#i would have put more effort into this if it weren't finals season at school but <3333
espercr · 1 year
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𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 : 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒔 𝒗𝒔 𝒗𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 '23
tagged by : the lovely @danversiism <3 tagging : @wnterslder , @dereiserne , & @clochanam
bonus under the cut !
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alesbianperson · 6 months
football player!ellie williams x fem!reader
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summary: At the football play you visited to support your best friend, something happens that you didn't expect.
warnings: smoking (weed); slightly implied loser Ellie at the end; swear words; girls kissing (what a surprise); my writing idk
authors note: so firstly I mean football as soccer and not american football, but its not important to the plot so it can be interpreted as either; secondly, sorry for being so inactive I actually needed fucking half a year just for this its actually embarressing, I'm really slow at writing I don't know why, but I'm trying to be more active. I also didnt proofread so sorry for grammar mistakes or something anyway I hope you enjoy this!!
ALSO BIG DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SUPPORT NEIL DRUCKMANN AND THE FACT THAT HE SUPPORTS ISRAEL!! If you don't know whats going on in Palestine, please go educate yourself because its highly important.
Here are a few links, so nobody can say it's too complicated or annoying to search for information (besides its really fucking heartless, cruel and totally not human to say "I dont wanna put effort in researching" while people are literally suffering and dying because of a genocide):
General information/updates
Brands to boycott
How you can help Palestine
Palestine masterposts: 1 2
This evening was the final football game of the season. Everyone was so excited, and your best friend played in the school team, so of course, you came to this game to support her. You already arrived a bit late because you took a nap and didn't hear the alarm, so you quickly searched for your friends who were already sat and luckily saved you a seat. When they saw you coming in, they waved you over to them.
"What took you so long? The game has already started!" One of them said before switching their attention back to the field. "Sorry, I overslept." You explained yourself sitting down on your seat. "You didn't miss much, just a foul from the other team. They're so annoying and clearly playing anything but fair." Another one of your friends said, rolling her eyes while offering you a bag of chips. You declined and began searching for your best friend between all the other players, running on the field. Not even five seconds later, you found her. With the ball in front of her, she ran towards the goal. You joined the cheers of everyone from your school, sure that this was going to be such a great goal until:
A girl from the other team came out of nowhere, running towards her, tackling her to the ground. You gasped. "That was another foul!" One of your friends exclaimed, standing up to better see what the referee would say. But instead of also looking at the referee, your gaze still hasn't left the girl, responsible for the foul.
She looked pleased with herself. What an asshole! You thought to yourself, but couldn't deny that the way her eyes sparkled in the light and her auburn hair moved in the wind was mesmerising. Too distracted by her features, you realised a bit late that she was eyeing you too. A smirk on her lips, she winked at you before walking off the field, your eyes still on her.
"Too bad that bitch just got a yellow card. She deserved more, right?" Your friends, already discussing the decision of the referee, were turning to you since you were the only one who didn't comment on it. Heat rushed into your cheeks as you realised you hadn't listened the whole time, busy gushing over that girl. "Yeah.. definitely more." Was all you said to not keep the attention on you.
"Guys," you added after a short pause, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be back."
"But hurry, they're already playing again."
You just slightly nodded before walking off to search for the bathrooms. To your luck, they weren't far away from your seats, so it didn't take too long to find them. As you closed the door behind you, a strong smell of weed filled your lungs. Holding a hand in front of your mouth, you coughed reflexively.
"Having trouble breathin', princess?"
You turned around to see the girl who fouled your best friend sitting on the sink, her legs slightly swinging forwards and back. She still wore her tricot but now had a grey, dirty, worn-out jacket over it. The half up half down bun she had was messed up, probably because of the constant running on the field, and between two of her fingers, she held an already half smoked joint.
Her smile rose as she noticed your gaze lingering on her again. "Y'want a photo? It'll last longer." She chuckled, finding this old ass joke very funny. You rolled your eyes at her words but couldn't help the smile, forming on your lips. "What are you doing here anyway, don't you have to play?" She blew out the smoke she held in her mouth before answering your question. "My coach replaced me. Said I needed a break before playing again." You just nodded because you didn't know how to keep the conversation going. For a few seconds, you both just looked at each other in silence. After taking another drag from the joint, she leaned forward, offering you to do the same.
"No, thanks. I don't smoke."
"Thought so." She chuckled. After a short pause, she added: "Not in a rude way, of course. Y'just don't look like you'd do drugs." Even though you knew it was childish and totally stupid, you now wanted to prove to her that you were indeed someone who could take drugs. So you took the joint out of her hand, carefully brought it to your lips, and inhaled.
You probably shouldn't have inhaled this deep because now you were coughing like someone poured tons of sand down your throat. It surely felt like it. When you calmed down a bit, you looked up again, handing the joint back to the girl on the sink, who was clearly amused. "What a brave girl." She said with a shit eating grin on her face. "Come here, I'll show you how it's done right."
She gestured between her spread legs. As you moved towards her, she leaned in, reducing the space between the two of you. "Open your mouth." She then proceeded to take a drag from the joint. As she moved closer, your breath hitched. Your eyes wandered from her gorgeous green ones down to her lips, and heat rose in your cheeks again. Without breaking eye contact, she blew the smoke she had in her mouth into yours. Reflexively, you closed it.
"Now hold it in."
And that's what you did. The smoke filled your lungs, this time a lot less painful than your first drag. After a few seconds, you exhaled slowly, a small smile of pride on your face.
Your faces were still very close, and silence fell upon the both of you again. The tension thickend. Her emerald green eyes stared directly into yours, abruptly blinking down to your lips. "Can I kiss you?" Your voice was nothing more than a whisper, fading into thin air. A smirk grew once again on her lips before nodding and then proceeding to lean in and closing the gap between the two of you.
Once her lips were on yours, she cupped your cheek, her fingertips brushing slightly over it. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Her lips were so soft. You couldn't really describe the feeling, but it felt good. Like you were on cloud nine. You quickly synced with the rhythm she set, leaning forward so that her back met the wall behind her.
Your hands wandered behind her neck, beginning to tug on her hair slightly. A soft groan escaped her lips at the sudden impact, which sounded like music to your ears.
A smile formed on your lips once she broke the kiss to catch her breath. "What're you smiling at?" She looked at you irritated, which just caused you to chuckle.
"I don't know. You're.. pretty."
Silence followed after that.
"Pretty enough to get your number?"
Ellie wanted to bash her head against the wall at her cringe comment. She thought she'd definitely crossed the line now. But you just began laughing, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to muffle the sound.
"Sorry. Don't get me wrong I-", you interrupted yourself by holding up your finger to signal her to wait and began searching for your phone in your purse. Fuck. You thought as you realised you left it in your jacket with your friends and hurriedly searched around for something to write on. Ellie just watched you amused, catching on to your plan. She snatched a pepertowel out of the spender and offered it to you. You just gave her an awkward smile, fishing a half empty kajal out of your purse and scribbled your phone number on it.
As you handed it to her, she took it with the same smirk she had in the beginning. "As sad as it is, I think I have to go back on the field. My coach probably misses me by now." She added hesitantly while sliding off the sink and walking towards the door. "Cool meeting you, though." The click of the closing door was the last thing you heard before you were completely alone in the bathroom.
With the paper towel still in her hand, Ellie made her way over to the rest of her team, almost jumping with joy and thanking every mighty power for letting her survive the whole conversation without completely losing her mind or embarrassing herself. She'd definitely save your number as soon as she could. Actually contacting you was a whole other story.
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foxwitchaine · 3 months
Which is your most hated character in Miraculous Ladybug?
I wouldn't say hate so much as strongly dislike, as it takes a lot for me to outright loathe a fictional character. More often than not, I have better things to spend my energy on than hating a fictional character.
But if I were to answer that, five take the top spot:
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1.) Lila Rossi
I know. Surprising, isn't it. Well, it's all fun and games until you actually meet one in real life. And it's frustrating as hell getting those with the wool over their eyes to listen until it's too late. I have to emphasize that it wasn't originally part of the plan to redeem her in the early drafts. It was thanks to Rafe that I even considered doing a Lila redemption.
Lila had a lot of potential in the early seasons. Of course, that was before she was turned into a one-dimensional villain with little in the way of making her interesting. It says something that I got the feeling the showrunners were trying to make her hateable without actually putting in the effort while reading the Chameleon transcripts. (I had to stop reading to settle my blood pressure)
All in all, Lila is just a symptom of a bigger underlying issue regarding the show's writing. I personally think she has a very nice design, but it looks better in 2D than 3D.
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2.) Gabriel Agreste
He's a severely underwhelming main villain. At the start, he had potential. But as the series drags on, it's become painfully clear that the showrunners don't actually know how to make a compelling main villain. He was surprisingly much more intimidating and better-designed in the pilot PV.
Gabriel also lacks the charisma you would find with iconic main villains such as Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, the rogues gallery in the first Powerpuff Girls, Batman's rogues gallery, and so on. I could make a whole post about how to write Gabriel better, but I don't feel like resurrecting a dead horse.
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3.) Adrien Agreste
The poster boy for wasted potential. When Rafe and I first started watching Miraculous Ladybug, Season 2 hadn't been released yet. He was nice, if a bit bland. Could have used some flavorblasting in both design and personality (he's a fashion model, for crying out loud. Where's his fabulous wardrobe?)
And then all the red flags in Seasons 3-5 started popping up.
As it stands, he's nothing more than a plot device to humiliate poor Marinette. And a mouthpiece for the writers' very skewed morality. We weren't going to redeem him at first, but then it occurred to me a fantastic way to strike a devastating blow against Gabriel. I won't say anything more since they're spoilers.
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4.) Alya Césaire
Ohhhh boy. Where do I even begin with this one? Disregarding the racism allegations towards the writers regarding her character, Alya is just an awful best friend, plain and simple. While it's true that she's a go-getter who isn't afraid to go for what she wants, that same trait has pretty much been solidified into a toxic trait courtesy of her refusal to question Lila later in the show. Even after Marinette broke down in front of her and confessed her secret identity in Gang of Secrets.
I will forever hate that episode just for how entitled everyone was about Marinette's secrets.
When Rafe and I were brainstorming who to use as our civilian antagonist to fill in for Lila, it was rather telling that Alya was among our first choices. It wasn't our intention for her to fall as hard as she did in The Wolves in the Woods, but honestly? It was inevitable.
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5.) Caline Bustier
She's a non-authority figure who coddles the troublemakers in her class. I'm restraining myself at the moment because I've had teachers just like her in real life. Who look good on paper and are the sweetest people on the outside. But their inability to discipline a class regardless of behavior does a lot more damage in the long run than many would care to admit.
Bustier is a character who I could have grown to understand if the writers handled her better. The biggest brat of the school is the daughter of the city mayor. That right there is a beautiful setup for interesting conflict. We could have gotten a plot where we had a good, caring teacher trapped in a terrible situation by her superiors. Which is unfortunately something that can and does happen in real life. Instead, we got an airhead who can't for the life of her understand this simple thing called nuance.
I find it very telling the fandom prefers Mendeleiev over her.
Honorable Mentions:
Principal Damocles: Too much of a spineless noncharacter to really care about
Tom and Sabine: I try to understand the parents' side of things given parenting is far from an easy task
Bustier's class: A mixed bag here, since I don't think they're necessarily bad kids
Mayor Bourgeois: Again, another mixed bag here since he's another spineless "parent"
Zoé Lee: Too much of a blank slate to have an opinion on
Félix Fathom: What kind of a name is that?
Master Fu: He was done so dirty in his backstory
Chloé Bourgeois: Another with wasted potential
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🪶 Being Karasuno's Manager 🪶
🎡The Crows on a Group Outing 🎢
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Karasuno x Female Manager
Warnings: kags choking??
A/N: my lovely Karasuno Anon pulling thought with another fabulous request! I have 2 more requests to finish up before the end of the year! I'm reopening my request in Feb 2022! P.S. the gif gives me so much joy I can't even ☺️
It's the end of another school year 🥳
Time for summer break and some much needed relaxation 😌
The school year was full of so many ups and downs
But you did it YN 🤸‍♀️
And with summer break approaching, you want to enjoy what time you have right?
Well you WOULD be correct YN if you weren't one of the three Managers of the Karasuno's Boys Volleyball Team
Yay for you 🙌🏻
I mean, you have summer training camp YN, I don't feel bad for you
Bokuto and Kuroo alone are worth the effort 🤚🏻
But before you can embark on your sure to be EPIC training camp excursion, you decide the team needs a little something 👀
Something that could lift morale perhaps 🤔
After their loss to Seijoh, these boys can use all the lifting they can get YN
So being the superstar that you are, you suggest doing something a group outing
A team building activity if you will
You make a plan ✍
Make sure you work out all the kinks YN
It's not like you need to impress anyone here
It's actually more about persuasion 😅
Persuasion of one, Dadchi Daichi
First off, Daichi is not for any of this 🤣
Mans legit shoots down the idea ASAP
He knows how this will all play out
Tsukki is flat out against it 🙅‍♂️
Please he's a grumpy boy and doesn't want to deal with Kags and Hinata anymore than he has too
Suga, Ennoshita, Yams and Asahi are all on the fence
They can see the benefits but like they know you'll probably need backpack harnesses
Noya, Tanaka, and Hinata is 100% a go just because you suggested it 🤣
Kags is wondering why you guys can just practice more
Kiyoko, Yachi, Takada and Ukao actually think it's a great idea
Ukai is all for team building and Takada is all about "making sure the gears go together" or something 🤪
See Season 2 training camp for gear reference
It looks like poor Daichi is not going to win this one
Silent mouth an apology YN and give him a smile
I swear all will be forgiven 😌
Nobody can resist the adorable little bean that is our precious YN
Now to figure out where to go 🤨
Maybe a sporting event? How about a beach day? Maybe a movie?
Ultimately you decide on a theme park
I know what everyone is thinking
So let's address the elephant in the room
God this is a bad idea YN 😅
Like actually the worst idea you've ever had
Like I'm not going to tell you it's bad, I'll just let you learn by doing 🙃
The day of the outing arrives
Everyone meets at the theme park because you couldn't get a bus
Mistake #1 ✔️
You lost Asahi before the day even started
Look at me and tell me this man is not awful at directions 😑
You said to meet at the North entrance
Asahi went to the South entrance
Mans needs landmarks
Ok same
Daichi is keeping notes in his phone about how bad this outing is just to remind you later YN
You finally find Asahi
Ok crisis averted 😅
Now you just have to figure out what to do
Ok simple
There are rides, food and games
Oh no no no YN it's never THAT simple
Hinata and Kags are ready to eat
Tanaka and Noya want to ride rides 🎢
Suga chimes in and suggests rides first so that they won't get sick
Kags complains about how he has to eat every 2 hours or his muscles will weaken
Mistake # 2 ✔️
Kags is going to complain
Like you aren't allowed to bring food inside the theme park 👀
Hide it well YN
Seriously bring some fruit snacks
Once you've calmed the king, you decide its best to organize groups
Daichi just stands back with his notes app wide open 📱
You decide on three groups
Suga, Daichi and Asahi will all lead a group
You put Yachi with Asahi because like she's good at directions
Kiyoko with Suga and you with Daichi
Divinding up Ennoshita, Narita and Kinoshita is easy
Tsukki and Yams go with Asahi and Yachi
Ok now down to the nitty gritty
You decide it's best for Kiyoko and Suga to take Kags and Hinata
Here me out ✋️
Suga can handle the two first years and Kags looks up to Suga
You have to take Noya and Tanaka, YN
Sorry there is nothing I can do 🤷‍♀️
I don't make the rules bby💅
Once everyone is divided you head to the rides
Hear me out YN, ask Tanaka and Noya to hold you hand 🤲🏻
Seriously YN, you won't need to worry about anyone running off
Not while their precious YN is being so affectionate to them 🥺
Sorry YN you've inherited two boyfriends for the day
Again, I don't make the rules
Surprisingly the rides are the easiest
Like there isn't much to them YN
You stand in line, get on the ride and get off
It's pretty simple ☺️
That is 👀
Until someone accidently bumps you 😬
Oh dear God 🤦‍♀️
Like you turn around to apologize because you swore you bumped into them
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry-"
Your eyes widen 😳😳😳
Just guess who you bumped into 😏
None other than the Great King himself
"YN CHAN" - Oikawa
Dear God YN if only you had a time machine 🤦‍♀️
"Loserkawa leave YN alone!"
Iwaizumi is legit an angel 😇
Mans will protect you no matter what
Makki and Mattsun along with Kindaichi, Kunimi, and Yahaba all just gawk
Like you are looking good YN
It's hot so like some nice shorts and a top go a long way 🙃
"Hi guys 👋🏻"
Geez Yn tone it down ok
Iwaizumi is the only one who's going to respond appropriately
"Out on a little excursion YN. Maybe something to ease the loss to us?"
Ope 😶
Before Iwaizumi can even think about moving, you approach Oiks
"Didn't you lose to Ushiwaka?"
BURN 🔥 🔥 🔥
Sorry but even Seijoh will laugh at that one 😅
Tanaka and Noya are actually growling behind you
Daichi is holding them being their shirt collars
You approached Seijoh alone
I mean, who is really afraid of them?
Like seriously YN your words stung Oiks so bad a tear fell 😥
But it's best to return to your precious boys YN
Simply wave and smile as you run back to Daichi, Tanaka and Noya
Seijoh will watch you leave, silently trying to figure out if you can transfer just to be their manager 🤔
Once the rides end, you meet up to eat
You decide it's best if you just do one large order 🌭🍕🍟🍔
So you decide to wait in line to get the food
Fortunately for you, a tall looming figure steps behind you 😀
I say "fortunately" because the figure belongs to one Ushijima Wakatoshi
"Hi Ushijima 👋🏻 "
He peers down at you and smiles
Quick capture the moment 📷
"YN nice to see you"
You talk as your team just stares
Like seriously you look so little next to Ushiwaka
Mans is like 6'3" ok
I'm like 6'0" and I feel like Ushi would look like a giant next to me 🤚🏻
Once you've secured the food, make your way to the tables
Kags is acting like he's dead
Mistake #3 ✔️
Suga ran out of the fruit snacks you gave him an hour ago
You got him a hotdog and fries
Now season 2 training camp hasn't happened yet
So I can't say "remember the BBQ at the end of training camp?"
Well this is prequel 🙃
Kags starts choking
Panic ensues
Legit the only one good during a crisis is you and Kiyoko
Hinata is running around because he thinks Kags is dead 💀
Daichi and Ennoshita are yelling 🗣
Asahi is hyperventilating
Yachi passed out
Tanaka and Noya are hoping to see Kags pass out
Tsukki has his camera out 📱
Oh my gosh the whole group is in ruins 😫
Thankfully you are able to pat Kags back and unlodge the hotdog
Mans actually chews it more and then reswollows it 🤢🤢🤢
He continues to eat like nothing happen 😐
Hinata says you are a hero
Suga jokes and says you messed up his chance to be the starting setter 😆
Tsukki is already uploading the video to Twitter
Kiyoko got out the smelling salts to revive Yachi
You can finally sit and relax
Just kidding 😃
Hinata has to go to the bathroom
No way are you letting him go alone
You wait outside while he uses the restroom
Suddenly you are loomed over by more shaded trees
It's Date Tech's turn to shine 🌠🙌🏻
Jesus was the whole prefecture out for a team bonding day?
"Hi guys 👋🏻 "
Moniwa smiles and waves
"Hi YN what are you doing here?"
You explain your day as Hinata joins you
Futakuchi smirks at you both
"On babysitting duties I see YN"
Just smile YN 😁
"Still a jerk I see Futakuchi"
Seriously YN, Date Tech probably died with laughter at your call out
Our precious YN can dish everything out with a side of dessert 💅
Simply grab Hinata and wave as you leave
I think we've had enough for one day
When you get back to your group, you see everyone is gone 🙃
Nobody listens to you YN 🤦‍♀️
So under appreciate
You look around go see exactly not a soul you recognize
You check your phone
Oh dear God
Hinata is freaking out
"Hinata it's fine, I'll just call Kiyoko"
Unfortunately no answer
Awesome... 👍🏻
You take Hinata and lock your fingers with him
Tanaka and Noya will be so mad you are cheating on them YN
But we must persist
You guide your ginger boy through the crowds only to stumble into a large group of people gathered around a game
You manage to peer over and see your entire team surrounding Kiyoko at the skee-ball
Random headcannon but Kiyoko is super good at carnival games 🎪
You've seen her serve 🤚🏻
Come on tell me she doesn't dominate pick a duck? 🦆
The team cheers as she wins the highest prize
A large stuffed crow 🥺
She spots you and heads your way, handing you the crow
"This is for you YN! Thank you for taking us on this amazing team outing"
Seriously don't cry, DONT NOT CRY
Everyone just stares
"You guys are the best team ever"
Seriously group hug
Including Tsukki
YN you are one lucky lady 🥰
Taglist: @loevngyuno
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Listeeeen I'm here for Din Djarin and his little green son, Grogu so I loved the Book of Boba Fett finale. I thought it was great, it was exciting, it made me laugh, it made me scream. I unapologetically loved every bit of Din and Grogu content we got. That being said, poor Boba Fett not even in the finale of his own show does he get to shine. The spotlight once again stolen from him by Din "main character energy" Djarin and Grogu.
That's not to say Boba Fett didn't have great scenes, I personally loved seeing him kill Cad Bane with the Gaffi Stick. I wish the fight between them had been longer, and I was surprised they killed him off so quickly, and I also wish the show had gone more into the history between these two cause that would have been interesting and added more weight to the final showdown between them but I still enjoyed it and cheered when it happened.
But let's not lie to each other, or ourselves The Book of Boba Fett had four episodes. Because chaps 5 and 6 were The Mandalorian, and even in the finale which wraps up the storyline presented in TBOBF the man was a guest in his own home. So, 4 1/2 episodes if one wants to be nice.
It's a shame because the show had potential, sadly it seems the people in charge of it didn't have any faith in it; and weren't truly willing to put in the effort and money to give it a chance. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad show, for me as a whole it was okay and it certainly had moments and episodes I loved plus it gave me my Mandalorian fix but it could have been better across the board. Like, as much as I love Din and enjoyed every second he was on my screen I would have been a-okay with Disney giving The Mandalorian an extended season to still get the content we got, and have TBOBF focus on Boba Fett and develop his story.
I'm gonna side track for a second before I forget because there's an after credit scene in the finale that shows Cobb Vanth in the bacta tank. I guess this was supposed to be a big *gasp* moment but it's hard to tell at first glance who's in the tank, and considering the number of fans I have seen upset over this characters death I don't think a lot of people saw it. I myself didn't know it was there until I saw an article mention it. Yeah.
Like I said I personally loved the finale, thought the show as a whole was okay- I have so many questions about The Mandalorian s3 now starting with are we gonna see Luke again? I need s3 to have a scene between R2-D2 and Luke where Luke goes "you did what????!!!!" because I need an explanation as to why he was not there to deliver the baby to Din.
Is Din goin to train to use the Darksaber? Is the person training him gonna be Luke?
It's okay, I'm good, I'm calm.....no I'm not, I wanna see Luke again. We didn't even get to say goodbye to him. At the very least s3 give me a scene where Din contacts Luke and is like "did my kid get kicked out of school? or are holiday breaks part of your curriculum?".
Anyway, I can't wait to see the official season 3 of The Mandalorian, the sneak preview has been great.
Book of Boba Fett I'm glad I saw you. I'm not glad for the right reasons but I'm glad nonetheless. It was an entertaining addition to my Wednesdays.
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margarethelstone-2 · 3 years
Our Sleeves Were Wet With Tears | Chapter 1
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“They both knew that it wouldn’t last, that, come tomorrow, the so undesired feeling of awkwardness would take over them again, to some degree at least. They would pass each other in the corridors and a nod and a smile would be all they might expect; they’d meet at the train station occasionally but fail to exchange more than a few words.
And yet somehow, it was fine. Because for the first time since Taichi’s confession, they could hope that the distance they had built was not that of resentment and sorrow, but of mutual respect and readiness to wait.
It was an agreement.”
A Taichihaya story set directly after the end of season 3. Based on the anime, not the manga.
Read under the cut and on AO3!
Chapter 1
Suddenly, like an explosion, the words Taichi said to me in our first year came back to me.
"Arata will come back someday for sure. Let's get stronger and wait for his return."
Let's get stronger.
Let's wait.
No matter how long it might take or how hard it might be, let's work, let's fight, let's be patient.
That's what Taichi had said, two years ago, as they’d sat on that train and gone home after their meeting with Arata, which only could have been called disastrous at the time. She'd had trouble believing him at first, so big her disappointment had been – so overwhelming the shock she'd felt when their childhood friend had as much as thrown them away from his house, despite all the effort they had put into coming there in the first place. And yet, she couldn't have disregarded his words completely, not with the sight of Arata riding his bike like a madman on the other side of the road and with the calm certainty echoing in Taichi's own voice.
It was his confidence that had made her regain her faith; his quiet presence and stubborn persistence that had prompted her to believe again, to follow the advice she surely would have disregarded if it had been nothing but words.
In a way, she was convinced that even if Arata hadn't shown up on his bike, or if she hadn't seen him for herself, it would have been enough to hear Taichi's comment to make her keep going.
After all, Taichi was never wrong.
She didn't always understand him – in fact, the last few months had shown her how little she did, how many things there were about him that she still couldn't comprehend, or things she had been too blind to notice. His confession to her a few weeks prior had been a blow, only made more painful by the following distancing that had led him all the way to giving up on karuta and their club.
The club they had built from scratch.
Had he really expected her to stay after that?
Her eyes welled up again, as she stared at the photo Arata had sent her – sent them both, she assumed, since it would have made no sense for him not to send it to Taichi as well. No matter how Arata felt about her, or how all of the sudden her two dearest friends had become rivals in more fields than karuta, the fact remained that Arata and Taichi were still friends to one another.
Or at least, she desperately hoped they still thought of each other in those terms.
More tears came and ran swiftly down her cheeks, the bright screen of her phone doing nothing to make her eyes sting any less, but then again, she could hardly bring herself to care. Vaguely aware of the other students standing around her as well as the glances they were currently giving her, she kept looking at the device, at the bright smiles Arata and his new teammates were giving her. They were so glad, so hopeful, so extremely enthusiastic...
They were everything the Mizusawa team had been in the photo she'd sent after they'd qualified for the nationals for the first time, even though she was pretty sure that she'd been crying of happiness in that one.
He will come back someday for sure.
The words came back to her again, once again proving that Taichi's guess hadn't been an incorrect one... Except this time, it was Arata's voice she was hearing and Taichi's name that was being pronounced. It was naive, foolish, even. For all she knew, Arata wasn't even aware that they had left their precious club and therefore, had no intention of going to Omi Jingu like he expected them to.
And yet... There was something about that message, or maybe about the way he looked in the photo that made her nearly certain that he did know, and that this particular email was not sent out to brag. It was meant to remind them of something – to prompt them to take action, just like their visit in Fukui had prompted him to do it before.
He had come back. And so would Taichi, in due time.
And she would let him, without nagging him or pressuring him, without begging him to come back for her sake. Right now, they both needed time to heal; and time she would grant him.
Right after she talked to him one more time.
She was back on her feet in no time, and running towards the library as if her life depended on it. She burst through the door with a force that was as unfitting to the place as it was characteristic of herself, a perfect reverse of her abnormally quiet behaviour that week. She came over to her desk with no hesitation, no waver in her step, and took the bag she'd left there before leaving right after. She missed the amused look the Empress gave her, as well as the proud twinkle of recognition that sparkled in her eyes.
Three minutes later she was out of the room, out of the school, racing towards the train station that was bound to take her to Taichi's home. She made it just in time, red and sweaty, and barely able to breathe, and yet, feeling more glad with herself than she had in the course of those miserable few weeks.
The satisfaction only made her push harder after she'd left the train – she had travelled that distance thousands of times by now and still, she was sure she had never covered it in such a short span.
She had no doubt that Taichi would have called her an idiot for straining herself so badly.
Smiling against the new lump that rose in her throat, Chihaya wiped away the tears that threatened to fall down from her lashes once more and took a deep breath, hoping that her eyes weren't as red as she was afraid they were. After all, the task she was about to commence was not an easy one; she didn't need her appearance to betray her inner state when she tried so hard to keep it concealed.
Especially as she still couldn't be sure who would answer the door this time.
Bracing herself, she took the final step and rang the bell, while simultaneously summoning all of her strength and will in order not to spin on her heel and run away at this most crucial point. She had been determined before, and that particular thing had not changed; however, the longer she waited on the steps of Taichi's house, the more she wondered why she was being made wait in the first place.
If Taichi was home... if he knew it was her and decided to ignore it...
Well, that would have been enough to discourage the fiercest soul, while at the time, Chihaya couldn't feel anything but the opposite of that.
She was vulnerable and she knew it; and the more time had passed, the more afraid she became of how – and when – her weakness might take over her eventually.
Right when she was about to give in to her anxiety and run away for real, the door opened to reveal none other than Taichi's dauntless mother. The sight made Chihaya's head spin a little, but she pulled herself together quickly, for once feeling that her quest was more important than any of the glares or remarks she may receive in return.
Bowing low before her host, she choked out desperately, "Please forgive me for the interruption. I need to see Taichi. Is he at home?"
She knew it was not a perfect greeting and certainly not judging by Mrs. Pressure's sky-high standards. Still, she could not afford more; every word she pronounced made her come closer to breaking apart again, and the last thing she wanted was to make a spectacle of herself before any of the Mashima family members.
She supposed it was inevitable when she finally stood face to face with Taichi, but that was no reason to let herself crumble before that time.
"Taichi is at the cram school, preparing for his exams." Reiko's cold, impassive answer roused her from her musing. "He'll be going there regularly this year. Has he not told you that?"
"I-" Chihaya stuttered ineloquently, which obviously earned her another stern look from Taichi's mother. She shook her head and straightened up, intent on not bringing even more confusion into this already difficult conversation. "I suspected he might be doing that. I know how serious he is about medical school... But the last few weeks have been a little chaotic for us all, so we didn't get to talk much."
Reiko raised an eyebrow at her.
"Chaotic, you say?"
"Yeah – yes."
"And that's what you need to talk to him about?"
Chihaya felt her heart speed up – the feeling all the more unexpected as at the same time, she could swear her blood had run ice cold in her veins – however, she remained unmoved. Gathering her courage once again, she raised her gaze to look the other woman directly in the eye and replied, "It is. So if... If you could tell me when you expect Taichi to be back home, I will be most grateful."
She waited breathlessly, her whole body itching to flee. Taichi wasn't there; he wouldn't be there for some time, hence, there was literally no point of her staying any second longer than absolutely necessary. She didn't expect his mother to be particularly helpful, either, given the kind of attitude she had always displayed towards her...
...and yet, she stuck around anyway.
As long as Reiko didn't tell her to give it a rest and go home, she would not retreat. As long as there was the tiniest spark of hope to hold onto, she would not back down.
"I don't know that," she heard her answer at last. "He was supposed to return more than an hour ago, however, he called me to say that he would be staying longer. Apparently he has found his tutor to be extremely competent, so he wants to make the most of it before regular school work kicks in too hard. I asked him when he intended to return, but even Taichi couldn't tell me that. I would not expect him for another hour, however, maybe more... So I'm afraid you won't be able to see him at all today."
"I... I see," Chihaya stammered in response, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for telling me. I'll be on my way then. Have a good night, ma'am."
She bowed again and turned around at last, quiet and stunned, her whole posture slumping under that unwelcome new development. She shouldn't have been surprised – shouldn't have been upset. She had assumed that Taichi might not be at home before she'd even reached his household, and the view of his mother opening the door for her had only confirmed her suspicions. The fact that Taichi had decided to stay at the cram school and study longer was hardly astonishing, either – she'd known him long enough to expect nothing less from him.
He could be the most ambitious, most stubborn person she'd come across, if only he chose to be – and, while her own ambitions made her hot-headed and inattentive, her greediness always making her spread herself too thin... Taichi could still remain organised and composed, setting up plans and following them despite the many obstacles that came in his way.
And given how determined he seemed to burn all of his bridges and cut all the ties now...
Focusing on cram school seemed like the most obvious choice.
And yet, as unsurprising as it was, learning that particular bit of information still managed to leave her feeling empty, as if all hope, all expectations she had built up so far had been sucked out of her by the use of one simple statement. Up until the very last moment, Chihaya had hoped that she might still be able to speak to him that day – even if it meant wandering around the place for the next hour, waiting for Taichi to return, even if it meant going to her own home and then coming back after she received the news of him arriving.
Now, it was clear that neither was possible.
Behind her, she could hear the sound of a door closing. She had to bite her lip to stop it from trembling, but refused to show the signs of resignation that were slowly but surely taking over her. She told herself that it wasn't much of a deal; after all, she and Taichi still attended the same school so if she tried hard enough, she should be able to reach him without that much trouble. It would be difficult and awkward, what with all those people around them... But it wasn't impossible.
If they could reach Arata and get him to respond, then approaching Taichi surely had to be possible as well.
She was mere feet away from the pavement when she felt her phone buzz. It was more of a reflex than anything else, but she pulled it out anyway, not even bothering to guess who it was that was messaging her now. It could have been her mum, or Chitose, or maybe one of the karuta club members wanting to learn how she was faring – after all, just because she'd taken a break from the game and left the club didn't mean that they had stopped being her friends. It could have even been Arata, for all she cared, sharing more information about his own brand new team or asking about why she'd decided to leave hers...
Any other time, she would have had a million ideas as to who might have been the sender and responded enthusiastically to each and every one of them.
Right now, however, there was only one person from whom she wanted to hear.
Sadly, he was also the one person who sure as hell wouldn't have contacted her.
Only after turning the corner did she stop to look at the device in her hand, while silently praying that the message would not require her immediate response, and certainly not a lengthy or particularly eloquent one. She stopped short at the sight of an unfamiliar email address and the message that demanded no reply at all.
It was an address.
"But who would..." she whispered, bemused, her eyes once again glued to her phone screen and a message she'd had no reason to expect. Her question lingered in the air, unfinished as she reread the message, once, twice, three times. She knew the name of the street; the name of the institution mentioned also rang a bell, even if she couldn't quite put her finger on it yet. She nearly jumped when the device vibrated again, announcing the arrival of another message, and from the same person no less.
Taichi's cram school isn't far off from here, you should be fine going there on foot. I take it you can find your way there.
Chihaya's eyes were wide as she skimmed that most recent email, now more than ever astonished with what she was reading. Who could have sent her the address of Taichi's school and with a commentary so direct and – in a way – casual? And now, after she had just talked to his mother and was sent on her merry way? Was it Rika, Taichi's little sister, who had overheard the conversation and decided to help her out behind her mother's back? They weren't exactly friends, if anything, Chihaya would have said that Rika's attitude towards her was just as haughty and belittling as that of Reiko... However, if not her, then who?
Surely, it couldn't have been...
"Mrs. Pressure?!" she cried abruptly, and so loudly that the passer-bys on the parallel streets could be seen startling at the noise. As for Chihaya, her brow rose even higher when she'd shifted her gaze back to the enigmatic email address which under closer inspection proved to be that of Mashima Reiko, indeed. The sudden turn of events made her head go dizzy, just like the sight of the aforementioned woman had just a few minutes earlier.
So she doesn't completely hate me... Chihaya thought, a weak but warm smile blossoming on her overly tired face. Or at least, she doesn't think it would be harmful for me to see Taichi now, which on its own is a big thing. Or does she...
Does she realise how unhappy Taichi is right now and thinks I can help with that?
"Or maybe she knows he hates me and wants me to find out for myself," she added under her breath, her lips curving in a grimace. "I can never tell what that woman really thinks."
She shook her head again, however, ashamed of the reaction she'd just displayed, and even dared to voice. Whatever her intentions were, the message Reiko had sent was a huge help, for which Chihaya decided to remain eternally grateful, regardless of how her talk with Taichi went in the end.
Plus, there was something about that email, something she couldn't point out but felt nonetheless, which seemed much more like a blessing than a trap to her.
Maybe she was being a naive airhead again, but that was what she chose to believe.
"Alright, it's time for action then!" she told herself and slapped her cheeks, this time bringing to herself the attention of the fellow human beings walking down the street. Focused on her goal, she remained ignorant to their reactions and continued in the same manner, without a trace of hesitation in her, "If I get this right, Taichi is about twenty minutes on foot away from here. I can make it ten. I will make it eight!"
She broke into a run right then and there, not even bothering to put her phone away, and not because she thought she might need to check the address again. She was already late; she couldn't afford a second more.
She'd already screwed up so badly: when Taichi had confessed his love to her and she couldn't have brought herself to answer him openly; when they still practised together but she was too overwhelmed to respond even to the tiniest of signals; when she'd missed the moment when he'd made up his mind about leaving the karuta club; when she had ran after him when she'd finally learnt that but instead of trying to help and understand him, she'd once again focused on her own selfish needs and begged him not to leave her.
Day after day she'd gone on screwing up even more, unable to find the right words she should speak to him, or maybe simply having been too much of a chicken to approach him with the ones she'd had in mind.
He'd called himself a coward, while the only one deserving of that name was her.
I won't mess up again, she repeated to herself in between her long strides. I won't let my fears take the better of me. I'll get to you, Taichi, I'll find you and talk to you and make sure you hear every single word this time. So wait for me! Don't go home just yet, don't make me miss you again! I will reach you this time!
Her eyes were full of tears again, and not because of the wind and dust that blew in her face. She wiped them hastily, again and again, but it was of little use; and yet, while the dark smudges marked her cheeks, her smile grew wide, once again mirroring the hope that seemed to have left her. The faster she ran, the more tired she was, the greater and more positive the emotions that filled her heart became.
Taichi's words resonated in her mind but they were no longer a threat; somewhere along her feverish race they'd turned into a dare, a challenge she had to rise to. It wasn't going to be easy – she still couldn't give him the reaction he wished for, but she could at least face the truth of his feelings towards her and respond to that truth with a clear, honest answer.
He was her best friend in the entire world. And even if he still needed her to step away for a time, she refused to call it anything but a temporary change.
She was willing to give him space and freedom, if that was what he wanted from her – but she could not imagine a scenario in which she let their friendship end without putting up a fight first.
She wasn't capable of letting him go like this.
She was way too greedy for that.
And she cared for him too much.
"I love you," he had said. "I love the fingernails that you never grow. I love your fingers and your hair, and the mouth you open wide like an idiot. I love your face when you laugh. I love you."
He'd found so many ways to tell her the same, single truth, when he could have easily backed off. Taichi was clever, there was no way that he couldn't grasp her reaction from the very first moments of that stunned, hollow silence that had come over them because she couldn't have uttered a single word on her part. He'd known that she would not respond in kind, that she would not accept him, no matter how long he might have waited for her.
She knew their friendship meant the world to him, too, and so he'd had every reason to retreat and turn the tables again. If he had told her it was a joke – if he'd said that it was just a dumb prank and she was silly to take any of it seriously, she would have believed him.
And yet, he hadn't. In fact, he'd done the opposite, pushing forward until it was all out in the open. Every feeling he'd suppressed, every ounce of affection he'd spent years hiding from her, it was there; even if it hadn't resonated fully in his words, it'd still been reflected in his body, his expression, in the way he'd looked at her. Those big, bright eyes so full of tenderness she'd never been allowed to see, or maybe simply had failed to recognise.
"I love you, I love you, I love you."
He had given himself up, made himself completely and entirely vulnerable. Hers to take, and hers to reject. He had offered her his heart, even though he must have known how slim his chances had been.
She had taken that heart and crushed it, and hadn't even had the guts to tell him why.
She arrived at the cram school, one full minute before her proclaimed eight. She stood there for a while, panting, gasping for air she couldn't take well because she kept choking on her sobs. Her hair was a mess, long locks sticking out in all directions while her face was smeared with the mixture of her tears and the dust that had accumulated on her cheeks when she'd dashed towards her destination, the result only made worse by her constant rubbing when she'd tried to wipe the tears away.
She sure was glad that she wasn't wearing any mascara that day – though on the other hand, she very much doubted that it would have changed much.
Focus, she chided herself, simultaneously reaching up to comb her hair with her fingers and contemplating whether or not she should bind it. I'd say it doesn't matter how I look – I'm not here to make an impression, only to talk to him. But Taichi is perceptive... he will notice that something is wrong. And I don’t want him thinking about me today.
She took a deep breath, then another. She straightened up and squared her shoulders, readying herself in the same way she had before ringing at the Mashima residence earlier on, her left hand still buried in the maze of fair strands, while she rummaged through her bag with her right. Somehow, she managed to find a – moderately – clean towel that she could use to clear up her face. She got to work right after, still unsure of how much time she actually had, yet determined not to waste a second.
She didn't have a mirror to look into and make sure that she was presentable enough. She was Ayase Chihaya, a pretty nitwit who never remembered to carry anything that girls like Chitose (her own sister) or Hanano (her surprisingly supportive friend) would have deemed indispensable in a young girl's bag.
A true beauty in vain who couldn't even make sure that she looked decent enough when it mattered.
She heard a noise coming from in front of her and raised her gaze instinctively. With her eyes fixed on the front door, she pricked up her ears, waiting for another sound to come and carry the information she was so eager to learn. Was it Taichi that had made the first one? Was it because he was close to the door, preparing to leave? Or was the sound a random one, and not an announcement of his departure? What was the chance that it had been him that had made it?
She waited impatiently but no other noise came. She supposed it was to be expected – the one she'd heard before was probably caused by some incident, like someone walking into a trash bin, so definitely not something people did every day. Besides, even if it had been someone readying themselves to leave, what reasons did she have to think it would be Taichi she'd see come out?
It was foolish to expect him right after she'd got there.
Timing like that didn't happen in everyday life.
And yet, as if to refute her scepticism with a miracle that should not have been possible, the door cracked open, and she saw Taichi standing in it. With one hand on the handle and one foot over the threshold, his body was still mostly turned to the inside of the building as he said his goodbyes to whoever was in charge. Posed like this, he obviously couldn't see her; but it was only a matter of seconds before he turned again and crossed the doorstep, and then he would have no choice but to face her.
For what seemed like a hundredth time that day, Chihaya felt her heart slow down so much that it seemed to have stopped beating at all, only to pick up its pace with double force a short moment later.
She wasn't ready to meet him and yet, all she prayed for was that he wouldn't run away from her before she could tell him what she had come to say.
Lost in her pleading, she instinctively closed her eyes and thus missed the very moment she'd been so anxious to come upon. It was right after her eyelids closed and her head lowered in a small bow that Taichi did turn around and saw her – and she was too busy clenching her fists and muttering wishes to witness it.
Too much of a mess to properly greet him.
She didn't see the shock that reflected on his countenance when he recognised her. His widened eyes and raised brow, the slight gap between his parted lips, the way his cheeks flushed against his knowledge and will – it was all lost on her, not because she didn't care but because she cared too much.
They stood like this for a while: he, unable to speak because of his astonishment and she, so determined not to miss her chance that she'd become unaware of the world around her. If Taichi had decided to walk past her, she wouldn't have noticed until he was a good few metres behind her.
She would have missed the chance the Heavens had granted her, and all because she was so afraid of that very thing happening.
And yet, the same Taichi who had done his best to ignore her at school – the same boy she'd expected to flee at the sight of her or at best, to say his 'hello' coolly and leave her behind right after – the same boy still stood at the top of the stairs that led to the building, eyeing her cautiously, unhurriedly, as if it was both the first and the last time he'd been given the chance to look at her like that.
His face showed a full range of emotions, from surprise to confusion, to anger, to eagerness, before he eventually managed to summon his trademark stoicism and successfully hide all of those feelings behind a mask of indifference he'd been forced to wear before her so many times before, for both their sakes.
Lost in her thoughts, Chihaya didn't see any of that.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. The simple question was enough to make her bubble pop and spatter into a thousand million drops, a soft, warm mist that now fell down around her. "Shouldn't you still be at school, studying? Or I don't know, at home?"
Unlike the burning feelings swirling inside her, Taichi's words were cold, icy even. His tone bore no emotion and his face was, yet again, an inscrutable mask, one that she'd come to hate so fiercely, because she now knew how much was hidden underneath.
"Why, Taichi? Why do you do everything alone?"
Why don't you trust us?
Why don't you trust me?
He hadn't trusted her before – how could she expect him to trust her now?
"I couldn't focus in the library," she replied, a little too fervently, just like she always did. "I tried for hours, but I wasn't learning anything."
Taichi turned his head away, huffing. "Nothing new there. But that hardly explains why you are here."
"You weren't at home. Your mum gave me this address."
"And why were you at my home of all places?" he asked again, his aloofness fading away a little in favour of genuine curiosity, although it was clear that he still wanted to keep some of his walls standing. "You haven't been there in ages, it's not like you've had a chance to leave something behind and had to pick it up. And no offence, but hell will freeze over before my mother invites you for a chitchat."
"I wasn't there to see your mum," Chihaya answered him. Her gaze was still locked with his and her chin was raised high, as if she'd wanted to prove that his frigid responses weren't enough to intimidate her... but her voice was quiet and certainly not as firm as she would've liked it to be. Still, she kept going. "I came to see you. And you weren't there."
"But why?" Taichi wouldn't give up. "Why didn't you just look for me at school today? Or, if it was more recent, why not tomorrow? Gosh, Chihaya, you could have called me..."
"Don't you act as if it was so easy to catch you between classes," she replied with annoyance, her usual fire kicking in again. "I barely see you at all. And it's not something I want to talk about on the phone, either."
Silence fell over them again, Chihaya's words still echoing between them. She was looking at Taichi now, and so this time, she could see the change in his features perfectly. The alterations weren't big: a slightly more focused gaze, the most insignificant narrowing of his eyes, the fingers that twitched as if they'd been about to curl into fists but were stopped violently at the very last moment.
Her own vision had never been anywhere near as good as her hearing; she wasn't the most observant person, either. In fact, most of the time, she was downright oblivious...
And yet, she hadn't missed any of his microexpressions this time.
"Stupid," he said eventually, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his trousers and fixing his eyes on the ground before him. "What could you possibly have to say that I need to hear in person?"
And there it was, the susceptibility he'd been trying so hard to conceal but failed to do so in the end, not because he hadn't worked hard enough but because Chihaya's senses made it impossible for her to fall for any pretence on his part. It wasn't just her hearing, or just the fact that she'd known him for years, or even that she was more concentrated now than she had been in the toughest, most demanding of matches – but the combination of all those, additionally supported by her own enhanced sensitivity, that had made it possible for her to see through his defences more clearly than when he had taken them down for her himself.
She did it against his will and against his wishes, and somehow, it worked miraculously.
"You're not a coward!" she exclaimed with as much passion as she could muster, loudly, confidently, despite the tears that were once again gathering in back of her eyes and the tightening of her throat that she couldn't have prevented. "You said you wanted to become someone who isn't one, but that would mean that you are a coward now, and must change to achieve that. And I refuse to believe that!"
She inhaled sharply and blinked in order to keep the annoying, salty drops from falling down too soon. Her golden irises shone with tears and zeal alike; captivated by the vision, Taichi failed to use his only chance to interrupt her speech this time.
"You're not a coward," she repeated, with the same tenacity ringing in her tone. "Even if that's what you think you are, or what you were back then... It doesn't matter anymore. It's all in the past, Taichi, because you have already changed. Without even realising it, you've grown, so much that sometimes I catch myself not recognising you, regardless of how long we've known one another. Just those last two years we spent together prove beyond doubt that you couldn't be further from giving in to your fears and giving up, which is exactly what cowards do. You're ambitious and determined, and you don't let failures get in your way.
"And if you still think this isn't enough," she picked up after another short pause. "If you still need evidence greater than that... Then know that telling me about what happened when we were in sixth grade – telling me about what really happened to Arata's glasses, and after all these years... That is the greatest sign of courage to me."
She didn't say anything else, letting her words reverberate, not expecting to receive an answer to her ardent, most heartfelt speech, but leaving it for Taichi to discern and interpret for himself. She hadn't come here to argue with him, after all. The subject was still too sore for them both and besides, she knew that no discussion could do them any good.
She'd come to meet him to tell him this one specific thing, because something in her had told her that it was important and that Taichi should be allowed to hear it as well. It was the one burden she could lift from his shoulders and therefore, she had to. She knew that, compared to all the misery she'd caused him, it was not even a beginning of repayment... However, she had to do something.
She wasn't going to do more, though. She wasn't wanted here anymore, she wasn't needed. She'd fulfilled her quest and was not eager to cross the boundaries again.
Slowly, attentively, she bowed her head and cast down her eyes, a silent 'goodbye' that was better left unsaid.
Then she turned and walked away towards the gate.
It took all of her strength not to break into a sprint again.
2 notes · View notes
litakino · 4 years
Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of Rose's death. Also, this November she would've been 30y/o.
She was a close friend of mine, and died of an aneurysm; she collapsed on stage while singing and playing the guitar, and died the next day.
Rose was the same age as my sister, two years younger than me, and her sister is my age and was my best friend. So the four of us were really close, almost like sisters. We would spend the summer holidays either with our family, or theirs, whichever family went to the beach that year.
She was such a big part of my life growing up, that it's weird thinking that she's "stuck" at 20, and I'm 32 now.
I'll try really hard to convey, how important she is to everyone who knew her. How missed she is.
She was so smart, like book smart, but also surprisingly insightful for a 20y/o.
I remember Rose telling me once "I wanted to know if I liked it, so I kissed a girl. But it's not for me". You have no idea how important that was for me. Like I've never even thought of the possibility of not being straight (raised catholic and very conservative), it's not that I was repressed, it was just something I never even considered before.
And she was from a family very much like mine, but able to break away and try her own path (it wasn't that she went around kissing people; and there's nothing wrong with being that person, but she just wasn't, I'm saying this to illustrate how important it was that she did it).
Rose also loved things with all her being. And she was never ashamed of the things she liked. Like she would go into forums and investigate about her heroes and know all there was to know about ER and Sarah McLachlan and Rent and U2 and musicals and Broadway and Wicked.
I'm writing because there's so much she would've done, so many what-ifs I feel I need to make her be present this way, this year.
She wasn't top of her class when she graduated high school, just because she didn't want to spend too much time studying. She was close second though, and that was just with minimal effort. She was a real life Hermione.
Also, Rose was tall, and big, and had long bushy hair. She had to buy her heels from drag queen shops bc her feet were so big, "regular" shoe shops didn't carry her size. And she was CONFIDENT. Like, loved to wear her hair down, big and all, no shits given.
And was really good at shopping for cool clothes, even though most traditionally "feminine" shops didn't carry her size (take into consideration, this was 2009/2010 and we grew up in a small city in Argentina, there weren't many shops available, and "plus size" meant grandma's clothes)
Her last birthday (2010) she rocked a really short shirt-dress with bright yellow tights, I can't even begin to imagine what her style might have been nowadays.
It took her some time to gain that confidence, went through the awkward baggy-pants-and-big-sweatshirt phase like most of us fat girls, but she already loved herself when she was finishing high school. It took me many more years to reach that stage.
I'm painting the best picture, since everything positive about her comes to mind these days.
That's not to say, she was perfect. She definitely wasn't. She was human and made mistakes and (I'm sure) hurt people.
She was loud and could be obnoxious sometimes, but there are very few teenagers and young adults who aren't.
Oh also, Rose really enjoyed singing. And she was really good at it.
She was studying to become an English teacher.
She was really spiritual, and sang in church every Sunday, and was part of the community.
I would love to speak to her now, about feminism and love and gender and sexuality and family. There's so much we didn't know back then, so much I want her insight into.
When I heard the Hamilton soundtrack, all I could think about was about her. And how much she would've loved it.
I want to have the opportunity to hear her rave about things like Lin Manuel Miranda, or Doctor Who, or Good Omens.
I'm glad Rose got to meet my (now) husband, and that she liked him is an endorsement like very few I can think of.
I wonder where she would be living now (I think Ireland or England, studying for her third master and singing in pubs some nights).
I know she would have finally found someone who saw her for who she was, and loved her for it. Perhaps a few whirlwind romances before that.
I wonder if she would've even wanted to have kids.
When Rose died, it was a shock, because no one saw it coming (both her parents are doctors, and the aneurysm was never diagnosed, she never had any syntoms before. And by the time she was rushed into the hospital, it was too late).
Afterwards, slowly but surely, all of her friends and family finished high school, then university. Some of us got married, some got kids. Some moved to other countries.
The year she died, I was out of the country, doing one of those work and travel programs, that encompass our summer (December through March), in WDW. It was something she had actually suggested, that she wanted to do, but last minutes backed out (I never knew why). I was far away from home, working 13-hour shifts (the holidays in the resort are madness). And after her death, a friend suggested some of us took the days off from two weeks, put them together, and take a 4-days trip to NYC. I didn't really have the money to do it, but said yes anyways because Rose wanted to attend Juilliard (childhood dreams), and so we said we were going to visit her in her break (more childhood dreaming). So I ended up eating rice and crackers for a few weeks in order to pay for travel and lodging, but it was so worth it. Everything there reminded me of her, of what she dreamed of doing, of becoming.
I miss her so much, and as I go through life and hit new "milestones", I wonder what she would be doing right now.
Yesterday some close friends and her family gathered (socially distant, and out in the open air) in our old high school. It's a place of 400 square meters, most of which are various sports' fields, and a small forest. It was a place she felt was home, and since the moment she said she wanted to become an English teacher, a spot was there waiting for her to finish her studies.
Anyways, there in the small forest, around the fallen walnut tree, people who loved her, and miss her, gathered, to remember her smiles and jokes and songs.
Her mother read a poem Rose wrote, and her sister sang the solo in "Seasons of Love".
It was lovely, and sad, and had her in every moment.
She is loved, and missed so so much.
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kiyoominous · 4 years
starburst matchup 
exchange with @haikyuu-matches​
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hello! thanks for doing this with me, i think it's such a cute idea! i hope you don't mind that i've went with a more narrative approach with this matchup, i have never done one in my life D: 
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you have been matched with komori motoya! 
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falling for you!
komori met you at a community volleyball club. he doesn't visit too often, with the responsibilities of his own high school club, but he likes to play when he can. one particular day, he entered the community centre and saw you in all your 5'6 glory. the last time he came, he didn't see you in the crowd of familiar neighbourhood faces. you stood further towards the back of the hall, fidgeting with your fingers. this image looked all too familiar to komori, the cousin of a particularly standoffish ace. a sympathetic pang in his chest and he walked over to you, smiling as your eyes met his. 
you both traded names and he noticed that you were a little quiet. that was okay, he could talk around that. and he did, asking you questions and trying his hardest to make you feel comfortable. taking glances at your face, he saw the corners of your mouth turn upwards and noted that it was working. 
was it weird that he was enjoying it? 
komori doesn't remember too many things about that day. the volleyball match was fun and he remembered doing a really good receive. the rest of his memories from that day were filled with you. you and your shy smile, you and your dark chocolate eyes, you and your cute jokes. sure, you could've been the same as every other girl he's met in his life but there was something so discernibly about you. something so outstanding that he felt couldn't be matched. he couldn't put his finger on it so he made it his mission to finally put a name to this feeling. 
he found that the second he mentally declared his manhunt to define his thoughts on you, he was seeing you everywhere. he spotted you at the convenience store, he bumped into you at the dog park and he saw you at school. he saw you at school? komori was mildly surprised to see you in the cafeteria of his school, which was your's too. you weren't all too shocked, you knew about him through volleyball monthly but you didn't want to tell him that you did. 
five minutes of conversation and he discovered that you were both in different classes. no wonder why he never saw you around. or perhaps he did but he never took notice of your sleek black hair. he was always accompanying sakusa anyway so he didn't really notice anyone outside of his club or his class. 
somehow, someone mentioned the upcoming exam season. you declared your conflict with standardised testing, he proclaimed his struggle with revising content in return. it became very obvious to komori that his chance to understand you more intently was here; he could ask you to study with him! talk about killing two birds with one stone. you agreed to his plan with a gentle smile and he felt his heart flutter. was it the satisfaction of your agreement or was it something deeper? 
he decided that the answer would come to him later, not now. 
after the much anticipated study session came another one, and another one, and then studying morphed into free time. and then free time morphed into a weekly friday night hangout. unbeknownst to him, one of the beloved friday nights would become a vehicle for his romantic epiphany.  
komori enjoyed this turn of events. as much as he wouldn't admit it out loud, komori realised that he enjoyed your presence too. maybe a little too much. every second he spent with you, he felt his heart racing faster than it ever did after a volleyball match. it didn't help that your accidental touches made it accelerate even more. he didn't think that was even possible. it was impossible to not drink in the sight of you. the glow of your face, your silky dark hair, your gleaming brown eyes. perhaps you might’ve found them boring and painfully average but he thought you were the prettiest person he’d ever had the pleasure of perceiving. 
his fixation on you extended past your outward appearance and dove right within your mind, your heart, your very soul. he loved the sound of your laugh, the noise was melodious to him. he loved your sense of humour, all of those puns and dad jokes were right up his alley. hearing them made his heart flutter even more. he loved your hardworking nature, your love for the rain, the passion you put into everything you adored. 
he loved you. 
komori saw your widening eyes in his vision and suddenly he was brought back to the cold of your living room, back to the dark of the midnight sky, back to where he was sitting right now; next to you on the timber floorboards. the neon light of the television reflected on your pretty face, the movie playing on the screen long forgotten in favour of you. 
the realisation that he said that out loud hit him right in the chest and he felt like he was going to pass out. komori felt the air enter his lungs again when he heard you reciprocate loud and clear. 
you loved him too. 
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the relationship dynamic!
you're both the most entertaining pair to be around, the gemini/leo combo makes for a fun relationship. 
the two of you are one of those couples that people want to be around, wishing to stick around to laugh with you and just see you so in love. 
with your mom friend energy and his dad friend energy (which i know he just has), you both become the designated parents amongst your friends. whether its a blessing or a curse, that's up to them to decide. 
the two of you are constantly on the same wavelength. 
it’s never too loud or too quiet with komori, just the right balance of both. 
he loves your sense of humour and thinks you’re one of the funniest people on the planet. it helps that he’s absolutely enamoured by your puns and dad jokes. sometimes he’ll shoot one right back at you just to hear you laugh. 
you both like poking a little fun at each other, giving teasing remarks or sarcastic quips. 
komori cares so much about you. 
he understands your need to recover in social situations and gives you the time that you need. he’s willing to be the pillar you run to whenever your social battery’s running low. 
though he admires your hardworking nature, he won’t hesitate to stop you if you overwork yourself. he always encourages breaks and offers to do your work for you if that’s what you need. not necessarily a nagging type of person but if he needs to take physical action, he’ll do it. it’s mostly just him stealing your laptop and pulling you into his lap for a cuddle. 
he doesn’t hesitate to remind you that you don’t have to be a people pleaser. an understanding man, he knows that it’s hard to just get over it so he tells you that he’ll be with you every step of the way, always giving you a gentle reminder of how cool you are to him and that you can say no. 
komori wants to be the shoulder you lean on whenever you’re facing something you don’t like. loud noises? he’ll hold you close and rub your back, telling you that it’ll all be okay. confrontation? he’ll confront them for you. injuries? he’ll keep an eye on you to make sure that you’re never going to be hurt. on the off chance that you do earn a wound, komori will ensure that you’re fixed up as soon as possible. he has a whole mini first aid kit on him specifically for this reason. fear of losing? he’ll always remind you that your efforts mattered more than the results and give you a kiss on the top of your head. the unknown? he’ll waddle through the unknown with you. he’s scared of it too but he won’t tell you that. violence? he’ll cover your eyes and guide you away with strong, gentle arms. 
he loves indulging himself in all of your interests.  
on lazy days, he’ll sit with you and take turns reading a book to each other out loud. sometimes it’s a whole novel, sometimes it’s a manga you’ve picked up from the library. he thinks it’s cute seeing your eyebrows furrow while you concentrate on the words in front of you. 
the study dates don’t end. whenever one of you is struggling with a subject, the other visits to be their personal tutor. it ends up being you a lot of the time, since komori loves your studying method. 
komori loves to read your writing. there are days where you go over to his to hangout and sit in silence. he adores that he can be that relaxed around you and lounge around on his phone while you sit up with your laptop propped on your lap. you’re always writing up a draft of a new creative piece whenever he glances at your laptop. he graciously offers to be your beta reader and indulges in every word you’ve typed. komori thinks that your writing style is so beautiful. 
one day, you told him that you like the french language and he spent a week trying to learn how to say ‘i love you’ and maybe a couple of other phrases to surprise you out of nowhere. when he saw your shock, he giggled and wrapped his arms around you. from that moment on, he would occasionally whisper je t'aime into your ear. he loves you so much omg. 
you play sports together. it doesn’t matter what it is; be it volleyball, tennis or soccer. you’re both a power duo in every game you play and everyone’s scared to play again the two of you. it helps that your boyfriend is one of the most notable liberos in japan. 
komori likes watching anything with you. sometimes when you’re both too tired to go out, he’ll set up his tv to watch whatever you’re in the mood for. one day you might catch up on my hero academia. another day you might be sniffling at a romcom. he likes romcoms more than he’d like to admit but he tells you about this guilty pleasure to appease your love for the genre. 
you mentioned to him once that you liked handwritten letters and komori made it his personal mission to write one for you personally once a month. they’re always so heartfelt, a clear reflection of him and his emotions towards you. he enjoys writing them as much as he enjoys the expression on your face when you read them. 
he seems to be the greek mythology enthusiast himself so he loves talking to you about it. and by enthusiast, i mean that komori was one of those kids who owned the whole entire percy jackson series. since the most that he knows about greek mythology is whatever is written in the percy jackson books, he lets you sit with him and educate him on the extensive lore of the gmcu (greek mythology cinematic universe). 
he loves hearing you talk about astrology and gets into it himself. he can’t help it, especially with the bright smile you hold on your face whenever you talk about it. when he first found out about your astrological compatibility, he was over the moon. the grin that he had on his face was so big that you thought that it looked like the moon itself. he’s downloaded co-star and reads his and your horoscope sometimes. 
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date idea! 
komori decided to take you to a cat cafe after you mentioned the idea of it to him once. it’s a very him thing to do, to remember something you’ve told him offhandedly once and immediately make something big out of it. 
the second you step in, your eyes glimmer with delight as they land on the multitude of cats in the vicinity. you don’t even look back to him at once, swerving your attention to the cafe’s residents. at least you’re holding his hand still, he thinks. maybe he’s a little jealous but hey, the visible joy on your face beats his concern over being prioritised after felines living in a cafe. 
after what seemed like hours of cat-petting, you both sat to order, the food arriving in a pleasingly timely fashion. the lunch items were delicious, the desserts were divine but komori was even more drawn to the soft look of adoration on your face as you stared at a calico cat that frequently passed by the two of you. 
this might’ve been his best date idea yet, he thought. 
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ewolfwitchwisegirl · 5 years
To my non-awae followers,
I am sure you have noticed how my multi-fandom blog has been overrun by one fandom in particular for a while. The show that you’ve seen is Anne with an e. It is a wonderful show with great characters, beautiful cinematography and music as well as the project of dedicated & passionate people. I have spammed you with content as we experienced the third season on a weekly basis.
Anne with an e is a book series adaption (Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery) and a period drama. But it is so much more than that. AWAE is wonderful show that tackles so many important stories. The realities of being an orphan, sexism, ptsd, LGBTQ + POC characters, freedom of speech, racism, the indigenous people of Canada and the suffering they went through, including residential schools, sexual assault, importance of education, unique types of families and ptsd are only some of them.
As we were celebrating the season finale, we were informed of terrible news. Our beloved show had been cancelled. We were devastated to hear this, especially because the season just finished airing on CBC and is yet to air on Netflix. The cast, crew and show creator did not know about this while filming and found out with us. Their jobs were taken away abruptly as something they work very hard on was suddenly cancelled. They did not get the chance to say goodbye. They weren't meant to. Anne's story is far from over. There is still so much left to tell.
Collectively as a fandom, we began fighting as soon as we heard. We’ve already achieved a lot in a couple of hours. #RenewAnneWithAnE tag has over 1 million tweets and trended as number one for a long time. Our second tag #SaveAnneWithAnE - which was created so we could trend again since the previous one has already done so and twitter won’t let it trend again - has already reached over 1k tweets and is trending. Our petition has garnered over 17000 signatures. Our cast have been overwhelmed with emotion at the news and now our efforts.
We need your help.
To get CBC and Netflix’s as well as other streaming services attention and get at least 2 other seasons that the show creator planned, we need to keep going. We will keep fighting for what we deserve. It would mean so much if you joined us as an ally. Think about any shows that you’ve loved that got cancelled before the story was finished. Please don’t let that happen to us. AWAE is a masterpiece and one of a kind. The messages it spreads are so important: Self-love and discovery, love, acceptance, friendship and family. They’re needed in the world we live in today.
You can join the fight in many ways. Reblog posts like this to spread the world. Join us on twitter and tweet about the show with the tags #RenewAnneWithAnE, #SaveAnneWithAnE and all the ones we focus on. Sign our petition. Offer advice on what we can do that will work. Support us, the fandom who have become a family because of AWAE and the cast + crew who have put pieces of themselves in each episode.
I’m grateful in advance for your actions, for simply for even reading this post. Thank you for how you choose to support us.
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