#i would love one of those for rse... oras is nice but it just. idk something about the pure orchestra makes it lose something for me
moonsidesong · 9 months
the abandoned ship theme from pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald is such a special theme to me... something about it just exudes nostalgia. i love it so very dearly
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torterragarden · 2 years
003 for either Magma Boss Maxie or Champion Steven Stone
I'll do both!
Let's do Maxie first
How I feel about this character: I love him. He's my favorite character in Hoenn along with Archie, though if pressed I will pick Maxie just cause I'm a Ruby person. Tbh tho... while I have a lot of nostalgia for the original gen 3 games, Maxie didn't really become an intriguing character until ORAS. For the most part, I prefer Emerald to ORAS, but one of the thing ORAS did REALLY well was Maxie and Archie. They were literally interchangeable (and not all that interesting either way) in the originl RSE, but ORAS made them distinct characters and also made me LOVE them. Misguided idiots who mean well and who got the whole region involved in their messy divorce. NO ONE is doing it like them fr
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Archie! Like. Come on it's so obvious they love each other. Whether you interpret that as platonic or romantic, they love each other
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: uuh I guess Maxie with the rest of Team Magma, or Maxie with the player. May/Brenden trying to deal with their idiot divorced dads sure is a concept
My unpopular opinion about this character: don't think I have one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I think he and Archie should have kissed
Favorite friendship for this character: Archie. yeah.....
My crossover ship: why would I ship him with anyone else Archie is RIGHT THERE
Now for Steven!
How I feel about this character: So uh. Steven is one of the first characters in Pokemon I had a crush on as kid lmao he's so cool! And he has a great design, his ORAS design in particular is so good! It's one of those designs that looks better the longer you look at it. Like at first glance it's like, yeah good looking guy in a nice suit, cool. Then you notice the steel cufflinks, then you notice the metallic sheen inside of his jacket, then you notice his lapel and belt and the color placement and how it all reads as classy but still evokes the Steel typing he prefers. It's great! It's a really good design! Honestly like... he might be right after Cynthia in terms of favorite Champion design. Steven is such a cool Champion honestly, I don't think his team as a whole is as threatening as say, Cynthia's or Leon's, but his Metagross alone is a HUGE Threat, and even his Cradily can be annoying, and maybe it's only because I played Ruby/Emerald so much as a kid but Steven is very memorable to me, I really love him as a Champion like truly. His personality is um. Okay so I feel like Game Freak was going for introspective and cool but it kind of reads more as. pretentious loser hfhhfdjks but that also is endearing. I LOVE Steven okay. Like yeah there's other Champions I prefer but I love him so much fr he's so cool and kind of underrated in my onion
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I don't really ship him with anyone. Except myself maybe
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: uuh idk tbh
My unpopular opinion about this character: He has one of the best Champion themes. Like. I feel like his theme is so rarely brought up when people talk about Champion themes but it's SO good. I love how fast it is, like it just starts and keeps going and never really loses tempo and the vibe is very much "oh you're here you got your Pokemon okay GO" and like I love the intensity I love how much it contrasts Steven's relatively calm personality while still feeling like it Fits, like it feels like Final Battle music it feels like This Is It, and this dude who was your friendly mysterious mentor for most of your journey is unleashing his full power on you, and you better be fucking ready to show what you're made of. God it's such a good theme like I understand how certain other Champion other themes could overshadow it, honestly I can't think of a single Champion theme I don't love, but like. I feel like people overlook Steven's SO much idk. It's so good tho
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: uuh idk.
Favorite friendship for this character: uuh.
My crossover ship: none
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prtag · 5 years
23 and 49?
23. favorite music track from a pokemon game
OK i have a few..the alola elite four ost is just AMAZING. its such an epic track and it really set the mood when i first played sumo!!! i really felt like i was..there battling them bc it made me nervous and cautious in a really nice way..!!!! i remember it very clearly bc after i beat the elite four for the first time i battled them many other times bc i just..really wanted to hear it again HJFV
another one from sumo is the team skull track!!!! it is SO exciting and it has a bunch of fancy sound effects and!!! im replaying sumo rn and i always look forward to skull grunt battles bc i get to hear their fancy theme HVJFvf my fave part is when u first start the battle bc in the beginning theres a cool sound effect thing..
ACTUALLY i have a bunch of hoenn ones… the oras opening soundtrack is so important to me..my first pokemon game was pokemon red but when i played it i was very little, and i was still figuring out how to play pokemon (i also didnt understand english very well so it was a bit hard to..actually be invested in the story). pokemon ruby was my second pkmn game n i was more UH. prepared ig? so hoenn is very very important to me!!! rse had this opening soundtrack and a fancy little animation and when i heard it remastered for the first time when i played oras i cried a LOT. HVJFvf
rse also has the littleroot town soundtrack and that has always sounded like home to me :“) i like treating npcs like actual ppl so from time to time id visit my hometown ingame so i could talk to professor birch n my mom n hearing the ost just..made me feel really warm and happy..
OH AND..another one from rse is!!!! the underwater soundtrack. i associate it with the time i was looking for the regi trio and that was one of the most important things to me bc regice used to be my #1 favorite pokemon and i had SO much fun doing all the stuff to catch the three of them!!! hearing it remastered when i was playing oras also made me cry a lot bc it brings very warm memories in general vdfhjvhf i think the remastered version actually fits the theme more? IDK BUT. theyre both so wonderful and i love them SO much.
IDK IF THIS COUNTS BC ITS NOT REALLY JUST ONE TRACK BUT..the battle themes r probably the most nostalgic soundtracks to me..theyre all a bit similar but i think my faves would be the rgby and the frlg battle themes!!! idr THAT much abt my first red playthrough but the battling ost is very clear to me bc battles were the easiest part to understand since i mostly did those instinctively!!! listening to it again brings me a lot of warm memories of catching my first pokemon!!! hjfhvf
ALSO UH. im SO sorry but take this last one..its the pokemon main theme and i was listening to it while writing this and i started crying really hard ITS. so important to me i love pokemon so much. i have..two versions of it that r very important to me!!! this is the orchestral version which makes me very sentimental in general and!!! this frlg version also includes the..gamefreak sound effect that the gameboy makes when u start the game and even that small thing wasnt actually part of the soundtrack id always hear it when i started my game and i associate it with very happy moments..vhfjvhf
49. favorite ice type
for the longest time ice types were my favorite type so!!! i have a bunch of opinions abt them..i think my #1 fave would HAVE to be froslass tho!!!
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i always have a froslass on my main team bc i just love her so much!!!! froslass is SO beautiful tbh.. her sprite makes her look like shes giggling a little and its super cute!!! im pretty sure her design is based on 雪女, who is a japanese youkai!!! im really glad nintendo can incorporate parts of japanese folklore into their games :D she is a dual typed pokemon and her two types are ice/ghost which is. one of the coolest combinations EVER. grass, ghost, ice, and fairy are my favorite types and im so so glad theres an ice/ghost pokemon!!!!! i really like the idea of grass/ghost (which is decidueyes typing combination!!) but ice/ghost is also such a fancy concept..shes one of the few pokemon who can only be female bc only female snorunts (her initial form!!) evolve to froslass!! it makes finding a snorunt really fun..
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