playfully and you both wait for a couple of minutes before receiving your food. once you get back to your bench you don’t immediately begin to eat. you’re thinking about your day. even though you both hadn’t been out long it was a very sweet hang out.
megumi turned to look at you, noticing that you haven’t started to eat, even though he hasn’t either. “what’s wrong? did they mess up your order?” he asks concerned
“no, i just wanted to say thank you megumi. for taking me out today. i appreciate you stepping up after that guy canceled our plans.”
you glance away after you speak, you think about the way he told you that you looked pretty, and the way that he was looking at you as you placed the flowers on the table. you could admit that you were delusional at times but today felt different. it didn’t feel like delusion it felt real. it felt like the air between you and megumi was charged with something more than friendship.
you decide to take the leap, it is valentine’s day after all. “i know this wasn’t technically a date…but today felt different. it felt romantic, almost.”
you look at him and he’s staring at you so intently, likes he’s trying to get you to elaborate so you continue speaking. “i’ve always loved you as a best friend, but i don’t know, i’ve been starting to feel something more. i think about you when you aren’t around, i see things and i think “hey gumi would like that.”, i wish that i was with you all of the time. and i’ve never really felt it romantically before, but i think that’ means i love you more than a best friend.”
megumi wanted to kiss you so badly in that moment. he thought he was in a dream, you were confessing your feeling for him. him of all people. he had thought of this moment so many times, but he never thought it would truly happen. he had gave into the thought that you would only love him romantically in his dreams.
he was silent for so long that you started to regret your words “megumi, if you don’t feel the same way-“
he immediately cut you off “i do! i really do. i was just thinking about how surreal this all is. i’ve loved you for so long but i never thought you’d feel the same way. especially about me.”
“what isn’t there to love about you?” you said softly and he felt the blood rush to his cheeks.
you were both silent for a moment and megumi looked down at your lips. they looked so soft, he always wondered what they would feel like on his. “can i kiss you?” he whispered.
“yes.” and slowly he leans in and places a hand on your cheek and his other on your waist. you place both of your hands on his shoulder and you close the gap between you.
the kiss was gentle, soft like you were both afraid to break the spell that had come over you both. but it was no spell, it was love so you took the initiative and started kissing him more passionately. his grip on your waist tightened as you parted your lips for him. he slowly slipped his tongue inside and you explored each others mouths.
he slowly brought his hand down to your shoulder and you wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed him harder. you gasped into his mouth and there was a rumble in the back of his throat when you did so. you tugged on his shirt to pull him closer to you and he moved both of his hands to your waist.
you kissed for a while, a mess of gasps and lips and tongues. it felt euphoric, finally kissing him after waiting so long. when you finally pulled apart you rested your foreheads against each others and enjoyed the moment.
after a few seconds of silent you whispered “i’m glad that guy canceled, i’d rather be with you.”
he chuckled and whispered “me too.”
WRITTEN BY @pancakeszs (please do not repost or make any translations)
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krypticcafe · 8 months
i wanna know how u think 141 + König & Alejandro would react/feel about reader doing this trend with them, ofc reader doesn't upload it or anything they just record it for fun :]
if the link doesn't work the trend is basically a person is putting on lipstick and they "mess up" and their s/o wipes it off for them and the camera pans to their s/o covered in kissmarks
this has been on my mind for a while i think its so sweet 🥲 i lovelovelove ur writing!! its so good lik oml <33
Lipstick trend w/COD:MWII men
rating: teen
character(s): Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Hound König, Alejandro Vargas / GN!Reader
warning(s): language, suggestiveness
wordcount: ~1.6k
summary: Silly little lipstick trend with your silly little military boyfriend.
a/n: the money I'd pay to kiss these men dizzy.
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Knew about the trend for a while, was wondering if you'd do it, so it's not much of a surprise when you come to him asking about it.
Honestly, he thinks it's a little cheesy, but he's not so insecure that he doesn't want to do it, he's happy to make you happy.
Literally won't stop teasing you like "You sure you're doing this just for the trend?" when you're smooching him all over his face.
When you're done, you can't but stare for a bit.
"What, too pretty for words, love?"
"Shut up, Garrick."
"Make me."
Now his lips are a bright red to match yours<3
The recording goes pretty smoothly, but by the end of it, Gaz can be seen bursting into giggles which in turn makes you giggle a little until the recording cuts off.
You guys don't post it publicly, but I like to think Gaz posted a screenshot of when the two of you are in frame, looking at each other with goofy smiles.
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The last person you'd expect to be up with any trends, but it's alright, you're here to help him!
He's hesitant, only because he's a bit bashful! When it comes to these silly little recordings and any of your playful schemes, he gets a little shy about it.
But if you really bat your eyes, pout a little, maybe even tug on his sleeve...
"Please? Just this once, sweetheart?"
He sucks in a deep breath. He's a captain for Christ's sake, he's resisted things worse than this, and no amount of hellish torture has ever made him crack in the slightes-
"Pretty please? For me, Johnny?"
What was he thinking about again?
He sits there while you practically bounce in your spot while you lather on thick layers of lipstick, wondering if this will haunt him.
But all his bashfulness goes out the window when you cup his face oh-so-gently, smother him with kisses, giggling about how ticklish his facial hair is, how it nearly messes you up, how you smile proudly at your work and at him.
You swear you won't post it because you know he can't risk his reputation as a captain... but you also know nothing is stopping you from bringing it up every now and then to him.
Pulling up the pictures and videos, smugly grinning and ogling them while he groans at how smug you are.
Real proud of that one, aren't you?
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"So basically for the trend I just need to put on some lipstick, kiss yo-"
"Say less."
Literally he doesn't care what he has to do, this man wants his kisses.
He'll be all "You missed a spot" when you're applying the marks on his face.
Your guys' version of the trend is a little different.
Instead, the video starts with you putting on lipstick, Soap takes it, commenting how the shade would look good on him, applying it on his lips before smothering you with kisses in the video, leaving the two of you all covered in lipstick stains.
After you wiped your face off, you notice Soap hasn't.
He's just staring smugly at the mirror, rubbing his chin, talking about how "Y'know, I think this actually looks good on me" and "Think I'll keep it on for today, yeah?"
"Honey, you can't go out like that."
"An' why not? I'm jus' wearin' makeup."
"Don't be a smartass- hey! Get back here MacTavish!"
Every day that man tests your patience, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
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"You won't budge until I say yes?"
You're sitting on his lap on the bed, keeping him still, batting your eyes with faux innocence. He could lift you off if he wanted, but he doesn't, and that alone is enough of an answer for you.
He's trying to pretend so much that he doesn't care too much about it, that he's just letting you do whatever you want. Obviously, he's just playing along.
However, it isn't until you kiss that particular spot of his neck just right under his jaw where the stubble stops that it escalates.
"Oh? Is the lieutenant feeling ticklish?" You coo.
"'m not ticklish-" He's cut off by more kisses peppered around the area and a few extra on his face.
"Mhm, really, because," You're giggling in between your words, "When I kiss you here," He forces the fakest cough he's ever made when you kiss the same spot against, nipping it slightly. All he can do is lean back into the couch, leg bouncing impatiently, trying to bite back a chuckle or two until he finally cracks. The two of you are in a quiet fit of snickers and giggles until you finally let up.
After making the video, you silently gush over it, replaying it over and over. There's a hint of redness on his cheeks, and his eyes seem to flicker from you to the camera, it's the most flustered you've ever seen him be and you got it all on tape, lucky you.
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"That's so dumb, of course I wanna do it."
Roach is all for goofy little couples trends, so it's nothing new if you ask him to do another.
"Babe, stay still would you?" You pout, "I'm gonna have to start over if you keep squirming!"
"Mmm, I think I'd like that."
"Of course you would." Rolling your eyes, you pinch his cheek and he yelps, apologizing and letting you continue. He really can't help it though, it's really ticklish for him.
It takes maybe three tries for you to get the video right, ending with one where Gary messed up your makeup for you by swooping in to give you a sloppy smooch and clumsily wiping it only to further smear it while in a fit of giggles. He claims you were taking too long so he put matters in his own hands.
"So when do I get to do you?"
"What are you talking about, that's all there is- Gary!"
"Nuh-uh, c'mere!"
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He's confused as ever but agrees to it on a whim since he's often entertaining your needs and wants anyways.
As you settle on his lap, his hands rest on your sides and he looks up at you with affectionate eyes. He was looking at you like that when you were putting on your lipstick, too. You almost don't want to ruin his pretty little face, but at the same time, you think it'd look so much prettier with your kisses all over it<3
His eyes close and he stays still while you mark his face all over, even when your lips tickle sensitive spots like his scars. Patient as ever.
When you pull away, he looks like such a doll for you. Your hands cup his face and his lashes flutter open, showing those big brown eyes still giving you the same adoring look, and your chest is basically hammering. He can probably hear it, too. He reaches up to hold your hands and presses his lips against the knuckles. You swear your heart just stopped.
"Everything alright, sugar?"
Oh fuck, what were you supposed to be doing?
"Mhm." You nod frantically, face burning while his thumb brushes over a knuckle, "Y-You know, maybe we can just... tonight... haha... holdmeplease?"
Yeah... you never did quite get your video.
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"What, with me?" He asks, bewildered.
"Of course?? Who else am I going to do it with? Oh sure, let me call up Horangi, I bet he'll be happy to-"
"Nonono! I want to do it!"
Moments later, he's sitting on the edge of your bed, hood off, fidgeting awkwardly, and watching you quietly. Now you know what he meant when they told him he couldn't stay still for the life of him.
"König, honey, you act like I'm going to hurt you or something." You chuckle, popping your lips as you apply your lipstick in the mirror. He wasn't even this skittish in bed so what had him all jittery?
Setting your hands on his shoulders, you reassure him with a kiss first on the forehead. "Relax, I just want to take a video, that's all."
"Sorry schatz, I'll behave." He hums, easing up at your touch and you smile, planting kisses all over. It seems he just didn't know what exactly he was in for.
You show him how he looks on your phone, "Thoughts?"
"Not bad..." He attempts to wipe off the marks, but you swat his hand away from him.
"You think we're done, mister?"
"Huh?" Practically pouncing on him, you cut him off with a hungry kiss, hovering your body over his. What, he didn't seriously think all you wanted was a video, did he?
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He snickers, "If you just wanted my attention, you could've asked."
"I'm serious, Alejandro, it's a thing!" You beam, pointing to the videos on your phone.
He jokingly dismisses your claim and settles onto his office chair, looking at you expectantly. You're confused for a moment, what was he staring at you for?
"Are we going to do this or not? Don't tell me it was actually an excuse now, mi vida."
"No!" You blurt, though now you're debating if you should do this or just leave him waiting with how much he wants to tease you. Then again, you can't pass up this opportunity.
While applying your makeup, you can spot him quietly admiring you in the corner of his eye, and it nearly throws you off your game.
As you kiss him, he keeps his eyes on you, a grin on his lips. Not for a single moment does he tear his attention away from you, instead pointing at a few spots for you to mark.
"I got it, I got it," You huff, mumbling to yourself, "You're certainly enjoying this, colonel..."
Post-production, when you get up to wipe off your lips, he looks at you with offense, "What, that's it?"
"Nonono, I think we need to do it again, my way, this time." He snickers, pulling you in by the waist.
"Your way? Alejandro!" You whine without fighting back as he pulls you in for a longer kiss, all your protests forgotten.
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a/n: homies i kinda regret writing this so close to valentine's day haha...
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skyenish · 1 month
| Ruler of Everything | Scarabia animatic 🐍☀️ |
I love songs that can be interpreted and applied in so many different ways, and Ruler of Everything is one of those songs. I felt like it fit Jamil, not just in the lyrics of the part I used here, but for a big part of the song!
The anger and sense of injustice “Juno” feels towards time, this all mighty and powerful thing that rules over all, fits Jamil’s anger towards a system that he’s but a pawn in. And the way that Juno takes his frustration for the injustice he endured out on the sun, his best friend, can also resemble the way Jamil took it all out on Kalim, his “best friend”. There are a lot of really cool comparisons, and the video essay “Ruler of Everything is a song about Time” by MarcButEvil has a really good analysis/theory on the song, and a lot of what he said I felt kind of resonated with Jamil in a way? Not all of it, but certain things.
The line “in the gallows or the ghetto, in the town or the meadow, in the billows, even over the sun, every end if the time is another begun”, refers to the way that Time rules over everything and everyone, the poor, the wealthy, and even those above. But in this metaphor, where Time is the system of the Scalding Sands, or even just the ruler of it, Juno, or Jamil, isn’t happy with it. He is mad that he’s been had, so he lashes out. He doesn’t understand why it has to be like this, and like Juno, Jamil feels like his life means nothing in the grand scheme if thing. He’s just a servant to be thrown away and discarded.
The line “If this mirror were clearer, I'd be standing so tall” really reminds me of the way Jamil pities himself, the way he makes up excuses. “If only (blank) I could show them all.” He is arrogant, he thinks he’s so much, and maybe it is, but in the grant scheme of the system he lives in it’s not worth a lot. “You understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything?” I think it’s interesting to think about!
Wow, that was a long ramble about a song most of you probably don’t even know! Sorry if it was hard to follow, I kinda just started typing, zoned out, and ended up with this. But I do highly recommend this song, it’s a lot of fun and quite existential. Thanks for reading the description, and now that you’re here I have a question for you: what is a song you find oddly fits a TWST character, and why?
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shidouswhore · 8 months
“ NEEDY GIRL ” f!reader
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SUMMARY: shidou stuffs a vibrator in ur needy pussy before u guys go out. you get ur revenge by riding him in the backseat of his fancy car (ᗒᗣᗕ)
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warnings: f!reader, basically public masturbation and public sex, usage of vibrator, p in v, dickriding, finger sucking, slight nipple play, car sex, spanking, cumming in! (don’t be stupid!), unprotected sex, dirty talk mm!
“you’re so fine.” you smile at your boyfriend, eyeing his tall figure in the tall mirror as he tightened his tie.
“oh yeah?” he smirked, looking back at you through the reflection, his veiny hands adjusting his tie, before dropping to his sides. he turned his head back to you, relishing in the way your eyes dropped slightly, your breath growing shallow.
he raked his gaze over your body, from the roots of your pretty hair to the shiny heels you were wearing. he couldn’t help but place his hands onto your hips, tugging you closer to him.
“oh yeah.” you answer him, looking up at him through your cured lashes with a sultry gaze. your glossed lips kissed softly at his neck, and your freshly manicured nails snaked their way to shidou’s neck.
“mmh, baby.” shidou’s head tilted back, eyes almost rolling into his skull at the feeling, before fluttering shut as a sigh left his lips.
he hesitantly pulled away from you, a frown finding it’s way upon his lips as he saw the pouty expression on your face.
“what?” you say, the disappointment evident on your pretty features as your hands placed themselves on his chest. “did i do something wrong?”
he quickly shook his head, a large hand already planted on your rear, where he rubbed gently. “no, not at all. we just have to go soon, so you have to behave.” he whispered, before kissing the soft spot of skin beneath your ear.
“come on, please? you never say no to—“ your plea is cut off by a slap to your ass, and a sharp glare from your boyfriend.
you look up at him, hands beginning to tremble as tears pooled in your eyes, threatening to ruin the makeup you had spent so long doing.
shidou’s eyes widened, before narrowing once again. he’d usually never decline a chance to fuck you, but he couldn’t help but feel bad for his sweet baby.
“wait here,” he mumbled, almost like a promise, as he gently kissed your forehead. he then turned around, opening the drawer to his side table.
he quickly returned, a small vibrator in his palm as he grinned mischievously down at you.
he dropped to the floor, big hands pulling your dress up as he kissed up your plush thighs. he smiled at the way you moaned, your eyes fluttering closed; completely oblivious to his little scheme.
he hooked two thick fingers around your panties, before stuffing the vibrator into your little hole. “my good, needy girl.” he’d coo, a finger fidgeting with your clit before he fixed your panties.
you whined, confused as your eyes opened once again, looking down at your boyfriend who was busy pulling your dress down. he stood up once again, planting a sweet kiss to your cheek before turning around.
“cmon, bae. we’re late.” he hummed cheekily, a grin on his face as he strolled towards the door.
☆ ☆ ☆
the room buzzed with joyful chatter and laughs, various famous footballers and their wive’s drinking together and other things.
…that wasn’t the only thing buzzing.
you tried to stand still, you really did try. but with the continuous vibrating straight on your neglected clit, you couldn’t help but steer the conversation you and one of shidou’s teammates were having towards the couches.
you sat down, ignoring the way the little device hummed just into your sweet spot. you clenched your thighs together, leaning back against the cushiony plush of the couch. a soft, unnoticeable moan spilled off of your tongue as your eyes fluttered shut.
“so, as i was saying—“ who was it? oh, aiku continued his speech about…
“i’m sorry, what were we talking about?” you say, a polite smile on your plump lips as you looked over to the dual haired man, eyes opened once again.
“oh, i was just thinking.. does your boyfriend treat you well?” he lowers his voice, body leaning a little closer to his as he narrowed his eyes slightly. “i haven’t seen you with him the whole evening.”
“oh, haha..” you’d laugh awkwardly, unsure how to even react at his words. “no, he treats me…”
you feel a jolt against your clit, the buzzing intensifying significantly as shidou eyed you from across the room.
his pink eyes sharpened as he watched his teammate lean closer to you, his thumb already unlocking his phone where he increased the level of the vibrator snug in your— no, his pretty little pussy.
he wasn’t one to get jealous, not ever… it just irked him to watch you get so close to his teammate with a vibrator so far into your hole.
were you really that mad about earlier?
“name?” aiku’s voice snapped you out of your small moment of pleasure, your eyes flicking back towards him as a soft, shaky sigh slipped from your glossy lips.
“my boyfriend treats my perfectly fine.” you say, sitting up straight, thighs pressed tightly together in some sort of desperate attempt to relieve the growing heat caused by the stupidly pleasing vibrator.
“oh.. that’s good.” aiku scoffed, a smirk on his face as he looked away from you, eyes focused on shidou, who’s back was turned to the two of you as he chatted up Itoshi Sae. oliver looked back towards you, shuffling slightly closer to your body.
you eyed him, raising an arched brow in question. “do you need something?” you ask, tone slightly sharp as a frown finds it’s way onto your (lip gloss/skin colour) lips.
“no, just wanted to move closer— couldn’t hear you that well.” he chuckled, a muscular arm draping over the couch behind you and you groaned. just what did this manwhore want with you?
“i need to go.” you state, standing up from the couch, before waving him goodbye and taking your leave.
each step you took was almost painful, with the way your pussy was being vibrated against ruthlessly. the click of your heels was silent against the floor as the party’s music and chatter of the people in the room drowned it out.
after what felt like years of painful buzzing and uncomfortable small-talk, you found yourself back at shidou’s side, your manicured nails trailing down his arm.
“babeee..” you whine softly, staring up at him through the layers mascara painted onto your pretty lashes. “can we go now?” you plead, thighs rubbing together slightly, begging for release.
you’d gone through about an hour of almost cumming, only for your ‘loving’ boyfriend to set the level down to 0 once again. “please?”
he eventually caved in, unable to deny the pleading expression on your face as you practically rubbed yourself onto him.
☆ ☆ ☆
the car door slammed shut, with shidou giggling in the front seat at the angry pout on your features.
“that wasn’t funny.” you huff, eyebrows furrowed together as you leaned over the divider, face moving closer to your boyfriend’s.
“it definitely was, sweets.” he’d chuckle, pecking your lips slightly.
you frowned, before pushing the car seat back, straddling your boyfriend’s lap as your pretty nails dug into his shoulders.
his eyebrow raised, a grin forming on his face as he registered your actions. “aw, is my little baby feeling pent up? well, let’s get you to the back shall we?” he hummed, shuffling over to the backseat where he adjusting your position on his lap, so the forming bulge in his dresspants rubbed perfectly against your clothed cunt.
he let out a moan at the sensation of your nails fidgeting with his hair, your free hand trailing down his body and towards his belt, where both your hands met to quickly unbuckle him, shuffling his pants off with a little help from shidou.
soon enough, his pants and boxers were pooled on the car floor, your panties already in shidou’s big hand as the other pulled your dress up to your waist.
you positioned yourself ontop of his unfairly massive dick, ignoring the chuckle leaving his lips. “you sure you can take me, baby? you haven’t been prepped yet~”
he knew you could take him, with the amount of wetness almost dripping out of your poor little cunt.
“such a needy girl.” he chuckled, warm hands placed on your hips as he helped you sink down onto him, lips kissing at your neck. “how are you feeling?” he’d him against a forming hickey he had just created, tongue licking the bruise gently.
you shuddered, moaning out an “okay” as you blinked away the tears forming on the corner of your eyes.
you lifted yourself slightly, before slamming back down onto his cock, the two of you moaning together at the delicious feeling.
the vibrator had been long gone, with you bouncing fervently bouncing on his large dick, pornographic moans leaving your lips. the straps of your dress fell against your shoulder, and your boyfriend wasted no time in pulling them down, lifting your arm up as he pulled the chest of your dress down.
he stared down at your chest for a moment, before a moan spilled from his lips as you slammed down rather roughly onto him— he ultimately chose to simply rip your dress off, fingers hooking around your bra where he ripped that off too, ignoring your frustrated moans at his actions.
he flicked a finger against your nipple, groaning at the loud moan escaping your lips. “you like that, huh baby?” he’d hum, rolling your erect nipple with his thumb and pointer finger.
he loved this— he loved you. the way you so eagerly engulfed his dick, tits bouncing right in front of his face as the loudest moans you’ve ever spilled from your lips rang against his ears.
your thighs began to tremble as a coil tightened in your tummy, the movement of your hips quickening and the moans leaving your mouth increasing in volume.
“that’s it baby- mmh! ride me just like that!” shidou moaned with you, a hand reaching down to spank your bubbly ass. “you’re doin’ so good!”
you whined in response to his words, before gushing over his fat cock, body falling limp as your boyfriend pounded up into your pussy, his hands finding refuge in the fat of your hips as he chased his high.
soon enough, he found himself cumming straight into your pussy, not bothering to pull out as he moaned out loudly. “suucchhh a good pussy, isn’t she?” he chuckled out gruffly, hand rubbing your sore hip comfortably as he leaned back against the headrest.
both of your soft and tired pants were the only thing you could hear at that moment, head practically spinning from pleasure.
“my needy girl.”
author’s note: pls request to be in taglist if u want. also requests are open!
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sanjoongie · 3 months
Pink with Jealousy
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🩷Jealous! Teez {a collab with the pirateeznet crew. See Flurry's @flurrys-creativity Seonghwa version here and Yeosang's here. With more to come from @daemour and @mingsolo !} My version of Wooyoung’s is here
🩷Pairing: Song Mingi x Reader (f)
🩷Au: idol au
🩷Trope: established relationship
🩷Genre: smut
🩷Rating: 18+, MDNI
🩷Warnings: couple arguments, penetrative sex without a barrier, wall sex, jealous sex, creampie,
🩷Word Count: 1,159
🩷Summary: Since you were going to a female kpop group's concert, Mingi didn't think you'd dress to impress. And now that he thought about the MALE fans at the Black Pink concert... well... he wasn't too keen on letting you leave the house 😜
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You giggled into your phone, confirming last minute details with your friend on the phone. 
“No, seriously, with these outfits, we’re knockouts. I know I laughed at you and me taking the black pink color scheme literally, but it’s amazing.”
You were admiring yourself in the full length mirror in the hallway of your shared apartment with Mingi. All you had to do was grab your lightstick and purse and meet your friend and you’d be ready for your night out to see Black Pink.
Mingi, who had been lounging in the bedroom, stuck his head out. Your short dress and low neckline was making his eyes bug out. Originally, he hadn't had a second thought of you going out to see Black Pink. He had heard you gush enough about their stage outfits that he knew it made you happy to imagine yourself in such extravagant clothes. But now that you were dressed like a member of a girl group, with your pretty makeup and even prettier clothes, he had other thoughts.
Sure, you weren’t going to oogle other men on stage, but weren’t most Blinks other men going to see the talented girls on stage? What if they thought they might not have a chance with their biases, but they sure could shoot their shot at you? 
Mingi found himself working himself up with jealousy. You had never dressed so lavishly for him, even for your anniversary date. What was your true purpose with going to this concert? He slammed the door loudly, coming out in the hallway.
You jumped at the loud noise. Immediately spying the thunder-cloud over Mingi’s head and his stormy expression, you knew something was wrong. You quickly hung up on your friend with a rushed assurance you were leaving soon and faced your very angry boyfriend.
“Mingi?” You called out.
“Who are you really meeting at this concert?” Mingi demanded.
You frowned. “Mingi, you know I’m meeting my friend. You even helped me buy the tickets!”
Mingi gestured at your dress. “What am I supposed to think when you’re dressed like this? Saying you’re going to be a knockout?”
“Mings,” You said with sympathy coating your tongue. “You know you’re the only one I need in my life.”
Mingi’s features flickered with uncertainty before he shook his head. “You look like you’re going out to the club to pick up someone.”
You opened your arms wordlessly and Mingi fell into them with a small whimper. Your big, confident boyfriend was honestly a ball of anxiety even on a good day. Sometimes you forget how much assurance he truly needed from you. 
You hugged him tightly, making the air from his lungs push out in a rushed ‘uh’. “I promise, I just wanted to look good for myself. You know how that feels, right?”
Mingi nodded. If he was being honest, the minute you pressed your soft body up against his body, he was starting to have other thoughts than his previous jealousy. He slumped further against you, inadvertently pushing you up against the wall to help support his lanky form. “I know.”
You wove your fingers into his hair in an effort to comfort him further. “I gotta go, okay, baby? I don’t want to be late.”
Mingi smothered his face into your cleavage, pushing your breasts together and inhaling deeply. “How can I let you go out in public like this when I want you all to myself?”
Your nipples tightened at Mingi’s words but a thrill of worry shot through you. “Mingi, we can’t.”
Mingi tipped his head upwards to capture your gaze. His puppy, pleading eyes could not be ignored. “Please. It’ll make me feel better letting you go.”
You let out a shaky breath, knowing full well you couldn't say no to him like this. “O-okay, Mings. But we have to be quick.”
Mingi backed up slowly, already palming himself through his sweats. He pressed his lips together in anticipation. “I can do quick.”
The juxtaposition of Mingi moaning into the crook of your neck, mouthing at your collarbone versus the way his hips snapped into yours as he fucked you up against the wall in the hallway had you gushing wet, if you were being quite honest. His long fingers had sneakily tipped below your sweetheart neckline to play with your nipples, in almost a tease to you. You’d have to get undressed completely if you wanted him to suck on them and there was simply no time for that. 
“Ming-Mingi,” You hiccupped as Mingi thrusted into you with a particularly sharpness. “Fuck--”
Mingi raised his head, a small, satisfied smile pulling at his lips. “Good?”
“Good?!” You cried out. You swiped your thumb along his lips, your lip stain having transferred to his, making his pretty lips a shade redder than normal. “Sex with you is never just good, Mingi.”
Mingi’s eyes shaped into crescent moons, belaying his happiness in more than one way. “Babe, you know I love you, right?”
“Yes, Mingi, I know,” You laughed.
Mingi pouted, “And?”
“And I love you even more because you’re jealous,” You admitted.
Mingi held your head between his hands, regardless of the glitter all over it, and kissed you with his lips slanted across yours. His hips pistoned between your legs and you made an effort to lock your feet behind his back to keep your body in place. Your moans came out muffled against Mingi’s lips, crescendoing as Mingi brought you both to climax. You felt your nerves alight with pleasure and were gifted with Mingi’s low moan as he unloaded himself inside of you.
Mingi collapsed slightly, using his forearm to brace himself, keeping his forehead pressed against yours. “Fuck,” he cursed softly and you giggled.
Your phone buzzed and you realized frantically that your friend was probably wondering where you were. “Shit, Mingi, I gotta go!”
Mingi crouched before you and helped you pull up your underwear where it had been dangling precariously from your ankle before. Your eyes widened when he expected you to keep his cum inside of you during the concert.
“I want you to think about me while those Blinks are eyeing you up with hunger in their eyes. My cum will be inside of you and that makes me feel better,” Mingi said.
There was no time to argue otherwise, and if you were being honest to yourself, the idea was kind of hot, as much as it made you squirm. More than likely you were going to forget about it, jump up and down with your lightstick and then probably feel his cum leak out into your underwear. And by the look in Mingi’s eyes as he kissed you one more time before you left to meet them in front of the concert’s arena, he was looking forward to finding you in such a state. 
Post-concert sex would probably be great for post-concert depression, right?
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purplealmonds · 9 months
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Continuing to fire on all cylinders to make this Sky 🤝Mononoke collab a reality! 🐲⚖️🌊
Process GIFs and artist commentary below the cut. ⬇️
Left: Process GIF Middle: Just the background, cos I really like how it looks! Right: Illustration without the collab logo
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And here are my notes on my inspirations and references. There's a lot of 'em, so instead of embedding relevant images one by one I put them in a callout sheet! For accessibility, I also included transcript (with bonus ramblings) below each sheet.
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Ofuda circle modeled in Google Sketchup 2017, then lightly transformed in Photoshop to flare out. I tried my best to hand-draw these, but it the results came out really clunky and stiff. I figured if Mononoke shamelessly utilizes 3D in their show, I can too!
Krill and sky kid composition roughly inspired by the Ayakashi DVD cover illustration. On the surface level, the krill's black-and-red color scheme mirrored that of the bake-neko. Not to mention, in the world of Sky, the krill would be the best fit of a mononoke-like entity. The red background is also a nod to the red skies seen during a shard eruption in Sky.
Sky kid gesture based on the Festival Spin Dancer's Tier 3 poses and the Medicine Seller's iconic pose in the Zakishiwarahi episode as inspiration. This was the idea which springboarded this illustration into existence. I wanted to do my take of the Medicine Seller's pose, but in a more dynamic manner: rotate the pose to a profile position and set the ofuda in a diagonal, flared out arrangement.
Cape inspired by tenbin design featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie. This one's an interesting one - I wanted the cape to be a stiff material that doesn't "flap" when in flight - similar to the Aurora wing capes. It ended up looking like a kite of sorts, which I'm not entirely opposed to! I haven't had the opportunity to showcase the back view of this cape design, but I envision it having some mechanical aspects to it - the "wing" which are flared out in this illustration fold in like moth wings, and a little bell is attached to the "tail" part and it jingles a little whenever the sky kid flaps!
Bandana is based on the Scaredy Cadet's hairstyle from the Season of Assembly. Mask design utilizes the 2023 Days of Style mask and the Nintendo Pack mask as bases. Pretty self-explanatory. I basically went onto the Sky wiki and found the cosmetics that most closely matched what I was looking for. Then if necessary, I went to the Office space to do photoshoots to get the appropriate camera angles for them all.
Seasonal pendant inspired by the classic Medicine Seller's necklace and the eye motif featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie. Possibly the only one-to-one homage to the classic Medicine Seller design here, but his garnet necklace was too good of a match to the seasonal pendant. A side tangent: does the new Medicine Seller possess a necklace, let alone a mirror? So far all the shots of him don't feature it. Fascinating.
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Dark dragon krill anatomy references a custom figurine crafted by @/escaflowne_n07 on Twitter. Until I found this, I was honestly at a loss finding reference for this - be it on the internet or during in-game photoshoots. The lighting on the krill in-game focused on its menacing silhouette rather than its structure. And not to mention, getting a close-up shot almost always set off the dark creature's aggro. I have no idea how this guy found the references to put this model together - well done!
Mantas, elder constellations, and sun dog references murals in the Cave of Prophecy. Krill aside, the overall illustration was leaning a little too much towards Mononoke so I tried finding opportunities to insert more Sky into it. Added bonus is that now there's storytelling in the background: during a shard eruption, a giant krill rises from the frothing waves of dark water to hunt down a flock of mantas.
Clouds behind the sun dog reference the ones featuring heavily in the Umibozu episode. This illustration has a lot of ocean theming, so I figured this would be appropriate.
Rendering style of the background is lightly inspired by the 2007 Mononoke illustration. Mainly having a 2D inked style to contrast with the more polished render of the sky kid. Funnily enough, this was a tertiary inspiration, which lead to the discovery in the next point!
Dark water waves and sun dog composition heavily references Hokusai's "The Great Wave". The waves were modified to be bottle-green of the Golden Wasteland's dark waters. The sun dog is in the spot where Mt. Fuji is in the original composition. these were all hand-drawn by the way! I merely emulated the style of the source material. As a side note, I also borrowed the spotted sea spray rendering for the krill's red spotlight.
Background pattern taken from the ofuda design featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie poster. Mainly to add some gritty texture to the sky. I worked pretty hard to replicate this ofuda design as a high-res asset so I wanted to use it more!
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mtkay13 · 5 months
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My version of the wardrobe template! yay!! I had a LOT of fun doing this and feel like I could elaborate a bit more on each of those.
It's already linked up here, but here's once again a > link to the post.< Anyway! More about these designs below!
So first, for WKX's template! - Chapter 2: Grey robes I had already made my design of those for the full TYK lineup I made a while back. I really, really like those, and took inspiration from some of the robes SHL!WKX wears in the show for the shapes. - Chapter 69: dark robes with dark red belt I expected to like that style for him, but not that much! I had seen a tutorial on how asymetrical hanfus were worn by archers in the past and that inspired me, purely on a fashion level of course. I like how intimidating he looks with those and enjoy the touches of blue in the inner layer of the robes. - Chapter 75: dark red robes The GVM robes! which I also designed a while back when researching for the illustrations of the Mt Fengya battle scenes that I wanted to make. I reworked them just a little bit and got rid of some details that I didn't like anymore. I tremendously pleated skirts for WKX so I went at it once again. I also used shifts in hues to make it look like it could have been drenched in blood. - Extra 5: deep red robes For the reminder (since apparently some people are not aware of extra 5's existance), this extra is set 5 years post-canon. I wanted WKX to wear something that looked comfortable for traveling but also practical and fashionable. The teal jacket is of course another nod at SHL since the red and teal combo was an absolute banger. Let's say I didn't want WKX to just sport an all-red look. Furthermore, the teal really works to adorn the red hues. - My personal favourite I actually don't really know whether those are my actual personal favourites, but I've come to LOVE WKX dressed in red and white thanks to @kwehxing's designs. I think it really suits him and on top of that it avoids the question "is this Hua Cheng" LMAO--okay jokes aside, I combined most of the shapes that I really like for WKX (wider shoulders, wide sleeves, and long robes with pleated inner robes) and I find him very elegant like this. Now, for ZZS! - Chapter 1: sapphire blue scholar robes Those had already been designed before as well! They're my go to generic TC!ZZS robes, haha. I was a bit extra with the blue colour here, but oh well. I'm quite obsessed with the silver brocade cynching his waist, haha. - Chapter 2: stolen farmer robes A classic as well as far as I'm concerned--of course, inspired by his hobo fit in SHL because it was quite efficient. I'm forever fond of my scruffy hobo!Xu and his toes poking from his sandals. - Chapter 18: luxurious robes from the Gao family Those were a new design! Which I had a lot of fun coming up with. Putting ZZS in a different colour scheme was also really nice. For those who don't remember, ZZS feels quite ridiculous when he sees himself in a mirror wearing those fancy robes while being so emaciated and still sporting his hobo mask. I wanted to give this "out of place" feeling; and also work on a very "wuxia" style for the robes, since this is jianghu and they were provided by Gao Chong. - Extra 5: black robes I'm incredibly fond of this design. I worked quite a bit on it, since I wasn't sure of where I wanted to go. My main guidelines were: practical and cool. I really like ZZS having a lot of room to move so ideally not too much fabric in the way, and I think he also needs arm braces to be rid of annoying sleeves. Of course, him looking much healthier and having a dynamic ponytail really works to "complete the look", and I find that he looks really cool there haha. - My personal favourite This one has been refined over the months, but it's definitely, overall, my favourite look for him in terms of shapes and construction. I like that the robes are short, I like the more fashionable jacket. I'm especially into the "pants tucked into the boots" silhouette, as well as the little ribbons keeping them tight around the ankles. I'd say that this leg shape + short robes + a bun (or sometimes a ponytail) is THE ZZS design combo for me, haha. It looks practical and fun and adventurous, just how I like it.
To conclude the whole post, I had more fun doing this than I even expected, and needless to say that I'm very excited to see other versions of them following this template. It was a good opportunity to try and project what the characters look like throughout the book, and a fun design exercise as well. I actually don't really like doing character design usually, but for characters I'm obsessed with, it's of course a much nicer experience. Anyway, thank you for reading!
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jo-harrington · 8 months
Standard Operating Procedures 1.05 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: It's a normal Sunday night. You're just going over to have dinner, smoke, and listen to music. It's not a date. What could possibly go wrong?
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.04
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual pining, alcohol and drug use (wine, beer, and weed), R has a minor panic attack while high, fluff, lighthearted smut (petting/groping/dry humping), minor angst, misunderstandings and miscommunication, driving probably a little under the influence, slight anachronism (slapping the bag)
Note: Big note for this one if you've read the most recent installations of SMVerse that I've posted...this is NOT in chronological order. SM and Eddie are not together in this one, we are rewinding back before Closing Time. This chapter and the next one are both a little longer and have been lingering in my head for quite a long time. Almost a year. So without further ado, please enjoy SOP 1.05.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Sundays were your favorite days, hands down.
They sort of always had been, even before moving to Hawkins. Now, though, you had an extra special reason why they were your favorite.
Sundays meant that you could be yourself after you clocked out. They meant standing in the mirror and wiping away the layers of glitter eyeshadow and scented nail polish off. They meant shedding the overly sparkly jewelry from work and the trendy clothes from the JCPenney or Madigan's Juniors department that were definitely cut for a teenage body.
No matter how young you still were, you just weren't sixteen anymore.
You could finally breathe a little easier.
No more Dress to Impress, no more preppy popular girl, no more customer service voice.
Sundays meant freedom.
Lately, part of that freedom meant walking out of the store, taking the most freeing breath you could, and walking right up to your crush best friend so you could spend those last few dying hours of the weekend together.
Shooting the breeze, laughing, and getting to know one another. Getting to really see one another.
Tonight, though, there was just this cloud hanging over you as you stood in the store's bathroom after hours and shucked off the plaid vest and fashionably unmatched skirt you'd chosen for the day in favor of a t-shirt and comfy stirrup pants.
Summer was over, school was back in session, and you hadn't gotten to see Eddie as much as you normally did.
Which, in the grander scheme of things, a lot of things changed with the new school year starting: a bunch of your associate's schedules changed, a few of them even left town for college, and business started to slow a little during the week for the first time since the store opened.
Still, you missed him.
It felt weird from practically seeing him every day to only seeing him in passing or on the weekends.
What if he didn't want to be friends anymore?
Well, that was just silly. Some remnant of fear about the fickleness of your friends memories in childhood. Besides, the first shift after school started back up, he immediately came running to your store and talked your ear off about the new kids that he forced to join Hellfire.
"God, they're such losers," he reminisced with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his lips. "They have so much potential. I can't wait for you to meet them."
Tonight though...
Tonight was like any normal night; you were getting together after the mall closed and picking up pizza.
However, instead of any of your usual haunts or shenanigans in and around Hawkins, Eddie insisted you come over to his place. Totally normal.
"And we can smoke," he added as an afterthought.
"You know I don't smoke Eddie," you reminded him. "My grandpa and his crackly lungs? I've taken him to enough doctor's appointments."
"Doesn't stop you from sucking up the air around me when I'm having a cigarette on break. No. I mean smoke. Reefer. Weed. Jesus, don't act ignorant Miss Goody Two Shoes."
"Excuse me," you choked. "How am I Miss Goody Two Shoes?"
"Because," he began with dramatic emphasis. "For all of your stories about garage beers and parties that your work friends dragged you to, you've never mentioned partaking in any sort of illicit substances. You're being obtuse on purpose or you're afraid."
You were caught like a deer in the headlights.
"I...I'm not."
And you weren't; it wasn't fear. It was just...inexperience.
Back home you were always careful, even when you hung around friends from school or work; with your overprotective father and uptight mother and two brothers who wouldn't hesitate to rat you out if they found out you broke some kind of rule? It would be over.
So you never got too wild at parties. Disheveled clothes could be straightened, and you could pretend that swollen lips were just a side effect of getting a little sick. You never drank more beer than whatever made you feel a little floaty if you weren't sleeping over at a friends. And you never smoked weed.
Ok so it was fear, in a way; residual fear. Just not the way Eddie thought.
"Hey, don't worry," Eddie said in the most understanding way he could. "You just tell me and I'll drop it, if you're afraid."
You wanted to tell him, wanted to explain it, but in a moment of reflection and wanting to assuage his worries, defiance got the better of you and you told him that you weren't afraid and it would all be fine.
You were going to be with him; you never needed to be afraid when you were with him.
Now though, staring at yourself in the mirror as you got ready to go and meet Eddie you realized you might have made a mistake.
Hanging out with your crush friend alone at his place? Fine. Sitting close on the couch as you ate pizza and listened to music? Cool. Drinking and smoking together, knowing that you got a little bit chatty when you loosened up a little bit under the influence? Uhm.
What could possibly go wrong?
The spread that you and Eddie had created was impressive.
Pizza and a six pack and red vines and...and...and...
Eddie was usually very thorough when it came to providing snacks or planning outings where you could get a nice little treat together. Tonight it was partially your fault.
You'd originally planned just to drive to his place after work and the pizza would be delivered, but he said that when he'd called to place the order at Lou's--large pepperoni and a box of cannoli--they told him that the delivery driver was out. Takeout only.
But then he also forgot to stop at Bradley's for soda.
So you offered to go to Bradley's while he picked up the pizza, and you might have gone overboard.
Soda and a box of wine and peanut m&m's and...and...and...
"And you say that I'm bad," Eddie scoffed as you walked in, arms laden with shopping bags.
"Excuse me, this is the once in a blue moon you let me pay for anything, I'm gonna take advantage of it."
Wayne was still home getting ready for his shift when you got there and he simply shook his head at your bickering with a fond smile, then pilfered a little of everything for his own dinner before leaving you both to it.
Once he was gone, the festivities began.
You were both overzealous, talking a mile a minute over each other about your days as you set up for the night. Eddie divvied out food--creating a plate that reminded you of the Peanuts' Thanksgiving feast, overflowing with multicolored candies and popcorn and pizza slices--as you took care of the drinks.
You were a little smug that you got to teach Eddie something during these little Sunday night not-dates for once.
"Where did you learn this?" he asked skeptically as you ripped into the cardboard box. "What even is Franzia? Sounds fancy."
"It is the least fancy thing you can get," you grinned maniacally and freed the floppy plastic bag full of pink liquid from its confines. "Honestly I should have thrown it in the fridge but it's fine. You can put it with some coke; it'd probably taste better anyway."
He made a face.
"I'll just have a beer."
"Oh my--Eddie! Live a little." You settled the bag on the coffee table and gestured to it. "You don't have to drink it...chug a beer, I don't care...but you need to slap it."
He huffed and shuffled across the carpet on his knees to settle beside you.
"Is this a Claire's thing?" he asked, he looked up at you through his bangs.
"No it's not a--well...no. It doesn't matter! My old store manager, Jen, made us do it whenever we went to parties and hung out at her place. It's fun."
"Why does this feel like a lie?"
You reached out and smacked your hand against the plastic, listened to the liquid slosh inside. He let out a long suffering sigh but gestured for you to go ahead and he settled on the floor as you squealed with glee.
Eddie popped the little tab on the spout and the cheap wine poured freely into his mouth; he maintained eye contact with you the whole time, even as he choked on the unfamiliar taste of the pink zinfandel.
When you'd hung out with Jen and your coworkers and friends, it was just...a silly thing. Now, though, it was just you and Eddie; you stood over him with the bag gently held in your hands over his mouth and his hand rested on your calf as he drank. It was tense and intimate and as you started feeling a little hot under the collar, you wondered if this was a mistake.
Regardless, when he'd had his fill, he shut the spout and raised his hand and slapped the bag so hard it soared out of your grasp and across the living room.
You both burst out laughing as it swished and sloshed with a pronounced glorp on impact with the floor, and Eddie collapsed against your legs as the giddiness got the better of him.
"Ok, that's better than a keg stand." He looked up at you and wiped a hand over his mouth. "Blagh...probably gonna need that coke if I have any more though. Your turn, sweetheart."
Then the tables were turned, but unlike Eddie, you stood toe to toe with him as he held the bag for you.
To avoid the tense eye contact, you kept yours closed as you pulled mouthful after mouthful from the bag. You almost felt a little smug; you'd always been good at this, despite how awful the wine burps were gonna get after. You knew Eddie's competitive nature--always seeing who could finish a blizzard from DQ first and giving himself a brain freeze in the process--so you were hoping to last a little longer, hit the bag a little harder, and get him to concede.
You counted down in your head and finally when you couldn't take the heartburn the wine caused any longer, you shut the spout and released it, ready for victory.
Of course, opening your eyes provided nothing of the sort.
Eddie stood there, inches away from you; his pupils were blown and he was breathing a little heavily and for a split second you thought to ask if he was ok.
Until he leaned a little closer.
Close enough where you could smell the laundry detergent and the general amalgamation of mall scents coming off of him.
Then you noticed that his eyes were locked onto…your lips?
Was he gonna kiss you?
You already thought…well…and in the van the other week? When he licked frosting off your hand? You'd thought...
Except that was the thing, you always thought, you never acted. Too stuck in your head weighing and judging the options and if you could just do something about it. If you could just lean forward a little, you could stop worrying and have your answer right?
And if it wasn't meant to be and things were weird? If he didn't actually mean to try and kiss you? You worked retail; you could bullshit with the best of them if worse came to worse.
Then you'd just pretend that your heart didn't ache from rejection for the duration of your friendship. You were already familiar with disappointment; this would be no different.
Alright, that's it, you weren't gonna chance it anymore. All the worrying you did back at the store was enough. You were just gonna kiss him. Just lean forward; just go. Just go. One, two...two and a half...
Eddie's eyelids fluttered a little bit, and your heart clenched in hope, until he leaned away and cleared his throat.
The wine bag was tossed onto the coffee table and Eddie gestured to the plates he'd prepared.
"So, pizza?"
Music was the next event of the night.
And the weed.
Funny how all of your anxiety over smoking flew out the window when you were anxious about something else.
Because you just couldn't get your feelings out of your head after Eddie walked away from a kiss like that.
Was it even going to be a kiss? Or was it just the awkwardness of your positions in that situation? Were you overthinking the overthinking?
On and on those thoughts spiraled.
Until Eddie said he was going to get his stereo to start your comprehensive education of metal.
"We really don't have all night Eddie," you said and threw a balled up napkin at him as he fiddled with his tapes.
"Ok, maybe not fully comprehensive," he held his hands up in surrender. "Nothing sounds better than vinyl and I have all of that at Rick's. And my mom's records. You wanna talk about classics? We've gotta spend a whole weekend there."
He put a tape into the slot and hit play and the room was immediately filled with guitar riffs and singing and shouting; he turned the volume down immediately.
"I've gotta give you the whole history sweetheart," he explained. "So you've gotta hear me too. This song's not so important...I'll turn it up when we get to the good part."
Of course, Eddie's music history lesson...started with him.
"Picture this," he said, arms waving as he walked over to his school things that had been haphazardly thrown in a corner of the room: a wilted canvas backpack, a black binder, and a dented metal lunchbox. "11-year old me, fresh after my mom's funeral and everyone she knew was coming up to us but I refused to talk. Wayne kept making excuse after excuse. But Rick, bless him, said 'gotta make him cry.'"
And on he went as he spilled the contents of the dented lunchbox on the coffee table and began the fine work of rolling a joint.
"Took me to the record store, let me pick out whatever I wanted. Of course I chose Sad Wings of Destiny because the art was cool. Little did I know that would change the course of my life forever."
You didn’t know what to focus on and that made you spiral a little bit further. The words, the music, his lips and his fingers as he followed steps that he seemed to know but didn't feel the need to elaborate on were all very appealing targets; the music and his story was what was important here though and you made the attempt.
He told his story in a way that only Eddie Munson knew how to—arms flailing, minute details, expressions and voices and everything you loved admired about him. He took a moment to swap cassettes and crank up the volume before he fell onto the couch beside you in a mess of cushions and limbs and hair.
"I would say ladies first," he began as he presented the joint to you. He then stuck it between his lips and continued talking around it. "But I'm nothing if not a gentleman and I need to teach you how to do this. It's a little different than cigarettes."
It was a comprehensive lesson and you'd gotten the hang of it quickly, but the proximity did nothing to help calm your nerves; Eddie's knee touching yours, his face and hands so close to yours as he held the joint to your lips, then one hand your shoulder as he soothed the cough that escaped you after your first hit, and finally the way he inhaled along with you as you took another.
Want burned in your lungs along with the smoke, but it didn't leave you when you finally exhaled.
You were very much looking forward to the light and mellow feeling that Eddie promised once the weed hit your system.
"Until then," he grinned and took another hit himself before dropping the smoldering stick into a nearby ashtray. "We just dive into the mind of the great Ronnie James Dio."
You rested back against the cushions and turned your head to really watch him; it was strange just...observing him. You had never done it like this before, close and quiet at this distance. Your time together was always spent with conversation and laughter, your observations and mental notes about him done in little snapshots as he moved through life like a blur.
Now you got to experience the simplicity of his presence in private and the addictive frequency that he emitted.
It was nice.
You watched the way his lashes brushed against his skin as he melted into the sofa beside you and closed his eyes. The way his plush lips pursed and then stretched as he hummed along to the music. You closed your own eyes for a second as he matched the sharpness of the lyrics with his voice, hushed and then shrill, and then hushed again.
And when you opened them back up to watch him some more, he was watching you and practically vibrating.
Your heart skipped a beat...
"Sweetheart," he reached out and touched your wrist. "You ok?"
Wait...he wasn't vibrating.
You were.
Then you noticed that your heart skipped many beats, then the beats suddenly tripled, and then it all slowed again, pounding harder and faster in your chest than you believed to be possible.
Did your chest hurt? Or were you imagining it?
It felt like the few times you ran the mile back in high school, but you hadn't run.
Had you?
Your legs felt like jelly. Your arms too.
So you must have run...but when?
No wait, you were forgetting something. Your chest, your heart, your lungs. You had to focus on them first, you needed them to live.
You tried to fix it all by taking a great gulp of air in--if you felt like you'd just run the mile, surely catching your breath would fix it--but you found that it didn't fix anything. In fact, you seemed to lose even more control of your body. You floundered, breathing heavily over and over, quicker and quicker to try and get a hold of yourself.
And the panic set in, unlike anything you'd ever experienced before in your life.
Your consciousness became untethered from your body and you sank deep within yourself. Like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Only instead of a rabbit hole, the you that existed in your mind fell away from your eyes and deeper into your skull then out the back of it and into the so-soft cushions of the couch.
But this wasn't sinking, this wasn't melting. This was being buried alive.
You remembered Eddie’s taunting before, about being afraid of smoking. Why hadn’t you told him that you didn’t want to do this? Why hadn’t you told him you were afraid? You were a stubborn idiot and now you’d die here, buried amongst pilling fabric and lost change and lint and a few cheerios that were stuck between the cushions.
You would die here on Eddie's couch...
"Eddie!" you practically sobbed and reached out for him, remembering suddenly that he was there with you. Why wasn't he doing anything to keep you from sinking? "Help!"
"It's ok hey!" He grabbed your hands now and pulled you back from the void, hooked the tether back onto you and saved you from the depths. "It's ok, breathe. No, not like that. Slowly, deep breaths with me. In and hold it and out. Whoooooo."
You focused on the whooshing sound of the air that escaped his lips and you tried to make the same sound yourself. Over and over, slowly as he guided you.
"That's it," he smiled. "Good girl."
You slowly grounded yourself through Eddie, escaping whatever horrible clutches had just grasped at you. You began to feel better, lighter; more centered within yourself but…nicer?
Had that awful feeling been the high? Or was this?
Maybe everyone got caught by a demon when they smoked and then if they escaped they felt a nice light flutter and instead of a heavy beating heart that threatened to burst out of their chests, they felt...silly. Happy. Bubbly.
Like you did whenever you were around Eddie.
Only now it was better, and it was all getting better as he spoke to you and smiled and wiped at the few tears that had escaped your eyes.
Breathe in, breathe out. Good girl.
You kept breathing and staring at his lips.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Eddie's lips.
Good girl.
You thought about earlier...minutes or hours you couldn't tell for sure...about the way Eddie leaned close to you and almost kissed you. All the worry you'd had about not being able to make a move because you were thinking so much you couldn't act. Here you were now, thinking again. When his lips were right there and you could do something about it.
With one last shaky breath, bubbly infatuation flooded your body; you smiled and said one final farewell to your nervous thoughts, and you surged forward. Your hands shook his away and grabbed at his face, as your lips slid clumsily against his.
Your noses bumped and teeth clacked painfully but it didn't quite matter because the sparks that emanated from your joined lips shot through your limbs and made you both feel tingly and pleasant. At least, you assumed they did for Eddie because he let out a sound that was somewhere in between a giggle and a moan.
But he didn't push you away; in fact, his hands clapped over yours and smushed them further into his cheeks.
He wanted you to kiss him. He wanted to kiss you. He...liked you.
It was a euphoric moment of joy and realization, but your need to put your lips on him outweighed that. So you tried again. Gentler this time.
Eddie followed your lead for a little while as you pulled him towards you; one of his hands found your waist as the other arm rounded your shoulders, and he became your anchor to prevent you from being buried by the sofa again. As thanks for his chivalry, you gifted him with soft caresses, quick pecks, and sharp little nips.
Your fingers developed a mind of their own, and seemed to love his cheekbones and getting tangled in his hair, although they couldn't quite decide which they loved more so back and forth they went.
The rest of you, though--mind and body--just basked in the kissing.
You were good at kissing; you liked kissing. And you liked kissing Eddie, more than you ever thought you would. Kissing under the light, buzzy influence of a beer or two was nice, and it might have been the weed or it could have just been Eddie himself, but this was nicer. Floaty and tingly and transcendent.
The music itself had stopped, but Eddie himself continued to provide the soundtrack to the night. Instead of guitars and vocals and pounding drums, it was a symphony of soft hums and sweet sighs.
Eddie, who often pilfered bites and nibbles off your plate and cited that he was a "growing boy," seemed to prove that his hunger was greater than yours the way he bit and nibbled at you too, appetite growing the longer you kissed. The pace you set no longer fed him the way he wanted and he started to feast a little more; that was a side-effect of being high, right? Hunger. Insatiable hunger?
His mouth pulled away from yours and started to explore your jaw, the column of your neck, the junction between your neck and shoulder. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of his attention, of his lips and hands as he gave and took, of the floaty feeling that settled comfortably in your limbs now, all the nerves of the day forgotten.
Before you knew it, your own hunger grew as well. You wanted him closer, needed more of him now that you had him.
You let yourself drift back along the pillows until you were laying comfortably and pulled Eddie along with you; one hand still lingered in his hair as the other fisted the collar of his shirt and got him right where you needed him to be.
Of course, you couldn't just take without giving as well, and as he settled onto you, your hips bucked up into him. You both moaned--savoring the proximity and delicious friction that his jeans and your leggings provided--and then giggled together as he collapsed on top of you, unprepared for the sudden surge of delight.
His breath fanned across your neck and jaw as he laughed breathlessly, and your hands caressed his head and shoulders fondly as you mirrored him.
He strained his neck a little to look you in the eye; his grin accentuated all the lines in his face, and for a second he struggled to form words. His mouth opened and closed silently and then he licked his lips to compose himself. The next thing you knew, his hand was coming up and squeezing one of your breasts with an exaggerated "honk" as he fell back against the other one and pressed his mouth to the swell over your shirt.
Back into the throes of unadulterated giggles you both went as he continued to honk and kiss and suck at exposed skin.
One of the highlights of the whole night was when he blew a raspberry against your neck; the feeling of goosebumps that erupted along your body and the spittle that sprayed across your skin would be a sensation you would remember and cherish forever.
"No fair," you whined and shifted against him again, both to protest the fact that you currently couldn't return the favor of all the attention he was giving you. Nevertheless, you treated him to the attention that you could, and you bucked your hips up again, only to be met with the feeling of him grinding down onto you.
Giggles began to mingle with desperate pants as he began to shift against you and settled into the cradle of your thighs; he grew harder and ground and rutted against the covered softness of you, faster and sharper, and your body eagerly responded, wanting to be as close to him as you could. As close as either of you could honestly fathom at this point, feeling too good like this to consider that there was more pleasure to be had if time went on and clothes came off.
Sunday nights together were truly gleeful and hedonistic, and tonight was no different. However, instead of snacks and arguments accentuated by the sounds of light-hearted talk and laughter, it was your writhing bodies and mingled breaths that took center stage; the two of you never stopped, only paused for your lips to smack wetly against one another, for your nails to rake through his hair and scratch against his scalp, and for him to grasp at your hips to pull you closer and closer as he drove you higher and higher.
"Eddie, I'm--" you broke away from him and keened, and he responded with a husky "uh-huh" and pressed his forehead against yours. Both of your eyes closed as you felt the pleasure building between the two of you, as he moaned and your toes curled...
As keys jingled in the lock of the front door of the trailer.
...and suddenly it was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over the both of you and you froze, all thought of completion forgotten.
Your eyes shot open and you stared into Eddie's panic-filled, pleasure-blown pupils. He shifted sharply and then paused, almost like a glitch, and then he was off you, across to the other side of the couch in the blink of an eye. You watched, dumbstruck, as he panted heavily to control his breathing, and he held his head in shaking hands.
"No, no," he muttered. "Shit. Shit."
You reacted quickly as the door started to squeak open--throwing your legs over the edge of the sofa to sit upright as your hands clumsily fixed your disheveled clothes--and Wayne walked in. You took the extra second as he grumbled at the threshold and fiddled with his keys to look at Eddie, hoping for some kind of...secret conspiratorial smile or...or heated gaze...just something but he refused to look at you.
Suddenly, all of the good feelings that had flooded you since the moment that Eddie had chased your panic away...they vanished. The sweet giggles and shared pleasure were gone; even the love bites you were sure Eddie had left behind stung instead of blissfully buzzed.
And in their place, an acute clarity of what the two of you had just done.
"You wouldn't believe the mess I walked into tonight," Wayne chuckled with disbelief as he finally shut the door.
No kidding Wayne, you thought bitterly.
"Some of the machines were down when I got there and it took a few hours to figure out the problem. Some rusted old part..." On and on he chattered as you spiraled, stuck in your thoughts once again.
You and Eddie, Eddie and you. You and your secret crush...had just...on his couch. You and your best friend, your only friend in town...got high and kissed and canoodled and now he refused to even look at you.
You didn't know if it was the weed again or if it was just you, but you could see stars in the corners of your eyes and you felt lightheaded as the panic settled back in. And it only got worse the longer you sat there and tried to get some kind of sign from Eddie, only to be left with nothing. Such a stark contrast from just moments ago where you were giving and taking and responding to one another so freely.
Giving and taking...was that really what it was? Or did you just...do this to him? Do this to the both of you? Effectively tank your friendship the way you'd worried about since the first time you'd hung out and Eddie had specifically said it wasn't a date?
You abruptly got to your feet and Wayne stopped his chatter and looked at you questioningly.
"I..." you felt your throat closing up with emotion. "I just forgot I have a really important call first thing tomorrow. I...need to go!"
Eddie finally looked at you with wide, shocked eyes.
Were those tears? Oh god...
"I...it was nice to see you Wayne, sorry..." you scrambled to grab your bag from where you'd tossed it by the door and then looked back at both Munsons. Back and forth at Wayne's curious expression...and Eddie's devastated one. "I'm...sorry."
And you bolted out the door, into your car, and back across town to the lonely confines of your apartment, where you would wish for a second chance at Sunday all over again.
Because until tonight, Sundays had always been your favorite days.
Next Part: Leave of Absence
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