#it took me a sec to figure out what i just saw
daz4i · 2 years
i go on ao3's search thingie and the first thing i see is rpf about ukranian politicians. maybe it's time to go to bed
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scudslut · 6 months
Ok hear me out. Reader and Daryl go on a run for supplies with a few other people. Reader makes a mistakes and almost gets seriously hurt/ near death experience. Daryl gets pissed at reader, maybe yells at her. Reader laughs it off and acts like she doesn’t gaf. Daryl later finds reader all shaken up and crying by herself. Love if you don’t, love if you do!
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stay with me
daryl x fem!reader
wc: 2k
warnings: typical twd gore/violence, mentions of death, mentions of trauma/ptsd
a/n: absolutely love me some good fluffy angst, thank u nony❤️ i hope you like it:))
As much as you tried to prepare yourself for the inevitable situations runs would put you in, the blood-chilling reality of it never got any easier. No amount of mental prep could stove off the sounds and smell of the dead, nipping ravenously for a taste of your sweet living flesh.
Of course, over time you’d learned just to shut your brain off and fight. Fight as hard and tirelessly as you possibly could, but mistakes could still be made. Shit happened, whether it was your fault or not.
Hours earlier, a group of you went a few miles east of the prison; Daryl having spotted a little strip a few days prior, not too overrun that he thought might be loot-worthy.
It was a simple run really. Keep close, hit a few shops in and out, then head back home. That’s it. Follow the plan, get as much useful shit as possible, and get the fuck out of there. You guys had it down to a science at this point, runs becoming so second nature it was almost too easy to let your guard down nowadays.
“Hey D, I’m gonna go check the storage room back here. Might have something we could use,” you voiced to your partner a few isles down, still keeping your tone as low as you could.
“Gimme a sec, I'll come help ya,” you heard him say but you kept moving. You two had already cleared the main area, you could handle a walker or two if there actually was any behind the small door. You figured you would’ve heard something by now, some sort of banging or grumbling to announce their presence, but there was nothing, the coast presumably clear.
You should have waited.
Crossing the few miscellaneous isles you reached the back door, giving it a small rattle. Still complete silence, not even the faintest groan or shuffle. Knife at the ready, hand clamped over the cool metal handle, your heart rate picked up a notch as it always did before opening into the unknown.
“You got this, come on,” you muttered to yourself, before throwing the door open, bracing for attack. The door flew wide, only to reveal a dark, empty room. Squinting through the dimness, a few high, dusty shelves were visible, stocked with all sorts of canned goods. Fuck yea, that was certainly useful.
“D! Come look what I found!” you rasped, dropping your knife into its holster and shuffling in. You unslung your backpack from your shoulders, digging through it for a flashlight excitedly. It’s been so long since you’ve found this much canned food, surely enough to keep the group well stocked through most of the winter that was approaching. A loud creak from the left caught your attention as you sped forward. Hands finally finding purchase on the flashlight, you flicked it on, scanning across the room to the sound.
Dust caked the air, making the already dark room fuzzier and your eyes took a minute to adjust. You took a few smaller steps closer, peering wearily ahead and then you saw them.
Beady, soulless eyes staring back. A whole rickety staircase of them, heads turning one by one to the light source in your hand.
“Oh fuck.”
There had to be at least 10 of them that you could see, the top of the stairs pitch black and unrevealing.
Your feet stumbled backward, hands desperately reaching for the knife at your hip, dropping the flashlight in the process. It rolled and caught under your heels, knocking you on your ass as the corpses advanced, jaws snapping.
These were those moments. When you felt your heart in your throat, brain stuttering on action. Time moved so slowly that the fragments were almost visible and every thought screaming in your mind sounded like gibberish. You know you should move, is that what it was screaming?
The first one got to you, grabbing your leg trying to crawl up and finally, you were kicking, scrambling, grabbing onto the knife and slamming it into its skull with a loud squelch.
“Daryl!” you yelled. You needed him. Now.
3 more dropped before you, slinking towards you and you were trapped — the first corpse lying heavily over your midsection.
“Yea, yea girl. I heard ya,” you heard him respond, still sounding a few isles away.
No no no, this was not how you were gonna die. Not today. Please.
You kept stabbing, each kill taking everything out of you as you struggled against the body weight atop you. They just kept piling, you could hardly feel your legs anymore, the circulation surely cut off below your knees. And more were coming, a never-ending stream of hunger.
Another one landed before you and you had just enough time to catch its shoulders before it was inches away, snapping at your neck. Your arms burned, tears welling in your eyes as you realized this could be it. You didn’t know how much longer you had before they gave out and rotting teeth would be sinking into you, tearing you apart.
The walker kept snapping, so close you could see the layers of rotting flesh peeling from its face. You had been close to walkers before, had stared into the lifeless eyes too many times to count, but this was different. More were coming and the face in the reflection of its eyes was barely recognizable — terror painting every feature you’d known on you distorted.
The bones cracked in its left shoulder and it dislocated, dropping down to centimeters from your skin.
“No,” you sobbed quietly. Daryl wasn’t going to make it, you knew that. He was going to walk in and find his girl as dinner. You hoped he just booked it, and didn’t waste his time trying to save what would long be gone.
The walker fell limp in your arms and you flinched harshly, expecting excruciating pain to follow as it bit. But there was nothing.
“The fuck are ya doing! Get up!”
Daryl was suddenly right before you, ripping each body off your aching limbs and you were now acutely aware of the larger pile by the stairs, all with arrows and stab wounds littering their heads. When had he gotten in here?
You didn’t hear his words, adrenaline coursing so loudly through your system that all that could be heard was a loud, shrill ringing.
“Goddammit girl, wake the fuck up!” he shouted, grabbing you by the shoulders in an attempt to lift you. Your brain caught up then, as he harshly placed you on your feet. Walkers scattered the floor around you, and a grumble at the stairs announced it wasn’t the last of them.
Daryl reached down, grabbed your dropped items, and shoved them in your dumbstruck hands. “We’re gettin’ outta here, now,” he seethed, dragging you along and slamming the door behind you both, crossing the lines of isles quickly to the front entrance.
The fresh, afternoon air hit your nose in a gust and the last of the fuzz chipped itself from your senses slowly.
“Hope yer fuckin happy with yerself. Can’t ever listen to a goddamn word’a mine, can ya?” Daryl quipped beside you. His eyes were slits as they dug into you, so fuming you could see the heat radiating off his skin in the early autumn brisk.
He was angry at you, you knew that. But you also knew it was because he was scared. Hell, you were fucking terrified to stone back there, but if you wanted to calm him down at all, you knew you had to act unfazed.
Gathering any remaining wits about you, you took a deep inhale, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting them.”
He didn’t respond, wouldn’t even look at you anymore as he began to pace the graveled parking lot.
“Hey don’t stress Dar. I’m alive, we’re good,” you attempted to soothe further.
“Don’t stress? Yer a real piece a work, y’know that! Always fucking up everyone’s shit cause ya don’t wanna use yer brain, huh?”
Well, that did not go as you expected.
The rest of the group had started shuffling out of the other shops around you, making their way to the vehicles.
“Jeez, you need to lighten up,” you brushed past him, head high. You couldn’t let his words affect you, not with all the other emotions coursing as well. You didn’t understand what he meant. You had never put anyone other than yourself in danger, how could you possibly be fucking over everyone else?
You decided to wait in the car as the rest of the group went back for the cans, tag-teaming whatever walkers remained. The loot had decently filled both trunks and everyone was happy to call it a day and head back.
Your eyes followed Daryl as he jumped into your car, eyes trained on the windshield, “Ya alright at least?” he muttered glancing at you briefly while shifting the car into drive.
“I’m good, you big grump,” you huffed with a tight-lipped smile. “That much food will last us a long time. I believe a thank you is in order, don’t you think?”
You were not good. Not at all, but there was no reason to worry him anymore, putting him through enough today as it was. Your hands were shoved tightly under your thighs, so he couldn’t see the tremors racking through you.
You had smelt death so many times it didn’t bother you much anymore. Today you had smelt your own. Saw your life in that walker's eyes, mere seconds away from demolition. It was safe to say you were shaken to your core.
The journey back was silent, both not in the mood to chat for very different reasons, and the whole time you were trying to keep each breath of yours steady.
You helped unload as much as you could, before slipping away discreetly to your cell. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this, you felt kind of pathetic honestly. This was life now, it had been this way for a long time now, you shouldn’t be so shaken up as you were but the terror just wouldn’t leave your body.
Panic washed over you once again as your eyes hit your dim cell. Your mind was quickly slipping back into those last moments, the darkness and dust all too similar. The fear you had felt coating your veins icily and your breaths started to become agitated. There was nowhere else to go though. If you left the cell someone would see you.
Subconsciously, you backed yourself into the corner of the room, crumbling down to the floor with your head in your hands. Deep down you hoped your hyperventilating would knock you out. You didn’t want to think anymore — see it anymore. Tears were burning the back of your throat as you held down sobs, feeling the walker's hands and weight atop of you all again.
A small yelp escaped you when the hands became real. Pressure on your shoulders and waist and your head snapped up from its hiding spot, reflexes already prepared to fight whatever presence was with you.
“It’s jus’ me, hey, hey,” you heard through your panic, his blue eyes just recognizable through blurry tears. “S’okay, relax.”
You couldn’t calm down this time, vicious sobs finally breaking their way out of your frame. Running was your first thought; you didn’t want anyone to see you like this, Daryl or not. Emotions were never a strong suit of yours and would always find yourself dealing with them in private, away from sympathetic words and pitying eyes. But Daryl was never like that, he drew you in and held you tight, uttering no more words other than the ones to confirm it was him. If you asked him to say more, he would, but he knew this was what you needed. Someone to ground you back onto Earth and out of whatever images tormented your head.
So that’s what he did. Held you for hours as your body expelled all its terror and lingering adrenaline. He’d give quiet coos through each wave of shakes, grabbing a blanket to warm you through the cold sweats. And finally, once the fear faded to exhaustion, he scooped you up off the stiff concrete and into your soft cot.
“Stay with me?” you rasped, throat parched and raw from crying.
It wasn’t a second thought for him. He was never truly angry with you, and he knew you knew that. He needed you safe with him.
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letstripdotcom · 7 months
9:00am- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: it took a while for you to get used to matt. he was hard to read and could come off as mean. once you got to know him you guys started to become friends. after a long night out matt falls asleep in your bed.
warnings: smut bc you already knowwww
“y/n this is matt, matt this is y/n” my best friend nick explains. from what i heard, matt was a pretty cool person and i i was excited to meet him. “hey nice to meet you” i said cheerfully
“hey” he said flatly, giving me a flat smile. he walked off into the kitchen as nick and i got situated on the couch. that was rude. i thought to myself. matt definitely didn’t seem like the person nick had told me about.
after a while, matt had got situated on the couch with us and helped us pick out a movie. once we finally decided on a movie we all liked, we turned of the lights and got comfortable. matt sat on the other end of the couch and i cuddled up next to nick.
after the movie ended we were all hungry. we eventually decided on ihop, since it was the only thing open at this hour of the night. “i’ll drive.” i offered, getting my keys off the hook.
when we got to ihop i found myself trying to make small talk with matt, trying to see the side of him his triplet brothers saw. i eventually gave up on the conversation, feeling it was very one sided. we ate our food in almost pure silence, then left.
“i’m tired so i’m gonna head home. goodnight guys.” i said as we pulled into the driveway. i dropped the boys off and drove home. the whole drive all i could think about was the way matt acted. he definitely wasn’t the sweet guy i heard about.
i hung around matt more often, trying to figure him out, but almost seemed impossible. when i would go somewhere with him and his brothers, he would sit quietly and let them do the talking. conversations with him were almost impossible, because he would try to cut them as short as possible
one day i’m particular, you felt like you needed to know more about matt, and why acted the way he did towards you. you thought out what you were gonna say as you sat on the triplets couch.
“hey matt can we talk for a sec?” you whispered, trying to not be a distraction from the movie that was currently playing. “uh- yeah- i- sure” he stuttered, being caught off by your question. you guys got up and went into the kitchen.
you sighed, and decided to just rip off the bandaid. “is there a reason you don’t like me, or…?” you spoke. “what?” he asked. “i don’t know nick just tells me how sweet you are and all so i just get the feeling you don’t like me” he soaked in my words.
“i don’t not like you, it’s just hard” he paused “ you know, meeting new people, it’s hard to- i don’t know” he sighed, running a hand down his face. “sorry” he muttered.
“hey no it’s okay” i said reassuringly. “i didn’t mean to come at you like that. i guess i was just upset.” he smiled at me softly. “you’re cool, y/n and i would like to be your friend.” “yeah of course” i said semi-cheerfully. we went back to the couch and continued the movie.
after that day me and matt became much closer. we talked more often and we found out we actually had a lot in common. we both liked to read and write. we had the same music taste, and we disliked the same people.
one night, me and the triplets sat out by my pool and just talked. hours passed as we changed subjects, talking about life, friends, dreams, and anything you could imagine. “ok ladies i’m going to bed.” nick announced.
shortly after, chris got up too. “i actually have somewhere to be, so see you never” neither of us questioned where he might be going at three in the morning, and we continued our conversation.
“hey i’m hungry, wanna hit up ihop?” matt asked. “i’m so glad you said something because i’m starving.” we got in matt’s car and made the drive towards the restaurant. the whole way there was a blast. we blared music through the speakers and laughed about whatever.
we sat in the empty ihop for about an hour, laughing at the dumbest things before we decided the employees were tired of us. we went out to matt’s car and talked for another hour and a half in the ihop parking lot. we eventually got tired and drove back to mine.
we went up to my room, walking quietly past where nick was sleeping in the living room. “wow chris has been gone for a while” i pointed out. “yeah” matt sighed. we talked some more, the time now almost 6 in the morning. i looked at my phone then i looked over at matt who was passed out in my bed. i didn’t bother to move him so i just closed my eyes and went to bed.
at about 7 in the morning i woke up to feel matt’s arms snaked around my waist. i felt a strong sense of comfort like this, but his breathing on my neck made me slightly nervous.
without knowing i fell back asleep, and woke up at around 9, matt’s arms still around me. this time something was a little strange. i adjusted my position slightly, making me feel matt’s hard on. fuck. i sighed trying to go back to sleep and ignore it, but i could tell matt started to wake up.
“you okay matt?” i muttered, half asleep. he groaned and started to grind his hips into my ass, turning me on a little. “fuck y/n please” he whined. “please what?” i teased.
“m’ so hard” he whined “i need you” he placed his hands on my hips and grinded into me harder. “fuckkk feels so good” he whined. even tho i could probably get off to the sounds he was making alone, i decided to do something more.
i turned over, and pulled away, making him whine at the loss of contact. he looked at me with desperate eyes. “do you trust me?” i asked. “mhmm” he nodded frantically.
i threw one leg over him to where i was sitting on his lap. i pulled down his pants and boxers, just enough to release his dick. i took it in my hand and gave it a good squeeze, making him moan. i pumped it up and down a few times.
i then stood up and discarded of the clothes on my bottom half. i sat back down to the position i was in before. i rubbed him up and down my folds. he whined desperately under me. “let me fuck you” he pleaded.
“okay” i said, turning over as we switched positions. he was now on top as i lied under him. he placed sloppy kisses on my collar bone and chest.
he reached down and his thumb came in contact with my clit. he rubbed to slowly in circles. i moaned and threw my head back into the bed. he hit the sweet spot, making me squirm. when he noticed my actions, he rubbed that spot repeatedly til i came.
“fuck so pretty” he sighed, removing my shirt and bra. “ i wanna see all of you when i’m fucking you” he smirked.
without warning, he started to push into me. he gave me time to adjust before ramming into me forcefuly “fuck mattt, someone’s needy” i joked. he didn’t reply and just continued fucking into me.
he got so deep at one point that you can see it poking my stomach. “fuck matt just like that” i yelled, disregarding everyone sleeping downstairs. i gripped his back with my nails, slightly drawing blood.
“fuckkk- feels s-so good. i can feel you clenching pretty girl” he groaned “taking me so well.” i could hear his words forever. he looked down seeing my fucked out expression. “you doing okay baby?” i tried to come up words to answer his question. “mhmmm” is all i could say. he smiled at me and tucked a loose hair behind my hair.
he thrusted a few more times before i reached my orgasm. i breathed heavily, and raked my nails dow on his back, leaving bloody scratches all the way down. “cumming matt f-fuck” i managed to say as i came.
his orgasm wasn’t far behind. his thrusts started to become more sloppy. he whined and his face twisted as he came inside of me. he pulled out, the both of us breathing heavy. “good morning” he smiled. i rolled my eyes and laughed. “sorry bout your back”
a/n- the end sucks but i liked the majority of it😍
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clairellie · 5 months
hii !! first off. love your blog ?? need to read your abby fic !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 and i saw you took requests. so um. hear me out, mixing the streamer!ellie with some abby x reader content.
streamer!ellie who decides to invite her two best friends to play games and stream. abby and reader being close to each other, abby encouraging reader, cheering for her while being a dick to ellie. "you got it, you got it!" she'd say to reader as she plays. "you fuckin' moron! you lost!" she'd say to ellie. anyway !! chat starts to notice how sweet abby and reader are to each other and ellie reads them what people say. omg. and maybe after the stream, abby decides to take reader on a date?? sorry if this is messy. just thought it'd be cute !! mwaaah 🫶🏻🫶🏻💌
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a/n: i loveedddd this idea!! sorry if this seems bad, this was done in like 15 minutes.
includes: streamer!ellie with sweet!abby but also mean!abby..? y/n used once!!! abby being bad down.
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"okay, so today, i invited 2 of my friends to play a few games with us. abby, and y/n. uhm, we decided to play a few games of fortnite, so no call of duty today. you all know y/n right, and abby, right?"
ellie was staring off into space as you and abby introduced yourself, looking at a few posters up on her wall, surrounded by a shelf full of figures.
ellie was seated in the middle, abby on the left of ellie, and you on the right of ellie. ellie didn't want you two to sit next to eachother. she despised those moments when abby was only focused on you. always helping you figure out where everyone is, reminding you to pick up some loot, and so on. she never did any of those things to ellie, because she was already "good."
as ellie was talking to chat a bit, needing help with choosing her skin before you and abby joined in. once abby finished helping you, although she was honestly just talking to you.. she sat back down in her seat and loaded in the game as you did.
ellie had a peely skin, and you had the poison ivy skin on as abby had midas on. abby said you two "had the same vibe." she liked how your two skins complimented each other, and looked like you were sort of matching, just a tiny bit.
"oh! get that loot right there." "you got it!" "reload real quick.. yeah, now shoot him in the head." abby was always cheering you on as you played. ellie side eyeing chat, knowing that theres some kind of vibe between you and abby.
it took a while for the match to end, none of you getting a #1 royale. somehow, ellie died first. you and abby kept looking at each other almost every time ellie did one of her high-pitched screams or loud ass gasps. then you died. then abby died.
"HAH, you fuckin lost." abby said in a joking manner. ellie was pisseddd off. she couldnt believe the fact that she died first. it was usually you who died first, but ellie?! "you can shut the fuck up abby" "well i wont."
you had forgotten about chat. completely forgetting that people were watching you play a game. ellie looked over at chat, a few things caught her eye.
"THE WAY ABBY LOOKS AT HER?!" "they should js get married alreadyyy." "plz dont start the ships again."
ellie grinned, ammused by the way chat is obsessed with you and abbys relationship. "chat loves yall together, start dating already."
abby looked at her with a confused face, "excuse me....?" "look at chat. the way you look at her, the way you speak to her compared to me? come on now!"
you looked over at abby, thinking about what it would be like to date her. you now realize you already had some feelings for her.. but those got stronger. you would love the feeling of abby's lips on top of yours, the feeling of her hands holding your waist...
time went by quickly now that you werent really focused any more. a few minutes later, ellie shuts off the stream. "yall wanna get some food realllyyy quick?" ellie asked, now standing up. "yeah just give us a sec." abby said, getting her shoes put on and her leather jacket.
abby looked at you, "you wanna go on a date with me?" you stared at her, confused and in shock now. how could this all happen so fast? first you were just hanging out with eachother, then you find out you reallyyy like her, and now she feels the same way?!!
"i-i mean sure! i would love that."
"what time works best for ya?"
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midnightstar-90 · 3 months
Dog Confessions
Garfield Logan x Reader
Taglist | Request | Wattpad Main Masterlist | DC Comics Masterlist
Summary: The Titans return home from a mission to find Gar and Y/N asleep on the couch. And Gar is a dog?
Warnings: Fluff, Gar as a literal dog 🥰💖 A/N: Long time no see. Yeah, I know! But here I am giving you this in return. Words: 1.4K
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The Titans arrived home from their mission, only to be welcomed to silence. Kory, Rachel, Connor, and Dick each sent each other a look before Dick called out to the two members they'd left behind. When there wasn't an answer, the four instantly began to panic. That was until something green and lumpy poked out of a cover on the couch.
Dick motioned for Kory, Connor, and Rachel to stay back so that he could investigate, and the three hesitantly stayed where they were. As Dick approached the living room area, more features became more noticeable. The lump on the couch seemed way too big to be just Gar or Y/N. But when he saw a sliver of a hairy tail against a human leg, Dick instantly knew what was going on.
Dick moved closer to the other side of the couch and took a look at the other end of the cover. A small smile appeared on Dick's face as he gazed upon a sleeping Y/N who was cuddled up with a green labrador, which Dick assumed to be Gar, also sleeping.
"Dick, what is it?" Kory asked, speaking for herself, along with Connor and Rachel. She and the two teenagers behind her were genuinely confused about the situation and were unsure of how to handle the situation.
Dick didn't say a word. Instead, he shushed the magenta-haired woman and pointed down at the couch before walking over to the group.
"Y/N and Gar are asleep and I don't want to wake them," Dick said.
Everyone's mouths dropped in shock as they all took a quick glance over to the lumpy figure on the couch. Kory turned to Dick, "They're sleep? On the couch?" Dick only nodded at the woman's question. His smile grew larger by the minute.
After taking another look at the couch, Rachel decided to jump in. "Wow?" she started, walking toward the couch for a better view. "I mean- I had my thoughts, but I didn't actually think that they'd get together."
"I didn't know he could turn into a dog," Connor said, scratching his head.
Dick and Kory sent each other a knowing smile. Rachel was right. They all thought the two were dating. There were clear signs. Between the frequent nights out, how they always share the first bite of their food with the other, and this, the group could only confirm their suspicions. Unless they deny it.
If they denied the dating rumors, then maybe they were wrong. But everyone could see the chemistry between the two.
“Alright,” Dick started as he began to usher everyone out of the room. “Let’s let them sleep.”
Kory and Connor did as they were told but Rachel decided to stay back. “One sec,” she called out, pulling out her phone. She opened the camera app and said, “I just want to document this for future purposes.”
She snapped the picture, forgetting to turn the sound off, making Gar’s ears poke up. One of his eyes slowly opened to reveal his dark brown eyes staring directly at Rachel, who was staring back with a mischievous grin.
Gar panicked and quickly morphed back into his human self. Luckily, he was under the cover, or else everyone would have seen the one downside to his powers, again.
“What’s going on?” Gar asked nervously, taking his gaze away from Rachel to look at everyone, and then back at Rachel.
“When were you gonna tell me you and Y/N were dating?” Rachel asked with a fake pout.
Gar opened his mouth to speak, but when he looked over at Dick, Kory, and Connor who were all invested with what was going on he quickly closed it.
“Don’t lie to me, Gar. You and Y/N have been all lovey dovey for a while now. Even more than Dick and Kory.”
“Hey!” Dick and Kory yelled out at the same time.
“Y/N and I aren’t together. We’re just very close. She was asleep on the couch last night, and I saw she was having a nightmare. Without thinking I somehow morphed into a dog and cuddled up next to her, hoping it would help, and it did. So, I decided to stay.”
“Does she know that you’re currently lying against her with your naked butt, because in some cases, that would be assault?” Rachel asked with an amused grin on her face.
Gar was now beet face red with embarrassment. “W-well, I clearly didn’t have the intention of morphing into a human while laying next to her. I just wanted to help her,” Gar stuttered. He stood up, taking the cover with him, to cover himself and unknowingly woke up the girl he was previously laying with.
Rachel gasped, “You like Y/N!”
It’s safe to say that Gar did not like the confrontation. His face was getting redder by the minute and his heart was beating at immense speed. He was scared to admit his feelings whether Y/N knew or not.
Gar hesitated for a moment, looking away from Rachel before looking back at her. “Okay! Yes, I like Y/N!” He blurted out, causing everyone to jump a bit before sending the boy a loving smile.
Unknowingly to everyone, Y/N was also smiling. Her eyes remained shut, but a small smile made its way onto her lips. The girl remained silent, waiting to hear more before revealing herself.
“Why don’t you tell her that,” Kory said, jumping into the conversation.
Gar looked down at his feet and shrugged. “I don’t know. Y/N is amazing. She’s an awesome fighter, she’s a talented singer, and she has the best taste in everything. I guess I just didn’t want to lose what I have with her. I honestly don’t deserve her, and if I told her how I feel, I wouldn’t be surprised if she rejected me.”
Rachel smiled and placed a hand on Gar’s naked shoulder, “Gar, you’re an amazing guy also, and I can tell you that Y/N sees that too.”
Gar’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Really?” He asked, earning a nod from Rachel. He turned to the other three and they sent him a nod also.
“Just think about it. I’m sure she won’t say no,” Rachel said, sending one last glance to Y/N before walking away with a huge smile.
Gar watched as the four of them left the room. Behind him, Y/N had finally opened her eyes and was now sitting up on the couch to face him.
“They’re right, you know?” Y/N spoke softly, making Gar jump and turn to face the girl. Her face illuminated with joy as she smiled up at him. “You are an amazing guy.”
Gar’s face scrunched up in confusion. “You heard all that?” Gar asked, pointing at the empty hallway where Rachel, Kory, Dick, and Connor all exited the room from.
Y/N nodded, “And I saw that cute little butt of yours.” She giggled as Gar tightened the cover around his body.
“I appreciate what you tried to do for me.”
The green haired boy scratched the back of his neck. “It was nothing,” he said. “I’d help any of you guys out.”
“But you morphed into a dog for me,” Y/N argued, her face beaming with pleasure.
“I don’t know how I did that,” Gar admitted with a scoff.
“Exactly.” Y/N stood from her spot on the couch. “I guess I also have some feelings I’d like to admit,” Y/N said, sheepishly.
“Oh. And what might that be?” Gar asked, nervously looking away from the girl.
Y/N stepped closer and boldly wrapped her arms around the boy’s neck. Gar turned back to face the girl, surprised by her actions. “I may or may not have been withholding my romantic feelings for you also,” she admitted.
Gar was taken aback by the girl’s confession, but it didn’t stop the large grin from appearing on his face. He went to hug her but was stopped by the cover that was covering his body from the girl’s eyes.
He cleared his throat, “Ahem! I was going to hug you, but I don’t think it would be appropriate seeing as it’s the only thing holding up the things covering up… you know what.”
Y/N looked away, a little shocked by Gar’s response before she began to laugh. She gave his chest a gentle pat and said, “Okay, how about you go get dressed and after, we can go see a movie?”
Gar nodded as Y/N released him from her hold so that he could go change. She watched as he began to leave the room, occasionally stumbling over the large cover, making the girl chuckle.
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If your User is in red, I could not find you. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to be re-added. Taglist: @geli-likes-stuff, @tractsnook, @esposadomd, @avada-kedavra-bitch-187,
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months
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I could have just gone ahead and finished the book, but I adult life is interrupting so I stopped mid-fight and that's what you're getting, since I think it'll be a more sensible length this way.
previously, in gideon the ninth
this happened (also, this is the tag for all of the stuff)
currently, somewhere before ending the penultimate chapter, I think:
ok, let's back it up a bit, but I needed to get that out of my chest for a sec
out of my guts, like the key she hid in the 5th necro bride's body
(too soon)
anyway, after yandere simulator w/inner chad left the room, gideon, harrowbean and my qp wife realized palmolive was gone
and everyone knows where he went because his dick has been a compass the whole time
or, like gideon puts it, he's been a weenie
camilla, the light in the dark, the sun to my moon, tells gideon and harrow that palmolive has been corresponding with dulcinea since he was like 8 and she was like 15 and he's been in love with her the whole time
and that he's made his lifelong purpose to save her life
there are many levels of Issues here
but at this point, we don't have time to unpack any suitcases
all this just proves to me that camilla has been carrying all the weight of the world on her shoulders even more, but anyway
they also feel confused as to why dulcinea has been ghosting palmolive massively since HE PROPOSED TO HER
palmolive, my man, my dude, just...what the fuck is your life
what are you doing, my guy
anyway, I immediately started thinking some soul possessing or some stuff like that could be going on, like she's not herself, but there's no time to theorize much
gideon feels terrible because she's been flirting with dulcinea in front of palmolive's salad all along and says something like "why do I have to be so attractive?" to which harrow answers something like "if you weren't, people would deck you after 5 minutes" which is a very good read
so gideon goes to find palmolive and he stops her with necro magic and enters dulcinea's room and outs her as the murderer
who is surprised??? not me, of course
so, basically, ducinea The Real One died at some point before arriving like protozoa, and this bitch here is a previous lyctor whose name I cannot remember so we will call her not!dulcinea
the real dulcinea was the other roasted body in the furnace
and protozoa was killed by her also which, again, the sword through the heart was a good indicator it wasn't an accident, but harrow was the only one who saw the body
non!dulcinea is a lyctor of the seventh that served the emperor and did the soul slurping thingy and already has her cav within her ("inside her" sounds...not great)
and she wanted to stir some shit up to get the man of the hour to show up and get revenge and whatnot
the emperor, coming back to canaan house from some holidays that took longer than he expected
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it's not totally clear, because there's still a lot we don't know, but it sounds a bit like a toxic relationship with an authority figure
palmolive then proceeds to immolate himself like superman going super solar flare, but not being able to heal himself after, unlike superman
after that, all hell breaks loose
not!dulcinea tries to kill gideon
camilla tries to kill not!dulcinea
harrow also enters the fight and brings gideon's sword
like, the real one
you can hear the audience cheering when she catches her sword like it was filmed in front of a live studio audience
gideon and harrow team up against the mega massive monster junji ito concoction that killed isaac
they do the mind mesh thingy
harrow unlocks a new power
like in the sims
she also passes out for a bit
gideon gets her knee and shoulder fucked up
camilla is amazing and does amazing things
non!dulcinea seems to be too tough to win against
yandere simulator twin w/inner chad enters the chat
they fight like goku and vegeta for a while but non!dulcinea ends up using her like a battery
which is, to me, the revenge of duracell bunny nephew from beyond the veil or wherever he went
like, poetic cinema fate
I have no idea where regina george twin is at this point
last we saw of her, she was crying in a corner
which, mood tbh
so, where I left off for now, we've got three survivors accounted for: gideon, harrowbean and my qp wife, there's a lost twin somewhere in there and then there's yandere simulator twin being used as a charging pad by non!dulcinea
I want to take a moment to point out something, though
like, harrow was "oh no, we mustn't let people know you're not actually my cavalier and that I puppeteered my parents and that there's a frozen barbie in the ninth" and gideon was "oh no, I mustn't let people know I'm not a ninth cav and I don't use a rapier and I have a complicated relationship with my necro"
maybe the second weren't because they were ignorant asshats, but EVERYONE WAS MESSED UP
you got the third, with a non necro princess and a feral real necro doing the work of both and chad as their support, look how that turned out so far
the fourth, who weren't tall enough to reach the top shelf and weren't even allowed their keys
the fifth who knew too much so they were goners after throwing a party
the sixth, with a guy who had the hots for a woman twice his age that he had a grey's anatomy fantasy to save that powered his entire reason to be there (and a cav who didn't use the right equipment but is great 10/10 no notes)
the seventh, who's THIS MESS
and the eight, who were doing the creepiest thing possible at all times and couldn't even do it properly
the only ones here who came in without dirty laundry were the second and that's why they were easy targets
everyone else was shady af
the best reality show you've ever watched
anyway, see you for the next one when we'll know who wins between one old lyctor and 3 bad bitches (or 4, if yandere twin is still alive, or 5 if regina george twin shows up again)
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jewbeloved · 2 years
hi me again, I hope I'm not bothering you, can I request some Yandere Kyle, Kenny and Craig headcanons from a fem reader who is very affectionate with their siblings but rejects them completely? like she doesn't even like them touching her or something
Yandere Kyle, Kenny, and Craig with a s/o that is affectionate with their siblings but not them❤️‍🩹
I feel like I'm going to have to be using the Tumblr gifs at the moment until Tumblr fixes the tiny gifs that appear on Mobile tbh 😑
Warnings: Jealousy?
Gender: Female
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💚 Kyle Broflovski 🍏
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When you first refused to give him affection, he was confused. Did he do something? Are you mad at him? If you are, what can he do to make it up to you??
Those questions always ring through his head, until he saw you giving affection to his little brother Ike while completely ignoring him.
He then began to catch on that you're only giving affection to Ike instead of him.
While Ike is still a kid, he does like when your attention is focused on him. But he doesn't completely understand when you overdo it.
Kyle will definitely get jealous, even when it's his little brother. He doesn't like it that Ike is always receiving way too much affection from you instead of him.
But he knows that Ike is still a kid and doesn't know much about affection and what effects it have so he doesn't blame Ike too much.
While Kyle normally does become violent and aggressive towards the person who's stealing his s/o's attention or who's making him jealous in the first place. But hurting Ike is the last thing that will cross his mind, he still loves his little brother too much to do that.
He's going to still try his best to get you to give him some affection, If I'm being honest. He might start to become touch starved if nothing is working.
And if everything he does truly fails, it looks like he's going to have to go with the option of making Ike dislike you completely so he won't allow you to give him your unnecessary affection. 💚💚💚💚💚
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🧀
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Similar to Kyle, he is completely confused on why you won't give him affection at all when he always gives it to you so why?
But for Kenny, it took him quite a while to figure out that you prefer to give his little sister more affection than him.
Instead of him getting immediately jealous, he would try to spend more time around his sister hoping that you will finally give him the affection he deserves.
But you just went straight to giving Karen affection and acting like Kenny isn't even in the room to begin with.
Let me tell ya, Kenny is freaking out here.
He's going to be having a lot of questions running through his mind just like Kyle. Why won't you give him affection??? What did he do wrong?? Are you thinking about dating his sister instead??? Oh God I hope you're not thinking about doing that.
Kenny still doesn't get jealous, but he is becoming even more upset and sadder by the sec you refuse to show him any affection.
But that doesn't mean he's going to give up, you'll soon change your mind and give him the affection he wants someday....and you don't have a choice or option....🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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Not really disturbed by the fact of you rejecting to give him affection, he probably thought you were mostly in a bad mood or something so he didn't really think deep into it.
He slowly started to notice that something was up when he saw you giving affection to his sister Tricia, the Affection that you WERE supposed to give to him!
Okay okay, let's not get carried away...you're just probably giving her normal affection like friends would.
Yeah nope, he was wrong.
You're giving Tricia the kind of affection that you were supposed to be giving him.
He was honestly pissed but relieved when he heard his sister saying that she doesn't like too much affection being given to her so she pushes you away.
He is going to always use those opportunities whenever his sister pushes you away more often, like Kenny. He isn't going to give up. 💙💙💙💙
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Sorry If Craig's was a bit short, I didn't know what else to write.
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drakestwin · 5 months
hi sweetie! i wanted to request anything with aj honestly, maybe like him struggling to confess his feelings or something like that? tysm in advance, feel free to add whatever you want 💗 no pressure 🤚
“Let me love you”
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Summary: Aj wants you to love him but hes not sure how to tell you....
Warnings: None :0
a/n: like i said you guys are the absolute sweetest. if you send me a request or like any of my shit i love you with all my heart 😭 also whoever sent this request is the best cause theres not enough stories of aj and i’m in love with him!
Ajs pov:
I was sitting on a chair during set waiting for the rest of the beta squad to get here. i was waiting for a little bit but i was also waiting for y/n and filly to get here since they also were gonna be in our vid.
i had known y/n since i first started youtube and making vids with chunkz. she was in our videos and was well known by everyone. i had liked her back then and i feel the feelings coming back. i know people can tell since they always have to open their mouths and say something in the comments.
when everyone finally got there we got sorted into teams. basically the video we were filming was guessing the police officer. we all got situated and obviously i sat next to her. (😝)
your pov:
i was on set to film a beta squad video. i’ve been in some videos and the past and ofc ppl love me. one small thing i noticed were the comments about me and aj so i want to keep my eye on him. i do like him and i figured he liked me too by the comments 🤷‍♀️.
i arrived on set and gave everyone a hug. lastly, i went up to aj and surprisingly he let me hug him so that suddenly made me remember the comments and keep an eye out. i sat down and waited for everyone to get their stuff on so we could start!
when the video started i took a quick glance at aj and noticed him staring at me but i ignored it and decided to ask the people in front of us questions.
time skip..
ajs pov:
we just finished filming the video and i was lowkey exhausted but since i didn’t have a license i had to wait till sharky was done since i came with him. (let’s pretend they all live together still cause i miss when they did😓)
while i was sitting on a chair, y/n came up to me. “hey you want me to take you home i’m already taking niko?” she said. i sat there for a minute but finally snapped out of it. “yeah sure ofc” i said and shot up. i looked next to me and saw chunkz snickering at me. i flipped him off and followed her and niko to the car.
niko lets me sit in the front so i sat there and played music i knew y/n likes 😝. i looked at her for a sec and wanted to tell her right then and there that i liked her but niko was in the back and i was very very nervous.
your pov:
i was driving both niko and aj back to our house (btw you guys also live there pretend ur close with one of the best squad members and they let you live there 😘) i pulled up and waited till both of them got out so i could lock the door. while they were both getting out i made eye contact with aj and lowkey got butterflies cause he’s such a cutie.
i always wanted to know if aj really did like me based off the comments i read and the videos i see. i mean who wouldn’t (jk unlesssssss) he seemed like he did but i wasn’t gonna make the first move. if he initiated it i would obviously say yes.
ajs pov:
it’s been like two hours and all i’ve been doing in my room is debating on whether or not i wanna tell y/n how i feel about her. it’s taken me a couple of weeks to to even acknowledge the feelings i had towards her and now i think i finally made my decision.
i got up out of my bed and finally decided to go and walk to her room. when i made it to her door i knocked on it and quietly stood there waiting for an answer. when she finally opened the door she looked at me and said “hey aj, what’s up?” i quickly answered back “uhm… i wanna tell you something that’s been on my mind for a little while.”
she let me in her room and told me to sit on her bed and sat next to me. “so what’s up” she asked me curiously. “i don’t really know how to say this , i’m not rlly good at it but i’ve had feeling for you for a while and i just wanted to get that of my chest it’s fine if you don’t like me back-“ i ranted but quickly got cut off by a pair of lips on mine.
“who said i didn’t like you back” she giggled at me. i blushed and said “sooooo” i said nervously. “ofc ill be ur gf 😝” she said and i hugged her while she went to lay down with me.
HEY GUYS THIS IS ANOTHER FIC BUT I LOWKEY THINK ITS BUTT. anyways idk if this is good or not i really rushed cause i knew j had to get a knew fic out but here it is for you guys 🙏🙏🙏
i rlly do hope you guys like it and ignore how many times i used emojis okay. some parts are sarcastic too 🥲🥲
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dmercer91 · 1 year
the one idea that won’t leave my head is black cat!reader having a horrible day, and not caring who’s around, she’s laser focused on finding luca, and she just clings to him
and maybe there’s tears involved, maybe there’s not, but either way, she (accidentally) let’s a few of the boys see her for her
the team loves!!!! landen
so much
and they all want to comfort her so bad (the only one that tries is mark. no thoughts, head empty)
after the whole ordeal she and luca are at home and she’s like 😟 they saw me emote
i also realized after reading this that i’ve never given any context as to who the fuck lola is so! lola is landen’s ex girlfriend. they’d initially got the apartment that lan is living in with luca this year together and then landen found out that lola was cheating on her and had never really been wlw to begin with.
lola was bicurious and her friend group had told her to use landen as a test. she’d realized after the first night that she wasn’t actually bi, but continued to drag lan on because landen loves really hard and she would’ve done anything for lola
after the breakup- landen shut down and locked lola out of the apartment with bags of most of her stuff at the front door. the bags were taken and lola never got her stuff back.
lan felt really guilty about it but luca and adam have both told her a million times that it wasn’t her fault, she was upset and if anything the bags being taken was karma
when landen started having luca over at the apartment, they ordered food and lola ended up being their delivery driver. she figured this was her chance to get her things back and when luca opened the door lola got extremely jealous and pretty much refused to believe that landen could be with him
landen took that really personally, cause she honestly has a little bit of an insecurity that she’s not the typical hockey gf and that she’s in over her head
she took the food and slammed the door in lola’s face and she absolutely refuses to speak to her.
she often comes up to lan at parties and on campus to try and tell her off and threaten to sue- which only started after she found out about luca
landens offered to pay her off and luca has even told lola and her boyfriend several times that everything was a complete accident, but they think the worst of landen and refuse to believe it
feeling too hard | opposites attract au, lf63
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landen walked into yost with her head down, looking at the shoes she walked by until she saw a pair she knew belonged to someone she’d be comfortable looking at, or talking to
when she saw seamus’, she paused, eventually deciding that if it wasn’t gonna be luca himself, or at least rutger- she was gonna take someone she knew would help.
she looked up, seamus immediately stopping in his tracks at the tears that were welted in her eyes.
“luca. i’m getting luca, one sec, lan,” he rushed, spinning in the direction of the dressing room and going right to lucas cubby
by the time the boys had reached her again, she was sat with her legs crossed on the floor and her head hung. luca kneeled in front of her, her body immediately shifting forward so her head was on his shoulder.
he adjusted, taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck as he sat down, pulling her into his lap and kissing her temple
“what’s wrong, pretty? what happened?” he murmured softly, seamus having left the two of them to talk with some semblance of privacy
“i’m so tired, lu. i didn’t sleep last night cause of my presentation, which went horrible, cause she prof kept cutting me off to tell me to talk louder,” she started, slouched against him in complete exhaustion
“n’ then i worked from 10-6 and everyone was so mean today, it was really busy. someone pushed cudo and then knocked over all his food. a lot of people just kept arguing and i was alone today,” luca frowned to himself, knowing that she’d probably not be so upset had she been the only one affected
she could take a lot on herself- but the minute someone she loves is facing the same feelings she shuts down. everything falls and the stuff she’d already gone through only piled onto her frustrations
cudo was one of her favourite things in the world
“lola came to the store at the end of my shift.” she said, and luca froze. his hand stopped gliding up and down her back and his lips parted in shock.
“i just wanted to be left alone and so i just stood there and let her talk and then i walked away mid conversation and went on auto pilot to get here. i just needed to see you and everything is happening all at once and i don’t-“ she took a deep breath, trying to collect herself before the tears trapped on her waterline started to fall
“i haven’t been this overwhelmed in a long time and i’m feeling too many feelings and i want it all to stop,” she breathed out, sniffling into his shoulder and closing her eyes tight.
luca squeezed her closer, heart aching as he felt her finally start to cry, her body shaking in his arms.
“shh, angel. i’ve got you,” he whispered, holding the back of her head and keeping his lips pressed to her nose, kissing in between his sweet nothings.
he pulled the hat off his head, brushing her bangs back out of her face and putting his hat on her, backwards so that the hair would stay out of her face. he tightened it, fixing his hair slightly
“there, pretty. got your hair out of your face. i can get you something to eat? or i can have shea bring you my sweater,” she just nodded, looking up at him from his shoulder with shiny eyes and a sad look.
“alright, come on,” he helped her up, pressing a kiss to her lips before guiding her over to where they kept all the food, some of the guys that had been eating eyeing them a little.
she grabbed a bottle of water, a fruit cup and a granola bar, looking up at luca to confirm that she was ready to go back out to the hallway.
“i gotta get my gear on, pretty. but i’ll bring you my sweater and you can go sit on the bench. know you get hot, and the sound of our skates might drown out that head of yours’ hm?” she nodded, pulling him down to kiss her lips again
once she’d gotten his sweater, she made her way to the ice and sat cross legged on the bench, opening up her granola bar.
mark was the first one to get out onto the ice, taking a lap and then stopping at the bench.
“do i have to fight anyone? i’ll fight someone.” he joked, giving her a dumb grin as she chewed on her snack and eyed him, unsure.
“god?” his smile widened, and he nodded
“and i’d win,” he winked, taking off for another lap as she looked at her lap, fighting a smile.
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heartshapedmisery · 1 year
here to ask for some sub!neil plssss🫶
YESSS been thinking about sub!neil too much recently I need him biblically !! sorry this took me a sec it got lost in my drafts and I forgot abt it
warnings! ⇢ MINORS DNI 18+ | sub!neil, unprotected sex, riding, petnames ( baby boy, sweetheart ), neil having a huuuge praise kink
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The two of you fell back against the couch hastily, Neil shirtless below you as he pulled you down on top of him and his hands settled at the curves of your waist.
"Need you," he breathed, his eyes raking your figure as you sat back, your hands flat on his chest as you let him get a good look at you.
"Patience, baby," you cooed, the hint of a knowing smirk evident on your face as you could feel his erection grow harder beneath you as you sat on his lap. You could practically feel all of him through his boxer shorts, especially since you had no more than your favorite pair of lace panties on your lower half.
Hesitantly, you rocked your hips back, creating just enough friction to earn a soft moan from his lips. "Please," he whined, impatiently moving his hips around to relieve his hard-on as much as he could. You had always loved him like this. Eager for even the lightest of touches. The simplest of movements.
"Be good, sweetheart," you whispered. "Good boys get what they want." you told him, tucking a loose piece of hair behind his ear. Carefully, you pulled your t-shirt over your head and discarded it behind you without caring where it landed. Neil's eyes practically bugged out of his head when he saw your pretty lace bra matching your panties, his grip tightening on your waist.
"Want you so bad, need to feel that pussy," he breathed through a strained groan, beginning to grow irritated with your taunting. As much as you loved making him squirm underneath you like this, his rock-hard cock sitting right beneath your core had you worked up just as much as he was, your wetness pooling at the fabric of your panties.
Silently, you caved and dipped your hand beneath his boxers, grasping his length and pulling it free—his tip flushed and wet with his precum. Without thinking, your thumb ran over the slit at his head, making a shudder roll through his body along with an abnormally loud moan.
"So big, baby," you breathed, sitting up a little to pull the crotch of your panties to the side and align his tip with your entrance. "Don't know if it'll fit." His eyes watched your hand intently, his heart practically beating out of his chest as he watched himself slowly disappear inside of you as you sank down.
"F-Fuck," he choked out, his eyes screwing shut as a wave of relief washed over him. You were so wet around him, clenching him just right as you fell into a steady movement of rolling your hips across his.
He wasn't going to last long.
"Baby," you breathed, your hands planted on his bandy chest to hold yourself upright as you rode him, hanging on for dear life so you didn't fall off the couch. "Fuck, you're so big! Fills me so good."
He couldn't help but moan pathetically, your praise making his heart flutter. His hands clenched around the flesh of your thigh as he helped guide your hips up and down his cock, since you were practically bouncing on it by now.
"Fuck, (Y/N)," he let your name fall from his lips like a chant, barely masking the squelching sound of your wet cunt wrapped around him. Both of you were close, and his tip grazing your cervix with every move of your hips really wasn't helping.
"You gonna come for me, baby?" you breathed, feeling your own climax growing in your abdomen. Neil was too caught up in chasing his pleasure to say anything right away, his eyes screwing shut as he barely let out a response. "Y-Yes, fuck!"
Your hand gripped his arm as it wrapped around your waist, your nails digging into his skin as a borderline squeal escaped your throat, finally tipping over the edge of your high at the feeling of his release filling you. Neil moaned out as he thrust up into you, his body tense with pleasure as you fell onto his chest tiredly, your face burrowing into the crook of his neck. He could feel you smiling against his skin, your head moving to slowly plant sweet kisses along his neck and cheek before finally reaching his lips.
"So good," you told him in between pecks. "Always so good for me . . "
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Crush - Sanji
notes - sanji fic for the poll I did! I'm gonna be honest... I don't really like this one. But that's okay! It's cute, but idk, not my best work. nonetheless though, i hope you all like it at least! thanks for being patient and I cannot wait to do another poll!!! <3
word count - 1,449
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You weren't around Sanji often. Your job on the boat was to help anyone who needed it - like helping Usopp make new weapons or helping Franky with fixing up bits of the boat - but Sanji seemed to always know what he was doing. You could cook, but you were no where near Sanji's level, who seemed to be doing more than fine in the kitchen. So because of that, you never saw Sanji often.
When you did though, you got the usual heart eyes and special treatment, but you always thought that he liked Nami more. He would swoon over her like there was no tomorrow, acting like she was royalty or something while you sat waiting for your food.
You could admit that Nami was pretty - really pretty actually. You honestly didn't blame Sanji for thinking she was the prettiest girl on the boat.
But even so, you still found yourself getting a little jealous whenever he would call Nami "his sweet" or "darling" and you never knew why.
Maybe it was because he was charming, talented, and stupidly gorgeous, or maybe it was because he gave you attention sometimes. Either way, you couldn't get him out of your head sometimes, even with the lack of him being around you.
"You seem a little distracted today," Franky said, taking off his welding mask and setting it down. "Everything alright, kiddo?"
You looked up at Franky and smiled. "I'm fine. Just a long day, that's all."
"Tell me about it," he chuckled. "The Sunny sure took a beating. Thanks for helping out by the way. You're always a great help."
"Of course, Franky, anytime."
You and Franky got back to working for a while, but it stopped abruptly as Franky set down all of his tools and crossed his arms at you.
"What?!" you giggled, setting down your tools as well.
"You're not telling me something." he said, a slight pout to his voice. "And I wanna know what it is."
"Look, it's nothing, Franky. And if it is something it's a stupid something that y/n feels stupid about."
"Tell me?" Franky said in a high pitched voice, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Franky you're such a dumbass... but fine, since I trust you. I'm just jealous of something, that's all."
"Jealous?" Franky said, tilting his head and pulling up a stool for the both of you. "Jealous of what?"
"You know Sanji, right?" You could feel yourself blushing already just thinking about him.
"I think I know every member of our crew quite well, y/n, so yeah, I know Sanji."
"Well..." You twiddled your thumbs and sharply exhaled. "He's the 'loverboy', we all know this. I guess I kinda... I kinda fell for his ass and get jealous whenever I hear him swooning over Robin or Nami. Especially Nami."
"I see. Why don't you tell Sanji all this?"
You felt your face heat up even more somehow. "T-Tell Sanji?! No way, Franky, are you nuts?!"
"Well how are things supposed to figure themselves out if you don't put in the work?"
You hated that Franky was right. You hated it so much.
And thanks to him, you ended up in front of Sanji's door, your hands shaking.
You knocked lightly at first, but realized he wouldn't be able to hear that at all. You tried louder, and waited patiently, hearing a bit of shuffling. There was no going back now and god you hated that feeling.
The door opened slightly and Sanji stuck his head out. It looked like he had just gotten through taking a nap as his hair was a mess and he was wearing a t-shirt instead of his usual suit.
"y/n?" He tilted his head and yawned.
"Hey, Sanji... can I come in?"
His face turned a light shade of pink and he turned back to look at his room. "Uh... gimme a sec let me get some pants on." He quickly shut the door and in no time it flew back open. "Come on in, y/n! I don't have many super comfortable spots in here, but uhh..." He walked to his closet and pulled out what looked like a lawn chair, setting it up nicely in the middle of the room. "There!"
You took a seat and looked around Sanji's room. It smelt like cigarettes, but not too bad, mostly cologne, to your surprise.
"Do you want a drink or anything? I could go make us some coffee if that's something you want, y/n."
"That sounds great, actually. Thanks, Sanji." You smiled at him and his eyes turned into little hearts as he lovingly sighed, walking out of the room and to the kitchen.
This was going to be way harder than you thought.
You sat and played with each of your fingers, noticing that your hands were still shaking. What if you didn't have the courage to do this? What if you were a coward after all?
"y/n!" Sanji exclaimed in his signature lovey-dovey voice, kicking the door open with his foot. "Here's your drink, my dear! And I brought snacks as well!" The door closed behind him as he pulled his nightstand over to be a makeshift table for the time being.
"Thank you, Sanji." you said with a smile, taking a long sip of your coffee, which was better than usual.
"Anytime, y/n." He took a sip of his own coffee and quickly set it down, his eyes locking with yours. "Alright, so is there something you needed, or did you just wanna be in my presence because either way I don't mind."
You laughed at that, your cheeks turning pink. Sanji was already swooning so much that a little drop of blood came out of his nose when you laughed.
"Both actually," you admitted. "Thanks for letting me in. Sorry if I woke you."
"Oh, it's fine. I don't wanna be sleeping all day like that damn moss head."
You giggled again out of both nervousness and of Sanji.
"So what was the thing you needed?" he asked, his stupid voice gone and tone now serious. "Because I think we already got the 'in Sanji's presence thing' outta the way." he chuckled.
"Well," you moved around the cup in your hand, watching the coffee swirl. What were you supposed to say? That you hated the way he looked at Nami? That more than anything you wish that you and Sanji could be together without having to worry about any other girl getting in the way?
"Sanji, I like you... Like a lot."
You both froze.
Did you really just say that?
"You... what?" His voice was soft and you pulled your eyes away from him, looking down at the coffee in your hand.
"I," there was no turning back now. "I'm serious. I like you the way that you like every girl," you chuckled nervously. "I think you're a great guy You're talented and really damn pretty and.... I'm sick of you looking at Nami like that."
You looked up to see Sanji with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "I-I'll stop. I'll stop looking at any girl like that, y/n. I like you too and-"
"I know, Sanji." you chuckled.
"No, listen to me. y/n, I would do anything for you."
"That's too much." You fake gagged and turned to Sanji with a smile.
"Sh-Shut up." he giggled.
"This coffee is really good, Sanji. Is there something different about it?"
"Oh, it's a new creamer, that's all. Nothing super special."
"Well, I like it."
"Me too. Makes it sweeter without so much sugar."
You hummed in response and took another sip. The two of you spent the rest of the time in his room just talking about random stuff that came to mind. You liked talking to Sanji like this and honestly, it was nice to hear him talk to you like you weren't just another girl he had a crush on.
"Well, thanks for the coffee, Sanji. And for listening to me." You stood up and set down your coffee on the table. "We should hang out like this more often."
"Of course. Feel free to come in anytime." He stood up as well, not knowing what to do. A hug would be appropriate, but he wasn't sure.
But you were sure, so you pulled him in for a hug, leaning against his chest. He hugged you back, but shortly after, you pulled away.
"I'll definitely be back, Sanji." You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left him standing there with a bright red face.
"You better be." he giggled under his breath.
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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awkwardtickleetoo · 2 months
Love Me Knot
helloooo everyone!! this is the fic for this ask from @sleepy--anon that i mentioned was going to be a full fic!! i didn’t intend for it to be a full fic when i first got it but i really just had too much in my mind to make it cohesive enough for an ask soooo fic it is!!
also make sure to check out @mushiewrites’s answer for this ask here bc i definitely stole a decent amount of details from his answer as well lmaooo
but either way, hope everyone likes this unnecessary fic <3
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, ler!george, 2.9k words
can you come to my room for a sec
i need help hanging something up
Dream watched the text message pop up on his phone screen as he sat at his computer, switching diligently between his editing software and his email. He picked up the phone, typing out a quick ‘sure’ before placing it back down on the desk and heading upstairs.
When he got there, Sapnap’s door was already half open, so he pushed it the rest of the way and looked inside. Sapnap was kneeling on the bed, looking at him before he even stepped into the room, and he furrowed his eyebrows at the strange look he was given.
“Hi?” He said as he took a few more steps forward.
“Hey, you,” Sapnap replied, smiling sweetly at him. He returned the smile, calmed by it, assuming the previous expression was just a result of him waiting for Dream to arrive. He walked forward more, now in front of the bed, tapping his thigh with his fingers.
“So… what did you need help with?”
“Oh! Right. Well, uh…” Sapnap started, sitting up on his knees and crossing his ankles under him, and only then did Dream notice him reach behind him, movements slow, like there was something behind his back that he didn’t want him to see. Dream narrowed his eyes, his suspicions returning, trying to tilt his head to see behind Sapnap, but he kept blocking the view. “So… I was, y’know, I was looking online and I saw– I saw this cool picture of, like… of how someone had hung up… a poster…“ Sapnap spoke slowly, subtly glancing behind Dream, only making him more confused. He furrowed his eyebrows again, a puzzled look on his face, starting to turn around to follow his eyes.
“What are you loo–”
Then, out of absolutely nowhere, there was a loud scream and something was crashing into Dream’s back, making him yell out in shock as he was tackled face first onto the bed.
“AHH—!“ He screamed, attempting to get a grasp on the situation and figure out what was happening, but he heard the signature sound of laughter that he recognized immediately– not just Sapnap’s, but George’s as well. “WH– GEORGE?!” He yelled, surprised that he was even there.
He attempted to turn himself over, but it became immediately apparent to him that he was not able to do so– actually, he wasn’t able to move at all.
He let out a gasp at the realization, squirming as much as he could, still caught completely off guard and more confused than he had ever been. Sapnap and George were both on top of him, Sapnap sitting on the back of his thighs and George on his lower back. His knees were held together between Sapnap’s thighs as he wrapped an arm around his ankles to hold them up, and his hands were pinned behind his back by George.
“WHAT IS– WHAT–” He twisted his shoulders, trying uselessly to buck his hips against the bed or knock either of them off, but nothing seemed to work. He turned his head to the side, and suddenly his eyes locked on the very thing he had been trying to see earlier.
Several coils of rope sitting on the bed next to him.
He didn’t know what they were planning, but whatever it was, he was screwed.
“No–“ He muttered, his breathing growing more and more panicked as he thrashed with much more urgency. “No, no, no, please– please, wha-whatever you’re gonna do—!” He cut himself off with a frustrated groan when he couldn’t throw either of them off. Usually, that wouldn’t be a problem for him at all, being much bigger and stronger than both of them individually or combined, but being so caught off guard and pinned in such a compromising position made it nearly impossible for him to gain any leverage at all, and it was nowhere near enough to push himself back up.
He watched them each grab one of the ropes, and his heart dropped as he felt them begin to tie them around his wrists and ankles.
“NO! NO, nonono, come ON– WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!” Dream tried to get their attention, but it only made them both laugh at his struggle. He groaned again, frustration growing as he strained against their hands and the ropes, curling his toes and clenching his fists as he tried everything in his power to get free, but it only made them push even further. Sapnap pulled on the ropes, tightening them around his ankles and making him gasp in surprise, before tying it off and rubbing his fingers over the knot to admire his work. “What– what are you guys even doing, I– what is the point of this!”
“There’s no point. We just felt like messing with you,” George explained, tightening and tying off his section of rope as a finishing thought, and Dream groaned again. They both pushed themselves off him, leaving him free to squirm and twist his limbs in the rope, a sad and unsuccessful attempt to free himself. He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, smiling fondly at their antics despite the fact that they were essentially holding him hostage.
“Cool, congratulations, you’re both idiots, are you entertained? Can I go back to doing my job now?” Dream asked, trying to be cold, though his tone was too soft to warrant it.
“Hmmm… nah, we’re not done with you yet,” George said with a smirk, earning another defeated groan from the man below him. Before Dream could ask what he meant, he felt a strong hand grip the rope around his ankles and pull them up again, holding them in place through his squirming. He watched George take the last piece of rope and hand it over to Sapnap, and it took him less than a second to realize what was about to happen, but Sapnap was already looping it around his binds to tie them together, pressing one knee into Dream’s back to keep him in place as he worked..
“Oh, fuck off!” He complained, squirming harder to try and stop the new tie from happening, but Sapnap was quick and Dream was already totally helpless in his current position. Sapnap tied off the rope, pulling it tight to make sure it was secure, earning another gasp from Dream when he yanked on it, which made them both giggle again. Sapnap moved his knee, letting Dream squirm as much as he wanted– well, as much as he could, really, which wasn’t much more than a few inches in any direction.“This is so STUPID!” He grumbled again, frustration coursing through his veins at how trapped he was, using it as fuel to ignore the tingles in his chest and the butterflies in his tummy as the compromising position.
“Not for us, I think this is awesome, look what I can do now!” Sapnap said, and suddenly there were fingers scratching at the soles of his socked feet, and he squealed in surprise before falling into high pitched laughter.
“AH! Okahahay! Ohokahay!” He said through laughter, slightly muffled as he buried his face partially in the pillow underneath him, already flushed and warm from both embarrassment and his struggling. “N– ahaha, stohohop!” He pleaded, curling his toes, twisting and turning his ankles as much as he could to try and kick off the offending fingers. He yanked at his wrists as well, flexing his fingers as the tickling stopped, and he felt Sapnap’s fingers intertwine with his as he gently grasped his hand. He let out residual giggles as he turned his head to the side, squeezing Sapnap’s hand in appreciation. “Gohod– okay, congratulations, yohou’ve– you got what you wanted, are you done?”
“Nah,” Sapnap replied, squeezing Dream’s hand once more before letting go. “That isn’t even what we wanted to do, it was just too good to pass up.”
“Oh my god,” Dream groaned, rolling his eyes again, and then he felt a hand on his shoulder and one on his thigh. “What– OH, my god!” Dream yelped as he felt himself being moved, and the hands on his body turned him onto his side. He groaned at the new position, squirming and thrashing in hopes that it would give him more leverage, but it actually seemed to do the opposite. He sighed, breathing heavily as he recovered from another round of struggling, and he had no choice but to accept the new position– on his side, his back to the other two, both of them looming over him with smug smiles on their faces. “I hate both of you. So much,” Dream said in an annoyed tone, shaking the hair out of his face.
“That’s okay, we know. Ready to hate us more?” George said, and before Dream got a chance to respond, there were nails scratching at the center of his tummy over his t-shirt. He gasped, eyes wide, as he looked down immediately at the offending hand– George’s, he noticed, but Sapnap’s weren’t much farther away, and he didn’t expect them to stay that way– and the feeling began to register in his mind.
“Oh, shit– wahahait– fuck–” He spoke quietly, very quickly realizing how horrible his current position actually was, every nerve ending under his skin lighting up like fireworks as the scratching motion continued. “Stop, stohohop, stopstopstop–“ His panic grew stronger, his tummy jumping under the touch, and he was unable to squirm or push away from the sensation at all. Dream shifted his hips, trying to curl his legs forward or tuck in his shoulders, anything to shift the forced arch of his back, but nothing seemed to work.
With every push of his legs, there was a pull on his arms, which only pushed his tummy out more forcefully, making him squeal and push in the opposite direction. His laughter was consistent now, growing from light and airy giggles to breathy laughs that made him gasp, which very quickly turned completely breathless as George’s other hand joined the mix.
“Oh gohohod, oh god, plehehehease!” He begged, his chest rising and falling heavily as he tried to compose himself, to show that it wasn’t getting to him at all and they could totally just give up and let him go, but he had no such luck. “Thihihihis ihis soho mehehean!”
“We know,” Sapnap said fondly, trailing his hands up to join George’s, gently tugging Dream’s shirt up to expose his bare skin, giggling as they both watched his tummy flutter at the cool air that blew over it.
“Nahahaha!” Dream giggled, scrunching his nose up at the new sensation, instinctively sucking his stomach in as much as he could, though it didn’t do much to help him.
George’s nails began to scratch under his shirt now, pushing the hem up even further as they stayed around the same spot and explored around the middle of his tummy and over the front of his ribs, which just so happened to be conveniently pushed forward for him to play with. Dream couldn’t hold in the squeak he let out, biting his lip in embarrassment before grumbling and whining all over again.
“C’mohohohon– nohoho, this suhuhucks– AH!” Dream helped again, this time because of George’s nails reaching the spot below his ribs on the side of his tummy closest to the bed. His squirming kicked up again, more frantic now, as he tried to twist his wrists and turn himself back onto his stomach to shield himself from the unbearable feeling. “Oh myhy gohohod– ahaha, plehehehease!” George laughed at his pleading, keeping up the motion as he pulled his other hand back, using it to grab onto Dream’s elbow and pull him back, pressing down on his upper arm to push his chest out and keep him firmly in place– which Dream did not appreciate whatsoever. “Nohohoho!”
“Aw, Dreamie,” Sapnap mocked, a fake pout on his face as he pulled Dream’s hip back to adjust him as well. He let his fingers trace over Dream’s side, trailing down to the side of his tummy, both hands scratching at the spot just next to his belly button and making him fall into squeals and cackles. “What’s wrong?”
“I cahahan’t dohoho anyhythihihing!” Dream whined, squirming desperately against the binds and bodies holding him in place, trying to kick or push or thrash away from the ticklish feeling that spread through his whole nervous system, but he was completely trapped. All he could do was shake and tremble under their cruel nails, scratching non-stop at his sensitive tummy, shaking his head as his curls fell over his face.
“We know,” George mirrored Sapnap’s earlier words, readjusting his grip on Dream’s arm and using his other hand to hold his shoulder.
Then, Sapnap’s hands moved downward to the waistband of his pajama bottoms, and he began scratching and scribbling his nails over his whole lower stomach, squeezing at the spots near his hips every so often, giggling as Dream yelped and broke out into loud, helpless laughter.
“AH— NOHOHO! Nohohoho, nonono, plehehease, please, stohohop!” Dream thrashed as much as he could, his movements much more frantic this time, but still yielding the same results as always, nearly nothing. “PLEASE, I cahahahan’t–!” He begged, squeezing his eyes shut and causing them to tear up from how tight they were closed. His face was still bright red and burning hot, his breathing still heavy and his throat starting to get dry from it. “Sahapnahahap PLEHEASE, stohohop! I cahahan’t tahahake ihit!”
“Aww, you can’t take it, cutie?” Sapnap teased, and Dream nodded frantically at the question. “You don’t really have a choice,” He finished, making Dream groan and whine, laughing breathlessly when Sapnap’s hands moved to scratch up and down his tummy instead. He couldn’t stop the way his back arched even further that the feeling, a shiver running down his spine, and he let out a sound somewhere between a gasp, a growl, and a whine.
“Hmm– ah!” Dream curled his shoulders in more, hiding his face in the pillow again, catching his breath and letting out airy giggles at the different sensation. He had to admit, it felt kind of nice after the cruel tickles he had just been given, and he wouldn’t really mind if Sapnap continued like that for a while.
But, as he anticipated, Sapnap moved right back to scratching at his lower tummy, and he broke into loud and desperate laughter once again.
“FUCK– nahahaha!” He whined, throwing his head back and forth, his only outlet to get his energy out. “Cohome OHOHOHON, Sahahapnahap!” He complained, finally able to wrench his arm out of George’s grasp so he could twist his body to be flat again, able to fully bury his face in the blankets as he laughed.
“Okay, okay, fine,” Sapnap chuckled as he let go of the bound man below him, unable to keep his fond giggles in as Dream let out his leftover ones, muffled into the blanket he was hidden in. “You good down there, giggles?”
“You guys are actually so stupid,” He muttered, shifting slightly so his voice wouldn’t be muffled. “What even made you think of this shit?”
“Uh… I dunno, actually…” Sapnap replied, resting his hand on Dream’s back and rubbing soothingly up and down his spine.
“Yeah, I think we were just bored and wanted to mess with you,” George explained, subtly reaching forward to fiddle with Dream’s fingers where his bound hands rested near his lap. He could see Dream smile at the action, wordlessly hooking his finger with George’s in acknowledgment before letting him play with them how he wanted.
“I hate you guys so much,” Dream repeated, tone betraying him once again, and the room was silent for a few moments as everyone began to relax.
Well, until Dream delivered a necessary reminder.
“Are you guys gonna like… untie me?”
“OH!” Both men jumped into action at once, all three of them laughing at the situation as they quickly removed the rope from Dream’s wrists and ankles. As soon as he was free, he turned onto his back and stretched his body out, groaning as he felt the tension in his shoulders, hips, and knees that had formed from the position disappear.
He let out a sigh and relaxed against the bed, looking up at the other two and reaching his arms out to them. Sapnap reacted immediately, vaulting himself over to Dream’s other side and curling up beside him, smiling when he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and let his thumb rub gently over his hoodie. George didn’t move as quickly, even when Dream gave him grabby hands and his signature puppy eyes, so Dream threw his arm around George and yanked him down instead, earning a squeak in response as George fell next to him. He chuckled, mumbling a small, “that’s better,” and he ruffled George’s hair before he felt him finally relax into his arms.
George carefully pulled up the fuzzy throw blanket on Sapnap’s bed, covering their legs and getting comfortable where he was yanked to lay, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from slipping shut in the calming atmosphere.
“So, when do I get to do that to you guys?”
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d1xonss · 9 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 33 ~ Woodbury
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 3
✧ Word Count : 6.8k
In this chapter ~ When saving the random injured woman that walked right up to their gates, she informs them of something terrible. Glenn and Maggie had been captured and taken to a town, leading the others to not hesitate as they formulated some kind of plan to get them back.
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I finally unlocked the gate once she hit the ground, quickly running over and stabbing the few walkers that were just beginning to bend down and grab her. I ripped the blade out of their skulls, spinning around to kill off the ones that were now coming at me. As I kicked one in the chest harshly, preparing to throw my knife at its head, it suddenly fell to the ground as a gunshot was fired from behind me.
My head whipped around to see Rick standing there pointing his revolver, nodding to me as he tucked it away and began to rush over.
"Is she bit?" I heard Hershel ask from inside the gate, coming down upon hearing all the noise.
My gaze moved down towards her injury to look closer, glancing down at her leg as I shook my head, "Gunshot." I replied, "Rick help me get her up, Carl grab the supplies." I ordered and lifted her arm up over one of my shoulders, while Rick did the same with her other.
All four of us made our way back to the prison as quickly as possible, moving fast to get her inside and away from the lone walkers that still lingered. Once we made our way in through the heavy doors, Rick told Beth to get some water and a blanket, along with a towel for her wound. Carl set the blanket down on the ground towards the door, watching as we slowly lowered her onto the soft material, sitting her upright as her head continued to hang downward.
Beth returned quickly, handing us the things Rick requested and watched as he opened the bottle, beginning to pour the water over her face so she would wake. Her eyes blinked open only seconds later at the feeling, breathing heavily as she looked up to all of us in obvious fear.
I raised my hand out as I saw she was about to get up, "Hey, hey, it's okay." I assured her calmly.
She eyed me for a moment, before jumping to the side to try and reach for her weapon sitting close by, Rick quickly kicking it away from her before she could touch it, "No. We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, alright?" he spoke.
I turned around when I heard the familiar voice, seeing Daryl coming out of the cellblock from behind us and I gave him a small smile. He didn't return it however, only looking confused and defensive as he slowly walked over, "Who the hell is this?"
Rick looked back to the woman with a tilt of his head, "You want to tell us your name?"
She didn't say anything, only staring right back at him with a cold glare and her lips sealed shut. My arm was then being slowly pulled away from her by my elbow, looking back to see Daryl as he eyed her suspiciously, "Oh for the love of God." I muttered to myself.
"Hey, I heard that." he said.
"Well, I said it loud." I replied with a sarcastic smile.
He rolled his eyes and swung his arm around my shoulders to pull me back further, turning back towards the group, "Y'all come on in here for a sec. Yer gonna want to see this."
The man guided me back into the cellblock gently, leading into an occupied room where a figure was lying down on the bed. It took me a moment to process who it was but once I knew for sure, I quickly tackled her in a hug. She laughed lightly and hugged me back while placing a kiss on the side of my head. I couldn't believe it was Carol.
Everyone told me when Daryl and Maggie were out on that run, that her and T-Dog sadly didn't make it when all the chaos erupted. Though I guess my mind was too clouded with the thoughts of Lori and the baby to fully process what they meant by "didn't make it." But now that I saw her physically standing in front of me, I was so relieved she was alright.
Rick quickly moved in next, swinging his arms around her just as I did with a breath, "Poor thing fought her way into a cell, must've passed out. Dehydrated." Daryl informed.
She finished greeting Rick and Hershel with tearful eyes, making her way down the line as Beth then stood right in front of her with the baby in her arms. She gasped lightly and turned towards Rick with a shocked smile, but her face immediately dropped when she noticed the solemn look on his features, apologizing profusely as she placed a hand on his cheek.
I pressed my lips together and shut my eyes, feeling Daryl's hand start to rub my back soothingly. The memories only came flooding back as I watched Carol process the loss of whom she considered a friend. I heard Carl sniff next to me and I instantly wrapped my arm around his shoulders and placed a kiss on his head as he leaned further into me. We all had a moment of silence after that, for Lori, for T-Dog, and it was much needed as we honored our time we had with them. Even if it seemed short.
But I noticed out of the corner of my eye, the woman had got up from where she was sitting and stood behind the door watching us. Though it wasn't in a way that made me uncomfortable. She looked at all of us huddled together as if she felt sorry, like she somehow knew we lost someone important.
And just from that one look, I could tell she was a good person. Not someone we needed to be threatened by.
After a few moments, we left Beth and the baby alone with Carol, knowing that she needed to rest but didn't want to be left completely alone. The rest of us walked back out into the common room, seeing the woman sitting on one of the tables as she waited for us to return. Sensing that we would want the full story on how she found us.
"We can tend to your wound, give you a little food and water and then send you on your way. But you're gonna have to tell us how you found us, and why you were carrying formula." Rick said.
Her gaze remained on him for a long moment before she finally spoke, "The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy, with a pretty girl."
My heart sank to my ass and I instantly got chills; I should've gone with them. "What happened?" I asked her.
"They were taken." she said as she released a breath.
"Taken by who?" Rick stepped in.
"By the same son of a bitch who shot me." she responded bluntly.
Rick waited for her to go on, to tell us more about what she knew because there always seemed to be more, but she grew silent. He clearly didn't have the patience nor the time, the next thing I knew I was watching him approach her more threateningly, "Hey these are our people, you tell us what happened now!" he yelled while putting pressure on her wound.
She gasped in pain and shoved him away harshly, "Don't you ever touch me again!" she yelled back.
Daryl quickly raised his crossbow in her face as he watched her outburst, "You'd better start talkin. Or yer gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound." he said lowly.
"Hey!" I yelled, "She was talking to us, I don't think it's necessary to put a bolt in between her eyes." I snapped as I shoved Daryl's weapon out of her face.
She looked at me with a somewhat grateful expression as I turned back to face her, "You obviously came here for a reason...just tell us what you know." I spoke softly.
She paused and stared at me for a moment before sighing heavily at the information she was about to give, "There's a town, Woodbury. About seventy-five survivors, I think your people were taken there."
"A whole town?" Rick asked from beside me.
I immediately pushed his chest so he would back up, "Nope, no, you lost your privilege. I'm talking to her now." I spoke.
He rolled his eyes but backed off, "It's run by this guy who calls himself The Governor. Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type." she continued.
"He has muscle?" I asked.
"Paramilitary wannabes," she replied, "They have armed sentries on every wall."
"Do you know a way in?"
"The place is secure from walkers, but we could slip our way through. We'd have to be slow, careful, but it's possible."
I stopped for a moment as it dawned on me how easily she got back here, "How did you know where to find us?"
"They mentioned a prison, said which direction it was in. Said it was a straight shot." she informed.
I just nodded my head as I put all the pieces together. She knew where they were, how to get in, and seemed willing to help us for the time being. I figured if we left within an hour we could get them back here by tomorrow, already working out some kind of plan in my head. But my eyes then traveled down towards the gash in her leg, knowing she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without having it fixed up.
"Hershel?" I called, watching him get up from his place, "This is Hershel, the father of the girl who was taken. He can help you with your wound, he's a doctor." I said to the woman.
She stayed silent, though nodded in appreciation.
I sent her a small smile before turning back around to head towards the cellblock, passing by the two men standing behind me as I smiled to myself, "That's how you get information. I thought you'd have that down by now sheriff." I spoke knowingly before patting his shoulder as I passed by.
I could almost hear Rick rolling his eyes from behind me, but I know I definitely heard Daryl mumble, "That's my girl."
We were quick to gather the rest of the group in the smaller space, now going back and forth with one another about what our next move would be. I tried to put my worry aside for Maggie and Glenn, but it was hard considering they were my best friends. We hardly knew anything about this town or the people behind the walls, leaving us clueless about what could be happening to them. But I couldn't panic, I just had to get them out of there. If I were to panic I knew I would just want to go in there guns blazing. But we had to think it through so we could surely get them out of there alive.
"How do we know we can trust her?" Oscar asked.
My brow furrowed as I looked at him, "You really think she just showed up to drop off some supplies, making up a story along the way? She wants to help."
"This is Maggie and Glenn, why are we even debating?" Beth slightly snapped, watching the conversation going around in too many circles.
"We ain't." Daryl said, "I'll go after em."
"Not alone." I quickly corrected, "We need the numbers in case things get bad with these people."
Beth raised up her hand, "I'll go." she offered.
"Me too." Axel stepped in.
Oscar paused for a minute, before finally giving in and nodding to himself, "I'm in."
In the end of our little discussion that took far too long for my liking, we decided to split the group in half. One would stay here and keep an eye on things just in case, while a handful of us would head out to get them back. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I was prepared for anything. Anything if it meant getting the two of them back here safe.
I was walking out of the prison with my weapons, heading over to the car we were taking to place them in the trunk, when I saw Daryl slip on his leather vest from just a couple feet away. I didn't fail to notice how he seemed to wear it all the time just as he promised, the memory alone bringing a small smile to my face.
Carl stood rummaging around in the back of the car, helping place some extra supplies inside as I walked up next to him to do the same. I took everything off my shoulders, emptying my hands into the trunk of the vehicle, before I looked over to the kid who now stood there glancing around worriedly.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, getting down to his level.
He shrugged, "Just...be careful out there. I...I can't lose you too."
My heart broke slightly at his words, and I didn't hesitate to pull him in for a hug, "You won't lose me, okay?" I whispered, "We're going to go, and bring Glenn and Maggie back safe, it's all gonna be fine."
He nodded his head against my shoulder, but his grip only tightened on me, his hat tipping a little off of his head. I pulled away after only a few moments, looking him in the eye as I adjusted the large hat atop his head.
"Take care of things around here, yeah? I don't care what your dad says, you're in charge." I spoke with a growing smile.
Though trying to suppress it at first, he managed a smile too as he nodded, "Okay."
Our attention was then pulled from one another as Rick called his name from the right, causing him to send me a subtle thumbs up before he was backing off towards his dad.
My eyes followed him for a moment before I slammed the trunk shut, watching everyone start to pile inside the vehicle after finishing up their goodbyes. I scanned the small area where our people stood outside to see us out, waving one last time at the remaining few before my eyes then caught sight of Beth. She stood a bit slumped by the front gate, waiting to open it for us when we were finally ready to leave, but I couldn't help but frown at the saddened look she had on her face.
In my mind, she was having some of the same thoughts that Carl was moments ago, tugging at my heartstrings as I slowly walked over to talk to her before we left.
The second I got close enough, she spoke first, "Do you have to go?" she asked quietly.
I gave her a sad smile, "Yeah...I do. But don't worry I'll be back before you know it, and I'll bring your sister home safe."
She looked up at me, tears glazing over her eyes, "What am I supposed to do if both of my sisters are gone?" she asked.
It took me a moment before the realization hit me on what she meant, making it even harder to leave than it was before. "Oh honey," I sighed as I brought her into a hug, "I'll be safe out there, I promise. I'll come back."
She nodded her head tearfully, giving me one final squeeze before letting me go, giving me a small smile of reassurance before slowly heading back over to the gate to open it for us. At the sound of a honk, I turned to see an arm sticking out the car window, waving me back so we could move. I waved at her one last time before rushing back over towards the vehicle, hopping in the backseat as Rick didn't hesitate to drive off in an instant, determined to get our people back.
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We had been on the road for about an hour or two before we pulled over to the side once we got close enough to the destination. The woman informed us that at this point we would be better off on foot as to not draw more attention to us. She said it was no more than two more miles to the town, leading us to walk through some kind of short cut through the woods. I mostly kept to myself as we moved, trying to listen for anything nearby while also trying not to think too much about what would happen once we were inside. It was no secret that I was worried, we all were, yet we seemed to keep it from one another as if we weren't thinking the exact same things about the situation.
My eyes only looked up once I noticed Rick and Daryl having some kind of hushed conversation, one that I was just out of earshot to hear. That alone only reminded myself of the talk he tried to have with me, knowing that he hadn't forgotten about it either. But it was safe to say now wasn't exactly the time to get all sappy with one another. I would avoid it forever if I could.
The sounds of sudden snarls quickly caught all of our attention at once, instantly getting low to the ground as if it were a chain reaction. But we all realized that there were far too many for them to just ignore us and move on. We tried to kill most of the ones approaching us fast, stabbing each of them with our handheld weapons, but soon realized after a few moments that there were too many of them to take by ourselves. With one wide eyed glance at each other, none of us hesitated to run further down the path in a line, away from the remaining dead ones.
Our breaths were heavy as we trucked through the trees, passing by dirt roads, trying to avoid the walkers reach. They were still hot on our trail, all the way up until we spotted a small cabin tucked away behind the greenery, making a beeline for it to hide out in there. Daryl was the first to make it to the entrance, tugging and pushing on it though it was locked from the inside. In a state of panic, Rick pushed him aside as he began kicking it repeatedly, before the door finally flew open with a loud slam, the lock shattering.
Rick went in first with his flashlight raised high, followed by the rest of us as we quickly shut the door before the walkers could get too close. As soon as I stepped in, I gagged at the smell that filled the entire house, the stench almost bringing me to my knees. The rest had the same reaction that I did, covering their noses with their arms as they scoped the place out.
"That smell is loud." Daryl said while trying to figure out where it was coming from.
Rick looked over at me as I continued to obviously struggle, "You okay?" he asked as he breathed through his mouth.
I nodded my head, swallowing the lump in my throat, "Yeah...just trying not to puke."
"Fair enough." he replied, turning back around to follow Daryl through the quiet house.
The rest of us slowly trailed behind them, looking at the many shelves lined up with a bunch of junk and a desk scooted off towards the side, "What the hell is that?" Oscar asked from beside me.
I followed his line of sight right as Daryl peered over, "Gotta be a fox...or what's left of one." he muttered as we all stared at the dead rotting animal just barely a few feet away from us.
Rick shined his flashlight over the animal, "It's a dog." I stated while covering my nose.
"Guess Lassie went home." Daryl said with a smirk on his face, bumping my shoulder as he expected me to laugh.
I raised my eyebrows in faux amusement with a nod, "Hilarious." I deadpanned before moving past him to scope out the rest of the space.
There was now loud banging at the front door, the walkers catching up and trying to claw their way inside. We all whipped our heads toward the sound, but were relieved that none of them were successful, seeing someone had propped a chair up against the handle.
Everyone continued to spread out, but I paused in my tracks as I saw a thick blanket covering something rather big. I let out a single whistle to grab their attention, Rick and Daryl at my side within seconds to see what I had found. Without hesitation, Rick placed his hand over the material, silently counting down with his other hand before ripping the thing off quickly.
A man instantly jumped up from where he was laying, pointing a gun at all of our faces as he began to panic with wide eyes, "Who the hell are you?!" he asked loudly.
"Woah, woah, we don't mean any harm." Rick said calmly.
"Get out of my house!" he yelled.
Rick put a hand out in front of him, trying to put some distance between us and the wielding weapon, "Okay, okay. We will, but we can't right now."
"Now!" he demanded.
"Shut him up." the woman snapped harshly, noting the dead corpses outside now banging even louder to try and get in.
"Get out right now!" he yelled again.
I had enough as I snapped in his direction "Hey!" I whisper yelled, "There are walkers outside. Do you have a death wish or something?" I said through gritted teeth.
He paused for a moment in genuine confusion, "I'll call the cops." he threatened.
"I am a cop, now I need you to lower the gun. Don't do anything rash, everything's fine let's just take this nice and slow...okay?" Rick said.
The man took a risky glance at the rest of us, "Look at me." Rick said to get his attention, "Hey, hey."
He suddenly aimed the gun right at Rick's head and my hand hovered over my knife, but one wave of Rick's hand was enough for me to falter, "Show me your badge!" the man demanded.
"Alright, it's in my pocket. Now I'm going to reach down nice and slow..." Rick said as his hand moved down to his pants. But as soon as the man's eyes darted away from him slightly, Rick knocked the gun out of his hands, a bullet firing off to the side as his finger hovered over the trigger.
Rick's arms immediately went around the man's shoulders in attempts to contain him, but it only spurred him on more. He flailed around and carelessly screamed in his grasp, Rick's hand flying over his mouth to try and finally silence him. But the man played dirty, biting Rick's hand harsh enough for him to groan loudly and let go.
He made a run for it towards the door the moment he was free, but the woman was one step ahead. As he barely brushed his fingertips against the handle, she took her sword and stabbed him from behind, the blade going completely through his chest before he fell limp to the ground.
I raised my eyebrows at her, "Well, that'll do it."
I could've sworn I saw a ghost of a smile appear on her face but her head snapped back towards the door, hearing just how many walkers were attracted to the man's screams. We had to act fast, cause a distraction somehow for even a sliver of a chance to get out of here.
Rick suddenly then moved towards the front in record speed, placing his ear up to the door before his eyes trailed down towards the dead stranger. He didn't waste a single second before he let out a whistle, gesturing Daryl over to give him a hand.
"You've gotta be kidding." Oscar said, knowing exactly where this was leading.
"He's dead." he obviously stated, "You and Rose check the back." he said while lifting the man up.
Oscar didn't move at first as his eyes stayed down, only snapping out of his small trance when I placed my hand on his arm, nodding back for him to follow. I pushed the door open with a creak, looking out through a small crack to see that none of the walkers had made their way back there and it was clear enough for us to make a run for it.
"Clear." I quietly yelled over to them.
They nodded before quickly throwing the man outside at my signal, slamming the door shut behind them before making their way towards us and out the back door. We all quickly sprinted right past the walkers while they were distracted with their new meal, so we could finally get back on the road.
By the time we finally made it to the gates of the small town, it was completely dark, making it even harder to see if we were being watched. We quietly stalked low to the ground, spotting an abandoned car just off to the side of the main gates, hiding us from the people on watch up at the top. We watched their movements for a few seconds, noticing how they had giant lights that were constantly scanning around the area as they looked for threats.
Everyone quickly began to get impatient just sitting there, waiting for a moment where they would falter so we could slip in like the woman said. Though right as I was thinking of a way we could all get past, she apparently decided to sneak off back towards the woods without us and all our heads snapped in her direction the second her movement hit our ears.
"Hey. Hey!" Rick whisper yelled.
She stayed behind the shadows, moving forward to God only knows whereas Rick groaned in frustration, "Alright, we need to downsize." he said.
"Ain't no way we're gonna check all them buildings. Not with all them guards there." Daryl stated while silently handing me a gun.
I took it from his hands, placing it behind my back when suddenly a branch snapped. All of us quickly had our weapons drawn, but it was the woman mouthing something to us, pointing in the direction she went off to for us to follow.
"Let's go." I said, being the first one to move forward and follow her into the dark.
Everyone quickly maneuvered through an opening she found in the gate, squeezing through quietly as she then moved towards a building that was familiar to her. She looked back to make sure we all made it through silently, before opening the door and leading us inside.
The place was completely dark and empty, noticing that we had come in through the back door as there were windows towards the front that gave us a perfect view of the rest of the town.
"This is where you were held?" I asked her.
"Where I was questioned." she corrected with a nod.
Rick stepped in, "Any idea where else they could be?"
Daryl made his way over to one of the windows and I copied his actions, moving the curtain slightly so I was able to peek through the space. The streets were lit up brightly, leaving us little to no room to be able to sneak through without getting seen. But then a few people walking on the sidewalk just outside caught my attention, laughing and having a conversation side by side.
"I thought you said there was a curfew." I said while backing up before they could catch a glimpse of me inside.
"The street is packed during the day. Those are stragglers." she informed.
Rick was getting anxious as he let out a deep sigh, "Anyone comes in here we're sitting ducks. We gotta move."
"They could be in his apartment." she said.
"Yeah? What if they ain't?" Daryl asked with harshness to his tone.
"Then we'll look somewhere else." she snapped slightly.
Rick stepped forward, getting in her face, "You said you could help us."
"I'm doing what I can."
"Then where the hell are they?" Oscar asked.
She didn't respond as she truly didn't know, thinking they could be anywhere at this point if they weren't being held here like she was. Rick was growing more impatient, whispering for us to come over and talk to him a few feet away from her.
He walked back far enough, waiting for a moment before saying, "If this goes south, we're cutting her loose." he whispered.
"No, we're not." I snapped at him.
He gave me a pointed look and I mocked his expression as if he was stupid, "She's helping us the best she can, we're not just feeding her to the wolves here. What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked unironically, before turning to walk back towards her, not caring enough to hear the rest of the conversation.
The woman stood back slightly as she looked out the windows, not paying the rest of them any mind as they were very clearly talking about her. She only minded her business, reaching down slightly to take a look at her leg, gritting her teeth a little in pain as she touched the sensitive part.
"How's your leg?" I asked her softly.
Her head snapped up to me in surprise, taking a few seconds to respond. "It's fine." she eventually muttered.
"Good." I said with a nod of my head, turning around to glance at the guys to make sure they couldn't hear me, "Sorry about them. Men, am I right?" I muttered while scrunching my nose up in disgust.
She gave the tiniest smile, nodding in agreement as I let out a huff of a laugh. But the moment was over quicker than I could even process.
Sudden knocking from the front door is what caused us all to freeze in our places. The next noise filling the outside was keys jingling in the doorhandle as the person attempted to unlock it. I cursed under my breath as I scanned the area for a place to hide, seeing a curtain that led to a small, tucked away space and made a beeline for it without a second thought. I ignored my name behind called from behind me as I quickly hid behind the thin fabric, placing my back up against the left side of the wall and holding my breath in anticipation.
But a sharp gasp left my lips in surprise when Rick barged his way in the small space, facing me as his back hit something hard behind him and he grunted in pain with tightly shut eyes.
"Hey! Go find your own place to hide." I whisper yelled.
He rubbed the sore spot, "There aren't any other places." he argued.
His feet moved around wildly as he tried to fit in the corner, stepping directly on my foot, "Ow you just stepped on my-"
He quickly covered my mouth with his hand before I could finish, and I gave him a pointed look. He raised his pointer finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet as he listened for the person to come in and make themselves known.
"I will lick your hand." I threatened, my voice slightly muffled.
His eyes widened, "Don't." he quietly snapped.
"Then get the hell off me." I demanded, shoving his chest further away from me right as the front door finally swung open.
His back hit the same spot that it had earlier, watching as he tightly closed his eyes as he tried desperately not to make a single noise.
"I know you're in here." a male voice called out, "I saw you moving from outside."
My eyes widened as I heard the man's footsteps only getting closer to us. I hoped Rick had a plan on how to take this guy out because I sure as hell didn't know what to do. It was like the most fucked up game of hide and seek I've ever played.
"Alright now, you're not supposed to me here and you know it." the voice said again, his shadow coming right in front of the curtain as he stood there and listened.
In a single swift movement, Rick shoved the barrier out of the way and took the gun the man had in his hands, maneuvering it up towards the ceiling as a single shot was fired. His forearm was against the man's throat as he pinned him up on the wall, trying to take the weapon away from him with just one hand.
I made a move from behind our hiding spot seeing he was struggling, rushing up to the two and prying the weapon from the man's grasp as he struggled to hold onto it. Rick then saw he was defenseless, whistling for Daryl to come over as he got the man down on his knees, Daryl coming up behind him to zip tie his wrists together.
"Where are our people?" Rick asked in a cold tone, getting in front of his face.
"I- I don't know." the man stated frantically.
Rick grabbed his cheeks as his anger bubbled further, "You are holding some of our people, where the hell are they?" he asked more aggressively.
"I don't know." the man said again.
Rick tugged away from his face harshly as he walked away, letting out a deep sigh as we were nowhere closer to pinpoint them in this so-called small town.
The man then began to stutter, clearly growing more afraid as he realized how many people he was actually up against and I grew tired of that in about two seconds as my gaze trailed back down to him. Looking up to see a frying pan hung up on the nearby wall, I quickly took the handle in my hand and slammed it harshly on the back of his head. He fell limp in a split second, knocked out cold as he face planted on the ground.
"Thanks for nothing." I muttered bitterly.
That's when we all heard sudden gun fire from just outside and seeing people run frantically in the streets from the slightly opened curtains. We all looked at each other for a second before quickly making our way towards the door, Rick opening it cautiously.
He led the way to where the gun fire was shot, leading towards a random building in the middle of the town. All of us were light on our feet as we moved, trying not to draw too much attention as people rushed by us, pushing through in a panic. We made our way inside the building quickly and quietly, stopping when Rick had his back up against the wall, raising his hand up in a fist for all of us to stop. We all followed his movements and waited.
We heard voices and footsteps and Rick quickly pulled out a smoke bomb from his bag and threw it towards the sound of people coming our way from around the corner, right before they could spot us. They yelled suddenly when the smoke began to rise, and it was hard to see anything as their coughs filled the air. Rick then harshly threw his hand down as he was the first to move, squinting through the smoke to see if our people were in here.
I turned the corner, following Rick's figure as best as I could as I coughed into my arm every few seconds, noticing his shadow stilled for a moment. He then grabbed onto a man by the arm, pulling him through the smoke and back towards the outside. I barely got a good look, but I could only assume the man was Glenn as I spotted a woman a few feet away from me, a bag covering her face. Maggie.
I rushed over to her quickly, taking her by the hand to pull the bag over her head and lead her out of the building, dodging the men lingering in every turn we made as they blindly tried to find us. Daryl covered us from behind as we booked it out the front doors, following Rick down the street and into safe place so we could lay low and catch our breath.
When we all made it inside, Daryl slammed the doors behind us and I gently let go of Maggie and took my gun to scope out the place, checking every hiding place and around in the back to make sure it was empty. Once I didn't see anything, her and I made eye contact from across the room and ran towards each other instantly. I discarded my gun on the floor and wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she started to cry.
"Are you okay?" I asked frantically, as I held onto her tightly. She sniffled and nodded her head and pulled away. I took her face in my hands and wiped her tears away, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Oh, thank God you're here." she cried.
"We're here." I reassured her as I brought her into my arms again with a breath.
We finally pulled apart from each other when I heard a groan coming from the floor, seeing Glenn sitting down on the ground in pain, his face covered in blood. His eye was black and blue, so swollen that I could barely see his eye at all. I quickly walked over to him, sitting next to him on the floor as I reached out to touch his shoulder lightly.
"Oh my God, Glenn." I whispered as I got a better look at his face, noticing that his clothes were torn to shreds as well.
"Rose?" he questioned with a slight smile.
I smiled sadly, "It's me hon, are you okay?" I asked while placing my hand on the side of his face.
He winced slightly but nodded, "Yeah...yeah."
I felt my eyes mist with tears at the sight of him so beaten and bruised, yet somehow still smiling as he saw we had found them. I kissed his forehead and brought him into a gentle hug, being as careful as I could to not hurt him more than he already was.
Rick got down to his level, stepping away from the window as he asked, "How bad are you hurt?"
"I'll be okay." he assured.
"Where's that woman?" Maggie asked suddenly, her eyes scanning around to see that she was nowhere in the room with us anymore.
"She was right behind us." Rick said while going back to the window, "Damnit." he silently cursed to himself as he did a scan over the streets.
"Maybe someone spotted her." I said.
"Want me to go look for her?" Daryl asked.
Rick shook his head, "No, we gotta get them out of here. She's on her own."
I wanted to argue with him, that we needed to make sure she was okay, but with just one more look towards Glenn I knew we couldn't. We had to get the two of them out of here before people started to realize they were gone.
"Daryl, this was Merle." Glenn said suddenly. I froze at that name, and so did Daryl. My eyes slowly seemed to find his from his hovering figure above me, his frame standing rigid as Glenn continued, "It was, he did this."
"You saw him?" Rick asked.
"Face to face." he confirmed, "Threw a walker at me, he was going to execute us."
Daryl was stunned, though he tried desperately to hide it, "So...my brother's this Governor?" he asked with a slight shake to his voice.
"No, he's somebody else, your brother's his lieutenant or something." Maggie said.
Daryl reached down to grab my shoulder gently, probably still trying to wrap his head around this as time seemed to stand still. "Does...does he know m' still with ya?" he asked.
"He does now. Rick, I'm sorry we told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out." Glenn tried to explain.
Rick got down to eye level with him and quickly shook his head, "Don't. No need to apologize."
Maggie continued, "They're going to be looking for us."
"We have to get back," Rick said, "Can you walk? We've got cars a few miles out." he informed Glenn.
"I'm good." Glenn grunted, gesturing for my hand as I shakily helped him stand up to his full height.
Daryl's breathing became heavy from just behind me as he spoke, "Hey, if Merle's around I- I need to see him."
I turned around to look at him in slight disbelief, "Daryl, no. We have to leave now."
"Rosie I gotta, he's my brother-"
"Look what he did!" I yelled with a quiver in my voice.
He stopped for a minute to look at Glenn, his eyes holding so much emotion as he glanced between the two of us.
Rick stepped in when he couldn't seem to say anything else, "Look we gotta- we gotta get out of here now."
"Maybe I can talk to him, maybe I can work somethin out." Daryl pleaded.
Rick was growing frustrated, "No, no, you're not thinking straight. Look, no matter what they say they're hurt. Glenn can barely walk, how are we gonna make it out if we get overrun by walkers and this Governor catches up to us? We need you! Are you with me?"
Daryl looked from Rick to me, his eyes lingering when they locked again with mine. He bit his lip anxiously as he thought about all of this for a few seconds, a few seconds that we didn't have to spare.
His gaze pulled away from me as he gave the man a slight nod, "Yeah."
I narrowed my eyes at him, noticing how he could no longer look at me when he answered.
He was lying.
~ Thanks for reading!
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superstar027 · 11 months
"If his homie won't treat you right, he will"
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Character: Geto Suguru
TW: Toxic Relationship, Cheating/Infidelity, Smoking
NOTE: This fanfic is inspired by @shirat0rizawa on TikTok. Please go check out their work because it's really amazing!! Also, this will most likely have 3 parts to it so I hope you all stay for the ride!
You and Sukuna have been together for a while now. Not that you would want that to be the case. You both met in a car meet. He was sitting on top of his beautiful 2013 Lykan Hypersport in red when your eyes met. If you could go back, you would've stabbed those eyes with a knife the moment they even slightly grazed your figure. But alas, here you are in the very same car meet watching your boyfriend fuck his latest side chick in the very same car he took you on dates in. This has been your life for the past few months. "You guys done yet?" You rolled your eyes at the two stuck to each other's mouths, moaning so loudly you swear they couldn't even hear you. Sukuna had invited you to go on a date but you were only met with the sight of him completely buried into another woman. "Just a sec, sweet thing." He zips up his pants and looks over to your annoyed face and body in a little black dress. “Sorry you saw that sweetheart; I swear I’ll be more careful next time.” He says slowly leaning in for a kiss that you so rudely dodged. He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows and gritted teeth as he pulls on your hair and forces your lips to collide.
You pull away and gagged on the floor. He was always too rough, never had a romantic moment with him. “Woah, chill with ya girl man, if she ever leaves you I’m first in line.” A man with long black hair in a neat bun said, teasing Sukuna. “I’d like to see her try to leave me.” Sukuna chuckled with a sinister undertone. This wasn’t new. You’ve tried to leave before. Tried. As soon as Sukuna found out you were with a new man, he disappeared; and if you ever tried again… you’d be next. That long-haired man is Geto, one of Sukuna’s fri- no, frenemies. Sukuna’s always pissed off at him for his longing glances toward you and you’re convinced Geto’s fucking around for the hell of it. The girl in Sukuna’s car finally got out. She looks towards you with a sly smirk on her face before she goes to plant a kiss on Sukuna’s neck. She whispered something in his ear causing a lustful smile to appear on his face. Sukuna then gave her a slap on the ass causing her to jump as she walks away. You look at Sukuna with furrowed eyebrows and a frown reeking of disgust. This wasn’t anything new, but the fact that he did this in front of his friends enraged you. You can’t fight back, however. He was much bigger, much stronger. The only thing you were able to do was to stomp away. “Aw, come on Y/N! don’t be like this!” He shouted. He wasn’t going to even chase after you! The best he could do was scream and then he’ll be carrying on with his life without even thinking about you.
You leaned against a dark corner opening up a pack of cigarettes and lighting it up with your lighter. Yet, another hobby Sukuna taught you. It helped you relax, and gather your thoughts. You suddenly turn your head to the sound of footsteps coming toward you. It was Geto. The moon was perfectly shining on his black hair perfectly illuminating his muscular figure; He wore a dark blue BMW racing jacket with black cargo pants. “Y’know I could do horrible things to you right now.”  He said with a slight smirk on his face. “Nothing worse than what my boyfriend has done to me.” You chuckled as you ran your hands through your hair.  He stood closer to you, hoping his presence would give you some comfort. “Why do you even stay with that asshole? You have me waiting for you!” You laughed at his joke, slightly hitting him on his arm “Ow! What the fuck was that for?!” You both chuckled. You looked at each other’s eyes with longing and lust behind them. In the heat of the moment, the both of you crashed your lips on each other engaging in a hot make-out session. “You shouldn’t do this. This is cheating! This makes you no better than that ass Sukuna! Ah! Who cares?! Just enjoy the moment, deal with the aftermath later…” Millions of thoughts ran through your head but all you could currently think about is the tongue exploring your mouth and the hair you’re grabbing to make it go deeper. You didn’t want it to end. You wanted to enjoy the moment further, deeper. But you’re both human after all. As you two separate for air, your conscience takes over you and you immediately realize your mistake.  You fix your dress and you run off; glancing back at Suguru with longing in both of your eyes. Suguru followed closely behind you; watching as you returned in the arms of an asshole that mistreats you and takes your love for granted. He knows he could do better.
It's 8 pm, and you’re preparing a beautiful pasta dinner you and hopefully Sukuna. If he even comes home. Sukuna hasn’t texted or called you back since that little incident from last week and you were bored out of your mind. Ding! You go over to check out the notification. It was a text message from Geto.
“You coming to the race later?”
“Race? What Race?”
“Oh, Sukuna hasn’t told you? There’s a race later by Shibuya, the usual spot y’know?”
“Come with me.”
“Sukuna will be pissed.”
“He’s gonna race you”
“I can take him”
As you are about to text him a reply, the door behind you opens, and in goes Sukuna. He hugs you from behind by your waist and plants small kisses on your neck. The smell of another woman's perfume was contaminating the room and it disgusted you. You break from his hug as you look towards him. “Aren’t you going to tell me something?” You say with arms crossed. He looks around the room and towards you before he replies, “No?”. “So, you weren’t planning to invite me to the race at Shibuya?” His eyes widened “I’m taking Hinata-!“ “Fuck Hinata!” You screamed at him in anger. “I’m your girlfriend! I’m the one you should be taking to these races! Not some side bitch you found on the streets!” “For fucks sake Y/N! We’ve talked about this! You’re not used to going to races! Shibuya races at that! Do you know how violent it gets out there?! And Hinata’s different! She’s used to these things!” He yelled at your face. All of a sudden you feel small and helpless. There was no winning this. You sighed and walked to your room not even touching one bit of the food you prepared.
            You locked the doors and bawled on your bed. It wasn’t fair. You couldn’t fight. Unless…
You grab your phone and open your and Geto’s messages.
“I’ll be there.”
“That’s my girl”
Part 2 up now!!
Part 3 done!!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Do it. Show us the personal trainer reader and V!!! >:3c
[suggestive... If you squint? Just V being his normal gross/creep self so fair warning]
Of all the things he's ever done to gain the upper hand - this has got to be the dumbest of the lot by far. A man of reclusive nature like himself, Vince Alisa Carbone was no stranger to his physical strengths or lack thereof. With his sheltered upbringing, this hadn't been an issue majority of his life and would have remained as such had it not been for the new neighbor a door down and ten miles out of his league.
Outgoing and upbeat; it didn't take long for him notice. For someone like him, all it took was a smile It was.. enduring. Early morning jogs and daily exercises beside their window dragged that attraction along, and revealed their dedication and interest in physical activity. With their looks he figured them to be a fitness influencer, but when he checked all that came up was a listing for training at a gym not too far from home. Disappointed by the lost of quality material, his search was not entirely fruitless as his sleep deprived mind came up with a better alternative. The answer was right in front of him. If he wanted to get closer to them, all he had to do was sign up. By the time morning rolled around, the seeds of regret had begun to sprout, but it was too late to back out now.
Waiting for them at check-in, V had never felt more like a fish out of water. Sure there were others like him about, but for every thin figure there were three more he considered to be the peak of human physique and more attractive than him because of it. They probably came everyday, just like them. He wondered if anyone had tried to make a move on who he already thought of as his. The stress was enough to give him a headache. He should probably head home.
V flinches as someone claps their hands before his eyes. He couldn't hear a thing with his headphones on, but after reading their lips each time the syllable was pronounced, he knew exactly what they were saying.
Even muted, that voice gave him chills. V drops his headphones around his neck as that same smile he had made his lockscreen shines. Spreading their arms out wide, his trainer tackles him in a hug that knocks the air clear out of his lungs. V shoved his own parents and sibling away when they tried to hug him, but if it was you - he guessed he could endure it for a little while.
"It's so good to see you out of your appartment. I got so excited when I saw your name on the application, I didn't know what to do with myself. Was the walk over alright?"
"Yeah..." To be honest, V was already winded from a stroll that took no less than ten minutes, but at this very moment he felt like he could run a marathon. You were looking forward to your time together - how could he not. He swore his heart had bursted, but soon realized the gore he imagined to be leaking from his shirt was condensation bleeding from yours. You were sweating - the front of your tee drenched in the product of your hard work. Seeing the small patch on his shirt as you break free from the hug, V makes a vow to himself to never wash it again.
"Hope you weren't waiting here too long. Been here since opening to get a little warm up in before you showed. Just give me a sec to freshen up then we can go over today's workout."
You swing the towel from around your neck onto your palm. As you dab at crevices of your damp neck and chest with the sweat-soaked rag, V undergoes fatigue leagues beyond your own and his previous weariness as he leans against the counter for dear life and what little decency he had left. At this distance, the sweet stench wafting off is overwhelming; his tongue a lick way from a taste of the intoxicating perspiration drooling from your spent body and dampening your tee. That towel was ruining the mood already.
What he wouldn't give to take its place. Wiping you down with nothing but his tongue and the shirt off his back. Easing the tension in your muscles with his hands and praise. Given the hour, he would jump at the opportunity of being your personal rag; lapping at your sweaty skin like a dehydrated animal lead to water. Just a single drop would give him the will to live on for another decade.
Draping the towel around your neck, your expression twists to that of confusion. "You doing okay? You're looking a little clammy there yourself."
V blinks - unable to fully process your question. Smearing the drool hanging from his lips into his skin, he nods his head furiously. "Yup! I feel great. Fantastic. Never felt better..."
Your legs must've gotten good exercise too. He'd kill for a chance to have you wrap those things around his head and...
"sit on my face."
Your towel falls to your shoulder. "Pardon?"
V snaps back to reality. "towel...Your towel! Haha... worked up a sweat just by walking over here. You mind if I use your towel to dry off? Please?"
"Ah, well I'm sure you wouldn't want anything soaked with my sweat. I'll grab you a spare while we head over. Speaking of which, we've wasted enough time here. You ready to get started?"
You tilt your head in the general direction of the other half of the gym. V doesn't share the same enthusiasm as you, but he has other reasons to happily comply.
"Oh, wait before we head over - here." He reaches out to grab your hand as you turn, ignoring the shudder down his spine to enclose your fingers around a small white box.
You inspect the case as he lets you go. "What's this?"
"It's a fitness tracker. I overheard you mention something about losing yours, so I bought this for you as thanks for helping me out. I' can help you set it up later."
"Aw, that's so sweet of you, Vince." You lightly jab his shoulder. "I knew you'd be a good guy once we got you away from that monitor."
V laughs off the pain as he rubs the sore spot on his arm. You had no idea.
"And that's how you do a proper push-up. Remember to keep your feet spread at shoulder-width and try to stay off your knees. Think you got it this time, V?"
"I might need...just a little more guidance."
This has got to be the smartest thing he's ever done. There was the very real consequence of every bone and muscle in his body screaming at him when he got home, but V had no cares for any future besides the one where he could watch you bend over to touch your toes again. V wasn't the best at following instructions with one demonstration alone, so you had to perform most workouts twice or even three times depending on the position you were in. Showing off the different ways you could make your body contort and stretch - it made V sweat more than all of the exercise he had to do.
"Alright, then get back down here." You pat the mat besides you. V dives to the floor and places his hands down just like you told him. He watches you from the corner of his eye as he straightens his legs and lifts. Your hands fly out and rest right beneath his sternum, sinking into the tightened muscles as his lungs eject a wheezed breath.
" I told you, try not to let your stomach hit the floor when you lower yourself. Keep yourself as steady as you can."
Feeling the sudden urge to not disappoint, V does as many pushups as he can before his limbs give out at eleven. You call it there and tell him to catch his breath. He heads over to the benches where your water bottles sat. You thought it was such a funny coincidence you had the same bottle. V switches his with yours and downs the water as you roll up the mats and put them back where they belong. The liquid had never tasted more saccharine than it did then.
Returning home, V body immediately failed on him as soon as he dragged himself through the door. He hobbled himself over to the couch and collapsed as if his bones weighted tons. He could not do that four days a week. Fatigue overwhelms him - he almost didn't hear his phone going off with a new notification. You must've set up the watch without him and gone on another late night jog. At least this time he knows what route you're going in, and so he lets exhaustion catch up to him without fuss.
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headkiss · 2 years
hi babe! how are u? i saw that your requests were open soooo i went to a party the other day and the music was so loud that i got the worst headache and i felt so bad telling anyone cause i didn’t want to ruin the mood but my friend noticed and took me home and honestly it was the sweetest thing and i think that’s totally something steve would do <333
hiiii ty for your request lovely! hope u like it!!! | 0.6k of fluff
You didn’t want to ruin anyone’s fun, which is why you were hiding out in the upstairs bathroom of the party.
It started out great, you and Steve and your friends opting for a night out for a change. Steve even danced with you despite not being the most coordinated dancer. You were just happy to be with him. He kissed you before heading off to grab another drink, which is when things went downhill.
You’d been trying to ignore the ache in your head, the pounding in your skull. But, without Steve around to distract you, it came at you full force. So much so, it made you dizzy.
Saying ‘excuse me’s and ‘sorry’s as you passed, you snuck your way through the crowd to the staircase. You weren’t sure where exactly you were headed, but you figured it’d be the slightest bit quieter up there.
The music was thumping so loudly you couldn’t think about anything other than your headache. The worst part was that you really had been enjoying yourself until it got bad.
When you noticed the bathroom was empty, you made your way there, closing and locking the door behind you.
You turned on the sink, splashing water on your face, cupping your hand under the stream to drink some, too. Anything that you thought might help. You figured you could stick it out in there while Steve had the chance to enjoy himself. You’d hate to cut his night short.
You know he’d never be upset with you over a headache. If anything, he’d rather be told so he could help you. He loves you enough that you know that without a doubt. However, you saw the smile on his face and the way he’d let loose tonight in a way he hasn’t in a while, and you didn’t want to take that away.
Steve eventually returned with his drink only to find the spot where he left you occupied by completely different people. He calls your name, but he can’t see you anywhere. He knows you couldn’t have gone far but he worried nonetheless.
He asks some people if they’ve seen you, and finally gets directed towards the stairs.
By the time he gets to the bathroom door, you’re holding yourself up by the sink, hands planted on the counter and head hung low. His knocking startles you until you hear his voice, muffled and worried.
“Pretty, you in there? It’s me, Steve.”
“One sec,” even your own voice makes you wince. You unlock the door and he opens it as soon as he hears the faint click.
“What are you doing hiding in here, huh?” He asks.
“Um. Nothing, we can go back down.”
He knows you better than anyone else, and he knows you’re not telling him something. He shuts the door so that it’s just you and him, and runs his hand along your arm until his fingers are tangled with yours. He gives your hand a squeeze.
“Tell me the truth, please?”
“Sorry. Just a headache, it’s fine-”
“Hey, if it’s bad we can go home, right now. It’s no problem,” he’s so sweet you think you might cry.
“But you were having so much fun,” you say, quiet and guilty, as if it’s your fault. “I can just wait, it’s okay.”
“Stop it. Let me take you home, ‘kay? I’d rather be taking care of you anyways.”
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind waiting.”
“Listen, I was only having fun ‘cause you were, too. If you didn’t come here I wouldn’t have, either. You are the best part of everything, so let me take you home.”
“Okay,” he smiles softly.
At home, he’s a dream, as always. He makes you food, brings you some meds, all of it. Your own personal caretaker no matter how much you assure him you can still do things on your own.
He takes care of you up until you’re in bed. Even then, he holds you close and makes sure you’re as comfortable as can be.
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