#i wish they committed to making her more masculine instead of just like. a fem lady in a suit though.
leezuhh · 1 year
i do appreciate their commitment to making arlecchino as butch as possible when she's not actually on screen
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
The blue tea on the wide acceptance of bi boy crazy Percy vs the obscurity of trans femme Percy is Pjo fans are so obsessed with the male characters and bashing and erasing the female ones it clouds their reading comprehension to the extent they think Percy is the same,when she's absolutely not.Percy has always,constantly and nonstop been written as defying traditional manhood and this includes being a misandrist who thinks women are inherently better.And the thing is,it ain't 'internalized homophobia' because Percy IS right to hate men and perfer girls since she has way more reasons to love and respect the other women in the franchise than she does the boys since with the exception Hera,they're not abusive to her like they are!Like please be real,why is Percy's perception and views on men wrong?
Poseidon is a deadbeat who acts emotionally constipated instead of loving despite claiming she's his favorite,Smelly Gabe was physically and emotionally abusive no holding back,most of her bullies were boys,Luke groomed her into trusting him as the first positive adult male figure she thought she finally had only to have been framing her for a crime HE commited and take her to a secluded spot to try to kill her in the reveal after he traumadumping to her then spent 4 years straight as a serial pedophile in love with THREE of her female friends and a fascist who groomed an entire army's worth of kids she went to summer camp with just like he'd done her AND pretty much all the male gods she's interacted with exploited her to be their matyr
All the actual good men she knows are exceptions,not rules-Grover was her best friend before the trauma came fullforce and is emasculated often,Beckendorf was to her what she'd thought and wished Luke would've been because he was a black king instead of a white pig,Ethan was also an moc and Luke's victim like her,Frank is her cousin and an moc and constantly emasculated too,Jason and her met when she had amnesia and he's the personification of positive and healthy masculinity and Nico is completely nonthreating because he's a little kid compared to her and they have history and it resulted in them basically adopting eachother as an older sister/pseudo-mom and a little brother/pseudo-son
The rest of them have never given her any reason to change her mind or tried to get better so objectively,Percy makes way more as a transfem girlypop than as a genderconforming bi man and 'slutty bisexual Percy' is just fishing for brownie points for unneeded rep as almost every this verse's canon lgbt characters are mlm and it's ooc so that's why Rick said he never intended it and isn't gonna do it!Because it's not like of Percy to.The Pjo fandom has a staggering misogyny problem and this is pretty clearly shown in the hatefulness towards transfem Percy for no reason,the cutting out Rachel as a canon well-written love interest to say Percy only likes blondes which is ironically enough also misogynistic to Annabeth as the cause of this due to the overlooking of her in-universe hatred of being blonde as it has gotten misogyny thrown at her for shallow stereotyping of conventionally attractive fems and the leadup of Percy crushing on every and i do mean every blonde man in the franchise,including her aformentioned racist groomer and an older man she thinks is an annoying privileged manchild and never wants to be around that disregards her discomfort and disdain with and towards him to act friendly
Percy is still Percy if she's a trans woman since it dosen't require changing her personality except for positives like transitioning boosting her self-confidence and mental health as it does for irl transfems and tgirl Percy truthers aren't the ones shipping an 18 year old mc with mentally middle aged men or making jokes about her sexually harrasing the gay minor she raised more than his own dad did or literally gentrifying a punk role model for neurodivergent kids so she can be a male power fantasy who's only allowed to be pretty and feminine if she's still a guy.Transfem Percy is for the girls and the cultured gays,bi boy crazy Percy is for the tenderqueers and the pick mes
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