#i wrote down some yandere bakugo thoughts the other day so i hope i can edit them and get to ur ask soon!
theloveinc · 1 year
if someone offered u a million bucks to rim dwayne the rock johnson for four hours, would u?
is that even a question??????? OBVIOUSLY. he looks like he keeps clean and i want a million bucks. four hours is nothing for that.
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bakugosbratx · 3 years
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Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could write a story when y/n is the crazy one and kidnaps Bakugo. Tysm ! -meena
Warnings: NSFW 18+ Content. Yandere, stalking, kidnapping, cursing, mental illness, blood, abuse, drugs, etc.
Check out my other works here
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A/N: Hmm this is a different turn of events. I love it 👀 I hope you enjoyed anon! I went a little wild with this one.
Words: 2.2k
Tags: @awilddreamerwrites @peachsenpie @miriobaby @lanarist @sickchildren @bakugousbrat @ssplague @ahbeautifulexistence @m779 @vinny-likes-to-play21
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“Dear Katsuki,
I watched you save a civilian on television today. I know it’s your job and all, but you did not have to save her. Her life is not as important as mine. Do you not cherish what we have? Am I just a nobody to you? This is my 103rd letter to you and still no response. I know your address did not change so do not give me that pathetic excuse, Katsuki Bakugo. Surely, you must remember we are soulmates. We are one. How dare you fucking forget me? I had to rip all of my posters down in a fit of rage. You know how angry that makes me, baby, but it will all be okay, because you are coming home to me. We will be one.
You burst into a fit of giggles as you kick your bare feet back and forth on his bed. You wrote in black ink and covered the paper in orange hearts since it is the pro-hero’s favorite color. You could not help but leave precious lipstick kisses on the page. Something you always do in your love letters to Katsuki. The posters in your house are covered in them. Katsuki’s beautiful face is just so kissable. You cannot wait to do it tonight.
All you can think about is Katsuki. That is all your day consists of. Your clothing is all his merchandise and his favorite colors. You spend hours upon hours watching interviews, videos, surveillance footage of the hero. When he is out on patrol, you do your best to hide in areas so you can see the hero up close and personal. Your face just beams with joy at the mere glance of him.
You did your best to meet him several times. Any disaster there was to be had, you put on your nicest attire, do your make-up just how you think he likes, and have your hair freshly done. No better way to greet your significant other after hero work than looking like a beauty pageant queen.
Sadly, all your attempts were failures. Katsuki did not even give you the time of day. He is way too focused on beating the villains to a pulp. You did admire this about him, but your own selfish desires created hatred in you. He should be paying attention to you. Not those pesky villains.
Katsuki is sure to receive forty-five letters addressing the issue. All that he will never even skim over. This is only adding fuel to the fire.
The posters that hang in every single room in your apartment are ripped to shreds. Pools of tears covered your orbs, smudging all of your makeup. You climbed onto your black sofa, taking your left high heel and breaking the glass photo of Katsuki hanging there. Shards of glass sprinkle the couch and hardwood floor below. You don't even care for the pieces that collected into your skin. You will worry about that later.
“Fuck you, Katsuki!” You sobbed, ripping his face with your teeth and spitting out the saliva covered photo onto the litter filled floor.
“Pro-Hero Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite saves another civilians life yet again, taking down another member of the league of villains who was terrorizing the victim.”
The news anchor’s words fell on deaf ears as you went to the television screen. You are captivated by your significant other’s beauty on the tv. Blood leaked from your freshly manicured hands. They are painted orange and black as always.
“Oh, Katsuki,” you sighed with a smile, tracing a heart around his face with your leaking blood, “we will be together soon. I promise, baby. I’ll take you away from this sick, cruel world so we can live happily ever after.”
You were serious that day. You planned it on your calendar. The countdown began on the night you are going to be one with Katsuki. A day you knew you both looked forward to.
“Dear Katsuki,
Did you miss me? I know I missed you. I even stamped this letter in my blood so you can have my DNA to mix with yours. I can’t wait to procreate with you. We will make such wonderful babies, don’t ya think? They will be so beautiful like you. I will be such an excellent mother. No woman can be a great wife to you like I can. Do you understand me?”
You had to pause writing as your blood started to boil at the thought. Your pen is already creating a huge ink spot from the anger consuming your hands. Small growls escaped your parted lips as you began to growl.
“If I can’t have you, no one can, Katsuki Bakugo. I am your one true love. You're one and only. And I’ll make sure that day comes. Just a few more days, baby, and we will be one.
The day finally came. You knew Katsuki’s schedule by heart. You loved watching him do his morning routines with the security cameras you placed in his home. The poor male never even thought to check. Such a mistake on his part. It only confirmed he needed protection from the world. Only you can provide that. Sure, you may be quirkless, but no one knows Katsuki like you do. No one can love him like you. He knows this. He has to.
You drew a luke-warm bubble bath with nice lit candles, rose pedals, a few drops of your blood, and some freshly made desserts for you both to enjoy while you catch up. You are even so kind enough to fetch him a beer or two so he can relax. You know how he enjoys his alcoholic beverages after a long day of hero work.
You rested on his bed. The natural caramel scent engulfed your nostrils as you wrote letters into your notebook once more. Even when you two are officially together forever, you still love to write out your thoughts. You know he enjoys them as well.
Hours upon hours passed. Frustration arose overtime. You did not want to be angry with your spouse, but he knows better than to be home late on your special day. You have almost filled up your notepad with phrases upon phrases of ‘I love you’s’ and sweet nothings. Along with other things.
You tapped your bandages covered foot on the ground as you began to pace. “What is taking him so long?” You huffed aloud, growing more impatient by each passing second. The bath is beginning to become cold and that is just rude in your opinion. You decided to write out your emotions.
“Dear Katsuki,
What the fuck is taking you so long, huh? It’s so fucking aggervating and just plain rude. I have done so much for you only to toss me to the side like I’m nothing. Are you cheating on me? I do not tolerate disrespect, Katsuki Bakugo. You are going to make me mean and you know I hate being mean to you. You just make me jealous, baby. You know how you do that to me. Make me feel all types of emotion I can’t seem to understand, but one thing is for certain is that you and I will be together.
You did not even get to finish your final entry as you hear the front door downstairs unlock. Scrambling to put the diary away, you gather the necessary items from under the bed and wait for the perfect moment to strike. Katsuki’s natural loud ways was helping you locate his every move without even having to look at security footage.
All you have to do is be patient.
Katsuki sat on the couch, propping his sock-covered feet onto the glass coffee table and turning on the television. You allowed him some moments to get settled before gently tip-toeing down the stairs, rope, duct tape, and a blunt object ready in hand.
Just as Katsuki turned to acknowledge your presence, the crowbar hit his head, knocking him unconscious. You quickly attend to his wound — not without dropping some droplets of blood into his — so it does not get offended. You cannot have your husband getting an infection.
You tie up his hands and legs, duct tape his mouth after delivering kisses to his perfectly plump lips, and drag him to the kitchen. You did not realize how much your lover really weighed. Too much time was wasted dragging him to the fridge than preferred, but it will all be worth it in the end. You know it will be.
Katsuki did not wake up until the next day. You stayed by his side the whole time, telling him about your day and how much you have planned for you two. Of course, he needs to build his trust with you. You love a very intelligent man and the last thing you need is for him to be against you.
Slowly opening his crimson eyes, his attention is brought to a grinning you. Katsuki immediately attempts to escape the captivity he is in, but it is no use. You just had to buy special rope that cancels quirks.
“Struggle all you want, Katsuki-poo. There is no escaping me.” You chuckled, loving the way he squirmed and furrowed his eyebrows at you. All of his curses are mumbled by the tape which is probably the best considering you did not want to be insulted right now.
“When you calm down, I’ll take off the tape.” You bargained, shrugging nonchalantly as you kneel in front of the man. Did this calm him down? No. You know it wouldn’t regardless. You know Katsuki better than he knows himself yet you already want to push his buttons. The way he gets so angry turns you on and you can’t just help yourself but want more.
After a couple of hours of Katsuki complaining and you writing even more in your diary, he decided to calm down. This made you happy. You wanted to hear his beautiful gruff voice.
Grabbing the corner of the tape, you rip it off. Katsuki is already barking insults. “Are you fucking insane? Who the hell even are you? This isn’t going to end well with you, you psycho bit—“
A hard slap to his face interrupted Katsuki’s spill. Along with the duct tape you placed back on his mouth. “Such a meanie,” you pout, “and here I was about to be so nice to you.”
This cycle repeated itself for three days. You never left his side once. How could you? He is obviously in distress. He needs you by his side. He cannot do anything without you. Especially with his hands tied behind his muscular back. Katsuki finally decided that playing the game is the only way to win it.
You ripped the tape off once again. Katsuki did not even speak this time. “Did you learn your lesson?” You quizzed with an arched brow. “Y’know being a meanie is not going to get you anywhere, Katsukikins.”
“Why are you doing this?” Katsuki inquired, his gruff voice sounding so weak and hollow. You almost felt bad.
“You’re so silly, Suki. C’mon,” you brought your lips close to his, “gimme a kiss.”
Reluctantly, Katsuki did as instructed. Considering you are straddling his lap and his powers are useless, he has no choice in the matter. You loved the compliance.
“Good boy.” You praised, ruffling his messy blonde hair. Katsuki glared at you. “Will you be good and eat some food for me?”
“I don’t want your stupid ass food.” Katsuki growled, laying his head against the bottom freezer of his fridge.
“Nonsense, Suki.” You giggled, feeling extremely joyful to be with Katsuki. You bring a spoon of Miso soup up to his closed lips, “have some. I blew on it so it’s not too hot.”
“Get that trash away from me, you idiot—“ Katsuki was interrupted by a spoon entering his mouth. Though he would hate to admit this, the soup tasted delicious and he is quite hungry. He put up a fight, but allowed you to feed him properly until every drop was gone. Unfortunately, Katsuki is unaware that the soup is drugged until it’s too late.
His body began to feel numb. He did not even have the strength to ask questions as his eyes became drowsy. Soon, he is slumped over, sound asleep as you manage to drag him up the stairs and into your shared bed.
Planting kisses all over structures, you tuck him in and finish some late night entries in your diary. Skimming through them all and reflecting on how you got here now, it made you smile. Progress has been made and will continue to do so.
Signing off on the final page, you write:
“Dear Katsuki,
These past three days have been exhilarating. I see it in your terrified eyes how happy you are that I am here. I know how much you missed me. I missed you, too, baby. We will continue to grow and soon, we will have children. I even have my menstrual cycle all planned out. I am all yours and you’re all mine. Can’t you see, baby doll? We are forever meant to be.
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miah-pooh · 4 years
The Big Plan
A/n: Finally done moving but school starts this week again which mean slow uploads maybe (I really hope not) Other than that hope you enjoy and see you next week for the next part/chapter
Warnings:  Violence, Blood, Language, Possessive/ Obsessive Behavior, Abuse, Use of benzodiazepines(Rohypnol), Character’s Death, 18+( Minors Do Not Interact) Character’s are AGED UP  
Word Count: 2.4k
Bakugo x Yandere Reader
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After graduating from UA as a top student you decided to work under the number two hero, Hawks. Bakugo went to work under Endeavor which was the number one hero at the time but after working for a while Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki all started to crawl up the charts which put Katsuki in the public eye. It was easy having eyes on Bakugo since you were a pro hero yourself, which means you’ll run into him on occasions and have to work on some missions with him and other heroes and that gave you the perfect opportunity to put your plan into action. 
It was another day and you were currently on patrol with your sidekick, patrolling the downtown area of the city near Endeavor agency which meant you were bound to cross paths with Bakugo. You hear a blast from around the corner, looking at your partner you nod ahead sprinting towards the blast. When you turned the corner you were met with a smokey building, villains captured and The Katsuki Bakugo talking to the officers that had arrived on the scene. Ever since your UA days, you had grown out of the shyness stage and weren't afraid to speak your mind. You make your way towards Bakugo, tapping him on the shoulder Bakugo turned around to be expecting a fan wanting his autograph but instead he was met with your beautiful face. “Well well well if it isn’t the famous pro hero Dynamight himself.” “Tch'' turning around walking away from you. “Awww don’t act like that, I just want to talk'' trailing behind him “What do you want” the perfect time to put your plan into action “ I want to go out together” Bakugo stops walking and looks at you with a shocked expression on his face “ You want to go out with me?” He says laughing in your face. Your eye began to twitch at the slight insult “Yes, it can be a quick lunch just-drinks and something quick to eat” you say looking up at him through your long lashes meeting his blood-red eyes ``It's not worth my time” He says walking off back towards the agency. You had to think of a quick way to make him say yes “I’ll pay for whatever you get, just sit with me and get a drink” You sound desperate which worked on both ends of this situation. You’ll get to move to the next phase of your plan and it’ll boost his big ego. “Fine, I’ll go just because you sound desperate” turning towards you. You smiled at him but little did he know that smile was a sadistic smile of your plan going well.
You had taken Bakugo to a cafe pretty far from the agency and closer to your house. “Hey dumbass where are you taking me?” you turned to face the door of the cafe “Here” smiling brightly. Bakugo quirked up an eyebrow in suspicion “Why here, there was one near the agency” “ This is new and they have a lot of flavors to pick from unlike the others” you say walking in the building. As soon you step foot into the building you are hit with the lovely smell of coffee, tea, and other drinks that they serve. “Go on and order what you want, I’ll be behind you”  Pulling out your wallet you make sure you had the drug you’ll be putting in Bakugo drink. You look up and see the cashier is still taking Bakugo’s order, you walk beside Bakugo looking up at him  and the cashier “ Is that all sir?” She asks “Yes” she batted her eyes at him while she wrote his order on a cup and put it to the side. “Your order ma’am” you raise an eyebrow noticing the change in her voice “Yes a French Vanilla Cappuccino.” You swipe your card and wait for your drinks. Your right eye starts to twitch from the interaction with the cashier, she walks off with both cups and returns, handing them to you and Bakugo. You noticed on his cup she wrote her number on it, which pissed you off, you made your way to the back of the cafe where Bakugo was sitting waiting for you. “So what do you want” your finger trace the cup top “Just wanted to catch up that’s all” “Tch, whatever” before Bakugo could get a sip of his drink you interrupt him “Sorry to bother but could you go get us some straw I forgot to get some?” “Should have got it yourself” he says getting up. As soon as he was out of view you grab the tiny clear bottle and pour it into his drink and place it back where it was. Bakugo returned and took a sip of his plain black coffee. Now all you have to do is wait 30 minutes for the drug to kick in and start working. 
After a good 30 minutes, Bakugo started having trouble breathing which was a sign the drug kicked in. “Umm Bakugo are you ok?” Bakugo was hunched over the table grabbing the table to hold himself upright. “I-I’m fine,” he says “Do you need to go home, you know you can’t go back to work in this condition” “ I said I'm fine L/n” The way he said your name made you sick to your stomach scrunching up your face in disgust. ‘That’s something we’re going to work’ you thought. “Stay right here we can leave as soon as I get back,” you say getting up “ Yea just hurry up” Grabbing his chest trying to catch his breath. You grab both you and Bakugo’s cup taking a picture of the number on his cup ‘I’ll to deal with this late’ throwing the cups in the trash. Walking back over you see Bakugo moving very slowly “Come on” Putting his arm over your shoulder walking him out of the store 
After walking for a while Bakugo became sluggish and started to move even slower “Where are you taking me woman” “Somewhere safe” You take your keys out and unlock the door. You walk in guiding Bakugo to the sofa “stay here don’t move.”' Bakugo rolled off the sofa onto the floor groaning in pain. “What the fuck did you do to me” You come back into the living room changed out of your hero suit. “What do you mean Katsuki I didn’t do anything” Bakugo gets up charging at you grabbing you by the throat and pushing you up against the wall. “What the Fuck did you do to me” Prying his large hand from around your throat you speak up “You didn’t think you that was just black coffee in your cup, do you?” smirking at him  “You fucking bitch” throwing you to the ground. You get up facing Bakugo ``Katsuki sits down before you hurt yourself.” putting your hand towards him like a wide animal, which only pissed him off more. He charged towards you getting ready to use his quirk. You duck his attack and start running towards the living table grabbing the quirk-canceling cuffs. Bakugo spun around without giving you a second to spare. Opening the cuffs you put them on his wrist and close them. It stopped him from using his quirk but he was still a mad man swinging his arms at you trying to hit you. “Ohh Katsuki I’m sorry but you leave me no choice” You take the nearest vase and hit Katsuki in the head with it. Bakugo drops to the floor with a thud. You squat down to his unconscious form running a finger down his face admiring him. He was such a handsome man and you get to keep him all to yourself. 
You dragged Bakugo's body to your bedroom. You propped Bakugo’s body at the end of the bed chaining him to the bedpost, and chaining his ankles together. You walk to your safe that had all your weapons in it locked away. You unlock it eyeing the first weapon you thought about when the cashier was flirting with Katsuki. You grabbed your katana and put it on your back. You walk out of the room locking the door. You text the number acting like you were Bakugo. ‘Hey do you want to meet.’ it didn’t take her too long to text back “Sure here my address’. A sadistic grin grew on your face and you made your way to the address. 
It was a rundown apartment that looked like the perfect place to do this job and get away with it. You walk up the stairs with your black latex gloves on and a black mask with your katana dragging across the floor. You knock on the door and hear movement from behind the door, the door swung open “Umm yes?” “We were supposed to meet to remember you texted me your address.” pulling your mask off showing your face to the women. The woman's eyes widen in fear backing away to close the door. Pinching the bridge of your nose you kick the door open. “Look I don't have time for this so sit still for a second “ walking towards her pulling your katana to your right shoulder and swinging it towards her neck. Her head falls off from the clean-cut, her body drops to the ground with a loud thud. The blood starts pooling on the floor as her head rolls away from her body. You pulled out a handkerchief and wiped your katana as you walked out of the apartment. 
It’s been a couple of hours since you left the house and you expected Katsuki to be up by now. Walking in the house hearing the sound of chains scraping against your metal bedpost unlocking your room door you peek your head in to see Katsuki trying to get out from the restraints. You slowly open the door grabbing the attention of him. Bakugo face turns to a scowl, growling at you like a mad man “Let the fuck go you crazy bitch” smiling at Bakugo you squat down to be face to face with him “I don’t think so” flicking his nose “Now let’s talk, for now on you will address me as mommy, master or mistress, now let’s practice it” Bakugo’s scowl grew deeper which brought a bigger smile to your face. “Good morning…” “Crazy bitch” You take a deep breath shaking your head “That’s wrong Katsuki, let’s try again” 
You were trying to go easy on the punishments but he just refused to cooperate with you and you got tired of playing nice “This is my last time Katsuki… Good morning…” “Shitty women'' That was the last strike. You take your left hand and backhand Katsuki causing his head to jerk to the left hanging low. The plan was to never lay a hand on Katsuki but you expected that from the explosive hero himself. “Try that shit again and I’ll fucking kill you” Katsuki growled lifting his head to look at you. “That’s still the wrong answer” backhanding him again, leaving a visibly red hand mark on the side of his face. “We’ll try again later.” Getting up from your spot walking out of the room you stop at the door speaking over your shoulder “Since you want to act like a brat let’s see if you can go a week eat out eating” you say closing the door behind you leaving Katsuki in complete darkness.
It’s been a whole week since you have taken care of Katsuki physically and mentally. You would come in the room and check on him making sure he’s still alive or whatever and see if he learned how to properly address you which ended with backhanding him, suffocating him, and dragging him to the large tub, and drowning him. Since he's still alive you decided you should treat him to his favorite food. You walk into the room with a tray that carries a bowl of spicy curl and a glass cup of water. “I got you something” your voice was soft and barely above a whisper but Katsuki heard you. Katsuki looks up at you but this time he wasn’t giving you the death glare he usually gives you when you walked in the room. Sitting the tray down to the side you walk over to Katsuki and sit in front of him “It’s been a week, you know what that means” Katsuki was silent looking at you for approval to talk. You nod your head permitting him to talk. “Yes, m-mommy” You can tell he was hesitating to say it but you were proud of him.  “I’m so proud of you Katsu, you made mommy so proud,” you say getting the tray and placing it in front of him. Before you decided to release him from his restraints, you pulled out an electrical collar. “I think it’s time we work on you being able to do things without your restraints don’t you think” with a smile on your face. “Yes, m-mommy” It felt good knowing you had the explosive hero submitting to you after a couple of tries he finally understands who’s in control. 
You put the collar on him and to think he would put up a fight, he didn’t and that made you smile. After you put the collar on Katsuki you took your index finger and hooked it under the collar making sure it wasn’t too tight on his neck. “How does it feel?” “It’s fine mommy” You finally reach over and loosen up his restraints waiting for him to make his next move trying to escape, but he just sits there. “You can eat now” He looked like a child that was waiting for the next request to allow him to do anything but you hope that will change soon. Deep down you felt like he was putting up an act just to satisfy you and your crazy requests, but you're not complaining.
You stayed in the room while he ate every last bit of it and drank the last bit of water. After sitting in the oddly comfortable silence you decided it was time to let him in on a few things that need to be mentioned before moving on to the next step. “Hey Katsu, I think you earned it to watch tv but I'm just going to let you know that....” you couldn’t tell him that Japan went into a frenzy when the number 2 hero of Japan went missing without a trace. You didn’t know how he would react and how he would act towards you and you just got him to understand who's in control. ”Huh” “Never mind, just enjoy your new privilege” You had to tell him sooner or later before it got out of hand.
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