#i wrote this instead of working on my late fgw stuff lol oops
tinglecannon · 4 years
Ok so I made this post on my main blog, and @winterdearest told me to write it, then @afoolforatook and I agreed to tag each other in the fics we both wrote featuring this pick up line.
This is only 600ish words cuz I wanted to keep it short n sweet. This is set during v7e9 when Clover and Qrow are the last to jump out of the Manta. Enjoy!
"Hey!" Clover called out, pitching his voice louder to be heard over the transport's wheezing engine and the roar of wind rushing past.
Qrow tensed, then turned away from the open door on the other side of the empty transport and towards Clover. When those stunning vermilion eyes locked with his own, he had to swallow a sudden flurry of butterflies creeping up his stomach. Even with the furrowed brows and pensive look, Qrow looked beautiful. 
He always looked beautiful.
Clover smirked, hoping he appeared playful and not nervous, and laughed, "How about a kiss for good luck?"
It was just a little joke to lighten the mood.
Kind of.
Ok, it may have held some kernel of true desire nestled deep inside, all wrapped up in a plush blanket of a teasing lilt to his voice to disguise it as merely a joke. Clover knew the situation was dire, so he wanted to be a little more bold in his flirting with a certain Huntsmen while he still had the chance.
Who could blame him?
Qrow looked a little taken aback, serious face gone as his brows twitched upwards and his mouth parted ever so slightly. Clover didn't expect much, certainly not an actual kiss, and already decided if Qrow wasn't going to do anything he would simply blow the other man one before jumping down into the fray. Play it off like that was the plan all along. 
Being captain gave Clover a great deal of experience in thinking on his feet.
However, what it didn't give him a great deal of experience in was how to handle the seamless way Qrow's expression shifted from shock to something a little more dangerous. One brow arched, piercing red eyes narrowed, and a truly devilish smirk took over his features.
"You sure a kiss from me would be a good idea, shamrock? What if it brings you bad luck?" Qrow asked, or rather shouted, back. 
What really stuck out was how his tone was different, deeper and raspier than usual.
It was a very nice sound.
Clover's breath hitched. He knew his face was probably red, what from the sudden heat on his cheeks even as the cold air whipped against the back of his exposed neck and arms. 
And also from the way Qrow's smirk grew large enough to flash his teeth.
Clover cleared his throat, and retorted, "I'm feeling pretty lucky, I think I'll chance it." Unfortunately the quip wasn't as smooth as he was intending, because in raising his voice enough to be heard it cracked. Though it wasn't all bad, it still made Qrow chuckle even as he rolled his eyes exaggeratedly.
In the few seconds that zipped past as the transport fell further through the air, Qrow kept staring at him, his smile a little more reversed now. Clover briefly worried he took this too far; there are only so many luck puns he can make in a row until it gets stale.
Plus, they're on a time crunch here. Now is not the best time to get distracted.
Before he could start to worry more, Qrow pivoted away from the door fully, and in a couple long strides was directly in front of Clover. In one fluid motion he reached a hand up to Clover's left cheek and leaned in to lightly peck the right. As he pulled away he whispered in his ear, "Good luck, Cloves."
Clover knew his face was bright red, but he couldn't stop grinning like an idiot or help the boyish giggle that escaped him even when he bit down on his bottom lip. However, looking at Qrow and seeing the way he was failing to suppress his own smile or how his own cheeks had a pink hue to them, Clover didn't feel all that embarrassed.
Clover threw Qrow one last wink and a lazy salute, then fell backwards off the ship.
Even as the wind roared all around him while he soared through the air down to the raging battle below, he could swear he heard Qrow laugh.
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