#i worry for atreus he's my little guy
atreus is 14 in gowr, since he was 11 in the previous game. i think it's disheartening to hear from adults who wanted to be understood, seen, or be able to walk their own paths as kids don't seem to hold the same compassion for children in general. 'WHY are they so impatient ugh i hate kids 🙄' like... these are children still figuring it out bro calm down maybe. you're a grown adult. also i don't think the game was implying that atreus has become an 'adult' by the end, but it signifies that he's about to become his own person during his countless journies to come. this is something that has been ordained to him, and he has to do it without his father. but to do that, kratos had to let go (a reocurring theme - letting go; think brok and sindri. gryla when confronted by angrboda. freya and her vengeance.) this is no small feat for kratos of course, like that's his only son his only blood. he had something to life for after so many years of wanting to die - and now that very thing is leaving him.
i think that in the universe of gow, the children don't have any other choice than growing up faster, getting big responsibilities on their shoulders. i'm thinking of atreus wanting finding out about the jötnar in other worlds and possibly more about faye's coup, angrboda growing up without her parents, not knowing where she's going to end up because of fate/prophecies, literally the souls of her people trusted to her. thrud who grew up with father being an alcoholic and her messed up family, now has incredibly big shoes to fill with her wielding mjolnir. skjöldr might seem like a regular guy but he and his family moved from midgard to asgard, leaving his childhood home behind. and by the end he's already delegating and started to take on the role of a leader (on par of him becoming the king of denmark in the future). you see this happen and realize they are just... children. but their world is so unforgiving, not giving them the time or space to be carefree. so i am excited to see what else santa monica is gonna cook up for the sequels. that or Bring Me My Son Back I Miss Him I Cannot Handle This Empty Nest DLC.
People's reactions to Atreus in Ragnarök were extremely telling. Of course he was going to act rash and be a bit secretive, especially since Kratos was not handling this well at all. I don't think any of the adults were except for Brok, especially when Freya and Mimir and Odin/Tyr ganged up on Atreus over Garm. He already felt bad about it and wanted to make things right. They were doing exactly what Odin wanted and that was drive Atreus to him. I was frustrated for Atreus on his behalf because I also know Kratos was being a hypocrite. You can't go on about trust and keeping secrets while not telling Atreus the actual truth about what happened in Greece.
If Kratos doesn't tell Atreus about Calliope, someone else will, and that's gonna be a disaster.
Atreus is going to make mistakes on his own, as teenagers do as they try to figure out the world. Even though Odin has a brutal lesson, he is still vulnerable to trusting people who don't have the best intentions because he's still young and on his own for the first time in his life. I think Kratos and Freya and Mimir know that and they're prepared for it because it's a natural part of growing up and they love him unconditionally. No matter what, Atreus always has a home and family. I would be disappointed if Atreus didn't make an Oppsie-Poopsie at some point and they act like his development is over. His story is really just beginning.
Now, how gamers will react to Atreus inevitably fumbling is something I worry about because they hate teenagers. Atreus is a good kid, though. He has his moments like all kids do, but he's a really good kid and a testament to how much Kratos has changed and also Faye's parenting. He's compassionate and won't stand to watch suffering, he's very intuitive and loves to learn, and confident (sometimes to a fault). He's going to encounter all sorts of people, and inevitably encounter gods, on his journey, and some will try to take advantage of him.
I'm also really worried that it will be Kratos indirectly that causes him major problems because uh... Kratos is not exactly the most liked guy. He has a bit of a deserved reputation. Now, Atreus might not think that, and the new Norse pantheon like him, but he could get in a lot of trouble for saying who his father is. Maybe I'm being overprotective, but he's literally wearing a piece of the Ghost of Sparta's loincloth as, like, sash.
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sparda-ly · 2 years
hi sweetie, it's the same anon again! i hope im not bothering you coming again in your inbox.
anyway! what you did write was so so so good, for real, you did a amazing, even heavenly work with it. and i even cried a bit while reading it (a thing i normally wouldn't do) because, u know, dad issues sometimes slap hard.
oh! and also (if it's not a problem for u, of course) i would like to ask for whatever is easier to u for kratos with a reader that is motherly to atreus but their relationship is platonic (just like the other ask i did because i just live for platonic relationships with kratos. it's just so cute!!)
(maybe i'll start to be a recurrent anon in here so, if you accept emoji anons, could i be the 🌙 anon, pretty please?? :) )
kratos, atreus x motherly reader (platonic)
note: hey there 🌙 anon ;) ofc! your wish is my command. after this request, i'm convinced we are soulmates, i think we both lack some parent attention :(( if you ever want to talk, don't forget i'm always here!
warnings: none
there was one pretty known rule, if atreus respected someone, so did kratos
he trusted his son's judgment, although it did often lead to trouble
you kind of just appeared randomly and instantly joined their little group, fitting in the dynamic perfectly
kratos was first sceptical of you, a total stranger hanging around him and his boy?
but after seeing how his son warmed up to you, he gave you a chance
atreus was practically in love with you the moment he met you, the way you made the boy feel special still suprised him
constantly checking up on him if he's feeling alright
you always worry during fights if he's ok and still breathing, while getting you ass kicked by some draugr
you prepare him and kratos special meals that involve their favourite food, but don't lack vitamins or protein
you convince atreus it's the "god's meals" that makes him bigger and stronger, and the poor boy believes it
you run after him when he leaves the house without at least two layers, worrying he'll get sick (especially during fimbullwinter)
despite atreus hearing your compliments every day, he still blushes crazy and mutters a cute "thanks"
he always comes to you when kratos can't seem to listen to him, seeking advice from you
"but he doesn't understand me at all, it's like he only cares about himself!"
"atreus, honey, he's just stressed. you broke your arm by trying to tame a bear the other day"
there were some situations where he even slipped out a quick "mom" while thanking you or apologizing
you were suprised however you didn't tease him about it
atreus saw you as a mother, and incredibly appreciated you, especially since the loss of his own mother ;((
the boy grew very fond of you and couldn't imagine a life without your affection and words <3
and so did his father...
although it was a little bit different...
kratos saw the way you treat him and his son, and he definitely appreciated it
he saw the way you fussed over him when he got a nasty hit, using your first aid knowledge, to help him ease the pain
the way you helped him make atreus' arrows, and told him to rest while you keep watch during journeys
the way you took care of their clothes, washing them at least once in a while to keep them clean
the way you cleaned the house while they were gone, so they could both return to a clean and warm home
the way you calmed him down and tried to explain that shouting at atreus won't help anyone
the way you gave him small tips on how to deal with his boy
the way you brought him a glass of water and talked whenever he had a nightmare
you do everything you can to give them a good and easy life, and honestly he appreciated every little small thing
"y/n, thank you" he once whispered, sitting next to you at the campfire
atreus was already sleeping lightly, laying his head on your lap while you were gently caressing
you turned around slightly and sent him a big smile "no problem kratos, i'll do anything to protect you guys both"
and in that moment, he swore he saw faye.
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theelderscrotes · 2 years
ok since i now show up in tags again and i can annoy everybody in them i'm going to repost, trim and add onto my collection of heimdall headcanons and chuck them at the fandom with all of my strength. i have so many thoughts, i am rotating this twink in my mind FULL fucking speed.
-seeing the potential outcomes of events? reading peoples intentions and seeing the potential end result of them? supernatural levels of perception? hearing everyone's thoughts all the time forever? oh this guy has to have TURBO anxiety, i know this in my soul. he's bottled it the hell up and will never let anyone onto it but he's a stiff breeze away from a breakdown at all times.
-ragnarok looming in the distance makes his divinely weaponized super anxiety even more fun because now he's constantly thinking about the apocalypse. losing his shit whenever atreus is in the room is at least partially because he genuinely gets a flash of new, exciting outcomes featuring his family dying and his home burning to the ground.
-odin simply does not care about this, calls heimdall a worrywart and tells him to stop being so negative all the time. odin taking 'loki' under his wing exacerbates the Looming Horrible Dread heimdall is already inundated with, but now it also comes with a dose of daddy issues.
-actually the more i think about it maybe he was kinda valid for being like 'fuck this kid in particular', but like, cmon dude.
-being 'the guy who carries the horn that heralds the apocalypse' does not help any of these matters. he dreads having to use it, and dreads even more the possibility of someone else using it. he has to always have the gjallarhorn on his person at all times or he Will freak out.
-he can't turn off the mindreading, and occasionally forgets which is people thinking and which is people talking. he tends to respond to thoughts more than actual spoken words when he's impatient, and will ask questions aloud for context for people's thoughts out of the blue. great for quiet/nonverbal people, annoying as fuck for everyone else.
-the burden of his powers just in general makes socializing a nightmare, so he turns everyone away by his secondary divine power: being an absolute massive cunt. being comfortable in knowing you're despised by everybody is more tolerable than worrying about who is going to betray you or harbor hatred for you amongst your loved ones. so, he doesnt have any. loved ones, that is.
-heimdall can tell when anyone is lying but, he cannot lie himself. absolutely dogshit liar. you ask him if he took the last slice of pie, he locks up and stares at you like a deer in the headlights before finally saying ’… no?’ odin's.... discipline contributes to this.
-odin contributes, enables and exacerbates a lot of his issues, primarily because when applied correctly heimdall's abilities can be extremely fucking useful, but if they're ever used on odin its all over. putting the fear of the all-father into the boy at a young age to make sure he never, ever looks into his father's mind was step one on the agenda of making him into the perfect little aesirpilled bootlicker
-the immense amount of trust odin places on heimdall, of course, keeps him up at night. being convinced utterly that it's genuine and based in love is about the only thing he's got going for him.
-he is certain that the moment he blows the gjallarhorn, he'll stop being useful. also the whole, apocalyptic super-war does not make him want to blow it any time soon.
-he looks the most like a younger odin out of his siblings (because as we all know, odin is also an ephemerally beautiful femboy god), but he is cursed (blessed?) to be the only one of his brothers to receive odin’s balding genes.
-heimdall is the type of guy who brags about how well behaved and loyal his dog giant cat steed is because he abuses the fuck out of them as 'discipline', but this is definitely also an odin-caused behavior. he genuinely does not know how to treat them any other way, this is the 'correct' way to him.
-im sorry fanartists but i respectfully disagree, i sincerely doubt this guy willingly gets tattoos. subjecting himself to pain he can't avoid, not matter how mild? no thank you! but i like to think he has like one tiny rune because thats as far as the tattoo artist could get before a soft, young heimdall begged for them to stop
-for as much as i am making him as sad and wet and pathetic as i possibly can, he's still just a massive cunt no matter how you slice it. he loves being a mean little bitch and getting away with it. he loves pushing buttons and receiving negative attention through his behavior. he walks down the street and dodges every rotten tomato, knife or rock being flung at him and he is having a blast.
-the quickest way to his heart would be to take his awfulness unflinchingly and be an asshole right back at him. he wants someone he can be mean with but like, affectionately, but his feelings and how he processes them are so severely messed up that, well. it probably isnt worth it, for either him or anyone else.
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kazieka · 2 years
anyway more gow ragnarok thoughts
• deimos acknowledgment :’)
• me, looking at heimdall: what the fuck. this isnt idris elba. this is an atlanta twink who’s going to rob your medicine cabinet the instant he’s alone in your bathroom
• again, extremely pleased with the amount of dogs in this game. absolutely swimming in dogs
• little tiny ui tweaks that were too small to get annoyed about in the last game! like how kratos used to kick chains off of cliffs and automatically start climbing down them? he doesn’t do that anymore!! the worlds smallest inconvenience is no more!
• just. little bits of dialogue here and there about stuff that Team Boy has been getting up to. mimir talking about how they “tried” moving him from Kratos’s back to front but there was a “viscera” issue which is totally code for “mimir got draugr blood in his mouth and freaked the fuck out”
• did i MENTION brok and sindri
• kratos last game, very emphatically: i do NOT run errands for dwarves
• kratos this game: hi sindri im home and i brought you cool stuff
• kratos: hey brok do you wanna come with me
• kratos: hello Lúnda it’s nice to meet you. if you are a friend of brok then you are a friend of mine :) do you need any errands run
• on that note
• the orb
• best quest. FUCK odin im only doing quests for Lúnda now
• faye
• we finally get to see what she looked like
• did i get a little misty eyed the first time i saw the flashback? maybe. mind your own business
• when Kratos is mad at Atreus he lifts up mimir’s head so they can both scold him. that’s coparenting
• just. just the whole crew at sindri’s house. hanging out & being pals. i would give so much goddamn money to spend a christmas there.
• sindri: shit. fuck. god damn it. i got another brother. i didn’t even really want the FIRST one
• bit by bit, the cast is dragging Kratos Lore out of him like pulling teeth. the lyre. the poetry talk. “what food do you miss most” “olives” said with Zero hesitation
• after receiving the spear from the Lady, kratos is just. so genuinely delighted. “the spear is the first weapon a Spartan learns to wield”
• my god. the whole sequence with Brok at the Lady’s Forge. kratos now willing and able to show his friend how much he respects him. just fuck me UP sir. kneeling before this little shitheel of a dwarven nobody with more reverence than Kratos has ever shown ANY god and requesting his blessing. do you think brok is aware that Kratos has not asked for anyone’s blessing for a very very long time. like do you think brok even knows the significance of having the Ghost of Sparta, the Godkiller, one of the most devastating forces of rage and destruction the world has ever seen, kneel before you and offer up his weapon and ask reverently for your blessing?? im about to roll myself into the Fucking ocean guys
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theunexplainable · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do a snippet of Atreus being well enough to be home but still bedridden, with Brok and Sindri babysitting him and Brok trying to be all tough and Sindri fussing over him but they are clearly struggling with the fact that they’re surrogate nephew is this sick
Im absolutely loving this prompt my dude! Did my best, hope you like it!
"Atreus! What are you doing?! How did you get out here?!" Sindri yelped, rushing over to where his nephew sat at an outside table.
"My father carried me out here!" Atreus explained happily, unperturbed by Sindri's odd attitude. In the doorway to the backyard, Kratos grunted, seemingly a noise of agreement.
"And how do you plan to get back inside if your father's leaving for work?" Sindri questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.
Atreus stood up at that question. "I'll walk," he stated simply, grabbing the handle of his movable respirator and walking easily over to the door. The tiled path made it easy for Atreus to pull the respirator along, it also helped that it had wheels. Kratos turned away, walking into the kitchen and grabbing his suit jacket, which rested upon the dining chair that was neatly tucked into the dinner table. He pulled both arms through the sleeves just as Sindri helped Atrus get his respirator through the door, and then led Atreus to the couch, demanding he sit down.
"Don't be too harsh on the lad brother," Mimir said, trying to soothe the agitated gun mechanic.
"Yeah, the sac seed’s doing fine," Brok commented, sitting down beside Atreus.
Atreus smiled warmly, “Yeah Sin! I'm doing- “ Atreus’s attempts at reassuring the worried male were made fruitless as he was interrupted by a coughing fit. It wracked his small frame, startling Brok, and causing Kratos to pause his trip out of the door to make sure Atreus recovered, even as Mimir reassured him and pushed both of them out the door before closing it behind them.
“I'm fine, don’t worry!” Atreus rasped out, not wanting them to be worried about him, even if it was technically their job.
Sindri eyed the young boy nervously, watching Atreus’s chest as the respirator pumped oxygen in and out. Brok, although he didn’t show it, was also quite worried, they had never seen Atreus so sick, let alone know that he was sick. When Kratos asked them to babysit Atreus while he and Mimir went to business meetings, the brothers were ecstatic, Atreus had quickly become family to them in the little time they knew him. And being able to make sure he was doing okay seemed like a blessing, it had been quite a shock to them to see the boy hooked up to medical machinery. The large black sweater and gray sweatpants did little to hide Atreus’s small frame, the boy was quite skinny and small for someone his age, and it made the brothers even more worried.
“Really, I'm fine, I was much worse a couple days ago! They had to use a feeding tube because I couldn’t eat anything solid!” Atreus explained, laughing a bit at the faces the brothers made at the new information. “Anyway, do you guys wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure, what kind of movies ya got?” Brok asked, wanting to change the conversation.
Sindri walked over to the shelves underneath the living room TV that housed the various amounts of movies Kratos had gotten for Atreus. “What about something nice?” He asked as he picked out a movie, the title read ‘A Dog's Purpose’. It seemingly looked like a happy movie, so Sindri put it in the DvD player, turned on the TV, and settled down beside his brother to watch it.
After that, the day continued on normally, other than the occasional argument over what to watch and a coughing fit from Atreus. And after putting Atreus to bed, the two brothers sat down to talk.
“How sick do you have to be to use a feeding tube?” Sindri questioned, his voice so small Brok almost didn't catch it.
“Very sick, too sick to move, or think, properly that is.” Brok grumbled back, Atreus had seemed almost deathly pale throughout the day, it almost scared them, yet only Sindri showed it.
“How can you call a kid healthy when they can barely walk or breathe right?”
Sindri stared at the ground, the question made him think what being sick meant to Atreus if the state he was in was what he called healthy.
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izthepup · 1 year
If You Were a Valkyrie
(I have copied and pasted this from my wattpad, hehe— again, my wattpad is Izthepup. I may add more scenarios, but for now I’ll just paste a few on here, if it’s liked enough, or if someone does want more of the scenarios on there, I’ll put more.. ANYWAYS.)
In this, you Freya helped find a spell to keep your corporal form (human form with wings) without you going insane from being in it. Also sorry this is like, only for gals. If you are a guy and don't wanna be left out, just imagine that you're a masked person. You can pick if you have any sort of wings.
- You had probably known that he killed other Valkyries
- Your sisters, unless you were from a different Valkyrie sort of family. 
- He apologized once
- You understood because you knew that they had gone insane from Odin cursing them into their corporal form. (CURSE THAT ODIN)
- If you didn't know then he would hide it for a little while...
- Or one day he would just straight up tell you, "Y/N, I've killed other Valkyries."
- Don't worry he apologized 
- You were a little upset, but understood why. 
- He never— or rarely— asks you to take off your helmet / mask. 
- You do take off the helmet / mask behind closed doors sometimes. Mainly if he asks, or if you just wanna-
- He doesn't say so, but it makes him a little happy when he sees you without the helmet / mask
- You tried taking him along for a flight a few times but he refused.
- "Hey, wanna go for a  fly?"
- "No." 
- or
- "The flying boat works better." 
- You tried to get him to fly, but overall he was too heavy
- He doesn't admit it, but he actually likes how soft your wings are under the armor. 
- Once you let him touch your wings, and he just grunted. Very few understand his language of grunts—
- "Hm. Soft. Grunt."
-She's a Valkyrie too...
- Yes I know it's not from the same family, but I'm still counting it (like it's not actual sister x sister but like close friends that you were trained with)
- She never asks you to take off your mask / helmet, she understands why.
- "My sisters never took their helmets off either. You'd think that they were scared to show their faces."
- You do take off the helmet / mask behind closed doors, that's the only time she might ask 
- Sometimes you two practice flying 
- Neither of you actually need practice 
- "You guys already fly so well though, why do you need practice?"
- Reasons Atreus. Reasons.
- She enjoys teaching you different spells
- You two practice sparring, both on the ground and in the air
- You two enjoy giving each other hugs with your wings— or protecting each other with them
- Who needs blankets when you have wings?
- This boi doesn't pester you, but he does ask every once and a while.
- "Hey, Y/N?"
- "I'm not taking my helmet off right now."
- "Oh. Hey, how'd you know I was gonna ask you?"
- "You ask me once every three days."
- Alright so maybe he does ask a lot
- He just wants to see your pretty face
- You do take it off pretty much every time behind closed doors, because he asks
- Sometimes you fly with him
- By that I mean you flying and holding him somehow.
- His wrists? Sure.
- On your back? Sure, it might be a little tough for him to be on your back while you are flying.
- Bridal style? Of course, especially if you wanna confuse or fluster him.
- Sometimes when you are in Midgard you cause snowball fights 
- You found out that if you have a bunch of snowballs in your wings, spin, and open your wings you become a snowball shooter.
- "Sorry not sorry Atreus" 
- :]
- When he gets tired after a long trek you carry him bridal style.
- "Y/N how are you so strong-"
- He used to have a Valkyrie love
- You remind him of her, but you are probably a little better than her ngl-
- He asks for you to take off your mask / helmet every so often
- "C'mon sister! You don't need to hide your face, I bet it's pretty. Look at me, I don't hide my face!"
- You remind him that he literally is just a head
- "Sister, I'm one step A-HEAD of you. Nobody is going to attack your face, we're inside a safe house!"
- You take it off but as soon as you do a snowball hits your face.
- "Oh I wasn't expecting for you to take your helmet off— sorry Y/N!"
- Atreus you'd better run boi-
- But when you two are alone, mainly behind closed doors, you take off your helmet / mask
- Sometimes you have Mimir hanging from your waist
- It's kinda funny when you fly, cause he gets kinda scared that he is gonna fall off
- "Mimir, you scared?" 
- "Sister, of course not! It's not like I have a very good chance of falling off your waist, and getting smushed on the ground!"
- There he goes, babbling when he's nervous
- Sarcasm
- Sometimes when you have him on your waist, and you have your wing armor off, his nose gets tickled
- "Sister, mind moving me? I- ACHOO- it's unpleasant getting my nose tickled."
- He asks every so often for you to take off your mask
- "Oh c'mon Y/N, your face is beautiful."
- You say no half of the time
- Other half you say yes
- Mainly though when you say yes you'll say something like
- "Alright, but only if we're alone."
- Pretty much every time, he says alright and you two go to his room and hang out
- You take off your mask / helmet of course
- It sometimes cheers him up
- When you take off your mask / helmet, he likes kissing your nose, that's the one of the main reasons he asks for you to take it off
- He's glad that the helmet keeps your face clean- mainly clean, at least
- He loves it when you hug him with your wings. When they don't have armor.
- They're just so soft, it's like a blanket.
- But he is careful, he heard birds have a bunch of germs
- He is pleased though that your armor kept your wings mainly clean
- Watch out, he might just.. pour water onto your wings to clean them
- Probably made new armor for your wings and just armor overall 
- The armor is probably better than your old armor after he learned how it worked
- He used to refuse to fly
- You literally grabbed him, put him on your back, and took off.
- At first he was terrified
- Then he loved it
- He still does, he asks you sometimes
- "Hey Sindri, how was it to be a bird with your lady friend?" 
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screechthewriter · 6 months
you crazy-assed cosmonaut (remember your virtue) | a god of war/titanfall 2 crossover
part 3/6:
He couldn't keep much from Atreus.
Not because they were friends, though that was part of it. Cooper had never been good at lying, and he was even less good at it when it involved family and friends. But even more than that, Atreus (and he was still getting used to thinking of Arthur by that name) seemed to have an uncanny ability to hone in on when Cooper was trying to be sneaky about something. Usually he minded his business, but…
Well, Cooper was being (badly) sneakier than usual. It'd be enough to make anyone curious.
"You know you don't have to prove anything to anyone, right?"
"Huh?" Cooper scrambled to figure out where that comment might have come from. "I mean...I guess? What are you talking about?"
"All the extra workouts. You're in perfectly good shape and everyone knows you pull your weight."
Oh. The extra workouts. Right. "Yeah, I know, just...pushing myself a bit. No sense in staying stagnant." Atreus's face was, in that moment, deeply unreadable. It made Cooper nervous. "No one said anything to me, if that's what you're worried about."
"Good, because then I'd have to kill them." Cooper couldn't tell if Atreus was joking. He was pretty sure, comments like that were usually jokes, but Atreus was protective, and something about the way he said it told Cooper that there were instances where he'd be fine with killing someone over a slight. "But seriously, don't overdo it. You're healed up, right?"
"Oh, yeah, that was nothing. Mild tissue damage." Maybe that's what that was. Their last big engagement had ended with the camp in tatters and the two of them separated. He knew Atreus felt bad about not being there to help, no matter how many times Cooper reminded him that a Titan pilot had been there. Cooper couldn't deny that the extra help in that whole mess would've been nice, but he didn't blame Atreus for not being there or anything. "They cleared me ages ago."
“But are you actually feeling better, or is this a ‘we cleared you because we need guys’ kind of deal?”
“I’m okay.” The wounds to the leg and shoulder still hurt a little, but only when he poked them. Obvious answer was not to poke them, but he couldn’t help it sometimes. It was like repeatedly looking into the fridge to see if the food fairy had brought anything, except he was repeatedly, pointlessly checking to see if it had healed fully. “How are you holding up? And don’t give me that look. I know you hate long ship deployments.”
Atreus looked like he was considering arguing the point, but ultimately… “Yeah, okay, if I don’t get to see a plant soon, I might lose my mind a little,” he admitted. “When are we landing again?”
Before Cooper could respond, he heard a familiar voice down the hallway. It took every ounce of self-control to act like he didn’t immediately recognize the individual in question. That self-control was a lot harder when the figure walked by. “Cooper,” said Captain Lastimosa with a friendly but not too familiar nod.
“Captain, sir,” Cooper said.
“Captain,” Atreus echoed. He sounded pretty neutral at first, but the second Captain Lastimosa was out of earshot, he turned to face Cooper with an eager expression. “Was that him?”
“The pilot, the guy you saved!”
"Okay, first of all? He did most of the heavy lifting…"
"Jack, he was in a wheelchair after that fight. You can't tell me he did most of the heavy lifting when you were the only one walking on your own when you got back."
"He did most of the heavy lifting," Cooper insisted, feeling his ears start to go red. Atreus held up both hands, backing off but definitely not buying it. "But yeah, that's him. Captain Tai Lastimosa. He's nice."
He was really nice, actually, but saying that would mean going into the thing Cooper was keeping secret, so he tried his best to keep his mouth shut beyond that.
"Seems that way. Hey, maybe since you saved his ass, he can get you into the SRS after all."
Cooper felt the blush spread down into his face. He just hoped he looked more embarrassed than alarmed. How does he...no, he doesn't know, but he does know you got turned down from the program and it would make sense to ask Captain Lastimosa for a reference…
"I don't know. Maybe." Change the subject, quick. "Why didn't you ever apply? They'd probably take you. You're one of the best fighters I've met." He wasn't saying that for the sake of flattery. It was the truth. Atreus had good aim, definitely some combat training outside of the Militia, endurance, strength...he was basically the complete package, as far as physical traits. Personality-wise, he was a bit irreverent sometimes, but they could work with that.
Despite that, Atreus shook his head. "Absolutely not. Even if people didn't think I was weird, have you seen how small those cockpits are?" Atreus gestured to himself. "I haven't been small enough to fit comfortably in there since I was a teenager."
Good point. There were taller pilots, but they were rare for that reason. Atreus had a good seven or eight inches on Cooper. It'd be a bit of a tight fit. "Fair point. I've gotta say, I can't really picture you ever being my height."
"Would you believe me if I said I was small for my age as a kid?"
"Yes, but only because that seems like a weird thing to lie about. Late bloomer?”
“Sick a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I would’ve ended up taller if I hadn’t been. Both my parents are pretty tall. Giant, even.”
He said it like it was an inside joke. Cooper thought about asking, but since the chances of Atreus explaining a family-based inside joke were roughly 50/50 (and even the explanations he did get were short), he decided to mind his own business this time. Especially since reciprocal business-minding might be the only thing keeping Cooper’s secret.
The thought was still there, though. Maybe I should tell him. Atreus certainly wasn't the only person he'd thought about confessing to, but he was the one Cooper saw the most frequently these days, which made the secret-keeping a lot harder. It wasn't like Atreus was going to rat him out or anything (he never would, definitely not), so technically there was nothing to worry about.
But it felt wrong expecting Atreus to keep a secret that big. And it didn't feel right to make that decision without consulting Captain Lastimosa (the guy who stood to lose a lot more if news of what he was doing reached the wrong ears). And since Cooper couldn't think of a good way to say hey, so, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep a secret from this One Particular Person, so is it okay if I tell him, I promise he's solid, he just...kept his mouth shut. Kept the secret.
Right up until the point when he couldn't anymore.
It was, in short, one of those days. The long ship deployment had been getting to Cooper, too, making him a bit overstimulated and scatterbrained. That meant he wasn't watching where he was going or who might see him. That meant when he was slipping away from another training session that left him feeling more scatterbrained, his reaction to hearing someone approach was to freeze instead of even trying to hide.
Damn it. Damn it. No, no. Everyone knew this was the part of the ship where the pilots hung out...a rifleman, much less a random class-three like him hanging around would just attract questions...what should he say? What should he do?! What…
The sharp hiss caught his attention. Cooper turned around in time to see Atreus standing behind him, as if he'd just materialized out of the ether. Cooper didn't respond verbally, just stared, but fortunately Atreus seemed to pick up the plea for help. Atreus stepped forward quickly, gesturing for Cooper to follow. He was walking towards the footsteps, but Cooper followed anyway because at least if there was two of them there was safety in numbers…
"Falið," Atreus breathed.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Atreus said, this time loud enough that Cooper could hear him without straining. That had nothing to do with what he'd just said, not as far as Cooper could tell...then again, maybe he'd just been swearing. Cooper wasn't immune to the urge to swear in a non-English language. "This part of the ship's not haunted, is it?"
"No, just…" Cooper swallowed hard as he caught sight of the other guy walking down the hall. He was pretty sure his name was Anderson, but he hadn't really learned the faces of the other pilots yet. "...surprised to see you here."
"Regular firing range is full. I figured they wouldn't mind if they borrowed theirs." Atreus walked past Anderson without acknowledging him—and, to Cooper's shock, Anderson did the same. He wasn't even shocked that they'd walked right past a major without any kind of respectful acknowledgment—the Militia wasn't so stuck up on rank that you had to constantly be saluting people. Regular-grade respect was fine. But not even a friendly hello? A casual Private, Major exchange? It was like Anderson hadn't seen them at all.
Not that Cooper was ungrateful, because damn, bullet dodged. But it was weird, weird in a way that made him wonder if he needed another coffee or a prolonged nap.
"...kind of mad that they get the fun moving targets, but whatever. So, uh, any reason you're back here?"
Cooper's entire face went red. "Uhm."
Atreus had a slightly gleeful look, the cat that caught the mouse smile that said maybe Cooper hadn't been as slick as he'd thought. "You don't have to say anything, just...confirm or deny, Lastimosa's been giving you a leg up?"
Damn it. He couldn't back out now. Omitting the truth was one kind of lying, but outright giving false information? Especially now? Not happening. So, Cooper nodded, despite the pang of terror that it gave him.
Atreus didn't look mad; in fact, he looked downright gleeful. "I knew it…"
"You can't tell anyone."
"I would never. And for what it's worth, I don't think anyone else has worked it out, or if they have, they don't care. I'm just exceptionally clever." He grinned at Cooper brightly. "Can I just say, I am deeply proud? My best friend, getting secret special ops training..."
"It's not that impressive."
"It is. Don't sell yourself short. Just promise you'll remember me when you're some kind of big hero."
As if that would ever happen. Even if he made SRS, Cooper wasn't sure he was hero material. "I don’t bail on friends,” Cooper said. “And besides, you’re one of the only people crazy enough to be friends with me.”
Atreus shook his head. “I wouldn’t say crazy. No one else knows what they’re missing.” He held out an arm questioningly, only turning the gesture into a one-armed hug when Cooper leaned into it. “You’re going to do great. I believe in you.”
“Thanks, buddy.”
It was good to hear. It really was.
Over time, Cooper came to realize that plenty of people knew about him and Lastimosa, but as long as he wasn’t actively disrupting anything, no one cared. It made things a little bit easier, and a little less stressful. He was still glad that Atreus was the first outsider to learn. It made things less strained between them—not that things had been especially strained, but even a small amount of strain was enough to make him feel uneasy.
Having everything back to normal felt good.
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screechthemighty · 3 years
Okay, so between me talking about the monster fam in the notes of a post and answering some anon asks about it, I figure I should finally publish this post that I drafted for literally no reason.
So, I should note, everything below the cut is not something I think will happen in the canon, because I have no idea what will happen in the canon, honestly. This is just some stuff I came up with thinking about what I would do if it were me. All of this also runs on the assumption that Ragnarok doesn’t happen when Atreus is 15 (for whatever reason, take your pick), that there are other giants out there in Jotunheim (they’re just hiding), and also there’s a lot of time travel involved. Anyways...Monster Fam Time (and also Sigyn).
So those of you who have read “awake and unafraid...” might’ve noticed a line in chapter one about how Ruvik claims his horses are “direct descendants of Svaðilfari, Hrimthur’s own stallion” and “So fast, you’d swear they had extra legs.” That was, in fact, a deliberate nod to my own headcanon. Essentially, Jotnar horses are just exceptionally awesome and slightly magical horses and Sleipnir is, in fact, a direct descendant of  Svaðilfari. After Jotunheim’s semi-collapse, a lot of these are living semi-feral, mustang-style. Unfortunately, this leaves them vulnerable to predators, and one predator left Sleipnir injured and orphaned. 
Fortunately for him, though, he happened to be found by a late-teens god and his grumpy also-a-god father. Atreus being the big softie that he is immediately takes in and helps heal the young foal. Between him being Slightly Magical and Atreus being able to talk to animals, they are able to communicate and Sleipnir becomes One Of The Family.
Important things to know about Angrboda: she’s two inches taller than Kratos, buff as hell, and Atreus falls in love with her the second he lays eyes on her. Fortunately for him, she likes that he’s funny and also stronger than he looks, so they hit it off and get married. She’s got a very bright extroverted personality, and while you’d think that would put her in contrast with Kratos, he actually thinks she’s pretty great.
Unfortunately, this story has a sad end, as Angrboda ends up in Midgard and running into the one person you don’t want to run into in Midgard...but more on that in Hela’s section.
Named for the World Serpent (though put a pin in that), Jörmungandr has his father’s appearance and talent for magic and his grandfather’s grumpy introvert personality. He was also a bit of an emo teen, but despite this, he really does love his family and is super protective of them. He’s just also Most Likely To Go Off When Provoked (to the shock of pretty much everyone, who expects that behavior more from Fenris).
The plot twist is that he IS the World Serpent (a discovery that gives his father an existential crisis), becoming such when the Aesir show up to try and stop Ragnarok (but in doing so, nearly kick off Rangarok for a SECOND time because they just never learn). This leads to the whole “creating a stable time loop and being thrown back before his own birth” thing, and also his brain getting a bit scrambled, hence why he’s stuck as a giant snake and only speaks Old Giant. (In this very loose take on what I’d do to tackle Ragnarok they do end up transforming him back, but the poor guy is a bit messed up by the whole thing.)
Fenrir looks like his mom and has her exact personality--gregarious and a bit brash--but he takes after his father in that he’s a Wolf Kid. Turning into a wolf is the one and only spell he masters. A lot of people think that he’d be the one with rage issues (as he does have some ability as a berserker), but he’s really an easygoing and kind dude. He’s just also got big ADHD (predominantly hyperactive) energy, tussles as a way of showing affection, and forgets his own strength. The phrase, “Fenrir, don’t hit your brother” was thrown around a lot when he was a toddler.
Fenrir ends up being bound in wolf form as part of the whole Ragnarok 2: Electric Boogaloo thing; he is also freed, and it does give him a major grudge against Odin but otherwise he’s still mostly a good kid. Also, he doesn’t bite off Tyr’s hand in this version because I have other plans for Tyr. These were also alluded to in “awake and unafraid...” and if you spotted that reference, you win.
As mentioned above, Angrboda unfortunately has a run-in with Thor that ends her life and nearly ends Hel’s, as Angrboda was pregnant with her only daughter at the time. Atreus is barely able to save Hel’s life with magic, but the results left Hel a little...odd. Appearance-wise, half her body has a deathly blueish pallor (the right half, and interestingly it’s darker on the face in a very familiar pattern) and blind in one eye. Personality-wise, she’s the most withdrawn of the three, says weird cryptic shit all the time that might be prophetic, and also can talk to ghosts, a fact the family learned when she casually mentioned Calliope to Kratos a conversation. Kratos had never told her about Calliope before then, so obviously that was a bizarre day. (She actually is really close with Kratos, despite his initial worries about how his Trauma would react to having a granddaughter.)
During Ragnarok 2: When Will You Learn That Your Actions Have Consequences, they attempt to send Hel away for her protection, but she accidentally gets thrown back in time even further than her older brother. This leads to her being discovered by the Aesir, who are immediately offput by this weird teenager saying cryptic shit and decide “Hey, y’know what...Helheim needs a keeper, let’s just put her there and not worry about it.” (She actually goes behind their backs to make a second Valhalla for the worthy dead who didn’t serve Odin and wouldn’t end up in Folkvangr for whatever reason, so people like her mother, grandmother, and her adoptive wine uncle. Conveniently, this is where the armies of Jotunheim Odin was so worried about come from...something that wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t fucked with her family. Funny, that!)
Sigyn is another giant, though on the short side for one (she’d be tall for a human, though), known for her gifts of magic and potion-making. She and Atreus keep running into each other in town and while foraging out in the woods, end up having a slow-burn friends-to-lovers relationship, and get married when Hel is almost of age. She doesn’t look like much, but she’s fiercely loyal and knows how to make a lot of poisons. Straight up, she almost throws a bowl of that snake-potion in Kratos’s face during the whole “Second Ragnarok” thing because in her panic and blind rage she thought he was Thor coming in for some extra torture.
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Beautiful Lies
A/N: A “small” fanfic based on on this imagine I wrote. I hope you guys like it, please leave some feed back! Also thanks to the babes that are tagged I love them and they are precious, this is for you guys!
Pairing: Loki x Asgardian!reader, OC, Hela x Asgardian!reader
Summary: Blood. Crimson ooze everywhere. He should have seen it coming. You can’t trick the trickster unless you know his weak spot. And for him it was you.
Warnings: Torture, blood, angst, slight fluff at the end, badassery, death, oh angst, some more angst and then angstyness, a bitter sweet end
Word Count: A lot  
Taglist: @holykryptonitekitten​ @laralaufey @starscreamloki​ @vesperazylra​ @bambamwolf87 (Strike through wouldn’t let me tag)
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You didn’t know Loki like other’s did, you knew him as the young raven haired boy that wanted to just escape the chains of social hierarchy and be free to just be, but alas, he was just your prince and you his loyal subject at the end of the day. You knew he was much different than Thor, but that’s what caught your attention. He wasn’t paraded around like a trophy, if anything he was despised and rejected, something you understood too well. As children, he stayed a few steps behind his brother. You could see it in his eyes he knew he would never live up to Thor’s name, he just wanted to have a fair chance of being so. He was mischievous, but you looked forward to the adventure. Loki liked having you look at him as a person worthy of admiration and love. It was true, you did care for him, he was just like you, but you were invisible and as you both grew up, you stayed in the shadows watching him grow into the man he promised he never wanted to be. There was nothing you could do, as much as you wanted to. Loki was powerful, he probably wouldn’t remember you anyway, you were the childhood dream he grew tired of chasing.
Another day gone, the same routine, the same activities, the same feelings, another day you thought about the man who would never give you a second look. You scolded yourself for thinking of him even after all these years, always keeping a shred of hope that he would come see you again. You were a fool every time. Everyday was so mundane. Waking up to the sunshine, preparing your breakfast, tending to your quaint garden, scouring the market for miscellaneous items you never need, but buy anyway. Reading a book or two, walking through the palace garden and admiring it in its’ silent, humble glory. 
Walking the narrow path, you imagined a young girl and a young boy running this same path. Giggling together as they played a game of hide-and-seek. The booming voice from another boy chasing after them. The two children scurrying away from the other and hiding in a bushel of lily's. The boy with raven hair had held her hand, pulling her closer to keep hidden, but she liked the closeness to him. She admired his youth, how the sunlight had reflected his pale skin and somehow darkened his hair. He looked down to her, seeing her staring and he smiled at her, laughing at her. He picked a flower and gently tucked it behind her ear, caressing her cheek.
You held your face with your hand, remembering that moment. You loved Loki. His charisma, how he was always up to do something crazy and extravagant, his cool demeanor even when the pressures of being a young prince weighed on him. Even if he didn’t say it, you knew he loved you. He treated you differently than the others, you were close to him. It was a bond not easily broken. What you wouldn’t give to be children again, playing in the garden and playing jokes on the elder prince. But time still ran, and you and your princes had grown. They had duties to fulfill and you...well, you remained in your little cottage just outside the city, with your garden, your books and a heart that still hoped for the day your young prince would come back. 
You remember your mother and father telling you the stories of the Odinson family’s firstborn child, how she grew too powerful and corrupt and your beloved King had to send her away. You just never thought she would be able to come back. Who was to protect your home now that your princes, your Queen and even the King were all gone? Even with the dwindling hope you had for his return, your heart ached for it more than ever or Asgard was lost forever.
You couldn’t wait around, though, sneaking through the city, you saw the fear in the eyes of your fellow citizens. There was no one to protect you, but you couldn’t sit and watch, you couldn’t wait for your prince to show up and fix everything, he never came back before, what would make him now? 
“Shhh. They’re coming.” You held a small hand in yours, covering the small figures mouth. Soldiers had marched past you, making another one of their rounds. Checking around the corner for anyone else, you scooped up the child and made haste to your home.
“How many this time?” Atreus asked. He was nervous, but didn’t show it. 
You wiped your face, pinching the bridge of your nose, you were afraid, every time you went back, but you had to save them. “Too many. It’s more frequent, I could barely get out with Adriel. There’s more waiting Atreus, we can’t leave them, but I don’t know how we can get past the gate without being seen, it’s too risky.” Holding your arms around yourself, your heart was pulsating out of you, the adrenaline and fear still lingering.
Atreus pulled you into him, comforting you. He was one of the first to step up and help you, knowing the risks, but he had a family to think of, so you did everything to help him too. “Everything is a risk now, we can’t just give up. Our people need us. The princes are gone and Hela still remains. We can try to go at night. Get a message into the city to meet somewhere close to the gates. We just have to try.” The knowledge that he wasn’t coming back stung, but he was right. It had been months of hoping, but nothing. You internally slapped yourself for still holding on, but you couldn’t help it. You still believed in him and always would.
“You’re right. I could go to the market and send the message, but you stay here and make sure no one comes. We are gonna need a new place to go if Hela finds out. The numbers are getting smaller and she will start to notice.”
He nodded, turning to the others discussing a way out. You quickly made your way to the market. Stopping every couple of feet to hide from a guard, thinking back to the last time you were hiding and running through the path to the city. It wasn’t in such a life threatening situation, but you were thankful for the knowledge it passed on. Reaching the market, you signaled some of the people to follow you. Making sure to scout the area so a guard couldn’t catch you. 
“We are running out of time. We need to start getting people out quicker before anyone notices people are leaving. Hela is sending out more guards and it’s getting harder to sneak past them, so we need to do this at night. That way, no one will suspect us.” They talked in quiet murmurs. Concern coating their faces, but you knew they would go along, anything to be safe again. Word of the new plan spread quickly, as you hoped. Fellow citizens nodding to you as you pass, informing you they were ready. You tried to warn the people who lived closer to the palace of the plan, but part of you knew there was no way to get them out and it being oblivious to Hela. You sulked away form them, already grieving their absence.
Night had finally come, and you had checked for guards, then quickly shuffled people out of the gates. Fear plunging through your veins and straight into your gut. You just kept on pushing people out, waiting until only you remained. Watching as the last of them darted through the trees out of the city, you quickly turned to check for any others, feeling a hard mass in front of you making you stagger backwards. The glowing eyes and the low grumble squeezed at your heart and left your throat scratchy. 
“So you’re the little rat that has been taking my people.” She sauntered from behind the guard, radiating in pride and power.
“Your people? Last time I checked a true ruler doesn’t enslave and slaughter their people.” You spat at her. She rushed up to you, gripping your neck and pulling you off your feet. The crushing weight of her slender fingers making you gasp for the little air you could gather.
“They needed to see real power. Odin went soft and along with peasants like you.” She threw you to the ground, you winced as the rocks dug into your skin. Looming over you, she grinned devilishly. “But now that he is gone, who is going to rule Asgard now? Certainly not my absentee brothers, but you already knew that didn’t you. Y/N.”
The way your name dripped like acid from her mouth. You knew she would recognize you at some point. You spent so much time with them as children, and your fondness of Loki, everyone saw it. You fought the tears stinging your eyes, trying to keep up your defenses, she couldn’t win, not this time. You turned your face away from her, not being able to look at the demon who only cultivated pain and sorrow. If she was the end for Asgard, then you were ready to go down with her, for your friends, your family, even your beloved prince.
“Brother, are you alright?” Furrowing his eyebrows he felt a pang in his chest seeing Loki in a quiet distress.
His rubbed at his wrists, trying to ease an aching pain. Worry in his eyes, yet it slipped his mind every time what caused such a stir inside him. “I’m fine. Can we just get going. We’ve been here long enough.”
“Of course, but...Loki, I thought you wanted to stay here? You said yourself you were better off here on Sakaar.” Thor hated to say it, but he couldn’t bring his brother he so deeply admired back to his home only to be hated. Again.
“Spare me the pity brother. You know as well as I do the only reason I should stay here is so I can’t cause any chaos. But I’m telling you there’s something wrong. You heard father, Asgard needs us. Even if our people, your people can’t stand the sight of me, it was also my home.” The distant memory flashing behind his eyes. A mixture of pain and happiness. He didn’t fit in anywhere else except Asgard, even when his home was against him. 
“Very well brother.” Thor felt for his brother. Despite all the tricks and evil he has done, Thor still loved him. He didn’t always trust him, but he knew the bond they shared could never darken with the troubles Loki carried with him. He was determined to return home, save his people and hopefully bring the Loki he once knew back.
Warm and salty. The taste of your own blood actually brought you some relief. Only because you knew you weren’t dead. Yet. The chains on your wrists rubbing them raw, an ache that didn’t go away. The pinch in your side from the fresh bruising and the scratch in your throat from fading hydration. You couldn’t remember much that happened when you encountered Hela. You had hoped she wasn’t able to track those who escaped and that your capture stalled her long enough for them to really be free. Echoes of the guards walking rattled the inside of your head. The grumble in your stomach growing stronger, making you weaker. 
The sudden burst of light flooding into your cell made you fold in on yourself. The intensity too much for your weak body. You heard clinking metal as someone roughly pushed open your cell door. Rough, bony hands undid your chains and dragged you out. The blurry masses of people standing around, gasping and concerned whispers whirring around your head. The figure dragging you suddenly pushed you to the ground. You slowly looked up adjusting to the new scenery and bright lights to see Hela. Smirking at you in your weak and unwilling submissive form.
“If you think you get power from seeing me like this, your the fool I always took you for.” You spat at her, mustering all the strength you could.
She sauntered up to your crumbled form, using her foot to push down on you. Forcing your battered face onto the concreted blocks, the debris digging into your cheeks. “I don’t think I have power, I know I do. And the mere sight of you now proves that.” She laughed at you wincing in pain. Grinding your teeth as she pushed harder and blood trickled onto the ground.
“Look! Even your so called hero will kneel before me! You still want to be lead by this? She can’t even defend herself what makes you think she will defend you?” She roared out to the crowd of people. They stood by idly. Watching her inflict pain. 
“She was trying to free us, sacrificing more than anyone for us! She wouldn’t have to if it weren’t for you!” A voice poured out over the commotion. Its authoritative tone, you would’ve known it from any where.
“Oh look, our young hero’s companion? Tell me Y/N, do you really think he is going to save you?” She released the pressure to use the heel of her boot to slam into your ribs. A crack resonating in the air and your groaning following.
“Atreus. Stop. Don’t...” You groaned out weakly. “...let her win.” You tried to turn and look at him, barely seeing the worry and pain that pinched his face. 
You saw Hela march up to him and grip his neck, his hands flying up to hers, to try and relieve the pressure. “It would be wise to listen to her Atreus. You have nothing on me dear.” Her eyes lit up in chaos, the need for power and evil coursing threw her. And just like that, his body went limp, lifeless in her hands as she swiftly snapped his neck. You turned away, not wanting to watch the life of someone you loved slip from you and you couldn’t even save him. He was going to be your new home, the only one that actually proved he cared and was willing to stay. And you were stupid to think he wouldn’t try to come back and help you.
“Anyone else wish to take his place?” Striding around the crowd, seeing citizens cower back in fear. You couldn’t let someone else die for something you started. You had to fight the pain, slowly rising to your worn feet, you limped to her, striking her as hard you could muster. Before you had time to process what you did, guards were all over you already dragging you back to your cell. 
“It seems there is still some fighting in you. Well I’ll have to beat that out of you.” She gripped your hair, yanking your head back to look at her. She pulled her arm back and buried her fist into your torso. Violent, bloody coughs erupting from you. She slammed your head against the cell wall causing everything to be blurry again. You heard the ring of metal being unsheathed, and she carelessly waved a small knife in front of you, smirking at you. You spit in her face, possibly your last defiant act. Her smirk quickly changing into anger.
“Just remember in your dying moments, you will be responsible for the death of everyone here today.” She swiftly punctured your side, a silent gripe of pain passing your cracked lips. You slowly dwindled into unconsciousness and only hearing the fading footsteps as Hela left your bloodied and beaten body. Your mind told you to fight, but your body said to let go. You couldn't win, who were you to think you could do anything... The sudden shuffling next to you perked your attention. You could see the bright eyes even in the complete darkness. The figure gently gripped your frail body, undoing the chains that held you to the wall. You pulled back unsure of the situation and fear rising ion your chest awaiting for pain to be inflicted.
“I’m not here to hurt you Y/N. Please we need to leave, they are on their way.” He spoke softly.
“Heimdall?” You whispered, softly putting your hand in his. You thought he was dead. He was one of the first to go once Hela returned. 
“I’m here. Can you stand?” He scanned over your injuries.
You shook your head, “Barely, I think my leg is broken, but we need to leave Heimdall.” You sucked in a sharp breath as the weight of your body pressed on your leg. He gripped your side, cautious of the bruising and deep cut there.
“I found the others Y/N. If it wasn’t for you they wouldn’t be alive.”
“If it wasn’t for me more of them would be alive. I not the hero Heimdall, I was pretending to be someone I’m not. I guess I was angry that the princes left and the Queen and then Odin...I knew better, but I still did it anyway.” You felt his sorrowed gaze on you. He let out a sigh, you had tried so hard and it only turned back on you.
“You did what most of us couldn’t. You can’t blame yourself for what you couldn’t prevent. You may not see yourself as a hero, but you held out for the rest of us long enough to become the memory of one.” 
You lowered your head, wishing you could’ve done more, but he was right. You couldn’t beat Hela. “Heimdall?”
“Yes Lady Y/N?”
“Do you think he’s...” You sighed, that fleck of hope striking up again.
“Let’s get you to safety Lady Y/N. We cannot be concerned of that now.” You were sure he knew something, but it was probably best you didn’t try to grab for someone who might not even be there.
Loki felt the heavy atmosphere. The home he once knew was overtaken by a monster he barely knew, tearing new wounds into his heart. The usual chatter and excitement he saw in the market and in the streets were occupied by closed doors, shuttered windows and whispered cries. He looked to his brother who could feel the work of Hela. Suffocating them. Entering the throne room, Loki saw her proud figure seated at the center of it all. 
“Look who decided to finally join us.” She spoke sarcastically. The brothers narrowed their eyes at her.
“Hela, stop this. Now.” Thor spoke first. Anger seething out of him.
“Or what brother? You can’t kill me, but you can try.” She quipped back.
“Something Father always taught me, ‘A wise king never seeks out war,”
“but must always be ready for it.” She interrupted. “Dear brother, you weren’t the only one. This throne is mine and if you are going to stand in my way...well. I do hope you’re ready.” Two blades flashed into her hands.
“Sister, we are not here to fight. Let us take our people and go.” Loki didn’t want to fight, he only wanted a way out and getting into it with Hela was a treacherous path.
Before she spoke, Skurge quickly shuffled in. “My Queen. She’s escaped. I don’t know how she must have had help.” Hela clenched her jaw. Knowing this would have happened. “Well my dear brothers. Seems you’ve been spared this one time. Guards!” Gripping the two men with and an iron hold and pushing them towards the door. “I have some things to clear up, and you will wait here until I return. Make sure they don’t leave.” She left in a hurry, fury in her eyes.
Thor looked to his brother for a plan, only to have nothing. Thor thought for a moment until he could come up with something that might work, these guards had to be more foolish than his sister right?
“You know, I have a weapon and it would be wise if you took it away from me.” The guard grunted, grabbing Mjolnir from him and instantly collapsing to the ground. Thor swiftly struck him, leaving him paralyzed on the floor. He made quick work on the other guards, releasing his brother and both of them quickly chasing after Hela in hopes to find their people.
“Heimdall...are you sure we are safe here? What if she knows we’re here?” It wasn’t fear eating at you, but more of the consequences to come trying to escape from Hela. The consequences that would come to the people you loved.
Heimdall gave you a knowing look. Of course he knew nearly everything, but he wouldn’t do anything to put you in danger. “I cannot guarantee a permanent shelter here as long as I can still see Hela, but we should be safe here.”
You sighed, hoping he was right. He usually was but each day Hela stayed in power made you increasingly uneasy. The subjective beatings you endured was enough to make you doubt most things, make you start to forget there is good left in the world, but it wasn’t the physical pain she pushed onto you, it was the mental pain. The shell of your buried self, hanging over your head, looming in the dark where she held the most control over you. But somewhere inside you, you still fought to protect your home.
“I’m going to find something to start a fire, are you ok if I leave for a second?” Heimdall looked at you with worry, he was uneasy to leave you alone, but he couldn’t let you two freeze to death or starve. You nodded hesitantly and watched as he snuck away. The silence crept onto you like a fog in the night, the cracking of branches or the flutters of leaves peeked your attention and paranoia. You always had a nagging feeling something was watching you, but it was stronger this time. 
“Thought you could escape did you?” The hairs on the back of your neck stood and her whisper shot shivers through your body. You froze, wanting to run, but knowing you wouldn’t get that far. You wanted to scream for Heimdall, but she may have gotten to him already. You slowly turned to look at her, fear corrupting your eyes, and you couldn’t see much after from the impact of the blow. You felt the warm blood trickle down again and then a creeping darkness. 
The sound of a body being dragged and then the stinging burn you felt realizing it was you. You couldn’t scream from the mouth guard you assumed a was slapped onto you. You shoulder joints aching from the strain of being pulled in strange directions. You saw she brought you back to the palace. You heart was beating rapidly from the nerves and tightened your chest, straining your breathing. Once inside you saw more guards, the unnerving silent and cold demeanor. Hela sauntered up to her throne and floated into it. The guards threw you onto the steps just below her feet and ripping off the mouth guard. 
“Why am I here? Why don’t you just kill me.” The exhaustion sounding from your voice.
“You’re going to be a demonstration. A demonstration of what happens when you disobey me.” Her sinister remark made your hands go cold and you felt the blood rush out of your face. “You know, I really don’t like having to punish you. But my subjects have to learn what will happen if they do not listen. I like that you are a fighter, you chose the wrong side, but you have good instincts. Too bad they’re going to waste.”
“If you hate this so much, maybe you should just end it now. Kill me in a public execution, that will win them over.” Your fight was draining. You wouldn't be able to save the rest without bloodshed, your friends were gone and he was never coming back. 
“Anxious are we? I had that in mind, but no. I have other uses for you yet.” Her steady voice pounded in your head. But you didn’t fight with it. If she planned on using you as an example for punishment at least you looked for the end that was sure to come after all of this.
“Then what are we waitin-”
“Your Majesty! They’re back.” Skurge interrupted. Hela quickly stood to her feet. She looked to your crumbling form then back to Skurge. The smile she wore made your stomach retaliate and you had to push it down. You could at least keep your dignity out of it all. She stormed out of the room and two guards quickly locked their hands on your arms, the grip strong enough to snap your bones. They once again placed a guard over your mouth and dragged you out. Once outside you heard a discordance of gasps and people holding their hands up to their mouths. Hela stood in the middle, hands on her hips looking down at two figures. 
“Oh so you two thought you could get away as well? Oh my dear brothers, shall I show you what happens when you disobey me? Actually, how would you all like to see what will happen if you disobey me?”
The guards pulled your dead weight towards where Hela stood. Your head hung not having the strength or concern to look. You knew what was about to happen and you couldn’t watch your people see you being beaten for trying to help. You sat there on your legs waiting for the first strike. That’s when you heard it. The voice you have been waiting to hear. You slowly looked up not wanting to get your hopes up for the last time, but met with those bright blue eyes. Except they didn’t make you feel home again, you just felt lost because your home was taken and the only solace you found in him left too long ago.
The first punch to your gut made you fold over and blood spewed out. He watched in horror as you didn’t even scream in pain, you only accepted it. The life drained from your eyes that once looked at him with all the love in the world. And again, more blood. A small puddle forming before you. Your head dizzy and your jaw aching. You couldn’t see straight, figures bustling around you and the sound of something hard hitting your numb body. The hope you held onto for so long was worth it and now you had the strength to let it all go.
Watching her body be dragged away shattered you. Her eyes...there was nothing there. She just let it happen and she didn’t even have the strength to fight. You saw how she looked at you, a glimpse of hope and soon it faded. You had been gone too long. You wanted to come back, but after everything how could she have accepted you? You loved her and still do, but your mistakes put her here.
“Let her go! She has done nothing wrong!” Thor was fighting with the guard holding him. You could hear the pain in his voice. Watching someone close to him suffer for his actions. He normally wouldn’t show it, but you saw through his act. He was hurting and he wanted nothing more than to fight back.
“No. I told you what was going to happen. This was on her. She was the one taking my people away. It was adorable really! She thought she could live up to the name of the two great princes, defeat the evil queen and save Asgard. A fool really. And look where that got her, would you like the same?” It disgusted you the pleasure she got out of this. She knew Y/N, but no one would even know that by the look of things. You couldn’t just stay here, you had to fight. Fight for her as she fought for you. 
“Where is she?!” You spit at her.
“Where she belongs, dear brother. In a cage!” Cackling as she sees your pain. Hela had her tortured endlessly. Making you think you’ll never see her again.
Grinding your teeth and seething with anger you say, “I think you’re talking about yourself sister, now enough talking because I am going to kill you.” You stood up in a fury and struck a hard blow to the guards. Hela quickly made two swords and threw them at you. Whizzing past your head you dodged them and then kicked the guard still holding Thor. He broke his chains and charged towards Hela. She was smart and dodged him, sending a shower of blades his way. You saw a moment she was distracted, you knew Thor could handle and he would want you to save Y/N. You slipped away inside the palace. You sprinted through the halls searching for her, finally stumbling upon a narrow hallway. 
The echoing of your boots made you uneasy, the rusted jail bars and the acrid smell filling your nose. You heard quiet shuffling at the end and hurried in front of the small cell. Your heart stopped seeing Heimdall holding her limp body in his arms. You couldn’t tell if she was even breathing in the dim lighting, but you still didn’t want to jump to conclusions. You fell to your knees looking to Heimdall for any sign she was ok.
“Your highness...she’s...” He couldn’t even get the words out and you knew. You tried to pull her body into yours, but your hands were shaking so bad Heimdall had to help you. She was so small and frail. Up close you could finally see the cuts, the bruises, the dried blood from former beatings. You were crushed and the hot tears poured out of you. You rocked back and forth holding her, begging to switch places. Why did you leave? Why didn’t you try harder to get back. You left her, she loved you and you never came back for her and this is what you let happen. You ran your fingers through her matted hair, caressing her soft face. She was the most wonderful thing and you failed her. You couldn’t even say goodbye. You wouldn’t have the chance to tell her you still loved her after all this time and to keep her safe in your arms. 
Bending down, you rested your parted lips on her forehead, softly kissing her. “I-I’m so sorry...” You have cried, your voice cracking trying to keep it together.
You hear the pounding of boots coming and they abruptly stop behind you. “We have to get her out, Surtur is loose and we have to leave.” Thor paused seeing you holding Y/N. “Is she...” You turn to your brother with puffy eyes and a broken spirit to show him what they had done. What they left behind and couldn’t save. He bent down to take her from you and held her. Burying his face in her shoulder with quiet sobs.
“She deserves a proper funeral. She...” You choked on your tears, you couldn’t even think about seeing her body being laid to rest. You loved her and you hoped she knew that. All you knew was she was going to Valhalla and one day you would see her again, and shower her with the love you always had, but failed to give her in this life.
You watched as your people mourned for their fellow citizen. You stayed in the shadows grieving in silence. Even in death she was beautiful. The white satin completing her ghostly skin. Seeing her lying there, though, stung and the burn of your eyes surfacing again. 
Once everyone had left and said there prayers to her, you stood there. Holding her tiny hand in yours. Thor had appeared next to you, bringing you some comfort. You didn’t look at him, but you know he had been crying too. You wanted to scream and beg to be in her place, but you also knew she was a fighter and she could only take so much. She was some where better and she was going to live free and honored. 
“I love you Y/N, from the first day we met in the gardens. You looked at me differently and I could see it. I’m sorry I failed you in this life, but one day when I make it to Valhalla, your name will be the only prayer from my lips.” 
“Y/N, I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla. Where the brave shall live forever. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.” You turned to your brother, in a silent thank you and smiled weakly. You couldn’t feel sad, you knew she was better now, but you felt some guilt for leaving her. 
“Brother, what troubles you now?”
“I loved her, but I was never there for her.” You admitted.
“Loki, she knew you did, otherwise she wouldn’t have done any of this. She was a fighter. She...Y/N was special. Always was and to have given her an honorable death and prayers to Valhalla, she knows.” He patted your shoulder. If you knew her at all, she would have wanted you to be the man she saw in you, to honor her living spirit as she loved yours. She was always special, and she would always be yours. 
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! I cried a little at the end, but it was bitter sweet! Feel free to leave feedback if you liked, loved or hated it! Love you guys thank you!
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ladyemberswrites · 6 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: God of War Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Faye/Kratos (God of War) Characters: Faye (God of War), Atreus (God of War), Kratos (God of War), Baldur Additional Tags: If Faye Live Au, Baldur has a lot of mommy issues, also he has a thing for strangling women, Faye is a ragamuffin, I kind of picture as half wild child but at the same time very wise beyond her years, she prefers to fight barehanded, I love me some soft husband kratos, Kratos has to hold her back sometimes Series: Part 2 of Faye Lives Au Summary:
Faye did not feel good, she did not feel good at all. Something was wrong, very, very horribly wrong. These past few days were rough with weariness, and a strange feeling of ominous clutched at heart. Her heart would race at every noise, clank, or animal scurrying around through the forest. The nights had kept her wide awake, her eyes darting, back and forth at every corner. She wouldn’t let Atreus far from her sight, as the days grew longer.
Faye did not feel good, she did not feel good at all. Something was wrong, very, very horribly wrong.
These past few days were rough with weariness, and a strange feeling of ominousness clutched at heart.
Her heart would race at every noise, clank, or animal scurrying around through the forest. The nights had kept her wide awake, her eyes darting, back and forth at every corner. It got worse, to the point where she wouldn’t let Atreus far from her sight, as the days grew longer.
“Aw, how come?”
She didn’t have the answer for why-but, she didn’t want to scare her child “the forest is amiss.”
“A miss, like something bad?” she tries her best smile down at him.
“No. Not quite. However, I rather be safe than sorry. So, no wandering until I say so.” He was dejected, she knew, she hated spoiling his fun, his thirst for exploration. But, she rather have her son alive, and in one piece, and until this feeling pass, she wouldn’t let him out her sights.
So, she hoped it was just a feeling, just a silly old feeling, but it got worse by the week, to where she even made sure Kratos didn’t wander too far from home. And that by far wasn’t the worst of her worries, there was something entirely much smaller one at present, and she hadn’t a faintest clue what to do.  
It was midafternoon, Atreus was busying himself with updating his journal, one that she had given to him for his recent birthday. He was far, from her leaning against one her enchanted trees. She was sitting upon the ground, her bare toes digging in the earth, and snow. Her head buried into knees. She was tired, so very tired. She desperately wanted to sleep, but she couldn’t.
“Faye.” She heard their front door open.
“Mhh.” she drew into herself a bit more.
She heard the door close. Her husband’s hand big and warm settled onto her shoulder.
“Faye, we need to talk.” Faye felt herself snort beside herself. It was usually the other way around.
“Yes.” She peaked up to her husband’s searching gaze.  
“You have not been well lately.”
“Oh.” He wasn’t sure how-to response to her rather apathetic answer. To him Faye was anything, but apathetic. She was loud, she was proud, and passionate. But, lately it seems she had lost her vigor. She seemed startled by every little thing. She would toss, and turn during the night, or she would just randomly get up, checking on Atreus, not strange in the least, she would draw up his covers, brush her fingers through his hair, and kiss his check. Normally she would crawl back into bed, but she didn’t. she poked at the fire before retreating to get more wood. On any other day, she would nudge him awake to do it. It was like she was doing it as any excuse to stay awake. He watched her scurry back, she fell onto her hunches, feeding the fading flames. He couldn’t make out her expression from looking over his shoulder. Her gaze wandered over the room, carefully checking everything. She got up, and left his field of view, but heard her jangle the lock of the door, and windows before she went back to sitting next to the fire. It was all very odd.
“Tell me, what is wrong?” his voice was low, as to not alert their son, however it seemed he was far too engrossed in his journal lodging than he was about his parents. Something both were grateful for, at the moment.  
“Have I done something to upset you?”
“What! No. No. why would you think that?” she vehemently shook her head at his assumption. “It’s nothing you’ve done. I – I am not well.”
“I-I don’t know.” Well, partly she did now, but she wasn’t ready to reveal that little detail just, yet. She needed to be absolutely sure.
“Faye, you haven’t been yourself, as of late. You barely sleep, let alone eat. You nearly fall in hysterics if either Atreus or I so, much as leave your line of sight. Even, the boy is starting to notice.” She felt guilt swallow her whole. She expected her Husband to pick on it, despite his cold demeanor, he was observant, she knew she couldn’t hide her distress from him for very long, but she had hoped Atreus wouldn’t notice, and would have just shrugged it off, as his mother being slightly overprotective.  
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of creaking wood, and Kratos watched his wife nearly jumped straight out her own skin. Her eyes snapped towards their house, it was just the wind. It was just the wind.
However, this time Kratos had pulled her towards him, gripping her shoulders tightly, forcing her to look up at him. “Faye, what is wrong. This isn’t like you?”
“I -
“ I’m here, Faye.” He squeezed her tighter “Tell me.” His eyes were soft, his voice gentle, as she felt his fingers caress her bare shoulders. He was watching her with concern, and she had never felt safer, more secure. “Kratos, something-something feels wrong.”
“Wrong? Wrong how?”
“Like something bad is going to happen.” She sighs “Maybe I’m being silly. I’m just terrified something might happen to our son, or you.” She sniffs, wiping her nose with back of her palm.
Kratos didn’t say anything, he just listened closely to her ramblings, before he pulled her closer, resting her head against his chest, running his large fingers through her storm of long red, hair. He kissed the top of her head. “ It’s  going to be alright.” It was strange to hear, words of optimism coming from Kratos of all people, but it wasn’t unwelcomed.
She didn’t want him to go, but they were running low on meat. He reassured her that he would be fine, and would not travel too far from the house, and that he would try his best to only be gone the entire day. It didn’t comfort her in least, but it was better than week.  
She kissed him goodbye, while Atreus gagged at the scene. Kratos placed his hand on top his son’s head, and told him to behave, and not to give his mother trouble. Not that he did, Atreus was good child, though rather-sarcastic in his ways, he was obedient, and did his best to help around the home, despite his recurring illness.
The morning was filled with the tedious errand of weeding the garden, but the good news was that many of their corps were ripe for the picking. So, their morning ebbed away, cleaning, and shucking, and storing their corps for the winter that was soon approaching. Though, from the corner of her eye she could see Atreus peeking up at her often, his eyes wrought with worry. He did his best to try and lift the heavy stuff for her, though she declined his offer most of time, reassuring him that she was going to be fine. But, that didn’t stop him from trying. Afterwards, they went to gather fresh water, the river wasn’t far from the house, but she insisted that they stuck together. She could still sense her boy’s worry for her, she did her best to distract him one her stories, which he was all too happy to listen too.
Much to her mortification that day went by without a hitch. Maybe she was being silly, maybe she was fretting over nothing. However, she wouldn’t be completely free of fear until she saw her husband safe and sound. Maybe, just maybe things will be alright for a change.  
On their way back, a vase of fresh water in hand they made their way home with sun dancing right in the middle of sky, when she had heard a roar. A roar of a dragon. Puzzled, she hadn’t seen dragons in these parts of woods. A cold chill traveled down her spin. They were a few steps from their home.
“What was that?” Atreus wondered out loud, his eyes scanning the skies.
“Atreus. Come, we need to get inside!”
“Why? What’s wrong, mom?”
“I don’t know. But, we need to get inside, quickly!”
“Hold it, right there!” a voice shouted from behind them. Nonononononono. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t. She dropped the vase, her head slowly turning towards the direction of owner of the voice. Atreus was already clinging to her. The stranger wandered out the woods, his eyes looking like that of a mix of annoyance, and boredom. His eyes scanned the through the trees, and over to their home before settling them back on her and Atreus.
~ Well, this isn’t what I was expecting! ~ it was unknown to her if he was talking to them, or himself. More likely himself.
“Mom.” Atreus yanked her robes “do you know that guy.”
“Shhshh.” She planted a finger to her lips. Her son nods, keeping close, eyeing the man wearily.  
~ I asked a question, you’re not answering! ~
“Who are you, and what do you want!” please, please she begged. Don’t be what think it is. But, she knew why he was here. Though, the only silver lining was that she wasn’t sure if he knew who she was, or what exactly, he was looking for.  
~ Ah. Ah. I’m that one who should be asking you that question~  he crossed his arms, bare all his weight on this right foot.
She snorts loudly “You come to my home, demanding who I am. Has anyone taught your manners!”
~ Ohhh. Feisty. I like that in a woman~ the stranger strokes his beard thoughtfully, eyeing her up and down.
She scoffs at his eyeballing.
~ But, unfortunately, I didn’t come here to sight see, I’m afraid. ~
“Really, what a shame. But, if your done with your “Sightseeing” I suggest you leave. You are not welcomed here. So, leave me, and my child be. We do not have what you seek.”
~ I’m afraid I can’t do that ~ he strides closer, Faye walks two steps back with Atreus in tow.
~I think your hiding something ~
“Think what you will.” she snapped.
~ Oh, believe me I do ~ he stalked closer, and closer.
“Atreus, get inside.”
But- “
“ Inside.” Reluctantly, the boy detangled his fingers from her clothing, he wanted to protest, but he hadn’t the means of which to defend his mother, or himself, so he did as he was told. He ran inside, and slammed the door shut. However, he stayed put by the door, his heart hammering in his chest, and one eye able to peek out from one of the holes that adorn the front door. His palms were sticky with sweat, his breathe labored. He coughed into his hand.
The stranger was now in front her, a foot apart. Her nose wrinkled, he smelled of mead, and ale. Maybe that was way acted as if he were drunk.
~I thought you would be bigger~ he leans back a bit, Faye scowls, he was barely taller than her, perhaps by a foot, not mention he seemed quite skinny, for a man his age. However, she would not overestimate him.
He snatched her arm yanking her closer, she didn’t struggle. Faye narrowed her eyes, inhaling through nose. ~Odin’s been looking for you, my dear. ~
“I know not what you speak off.”
“Were playing coy, are we.”
“I am not playing coy, I have nothing to hide, I am not who you seek.”
He chuckles darkly ~ I think your hiding plenty. ~ his face inches closer, until his cold breath is brushing against her face. She sneers in disgust.
~ Perhaps you need an incentive. ~ his icy colored eyes, peer at the entrance of her home. All her patience shrunk, without another thought, without another hesitation her arm struck out, slamming her fist into the center of the stranger’s face, dislodging his grasp on her upper arm, and flinging him a couple of feet in air causing him to plummet into the ground. He groaned loudly, shaking his head from the impact, his fingers digging into dirt.
~ It seems that your bark, is just as painful as your bite.” He laughs, amused.  
“You. Wil. Stay. Away. From. My. Son! she seethed through clenched teeth “Now, leave!”
~ Like I said before, I can’t do that. ~ He stood back up wiping the blood from his nose, and split lip. Ashame. She must be out of practice, she wanted to cave his skull in. His blatant haughtiness irked her to no end.  
“You can, and you will. I will spare you mercy, if you leave!”
~ Unfortunately, for you I don’t mind a struggle ~ like a flash of light, she barely caught it on time, he launched himself towards her aiming for her face, she was able to ram her heel out slamming it right into his lower stomach, in the nick of time, in attempt to fling him backwards, but just her luck he expected it, and dug his heels deep into the earth, to keep from flying backwards. He tossed himself forward, tackling her to cold, floor, he tried to wrap his hands around her neck, but she swung her elbow into the side of his jaw, hard enough that a tooth soared out his mouth. Not the least bit phased, he changed tactics, and decided to go for her face again. She blocked hastily, but the impact nearly knocked the wind out her, quickly she wrapped her legs around his waist.
~ getting frisky, are we.” She spat in his face in response, flipping him over, and nailing her knee right into his cotch. She moved away from him as far as she could
~  Now, that was low blow~ she didn’t bother to answer him. Her mind was at a loss on what do. Her thoughts were racing. What to do? What to do? If her speculation about her condition were true, then she cannot fully engage in battle, secondly, if this is who she assumes he is, then victory was far, far from her grasp. No not victory, escape, she needed to escape, she needed to get Atreus and escape. First thing, first she need to get him away from their home.
He moved towards the house again, all thought, and reason left her, as she launched her on top him, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, he sputtered, and swayed trying to dislodge her, but Faye would have none it.
~ Your surprisingly heavy for a woman of your size~
Leave! My! Son! Alone! I will not repeat myself again! Baldur!
~ Oh, so you do know me. ~ he bent backwards, slamming her back into the ground, she grunted, as a low throbbing started in her back, her hold tightens.
~ Get. Off! ~ Baldur hissed.
“Then, Leave!” she bellows in his ear.
~ Not happening! ~ his hands grasp her wrist, he squeezes them forcefully, squeezing, and squeezing, she can her bones strain under his strength. She does not let go.
Suddenly, her world goes black, as the Aseir bucks his head with lighting speed against her face. She can taste her own blood, he does it again, and again until there’s a chink in her hold. She throws her off, this time she rams her whole body into his, knocking him off center, and slamming her foot in his blasted face. He doubles over. This time she runs Atreus, Atreus, Atreus. Her child the centerfold of her desperation, she nearly reaches the door, her feet were wiped from under her, she turns quickly, landing on her side, she hisses at impact. Bauldr flings her away from her door, her arms instinctively wrap around her midsection, as she hit one of her trees. Ah! She inhales through clench teeth to ward off the burst of pain. This time instead of going after her son, he’s kneeling in front of her. His expression has changed, from complete boredom, to something she couldn’t quite discern. His calloused fingers reach out, and tip her head back.
~ Tell me, woman why all the effort, for that defenseless brat, well not that it would matter once Odin gets his hands on you~ she growled at him.
“A mother would do anything to protect her child!” he paused for moment, as if what she had said had come alive and stung him.  
~ A mother knows best, huh ~ his voice goes dangerously quiet. She eyes him carefully. ~ A mother knows best.” He whispers “Even if that means stripping you of everything, taking everything from you. ~ she hadn’t the faintest clue what he was rambling about, but she didn’t dare move. ~ even if that means forcing you live a meager existence, unable to feel nothing! Mother knows best! What do you know, woman! ~ apparently, she had touched a nerve- his hands grasped her throat, she choked, instinctively her hands clawed at his arms. He pulled her off, the ground, slamming her into the tree, some leaves fluttered about, and bark chipped, and scraped against her bare skin.
~ I promised daddy, I would bring you home alive, but he was exactly specific about what state you had to been in. ~
“You are a coward.”
~ I’m the coward, me ~ he gestured towards himself “I’m not the one hiding in the middle of nowhere~
“Some leader you are, Laufaye the Just, what a joke, no wonder your people are nothing, but plant fertilizer, these days.”
She spat in his face again. This time it enraged him, the pressured increased, white spots fluttered about her eyes. She ripped his skin, and flesh, in desperation, however, she was only met with cruel laughter. Her lungs burned, and failed like a fish out of water. She gritted her teeth, and screwed her eyes shut, it felt like days, were passing in pure, agony, but the pressure was suddenly ripped from her, and air made its way back into lungs in such a rush in made her head spin, and stomach quake.
“FAYE!” Kratos. In the blink of an eye, Baldur’s fowl face was replaced with that her husband’s terrified one. She had never she Kratos so, scared, so fragile, as he checked her for serious injuries.
“Mom! Mom! Mom! Are you okay, I was, so scared!” Atreus’ tiny arms enveloped himself around her, he was coughing, loudly.
“ Atreus, let your mother breathe.” He admonished softly.
“ Oh, Sorry.” He releases his hold.” Both her husband, and son’s hand are braced on either side of her shoulders. Her eyes dart around, until she found a Baldur shaped crater within a mountain of rock adjacent their home.
She places her hands on her throat, checking, there were no hands there anymore. However, relief was the furthest thing from her mind.
Her gaze met her husband’s “Leave. We need to leave!”
“Do you know that man?”
“ Yes, and no. He is dangerous. He’s a god, a Aseir god!
“A god?” Kratos seemed startled, he leered over at the Baldur shaped crater. The man hadn’t reappeared, yet.
“A god, you mean like father, a real god, an actually Aseir god. What does he want with us!?”  
Faye shook, it was hard to swallow. “ Kratos, we need to leave. If Baldur is here, who knows who else will show up.”  
He snaps out of his daze, his previous state of freight has all, but disappeared.
Can you walk, Faye?”
She tries to stand, but her feet wobble, he snatches her up with much effort.  He makes one glance towards the Baldur shaped crater before, gesturing for Atreus to climb on his back. They made their way to one of their boats, and either family member turned to look back.
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izthepup · 1 year
After… His.. Death
(Just to clarify, in this, 'He' is... Brok..)
- Sindri was.. destroyed.
- He was avoiding Kratos and Atreus.
- He was also somewhat avoiding you for some reason
- He seemed to blame you too for some reason 
- His house was so.. empty..
- You managed to find him though, when you were looking alone
- He seemed so.. upset..
- He did eventually talk to you a little 
- "I don't ever want to see those two again. If you must, tell them how I am. This is all their fault."
- But then he disappeared again
- Probably stepping between realms
- You let Kratos know that Sindri seemed... okay?
- But he was really upset.
- "...At least he's alive..”
- Kratos had been pretty worried about Sindri, and still was kind of worried, but felt better.
- Sindri's house seemed so... empty. 
- He was avoiding Kratos, atreus, freya, and you.
- You and Freya managed to find him.
- He didn't want to talk at first
- You two eventually got him to talk to you 
- He seemed like he was going to break down in front of you two
- "I.. it was my fault... it was "Loki"'s  fault. It was Kratos's  fault.."
- He spoke those names with bitterness in his voice
- His voice was cracking
- He was reluctant to talk to either of you, but he did
- "I'm sorry, Sindri. I couldn't save him.. I tried.."
- Freya sounded sad
- He looked at her, but not as much bitterness was in his eyes or his voice
- "I... it wasn't entirely your fault.."
- It took a month or so, but he did eventually come around and start hanging out with you and Freya sometimes.
- He still refused to go anywhere near Kratos, or Atreus if you guys ever found him
- Sindri was avoiding Freya, Kratos, and Atreus, but Atreus most of all.
- Sindri seemed to be avoiding you too, because you were with the one who brought in his brothers murderer.
 - You did  manage to find him
- But he didn't seem in the mood to talk to you
- His voice cracked whenever he spoke
- "Why are you here? Trying to find me? Y-your 'love'  brought in the murderer.."
- He didn't disappear right away though
- He did let you try to talk to him.
- "Let him know how much I've suffered."
- He did disappear.
- You managed to find him again, and he did willingly exchange a few words
- He did start talking to you several months later
- He still refused to hang out with you if Atreus was there
- He didn't talk to Atreus and avoided him still
- "At least Sindri isn't dead.."
- Atreus had said that, since he was really worried about what happened to Sindri.
- Sindri avoided Freya, Atreus and Kratos.
- And somewhat avoiding you and Mimir too.
- You went looking around where you thought Sindri was going to be, and eventually found him.
- He wasn't too unfriendly, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to talk
- "..W-why are you here?"
- His voice was cracking..
- "...Brother... I'm sorry that we were all fooled.. and what had happened..."
- Sindri gave Mimir a cold look
- "Don't. Don't act sorry. You don't know what sorry is."
- "But brother... I do. We  do."
- Sindri seemed to accept this a little
- He was silent, and disappeared.
- But you guys did find him again, and managed to talk to him long enough for him to decide that you might have been alright to hang out with.
- Whenever he saw Atreus or Kratos though, he disappeared after giving them a look.
- "Aye, brothers. Unfortunately, he cannot forgive yet."
- He was avoiding Kratos, Freya, somewhat Mimir, and mainly Atreus.
- He was even trying to somewhat avoid you.
- He didn't disappear every time you got close to him, but he would mainly just be silent around you.
- When it was night, you heard panicking sounds from his bedroom.
- You decided to check up on him...
- He was having a nightmare.
- You waited for him to wake up- it only took about a minute- before trying to comfort him.
- "Sindri... do you want to talk about whatever happened? Was it a bad dream?"
- At first he hesitated 
- He said no, but later on he changed his mind.
- "...I think I want to talk n-now.."
- He told you how now, every night, he had nightmares.. reliving his brothers death every time.
- Eventually, he accepted a hug from you
- He broke down in your arms, sobbing 
- He fell asleep after a while
- The next day, he was a little more talkative to you
- But he was still avoiding Kratos and Atreus
- You got him to eventually start talking to Freya and Mimir again- when Mimir was with freya only
- Whenever he saw Kratos or Atreus, he would give them a glare- it was full of bitterness and sadness
- He walked away, but he did 'disappear-' or be hidden from everyone's view
- The only reason why he didn't lose almost all feeling
- or at least he didn't stop caring
- is because you were there
- (cause Y'know, without you, sindri would've lost all feeling cause he thought there was nobody in the world he could trust and who liked him while he liked them)
But I did try to add some somewhat happy to happy endings. 
Atreus and Kratos? Somewhat happy.
Everyone but sindri? A little Happier
Sindri?... half sad, half happy
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