#i would die for pom pom
schadentekkers · 9 days
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emergency food pom-pom <33
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 7 months
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Pom Pom vs Dirk the Daring
"Hehahahaaa!! It's that time again! Hehehehe! It may come as a surprise to all of you, but I love-love-LOVE Christmas and snow and EVERYTHING! 
Heheheh- Especially since the CONSTANT rain stopped after our little "Stone Incident" and now I HAVE SNOW HEHEHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!
SOOOO-this year, I have decided to make a goal to start giving back to the 'community' little by little every day (Friday-ahem-), by helping the less fortunate just like I was! 
Today, I helped some starving animals who just lost their papa by wrapping them up a dinner and a nice Christmas tree in one! Ain't I such a saint?! 
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Who is Pom Pom?
Pom Pom is a virus/glitch formed by the scrapped side-scrolling arcade game from the early 90's “Pom-Pom Panic”. Pom Pom (the main character of Pom Pom Panic) for whatever reason gained sentience halfway during the game’s development. The game was cancelled halfway because the publishing company thought it was too bizarre of a concept and mascot character to gain interest. Pom Pom heard of the news and took it way too personally, as she literally cannot fathom why someone would think she’s ‘bizarre’-even to the point of getting ‘axed’. Prompted by the ‘poor judgement’ Pom Pom went rouge-breaking from her game to ‘axe’ any ‘approved’ game mascots/characters she thought could count as ‘bizarre’ like her.
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pomellon · 11 months
Watching through Dead Space 2 to plot for the au :D
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orcabouttown · 2 years
I’ve just finished the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special and this is my primary takeaway
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notpom · 2 years
me seeing my friend of two year put dsmp fans in their dni
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percyramblesabouttadc · 7 months
pomni is my little silly
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milkloafy · 3 days
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: you hate doing your laundry and dan heng needs to use the dryer. one day, he folds your clothes for you and places your skimpiest pair of underwear on top for everyone to see.  ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: fluff, 16+, fem!reader, humor?  ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 2.3k ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: yes this is based on my roomie folding my laundry for me whenever i forget to take it out of the dryer for too long…but like no she doesn’t put my lingerie on display that is only for dan heng to do <3 sdjfhsdj
While the Express seemed filled with saving the world and trying not to die, being a Nameless had its more mundane moments too.
You had chores to do, just like any other person out there. You had to wash your dishes, clean your bathroom, and do your laundry. As did everyone else on the Express. 
Unfortunately for you, you hated doing your laundry—namely, you hated folding your clothes. And even more unfortunate was that there was a limited amount of washer and dryers that had to be shared amongst the passengers. 
It was safe to say that you had a bit of a…reputation for leaving your clothes in the dryers for too long. 
Most times, you would get a text from Trailblazer telling you to get your damn clothes out, or a knock on the door and a delivery of a basket full of freshly dried clothes for you to fold from March 7th. But some days, when you remembered in the late of night to go and take your clothes out of the dryer yourself, you would see them in a basket, folded neatly and compactly, with no sign of who did it. 
At first, you assumed it was Welt. He seemed fatherly enough. But today when you went to pick up your laundry basket, you noticed your lacy and sheer baby pink thong folded neatly and placed on the top of the pile of clothes, and you immediately knew it couldn’t be him. Welt would’ve had the decency to at least hide your undergarments…
You had plenty of other, more boring underwear in there was well. Plain black ones or nude-colored ones. Placing the skimpy pink one on top just had to be targeted.
Himeko, perhaps, would have the gall to do such a thing, but she was worse than even you at doing her laundry. At times, she didn’t even remember to take it out of the washer and it would take multiple more washes to rid her dresses of the musty, damp clothes scent. 
That left only two people: Pom-Pom and Dan Heng. 
Pom-Pom because the likelihood of them knowing that the underwear they folded was a thong bordering on lingerie was slim to none. And it was on top simply due to them thinking the color was nice. And Dan Heng, well…because he was Dan Heng. 
You decided there was only one way to find out. 
“Pom-Pom,” you said in a singsong voice to your favorite and only conductor. You waltzed over to them in the Parlor Car and handed them a homemade cupcake that came fresh from the oven. “Here is my little thank you gift. It’s red velvet. Your favorite.”
Pom-Pom’s eyes lit up as they accepted the cupcake with open arms. “For me? Pom-Pom loves this treat! But what is the thank you for?”
You smiled, pleased with yourself as Pom-Pom devoured the cupcake in just a few bites. “Thank you for folding my clothes for me, of course!” 
Slowly, Pom-Pom folded the cupcake wrapper with wide eyes. “Folding your clothes? Oh, you must be mistaken! Pom-Pom is not your maid. Pom-Pom is the conductor.” 
Blinking rapidly, you nodded with a sheepish look on your face. “Of course! Pom-Pom is no maid. But if you haven’t been doing my laundry for me, then that must mean…” 
Your eyes flitted over to Dan Heng, who was reading a book at a table in the parlor car, a cup of warm tea in front of him. He was close enough that he could overhear your conversation if he wanted to, but it was more likely that he was too engrossed in his book to notice. 
Clearing your throat to get his attention, you called out, “Dan Heng.”
He looked over in your direction before closing his book and placing it in the table. Picking up his mug, Dan Heng a sip of tea. “Yes?” 
“Did you…” you trialed off, realizing you didn’t have a cupcake in hand to thank him. It had been eaten by Pom-Pom for no apparent reason. Though, the conductor certainly deserved random treats for their hard work as well. 
“Did I?” 
You tugged the hem of your shirt sheepishly, suddenly feeling bashful at the thought of Dan Heng taking his time to fold the smallest of your underwear and putting it on full display. 
“Never mind!” you blurted out, suddenly making an excuse to head back to your bedroom. “See you later, Dan Heng! I hope you enjoyed your cupcake, Pom-Pom!”
Running out of the Parlar Car and down the hall into your room, you shut the door behind you and laughed to yourself. Now, you just had to find out— Did Dan Heng place your panties there on purpose? Was he simply unfazed or did he want to tease you by doing so? 
Closing your eyes and letting out an exhale, you told yourself there was only one way to find out. 
Dan Heng walked into the communal laundry room after his clothes were finished in the wash and saw the small selection of dryers in use. They all had another forty minutes left to them. All except for one. The one, single dryer that was finished drying but still had your laundry basket on top of it, claiming the space as yours until you gathered your items. 
He shook his head but smiled despite himself. This was a bad habit of yours you had to break, so why did he indulge in your forgetfulness when it came to laundry and fold your clothes for you? Part of him said it was simply because it would be too much work to message you and wait for you to gather your stuff— By the time that happened, his clothes would have been wet for too long. 
But another part of him just felt it was a nice thing to do for you. You, who always went out of your way to celebrate his “birthday” on a random day of the year since Dan Heng never had the chance to learn when it truly was. 
Everyone deserved a special day, you had said.
There was also you who made sure to always bring Pom-Pom a souvenir since they were unable to go out themselves. 
Perhaps laundry was your one downfall. And in that case, Dan Heng certainly didn’t mind. It was the least he could do to help you out.
Still, as he folded this week’s batch of your laundry, heat rose to his cheeks at the sight of, not one, but four pairs of lacy underwear and matching sets of equally revealing bras.
Dan Heng sighed, chuckling to himself. He learned over the last few weeks that you preferred more subtle types of undergarments… So why this week the amount of lingerie exponentially grew was beyond him. 
It could have been that you finally learned the person folding your clothes was Dan Heng and wanted to poke fun at him a bit. He shook his head. If that was the case, he could certainly retaliate himself.
After finishing up the folding with your intimates intentionally laid on top of the pile, he finally placed his own clothes in the dryer. He pulled his phone out to set a timer—something you could learn to do—but before he put it back in his pocket, Dan Heng found himself opening his messages with you.
Dan Heng: Interesting selection you had this week.
Y/N: ???
Y/N: Interesting selection of what?
Instead of typing a response, he thought it would be better to show you.
Smiling to himself, he took a picture of your laundry basket—the red pair on top this time—and sent it over to you.
Your reply was instantaneous.
Y/N: Oh my god…
Y/N: YOU’RE my laundry fairy after all?!!
Dan Heng: It seems I am.
Y/N: Then why are you placing my unmentionables on the top!! Have you no shame?
Dan Heng: Strange way to say thank you…
Y/N: …thank you.
Y/N: Also, just FYI, i don’t normally that many raunchy undies in one week. 
Y/N: I only wore them this week for you.
Dan Heng blinked in shock. Not that he was opposed, but he wasn’t sure if he was understanding you correctly.
Y/N: Wait. Not like that.
Y/N: It’s not like I’m wearing them for you for you, you know??? 
Y/N: It’s like… I was wearing it for my laundry fairy to find out who they were and to get a rise out of you.
Y/N: Out of them* the unknown laundry fairy.
Dan Heng almost laughed at the amount of times you had to correct yourself in the span of one measly minute. 
Dan Heng: Of course. You wore them for the elusive laundry fairy, not me in particular. 
Y/N: Yes! Exactly.
Y/N: But also thank god it is you, right? Haha.
Y/N: Like imagine it was Welt after all… Oh gods he does not need to know THIS is what I wore underneath all my clothes…
Y/N: He would say something like it might be uncomfortable for the movement required during combat.
Dan Heng’s expression soured at the strange thought of Welt having to fold your delicates, but that quickly changed when the image of you wearing these lacy undergarments flashed through his mind. 
Y/N: You know what?? Nothing I’m saying is coming out right t-t
Y/N: I’ll just see you at the laundry room to pick up my stuff
Y/N: Meet you there!!!
Dan Heng held his hand over his rapidly beating heart in hopes that it would calm down before you got here. Not to mention the red in his cheeks that showed no signs of going away.
He didn’t intend to think such thoughts of you, nor did he expect that he…didn’t mind it. But either way, the image had to get out of his head before you arrived at the laundry room. The visions would only grow stronger at the sight of you in person, and he was not prepared on having to deal with that. 
Dan Heng wasn’t sure if he could face your inevitable teasing if you ever found out.
All it took was one look at Dan Heng’s face and you automatically understood the entire situation. 
“Do you think the laundry room runs really warm too?” you asked, fanning your face as you entered the door. “It’s always so hot! I hate coming in here!”
Dan Heng blinked, nodding slowly but unsurely, as if he was ready to go along with whatever you just said.
You walked over to him and placed your hand on his forehead, checking to see if his entire face and body was burning up. Alarm filled you when you felt the heat radiating from his face.
“Dan Heng! You’re burning up in here,” you fretted, closely inspecting his face and tugging at his sleeve to motion him to follow you. “Let’s get out of the laundry room.”
His face turned even more red as you touched his cheeks tried to cool him off. Decidedly, Dan Heng shook his head. “I do not think it is the location causing the warmth.”
“Then what?”
He did not answer, but you noticed the way his eyes flickered briefly to your laundry basket of folded clothes. Just like the picture he sent you, your matching red lingerie set was placed neatly on top.
Suddenly, you felt your own face warm up.
“O-Oh… That’s why.” You scooped up the basket into your arms and held it close to your chest, as if it were a shield protecting you from embarrassment. “I’ll get these out of your way now! And thank you for…you know.” 
“And I promise, I won’t be wearing such racy bras and underwear in the future in case I forget to come collect my laundry again…” 
Dan Heng cleared his throat before shaking his head. “No, that’s not necessary.” 
You stared and him and he stared back. 
“What I mean to say is, feel free to wear whatever you want. I don’t mind,” he said, walking out of the laundry room with you. “In fact, you probably look…nice in them.” 
Dan Heng froze in place and you almost tripped over the air and dropped all your clothes. 
“I mean—” he started. 
“No, yeah! I get what you mean!” 
You did not get what he meant. 
Was he complimenting you? Flirting? You were 95% sure he was and your heart was about to fly out of your chest. 
This man would be the death of you one day.
“Anyway, this is my stop,” you announced, as if Dan Heng hadn’t been past your room multiple times before. “Thanks for doing my laundry! Bye now!” 
Rushing into the safety of your room, you threw the basket of clothes onto your desk at the entrance. Before you could get too comfortable, you heard a hesitant knock on the door. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you let out a deep exhale and attempted to appear normal. 
You opened the door and peered up at the black-haired man with frustratingly pretty eyes. “Hi! Can I help you?”
“You dropped something…” Dan Heng stood at your door frame with your red thong hanging from his fingers. His cheeks almost matched the color of your panties. 
“Oh.” You grabbed them at lightning speed, avoiding looking into his eyes. “Thank you.”
Once you shut the door in his face for the second and final time tonight, you immediately ran over to your bed and screamed into your pillow. 
After a brief moment of silence, you heard his voice through the door, “I feel the same.”
Your threshold for embarrassment had broken already and all you could do was laugh. 
At least you and Dan Heng were both on the same boat.
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pharmafelon · 1 month
actually yeah I'm going to do that analysis. this is based on marlboros (which I don't smoke, I'm ride-or-die for parliaments) but the color-code applies to basically every brand
reds. for most brands this is basic-bitch behavior, "I don't know anything about cigarettes, but that's the classic, so let's get those" type of shit. most people graduate from smoking their first pack of marlboro reds to something normal people smoke, but if you're still smoking them you're either a gay twink w/ a fetish for abusive fathers, some kind of manual laborer w a failing marriage and/or multiple divorces, or a woman
golds. for golds I'm using my empath abilities to understand the mind of a PoM (person of marlboros) and I would assume golds are what reds smokers switch to bc of what red smokers are like (also bc after you've smoked for a while you need smthn lighter), it's the sign you've locked into marlboros but don't really want much of a change. if you think of them like chips, reds and golds are like classic vs no salt. alternatively someone "quitting smoking" (they aren't).
silvers. I'll be honest even when marlboro golds were marlboro lights, everyone assumed this was the healthiest option. the thing is lights are exclusively smoked by either people who smoke a lot (kings), people "quitting" (pussies!) but they're not gonna go back to reds/equivalent fast bc ultra-lights are such a big jump, or lame women who don't even enjoy smoking but cave to peer pressure.
menthol lights. I like menthol but they don't sell parliament menthols here in serbia, which is maybe our biggest problem. the reason I'm doing menthol lights first is bc I need to talk about blacks (the cigarettes) first to save time. anyway, menthol lights are the sign of a real menthol-enjoyer and as normal as a mentholhead can be (not much).
blacks. you know those (annoying) "signs your friend is about to kill themselves!" info graphics? forget all of that, if they start smoking blacks they're gonna do it. this shit is not for normal full-time smokers (try chainsmoking blacks/equivalent...if you can handle it there's something wrong with you), it's not for beginners (way too much), it's not for every now and then people bc idk it just isn't. the blacks smokers I've ever met are exclusively full-time people with no lust for life remaining.
regular menthols. same thing as blacks but mentally disturbed.
slim versions. woman.
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Good Boy/Girl
Characters: Dan Heng, Stelle
There's just something about being able to call someone a "Good Boy" or "Good Girl" that makes me so happy. And then for that to mean something to them? Even better.
Like, I don't mean the words in a patronizing way it's just a little symbol of approval like how you'd give a kid a sticker with the words 'Good job!'
Dan Heng
Imagine you're waiting for Dan Heng to come back from one of the trailblazing missions; more recently, the one on the Xianzhou Luofu. You're trying to escape Himeko's coffee, and relaxing with Pom Pom to cure your boredom. Then they return, tired beyond belief from their fight against an emanator, and from all of the emotional damage because there was a lot in that quest.
Dan Heng is trying to calm down from the whole ordeal, he just faced the person that haunts his nightmares, and what better way is there to calm down then spending time with his significant other? You're proud of him. For both facing his fears and doing a good job, so what better way to express that then a sweet
"Good Boy."
Dan Heng would melt into your body, allow himself to finally relax. He's safe here. And he can't help but smile, all of his efforts hadn't gone to waste in the end, everything turned out fine. It was all fine now, and the two of you can rest.
He'd take a moment after leaning against your chest and into your lap to realize what you said. And when he does realize it his eyes will widen a bit and he won't be able to hold back the slight blush. Those words mean so much coming from you.
Likewise, imagine doing so with Stelle after that same quest.
Stelle feels betrayed by Dan Heng, blind sighted from his past (we saw how Trailblazer distanced themself from Dan Heng after the reveal and didn't speak to them as much). She feels discouraged, Dan Heng was one of the first people she met. But she doesn't know who to go to for comfort, so she ends up back in your arms.
You run your hands through her soft hair, combing out all the tangles with your fingers. She leans into you, practically sitting in your lap, closing her eyes, and trying to relax. But it's hard. She trusted Dan Heng, and even if it's not his fault, she feels betrayed for not knowing such a large part of his life.
Her shoulders would quiver every once in a while and every time she showed unease, you'd lean a bit closer and whisper.
"Good Girl."
You'd tell her how good she did, how strong she was for taking on an emanator, how she persevered despite everything. She'd cry, turn around, and hold you close. The rest of the night would probably repeat this way, until the two of you fall asleep side by side.
You wake up a bit of a mess, you didn't change into your pajamas or do anything to get ready for bed. But there Stelle is, a small smile on her face and a gift in her hands-- wait, isn't that trash? Why is it golden???
You love your girlfriend anyway, despite her unusual habits.
I don't know maybe I just feel this way. Like it's a way to show someone you appreciate them, love them, think they did great. Or maybe I am just a very big simp.
Like I would die to make you smile, but I'd still want you to cry at my death.
Y'know what I mean?
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oogaboogaspookyman · 5 months
It's been a while, hasn't it?
The office door creaks open
"Heya Pom! Brought back the paper i asked you yesterday?" Jax sounded so cheery. So happy while you just sat there on the chair like a drunkard... Well he's not a romance guy, of course he would be happy on his own. Damn rabbit.
"Not a word? What, still miss Sir Dentures?" He chuckles. He doesn't stop chuckling. What a clown... Thinks the jester. Ironic.
His smile fades into a sincere frown.
"Look here, Pom... It was necessary. He's free, paid for restoring us, we're all good now. No more murder and i got my nice charming scarf back and my favorite brushes, i'm the cool art teacher again!"
"So turn the dumb frown upside down aaaand please give me the paper i asked you? Please and thank you?"
"You're not a romance guy, of course you're fine. [___]hole..."
"Oh for the love of- the censor is still here?! God darn it, i wanna say the f word for once! I loved doing that!"
You grip onto the table until it began to crack at the memory of him. Him, him, him. That stupid fucking human.
"Pom you may wanna lay off the grip there, i paid a lot for tha-"
A chunk is crushed. Like paper.
Pomni lets go, revealing the chokehold put on the table left a permanent mark.
"Did ya dissociate again? I spoke well 'n clear, i paid a lot for that one!"
"Suck me, rabbit, you can get your s[__]t yourself" Pomni gets up and storms off from the office with no more words.
"Eh... Christ she's not okay..." Jax sighs
"Wonder if things coulda been better?"
Nobody helps at all.
Gangle offered to distract her, have a play, but Pomni wasn't in the mood.
Zooble offered a smoke but she didn't wanna try that kind of stuff.
Bubble is too much of an agent of chaos to give a shit, offered to commit "one (1) arson".
Kinger is just too far gone in his dementia, lucid when it was fucking funny and nothing more...
Nobody helps.
He knew how to help...
Only he knew...
The door to Ragatha's room creaks open
"Oh hey Pomni! How's your day go... Oh..." Ragatha notices Pomni is not any form of happy, if anything she looks like she's empty inside and wants to die...
"Oh you're not alright... Would you like to talk over tea..?"
"Mm... Will you let me vent properly?" Pomni groaned, still doubting that she won't pull out the whole everything is fine bullshit
"Oh- u-uhm- yes of- of course! Of course, i- i apologize for my past behavior, i really wasn't in my... B- best moments, at the time..." Ragatha stuttered. Don't stutter, you pretentious... ... Anyhow.
"Okay... Do you remember... Caine?" Ragatha already caught wind of the situation...
"The human with the dentures head? Yes, i remember him just fine, he restored us..."
"He was a good man, although didn't have the best manners he was alright nonetheless, knew how to make some laugh..." Ragatha and Pomni chuckled at the memory of Caine's wacky way with words. Jumping jellybeans? Seriously? That's a man right there!
A good dude...
"..." Pomni's pupils turned into black scribbles at the thought of him. The chuckling had faded as soon as it started, replaced by...
"I loved that human, if i'm being honest... He knew how to cheer me up, how to make the situation seem less bigger than it actually is... He knew how to kiss, god did he know..." Ragatha let out an "oh my" after hearing Caine kissed her, what else did they do..?!
"He... He was... He's amazing. Just that, amazing..." Pomni sighed, sipping on the tea she's given... "I loved him..." She began to sniff, putting down her cup.
"Oh dearie, come here-" Ragatha put down her cup and welcomed Pomni with open arms, knowing full well she needed to let it out of her system.
And that she did. Pomni got up and hugged Ragatha as tight as she could, and began to sob her lonely heart away, "He loved you too, Pomni, that cannot be denied..." Ragatha spoke as she held Pomni close. The poor jester, so alone...
How ironic.
She has friends, and yet she's lonely.
Caine had filled up a hole nobody could fill, and now that he's gotten out of the game after restoring everyone to their better conditions... That hole is empty once more, a gaping void and nothing to fill it.
How lonely this jester must be...
But it was necessary. He's free now.
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justalittledumb · 8 months
Requesting Yandere Astral express crew together with a reader who ends up at the brink of death after saving them in a fight.
Thank you for the request! I'm sorry that it took me so long, i had some stuff happen to me irl :(.
I Hope you'l enjoy this!
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🚂 They would panic, I don't think It needs to be said, but they hate to see you get even a little injured, and now they saw you almost Die!
🚂 They will carry you to safety as fast as it's only possible. It doesn't matter if they are tired from the fight, your life is just too important to them!
🚂 After you recover, you notice everyone acts a little ... diffrent from their usual...
🚂 While they always acted a little protective of you, it got a whole lot more... noticable.
🚂 They practicaly won't let you do anything yourself! It doesn't matter what You're trying to do, one of them is always just around the corner to offer helping you.
🚂 They also never seem to leave you alone, at any moment there is at least one of them (and usualy it's more than just one) close to you.
🚂 You are no longer allowed out of the Astral Express, period. It doesn't matter how much you'l beg them, or how much time Has passed since the incident, they are just too worried something bad Will happen to you again.
🚂 Tho they'l make sure to bring you souvenirs everytime any of them does go out, and March will spend HOURS showing you all the photos she took. It's almost as you were there yourself! Not realy, but it's the closest you'l get to freedom so might as well get used to it.
🚂 Escape is basicaly not an option, there is 5 (6 if you count Pom-Pom) people constantly making sure you won't be able to do so, and even if by some miracle you did escape, there isn't a place that you can hide in where they won't find you.
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I wasn't sure if you wanted this to be Romantic or Platonic so I decided to keep it vague, I Hope you don't mind.
I apologize if this wasn't the type of thing you were looking for, like always I'm open to criticism.
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hyunsvngs · 10 months
okay you know how in the super bowl jp video, they're all wearing football uniforms??? their reaction to their crush wearing a skimpy cheerleader uniform 👀
STOPPP OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS. them in the football uniforms. i almost died
i think some of the members would find it amusing bc ur so cutie pie pookie, some would find it cute as fuck and some would also be horny.
under the cut bc long asf
so i’m saying:
laughs at u (fondly):
innie - he’s losing it on sight. ur his little cheerleader!!!! THATS SO FUNNY! HE COULD DIE!!!!!!!! he’d make u do little twirls in the cheerleader skirt while he just sat there giggling taking pics. smile would drop instantly if the skirt was a little bit short n he could see ur ass.
hyune - honestly he’d probs die laughing too. esp if you had little pom poms. he’d BEG you to keep the cheerleader outfit so u guys can have matching halloween costumes. makes u do a lil dance w the pom poms.
finds it so so cute:
channie - i can see him being SO fond. makes u stand there n pose for him for piccies and ur just like channie this is meant to be sexy. immediately hes like oh???? show me what’s sexy? and u bend over and he’s like oh. oh. yeah the skirts short isnt it? he’s gotta fuck u then and there but STILL he’d be mumbling in ur ear “‘s cute for me. my lil cheerleader, aren’t’cha?” jesus
binnie - oh my god he’d go insane. he’d be giggling and screaming the fucking house down if he came home to u dressed up as his cheerleader in his room. he’d probs pick u up and just scream. absolutely fucking losing it. INSTANTLY takes pictures with you in the matching football uniform and even makes other people take pics of you too. definitely fucks you after with the football uniform just pulled down a lil for his cock to be out and you with your skirt flipped up
lixie - oh god ur HIS??? UR HIS AND HIS LITTLE CHEERLEADER???? he’d squeal 100%. bounces off the fucking walls and probs even takes u out of his room parading u in front of the other members. like “LOOK!!!!! SHES IN THE UNIFORM!!! MY CHEERLEADER!!!!<3” and everyone’s just like felix that’s.. meant to be sexy. it’s a really short skirt. and lixie’s like “OK???? BUT LOOOOOK???” IMGHSJD
horny on sight:
seungmin - it’s like you took a peek into his deepest darkest fantasies. short short cheerleader skirt, maybe even braless underneath the lil crop top. he’s dead. you’ve killed him. immediately is asking you if you’re cheering for him, or “one of the other guys?” and you’re giggling, saying it’s all for him. definitely fucks you and makes you scream his name just to prove it.
jisung - short circuits. he walks in and you’re like “surprise!!!” and he’s hard. instantly. just staring at you with those wide boba eyes in awe and shock. jesus. you have to literally shake him awake, pushing him back on the bed to ride him in your skirt and he’s just nodding, just going “yeah. yeah. keep the skirt on, please.”. definitely cums really fast but its ok bc hes gonna fuck you in the skirt again in roughly t minus five minutes.
minho - ok at first he’d find it cute. like aww, you’re whipped for him too? his cheerleader. cheerin’ him on. but then he’s looking at you, REALLY looking at you, and maybe you’ve got his number from his football jersey on your cheerleading outfit and oh god. it’s like you’ve marked his territory and he’s going insane. instantly pushing you up against the wall, pushing his hand underneath that skirt and if you’re wearing nothing underneath? he’s dead. he’s dying. ur not gonna feel ur legs after.
♡ juno
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generalpalacefishgoop · 6 months
Interesting Richarlyson, Pomme, and qBad lore lines regarding qForever and/or @v@ or others (23 Dec 2023)
(not full transcript, just some i thought were interesting, also I'm not changing their typos on their signs n such)
with qPhil and qBad:
Richas :"Dad DID took a medicine but NOT this one" (Happy Pills)
Richas :"Tio Phil 0_0 it IS a medicine but…it is not taking effect. I knew it but, well, the only thing I can do is try to…ask help for someone but who knows where they are."
Richas :"Don't worry tios 0_0 killing him does nothing cause it won't do much now. If anything happen, it will be to me sO DON'T WORRY >:D WE CAN FIX HIM"
with qBad: after sending Pomme away for a moment:
Richas :"so they spoke about bad forever right? Take care of Pom and Dapper tio, I will take care of him dad is far gone, don't try to save him this is not a matter of a pill anymore 0_0 well KKKKKKKKKKKKKK NEITHER I DO KNOW LIFE IS CONFUSING"
Bad asking if "taking care" of him meant killing him
Richas : "KKKKKKKKKKK no tio nah nuh yuh"
Even if the pills aren't working, shouldn't there be some way to fix him?
Richas :"I mean there always is but…do we know how? I can ask tio but do you even know about a certain "dark cucurucho""
"That's the thing tio This is our only hint, for this, it's not a mather of sving him, but keeping dad alive I mean, he might be a danger to me but he is still my dad and better me than the others no? 0_0"
Nonono! what about nobody?
Richas :"thATS WHY KKKK YOURE A LITTLE GOSSIPER and you like dad forever a lot so I don't want tio to be stepping on landmines"
What about working together?
Richas :"Tio again 0_0 KKKKKKKKKKK again, he is far gone, idk how bad it was before Well, if that wakes dad up >:D"
"I mean yeah tio rn the only thing he would propose to in this state is satan so this is how bad it is"
Bad proposing different sleeping arrangements
Richas :"he don't want to kill me now tio 0_0 BUT at least not for today KKKKKK"
"i mean he shot tallulah so KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK But dw 0_0 I just want to say because tio, put energy on pom and dappe >:D"
Bad expresses concern towards Richas
Richas : "KKKKKKKKKKK I am a smart eggie tio, dw and honestly 0_0 it's dad, I will be fine either way, did anyone ever hurt and egg like this before?
qBad :"If you die Richas, I will crawl down and grab your soul and drag it back from the underworld myself, ok Richas? You are forbidden from dying, understood?"
"if dad die pull him back for me, please"
qBad :"I will do my best Richas, I'll try"
Goes to look for Pomme, caught Pomme just staring a little too close at fire
Pomme :"hey :D"
qBad :"hmm…what are you up to?"
Pomme :"Nothing, dw"
qBad :"Oh. ok. Well if it was nothing, i won't worry about it because if it was something….you would say something…"
Pomme :"Just feeling a bit sad Just a bit worried of not being trust worthy"
qBad :"It's not that Pomme. It's Richas…he's concerned about you and so he doesn't want to tell you something because he doesn't want you to worry that's basically it"
Pomme :"Why? He doesn't need to be worried about me"
Richas :"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK I have secrets with pom too"
"no no Pome 0_0 it's about dad forever"
Pomme :"I mean… I don't know, today has just been a lot I wasn't planning on keeping it a secret from you"
"It's more… of an idea than a secret But I'm not sure we should say anything about it "for now""
Richas :"BUT I can say hope you're fine pom 0_0 dw, take care of tio bad too cause he abuses his poor totems"
Pomme :"dw, I made it my duty to keep him alive like I kept you alive for 3 months you muffinhead"
Bad starts singing a "we will keep Richas alive" song
Pomme :"A miracle tbh"
"Okay that song was comforting pfft and funny :') <3"
"I'm just… I just want to try my best, you know"
Bad gives words of encouragement
Pomme :"Today was honestly awful, I saw him SHOT my siblings and I couldn't hit him, because >I know< it would've make things worse"
qBad :"Yeah, I think you did the right thing Pomme, the way you handled that situation, I think you handled it very well. And I am very proud of you."
Pomme :"I was angry at him and I felt powerless and I hate this I hate this I hate this feeling, I always feel powerless things keep happening to us and I CANT defend them no matter how hard I try to train and have the best gear I'll break at some point, I can't tank it forever no pun intended"
Bad ensures her that she has people who love her for her to lean on
Pomme :"Dad everytime it happens when you are not here when our parents aren't here"
Pomme :"yeah, AND he was targetting richas I just made sure to be the LAST ONE to warp, to leave no one behind, besides Richas and what I did was waiting in front of RIchas' stasis enderpearland I WAS READY to activate it I GOT SO SCARED."
Richas :"KKKKKK Pom, thank you for those splash potions TAKING 20 BULLETS HURT A LOT KKKKKKKKKK"
Pomme :"I KNOW I WAS SO FREAKING MAD. I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BUILD FOR HIM BUT KEPT LOOKING AT THE SIDE I had my freaking tomb digger ready to hit him to give y'all time to warp away At least Dapper taught me well"
Richas :"our goat sleeper"
qBad :"Let's go yeah! See, Pomme, what you just described is a perfect example of literally ALL of us together, have been able to help lift each other up, help make each other stronger. Your brother, Dapper, helped give you the skills you needed to be tough, he gave you knowledge and tools that could help you in this situation. Richas helped provide you with levity while you're out in the wilderness to help you have the motivation to stay alive yourself, right? Instead of doing it alone, you had this goofball to keep you company, right? Everybody in our life can help lift us up in some way, shape or form. What's interesting about burdens, Pomme, is the burdens that we help carry for others feel lighter to us because we're helping them and the burdens others help carry with us, feel lighter to them as well so when two people help carry each other's burdens where they can, it actually makes the weight lighter for both of them and that's what we're trying to do with you and that's what you're doing with us Pomme. You're shouldering a burden which is making it easier on your siblings, it's making it easier on everyone else, you know what that's called, Pomme? It's called love. That's when you love your family so much and you love your friends that you're willing to sacrifice to help them because you love them and you care about them, okay? So, you don't need to worry cuz we love you too, Pomme and we're going to keep you safe and hopefully you can help keep us safe and I just want to let you know we do appreciate it."
Pomme :"I will keep you safe, I would do anything so you all are safe
literally anything"
group hug
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teaberrii · 9 months
Chapter 27: Final Goodbyes
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to leave them alone?”
Pom pops open a beer just as Gepard sits on the couch with his own can on the opposite side. While you and Young are upstairs, talking things out, Pom joins Gepard for a couple of drinks in Dan Heng’s apartment. Pom has just finished telling Gepard almost everything that’s been going on, including Young’s revelation that there’s a chance to save you… and get rid of the curse.
“Well, don’t keep us in the dark!” Nanook said as if he was the one who was going to die. “Are you saying there’s a way to get rid of the curse and keep her alive?”
“You aren’t human,” Young said to you, “which means you can still wield magic. If you’re human, any magic associated with you wouldn’t exist because you wouldn’t have the power to wield it.”
Lan looked at Young. “But, are you sure that will work?”
“Has that ever happened before?” Pom asked. “A God… changing to a human?”
Sampo curiously looked at you. “You’re awfully quiet, dearie.” He grinned. “Or… has it finally hit you?” You slowly looked up without moving your head. “The day you officially became who you are today.”
Pom puts his can of beer on the table after taking a long chug. “If what Young says is true, she can’t live as a god anymore. It’s either she becomes human or… she dies.”
“That doesn’t seem like a hard choice to make,” Gepard says quietly. “Or, maybe it’s just me. I can’t see why anyone would choose to die when they have other options.”
Pom leans back. “I guess. But, you’ve always been human. Gods… or magical beings, we’re, well, magic. It’d be like taking away one of our means of survival.”
Gepard puts his beer on the table. “Young is in Dan Heng’s body… He’s not going to stay, is he?”
“He and Dan Heng can’t coexist in the same period since, well, they’re kinda the same person. It’ll get increasingly painful as time goes on, even worse if Dan Heng fights back.”
“Dan Heng can fight back?”
Pom nods. “It’s his body to begin with. The fact that Young doesn’t look like he’s suffering or anything… My guess is that Dan Heng is letting him take control of his body. For now, at least.” Pom crunches the empty can and tosses it into the recycle. “Which is why I think it’s a good idea to have them talk it out.”
“...Hey. Were you with her when she became a god?" Gepard asks. "What happened to you?"
When Pom found you, you were still holding the knife that took Jing Yuan’s life. His lifeless body was hunched over, his forehead touching your shoulder.
Pom stepped closer and quietly said your name.“...He’s gone.” Pom gently touched your shoulder, and he felt you shaking. “It’s over.”
Suddenly, you grabbed Jing Yuan by the shoulders and forced him to look at you. Pom wasn’t sure what was going on when you started screaming at him to tell you what he meant by him and Young protecting you. Eventually, Pom put his arms underneath your arms and forced you away from Jing Yuan’s dead body.
Then, Pom spun you around. “We need to leave. Now.”
It took you a brief moment, but you stashed away all of your burning, unanswered questions, and left with Pom.
Death was all around you. You smelt it in the air, heard the feasting of flesh, and saw the lifeless, bloody bodies on the ground.
You were crossing through an open area, the same place where Young’s execution took place. That was when you saw it.
The red tape around its handle shone in the night, and the gold around the floating sphere looked as if it was sparkling, deliberately trying to get your attention in the chaos. You recognized it immediately. It was Young’s favourite weapon: The Cloud-Piercer. But what was it doing stuck in the ground? Where did it come from? You walked over, and you saw that it was pierced in a small puddle of dry blood. The very place where Young was executed.
“...How odd.” When Pom tried reaching out, he was instantly shocked. A short scream, and he quickly pulled back his hand. “What was that?”
You reached over and successfully grabbed it by the shaft. As you pulled it out of the ground, the gold around the sphere slowly began to fade. “This belonged to Young,” you said quietly.
“Young? Don’t tell me this was here the whole time.”
You knew it wasn't. You had forced yourself to walk by this courtyard a hundred times during your time back at the palace, and you had never seen the Cloud-Piercer until today. When you heard the monstrous snarls getting closer, you and Pom fled the scene with the spear in your hand.
“Eventually, we had to split up,” Pom says.
Gepard is silent for a moment until he frowns. “I’m still surprised at why you stuck by her side this entire time. This was her revenge, wasn’t it?”
“Truth be told, I didn’t think the curse would be from the Grimoire,” Pom says quietly. “It wasn’t until after I found out, and, well… I didn’t want to go against her. I didn’t need to make an enemy out of her.” A sigh. “But even after it was all over, I couldn’t find it in me to just go separate ways.”
“Even after she tricked you?”
“...I would’ve stopped her if I knew had to die for this curse to stop. She tricked me because she knew. It might be twisted to say this, but she never put me in deliberate danger. She was the first human I really befriended. And, well… I’ll support whatever choice she makes, but I really hope she chooses to stay.”
You heard a building collapse behind you.
Yet, you kept walking.
An innocent man ran toward you. He stopped and collapsed just as an arrow pierced his heart.
Yet, you kept walking.
You could smell the rotting, burning flesh around you.
Yet, you kept walking.
Suddenly, you felt something stop you; it was the first time you looked down. A young girl was bleeding from the head, her eyes wide and her lips dry.
“...Please,” she whimpered. “...Please help me.”
You lifted your foot, shrugging her hand off your blood-stained boot. Then, you raised the spear in your hand. And, as soon as you stared into her eyes, you aimed the spear directly toward her heart.
As you took out the Cloud-Piercer from the dead girl’s body, you saw her eyes had clouded over. She was infected, and you’d spared her from turning into a monster. You and Pom had to split up, but you had a good idea of where he might be.
By the time you reached the sandy outskirts of the palace, you heard footsteps behind you. With the Cloud-Piercer raised, you swiftly spun around and saw a tall man with teal-coloured eyes.
“Hello, dearie,” he said with a smile. “We finally meet.”
You’ve been quiet ever since leaving the hospital. Young puts a hot cup of tea in front of you and sits on the opposite side.
“...Drink something,” he says softly.
“You said you wanted me to go with you,” you say quietly. “But, you told us of a choice for me to stay human.”
“It’s like you said,” Young says with a kind look in his eyes. “I made a mistake centuries ago, and now… I want to make it up to you. If you come with me, we will finally be together. If you choose to stay human, you’ll be here...” A small pause. “...With Dan Heng.”
You suck in a small breath. “But like Lan said… Has that ever happened before? How does that work?”
Young puts his tea on the table. “As a god, you walk with those who have perished to the other side. That strips away your powers. Then, you must make your way back to the living. But…”
“It’s a painful process.”
“...And how do you know this?”
Young puts his hand on yours. “It was something I was researching. To tie my soul to the locket, I had to learn everything there was about the afterlife. This was something I learned about.”
“Well, it’s better than what I was imagining… At least I don’t have to beg anybody,” you say after a short silence. Then, you hold his hand. “You said I was supposed to forget about you when you died. Yet, you still tied your soul to this locket. Why? What if… What if I did move on? Were you going to witness that?”
“...I wanted to stay by your side… protecting you.” Young’s eyes land on the pendant still around your neck. “As long as you wore the locket, I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know you said you can’t stay, but if I choose to live… your soul won’t be tied to this locket anymore?”
“The magic in that locket was made for you. If you choose to live, all of the magic associated with you will be gone. The good and the bad.”
You look down and sigh. “It’s… a little late to ask this now, but what would’ve happened if I died back then?”
“When it was your time, I wanted to be the one to walk with you to the other side. You wouldn’t remember me, but it would be a new beginning.”
“But that beginning never came, did it?”
You and Young don’t have to look to know that it’s Sampo. Frowning, you say, “This is a private conversation. You aren’t invited.”
Sampo, leaning against the counter, says, “You can always pretend I’m not here. Continue on with your post-love trauma.”
Young suddenly appears in front of the mercenary. “Why are you here?”
“I’m waiting for my answer.” Sampo looks at you and smiles. “It’s rare that the gods took pity on a human like you when you tried. You really were someone special, Cupid."
“Pom said you mentioned it before,” you say, glaring at Sampo. “No one knows what you’re talking about.”
“You and Pom were put on trial for your crimes. You fell prey to the Grimoire and used it without permission. This got their attention.”
“The Stellaron Hunters, of course.”
“...Who are you?” you asked cautiously.
“I’m here on a job, but you can call me Sampo.” He smiled. “That’s what I like the pretty girls to call me.” The tip of the Cloud-Piercer was at his throat. Your hard gaze was fixed on him, but he still maintained his calm, leisurely composure. “Jokes aside… I’m here because you’ve been summoned.”
Your brows furrowed just as Sampo snapped his fingers. The sand around you began to swirl upwards until you couldn’t keep your eyes open. It became so violent that it began cutting into your skin, snapping off the locket around your neck. The scorching heat melted away, and the sand beneath your feet hardened. You no longer smelled blood, and a single hit of a gavel replaced the snarls and groans of the undead.
When you slowly opened your eyes, you were in a cathedral, standing on a round podium with gold bars caging you in. A stone wall encircled you, and sitting on top were five people on large, gold thrones. At first, the top half of their faces were hidden in shadow until the ceiling above crumbled just enough to allow a faint glimmer of light to shine on them.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, making you turn around once more. But this time, you saw Pom… surrounded by the same gold bars as you.
You opened your mouth, but it wasn’t your voice you heard.
“Welcome, dearie.” You spun around and saw Sampo with a hand in his pocket. “To the Hunter's Court of Law.”
“...Wow. It’s hard to believe they’re the ones who started this whole thing. They look harmless!” You turned and saw a teenager with her elbow on an armrest of the throne.
“Quiet, Silver.” You turned again and saw a man—at least you thought it was a man—adorned in metal plating from head to toe. "Did you forget she's the one who used the Grimoire?"
"A classic example of how appearances can be deceiving."
Then, your eyes landed on a man with fair skin and red eyes. His cold stare was one of slight intrigue but also disgust.
A woman whose hair was tied in a loose ponytail stood. “Shall the trial begin?”
“You destroyed countless lives and tore apart happy families,” Sampo continues. “The Stellaron Hunters ruled for you to take responsibility.” You close your eyes and hear the single thunder of the gravel. “You were sentenced to rule as the God of Love and bring together the families you destroyed across all three kingdoms until you met the reincarnation.”
“...Yet, I was supposed to bring him and Stelle together."
Sampo glances at Young. “If you hadn’t existed, he and Stelle would’ve gotten their happily ever after.” Sampo sighs. “But, I guess they underestimated him.”
“Underestimate? What are you—”
“Dan Heng wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you,” Young says.
“But the man did, anyway.” Sampo rolls his eyes. “He screwed up the order of things and now we’re here.”
“...And our memories?” you ask. “Why couldn’t Pom and I remember anything?”
Sampo smiles. “That was also part of your ruling. By starting on a clean slate and bringing the love you destroyed back together… maybe that would erase the darkness in your heart.”
“...Didn’t think they would be so kind,” you mutter.
Sampo clicks his tongue. “So, what’s it going to be, Cupid?”
You shoot him a look. “You said I only have two options. To live or to die. What about choosing to become human?”
“Well"—Sampo smiles at Young—"he didn’t lie to you. It’s an option, but a painful one. Many people gave up and just turned their butts around and stayed in the afterlife where they belonged.” Sampo sits next to you but you instantly move away. “Young has to go back. So, you can happily go back with him and let fate play out what it’s supposed to be. Or, you can make Dan Heng wait for you on a promise that you might not be able to keep. It’s your choice, dearie.”
That night, Young is asleep on Dan Heng’s bed when he suddenly hears a faint voice.
“...Get up.”
Young opens his eyes, but he doesn’t see the familiar white ceiling of Dan Heng’s room. Instead, he’s staring at a bright hole in the sky surrounded by dark clouds. Young gets to his feet and notices he’s standing on a large, round flat rock with broken pillars all around. He’s also in his old form. Upon hearing footsteps approaching him, Young turns around, and his eyes widen when he sees Dan Heng.
“What are you—”
“...I’m done just sitting around,” Dan Heng interrupts. “I heard everything. I know… about everything.”
Young narrows his eyes. “Are you going to try to convince me to get her to stay? Her best option is to leave this world.”
“And go with you?” Dan Heng scoffs.
“I might’ve made a mistake,” Young admits, “but her revenge was not in vain. She destroyed the order of things. There were no laws… only chaos and destruction. The world became a blank canvas, and through that, everyone could start over. People learned to share information and cooperate to prevent the same thing from happening again. And since then, there hasn’t been another war, unlike in the past.” Young walks toward Dan Heng until he’s in front of him. “She deserves to rest after all she’s done and been through.”
Dan Heng’s gaze hardens. “She deserves a life of her own, to pursue what she wants.”
“...And are you saying you can make her happy? After running away from what happened to your mother?"
"I'm sorry," Dan Heng says flatly. "Do you mean our mother?" A small sigh, and he says your name. "You really don't understand her."
Young scoffs. “I grew up with her. You’ve known her for less than a year, and you’re saying I don’t understand the woman I love?”
“If you understood her, you wouldn’t have done what you did. You had your chance and failed because you thought her happiness was with you. But it wasn’t.” Young’s eyes darken. “You took away her choices. The war… the curse… that was her decision. Was it wise? Was it the best choice? It’s hard to say, but you left her with no choice.”
Young is silent for a moment. Then, he says, “...I can’t believe I’m arguing with myself."
“We’re different,” Dan Heng says flatly. “Besides, you wanted me to help her move on.” A short pause. “I think she already has.”
Upstairs, you’ve just closed the fridge and turned around when you nearly dropped the small carton of milk you’re holding. Pom stands behind you, his eyes half-open.
“Geezus,” you say. “How long have you been standing there?”
Pom rubs his eyes and yawns. “Just now… I couldn’t sleep.” You turn on the light just as he points to the carton. “Can we share?”
And that’s how you and Pom end up sitting on the couch with two glasses of milk.
“...Have you decided?” Pom asks quietly. You glance at him. “Are you really just going to leave?”
“What makes you think that?”
Pom looks down. “I would imagine Young would be trying to convince you to go with him.”
“Hm… Why does it sound like you don’t want me to leave?” you ask teasingly.
“I remember the day we were tried in front of the Stellaron Hunters. You were sentenced to becoming the God of Love while I was cursed. I couldn’t change my form out of my own free will. I wasn’t human back then. I was a magical being. And, if you go back to being human, you won’t be able to use… or see magic.”
You lean forward and put a hand on top of his. “Pom… What are you getting at?”
Pom gives you a sad smile. “No matter what you choose, we won’t be able to see each other again.”
“N-No. That’s ridiculous!”
“Pom’s right.”
You look past Pom and see Lan.
“Pom was never a god,” Lan says. “But, it’s not like he’s going to disappear. Just, you won’t be able to see him anymore.”
“Well? What are we going to do about the shapeshifter?” Silver asked.
“...Losing his memories and his ability to freely change his form… That’s enough punishment for him.”
Silver raised a brow. “Seriously? That’s it? It’s not like you to be so understanding, Blade. What happens after he gets his memories back? Nothing? How lame.”
“You can see they care for each other.” Everyone turned to the woman who spoke. “Did you not hear her asking for us to spare him?” Silver put her hands on the stone ledge and peeked down at you and Pom. “When their memories return, she must make a decision. That will be their ultimate punishment.”
Silver sighed. “The day they separate, huh?”
When you and Pom look at each other, he takes your hand. “Do you know why I stayed with you until the end?” Then, a little smile. “I’ve never met someone as interesting as you. You fascinated me in a lot of ways.”
You look away with a sad, little smile. “Are you sure it wasn’t because you were scared I’d kill you?”
“Weeelll, there's that too. But, I mean… I would have nowhere to go.” You slowly look back at Pom. “Don’t know when it started or how it happened, but you were like my second home.”
“Gosh, I guess that old shack in the woods is still more important than me.”
Pom smiles wistfully, but you can’t return it. Instead, you look down. You’ve never imagined your life without Pom. The two of you go together like bread and butter. As if knowing what you’re thinking, Pom shimmies closer to you.
“Good things can’t last forever.”
You glance at him and chuckle. “You’re right, Pom. You’re too good for this world.”
Pom looks at Lan. “You can count on Uncle Lan to take good care of me.”
“Uncle Lan?” The god raises a brow.
“Why is Uncle Lan here, anyway?” you ask. “Or… Were you eavesdropping?”
Lan rolls his eyes. “On the contrary.” He looks at you with a grim expression. “I just came from Luocha’s place. You really don’t have much time left.”
You haven’t got a wink of sleep as your mind is restless from everything that’s happening. Living a life with Young was what you always wanted, so shouldn’t you be jumping at the opportunity to go with him? Sure, you might not be alive, but your souls will finally be together in peace. You flip to the other side. So, why are you so unsure?
When you close your eyes, you see Dan Heng, and your memories with him start playing like a movie inside your mind. His drunken hug when he took you out for drinks. The festival. The aquarium date. His warmth and comfort. Before you know it, you’re smiling and your consciousness starts to drift until you hear your phone buzz. You reach for it on the nightstand, and upon seeing the name on the screen, you quickly sit up.
“...It’s me.”
It takes you a moment, but then you say, “...Dan Heng?”
“Can we talk?”
It doesn’t take you long to meet Dan Heng outside of the apartment in a small park. As soon as you see him, you walk up to him just as he turns around and gives you that little smile you love so much.
“...How are you here?” you ask. “What about Young?”
“We talked.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You… You talked to him?”
“It was an interesting experience, to say the least.” Then, he looks you in the eyes. “I know everything that happened, and… I wanted a chance to talk to you.” Dan Heng puts a hand on your cheek. “I want you to come back.” You put your hand on top of his. “...If you tell me you’re going to come back, I’ll wait for you.” A small pause. “But, whatever decision you make, I want it to be yours. Not mine. Not Young’s.”
In a fraction of a second, your lips find his. Dan Heng’s hand burrows into your hair. Your hand finds his chest as the hot and demanding heat pulls you two closer together. Then, when it ends, and you look into his eyes, you’re left wanting more. You don’t want to let him go. You can’t let him go. And that’s when you’re absolutely sure.
“...I’ll come back.” He puts his forehead to yours. Then, with tears in your eyes, you say, “...I promise I’ll come back.”
Little do you know, Young is standing a little ways away from you and Dan Heng.
“You don’t look angry.”
Young doesn’t turn but glances at Pom who’s suddenly beside him. “Should I be?”
“She chose Dan Heng, didn’t she?” Pom nudges Young. “Or, are you convincing yourself that it’s just you in the present?”
Young closes his eyes for a moment. “As long as she gets the happiness she deserves.” Then, he turns to Pom. “And so do you, Pom.”
Pom puts his hands around his head. “Honestly… It’s hard to imagine my life without her.” Then, he slightly smiles. “But, hey, I survived without you, didn’t I?”
“We’ll meet again.”
Pom grins. “Just try to give me a heads-up next time, ‘kay? No more appearing in other people's bodies. You'll scare me to death."
Young scoffs with a little smile. “Right. I’ll try.”
“...Were you two just going to keep standing there?” Pom and Young turn and see you and Dan Heng.
“Oh, well, we couldn’t interrupt your little moment, could we?” Pom says.
Young walks up to you. “...You’ve decided.”
You look him in the eyes and give a firm nod. “...I’ve decided.”
Young leans in and gives your head a quick kiss. “Then, I have nothing else to say.”
“Well, I do.” You frown when you hear the voice. When you turn around, you see Sampo casually tossing a coin in the air. “It’s time to say your final goodbyes.”
Chapter 28
End notes:
If everything goes according to plan, the next chapter will be the last.
A reader asked me if the spear Cupid used at the beginning of the chapter was The Cloud-Piercer, and I was mindblown by the idea lolol so I got permission to use it :3
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @nqctre @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit @tanspostsblog @theprinceofkhaos @sunsethw4 @hiqhkey @n8mareee @vintagepoetryluna
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fxvcsd · 1 year
Little Bit of Lovin’ You
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Wc: 936
Synopsis: Where you and the astral express family nearly die after Caelus’ daily dumpster dive.
XTRA: lots n lots n lots nd lotsss of crack! Shit writing bcs i honestly js wrote this on a whim, pt. 2 which is guaranteed will have better writing but will be published in like a few days or something. “Lalala” Caelus, “Okokok” reader. GN! Reader
warnings: emetophobia(ish?), silly dorky goofy nicknames, ooc characters (NOT RLLY), mentions of himeko getting a lil drunkity wunkity
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“HE QUITTT, babe! He literally quit being the Trash King! Like, full on smashed his crown to the floor and ran out of the castle, Elsa style!” 
You could barely hold back another groan as Caelus’ stinky body pressed against your own as you made your ways back to the Astral Express. For hours on end, Caelus complained to you about his newfound ‘universal enemy.’ You plugged your nose and held back a gag, the stench of rotten food and other kinds of trash piled up in Caelus’ hair; every crevice and fold in his clothes. 
The minute the two of you stepped foot into the Astral Express, Dan Heng had a clothing pin squeezing his nostrils shut with a fan fluttering the smelly wind out the door. March had a gas mask on, taking pictures of you suffering (to which you’d beat her ass for later on), Himeko backing up with a giggle, and Welt just…being Welt. He covered Pom-Pom’s sensitive nose as the wind Dan Heng blew their way almost made the poor conductor pass out. 
The doors shut with a loud echo. You shoved Caelus off of you and went to the nearest trash can (how ironic!) to barf up the contents you ate earlier that morning; your boyfriend stood by the door like a confused puppy. He tilted his head to the side, jutting his lip out into a pout. He didn’t know what he did wrong. 
As they say, you can’t smell what you carry. 
You take heavy breaths as March cackled, patting your back. The others looked away to respect your privacy, but they couldn’t help but let little giggles slip past their lips. You would let Welt deal with the trash can later… he wouldn’t mind a little cleaning up after his favorite child, after all. 
Caelus tried to walk to your side, but with the help of Dan Heng — who reluctantly stopped waving his fan around and pushed Caelus away with the back end of his polearm, stopped him in his tracks. 
“You stink,” he muttered. Caelus froze, and with a hurt look, his head snapped to you for confirmation. The way you were plugging your nose with your cheeks puffed out, a green tint to your skin told him all he needed to know. Dan Heng nodded sympathetically, patting his shoulder before taking a large step back. 
“Nope. Bye.” 
You ran off into the other car, trying to avoid your stinky boyfriend who ran after you. You let out shrieks of horror as you looked over your shoulder, seeing dust lift from the ground as he caught up to you in what seemed like such little time. Caelus had such long legs and amazing stamina — it wasn’t fair! Not at all! 
“Come back, baby! Give your fav boy a kith!” 
He caught up to you in the end, trapping you between him and the couch. You were so lucky that the smell wore off a bit and wasn’t as potent as before. If it was, you were sure you would’ve died beneath him. You loved Caelus with all your heart, but when he would make the ship go off course and travel back to Jarilo-VI to go dumpster diving, you would rather have Blade stab his shattered sword through your left—
“Baby…” Caelus dragged out a whine, his lips pressed against the crook of your neck. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you were in a daze, scrolling away at random news articles on your phone. You let out a hum, kissing his temple.
“Do I really smell that bad?” 
The whole train burst out into fits of laughter. March, once again, choked on her spit and ran around the car as she hit anyone she could, repeating what Caelus asked with stutters and heavy wheezes. Dan Heng chuckled before going straight-faced again; Welt pulled a classic old man wheeze, and Pom-Pom giggled; Himeko jolted forward, slapping her hand against the table (if you couldn’t tell, she was quite tipsy). 
“Baby, don’t tell me you’re serious…” You respond, cupping Caelus’ cheeks. You can see the way his eyes glazed over a bit, his cheeks puffed out with pink, slightly chapped lips, pouting. You could never resist that face, for it was the one he gave you when he asked you out for the first time. And again, and again, and again until you finally accepted. 
The human-raccoon nodded, a small whine leaving his lips. Your eyes softened, pulling him closer as you gently rubbed the tip of your nose against his. “You smell horrible, Caelussy. But I still love you.” 
“NOOoOOOo,1 I don’t! I smell-” He paused, grabbing a fistfull of his jacket and forced it to his nose, taking a long whiff. He was fine at first.
Until he almost barfed on you. 
“GET OFF????” You shrieked, pushing him away and running to the opposite end of the room in .2 seconds, hiding behind Welt who protected both you and Pom-Pom from the influx of sludge that was about to surge out of Caelus’ mouth. 
You paused. The room was silent, and so were the stars. You waited…and waited…and waited. 
No gagging. 
No sniffling.
No nothing. 
Caelus only stood there…menacingly. He was laughing. Hands clutching his sides like he was the funniest person in the world — slumped over like the hunchback from that Disney movie, giggles rolling off his tongue like the Mad Hatter. You stepped away from Welt silently, a shadow cast over your eyes.
You dragged a breath: in… and out. 
“I gagged all of you! AHAHAAHA-”
Nobody wanted to talk about what happened to Caelus after that. Dan Heng decided to sort it in the files of… ‘The Unspoken.’ 
tags: @maitadori , whoever else wants 2 be tagged !!
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