#i wonder if there's anything abt my country. like i know ppl here would write short joke fics but i doubt it's the sort of ppl who know ao3
daz4i · 2 years
i go on ao3's search thingie and the first thing i see is rpf about ukranian politicians. maybe it's time to go to bed
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marriedwithmarktuan · 3 years
Hi, so this is going to be a weird ask, but I noticed you said you make your own deodorant and I've been wanting to make my own for a while now to help the environment, but I don't know how? Just wondering if you could please share the deodorant mix recipe thing with me please?
Hope you have a great day lovely!
noo this is not weird at all!! in fact i got really happy when i read this. ive been wanting to do my own for a long time as well and now it has been a year and 3 months hehe.
i searched deep down in my gallery but i guess i deleted the ss of the recipe, dunno why
so i will write from memory, it is pretty easy to remember since the ingredients are so little. i need to make some more as well i ran out of it lol
important note:
i must tell you that this is what works for me and it certainly might not work for everyone. i searched some various blogs and youtube channels before i decided on this. i wanted something effective and simple so i decided to try this. if it wont work out please dont give up and try different recipes.
i use;
about 3 table spoons of coconut oil
about 1 ts of corn starch
a couple drops of lavender oil
if the amount of coconut oil or the corn starch seems little or not quite suitable for each other, feel free to add more or less of them. thats what i do, it all works out by rule of thumb :D
in some recipes ppl use shea butter as well and it is generally put a bit less than coconut oil like 2 ts or something, for this one for example. and i adapted the recipe a bit to make it more accessible and suitable for myself. i read that shea butter was not an important necessity so i didnt use it. i use corn starch instead of baking soda. i read that some ppl used to get irritated skin bc of baking soda so if u have sensitive skin thats a warnin to consider. i didnt want to risk it myself im a little sensitive.
you can use different types of oils, mix them as well, it all depends on personal choice.
the corn strach absorbs the sweat, thats what it is for and the coconut oil is for the bacteria and stuff, so that it wont get to smell.
i keep the coconut oil in the refrigerator and wait a little for it to soften before i start. a little soft works for me to use the spoon easily.
some people heat it up a little to make it liquid while mixin but i am a bit lazy for that so i put it all in my deodorant jar and wait a little more for it to get softer so i can mix it like a paste. coconut oil melts easily anyway.
i generally restore it in the refrigerator in summer (talkin abt the deodorant here) (i always restore my coconut oil in the refrigerator but it is a personal choice not something scientific lol) and i take it out and wait a bit before using it bc i put it on with my fingers so i want it more like a paste again hehe. in winter i dont really feel the need so i keep it in my room or the bathroom. it depends on the tempeture and the city/country you live in.
the amount you put on your body also depends. if you put too little it might not work as good so u can try it at home first times using it. try to do some chores or exercise to test it out too maybe. thats what i did and i got used to it pretty easily.
- another warning:
since it is oil it might mark your clothes sometimes. be careful with that. i put it on and wander around shirtless a bit lmao so that my skin absorbs the oil a little as i get my other stuff ready. but keep in mind that it is oil so it will not dissappear or dry like water easily as you wait. it stays for a while even when i put on clothes and go out but i dont find it that annoying.
another environmentally friendly thing i do and would advice is to use shampoo bars!
(and if you are already using them or planning on using, thats so awesome!!!)
incredibly easy and also very budget friendly as well as the environment. and you get to use waaay less plastic.
i buy mine from Rossmann. the brand is Isana and in my city it has 2 types, dont know if it has more, one is pomegrande and the other is mango&coconut. they smell AMAZING. they are vegan and do not consist micro plastic.
ive been using them for a year now as well.
if u plan on using them be carefull with the water bc they can get pretty sticky and soft, hard to use if they sit in water or stay wet. i use a soapbox and it works just fine. (keep the box closed and let no water sit in as you shower too) and keep the soapbox open after you are out of the shower and done using it to let it dry.
ofc there are tons of different brands and types so you can search and decide on your own for whats best for you and your hair! <3
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hope this helps honey!! and i hope this wasnt too long or the explanation was too unnecesary. feel free to ask me if you got any questions abt anything. will try to answer as much as i can, if i know abt the topic.
and thank you, i wish you an awesome day!!
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pepprs · 4 years
im having so many thoughts i need to put them somewhere so here we go
i hate twitter so fucking much and i regret ever joining it and i want to delete all of the (dormant) accounts i have on there but im too scared to do it. that’s all
lately ivd been missing br*ghton a lot but im shy now and im scared to reach out to anyone and say hi 😔 yesterday i got so stressed and mad cuz this place is a wreck and i miss having a clean slate in my dorm w a mess that was manageable and that i was solely responsible for. and today i was thinking abt the farmers market and how i used to make my regular breakfast from home w all the same ingredients bht they tasted different cuz i was in another country and i didn’t like it at first but now i miss it a lot 😔 like the bread and everything was so good. also it’s absolutely bizarre to me that i like. walked around a city once. i took it for granted while i was there but it was only rly bc i was so anxious i couldn’t get my brain to slow down and soak it all in and now who knows if i’ll ever get to go back but like. i really really do miss it i would give anything to walk around town again. i had a dream the other night that i was on campus there in the main building and my dad was picking me up to take me to the airport for an emergency flight home bc of covid and it was like 4am and i ran out of the building and collapsed on the grass outside and just started crying and crying cuz i didn’t want to and i woke up and realized that basically happened to me i was just in my dorm and all alone and. lol
i have to make a post graduation plan and a timeline for my degree plan rn and i hate it so fucking much. activities and assignments that deal you the maximum amount of psychological torture
im like *makes my first discord server* *goes crazy* like i cant stop thinking abt it and it’s for work so i have to wait but like. i just wanna add ppl already so we can see how it works and setting up channels and everything is so fun. also i think discord could be a rly cool like... platform for art. like a server could function as a story or a poem or smth on there using read / write only channels or whatever and that’s ridiculously exciting to me but idk if id ever have the time to test that out
i keep saying all this shit in my degree plan abt poetry but i havent written since april i don’t think and im starting to wonder if im even like. good. also if i were to publish stuff that means the ppl i write abt would read my poetry abt them and that is SO profoundly unbearable i dont even have the words for it
it’s been almost a yr since my last haircut and idk what to do. i kinda stopped caring abt how long it is and i was just gonna get it cut when the world opens up again but now it’s looking like an IF the world opens up again so i might just have someone here do it or maybe do it myself although that would be bad. maybe on the anniversary of the day i flew to br*ghton lol
i have so many dishes to do and i don’t want to do them i just want to go to sleep WAHHHHH
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seijch · 4 years
send me selfship questions!!
for @raevaioli because i wrote too much the first time and didnt have space to answer everything else 🧍🏻‍♂️
(there’s a lot of shit under the cut NDJKDKS be Warned)
1. where was your first date?
well, youve already heard about the first date that we realized was indeed A Date with futakuchi, but my first Proper Date with him would have to be somewhere like an arcade where we can have fun but still talk?? personally movie (theater) dates aren’t good first dates bc you Have to stay silent until the movie is over?? what’s the APPEAL...
there’s a shared exhale of relief as the large stuffed pokemon gets dropped by the crane into the pickup zone. “i can’t believe you pulled that off,” i tell him.
“you know, just for that, i’m keeping it.”
“you don’t even like pokemon! what happened to ‘this one’s for you, baby?’” i ask, voice dropping an octave to imitate him.
“i never said that, first of all. second of all,” he continues, grip tightening on the rowlet, “i won it. so it’s mine.”
“you fucking suck.”
(he says all this, yet when he drops me off, he insists i take the rowlet with me and name it after him. i graciously oblige, dubbing it coochie jr.)
when it comes to kuroo, he probably Says it’s some kind of unplanned affair but it ends with him unloading a picnic basket as we watch the sun set bc he’s a SAP... hate that fool 😔
“you’ve got good taste in music,” i tell him as the next song on his playlist begins. he’s definitely planning something, but i don’t say anything as his driving becomes less aimless.
“oh, i know,” he grins. “good enough for you to ask me for recommendations, i’d say.”
i’m crossing my arms before his sentence gets to finish. “listen,” i start, “you can’t tell me it didn’t work. we’re together now, aren’t we?” he doesn’t choose to grace that with a response.
before we know it, kuroo’s parked the car. “we’re here.”
“here? at the park? what are you gonna do, hold my hand while we watch the sunset?” i tease, getting out of the car. he doesn’t respond. “tetsu?”
“you really think you know me, don’t you?” he appears from the other side, picnic basket in hand and a resigned smile on his face. “what do you suggest we do now that my surprise has been torn to shreds, hm?”
“i mean...can we still eat? i’m kinda hungry.” i point to the basket. (i’m clearly deflecting ,, i was Not expecting kuroo the simp to jump out so early and my heart Cannot Take It)
2. who normally plans the dates?
between me and futakuchi i’m going to say none of us! we don’t really go on Dates dates, it’s just Us Hanging Out !! with kuroo, at first it’s him tbh but after we get comfortable everything becomes a date... idk tbh i’m not the type to sweat that kind of thing 🕺🏻 i do like to Go Out and do things w my s/o no matter who they are but a date doesn’t always have to be going out nor does it have to be a Special going out yk??
3. what kind of dates would you two mostly go on? do you have a “date spot?”
i mentioned this in my answer for 24, but w kuchi we have this ritual of going out to eat every friday and after we get together that doesn’t change!!! if we’re feeling extra lazy we might order takeout but we always always spend our friday nights together... it’s def smth we look forward to even Before we start dating (and it’s smth we both wonder Why we anticipate before we get tgt)
in terms of a date spot? we have our favorite places (like the ramen joint i mentioned in 24) but other than that maybe a few other restaurants and that’s kinda it! our other dates are the occasional study date but i cannot study when he’s around,, just looking at his face pisses me off 😃 nah but we can’t focus on school together + we’d get heated over a meaningless argument and get kicked out NDNSJSJ
when we get domestic w each other (like in uni or beyond) kuroo and i have all our dates at the grocery store... idk abt you but the INTIMACY of buying groceries w someone you love is so [clenches fist] yk?? but before and sometimes after that point rlly it’s like Things To See and Things To Do whenever kuroo puts himself in charge of planning it bc he knows we both like to be engaged and have fun!! (i alr said it but our date spot is the grocery store <3)
4. what kind of date do you think the both of you would enjoy the most? why?
that’s a very good question... i mentioned it alr but kuroo and i vibe heavy w things that are engaging and give us things to talk about while we keep busy,, like maybe an amusement park or smth w all the rides (we’re definitely spinning the shit out of the teacups) mostly bc i think he likes being kept on his toes and i do too! i think we’d challenge each other to do better by setting an example for the other to follow just in general,, also ngl places w a lot of ppl are good too so we can peoplewatch,, the two of us are the type to read people with a glance and when we need downtime we’d sit down somewhere and just kinda . 👁👁 yk
“i might barf,” i announce, gait crooked from the dizzying ride.
“no, you won’t,” kuroo replies, allowing me to drape myself over him though he’s not walking straight either. “didn’t you hear? vomitting is banned in this country and thirteen others.”
“a shame. anyway, let’s go on the pirate ship ride next.”
(we sit at the outer edge. it’s not a good time for the folks in the two seats in front of us. we wipe our vomit—mostly my vomit—from the corners of our mouths and apologize profusely.)
when it comes to kuchi, i think he’d like smth where we would end up competing against each other! i mentioned this when i answered question 50, but kenji and i are almost TOO competitive over stupid shit so smth like laser tag (where everyone is like ... why don’t you want to work together aren’t you DATING) would be SO fucking fun
“it’s not too late to surrender,” he simpers, my body sandwiched between his and the wall. my gun’s been knocked out of my hand—that’s gotta be against the fucking rules—and part of me feels like i’m on a real battlefield, as fleeting the thought is. “some battles, you just can’t win.” he punctuates this statement with a sage nod, leaning so close his breath fans against my face. “so, what’ll it be?”
i close the gap, pressing my lips against his and relishing in the strangled groan that comes from the back of his throat as he reciprocates, free hand moving to the nape of my neck. the hand holding the gun drops. that’s all the opening i need.
i let him deepen the kiss, take his bottom lip between my teeth and gently tug as my hands reach for his gun while his brain is still between his legs.
aim. fire.
i’m the last one standing, and the lights turn on around us. “it’s always good to have goals,” i tell him, granting him a consolation peck to the lips. “but i suggest making them more realistic next time.”
9. what do you think your first impression of them would be?
now THIS is a question i knew the answer to going in bc my best friend (honestly she doesn’t get paid enough ,, or at all ,, for all the shit she has to put up w from me NDNSKSK) had to hear all abt my elaborate fantasies regarding these two but!!
my first impression of kuroo is 1) 😳😳 and more importantly, 2) I Want To Know What He’s About... bc he’s not the kind of person i’d get the full picture of w just one look and maybe a few words spoken? he’d pique my interest a LOT (and this is smth he shares w tsukishima, tho i don’t see myself in a long lasting relationship w him like i do w kuroo and kuchi!) and i’d end up worming my way into his life whether he likes it or not until i find out :-)
unlike kuroo i see kenji and go Wow. What An Asshole. ok no i don’t NDNSJSN i probably think he’s cute first THEN go what an asshole and there’s definitely a long period of time where we’re genuinely getting on each other’s nerves before it goes into the romantic relationship-adjacent dynamic you see in my answer to 24!
10. what do you think their first impression of you would be?
kuroo’s definitely curious. i don’t imagine him being unable to see thru me from the start but i prove myself to be Good Conversation so he’s fine (and ends up being more than fine) with me bothering him as much as i do. kenji probably sees me the way i think most people see me at first? very soft and sweet ,, and then he tries to rile me up, tries to test the waters and pretty quickly finds out that right under the nice girl is someone that won’t hesitate to mirror the shit he tries to dish out.
(again) 24. would you confess first or would they? how would it have gone?
i saw you said in the tags you wanted to see the kuroo one so here it is 🤝 i had all my fun writing kenji’s so this one is shorter than that but!!!
NDNSNSN anyway !!! with kuroo it’s kinda 50/50 bc i’m not shy when it comes to my feelings but at the same time i like to have the lowest chances possible for failure when it comes to things like this... but i simp SO heavy for him so lbr it’ll prob be me just bc i literally Cannot pretend that my intentions are platonic anymore and he’s not gonna do it first (later i find out he was trying to see how long he could go before one of us mentioned the elephant in the room)
(5:38 PM) me: anyway for the weekly song rec
(5:38 PM) me: khalid ft. john mayer - outta my head
(5:39 PM) me: specifically 1:16-1:25 :-)
the messages have sent before i can think twice or even consult anyone about it. there’s a beat of silence. then two. then three. i throw my phone down onto the bed as it bounces off the mattress and onto the carpet.
what the fuck!!!!!! bitch why did you do that!!!!!!!
there’s no taking it back now. he reads it ten minutes after it sends (not like anyone’s checking, that would be preposterous). the picture i took of him mid-sneeze two months ago lights up the screen, a facetime call from shithead 👺 bringing me to yet another crossroads. do i answer it and face the music (literally), or do i pretend to have been busy and act as though i didn’t just confess to one of my best friends through text and with music, of all things?
i pick up the call.
“i liked the song,” he says as soon as the call opens, “though i can’t help but wonder if there was a hidden meaning to it.”
“and if i told you there was?”
“well,” he replies, sounding a little out of breath (where is he?), “i’d tell you to open your door because i’m outside.”
true enough, when i race downstairs and open the door, he’s waiting for me. “and if i told you that was my way of asking you to be my boyfriend?”
“well, i think i’d want to ask if i could kiss you. assuming, of course, it was alright to do something like that so soon-“
he doesn’t finish his sentence. his lips are a little bit chapped, but pleasant nonetheless, and i tuck the newfound fact away in my file of things i know about kuroo tetsurou.
(for reference, the song lyrics for the part i mention are can you feel the tension / you’ve got my attention / i know we’re just friends but / i’d rather be together instead)
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donghun-s · 7 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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sundrenched-smilez · 7 years
odd numbers for the lesbian asks! (if it's too many just do every 4th one maybe?)
1. Femme or butch? 
for type, im vry easily wooed by butches tbh
as for myself, im genderfluid + heavily lean towards butch-ish for one gender + have been gettin more comf w that term for myself. the 3 genders i switch between, ive described as sharp, dainty and tired, for reason of not really being comf w gender labels aside from nonbinary. sharp/tired r kinda butchish, moreso sharp. like leather jackets, ripped jeans, dress pants/shirts, defs flannels (which r a given for any mood im in tbh) while tired is like mb softer, more focused on flannels + loose tank tops/shirts, shorts + certain skirts, comfy clothes, and the like   
ive found that i’m leaning more towards butch lately too, like i’ve been a lot more comfortable with pants and a nice top than i have w dresses or most skirts + im wondering if i was just hanging on to femininity for sake of society, so those r things 2 think abt. i still feel comf in them sometimes, but it’s getting much less often. gender’s weird, i still cant cling to one bc of how pressuring that is so genderfluidity is still smth for me + it shifting to different percentages is okay (im thinking out loud @ this point, but its helping so i hope its interesting to read)
3. Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
both, but primarily flannels/plaid buttion-ups
5. Describe your aesthetic
aaahh theres a lot of diff aesthetics i could go into, but i have a tag if ur interested in a visual representation? basically, cosy homes, forests, wooden steps and bridges, cats, girls/nbs, water, plants, and old video game stuff, and clouds/skies. i’m sure there’s more in there, but for a good rule of thumb !! as for like dressing aesthetic, i like to look rly gay + attractive and a lil showy? like my shorts r Short and i love crop tops + a lot of my shirts show my bra thru them, + i like showing it when i can, like sports bra + a tank top is a fav look of mine bc i can make it look like my bra is a trim on the shirt + it’s cute. i’ve been wearing dresses less often, but occasionally, i like to rock one. id love a pair of combat boots but i have like size 11/12 feet + most stores dont carry that size + im hesitant to buy some online. 
7. Favorite pair of shoes?
its rly hard to find any, i have like walmart converse knockoffs atm + theyre a beige/grey color im not that huge on, it kinda reminds me of sandalwood but depressed
9. Any haircut goals for the future? 
there was the undercut!! and i have that down now c: next step is to dye it blue and mb some purple. i wanna bleach it if i’m gonna dye it, but im hesitant to do that bc of how damaging it is, but since my hair’s been cut a cpl time almost all the color is out now, so i think itll b ok if i take good care of it. 
11. Describe the worst date you’ve been on
i went to a cafe w someone (i think they were nb but i cant remember, it was like 2 yrs ago about ) and they were impossible to talk to bc they just kept saying “im awkward sorry” @ everything and like any conversations i tried to maintain were all one-shot responses, and like that was a lil frustrating. like i dont hold it against them or anything, more in a sense of i was rly tryin 2 carry it and just couldnt 
13. If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
whooh i wish i was taken, i need affection + to b cute w someone 
15. Describe your dream wedding
hmmmm i havent thought much about it !! i know when i was younger i wanted to wear a black wedding dress but now im thinkin mb a suit that switches to dress @ the bottom?? that could b cool. I’d be happy w anything tbh, if im getting married, i’d just b happy to be w my wife/spouse. mb somewhere in a forest or on a boat would b cool, defs lots of good food and colorful flowers. I’d like a lot of color, most weddings ive been to are just b/w and bland for my taste (they’ve also all been straight tho so theres that.) it’s kind of wild to think that i might b married someday, but it’d b rly nice. i just haven’t thought much abt the planning of one. it’d b rly gay tho, probs give out tiny gay flags at each seat, and the cake could b lesbian flag colors. im rly drawing a blank on this, but i know id want all my friends around the country + world to be there. 
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
i definitely want to live in a port town at some point !! idk where i’d like to settle down, ideally somewhere that doesnt get much hotter than 90 degrees + has lots of parks + is big enough for some events, like pride stuff, little festivals, a farmer’s market, and places to do things, such as a movie theater, bowling alley, mb an aquarium, if not one in a nearby town. hiking trails r also good. 
19. Favorite lesbian novel/story?
on a sunbeam!!! its a huge inspiration for me, and i love it so much. it always puts me in such a good mindset when i read it, and the artist is my age, so it makes me feel like I can also accomplish great things if i rly put my heart into it!! which is such a good feeling, and it has great representation + characters that i love, and its rly gay, and in space and theres ships shaped like fish + its gorgeous : D i could go on for hrs abt it + how important it is to me. theres an nb character too, and like the aspect of found families is one that rly hits home and it helped me get thru a rough time of my life + better accept myself as queer/gay. 
21. Favorite lesbian musician?
adult mom (tho i think they’re bi but still gay), or hayley kiyoko
23. Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
i think so, but i can’t place when, it’s been a bit. 
25. Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
talking abt being gay w other girls/nbs is lovely and cathartic, i never got to growing up bc i lived in a homophobic town + i was like dealing heavily with internalized homophobia and body/gender dysphoria so i was ace for a bit. talking more abt like sexual attraction + aesthetic attraction is new to me, and that’s been a process to get to, but it’s nice that I can now do so w/o being belittled or barraged by insult. i also just love the thought of being w someone, and daydreaming abt when that happens is really nice. also,, girls + nbs r a blessing and brighten my day and im so glad im attracted 2 them 
27. Turn ons?
absolutely communication, that’s a need. i had a bad experience w someone bc she wasn’t communicative at all, and failed to tell me that we weren’t dating despite us going on several dates + kissing??? like i wont go too into it, but hatchi matchi it was a mess. so yeah, communication, affection, and like reassurance that they actually want to be with me, and that my presence is wanted and enjoyed. I got a lot of “i dont care”s for answers last sort-of relationship, and that was rly discouraging. another turn on is for them to initiate talking and things, like holding hands or planning to hang out + such. consent is another big one. 
29. Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
i usually tend to ask them out, but im still dealing w internalized junk, so its difficult. i also havent any situations in which they liked me back, which is frustrating. like i got lead on earlier summer for abt a month until i asked what we were doing + didnt rly get an answer, and it was this whole mess. i generally try to make the first move tho, bc i know firsthand how difficult it is, but that being said, it’s still hard for me to know for sure if theyre interested + i dont wanna make things uncomf w them, so i’ll wait until i think there might b attraction. that being said, once that’s all out of the way, i like to consider myself a good flirt when im trying. 
31. Talk about your interests or hobbies!
i have lots of interests!! im obsessed w steven universe, its my fav show (and if u ever have time, we should totally watch it together sometime, i rly think you’d love it, it’s super gay + heartwarming.) i really love playing music and learning new songs, which im rly great at memorizing. talking to friends + gettin 2 know them better is always nice and fun. i like to draw new things + see the different ways ppl draw, so seeing art on here is always fun for me. i’m also rly into polygon videos (it’s a youtube channel, not like videos abt polygon haha) and this podcast called the adventure zone. season one just ended, so i might start listening to another one called friends at the table. i rly wanna start a podcast w someone, but can never find anyone to start it with. idk what I’d talk abt but if i could find a partner for it, i think it’d be a lot of fun. mb smth abt games or books/queer representation in media. doing a dnd podcast would also b rly fun, but a lot of work + editing so mb later down the road !! im blanking on other interests atm, but animations and cartoons r lovely and i aim to make something in that field one day, if not just a comic.
my hobbies r mostlyyyy drawing, dnd things now every thursday, hanging w my friends, playing video games, sometimes writing (i rly wanna start a comic, and im tryin to get my butt into gear on it), goin to parks, listening to music, and goin 2 events w roe + cesar, two of my friends. sometimes ill play music!! i need to get more than the keyboard i’m lending, but i love performing. ill also watch leg birds on youtube, theyre a lesbian couple that plays gams + theyre rly sweet. 
33. Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
its easy for me to love friends, doesnt usu take me more than a few months of knowing them if were talking a lot. as for falling in love, that takes me a lot longer. ive never rly been in love w someone. i thought i was once, but rly it was just my first gay experience w someone and i wanted it to be perfect so i projected a lot of things + made it better than it seemed to myself for the duration of it, which wasn’t healthy, so i wanna avoid doing that again, + take things slower next time. or at least for what they are. 
35. Ever fallen for a straight girl?
a few times, they were just crushes tho, so it wasnt too too bad
37. Favorite comfort food?
hot cocoa or tea. as for food food, i dont think i have one. mb french toast or cinnamon rolls. 
39. Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
i used to be a vegetarian!! for like a yr, but it was difficult for me to eat and feel full, and i was pretty underweight, so i stopped. 
41. Early-riser or night-owl?
both, i tend to stay up, but getting up early can be nice if i dont have to do anything. like just gently waking + making some tea and a nice breakfast + sittin around for a bit. 
43. What is your Myers-Briggs type?
45. At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
i think like 16-17? it took me a bit to get words for identity, like lesbian/nonbinary and the like, but i always knew, like id call myself an individual as opposed to gendered terms that i was referred to, and always felt rly yucky w deadname + the wrong pronouns
47. Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
ive got one crush atm !! and another person who seems nice, but i wanna hang out w before like thinking abt a crush (im poly, which perhaps goes w/o saying, but i always like to state it when talking abt these things, jic )
49. Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
i’d like a partner or two, to get some bongos- i got to play some a couple weeks ago, and it was the most fun i’ve had playing anything!! having smth with an instant response that i could make up rhythms with was really rewarding and so much fun. i know i want a cat at some point, to go on cute dates + cuddle and kiss a lot w someone, to visit my friends in other places, dye my hair, get a better job, to travel a bit, make a comic, go to college for animation and storyboarding, mb go to camp at some point, and I’d like to make some more friends here, i’m already making some, which i’m super happy about, but it’s always nice meeting new ppl 
thank u for asking!! this was relaxing + fun, and a lot of the topics were cathartic to talk about, and i needed it. so thanks for listening too kinda
also im queen of commas, i’ve discovered while typing this
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Hey for the ask thing, all the questions you're comfortable with answering
oh boy!!! heck yeah fun shit thanks my dude! little did u Kno…… I LOVE oversharing !!! lmao muahahahahaha i’m probably gonna answer all of them thank u for enabling it lmfao
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
yah on Rly Bad days
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
like… 3.5? i like the dark but,,, ‘m Scare,,,,,
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Orange Turnip
4. What is your favorite word?
it changes tbh,, hm but i can’t think of any rn!
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
i’d be….. a nice oak! thicc and full of secrets
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i didn’t lmao reflection what’s that
7. What shirt are you wearing?
i’m wearing the dress i wore to work
8. What do you label yourself as?
annoying or boring lmao but also the Goblin King and that is Good
9. Bright room or dark room?
i still don’t know if this is referring to like paint shade or like the amount of light it gets or like if i sleep in a bright room or dark room so like??? *shrug emoji*
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
i was?? drawing i think
12. Who told you they loved you last?
i think it was @wrenn-frug​ 💕💖 lov u fren!
13. Your worst enemy?
dunno man probably myself but that sounds cliche so like??? the sun bc it always burns me
14. What is your current desktop picture?
a screenshot from song of the sea!!! lOVE that movie!!!! i’d post it but like?? i don’t think i have it saved anymore or if i do i don’t feel like looking but it’s that one scene where they’re walking thru the pretty field towards the trees and there’s foxes in the corner and she’s playing the shell it’s so pretty,,,,,
15. Do you like someone?
uh yah my cat
16. The last song you listened to?
Young God - Halseygood song lov it,,,,
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
orange turnip my dude i Hate
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
uh nobody ????
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
my squishy thighs and my fantastic stretch marks (which have taken me YEARS to accept)
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
????????????? secret???? talent?????? lemme check, ,, , , *reaches into a bag* nope bitch empt y aint got No Talent lmao
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
okay so like this is really dumb and i partially answered this in this ask abt the flushing toilets @ night thing but like to elaborate and make it even more dumb not only am i afraid to flush toilets @ night bc it’s just rly creepy and loud to me (esp if i’ve been asleep) but like,, , sort of in the same vein of fear is that when i was little my older sister told me that there was a ghost in the toilet and if i don’t flush it’ll get me and like i kno it’s not tru but like,,,,,, Sometimes,,,,,, (i must clarify i’m not scared of toilets themselves but like flushing freaks me out sometimes like @ night or if i don’t flush fast enough lmao don’t look @ me i’m a mess)
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Excuse? is this like that i can ONLY eat this sandwich or is it that this is the only sandwich i can ever eat or like i can only ever have one last sandwich bc honestly i’m Not Okay with any of those scenarios no matter how many ingredients i get for the initial creation
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Dream daddy dating simulator lmao uh?? also probably more food for archie bc he is Expensive
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Ireland probably. always wanted to see ireland
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
“Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out” like???? no???? if u don’t drink alcohol why would u want a lifetime supply??? unless i could like…. sell it??? whats the Most Expensive kind i’ll just get an unending supply of heavenly Expensive Alcohol to sell for incredibly inflated prices to the rich bc it’s From Heaven and give the money to the poor bc like,,, why not
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
bitches gotta keep they damn opinions to themselves if they can’t respect somebody’s life based on factors they can’t help (race, religion, orientation, gender etc) also no money like We Don’t Need It i’m so tired of Needing money
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Fuck bc u can use it in So Many situations
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
o shit probably the twenty dollar metallic watercolors i got bc shit son??? actually probably like my laptop or smth idk
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my childhood thx
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
this is.. not a questionalthough it is a wonderful scenario
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
none of them bc if the celestial gates of the beyond is real then all the people i’d want to bring back are probably in a Better Place or something and why would i want to drag them to Hell?
34. What was your last dream about?
Cannot remember to save my life altho i kno it was rly weird and convoluted
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
u did not put anything Here so i will Ignore
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
yAH it’s fun!
38. What is the color of your socks?
not wearing any
39. What type of music do you like?
A Lot
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets,,, evening is so nice mm m
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
chocolate ayyyy
43. Do you have any scars?
a couple but like for Dumb Reasons
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I’ve graduated hs but i wanna be an animator when i decide which college to go to
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my brain pls bartender can i have a Healthy One (correction to favorite word #4: fav word currently is deign)
46. Are you reliable?
i would like to think so
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
are you happy?
48. Do you hold grudges?
YAH but only if i’ve been Pushed Too Far which is Pretty Damn Far by most ppls standards
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
none I am Not a God
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
i have had So Many???? the most recent one was two times in a row random ppl i barely knew asked me for my netflix account bc they didnt have one and like…. bro what who R U,,,,, (i had literally only talked to the first guy once for ten minutes on fb)
51. Are you a good liar?
is the sky green? don’t think so
52. How long could you go without talking?
Very Long but like Only on Bad Weeks
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
None my hair is Magnificent (idk)
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
like birthday cake? never but i lov to bake cakes so like i bake myself cakes all the time
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
i am so bad @ accents i can’t even Read in my Head in accents even though i know what the accent Should Sound Like
56. What do you like on your toast?
peanut butter and banan slices
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
working on a picture of a tiger redraw
58. What would be you dream car?
a Bike bc i Do Not Like cars
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
i only sing in the shower when nobody is home (which is infrequent bc my mom is Always here) bc i am self conscious around most ppl but like Music,,,,, also when i was little i would pretend that i was standing in the rain all sad like in movies lmao
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
i follow an astrology blog and i read homestuck i mean,,
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
i??? A maybe bc there are a lot of ways to write it pretty idk but like specifically capital A ig
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Dragons they’re fire-breathing friends and i love them
64. What do you think about babies?
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
U Didn’t put anything Here either so like how abt i give u a random fact abt myself that seems good my favorite bird is the lammergeier bc they’re basically irl dragons and they’re so pretty??? love them??? also i hate monkeys and apes esp chimpanzes bc they are scary and too much like humans to me i don’t like them
BOY that took way longer than i thought bc i had to feed my cat halfway thru and everything and like this is a Long Post sorry guys but ayyyyy this was fun thanks ari
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