#i thought this was the best place to put the line and frankly im right crwby rewrite the ep
ok pls no one be mean im autistic and have trouble knowing whats ok or not (with things like this), so im asking. if i did happen to find evan's address online would it be wrong to send a simple letter? not like a love confession or anything, just average compliments and congrats and stuff. but do you think it'd be crossing a line or make him upset?
hello! first of all, thank you for asking this question :) it shows that you have given thought to whether or not something like this could be intrusive and you don't want to impose, which is important, because we all should want to respect evan's privacy.. and quite frankly, his basic human right to just exist without people pestering him. below i'm going to share some thoughts, not targeted to you, but just in general about this subject, since i'm sure that over the years there have been many people who have had similar questions in their mind about propriety, but just powered through them to get close to a celebrity they liked.
the simple answer is: yes, it would be crossing a line for someone to do that. just because his address is publicly available, does not mean that anyone should be trying to send him things, or... y'know, visiting him. he didn't put it out there himself so he could receive fanmail or gifts. i know some people understandably have reservations about even having the discussion on this blog. if information was not openly available, and finding it really required some crazy, stalker level sleuthing.. we wouldn't be having this conversation, i promise.
the internet is a blessing and a curse, in the sense that once something is out there, good luck trying to erase it if someone really wants to find it. and if you try to conceal it, well.. google ''the streisand effect''. all that to say, not just when thinking about something like where evan lives... let's all remember that evan is just a regular guy, a person like any of us. he lives a very lowkey and private life. we need to respect our place in his ''life'' as fans who all share a fondness for him and don't want to cause him any upset. he does not want to see any of us at his door, dropping mail in his mailbox, or skulking around his favorite coffee shop to try and say hi.
i best not find out any of my followers end up with a restraining order against them for bothering thee evan peters!
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tinglecannon · 4 years
Ok so I made this post on my main blog, and @winterdearest told me to write it, then @afoolforatook and I agreed to tag each other in the fics we both wrote featuring this pick up line.
This is only 600ish words cuz I wanted to keep it short n sweet. This is set during v7e9 when Clover and Qrow are the last to jump out of the Manta. Enjoy!
"Hey!" Clover called out, pitching his voice louder to be heard over the transport's wheezing engine and the roar of wind rushing past.
Qrow tensed, then turned away from the open door on the other side of the empty transport and towards Clover. When those stunning vermilion eyes locked with his own, he had to swallow a sudden flurry of butterflies creeping up his stomach. Even with the furrowed brows and pensive look, Qrow looked beautiful. 
He always looked beautiful.
Clover smirked, hoping he appeared playful and not nervous, and laughed, "How about a kiss for good luck?"
It was just a little joke to lighten the mood.
Kind of.
Ok, it may have held some kernel of true desire nestled deep inside, all wrapped up in a plush blanket of a teasing lilt to his voice to disguise it as merely a joke. Clover knew the situation was dire, so he wanted to be a little more bold in his flirting with a certain Huntsmen while he still had the chance.
Who could blame him?
Qrow looked a little taken aback, serious face gone as his brows twitched upwards and his mouth parted ever so slightly. Clover didn't expect much, certainly not an actual kiss, and already decided if Qrow wasn't going to do anything he would simply blow the other man one before jumping down into the fray. Play it off like that was the plan all along. 
Being captain gave Clover a great deal of experience in thinking on his feet.
However, what it didn't give him a great deal of experience in was how to handle the seamless way Qrow's expression shifted from shock to something a little more dangerous. One brow arched, piercing red eyes narrowed, and a truly devilish smirk took over his features.
"You sure a kiss from me would be a good idea, shamrock? What if it brings you bad luck?" Qrow asked, or rather shouted, back. 
What really stuck out was how his tone was different, deeper and raspier than usual.
It was a very nice sound.
Clover's breath hitched. He knew his face was probably red, what from the sudden heat on his cheeks even as the cold air whipped against the back of his exposed neck and arms. 
And also from the way Qrow's smirk grew large enough to flash his teeth.
Clover cleared his throat, and retorted, "I'm feeling pretty lucky, I think I'll chance it." Unfortunately the quip wasn't as smooth as he was intending, because in raising his voice enough to be heard it cracked. Though it wasn't all bad, it still made Qrow chuckle even as he rolled his eyes exaggeratedly.
In the few seconds that zipped past as the transport fell further through the air, Qrow kept staring at him, his smile a little more reversed now. Clover briefly worried he took this too far; there are only so many luck puns he can make in a row until it gets stale.
Plus, they're on a time crunch here. Now is not the best time to get distracted.
Before he could start to worry more, Qrow pivoted away from the door fully, and in a couple long strides was directly in front of Clover. In one fluid motion he reached a hand up to Clover's left cheek and leaned in to lightly peck the right. As he pulled away he whispered in his ear, "Good luck, Cloves."
Clover knew his face was bright red, but he couldn't stop grinning like an idiot or help the boyish giggle that escaped him even when he bit down on his bottom lip. However, looking at Qrow and seeing the way he was failing to suppress his own smile or how his own cheeks had a pink hue to them, Clover didn't feel all that embarrassed.
Clover threw Qrow one last wink and a lazy salute, then fell backwards off the ship.
Even as the wind roared all around him while he soared through the air down to the raging battle below, he could swear he heard Qrow laugh.
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one thing i like about me (is that i’m nothing like you and i never will be) (lt. bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: the title came together for this and then the rest all just fell into place. currently, this is the last thing i’ve got planned out for same mistakes-verse so if there’s something else y’all want to see in particular... i’m all ears. first, this is tagged as a rooster fic because same mistakes is but it’s got a hefty dose of Coyote. this is a behemoth of a thing. honestly, you gotta read best bud, you alright bud? and a slice of life before you read this, no exceptions (otherwise you’ll be lost lmfao). this is the longest thing i’ve ever written
summary: Coyote decides to put an end to the legacy of the Green Vipers. the truth comes out, much to Rebel’s chagrin. what happens next leaves their friendship in pieces.
based on this request from an anon
title comes from mean! by madeline the person
part of the same mistakes-verse
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist
warnings: swearing, physical violence, same mistakes-verse canon bullying/hazing, this is so not how the Navy works, like i really made shit up this time, like seriously i know this isn’t how the Navy works, this got away from me, i feel like this needs to be said because people in my fics (like im not the one doing it) keep insinuating it but Rebel and Coyote are just platonic besties like Rooster and Phoenix k thx, one of the lines comes from the title, Cyclone’s a hardass but he looks out for his kids (but he’ll never admit it)
word count: 8,975
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“Lieutenant Machado, thanks for meeting us with us today.”
“Of course Admiral.”
“Your report was, quite frankly, concerning. In light of the active investigation we’re opening, we’d like to get more information from you.”
Your eyes adjust slowly to the light of the bar, taking in the patrons. The Hard Deck is unusually noisy and rowdy, all thanks to a certain squadron occupying the pool table. Your heart falters a bit as you take in Raven’s figure first. You pause next to Hangman, who’s settled up on the bar talking to Penny. Coyote’s behind you as the team swarms to Penny, not looking at or even paying attention to the same people the two of you are. 
"Well, they’re new.” Coyote states, crossing his arms. He’s right, there’s a petite red head girl standing next to a tall, lanky brunette man. 
“Must be our replacements.” You say, grabbing the beer from Rooster’s outstretched hand over Hangman’s shoulder. 
“Ain’t nobody replace us baby.” Coyote says with a teasing smile and you laugh. He grabs the beer Hangman’s handing him and takes a sip. A smirk appears. “We should go say hi.” You won't deny that the thought of going near them makes your heart crawl into your stomach, but you’ve got Coyote and Rooster won’t be too far away. Besides, you’re more than curious about your replacements and how long these two have been with the team. You find yourself nodding and you and Coyote leave the Iron Daggers behind, weaving through the patrons to appear next to the pool table. Owl glances up at the two of you first, a smile erupting on her face.
“Well, look at what the cat dragged in.” She sings, alerting Arrow and Moonshine. Moonshine nudges Ghost, who looks over. 
“Machado, my man!” He exclaims, moving towards the figure of your best friend, pulling him into a hug. You glance at your boyfriend, who’s watching the scene unfold with caution. “Rebel.” He grunts, moving back away from you. That catches Shadow and Raven’s attention and the dark looks on their faces makes your stomach curl. 
“What’re y’all doing out here?” You ask, crossing your arms, not giving them a chance to talk. Charm sighs from her place next to Redwood. 
“We’ve been grounded indefinitely. We’re not sure why.” She answers and you frown. Grounded indefinitely? 
“All of you?” You ask, curiosity raising in your voice. If something happens, there is always the possibility a few pilots would get grounded, but never the whole squadron, never brought all the way back out to Miramar. Coral’s nodding, her ever curly hair bouncing along with her. You glance at Coyote, who’s got the same confused look on his face. He shakes his confusion faster than you can and clears his throat. 
“Who’s the fresh meat?” Coyote asks, pointing to the two new figures. You turn back to Rooster’s gaze and you see the entirety of the Iron Daggers are watching this unfold and you subtly nod your head. Rooster understands the gesture and pulls the crew over to the pool table. You turn your attention back to the Green Vipers, listening to Shadow introduce Ruby and Swiper. Rooster settles in next to you, arm around your shoulder, causing Shadow to narrow his eyes. 
“You know man, the last time we were here, I didn’t catch your name.” he says, and Rooster glares. 
“Rooster. This here’s Phoenix, my wingman, and Bob, her WSO.” 
“Bob?” Raven’s cackling and your eyes roll so hard you think you might get a headache. “What kind of callsign is that?” 
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you considering the only reason your callsign is Raven is because your voice sounds like one.” You shoot back and she’s turning to you. 
“I see Rebel’s finally found a voice.” Ghost taunts and your eyes narrow but Coyote’s intervening before things can go any farther. 
“We definitely did introductions that last time y’all were here, this is unnecessary.” Coyote says, moving in front of you. You see Hangman glance at Rooster, the two exchanging a look you don’t understand. 
“Why don’t we play a game of pool?” Hangman’s offering. “2v2? Vipers versus Daggers.” Ghost chuckles and tosses Hangman the pool cue. 
“You’re on. Whose your partner?” 
“Rooster.” He answers like it’s the most obvious choice in the world, like these two didn’t used to spend everyday at the other’s throats. “Yours?”
“Shadow.” There’s bile rising in your throat as you realize your boyfriend is about to go head-to-head with your tormentor. The two squadrons spread out and you take a seat sandwiched between Phoenix and Bob. Payback and Fanboy are just behind you, watching the team carefully. And then the bell to the door of the Hard Deck is jingling again, and both squadrons turn to catch the entrance of a tall man with dark brown eyes and even darker hair to match. He seems to be looking for someone and he finds it at the pool table. Something changes on Coyote’s face and then the man is pulling him into a hug.
“Venom, man, how are you?” Oh, Coyote’s old wingman. Coyote turns to you, nodding you over with his head. “This is Rebel, my wingman.” Venom bypasses your outstretched hand to take in the rest of the team. “What’re you doing out here?” 
“Oh, you know, the Navy is still looking for a replacement for Admiral Kazansky. Or multiple, not sure anyone can replace that man.” You wince at the carless reminder that your godfather is gone. Coyote glances at you. 
“Oh yeah, I heard about your promotion to commander. Congrats man.” Venom nods absentmindedly.
“Yeah, well, we’re in the final rounds of interviews. The Navy really wants some Captain, callsign Maverick I think, but apparently he’s got a squadron of his own. The Iron Dangers or something.” A ripple of laughter goes through your squadron.
“Iron Daggers.” You correct and Venom looks back down at you. Coyote clears his throat. 
“That’s where I’m stationed right now.” Coyote clarifies. Venom looks back over to Coyote and then shrugs. 
“Well, tell Mitchell to give up Kazansky’s position. He’s like 60, he shouldn’t even be flying.” 
“Captain Mitchell could outfly you ten times over any day, I’m sure of it.” You respond, eyes narrowing. The two squadrons are watching this exchange intently and you’re just waiting for the opportunity to drop the bomb about who you really are. 
“Yeah, sure. God, I just wish he’d get out of the picture, let someone younger and better have all the glory. Not like Mitchell needs anymore anyways.” Your Dad didn’t fly for the glory and neither did Ice. 
“You don’t deserve Admiral Kazansky’s position.” You say cooly, and you can feel Rooster move just behind you, anticipating your next move. 
“God, who are you? Why do you keep talking?” Venom snaps, looking back to Coyote. 
“I’m Admiral Kazansky’s goddaughter.” Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see Fanboy snickering into his hand as Venom’s face falls. “And Captain Mitchell is my father, so you be very careful about what you say next.” 
“You’re who?” Owl asks, eyes going wide. 
“Is that why Kazansky was there that day you and Coyote went down?” Moonshine’s asking and you’re nodding. 
“Uncle Ice wanted to make sure I was okay.” You slip the name in on purpose, and it had it’s intended effect. 
“Uncle Ice?” Raven practically screeches. 
“Nepotism at it’s finest.” Venom snarks, eyes narrowing. Ghost has a hand on the back of Venom’s uniform before he can do anything, pulling him back. 
“C’mon, Venom, we were just a about to play a game of pool against the Daggers here.” Venom nods dangerously, his eyes never leaving you. You move back to your seat next to Phoenix and Bob, watching the game unfold. The game is uneventful, each pair neck and neck until the Green Vipers start making digs at you and Coyote. 
“So, Coyote.” His head pops up from where’s he’s chatting with Owl in the direction of Arrow’s voice. “Why do you put up with Rebel really?” Raven’s laughing. 
“I’m telling you, they’re sleeping together.” Despite the fact that the thought of sleeping with Coyote is mildly disgusting, you find yourself rolling your eyes instead of gagging. Here we go. 
“We are not sleeping together.” Coyote says adamantly. Owl snorts and he looks at her. 
“I don’t buy that for a second Machado.” She says and he looks bewildered. 
“Why not?”
“Because your head is so far up her ass that I would hope you were getting some.” 
“My head is not-” 
“Yes it is.” Comes the unison voice of Coral, Moonshine, and Owl, the only girls left on the Green Vipers. Coyote elects to ignore it and move on. 
“Well, we’re not and we never have.” Coyote states, taking a sip of his beer, pointedly avoiding Rooster’s look. 
“So then why do you defend her like you do?” Coral’s asking. “I mean, you don’t have to look out for her anymore, no more obligation to have her back. She’s got a team that likes her. By all accounts, your friendship should’ve fell apart the day you left the Green Vipers.” 
“Because she’s my wingman and she’s never left my ass, even when she should.”
“So? Moonshine’s never left me but you don’t see me defending her the way you do Rebel.” Ghost proves and you’re itching to say something, but you hold back, knowing this is between Coyote and them. 
“What’s your point?” Coyote asks dryly. 
“That there’s something more between you.”
“She’s got a boyfriend.” Coyote states blankly, as if he’s lost interest in this conversation. At some point Hangman meanders over to you, leaning over to your shoulder. 
“Why are they worse then what you originally told us?” You shrugged, willing for the game to be over. It’s Hangman’s turn to shoot, and so he doesn't get a chance to pry more but Bob and Phoenix are giving you too many questioning looks so you stood up and move next to Coyote. He glances up at you, briefly nudging your hand, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by Revenge. Revenge rolls his eyes, leaning over to make a comment to Coral and Arrow, who are snickering at it. You ignore it, glancing down at Coyote. 
“That means nothing, you do know that right?” Raven’s taunting and you feel your blood began to boil. 
“Fuck you, I’d never cheat on my boyfriend.” She’s putting her hands up in the air, in mock surrender. 
“Never said you would. Doesn’t mean Machado’s not pining after a girl he can’t have.” Shadow picks up the taunting now, leaning on his pool cue.
“Hey, do the two of you still sing?” He asks smirking and Venom chokes on his beer. 
“Sing?” He asks incredulously. You snort, looking down at Coyote, knowing exactly what’s being discussed right now. Shadow’s nodding.
“Yeah, when the Terror Twins,” God, not that nickname. “here used to get people out during training they’d go-”
“Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” You and Coyote finish, laughing lightly. Coyote’s favorite movie was Remember the Titans and after a late night watching the movie in the common area, it was something the two of you had picked up. Despite the light-heartedness of the statement, you’re still nervously watching Rooster out of the corner of your eye, who looks like he’s one more comment from smashing someone’s face in. Hangman seems to be aware of it too, never going far from his partner. 
“God, no wonder no one liked me.” You respond and Coyote’s snorting. The end of the game is nearing, all that’s left is for one team to pot the 8-ball. You wait with bated breath as Shadow leans over to take the shot, but he’s smirking. 
“You know, I should’ve shot her out of the sky when I had a chance.” He says, missing the chance to pot the 8-ball but it doesn’t matter because that’s the comment that causes Rooster to snap. He’s close to you, making it easy for you to pull him back as he tries to go launching after the pilot. Coyote’s grabbing his shoulders and Hangman’s there in an instant. A quick glance over to the bar tells you Penny and Mav are watching carefully as you push Rooster back. 
“That’s enough.” You say, moving in front of your boyfriend, coming face-to-face with Shadow. The man is tall, uses it to his advantage to intimidate you, and you will yourself not to shrink back. Coyote’s lingering just behind you. 
“Is it? Is it enough Rebel?” Shadow taunts and your shaking your head. “Man, I can’t believe Coyote puts up with you.”
"We’ve been through a lot together.” Coyote defends, his anger radiating off of him. Shadow raises an eyebrow.
“Is that so?” He chuckles darkly. “Well, here’s what I think. I think that the day the Navy rescued you from the ocean was a mistake. It was a waste of Navy resources. They should’ve rescued Coyote and left you to drown. You were never supposed to come home from that mission, but you just had to go and fuck it up, didn’t you?” Shadow’s dangerously close to your face now but you stand firm in the face of what’s being said. 
“That’s enough Shadow.” Ghost calls and Shadow pulls back, but the glint from his eye isn’t gone. 
“You’re going to spend the rest of your life searching for a validation and approval you’re never going to get. Because you’re a waste of space.” What happens next is a blur. 
You feel Coyote pushing you out of the way to get his hands on Shadow, and the pair are tumbling down as Coyote lands a sweet punch to the man’s face. You move forward to pull Coyote off but Hangman (you think, you’re not entirely sure) is pulling you backwards. You stumble, running face first into your Dad, who, after a quick once-over, is running into the pile to pull the two men off of each other. Shadow’s being pulled back by Ghost and Venom, Revenge moving in the middle. Hangman’s got a hold on Coyote, Fanboy keeping Rooster at bay, Payback standing between the two of them. There’s shouting, from Penny probably, and the Green Vipers take their leave. Your heart is hammering in your chest as you glance at Phoenix, who’s worry is evident as her and Bob take you in. You somehow end up outside, Coyote sitting on the bench, the rest of the group crowded around. You’re leaned up against the railing, eyes closed as you try to sort out your feelings. The front door opens and you briefly open your eyes to see your Dad exiting the Hard Deck to toss a bag of ice at Coyote. Your eyes close again as you try to bite down the nausea surfacing. The group is quiet, waiting for you to make the first move. Finally, you shift, opening your eyes to look at your best friend. There’s a sweet bruise forming around his eye, another on his jawbone, but nothing is broken or bleeding. 
“Coyote, what the hell were you thinking?” You ask lowly and he grimaces. “Tell me you weren’t thinking because you’ve never done that before.”
“I was thinking I wanted Shadow to shut the hell up and the only way to do that was to put my fist in his face.” You groan, not hearing you wanted. 
“Coyote, in the almost three years I’ve known you, that is by far the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Coyote sighs and leans back up against the bench. 
“I don’t regret it. I regret a lot of things but finally punching Shadow’s face is not one of them.” You really take in Coyote’s figure for the first time since the fight broke out. He’s slumped against the bench, defeated. “I was complicit in their abuse and I’m sorry.” 
“Coyote-” You protest but he shakes his head.
“(Y/N), I’ve done something that you’re going to find out about over the next few days. You’re going to be really angry at me and I’m sorry that this is how this is going to come out, but I need you to know that I don’t regret it.” 
“Coyote, what are you talking about?” You’re confused but there’s an element of fear appearing as well. Coyote’s never talked like this.
“What I’ve done is probably going to end our friendship.” There’s a weakening in your knees at the thought that there might be a day where you and Coyote aren’t friends anymore. “(Y/N), I need you to know that whatever happens over the next few days that I’m sorry, but I don’t regret what I did protecting you and making things right. Being friends with you has been some of the best years of my life and I’m sorry this is how it’s ending.” You think you might be sick as tears surface. The way Coyote’s is talking is scary and you look at Hangman, who is confused about the scene unfolding. You glance at Rooster, who looks equal parts baffled and concerned. Coyote glances at your Dad, handing him the ice. “Thanks for everything Mav.” He finished, standing up. He’s moving past the group, out to the parking lot and before you knew it, he’s driving away. 
“Dad?” You find yourself asking, fighting back the tears. Rooster’s hand finds yours. Your Dad sighs, looking away from you. 
“You’ll find out in your meeting with Admiral Simpson tomorrow.” You sigh as your Dad stands up, disappearing back into the bar. 
You feel Rooster tugging on your arm. “C’mon, let’s go home.” 
You knock on the door of Admiral Simspon’s office and then open it. Warlock is there too along with another Admiral. Cyclone clears his throat upon seeing you, beckoning you further into the room. “Lieutenant, please come in.” You shut the door behind you, walking to the desk cautiously. “Lieutenant, this is Admiral Oliver “Mercy” Davis.” The man puts out his hand and you shake it, forcing a smile. 
“Admiral, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“You as well Lieuetnant.” The two of you sit and you face Cyclone.
“Admiral Simpson, uh, am I in trouble?” He shakes his head. 
“No, no, far from it. Admiral Davis here just has some questions for you about your previous assignment before the Iron Daggers.” It takes you a moment and then it clicks. 
“The Green Vipers?” Mercy is nodding.
“Yes, we’ve gotten reports of harassment so we’re just doing a routine investigation. We’ve been talking to previous pilots who’ve flown with them, people who were stationed at the base with them. Numerous people, including your wingman, have named you as a primary subject of the harassment so we’re just looking to get your side of the story and all of the information we can about this certain squadron.” You nod. “You’re not in any trouble of any kind and you won’t be in any trouble for speaking with us or for the things you share with us. The Navy can protect you from any kind of retaliation they may try to enact against you.” You glance at Cyclone. 
“There’s no chance any of this will get back to my Dad?” Cyclone shakes his head, despite Mercy’s eyebrow raise.
“No, what you say in here is confidential and won’t be repeated to Captain Mitchell.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing you won’t have to disclose these experiences to your Dad. 
“Oh, you're Maverick’s daughter?” Davis asks, chuckling. You nod. 
“I’ve flown with him a couple times. Good man.” 
“He’s the best.” You respond. 
“Well, let’s just get started, why don’t we? Let’s start with something easy. How long did you fly with the Green Vipers?” 
The words came tumbling out of you after that. Experiences you had shoved down came pouring out and poor Admiral Davis didn’t seem like he could keep up. Cyclone’s face went stony the longer the interview went on. Finally, after at least two hours, the interview began to wrap up. “Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me Rebel, I do appreciate it.” Davis says and you nod. “Do you have any questions for me?” You nod again.
“What happens now?” He sighs, adjusting his glasses.
“Well, you’re the last person we had on our list to interview. The Green Vipers are grounded indefinitely. I have to report back to the investigation committee and we’ll discuss each pilot’s future individually, but there’s going to be a disbandment of this squadron. Some are facing dishonorable discharges.” Ghost, Shadow, Raven, certainly. Revenge and Arrow probably. Maybe Coral and Moonshine too. Hopefully not Owl. You nod, taking in this information. 
“Swiper and Ruby weren't there when I was. I don’t want their careers to be ruined over this.” You clarify and Davis smiles at you. 
“For a team that tried to break you, you only seem to be kinder.” He pauses. “No, Ruby and Swiper are grounded for the moment while we complete the investigation but they’ll be re-assigned.” 
“Can I ask who made the original report?” You asked, fearing the answer. You were certain you knew but you needed to hear it. 
“Your wingman, Lieutenant Machado. Said he was guilty for his part played in the harassment and wanted the Navy to be aware.” 
“Is he... is he facing grounding too?” Davis hesitates and glances at Simpson. He nods. 
“Because he didn’t come forward sooner and did play a complicit part in it, yes he is facing some form of repercussions. There was discussion of grounding him, yes.” You glance at Warlock panicked. 
“Don’t ground my wingman, please.” You say, the panic obvious. Cyclone raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, this probably isn’t professional but I’m- he’s my best friend and I’ve never had a better wingman.” Davis nods. 
“The way the two of you fly together is what’s keeping Lieutenant Machado’s wings at the moment. Rebel, you have to understand that the Navy needs to take these kinds of reports and especially to this magnitude seriously and there needs to be repercussions for everyone involved.” 
“If Coyote were to get grounded, would... would I be reassigned?” You ask, voice low as you think about having to start over. 
“No, no, not at all. We’d find you a new wingman or assign you to Rooster or Hangman.” Cyclone assures, although it doesn’t make you feel better. “You’re too much of an asset to the Iron Daggers.” 
“What about Thompson?” 
“That’s a bit more difficult. He’s highly decorated but his disregard for the rules and wellbeing of some of his pilots raises a lot of alarm within the higher-ups in the Navy.” You nod. 
“How many pilots on my squadron know about this?” Warlock is the one to answer this time. 
“Rooster and Hangman have been informed because of the possible switch-up of wingman. They’re not aware of what’s happening, other than there’s an investigation involving you and Coyote about your previous assignment. They were informed this morning.” You take a deep breath, leaning back into your chair. 
“Sorry, this is just a lot.” You mumble. Davis shakes his head.
“No need to apologize. We’re more than grateful for your help. I just wanted to let you know that the Navy has resources for you to further discuss your experiences and what’s currently happening should you need to. Admiral Simpson can direct you to them should you need them. No shame in asking for help.” You nod, knowing you weren’t planning on taking a trip to the base therapist over this. Davis excuses himself and Warlock follows. Cyclone folds his hands on his desk as you look at him. 
“Rebel, I know this is hard on you.”
“Do you?” You ask, words said with an edge that probably shouldn’t be said to your CO but you find you don’t care. “The Iron Daggers, Coyote, they’re the first family I’ve had in a really long time. And now, it’s getting ripped out from under me, for people I’d rather never think about again. How am I going to explain any of this to my Dad?” Cyclone sighs. 
“The Navy failed to protect you (Y/N) and I’m sorry.” You look up at him, seeing the seriousness of his face. “I’m fighting for Coyote, believe me.” Cyclone looks at you for a while and then sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Sort of what you need to with your Dad and Lieutenant Machado.” You nod, find yourself numbly pulling yourself up from the chair to wander out of the office. You wander through base, starting to feel more than a little lost and dazed and you eventually find your way to the parking lot. Climbing in the car, you drive aimlessly before eventually pulling up in front of Rooster’s home. The Bronco is in the driveway, meaning he’s home and you climb out, opening the front door. 
“Darling?” He calls from the kitchen and you round the corner. He looked up at you from where he’s examining a pizza menu. “What’s- oof.” He says as you throw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. He returns the hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Darling, you’re still dressed from base. Why don’t you get changed and I’ll order food and we can talk about your meeting?” It’s a great idea but the words are out of you before you can stop them.
“They’re talking about grounding Coyote.” He takes a step back, looking at you. 
“What? Why?” You shake your head. 
“Pizza first.” He huffs out a laugh, nodding. 
“Yeah, I’ll order it right now. Go get changed darling.” You make your way to the bedroom, pulling on some of the extra clothes you’ve left here over the course of the last six months and when you return, Rooster’s on the couch. He pulls you into his arms and you settle on his chest. His fingers are carding through your hair as your brain tries to wrap itself around everything that’s happened over the last 24 hours. The two of you sit there until the pizza arrives and you shift to a crosslegged position as Rooster sets it down in between the two of you. Rooster’s watching you carefully as you eat the food, thinking through what you want to say. 
You finally settle on, “I don’t want to lose Coyote.” 
“You won’t.”
“I’m so mad at him. Why, why did he stick his neck out for me like this? What the fuck was he thinking?” You take a deep breath, setting the slice you had been holding down in the box. “He’s so dumb. I’ve never held what happened against him. I know sticking up for me would’ve cost him, I knew the friendship was damage enough. It doesn’t even matter now so I don’t understand why he’s doing it. I’m gonna lose my wingman and there’s nothing I can do.”
“(Y/N), why didn’t you ever tell anyone about how bad they were? Tell me or Mav? The shit they said last night, that was just the tip of the iceberg wasn’t it?”
“Because. It’s humiliating and embarrassing and I’d rather not think of those two years ever again.”  You pause. “Did you know what he was doing?” He shrugs. 
“I... might’ve overheard him tell Mav he was going to file a report about your previous assignment.” You shoot Rooster a look, angry he hadn’t told you. “But I didn’t know why or what was gonna happen, I promise.” He rushes to defend, seeing you get tense. You groan.
“What do I do now?” 
“Talk to Coyote.” 
“No, I’m so fucking mad at him over this dumb, self-sacrificing, noble bullshit.” Rooster sighs. “God, and how many more things is my Dad gonna keep from me?” Rooster shifts, moving the pizza box to the floor and is then reaching for your legs, pulling you against him. 
“No matter what happens, he’s still your best friend.” 
“Well, obviously.”
“Does he know that?” You shrug.
“He should.” 
“Well, maybe you should start by reminding him.”
It’s been a few days since your meeting with Admiral Simpson and you haven’t spoken to Coyote since he put his fist in Shadow’s face. The group is at the Hard Deck, a game of pool happening as you sit quietly in the corner. You’re ignoring Coyote and he knows it and so does everyone else. You’re still not certain what’s happening with the Green Vipers or Coyote’s future. Hangman has temporally been re-assigned as your new wingman, Coyote taking his spot as Rooster’s. No one involved is happy about the switch and it’s ended in no less than three different arguments between the four of you. To which your Dad yelled at the four of you today, a conversation approximately no one enjoyed. You wanted to go home but Rooster had begged you to come with him and you really couldn’t ever say no to the brunette so here you were. Coyote’s looking at you and you’re avoiding his gaze, studying the records on the wall of the Hard Deck. 
“(Y/N).” He says firmly and you glance over at him. “We need to talk.” 
“I’ve got nothing to say to you.” His face falls but he pushes on. 
“Where do we stand these days? Because not knowing is killing me.” You look at him, with a shrug. 
“I don’t know, I’m still really mad at you.” He sighs. 
“Look, if this is the end of our friendship, I’ll accept that, but at least just tell me.” You sigh, feeling frustration bubble up.
“No, Coyote-” You sigh again. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Look, (Y/N), I’m sorry that this came out, I know you didn’t want anyone to find out about it but-”
“Coyote, I could not give less of a shit about that.” He pauses, looking at you. 
“So... why are you mad then?”
“Why- why am I mad? Because you’re an idiot for putting your career on the line for something I don’t care about. I’ve never blamed you for standing by while we were there and instead of talking to me about it, you went and told the Navy. I might lose my wingman because you decided to pull some self-sacrificing noble bullshit. You’ve left me with fucking Hangman because of this.”
“Hey, I thought we were friends.” Hangman protests and you whip around to face him. 
“You’re on thin fucking ice Seresin, shut up.” He puts his hands up in surrender and backs away. 
“I want my wingman back. What the hell were you thinking?” Coyote looks baffled. 
“So... just to clarify, you’re not at mad me because everyone found out about what they did to you?”
“Jesus fuck- no. I mean yeah, I would’ve rather they never found out and not like this certainly, but I’m more mad that I might lose my wingman.” Coyote’s staring at you. “Nothing? You have nothing to say.” He opens and closes his mouth a few times, looking like a fish out of water with how wide his eyes are. You shake your head. 
“Fine, whatever.” You push past him, walking out of the front door of the Hard Deck. Your Dad’s following you, Rooster not far behind him. Your back is turned to your Dad as you look out of the ocean, trying to rub the tightness from your chest. 
“(Y/N)-” He starts and you turn. Rooster’s leaned up against the wall, trying to look as if he’s not there. 
“How many more secrets are you going to keep from me?” He sighs. 
“Like you don’t keep secrets from me?” 
“Oh, please, enlighten me, what have I kept from you?” 
“You almost dying? The way your last squadron treated you? You don’t think those were important things to share with your father?” 
“Could you have handled the truth?” He’s stunned for a moment. 
“Look, I had an obligation to Coyote as his instructor and superior officer to not say anything to you. And maybe if I had, we wouldn’t be here right now, but Coyote’s made his decisions. You need to respect that.” 
“You don’t think I had a right to know?”
“And what about my right to know my kid almost died? That she was being actively harassed for two years? What about that?” 
“Mav.” Rooster warns and your Dad seems to deflate. 
“You figure out what’s going on with you and Coyote because I need my best wingmen back.” 
“Well, he might not even be my wingman anymore because they’re talking about taking his wings.” Your Dad doesn’t respond, just watches you carefully.
“Lieutenant Machado needs you.” He finally says after a moment. “Look, Ice isn’t here anymore. We don’t have him to help us. And maybe he would’ve done something different, but this is what I did.”
“Figure it out.”
You walk into the Hard Deck the next day. It was a long day of training, the bickering between everyone following you the whole day. The team is falling apart and you’re not even sure they know why. You haven't explicitly told the Iron Daggers what’s gone down, and you’re not sure who did (you suspect Rooster, you’re pretty sure there’s a group chat without you in it, dating back to the days of before the Iron Daggers were the Iron Daggers) but it’s tearing the team apart. But there’s no way to be certain and you’re not about to find out. You were the first out of the locker rooms today, ready to drink beer and eat pretzels and sit around for an answer to come. Coyote’s already there, nursing a beer at the counter. Jimmy’s chatting to him, clearly trying to cheer him up. With a sigh, you sit next to your (maybe not anymore?) wingman and he glances at you. Jimmy hands you a beer and then looks between the two of you.
“The two of you still not talking?” He asks and you glance at the older man as Coyote shakes his head.
“How’d you know that?” You ask, starting to pick at the label of your beer, a nervous habit you’d adopted at the Green Vipers. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Coyote’s hand twitch, like he’s itching to take your hand to stop it, something he’s always done. 
“Penny. Well, Mav told Penny. Penny told me.” 
“Of course he did, Dad can’t keep his mouth shut for shit.” You mutter and Coyote’s snorting because it’s not really all that true. Your Dad could get stabbed and he’d keep it to himself if he could, never trying to worry or burden anyone. You glance over at Coyote, really studying him for the first time in days. He looks tired. He looks up at you, meeting your eyes. He opens his mouth to says something when the door to the Hard Deck is being slammed open. You go cold when Shadow comes barreling through the door, Raven and Ghost not far behind him. The rest of the Green Vipers are following, Venom, Ruby, and Swiper bringing up the rear, looking more than slightly confused. 
“You bitch!″ He yells and you fall off of your chair in fear, stumbling back into Coyote’s chest. His hand reaches out to the small of your back, gently keeping you upright. “You bitch, you got me dishonorably discharged!” Before you know it, Shadow’s got a fist full of your jacket and he’s bringing you close to his face. 
“The hell’s your problem? Hate us so much you had to report us to the Navy for harassment?” Ghost fires and you’re mildly panicking. 
“Let her go Shadow.” Coyote says calmly. 
“And why the hell should I do that?” Shadow snaps, fire lighting his face. “Give me one good reason.”
“Because she’s not the one who asked the Navy to do an investigation.”
“Then who the hell did?!” Raven shouts and Shadow’s grip on your shirt is getting tighter and tighter by the second. You’re afraid that at any moment his hand is going to go from your clothes to your throat.
“I did.” Shadow’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t let go of you. 
“And why the fuck would you do that Machado?”
“Because she’s my best friend and I needed ensure no one would hurt her that way again.” Shadow’s looks is venomous as his look goes from you to Coyote. 
“You two, you deserve each other, honestly.” Owl states and you look at her. 
“You know,” You start, finally deciding you’d had enough of them. You were done being scared. What more could they do? “One thing I like about me is that I’m nothing like you and I never will be. You can’t hurt me anymore. You tried to break me and you failed.” You didn’t think anyone’s eyes could go any darker with rage but Shadow’s do as his second hand comes up to the other side of your shirt. You’re really afraid now as Coyote stands up abruptly, chair scraping against the floor. 
“Lieutenant Robinson, I suggest you let go of my pilot before I have you arrested.” Comes Cyclone’s firm voice. You’re not certain he’s going to let go, too far into his rage to think clearly, but it resonates somewhere in Shadow’s brain and his hands slowly slip from your clothes. In an instant, Coyote’s pushed you behind him, effectively cutting Shadow off from getting to you again without having to go through Coyote. “Get out of this establishment, all of you, or I’ll have the police called.” Shadow doesn’t make to move but Shost pulls him back. After a few moments, they’re gone, save for Venom. Your heart is racing with what just happened and the realization of what all of it meant. Cyclone being here, Coyote’s early arrival, Shadow being dishonorably discharged... it all meant one thing. 
They had taken Coyote’s wings. 
The thought alone is enough to make you want to vomit as you move away from Coyote, who's trying to ask you if you’re okay. Distantly, you hear Venom angrily start an argument with him. You slip out of the back door of the Hard Deck, feeling the emotion crash over you like waves crashing onto the shore not so far away. Before you know it, you’re vomiting up into the trashcan sitting on the back deck, just out of Coyote’s line of sight. You don’t stop until you’ve dry heaved everything out of your stomach and are borderline sobbing into the trashcan. 
You had just lost your wingman.
You walk through the doors of the hangar classroom, feeling like shit. Apparently, you look like shit as well as Fanboy lets out a low whistle. “Damn, who pissed in your morning coffee?” Payback asks but you ignore him. 
“Seresin, have you heard from Coyote?” He looks up at you from where he’s talking to Rooster and Bob, taking you in. He shakes his head slowly. 
“Not since we left here yesterday, why?” 
“They grounded him.” Hangman’s face falls and Rooster’s next to you in a second. You don’t tell them about what went down at the Hard Deck the night before, a conversation for a later date. 
“Rebel, I’m so-” Phoenix’s voice is soft, coming from just over your shoulder, but you turn, shaking your head. You push past them, taking your usual seat. Usually, Coyote would be next to you. Guess that’ll never happen again. 
It’s not too much longer then before Cyclone and Warlock walk in to the classroom, but you feel like your ears are filled with water as you look at the empty seat next to you. It’s something so mundane, a piece of furniture, but his absence left a huge hole in the team. You weren’t sure where your friendship stood these days with him, leaving an even larger hole in your heart. Cyclone’s halfway through the training debrief for the day (one you’re not actually listening to) when the phone on the desk rings. Everyone looks at it confused, the thing never actually having rung before. Cyclone moves to answer it as everyone looks on with curious fascination. 
“Admiral Simpson. Yes, uh huh. Well, Captain Mitchell and I would be happy discuss that with you. Yes, we’ll see you in a few moments.” Cyclone hangs up and looks back at everyone. “You’re all dismissed to go get changed. You’ll meet us out of the tarmac. Captain Mitchell will finish giving you instructions then.” He turns to Maverick, already moving towards the door. “Maverick, will you follow Warlock and I please?” He’s nodding, moving to follow the pair out of the doors, but then Hangman’s talking.
“Uh, Admiral Simpson?” He asks and you look over at him. Cyclone turns. 
“Yes, Lieutenant Seresin?” Hangman makes eye contact with you and you shake your head. You know what he’s going to ask and it’s not worth it. You’re not sure you can withstand hearing the words come out of Cyclone’s mouth. 
“Uh, never mind.” Cyclone nods and the three resume their walk out of the classroom. You stand up and follow the team to the locker room. The walk is quiet and when you go to split off, Rooster’s arm is reaching out for you. You brush him off, heading towards your side. The mood is solemn as you change into your flight suits. At one point, you groan, your head making an awful thud as it makes contact with the front of your locker where you had face planted. Halo’s closer and she chuckles, reaching out to pull you back. 
“Don’t worry Rebel, I’d feel the same way if I was stuck with Bagman.” She jokes and you force a smile. There’s knocking on the door of the locker room. 
“Hey, everyone decent?” Fanboy asks. 
“Yeah, we’re all good.” Phoenix calls and the doors open to reveal a swaying Fanboy, who’s still got a hand covering his eyes. Phoenix snorts. “Seriously Fanboy.” He peeks out from behind his hand, a light blush covering his cheeks. 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt it’s just-” He pauses, looking over to you.
“Just what? Spit it out Fanboy.” Halo urges, moving up off the bench. 
“It’s Coyote.” The alarm bells in your brain start ringing as you push past Fanboy, through the group of men crowded around your side of the locker room, trying to keep your feet from running to the airfield. Hangman and Rooster are close behind you as your pace never falters. Out on the airfield, there he is, with Cyclone and Warlock and Admiral Davis. They’re chatting with your Dad as Omaha and Fritz look on. Coyote catches your gaze and he gives you a half-smile. 
“What do you think’s happening?” Yale whispers and you look over at him. 
“I don’t know, but that’s the admiral who interviewed me as part of the investigation.” Hangman glances at you. 
“Well shit.” Hangman responds. You can feel Rooster’s eyes on you, urging you to not go over there but it’s too late. You’re striding over to the group of men with whispered protests from Bob and Phoenix as you hear Hangman’s “Damn Bradshaw, your girlfriend’s got balls.” You appear just next to your Dad, smiling brightly at Admiral Davis. 
“Admiral Davis sir, it’s good to see you.” He returns the smile. 
“Mav, I gotta tell you, your daughter- she’s something.” Your Dad smiles, resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Thank you Mercy, I’m proud of her everyday.” 
“As you should be.” Cyclone states and your cheeks go warm from the praise. Coyote’s nudging your hand, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Well, Cyclone do you mind if I stick around? I’d really like to see these two fly together.” Davis says, gesturing to you and Coyote. A flare of hope alights in your heart as you look at Coyote. 
“Of course Admiral Davis. Coyote, why don’t you get suited up while Mav instructs the groups?” Coyote’s nodding as the group breaks apart. 
“Alright, all of you, listen up. We’re changing things up a bit today...” Your Dad’s voice fades off as you follow Coyote to the locker room, even though you’re probably not supposed to. They let you go and you’re grateful. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Coyote asks after a beat of silence. “Last night was scary.” You nod. 
“Yeah, I was fine. You were there.” He huffs out half a laugh. “Coyote, why- why wouldn’t you just talk to me? I’m not worth you risking your career over.” He falls silent, mulling over this words. He shrugs. 
“I’ve carried that guilt for a long time. And you’re happy here and I wanted to make sure the Navy would never take that from you again, even if it cost us our friendship.”
“And your career?”
“You matter more than my career.” You’re at the door of the locker room and you turn to face him. 
“Look, you’re my best friend. You know things about me only a handful of people in this world do. I’d give my life for you and I’d do anything to make sure you’re happy and safe. And what happened at the Green Vipers was a wrong I needed to fix. I don’t give a shit about my career if you’re not the one flying up there with me.” You open your mouth to respond but Coyote’s cutting you off again. “You and I both know that wingmen have an unbeatable bond and we’re one of the lucky few that get to keep flying together. That work as seamlessly on the ground as they do off of it. I know your Dad had that bond with Ice, know he was that close with Goose. You’re my best friend and you weren’t happy there and you’ll never say it outloud but you and I both know you were questioning your place in the Navy because of them.” Coyote’s rushing the words out now, like if he stops, he’ll never start again. “I couldn’t watch you hurt anymore, wait for the opportunity for you to get hurt like that again. And if that meant that if my career went down with theirs, so be it. You have a really good thing going right now, with the team, with Rooster, with your Dad, I couldn’t- couldn’t let you fucking throw it away.” You’re stunned, reeling as you take his words in.
“How close were they to taking your wings?” You whisper. 
“Pretty damn close.” He breathes out, tears surfacing in his eyes.
“Why didn’t they?”
“Because of you.” 
“The hell I’d do?” Coyote gives a watery laugh. 
“Fly with me.” 
“I only want to be here if you and I still get to fly together. You know that, don’t you? You know Hangman and I would get each other killed.” Coyote shakes his head, giving you a look like he wants to hug you but restrains himself. 
“Mav and Cyclone were instrumental in keeping me here, and we didn’t know for sure until this morning whether I’d keep my wings, but I was told explicitly the only reason the Navy didn’t make an example of me was because of how we fly together. How we’re too much on asset to this team and the Navy to split up.” 
“Jesus, Coyote.” You say, because you don’t know what else to say. He presses the palms of his hands to his eyes, trying to keep in the tears and you take that as the perfect opportunity to barrel into your best friend’s chest, pulling him into a tight hug. He doesn’t say anything, just returns it. After a few moments, he pulls away. 
“I gotta go get changed.” You nod, but don’t move away. He gives a silent laugh, understanding that you’re not leaving. When he returns a few moments later, the two of you head back to the airfield, a comfortable chatter emerging. You pause in front of those left (Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy, and Payback) and Hangman smirks. 
“I still think you hooked up.” He says and Rooster’s promptly shoving Hangman over as you laugh. 
“You know Bagman, unlike you, I don’t need sleep with everything that moves.” Fanboys snorts as Hangman glares you. “Sorry, but your reputation as a man whore precedes you.” Hangman’s flipping you off as Hondo approaches, warning the six of you that you’ll need to get in the air soon or Maverick will have everyone’s head. You all break off for your planes and soon you’re back in the air, with Coyote on your side, things better than they have been in weeks. 
“Hey Rebel, what do you say we put a little friendly wager on this?” Coyote calls. The six of you have been broken off into pairs. You and Coyote, Rooster and Hangman, and then the other four. The goal is to get as many other people out as possible without leaving your wingman. 
“What do you got in mind Machado?” You call back. 
“If I get more kills, you and Hangman have to go on a friend date.” Rooster’s laughing through the comms as you shoot a dangerous look at your best friend through the canopy. 
“Fine, but if I get more kills, you have to go on a friend date with Rooster.” It wasn’t that Rooster and Coyote didn’t get along, but despite the fact that they were two of the most important people in your life, Coyote’s alliance to Hangman made it difficult for them to co-exist. Rooster’s laughter ceases as Payback erupts into laughter from his plane. 
“Oh, now we’re talking.” He calls.
“You’re on Rebel.” Coyote shoots back, and then you’re breaking apart. You successfully get Phoenix and Bob out, with Coyote getting Hangman out. Another successful kill from Coyote takes out Fanboy and Payback, leaving Rooster pretty much defenseless. The two of you are doing some of the best flying you’ve ever done together. “Rooster, c’mon man, give it up, you’re not gonna win.” Coyote calls over the comms. “Give me another kill so Seresin and Mitchell here have to go hang out.”
“Over my dead body.” Rooster shoots back. Coyote’s still far away enough that he doesn't see Rooster, but you almost have a lock on him, unbeknownst to either party. 
“Hey Coyote, what was that Marvin Gaye song from the 60′s? Something about a mountain?” Coyote chuckles. “It goes something like ‘Cause baby there ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you.” Coyote starts singing along with you and then the dial tone’s sounding.
“Shit. Mav, that has to be cheating.”
“Cheating? For what?” You ask incredulously. 
“Sorry Rooster, no rules about singing.” Mav’s voice comes from the comms, laughter hidden behind his words. He’s only up there to make sure no one goes down, so you know he’s enjoying himself. 
“Hey Rooster.” Coyote calls. 
“What?” The man asks, clearly disgruntled. 
“Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” The two of you sing. 
“Fuck you!” Rooster calls as the two of you start laughing. 
“Sorry babe, can’t help that I’m such a distraction.” You call. He grumbles as the seven of you make your way down to the ground. You climb out of your plane, laughing with them as you join the other pilots who are gathered on the ground. 
“Wait, does this mean I still have to hang out with Bagman?” You ask and Phoenix is roaring in laughter as you panic.
“Technically, no one won.” Your Dad says, a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“But no one lost either.” You defend hastily. 
“I mean, I’m still game if you are.” Coyote says as Rooster groans. You glance at Hangman. 
“Fine, Coyote, I’ll hang out with Bagman, if you hang out with Rooster.”
“This seems more like punishment for Rooster than Coyote.” Omaha says with a laugh. You smile at Rooster, who despite everything, returns it. 
“Yeah, but he’ll do it for me because he loves me.” He presses a quick kiss to your cheek. 
“I’m not doing it because I love you.” Hangman states, looking disgruntled as he glances at Coyote. You snort.
“I don’t knowwww, the two of you looked pretty loved up to me that morning you guys were cuddling in guest room.” You sing as Hangman goes pale. 
“Hey! You swore never to bring that up!” Coyote practically yells as you snicker with Fanboy and Payback. Halo looks at you in confusion. 
“Pics or it didn’t happen.” She says firmly and you tilt your head. 
“Oh, I’ve got plenty on my phone in the locker room.” And the team is scrambling up, dying to see them. Distantly, there's a shout from Fritz about why you didn’t send it to the group chat. Coyote’s eyes narrow.
“You better run Mitchell.” You shove your helmet into Rooster’s chest as you take off, hearing his oof as Coyote’s footsteps follow you. He’s faster, always has been, and soon he’s got you in his arms. He doesn’t tackle you, thankfully, as the thought of being tackled into the hot tarmac asphalt sounds less than pleasant. “Take it back! I’m not in love with Hangman!” He yells, humor coloring his tone.
“Never!” You shout back, but the two of you are laughing and if it wasn't for Coyote’s grasp keeping you close to his chest, you’d fallen over. “Good to have you back Lieutenant.” You whisper and he smiles at you.
“Good to be back. We still best friends?”
“Ain’t no way in hell you’re ever getting rid of me Machado.” 
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wheelsup · 3 years
the taming of the shrew | two
if i be waspish, best beware my sting
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after some setbacks, penelope is willing to do anything to get you back on board. but has spencer already ruined things?
A/N: hello! im so sorry that this posting schedule is super inconsistent. the more i thought about this chapter, the less i liked the more technical aspects of it. but! i hope you enjoy to plot aspect of it nonetheless <3 thanks for reading!
category: fluff, slow burn series, spencer reid x fem!reader
wc: 4.4k
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Since that phone call with Penelope, she’d been over nearly every night for a week with plates of treats and onslaughts of apologies. Each time she came knocking, you told her there was no amount of persuasion that could change your mind. And yet the following night, she’d be there, a new type of pastry in hand and a new set of reasons why Spencer was worth the trouble.
First, she brought blueberry muffins and reasoned that deep below that prickly exterior, he really was everything she promised –– sweet and caring. But that must be deep, deep down. Like, The Lost City of Atlantis, deep down, because you didn’t expect it to surface any time soon. 
Then, she brought fudge brownies and explained that his behavior wasn’t personal –– he was getting snippy with everyone lately. And while you maintained that anybody would have a hard time getting along with Spencer, you were absolutely positive that it was now impossible for you. 
Quite frankly, it wasn’t just Spencer who was unwilling to play nice. You hated him. More than you’ve ever hated a stranger. 
You wished him a lifetime riddled with minor inconveniences that would drive him to the edge of insanity. You wanted him to miss all his trains by just a quarter of a minute; close enough so that he could see it leave the platform, knowing he almost made it on. You wanted him to constantly feel like he was about to sneeze. You wanted his socks to be perpetually wet, and if he should happen to put on a dry pair? You hoped he stepped in a puddle.
That was all you could think about as you laid out on your couch, munching on one of Penelope’s lemon bars while she paced around your apartment. She kept going on and on advertising Spencer to you. As annoying as it was, she was also saving you a ton on groceries that week. 
For the most part, you filtered her out. Not a single word that came out of her mouth was believable anymore, especially not when she was talking about Spencer. Despite what Penelope thought of him, you saw in him what she refused to accept. 
As her speech came to a close, she looked at you like she expected a response to dignify her prattling. 
“Give it a rest, Penelope. He’s a lost cause,” you laughed dryly. “He doesn’t need –– nor does he want –– anyone in his life.” At the very least, he definitely didn’t want you. 
“Yes, that’s the problem!” If you’d been listening to her, you would’ve heard her saying the same thing. “He doesn’t want to date!” 
Your head just about exploded when she said that. 
There had been countless, fruitless conversations about this, and all along she saw the gaping hole in her supposedly airtight plan?
“If he doesn’t want to DATE, then WHAT was the point of this?!” Your fingers pressed the bridge of your nose; you suddenly felt a headache coming on. Funny how it always happened around the time of day that Penelope came to visit.
Penelope stopped pacing. She stalked over to your couch, picked your legs up by your ankle, and moved them to make space for herself. You begrudgingly sat upright as she took her place beside you. 
“Because he’s not himself anymore. He’s not open like he used to be. Not to the people who care about him the most, and certainly not to the world.”  
Penelope toyed with the hem of her dress, distracting herself from her quivering lip before pressing on, “Spencer Reid has always wanted love. And it’s not right that he no longer believes he can have it.” 
You hadn’t seen Penelope look so desperate until now. It was concerning. Because what could make her look so hopeless? What could make Spencer so hopeless? 
“Penelope, I don’t know what’s wrong with your little friend, but… there’s a lot more bubbling inside him than you’re letting on.” 
She chewed up the insides of her cheeks, wincing to herself at your incredibly accurate claim. 
“You are hiding something, aren’t you?” You narrowed your eyes on her. You were no detective, or whatever exactly her team did, but she was just awful at concealing her thoughts.
“It’s not my story to tell,” she murmured. 
She could already feel herself about to give it away and doubled down her mental defenses against it. Focusing extra hard on keeping Spencer’s privacy intact. If only you knew her track record with secrets, you’d be proud of her for staying quiet this long.
“What isn’t your story?” 
“That his girlfriend died last year.” 
She spilled it before she even realized what she was saying. You’d just asked so nonchalantly that she forgot she was talking aloud. Penelope turned purple, terrified now that the whole truth was out there. 
You couldn’t even take satisfaction in the fact that your trick worked. You were just as mortified as Penelope, and if you weren’t already sitting down, you knew you’d need to. You assumed there was something deeper going on with him, you didn’t think it was a dead girlfriend. That was some Nicholas Sparks shit. 
“He pretends like he’s fine but I know he’s not. And if he found a way to move on, maybe he’d start feeling as okay as he claims to be,” she sniffled before snot could run from her nose, tears lining the rims of her eyes. “I know I should’ve given you the full picture, but I didn’t think you’d go for it if you knew…” 
You were too floored to process it all right away. This added a whole new layer of complicated to an already uneasy arrangement.
“Well, I know you’re right about one thing. I would’ve said no.” 
She gave you a set of pleading eyes, praying you’d see where she was coming from. 
“I know,” she whispered defeatedly. “But maybe... now that you know, you can understand why he acts out the way he does.”
“Penelope, I can’t just… make someone move on, or –– or get them to believe in love! Especially when it’s fake.”
How on Earth did she expect you to pull that off? Did that guy from A Walk to Remember move on when Mandy Moore died? You hadn’t seen the ending of the movie, but you assumed not. 
“I’m sorry, this is just… a lot bigger than the favor I thought it was ––”
“What if I could return it?” she cut in. The gears in her head started to turn, figuring ways to patch up the holes she made. 
“There’s nothing I need from you.” 
That couldn’t be true. Penelope looked around the room and it didn’t take her long to think of it.
“I can help you sell your art,” she tempted, gesturing to the scattered canvases. “You make all your income from this, right?” 
You didn’t want to give any fuel to her fire, but you nodded. “What if… what if you didn’t have to settle for local buyers? What if I told you that you could make way more money selling them to the whole world?”
You chortled at her idea. 
You were a local artist, through and through. Your art got put in local galleries and sold to local buyers. Nothing more, and that was fine with you. You realized it a long time ago that it was just a pipe dream to think you’d be more. 
“I’m serious! You could get a separate painting studio, and stop living in one? Huh?” She wrapped her hand around your shoulder, waving the other in the air, urging you to picture it with her. “Imagine this: a kitchen that’s separate from your living room. A bed, inside it’s own four walls, and more than twelve feet from where you cook your meals.”
Pushing aside her so blatantly insulting your apartment, if that were a possibility, you’d want nothing more. But it already sounded foolish and you hadn’t even heard how she planned to pull it off. 
“Penelope, I’m fine where I am. I make the money I need, and that’s... it’s fine.”
She gave you a pointed look. “You know, I can hack all search engine results to make sure you are what comes up first anytime someone enters the word ‘painting’, right?
An airy chuckle left your lips. Of course she could. You patted her thigh twice and stood up, prompting her to follow you to your door –– hopefully, so she can show herself to the other side of it. “Still no, Pen.” 
“Just take some time to think about it!” Her voice carried through the wood as you shut it on her.
There was this one bench in Kenilworth Park – the one that overlooks the crystal clear pond – that you’d always been able to rely on to fix any problem.
There was hidden magic in the bushes that sprawled out from the edges of the water, surrounded by spiky green blades of overgrown grass. A simplicity you loved in baby ducklings paddling into the tiny body of water, swimming close together so they don’t get lost in, what seems to them, a whole ocean. And clarity provided by the freshest air in the world, under the shade of the big oak trees on a late summer afternoon.
But at the present, none of that came close to being enough.
The artist’s block started off as a minor inconvenience, but without your permission, had stretched into weeks of steadily declining motivation. Each new idea felt even worse than the last, and you were acutely aware that there would come a point where you’d officially hit maximum capacity for how awful they could get.
Still, that didn’t seem to light a fire under you. You happily coexisted with the blank pages of your sketchbook. Staring down at them, laying open on your lap in their stark-white glory, you felt like you were playing a waiting game. If you stared long and hard enough, maybe they’d flinch. 
Unfortunately, you never got to find out who won, because your phone rang inside your pocket. As if the caller had interrupted an incredible genius at work (which couldn’t be farther from the truth), you hastily raised the phone to your ear, slamming your sketchbook shut.
“Hello?” Your voice wasn’t as kind as it could be for someone with nothing better to be doing. Two seconds later, you learned who was calling and came to regret it.
“Hi, This is Rebecca from District Arts, calling with a message from Andre ––”
“Oh, hi!” you tried to walk back your previous tone, straightening up in your seat and pitching your voice higher, “Yeah, I’ve been waiting to hear from him!” 
While Rebecca intimidated you, Andre happened to be your closest friend at the gallery. He worked closely with the artists to curate their collection and help them make sales. 
“Does he want to sort out what to set the opening bid prices at for my new pieces?” A handful of days ago, you sent him pictures of your new work and were waiting to hear his thoughts. You’d always been able to trust his opinion, and a vote of confidence from him might be just the thing to inspire you.
“Uhm…” There was a criminally long pause on the other side of the line, ended by Rebecca’s weary inhale. “Unfortunately, we’re calling to inform you that your pieces will not be included in the next rotation.”
For a minute, you weren’t sure what to make of what she said. You’d never heard those words before.
“What – what do you mean?” you laughed nervously. She probably misspoke. Perks of friendship aside, Andre always included you in sets. 
“Ugh, let me just get him…” her voice faded away as she put the phone down. 
That wasn’t exactly the reassuring statement you were looking for. In the time it took for the call to switch hands, your confusion finally melted in. And then quickly boiled into anger.
The District Arts gallery changed their entire collection every two months. The pieces shown accepted rolling bids throughout the full eight weeks, finally selling at the end of term to their highest offer. After that, the pieces got taken down, sent to happy new owners, and the entire gallery reset with entirely new works. 
So if you missed one rotation, that meant waiting two months to get back in.
“Andre, how am I just cut from the gallery!” you barked before he could get a word in. If he didn’t like your work, he could’ve just said so. 
“No one said that ––”
“Okay, let me rephrase.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, something you found yourself doing quite frequently lately, and took a deep breath in and out. It was seemingly just for show because it did absolutely nothing to calm you down. “Why wouldn’t you put me in the next set? I’m in all of them!”
“I know you are!” He sounded just as upset. “It’s just that… we give you the biggest space we have, because you always manage to fill it up. But this time… I’m not so sure you can.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you scoffed. “What makes you say that?” You asked that, but you knew.
“You’ve only finished three pieces… I’m worried how you’ll deliver seven more before we set up.”
“But… it’s four weeks away, I could do ––”
“And it took you four weeks to make what you have... I’m sorry. We couldn’t take that gamble.” 
He took your silence as an opportunity to turn off the work talk and speak, just friend to friend. 
“You know that I trust you and I’d hold that spot if I could. But, I also know what you’re going through right now, and… I don’t know, maybe letting yourself rest would be a good thing?” 
Your heart paused. By, “knowing what you’re going through”, you assumed he didn’t mean the little artist’s block.
“If you’re implying that I can’t do my job because of what happened with Cyrus –”
“I’m not, I’m not....” he backtracked as quickly as he could. “But take another look at the paintings you showed me and tell me if they feel like you.”
Even if he was right, you wanted to fight him. You wanted to cry. You wanted to beg that you didn’t need that big space; you were willing to downsize and just turn in the three that you had. Even if they got shoved into the corner where hardly anybody bothered to look. You just couldn’t afford to go two months without the income. 
But even with tears beading up, you realized that the gallery couldn’t afford it either. They needed to bring in money and you couldn’t do that for them this time. So they were right to go to someone who can.
“Right,” you sniffled, recollecting yourself so he can’t hear the shakiness in your voice. “I understand. It’s a big risk, like you said… It’s for the better.”
Andre tried to thank you for being understanding and spewed some sort of encouragement. The words flew over your head. You managed to toss in a few ‘mhmm’s and ‘sure’s at the right places to coast you along until the call finally ended. 
As soon as it went dead, you dropped your phone to the side and brought your hands to your face, rubbing them furiously over your cheeks. Your fingertips pressed hard into your eyelids, trying to forcibly reabsorb the tears threatening to spill. 
It almost worked, until you tried to breathe. 
A full sob escaped in that one gulp of air and you succumbed to it. But the loud crunching noise of some pedestrian walking over the falling leaves destroyed your sense of privacy, and you quickly wiped away all signs of your breakdown. The crunching stopped just short of your bench and on instinct you flicked your eyes up to see who the intruder was.
You did a double take. It was him. That fucking asshole.
He was standing there, looking dumber than you could even remember, with his hands in his coat pockets and a curious look on his face as he watched you cry. Tucking your sketchbook under your arm in haste, you made it a point to stand up with as much aggression as possible, rolling your eyes at him.
“Don’t worry, I’m leaving,” you barked. “No need to yell at me this time.”
You bristled past him, barely refraining yourself from checking his shoulder as payback. You wanted to believe you were better than him, but it did sound incredibly tempting. He stood there for a moment before turning on his heel and following you.
“Wait,” he groaned.
You didn’t listen, neither stopping nor slowing down.
“I said wait,” he huffed as he caught up to you, popping up at your side and jogging along as you kept going.
“Yeah, because I need to listen to a guy who yells at strangers in bookstores.” 
Now that you’d brought up the elephant in the room, your feet started moving even faster, working double time to get you away from him.
Damn the fact that he had those long legs. He didn’t even break a sweat trying to keep up. He was inescapable.
“Well, if you waited like I asked, you would’ve gotten an apology for the ––”
“Gee, thanks!” you yelled, stopping for only a second to turn to him and give him a mocking bow of your head, hands clasped together like you were praising at his altar. “I was waiting with bated breath for that! Thank you, kind sir, for now my life can go on.”
“Look, I’m actually sorry,” he snapped. Then in realizing the irony, softened his voice, “I’m sorry for being rude. I was having a bad day… not that that’s an excuse.”
You stared at him blankly, just watching his mouth moving quickly and waiting until it finally stopped. 
“Did you need something?” 
“Did you… did you not hear what I just said?!” 
“No, sorry,” you smiled, voice sweet like sugar. “My ears filter bullshit. Wanna try again?”
He scoffed, looking away like he couldn’t believe you before stepping even closer. “What’s your problem?”
“Me!? The fuck –– what the fuck is your problem?” You turned and stormed off again, seething at his audacity. Spencer just couldn’t relent his annoying tendencies and followed yet again.
“My problem is that I’m trying to be nice, and you’re not letting me!”
You got a good, hard laugh out of that. “Okay, first of all, having to apologize for yelling at me and pushing me isn’t exactly the best starting point for the journey of becoming a nice person.”
“Like I said, I was having a bad day.” 
Under your breath, you muttered, “Well, I hope this one’s even worse.”
“Why are you such a ––” He stopped himself from finishing that thought. Even in his worst mood, he wouldn’t cross that line. 
But he didn’t need to finish it, you knew exactly where he wanted to take it. The soles of your shoes scraped against the loose gravel as you came to a grinding halt, ears ringing.
“A what?” You turned to face him, a sarcastic smile on your face growing wider as he started to shrink more and more. You got up close in his face, daring him to say what he really wanted to. So he could reinforce your belief in exactly the type of person he was. “A what?” 
Spencer pursed his lips and shook his head, refusing to say it no matter how much you challenged him. If he wasn’t going to have the balls to say it, you decided to take it upon yourself.
“Tell you what, you keep thinking about it and get back to me the next time you’re in a cunty mood.” 
The word he was thinking of was probably not as bad, but you had a habit of escalating things. Even if you took this one too far, you didn’t care. 
Before you tried to take off again, Spencer’s hand flew to your elbow. He tugged you back, forcing you to turn around and face him. He didn’t know his own strength; without any resistance, you came stumbling into his chest, at risk of falling over if it weren’t for his tight grip on your arm.
It took you a beat to push him away with both your hands on his chest, vocalizing your disgust for being so close to him. 
“Can you stop trying to disagree with me for a second? I’m trying to tell you that you’re right, I was being a… well, you know…” He avoided the word. Apparently ‘cunt’ was where he drew the line. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve it.” 
Your nostrils were still flared and blood hot as ever, but he made you pause. He looked sincere, if not a little tinged with guilt as well. You were suspicious of it.
“You saw me crying and felt bad, didn’t you?”
He laughed darkly. “Well, I saw you, yes. Did I feel bad? No.” 
“Oh, my God,” you growled, berating yourself for getting close to believing he might be capable of decency. 
“I’m joking! I’m joking.” He squeezed your elbow twice in earnest. “I did feel bad, but that’s not why I wanted to say it.”
“Okay.” You weren’t ready to give him a real smile, so you flattened your lips into a thin line and nodded once slowly, and left it at that. 
You still weren’t a fan, but the apology did dampen some of the resentment. Maybe he wasn’t the worst person alive. You’d settle for saying top ten most annoying, instead.
Minutes later, you came to the startling realization that he was still on the path, just two paces behind you. You flinched when you saw him out of the corner of your eye, not expecting him to still be here. 
“Uhm. Where are you… why are you still following me?” 
“I’m not. My car’s that way,” he gestured to the parking lot at the end of the long walkway. “I forgot my loaf for the ducks.” He didn’t mean to offer that information up, it just slipped out. He could practically see your smug expression coming before it even got there.
“You’re not supposed to feed bread to the ducks. It’s bad for them.”
“I don’t.” He didn’t care to explain this to you, but he couldn’t have you thinking he was any less competent than he really was. “It’s a special bread made from water and seeds that were ground into flour. It’s duck-safe.” 
“They make duck-safe bread?” Now that was something you’d never heard before. 
“No… I make duck-safe bread,” he said softly under his breath. 
You didn’t know how else you were supposed to react to that besides laughing wildly. 
“You make it?” He nodded like you were the crazy one here. As if he wasn’t the one spending his spare time grinding up seeds and baking loaves of bread for ducks, donning a frilly pink apron and oven mitts as he did so. At least that’s how you imagined it. “Why not just feed them the seeds?”
“Because, loose seeds will sink in the water and can potentially clog waterbeds and cause foreign bacteria growth in the pond.” 
“So you… hand-make the seeds into a little loaf of bread so it doesn't do that?”
He confirmed. You pondered silently for a moment, then absolutely had to ask, “You ever eaten the duck bread before?”
Spencer was caught off guard by that question. His cheeks deepened to a rosy color.
“Yeah, well, it was the house so…” he laughed nervously and stared at his sneakers. “It’s actually not too bad.”
You weren’t entirely surprised by that. You remembered what his grocery basket looked like, and given those same options, you probably would’ve tried the duck bread too. Still, you cracked the smallest of grins at knowing he makes bread for ducks. The one, sole redeeming fact you’ve learned about Spencer. 
You reached your car first, and Spencer stopped in front of it with you. 
“I’m actually sorry, you know,” he whispered once more, hand resting at the top of your car door as you opened it. He wasn’t talking about the incident at the bookstore.
“Yeah…” For a while you were so busy being angry at Spencer that you forgot about your own problems. 
He noticed your nose was still red around the edges, eyes still a little bleary. “Are you okay, by the way?” His voice was too soft, too genuine.
You shook your head no.
“Is there anything I can do?” You shook your head again. And then you had an awful thought.
You knew he was just offering to help just to say it, because that’s how people react when you say you’re not okay even if they don’t care. But there actually was something he could do for you… Something that Penelope could do.
“Uh, no but…” you fixed your hair and tucked it behind your ear, seamlessly switching to a flirtier voice. “If you still feel bad about the other day, you’re welcome to make it up to me.”
Spencer cocked his head to the side, unsure of how he could do that. 
“Hang out with me sometime.”
“H-hang out?” You could tell that it flustered him, even if he tried to play it off. He swallowed thickly, nose twitching and brows scrunched together.
“Relax, I really do just mean hang out.” You were lying through your teeth. He didn’t need to know that. 
As if he didn’t want to think about it for a second longer and just get out of this conversation as quickly as possible, he agreed without thinking it through. He didn’t even ask why an almost complete stranger would want to hang out with him. 
You stuck your hand out, expecting him to hand over his cell so you could put your contact into it. He rocked on the balls of his feet, watching as you input your contact and sent yourself a text on his phone.
“Hi, this is…” you read out your message as you typed, pausing at just the right place. “What’s your name by the way?”
“Oh-uh, I’m Spencer.” 
A devilish grin took over your face, hidden from his view while you were looking down at the screen. He was going to be easy to fool.
agh! im still not in love with how this chapter is turning out, but it came to a point where i just had to stop fiddling with it and just post it. any feedback or comments about this story is very much appreciated 💕
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damselofblueroses · 3 years
Bambi, Chapter 1
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You are my Bambi, girl, I am your candy, tell me what are you waiting for?
Summary: As an archaeologist who works on the Ancient Greece, you were on the verge of excavations’ session. While you have been preparing your team, you learned that your institute decided on your team has to work with another team as they wanted the outcome as a collaboration. The head of other team was your biggest rival, a scumbag in your eyes: Byun Baekhyun.
You two were supposed to work together for three months, in a Greek Island, Chios.
Could you manage to not kill Byun Baekhyun for three months?
Content: AU, heavily Greek mythology, enemies to friends.
Warnings: Well, the story contains NSFW/Smut, please minors do not continue.
Note: This story will be four or five chapters if I will not change my mind in the meantime. It is inspired by my major; however, I do not have a complete knowledge on archaeology, I am a historian. If I will make a technical mistake, please let me know. I am willing to receive any kind of feedback; you are more than welcomed to drop a message.
Chapter One: UN Village
June, Incheon Airport
Along the curves of the hill
Rolling, rolling, rolling hills
As we climb there’s a broken streetlight
When I see one, I turn off the lights under it
Baekhyun was nothing but ready for the excavation.
You were more than ready for the session.
Both of you, were nothing but two leaders who hated each other equally.
You were eyeing each other with saying no words since your teams came together in the airport. Before this particular moment of departure, you refused to meet with Byun Baekhyun, putting aside meeting with him, you refused even dropping an e-mail in order to let Sunkyungwan Team about Sejong Team. You were clear and strict as fuck, even though two teams had to work together for three months, you had zero intention to get accustomed with the other team leader.
The weather was sunny, nice and warm, however because of you and Baekhyun, your team members were feeling like they were trapped in a fucking blizzard during the coldest winter.
You were aware of your team members had positive opinions of that scoundrel, especially the girls, as you had your first-handed experiences because of your stupid classmates, Byun Baekhyun was very famous of his abilities to cast a spell on women. The problem was he was also famous as a serial dater, serial killer type of men.
A bastard, nothing more nothing less.
“Indy,” one of your team members, Minseok, called you. Although, calling you as Indy was also a habit of Minseok, it was also an obligation for the others, you insisted on calling you by your nickname or your name, instead of calling you as sunbae. You did not like the hierarchical titles. “Should we move into the control point?”
“Yeah, if you are ready.” you replied, grabbing your luggage and the rest.
“I guess we have to alert Sunkyungwan people since we will fly together.” Hyesun pointed out, your eyebrows knitted.
“I guess,” you recall her words. “They also have this information, so we do not have to alert anyone, we are not their babysitters.”
Hyesun’s cheeks were blushing after you kindly scolded her, but she was clever enough to hold her tongue. Your dislike towards Sunkyungwan was not a secret as you used every opportunity to show it. You led your team to the kiosks, counting the heads automatically. You had six here, you were going to have ten more when you arrive to Chios whose coming from all around European universities. With thirteen Sunkyungwan students, the excavation was going to shelter almost forty members. It was going to be massive, you had to admit. You never had more than twenty students in the field till now, but you were going to lead an extraordinary team as Junmyeon craved into your brain’s folds with his hammer of words.
You wished to be with Junmyeon right now, you were more tense than usual. Junmyeon could put you in more stable mood, however you even did not think to name him while the executives were asking your possible candidates. He would kill you merciless, you knew it very well.
Eh, at least you got Sehun, Junmyeon’s brother in your team, he had a lot of similarities with Junmyeon even though he could be noisier than anyone you know, however you accepted him as your dongsaeng, as his precious noona and role model, you also knew how to put him in an order. Then you had Minseok, the eternal field-partner of yours. He was older than you, although he was engaged in a Ph.D. programme in abroad, he willingly accepted your invitation. You had four seniors, Shinhye, Yixing, Jongdae and Hyesun.
To your dismay, two of the seniors who you really could want in your team, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were in that bastard’s team. You were of the fact that they were immensely close to each other, but you wished to have them in your team as their abilities were precious.
Especially Doh Kyungsoo.
You missed that fucking bastard who preferred to be with Baekhyun.
Life, you inhaled. It was not going exactly in the way you could ask.
“On your foot, soldiers.” you called your team around you. “Do you collect all the materials you will be in need of?”
“Yeah.” Jongdae cutely pointed to his tiniest bag. “I am ready to excavate.”
“Exactly you will need every tool you have.” Shinhye smacked her husband’s shoulder. Yeah, you had a married couple in your team, although you were a year younger them, you always regarded yourself as their big sister, if not a mother. “You are going to work too much, Dae. I have sleepless nights because of the burden on your shoulders.”
You could not help but burst into laughs after the look Jongdae gave to his wife. Those idiots, they were so lovely and instead of their endless scolding sessions, they were incredibly fond of each other.
Sometimes you wonder, how having your significant other by your side would be?
You slightly shook your head, quickly climbing out of this deep cliff.
“Let’s go!” you exclaimed, jumping to the air. “Sejong is ready for the session!”
Baekhyun was watching you with a disgusted expression.
“Move on, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol pushed his body to forward. “We will miss the flight, Goddamnit.”
“Give him couple of minutes.” Kyungsoo chuckled. “He is fucking the girl with his eyes, frankly, he is doing it unapologetically.”
“Which girl?” Chanyeol’s eyes widened. “Do you mean, that girl? You c-
“Of course, I am not.” Baekhyun interrupted Chanyeol, staring at Kyungsoo. “She can go and fuck herself.”
“Well,” Kyungsoo stood up, placing his book into the bag. “I guess, you are going to be one to fuck her, but maybe I am wrong.”
“In her dreams.” Baekhyun laughed. “If she can manage to dream something like this, but I do not think so. That little freak can put even the nuns into a shame.”
“She is beautiful to be honest.” Chanyeol said with no different intention but observing your features carefully. “Okey maybe not the hottest girl in the town, but she is pretty, and I heard she is very clever.”
“She is.” Kyungsoo approved. “But she kicked Baekhyun’s ass twice, so he cannot endure her presence.”
“She never,” Baekhyun grunted lowly. “Kick me or my proverbial parts!”
“Did someone talk about kicking some asses?” Jongin appeared out of nowhere. “I am in.”
“Shut up, Jongin.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Let’s pick the team.”
The smile on Kyungsoo’s face irritated Baekhyun, he wanted to erase that fucking grin so bad, punching his face but Baekhyun had to hold his manners as the team leader. If they would be in their flat, he could already beat the shit out of Kyungsoo, at least he would try.
Baekhyun hated the fact that Kyungsoo had the exact past with you and him. Three of you entered the department together, instead Kyungsoo went to another university to pursue his master, in the end he testified every moment between you and Baekhyun.
That’s why he was smiling since he learned you were going to be the other team leader.
Baekhyun was aware of the close relationship between you and Kyungsoo, one of his best friends.
Quickly Baekhyun led his team to the control point, close to your team. He was avoiding from this step, however as the leader, presenting his fucking team to your team was his responsibility. When they arrived, he took a deep breath.
“Good morning to all.” his blood started to boil when you turned to him with a displeased face expression. Your eyebrows were knitted, your fucking lips formed as a thick line, your dislike was palpable and Baekhyun knew his own face was mirroring your feelings. “I hope you are fine, could you let me present my team to you?”
Baekhyun wanted nothing but cut the shit off.
“Good morning.” you answered between your teeth. Your voice sounded extremely creepy. “Yeah, go for it.”
You do not make a favour to me, bloody woman, Baekhyun thought but he put all his efforts to control his words.
“My name is Byun Baekhyun, I am going to lead Sunkyungwan Team this year.” he looked at your team members, quickly memorized their faces. “I really look forward to work with you, I wish a good session for us. They are my members, Park Chanyeol, Doh Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, Kim Danbi, Lee Taemin, Lee Donghae, Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Lee Seungjo, Kang Seulgi, Im Yoona, Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri.”
“You are like a troop, huh?” one of your girls smiled after Baekhyun finished his presentation.
“More or less.” Baekhyun smiled back to her. What a surprise to him was the transformation of your face. You warmly smiled to the members and bowed to each of them.
Baekhyun raised his left eyebrow, but he could not avert his eyes from your smiling face.
It was pleasant like a spring day and when you smile your eyes were shining.
“Thank you.” he heard your voice. “My team is not big as yours, Park Shinhye, Kim Jongdae, Zhang Yixing, Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok and Song Hyesun.”
“You forget yourself.” Minseok slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes. “Indy is going to lead Sejong Team as she has been leading us for the last two years, you can put your faith on her, she is the greatest.”
“Indy?” Jongin repeated your nickname with a surprised face. “Are you foreigner?”
“Do I look like?” you laughed and prevented yourself from flinching his forehead. He was such a cute kid. “That’s how my team call me.”
“Ah.” Jongin blushed and you could not control yourself anymore.
“But if you want, you can also call me as Indy.” you grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Everything must be equal for the teams since we are going to live together during a whole summer.”
“I would like to.” Jongin bowed to you.
“So do we need to add sunbae when we call you?” Kyungsoo asked.
“Have you ever called me as a sunbae, Doh Kyungsoo?” you coldly replied. “Did Sunkyungwan change your behaviours?”
“Gardens of roses turn to garths of thorns in a second.” Kyungsoo murmured but he was smiling to you, then he opened his arms, catching you off guard because you knew that Kyungsoo was not a huge fan of hugs. “Will you salute me as a good friend, or will I start calling you as sunbae?”
“Shut the fuck up, Doh.” you inhaled, but actually you were happy to see your still-working-on friendship. You moved to hug him, he held you tightly and lifted you to the air, then turned around himself, made you laugh like a 5-year-old girl.
Baekhyun did not like what was happening before his eyes. Kyungsoo had to be with Baekhyun, not hugging you for his fucking dear life, or lifting and turning you around like you were very dear to him. He hated sharing his friends with you, he already lost Junmyeon, he wanted to keep Kyungsoo and Chanyeol to himself. You should be fucking away from them, they were Baekhyun’s and only Baekhyun’s friends.
And there was another fragile issue that Baekhyun had been keeping in the deepest point of his heart and mind, like the palace of Nyx in the darkest part of Tartarus. Extremely delicate, horrendous, and even atrocious.
Baekhyun was aware of a strange presence was lying down beneath his hatred, dislike and continuous loathe towards you, there was a layer of curiosity, something could feed different layers and causing an earthquake in his life. Baekhyun knew that you were his biggest rival, but you became his rival by your talents and intelligence. He knew this and this piece of realization doubled his hate towards you.
The funny part was the things he did not realize. Baekhyun was full of confidence, he was capable of performing even miracles, however he never perceive the fact that you were also a miracle.
“So, what we are going to do?” Chanyeol asked to everyone with a huge, happy smile. Baekhyun fended himself off moaning, happy virus Chanyeol already sensed the chance of levitating the mood between the teams and playing along with it. “Are we boarding?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” one of your boys, Sehun, came close to Chanyeol. Baekhyun and you immediately glared them, noticing the chemistry between these two. Both of you wished to keep the teams apart from each other in order to reduce the obliged interactions between the leaders, but it seemed not possible even from the beginning. Baekhyun was cursing between his lips, you were swearing at the executive board in your mind.
“Indy,” Shinhye whispered to you. “Are you okey? You look like wanting to kill one of us.”
“Not you.” you answered without thinking, then registered to your words. “Ignore me, Shinhye, I am a little bit tense right now.”
“We got your back.” she blinked at you and held Jongdae’s hand. “Let’s start the adventure!”
What an adventure, you thought but silently joined them. Kyungsoo also was walking next to you.
“Why the heck you went to Sunkyungwan?” you spilled the bean. “I always believed you would stay in Sejong.”
“Yeah, that was my intention.” Kyungsoo was plain as always. “However, Sunkyungwan gives me more opportunities to secure my career, Indy.”
“I know.” you had to admit. Sejong was not generous as Sunkyungwan. “Sorry for my selfish words.”
“No worries.” he beamed. “It happens all the time, but I am really happy to work with you again.”
“Old but gold days, huh?”
“Well, it was not purely gold,” Kyungsoo followed the flows and ebbs. “Do you remember when we were almost expelled from the university?”
“Is there a way to forget those days?” you immediately took a look on Baekhyun. It was his fault, obviously. “We were shitting in our pants instead of the one who put us in that situation.”
“Come on,” Kyungsoo chuckled. “It was not only his fault, Indy, our hands were also crimson red.”
“Let me recall the memory, Doh,” you pinched his hand, he playfully pushed your fingers. “Excuse me if I am wrong, however that scumbag was the one who challenged you to confiscate the coin, because of your involvement into the incident, I had no choice but dragging your ass out of shit.”
“They caught two of us in the crime field.” Kyungsoo burst into laughs. “Professor Lee went ballistic and scolded us like we just killed a person cold heartedly.”
“And you could not see the reason behind it?” You were cutting Kyungsoo’s body with your eyes. “If someone tries to steal a coin from the excavation house during the session, I will kill them for sure. We were so lucky, the one who caught us was Professor Lee.”
“I heard you are strictest when it comes to excavation.” Kyungsoo assured you. “But try to not kill us.”
“The only one I am going to take down,” you shivered with the memory, Kyungsoo was already regretful to remind it to you. Well, maybe not so much because he wanted you and Baekhyun to realize the potential relationship you could have, and the easiest way in order to put you two in touch was making you angry. “That bastard if he will behave like the old days. We are not children anymore.”
“Have you ever been a kid?”
“Fuck off, Kyungsoo.”
“You did not change even a bit, Indy.” Kyungsoo made his statement. Obviously, you were going to keep this to yourself, taking his silent approval made you were more than happy. “You are still a pain in the ass.”
“And you are still a good boy.” you grinned, watching his lips formed around silent laughs. “Such a cute puppy for me, let me see your wagging tail.”
“I am sorry to interrupt your flirting session,” Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun’s deadpanned face. “However, we have to move.”
“When you come across to a pretty girl,” Kyungsoo did not miss the chance of returning the favour. “You have to flirt with her. Wasn’t it your advice?”
“Yeah.” Baekhyun looked at you, then turned to Kyungsoo.
You knew what was going to happen.
“He said pretty girls,” you tucked the words in Baekhyun’s mouth before he could open his fucking damn mouth. “To my dismay, I have never been pretty to correspond the standards of Byun Baekhyun the Magnificent. I am crying for the lack of beauty almost every night, I mean living without Byun Baekhyun’s interests… Such a misery.”
Kyungsoo bit his lower lip in order to hold his laugh, Baekhyun’s fists were clenching but you did not stop there.
"Ah I almost forget to ask for the name of that little village, Baekhyun.” you directly looked at his eyes since ages. “Where the girl you desperately wanted to bless with your attention left you? UN Village?”
You immediately spin on your tiptoes, then slipped towards to Sehun, leaving two of them behind of you, refusing to look at back. In the meantime, Baekhyun was throwing daggers to your back, grinding his teeth, his jaw was extremely tensed. Before Kyungsoo could stop him, he swiftly came to your side, you felt his breath on your neck.
You shivered.
You fucking shivered and Baekhyun noticed that.
“You are playing with the fire, as always.” he whispered to your ear before someone could notice what he was doing. “Did you forget who was burning with fire, baby girl?”
He quickly disappeared and started to make such a fuss in order to gather his team members around himself. You were frozen, after years, you were frozen, you missed the little smile on the corner of Baekhyun’s mouth.
You were on the verge of screaming because of the frustration you had felt. You forced yourself to proceed, walked into the plane, helped your team in order to set their belongings and place into their seats, then you retreated your own seat. It was comfortable and you could easily snatch a blanket. Your wish became true, even quicker than you expected because Sehun, your wonderful Sehun, already brought a soft blanket for you. You smiled at him, actually forgiving him for building bonds with Chanyeol since they changed their seats in order to sit next to each other and weaved your legs around the fabric.
Your brain was in autopilot, you were lost in the horrible memories. You did not want to recall them, you buried them into the cemetery of your memory. You wished nothing but never remember that day.
The day in that village.
Baekhyun was mad at himself.
His face was clouded, for the first time he was silent and sitting on the farthest seat in the plane. He really wanted to be alone, and since being vocal about his feeling was so natural for him, he told his need to the team. They willingly let him to do what he wanted, as a result, he was looking out of window, hell if a person could see something out of a plane’s window, and he was cursing himself.
He knew it was going to be a chess play. Between you and him.
It has been always like the chess.
There was a bond between you and Baekhyun, even thought you two always refused it, you also were aware of that bond. You equally hated each other and if there was a thing which could make you happier than seeing each other’s downfalls, that was the opportunity of being the one who digs the other’s grave by their hands.
He was sure on he was going to be the one who sets your body on fire, then finishes you. He was sure on he was going to be the victor, the one and only champion.
When he kills you, erases your name for all eternity, when he condemns you with demnatio memoriae, he will calmly breathe again.
You were a pain in the ass, even when you were not around of Baekhyun, you had a place in his mind since that fucking day he met you. Your presence was like a tree, how much he could try, he could neither find your roots in his mind nor cut them all.
You were his enemy; he was going to treat you as you deserved.
There would be no turning back.
He was mad at himself.
He made a wrong move while he was trying to disturb you, shake your cage in order to give you a lesson.
He also remembered.
The day in that fucking village.
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technowoah · 3 years
hey hey hey! i really really really love ur works and wanna reuwest a purpled x reader one. also since purpled said hes only comfy with his character what about the reader losing their last cannon life to dream and purpled gets really really sad until like- a month later, she comes back from hell. kinda like c!jacks revival. If your not comfy with this pls ignore <3
My Mission
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Purpled is still trying to figure out how to deal with your death, but before he can you come back.
- Platonic Purpled x Revived!Reader
- Anon Requested!
- blurb
- italics = flashback (except the last few lines)
- the "hes" out of italics are referring to Purpled.
⚠︎: slight swearing, angst to fluff-ish, gore, no dsmp spoilers.
An// I know this is late but I'm having major writers block lol ✌🏾😛 I hope you like it love!
The night was cold as he sat on a hill away from the kingdom Dream had made himself. The tall grass flowed around him like a blanket on his bed he wish he could be in right now, but he chose this, he chose to be here. His blonde hair whipped around his face harshly, but he didnt bother move it out of his eyes he could still see the destination ahead of him.
The kingdom looking like a bright star the fell to the ground. He used to love sitting and watching the lights of the kingdom at night flicker like a fallen star that still had its glow. The small smile he had on his face fell when his mind reminded him of the tragedy a month ago.
The night was cold and dark and that couldn't resemble how he was feeling right now. Anger, resentment, betrayed flowed through his heart. He wanted revenge.
The swords were already shined and ready for blood, arrows sharpened to the point, and potions made to kill the second it envelopes you. Months of preparation was right there next to him, ready to be finally used.
He wanted revenge for his best friend.
He left the kingdom for an hour grabbing every weapon he had before finding a place he used to go with his best friend.
"The kingdom looks beautiful!" You said while standing up in the tall grass.
Purpled had taken you to a far away spot out of the dsmp kingdom just for fun.
"I know, I come here often when I want to clear my head." Purpled said while sitting down in the hill letting the grass tickle his skin.
It was the middle of the say and almost sun down. You two had hiked up away from the kingdom and up a semi huge hill that gave a great view of the lights.
"How did you find this place?" You smiled to the boy sitting down to the side of you.
"Just was hiking I guess!" He laughed. "Well I was looking for more caves outside of the kingdom and stood on this hill, and looked back and saw the beautiful view."
"Now this is your spot now?" You smiled and nodded.
"I mean it's our spot now. You're the only other person who knows about it." Purpled motioned for his friend to sit down and you did.
"Great." You smiled at him and he shared that smile.
He finally stood up from his spot on the hill and made his way back to the kingdom, weapons at his mercy and ready to be used.
The walk back to the kingdom was long, but he wasnt in a rush. He just wanted to keep his mind calm before he finally faced the man who he wanted to kill. The man whos blood should be on his arrows and swords he just sharpened for this occasion.
He walks with purpose and in stride. He always does, he was always busy around the kingdom. Making something new or not even saying what he was doing, no one would want to cross his path because no one would want to know what trouble he was gettng himself into. But they always knew he would come put alive in the end.
He walked along the prime path keeping his gaze forward. He sped up his walk trying to get to the place he needs to go faster to get this feeling out of his body. Sadly him staring straight ahead made him bump shoulders with someone passing by. He didn't have the time to look back and stop, but a familiar voice made him stop.
"Hey! Watch where the fuck you are going!"
Damn it.
He tried to walk away, but he heard the footsteps get closer and the protests get louder.
"Hey asshole! You know Im talking to you Purpled?! Stop!"
"What do you want Quackity?!"
"Damn it took that long for you to turn around?!" The scarred man laughed as the blonde started at him blankly.
Quackity had a small smirk on his face before he looked around to make sure no one else is spying on them. Quackity chuckled while crossing his arms looking at the impatient blonde infront of him.
"What. Do. You. Want. Shouldn't you be in Las Nevadas?" He scoffed.
"I should! I should. But I heard about your little predicament." Quackity still had that taunting smile on his face.
"I wouldn't call it a predicament I would call it a missi-"
"A mission. Yeah I know, that's what you call every thing now-a-days." Quackity shook his head in disbelief. "Even when your best friend dies..Its a damn misson."
Purpled stayed quiet and let the older man talk. He didn't need to hear this, but at least this will hunor him before his miss- plans.
"Its a shame! It really is. But you know what Purpled?" Quackity's voice got quieter.
"If this is about Las Nevadas, you should leave. I have more pressing matters to attend to."
"I bet you do." Quackity looked away from the blonde. "Its a shame that you dont even know where Dream is to kill him."
"Y/N! Get out of my way!"
"I will not let you hurt him!"
"Get out of his way!"
Purpled was injured, pretty badly at that. He was clutching his side in pain where a arrow had struck him. His face had long cuts across it, and so did his body. The only way you could see the cuts along his body is because the cuts Dream had made tore through his clothes.
Purpled looked like he couldn't stand back up. You didn't want to know why they were fighting so brutally, you only showed up when Dream stood above Purpled about to take the final blow, sword clutched tightly in-between his hands.
The only thing you saw was that and you ran in the middle of the two blocking Dream from doing anymore damage to Purpled. Now the two men are yelling at you to get out of Dream's way.
"You're really stubborn aren't you?" Dream dropped his sword to his side, but still kept that tight grip on the handle.
"For my friends, yeah I am." You said with your head held high looking at the masked man.
"Y/N." Purpled groaned behind you. "Go, please."
You turned your whole body around to face him. He couldn't get up, still kneeling on the ground he tried to move and stand to his full height. It was impossible for him to do so. You saw a keep gash where his knee is. Dream must've stabbed his knee, through his knee.
"You stay down! I can handle this!"
"Where is your armor?! Huh?! Where is all your gear?! You're vulnerable!"
"You are too!"
"As much as this pains me to see the two bestest friends fight, Move." Dream said sternly while placing a rough hand on your shoulder.
"Dream get your hand off of them!" Purpled yelled.
"At this point you cannot tell me what to do." Dream chuckled. "This state that you're in! Its pathetic!"
Purpled hung his head low while Dream kept on running his mouth.
"Y/N! Do you even want to know why we're even fighting?! Its all his-"
"I dont want to know. Frankly I dont care just stop hurting him." Your words came out calmer than you wanted because you really were vulnerable at this point.
"I haven't even finished the job, my misson." Dream scoffed.
"If you wanto to finish "your mission" go through me first." You said while finding Purpled's sword on the ground next to him and gripping it tightly just like Dream.
"Y/N stop this!"
"Fine then."
Dream had grabbed your shoulder again so hard it could leave a bruise and brought your shoulders forward. You didn't have any time to react and the next thing you saw when you looked down was his sword going through your stomach. It hurt to breathe, and you felt yourself coughing up blood onto the grass beneath you. He had finally let go of your shoulder and you fell to your side letting your body go numb.
"NO DREAM!" Purpled tried to reach you, but ended up getting kicked down by Dream.
"Im done with you now. Its no point. I thought killing you would be better, but watching you suffer after your best friend gets killed is good enough for me."
"My mission is done, and they were right. You are vulnerable."
"Where is he then?" He asked trying not to sound rushed.
"You would like to know huh? Well Let me tell you about this thing I have first. I mean if you want to know where Dream is for your little mission" Quackity proposed and he stayed quiet waiting for the older man's response.
"I have this book, it was given to me by an old ally of mine. It has all of the lives of everyone in it. The whole book is filled with names and if they are dead or not-"
"Where are you going with this?" He interrupted.
"Im saying that not everyone knows of Y/N's death. Its not any big headlines. So I read this book often and I so happened to see their name and underneath it, it said they were dead."
"I have a proposal-"
"No." He started to walk away leaving Quackity to stand and yell at the younger one.
"Oh come on! Dont you want your friend back?!" Quackity yelled as the other walked away briskly.
"Fine! You'll owe me!"
It was over. He ended up back on the same hill again, but this time it was pitch black and the only light available was the light in the stars and the light from the kingdom. He could hear faint noises of mobs in the distance, but they didn't dare come near him.
His eyes started to water and his vision began to get blurry. He didn't kill Dream, he couldn't. That's not what you would've wanted.
Dream was right all along. He was vulnerable, he was always vulnerable.
He closed his eyes letting tears drop onto his cheeks. He was upset that he couldn't fulfill his mission, the one thing he knew he could do for the one he misses the most in life. He failed. And now Dream is sitting somewhere, he didn't even take Quackity's proposal. He didn't even know what Dream was to kil him.
Still, even if he wasnt discouraged, he would've still tried to hunt Dream down. He didn't care if it took him months to a year, he didn't care if it killed him. One day.
He looked out to the kingdom once more with eyes full of tears. The kingdom now looking like a ball of light and not as detailed.
He sighed brushing the call off, he was hearing things.
"Hey, Purpled."
He shook his head with his hands cupping his face. He was convincing himself that his head was playing tricks on him because there is no one that could be out here at this time.
"I thought I would get a warmer welcome than this."
He felt the grass moving beside him and he quickly turned his head to his right where he saw the person he wanted to the most. You.
It was you, but you had a white streak in your hair, your stomach still had a bigger scar still on it. It was you, it was finally you. He hesitated before reaching out to hug you, there was some tall grass in between you two but it didn't matter, he had you back. You had to feel tears fall on your back because he was crying, he tried to keep his sobs quiet but they slipped out.
"Are you okay?" He asked while sniffing.
"Im alive now. Thats progress." You responded hesitantly before continuing. "I wanted to stay dead. I mean it had to be my time right? I was in hell and I don't know why. Why was I there?!"
You started sobbing on his shirt as well and you took a big breath before starting to talk again.
"And then I just showed up not that far from here. It was horrible, like an out of body experience. I dont know who brought me back either! But now I found you here and Im okay enough." You smiled with tiredness in your eyes as you pulled away from the long hug.
"I tried to kill Dream." He confessed.
"Because of me?"
He hummed in agreement "I couldn't, thats not what you would've wanted."
"Why would you know what I wanted?" You asked the blonde. "I was dead for a month."
"You wanted me to kill him?" He asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.
"Consider this a new mission." You smiled while standing up and him following suit.
"My mission." He whispered while looking at the ground. "It'll take a while, but we'll get him. I promise."
You two locked pinkie fingers together to seal the promise. A promise that would be sealed to the end of time. No matter how long or who dies, he never fails a mission.
"Oh! Also, I have a note for you." You handed him a small torn note that you found lying next to you when you reappeared.
Dear Purpled,
You're welcome. They're here now.
Remember that favor I never got to ask you?
I suppose you should listen to me now.
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alliewritesthings · 3 years
Space In Between - pt 1
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Pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Original Character
Word Count: 2.2k
gonna put an overall fic warning here - this will eventually probably have smut in it, so like 18+ only pls
a/n: so once again im back being a hoe for dad!Chris but we’re at it with a fic this time.
this is only part one so it’s kinda setting the story but please bare with me, i’m trying to make this interesting but as always i’d love feedback
series masterlist   |   main masterlist + requests are open
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Marley had no idea why she’d agreed to come out in the first place. It was Friday night and the thirty-eight-year-old had found herself in a club surrounded by youngsters who were almost half her age. She could barely be classed as tipsy as she downed her second drink of the night, a vodka and soda, and quite frankly she wished she was drunk. The more she thought about her surroundings and the twenty-something-year-olds all dancing around her, the more the effects of the drinks felt like they were wearing off. She could truly have murdered her friends for putting her through this.
“At least smile.” One of her friends approached her from behind, drunkenly throwing her sweaty arm over Marley’s shoulder. She looked up to see her best friend Brooke leaning against her.
“I don’t even know why I'm here!” Marley called back over the music, a loud drunk laugh leaving the lips of her best friend. “This is so not my scene, maybe if I was your age, it would be different!” A small smile tugged at Marley’s lips as she admired her best friend, who was eight years younger than her. They both glanced over at the sweaty bodies lining the dancefloors, and grimaced.
“Look, we can be old ladies together but you need to lighten up.” Brooke teased her, giving her a gentle squeeze of a hug. “What could possibly go wrong? Maybe you’ll enjoy yourself for once.” She pulled away from her friend and leant over the bar to order six tequila shots, watching them line the glasses up and pour out the amber liquid. Marley let out a groan as soon as she realised what she was about to partake in. “Let your hair down, you’re gorgeous. Get some drink down you, get laid, enjoy the child free evening.” Brooke grinned, pulling the container of salt in front of the paid.
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A few drinks later and Marley found herself tipsy and dancing amongst the group of friends she’d come with. There were enough people in the club for a Friday night, but not enough to feel like they were all packed in and crushed together.
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” Marley called over the music to her friends, no one paying much attention as she pulled herself away to head towards the back of the club. She hummed along to the music, dancing with the occasional passer-by on her quest to find the toilets.
As she approached the door to the ladies, she heard a familiar laugh as two figures left the men's bathroom right next door. Marley instantly recognised one of the faces, darting inside the toilet with the hopes that they hadn’t recognised her. Her breathing felt heavy, and whatever alcohol was in her system seemed to disappear. Her heart was hammering against her chest as she locked herself in one of the toilet cubicles, one hand clutched to her chest while the other covered her mouth. Everything felt like it was closing in on her, without a second thought she scrambled for the small bag which was hung over her shoulder and desperately reached for the phone that was inside.
“Please see this. Please see this.” Marley whispered to herself, the panic taking over her body as she wrote out a desperate text to Brooke. ‘Bathroom. Now. Please.’ She could barely form a proper sentence as her hands shook and she hit send on the message, her breath becoming heavy once again as she stared at the phone. When no reply was received, and no one could be heard entering the bathroom, she began to stress again. She felt trapped, she didn’t know how to escape.
In her panic, she pressed the call button on the phone, hoping that Brooke might at least feel the phone vibrate in the clutch bag she carried everywhere. But the phone rung, and rung, and there was no answer. So, she tried again, before she heard the bathroom door swing open and a voice called out.
“Marl? Marley?!” The worried voice called. It was Brooke. Without a single word, Marley slid open the lock on the stall she had trapped herself in, her breaths still falling heavy from her lips. “What happened?” Marley could see the panic and worry on her best friends face as she emerged from the stall, her eyes watery as she tried to process what had happened to explain it to Brooke.
“He’s here!” Marley eventually whispered out, panic filling her eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
“Who’s here?” Brooke questioned, seeming like she instantly sobered up, she furrowed her eyebrows as she studied her best friend for any harm caused. Before the realisation dawned on her face, the only person she’d ever known her friend to be fearful of ever seeing again. “How? How do you know?”
“His-his laugh.” Marley stuttered out, her brown eyes meeting Brooke’s blue eyes as she tried to seek the comfort she always found. “It was him; I know it was him! I saw his brother too!” Brooke pulled her friend into a tight hug.
“Marl, it is dark out there. I'm sure it could have been anyone. It’s okay.” She soothed her best friend, pulling back to reach up and wipe the tears off her friend's cheeks. “It literally could have been anyone, it’s been like five years since you last see him. Neither of you have moved state, or anything drastic, and you think after five years that you may have found him outside the toilets in a dark, crowded nightclub?” Brooke tried to reassure her friend that maybe, just maybe, she was overthinking it and that it was her drunken mind playing tricks on her.
“Can we just get out of here? Like, right now?” Marley tried to offer a small smile, trying to play off that anything was on her mind. Brooke replied with a soft nod, taking her best friend by the hand and dragging her out the bathroom and back into the club to say goodbye to the group they’d come with.
“Let's get you home, and you won’t have to worry about this again.” Marley let out a sigh at her friends' words; if only she was right.
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The overexcited chattering could be heard from outside the front door. Marley approached the apartment door, a smile tugging at her lips at the gentle knock on the solid wood. As she opened the door, a small pair of arms instantly wrapped around her legs.
“Mama!” The four-year-old squealed, clinging to her parent. Marley looked up from her small daughter to her older brother, Jax, who stood at the door with an amused look. Marley stepped out the way to allow her brother in, swinging the small child up into her arms so she was sat on her hip.
“Hi bubba...” she cooed, pressing kisses to the small girl's face. “Was you a good girl for Uncle Jax? Did you have lots of fun, Ariel?”
“Yeah!” The little girl shouted in excitement. “We watched all my favourite Disney movies, and and and we watched The Aristocats!” She squealed at the mention of her all-time favourite movie, looking up at her mum with a little toothy grin.
“Oh, I bet Uncle Jax loved that.” Marley teased, glancing up at her brother who was in the kitchen getting a drink.
“Oh yeah, next time you can watch Disney movies with two overexcited little girls while I go out for the night.” He teased, his own daughter just as mad about Disney as his niece. Marley placed Ariel gently on the ground, allowing her to run off to get some of her toys out while she spoke to her brother in the kitchen.
“So, how was last night? It’s been a while since you’ve gone out.” Jax sounded hopeful, hopeful that his sister was finally getting out and being a bit more sociable than just going to work all the time.
“Yeah... last night.” Marley brought a hand up to push some lose hair behind her ear, while also readjusting the messy knot of hair on the top of her head. They fell into a silence as she began to think over the events of the evening, she’d been somewhat enjoying herself until she decided to go to the bathroom. Who knew needing to go to the toilet would ruin a whole evening? She’d spent most of the night awake, just staring at the ceiling thinking over what she thought she saw. If she was to be honest, she had barely slept ten minutes and it was definitely going to catch up with her.
Marley snapped out of her moment of silence, turning on her heels to make some lunch for Ariel after noticing that midday had passed. She stared down at the bread in hand, spending a good few minute spreading butter over the sandwich, constantly just moving it around the bread as if lost in thought.
It may have been around five years now but she was still upset, still somewhat angry – not at Chris, not at the situation. But at how things had happened.
She eventually added some cheese to the sandwich before cutting it up and placing it onto Ariel’s plastic Disney Princess plate.
“I saw him last night.” Marley finally broke the silence, Jax’s eyes widened in shock. He knew something was up from the way his little sister was behaving, but didn’t expect that.
“What do you mean? How?” He furrowed his eyebrows, watching his sister leave the room to place Ariel’s plate on the coffee table in the living room along with her juice cup. She returned a few moments later after checking her daughter was okay. With a sigh she leant back against the counter, looking at her brother with pure exhaustion in her eyes.
“Chris was at the club. With Scott.” Marley decided she should start facing the facts, and start referring to Chris by name, rather than just ‘him’. She relayed the story of what happened to her brother, who stayed completely silent the whole time to listen to what she had to say. “I mean, that’s what I can remember. I was drinking but it made me sober up pretty damn quickly.” Her eyes became glassy as she thought over the events, again and again. “But Brooke was adamant that it couldn’t be him. She was adamant that if I’d gone five years and not bumped into him once then that was definitely not gonna happen in a club of all places.” She rambled on until Jax grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her in for a tight bearhug.
“I have to disagree with Brooke.” He mumbled as he stepped away from Marley. “You only went five years because you barely ever go anywhere apart from home, work or my place.” He let out a small laugh as she screwed her nose up at him. “And, I know you of all people would never misrecognise him of all people.” He cupped her cheeks to make him look up at her properly, offering her a reassuring smile.
“Did he recognise you?” He questioned, studying his sisters face.
“I don’t know, I ran at the first hint of it being him.” Marley let out a small laugh. “How pathetic.” She mumbled to herself.
“Look, it was a one off. You’ve both lived in Boston your whole lives, and in the last nearly five years you’ve bumped into him once in a place you never visit anyways. So, I think we just call this a coincidence and leave it at that.” Jax stated, making his point known.
“But would it be such a bad thing to see him again?” He questioned. “Would it really be so bad if he found out?” They both glanced over to the little blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl in the living room.
“Uh, wait.” Marley’s eyes widened as she looked up to her brother in complete disbelief. “What do you want me to do? Go up to him and say, ‘hey Chris, so I know I just upped and left with no decent explanation as to what’s going on. But here I am. Oh, and this is your four-year-old daughter... surprise!’ I cannot do that.”
“I don’t see why you can’t. What difference will it make now?” He questioned, looking at her with a blank expression. Marley hated when Jax could just act so indifferent.
Marley knew that Jax was right, she’d carried the guilt and hurt for nearly five years with the hope that one day she’d wake up and it would disappear. But here it was, still present as ever. But Ariel did deserve to know her father, and while the little girl never did question why most of her friends at pre-school had fathers and she didn’t,
Marley knew it would only be a matter of time until she did start to question. And although she’d love to tell her daughter all about her father, it was not something she could bring herself to do. Because, how could she ever tell her daughter that her father doesn’t even know she exists?
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part two
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Just like you
Paring:2BDamned x employer!reader
Warning:so much adorable shit, subtle swearing tho
Notes:the employer reader is from @rotshop and this was inspired by a photo they made of the employer reader,2BDamned, and a little baby grunt. Adorable shit. Would have made this a while back but i was frankly to lazy lol.
So ya employer reader and doc being parents to a baby grunt. Enjoy :3
How long has it been now? Weeks? Months? A year? Time can be a bit of a blur after the suns disappearance, you can lose track of how many days it has been as the sky always remained that dark red hue. Even if a long time as passed you can still recall the same events that happened some time ago.
You had joined hank,sanford, and deimos on a raid, no reason in particular you just wanted to come along. A tingling feeling that something will happen, uncertain if it was the feeling of impending doom looming over your head, or something far different. Whatever it was you wanted to be present for it, a change you wouldn't want to miss after endless raiding and passing out from the random drops in temperatures as of late. Damn your cold bloodedness...
The building you all came across was empty, almost barren much to hanks dismay. Dust and cobwebs littered about with some knocked over desks,chairs, and broken lab equipment. Deimos and sanford wandered to the next room to find supplies on the right and hank went up ahead to a room across the entrance,normally you would follow hank or the duo but decided to go on your own for a change of pace and go to the room on the left.
The lights in the room flickers, barely holding onto the ceiling from their age but they still did their purpose. Despite the flickering you can still see everything fine, you didnt see nothing special at 1st just knocked over tables and a dry blood covered vending machine until in your peripheral vision you saw something move.
You was not alarmed or afraid, the thing looked small, almost the size of a mouse compared to you it couldn't possibly be anything harmful. Yet something told you to check what it was, silently you wandered over to where it moved, behind a bar that was in the room with broken glass all around. When you peeked over to see what it was you saw a grunt, it was smaller then a average, one less then half of the size of one. A small child...
"Hello" you said as calmly as you can muster, a jump and a small squeal was the childs response before it cowers and starts to cry "go away! Go away scary monster!!" It cried, you did not take offense. A faceless being made of shadow and as tall as you are can scare anyone, even to a poor defenseless child "its ok little one i wont hurt you..." You attempted the calm voice again, you receive no response as the child continued to cry in fear. You wouldn't want to leave it alone, so you waited for the others to find you and stayed out of the childs line of sight so you dont scare it more then you are.
Once the others came you asked sanford or deimos to carry the child to the van, hank scared the child too so you did not bother to ask him. After several minutes deimos managed to pick up the child and you all went on your way back to the HQ...
It did not take a lot to convince 2B to let the child stay, it only took you a simple phrase "i am adopting them, dont stop me" with determination in your tone. He only sighed, frankly a little tired from all the shit the group has gone through and mumbles a "ok" leaving it at that. The child had no name, so you named them with a name that even a employer like yourself would be jealous of but you sometimes still call them little one,because they are.
The child trusted 2b right away, clinging onto him like they saw a monster under the bed...only the monster was you. Whenever you get close to them both the child hugs him and cries, begging him to make the monster go away. 2b tries his best to claim you are not a monster and your not there to hurt them but he's not the very best at consoling people. It does hurt a little to see the child be so afraid but you can understand why too, being new to this parenting life it is difficult to know what to do in these situations...at least 2b had your back in this.
Eventually the child called 2b their "dada" and it just stuck, seeing him as their father. You always grin at this with your human like teeth with sharp canines at how adorable it is, whenever the child sees your teeth they always freeze in place and just stares. At this point no longer crying from fear but still freezes up and stares at you like a deer in headlights, you could not tell if they are getting used to your presence or if they had ran out of tears to cry... Either way you assumed it was progress. Seeing the interactions between 2b and the child warmed your heart, they always eager to help 2b with his work or help put bandaids on hank when he gets mildly injured. They even see sanford,deimos, and hank as their uncles now, such as deimos giving them piggy back rides, sanford drawing with them, hell even hank, the most well known killer in nevada, even had a soft spot for the child, letting them climb on him like a tree.
It was all so incredibly sweet and you was fine with it, even if you are just the big monster under the bed to them you are glad they are happy with a nice family.
Now its the present day, with you, doc, and the little one only present at the HQ. Looming over your loves shoulder to see him work on the tablet in his hands and the child is drawing with warn out crayons and ripped paper just a few feet away, the child had gotten more comfortable around you but not by much. They never got startled by you anymore but still stares at you like a deer in headlights when you speak to them, they do talk to you though and still address you as "monster" not as (mother or father or other) and you was alright with it. As long as they are getting better.....
"You are lost in your thoughts again" 2b spoke in the comfortable silence "sorry...just wondering some things" you replied with a sigh, standing up straight no longer looming over his shoulder "ill let you get back to work dear" you said before slowly approaching the child "little one?" You spoke in the same calm tone as before,they looked up at you with the same look as before "are you hungry? Do you need anything...?" You asked kindly, they nod their head looked away for a sec before looking back at your featureless face "noodles?" They asked "sure. Ill get you some" you unintentionally grinned with your spooky like teeth and walked out of the room.
As you was getting the food ready for your child the trio had returned from their raid, hank covered in blood with a large machine gun strapped to his back stomped past you and sanford stuck around with you, deimos is nowhere to be found "where is deimos?" You asked sanford "he picked something up for the kid, so he's looking for them" sanford replied, taking a seat on the kitchen table "good to know" you left the conversation at that taking the ramen noodles and walked back to 2bs office, stopping to see deimos walk out. He waves at you "oh hey s/o" he greets "kid wants to talk to you" he continued before walking past "alright?" Confused you walked inside.
2b is still sitting in his chair with his tablet in hand, nothing seemed to change on his part but the little one seemed very excited and happy. You walked over to the child and crouched down to give them their meal, they took the food and set it down and looked up at you happy. No longer full of fear or that wide eyes look they give "look monster look!" They exclaimed, voice sounding a little muffled showing fake vampire teeth in their mouth "i got sharp teeth like you!" They continued, the words almost hit your heart by how cute it is.
You let out a fake gasp, playing along with them "oh! So scary!" You pretend to be afraid, receiving a little giggle from them "rawr!" They screamed with their hands in front of them like they would attack you "oh no! If only someone came to help!" You continued to pretend and glance at 2b, who looks at you with a unamused look in his eyes "raaawwrrr" the child continued to play "aaahh! Doc! Please help!" You pleaded trying your best to hold back a laugh, with that 2b gets up and walks over and picks up the child "gotcha" 2b announced with a subtle grin under his mask "noooo! I wanna scare monster!" The little one laughed, followed by your chuckling. "Rawr!" The child attempted to scare his father "oh no! They got me!" 2b played along too, still holding the child in his arms. It was so uncharacteristic but so adorable from him, you laughed and grabbed them both in a hug "now i caught both of you" you grinned "aaah! Monster got us!!" The child laughed "whatever shall we do?" 2b chuckled.
The little one looked up at you and patted your empty face with their tiny hands "boo!" They yelled and you faked a yell, let them go, fell backwards, and pretended to be dead on the floor. The child laughed "i defeated the monster!" They praised themselves as 2b set them down with a grin, the child wandered over to you and pat your featureless face again "im big and scary just like monster" they smiled before you reached over to pat their head.
"You sure are little one..."
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fangirlfics · 3 years
Trouble Sleeping (Loki x reader)
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I swear if this deletes for a third time Im gonna cry 
also I didn’t finish reading it over for mistakes bc I’m lazy 
summary: y/n and Loki used to be very close friends and sometimes when she had bad nightmares he’d use his magic to calm her mind, a few years have passed and they’ve grown apart. Her nightmares come back and hesitantly she seeks Loki’s help again 
word count: 3,592 wahahahaha
y/n leaned over one of the balconies that overlooked the kingdom’s private garden. The weather was perfect, the temperature ideal, sky blue, and the plants were all thriving feet below her. Despite the scenery however y/n’s attention was fixated elsewhere. 
Down in the depths of the garden, propped up on one of the fancy golden benches was the youngest Asgardian prince-Loki. His dark raven hair was combed back as he turned to the next page in his novel, the cover matching the shade of green displayed on his clothes. y/n couldn’t help but sigh as she watched the handsome prince, they had once had an unbreakable bond. It was always Loki and y/n-best friends, one wouldn’t be seen without the other. But somewhere among their late teenage years, Loki had become more cold and distant towards y/n-leaving her alone in the giant halls of the castle to wander alone. That’s when her and Thor’s relationship grew stronger-she had always been friends with the God of Thunder but after her and Loki’s relationship crumbled to pieces he was there to cheer her up. 
“Oh there you are!” Thor’s voice boomed-pulling y/n from her daydream. y/n glanced once more at Loki before turning her attention to her tall friend. “I was looking for you!” He beamed. 
“What can I do for you, your highness?” y/n asked with a playful voice.
Thor smiled, putting his hands together before continuing, “I was hoping that you would join me and-” his words faded as he glanced down to the gardens and caught sight of Loki. y/n’s attention soon turned to the railing in front of her as she traced her fingers along it’s smooth surface. “You still watch him.” Thor told her, his normally enthusiastic voice was now dry and serious. “How long have you been thinking of him?”
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, playing with her fingers. “I never stopped.” She confessed, “I know it’s foolish but I can’t help it, I..miss him more than I can even begin to explain.”
Thor was silent as he watched the girl glance back down at the gardens then to the sky. “Let’s go...horseback riding.” He suggested, getting y/n attention. “To lift your spirits, we can go with Sif a-”
“No.“ y/n blurted out, “nobody else-I don’t want to embarrass myself again by falling off my horse.“
Thor chuckled, “nobody is going to think low of you-” he looked at y/n once more sensing her silent plea ”very well then, just us.” He agreed, making her smile.
“Thank you.” She laughed, giving him a hug. It caught Thor by surprise but he then loosely wrapped his arms around y/n in return. “Thank you for everything,” y/n whispered, “really, I don’t know what’d I’d do without you. I’m blessed to have a friend like you.”
“Of course.” 
Neither of the two friends noticed that down in the gardens Loki clenched his jaw, snapping his book shut and silently retreated to his room-they also didn’t notice the pair of blue eyes staring through the window at them, when they returned laughing on horseback. 
 There was fire everywhere, thick black smoke made it impossible for her to breath. She was choking-desperate for air. She fell to the ground as the fire closed in quickly-it’s heat trapping her in the room. There was no hope, no help was coming and it was impossible to escape, with a loud crack the ceiling caved in leaving her trapped screaming out as the furious flames burned her alive. 
y/n woke up with a start, beads of sweat lined her forehead although her room was cool and she found that her hands were shaking. Realizing it was just a dream she lied back down, covering her face with her hands as she tried desperately to fall back asleep. She got no more sleep that night.
The same thing happened again in the coming days and three days later while in training, y/n who was running on less than four hours of sleep was doing rather well. In one quick movement she jumped up-kicking the sword right out of Fandral’s grip. 
“Very good!” Volstagg commented from across the room.
“Yes.” Fandral agreed, “show me that move and I’ll show you some of mine.” He winked.
“Just give me a time and place.” y/n responded playfully, earning a laugh. 
“Impressive.” Fandral commented at her response. (she normally responded to his joke flirting with an eye roll) 
“Yes impressive.” Loki commented from behind Fandral. “That y/n can apparently chase after two men at once.” He said this while staring casually at Thor. Sif went stiff inder the tension and Thor opened his mouth but y/n spoke first.
“I’m sorry?” 
“Well by the looks of it, you can’t seem to decide between Thor and-” 
“Brother that’s enough.” Thor warned, taking a step forward.
“I’m just putting out a warning, you do know what they say about these sort of things.” Loki remarked, not meeting her eyes.
“You know full well that I am not chasing after anyone.” y/n said, growing aggravated. 
“It sure seems that way.”He then opened the door to the room and left.
“You know what?” y/n responded, dropping her sword to the ground with a loud clang “I am tired of this.”
 “y/n I think it best if you ignore him.” Sif spoke up, “nobody is accusing you of anything, we all know you aren’t that sort of person-”
“Thank you Sif, but I am not taking this.“ y/n exited the room in pursuit of Loki, who was a few paces ahead of her walking calmly. 
“I don’t like being followed.“ He simply called out to her, because his room was only about a minute walk away from the training room he reached it fairly quickly.
“What is your problem?“ y/n asked him, putting her foot in between the door and it’s frame as Loki was about to shut it.
“I don’t have a problem, now if you’d excuse me I’d like you to leave me alone.“ 
 “Then leave me alone.” She huffed, “hold your silvertongue and stop acting as if you’re above me because you’re not.”
“Is that all?“ He asked her calmly, “you’re done with your childish tantrum?” 
“Oh you are so-“ y/n narrowed her eyes.
“So what?“ Loki asked with an eye roll.
“Terrible.“ y/n blurted, earning a cold laugh from the God of Mischief.
“So I’ve been told.“ He stated bored.
“No, I mean you’re really terrible and for so many reasons.”
“Such as?“  
“You want a list?“ y/n asked with a bitter laugh, “ok well you think you’re better than everyone and you’re not, you poke fun at other people because it’s amusing to you and-and everyone-I mean everyone thinks that you’re a snake, ever since we were younger, and I can’t believe I’m just now realizing that..they’re probably right.“ He swallowed hard furrowing his eyebrows, “you used to be my best friend Loki, I’d defend you from people’s accusations when you weren’t around and..I wasted my time because you are everything people say you are and worst.“ She saw the look in his eye, she hurt him-good now he understood how it felt. 
Loki glanced away-looking down at the girl again. “Is that all?” He asked, trying desperately to remain collected. y/n scoffed. “You may think you know me but I know you much more, don’t forget, I’ve been inside your head. People may think I’m a bad person but I can live with that, you on the other hand can’t stand the fact that someone might not like you, so much so that you’ll break down about it. You’re a weak fighter, you’re not as clever or as witty as you seem to think, and frankly I don’t understand the fascination Thor seems to have with you, you’re nothing special.”  
y/n pulled her foot from the doorway. What happened to us? She was about to cry and she did not want him seeing that. “Is that all?” She asked, reciting his previous question.
“Yes.“ He spat coldly. 
“Good.“ She turned to walk away as Loki stayed in his place trying to keep the impression that he didn’t care.
Late at night y/n tossed and turned in her bed, trying to fall asleep after waking up from a particularly realistic dream-she had thought that by laying still she’d trick her body into falling asleep but that didn’t happen. She knew that she had been able to power through the last few days with almost no sleep-but she’d certainly crash if she didn’t get any sleep soon. The thought of making a visit to Loki for help came to her mind, but she really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted/needed his help. Screw it. She thought after another couple of hours, her clock read 2:35 as she swung her legs over her bed and slipped on her slippers and robe. 
The halls were dark and empty except for the occasional guards, which she was careful to avoid (she didn’t want to raise any suspicion). Thank God her room was only a three minute walk from Loki’s. It was once she was already in front of Loki’s door that she started getting second thoughts, but she was there already and the worst that could happen was getting the door slammed in her face or no answer. She raised her cold knuckle, letting it hover over the door’s fine wood before knocking. “It’s y/n..” She announced barely above a whisper, “trust me I really don’t want to ask for your help but I see no other option an-”
The door opened a small crack. “you do realize what time it is, right?” Loki’s annoyed voice asked-he didn’t sound like he had just woken up, maybe he was having trouble sleeping also.
“I know.” At her response Loki opened the door wider, revealing himself in a pair of emerald colored pajamas. “Look I know-” at the sound of approaching footsteps (guards) Loki stepped aside, giving her a cue to get in. She did, turning to face him one he closed the door again-his back facing the door he put his hands on his hips.
“What do you want?”
“I can’t sleep.” She said sheepishly, “I just-I’m getting the same nightmares again and I thought that maybe just this once you could, you know..” She put hands up, wiggling her fingers to imitate magic.
Loki rolled his eyes, “first off that’s not at all how magic looks, second why should I help you?”
“Just this once!“ y/n practically begged, “please. I’ve have not been sleeping at all I just need one hour. I won’t make you sleep on my couch like I did when we were younger, you can just...alter my thoughts or something and I’ll leave and-” 
“Fine.“ Loki agreed, grumpily. He walked back over to his bed, getting in between the covers on the left side. “Well?“ He asked when she stared blankly at him. He rolled his eyes again, “Obviously if you go back to your room I won’t be able to sense when I have to alter your thoughts and you’ll just come back to make a racket when you have another nightmare.“ y/n nodded slowly, making her way to the right side of the bed. “Besides it’s a big bed, just stay on that side-away from me.” She laid down, hesitant at first as she tightened her robe around herself. Loki leaned over, placing a finger and thumb over her temples to enter her mind. 
When she woke up she was in the same exact position that she was in when she went to bed and Loki was standing directly above her looking annoyed once again. It was still dark outside as he looked down at her from where he stood. “It’s about time, I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last two minutes.”
“What time is it?“
“6:05..the castles about to start waking up, you should leave before more people get uo to avoid being seen.“ y/n nodded in agreement. 
“Ok“ she walked to his door, turning to watch as he laid back down in his bed. “And Loki..“
“What?“ He sighed.
“Thank you.“ She said softly, leaving the room right after. Loki was left surprised.
“Look I know I said just once-” y/n whispered that night outside of Loki’s door, it was past 2 a.m. again, but surprisingly Loki let her in again.
“The faster you stop pestering me, the better.“ Loki told her harshly. He had woken her up at 6 a.m. again like he had done the the last time. The time after that Loki woke her up at 7 and the time after that she had woken up past 8 to see Loki sitting in a chair some feet from her sharpening his knives-when she had asked him why he hadn’t woken her up he had simply reminded that he could just teleport her back to her room, that way nobody would know she had spent the night there.
Flash forward a month later, y/n tiptoed to Loki’s room in her nightgown again, the nights were getting hotter which had led to her to leave her robe behind. When she had reached Loki’s room she didn’t need to knock, since he now left it unlocked for her. 
Once she laid down on the right side of the bed (more towards the middle now rather than all the way on the edge) Loki laid down about a foot from her. They didn’t go to bed right then however, since they had formed a habit of talking before falling asleep. “Have you been sleeping better?” Loki asked the girl beside him.
y/n rolled onto her side to face Loki, “Thank you again.” He nodded. “You know for someone who hates me, you’re actually quite kind to me.” The corner of Loki’s mouth folded up slightly,
“I don’t hate you...” He rolled over onto his side to face her, “but what I do hate-“ he then had explained the entire plot of a book just to express his hatred for one detail in it. 
y/n woke up in the middle of the night with a start, her nightmares had came back. As it turned out Loki wasn’t in the room but when he got back with a glass of water he noticed she was off right away. “I’m sorry.” He quickly apologized, sitting beside her, “I was just-I didn’t think-”   
“I know, it’s fine.“ y/n told him, but his hand was still on her shoulder and his blue eyes still held worry in them. “I’m just-I’m going back to bed...“ Loki nodded, watching as she laid down again. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?“ She nodded.
As she began drifting off she felt Loki take her hand in his. Later on in the night y/n woke up randomly, but she wasn’t facing Loki anymore-instead she was facing his dim window, she felt warm but not from the covers and to her surprise she realized that the prince’s arm was around her waist, keeping her close. Their legs were tangled mess at the bottom of the bed and she could hear his slow breathing as he slept peacefully. She looked around slowly, trying to figure out a way to move away to avoid the embarrassment when he wakes up-but just as she began to shift around she heard him speak up. “What time is it?” up. 
“Sorry...” She apologized growing red, “I don’t know how-“  
“It’s fine.“ She heard Loki whisper. 
“It is?“
“This is quite comfortable.“ He whispered again, then he moved slightly closer-resting his head on her shoulder and he fell asleep again-she assumed that he was half awake and didn’t fully process what had happened. She decided it didn’t matter and fell asleep again, after all he wasn’t wrong-it was comfortable.  
There was a loud noise that woke y/n right up, making her jump. Now she realized that she was facing Loki again, her arms were wrapped around his neck like in a hug, his head was nuzzled in the crook of her neck-their legs still a tangled mess. Bang! Bang! There it was again, she lifted her head, looking towards the door as it came again-bang! Bang! 
“Loki” She whispered, gently shaking his sleeping form. He ignored it, pulling her closer in response instead. “Loki, someone’s at the door.” She whispered, trying not to laugh. He sighed looking up towards his door.
“Just ignore it, they’ll go away it’s probably a servant or-”
“Loki!” Thor’s voice came from the other side of the door, “Loki, I know you’re in there! Open the door.” Loki rolled his eyes, standing up to make his way towards the door. 
He opened the door a few inches, “what do you want?” He hissed.
“I-” Thor paused, “are wearing your nightwear?”
“Why is that of any importance-what do you want?”
“er, Loki is there someone in there with you?“ Thor asked. 
y/n held her breath, afraid that somehow Thor would hear her from the doorway. “I-no!” Loki snapped, “What are you talking about?”
“Alright, alright I apologize. I’m here to ask if you have seen y/n? I’ve been searching for her, she’s normally turned up somewhere at this time it’s past 10.” 
“No I don’t know where she is, I haven’t seen her. Check the garden, she’s most likely wandering around there.“ He shut the door, turning back to y/n. 
“Past 10?“ y/n asked, covering her mouth, “I should’ve been awake two hours ago.” Loki shrugged. “Can you teleport me back to my room, I should go to the gardens since Thor’s looking for me.” Loki looked at the ground with an unfamiliar look in his eyes before nodding. “Thank you.”
The girl had spent more time with Thor training than she had expected that day, leading her to take an extra long shower at night to get clean. She hadn’t realized until she looked at her clock that it was past 10-normally she’d already be at Loki’s room by now. Quickly she dried her hair and changed into her nightwear. 
She was about to leave and opened her door and unexpectedly Loki was there with his hand raised looking like he was about to knock. They stared at each other for a moment before she spoke up, “Loki? What are you doing here?” 
He glanced to the side, not wanting to meet here eyes as she awaited his response, “I thought..” he said glancing at the ground before back to her, regaining his composure “that you-“
“Weren’t coming?“ She finished for him, he nodded.
“So I came to see if you were ok, I’ll leave.“
“Wait, no.“ She told him, grabbing his wrist and taking him by surprise, “I was just coming it was just taking me longer, but you can sleep here if you want since you’re already here...?” He nodded in agreement, stepping into her room.
He settled himself into the bed, opening his arms for her to crawl into which she quickly did. The two laid there for a moment, listening to the quietness as Loki slowly brushed through her hair with his fingers.      
“remember the other day when I said that you were terrible?“ y/n suddenly asked, getting Loki’s attention. He stopped running his fingers through her hair. 
“Yes, why do you ask?“ He responded cautiously. 
“I was just mad at you. I’m sorry.“
He took a moment to think to himself, “I didn’t mean what I said either."
“Can I ask you something?” y/n asked after a while later.
“Why did you push me away?” She asked, shifting herself to meet his eyes.
Loki sighed-only it wasn’t from being aggravated this time. He backed up a few inches from y/n-staring straight up at the ceiling. “It’s because..”
“Because what?”
“I had noticed that you and Thor were becoming closer and decided to..abandon you before you did me. I thought it’d hurt less that way.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, everyone always seems to choose Thor over me, I just assumed you would, in time, do the same.“ He confessed, still not meeting her gaze. 
“Loki...“ she set her hand on his shoulder waiting for him to look at her. “I would never abandon you for Thor, sure Thor is my friend but so is Fandral, so is Volstagg, so is Sif and I’m not abandoning anyone for them.“
He nodded.
“And tonight..“ y/n spoke up again, “when you thought I wasn’t coming-“
“I assumed you wouldn’t need me anymore, especially after you had spent so much time with Thor.“
“Don’t be like that!“ y/n told him, sitting up, “I do need you! I’ll always need you, I need you don’ t doubt that, and not just because of stupid nightmares, because I care for you and I love you, ok?”
Loki smiled to himself, “you love me?“
“Yes you stupid-“ she stopped talking because Loki had leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss, taking no time to hesitate she leaned into him further deepening the kiss. After about a minute they pulled apart-resting their foreheads together. 
“I love you too.“
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homieswithhades · 3 years
why steve rogers returning to the past was wrong
disclaimer: im clearly a stucky enthusiast, but please, do not be thrown off by that. i admit, there may be undertones of bias because of that in the following, but i did my best with trying to lay out the facts and draw logical conclusions, so do please give me a chance. also, i may have accidentaly omitted some moments and some quotes may not be 100% word for word, as my memory lowkey sucks. ALSO this is NOT a peggy hate post!! i think shes a dope and underrated character and quite frankly she was done dirty. but i also definitely h8 the trope of badass woman falls for the hero.
first and foremost, every sane person knows endgame was complete and utter bullshit when dealing with steves character, so this post will be more for you to maybe show (and hopefully convince) some stubborn friend or family member. nice, concise (not) and including proof from the movies (+a few tweets and stucky undertones, if u dont fw that i respect it but bucky is an integral part to steves character regardless of how u interpret their relationship) here is why steves character development was thrown away at the end of endgame.
let us begin at looking at the cap trilogy.
in ca:tfa it should be noted that steve had no one to return to in the 40s, except bucky. i believe steves relationship with peggy was no where near as developed as it should have been to elicit him returning exclusively for her. as we are aware, steves driving force has absolutely always been bucky. bucky was there for steve after his parents died, when he was sick, and always protected him from whatever trouble he got himself into. "until the end of the line" right? steves relationship with peggy was forced and short lived, literally, we're talking a matter of months here. i need to keep emphasising the important disparity between bucky and peggy, as it is absolutely key in this whole argument. steve dropped everything and went against every order just to even attempt to save bucky. even the slightest chance of him surviving being captured was enough for steve to break into a hydra camp and free the 107th division. steve even had the chance to capture zola, one of the main villains and masterminds of the war, but again, steve prioritised bucky. when theyre trying to escape the exploding hydra camp, the exchange between steve and bucky is critical. steve says "go! get out of here!" as all he wanted was bucky escaping safely. he put bucky's life over his own (this wasnt the first time he did this, nor the last) but bucky rooted himself to the spot, and yelled back "no, not without you!". they both escaped safely as we know, and then steve gathers the howling commandos to take down the red skull. bucky then falls off the train, nd steve blames himself for his death, even visibly crying over it twice. steves morals went from "i dont wanna kill anyone. i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" before buckys death, to "i wont stop until all of hydra are dead or captured" after. stuff happens and steve defeats the red skull and is now in control of the flying ship with the bombs. he connects the comms with peggy and she tries to convince him theres another way to disarm the ship. steve was so dedicated at that point he didnt even want to hear it. he didnt even attempt to do anything to ensure his survival. this alone proves, peggy was not important enough to him to return to.
next is ca:tws. The stevebucky movie. in the museum, peggy confirms that steve saved the man from the 107th division who eventually became her husband (steve was never in the 107th, just to clarify) i believe her husbands name was daniel sousa (as revealed in the marvels agents of shield show) steve then finds out peggy is alive and talks to her. she, in short, tells him she's lived her life, and it was his turn to live his in the time hes in. the "my best girl" line was unnecessary and out of place; again, steve barely knew her. again, shit goes down, and steve finds out the winter soldier is bucky and immediately drops everything, and becomes dead set on saving him. not killing, not imprisoning, but saving him. no matter the cost. "he saw me, and he didnt even know me" "hes not the kind you save, hes the kind you stop. he won't recognise you" "he will." god, steve KNEW bucky would recognise him. regardless of the brainwashing, steve managed to break through the barrier hydra fought so hard to drill into buckys mind. nothing ever broke him out of that state exept for steve. "im not gonna fight you, youre my friend." "youre my mission" "then finish it. cos im with you till the end of the line." [[good fucking lord let me break out of my essay-esque semi professional format here and just say how fucking heartbreaking those lines are. oh my god. read them, over and over until it hits you.]] steve shows us again, that he is willing to not only die for bucky, but literally die by his hand. he would let bucky kill him. he'd dropped his shield. he didnt fight back. steve always, always, ALWAYS got up and fought back. always. exept that time. the time bucky could have killed him. that scene is the essence of "im with you till the end of the line" because then, it was true. it was true because steve was okay with dying at buckys mercy. theres a difference between sacrificing yourself for the greater good (steve going into the ice), willing to die for someone (steve risking his life multiple times in attempts to save bucky) and finally, being willing to let someone kill you, because you love and trust them so much (hellicarier scene). the difference between peggy and bucky's relationship to steve is that steve may be willing to die for either, but only willing to be killed by one. not to mention, bucky pulled steve from the river. he recognised him. steve broke through 70 years of brainwashing with such impact it literally drove bucky away from hydra out of his own free will.
in between ca:tws and ca:cw its confirmed (im p sure sam says it) that him and steve looked for bucky for two. years. even off screen, bucky was steves priority.
im going to squeeze in 2 points from from age of ultron here, for chronology's sake:
steves worst nightmare, as portayed in the movie, is LITERALLY going back to the 40s and being stuck there (with peggy too??lmfao) and also the quote "family, stability, the man who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. i think another one came out." objectively confirms that steve isn't the man he used to be, and doesnt want to return to the past. aou may have sucked, but that doesn't mean the character development should be thrown away.
ca:cw. hoo boy. steve went against 117 countries and half of his closest friends and colleagues because he believed bucky was innocent of the bombing of the un conference. god, steve quite literally, did everything to defend and protect bucky. though i shall acknowledge that steve did attend peggy's funeral, however, there was no real connotations there other than the fact he was mourning her death (understabdibly so). steve then proceeds to protect bucky for 2 hours 27 mins and 41 seconds to the point where they escape together to siberia after the airport fight. "i dont know if im worth all this steve" "what you did all those years... it wasnt you. you didnt have a choice." "i know. but i did it" again, absolutely heartbreaking quotes if you read it a couple of times and truly understand the meaning of them. steve somewhat indirectly tells bucky yes, yes he is worth all of this. otherwise, he wouldn't be doing it. a quote to support that would be "for the longest time, i always did what i thought was right." (disclaimer this is not a direct quote i deadass couldnt find it to save my life, i belive steve said it at some point during civil war or tws, but the point is, bucky is the only thing that could have shaken steves morals so intensely.) and finally, the most important part of cw, the fight at the end with tony. bucky and steve constantly protected each other. steve kept fighting because he was fighting for bucky. to keep him safe from tony and the world. he got up, time and time again. "i can do this all day." the fact that he said that to tony, some people consider them the closest of friends, proves again, a million times over, bucky is more important to steve than literally anything else, INCLUDING his shield. his mantle. he dropped it and left it like it was nothing, because his priority was bucky. as always.
theres not much to discuss for infinity war other than their hug whicg was honestly just adorable.
mmmmm endgame. i will not go into how much i hate that movie because it would be a rant quintuple the length of this one. in the support group, steve dead ass fucking says "you gotta move on. you gotta move on" and that sentiment was literally forgotten at the end. my main point for endgame is this. people tend to tell me, the reason steve abandoned bucky and went back to be with peggy is because he knew that he was finally safe. :/. if you had half a braincell youd know that's not true. the steve we know, never would have left bucky for good, ESPECIALLY after the "dont do anything stupid until i get back" exchange [[god i want to beat the shit out of the r*ssos]] mostly because, bucky had fucking no one in the time he was living in!!! no family, no friends and most heartbreakingly, no one he could trust. (yes sam was there but were just seeing their friendship develop now in tfatws, all that wasnt there in endgame) and secondly, what made steve think bucky was entirely safe??? half of the worlds population just suddenly reappeared, which as we see now, there were massive consequences for that. i simply believe steve is not that stupid. steve going back was disrespectful not only to his character, but to bucky AND peggy. most importantly, the steve we've been watching since 2011 would NEVER abandon bucky, no matter how safe he thought he was (he visited him frequently in wakanda, the safest place on the planet arguably ffs) especially for such a dumbass and quite frankly, nonsensical reason as going back to be with peggy, who clearly stated to him she moved on, and so should he (which he did. idk endgame writers prolly didnt watch the previous movies :/) its not even debatable. bucky is more important to steve than peggy. even in terms of screentime.
now allow some tweets to speak for me, this one being the absolute most important one:
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ladies and gentlefolk, all of the stuff ive said can be summarised in that last line. "it would be contrary to who he is."
heres some more:
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and now finally, id like to briefly mention steve and tfatws, so beware of spoilers (writing this as of ep 4 coming out; praying it doesn't age badly)
bucky mentions steve, unprompted, fucking constantly. he clearly isnt over steve leaving, and im hoping that gets acknowledged and talked out in the show.
in conclusion, tl:dr, steve shouldn't have returned to the past and stayed there, it is contrary to who he is, as shown to us through his trilogy and other appearances in the mcu. not to mention the timeline bullshit in endgame makes zero sense in the first place.
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jackassbroadcast · 3 years
Hello im a Tommy enthusiast who watched that one stream where he monologued to foolish for like hafe an hour bc i heard it was a cool stream or wtv to realize how much amazing character moments it had that barly anyone in this damn fandom is talking about so ill fucking do it
(Only after finishing this i realized i wrote 1.7k words LOL OOPS)
If u dont know what in talking about its this stream (apologies for linking a clips channel the actual vod on foolish's channel is deleted by now)
Also heads up /rp /dsmp every time i refer to someone here by name is their character unless stated otherwise bc writing c! Before every name Is tiring LOL
Also // suicidal idealization , death mentions
The conversation starts off with foolish and tommy mining for Wilbur, and foolish questions how simply mining will solve the problem to which Tommy reponds with "they dont get solved, do they? It just ends uo with some madman screaming 'Hes solved it!' And now look at him." And how he wants to "prevent the problem before it goes outta hand" something that clearly references Wilbur and his destruction of lmanburg, which paired with him collecting stone for Wilbur as the way to stop said problems he believes if he does anything he can for Wilbur and support him by his side enough this time around, that he wont do anything like thay again, which as im writing this makes be realize by doing that we learn hes blaming himself for what happened to Wilbur in November 16th and pogtopia and a whole, by not being enough for Wilbur in his mind.
The conversation continues, foolish off hand asks why would tommy want to stop Wilbur? Weren't they friends at some point? To which tommy leads foolish to lmanburg and tells him the story of the nation (how it was him and Wilbur's nation, how they made it to espace dream's iron fist and how they held an election "which puts your life on the line, which is good- if you're confident but- perhaps we were too confident", how they lost)
Tommy: "You know the phrase: 'treat other how you wanna be treated', foolish? People dont ever listen to it. Wilbur- he decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he treated everyone around him poorly "
This Tommy quote, to me at least, so so amazingly strong in conveying how understanding he is? To the world around him. Like-
I have not seen one person bring this quote up, and yet its (at least to me) shows such growth and understanding in Tommy i saw little to nothing like it in other streams. It shows he understands, he knew Wilbur didnt change just because, he knows he was struggling, that he thought everyone around him were againt him, were going to abandon him the first chance theyll get- and he thought he deserved it. So he, as a last way to defend himself against that, hurt them first, abandoned them first, so theyll see how much of a 'bad' person he was and take him out- and tommy saw right through that, possibly understanding it more after exile.
This next qoute was talked about much more but i still wanna bring it up
Foolish: "Do you believe in second chances?"
Tommy: "Oh, no I don't really believe that its not really a thing for me foolish its just that-" *sigh* "- i believe everyone has a little bit of good in then and this is not about giving him a second chance or a third chance- its not about *chances* foolish. Its about not giving up on the poeple you care about. "
Which. I mean. I dont know how healthy that mindset is, but comign from Tommy it makes so much sense.
Techno, tubbo, eret, sapnap. These are all people Tommy used to be extremely close to, had either a war or had been betrayed by them, and yet still found it in his heart that he still cares for them, with all of these, they did horrendous things, that hurt tommy physically and mentally, while also not being once or twice, but a contentious thing, but while tommy is to this day still effected by their actions he still found it in himself to forgive, because he knows he fucked up too, a lot, and he knoes they learned from their mistakes just as he had (except c!techno FUCKKK c!techno mf doesnt learn SHITTT) and he knows, when the time comes he knows hed want the people he hurt to forgive him too. (And he wants Wilbur to do the same)
Next qoute i will cut to a couple parts because its really so good and full of character i had to bro
Foolish: "Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy?"
Tommy: "It really depends who you ask, isn't it? Yknow? If you asked dream he'd say im *his little toy that he plays with* you know? It doesnt.."
This part really stunned me when i first heard it because, and correct me If im wrong, but i dont think tommy ever acknowledged how dream sees him, and  how right he has his viewpoint too. Just the fact tommy is so *painfully* aware of how dream doesnt even see him as a person anymore but just a toy to mess around with for a while than just throw it away when it get too boring really hurt me. Someone give this kid a hug
(Continued) Tommy: "...foolish, honestly? I used to consider myself 'the good guy', you know? The fuckin'- second in command! But these past- these past like six months or so, foolish, everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was just us vs bad guys, it was all so clear! But- its not been 'clear' for so long, right? It wasn't; 'these are the bad guys! These are the good guys!' Now it's : 'he's doing this and it makes him a bit worse-' i mean, it all got so complicated, so- i don't know. Depends who you ask."
He says this, in response to foolish asking if hes a good guy- but its awfully similar to if Wilbur asked him if they were the bad guys. Because foolish just asked about him, and yet in his answer tommy made sure to keep using the words "us, he's, guys" as if hes not really talking about himself, as if hes explaining how Wilbur was wrong. Which he was. Also something interesting ive noticed, he says "the last 6 months or so", which indicated that with Wilbur he knew better to follow his word and leadership- with Wilbur he was always on the right side but when he lost him he felt much more lost alone, and couldn't trust himself enough to be on the "right side" .
Foolish: "I dont know, it all seems strange because just from, you know- hearing from others and, you know, learing a little bit, its seems like you've been the hero, you've been the villain, the conqueror, the savior, and, even now, i have no idea what you exactly are."
Tommy: "that's up to you to decide, isn't it? Im just- *uh*  i dont know. These days, foolish, I'm a little weaker than i used to be"
Foolish couldn't be more right with what he said, another example of this we see where a character acknowledges tommy never sticks to one thing us Charlie when calling him "tommy fron nowhere" which shows more how he cant stick to one thing, during the course of him on the server he had been friends and enemy with nearly everyone, been on pretty much all sides, and while never really intentionally, being in the center of conflict. When foolish says he doesnt know who tommy is anymroe at this point and all Tommy says in return is that "hes a little weaker than he used to be" does to show he misses who he used to be, with lmanburg, with Wilbur, when he knew who he was, now he doesn't know who he is anymore, but still so desperately want to be more demonstrated by the lines coming rigth after that one:
(Continued) Tommy: "..I'm not- I'm now who i want to be, but-"
Foolish: "Being honest with you, Tommy, that's the same case for me as well."
Tommy: "...heres the thing, foolish, unlike you i dont really have a choice. I have to try and be who i want to be, because if i dont, very bad things are gonna happen in this server. And now that Wilbur's back i can't- quite frankly *no one* can risk that. So i dont really have a choice."
Tommy want's to change- he wants to be better than he is now, to be closer to who he used to be, no matter how impossible that might be, but he also sees it as an immediate thing, he wants to change now, or asap, which is why hes collecting stone for Wilbur in the first place- old him would've done that with ease just because Wilbur asked and he wants to have that back so badly, asap. The way he talked about this reminded me of when he tried getting over his trauma stream before he went in the prison to kill dream: he knew he wasnt the best but he tried getting over that asap to go kill dream asap. He didnt wanna take the long road of years of healing and instead thought he could get over it just like that, and that experience clearly didnt teach him anything because now hes trying to slide back to the relationship he and Wilbur used to have and ignoring the drastic changes they both had plus the bad moments that were the reason they feel out in the first place, or maybe he knows, but at this point, after everything that happened to him and the server, he doesnt care anymore? He knows hes not the same he was and he'll never be the same, because thats not how it works, but his mentor, president, big brother is back after so long tommy felt so lost and alone he thinks maybe, this time around, with Wilbur, he could try and be better again.
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fashion-fasting · 3 years
FIRE & ICE (Rafe Cameron & JJ Maybank) Part 3
previous chapters-
Part 1 Part 2
A quick thank you for all the support on the last chapter , it may not seem like a lot but each like means the world to me
And just to add with this story I’m hoping to make it quite long it will include bits and bobs from the events in season 1 with my own twists on them and then move onto season 2 the time line will be different throughout
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“ you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” scoffed kiara
“Sarah what are you doing here ? Since when do you hang around with John b?” I asked puzzled , at this point I was extremely confused as to why my best friend who made her hatred for the pouges known on countless occasions was now standing infront of me trying to enter the Twinkie
“Alice you know about this? Why didn’t you tell me?” Sarah bit back
“Sarah how the hell did you expect me to tell you?not exactly the best sleepover chat to have at your house”
“ does rafe know what you’re doing” Sarah asked, raising an eyebrow
“Does topper know what you’re doing? You know your boyfriend” I hissed
“ ok ok let’s calm it down ladies , Sarah just get in we can finish this little domestic later” jj said trying to defuse the situation
The car ride was filled with deathly glares mostly from kiara and heading straight into Sarah’s direction,the silence was deafening. Sarah and Alice shared a few quick glances still both unsure how to deal with the betrayal they both felt.
They knew everything about eachother , from insecurities to some of their darkest secrets. Sarah didn’t understand why Alice didn’t feel like she could confined in her about this . And Alice couldn’t wrap her head around the fact her best friend was sneaking around with John B of all people.
Best friends don’t lie to eachother and that’s what hurt the most.
The boys avoided eye contact and were definitely too afraid to speak incase their heads would be ripped from their bodies.
After what felt like an eternity they finally pulled up at the chateau
“Jeez that was painful” muttered pope
“ not my fault John b invited queen Cobra over here”barked kiara
“ what did you just say bitch” yelled Sarah
“Can we all stop for 5 minutes please! John b just tell us why did you need us all here” I begged
“So.. I think I’ve found the gold , thanks to Sarah I was able to get my hands on Tannyhill Plantation Map and I think I have a way in” John b explained
“ no need to thank me all that once” Sarah rolled her eyes
John b went on to explain his findings from the maps and lay out his plans for how to make sure we didn’t get killed,this definitely wasn’t going to be plain sailing. Hours had passed with many arguments,bickering and ideas being thrown around ,we didn’t even realise the time. Somehow one by one the pouges had left the chateau leaving only me and JJ.
“Want a J princess”
“Im still mad at you maybank”
“ oh come on princess I’m sure he’ll get over it, doesn’t seem like the type of guy who can hold onto a lot of information in that little head of his” jj mocked
Rolling my eyes I let out a big sigh
“You ever going to stop these childish game you have going on with him maybank? Because honestly it’s getting old”
I grabbed the j off him trying to smoke away any thoughts I had
“I’ll never understand why you’re with him, a girl like you and a guy like him it makes no sense”
“‘You don’t know him like I do jj , honestly can we just drop this for now please , I get it you hate him he’s done a lot of fucked up shit and you hate me for being with him but frankly I’m too tired to be lectured right now”
I leaned forward turning the tv volume up hoping that it would put an end to the conversation between us both
Admitting defeat jj took the j back off you and thought about the words that had just left your mouth
“You hate me” those words kept running back and forth in his brain , did you really believe that he hated you? He could never hate you, what he felt for you was the complete opposite.
Some time had passed, the atmosphere was tense and the room was filled with silence once again , jj decided he couldn’t stand it for any longer. He hated you being angry at him,as much as he got a kick out of annoying you this wasn’t the same. As he went to break the ice he looked over and saw Alice had fallen asleep. He slowly rose from the sofa to place a blanket over the sleeping girl.
He still couldn’t comprehend that she really believed he hated her, he loved everything about her. How stubborn she was when she didn’t get her own way, how she twiddled her fingers when she felt uncomfortable,the way her nose scrunched up when angry and how even when everyone knew she was breaking inside she still kept a smile on her face .
It was the way her smile caused chaos in his heart, whenever he was lucky enough to gaze into her eyes even if just for a second he felt complete and utter peace. JJ had never felt like he belonged anywhere , that was until he met her and ever since then he felt at home. He loved learning about her intricacies and how her brain worked , nothing had ever intrigued him more in life than her.
He loved her even when it hurt , He could never understand why she chose rafe Cameron over him. He knew she loved rafe but as he went to close his eyes all he could do was wish that it was him instead.
If only he knew Alice felt at home with him too
(....the next morning...)
I awoke to the sound of JJ snoring in my face and jumped up realising what time it was
“FUCK rafe is going to be so pissed, jj why did you let me fall asleep!”I said shaking him
“There was no way in hell I was waking you up, I’ve seen how you get , and I don’t fell like dying anytime soon
“ I need to go like now” with panic in my voice I checked my phone
- 25 missed calls rafe
- Text from rafe
Where the hell are you Alice I’ve waited up all night for you to stand me up yet again
Great great great ,I knew how pissed rafe would be. He already thought I was prioritising the pouges over him , but I could never tell him about the gold he would go straight to ward and it would be game over
As much as he loved me I knew his desperation for wards attention was greater
“ just go I’ll see you tonight” huffed jj
“ JJ it’s midsummers remember and last time I checked you didn’t have a membership at the club”
“ who said anything about needing a membership” he laughed
As you took off to find rafe You knew tonight was going to be one hell of a problem
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nh20tensin · 3 years
Telling the AoT boys you love them for the first time.
⚠️There should be little too no spoilers⚠️
Mostly fluff
Gn reader
None of this is has been proof read
Ft. Levi Ackerman,Connie springer,Armin arlert
Levi Ackerman
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We all know that this man is touch-starved so it was hard enough for him to let you even Remotely close in anyway
He would probably deny the fact that he care for you
He wouldn’t know that he loved you till  you said something about it
It was a cleaning day you decided to help Levi and his squad clean (this man forced you to clean)
You didn’t mind I mean as long as you were with him
You knew you loved him for some time,you just didn’t know how to tell him or in fear that he would hate you(who knows why he would) but you only thought about worst case scenarios
“Oí “
“What the hell are you doing”
You gave him a confused look
He points down to your feet
You were sweeping with the dust collector facing the opposite way so that no dust is going into the pan
“Oh shit sorry”
“Just pick it up “Levi spoke
The rest of the day went by
It was dinner time you Decided to sit with eren,Armin,jean,and Connie
(The girls where training)
“Yo is she even listen to us “ a buzz-cut boy said
“ probably not” said Jean
Eren threw a small carrot at you
“You were zoning out” a blonde boy said
“I’m not really myself right now....I’m going to go to bed”
They all nodded and told you goodnight and bye
On your way to your room you bumped into hange
“It’s alright are you ok?”
“I’m fin-“
They stoped talking you gave them a confused look
“Why’d you sto-“
They put a finger on over your mouth
5 mins pass the finger hasn’t left
“Sorry i thought I heard something ”
The finger moved
“Thought you where in a rush “you said as you walked hange followed
“Never mind that what’s up with you?”
“Nothing.............How do I tell someone I love them”
(Ofc you would eventually regret asking hange but desperate times call for desperate measures😪)
You cover their mouth
“Shut up or I will Carve ur eyes out”
Hange nodded
“Will if you really Want my opinion....just don’t make it a big deal”
“Why Not”
“You shouldn’t have to make it special ,anyway if you really do love him and just tell him “
Knowing Levi he would hate it if you made it a big deal so you took the advice and made up your mind
One week passed and you finally thought of the perfect way to tell him
You would make him his favorite tea(you aren’t allowed to make his tea considering you suck at it)
” what did you do” he said in a stern voice
You walk over to his desk and sigh
“ I have something to tell you and besides my tea skills aren’t that bad”
“ last time I drank it I ended up in bed for a week”
“I promise it’s better just trust me” 
He reluctantly put the cup to his mouth and drank
“I love you “you said
He almost sit out his tea he didn’t know what to say or do
How could someone so perfect love someone so....him
“What did you say” he said
You repeated yourself
You climbed in his lap
“I love you Levi Ackerman “
God he loved the way you said his name
He didn’t know what to say but what he did say broke your heart
“Why” he said in a voice below a whisper
“What do you mean why?”
His hand found his way to your waist his face hidden in the crook of your neck
“Why me ?”
You knew he could get insecure but it still hurt
“ Levi I knew from the minute I saw you that I would love you for the rest of my life and I don’t wanna rush you to say back to me because quite frankly I know how hard it is for you but I’m telling you now because this is how I feel you are the one for me no one else do you understand me please say you do”
All memories he thought he forgotten about his mother came flooding back in
And you could’ve sworn you felt a tear but when you looked there was nothing
He looked dead in your eyes and said
“I love you too” in a very soft voices he gave you a rare smile
You brought him in for a very long and meaningful kiss
“Hange Made the tea by the way “
“I know”
Connie springer
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 A relationship with this man can be one of two things very fun and chaotic or more serious and loving
Which ever version you happen to be in it won’t matter because it will always be happy
“Hey Connie have you told y/n you love them yet”
He froze up and realized that he never actually told you though he was in love with you he just never thought about telling you because he thought you knew
“What’s it you you horse face”
“Nothing....it’s just The two of you have been dating for six months I’d start to feel a little self-conscious if you asked me”
“Well I didn’t so stop “
Jean and Sasha stay laughing
“CADETS IN LINE” Levi yelled
The next day
“Hey Armin if I hypothetically possibly maybe was in love with someone how would I tell them?”you said while looking at the ground
“ well it really just depends on the person and how far along in the relationship you are with them I can’t really help you how to tell them but I sure can encourage you”
You roll your eyes and sigh
“Thank anyways”
You walk back inside considering you were training outside with Armin(obviously beat him because you’re a bad ass)
You ran into Connie right now I’m going inside you both fell to the ground stared at each other and started laughing like you’ve never laughed before you were mainly laughing because you were nervous as hell to tell him you loved him he was laughing because he loves the smile that was on your face
you both helped each other get back up Connie looked at you and ask
“were you training”
“ depends what answer do you want to hear”
“Fine I was “you admit
“ it’s 11 at night”
“ and your point is”
” at the rate you’re going you’re going to end up dead by the time you’re 25”you said sarcastically
“ as if you’d be able to live without me though”
You froze didn’t know what to say or do you just nervously laughed it off and walked away
 he looked at a very confused but I thought you needed space considering you just got done training it was dark out you’re probably tired he thought
It’s around two in the morning you wake up something inside you just burst so you get up out of your room and find your way to Connie‘s room you knock fiercely
“ Open the door Baldy”you say sternly but in the soft voice
“ what are you doing it’s like two in the morning you should go to sleep “he said while opening the door
you force yourself into his room and sit down on his bed
He followed you confused on why you were here but he just stared at you not wanting to say anything basking in your beauty
“ Connie I’m about to say something that I might regret well not regret but do you know where I’m going with us”
“I love you “
his eyes shoot open he thought this has to be a dream right there’s no way that this is real
You pinch his arm so he knows he’s not dreaming
“ say it again”
He couldn’t help but smile so much that he felt like his face was gonna melt
At first he thought he was looking at you in disgusted minutes later it was a face of happiness and he was proud in his own kind away
“ I love you too but you know I was supposed to tell you first”
“ this whole thing with Jean and Sash and our relationship”
“It’s.a long story” 
He brought you in for a tight hug that ended up in a very intense make out session
The both of you woke up in his bed in the morning he looked at him and he woke up
“I love you”
“I love you”
You both said in unison and you ended up laughing you both really did love each other and it was a funny love story . 
Armin arlert
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As smart as Armin is he has no idea what to do when it comes to a relationship
True he wants to give you all the love in the world but he’s clueless when it comes to things like that but he will know when he’s in love with you
He will go to Mikasa, Eren,hell even Levi if he will listen
“ listen kid I don’t know what to tell you all right do you love them just tell them I don’t see what’s wrong with it”Levi said while drinking tea
“ but sir it’s not that easy what if they doesn’t feel the same way”Armin spoke
Levi sighs not really knowing what to do
“ The two of you are dating right so of course they feel the same way”
“Damn kids and their commitment issues”he muttered under his breath
Armin saluted him before exiting the room
His mind was in 1000 different places having no idea what to say to you so we did the next best thing any person would
He ignored you
He didn’t want to ignore you or make you feel bad he’s just caught up in his own brain to actually think about anything
It’s been a week since you guys last talk
“ i’m sure he doesn’t hate you he’s been ignoring us to” eren said
Mikasa nodded
“ it’s been a week did I do something wrong is he mad at me?”
“ even if he was he wouldn’t take it out on all of us at the same time” Mikasa stated
you take a deep breath and sigh
“ The both of us will try and figure out what’s happening OK can’t promise you like the answer though” eren said
The both of them left the room
Little did you know Armin was listening in the whole conversation he wanted to make it up to you just didn’t know how
” I don’t hate them” armin said
Eren then said “ then why are you ignoring them and us they don’t deserve this”
Eren was pissed off because he knew how much you were hurting
“ seriously Armin there’s no need to lie you’re mad at her just tell them I’m sure they will understand besides you’re also ignoring us did we do anything?” The tall girl spoke
“I love them”
“😮” Mikasa and eren
They spent the rest of the day talking about his feelings and how he should make it up to you or more importantly tell you
“ just follow us it’s not a trap or anything”eren said (this bitch it was FYI)
Mikasa used her scarf to cover up her giggles
“ can I just sleep in peace”
You couldn’t really tell who said it as you saw Armin standing right in front of you
You turn around to see no one‘s behind you those bastards left the room before you could even check
“ look if you’re mad at me I don’t know what I did but I don’t really feel like talking anymore I just want to go to bed please”
“Wait now please I’m sorry i’ve had a lot on my mind I just needed time on my own”
“ and you couldn’t tell me or let me know not even Eren or Mikasa you’ve noticed all week do you know how bad I felt thinking that I did something wrong ”
There was a moment of silence you saw that look in his eyes the one that made you fall madly in love with him you couldn’t be mad at him you loved him and everything you were pissed about steered clear
“ I love you more than I probably should if you were anybody else I’d probably kill you right now”
He looked up from the ground he was staring at
“What “
it didn’t take him long to understand the situation
“I love you too in fact I love you more that’s what I’ve been thinking about all week and how to tell you”
You both ran to each other in a hug tears falling down his eyes making you want to cry as well you really did love each other
The next day
“ i’m guessing you finally told them” Levi said
“ yes Captain thank you for your advice” as he saluted him
“ don’t thank me you’re the one who grew a pair and finally told them”

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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
Do you have any hopes for the season finale? I saw in another ask, you described the dynamic between rick and morty this season as "very weak, distant, and downright frankly boring" and I completely agree with you! I hope that, because this is most we'll see rick and morty interacting this season, it'll have at least a few moments of what makes their dynamic so interesting to watch.
(Ok i started airing my grievances with this season, which ended up being... long, so skip this paragraph (starting at / / /) to get to my thoughts on the finale)
Oh gosh I remember that ask (I think-). And yeah, maybe I'm being a bit overly critical. I'll probably look back on this season with retrospect, and a kinder, fonder view. Ik androgynousblackbox (think thats right) made a great point about it being the season FOR rickorty shippers. And sure, I agree on some bits, like Rick acting all pissy and partying the way you would if your ex got with someone new in the planetina ep. Overall though, i think my problem lies in that I was enjoying more individual moments than episodes themselves, especially the middle three. For example- Amortycan Grickfitti. Like, I really liked the idea of the Ship getting on a crazy adventure with Summer and Morty (and Chutback). I like the idea of a Beth-Jerry-Rick adventure. But put together, it's just kinda... meh? You know? I liked the first half of the Thanksgiving special... but it kinda dragged on after that. I get that they want to give other characters (particularly female ones) more attention, which is completely understandable and i encourage it(!) but I can't help but find it underwhelming. Like, Summer in the voltron ep was like- girl how are you STILL vying for Rick's attention! He's the worst! Haven't we done this already? (I will say though I ADORE how far Beth has come, props to her for continuing to seeing through her dad's BS. I was worried the character would relapse into a more typical s1/s2 Beth, and I'm glad she didn't). Some of these plots, funnily enough, seem more fitting of the comics (they actually had a voltron parody already). Fun and entertaining for two or three-something issues, not so much a 22 minute episode. i think most of my complaints come from the dynamic between our titular characters- ok, I know I'm very biased (I mean you can see it), but I came to the show primarily for their relationship. It doesn't even feel drama-fueled, just that they kinda... can't be arsed. I'm torn because on the one hand, they're unhealthily codependent and this separation is probably a good thing, but on the other... it doesn't feel natural? I'm not sure if that's the right word- it's like, season 4 had them practically joint at the hip, but all that's suddenly flung out the window. It just kinda feels like this "i got better things to do" vibe from both of them and its strange. The only time they both got a solo adventure (I'm classifying "solo" as an adventure where they spent a significantly large portion of time together, without the other family members) was in the sperm ep and Thanksgiving ep. And, well, in the Thanksgiving ep Morty felt like a side character in his own show, and the sperm ep... um. Yeah. I don't think it's AS bad as people were saying, but I was cringing the whole time (the second hand embarrassment for Morty was so strong I had to turn off the episode multiple times and return to it. It's just like- godammit MORTY). And I think there's good reason those two seemed to be the most disliked episodes overall. They're the ones RaM spend the most time together and it's... meh. Meh? Meh. I don't mean to say the season overall is bad (it has loads of good points, and its amazing for Smith family as a whole) just that if we're talking specifically about the dynamic between these two? Yeah, I wouldn't recommend a single episode from this season so far to use as an example of their relationship.
/ / /
There's one thing this season has been pretty good at, though. And it's showing us what happens when Rick is alone.
And that brings me to the finale.
"Who is Rick without Morty?"
Well... we already know the answer to that. Pathetic. Sad. Lonely.
This season has been phenomenal in humbling Rick. (And trust me I'm happy for it- every time someone beats the crap outta this shitty old man I'm like YES!!! IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES!). Ep 1 had his "nemesis" clearly besting him, ep 2 had Beth making constant digs (love her) and overall pointing out his extreme callousness and cruelty towards even himself(ves). Ep 3- when Morty shows interest in a girl and ditches him (like seriously it's not like he's moving out, chill) he immediately goes on a bender and develops a deep attachment to the first person he can (wearing yellow, funnily enough). Ep 4, he devotes himself to becoming an "honest man" for his new child, only for it to instantly be taken away from him. Ep 5 highlights how RICK is the asshole for making fun of and taking advantage of someone well-meaning and honest, if "simple", and how literally not cool that is. Ep 6 has his crazy rivalry with the president, and they both get smacked down a couple pegs for that. Ep 7 shows what happens when he allows himself to get carried away, and that he can end up driving everyone else away in the process (lucky they still wanted to save his ass when he needed them). And episode 8? Hooooo boy. Episode. 8. We see a direct parallel in Birdperson with Morty, and the whole "Rick and [insert] 100 years!" Rick has few people he cares about, arguably only one or two that he truly devotes himself to, but when he does, boy does he go HARD. We see younger Rick, optimistic, energetic, friendly and hopeful. And we see all of that crushed in minutes. Rick is desperate for a companion, someone to see the stars with. He needs someone there, someone he can trust and rely on to stay. Someone like Morty. So without Morty, who is Rick?
No one.
And the thing is, Morty doesn't need Rick anymore. Not like Rick needs him. In season 1, Morty was this bright-eyed kid who was new to the cosmos and the multiverse, who needed his grandpa there with him as they explored all these places together. But that's not him anymore. That's not them.
The promo has Morty using the portal gun to go somewhere w/o Rick's permission (i like to think it's boob world lol). It doesn't matter to me as much where he's going, as much as he's doing it alone. He doesn't just not need Rick there, he doesn't want him.
(Also correct me if im wrong but I've missed that sweet portal gun so much. I think the last ep was like- the first time this season we saw it).
Morty's response to Rick? "Replace me!". And wow. Wow. WOW. Morty doesn't give a FUCK! I think Rick thinks that because he's so smart, that he can offer so much, that Morty will come crawling back, and I don't think he will.
Hopes for the finale! Hmm. I mean, I definitely hope "evil" Morty makes a reappearance, haha. I think we all do tbh ;). I want to see some Morty development too, this season has been very Rick-centric (not that there's anything wrong with that!) so I wanna see what's in store for Our Boy. I really hope we get to see the Citadel again, and see the state it's in, but I doubt it. We know something super big is in store, it's just a question of what? Other hopes I have is some Summer + Beth action (please let them team up Im BEGGING) and Jerry too ahaha. I'd love if some other side characters made an appearance as well. Oh- I'm definitely expecting a dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the first half leading to the second half, with the kind of angsty music that leads into the credits (pls that shit is so good (OH WAIT imagine if it was like, for the damaged coda, but like- the chopin version or smth so it could be more subtle maybe bruhhhh)). Ok haha, maybe that's asking too much, the writers made it clear in the story train ep that they weren't gonna do that big dramatic showdown (... unless 👀). Oh, I'd also love some Premium Angst too, like someone getting kidnapped/nearly dying (like ACTUALLY nearly dying). These stakes better be so damn high I could spear a man on them! OH, also I remember androgynousblackbox (is that right? I hope it is) mentioned something along the lines that they could be driving Rick and Morty apart this season in order to have them come back together stronger than ever in an explosive finale, which, I'm strongly hoping for myself.
Thanks if you made it this far! If you have any thoughts on or hopes of your own for the finale please feel free to share! :D
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kaminohana · 3 years
the meme man full analysis
Yeehaw here we go. Analysis of Mikoto Kayano’s video and song, along with some theories about the many themes and symbols in the video. Note: If there’s any other supplemental material for him out there, I haven’t read it. This is just an analysis with the music video we were given. If I happen to miss stuff that was mentioned before, I may talk about it in another post lmao
I was SUPER invested in this video as I watched it and soon realized “Oh shit, I think Mikoto’s plural”. Cuz, you know, I’m plural too (not disclosing what kind) and it felt SO good to see some actual parallels to stuff I go through- though of course not to Mikoto’s degree.
That said, I feel I should make a disclaimer in passing: yes, portraying your only plural character as homicidal ain’t the best representation. But, you know, we’ve seen other cases like that in Milgram so I’m just gonna leave it at that. Personally, I’m not that offended because the execution is SO top-notch. Though, hey, I totally understand how this can be very frustrating to other systems to see plurality depicted in such an unhealthy light- if it’s not for you, it’s not for you.
Keep in mind the point of the Milgram series is to make you uncomfortable in so quickly incriminating someone; if you’re hesitating to determine someone as guilty, hey, that’s probably intended and good! It’s about personal decision, so I’m not going to judge you one way or the other in voting. I just find it fascinating how these videos can put us in such conflict. This is all just my own perspective, BTW, so if you disagree with some of these points, good! I’m just hoping to share my thoughts since I can make a lot of connections. I’m by no means an expert in plurality or tarot, I just have some background in both and decided to try my hand at this analysis, so I really don’t the final say on what’s going on in the video.
Now, onto the actual video analysis.
I’m sticking with the basic idea that Mikoto is split into two parts; his more loveable, gentler side, which I referred to in another post as Softboy Mikoto, and the more violent side which may be acting as a catharsis to his frustrations. I referred to this side previously as the Devil alter, as he is depicted with the Devil major arcana tarot card. I can see how this could be taken badly, so for now I’m just going to refer to him as the shadow alter. There are many themes of duality in the video, most commonly with the symbol of the half moon which appears so many times. Shadow of the moon etc etc. I’ll be bringing this up several times as I analyze the lyrics. I’ll be breaking down the lyrics as evidence to support the idea that Mikoto is plural, and to show how softboy Mikoto (and shadow alter Mikoto) view this particular relationship and how this culminates in murder. Sometimes I refer to Mikoto (as a whole), softboy Mikoto, or shadow alter Mikoto depending on what I’m trying to describe in the below.
First piece: the title. MeMe. Me x2. A dead giveaway, like Umbilical. Also, it can be a meme, which is interesting taking the definition of the word meme in this context: “an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means” (Oxford Dictionaries).  HMMMM. I know memes are generally within the context of a community, but I think it’s interesting to actually apply this to Mikoto. What exactly is being passed on? Could we argue that Mikoto’s frustrations from one of his parts is being passed on to the other? Interesting to think about, though it may not be relevant.
Going into the lyrics:
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So from here I’m guessing there was a point in Mikoto’s life where his plurality was not an issue; or, potentially, there was a time before his split. These were the good times.
Playing dead vs. being alive – representing duality. May refer to how, when one side has their way, the other is locked away in the headspace with no control, thus feeling like being dead. In the context of “if only”, perhaps he’s wishing that he just didn’t do anything if only to prevent things from getting this far.
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“If” I could end- I believe Mikoto (particularly softboy Mikoto) is saying “Hey, I have no control over my other side. If I did, would things still be the same? Would I still be ‘letting’ this happen?”
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“Keep it” and “hide it away” I feel like are both representative of his shadow alter and of the desires that alter represents. Many words related to destruction are tied to this alter, so it could be seen as Mikoto trying to hide those urges as well.
“’I’ will save ‘me’”- this is a very interesting line that I think very well encapsulates the shadow alter’s initial motives; he’s saying “hey, I’m going to take care of us,” I believe to try and convince softboy Mikoto to let him out. As far as if softboy Mikoto can actually “let” him out is TOTALLY up for debate.
Part of the reason I refer to the other alter as softboy Mikoto is because there are softer words I notice used by him in the song; here’s I’m seeing “snuggle”, so I think this side of him is more vulnerable and soft.
SWITCH, shake up that brain- wow couldn’t be any more obvious here
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This is where the chorus starts. This I think is from softboy Mikoto’s perspective, PARTICULARLY when he’s trapped in the headspace. There are many forms of plurality IRL in which alters cannot simultaneously front, so one or more are “pushed” back into the headspace. This very act occurs several times throughout the song in the weird minimalist vaporwave shadow realm room, where the tarot cards are. During this time, we can assume that is when the shadow alter is fronting. Softboy Mikoto slowly starts to become more helpless and fearful in this space as the song goes on, and this is where he makes his celtic cross tarot spread that quite frankly defines the whole song. I discussed that in my other post.
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Another facet of plurality that is applied here is amnesia, which is common, especially when alters are pushed back to the headspace. Within the headspace, there may be a lack of awareness to the outside world, which Mikoto seems to express in his confused sentiments like the above (in the video, he is also scratching his head, which as a gesture can represent being confused). “Why am I here?” can act as a double entendre, both referring to “Why have I suddenly been pushed to this headspace?” as well as the whole point of Milgram- “Why am I in prison?”. He may not be aware of exactly what he did, hence why he feels it’s a mistake. He may be experiencing amnesia of what his shadow alter is doing, so he doesn’t even know what crime he committed. However, he at least has enough awareness to tell someone else is present in his body doing things, so he begs the viewer “Hey, just watch whatever my body is doing and it’ll all eventually make sense. I don’t have access to this information, but you do.” I thought this was an interesting fourth wall break.
The truth revealing itself could also be the truth coming to light from the particular tarot reading he does in the headspace; note that the cards only seem to be appear in this place and not in the outside world. So softboy Mikoto is trying to figure out what’s going on this way. If he can’t figure it out himself, maybe the cards can give him some direction.
Another duality- “I won’t forgive you if you reveal the truth” vs. “However I know I’m right when I say I’m innocent”. Or he could be right about something else.
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I’m wondering if the breaking here is just reflecting the shadow alter or is softboy Mikoto actually wishing he could end the shadow alter. He at least wants things to change; the way things are right now is not something he’s okay with. Though, it sounds like he isn’t getting help with this and has no idea if he can even arrest full control again. It seems at this point, this has been going on for a while so he’s stopped trying.
In the video, the shadow alter is doing a GREAT job hiding the evidence; while of course probably just trying to not get caught, the shadow alter may also be trying to hide his crime from softboy Mikoto so he’s none the wiser.
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He’s hoping he can be rid of the shadow alter side, but I think he also is dumping all his difficult feelings onto the shadow alter. Maybe he feels its some sort of release, even if he can’t control it, so he feels a lot of guilt over the shadow alter’s existence, even though that alter is serving a purpose as a conduit for those emotions.
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I really really think though that there IS some connection between softboy Mikoto and shadow alter Mikoto. Maybe they are both truly aware of each other, hence the scene where they are viewing each other through the mirror. I think here, softboy Mikoto might be admitting that it feels good to let the shadow alter out, like a hug. The “minus energy” probably refers to the shadow alter.
“Maybe it’s okay that we’re separated like this?” he wonders. There seems to be a sense of feeling alive at least that is conveyed through the shadow alter.
SPLIT IN HALF- yeah, again, pretty encompassing.
In the video, I think this is when we have a switch, as Mikoto’s expression changes in the outside world mirror.
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The chorus again, softboy Mikoto is shoved into the vaporwave shadow realm headspace. He’s asking the audience to investigate him here, but I also like to joke that he’s like “uwu look at me I could never harm anybody, pwease let me out”, which may be true only so far as softboy Mikoto is out.
I wonder if in “I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me” is directed at the shadow alter instead of the audience? Like softboy Mikoto is saying “I swear to god if you murdered someone im gonna be so pissed, but I also already kinda know it’s happening.” Just another take.
In the video, softboy Mikoto is THROWN into the headspace, where he is gifted with just one hint of what’s going on: The Devil tarot card.
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You DARE accuse Miette of murder? Oh! 1000 years jail for Milgram viewer!
Now the vaporwave space starts to turn into a bloody mess; perhaps now softboy Mikoto is starting to put two and two together.
“Hurting it, holding it down, it doesn’t change anything, does it”- I definitely understand this being plural, like if your alters are causing problems, you may try and chastise them, or you may try and lock them away deep inside, but that often doesn’t stop them from existing. It’s really cool how that idea is present here. Like YES that’s how it is quite often. So even if softboy Mikoto TRIES to smother or accuse his shadow alter, that’s not going to change anything.
It being the same anywhere he goes makes me think he’s been putting up with this for a long time, that it’s not about what environment he’s in because his shadow alter is with him everywhere he goes.
“It’s like what’s wrong isn’t wrong”- may be referring to multiple things:
-the shadow alter having a different morality (hence why murder is okay for him, his indulgence in smokes and…redbull/alcohol, etc)
-OR, how softboy Mikoto’s amnesia isn’t letting him understand the full picture so everything is okay when he’s out fronting (shadow alter cleaned the place up and stuff, perhaps hiding all evidence of murder)
-“I’m already the fake one”- a very common sentiment for plural folks, worrying if you as an alter aren’t “the original” or if you’re not actually split and it’s something you’re making up, etc. I think softboy Mikoto is having these feelings. Poor boy, wish we could get you some therapy instead :/ (all of Milgram would be very different if only most of these people could get therapy, let’s be honest)
Now, what’s special here is that BOTH alters are in the headpace, with shadow alter Mikoto looming ominously behind softboy Mikoto.
During this next instrumental, just a side note: we see what’s going on through security footage. The security cameras reflecting a third person perspective is kind of neat in context of pluralism, where someone else fronting can feel like a third person awareness to another alter. I may be thinking too much into this one, but it’s a fun connection.
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Another thing many plural folk go through: DISSOCIATION FROM REALITY. Ah yes, my good friend dissociation. Especially like in Mikoto’s case, where the consequences of being split have drastic consequences, he could be running away from the truth which may always be partially concealed to him. Something’s VERY wrong, he knows this for sure, and it may be at this point he really realizes “Oh shit. I just committed murder.” But instead of taking responsibility in any way, he’s trying to imagine that it’s a fabricated reality. I’m not going to say if this makes him bad or not, but it is a known coping mechanism.
I know I mention that the bad habits of smoking and drinking may be the shadow alters habits, but they could also be softboy Mikoto’s own methods of escapism, which definitely fits with the above lyrics. “I need to wake up soon”- but he still realizes that he’s going to have to face the harsh truth of reality soon.
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Now this point indicates a marked change in softboy Mikoto and shadow alter Mikoto’s relationship: I believe there may be a time when softboy Mikoto expects to come back out to the front, but now the shadow alter is starting to take over fully and keep softboy Mikoto locked inside. This is supported by the Outcome card in his celtic cross spread being The Devil. Not only does this card have its own meanings, but here it may mean that the more violent side of him takes over.
Again, don’t know if he’s talking to the audience or his shadow alter in never forgiving this outcome. I believe softboy Mikoto does have a clearer morality in that murder is NOT okay, and if he were to fully acknowledge that he as a whole was capable of that, I think he’d break down. So he’s like “it better NOT be true” because he doesn’t know how he’d be able to deal with that.
Interesting in the video is when Mikoto snaps and the headspace turns red again; I would think this is when the shadow alter is entering the scene and taking over. The snap here is symbolic of the switch.
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Now presumably softboy Mikoto is like “PWEASE WET ME OUT MISTEW OBAMA”, which, again with the double meaning, can refer to letting him out of the vaporwave shadow realm headspace OR letting him out of prison. Both apply.
“That it’s a lie
That I’m right”- a nice duality here. Mikoto is having difficulty separating the truth from reality.
Also NOW he is forgiving. Forgiveness vs not forgiveness (grudge)
I think it’s gotten so bad that he’s like “okay fine. Fine if I committed murder, fine if you’re accusing me of murder, but please help me understand what’s going on. Let me out”. Maybe he’ll forgive the shadow alter if only he fesses up to the murder.
Of note for the scene however is that shadow alter Mikoto is holding up The Fool card, which represents softboy Mikoto in this case. “I’m right” may be the shadow alter’s sentiment.
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Then, all the cards show up in more detail, all depicting weapons instead of the standard minor arcana that you might see in your standard Rider Waite tarot deck (which these are based off of). The Wands are baseball bats, the Swords are kitchen knives, the Cups are…poison cans? Acid? The Pentacles are….records but I can see these being rotary saws if you squint. The Wheel of Fortune has car wheels with a snake….GTA time baby (the snake being hidden danger, the devil’s temptation, etc). The chariot is a really weird motorcycle death machine. I was thinking how like, people would drag people along behind them while driving a vehicle as a method of torture so there is that.
Now we see some cards not in the original spread- I think this represents shadow alter Mikoto inserting himself into the headspace and changing things to fit his goals. We see a couple placed in the original spread, but some don’t and are just free-floating, but you’ll see below we have enough context to decipher their meaning.
First, it’s the Page of Pentacles, which has taken over the position of the 7 of swords as the current challenge affecting the issue. This card indicates “Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development”. I think this means the shadow alter is finally learning to take full control.
Then we see the reverse 2 of swords, which represents “Indecision, confusion, information overload, stalemate”. This could probably represent softboy Mikoto not suddenly understanding why the shadow alter is ALSO in the headspace. Maybe his dual presence in the outside world AND the headspace is indicative of exactly when he learned to take full control. This was NOT in Mikoto’s original spread.
Wheel of Fortune again, which was in the original spread. “Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control”. Yup, that confirms it.
Next, the Five of Swords from the original spread comes up. “Conflict, tension, loss.png, defeat, win at all costs, betrayal”. Softboy Mikoto is now being completely taken over. There is a facedown card on the chair. This might be the one that reads as Death later, so it may be that softboy Mikoto is…KILLED OFF?
Cup of Ace, “Love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion”. I think this one is also meant to represent softboy Mikoto, but it could be that the shadow alter sees it as an act of mercy to take full control for softboy Mikoto. Maybe he feels his alter can’t handle reality and he’s going to take over full time. Or more likely he just has ulterior motives.
Reverse King of Cups. “emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility”. Softboy Mikoto was lead along, thinking it was okay to leave things to the shadow alter or to exist alongside him. Now we see that isn’t a viable solution.
Reverse Five of Wands. “conflict avoidance, diversity, agreeing to disagree”.  I went over this more in the other post.
Chariot is the last one, WHICH ALSO WAS NOT IN THE ORIGINAL SPREAD. “Control, willpower, success, action, determination”. The shadow alter Mikoto has taken full control. Which is very quickly followed by…
Shadow alter Mikoto drawing Death. Also not in the original spread. Perhaps effectively “killing off” softboy Mikoto and betraying him.
Concluding Thoughts.
Now, I understand I do take most of these lyrics from softboy Mikoto’s perspective, but I’m sure there’s a layer of deception added on by his shadow alter. The Challenge card of the 7 of swords did represent betrayal. So softboy Mikoto’s only context into what’s going on outside may be his headspace tarot reading. If you want to question some of the lyrics, or even think one of the alters is lying, that would add SO much to the complexity of the situation, and I wouldn’t put it past the Milgram team to add something like that.
Common Themes/Symbols:
The mirror, both in the headspace and in the outside world bathroom
The Hanged Man- in a painting in the headspace and on Mikoto’s shirt. Indicative of being wrongly accused or martyred. Softboy Mikoto is likely represented with this, as well as The Fool. The Fool painting probably is there to show that he doesn’t know any better, that he is without the knowledge of what his shadow alter is doing (or doesn’t believe he’s doing anything wrong)
The Half Moon- a light side and a dark side. Pretty self-explanatory. Symbolically, it can also represent life and death. NICE.
Sorry if the conclusions end up being kind of vague. That’s the way a lot of this video is; what’s really going on, as it usually is, is up to viewer interpretation at this stage. I was just hoping to provide a bit of context into the images in the video, plural life, and narrator interpretation. I just really love this video and after this full analysis hope others can at least appreciate the work that went into it.
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ewwhothefuckiski · 4 years
More Than Friends- Owen Patrick Joyner
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Requested: @teti-menchon0604
"Heyyyy!!! I was wondering if I could request a Owen x reader where the reader and Owen are best friends but they act more like a couple than best friends ( like always hugging, cuddling, holding hands, etc.) Tha cast gets tired of it so they plan something to make them confess that they like each other and when they do confess they get together. 😊😊😊"
TW: swearing?, Nothing but fluff really
Edited by: @clean-bands-dirty-stories (let's be honest, this would have been horrible without them)
Word Count: 1k+
A/N: Shout-out to @im-not-fine and @bonobos-candy-bar for helping me with an idea for this one 🤍 also, sorry this one is kinda short
Taglist: @im-not-fine @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was @winterberryfox @thedepthsofhell @headheartbellarke @bonobos-candy-bar @lmaohuh @theluketomypatterson (request to be added)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
There had always been undeniable chemistry between Y/N and Owen; everyone could tell. They all saw the way the two looked at each other. It had been months worth of attempts to get them together, each one falling flat. Frankly, everyone was tired of watching them flirt endlessly, just to deny their feelings for each other if it was ever brought up. Especially the two involved.
Owen had been the first to break. It was really Charlie’s fault. He had been pestering Owen about the mystery girl that kept popping up again and again, ever since he saw Owen place a kiss on her forehead at the airport.
"Is that your girlfriend?" Charlie asked first thing to Owen as they loaded the girls’ luggage into the trunk.
Owens' face turned bright red, and when he spoke, his tone was defensive. "What? No."
That only made Charlie smile wider. "But you like her?"
Owen glared at Charlie, closing the trunk. "We're just friends." His tone was final… mostly.
Charlie had dropped the subject, but he had started picking up on little things here and there that slowly began to pile up. Like how they would glance at each other and smile when the other wasn't looking, or how they held hands literally all the time. Charlie noticed how whenever Y/N looked at Owen, he seemed to glow, his smile lighting up the entire room. How just Owen’s mere presence was so distracting to Y/n.
Madi was the next to notice. She noticed how Y/N seemed to have a pink tint to her cheeks whenever Owen placed a kiss on her head, or even when he just smiled at her. Madi also noticed how whenever they had to drag Owen away for filming, it was like Y/N's spirit was taken with him. The poor girl deflated, dismal and distracted until Owen returned. Pleasant to be around, and nice and kind, but nowhere near as enthusiastic as when her favorite blonde giant was around.
It wasn't long before the whole cast saw the way they looked at each other. Each of them made it their personal mission to get the two together before the end of the year.
They just didn't think it would be this difficult.
They had tried every trick in the book. They scheduled a "group dinner" and conveniently didn't show up. They tried playing Truth or Dare, but Owen and Y/N always picked truth, and whenever they were asked about their feelings it was the same answer.
"We're just friends."
Eventually, the cast grew restless. The end of the year was approaching fast and they still hadn't gotten together. It was getting more painful to watch the two pine for each other every day, and while it was adorable, it was also getting painful to watch.
"Alright guys, I have a plan." Savannah announced one day, waking into the room and sitting on the couch.
"What for?" Jeremy asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked up from his phone.
"Getting Y/N and Owen together of course!" She laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "And I know just how we're gonna do it."
Charlie sat up and gave Savannah his full attention. "What's the plan boss?"
Savannah grinned at his eagerness before launching into it. "Well, we've tried to get them to admit their feelings for each other nicely, and that's where we messed up." Charlie nodded, the rest of the cast silently agreeing. "So, this time, we don't give them a choice."
"What do you plan on doing, lock them in a closet?" Jeremy asked, rolling his eyes at Sav.
"Exactly!" She said, pointing her fingers at Jeremy. "We're gonna lock them in the old broom closet until they admit their feelings to each other."
"How do we get them in there?" Madi asked, looking up from her phone.
"We could just push them in there." Charlie suggested, shrugging his shoulders. "I can do Owen, Sav can do Y/N."
"Perfect!" Savannah yelled, high fiving Charlie. It was a truly desperate attempt, but at this point they were all ready to try just about anything. "Tomorrow?” Everyone nodded and Sav proudly settled on, “Tomorrow it is.”
The next day came, and by some miracle Owen and Y/N hadn't noticed the mischievous looks the cast shared. To be fair, they had been too busy rehearsing Owens lines for his next scene - being professional… or maybe they were just too busy staring at each other to notice the others. As usual.
Finally it came time to strike.
"Hey Owen, could you come help me move this prop?" Charlie asked, knowing wherever Owen went, Y/N would follow.
"Yeah sure!" Owen smiled, offering his hand to Y/N. She gratefully took it, standing up and placing the script down.
Charlie led them down the hallway, approaching a waiting Savannah who held open the closet door with a smirk on her face. "It's right in here." Charlie said, pointing to the broom closet.
"Really? In the broom-" Owen didn't have time to finish his sentence as Charlie pushed him inside, Savannah quickly pushing Y/N in with him. Savannah was quick to shut the door and lock it, thanking the repairman who put the knob on the outside of the door. "SAVANNAH!" Owen yelled, rattling the doorknob as he banged on the door. "What’s going on?"
"You and Y/N are stuck in there until you admit your feelings for each other." Charlie yelled, smirking as he heard Owen groan.
"Just tell her you're in love with her already!" Savannah sighed, crossing her arms.
"You-You're in love with me?" Y/N gasped, turning to face Owen. She immediately blushed as she realized just how close they really were, the closet not leaving much room to spare.
Owen felt his cheeks heat up as well, his stomach churning. He felt something clog his throat as she stared up at him with expecting eyes, and he swallowed hard to try and dislodge it. Honestly… why not be honest? He wasn’t getting out of here until he was it seemed. "Y-Yeah I am. I have been for a while now." Owen stumbled over the first word, scratching the back of his neck. Y/N felt her heart stop as he spoke. She swore the whole world itself had stopped moving. "I-Its ok if you don't feel the same. I just-"
Y/N cut off Owen's rambling by pressing her lips to his, her hand reaching up to his neck, pulling him into her. Owen sighed as he kissed her back, his hands grabbing her hips, his stomach fluttering with butterflies.
Charlie and Savannah, who had their ears pressed onto the door, gasped and jumped for joy as they heard Owens' confession be silenced by Y/N. There was no doubt in either of their minds what was going on in there. They’d done it. Finally!
Savannah was quick to announce the news to the group chat and it wasn't long before Madi was running down the hallway screaming, "NO WAY IT FINALLY HAPPENED?"
Y/N and Owen pulled apart, laughing at Madi, resting their foreheads against each other.
"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" He tried to keep quiet, but he could hear the others outside making noises of celebration.
Y/N giggled, unphased by the dorks outside, and pulled Owen in for another soft kiss. Just before their lips touched she whispered, "I'd love to."
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