#i wrote this in a daze at 3am i hope it makes sense
enjoythesilentworld · 1 month
Wille's Month - Literature
day 3! @youngroyals-events
“I thought you were a literature student?” “This is literature!” Wille is a very serious literature student, thank you very much.
Read below or on ao3! (cw: implied sexual content)
To the surprise of no one, graduate school turned out to be a little demanding. Still, Wille enjoyed it. He did. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was actually producing something worthwhile. Finally, he had an outlet for all the confusion and turmoil growing up, an explanation for why it’d been so hard to accept himself for who he was. In literature, in tracing lines between characters and plot lines, connecting authors and themes, he found answers. He found common ground and explanations for the world around him. It helped him see beauty in the little, mundane things and simplicity in the big, complicated things. No more was it, why do I feel like this about another boy? It was oh, you felt this, too, and it all turned out okay. The humanity in his readings and the brilliance in discussing it with others, the searching for answers and that spark of joy when he finally connected two pieces together, it kept him going. All that, along with periodic praise from his advisor, plenty of coffee, and, of course, almost more than anything, Simon. 
Simon. Wille knew that he could’ve done the whole thing by himself – he’d enrolled before even meeting Simon, thank you very much – but something about having the man by his side, going through the same slog of self-doubt and fear and exhaustion made it all the more worthwhile. To have each other to go back to at the end of the day meant everything to Wille, and he was pretty sure Simon felt the same. He still didn’t know who to thank at the university for that silly bonding trip, but Wille was eternally grateful to whatever almighty force had brought Simon into his life. That first day, Simon’s shy smile and blushing cheeks, which quickly turned to sassy remarks and teasing smirks, had been a ray of sunlight in Wille’s life. Things had already been fine, even good, but Simon brought something more. Something Wille would never be able to put into words. Wille could read every book ever written and still never find the words to describe it, that thing that brought them together, that tug at his core; come closer, be near me, be with me.
All told, the little pieces of Wille’s life fit together well. Most days, he remembered to eat meals at reasonable intervals and got at least a few hours of sleep every night. Sometimes, he even went to the gym. Unfortunately, graduate school didn’t give a fuck if you were happy and in love and generally having a good time. It had a way of pulling apart all those little pieces and scattering them across the room, like an ornery housecat. On this particular day, Wille felt as though someone had stuck a spoon up his nose and scrambled his brain. He’d been reading the same three papers for days now and was making no progress, he had dozens of unread emails sitting in his inbox, and only one line written for his writing workshop assignment (which was due in two days). Needless to say, he was exhausted. There was only one thing he wanted to do: curl up in bed with his boyfriend. Very rudely, Simon was busy with rehearsals, so Wille was cursed to spend the evening alone. 
Sighing dramatically, he fell into bed, then squirmed around in frustration. It made him feel a bit better.
As was typical of a literature student – Wille, ever the cliché – his room was covered in books, haphazardly stacked in precarious piles on every available surface. Most were of respectable nature, if a little promiscuous. A few, however, were of a different breed. Since he had the time to kill, he pulled out a book from the bottom of one of the stacks, huffing when the whole pile toppled over. 
The cover was a swirling array of dark fabric, and nothing more. In simple serif font, the title read: “Velvet Desires: Passion Unleashed". And, so what if Wille liked to read trashy smut novels in his free time? He spent so much time dissecting prose and interpreting symbolism, who could blame him if every once and a while he just wanted to turn his brain off?
Simon found him like that hours later, half reading the book and half dozing. 
“Hi, baby,” Simon purred, crawling into bed and wrapping his arms around Wille’s waist, burying his face there. 
Wille smiled and set the book to the side, then pulled Simon closer. “Hello, my love.”
“Missed you,” Simon said into the fabric of Wille’s shirt, the sound a bit muffled. 
“I missed you, too. Did you have a good rehearsal?”
Simon simply hummed and lifted his head, smiling sleepily. Wille glanced at his book for a moment, and Simon followed his eye line. They both froze, before they each pounced on the book at the same time. Simon was faster. He jumped out of the bed and spun away from Wille’s reach. 
“What’s this?”
“It’s a book,” Wille huffed, grabbing at it. Simon giggled and climbed across the bed, dodging Wille again. 
Simon gasped dramatically as his eyes skimmed over the back cover. He looked up with mock horror on his face. Wille rolled his eyes. 
“I thought you were a literature student?” 
“I am– That is literature!” 
“This is smut, Wille.”
Wille groaned. “Come on, Simon, give it!” 
They chased each other around the room a moment longer, Wille not really upset and Simon not really horrified, before collapsing back onto the bed. 
“Very uncouth,” Simon tsked, poking a finger at Wille’s chest. 
“There’s a lot of good symbolism in there.”
“Oh, is there?” Simon asked, tone low. He rolled and moved to straddle Wille, leaning down to kiss gently at his jaw. “What else is in there?”
“Simon…” he whispered, then brought his hands up and gripped Simon’s hips, before sliding warm fingers up his back, along each vertebrae. 
“Anything fun?” 
Wille hummed, then curled a hand around Simon’s neck and brought their lips together. 
“I can show you.”
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atomicse · 4 years
juliantina au 3 + trope 2 + prompt 34
i didn’t think i would get any of these… but let’s go!
spy!au +  enemies to lovers + “i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
(idk if this is any good [or coherent] but i wrote it at 3am so pls be kind. also i don’t think this is what u wanted anon, but…)
“god, this is so boring, this dude hasn’t done anything all day. i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
juliana rolls her eyes. of all the people they could’ve paired her with, they had to put her with the obnoxious, trust fund baby. “because it’s our job?” she snarks.
the other girl sends juliana what she probably thinks is a murderous glare, but her bright blue eyes and disney princess aura make her look as intimidating as baby yoda. “i’ve worked with this organization for years, i don’t do stakeouts, i do real, important, shit.”
juliana doesn’t say anything, she won’t even try to fight this petulant little girl.
“whatever.” carvajal huffs. minutes pass without her externalizing her displeasure of the situation, and juliana dares to think that maybe, just maybe, she won’t have to deal with her attitude for the rest of their shared stakeout when, “i can’t believe mr. g put me with you.”
“what is that supposed to mean?” juliana asks with a raised eyebrow.
“we’re like, the worst possible combination he could’ve come up with.“ the brunette shrugs nonchalantly. juliana just stares at her. “you’re like, this angsty loner type, and i’m… i don’t know, the kind of agent that has a sense of humor and isn’t brooding 24/7”, she explains.
juliana can’t help but snort, that’s rich coming from her. she’s never worked side by side with the other agent before, -they’ve actually only ever conversed twice, once when she first joined the organization, and right now-, but it is common knowledge that carvajal has this sort of hero complex, people say she’s always hell bent on saving the day. “aren’t you the one that’s always putting herself at risk just to be the hero or whatever?” she sneers. “i would appreciate it if you dropped your preconceived incorrect ideas about me. you don’t know me.” juliana frowns.
“and i don’t want to” carvajal shakes her head, turning to look at their mark.
“well, i don’t either.”
they both stare out the window, silently waiting for the man on the other side of the street to get into his vehicle. once he does, carvajal turns on the engine and drives off without saying a word.
juliana sighs in the passenger’s seat, she doesn’t understand why the other girl hates her so much.
after following their mark for hours and trying to gather as much information about him as possible, they decide to approach him on his last stop of the day, a stupidly exclusive casino on the most expensive side of town.
they get out of the car and juliana thanks whatever entity is looking out for them because they let them in, no questions asked.
“okay so, i’m going to go explore the place,” juliana says, already seeing lots of people she thinks might be useful to their mission. “you should go with aguayo, maybe you can get some info directly from him.”
carvajal gives her a weird look “why me?”
“because i’m too much of a broody loner, no?” juliana reminds her “and you’re a lot easier on the eyes” she adds after a beat.
“did you just call me pretty?” the brunette smirks.
juliana blushes an embarrassing shade of pink, “shut up, just go.” she throws over her shoulder as she makes what she hopes is a smooth exit.
an hour and a half after their separation, juliana has already scooped out the area in search for any suspicious activity (and downed three shots of tequila). she’s sitting at the bar, half-heartedly conversing with the friendly bartender while waiting for her partner to finish whatever she’s doing to subtly interrogate their mark.
“hello, gorgeous, you havin’ fun?” she hears a voice say to her. when she turns, she finds a disheveled man eyeing her lustfully.
juliana’s stomach churns, the way he’s staring at her is painfully reminiscent of the many times man just like this one would look and treat her and her mom like they only existed for their twisted enjoyment when she was young.
she’s since stopped being afraid, she is the company’s best asset, but for some reason, she finds herself paralyzed while the unknown man reaches to grab at her.
juliana’s alcohol dazed brain is just catching up, coming up with a half-baked plan to simply kick this man’s balls off when a sickenly sweet voice captures their attention. “hey, sir, i think you should go find someone more age appropriate.” her partner smiles at her over the man’s shoulder and juliana has never been more relieved to see that annoying little dimple on the brunette’s cheek. “besides, this one’s spoken for.” carvajal adds cheekily.
juliana feels the blood rush to her cheeks and curses herself for falling victim to the brunette’s charm.
the man smirks as he looks between them, surely imagining a whole lot of disgusting things that make juliana want to go back to her plan of just ending his bloodline. “can i join?” he leers at them.
her partner scowls at him and takes juliana’s hand, swiftly removing them from the situation before it escalates.
“can’t leave you alone for a second, can i, agent valdés?” ugh, of course she has to ruin it just when juliana’s starting to like her.
“whatever.” juliana crosses her arms over her chest. “did you get anything out of him?” she inquires, hoping that the other woman’s charm had worked with aguayo just as much as it seemed to work with her.
carvajal nods happily, “yeah, dude’s a total lightweight!” she laughs, “a couple of shots of mezcal and he was ready to spill all his secrets to me.” juliana snorts, she guesses that carvajal must’ve had her fair share of drinking too, since she’s being so buddy-buddy with her. “i thought narco leaders were… different.” the brunette says pensively. 
the woman’s attitude is giving juliana whiplash, before she’d treated her like shit, and now she’d being almost nice. “um, right. did you get any relevant stuff for our investigation?” juliana doesn’t want to be here any longer than necessary.
“yeah, i recorded our entire chat. there’s some juicy shit there.” carvajal shows juliana her phone, a forty-minute audio recording sits on her recently saved files.
“good job.” she awkwardly pats her partner on the back. 
carvajal scoffs. “it was better than good and you know it.” she leans down so her and juliana’s faces are dangerously close, “c’mon, v, tell me i was amazing.” she pouts.
damn her and her stupid wide blue eyes and her perfectly shaped lips and- woah, juliana is more than a little buzzed too. “no, ya vámonos, carvajal. we gotta attend the briefing tom-” she starts to ramble when surprisingly strong arms wrap around her waist and soft lips crash into hers.
juliana has kissed people before, of course she has, she’s kissed her fair share of girls, even a few boys during games like spin the bottle or truth or dare when she was in middle school, but no one has ever made her stomach flip like this infuriating woman right here. the way carvajal gently sucks on juliana’s bottom lip makes her brain malfunction. 
they kiss for what seems like an eternity, only separating when their lungs demand air.
juliana blinks dazedly at carvajal when she calms herself down enough to hold the other woman’s gaze without jumping her. “what was that?” she asks.
“the creepy dude from before was pissing me off, looked at you like you were a piece of meat” carvajal explains without letting go of juliana “also, you were talking too much” she winks.
juliana process the information for a second. “so…” she trails off “… are we done here?” she asks as casually as she can. the kiss left her a little shaken, she can’t wait until she gets home for a nice hot bath -or a cold shower.
“yeah, just let me go grab a bottle of water. i need to sober up a little in case we bump into el alcoholímetro.” the brunette finally lets go of juliana.
juliana nods dumbly before going after her, she really needs to sober up too. 
“thank you for the ride.” juliana says quietly. carvajal had taken her home instead of just dropping her off at the subway station like she had suggested, claiming that she would never let someone take the subway at that hour, even if they annoyed her as much as juliana. (hero complex)
carvajal gives her a dorky thumbs up as she gets out of the car. “night, valdés, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” juliana can’t help but smile back. 
this day was so weird; first, being paired with carvajal had been unexpected, second, the other agent had been hostile towards her for no apparent reason, then treated her obnoxiously nicely, and third, she actually kind of liked carvajal, a little bit.
“do you want to… stay the night?” she asks with an amount of courage she didn’t know she was capable of mustering.
carvajal smirks, “are you propositioning me?”
“it’s late, you shouldn’t be out” juliana explains. “and i have a spare room.”
the brunette seems to think it through and juliana scolds herself for offering, you idiot this is none of you business. “sure, yeah.” oh.
“cool. c’mon i- i’ll show you” juliana stutters a half assed explanation of her home’s layout to her partner while said partner just looks at her amusedly.
“relax, valdés” carvajal chuckles. “i’m not going to bite you …unless you want to.”
juliana scoffs, why is she suddenly flirting with her? “didn’t you hate me this morning?”
“i don’t hate anyone, though i did dislike you a little, but i’ve always been a sucker for pretty girls.” she steps into juliana’s personal space.
carvajal cuts her off “shut up, valdés, you know exactly why you invited me over.” 
then, she joins their lips together, sucking on juliana’s bottom lip like she had an hour ago, and it is just as glorious. 
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emile-hides · 4 years
Out of Australia, into the fire
Based on an in game RP with @aripan12 and @syalin-deerfox (Original prompt from Two Junkers and a D.Va which can be read here)
Edit: Both Ari and Zayne wrote their own versions of this promt as well.
If you want heavy Roadrat, read Zayne’s version HERE
If you want an almost exact one-to-one of the actual roleplay + Bloopers read Ari’s version HERE
Now, on to my take:
In which Roadhog impulsively cares for a war child
Mako “Roadhog” Rutledge huffed as he looked over his empty fridge shelves for the third time in the last hour. No matter how many glances he spared, the ice box remained empty.
The large man gave another huff as he closed the fridge door, lifting himself up straight before heading out of the large barn he called a home. 
“Rat.” He spoke in the general direction of a small, one room trailer.
Jamison “Junkrat” Fawkes poked his head out of one of the three holes in the small buildings walls, two of which he swore were made for better lighting. The third of which was an accident.
“Hoggie! Just in time I was about to test-”
“We’re out of food. I’m heading into Junker town. Stay here.” Roadhog cut his boss off, already starting the slow walk to the scrap city.
“Whot??? Wait, mate, lemme come too! I need some shit and-” Both the junker’s momentum from leaping out of his work shed and sentence were cut off by a large hand easily catching him by the tire on his back.
“Stay.” Mako said flatly, setting the smaller back down in his work station.
Junkrat whined and swayed like a blade of grass in the wind, “But Roooooooadie”
His complaints weren’t met with a response as the older Junker again began to walk away, leaving Junkrat unsupervised.
______ ______ ______ ______
The large door of Junkertown was just as locked as it was the last time Mako approached. He’d always hated how hard the queen tried to make the pile of scrap seem like a real city. It wasn’t. It never would be.
“Let me in already!” A squeaky voice thick with an accent not native to the island screeched along side the banging of metal, “Please!! I just need to get home!”
Mako paused for a moment at the small girl standing at Junkertown’s door, banging away and begging for entry. Her clothes were bright pink, a color Mako hadn’t seen in a long time, and seemed almost completely clean. Her hair was long and shiny, almost freshly washed. She was small, thin, but healthy. As if all of this wasn’t enough, the sound of her voice made it absolutely, positively clear she was not a native to the savage wastelands of Australia.
Still. She was in the way.
Roadhog threw his hook, safely wrapping it around the girls waste to pull her away from the door. She yelped, and stumbled by his side before fear ran cold across her face. Mako spared her a glance before knocking at the Junkertown door three times with his hook.
“Rutledge?” The guard of the door spat from his lookout point, “You sure are brave to be showin’ your masked face around here again mate. Better now be armed, we got orders to shoot you on sight.”
These threats meant nothing to Roadhog. He simply waited for the gate to open silently before he strolled in, latching his hook to his belt.
“W...Wait!” The girl from before shouted once she finally snapped from her fear induced daze, quickly chasing after the lumbering man.
Mako, again, barely spared the girl a glance, though slowed down slightly to allow her to walk along side him, hoping to block her bright outfit from the onlooking eye of the local thugs.
“M-My name is Hana Song. I was kidnapped from Busan, South Korea, and dropped here. I-I’m not sure where here... is... D-Do you have a phone I could barrow? Please?” She asked, gripping the bottom of her shirt in desperation.
Roadhog glanced at the local shops before walking into an old convenient store, now with nothing more than rusted canned items and whatever animal was found in rummaging in the trash that morning.
“N...No?” Hana half whimpered, continuing to follow him. She watched his movements was they wandered the mostly empty lanes before starting again, “I-I can pay for the distance call! I-I c-can pay reward money! S-Something for your trouble, please! M-My team- M-My country needs me! I-I can pay-”
Mako handed the girl a can of corn. She stared at it, then glanced up at him, clearly confused as she took it.
Luckily, the confusion was enough to shut her up on the money nonsense as the finished shopping. It wasn’t a lot, but it’d be enough for a last meal on this irradiated rock.
On the way out of Junker town, Hana piped up again, “Does... th-this mean you’re going to help me...?” She asked meekly.
A large hand gently pat at Hana’s hair as they stepped out of the scrap city of Junkertown. Hana flinched for a moment at the contact, only realizing at the third pat it was meant to be comforting.
She smiled, “Thankyou.” slipped from her mouth barely above a whisper as they walked away from Junkertown.
______ ______ ______ ______
“Roadie! You’re finally back, what’d ya get I’m STARVIN’!” Junkrat came bounding from his shed as soon as Roadhog came into view.
The larger Junker didn’t acknowledge the smaller as he simply continued to the barn. Junkrat did the same to Hana, who followed the two closely.
“So! While you were gone I was thinkin’ of ways to get back at the queen and I’ve finally got the perfect plan! Wanna hear it?? Of course you do! So-” 
“This is Hana.” Mako spoke up, cutting the smaller off as he drew his attention to Hana Song, “We’re taking her to South Korea.”
Junkrat blinked down at the bring pink stick before him. He stared, unblinking, for almost a solid two minutes.
“South Kor-ee-a?” He repeated, incredibly incorrect of course, “Where in the bloody blue blazes is that?”
“Far.” Mako spoke bluntly, putting his assorts groceries on his make-shift table for now, “Pack what you need. We’re leaving tonight.”
“T-Tonight? Mate what- Don’t you walk away from me!” Junkrat snapped as Roadhog began to leave the barn.
Mako glanced back at Hana, standing awkwardly in the center of the room, “Stay.” He spoke, then continued out, Junkrat shouting behind him.
______ ______ ______ ______
“What about our plans to get back at the queen?! What about our 50/50 split treasure? You wanna just lug that with us?!” Junkrat huffed and hollered all the way back to Junkertown.
Mako continued to ignore him, making sure the smaller was behind him when they approached the gate, easly hiding Junkrat behind his larger form.
“Twice in one day, Rutledge? Ya forget somethin’?” The guardsman laughed as the gate opened.
“I’ve never even heard of no South Kor-ee-a! What makes ya so sure it’s even a real place and that shiela ain’t just one of the queen’s goons sent to whack us, huh?! Ya even left her alone in our place!”
“Mako? Well this is a surprise?” Junkrat’s complaints cut off with the introduction of a new voice, raspy and weary with age. He’d been ranting so long, Junkrat hadn’t even noticed he and Mako walked into one of Junkertown’s many scrap shops.
“Here for the usual?” A short, chubby man with a scruffy white beard asked, taking a large cigar from his mouth.
“I need a boat. With a moter, and enough oil to get it to Asia.” Mako spoke.
“A boat?” The short scrapper asked, scratching his chin, “That’s a tall order. The Queen ain’t very fond of boats she don’t own.”
Junkrat sized up the man before them, rationalizing if he was going to give Roadhog a hard time, and if he’d have to step in to get whatever Roadie was after.
“The moter’s the easy part, I’ve been working on one myself...” The man gave a gentle kick to a scrapped together engine he’d been working on when they walked in, “The fuel I’ve almost got too, but the actual boat...”
“Please, Bruce.” The word was so foreign, Mako certainly hadn’t used it in over 20 years, and he’d doubt the younger generation in this country even knew what the word means.
Bruce paused, giving another scratch to his chin... A deep sigh left his mouth, “Alright. I’ll get something together and have it at Lagoon Pier by 3am tonight.”
Roadhog gruffed a thankyou, placed a hand on Junkrat’s head, and lead him from the shop, back to Junkertown’s gate.
“...We’re really leavin’?” Junkrat asked as they left the scrapped together city he one called home, “Are we... gonna come back?”
Roadhog didn’t speak. He stared ahead blankly at the wasteland he created, a hand resting on Junkrat’s head.
They walked home in silence.
______ ______ ______ ______
The short, hastily put together plan was explained to Hana by Junkrat over a scrapped together final meal. They then packed up anything essential into Roadhog’s bike, and headed out across the country.
Hana had long sense passed out in the side car, tightly hugging Mako’s pachimari doll as she rested. Junkrat has also, supposedly, passed out behind Roadhog on the bike.
As the two slept, Mako took a moment to park along side a cliff and stare out at the desert.
He thought about how 20 or so years ago, this place was just like the world Hana had described to them. How he’d spend his days playing video games on his phone just like her, or how he could spend hours weaving brightly colored flowers into crowns.
20 years ago they were just like every other place in the world.
What... happened?
Mako’s grip on his handle bars tightened.
ALF happened.
HE happened.
For a moment, Mako considered turning around. Driving back to his scrapped old barn on his wasted little farm with the small grave marked only with a dusty little bolder and a few dead flowers.
It wouldn’t be fair for him to leave. He broke the world, he deserves to rot in it. He deserves to sit on this little irradiated rock and slowly die of whatever the world wants to throw at him.
“Roadie..?” A yawn broke Roadhog of his thoughts as Junkrat lifted himself up some, hanging over the larger man’s shoulder, “Why’d we stop? Ya gotta piss?” The younger Junker rubbed at his eye, nuzzling into Mako’s neck from grogginess.
Roadhog released his grip on his handle bars. For a moment his mind wondered where Jamie could be had the Omnium not exploded.
Would he be a child soldier, like Hana? Willing to give his life for a county so quick to throw away it’s citizens? Fighting a war at such a young age...
“Roadie?” Junkrat asked, a bit more awake, “Ya alright? Ya got that sad look on yer face...”
Roadhog glanced to Junkrat. The smaller look concerned.
Mako squished Jamie’s cheeks in his hand, “Sit down. I can’t drive with you standin’ up like that.” He scolded. Jamison whined in his hold, patting weakly at Mako’s shoulders until he was released, allowing him to fall back onto his seat.
Roadhog chuckled before starting the bike again. There’s no point in turning back.
He hadn’t destroyed the world.
At least
Not yet.
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longassr1de · 4 years
Best Boy (M)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Haechan x fem!reader
Genre: Smut (nc-17!)
Word count: 2,666
Warnings: femdom, spanking, not quite choking but close to it (just once really), oral, a sappy moment, lots of teasing, unprotected sex, cowgirl..kinda, i'm probably forgetting stuff i'm sorry 😔 (i just really wanted to write something and then this drabble practice turned into a monster) oh and also i didn't proofread this yet & yolo wrote it at around 3am so im sorry for this monstrosityㅡ and also y/n is on birth control bc at least take precautions if you're not wrapping it before tapping it kiddos! 🤧
A/N: not to spoil the surprise but technically though it's not stated who it's about until around.. the middle i'd say? but.. it kind of is about a 00 liner so.. if you're uncomfortable with that then please just keep scrolling. thank you. i'm not sure how or why this post happened either but.. here we are yknow? that lil shiet has just been bugging me for awhile now and then a week later this happens im...🥺
A/N ...again: I ended up changing it from mystery member to just being straightforward about it so just.. bear with me until I redo the intro to include more detail. Sorry about that 😰
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"I thought you said you could take it, baby boy?" You look down at your boyfriend who was currently across your lap with a teasing grin, clearly enjoying his predicament.
"I- I-" he tries to interject, helplessly wracking his brain for any sort of rebuttal.
"Did I say you could speak?" The sharp raise of your now arched brow conveys more than your short sentence could have ever delivered. Consequently, you deliver another sharp smack to his bottom, continuing his punishment, which had been brought about by yet another one of his disobedient days. Such a brat, really.
"N-No..." you gently enclose your free hand around his neck, ushering his disobedient behavior back on track once again. "No ma'am!" he whines, cute pout on display as he whines desperately. "I'll be a good boy for you, I swear! Please!"
"Please what, baby boy? Use your words for me," you cooed towards him, almost mockingly.
"Please..." he licks at his bottom lip, jutting his glossing pout on proud display, "please fuck me... use me... anything..." He rasps as you pull him up by the hair to look at you in the eyes, a shaky breath escaping from the depths of his soul as you devour his ethereal presence. How did you ever find someone so beautiful in this realm of reality?
Sending one last spank to his supple bottom, you relish in the way his body both moves towards and away from your palm. "Very well then, my beautiful little brat. On your knees." You've been edging the poor boy for at least an hour now, so really, it's no wonder that he's in position for you before you can even begin counting. "If you behave like a good boy tonight, I might even reward you," your smile angelic, though your eyes are anything but. Deviously, you trace his raging hard-on with the tip of your toes, enjoying the way he shuts his eyes and drops his mouth open at the slimmest glimmer of pleasure he's been allowed. "But if you misbehave again, you're not coming for the next week. Understood?"
"Y-Yes ma'am!" he responds, almost in tears at the thought alone, much less after the arduous teasing he's endured tonight. Before anything, you lean down to kiss his supple lips, licking at his mouth with everything you've got, tangling your fingers in the curly tufts of his beautiful silver hair. Pulling away far too soon for either of your liking, you run your thumbs across his jawline and break from your role to ensure safety above all pleasure.
"Cloud." A smirk sent his way as he snaps from his daze. "..ma'am! It's still cloud...ma'am," he stutters out, in fear of further punishment.
"Good boy," you reward his quick fix with a kiss to his forehead before reaching behind you for a ribbon, toying with it as you fixate on whether to tie his hands in front of or behind his body tonight. "Heads or tails, baby boy?"
"Uh.." he tilts his head, not unlike a confused puppy. "Heads, ma'am?" an unsure answer rings out in the silence of your eventful night. You nod silently, working to gently but securely tie his hands in front of his body, just enough so that he can't give himself any pleasure.
Your boyfriend eyes you with a sparkle in his eyes, in awe at how effortlessly you complete the task. Truthfully however, the gleam in his doe eyes was moreso because of just how much he loves you, and how grateful he is for how attentive you are to his needs. You were the one who'd asked to let you dom him initially, but from then on it was him who would insist on it becoming more of a regular thing. He simply couldn't get enough of the confidence you exuded in times like these.
You were his drug, and he needed his fix, so what better way that to get his high through this?
Sensing that his mind had drifted elsewhere as he'd stopped squirming and whining, you look back up into his eyes, not expecting your boyfriend to be staring at you so.. lovingly.
"Penny for your thoughts, baby boy?"
"I love you," he just blurts out, chuckling at himself for a moment before you join him.
"Not sure where this is coming from, but I love you too, darling." Another kiss pressed unto his lips, kissing his smile until it parted to kiss you back. The warmth in your chest despite the filth in your recent actions proof enough that you made the right choice. You don't regret one moment from the moment you fell for your best friend, up until this very night. However, the ache between your thighs had yet to be sated, and as much as you wanted to cave, you figured it could wait until the aftercare (noting to give him twice as many cuddles tonight).
Pulling back with a thin line of spit till connecting you both, your grin turns mischievous once again. "But don't think I've forgotten for a second that you're being punished for your behavior tonight. You thought feeling me up at the restaurant was appropriate? In front of all your friends?"
"N-No ma'am! Not at all.. I'm sorry!" his eyes widen at the realization that his punishment was far from over. "I won't do it again!"
"Not sorry enough, I'll say. And if you ever try that again, I'm tying you to the headboard the entire weekend, understood?" Your boyfriend was so desperate he fell for your bluff, instantly straightening his posture to be the epitome of a "good boy".
"I'll do anything, anything at all.. please ma'am, anything but that!" he begs, hoping to get back on your good side, unknowing that your anger had long since subsided.
"Kiss me and make it all better then, baby boy. Apologize like you mean it," your sultry whisper utter sin upon his ears, sitting entirely undressed just inches away from his body that was screaming with desire. You slowly spread your thighs that had been rubbing up against each other, your slick wetness glistening as his throat feels parched at the sight before him. He blinks himself out of yet another daze, unbelieving that the wondrous angel in front of him is also the devil seducing him to ruin. As he gets closer to your heat, his pants become evident on your skin, making goosebumps arise in their wake.
"Don't tease me, baby, it'll only drag our your punishment," you tease, already locking your digits in his hair once again, anticipating the first touch of his tongue. He looks up at you as he makes contact with your nub, watching as your throw you head back, feeling as you grip his hair a little tighter, pull him a little closer. Humming contentedly, he dives right in to work, licking up your folds and sucking harshly at your clit, internally cursing at his useless arms at such a critical time like this. Instead, he decidedly works at your body with his mouth, working such wonders you were sure the other seven in the world suddenly paled in comparison.
"Ah, yes, just like that! Fuck," you cursed under your breath, raggedly breathing out as you bite at your lip, trying and failing to hold your moans in. Instead, you tighten your thighs around his head, fighting to keep your eyes open, only daring to look after he pulls back to catch his own breath, meeting his dangerous gaze with your shocked one.
Somewhere in the mix, you'd forgotten all about maintaining your strict dominance, instead unknowingly giving him some room to wiggle at the reigns, ever the challenging brat that he was and loved to be. He lived for making you make him submit, for every punishment and for every battle. It was so much fun, watching you get all hot in the face, in more ways than one.
"With all due respect ma'am," he shoots you his signature shit-eating grin from down below, clearly worked up by your reactions, even without the use of his hands, "your moans are absolutely gorgeous." He then sucks at your thighs, leaving many a dark bloom in their wake; he's clearly trying to prove a point now, cheeky almost to the point of cocky in the way he licks at your wetness off his lips. "I may even dare to say you're in for the fuck of your life tonight."
And you're just about to give him hell for his sudden brattiness until he goes right back to work, eating you out like a man starved, leaving you unable to come up with anything more coherent than a mutter of "Oh fuck you, Lee Donghyuck!" To which he simply laughs into your folds, sliding his tongue into your wet heat as you miserably yank at his hair, hoping he would somehow go back to behaving (used lightly, as he never truly behaves, save for when his neediness or the stresses of life sent him into subspace).
An intense orgasm builds up in your core and before you can even warn him, your release hits like a ton of bricks, bringing Donghyuck both closer and farther from your body, relishing in your orgasm yet unsure whether the excess of stimulation was something you could currently handle. You had fallen back onto the bed, unmoving for some time it would seem, as you soon hear the shuffling of feet before feeling a shift on the mattress. As best as he can, your boyfriend rests between your legs, attempting to assess your wellbeing.
"I'm fine, Hyuckie, just... that took a hell of a lot out of me," you chuckle, closing your eyes again to avoid the knowing look on his face. He goes to reach for your face, only to realize he can't, as his hands are still bound. Drawing your attention with a soft whine, you follow his gaze, helping to untie him, pressing loving kissed tenderly at his wrists. "Thank you, baby, you did so well for me."
"Can you take one more?" he prods gently, dying to be inside of you, yet not wanting to push your body past its limits.
"Of course, anything for you baby boy. Youu dessrve the bsst orgsmm after that," your words slur a little, still not over the impact on your body. Donghyuck tries to protest as you lay him down and climb over him, hissing as you sit on his length with little to no prep, taking him entirely by surpise. Not that he minded, he was just terrified he wouldn't last long after a night's worth of teasing, on top of getting front row seats to your hell of a release. Little to his knowledge however, that was exactly what you were counting on, ever since your orgasm took so much out of you that you'd begun to feel rather sleepy.
"I give you full permission baby boy. Fuck me." Your statement once again catches him off guard, as he had been a little preoccupied with how tight your velvet walls felt around his weeping cock.
"W-wait wha- aaahh.." And then it clicks. You weren't planning on riding him at all, you simply wanted the illusion of power from being on top, leaving him to do all the work. Donghyuck was no fool, however, and took the opportunity as quickly as he it came. You'd just barely settled against his chest, relishing in the warm feeling of his hands running down your back before feeling him grab at your ass; shutting his eyes as his head was thrown back in pleasure, fucking up into you almost animalistically from sheer need. He felt your blunt nails almost breaking the skin of his shoulders as he bit down on one of your own, pressing kisses in the aftermath of its mark, whimpering the filthiest of curses and singing the sweetest of praises by your ear.
As Donghyuck fervently fought to reach his own release, you felt yourself begin to race him towards your second. So much for punishment, was all you could think, and though the exhaustion on your body was evident, you simply couldn't bring yourself to complain, not when he was making you feel so fucking good.
"I'm so close, I'm gon... I'm.... ahh," he whined, rutting his hips desperately into your own, "please let me cum ma'am... I've been such a good boy for you... please." Surprised didn't even begin to cover your reaction, as you'd assumed all roles had been thrown out the window the second he'd gotten the green light. Nevertheless, your brain was humming with pride as your body thrummed with pleasure.
"Yes you have, you've been so good tonight, I think you deserve to cum. Let go now, give it to me baby boy," you run your hands through his hair, speaking into his forehead as your lower body continues to bounce from the force of his own humping up into you. "Prove that you're all mine," you mouth at his earlobe, moaning into it just to tease him, "fill me up." The final straw snaps upon your words, Donghyuck babbling utter nonsense as he cums, thick, white spurts of his release coating your walls as you finally clench around him, the feeling of his orgasm launching the onset of your own.
He continues to shallowly thrust up into you until neither one of you can take it anymore, squirming and groaning weakly at the overstimulation. You witness the strength leave your boyfriend's body rather dramatically, the way his eyes comically roll back in his head as your bodies slide down the headboard cause a fit of giggles to escape you. Donghyuck half opens his eyes to look at you, making grabby hands for your face as he grows soft inside you now. Carefully, you raise yourself up his body just enough to raise your cheeks in his sweaty palms, enjoying the gentle caress of his calloused fingertips padding across your features.
With a serious of hushed thank yous, he leans forward just enough to shower you with kisses, prompting you to return the gesture. He slips out of you and you make a face as the mixture of your cum slides down your thighs. Thankfully, you'd forseen your laziness and left a towel on your nightstand, and you reach over for it to clean the both of you up. Donghyuck is currently slipping in and out of sleep when you lay beside him, pulling him onto your chest as his arms wrap around your frame. It's times like this when he's asleep, so pure and unadulterated, that you can't help but adore his natural cuteness.
The supple curve of his lips, the gentle curl of his lashes, even his soft groan as he shifts to find a more comfortable position... all of it has you cooing at how delicate he was despite how tough he loves to pretend to be. If only his friends knew just how big of a baby he was around you, you wonder, how interesting would that conversation be.
Deciding to risk it, you simply can't help but place one last kiss to his forehead, softly rubbing at the base of his neck as he stirs, and you go still. Donghyuck simply buries his face into your neck now, pressing even more of his weight into your own, but all you can bring yourself to do is wrap your own around him, rubbing at his back soothingly. "Good night my beautiful boy, you did so well," his sleepy grin tickles the skin near the junction of your shoulder as he mumbles an unintelligible response, and just like that, he's asleep again in no time as you hum softly in reply.
Donghyuck may not always be the best boy, and me may not even a good boy most nights, but he'll always be your favorite boy, and in the end... that's all that really ever mattered.
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