#i: rand x moiraine
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@fclieadeuxx sent: 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪. 𝔘𝔰𝔢 𝔦𝔱.
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               ˜”*°•.     More  and  more  difficult  was  it  becoming ;  to  tell  the  truth  from  the  lie ,  the  reality  from  the  delusion .  His  gaze  moved  to  Moiraine  -  was  she  hurt  ?  The  sight  feeling  so  real ,  the  blood  looking  so  true ,  yet  it’d  happened  before .   The  Dark  Lord  teasing  him  with  fairytales  -  as  if  his mind  was  a  playground  to  play  in .   Her  voice  barely  reached  his  ears .  Dreaming ,  it  was  just  a  dream .   But  what  if  it  wasn’t  ?   What  if  she  was  indeed  on  the  ground  ?  What  if  the  monsters  were  real ?  What  if  they  were  going  to  die  if  he  stood  there  doing  nothing ?
For  a  brief  moment  gaze  met  hers .  Time  was  moving  slow ,  too  slow .  But it’d  happened  so  fast  -  monsters  coming  out  of  nowhere ,  his  bow  thrown  away ,  Moiraine  attacked .  She  was  right .  He  could  fight  them ,  he  could  stop  them  -  the  cost  barely  of  importance  now  .  Focus . He was the Dragon Reborn , he could channel . Yet, the fear felt blinding , and the monsters were everywhere . Focus. The world had to be saved - Moraine had to be saved.
Power .  It  was  power  running  through  every  inch  of  his  body .  Filling  veins  and  mind  its  sense  felt  almost  hypnotizing .  Light .  Light  engulfed  arms  and  body,  everything  for  a  moment  feeling  like  a  lie .  Egwene .  Her face still vivid in his head . it  was  for  her .  It  was  all  for  her .  She  needed  Moraine more than she needed him .  She  needed  guidance .  She  needed  to  make  her  dreams  come  true .  She needed to have a life - she deserved to have a life .
He  opened  his  eyes ,  power  suddenly  washing  over  the  whole  place  -  monsters  pushed  away ,  killed .  His mind still bewitched within the grasp of power . And  yet ,  he  didn’t  even  give  them  a  second  look .  He  rushed  over  Moiraine  instead ,  knelt  next  to  her .  ❝ Are  you  alright ? ❞  He  asked ,  worry  creeping  into  both  his  face  and  tone .    He  couldn’t  afford  losing  her  right  now . The world couldn't afford it.
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pillowfriends · 2 months
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omg I can't believe they put "Siuan Sanche waits for only one woman. and it's not you" in the TGH comics. iconic
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lookingforcactus · 1 year
btw I know a lot of people didn't like it but with "We tried your approach," Siuan did kind of have a point!
Like, obviously there are extenuating circumstances. Like the fact that, when Rand left, they (I think????) had no idea that he would still urgently be needed because they didn't yet realize what had actually happened
Also, the fact that Moiraine is a mess who WISHES she had something as strong as duct tape to hold herself together (or would, if she knew what duct tape was)
but like... as soon as Moiraine realized what had really happened, arguably, in terms of the big picture, she ABSOLUTELY should've gone to Siuan about it
She thinks the fate of the world requires her protecting Rand, and she's having a giant crisis about the fact that she doesn't think she can do that (especially alone and without the One Power)
And....yeah, I do think that as soon as Moiraine realized she probably couldn't protect Rand - or even that they were fucked and she needed to FIND him - she should've gone to someone with the power to actually help her about it
Tactically, she SHOULD have availed herself of the massive resources that were 1) Lan's help, and 2) the much more massive resource of the Amyrlin Seaet being her co-conspiritor
But she didn't. Because she was emotionally compromised.
Her reasons for not doing that are understandable. Clearly, her response when in this much pain is to lock everything down and trust no one and give nothing away, which, like, fucking relatable tbh
But tactically, letting herself indulge that, and continue indulging it for so long, esp when she had to go on the run with Rand and wasn't sure she could protect him? That was a mistake
She could've probably got Siuan's help setting them up somewhere hidden for training boot camp (though it seems like the show is saying they maybe need a male magic user to train Rand??? but not sure), and actually used some of those six months getting him trained
But she didn't. And now Lanfear has got Rand, and just about all the cards, too
Siuan obviously didn't handle things perfectly either. But she was also right, at least about this part of things
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reformedmoth · 1 year
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Rand & Moiraine 2x04, Rand & Selene 2x02
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We. Are. WoT FaaaMily~ (pt.2)
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Egwene is the sister that you tell everything to. She may slip up and tell your business, but you can always count on her to make it right with you in the end. She is loyal, she is funny, she is driven, she is the moment—aHeM...sorry no bias, no bias— she is 100% going to help you with your earth and fire weaves, but she'll want the credit publicly and will occasionally trip you while both walk the tower grounds then run away laughing with dish water sloshing everywhere.
Egwene - sister of the same age.
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Rand. Raaaaaand...Rand, Rand, Rand. At this point he can't really be related or this becomes Game of Thrones. So, Rand is that boy who became a warder-in-training just to flirt with your sister. He's the kind of guy who will hang around you and be brotherly because he wants to marry your sibling. He sneaks you cool gifts, he even keeps the secrets you don't tell family. He grows on you, so you root for the goofy boy in the end.
Rand - aiight, fine. Brother-in-law.
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Siuan Sanche.
Oh. I've dug myself into a ditch. She can't be a crush if she's—
And she can't be kissing step-cousin Moiraine if she's mother (like actual mother this time).
I've effectively killed my own ship. WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS??
Ah, okay. Siuan is warm, gentle, and stern. If you act out of line you will get dealt with, but she will also thoroughly explain why you are in trouble and how you can ethically make up for it. She has a story for every conflict and question you ask, so be ready for fish references. You always leave her counsel with clarity and a skip in your step.
Siuan - ooooof, she'd be perfect for a maternal role but #shipaboveallelse cousin in-law?? Because she's with Moiraine so cousin-in-law. Step.
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Things Rand learns about Moiraine in the course of five minutes in 02 x 05:
She is from Cairhien.
Her family is RICH. Like marry the Queen rich.
She has a sister and a nephew.
That weird lady who told him the Hunt for the Horn isn’t real and how the rich people in Cairhien disdain the people in the Foregate is her sister.
(Maybe that she’s a Damodred, but I don’t think of Rand as a real history buff so idk if that will mean anything to him.)
She hasn’t seen her family in 20 years.
They don’t know Lan.
Things Rand knew about Moiraine before 02 x 05:
She once had trouble channeling when she was learning to be an Aes Sedai.
(Maybe that she is a lady from a fallen house - depends if he believed/remembered that comment she made to the whitecloaks.)
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suckerforcate · 11 months
The Wheel's Will
Pairing: Moiraine SedaixReader
Word Count: 3975
Warning: panic attack, character badly hurt, sex, thigh riding, cunnilingus
Request: Hi, I like your fanfics aloot, could you write a moraine x reader where there’s romance angst and smut of course. Where reader is one of the five, and with the time they fell in love 🥰 for the angst something about moraine get hurt very badly in some battle and reader doesn’t know how to channel and they couldn’t help her or maybe a fight between the of them (@nohajnsstuff)
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A/n: I hope you like it and it's how you imagined it @nohajnsstuff !!!
It had been a long day. The five of you, Moiraine and Lan had travelled far and without break. The sun bad set an hour ago, and it was hard to really see anything between the trees. But Lan kept saying that you couldn't rest here, it was too dangerous. You had to travel further.
You were all tired and didn't really concentrate on your surroundings anymore, when a few Trollocs shot out of the dark. The last time they had crossed your path was at home, in the village. That had been almost a month ago, you had all seen Nynaeve die that day because of these monsters.
Rand and Lan grabbed their swords and jumped off the horses and Moiraine started channelling to fight the Trollocs. Perrin, Egwene, Mat and you felt absolutely useless. You couldn't channel, nor did you have a weapon that would help you in a fight. All you could do was watch and try to scare the Trollocs away with your horses.
Even though it was scary and a situation like this meant fearing for your life, you were being distracted by Moiraine. Sitting on her horse, concentrating, she was channelling and the weaves around her made her look incredibly beautiful. She was the only Ais Sedai you had ever seen, but you were sure no one looked as good as Moiraine when channelling.
Rand was distracted by a Trolloc to your left and Lan was fighting two at a time. So he saw the Trolloc approaching Moiraine just a second to late. When he killed him, his sword had already found its way into Moiraine's shoulder.
You let out a scream and jumped off your horse. Moiraine slowly fell off of hers and Lan caught her mid-air. Rand turned around ready to kill more Trollocs, but froze as he saw Moiraine.
You kneeled at Moiraine's side and pulled her shirt to the side, exposing the wound. Your breath hitched and fear was clearly written all over your face. The others came over as well and Egwene gasped as she saw the wound.
"She can heal herself, right?" You looked at Lan hopeful, but his eyes told you everything. Panic rose in you, "Right?".
"An Ais Sedai can heal everyone else, but never herself." Your eyes flickered up to Lan and back to Moiraine's face, distorted by pain.
"It's alright, (Y/n). I'm fine." Moiraine's voice came out thin and broken. She was not fine, that was clear to all of you standing around her.
Lan looked around you, into the darkness of the woods. He was worried that the Trollocs would come back. He looked at Moiraine and then at the five of you.
"We can't stay here, it's too dangerous. There might be more Trollocs on their way. Can you stand up and ride Moiraine?" She nodded carefully and with your help she stood up. She had a hard time getting up on her horse, but once she was sitting in the saddle it was fine.
You kept an eye on her, riding right beside her at all times. Lan was occupied with looking for Trollocs and a safe place to spend the night and the others were talking to keep their mind off of the things they had seen.
You were incredibly worried. Moiraine's face lost more and more colour, she looked weaker by the minute. The Trolloc poison was infiltrating her. You rode so close to her that you could reach over if she couldn't hold herself up anymore.
"You don't have to do this, (Y/n)." Moiraine looked at you and chuckled, but it came out weaker than usual. Proving your point, that you did have do this.
"Your weak, your skin looks like snow. I won't let you fall off the horse, cause you can't hold yourself up anymore. Let's just hope Lan finds some place to rest. You'll be alright in no time." You wanted to convince yourself more than Moiraine, but she just nodded.
Luckily not much later Lan decided that you could rest now. He had found a clearing with a lot of dry wood to make a fire. You had to keep Moiraine warm, it was the least you could do.
You helped Moiraine down and made her a place to lay down that was a little more comfortable than the bare ground. You didn't leave her side for one second until the next morning.
"Lan, she looks even worse than yesterday. She's white as snow and the wound is getting infected or something. I don't know. We have to get to the Tower, fast." He nodded, you knew that he could feel her pain, all of it. It was hard for you to just see her like this. You couldn't imagine what it must be like for him.
"She can't ride on her own. I'll take her." You went back and woke her up, she was barely awake. Constantly on the verge of unconsciousness. Perrin and Mat helped you get her up on your horse and the seven of you left the clearing.
Egwene rode beside you, looking nearly as worried as you. She gave you a comforting smile, but you weren't sure she believed it herself.
"She'll be alright. She's strong." Perrin said over his shoulder to the two of you. Rand was the only one not saying anything about Moiraine. He had been suspicious of her from the beginning. He annoyed you, she had healed his father, and yet he didn't seem to care about her at all.
A single tear rolled down your cheek, and you held Moiraine closer to you, as if you could prevent her from slipping into unconsciousness completely, if you just held onto her tight enough.
"Be strong, hold on Moiraine. Please." You whispered into her ear and felt her slightly move her head as an answer. Perrin was right, she was strong. She would be okay.
Even when it felt like the wheel didn't want her to be okay. Trollocs attacked you again. Lan and Rand were good, but not that good. There were too many for them to fight on their own. So Lan led you to Shadar Logoth.
It was quiet and abandoned, no one would attack you here. You were safe. Or so you thought.
Lan and you cared for Moiraine. She was still unconscious and very weak. You tried to clean her wound a bit, but it didn't help very much.
"We need Nynaeve. She would know something to do." Egwene stood behind you, looking over your shoulder.
"She would probably be too stubborn to help her." You spat out. It was true, Nynaeve could be incredibly stubborn. Annoyingly stubborn. But she had been Egwene's best friend.
"I'm sorry. I wish Nynaeve was here too." You tried to smile at Egwene, but it came out lopsided and sad. She smiled back and left the hall to look for the others.
A few minutes past before you heard high-pitched screams from the outside. Except for Moiraine, Lan and you all the others were outside. You looked at Lan with panic in your eyes. He stood up and went looking for what was happening. Leaving you and Moiraine alone in the darkness.
As you covered Moiraine with your jacket she woke up and looked around confused. If you remembered correctly, the last time she was awake you had still been in the forest, on your horse. She looked horrible and yet so beautiful. Her face pale as the snow, dark rings around her eyes and hair sticking to her face.
"Where are we?" She whispered. You looked around but couldn't see Lan.
"In some sort of hall in... I think Lan said, it was called Shadar Logoth." Moiraine's weak eyes widened, and she grabbed your hand.
"Where is Lan?" As you turned around to look for him, he was already there. He must have felt, that she was awake. They looked at each other for a second before Moiraine shook her head.
"You've killed us all."
Lan picked Moiraine up and carried her towards the door. Hastily you followed them.
"What's happening?" You left the hall and immediately took a step back, colliding with the closed door behind you.
A black shadow was crawling over everything. The buildings, the stones and floors. It wasn't getting closer, it was rather leaving. Like it was following something, or someone.
"Something dark has been awakened here. Come on, we have to leave." You got on your horse and Lan helped you get Moiraine up in front of you. He got on his own horse and rode off. You followed him, holding Moiraine as close to yourself as you could. You felt her get unconscious again, body falling limp against yours.
"What about the others? We can't leave them!" You shouted at Lan and as he didn't answer you already thought he didn't hear you. But as you crossed the city limits he turned his head around and looked at you.
"We'll find them again." You nodded, feeling paralysed and just followed him. Holding onto Moiraine for dear life.
You rode until you were hidden in the darkness between the trees. Lan jumped off of his horse and helped you put Moiraine down in the soft grass. She was fading away. You didn't need a bond with her to know that.
"I've learnt a bit from Nynaeve. Maybe I can find some herbs that'll still the poison from doing its work. But that's just temporary. We have to get to the Tower."
"Do it. We'll rest for an hour, and then we'll ride to the Tower." So you got to work. You found a few herbs and made a paste out of them.
Going to Moiraine you uncovered the wound and cleaned it a bit. Before you put the paste on, you stroked her cheeks gently.
"This'll hurt Moiraine. It'll sting, but you're strong. You can do this, and in no time we'll be in the Tower, and they can heal you. Everything will be okay." You weren't even sure if she could hear you, but the words were probably more important to you than to her.
Gently you spread the herbs over the wound and the infected parts around it and covered her shoulder with some linen. You sat down in the grass next to her and covered your face with your hands.
Without any warning a sob escaped you. Your body started to shake uncontrollably and tears streamed down your face. All the pressure of the last months, especially since Moiraine was hurt, crushed you beneath its weight.
It felt like your lungs weren't working properly anymore, no air found its way into your system. You couldn't breathe. Your chest felt tight, and the tears didn't stop falling down your face. Panicking you looked up and searched Lan with your eyes.
He was by your side in mere seconds. Kneeling down he held your hand and pulled you into a hug.
"Breath, (Y/n). Its alright, she will be fine. But you have to breathe." Slowly and gently he calmed you down and rocked you in his arms. You felt silly, breaking down like this, when he was right here calm and pulled together. He should be the one crying and panicking. The two of them were bonded, they knew each other longer, better.
After you had calmed down, the two of you packed everything and lifted Moiraine back onto your horse.
You rode day and night, stopping for few breaks. Never longer than one or two hours. You were exhausted, both. But all you could think of was Moiraine. You cleaned her wound, spread new paste, new herbs on it. But nothing really seemed to help.
Lan was strong, for the both of you. Still his facade started to crumble, you could see his fear, his panic growing. Every time he looked at Moiraine's pale, sweaty face.
It had been over a week since you had really slept. More than just a quick nap in between rides. Your whole body hurt, your arms became sore of holding Moiraine up on the horse all day. But it didn't matter, nothing mattered, except for her.
The sun was just rising when you saw the Tower for the first time between the treetops. You gasped and tears formed in your eyes. Relief washed over you and Lan didn't even try to hide his relief anymore.
As you rode through Tar Valon eyes were fixated on you from all sides. They all recognized Moiraine as an Ais Sedai. But you were riding so fast, you couldn't even see individual faces. They all blurred into one big crowd.
Entering the Tower with Moiraine in Lan's arms, multiple Ais Sedai were immediately at your side. Asking questions, wanting to know what happened. Lan dismissed them all and took you and Moiraine to the healers of the yellow ajah.
You were so tired it was hard to even stand up on your feet, so after the Ais Sedai looked for wounds on you, they led you to your own room. You didn't even have the power to argue anymore.
As soon as you had crawled onto the bed, you were asleep.
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As you woke up it was completely dark around you. You must have slept for quite a long time. For a second you weren't sure, where you were. But as you felt the soft fabric around you and the cool breeze on your face, you remembered what had happened.
Slowly you sat up and hugged your knees, looking outside into the starry night. You desperately wanted to see Moiraine, but you were scared what you would find if you left your room. You couldn't know for sure if she was alright, if she was still alive.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, when you took up enough courage to get up and leave your room. It could have been five minutes or two hours. You actually had no idea where to go, it was your first time in the Tower after all.
You wandered around a bit before you met a blue Ais Sedai and asked her if she knew where Moiraine was. Without another word she led you to a room close by and left you alone.
Scared of what you would find, you knocked a few times. Upon hearing Moiraine's voice call you in from behind the door, you slowly opened the door and stepped in.
Moiraine sat at her desk and looked up as she heard the door close behind you. She looked healthy, wasn't as pale anymore, and her hair fell over her shoulders, freshly washed.
Tears shot out of your eyes and your hand flew to your mouth trying to silence the sob, that escaped you. Moiraine shot up from her chair and rushed over to you.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Her brows were furrowed with worry and confusion.
You slowly raised your hands to her face and cupped her cheek. You needed to feel her under your fingers, to believe that she was actually real.
"You're alive." It came out quieter than planned but the two of you were so close that she still heard you.
Her lips formed a little grin as she wiped your tears away. "Of course I'm alive."
You shook your head violently: "You didn't see yourself, it was... Lan and I weren't sure you'd make it. You were so pale and weak. I didn't think I'd ever hear your voice again. Ever feel your touch again."
Moiraine's eyes widened for a second at that, but she pulled herself together and gently put a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I've experienced worse, love. Also, my job isn't done yet, and the Wheel knows-..." you cut her off by crashing your lips onto hers. She momentarily froze before grabbing your waist, pulling you closer to her and kissing back. You pull back and look her deep in the eyes, smiling shyly.
"Moiraine, I-", "Don't. Please, I wouldn't know what to do, if you're the Dragon and I would know that you- How you feel for me." You chuckle at her and stroke her cheek.
"Moiraine, I'm not the Dragon. We both know that. I'm older than the others and by far not powerful enough. It's probably Egwene or Rand, everyone can see that. And I-" you kissed her passionately before going on.
"I love you, Moiraine Sedai. And I'm so incredibly happy, that you're alive and well. I was so scared." She closed her eyes and turned her head away as if that would prevent the words from being true. You forced her to face you, even though she was still shaking her head in denial.
"Moiraine, you deserve to be loved." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at you with unspoken pain and fear in her eyes. You wished you could kiss the pain away, could give her the life she truly wanted.
She leaned forward and lightly graced your lips with hers before deepening the kiss. You pressed yourself against her, wanting to be as close as possible to her, feeling as much of her warmth as you could get.
The two of you stumbled backwards until Moiraine hit the bed and fell onto it. She pulled you with her, making you fall on top of her. You supported yourself on your hands on either side of her body and looked down at her.
"You are breathtakingly beautiful." She held your gaze for a moment before laughing and looking away. You were gently kissing her again while you started to take off her shirt and pulled it over her head. It found its way to the floor, just as your jacket and your shirt did.
"I didn't even take a bath, when we came here I fell asleep immediately, and then I came to see you." You panted between kisses, trying to get it out in a straight sentence. Moiraine just kept on kissing you and shook her head as an answer. She didn't care.
Your hand wandered down her body and lightly graced her left nipple. You planted kisses on her neck, over her collarbone and down to her shoulder. You stopped at her now healed wound and carefully stroked over it, before kissing it gently.
With your hand you squeezed her breast and played with her nipple, generating a low groan from Moiraine. You kissed her over her body further and further down. A kiss on her chest, on each breast and nipple, on her stomach and down to the rim of her skirt.
You opened the bow in the front and unwrapped her skirt, taking off all of her clothes completely and throwing them away as well. Having her completely naked right in front of you nearly made you giggle like a teenaged girl, but you managed to pull yourself together.
Your left hand remained on her breast and with the other hand you spread her legs open and held her in place at the waist. Softly you kissed her inner thighs and went upwards until you reached her core. A light kiss and blow on her centre made her shiver and a gasp escaped her. You gently spread her folds with your fingers and licked over her clit. She was practically dripping and you had just started. Your tongue played with her entrance before finding its way onto her clit again. You sucked and licked over it while your finger started to gently and slowly enter her. She shuddered at the touch and let out a low moan.
"(Y/n), please." With mischievous in your eyes you looked up at her and kept on going just as slow as before. You grinned at her before answering.
"Beg." Her eyes widened, and she stared at you, in utter disbelief. Moiraine Sedai didn't beg, and you knew that. But she would have to, if she wanted more.
"Please, (Y/n). Touch me, I need you." You loved the sound of that and as a reward you fastened your pace a little. Thrusting your finger in and out of her faster and sucking on her clit at the same time. After some time you used two fingers and felt her walls slowly tighten around your fingers.
"Oh god, I'm- that's good. Please, I'm close." She covered her mouth with her hand to prevent a loud moan from waking up the whole Tower. She pressed her eyes close together and pushed your head deeper into her as she felt herself getting closer and closer to the release. You licked her clit and simultaneously sucked at it and didn't stop as her release washed over her.
"Yes, love. That's it, ahhh..." With one last muffled scream and your name on her lips she came. Her walls clenched around your fingers, you slowly rode her through the orgasm before pulling your fingers out and licking them clean.
You crawled up again and grinned at her. Kissing her deeply, she could taste herself on your lips. She quietly moaned into the kiss and breathed heavily as you pulled back.
"You looked amazing like this, incredibly beautiful." You said as you stood up from the bed and started to take of the rest of your clothes until you were naked as well.
"Sit up and lean back on the headboard." You told her, it wasn't a question, and she immediately obeyed. She instinctively stretched out her leg and spread them to give you enough room to fit there.
Climbing onto the bed again you sat down on her thigh and let her feel how wet you were. She looked up at you, surprised and flustered that she had this effect on you. She must know, you thought, how beautiful and attractive she is.
Her hands few to your waist to support you, and slowly she started to move you up and down her thigh. At the first friction between your core and her thigh you let out a moan. You had wanted this for such a long time, wanted to feel her, touch her, be hers.
You quickened your pace and held on tightly to Moiraine's shoulders for more support. Her hands were still on your waist, and she swiftly took a nipple into her mouth, as your breasts were exactly in front of her face. At that surprising touch you let out a gasp and dug your nails into her skin.
"Oh, Moiraine. I'm so close-...ahhh..." you moaned her name like a mantra over and over again as you felt yourself approach the edge.
Holding your breath for a second and letting out a loud moan, that you didn't care if anyone heard, you came. Shuddering and gasping you collapsed in Moiraine's lap. She held you tightly as you came down from your high.
After the two of you had calmed down she kissed you gently and stood up to clean herself and came back with a wash cloth to clean you as well. Looking at her care for you, you smiled to yourself. You really didn't deserve her.
She came back to bed and covered you with the sheets and just as you snuggled closer the door opened and Lan came in.
He saw the state the two of you were in and immediately turned around to not make you uncomfortable. He knew Moiraine naked, but not you.
"I apologise. I should have knocked." Moiraine looked at you and you both just burst out laughing. All the stress and fear of the last few days felt so light and unimportant in that very moment. The only thing that matter right now was that you were together. You pulled the sheets a little higher and snuggled closer to Moiraine.
"You can turn around Lan. What is it?"
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markantonys · 2 months
Someone on Twitter: Rand was such an asshole in s1. They handled his character's stubbornness much better in s2. You're calling him an asshole? Based off one episode? I am a s1 Rand defender
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this is the worst take!!!! the only difference in rand's stubbornness in the two seasons is that in s1 all the trauma and upheavals are extremely fresh and also he still has some hope that he can get his life back, and so he's more argumentative and hot-tempered, whereas in s2 he's hopeless and downtrodden and so he's too tired to argue as much. in s1 his entire world was turned on its head, but by s2 he's had 6 months to settle into the new status quo, which is a shitty status quo even before he finds out he didn't actually defeat the dark one, so when moiraine does come to tell him that, he's more like "[deep sigh] you know those days where you're like, this might as well happen". the reason he doesn't try and fight her in s2 is because he's long accepted he can't go back home again, not because he was an asshole in s1 but is written differently/better in s2. (also, it's almost like coming-of-age stories involve the heroes becoming more mature and better at managing their emotions as the story progresses. imagine that!)
it really is insane how harshly s1 rand is judged for having normal human emotions re: getting dumped and being led away on a life-threatening quest by an extremely shady wizard. i'm sure many of the haters would handle all that way worse than rand did if they were in his shoes! (plus when you look at the other kids: mat and perrin have painful memories in the two rivers (childhood trauma & laila) and so are not that opposed to leaving, while egwene is interested in becoming an aes sedai and so not that opposed, so naturally rand has the most reason to dig his heels in and resist being taken away.)
i think it kinda stems from our human tendency to see all conflicts as A Bad Guy vs. A Good Guy. rand & moiraine both have valid and understandable reasons for clashing (rand is scared and doesn't want to leave home; moiraine is acting for the good of the world) as do rand & egwene (rand is hurting over the breakup and upset that egwene's trying to act like nothing happened and get back with him now that her first choice of being a wisdom fell through; egwene is scared and wants to cling to the comfort and familiarity of their relationship after her whole life was overturned). but people's instinct is to make someone the bad guy in every argument, and so they give that title to rand. we see that time and again in the books too - WOT is really quite good about having the heroes disagree and have conflicts with each other even though they share the same broad goals, but fandom always simplifies it down to "X character is Right and A Good Guy, Y character is Wrong and A Bad Guy". (rand & egwene with the seals: egwene is the bad guy. rand & elayne with the dragon banners: elayne is the bad guy. egwene & gawyn with their TOM relationship negotiations: gawyn is the bad guy. mat & the wondergirls constantly: the girls are the bad guys on reddit, but mat might be the bad guy if you ask some people on tumblr.)
in conclusion, i will leave you with some of my earliest thoughts on rand as a show-only. he immediately came off to me as a walking green flag, and that opinion only strengthened as the season went on! him getting angry and having emotions never soured my opinion of him, it just made him feel real and human! so the haters can suck it, their experiences are not universal.
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(i think this was from only about halfway through the season, because he did become my #1 favorite by the end of the season!)
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hahnspoetrywrites · 5 months
Her True Love (Lanfear x fem!reader)
A/N: HELLO! This was a quick, self-gratifying piece I wrote in like a few hours bc I was inspired by that scene where she's covered in blood... y'know the one after Moiraine's stabbed her.
Warnings: attempted assault, lanfear being covered in blood, slight m0mmy k!nk, a LOT of nicknames (as i said... self-gratifying), a lot of blood mentioned, please let me know if i've missed anything!! <3
Not proofread so I apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes or issues with writing :( <3
A/A/N: fr though, lanfear is so mommy to me i can't cope
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You’d been trusted with looking after the Inn many times before. You knew this was just Lanfear’s cover to get close to the Dragon Reborn, Rand, but you still wanted to take care of it. After all, it was still important to Lanfear. It sometimes seemed to you that she cared about everything else more than she cared about you. You understood why, you knew Rand was important, and that getting him to trust Lanfear was the key to everything working, but you couldn’t deny it still hurt. 
As you got lost even further in your thoughts, you were oblivious to the young man staring at you from one of the tables at the Inn. It was a big night of celebration within Cairhein, the start of The Great Hunt. Where young men and women search for the coveted Horn of Valere, which you knew was fake, but you played along. You began collecting empty cups from empty tables when the young man who’d been watching you made himself known. 
“What’s a beautiful young lady like you doing working alone on a night like this?” He spoke loudly, his speech slurred slightly but he smiled at you brightly nonetheless.
“I’m capable of looking after myself, thank you. And I offered to work, so I can only blame myself.” You laughed, taking the empty cups to the bar, feeling him follow close behind you. You were quick to move behind the bar, thankful the large bar top was able to block him from getting too close, but he still tried. He leaned over the bar, his hand drunkenly reaching for you before you backed away slowly. 
“You’re so incredibly pretty, far too pretty to be doing menial bar work.” He commented, making you feel more uncomfortable. 
“Thanks but I’m not interested,” You turned him down politely. His face changed, dropping his smile for a more serious expression. 
“Oh, c’mon. Not even a little bit? I don’t think I believe you.” He smirked at you, his eyebrow raising questioningly. 
“I’m sorry, man. I’m sure you’re a nice guy but I’m not interested.” You were beginning to get nervous, his smirk dropping slowly. 
“But you think I’m nice. How does that mean you’re not interested?” He asked, head cocking to the side slightly. 
“I-I- Please, I’m not interested. Even if I were, I’m not available. I’m sor-” You were cut off by him grabbing your hair and pulling you forward, his grip harsh. You felt something cold against your neck, he pressed it tighter against your neck, feeling a sharp edge cut into your skin. 
“Do I look like I care?” He asked, before moving the cold, sharp item away from your throat and slamming your head down against the bar. You groaned loudly, feeling everything around you spin violently as your head pounded. 
“Wh-wh-why?” You asked, feeling him press you against the bar, realising he’d climbed over the bar and was now on the same side as you. He pinned you between him and the bar, your back bent awkwardly over it as his hand gripped at your hair again, the knife held back against your throat. You whimpered slightly when it began cutting into your neck once more. 
“I never cared what you thought, nor what you wanted.” The hand gripping your hair let go, moving to lift your skirts up as you tried to push him away. The knife slipped from your throat, nicking your skin before he plunged it into your shoulder, making you scream in agony. His hand released the blade, leaving it buried in your shoulder as that hand helped lift your skirts.
“No, no, please!” You begged, trying to push him off of you once more without jostling the knife.
“A sweet, tender girl like you should never have been left alone.”
You thought about Lanfear, thinking about how she would feel if she knew you couldn’t fight back, that you couldn’t protect yourself against one man. You knew she was so much more powerful, braver, more courageous than you would ever be. You feared her rejection, feared losing her and her love, her care and affection as his hands gripped your body, leaving harsh marks wherever he wanted. 
“Please, don’t do this. You don’t have to do this.” You begged once more, before the soft, lilting voice of your lover reached your ears.
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.” He backed away from you, letting your skirts fall back into place, although dishevelled. 
“You see, that sweet, tender girl you decided to take advantage of, she’s my sweet girl.” Lanfear moved behind the bar, approaching you with love and sorrow in her face and eyes as she helped you, removing the blade from your shoulder before guiding you to stand up gently. He attempted to run while Lanfear was distracted but she froze him on the spot, not allowing him to escape his fate.
“My darling, take yourself to my room, okay? I’ll be there soon, I promise, my baby.” She kissed your forehead lovingly before gently pushing you towards the stairs to her room. You walked up them slowly, feeling her kind eyes watching you to make sure you were safe and sound in her room. You entered her room, feeling comforted by the mere presence of her within the room. The warm blue coat she wore on a regular basis hung on the back of the door, it smelled so like her you couldn’t stop yourself from putting it on. The material was soft and warm, her scent filled your nostrils, making you sigh in relief as your eyes filled with tears. You took a seat on her bed and cried, sobs wracking your entire body as your body and mind reeled with the realisation of what almost happened. He’d almost assaulted you, had Lanfear not stepped in, had she not arrived back in time, you might’ve been killed, or severely injured. As you sat and sobbed, beginning to overthink everything, the door opened and interrupted your thoughts. A bloodsoaked Lanfear walked in, approaching you immediately. 
“I’m here, my sweet girl. I’m right here, baby.” Her voice soothed you as she crouched down in front of you. Before she could stop you or clean herself up, you’d launched yourself at her, wrapping your arms around her bloodsoaked frame and nuzzling your head against her neck. 
“You’re safe with me, princess. I’m sorry he even thought about hurting you, let alone threatening you. I shouldn’t have left you here alone, I won’t leave you here alone ever again.” Her lips pressed numerous kisses against your temple, her hands gently channelling to heal your wounds as they held you close to her. You held each other for a long while, before Lanfear attempted to pull away, making you whimper and hold her tighter.
“My darling girl, am I okay to clean myself up? I doubt you’re enjoying hugging me like this.” Her voice was sweet, trying to coax you to let go but you just held her even tighter. You shook your head, refusing to let go. Lanfear tried to come up with an alternative option, since she knew you were highly unlikely to let go of her anytime soon. One of her hands stroked your back gently, pulling away from you slowly.
“How about we take a nice hot bath together? Does that sound good, baby girl? We can spend the rest of the day cuddling, just you and I.” Her lips left a gentle kiss on your cheek, leaving more bloody kisses against your face. 
“What about Rand? Wh-What about the-the Dragon? You-you and him… You need to help him more than you need to help me. I-I understand, it’s-” Lanfear cut you off with a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Don’t you dare say that it’s okay, baby. You’re the one I want, the one I care about. Rand can look after himself for a bit, I need to look after my baby, my sweet girl. Because I love you, and only you.” She kissed you once more, making your eyes water out of happiness. 
“Y-you love me?” you mumbled, worried that you’d dreamt her saying those three words.
“I do, my love. I love you to the moon and back,” her lips kissed your nose tenderly.
“I love you too, Lanny, so so much,” You kissed her jaw, feeling her groan disapprovingly at the nickname. 
“You know how much I despise that nickname, my love,” You smiled at Lanfear sheepishly, giving her soft puppy eyes before she jokingly rolled her eyes, “but when you use it, it’s… tolerable, I guess.” You smiled before quickly pecking her lips.
“I love you more than I can possibly say, my pretty girl.” Lanfear kissed your forehead before picking you up, making you squeal gently as she carried you to her bathroom, using her power to fill the tub up with hot water quickly. 
Lanfear’s hands undressed you carefully, taking her time as she removed each layer of clothing and leaving gentle kisses against each spot of bare skin as she did so. She praised you softly each step of the way, (“you’re doing so well, my darling.”, “easy, my pretty one.”, “just one more bit then we’ll get you in the tub, my princess.”) before she eased you into the tub, her hands reluctant to let go once your tired frame settled into the water. She leaned against the tub and watched you relax as you tiredly moved, smiling lovingly at Lanfear. Lanfear reached over to kiss your lips gently, her hand coming up to cup your cheek as she deepened it. You pulled away, smiling at her confused expression.
“Cuddles?” You asked softly, watching her nod and stand, stripping her clothes off slowly, making sure you enjoyed each moment, which you confirmed as you smiled and blushed. Once she was naked, she climbed into the gap behind you, wrapping her arms around your front to pull you back against her. You adjusted yourself so your head rested against her chest, leaving soft kisses against her pale skin. Her gentle fingers held you close, soothing your bruised skin with her power until the bruises disappeared. 
“How are you feeling, my darling?” Her lips moved gently where they rested against your forehead.
“I feel better, I still feel tired and a little on edge. I have you here now, so I don’t have to be afraid.” Her heartbeat echoed in your ears, helping you settle against her chest. 
“I’m staying right here with you, baby, I won’t leave your side again.” One of her hands stroked your hip comfortingly, much like she did in bed as she knew it helped you settle down and fall asleep.
“Lanny?” Your voice quivered slightly, scared to admit what you had on your mind.
“Yes, my love?” She watched you with so much love in her eyes, noticing your sheepish smile and gentle blush spreading across your cheeks.
“When you walked into the room… covered in-in blood… I found it really hot.” Lanfear’s eyes widened slightly before softening, her smile widening as she kissed you. 
“Oh, baby. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact… I may have the perfect place to take you one day, but this will do, for now.” Her nose brushed yours before she captured your lips once more. Lanfear’s hand moved from your hip to your stomach, gently tracing shapes across your skin with her fingers before dipping down lower. You whined softly, her fingers deftly reaching the tender spots. 
“Is that what my princess wants?” Her voice was kind, instead of her usual condescending tone when she knew what you wanted. You nodded, prompting her to tut softly.
“Use your words, princess. Is this what you want?” Her voice moved to a more serious tone, making sure this was what you wanted.
“Yes, please. Mommy please,” You begged, voice soft yet desperate. You needed her to make all thoughts of his existence disappear with her skillful fingers and soft, tender touches.
“Anything for you, my princess. Anything for you,”
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition): 2x1
And here is the very spoiler-filled follow-up to my earlier post!
Not only is this one going to have spoilers for all the aired episodes plus any teasers, it will also have book spoilers through book 11: The Gathering Storm.
Thinking of the Darkfriend Social in terms of spoilers -- the x-ray notes that the 'location' for the scene is Tel'aran'rhoid. What does that mean for the little girl? Hmm.
2. I also wonder if this scene isn't set a little earlier than the rest of the episodes are set. We know that by the end of this episode, it's been a full year since 1x1, because Bel Tine has rolled around again. Other things that this being in TAR could mean: that the fallen seal is symbolic rather than reflecting reality and is a representation of the fact that Ishamael has been released from his prison.
3. Darkfriend roll call! We've got Fain, who is still a member in good standing (has not yet killed a Fade); we've got Lord Ingtar; we've got High Lady Suroth; we've got at least two Black Ajah sisters (Sheriam and Liandrin? One of them is wearing a black dress and one is wearing a red one, I think); we've got Unnamed Tuatha'an Mom; we've got a Whitecloak (probably Carridin). I'm not 100% on anyone else at the table. I'm pretty sure our main characters are basically surrounded by Darkfriends right now in their various storylines!
4. The storyline of Moirine fighting her depression over not being able to touch the One Power by forcing herself to have a sense of purpose each day and not give up to the despair... it really does show how poorly served the male channelers are by the Tower. After they get gentled, they get shoved into prison, basically, but the White Tower knows that a sense of purpose is what makes severed (or, in Moiraine's case, probably shielded) channelers have the will to keep living. And that gets denied to the men who are gentled.
5. Verin being merged with Vandene feels like a perfect example of a merged character -- the much more important character is plucking bits and pieces from the minor character and folding them into her characterization. It does really make me wonder how the future is going to go down, though! Will Verin be ordered to kill her own sister and feel like she has to do it in order to maintain her cover? Also: I wonder how much of the reason why Tomas 'picked' Verin over Adeleas had to do with him being a repentant Darkfriend and Verin finding out about it. Also, in our first major storyline, we have two Darkfriends interacting with main characters. Total count so far: 2.
Both the Verin/Vandene merger and the Elyas/Hurin merger should be, I think, our hints as to how the show is handling mergers and it's roughly what I would expect: the more important character swallows up the more minor character. This is why I don't think Liandrin & Elaida would be merged, because Elaida is a more important character than Liandrin, so 'Elaida' is what the merged character would have been named imo.
6. Haha I can't believe that I got so caught up in everything else that I didn't even mention Doman in my first impressions post! I loved his scenes. I think they did a good job giving him a purpose that suited what he does in the books, and he also delivers key plot info to Moiraine. Given that he calls the broken piece part of a 'moondial', I'm guessing he found part of Lanfear's seal (and he's being chased by the Shadow to recover the prophecy that he sells here to Moiraine, maybe?). I suspect that the poem is the Dark Prophecy, which means that we've already got a way for Rand to find out that he needs to go to Falme/Toman Head and he may even go there having zero idea that his friends are in trouble there (which makes sense since he's already in 'stay away from them to protect them' mode; either way would make sense to me, so I'm just curious what road the show takes).
But if Doman takes Moiraine's advice, he might be sailing right into the Seanchan's arms.
7. Egwene taking a moment to look at the official Amrylin outfit. I See You, foreshadowing. I See You. And as much as it pained me not to get my girl Elayne in the first episode, I do think it was a good idea for us to focus on Elayne and Nynaeve as they are before we get our third Wondergirl added to the mix.
8. Given that both Nynaeve and Egwene have learned about The Wonders of Poly (That Are Not For Them, Personally), I wonder if that means that we're going to get them finding out about Rand's polycule situation over the course of the series (maybe as someone for Elayne to talk to?) but in a more gradual and natural way. Also, I noticed a handful of novices watching the sparring down there, but we don't get to see the faces of the people sparring -- could one of them be a Certain Someone?
9. Haha, it's kinda weird seeing Nynaeve as a novice given that she spent zero time as one in the books. But this scene with her was a perfect illustration of why she makes a terrible novice, lol. She's perfect, but she's also a terrible novice. But also, the show is continuing to build up the characters' toolkits for the future - last season, Rand watched Moiraine pull the corruption of Shadar Logoth from Rand and this season, Nynaeve is learning how to purify water (and the Power is often compared to water/rivers). It does also point to the cleansing being more of an actual team-up instead of just Nynaeve being Rand's battery.
10. Poor Alanna is surrounded by Darkfriends in this next scene. We have Liandrin, Sheriam, and Joiya (literally every speaking character apart from Alanna is a Darkfriend in this scene, lol RIP). Total Darkfriends hanging out in main character plotlines: 5. If the show has preserved the 'heart' format from the books, it's entirely possible that none of them actually know that they're hanging out with other Black Ajah Sisters right now, too. Were Liandrin and Sheriam working together or are they both working under their own interpretations of their orders but don't know the other one is also Black Ajah? Given the way Joiya backed up Liandrin in this scene, I suspect that they may know about each other.
The show has done such a good job making Alanna understandable, empathetic, and charming. But she also has already shown herself not to be great at... appropriate boundaries.
11. We don't get much time with Uno before, well, Future Events, but the show did a good job painting his character very vividly, and using him to show the comradery that has built up between Perrin and Loial.
12. So I did a little post mentioning it but the girl who runs away while Fain is killing the other girl! I think that's the girl from the Darkfriend social scene! She looks like she's wearing the right outfit and is the right age with the right color hair. "There was a child who made it out." Her entire family (except her Darkfriend mom?) was slaughtered by Fain and his Trollocs. I wonder if we'll see her again. Hmm, actually, if Fain attacked a Tuatha'an caravan that he knew had a Darkfriend in it, was this his first move of going against the Dark One's/Ishamael's wishes?
13. Now that we're in Perrin's plotline, time to mention that Lord Ingtar, who doesn't want to hear Uno go on about how evil the traitor soldier was, is also a Darkfriend. Total Darkfriends surrounding our main characters: 6.
14. They did a good job in hitting all the main points of the actual Hunt for the Horn, tbh. In the first two episodes, we've got Perrin using his heightened senses, we've got the abandoned village and the room of flies, we've got the Fade nailed up that imo shows the moment when Fain stopped taking orders from the Dark One/Ishamael, and we've got Ingtar bonding with one of the main characters. And Rand's 'pushing people away' arc was pretty well covered with him faking his death. And Mat Suffering Terribly is also covered, lol.
15. I do feel like what Alanna tells Egwene here about poly relationships is probably something the show is going to lean into once Rand's situation starts rolling. "things are messy before they are perfect; nothing worthwhile is neat and tidy". Them leaning so much into Alanna's relationship is definitely giving me some good reassurances about poly plans for the future, because they're investing a relatively large amount of time into showing that this is a valid type of relationship to have, and explaining it to the audience.
16. Per Fain, the Darkfriends do know that 'all five' ta'veren will be important and will matter to how things go down with the Last Battle, so I feel like Liandrin trying to cultivate Nynaeve makes a lot of sense in that case. She wants to take Nynaeve under her wing to turn her to her point of view and her side. It's actually interesting to compare and contrast what Moiraine knew vs the Dark One, because they were actually pretty close in their timelines of figuring out when the Two Rivers was the hot spot.
17. I feel like it really works to give Siuan's scene to Liandrin here, in training Nynaeve. The Two Rivers folk are more vulnerable and more 'exposed' in the show than in the books. So it makes a lot of sense to me. It also feels like they are leaning into the idea that not all Aes Sedai have to 'surrender' in order to channel (so women don't always need to submit and men don't always need to dominate, per Jordan's canon), which is a change that I like.
18. And the Perrin and Ingtar stuff is also working really well for me. I think it helps his character a lot to have him be the one who is going through this with Ingtar instead of Rand (who has plenty going on already). And Ingtar! "Perhaps Padan Fain had a reason for doing what he did."
19. Moiraine's platonic breakup with Lan feels a lot more grounded in the show than it was in the books imo.
20. The letter! Oh, gosh it's so beautiful. It does feel like a little promise from the show that they aren't going to forget about the EF5 bond, and I'm hoping that we'll get more moments of reconnection than we got from the books.
21. So, what are everyone's thoughts on if what Liandrin tells Mat about the letters ("not a single mention of Mat Cauthon") counts as a lie and our confirmation that she's already Black Ajah or was it a wiggle around the truth (either going by the logic of there being multiple mentions of Mat and/or SHE didn't mention Mat and or well it doesn't ever say Cauthon)? I mean, she also seems to be keeping him as her completely isolated little secret. I feel like it's a Black Ajah clue but maybe there's wiggle room.
22. Mat also seems VERY aware that Moiraine is partly responsible for his current circumstances (he notes her along with Liandrin when he's saying he's not a danger to anyone). Liandrin probably read him the note that Lady Amalisa sent from Fal Dara. The show is doing such a better job of actually establishing Mat's motives for various ways he behaves than the books did -- in the books, he seemed to take against Aes Sedai for the terrible crime of... healing him? But selling him out to someone who has kept him locked up for six months and who spent that time psychologically torturing him is an EXCELLENT reason for him to feel wary about being around Aes Sedai. He's seen the worst of them! Because it's not just Liandrin and the Reds. It's Moiraine too!
And they did this in s1 too, giving Mat actual reasons for his canon-typical behavior by changing his background to one more fraught with tension.
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I know this ep's gonna break my Siuanraine heart and I'm ready for it!
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I was not prepared for this to be the first scene
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It is always Rand's fault
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Lan, how can you stand him???
I stand by what I said, i love Mat but I don't care what happens to him. At least now he is with my girl!
Nynaeve and Elayne appear.
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Egwene, my beloved.
Alanna and her men. The dream!
Wife and husband should just stop being stupid and be friends again. I love this friendship so much. The chemistry these two have is insane.
I love how Siuan treats Rand like a bug that is bothering her 😂
Nynaeve and Elayne. Me: alexa play Just Impolite by plushgun
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Mat, two secs after meeting the Forsaken: is sex involved in this? Because I'm totally into it.
Finally, my son is back! I missed him. Are all these women going to adopt Perrin?
Imagine if your destiny was to babysit Rand. No surprise, Moiraine is so annoyed all the time.
Liandrin really said 'I'm gonna fucking it all up! And I'm gonna do it chaotically.'
Lanfear 🔥
Logain and Lan need to be paired together more often. They have good chemistry.
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So they did adopt Perrin.
Nynaeve is a little bit impressed by Elayne 😂
Egwene x Revenge
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He is not Alanna! At least Moiraine and Lan are together.
Look, Rand did one good thing. Moiraine and Lan are so precious.
Noooooooo! They made me cry 😱😭
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I can't believe is already over this season. Next ep is gonna be so good... Nynaeve in the promo🔥
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Watching The Wheel Of Time, s2 ep8 (season finale)
I love how Moiraine and Lan shared one look and you could tell they've been around each other for so long that they both can silently communicate their feelings about Lanfear 😂
Lanfear is fabulous
The way Moiraine was like 'I can't open it that dude took my power from me'
Oh no I'm concerned what the role Moiraine and Lan will play👀
(Lanfear blows Moiraine and Lan through a gateway and they land in water) How refreshing
Lanfear: "Come with me."
Rand: "Do I have any choice?"
Lanfear: "You know who I am."
Wait, I thought Lanfear and the evil dude didn't like each other?
Oh no the white hunters stormed the tower(White Tower?)
Oh they're storming the place that Egwene is being held
I do not think Elayne is straight
Oh my god, Rana cut Egwene's braid😭
Nyeverae babe, the power is corrupting you👀
Nyeverae's expression looks eerily like Rana's
Aww, Rand came to help Egwene
Mat, my boy, RESIST
Moiraine: "Do you really want it back after everything I have done to you?"
Lan: "I never asked to be released, nor will I." 🥺
My poor girl looks so broken I wanna hug her😭
"The only reason that I was able to say that you're not my equal is that I've known one thing to be true since the day we met... You have always been my better."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Let me back in."
I love how we get to see their bond reforming🥺😭
REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD (Perrin and his friends)
Damn, The way all those girls (including Egwene) are being forced to use their powers)😭
Oh, Egwene is getting BIG MAD
Renna: "Good girl!" Lady she's not a dog🤦‍♀️(I know that's how she views her in a way)
Oh nurh my boy! Ingtar🥺
Lan: "You're faster than you used to be."
Moiraine: "Feels like I'm running without buckets on my back."🥺
I love Moiraine's outfit
Wait, six?! Oh my god, they're people aren't they?!! Is she planning to do that to the kids from Two Rivers👀
Awww, what a cute lil snake/lizard
Oh God, they're gonna gentle Rand aren't they
Mat the DIY king😂
Aw, poor Egwene will need so much therapy after this
Oooooo Renna can channel?! Ha! She can't hurt Egwene
Ooooooo Renna is dead😁 (poor Egwene though)
REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! (the reprise, Rand x Egwene)
"How? Why?" Poor girl is traumatized
"I came to save you, but it looks like you didn't need it." She badass
The way Ishameal is quoting the dude who gentled him👀 (was it Lews?) (It was)
Awe, it's a bro-mance (Perrin and the son of the main white guy)
Whoa! Hopper's spirit is jumping for leaves🥺 so I'm going with him being at peace (if this is true to the book, then I won't riot)
Mat has blown the horn!!!!
Slow mo 👀 shits about to get real isn't it👀
Mat is the only thing moving at normal speed?
Wait, what does he remember?!
This is so cool
The heroes of the horn? Mat was one of them?! I have chills
Wait, Uno?! Unexpected and so cool
Bro-mance is over (Alexa play When The Party's Over)
I ship Egwene and Elayne hard
Noooooooo! Rand has been unpaled🥺👀
Hell yeah
"You cannot face down one of the chosen, child." Egwene said
"I will let a thousand innocent people die if there's even a chance that he will live." Hardcore (get you a person like Moiraine)
Lan has Moiraine's back always 🥺
Moiraine doing her slow raise up as she's waving has me thinking things 👀😳🫣
Perrin is a great friend
"Who are you?"
"Elayne." Pls don't make them love interests
Oh, Moiraine is so gloriously powerful I love her
Ishameal is dead (and he saw nothing. Nothing at all).
I'm guessing the ships being set ablaze is the banner Lanfear was saying
Oh, they mean literally make a banner of fire😂
Damn, Moiraine really gave them a dragon😂
As the heroes
Lanfear has plans uh oh👀
Oh no, there's a new player 👀 Moghedien
Oh, the stone stuff is the other powerful dudes
Ishameal let all of them out! 👀👀
Poor Lanfear 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Well shit, it's over. What am I supposed to do until we get another season?!😭 I was really hoping we'd see more of Siuan and Moiraine and the aftermath of Siuan getting injured 🥺
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kazekage-libra · 12 days
Wheel of Time is not my favorite fantasy but damn it! It almost is. xD I love that women are at the forefront of their magic system. I love the world building in the show as well. They did a wonderful job weaving everything together. Also it just genuinely refreshing to see female characters in a setting like this and be ... normal? I don't know how to put it.
I love her so much. I feel like she really wants to use her connection to the weave for something great. She truly can be even greater given what we saw in season 2. I love that she has such strong goals even if she can't be with Rand.
Moiraine & Lan
Their relationship is really nice to me. I don't hate it. There will always be weird undertones though when writers have BIPoC character protecting white characters tooth and nail. I will say at least since the show is really diverse, it is not as bad to be honest. Movies and shows sometimes add BIPoC but make them solely supporting or in submissive roles and its like... bitch I see you being fucking weird. At least to me. Would love to hear opinions. Speaking of Lan!! It's also really refreshing to see 2 people of color on screen in a relationship. Interracial doesn't mean white x non white.
I want to love her so bad but she annoys the hell out of me but I want the best for her so damn bad too. Like girl is traumatized and hard headed. The actress though!! OMG queen!!! <3
Not much to say just a cute himbo
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silcntsinners · 7 months
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Small starter for @musings-of-an-antari
Moiraine x Rand
Rand stood still, his eyes focusing on the woman in front of him “you know I can’t just move on from everything that happened with her” he stated and glanced to the trees surrounding them. “She may be trying to lead me astray but she was the only one I had when I left.” He added, talking fondly of lanfear. “I don’t know how to simply just shut those feelings off, I don’t even know if they are real feelings” rand stated and let out a deep sigh.
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asha-mage · 11 months
17, 23, 49! Gratz on finishing the next chapter of Sworn btw!
[Send me a number and I'll answer your fanfic related questions!]
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is hard to answer because my first response to most new media is 'a WoT AU would make this better'. It is my Forever Fandom.
That said, to delve into the Deep Cut Zone for a moment (and maybe expose myself as utter nerd), I got pretty far into an outline for a Danganronpa X WoT crossover where pre-War of Power versions of the Forsaken + Rand and Moiraine where locked up to play the Killing Game together. The idea was to show off the flaws that led to the Forsaken falling to the Shadow, and examine the disparity between where they started/where they ended up/what drives them. I'd like to say more but I've always vaguely kept the idea of doing it around in the back of my head, and its' the kind of thing can't be spoiled and still be good.
For a non WoT contender? I have the first two chapters of a Adam Taurus/Jaune Arc fic written out that I want to go back to one day. Basically a 'they get stranded alone in the north of Anima and have to work together to survive' type thing that is meant to get into a lot of what makes the two characters tick. Love me a good Dark Knight/Paladin combo. It would have a potential audience of like, four people, but I still might go back to it one day if I get back into RWBY again.
23 - What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
This will come as a shock to absolutely no one who knows me but- ABO. I find ABO fascinating less for horny reasons and more for the potential it has to impact world building, character relationships, and general societal fuckery in interesting ways ways. A good example is WoT- one day I really want to write a ABO that would explore the weird intricate of Omega Rand for example, and how that effects the already profound Gender Fuckery of WoT.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Heh. I should have known this was coming when I posted about finishing the Sworn Chapter 15 rough. Have this preview:
Rand resisted the urge to shiver at the sound of dead grass and fallen leaves crunching underfoot. So many layers of it had fallen and turned to mulch and fallen again that it made a thick blanket of under brush through which only peaks of strangely veined marble where visible, at least on the outer edges of the grounds. Even with his height, the grass rose well past his knees out here, and would likely grow taller and thicker, as spring turned to summer. It was late in the evening he thought, but it was hard to tell in this place. The trees made a thick canopy over most of the grounds, some towering higher than the highest oaks Rand ever seen in the Waterwood. That canopy let in only thin rays of light that allowed a vague sense of the time of day. He had slept more he knew, after they had settled with a fire in the main hall, out the way of the strange Aes Sedai, but how long before he had awoken he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t dreamed again, or if he had, he didn’t remember anything beyond unsettled lurching darkness. He would have stayed in the hall still, to keep watch over Mat, waiting for him to awaken, but Loial and Selene between them had managed to convince him that he wasn’t helping by looming. Stalking about Loial had called it, though Rand hadn’t agreed with that assessment. Still he had needed some fresh air, so he had come out here, to the edge to wander about the manor grounds and try to avoid brooding over Mat’s fate. It had been that or submit to a lecture from Loial about how beautifully preserved the ruins where as he made notes in his little book. Mat will be fine. Rand told himself firmly. The Aes Sedai had said as much as she worked her healing over him and they could not lie. If you believe that- A voice began in the back of his head, the one that sounded like Moiraine. Rand crushed it ruthlessly. Moiraine was wrong. It was that simple. It had to be that simple. He was not the Dragon.
More then a few lines. I hope that's okay 😉.
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liptonrm · 1 year
The summer got away from me and then I went camping for a couple days and now WoT season two is only, like, a day away! And I've still got 3 more episodes to rewatch!
Anyway, time to pop some bottles because it's episode six and Moiraine x Siuan is about to go canon.
Watching Siuan being forced to leave her father is heartbreaking.
There was an interesting meta about patriarchy and patriarchal violence in the Wheel of Time books and, while so many leaders are world leaders are women and the Aes Sedai, the most powerful people in that world, are all women, there's still a bunch of in-world gendered stereotypes and violence that seem to stem more from our world's sensibilities than that world's. Which, yes, I'm sure a bunch of it did come down to some of RJ's unconscious biases.
BUT the show is doing an interesting job of highlighting the push-pull of power and trust. In the last episode we had Liandrin talking about how little girls are still hurt, even though the Aes Sedai exist, like one doesn't negate the other. Also in that episode we had the Whitecloaks, through Eamon Valda, talking about how no one with that amount of power can be trusted, regardless of whether the power is corrupted or not.
Now we see tiny little Siuan being sent away, not because her father doesn't love and trust her, but because the people around her don't. If she's going to live, she has to leave. Which is just heartbreaking. No wonder so many Aes Sedai only trust their sisters in Saidar.
Practicing knots and practicing weaves. Basically the same thing, really.
He knows he'll never see his daughter again.
You ever think about how lucky we are that Rosamund Pike decided to champion this series? Because I do, every time I watch.
I want to think the costumers, productions designers, and VFX artists who made Tar Valon look so fucking cool.
Women in the Tower Guard is an excellent touch. Four for you, R2J2.
They're giving so much texture and depth to Logain. I love to see it.
Aaah, Liandrin grandstanding, throwing Moiraine under the bus. This scene is an excellent way to introduce Tower politics.
The Hall did not consent to be apart of Siuan and Moiraine's roleplay.
Though Liandrin's definitely enjoying it.
Oh man, it's the tea shop. Where's the meme, woman drinking tea, thinking about getting railed by Siuan Sanche.
Bless Rand's heart.
I'm really curious to see what the angle's gonna be re: Mat and the dagger in season two.
Moiraine really doesn't have the patience for Tower politics. I do not blame her.
Omg, I didn't remember that Maigan mentioned travelling to investigate the Seanchan. That's, ummmm, not a great idea.
Egwene is vicious and righteous. Perfection.
Plots within plots. Schemes within schemes.
Omg the way Moiraine smiles with Lan says "Giver her my love." She's so excited to see Siuan. 🥹🥰
The both started wearing whte and now Siuan is wearing Tairen paisley and Moiraine is in a matching wrap. Excellent touch.
Nynaeve not bowing and the way Egwene looks at her lololol.
The way that Nynaeve is terrified and barely holding it together and Egwene is ready to fight the world. Everyone making this show understood the assignment.
What color is the stone in Siuan's ring? It wasn't blue, but I couldn't tell what color it was. Maybe gold?
Seriously, the Hall did not consent to your roleplay.
The way their fingers touch while Moriaine swears the oath. 😢😭
And the way Moiraine changes the oath. 1) She so dramatic I love her. 2) So smart to swear to Siuan specifically. 3) They're definitely married now.
They're all so happy to see each other! My babies.
I know that Mat doesn't go with them because reasons but, you know, I really don't blame him. Just cut loose from unspeakable horror to venture back into it? Yeah, hard pass.
I do wonder how Mat's story in the finale would've gone, as originally planned.
I do really like that Egwene is the first of the EF5 to step into the Ways. She is so brave.
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