#i’m a 7/11 club member i’m allowed to say these things abt 7/11
bunniepaws · 2 years
7/11’s are meant for chaos. the customers are SUPPOSED to get confused over the hotdogs. the employees are supposed to be casual and insult the confused customers. that’s what 7/11’s are for. if u can’t handle someone hungover or strung out in 7/11 don’t go to 7/11
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wdbwotv · 7 years
noah... answer all of the twenty one pilots asks, please
sdfjkldf Thank You ily
(already did 1 & 2)
3. do you remember the exact moment when you realized you were hooked?
hmm sorta? i do remember watching this interview and being like holy shit…… i love them.. and i remember a specific week or so when i started listening to them like. constantly lmao they were the first thing i added to my library when apple music became a thing and i would put their discography on shuffle and play assassin’s creed omg.. it makes me nostalgic for when they still felt so new :^(
4. what are your top five favorite songs by them at this moment?
taxi cab, kitchen sink, holding on to you, ride, and trees
5. have you ever introduced them to a friend or family member, and they ended up being a fan as a result?
i introduced my brother to them and he’s not a huge fan but he likes them! and a couple of my friends became fans after we talked about them but really i think it was more like we got into them simultaneously after finding out about them from different places
6. have you met any amazing friends because of twenty one pilots? tag them!
aaah yes! i’ve met so many cool people from this blog alone! i won’t tag them all but i’m thankful to 21p for allowing me to meet @drawingvoices​ especially
7. what other musical artists have you found because of twenty one pilots?
vesperteen, judah and the lion, jon bellion, i also checked out sigur ros and grimes half because tyler recommended them, and flor sort of because josh recommended them, plus i’ve found a Lot of artists (most of the ones i listen to regularly) through this blog so indirectly because of them
8. reese’s puff or waffle crisps?
reese’s puff! i don’t think i’ve ever had waffle crisp
9. what’s your favorite tattoo of tyler’s?
the josh one
10. what’s your favorite tattoo of josh’s?
the tyler one
already did 11!
12. do you have any of their merch?
i have a patch and a necklace andddd vessel and blurryface vinyls and i think that’s it
13. which of their songs make you feel happy or “pumped”?
the judge, the run and go, ride, not today
14. which of their songs calm you down?
truce, before you start your day, screen, also the cover tyler did of build me up buttercup in the house of gold bts video skdlfj i listen to it all the time
15. which of their songs make you feel sad, if any?
goner, kitchen sink sometimes, cancer (but tbh not as sad as the original)
16. what’s your favorite song off of no phun intended?
taken by sleep
17. would you ever consider being tyler or josh for halloween? what would the costume be like?
no definitely not unless it was like. a joke i guess
18. what do you order at chipotle?
i get like the most basic burrito bowl with steak lmao
19. any theories or hopes for the new album?
i don’t have any theories, i’m really down for anything honestly. i hope they keep surprising us with new sounds and i hope they get a long break so they can make a really great album but i also hope it’s not Too long of a break. i hope they keep up the mysterious/cryptic marketing stuff bc tbh i eat that shit up it’s so much fun and i’m still a lil bitter i wasn’t around for the beginning of the blurryface era. also i hope tyler stops mocking mainstream hip hop. dare to dream
20. who’s the tyler to your josh (or josh to your tyler)? tag them!
21. would you rather be attacked by 100 chicken-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized chicken?
asdklfjsdkj umm probably the horses? 100 is so many but the chicken’s got a beak so. plus they’d be so cute and tiny
22. Have you ever seen donnie darko? what about fight club? what did you think?
yes i’ve seen both lmao, i like them but they have like. a connotation i don’t want to be associated with skdlfj and i think fight club is p heavily misunderstood by the Demographic that tends to enjoy it. also rose softrans and i have had a lot of conversations about how of Course josh’s favorite movie is fight club. when he was asked what other band he’d like to be a part of he said the beatles and then changed it to queen. his favorite food is chipotle. it’s like someone had a starter template for a white skater boy and kept it the same but cranked the kindness up to infinity
already did 23 & 24
25. have you seen them live before? do you have plans to in the future?
yes twice! like. they have no upcoming shows but i’ll see them as many times as i possibly can tbh
26. are you a redbull person or a starbucks coffee person?
coffee, i’ve never had redbull
27. favorite quote of tyler’s?
“rawr xd”
no actually um. i guess his speech that he used to do on stage about feeling alive? i can’t find it anywhere 
28. favorite quote of josh’s?
i really can’t think of any sldkjf every time he posted on snapchat or twitter in the middle of a show to say tyler was doing a good job. i tried to find one specific video where he talked about his anxiety but i think it’s gone :/
29. what’s the last twenty one pilots song you listened to? what were you doing at the time, and how did you feel?
goner, i was lying in bed in the dark and listening to blurryface right after the schott show and i was sad about the end of the era and kind of just emotional abt the band in general and how much they’ve done for me in the past 2 years. how embarrassing
30. you get to have a 30 minute lunch at taco bell with either tyler, josh, or jenna. who do you choose and what would you like to talk to them about?
ah man idk i’d. be terrified? probably josh bc i think he’d understand my nervousness and i think he’d be friendly and kind and we could just have a nice conversation. i would show him pictures of my cat obviously and we could talk about our favorite tv shows or something idk. also i’d wanna ask him about his tattoo
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