star-scrambled · 2 years
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hi !!! it’s my birthday today <:3c
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writing-yarn-goblin · 6 months
I’m baaaaaack!~
It’s March and I post whatever I fuckin’ want! Oh yeah, it’s a songfic!
Character: Sir Crocodile (a little bit of Katakuri Charlotte, but just a smidge)
Relationship: slight KatakurixXReader but also catching Sir Crocodile’s eye (and more)
Song: Sweet by Unlike Pluto
Warnings: forced marriage, drug mention, alcohol, Crocodile being himself
“Introducing for one night only! The beauty that pounds whiskey like a sailor and sings like an angel: (Y/N) (L/N)!”
You heard the crowd go wild.
The sigh that escaped your lips as you took a long drag of the almond-vanilla flavored cigar that was currently in between your gloved hands as you made your way to the stage.
The sway of your hips, the tight knee-high black dress with a sweetheart collar hugging your curves lusciously as your hair was kept messy, framing your face and to finish the look- a pair of Mary Jane kitten heel shoes.
Your lips were dark red but the rest of the make up was simple.
A little powder, cat-eye liner and blush.
A wink could decimate nations, said your fiancé once.
The lights on the stage were on you as the white fur coat you were wearing slid from your shoulders to your elbows as you gently gripped the microphone’s stand as your lips opened to do their thing.
“My baby and I like new silky sheets every night.
He buys me bourb' and whiskey neat,
And keeps on comin' every week…”
Your stare could only focus on the table were your lug of a fiancé was.
Charlotte Katakuri.
He seemed bored with his surroundings. Not really his scene but he had to keep up appearances as head of this town’s sweets factory. His mother made sure to pop out enough children to make an infuriatingly huge monopoly of different businesses just so she could have absolute control of most markets.
“Ooh, he wants the suburbs
When school's out for summer
And we live by his mother
I keep my drugs in the cupboard 'cause”
You could only look at him with a little spite.
“I'm only sweet when I'm high…”
You noticed that the normally serious face he wore suddenly made a move, his lips twitched downwards as he downed his LIT, completely in one gulp.
This finally got him.
He looked down at his drink as you kept singing your song, almost like if he was contemplating how guilty he felt to just have picked you from a line of potential wives his mother gave him and he just picked you.
Little, wild you.
You, whom he thought would be gracious enough to accept a marriage proposal out of the goodness of your heart.
‘What a shame’ he thought. ‘I thought this recent flight of fancy would keep her calm’ he argued with his head.
He didn’t noticed that he wasn’t the only one staring at the beauty with a savvy mouth.
He wasn’t the only magnate in this town.
“In class, I learned to lie
To pretty boys, to pass the time…”
She stared at him as she sang this particular verse.
How many times has she lied to him just to get him off her back?
How many times did she pretend to be okay in front of him?
How many times did her whispered words meant what they preached while he was in the passionate throes of sex?
He had it.
He stood up from his table and grabbed his coat, leaving on the table a shiny object with a scarp of paper that said “goodbye”.
He didn’t notice on his way out the door of the glare that was directed to him from the bar. Cigar smoke filtering out as he heard the man at the bar to bring the lady’s belongings to him, that he’d take care of her moving forward.
“'Cause I got that good shit, Alabastian pride.
Kiss the kids goodnight and take the Harley for a ride”
The man at the bar just grinned.
That seemed like Little Miss Sailor was in the market again.
Not that he had to do much.
She did it all her self in an act of defiance towards the softest yet most ruthless of the Charlotte’s. And she didn’t even get to the good part of this song.
The man at the bar was a tall man. Not as tall as Katakuri but still very tall. He had suffered the loss of a hand but that didn’t hinder him at all, he had prosthetics to make up for the loss of a limb, he just preferred the gold hook on his missing limb.
He saw how the lonely woman stared at the table bitterly, almost relieved that she didn’t have to talk to what he could firmly say was her boyfriend.
“Ooh, I get so bored, scrub the floors
Then get drunk while doing chores
Does he even know me…?”
He had enough of waiting.
“Waitress? I want that table.”
A woman like that deserved to be looked upon closely.
“Ooh, I'm never sure when he'll be home
Get into trouble on my own
I don't get lonely…”
You were still singing your little heart out as you batted your eyes to shake some of the tears. Katakuri wasn’t a bad man, but you would’ve rather to pick your own groom and wed because you wanted to.
Not because your own family wanted to have financial relief in these trying times.
Such was the life of the eldest daughter.
But no matter, you could firmly say that your groom-to-be was no longer in the horizon as he left with a disappointed frown.
“I’m only sweet when I’m high…”
You spoke the last verse, only to have the whole club erupt in howls and cheers.
With a bashful smile, you made your way behind the stage and down to the main floor.
You felt a little taken back when your things were on your usual table, but relieved when one of the waitresses directed you to your new table.
In the VIP section.
With your things.
You looked at how this dashing mystery man was taking a drag from his cigar and seemed to be pouring two glasses of champagne.
You had to be careful, however. This day and age, most men can and will do anything. But this man just massive and intimidating. The scar upon his face should’ve scared you but, you were used to men with…interesting features.
“Take a seat. We have a few things to converse about, Little desert flower.”
…to be continued?
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khaosgaming22 · 5 years
Letters to Aleina Part II
“Well that was quite the adventure.” Ken said as Rex parked the ship in the Tower hangar.
“Adventure is an understatement...” Rex replied glaring at Ken who was flipping his Hunter knife in his hand.
“I don’t even know what’s real and what’s those.... things.” Kiera said to Cleo, head in her hands. The ship sat down and they got out, still very confused by all of this. What was that giant pyramid doing there? What exactly were those red Hive? Answers were what they came for but it seemed they only left with more questions... Drake walked over to Luna and they wrapped their arms around each other in a warm embrace.
“So... how was it?” She asked still holding his hands.
“It... was interesting.... I’ll explain later.” Luna nodded and kissed his cheek before they walked off together, leaving Ken and Kiera in the hangar alone.
“I need a beer.” Kiera said under her breath, Ken smirked.
“I second that.” Her eyes widened and she narrowed them quickly.
“N-O. I am not drinking with you again, not after what happened....” He rolled his eyes.
“At least let me cover it, here.” He gave her his card.
“Thanks a- wait a minute... THIS IS A PUNCH CARD.” He shrugged.
“Yeah so?” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
“And the next drink is free you cheapskate!” He laughed a bit and she sighed. “Whatever... a free drink is a free drink I suppose. I’m goin to the Tavern in the city, you comin?” He nodded and they took the elevator down.
“...Guardian. Guardian! GUARDIAN!” The Ghost was trying to wake up a woman she had found. She had wondered around the city for weeks now and had nothing, then she noticed an old tombstone on a hill not far from the outskirts and revived what was a young woman. The woman finally spoke dazed and a little confused.
“Wha... who...what’s going on?” She sat up in what she thought was a hole, but it was much larger than just a divot in the ground. She looked behind herself and noticed a gravestone. “Oh.” She turned around to an impatient looking Ghost.
“Please don’t tell me I have to explain everythi-“
“You’re a Ghost.” She interrupted. “I’m a guardian, that’s the Traveler, guardians protect the Light, you revived me.” The Ghost was very puzzled at how she could know this already only just waking up.
“That’s... correct.... but how did you know that?” Aleina smiled.
“My father was a Hunter, Malcom Reyez, as well as- OH MY GOD KEN!” She immediately stood up in the hole and looked down staring at her Ghost.
“Did you dig me out of my grave....” Her Ghost looked at her sheepishly.
“....Maybe.” Aleina rolled her eyes and pat her Ghost on the would-be head.
“So what should I call you?” She asked. “Do you have a preferred name already?” The Ghost nodded.
“Yes actually. Ikora gave me the name Citra and it’s sort of always stuck with me, so if you could call me that I would really appreciate it.” Aleina gave a thumbs up.
“So... that’s the city huh? Sure looks different from when I was living here...” Citra shifted her fins.
“The Red War really did a number on it that’s for sure.” Aleina looked confused.
“Red War? Oh never mind, Ken will explain I’m sure, for now I have to find him. If I had to guess... he’s probably out with a friend or drinking. Or both.” She looked back at the empty grave and started toward the city with Citra following behind.
Kiera walked in the Tavern and Ken started to follow behind until she shut the door in his face.
“Kiera!” He whined.
“I said NO.” She called back. Ken blew raspberries and walked off down the street in the direction of his house in the Owl Sector. He was halfway there when Luna showed up.
“Kiera kicked you out huh?” She said giggling.
“Yup. She seriously won’t drink with me anymore.” She pat his back in fake concern.
“Where you goin now?” She asked looking around.
“My house in the Owl Sector, it’s been a while since I visited Sol.”
“Ah. Well Rex is doing research so I got nothing better to do I suppose.” She said walking up the steps, she noticed Ken rubbing his eyes and blinking at something in the distance.
“What’s up?” She asked trying to make out the figure.
“Think my eyes are playing tricks on me. Thought I saw someone- No... there’s no way....” She looked at him concerned.
“What is it?” She said as she followed behind him running toward the figure she identified as a person. Once he could make it out he stopped in his tracks.
“God... damn you nightmares....” He muttered and Luna saw what he was looking at.
“Ken it’s her!” He shook his head and turned away. Citra popped out behind her guardian.
“Hey Aleina is that him?” Her eyes lit up and she started to tear up. Ken turned to look over his shoulder one last time and noticed she hada Ghost. How could she have a Ghost if she was one of those nightmares? She couldn’t. He started to walk then run toward her.
“Aleina!” He said as he almost crashed into her and wrapped his arms around her lovingly. The girl he had lost for years, no eons, he couldn’t even count how long, was alive. She was revived as a Guardian by a Ghost. She was brought back. Aleina eventually stopped crying and hugged him back.
“Well son of a bitch it actually is her....” Luna said smiling.
“I thought I’d lost you forever.” He whispered in her ear and he hugged her tighter. They stayed like that for a good while then pressed her lips to his.
“Bed now.” She whispered between kisses, Ken was caught off guard.
“Don’t you wanna go to the Tower first-“ She kissed him mid sentence to shut him up.
“I have been dead for who knows how long and now I wake up and find you’re alive still. I want you. Now.” Ken hesitantly nodded and she smiled hugging him again. They walked off to Ken’s house down the road, shut the door and Luna saw the blinds close.
“....what the fuck just happened?” Blaze asked shaking back in forth like he was shaking his head.
“Don’t question it.” Luna said smiling and arms crossed. “They’re back together like they should’ve been, and to them, that’s all that matters.”
Guess who’s baaaaaack?
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
id love to see your original writing :D
jkhdsfkjhfkjsf oh god. alright i’ll give y’all what a pilot for one of my works would be: apartment 134
scene: (a large array of two story white houses line down a road. a young girl with long white hair that reaches her waist, poofy short sleeved yellow dressed with pastel colored blue and purple dots, matching short yellow boots is walking down the crosswalk. big black eyes that are covered half by her bowl cut bangs look rather neutral faced as she carries a plastic grocery bag to a building with numbers “134″ on it.)
scene:(stepping up the three steps bella opens the door and slams it shut, causing the 1 to fall down and leave the numbers as “34″)
bella:(hand on the door staring at it, closes her eyes and sighs.)
???:”welcome home bella.”
bella:(screams loudly, jumping causing the bag to fall to the floor and oranges popping out. catching her breath she slowly looks to the oranges and growls) “ya bloody fuckwits ya nearly gave me a heart attack!”
(three japanese characters, a tall girl with long black hair in a pink and black polka dotted tie keeping her hair in a ponytail. a boy with short black hair and a green beanie cap, and another girl that looks like the first girl who is smaller all stare at her with almost soulless eyes in their matching black tank tops, baggy pants and hard boots. in order their kelly, andy, and casey.)
all three:”bella.”
(all three bow in unisom as bella rolls her eyes.)
bella:”just…uuugh just help me with the bleedin oranges we ain’t got much time!”
(all three go picking them up and heading for the kitchen. kelly slices them, andy peels some, casey unfolds some slices, and bella is squeezing juice out of one them as the door slams open.)
???:”we’re baaaaaack!!!”
(coming out of the front door is a short haired young brunette’d blue eyed man with in a white tank top, denim shorts and black work boots. this is brett; and a short blond haired brown eyed man with a yellow tank top with a black horizonel stripe on it, black pants and brown shoes and a black barret with two red hearts on it; this is buzz)
bella:”oh for fucks sakes where the hell you’ve been?!”
brett:”treating ourselves duh.”
buzz:”aaaand gettin numbers~.”
bella:”which one actually got numbers?”
bella:”which one got numbers by a man?”
buzz:”oh fuck you bell’s.”
bella:”bleck, find someone inta that first ya wanka.”
(buzz blushes as brett laughs while bella leaves the kitchen)
bella:”fuckin ‘ell i forgot somethin! (rushes up the many stares that leads to the door closest to the set) you two help the trip-ets we got our landlord comin today!”
both:”why didn’t you tell us earlier!?” (neither get a reply as bella slams the door).
(in her plain room she walks back and fourth nervously, after the third time a female demon appears. eyes blue with the left one being lighter. short choppy brown hair. a tattered light green tank top and dark blue tattered skirt, red high heels and matching red belt and red collar with yellow studs accessorize on her as she levitates in the air watching with a smirk.)
tak:”hiiiii blue beeells~.”
bella:”can it. did any of the delivery imps come by?”
tak:”awww your not fun with lingering things out.”
bella:”tak i swear ta-”
tak:”anyone honestly. but no not yet.”
(once she said that a tiny chubby and purple imp popped to the two in a small puff of smoke.)
imp:”ahem. here for a…bella blair borislav brunhilde.”
bella:”yeah yeah big guy what did he say?”
imp:”gee nice meeting you too. anyways, “to the newest heir of hell’s thrown. i, beezlebub satan, have decided…to stay longer on my thrown until my death or retirement. thank you you will still be on hold till future notice.” “
(once the imp finished it exploded in dust and tiny slowly falling pieces. bella stared wide eyed with a bit of blood blown on her face as tak took the tiny spleen wrapping it around her finger)
tak:”poor things, once their messanger job is done they just pop like cute little balloons~. wonder if i can make jewlery outta these?” (as she talks bella fumes more and more angry.)
(the entire house shakes outside. inside it also shakes as brett and buzz have plates of orange slices on platters.)
brett:”…didn’t get into hell?”
buzz:”didn’t get into hell.”
brett:”well on the brightside we might be if we don’t finish this.”
(both go back to the kitchen as bella slams the door open, wiping her face with a towel as tak follows her still floating)
tak:”daawww c’mon bell’s your so gwumpy.”
bella:”for all me years and all the bleedin souls i had-ta find i expected BETTA from that stinkin rula!!”
tak:”least ya can do whatever you want, and do whoever you want~.”
bella:”this is why i regret eva summonin ya ya mistake.”
(both look to find casey with a scroll.)
casey:”this came in the mail for you.”
bella:”oh for fuck sakes. (snatches it and opens it) …oh bloody satan.”
bella:”it’s cursed.”
tak:”how could you tell?”
bella:”that depen’s is the ghost ninja an ol’ fling of your’s?”
(all the residents looked to find a see through ghost ninja staring at them, withdrawing a katana and rushing to the closest brett. using the platter as a shield he quickly moves to slice it’s head in two)
ninja:(forms into two)
(both go to attack, only for casey to withdraw two nine milimeter guns to shoot them. causing an increase only to shoot more till the whole room is filled with them with the small group huddled at the stair case.)
bella:”alright, any other bright ideas!?”
(all rush up the stairs with kelly taking buzz by the collar as the ninja ghosts chase them to bella’s room. once all in bella puts salt infront of the door from her pockets. brett rushes to the window and pours some that’s right next to it. soon they all sit catching their breaths.)
bella:”that…was rhetorical…ya dumb blonde.”
buzz:”wwell what do we do?!”
bella:”it’s a curse from the bloody map.”
brett:”can’t you burn it?!”
bella:”it’s chain mail dumbarse! ya can’t burn chainmail!”
tak:”soooo what do we do? can i fuck em to afterlife?”
bella:”mean, be a good distraction cause i’m shit at japanese. (squinting her eyes to read) something something solider something something souls-”
andy:”(reading the scroll) this scroll contains the unsatisfied souls of ninety nine royal ninja solders. they will attack and increase with each critical hit till all of them come out. the only way to take care of this is to take out three solders. the solder with the golden bracelet, the luitennet’s green tied ponytail, and the lead general’s red earring.”
bella:”…and this is why i have three of ya. (pulls out a handle only for a sword’s blade to magically come out) ready ya lot?”
buzz:”(pulls a small knife from his boot) born ready baby!”
buzz:(catches a nine revolver from casey as she busy’s arming herself with a sniper rival)”man, i’m still not good at this guys!”
tak:”(her hands slowly turn into red sharp claws) keep by me sugar, i’ve been needing this for a hella long time~.”
bella:”rememba, gold bracelet, green tie, red earring. (opens the door as they all run out screaming)”
(swiftly brett keeps some ghosts from hitting him, using his small knife as a sword. looking around he spots a ninja with a golden bracelet.) brett:”over there!”
casey:(shoots him down with a sniper rifle, a decrease of 33 ghosts happens as kelly and andy busy protecting her with their own blades fighting off the other ghosts)
(continuing the battle tak sighs as her darker blue eye turns a shade of black with a red iris. her fangs growing out as her wings, horn and tail show themselves.) tak:”oh this is JUST what i needed~!” (taking off her heals she quickly took off the heel on both to show knives attatched. putting them back on she proceeds quickly slashing and slicing the other ghosts till she notices a ninja with a green hair tie.) “oh THERE you are pretty boy~!” (rushes away from them as she tackles him, a decrease ensues leaving only 33 left) “boooo, was hopin he’d stay longer~.”
bella:(slices more ninja’s that only come back as she snarls)”bloody things, first landowna, then satan, now ya is this supposed ta ruin my day!?” (quickly she notices one with a red earring closer to buzz) “OI VIRGIN SHOOT THE ONE NEXT TO YA!”
buzz:”first of all RUDE! second i can’t shoot!”
buzz:”but i like you!!!”
bella:”pretend it’s some bloody arse ya hate!”
buzz:(musters up an angry look as he aims the gun)”I WANTED TO GO WITH MOM YOU SELFISH DICK!” (shoots the gun at the final one, desimating all the ghosts as all of them sigh of relief)
(before anything can be said three of the apparations appear before the group as they regroup, bowing to them. in response the trip-ets bow, bella, brett and tak following with buzz forcefully bowing thanks to bella as the three go back into the scroll, magically tying it up.)
buzz:”so…we have to give that…to someone else now right?”
bella:”usually but this is a pretty hefty one. we can keep these kind for emergencies.”
brett:”a relative?”
buzz:”oh…i call dibs!”
(the doorbell rung, all of them besides the trip-ets looked horrified as they noticed the disrepair of the slashed and bullet ridden house. quickly they all scrammed grabbing a dented platter and placing orange slices, orange juice and yogurt with oranges in it on it.)
bella(opens the door with a forced smile holding the platter):”hhey hi yes hello mista tree!”
(infront was a wealthy and weighted man with a bright blue tux with an orange undershirt and green tie, his hair balding only leaving a flip of orange hair on it and a full orange mustache as he glared down with orange brown eyes)
mr. tree:”bout time you lolly-gagging apricots! (takes a orange slice and eats it with the peal on) now you know the deal i have to see the- SWEET CORAL CARROTS! (he sees the damage inside)”
bella:”…ehehe uhm…riight well i mean we can fix this just uh-”
(all looked horrified except the trip-et’s who looked neutral. tak hummed and groaned as she became visible to him, floating closely to him as her eye’s turned a lustful pink color.)
tak:”you don’t wanna do that~.”
mr. tree:”I-…don’t…want to do that.”
tak:”you wanna do your wife instead~.”
mr. tree:”i…wanna do my wife…instead.”
tak:”good boy~. now have this~.” (smooching his head mister tree was put in more of a dream-like hypnosis daze.)
mr tree:”misses tree…your wearing an orange one piece…made of actual oranges? …god i’m hungry~.”
tak:(flicks his head into a portal and slamming the door shut)”that should lead him back home….i think.”
bella:”long as we get this shit cleaned up before next inspection.”
buzz:”awww noooow? we just got done taking on an army!”
bella:”yeah well i didn’t get to rule hell today so no one’s gonna be bloody happy! now pick up a broom and get sweepin ya trigger happy nut case.”
(they all groan save for the trip-ets as they all moved to clean. expanding out of the house the 1 from earlier magically turns back up.)
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