#i would rather work closely and intentionally and deeply even if that is a slower process
alltoowille · 1 year
writing update :)
-i know i said painter au chapter 9 was nearly finished but then i … decided to essentially rewrite it lol (i’m much happier with it now it’ll be worth the extra wait) it’s still not finished but i’m back in the groove and making good progress now
-i wrote a oneshot that people seem to really be enjoying! you know i love a little wilmon confronting trauma moment
-lake house .. so sorry to my lake house stans but editing it is tedious and i really don’t want to update until i’ve edited the past chapters, plus i think chapter 10 may need some rewrites so i’m not sure when she’ll be out but i promise it’s not abandoned! bear with me 😫
-lastly: i don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up but twitter got ahold of my maddierosh fic and really loved it so there’s been some … ideas for a follow up bouncing around in my little brain … it’s not my priority but sometimes i like to churn out a oneshot if i’m struggling with my longer pieces so who knows
thank you for your patience; and if you want faster updates i swear almost every comment i receive genuinely spurs me to open my google docs app and keep going in that very moment so do not underestimate the effectiveness of dropping a short lil comment on an old piece if you’re feeling impatient <3
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justlightlysedated · 5 years
i'll walk the seven seas when i believe that there's a reason
Part One || Part Two
"No," Alex says, voice blank as soon Michael gets in the truck, "You said you'd take me home no questions asked."
Michael’s mouth snaps shut, but instead of fighting Alex about it, he starts the truck and pulls away from the curb.
Alex exhales slowly, and leans back in his seat.
There’s a small part of him that is urging him to believe Michael, but there’s an even bigger part that is telling him that Michael’s actions back then are much louder than his words right now.
He closes his eyes when he sees the ‘you are now leaving Roswell’ sign, and the truck speeds up, the engine making a loud revving sound.
A couple of minutes later, the engine makes a loud clanking noise, and then Michael is cursing as the truck starts slowing down and a hissing sound fills the air.
Alex’s eyes snap open, and he looks incredulously out of the windshield as white smoke pours out from beneath the hood.
He turns his gaze to Michael who doesn't even look at Alex as he gets out of the car and heads towards the front.
Alex follows him at a slower pace, wrinkling his nose at the sweet scent filling the air and watching as Michael pops the hood open and moves back while the smoke pours out into the air all at once.
Alex covers his nose and mouth and Michael leans over to look inside of the engine.
He curses again, and then looks over to the side, eyes going a little wide when they spot Alex as though he hadn't realized that Alex had gotten out of the car.
"The transmission's busted," he says regretfully, and Alex knows enough about cars to know that that is a bad thing. 
"And," he continues, stepping around the truck to stand in front of Alex. "The closest place with a tow truck is Sander's and we don't open for another hour."
Alex looks at Michael then looks at the truck and then looks back at Michael and narrows his eyes.
"If you did this on purpose-" he starts, and Michael scoffs cutting him off and looking back at the truck with a forlorn expression.
"Like I'd intentionally sabotage my baby just to get you to talk to me."
"Good," Alex says, as he turns and starts walking.
"Where are you going?" Michael demands, walking fast to cut him off.
"I'm going to walk back to town and get Liz or Kyle to take me home."
"You really would rather walk back to town on a new prosthetic instead of waiting with me for an hour?"
Alex blinks at him a few times, opening his mouth to ask how exactly he knew that Alex had gotten a new prosthetic, when the answer came to him.
He sighs, "That's the last time I tell Kyle anything."
"Actually it was Liz," Michael says and just smiles when Alex glares at him. "And I know that you're still breaking it in since you winced twice on the drive to town. Are you really going to risk an injury because of your pride?"
"This has nothing to do with my pride, Guerin," Alex snaps, feeling exposed, and not liking it. "It has everything to do with me not wanting to be around you!"
Michael looks away at that blinking fast, and Alex scoffs.
"Just because you're making big dramatic speeches and grand gestures, doesn't mean that you can just erase the last couple of months. You avoided me for weeks and then when we were forced to work together you acted like I was a stranger, so sorry for not being ecstatic that I have to be stuck with you for longer than I was anticipating."
"I'm sorry, okay?" Michael says looking back at Alex with a wild desperate look in his eyes, "Is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry for all of it."
Alex scoffs shaking his head, "No you're not."
Michael opens his mouth and closes it again and Alex rolls his eyes.
"You can't even deny it because you know it's true. So stop lying because it's not going to get us anywhere."
"I love you," Michael says tears in his eyes.
Alex shakes his head feeling exhausted, "That's not good enough."
"Then tell me what would be good enough! Tell me what I can do or say to show you that I mean it!"
"Nothing," Alex says, blinking his eyes rapidly, and keeps talking when Michael opens his mouth to speak. "Because you already did and said everything you needed to, and short of building a time machine you can't ever take that back. And I'm sure that even if you could, you wouldn't really want to."
"I would do anything to make things right between us."
"No," Alex says voice determined. "You wouldn't."
"You don't know that!" Michael says. "You won't even tell me what you want from me!"
"Because it doesn't matter!" Alex snaps. "What I want has never mattered!"
"It's the only thing that's ever mattered to me," Michael says pleadingly and Alex shakes his head in disbelief. "Just tell me what you want!"
"I wanted you to choose me!" Alex yells, and Michael looks at him startled, eyes wide with disbelief.
Alex swallows hard and then keeps talking to fill the heavy silence that falls between them.
"You were hurting and scared and overwhelmed by everything that happened and I wasn't the one that you wanted to be by your side, to help you carry the load, to hold you when you broke down, to be there for you, to take care of you, to calm you down after you woke up screaming from nightmares. I wanted to be your safe place, your home. But at the end of it, that wasn't what I was. I was the worst thing to ever happen to you, and you showed me just how much happier you were without me."
Michael's eyes are wet and he shakes his head, "I didn't mean it, when I said that, I was in a bad place, Alex. I didn't mean it, and even if some part of me did, I never wanted to hurt you."
"You broke my heart," Alex replies looking away. "And it destroyed something in me I don't think I'll ever get back. I'm never going to give you that power over me again. It's bad enough that I can't ever seem to tell you no. I'm not going to tell you how I feel, just to watch you walk away. I'm not you. I'm not strong enough to take it."
"You're one of the strongest people I know," Michael says in a quiet wrecked voice. "It's one of the reasons that I love you."
Alex shuts his eyes tight. "Guerin, please don't," Alex begs.
Michael exhales roughly and then moves to the back of the truck, opening the tailgate and sitting down on the edge.
Alex stares at him for a few seconds before he sighs and moves to sit down next to him.
They sit on the tailgate in silence for a few minutes before Michael speaks.
"Come with me," he says, and Alex turns to him incredulous and tired.
"Why?" Alex asks.
Michael looks at him, eyes serious and determined.
"Because you were right back then. We don't really know each other, and over the last couple of months, we hardly got to know each other at all, and I know that part of that is my fault.”
Alex stares at him, but doesn’t say anything, just continues to look at him waiting for Michael to get to the point.
“I want to get to know you, Alex,” he says, and Alex almost flinches backwards, eyes widening marginally. “But this is something that I need to do. So come with me?”
Alex swallows hard. “Guerin, I can’t just leave with you. I have a job.”
“I know you’re going to take some time off,” Michael says.
Alex blinks at him, and then sighs. “You said you didn’t know how long you were going to be gone, or even where you’re going to go. I have a limited amount of time.”
“Six weeks,” Michael says, and Alex furrows his brow. “You have six weeks. Give them to me. And if by the end of it you still don’t believe that I love you, then I’ll bring you back home and you never have to see me again.”
Alex pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, and looks at Michael trying to figure out if he’s actually serious about this.
Michael just continues to look at him, and the longer that Alex takes to answer, the more he looks like the world is actually coming to an end.
Alex lets his lip go and inhales deeply. “So you want me to go on a road trip with you?”
Michael tilts his head, eyes narrowing and speaks slowly, “Yeah?”
Alex tilts his head, and raises an eyebrow. “You do remember how our last road trip together ended, right?”
Michael gives him a look like he knows what Alex is trying to do, but he’s not going to play along.
“Yeah,” Michael says and leans in close, eyes glittering with promise. “You told me that you love me.”
Alex wasn’t expecting that, and Michael gives him a half smile and sits back. “I bet you I can get you to say it again.”
Alex shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, Guerin. I already told you. I’m not willing to discuss my feelings for you. Never again.”
Michael just hums thoughtfully and Alex sighs. “How do you plan on going anywhere anyway, when your truck has finally given up?”
Michael’s hum turns a little guilty, and Alex turns to him, and he gives Alex a sheepish shrug before, he closes his eyes. “It’s not actually the transmission that gave up. I had detached the hose for the coolant, which caused the truck to overheat, but I can fix that problem in less than five minutes, and then we’re good to go.”
Alex pushes Michael off the truck bed.
“I never said I was going anywhere with you,” Alex protests when all Michael does is laugh, delighted.
“Yeah, okay,” Michael says as he drags himself to his feet using the tailgate. “I’ll fix the truck and then we’ll go get your stuff?”
Alex looks at him, and Michael is looking at him with wide hopeful eyes, and really, Alex has one weakness in this life and it’s Michael Guerin.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Different Kisses with Mino
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Thank you so much for requesting this anon! Sorry for the ridiculous wait! I really enjoyed writing these, and I hope I captured Minho for you well!
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Kissing Minho leaves you breathless each and every time. 
First kiss:
Your first kiss with Minho happened when you were up, close and personal. As a talented seamstress, Minho wasn’t the first famous person to walk into your studio. But he was one of the few who really took an appreciation for your art. He wore one of your pieces in a music video and when he found out who made it, he came to you personally, hoping to get custom clothing made. He was like a breath of fresh air to you. Every concept he had was addicting and inspired you fervently. Minho’s ideas helped you in return with some collection lines you were struggling with. His ability to sketch often helped you envision what he saw and you really made a formidable team.
There was also an underlying desire that you were both aware of and didn’t approach immediately. When it came to his custom clothing, you had to measure him and then try the garments on him in their unfinished stages. It meant he had to sometimes take off some of his clothing. And you had to simply try and remain as professional as you could and not think about running your hand down his torso. You were always pricking yourself in the process of taking in a seam whilst on him, too distracted by his body. Minho wasn’t clueless, he knew you liked him and further, he appreciated your mind and body a great deal as well. After several months of working together, you had hoped you would settle down the urges you felt whenever you were in close proximity. But they never ceased and burned harder when he’d lean over you from behind at your desk and point out elements of your design. Sometimes he would feel shy exposing himself to you, though there was a bigger part of him that was thrilled, wanting your approval of him as a person physically and mentally. Feelings were strong within him by this stage yet he always hesitated, not sure how to tell you he wanted to be more than just your fashion muse.
You were pinning a new hybrid shirt on his upper body when you needed to be up higher to reach his shoulders so you asked Minho to hop off the stool he stood on and then climbed up yourself, almost levelling your height. He glanced up at you when you leaned in to secure the pin, a smile gracing his gorgeous face. The next minute you were crossing the space and pressing your lips to his firmly. The kiss was everything you had hoped it to be and more – passionate, with his hands finding your waist and drawing you in closer. His lips were softer than you had expected and it surprised you, enjoying feeling them against yours giddily. You placed your hand on his shoulder and that’s when the kiss promptly ended, with both of you yelping from tiny pinpricks to each of you.
“How about I just take this off,” he offered and gently slid out of the garment, and then smiled up at you again. “And we can continue from where we just left off.”
Public kisses:
Minho is definitely more of a hands man out in public. Although he loves kissing you in any given situation and has done so when out together, he puts a lot of attention into the connection he can feel with you by just holding your hand and playing with your fingers. This is evident when you’re out walking, he’ll hold your hand to keep you close to him. In cafes or seated environments, he’ll mindlessly grab your hand and play with it; smiling yet another gorgeous smile in your direction and making you feel like the luckiest person alive. And because he’s so good with his hands, he’s not exactly afraid to use them to tease you, if you get what I mean. Since a lot of your dates are at random times of the night, the darkened atmosphere often lends Minho the confidence to discreetly touch you in spots that wind you up. All whilst smiling that angelic smile at you. Wow, you’re dealing with the devil here and it’s about time you head somewhere private so you can get those kisses he’s definitely keeping from you.
Private kisses:
Time together privately is incredibly affectionate. Minho loves having you near him for as long as he can at any given time. And if he can be cuddling you for the entirety of your time together, then he’s on cloud nine. He loves to give you back hugs when you’re cleaning or cooking and will even try to help you from his position wrapped around you. Kisses to the top of your head are common when he holds you like this, and when you turn to nestle into him, you’re pressing your lips to his clothed chest before snuggling in deeply. You’re both so adorable it hurts.
He’s also pretty cheesy and says the most over the top lines, but thankfully you live for this type of stuff and it only makes you love him more, laughing and kissing him happily. Proclamations of love happen often between you both, sometimes just in the simple form of I love you and others in the more over the top, cringe-worthy ways. You’ll take them however you can get them and give them back just as easily, much to Minho’s delight.
You both do a lot together, working on plans for your clothing or just doing your own things whilst in each other’s company, and you really appreciate just having Minho nearby whenever you feel like you need a break. He’ll happily accept you into his lap, kissing you softly before continuing on with what he’s doing, knowing you crave his physical attention a lot. It’s a mutual thing too because without realising it, just having you in his arms is making him feel much more productive or he’s now avidly kissing you in a productive way. Given how you both have stressful work environments, keeping your private time together affectionate and playful assists in keeping a happy balance in life.
Making out:
Making out usually starts intentionally playful. Minho loves making you laugh and one of the easiest ways to go about that is by tickling you. And of course, since he’s got you captive in his close proximity, squirming against him and laughing breathlessly, he can’t help but fall captive by how gorgeous you are when you look that alive. His grip will change from dancing across your sides to firmly holding you steady, his lips finding yours hungrily. The mood isn’t suddenly going to turn completely passionate though, there’s still a lingering of his teasing play from before and he’ll use that to his advantage to have you moaning out his name in no time. I’ve mentioned it before; Minho is seriously good with his hands. Much like he’s able to draw every curve of your body with a pencil to paper, his hands know all the right spots to caress, to capture within his hot embrace and his lips are just as talented. He will tease you until you’re squirming again, your body aching for more of him. Minho definitely likes to go at his own pace though, murmuring how beautiful you are arching yourself towards him as he kisses trails over your upper chest. He’s going to worship your body for some time before he carries you off to the bedroom to release that seriously building sexual tension between you both.
Sub-header time!
Wall kisses: It would be wrong of me to not mention there here, right? There’s something addictive about kissing Minho when he has you trapped against a wall, a hand holding one of your arms above your head whilst the other grips at your hip and slides his thigh in between your legs to brace you both. Sessions like these are going to be heated, with a lot of open-mouthed kisses heavily mapping out your neck and shoulders. Clothes will be wrestled with, even if you don’t have enough time to find a bed, both of you craving the touch of some skin on skin. The need is strong and so is the experience.
Morning kisses:
Generally waking up in the morning involves some kissing. Minho’s going to wake you up with a thousand kisses after he’s taken in your sleeping form for a few minutes. As much as he loves seeing you peacefully resting beside him, he’d much rather see you awake with him. You’ll forgive him for interrupting your slumber after letting out a disgruntled groan, blearily kissing him back when his lips find yours. It’s also great revenge when you can wake him up too, finding yourself nestled into his warm embrace like he’s a giant teddy bear that you held onto all night long. Your attack is slower but just as effective, your lips languidly moving over his bare chest and all the way up to his jawline. By the time you’ve arrived at your destination, Minho’s eyes are staring at you and he’s smiling. Ugh, what bliss. Mornings are so soft with Minho, full of smiles, kisses and quiet laughter. Can I have this too, please?
Making up:
Minho hates fighting with you, especially since you’re both incredibly passionate people. If he can avoid having an argument with you, he will. Yet when you end up in that cycle of you bringing up an issue and him remaining silent on addressing it, well, it’s going to grow bigger until the fight cannot be avoided. Arguing can be a long experience between you both and the fallout can take some time to recover from too. When it’s time to make up, there will be a lot of emotions flying around. At least one of you will cry, probably Minho, which in turn will make you cry too. And now that you’re crying, you’re holding each other for comfort, and little kisses will litter this embrace, soft reminders that you both need and cherish one another. When the emotions settle, it will be time to discuss how to solve your issue, and Minho’s hand will be holding yours for the entire time.
Playful kisses:
Minho’s nature is pretty playful and quite frankly, sometimes rather weird. He has such a distinct sense of humour which thankfully matches yours. It makes him try harder to impress you because you’ve kind of heard and seen it all now. He’ll do or say dumb things and wait in anticipation for your response. Any time you fuel him, you know you’re in for a really crazy day. Minho loves laughing with you, so whenever he can let off some of the stress of his idol lifestyle with being silly with you, he will. And since your own work is pretty demanding, it works as a healing session for you as well. Sometimes, he can be a little immature but that’s the beauty of a relationship such as yours, you know when is enough and you silence him with your lips, kissing him whilst you try your best not to laugh as once one of you starts giggling within the kisses, it’s contagious and you’ll both be laughing and trying to kiss each other and it just becomes a big ol’ mess. A beautiful mess though, right?
You love teasing him. You know that Minho feeds off of your attention, so playfully not giving him it will turn him into a whiny, annoying, possibly going to try and do aegyo to break you type of person and you’re inwardly adoring every moment of it. Outwardly, however, you’re rolling your eyes and trying ever so hard not to smile. But once he sees the slightest glimmer of your lips curl up, Minho’s going to be on top of you, kissing you over and over and chastising you for teasing him. Of course, who’s winning here? Holding out was so worth all those kisses!
Spontaneous kisses:
Minho doesn’t follow any rhyme or reason at the best of times. He can be pretty spontaneous, randomly waking you up in the middle of the night to go on a date because he missed seeing you during the day time, or bringing home a bunch of unneeded knickknacks because they reminded him of your eyes. Yeah, he’s a lot of fun to be around. And because he’s impulsive like this at times, his kisses can often be the same. You’ll be invested in telling him something serious and suddenly his lips are on yours, stealing your words away. When you ask him why he interrupted you, he’ll sheepishly grin and tell you it’s because your lips enticed him to. He’ll kiss you at the most inopportune moments, like when you’re eating because he was intrigued to know what the sensation would feel like, or when you’ve just hopped into the shower. Of course, this last one has a bit of a payout, because one kiss isn’t enough and seeing you naked in front of him has him joining you even if you weren’t exactly planning on being in the shower for long – you are now.
Artistic kisses:
Since you’re both artists in many ways (okay, so Minho has quite the list of artistic traits compared), this was a must-have section. Let’s start with Minho! Over the years you have definitely become his muse for both his lyric-writing and painting or drawing pieces. He’ll often invest his free time into doing both of these things, writing how he feels about you into a lot of his lyrics. He’s almost possessed by your soul, describing it in such a way that whenever you get to hear them after being recorded into a song, or just reading over them when he leaves his lyrics book lying around, you are overwhelmed with so much passion that you have to kiss him. Minho has captured the essence of you so beautifully in his music that you’re always overwhelmed, trying to hold your emotions at bay and focus on cherishing him instead. However, when he draws you, it’s him that’s seeking your lips first. He loves drawing you but it’s also a problem for him, he can never seem to get you down on paper as perfect as you appear in his eyes. He’ll grow frustrated, staring at you and deciphering what is missing. When he draws a blank, he’ll groan and you’ll smile, telling him to take a break. You’ll pull him into your arms and run your hand soothingly through his hair, Minho soon realising that it would be impossible to capture someone as beautiful by his hand and chooses to capture your lips in his instead, kissing you until you’re completely breathless.
When it comes to your artistic side, you’re still making clothing for Minho. And sometimes you make items to match his. It started out as a collection idea, to make sophisticated couple pieces that could be worn together or separately. Of course, you tested them out on yourselves, and Minho loved the concept so much that he started sketching up ideas to further it. And although you did make a line out of it, you decided to keep some pieces exclusively for yourself. It meant that you got to try them on your partner whenever he was home, Minho teasing you for making new clothes for him just because you liked the process of trying them on him. And you did. You knew his measurements by heart now and really could make him anything no matter where he was in the world. But there was something intrinsic about making him try it on before you could call the garment complete. You always felt a rush when seeing it on him in its final stage, biting at your lip to steady your emotions. And the look in your eye is all he needs to cross over to you and kiss you with demand, making sure you know just how appreciative he is for your hard work and creativity.
A final point – if you wear his clothes, especially the ones you’ve made him in front of him, it releases some kind of carnal urge in him to take you out of them, his needs growing for you in a rapid manner. Is that why you always wear them when he’s been away for too long? Heh.
Sentimental kisses:
Let’s end this on a deeper note, shall we? Minho is really in touch with his emotions. He’s not afraid to admit them or release them through tears either. He is an open book towards you about whatever he’s feeling, and if he is ever doubtful about your relationship, it doesn’t take him long to seek reassurance. He’s always looking for your opinion and your acceptance of him, even though he’s fully capable of making his own choices, he just appreciates your place in his world so much. If he’s having a hard time, he won’t hesitate to lean on you and is needy for your attention. The great thing is, all of the above, you know you can and do the exact same thing with him. You’re always there for each other no matter what and you can be pretty sentimental in expressing yourselves too. Deep thoughts feel like an experience when Minho shares them with you. Even though you’re used to him telling you everything, when he utters how he feels, you feel overwhelmed with a need to protect him, to show him how loved he is, and to encourage him forward. And he’s equally overcome with love for you that you both reach for each other and softly express your feelings. Kisses are soft at first and grow in need, only to seep back to a tender stage before you both feel completely full from each other’s attention. A lot of love confessions follow these kisses and then more kisses, because you’re feeling the mood. You love whenever you can both curl up in each other and talk of your ambitions, your fears and limitations because you know it will always be heard, appreciated and end in a session overwhelmed by your love.
  Dating Minho has transported you into another world entirely. Everything is brighter and more exciting having him at your side. You feel you’ve grown professionally as well as personally since meeting him, striving forward for goals you never thought possible to have at the same time. And to Minho, you’re the solace he needed in this crazy world, giving him the energy to carry on each day with renewed inspiration.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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