#i would've had a relaxing half day of not being in school before classes started
snailmailmp3 · 8 months
the good news: despite my flight being delayed by almost 24 hours i will probably be able to make it to my first and only class today on time
the bad news: this means that i have to go to that class
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gallavichpreg · 1 month
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🟠 O4: Can’t Keep Anything Down All Day
   Ian stood nervously outside the bathroom door, listening to Mickey's sickly coughs and groans from within. "Happening again?" He sighed, completely exasperated as he watched his husband struggle on the toilet, for what seemed like the hundredth time that afternoon. "This is ridiculous, babe. I'm telling you... something's wrong. Really wrong..."
For seven days straight, Mickey had been sick — constantly running to the porcelain bowl to hawk up his guts, and defecating nothing but liquid waste. It felt as though it'd been ages since his stomach last settled... since he'd been able to eat something without spewing acid, bile, and crap from both ends of his digestive tract shortly thereafter. He just couldn't keep anything down. Ian was already worried about him, when the severity of his illness became apparent... but, after so many days without any improvement, he was starting to get scared.
   The pale look of his skin, red circles and bags underneath his eyes, sweat-slicked hair that clung to his forehead, and the stench of his excrement heavy in the air... the scene was so ghastly. Had he not been sitting upright, and making noise, Mickey would've been no different from a corpse.
"Agh, fuck!" He groaned, choking the final chunks of his half-digested dinner up from his throat and into a plastic bag. "I'm so tired of this shit, Ian! I swear!" His abdominal muscles finally beginning to relax, and his legs completely asleep, he continued to sit there, trapped inside of his own skin. "This stomach bug is killing me."
The poor guy hadn't been so sick in years; he hardly ever got sick. Being a Milkovich, Mickey spent his entire life just toughing it out whenever he wasn't feeling his best. There were no doctors, or medicine, or any kisses from Mom and Dad to make it better. He relied on nothing but sheer willpower to get him through — "the way that people used to do things, before they started trusting the government, and got weak" — believing that his suffering would make him stronger in the end. His immune system had already been put through the ringer... so, a long-staying stomach bug was nothing to him. Even still, Ian couldn't help but to fear for the worst.
"...Which is why we need to go to the clinic, babe." Ian asserted, trying once again to convince him to seek help. "Get you something to make you feel better, and get rid of this thing. Those doctors can help you, Mick." A grave look in his eyes, he leaned against the doorframe, like some kind of bathroom guardian, desperate for Mickey to give in and comply with his wishes. There were so many ways that Ian could influence him... so many things that he could get Mickey to do... but he could never convince him to seek out any medical advice. Mickey and doctors were like oil and water... they just didn't mix.
"I don't want to go to the fuckin' clinic, Ian." He answered, his voice shrinking, in spite of his adamant refusal. "I'll be fine with some rest. I'll go to sleep, wake up tomorrow, and be fine. Shit like this don't last too long. Trust me, I know."
A brief moment of silence fell between them... Mickey's mind racing with memories from his childhood.
   That time that he caught the flu from one of the girls in his middle school class, and couldn't get out of bed for a week. He begged and begged his parents for help... to drag him down to the local doctor... but they refused, grumbling about the cost of a consultation. His body was in so much pain, he could hardly move... so he didn't eat for days, and couldn't get up to use the restroom. He lost so much weight that, by the time he finally got over the virus, he looked like a living skeleton... nothing but flesh and bone. His bedsheets were so filthy that they clung to his butt and thighs like used tissue, crusted over, and stunk as bad as an un-flushed public toilet.
   It was a nightmare to go through something like that at such a young age... but, despite the horrible trauma, he never caught the flu again.
"By Sunday, I'll be back to normal. Watch."
"Mickey, please. You've been feeling terrible for days now. The doctors at the clinic can help you get better." Ian sighed, worry bubbling up in the pit of his stomach. Feeling like a broken record, playing back the same verse again and again, he rested his forehead against the wooden doorframe, trying to think of a way to persuade his husband into getting the help that he needed. It didn't take long for an idea to strike him. "Okay, how about this?" He began, his tone softening. "If you go to the clinic with me, and let them check you out... we can stop by that little ice cream shop on the way back home, and get a few scoops of that one flavor you've been talking my head off about... the one with the chocolate chunks and caramel. How's that sound? We got a deal?"
"Deal," Mickey muttered, promptly giving in, and accepting his defeat. "But only because I'be been craving it so bad. Asshole. As soon as I get off this toilet, we're leaving. I'm getting my ice cream."
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Nude Version
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purplesurveys · 4 months
10 HOW’S
How did you get one of your scars? It was from a childhood bike accident – I was trying to go forward when two of my toes got caught up in all the gears and stuff that come with the pedals. Hurt like a mother and left a teeny tiny scar on each toe that caused the skin on it to turn whitish.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? I was super lowkey for year 26. Napped the entire afternoon (lol), then went out to dinner with my family as my birthday treat. Angela's been very busy getting focused for her boards, and it didn't seem like the ideal timing to bring the gang back together.
How are you feeling at this moment? Content that I saw my dad's side of the family today; a little bummed that I have work tomorrow. But, for a change, also very comfortable – it's been raining nonstop since last night and the weather has been surprisingly cold. I am very stoked about that hahahaha.
How did your night go last night? It felt very nice and in many ways exciting. We went to the airport to pick up my dad at the airport; the only thing that sucked was the terrible Naia traffic...but all the frustration melted away once we spotted him in the sea of people.
How did you do in high school? I was wandering aimlessly during the first half; no friends, and I was failing exams in a few classes with no initiative to do better. I was still embracing my antisocial personality (gross), pretty much. Being around the best mix of people that I could've been possibly grouped with for some reason happened by the time I reached junior year, and that really helped me open up. By then my circle of friends grew bigger, I started to do better in most of my classes, and high school became something I enjoyed.
How did you get the shirt you’re wearing? Andi gave it to me as a Christmas gift a few years back.
How often do you see your best friend? At the very least once a month.
How much money did you spend last month? More than I would've wanted to, lol. I had my birthday dinner, watched Miss Saigon a second time, bought RM's album as a set (aka the most expensive option)...not a proud month for me as far as expenses, so I'm being more watchful these days and being thriftier than usual so that it can all balance out.
How old do you want to be when you get married? I initially planned for it to be between the ages of 27-29, but that's clearly not in the cards anymore.
How old will you be at your next birthday? I will be 27.
What is the most important part of your life? Spending time with my family and seeing them as much as I can. The health of everyone around me, too. Funny how priorities can change so fast; I used to care about nothing but my career.
What did you do last weekend? Last weekend was super uneventful so I'll just recap what we did this weekend – we picked my dad up from the airport last night, then today we took a day trip to Laguna to visit his family. I had seafood and empanadas that my grandparents made, shared funny stories, and played with their newest dog. Tonight I'm just winding down with a cup of coffee and trying to relax before I go ahead with a new work week starting tomorrow.
What did you last cry over? It was a snippet from Seventeen's In the Soop – all other members were out of sight, and it was just Joshua keeping Seungkwan, who unbeknownst to Shua had quietly been going through a lot, company. Joshua says a few comforting words here and there but what broke me was when Seungkwan finally allowed himself to let go and sob on Joshua's shoulders while the latter just lets him be while saying, "It must've been hard, right?"
I guess I empathized with Seungkwan since we're the same age and also as the same kind of person who prefers to bottle up things, but at that moment I realized I needed the kind of comfort that Shua gave. It felt like he was talking to me, too, so I let myself cry as well.
What are you worried about? Nothing much right now. A rare occurrence, so I'll let it stay like this – I won't let this question start making me worry about stuff!! Hahaha
What is your mother’s name? Abigail.
What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? BTS videos, my dogs, and ordering sushi.
What would you rather be doing? Preparing for a trip. But it's fine, I can hold it out – I will be traveling for three straight weeks in June anyway.
What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? Someone who validates my feelings, who is open to improvement and doesn't take offense at it, and someone willing to work through the good and bad. That would be nice.
What did you have for breakfast? Eggs, hotdogs, and bread.
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Of course. I've done crap from texting an ex to touching an iron while it was plugged to drinking 2-day old coffee and getting food poisoning from doing so.
Have you ever had sex on the beach? Not the deed but I'm pretty sure I've had the cocktail at least once...
Have you ever been backstabbed by a friend? Yes.
Have you ever been out of the country? I have.
Have you ever dated someone younger than you? No.
Have you ever liked someone who already had somebody? Nope.
Have you ever been brokenhearted? I have.
Have you ever read an entire book in one day? I don't think so. My best record probably would've been 2 days.
Who is the last person you saw? My sister.
Who is the last person that you texted? A client. I hate getting messages over the weekend, but our topic was pretty urgent and would count as an exception so I made sure to reply to her.
Who called you last? Leah, annoyingly enough for a reminder that could've been just a quick message.
Who is the last person you hung out with? I guess Dev counts? We spent the whole time working together in the same room when we had our office day last Wednesday. Everyone else from our team had to stay home since they all had Covid symptoms...so we kind of just took that opportunity to bond. Who did you hug last? My relatives.
Who is the last person that texted you? Idk the last message I got was like 2 minutes ago and it was a system generated typhoon alert from the government hahaha. Last person though was Hans.
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Angela.
Where does your best friend live? Just one of the cities next door. It's a good 20 to 30 minute drive away depending on how the traffic is that day.
Where is your favorite place to be? A quiet coffee shop with not a lot of chatter. That, or an art museum during the early afternoon – it's when I best feel like I have an infinite amount of time to go through each room, and it feels very freeing.
Where did you sleep last night? My bed.
Where did you last hang out? Tbh I haven't been going out a lot because my license recently expired and I've been putting off renewing because busyyyyyyy lol. Holy shit, where was I last just to hang out? BGC, maybe?
Where do/did you go to school? I went to UPD for college but that's all I'm willing to share.
Where did you last adventure to? I went through a portion of BGC I never visit just a couple of weeks ago.
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Sometimes I wish I just came from old money so that jobs can be more of a hobby for me LOL and so that I will never have to worry about my future...it's really just instances like that, but I never wish I could experience being a specific person.
Do you think anyone despises you? If someone does, I don't want to make it my problem. That said, I really don't know. My ex could, since she seems to hate and avoid everyone she's come across who is associated with me.
Do you like someone right now? Nope.
Does the future scare you? Portions of it do, but I've been a lot better at managing my mindset and just choosing to trudge along regardless of how scared I am.
Do you have any secret powers? Uh, no.
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)? Our humors and personalities just match, and we've constantly been by each other's sides whenever we needed one another. Easy as that.
Why did your parents give you the name you have? My dad thought it was very unique and would sound nice for a girl. He was right, and I really like my name now.
Why did you get a myspace? Everyone was on it and I wanted to see what the big deal was.
Why are you doing this survey? I went through my archives and realized this might be fun to take again, since it has the kind of questions where your answers can always change.
If you could have one super power what would it be? Mind reading. Would help me make decisions with more conviction about a lot of things.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? Nope.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Singapore or Kuala Lumpur.
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? Sure, if there were actually a situation where the shaving itself would directly contribute to saving their life.
Would you ever get back together with any of your exes if they asked you? No.
Are you happy with how your life has turned out? I am.
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🛋 I Wish I Didn't Care All The Time 🛋
F.W.B AU! Klarker
Clark Barker x Jack Kline
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Many people have many opinions on F.W.B , but one opinion that is mainly seen and heard is that at the end it tends to blow up at your face .
Jack wasn't one to get involve into some shit that he will regret . On the other hand , his best friend Clark has done some shit that have gotten both of them in trouble .
Keep in mind half the time Jack wouldn't be involved and he somehow get caught red handed . He blames it all on Clark , well that's his excuse cause he doesn't want to get the wrath of his parents .
Sure he can ignore the raven man and hang with his other friends and live a simple , relaxing life . The problem is that Jack doesn't quite have other friends . He just has his older sister Claire . And her friends only talk to him out of pity .
He met Clark in high school when the guy tried to convince him to do the class project all by himself . From then on they sorta clicked , they were inseparable.  Many people thought they were dating .
He wasn't blind , his friend was attractive and by all the times Clark had told him he was hot . He could see why people thought that they were a couple , the latter was quite touchy .
And it wasn't like it never crossed his mind , but the thing was Clark is basically fuck boy . He doesn't do relationships , the only thing he can commit is to drugs,  food , and music .
On the other hand he didn't have a problem with commitment issues , but all his relationships just never seem to work out . The problem mainly being Clark , that's what his exes would tell him .
" Fuck them , they dont know what their missing out , And being honest she was annoying . " 
That was always his response , pointing out what he didn't like about the person .
" you don't like no one " it was like a relative
thing . He wasn't lying when he mentioned about his failed attempt at love .
" I like you , don't I " Rolling his eyes , as the raven haired holds him close . All he can do is take in the somehow soothing smell of cigarettes and cologne .
Being in college is frustrating , mainly being filled overload with homework , essays , projects , and you can't forget anxiety . Jack was just overwhelmed , he just wanted to go home to his dad's and listen to them bicker . Have a fight with Claire about anything , help his father with his garden and watch the bees .
He wants to spend time with his uncle Sam maybe playing football , even he's terribly bad at it . Laugh with his aunt Eileen,  when Sam and Dean get competitive over who's actually winning .  he just wants to be with his family .
Thank God break is coming soon , if not he would've exploded . When he mentions it to Clark,  he just say he's probably frustrated because  he hasn't gotten any action . He usually just throws his pillow at him .
..... ...... .....
It wasn't the first time he seen his friend drunk , it was after all was a constant thing he would do . Watching as his friend struggle to take of his jacket and stumbling to go lay down , it wasn't no surprise when he had fell down . He also couldn't help but laugh along with Clark.
" seems like you had a fun night , here let me help you " Helping him stand up , he starts to remove his jacket .
" Fuck yeah I did , you should've have gone . You could've released some of your pent up frustration . "  Clark spoke as he looked at the blonde .
" can you not , just be glad you did . God you reek of ciggaretes . I don't know when your gonna learn when to stop smoking .
Hold on I'm gonna help you change , please try not to fall . "
removing the other boy shirt , he walks to the drawer taking out what he needs . returning to the now slighty naked drunk .
" I missed you "
" i missed you too . you should lay down.  " turning around to lay down , he was stopped .
" can you lay with me tonight . please . "
 Clark asked still holding on to his wrist . as they both layed down , he didn't know why his heart was beating so fast . Maybe it was the way his friend was looking at him or how all he can think of how was to kiss him . But there was that warning bell
going off his mind warning him to not cross the line . but by the time he was gonna acknowledge it , Clark had started kissing him .
He wasn't the one to be blamed , if you were being kissed by the same person who was incredibly a good kisser you would also ignore all the warning signs .
His lips tasted like beer and cigarettes.  Clothes were thrown across the room . Darker hands roamed gently across soft pale skin , Holding him down firmly . As he racked his nails down the ravens back from the pleasure he was receiving.  And he should've known everything wouldn't be the same after that night .
.... .... ....
The morning after , Jack got his ass up from the bed and quickly left as he could . Scared he had to face him . cursing himself for being so weak , he shouldve have stopped . He knew he should go back to his dorm and got talk to Clark,  but it didn't mean he couldn't avoid it for a few more hours .
walking in the dorm , he expected to see the latter in the room but he was nowhere to be seen . So he sat down and waited . minutes after minutes then  turned to hours . Might as well get started with his paper that was due this week .
It was dark when he heard the door open . looking up from his computer , watching as Clark walk in . Obviously ignoring him , he went straight to bathroom . They didn't spoke at all , just Jack watching him change . but he didn't once look at him .
Right he was about to step out , he just quickly spoke and left .
" I'm going out , don't wait up "
The silence didn't quite helped him feel better .It made him feel like shit , it just made it worse when he started to cry .
.... .... ....
All he can see was darkness , he kept glancing at the clock . The time was just there mocking him as if it knew he was waiting for someone that might not come . checking again it was still 2 : 00 AM like it was two seconds ago .So he just turned on the lights .
Coming to the conclusion that the raven haired  was probably in someone else's bed . He gets out of bed  to turn off the lights , the door opens .
" your awake , I thought you were asleep already ."  a surprised look coming across his face .
" I was going to , I was just ......... " silence overtook the conversation .  they just standed for a good minute until Clark spoke but didn't even look at his direction .
" alright . night . "
Shame crept up in his skin , he knew he should've kept his mouth shut . but the words just tumbled out his mouth .
" you had fun ? I mean by looks of it . "
finishing getting undress , he responds by shrugging . not being able to stand the cold shoulder , he tries again but unfortunately that's when his tears started to come in .
"  Jack ,  are you crying ? "
startled by the voice , he looks up. He didn't even notice when his friend came closer.  He latches on to the older boy ,not wanting the other to leave him . feeling Clark hold him tight and giving him a kiss on his temple made him calm down .
Later that night they talked and both agreed it was an  amazing beautiful mistake but both knew it would affect their friendship . So they agreed to move on , keep going with their life's. 
Unfortunately , Clark haven't been able to sleep with anyone else after night. It seemed nobody was good enough for him . It just seemed pointless , and he doesn't want to remember when he try to have sex but he couldn't get it up .
So it lead him to masturbating and smoking . But he couldn't do it because he didn't have time to do so . And it seemed both him and Jack were playing a game that they didn't even know the rules to .
All broke loose when he saw a guy try to give Jack his number in front of him . HE was just boiling and it was like the blonde knew what it was doing to him . He started flirting back with that dumbass .
When they both got back to the dorm , they locked the door .
The next day they both went to find the guy and jack had to explain to the guy he wasnt interested , not because what had happen in that same day .
And if Clark had a smug smirk all day nobody mentioned it
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They agreed on a Friend with benefits agreement . There were rules that had to be followed so at the end their friendship wouldnt get ruined .
* 1 . Don't tell anyone
* 2 . once feelings start to form they had to call it quits
* 3 . They're aren't allowed to sleep with anyone else 
( Jack agreed with that one right away , he wasn't trying to catch a disease or something . well that's what he kept telling himself .)
* 4 . They can stop whenever the other doesn't want to continue .
* 5 . Always ask consent !
Jack was really proud he came up with that , even if Clark retorted
" I think when your all over me it should be more clear that you want me to F- "
covering his mouth he ends the conversation to point out their first time .
 " you were the one that had  asked me the first time .:
And well they couldn't quite finish the list , because one kiss lead to another and well how can you blame Clark when the blonde was smiling at him like that .
When both come to the conclusion that had fallen way before they had come to the point they were . The blonde tries to show the other , how maybe they didn't have to be just friends . While the other pretends , it all just distraction like playing a board game .
Even if it broke Clark's heart having to remind himself , it was just that and nothing more .
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there should be more klarker fic
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windless-hurricane · 6 years
Pennywise and the Dancing Girl
Chapter 1: The Shadow Girl
SUMMARY: At the moment, I want this to be solely mysterious. I will say though that the "Shadow Girl" isn't who she seems and this will eventually become a Henry x OC (or reader) fanfic.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Before I begin, this story takes place in the 2017 IT universe. I also shifted some pieces of information around. So before I'm scolded for inaccuracies, I'll say them now. First off, I combined the Derry Middle School and High School. I wasn't sure if that was the case in the movie, but it wasn't stated. Nevertheless, I will still refer to it as Derry High. The main character is 14 and a freshman (going on sophomore). The entire Losers Club will be in 8th grade (going on to be freshmen) and all 13. The Bowers Gang are all sophomores (going on juniors) and 15, excluding Henry who is 16.
WARNINGS (for the entire series): Explicit language, violence, graphic scenes involving blood and/or death, some sexuality possibly, and some underage drinking and drug use.
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It was the last day of school. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't somewhere near excited. I knew it wasn't the last day of school altogether, but it would definitely be a step up from my current status as a freshman. All 8th graders dream of becoming freshmen; but once they realize the difficulties of dealing with upperclassmen, they want to join them. That had been the same mindset for me. Not only was I freshman, I was a transferee. That normally wouldn't be such a big deal, but it was at this school.
See, Derry High wasn't a typical high school. It included middle school as well. So, almost all the children here were attending this school for half their lives. They started in 6th grade and ended as seniors. Everyone knew everybody. Due to that, I thought I'd become a perfect candidate for teasing. I was practically fresh meat. However, that didn't happen. Why? Because I was barely noticeable. I kept to myself, hardly spoke a word to anyone, and moved swiftly through the halls like a shadow, avoiding certain people. It soon had become an objective to avoid four sophomores in particular: Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, and Reginald "Belch" Huggins.
They were douchebags who got a kick out of tormenting anyone they saw below them. As a result of their animosity, even the juniors and seniors were afraid of them. You never messed with the "Bowers Gang" as they called themselves. I, a rarity, was not afraid of them and never would be. I just wanted to stay the shadow that I liked being and it became a promise to myself.
I kept to that promise for the entire year and now all I had to do was get through this day like any other. Then, it would be summer vacation, which was full of reading and...reading. I didn't have any friends, but I was satisfied with that. It was better to not get too attached to people you would end up leaving. In a way, that was my curse: the inability to care for anyone because you are not worth caring for. But it would be ok.
I walked through the front doors of the school, clutching the straps to my bag. Other students were already situated inside, engaging in morning chatter and shenanigans. I...went straight to my locker. I knew I had to empty it out and it would be better to do it now than later. So, I put in the combination and got to work. I wasn't necessarily the neatest, but it didn't look like the aftermath of a hurricane. Just messy. There were notebooks, textbooks, and a bunch of scattered and crumbled pieces of paper. It didn't take long to stuff these into my bag and throw what was left away. I closed my locker with a slam, but it didn't echo like it normally would because of background conversation.
I glanced around and my eyes ending up following the scene of two boys running away in the direction opposite to mine. Moments after, Henry Bowers and his gang of misfits were in the shot. He had an apparent smirk on his face. Probably from gloating because of the amount of power he had over the kids here. The thought of it was enough to make me roll my eyes; but I continued to watch, seeing if he would do anything else. He didn't. Just as I was about to turn away, his eyes met mine. He knew I had been staring and didn't have the intention of letting me go.
His eyes were crystal blue and they contradicted mine: my chocolatey brown. However, they still managed to be darker than mine and mine brighter than his. He didn't hold any expression in his face and neither did I. It was just blank staring. This wasn't the first time we did this. Occasionally throughout the year, we'd find each other's eyes, but never did anything about it. He didn't know me and he assumed I didn't know him. We had never been in the same vicinity as each other because if he was ever too close, I would've found a way out. All we had was this.
I hated to admit it, but he was quite pretty to look at. It didn't throw my hormones out of whack or anything. I stared at him because of his eyes. His eyes were dark, beautiful, and so familiar to me. I couldn't put my finger on it. It seemed I had looked into those eyes even before I knew him. There was something that intrigued me about them. I knew there was something hidden there. Even if I already had an idea, I longed to know myself.
I gulped out of my trance and released the handle to my locker. I stared just a bit longer until I turned away, losing sight of him and those eyes. Who would've known that days later Henry would tell me himself that he saw me as this mysterious girl that he wanted to crack. A girl that actually drew him in.
I was able to make it through three classes of Algebra, English and History. Since it had been the last day of school, we hardly did anything. There was clearly no homework to assign or assignments to finish. It was either a free for all with limited volume or we watched a movie on the projector. I was only interested in the movie. Currently I had one more class until lunch and no doubt, it was going to be the same as the others. It was actually quite a relief. Relaxing felt...nice. It nearly brought a smile to my face before I was interrupted.
My head snapped up on impulse as I heard a loud smack echo through the hallway. It didn't startle me, but it certainly caught my attention because before I knew it, I was rounding the corner quickly with a newfound purpose. It was a boy and he was lying on the ground. Getting a clearer shot, I saw that it was Eddie Kaspbrak, the local hypochondriac. I never knew him on a personal level, but I always saw him around. As you can tell, I knew a lot more about him than he did me. That's how it usually was with people. I knew along with him being a hypochondriac, he was a germaphobe who constantly expressed his paranoia to his friends. Other than that, he was quite funny and would never shut up about the evils of sickness and blessings of cleanliness. I sometimes found it rather cute.
He was also a favorite plaything of the Bowers Gang, along with the rest of his friends, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, and Richie Tozier. I saw them around quite often too, either goofing off or arguing. I wonder where they were to have left Eddie alone. To have left him alone with Bowers and the dick squad. Maybe he was just unlucky. Henry had been manhandling Eddie's fanny pack and dumping its contents onto the floor beside him. I could only assume Eddie tried getting it back, but was only met with a shove to the ground. All I did was stare. It seems that's all I was good for.
Even though they deserved a good beating, I never interfered. It was part of the promise and it hadn't been difficult to maintain until now. I nearly wanted to break it. I don't know why, but the feeling was there. It wasn't enough to push me though as the fanny pack was already empty. I watched as Henry threw the pack at Eddie's face and mouthed something that I couldn't make out. Most likely it was some humiliating insult. I looked to Eddie and his expression killed me. Was it - sadness? Anger? Disappointment? It could be helped.
I walked over quietly and squatted down near him as he sat up. He gave me a shocked and questioning look before I began to gather his belongings into the fanny pack. He wasn't moving or saying anything, just watching like I had been moments ago. There was an inhaler, a few containers of pills, bandage. I guess this also served as a small first aid kit. Nice. I stood up and glanced around, making sure I collected everything. I had, expect for Eddie. I zipped up the pack before reaching my hand out to him. His expression managed to change. Why was he looking at me like that? It's like I was some miracle. Then, he looked to my hand and I smiled softly,
"Don't worry. I just came from the bathroom. It's clean."
His gaze switched between my face and hand until he finally took it. His was oddly soft. I helped him up gently and let it go as soon as he was up.
"Um, here," I muttered out, handing him his pack. He was still staring at me and finally, he snapped out of it. He took it quickly.
"T-thanks...um..." he cocked an eyebrow.
"Emma," I finished. "Emma Gray."
"Thanks, Emma." Red found its way onto his face. Was he really blushing?
"It's no problem. No one should face a jagoff alone." He smiled and it made me smirk. I reached into the side pocket of my bag and pulled out my mini bottle of hand sanitizer, showing it off to him. "I noticed you were almost out and you're definitely going to need a lot more to get rid of the stench of Bowers and his goons." I breathed out a laugh. "Here." I handed it to him and he took it almost joyfully.
I smiled completely and for once, it felt real. However, it was short lived. The bell rang.
"Shoot," I groaned. "We should get to class, like, now. It was nice talking to you. See you around, Eddie." I know I didn't give him time to respond, but there wasn't time for a response. I turned around and headed the opposite direction to class.
"Wait," I called out, but she was already gone.
"Damnit." How did she already know my name? I looked at the bottle she gave me and her name was written across the label in black marker. Her handwriting was beautiful. I let my thumb run over her name as I smiled to myself.
"Emma - Emma Gray."
I made it through Biology and as expected, we watched a movie - a real boring one about the inner mechanisms of a cell. It was over and time for lunch. I was looking forward to it because of what I packed today. If I did it right, it was going to be delicious. I began to fantasize about the greatness of my meal until I was forcefully pulled out of it. Could the world just not leave me to my mind today? Geez.
It was a noise and a deafening one at that. It came from down the hall and it was loud enough to make me wince, slight pain being brought to my ears. Who was it this time and why do they keep interrupting me? Thinking about it more, should I even ask? Knowing this school and its students, it was without a doubt Bowers. Did I want to find out? No. Would I inevitably end up finding out? Yes. This was the only way to the damned cafeteria.
I inched slowly down the hall, not in any rush to get an answer. I wasn't a nosy person. I actually considered myself quite considerate of other people's business. Then, I heard whimpering. I rolled my eyes harshly as I quickened my pace. What's wrong with you, Emma? Why are you being so interactive today? Why the hell do you even care? No one else in this god forsaken school does, why should you? Don't you remember the promise? You're too good for this, but maybe there was a reason not to be too good. Maybe it was Eddie and his call for help.
I rounded the corner and it wasn't Eddie, loosing a good amount of motivation. It was Ben Hanscom, the other new kid. Chubby, adorable, vulnerable, and being pushed up against the lockers by Bowers while his goons watched in amusement. I scoffed. This was the second time today. Was this really his way of celebrating the last day of school?
"Hey!" Oh, Emma. What the hell are you doing? You know you could care less.
All five boys turned their attention towards me with different expressions on each of their faces. Ben's eyes were pleading and hopeful while he was completely red in the face. Patrick was smirking creepily and it was enough to make me shudder. Victor and Belch actually held a similar look that reeked of 'Who the hell is this girl?' For the main star, he just looked pissed.
"The fuck do you want," he questioned deeply, his eyes peering into me.
"For you not to be a conniving dickhead," I stated proudly, stopping in front of them with my arms crossed. I don't know where this surge of confidence was coming from, but I kinda liked it.
"The fuck did you just say to me," he let go of Ben and started lurking towards me. This was the perfect chance for him to get away. The boys were entirely focused on me. I looked passed Henry's shoulder and my eyes met Ben's. He was terrified and astonished. I nodded my head up slightly, gesturing for him to go. He didn't get it the first time; but after repeating it, he got it and ran away. I looked back to Henry,
"You heard me." This is the closest I've ever been to him. We were nearly a foot apart. He was significantly taller than I was, not a giant, but taller. Had surprisingly muscular arms and I never noticed the upturn of his nose before. He broke the distance with one more step. I wanted to step away because of the awkwardness, but I also didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I simply kept my arms crossed and craned my neck up to look at him. He did the opposite with his neck, but also crossed his arms. Maybe this was a way of establishing dominance.
"I don't think I heard you quite right. Mind repeating what you said," he pushed. He was trying to scare me, but I don't scare easy.
"I said, I don't want you to be a conniving dickhead."
"I don't care about what you want," he retorted.
"You're the one who asked, honey." He let out a breathy laugh.
"No one gets away with talking to me like that, sweetheart."
"I think I just did."
"I like her," a voice called out. I soon realized it belonged to Patrick. Shame because I didn't like him. "What're we going to do with her, Henry?" Henry opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
"I'll tell you what's going to happen. I'm going to walk away and enjoy myself a lovely meal in the cafeteria, while you four stand around and play with each other's dicks. And then you're never going to bother me ever again. Got it? Ok." I moved to walk past him, but he grabbed my bicep instead.
"It's not that easy," he told me, squeezing roughly. I yanked my arm away harshly, catching him off guard.
"It is that easy because I'm not afraid of you, Henry," I let out through gritted teeth. With that, I pushed past him, hitting my shoulder with his purposely.
Patrick scoffed, "You're just going to let her get away with that? She deserves to be taught a lesson to." I agreed. I completely agreed, but she wouldn't be easy.
"I know," is all I managed to say before I turned to face them. "Do any of you know her?" They all shook their head uselessly, causing me to roll my eyes.
Vic was the only one to speak,
"I know she's a freshman, just not the name." I nodded,
"Lets get outta here." I walked ahead, knowing they would automatically follow. It was that girl. She knew my name, but I didn't know hers. It bothers me, but a lot more than it should. How could I not know the name of a girl like that?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THAT IS THE END OF CHAPTER 1. Hopefully you enjoyed it! This is the first chapter of a definite series :)
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