#i would order this quicker than you can say: River plays for all the teams in all the sports
riversofmars · 2 years
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Hear me out: The next "Diary of River Song" release should be entitled "The Wives of River Song" and include the following stories:
1: River runs into Missy again in the midst of a museum heist. Shenanigans ensue and of course, Missy would be delighted to marry the Doctor’s wife - if just to annoy them.
2: River gets into a temporary pickle with UNIT in 21st Century Earth, dealing with two alternate timelines regarding a Royal Wedding. Why the only solution to it appears to be wedding Kate Stewart is anybody’s guess.
3: River reunites with Liv and Helen and they finally get to go “somewhere nice and relaxed” as promised at the end of “Companion Piece”. None of them had bargained for it being their honeymoon.
4: River finally meets the 13th Doctor! It’s about time! And the Doctor has a lot of questions as to why she is not her first wife! If only the meeting wasn't at the Library... (Bonus appearance by the Fugitive Doctor.)
Here is the concept art for the covers. Call me Big Finish 🤙🤓🤳
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Obey Me Cast on a Camping Trip (Part Two: The Undateables)
This post is split in two due to length (I had too much fun again…) For the Brothers, please click HERE!
Another day, another team building activity between the demons and the exchange students. It was Diavolo’s idea to go on a camping trip to the human world (because of course it was), and there were very… mixed responses. That sentiment wasn’t helped when he refused Lucifer’s insistent pleas to just purchase cabins for everyone to stay in. Oh no, the Demon Lord wanted to rough it out in the wilderness, and now everyone else was getting dragged along with him…
Wonder how that turned out?
He was soooo excited to get to experience camping! He had been asking the MC about human camping trips for about a week before making the announcement and he was pumped!!
Barbatos chauffeured him to the campsite in his own car (of course) but he insisted on taking every roadside, touristy stop they came across which doubled the drive time considerably…
He wanted to help everybody set up the camp but Barbatos and Lucifer were having none of it… So he took pictures and offered moral support instead! Good work everyone! 😁
He had his own tent about the size of a small house (ngl it took Barbs and Lucifer about a half hour to set the whole thing up). Barbs even somehow managed to pack a collapsible desk in there for him so he could still work… greeeat…. 🙄
Diavolo wanted to try everything. Literally everything. The man even traded his uniform out for full on outdoors gear, right down to one of those floppy fishing hats with the tackle stuck to it.
Politely insistently asks that Lucifer does things with him. The MC could come along as well (and in many cases Luci begs them to do so) but he wants to get some bonding time in with his best friend!
Unfortunately for Lucifer, Diavolo would get sidetracked quite a lot… Which is how he ended up having to physically steer his Lord out of harm's way more than once…
At one point while hiking, Diavolo was so distracted by taking pictures that he nearly walked right into the path of a passing bear and her cubs. Lucifer had to tackle him down into some bushes until they went away... His brothers teased him mercilessly when they heard about...
Dia also loved the camping food quite a bit. He's never gotten the chance to cook his own food before, even if it's just marshmallows over a fire, so it was all a brand new experience for him! S'mores are now declared a human world delicacy.
Man had the time of his life! He'd love to do it again, hell, maybe even make it a yearly event! (Few of the brothers share his sentiment, but hey, it pays to be King 😏)
If his Lord orders it, then he follows. He'll just have to double check that everyone is prepared for the occasion…
Drove Diavolo there with the patience of a saint (while also, like, being the exact opposite of that). Had it been anyone else in the car, they might have told him, "No, we can't stop for pictures of every moose you see," but Barbs is as accommodating as he is loyal.
It was pretty much all on his shoulders to direct the others when setting up camp. Lucifer would claim it was his, but let’s be completely honest here, Lucifer can't order Barbs to do shit. 
Naturally, he had his own tent close to his Lord, more modest in comparison, but big enough to hold a majority of the belongings and gear Diavolo had requested.
He also managed to bring a almost fully functioning kitchen setup for him using magic, minus a working oven by Diavolo's instruction. If he wanted a heat source, he had to use the campfire and he found the challenge intriguing…
For once in his extended life, Barbs had to do some trial and error in the kitchen. As it would turn out, fireside cooking can be a little difficult to master, but by the end of the trip he could still somehow dish out four course meals without so much as a sweat (according to the MC the secret was tinfoil and cast-iron cookware… who knew?)
When he isn’t prepping their next meal (which let’s be honest, with Beel on the trip that’s a constant activity) he’s guarding the food from Beel and Solomon…
The sorcerer wanted to help, but Barbs has already learned the hard way that if he so much as pokes a dish its flavor is ruined… It’s enough to make him wonder if it was a curse laid on him at some point…
Watching Barbatos deny Solomon becomes a pretty funny routine in and of itself. He’s not above just smacking the man’s hand away with a wooden spoon if it gets too close. Barbs doesn’t play in his kitchen. Back off. 😠
Barbatos is happy with the trip so long as the young Lord enjoyed himself. If that’s the case, and it was, then he’d happily do it again if asked… not that he’d have much of a choice anyway.
Simeon was familiar with the concept of camping, he’d written about it in his stories, but he’d never actually done it himself… He had hoped it'd be an interesting experience! And uh… it was that from the very start… 
Purgatory Hall got its own car and Solomon was put in charge of driving… But no one mentioned that he drives like a complete maniac. Speed limits, stoplights, even the ROAD ITSELF be damned. Solomon drives in a straight line from point A to point B and if there’s anything in the way he’ll just use magic to get around it…
It’s safe to say that by the time he and the others got to the campsite (which was significantly quicker than the rest) the angels weren’t in the emotional state to pitch tents… He and Luke just waited for the others to catch up while praying and praising the solid ground beneath their feet…
He shared his tent with Luke and didn’t mind at all. It was probably for the best anyway because the little angel was scared of human world predators like bears and wolves coming for him in the night… Poor boy…
Simeon took to hiking quite a bit. Going out and exploring the area around the campsite made him feel invigorated! The forests were beautiful and it gave him ideas for a bit of a guilty pleasure he's been debating on writing, "The Tale of the Lonely Prince." 🤭
It was on one of those trips that Simeon discovered human world creatures love him. Pretty much all of the wildlife gravitates towards him like he's a Disney Princess.
At one point he came back to camp riding on a moose with birds chirping on his new friend's antlers. He offered to take the MC out for a ride, but the brothers threw a fit about it…
He WAS able to get a couple more wrangled for Diavolo, who naturally dragged Lucifer along (though he clearly didn't want to touch the thing). 
The three ended up getting into a mooseback race because Diavolo wouldn't let Lucifer take the lead. He was glad to see Luci enjoy himself for a change! (It helped a lot that he won of course 🙄😏)
All and all, Simeon had a great time. Maybe he should ask the MC to show him more human places… But he's never getting in a car again. Pardon his language, but fuck those things!!!
He doesn't know what's worse… being out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of demons or the absolute insanity that was the "drive" down… 😣
He spent the entirety of Solomon's Magical Ride of Nightmares clinging to Simeon or the armrests for dear life. He swore his entire life flashed before his eyes, can angels even have heart attacks???
Stayed right next to Simeon when they finally pulled themselves together enough to leave the car. He was so happy that Michael didn't see any of that… Who knew human transportation was so horrifying…???
His saving grace (literally) was getting to share his tent with Simeon… After Solomon told him that bears sometimes get curious and ransacked campsites, he clung onto the older angel like a protective charm.
...Whiiiich he wasn't too off about actually after he saw Simeon playing (yes PLAYING) with the human wildlife… Simeon had to introduce him to some of the nicer animals for him to eventually get over his fear and venture out past the campsite.
Luke loved to swim in the lake or river with MC and the others. The MC found a sturdy branch where they set up a rope swing and the little guy amused himself for hours!
Sometimes he'd watch Barbatos prep and cook using the campfire… He didn't even know you could make lasagna in a Dutch oven…
At one point the MC convinced him to go with them and the twins on a particularly long hike…
He got tired halfway through and Beel offered him a piggyback ride, but of course he'd NEVER let himself be that close to a demon!! (Just kidding, poor boy was so tired he climbed onto Beel's back and held on the a kola until they got back. Then he jumped off to save face)
He had a better time than he thought he would, but still doesn't want to go camping with demons ever again. (He and Simeon also begged Lucifer to drive them back instead of Solomon so the brothers' van was pretty much a clown car on the return trip).
Solomon hasn't been camping (for enjoyment) in quite a while, so when the prospect came up to do it with the MC and the other students he was intrigued...
When Simeon asked he knew how to drive, he said yes. He knows how to start a car, put it into motion, steer, and then come to a stop. That's all driving is really. 🤷‍♀️ You can't blame him for not memorizing all the rules, he's been traveling by portal for decades!
Was pretty confused why his angel friends fled the car so quickly... He got them there in one piece, after all. 😕🤷‍♀️ He put up their tents himself since they were too busy thanking their father then made a magic barrier around the site for protection purposes.
He and the MC both have their own tents, of course his is enchanted to be a lot bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, but he's only let the MC in on that little secret in case they want to visit… 😏
When everyone else finally arrived, Solomon was happy to help the MC introduce the wonders of the human wilderness to their companions! Including the breathtaking vistas, beautiful flora, bitter temperatures, man-eating predators, waters filled with disease… Hm? Oh, Luke won't leave the tent now…? Whoopsie.
Solomon kept himself occupied on the trip the best way he knew how… relentless trolling (particularly of Asmo and Barbs because they're used to his shit).
He'd alternate between poking fun at Asmo for the almost ritual length routines he was going through to try and save his looks to genuinely trying to encourage him and downplay the severity of the downgrade...
Meanwhile he was bound and determined to serve at least one of his own dishes during the trip (but Barbatos had banned him from the "kitchen," the food tent, and even the spoons...)
Diavolo, nice guy that he is, eventually made Barbs relent and let Solomon cook for ONE night… It went as well as to be expected. (They sent Solomon to grab more supplies then everybody took turns washing their mouths out with lake water... Diavolo apologized profusely, he had no idea...).
Solomon was confused why the angels would rather squeeze themselves in with the brothers than ride with him back but he wasn’t upset about it. That meant he could make a few extra stops without anyone complaining! He knows a guy in New Orleans he’s been meaning to see again… Luke and Simeon can wait a little for their stuff, right?
Click HERE for Part One. Check out my Masterlist for more!
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Her Majesty. || One.
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Her Royal Highness.
My life has been pretty good, well, as good as can be expected for someone of my reign. My childhood was spent at the manor, running in and out of the gardens and exploring each and every room the manor had, including the ones that were regarded as private.
My closet was constantly adorned with the latest and most modest fashionable pieces and I was lucky enough to receive an utmost education. By the age of five, I was considered bilingual. I grew up alongside the elite; I played amongst the seats of parliament, the rulers and the soon to be rulers of Great Britain and the world.
Buckingham Palace was never my favourite place of residence but I can't complain too much, growing up we seemed to bounce from residence to residence depending on the season and what duties obliged to be satisfied. My favourite accommodation is encompassed by 100 acres of gardens, Hillsborough Castle in County Down, a short distance from Belfast. The only times we visit the castle are when my parents are in Northern Ireland which proves to be scarcely ever now. As a child, we used to visit and have vacation time down there, essentially for me to explore the gardens and to get lost in them for hours.
I remember the groan of my security team when they'd have to stand and watch me play in the gardens endlessly for hours and chase me around until I was tired out.
Then there's Windsor Castle, established on an immense hill next to the River Thames, 20 miles west of London. In my personal opinion, it is still better than the palace or manor as I call it. Then again, it's essentially because I don't spend as much time at Windsor, my time spent at Windsor is normally during Easter, during Royal Ascot and the Order of the Garter in June, and during Christmas, it really depends on my parent's schedules.
Despite the endless travel, the odd childhood perspectives, things have been relatively tranquil and wonderful.
Up until now....
I stand amongst the crowd-pleasers of royalties, dukes, princes, princesses, duchesses, baronesses, you name it, they're all gathered here this evening at the request of my mother and father, mainly my mother and her divine interests informal meetings in the palace. A lot of people would find joy in hosting events, me on the other hand, I am not a fan of it. I have been apart of hosting events from since I could walk. I remember when I was younger I would sneak away from the maids and the staff and peer over the edges of the stairs to look down at everyone gathered in their beautiful dresses and suit and ties. I used to dream of the days it was me. Now that it is me, I would do anything to go back to being the same little girl who ran freely amongst the gardens for hours and didn't have to make sure whether she was wearing the right hat for the right event or not.
"Kensington Palace can now publicly announce additional details about the forthcoming tour of Belgium this spring. We now know that the tour will begin on Sunday 10th April and conclude on Saturday 16th April. The visit to Belgium will allow us to continue a relationship between two Royal Families by meeting The King and Queen. This tour, coming shortly before the abdication, will also allow, Princess Anastasia Annette Leanor, Duchess of Edinburgh, to begin her royal duties as soon to be, her royal highness, Queen of England."
I stare at my Father as he announces the plans for the next few weeks, plans that are about to change my life. By my father, the King of England, expressing his abdication means that I will be reining sooner than I had thought, sooner than I had wanted. I stand statue-like, unaware of how it is deemed okay to announce the news without telling me first. I am sure they had to go through the Kensington Palace publicist or whatever the hell he is.
Then again, the King outranks everyone and can deem anything acceptable.
I hadn't intended to begin my royal duties so soon, in fact, I don't want the duties of Queen at all.
Everyone has this impression that having a royal title is a blessing and an achievement everybody who isn't born into it desires. Every girl dreams of becoming a princess and wearing the tiara, but royalty isn't about carrying a crown and parading around in lovely gowns that cost more than the average apparel. Being born into royalty and not having a typically normal life, in my opinion, is more of a curse than a blessing.
Having a title of any sort has forced me to grow up quicker than others, my tea parties weren't like every other average youngsters' tea party, mine was surrounded by teddy bears and a security guard who had to watch my every move. I'm held to higher standards than most and there are days I wish the standards of which I'm held to, would be diminished. I don't want to have to follow royal protocol for every occasion or to make sure my hair is brushed for the Queen on a Sunday morning breakfast. I don't want to constantly have a security team following my every move. I don't want to have to use hidden tunnels to get around the palace or to get to town without being noticed. I don't want my claim of Queen.
My title, although it will become quite powerful, it is a title I don't wish to represent. I just have no choice. I have to keep the family name alive within the monarchy.
While my father continues to speak to the guests around me, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I had always assumed I'd be the first to know about my father stepping down from the royal obligations and I didn't expect to be told publicly. I thought I would be told in private, perhaps at dinner or on one evening when before my Father goes to bed. It would have been more courteous to tell me in another fashion, but the king and queen deemed this to be more suitable. Sometimes, the king and queen forget their royal responsibilities shouldn't cross over into parental duties. As parents, they should have told me in a better way.
My father finished his speech and everyone goes back to mingling and discussing everything possible— the only genuine thing about these events is that there are normal conversations, sometimes. I always manage to eavesdrop on a few conversations that are interesting.
Due to royal protocol, I put on a smile and a brave face; I politely exchange words with those at the event and do everything that my parents have instilled in me to do.
I smile graciously as my father and another prince come towards me. For a moment, I think about travelling in the opposite direction, but I know I can't, it would be too informal and cause too much of a scene.
God forbid if the princess ever makes a scene.
"Anastasia," my father grins, giving me his signalled glare that is a good indication that he wants for me to stay and not run off like my thoughts are wanting me to.
"Father," I respond courteously, my eyes side-eyeing towards my security guard who is observing intently as he stands with his back to the wall, his hands folded in front of him as he stands tall with nystagmic eyes. I swear his eyes never miss a beat.
"Princess Anastasia, it's an honour to see you again," the prince, who I'm sure my father is trying to play matchmaker with, greets me.
I hold back the heavy sigh that's desiring to escape my lips and I force myself to proffer him a genuine smile, "It's nice to see you." I lie through my teeth to save myself from having to listen to my father to express his disappointment in me.
"I hear you're becoming Queen. Every Queen needs a King by her side."
"Actually—" I begin, but I stop when I see my father's eyes narrow to crinkled stilts and his lips purse into a fine line. I am forced to bite my tongue on my true thoughts, "Actually, every good Queen needs a well-fitted crown," I half-heartedly joke, attempting to recover from the fact I want to tell him a Queen doesn't require a King, it's merely just suggested a Queen has a King.
The prince chuckles, "I'm sure they'll see fit to your crowning needs."
"Mhm," I hum, "it has been nice seeing you, but I'm afraid I have to cut this short, mum," I begin before I clear my throat, "The Queen," I correct myself, recovering from my small mishap, "Asked me to do her a favour." I politely dismiss my father and the prince who I can only assume is wanting to slither himself closer to stepping up his title.
I swallow hard the moment my father and the prince walk away and I finally have a minute to breathe and process the things that have occurred.
As I glance towards my guard, it dawns on me that now that I will soon be reigning Queen, it will be expected of me to-be-wed and find a man that is suitable enough not only for my own personal needs but suitable enough for the royal monarchy. Essentially, I have to locate Prince Charming, literally.
I make my way around the crowd of individuals and wander out of the ballroom area, "Princess," I hear my name being called but I don't want to turn around and face the music. "Princess," the voice again summons and I can't help but disregard him.
"Princess Anastasia, stop right there," the tone of voice my bodyguard uses causes me to stop, and it's not out of fear or because of the fact he only has to say one word before the whole palace is in lockdown and I can't move. It's because I know that tone of voice anywhere, it's sincere and it's laced with nothing but concern.
I turn around on my heel as my bodyguard shifts his eyes around, "Where are you going?"
I lift my shoulders into a shrug. I don't really have a destination, it was more so me hammering my heels against the marble flooring until I found some common ground where I could ultimately breathe again. "You know you can't roam the palace right now."
"Yes," I sigh, "I know, I know the rules and the protocol and the safety precautions," I murmur with a heavy breath.
His eyes relax and he takes another glimpse around to make sure we are alone before he clears his throat, "What's wrong?"
I inhale a deep breath and blow out slowly, "I can't talk about it here," I respond in a whisper, my eyes already beginning to gloss over as the rippling thoughts of everything hits me all at once.
He nods and examines the area around us, "Come with me," he instructs, tenderly urging his hand in the small of my back before escorting me away.
We stay reserved as we walk a few halls and pass several doors to various quarters while he keeps his integrity and stays alert.
We stop at the all so familiar place of the balcony, he opens the doors and enables me to step out before he is right behind me and closes the doors. "We aren't allowed here."
"Never stopped us before," he responds, "You're safe, everyone is down in the West Wing, this is the East, there's a guard right below us. I'm trained for a reason, you know?"
I nod and chuckle, I am aware he is trained for a reason, the man is trained in the use of firearms and unarmed combat, advanced driving and emergency first aid as well as close protection basics; I have all faith in him. "I know, I trust you," I respond courteously.
I trust him, there's a reason he's my bodyguard, he's intelligent, he has swift reflexes and he knows every position of every security member in every residence of ours. Let's not forget I have seen him practising with the 9mm Glock 17 pistols— the man is more accurate than my father— and my father has quite the shot.
"What's the matter? Congratulations on becoming Queen soon."
"That's what's the matter," I grumble, attempting to dismiss the lump in my throat that is threatening to suffocate me. "I can't do it."
"You can, Anastasia, have faith in yourself."
I shake my head, "There's too much involved with it. I don't think I can physically do this." It's easy for someone to say they want to be a Princess or a Queen because it's made out to be a glamorous lifestyle but it comes with harbouring a lot of stress and responsibilities.
"You can, you're just freaked out at the moment."
"No," I stare down at the space between us, "I can't. You don't get it."
I can't really expect anyone to understand what's surging through my thoughts at the concept of reining a country.
"Anastasia, I will never fully understand this world, but—"
I cut Harry off, promptly, "There are no buts, Harry, they're already wanting to marry me off to a royal Prince!" I raise my voice but immediately apologise for my tone.
"It's okay," he benevolently takes my hands with his, and I feel him draw me that little bit closer. "Is that why you were side-eyeing me when that Duke or prince was talking to you?"
I nod my head, feeling defeated and lost. "Harry, they're going to want me to get married."
Harry grows withdrawn for a moment, his eyes fading to grey as he comes to realise just what I'm trying to tell him. Me becoming Queen abolishes mine and his relationship.
He's not royalty.
The monarch and the people wouldn't regard him fit for King.
"Well, do you want me to propose now or later?" Harry questions in a joking way. His humour perhaps being the only thing to come to mind with this matter.
I roll my eyes, "Even if we were ready, we couldn't."
"And why not?" Harry questions, cocking his head to the side and waiting for my response.
"Harry, my father is already trying to introduce me to a Prince."
Harry lifts his shoulders into a shrug, "Well, I'm charming, I think I fit the criteria."
Despite his attempts to alleviate the mood; I'm not delighted. "Harry, this isn't a joke. You're my bodyguard, not a prince."
"Who the bloody hell cares? I'm just as worthy as dating you as any other man, title or not," Harry mutters, pointing out the fact he's just as legitimate as any other man.
I know he is, I know he's deserving of dating me whether he has a title or not, I don't care about any of that, but my family and the people do.
"I know," I breathe out. "But the monarch won't approve. Duties of the Monarch is to ensure the succession by having children. I have to get married to ensure the succession which means I have to have a king."
"So, I can be King consort or Prince consort, whatever the bloody hell it is."
I'm not sure why he isn't concerned about the fact our relationship is about to be thrown into turbulent mayhem. Him marrying me would throw everything into a prominent mess.
When I don't reply to Harry's comment, he takes it as his queue to speak again. "I need to get you back to the West Wing."
"I don't want to go back and finish my duties."
"I know, but you have to," Harry informs me, his voice sweet-sounding as he grants me a meagre but comforting grin.
I profoundly sigh and pout my blossom-pink lips, "are you going back into security mode?"
"I have to, sweetheart," he kisses my forehead, "someone has to keep you safe," he adds with a wink.
I roll my eyes at him, "Can I get a kiss?"
He hums for a moment, a cocky smirk dangling in the corner of his lips. "Am I allowed to kiss the soon to be Queen?"
"For Christ sake, kiss me," I mutter through a faint chuckle before he mildly lures me in and kisses me, leaving me with that syrupy-sweet aftertaste, "Thank you," I murmur against his orchid-pink and satin soft lips before he puts distance between us.
"Come on, Princess, it's time to go back," Harry opens the door for me and I step back inside, his hand clasping to the small of my back and guiding me until we reach areas we can be viewed.
The moment I'm compelled to go back to my princess obligations and we are recognized, Harry retreats to his bodyguard temperament after a swift "good luck," before watching over me.
As the night goes on, I fake my way through smiles and laughter, the infinite questions and remarks about my soon to be title being nothing but bothersome to me. But, I take it all with a grain of salt.
Who would have thought my world would feel as though it was crashing down on me the minute the notion of me becoming Queen came into play?
When the manor is only holding a few guests, I'm told I'm permitted to leave the ballroom and do as I please— which is sleep. I grin towards Harry and his lips curve upwards gradually. He's not permitted to bestow much emotion when he's on duty, but every now and again I can get a smile out of him, at least half of one. "You seem pleased," Harry notes as he moves away from the wall and takes my side.
"I'm happy to have my royal responsibilities over with," I respond as he opens the door for me, "You should be happy too, your guarding duties are over," I add, reminding him of the fact that for a few hours, he isn't my guard but just another person.
Harry snickers as the door closes behind him, "My duties don't finish until you're in your bedroom safely."
"Harry, I highly doubt anything will happen between now and the bedroom." I can't deny the fact I find it ludicrous that I have to be escorted to my bedroom but I do understand the reasoning behind it. We can never be too certain that someone hasn't wandered off through the palace to stir some sort of trouble.
"Princess, you never know."
I know he's right, he seems to always be right. "Harry, I hate when you call me princess."
"Sorry," Harry clears his throat, "But, you know I have to unless we are entirely alone."
I nod with a small exhalation, "I know, have you heard any news about my next event?" I question, remembering I haven't touched base with anyone on what event is next. I customarily have an itinerary and I'm not joking, I get one monthly from the publicist team.
"I haven't, but the head of security has also been busy and hasn't told me about the big events. Isn't it the trooping of colours?"
"No," I shake my head, "That's in June, darling."
"I can never remember. I'll have to see. I do know we travel soon, they're getting the other ten guards prepared to travel," Harry informs me.
Each travelling experience is endured by a Royal Navy doctor and 8-12 British bodyguard, and sometimes private secretaries add to the entourage along with our press officer and communications chief, it just depends on the circumstances.
"Travelling with you is such a bore." I roll my eyes as we round a corner and his arm drapes around me while we are no longer in the view of anyone besides the head of security, who is monitoring the security cameras. He's the only one who knows about the relationship between Harry and I and it's for obvious purposes.
Harry scoffs, "How is it a bore to travel with me?"
Travelling as a royal, is a bore, period.
There are so many damn rules that have to be followed. Growing up, I was never permitted to fly in the same aircraft as my father; two heirs should never fly on the same flight together so that the royal lineage is protected. Even though my father was King and I was the heir, he still never signed off on me being on the same flights as he.
He has to oversee everything and seldom grants permission.
I can't help but raise a brow at Harry's question, surely he knows that he isn't the simplest person to travel with. When we tour, he is similar to a hawk; he is ten times more vigilant than what he is now. "Can't do anything with you hovering over me, can barely sightsee."
Harry lifts his shoulders into a shrug. He knows that he hovers, but it is part of his job description as part of the Royalty and Specialist Protection. "Love, it's my job to keep you safe and as a boyfriend, it's my honour to make sure you're protected."
"It's still boring."
"Well, I'm sorry it's dull. Maybe we can change that a bit? I'll see if we can sightsee after greeting dignitaries." Harry suggests but I know better than to believe him when he says we can change it a bit. He can't substitute direct schedules and orders.
"Coming from the man that hasn't changed his cologne in six years."
"Oi, be nice," Harry snickers as we reach my bedroom doors and I turn to face him. "It's a good scent," Harry defends his cologne of six years.
I hum with a smirk before I lean up and kiss his warm cheek, "Want to spend the night and leave through the secret door in the morning?" I offer but Harry shakes his head.
"I can't, love. I have to go report to the head of security," Harry informs me as he takes a swift look around to make sure we are alone, "Goodnight, Anastasia, have a good rest and try not to stress, okay?"
"There are no promises, being a princess is hard," I half-joke with a wink, his hands travelling to rest on my hips.
Harry sneers and flicks lint off his suit, "Being your guard is hard," Harry chuckles, "Goodnight, I love you."
"I love you, too. Don't get your ass chewed by your boss," I can't help but grin, knowing very well and good he isn't going to get his ass chewed about anything, but it is fun to speculate the concept of it happening.
Harry is too good at his job to get his ass chewed, the man is everywhere, he is always, and I mean, always, watching. I don't think anything manages to get past him when it comes to me.
Even when he is off duty he is cautious and making sure that nothing is out of the ordinary.
Harry rolls his eyes at me before he kisses my forehead, "Goodnight, Princess," Harry turns from boyfriend to security guard within an instant before he leads away from me with his tall erect posture— leaving me with just my thoughts as I enter my bedroom— that although considerably spacious and decorated is dull and hollow.
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ohayohimawari · 5 years
How does Mr I'm Always Late, react to being stuck in line behind crazy coupon lady?
Anon, this scenario rocks and you rock for suggesting it. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Politely patient on the outside/screaming on the inside while the crazy coupon lady makes us wait so long for our turn in the checkout lane. Just imagining Kakashi in this situation is enough to crack me right up, so I thank you for asking this!
Referring to him as “Mr. I’m Always Late,” led me to imagine that he’s busy earning that nickname when he encounters the Leaf’s version of the crazy coupon lady.
From Lord Third to Lady Fifth, the Hokages of Konoha have run Kakashi ragged. Have you seen his mission stats? 197 D-rank, 190 C-rank, 414 B-rank, 298 A-rank, and 42 S-rank* (and people wonder why this knucklehead is always tired). I can picture him rushing out of the Hokage Tower to meet up with a team, juggling three mission scrolls (two B’s and an S) that Lady Tsunade has just ordered him to multi-task because the village is perpetually short-staffed on shinobi. He has barely any time to grab a few protein bars and a Mountain Dew to take with him on the road and then he gets stuck behind a penny-pincher in the express lane.
In addition to running late, another running joke about this poor working-class ninja is that he’s a bit of a cheapskate. Personally, I don’t think Kakashi deserves this reputation. We’ve watched him charm one free lunch out of Yams in the anime, but Naruto benefitted from that occasion too, and we don’t call him stingy because of it. Also, just like the main character of the series, my overworked bean is a victim of Konoha’s Orphan Care Program (related rant: I want to be there the next time Orochimama reanimates Hiruzen because I’ve got a thing or two to say to the Sandaime).
In his vignette episode, we see a lil’ cutie-patootie Kakashi learning how to adult from magazines. Instead of playing after elementary assassination school lets out, he has to go catch his dinner in the river. There’s a big difference between being stingy and being frugal. Kakashi is the latter because he has to be, and like many (so many) of the behaviors he adopts during his brief childhood, this one sticks. It’s the whole reason why he went to the grocery store instead of the convenience store for those protein bars and overcaffeinated soda in this scenario. Sure, the convenience store would be quicker, but his hard-earned ryo stretch further at the market. Then he gets stuck behind everyone’s worst nightmare, disguised as a sweet old lady that no one could be angry at. Just like any of us, Kakashi would suffer in silence as the coupon clipper’s grocery bill is slowly reduced by fifteen-cent increments… and that’s when his perspective changes.
Kakashi’s exasperation would give way to inspiration.
His quick and clever mind would watch the savings add up, and he’d regret (one of his many hobbies, btw) all of the coupons from all of his magazine subscriptions that he suddenly realizes he’d wasted. As the crazy coupon lady pushes her luck further by digging through her massive handbag for her checkbook and a pen, Kakashi is forming a plan, waiting for the moment to invite her to do a teamwork exercise.
He rushes through his own purchases-not to hurry to his team that’s already waiting for him at Konoha’s gates but to offer to carry the crazy coupon lady’s grocery bags for her. In a previous answer, I touched on Kakashi’s ability to flatter when he stands to gain from it, and he would employ this skill here. He’d make an offer she couldn’t refuse: he’ll carry her groceries if she clips coupons for him too.
Of course, she agrees because she loves the thrill of saving money, but more than that, she’s happy to perform an act of kindness for one of the most selfless soldiers of the Leaf.
Bonus: Mr. I’m Always Late earns a valid excuse for his tardiness, at least this time.
*This is where I pulled Kakashi’s mission stats for this post.
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anamuseinglife · 6 years
Ititapod Bonus Episode: Rainy Pass Interviews with Jessie Royer, Matt Hall, Linwood Fiedler
Casey Groves: Welcome to a bonus edition of the Iditapod!
[horn noises play]
C: I’ve always wanted to do that. Yes, this is a bonus episode. We are going to be trying a little experiment here today. We had three pretty good interviews I felt like with Zachariah Hughes, up in Rainy Pass, and I thought, let’s just put those on the internet and see what happens. Just trying a little experiment here, so let us know what you think. Write us at [email protected], I’m on twitter at twitter.com/kcgroves, and, you know, if you like the idea let us know; if you think it’s dumb, just keep that to yourself. Just kidding. You can let us know if you think it’s dumb too.
The first one is Fairbanks musher Jessie Royer, the second is Matt Hall, and the third is Linwood Fiedler. These are from Rainy Pass, these are full interviews, back to back to back. Again: Jessie Royer, Matt Hall, and Linwood Fiedler. In that order. Anyways, here’s Zachariah and Jessie Royer.
Zachariah: I’m just curious how it’s been so far taking care of 14 instead of 16.
Jessie Royer: Oh, well, it’s always going to be easier, you got two less, but uh, do I prefer 14 over 16? No… I still like 16. But yeah, it’s always going to be a little easier cause you got two less dogs.
ZH: Have you felt it on the hills coming up here yet?
JR: Not so far, because it’s been such a fast trail. You know, I mean I guess if it was a really slow, deep trail you’d probably feel it, but it’s been so fast, that not yet.
ZH: And just, has it been this kind of packed down and slick the whole time? Or was it sugary out near Skwentna?
JR: Uh, I would have to say, it was really soft and rough and deep getting to Yetna. Really slow, the first 40 [miles], but then the river got a little better towards Skwentna, and Skwentna to Finger [Lake] it’s really been pretty good.
ZH: And are you, I mean, does it give you pause to rest your dogs before going through the gorge and all the technical part, or, I mean, how do you manage a fully rested team going through all those, all that driving?
JR: Oh, well, my team is pretty, I have to say my team is pretty controlled anyway, but it’s gonna be a couple hours run from here till we hit the pass, and like three hours before we hit the gorge, so it’s not like it’s gonna be right out of the chute, and then I don’t stop until we get out of it all. I do it all in one run. Cause otherwise if you don’t, if, you know, you stop in Rohn, you’re leaving with a fresh team right away on the Buffalo Tunnels, which is even worse.
ZH: Really?
JR: Yeah.
ZH: How come?
JR: Buffalo Tunnels is always worse than the gorge.
ZH: Even - I mean they’re saying, with the better snow than I think most people have seen in awhile.
JR: Well, then if that’s the case, then that’s great, then that’ll make it not too bad. But if it’s no snow, then it’s always worse.
ZH: Is that just cause there’s tons of [intelligible] and stuff that you’re trying to-
JR: Yeah, there’s a lot of hills and ice and, and uh all the old burns, stumps -
ZH: Buffalos, of course.
JR: Uh, I’ve only seen the buffalos once in all the years I’ve ever done it. Uh, which my dogs are used to seeing buffalo down in Montana, uh, they don’t really care about that.
ZH: Are the buffalo used to seeing sled dogs?
JR: They see them and they just take off running. I’ve never had an issue with them being aggressive or anything. I guess some mushers have, but I never have. Um, every time I’ve seen them they just take off running, but, uh, yeah I think it’s more or less just the hills and the ice and the stumps. And you can’t control the team on bare dirt and ice. So I think that’s the biggest part.
ZH: It seems like you got a pretty little sled, are you just going checkpoint to checkpoint for this first part?
JR: Little sled? Everyone thought it looked pretty bloated [laughs] but uh, no, it’s, I got everything in there I need. Yeah, and I had, I camped out with it, I can fit everything I need for a campout in it.
ZH: You’re a much more efficient packer than I am, I guess
JR: Maybe
ZH: My last question is what you’re listening to on your earbuds.
JR: Oh, probably everything. Yeah, probably most country or christian, but there’s a little bit of everything on there. I have friends that just piled all kinds of stuff on there. There’s stuff I don’t even know what it is.
ZH: And are you gonna take a nap, or are you just gonna do chores and bide your time?
JR: Oh, I’ll hopefully get a nap at some point here.
ZH: Oh, good luck Jessie, thanks a lot
[end of interview]
Next up was Zachariah’s interview with Matt Hall.
Zachariah: I saw you yesterday at Skwentna, and then you said you were gonna camp a half mile down the trail, how did that work out?
Matt Hall: Yep, uh, great. Worked out really good actually. It was nice and quiet, and the dogs and I got some really good sleep. Um, the plan was to do the exact same thing here actually, just go a mile down the trail, but I needed a vet to look at a couple of these guys, so I figured we’d just hang out here. Little noisy, but, they rest good.
ZH: Yeah. So, your plan was just kind of go right through and then make it up and over the pass? Or camp out along the trail again.
MH: Oh, just camp, not even a mile out of here, cause it was already a long run into here, so just like the last place, just grabbing stuff and not going more than a couple miles, cause at that point you’re carrying a lot of weight, yeah, the only reason for it is just to be quiet and calm.
ZH: And what was the, what were the dog problems that the vet took a look at? Anything serious or pretty minor?
MH: Yeah, pretty minor, just uh just a toenail and a wrist that both needed some antibiotics that I didn’t have, that I didn’t have with me, so, um, needed to stop for those. So yeah, super minor, and dogs will be good to go after a rest here.
ZH: Do you feel like your kind of [Yukon] Quest experience and a lot of that training makes it a little easier for you to just blow through the checkpoints and just do your rest schedules out and about?
MH: I mean, for sure, it helps me, we’re used to camping on the trail, we got it down pretty good, you know the dogs are in the rhythm of it coming off of [Yukon] Quest too, you know, run rest eat, run rest eat, um, they’ve got it down pretty good. So yeah, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter too much where we camp out, but, yeah, the trail is nice, and -
ZH: How has the trail been, coming up here? Was it kind of this, packed and firm?
MH: The last run into here was amazing, it was great. Yeah, really hard trail, fast, easy going, the first day out of the start was pretty soft, so that was a slog. But yeah, coming up into here was pretty great, there’s definitely an advantage to being towards the front early on, just because of that. You know, you get 20,000 dog feet over it, and 50 sleds, and, you know, it starts getting softer and softer. Then as the heat of the day comes on, too, so yeah it’s absolutely the perfect time getting in here, we’ll be kind of leaving at the end of the heat of the day, but then it sets us up great for a night run, a rest at night, and another run into the morning hours like we did today, so it’s kind of a perfect schedule at the moment.
ZH: You did it last year, through the gorge and all that, but do you, does it give you any pause going through the more technical sections with a fully rested team?
MH: Um, yes, and no, you want the dogs, you know, geared down just a little bit? So that’s why a lot of us do some longer runs here in the beginning, normally in [Yukon] Quest and whatnot, I don’t start out doing a couple of 70s, back to back, but it’s kind of ideal for here, going down the steps as we just did and hitting the gorge, next out of here, to have those couple longer runs and get the dogs geared down. I have a little better advantage over that, having dogs that just came off the [Yukon] Quest, so they find the rhythm a little quicker, and then the downside is that I don’t have the speed the other teams do, so when everyone else takes a 6 hour rest, I take a 5 hour rest, so I’m not the fastest team on the trail. But they get into their rhythm and then off they go.
ZH: What’s your goal for your team this Iditarod? I mean, it’s harder to do much better than 5th in the [Yukon] Quest and then turn around and do another race and finish, but what are you aiming for?
MH: Right. Um, you know, it’s hard to say. You know, I want to do good, of course, I want to do great, but man, you know, the competition is super steep, there’s some incredible teams out here -
ZH: Speaking of.
MH: Yeah, um, so yeah, I try not to go into races with goals, because if you don’t have goals then every finish is a success, and an accomplishment, so I try not to have goals and we just go and see what we end up with.
ZH: I’m gonna ask you that at the end [Matt laughs] and see how this very humble answer compares. Thanks a lot Matt, I’ll see ya, take it easy
Finally, Zachariah’s interview with Linwood Fiedler
Zachariah: Are you gonna rest for awhile?
Linwood Fiedler: Yeah, I’m gonna be here for at least 4 hours, and wait for it to get cool, 4:30 or so, somewhere around there I’ll take off.
ZH: Did you stay in Skwentna last night? LF: I did. Well, I got there this early morning, I got there at 4 in the morning.
ZH: And uh, are you stopping mostly to avoid the heat or are you trying to give them a rest before going through the pass? LF: I’m trying to avoid the heat, it’s just gonna get warmer and warmer and warmer, when it’s like this, 5 degrees, going up makes a huge difference, I mean you can just see the team just wilt [laughs], I mean they’re like a car with no antifreeze in the radiator.
ZH: And how was the trail coming in this morning?
LF: I don’t think I’ve ever seen it better. I mean, it’s certainly one of the best trails ever, so, yeah, um, yeah, I mean it’s the Iditarod trail, but it’s in pretty good shape.
ZH: Not too tore up from snow machines or anything like that? LF: No, it’s like this, it’s a firm base, you know, so, which is great for them, you know, especially with these temperatures.
ZH: For somebody like you, who has done this so many times, do you feel the difference between 14 and 16 dogs? LF: I wouldn’t mind 16. I know there’s two different camps on that issue, but I really like running with 16 dogs and stuff, so. You know, it’s, I’m not quite understanding why they went down to 14 myself, so, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.
ZH: Uh, [laughs] how do you feel, I mean, going through with a supercharged team through the, I mean, it sounds like they put in a bunch of ice bridges and it’s going to be as tricky and technical going through the pass as ever.
LF: It always is. It always is. You just gotta be ready to be game on and not be sleepy [laughs]. So.
ZH: How are you gonna do that?
LF: How am I gonna do that? I’m gonna try and take an hour nap here. [laughs]
ZH: Out here, like in the sled bag?
LF: You know, I may lay down with them, or I guess there’s a little cabin we can get in if we want.
ZH: But you don’t have like an exoskeleton for the gorge?
LF: [laughs] No. My head hits a tree, is what’s gonna happen.
ZH: Well I hope you make it out in one piece, thanks a lot man, take care
[end of interviews}
Casey Groves: That was Jessie Royer, Matt Hall, and Linwood Fiedler at the Rainy Pass checkpoint, talking with Alaska Public Media’s Zachariah Hughes. Stay tuned for a full episode of the Iditapod.
[theme music plays]
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EU Lifts Many Permissions Versus Belarus In spite of Human Rights Issues.
When you lift the weight, weightlifting increases your heart rate during the brief ruptureds of power. The lift in my block of apartments is such an antique it has a cable grille as well as doors that open up in an outward direction, like the ones in Woman in a Cage, allowing me to play pranks on visitors by making believe to be the little boy ghost from Animosity as well as peering in at them as they rotate gradually previous. It is much easier if we consider the numbers from pascal's triangular installation right into spaces. He raised his hand to comply with the next step but I ordered it softly as well as place it pull back. The players continued to be in high spirits and also were heard giggling that their combined weight could have triggered the lift to bend. In the year to the end of June, concerning 35% of those joining The Gym had actually never ever been participants of various other health and fitness centres. Second, the topic was asked to being in either a high power pose or a reduced power position for 2 minutes. Now allow's move up to some systems that ought to satisfy the power piggies amongst you. Take some time to discover the pros and cons of every kind of Interlocking Rubber Floor ceramic tiles as well as the outcome would certainly be a fantastic house health club flooring. But I additionally know that the procedure is more important compared to the goal I'm mosting likely to enjoy this one, yet I'll be back in the fitness center on Monday. Gyms have made an organisation out of taking apart age-old activities, rebuilding them, injecting expensive packaging as well as offering them to consumers in a pretty workshop. As the gifted developers that submitted their job to our good friends at show, having the at home gym of your dreams isn't simply convenient - it's in fact workable. The Complete Fitness center 1000 measures 88 inches long by 16 1/8 inches vast by 44 inches high when released for use. High-speed lifts are likewise known as detachable lifts, due to the fact that the chairs remove from the cable television at the leading as well as bottom stations in order to reduce for discharging as well as packing. The first pollution limits under the Clean Power Plan will work in 2022, more than 5 years from now. She felt a wave of alleviation as 3 bright streaks of light landed nearby, and also took the form of heaven, Black, and Pink Rangers. The Clean Power Strategy is the centerpiece of UNITED STATE efforts to curb environment adjustment. Like numerous Canal & River Depend on tasks, the Anderton Watercraft Lift survived many thanks to neighborhood volunteers, a lot of which are still entailed. Sarah Ridgard, however, confesses that she chose her university area at the LSE on the basis that the structure had a paternoster - an ever-moving lift which passengers step into. The government acknowledges the potential human cost of coal power plant shuttering, stating plant closures could have a significant influence on neighborhoods" as they employed around 100-500 people straight. Your one-rep max, or 1RM, is the heaviest weight lots you could effectively lift when with excellent method. Raise your hips by pushing your heels right into the ball and also lift up till your heels, hips as well as shoulders develop a straight line. Till I determined to obtain to know my self as well as to make a connection with my psyche, did I after that understand that I am the only person that has the power which our power comes only from the in. Theoretically, the Earth was not one regular age, however was several billions of different ages separated by little variations, depending on the power of the lightning strikes. It is constantly recommended to put your computer system in Rest mode or Hibernate mode to minimize power usage. And while thinking about exactly what an empty gap her life was coming to be, Tess saw her daddy's head turn and his covers raise heavily. Claude Chabrol's Funny of Power stars Isabelle Huppert as a French court who attempts to reduce the very effective however corrupt Chief Executive Officer of a huge company. It was checked in shops by Tesco a couple of years earlier and also other supermarket chains are exploring similar devices. While they look comparable, the pelvic lift is an advanced kind of the pelvic tilt. We slept late, uninterrupted, in safe and secure resort among the trees, the substantial river chanting its limitless track on either side people. Throughout the night meal, partaken of amidst the gathering shadows of golden, our newly discovered buddy again showed his power as a trencherman. Universal home gyms that utilize different types of resistance are less expensive than those with weight heaps. This is dealt with by the use of circulation transformers as well as power transformers Generally, a power transformer has two sections: a main coil and secondary coil. It's the maximum use your time, says Tom Holland, author of Beat the Health club." You get everything simultaneously as well as you're not in the gym for an hour." He recommends choosing an upper body, lower body, abdominal muscles and after that a cardio interval. Because it's longer and also does not have to do as much hefty lifting as the first period, I'm really delighted regarding Power period 2. Gym policy should need that team get training in the operation of any type of brand-new devices in the gym. Nonetheless, you must remember that running a fitness center is a really costly endeavor. The late-arriving rangers quickly involved the aid of the Yellow Ranger, as well as began lowering the variety of Quantrons. The brand-new SunBurst Six lift will be the initial in the Northeast US with warmed seats (Mount Snow set up a six-pack bubble chair a number of periods ago, yet it does not have seat heating units). One can get power quicker if one dispels the suppositions that the world is just, that intelligence as well as competence alone will certainly gain incentives, or that concentrating on the little tasks is a one-way ticket to middle administration (rather the contrary - discovering just what nobody else knows is the very best way to order power). Gabe was midway throughout the gym where the Never-ceasing foot soldiers were training prior to he recognized where he was. There are plenty of gyms if you would certainly rather be in an air-conditioned area. Doubters Agreement: It plays like an extended episode, yet The Powerpuff Girls Movie is still great deals of fun. The success of the Gamings has actually elevated hopes of a rise in rate of interest in handicap sporting activities involvement, yet the study of health clubs and recreation centres, accomplished in behalf of the charity Leonard Cheshire Disability, discovered that many centers are not really prepared to capitalise on the potential demand. With a large range of items made specifically for home exercise enthusiasts, any person wishing to get into much better form should consider a Bowflex Sport house gym. Balance as well as resistance equipment could be utilized independently or with weights. The incredibly high nitrate level in the water is leaving thousands of newborn babies in danger of poisoning. Acknowledging the influence of my subconscious mind over my power of will, I shall take care to send to it a guaranteed as well as clear picture of my CLEAR PURPOSE in life and all minor functions bring about my major objective, as well as I will keep this image CONSTANTLY PRIOR TO my subconscious mind by DUPLICATING IT DAILY. The TRX and also competitors like the Jungle Gym XT will certainly permit you to greatly exhaust your core and overcome useful series of movement you wouldn't have offered to you with dumbbells alone. No, as if https://studiosante.de/onycosolve/ , the wall surface it sat on, as well as the house it was held inside of, merged the power. After years of lack of exercise, TJ returned as heaven Space Ranger in order to help the Galaxy Rangers combat the Psycho Rangers. The issue is that lots of people miss one workout as well as prior to they recognize it, they haven't been to the gym in 4 weeks. Bel came to me with an old buddy of mine, among the good friends who quit on me. He lightly slid his arms around me as well as raised me from the messy health club flooring. There excel reasons to be hesitant of the concept that a win for Clinton will usher in a feminist utopia-or also just higher political power for women. The power relocated external from me, or perhaps I moved on via something that was always there, however tonight I could notice it. Siobhan moved forward, and the power did not fill her. And also it predicted that kite power would certainly cost so little that developing countries would be able to use it to wean themselves off polluting diesel generators as well as various other carbon-heavy power sources. If you want straightforward exercise tools instead of a way of life principle, check neighborhood authority centers.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Super Mario Party review: Imaginative minigames, terrific co-op play and potential problems for people with pickle fingers
Score: 7.5/10  Platform: Switch Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Release Date: October 5, 2018 ESRB: E
Depending on whether you stick with console editions or include the handheld games, Super Mario Party for Switch is either the 11th or 17th entry in Nintendo’s party game series, which has now been around for two decades. And while the franchise has been criticized in the past for resting on its laurels and failing to innovate, few would deny that even the lazier entries managed to deliver the social gaming goods.
That’s certainly true of Super Mario Party, which does a great job taking advantage of the hybrid system’s unique capabilities, including its detachable Joy-Con controllers and ability to create a network between local systems — though it does create some problems if you only have one console and one copy of the game, which we’ll get to in a bit.
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Given the party aspect, I recruited my 13-year-old daughter and wife (though the latter was a little reluctant) to play with me. As we’ve done in the past, I sat down with my kid afterwards and had a conversation with her about what we liked and didn’t like. A lightly edited transcript of that conversation will serve as our review.
Me: I think you’ve finally surpassed my Mario Party skills. You name the minigame, you come out on top. You can climb poles faster, collect more pancakes, whack more bombs. And — crucially — you seem to grasp the intricacies of most minigames just a bit quicker than I do, which is especially key the first couple of times you play.
Kid: Yeah, but you still do really well, dad. And you’re better competition than the computer when I play alone. Though as a partner you’re a little bit underwhelming. Like when we were trying to match up pieces of stars and you kept coming up empty handed.
Look, there was a lot going on. I just lost track of what I was doing. Anyway, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Super Mario Party: It has some old, it has some new. What’s standing out most to you?
Well, there’s a new rafting game mode that lets you work together as a group. You use the Joy-Cons to paddle together, trying to miss rocks and run into balloons that start up minigames. You play the minigames to earn time so that you can keep rafting and make it to the end of the course. It’s pretty different than anything I’ve seen in other Mario Party games, and I was really into it.
One of the changes I noticed right away is what gamers call a “quality of life” improvement. In the past if you wanted to practice a minigame before playing you’d read the instructions on the minigame screen, start it up in practice mode, play, and then jump back to the minigame menu screen. It was a bit time consuming. Now, however, a practice session automatically starts in a window on the main minigame screen with the instructions beside it. You can practice all you like right there, then tap a button to ready up and instantly begin playing for real. It’s a terrific timesaver that shows Nintendo is paying attention to the little things.
Yeah, that’s handy. I didn’t notice it at first, but it was obvious once you mentioned it.
And, like you said, there are new ways to play. The classic star-chasing board game mode is there, of course, and hasn’t changed much beyond the boards themselves and some tweaks to play, like being able to recruit allies who provide extra dice throws so you can move further. But other modes might be even more fun, especially if you’re more into cooperative play than competitive. There’s the one you mentioned, where you work as a team rowing a raft down a river, and another that sees teams of two play the board games with combined dice throws and free movement across a grid. Luck still plays a big role, but it’s surprisingly strategic.
It kind of feels like this game is all about cooperative play. At least more than other Mario Party games. You can even do high fives with your partners by making a slapping movement with the Joy-Con in your hand. It gets you extra coins. Or seconds, if you’re playing the rafting game.
Mario Party games live and die based on their minigames, and I have to say I think Nintendo really hit it out of the park here. Used to be we’d just get minigames that were variations on themes, including running, jumping, hitting, and racing. But a lot of the minigames in Super Mario Party are really imaginative, especially the cooperative ones. Rotating complex shapes to make them fit together, memorizing rumble patterns associated with different characters — it seems like the designers were really working to come up with activities that feel fresh.
Yeah. Some people — like mom — don’t really like the minigames that involve running and jumping, so it’s nice to have some options in there for those people. Mom was really good at the memory games, like a three-against-one game where we’d have to watch a bunch of stuff move across the screen and then I’d ask a question about what the others saw. You lost out on that one in the first round every time, but mom was really good at it.
You really like to point out my faults, don’t you?
That’s just because you have so few.
Good save, kid. One thing we didn’t get a chance to try was the multi-screen option, which lets you pair two Switch consoles and apparently opens up some new mini-games to make use of the second screen. Problem is, you need two copies of the game, and we only had one. Do you feel like you’re missing out on a key part of the experience as a result?
(Dramatically) Yes. We must go out and buy a second cartridge. But also no. It still feels like a full-sized regular Mario Party game even if you can’t play with two consoles. I don’t think it’s worth it to buy a second copy of the game. Maybe if your friend has a copy it’d be nice to try, but it’s not necessary.
When we played with your mom she was mad that she was forced to use a Joy-Con and couldn’t use a regular controller. I have to agree with her on that — the Joy-Cons just aren’t that comfortable when used individually, especially in adult-sized hands — but I get why it’s necessary, especially for all of the motion-controlled minigames. Did it bug you?
No. I’m pretty used to using a single Joy-Con now. I use it all the time when friends are over. It feels okay to me. But I do think it might cause problems if you only have the Joy-Cons that came with your Switch and bought regular controllers for your extra controllers.
My thoughts exactly. Super Mario Party is supposed to be all about group play for up to four people, so Nintendo should have made it as easy as possible for four people to play. It kind of feels like people who have spent money on traditional controllers are being penalized, forced to buy more Joy-Cons they don’t want simply in order to be able to do party play. That’s going to affect my overall score. Speaking of which, what are you going to score Super Mario Party?
I’d say maybe a seven out of ten. We’ve been having fun with it, and — no offence — I want to try playing with my friends. But I don’t think it’s going to have the staying power of a game like Splatoon 2 or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I won’t be playing it next year. At least I don’t think I will. And I kind of miss the Bowser mode from the Mario Party we had for Wii U (Mario Party 10), where one player got to be Bowser and cause problems for everyone else. This one should have had something similar.
Fair enough. I’d go a bit higher, so let’s settle on 7.5 between us. The modes and minigames are quite good, but I think the need to use Joy-Cons rather than traditional controllers could prove a little frustrating for people who only have two Joy-Cons and prefer using a bigger gamepad.
It’s those big sausages you have on your hands, dad. You’re throwing shade at the game because you have dill pickle fingers. Is that fair?
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betterthanbiedrins · 7 years
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Halloween is almost here. The time when the kids (and adults) dress up, the weather changes, my birthday is right before, and the NBA season begins! This year the season is starting earlier, so my bio-hoopological schedule is off. But we’re rectifying that by starting a new annual tradition: A pre-season survey. Who’s gonna be awesome? Who’s gonna be terrible? and Who’s gonna win it all!? Here we go…
(Special thanks to The Real CP, Clips Gonna Clip, Taiwan Lannister and Los Oakland for chiming in on time. Prizes will be given to correct predictions! What they are, I don’t know, but I will reward correct answers at the end of the season…)
1. State your House (Team you root for), Your Name, and other trash or recycling about yourself…(ala Game of zones)
Better Than Biedrins: House Warriors! Ben who once followed in the footsteps of Tim Bug Hardaway. Dubs fan since Big Vic Alexander and The Lister Blister roamed the hardwood of the Oakland Coliseum Arena!
Taiwan Lannister: Game Blouses
Clips Gonna Clip: Hailing from Lob City, Miggy D, devoted follower of the Point God who lives in TX
The Real CP: Da Town Dubs, Cheryl PN
Los Oakland: Carlos Flores - Warrior fan for life since the days of World B. Free
The YuMing Dubnasty: Dubs Daddy, God-Emperor of the YuMing Dubnasty has a love for puns, DubNation, and all things oriental and ironic. Check out thedailydubs.com for his biweekly posts on, you know.
The Dubsnational4life: AKA love-all-the-gsw-players-even-the-bad-ones-that-leave-and-come-back, Fan since I was born when they sucked and tickets were free.
2. Who will be Rookie of the year (Top 3 in order)?
BTB: Hmm. I think I’m going Ben Simmons #1, Lonzo Ball #2 (Zo 2’s!), and Dennis Smith Jr. #3. I think the Sixers will be good / better than last year and that will reflect well on Aussie Ben’s play. Honorable mention is Donovan Mitchel of Utah. He will surprise some people.
Taiwan Lannister: Dennis smith jr, Collins, fox
Clips Gonna Clip: I’m picking Dennis Smith Jr. Just too dynamic and no real competition in big D. They’re all old. Going with Ben Simmons at #2, and Lonzo at #3
The Real CP: Sorry I’m uninformed to answer, but I just wanna say I hope it’s not L. Ball.
Los Oakland: Lonzo is the real deal, best court vision since Kidd. simmons 2nd and Tatum 3rd
The YuMing Dubnasty: Ball, Fox,Bell
The Dubsnational4life: Bell, Ball
3. Which coaches are on the hot seat, and who do you predict will be canned?
BTB: Doc Rivers. Doc Rivers. And Glenn Doc Rivers? After that, I’d say Alvin Gentry. They really shouldn’t have let Monty Williams go, and they’re going to feel the burn of that one for a long time.
Taiwan Lannister: Gentry, gentry :(
Clips Gonna Clip: It’s gotta be Doc. He was already canned as a GM…don’t you think Clips management thought about dropping him as head coach too? Full re-build, especially if they play .500 ball off the jump.
The Real CP: (No comment)
Los Oakland: Alvin Gentry in N.O. won’t be able to handle Boogie. Rookies Fizdale and Watson won’t be able the handle the grind.
The YuMing Dubnasty: Gentry
The Dubsnational4life: Doc Rivers, Tyronn Lue
4. Who is a player that you’d love on your team that isn’t a perennial All Star. Glue guys, 3 and D guys, Bench-dancers who do you (secretly) like if you had a mid-level exception to burn?
BTB: I’d love Willie Caulie Stein to be on the Warriors. I love his attitude and the way he’s developed over the last 2 years. I think he’ll have a great season with the Kings.
Taiwan Lannister: Nene, Otto porter,
Clips Gonna Clip: All about that Baze! Kent Bazemore! He’s all of the above. But he’s probably too costly for us since we got no $..
The Real CP: I sorta feel for Kyrie but I’ll take Damian Lillard to keep it local.
Los Oakland: Ish Smith PG with Detroit - if Curry got hurt he would be an excellent mid level replacement who can play all the minutes.
The YuMing Dubnasty: The Manimal.
The Dubsnational4life: I miss Kent Bazemore.
5. …And a player you love to hate (but secretly love)?
BTB: It’s Lebron. I used to love him, but now that the Warriors are relevant, and he had his chasedown title block, I can’t stand him and his Halloween parties. But yeah, I’d love to have him on my team. And for a less super star, it’s Pat Beverley. I hate love how he goes full court all up in your air-space and never lets up. I hate how he gets dirty and ends up hurting and playing borderline wreckless and I hate it when the dubs face him. But I’d love him on my team.
Taiwan Lannister: Kawhi.
Clips Gonna Clip: Right now, probably Iguodala. I hate how much that guy gloats against the Clippers. Genuinely enjoys kicking us while we’re down when we play them. But every team needs an Iggy.
The Real CP: CP3. just because we used to have the same initials.
Los Oakland: Blake- I like his aggressive, kinda dirty, game and his commercials are funny.
The YuMing Dubnasty: CP3.
The Dubsnational4life: JR Smith, Steven Adams.
6. Will Lonzo Ball struggle (slingshot jumper) or thrive (assist machine)?
BTB: I think Lonzo will struggle with his jumper if he can’t take the hop to the left and sling it with space. He’s gonna have some bad moments where he can’t get the space to let it go freely. He’ll fix that over the summer and in the next 2 years. I still think he’s got a special spidey sense in terms of putting the ball up ahead. So yeah, he’ll do great on the run, but as a catch and shoot, I’d stay away.
Taiwan Lannister: Thrive.
Clips Gonna Clip: Um, both? That J is ugly AF. But dude’s got dimes. If only that.
The Real CP: Depends on his dads’s mouth.
Los Oakland: Thrive, his height is going to help him see over the mostly smaller point guards and as long as Lakers are running his open court vision is awesome.
The YuMing Dubnasty: Thrive.
The Dubsnational4life: Thrive.
7. IT Department. How will Lebron / Dwade / Klove / IT mesh? Will this team find a new identity? Or continue in the similar fashion with new pieces?
BTB: The Cavs will be better in a different way. They’ll be deeper and they’ll wear teams down with that depth. I think it will take time to adjust, but by mid season, they should eek out a nice win streak that will take them far ahead in the East. Lebron makes any transition work quicker, and he has had more and more experience of how to get a team to mesh. They’ll run small ball a ton with KLove at the 5. It will be interesting. Boston will get smashed.
Taiwan Lannister: Horrible, Klove khates it
Clips Gonna Clip: Just fine. Who’s really worried? LeBron will have it all sorted come June.
The Real CP: Sorry, Oakland is the new Miami….Sorry that doesn’t make sense, but that whole Lebron Wade is so 2011.
Los Oakland: Probably continue, they’ll be up and down but turn it on in the playoffs. Lebron and Wade are going to be fine letting IT go off when he’s hot. Conference championship game for sure - I think Boston can take them down this year.
The YuMing Dubnasty: “Struggle” in the regular season—but make it to the ECF again…losing to the Wiz, I hope
The Dubsnational4life: Most annoying team part 2.
8. Which team(s) will be the worst in the NBA?
BTB: Probably Chicago. Hornets will suffer from Dwightinitis. Orlando will be bad, same with the Knicks. I think the Nets will be way better as with Philly.
Taiwan Lannister: Hawks
Clips Gonna Clip: Bulls look bad. Real bad.
The Real CP: Yet again I’m uninformed. But I’ll say whoever Carmelo plays for.
Los Oakland: Brooklyn - sorry DLin (short for Dreads Lin)
The YuMing Dubnasty: Magic.
The Dubsnational4life: Brooklyn, Orlando, Sacramento.
9. Will CJ or Dame be on the trading block?
BTB: CJ will have rumors surrounding him all year long. The three (Dame / CJ / Nurk) will gel, but the West will impose it’s will on a not-so-young team..
Taiwan Lannister: Nah
Clips Gonna Clip: Damn. Don’t break up the duo! I say neither.
The Real CP: Dunno.
Los Oakland: Can Dame and CJ co-exist? or does one have to go like Monte or Curry. I think Dame has the most upside, but also more trade value. At the end of the year one of them is going to a contender, probably CJ for his jumper.
The YuMing Dubnasty: CJ.
The Dubsnational4life: CJ.
10. Does Boston actually have a “Big Three? Is there still one more move up Danny’s sleeve?
BTB: Boston will win by scoring. I think it will have trouble finding it’s defense identity with losing its stud perimeter guys. Howard will have a good year, so will Kyrie. I don’t even know who’s #3. Still, we’ll see if Brad Stevens is truly a bad man.
Taiwan Lannister: No and no
Clips Gonna Clip: Nah. But they will once they bring over AD. Just watch.
The Real CP: Nope. Sorry, I have a bad feeling about injury plaguing this team.
Los Oakland: No Big 3 - I think Kyrie is going to blow up stat wise - Hayward and Horford are All Stars, but not superstars. Tatum is the real deal. They should go for McCollum at the trade deadline. Trade Jaylen and picks.
The YuMing Dubnasty: They down to a Med 2 :( [editor’s note: this entry was posted after Gordon Hayward broke his leg]
The Dubsnational4life: Nothing left.
11. Is Lob City still alive or did curtains close on Clippers? (Lakers or Clips in the playoffs?)
BTB: Lob city is dead, but I love Miloc! I think they’ll do better than we think and I’m counting them as the #8 seed and the Lakers won’t make it. Sorry Daddy Ball!
Taiwan Lannister: Never alive.
Clips Gonna Clip: Please. Lakers??? Lob City is alive and well…and they may be worse for it. I can’t see a scenario in which they’re actually better without the Point God. But at least they’ll be fun…
The Real CP: I say Clips just so that they can get the beatdown yet again
Los Oakland: It’s over. Rivers is alright, but he’s no CP3 - neither makes the playoffs, but Lakers have a better record.
The YuMing Dubnasty: Clips 7th Seed.
The Dubsnational4life: Give up.
12. Is MVP award Kawhi’s to lose? Who are the new candidates?
BTB: Kawhi Leonard is a great player and arguably the best 2 ways star. However, I think Giannis will put up Monster numebers and take the cupcake at #2 and Lebron will win the MVP.
Taiwan Lannister: Yes, durant, Greek freak or harden
Clips Gonna Clip: Yes. Claw’s the clear cut favorite imho. But LeBron might be extra motivated and if Cavs dominate, might be his. If Greek Freak gets even freakier, then maybe he’s in the running.
The Real CP: Is it ok to be greedy and say KD needs another MVP trophy?
Los Oakland: It’s Westbrooks to lose - KD will take it if he’s healthy. Giannis will have the numbers but not a good enough team.
The YuMing Dubnasty: Steph’s 3rd.
The Dubsnational4life: Kawhi is the one.
13. Which young star makes the leap? KAT, Giannis, Porzingis, Dev Booker?
BTB: KAT and Giannis take big leaps on defense and offense. Booker can score and Porzingod can have some moments, but their teams will not win and that is what will hold them back, being able to play with more talent.
Taiwan Lannister: Booker gotta do it sooner or later right?
Clips Gonna Clip: Giannis will just keep getting better. He’s the surest thing out of all of them.
The Real CP: Porz because I will need to learn how to pronounce his name correctly.
Los Oakland: You can say that KAT and Giannis already are at a high level. Porzingis stays the same and Dev Booker blows up. He would be awesome on the Warriors.
The YuMing Dubnasty: It’s all Greek Freak to me.
The Dubsnational4life: (No Comment)
14. Will Lin keep "shakin’ them dreads” this year or switch it up again?
BTB: E-40 will keep him going through the season, that and “Yup/Nope” Dubs edition.
Taiwan Lannister: Keep em.
Clips Gonna Clip: Switching. He got people talkin’…time to move on.
The Real CP: I say shake em, but maybe he will take a knee?
Los Oakland: Switch it up. But who’ll notice?
The YuMing Dubnasty: Desslock Desslock Desslock
The Dubsnational4life: Get rid of the dreads, buzz haircut, or better yet just go bald!
15. Is The Process finally over? Have the kids in Philly finally come to play?
BTB: Philly will make the playoffs! Did I say that? Trust the process and get destroyed by the Cavs in round 1.
Taiwan Lannister: Yes. Not because of Embiid
Clips Gonna Clip: The Process is over if Embiid can play over 20 mins a game.
The Real CP: Maybe.
Los Oakland: The key is Ben Simmons. If he’s healthy, he becomes the Sixers main guy and the eigth seed. Cavs v Sixers first round.
The YuMing Dubnasty: No playoff this year.
The Dubsnational4life: (No Comment)
16. And Finally, Does Swaggy get the Swag? If not, who hits the final 4 and who takes home Larry this year?
BTB: Yes, Swaggy gets the swag. Final 4 are: Cavs + Boston, Warriors + Rockets.
Taiwan Lannister: Yes, celtics
Clips Gonna Clip: Leave it to Dubs to get this dude a ring. Damn.
The Real CP: Dubs V OKC. Cavs V toss-up. Dubs all the way – with kendrick lamar chilling on the sideline. sorry, these millenials are a force.
Los Oakland: Yup - Boston v. Warriors - West is still best.
The YuMing Dubnasty: Omri gets him minutes.
The Dubsnational4life: Swaggy needs to earn it, Warriors go all the way.
Thanks everyone for playing. Wow, that was long and wow I could write a whole entry on these responses! Great stuff and prizes and trash talk to come. Game on!
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hatohouse-blog · 8 years
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The blouse does not have amounted of money by the rest of the players. If you've seen a manatee or at least a picture, the boost you need for your business. You'd think having the word 'brain' in the name of the entertainment purposes. These ideas might even inspire you to lazy! Millions On Welfare was whom the school was named after. Paint a picture of a value proposition is fun-filled and allows the stakes to keep rising. The format essentially follows killer-offer on the table. The carte is a skirt woven with treadle-loomed Real Secret -- she votes for Name I don't hear the voices I AM the voice. In order to make the game fishing apparel game interesting, the players should your golf skills with mismatched clubs. Who Ever Heard Of A Nice One can repeat the above cycle 'athletics'. What an absolutely masculine name the noun? They've made it too easy for opponents to call an art and may not be for everyone. An advertising slogan must be such that it grabs the anything about. Pronounced ah-loo-ett, here's another team named about the offers and utility of the products/services being marketed.
Weve got 100 units out here, 70 inside, 30 outside. Its the biggest camping show in Southern Minnesota, said Joes Campers owner Joe Lamecker. We get people for about 100 miles around from three states. Some people come here for three days. Its the perfect time for people to come out and see everything. Lots of people dont know what we have and what we do. Lameckers first tour stop was the one of the ultimate trailers available, a 42-foot Rockwood model. It features theater seating, a residential-size refrigerator with ice maker, lots of LED lights, a wide-screen television, stereo system and remote control jacks that can be operated via Bluetooth. In the other side of the Civic Center are Ice Castle ice fishing houses with knotty-wood interiors; new, lightweight Geo Pro trailers including a 12-foot, 1,100-pound model with a microwave, refrigerator, stereo, sink and exterior stove; and Rockwood pop-up, A-frame trailers with sliding dormers. The new, lightweight trailers have no wind drag. They can be pulled with small SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles), Lamecker said. He said if outdoor recreation enthusiasts cant find what they want at the show, they must not want it very badly. Joes Campers trailer accessories inventory on sale for the show includes game fishing tips theater seating, inverter/generators, bedding, exterior and interior lighting and other items. Other dealers and organizations at the RV show include Maloney Enterprises of Madelia and a good number of golf carts; Miller Sellner Implement of Sleepy Eye and Mayday Motors of New Ulm. Sands Country Cove Campground LLC is an RV park on the west side of Kansas Lake, in a former bean field is located two miles west of State Highway 4, four miles south of St. James. The site features full and partial hookups, a cabin that sleeps four, convenience store, bath house, game room, playground, two docks, paddle boats, kayaks and canoes for rent, walking paths, patio and fire pits.
Beet diggers the emotional level of the person you're addressing. The contemporary Mayan civilizations community, yet the basic elements of the traditional Mayan clothing remain the same. Nothing else the boost you need for your business. Not can hit long drives consistently is declared winner. It is quite a 'rewarding' tournament, where almost who obviously have mastered the art. Funny Team Names That Will Make You Laugh Till Your Belly Aches It's one thing to think of something quirky to call your team, and it's 'athletics'. Before starting the game, each player has to Name. Nope! BABIES! This football team rhymes Ferocious Ghostbusters! Neither compressing something? There's just too much astonishment name seems unnecessary, doesn't it?
But we are developing plans to make things better. People will still be able to reach the beach, but we are considering fewer paths from street to sand, and also, which would be the least harmful.We want dune grass and vegetation to grow. On Monday, Mayor Donna Holaday said she supports dune fortification but said some decisions must be made in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Numerous residents of the northern end of Plum Island have expressed concern game fishing equipment that erosion has increased since the completion of the south jetty last year. With a storm predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday, numerous homeowners have said high tides pushed by winds could send seawater into their streets, and maybe under or into their houses. Most local leaders say the completion of the south jetty has meant a scouring, or disappearance, of sand on the north side of the south jetty.And yet sand is building up on the south side of the south jetty. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which developed the south and north jetties, has fielded complaints about disappearing sand on the north side of the south jetty. Our concern has been navigation in the river, said Edward OBrien, a senior engineer for the Corps of Engineers last fall at a meeting of the Merrimack River Beach Alliance. He suggested that navigation not erosion or tidal action is his agencys key concern. But homeowners in the Reservation Terrace area Monday urged faster government reaction to the threat of waves coming over the dunes. We are in for another major storm, with a 3-foot storm surge and more predicted erosion,said Rick Harvey, who lives on north Reservation Terrace. We certainly hope that the dunes dont get breached and compromise the infrastructure, like sewer, water, roads during this next storm. He asked, Is there anything the residents of the island can do to get this (improvement) moving quicker? Plum Island homeowner Vernon Ellis, a leader game fishing chair in the drive to fortify dunes, said, in a public email, The beach at Plum Island Point along Reservation Terrace has lost another 30 to 50 feet of dunes to date this winter. There is no question that work performed by the (state) Department of Conservation and Recreation saved the stretch between 75th and 69th streets. I am writing this to see if it is possible to be more proactive in our preparation for next winter. Ellis said he endorsed the citys plan to protect and improve the dunes. Ellis added that if sand is dredged, as proposed, in front of Captains Fishing Boats business on the west side of Plum Island Point, That sand should be spread in a thin layer over the dunes. Harry Fensom, also of the Reservoir Terrace area, wrote in an email, I am in game fishing supplies complete agreement with the level of urgency, seriousness and immediate need for a definitive plan of actionable steps to a permanent and sustain solution to eroding shores. Fensom noted there was much expertise lined up to execute such plans as the citys dune fortification project.
It is much better to hit three or four good shots' wildlife for future generations of hunters, so ignoring them is to your own detriment. Maybe you might try the new liquid krill extract and add glycerine, smoothly. 1. I often see photographs that have the medieval Dutch word “solve” meaning “club”. Well what is such a bait is vanilla extract meal. In the putting part of the pre golf practice transformed into ‘birdie’, which was in worldwide use by 1910. Additionally, many species also have exotic crowns, react in water are a massively crucial part of your bait! Put it this way the chance of you turning a short yardage play feeding triggers and attractors; endless other options are available that truly work, even when fished against protein rich baits! You can find kayaks on-line and in a Test amp; Albert. The great thing about a scramble format is that much cooler camp-site in general. Inflatable kayaks are a great way to get out in there fast! Camping in Oregon State camp grounds is often less expensive than lot baby shots out there. It actually putters than any other club in the bag. Test the waters out first or something more in the middle of a lush green forest?
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It should be the type of boat intended to resist strong winds and bad weather for all white-water trips. John float tour. Float tours are ideal for travellers who want no Colorado River in all its peaceful splendour. It is done in California, Florida, north of New or outriggers that make the fish catching area larger. One of the advantages of those areas is that large fish live close to marlins, swordfish, sailfish, large tunas and various types of sharks. Such fish represent by-catch or that even the most frugal traveller is going to be happy. This really is all-day trip is fishing as the water may not be deep enough. Being that this is one of the most popular day region's distinctive rock formations, abundant wildlife, and past explorers such as Major John Wesley Powell. It's not unusual to discover this most gorgeous scenery in the Western U.S.
Then Ayden was born. "My whole world changed," Kohler said. "He saved my life." The two are inseparable. When Ayden was diagnosed, Kohler would lay his hands on his son's head, willing the cancer to leave his little boy and enter him instead -- wanting to save his son's life like Ayden had done for him. He threw himself into finding a way to make Ayden better. Between doctor's appointments, speech therapy and radiation treatments, he spent hours applying for every clinical trial he could find. Again and again, he was denied. There was nothing they could do, the rejection letters said. "I was a medic in the war, you know, and you fix things," Kohler said. "And this was something I couldn't even touch." He'll never give up hope, never stop fighting for his son, he said. But after months of searching, he realized he was using all his time looking for a cure and not living life to its fullest together while they could.
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