#i put this under a readmore but if ur on mobile idk if it will work sorry
lemontongues · 3 years
thinking out loud re: last post. like. on a """public policy""" level it does deeply aggravate me when people gripe about Good Fanworks and How You Should Engage With Media. like aside from shit that's just obviously disrespectful (writing fic about Horrible Actual Events, promoting ideas that are racist/sexist/etc, dragging actors or creators into shipping discourse, etc) I truly do not care how shallow someone's engagement with media is. mine is, generally speaking, very shallow. I get into things because there's a ship I like, or if I get into it for some other reason initially I usually still find a ship I like and spend the vast majority of my time playing in that corner of the sandbox. I don't care about doing literary analysis, I don't care about making sure there's a thorough canonical basis for my fanworks, I don't care about deeply exploring anything. to the extent that I do that stuff I do it because it's fun, the same way I make a million dumb aus and shipping scenarios because it's fun, because fandom is a hobby and I don't give a shit if I or anyone else am Doing A Good Job at it. I don't think fandom is a space where people have to prove their critical thinking skills beyond, like, bringing basic human decency to the table. people can write stupid shakespeare fanfic that completely misses the point of the play, I don't care.
however. on a very personal level. the ways in which some people do fuck up characterizations and interpretations of canon events is so fascinating lmao. like so many times I will try to read fic and not be able to get past the fact that I could literally never imagine the characters saying the things that are being said in the fic. it is so fascinating how some people seem to just take canon, kinda glance at it for general flavor, and then toss it out the window in favor of writing fic that's just What The Voice In My Head Wants Two People To Say To Each Other, And Also I Stuck These Names From Canon On The Dialogue Tags. I only care in the sense that like, being a pedantic nerd with very strong opinions about. basically everything. causes me to hit the back button so fast in those cases and it's always a little disappointing lmao but there's so much fic where I'm like WHERE are you getting this from. why would they act like this. what is happening. and honestly not all of it is "fanon", I feel like that's a very common accusation and very much a dirty word these days, this idea of people interpreting canon and everyone just mindlessly following that interpretation, which like. I do see sometimes and it can be annoying, but I also think. a lot of people just independently are not very good at meshing their emotional experience of canon with anything that actually has to do with canon in their fanworks lol. a lot of people just genuinely have weird or bad takes. lotta people just come out of canon with an incredibly loose grip on the characters and events. it's very funny and also sometimes very annoying.
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saulbaby · 3 years
Ok I've been saying this in a lot of tags but I'm finally gonna articulate it in a post here we go
Garrus is a character that for 2/3rds of the series is there to be guided by shepard. He always let's them guide his moral compass, then listens to their choices and then analyzes him until he understands, and comes out different on the other side
Which is why, to me, Garrus in me3 is weird because absolutely none of that paid off. For the first time in mass effect, he doesnt have two paths, and he doesnt have two versions of his character.
They try to make up for this by making him always agree with what shepard does, but usually mentions that he mightve considered the other option. My first....50 playthroughs it didnt bug me so maybe its nbd but I noticed this time and its weird because the Bioware Centrist thing theyre trying to pull off just doesnt make sense.
They assume that shepard is going to make consistent choices, and having garrus agree with those choices always gives you the illusion that hes learned, but in me1 if you paragon his ass for the whole game then steal the normandy he calls you out on it! He asks for clarification and understanding bc their actions didnt line up with their words and he wasnt cool with that.
They took 'this is a character that wants to learn and be guided by Shepard' and transformed it into 'Shepards bff and the most loyal' but I dont know if that's actually right from what we had seen before
Dont get me wrong I like garrus in me3 I think hes fun I love the bff angle and the bottle shooting but it's also just not quite right and not the right path for him because we've been shown him listening to shepard for 3 games but he doesnt seem to have internalized any of it. Instead it just seems like he has no values that he holds closely when 2 missions with shepard shouldve been enough to figure those out.
Killing sidonis or not isnt even flagged by the game bc it's just never brought up again. His personal quest in me2 acts like it's the breaking point and hes going to be changed forever regardless of what he does and it's his moment to finally choose a side and decide who he is but he just....ends up in exactly the same place making the exact same choices either way and that....feels really weird and ooc to me
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wdbwotv · 7 years
noah... answer all of the twenty one pilots asks, please
sdfjkldf Thank You ily
(already did 1 & 2)
3. do you remember the exact moment when you realized you were hooked?
hmm sorta? i do remember watching this interview and being like holy shit…… i love them.. and i remember a specific week or so when i started listening to them like. constantly lmao they were the first thing i added to my library when apple music became a thing and i would put their discography on shuffle and play assassin’s creed omg.. it makes me nostalgic for when they still felt so new :^(
4. what are your top five favorite songs by them at this moment?
taxi cab, kitchen sink, holding on to you, ride, and trees
5. have you ever introduced them to a friend or family member, and they ended up being a fan as a result?
i introduced my brother to them and he’s not a huge fan but he likes them! and a couple of my friends became fans after we talked about them but really i think it was more like we got into them simultaneously after finding out about them from different places
6. have you met any amazing friends because of twenty one pilots? tag them!
aaah yes! i’ve met so many cool people from this blog alone! i won’t tag them all but i’m thankful to 21p for allowing me to meet @drawingvoices​ especially
7. what other musical artists have you found because of twenty one pilots?
vesperteen, judah and the lion, jon bellion, i also checked out sigur ros and grimes half because tyler recommended them, and flor sort of because josh recommended them, plus i’ve found a Lot of artists (most of the ones i listen to regularly) through this blog so indirectly because of them
8. reese’s puff or waffle crisps?
reese’s puff! i don’t think i’ve ever had waffle crisp
9. what’s your favorite tattoo of tyler’s?
the josh one
10. what’s your favorite tattoo of josh’s?
the tyler one
already did 11!
12. do you have any of their merch?
i have a patch and a necklace andddd vessel and blurryface vinyls and i think that’s it
13. which of their songs make you feel happy or “pumped”?
the judge, the run and go, ride, not today
14. which of their songs calm you down?
truce, before you start your day, screen, also the cover tyler did of build me up buttercup in the house of gold bts video skdlfj i listen to it all the time
15. which of their songs make you feel sad, if any?
goner, kitchen sink sometimes, cancer (but tbh not as sad as the original)
16. what’s your favorite song off of no phun intended?
taken by sleep
17. would you ever consider being tyler or josh for halloween? what would the costume be like?
no definitely not unless it was like. a joke i guess
18. what do you order at chipotle?
i get like the most basic burrito bowl with steak lmao
19. any theories or hopes for the new album?
i don’t have any theories, i’m really down for anything honestly. i hope they keep surprising us with new sounds and i hope they get a long break so they can make a really great album but i also hope it’s not Too long of a break. i hope they keep up the mysterious/cryptic marketing stuff bc tbh i eat that shit up it’s so much fun and i’m still a lil bitter i wasn’t around for the beginning of the blurryface era. also i hope tyler stops mocking mainstream hip hop. dare to dream
20. who’s the tyler to your josh (or josh to your tyler)? tag them!
21. would you rather be attacked by 100 chicken-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized chicken?
asdklfjsdkj umm probably the horses? 100 is so many but the chicken’s got a beak so. plus they’d be so cute and tiny
22. Have you ever seen donnie darko? what about fight club? what did you think?
yes i’ve seen both lmao, i like them but they have like. a connotation i don’t want to be associated with skdlfj and i think fight club is p heavily misunderstood by the Demographic that tends to enjoy it. also rose softrans and i have had a lot of conversations about how of Course josh’s favorite movie is fight club. when he was asked what other band he’d like to be a part of he said the beatles and then changed it to queen. his favorite food is chipotle. it’s like someone had a starter template for a white skater boy and kept it the same but cranked the kindness up to infinity
already did 23 & 24
25. have you seen them live before? do you have plans to in the future?
yes twice! like. they have no upcoming shows but i’ll see them as many times as i possibly can tbh
26. are you a redbull person or a starbucks coffee person?
coffee, i’ve never had redbull
27. favorite quote of tyler’s?
“rawr xd”
no actually um. i guess his speech that he used to do on stage about feeling alive? i can’t find it anywhere 
28. favorite quote of josh’s?
i really can’t think of any sldkjf every time he posted on snapchat or twitter in the middle of a show to say tyler was doing a good job. i tried to find one specific video where he talked about his anxiety but i think it’s gone :/
29. what’s the last twenty one pilots song you listened to? what were you doing at the time, and how did you feel?
goner, i was lying in bed in the dark and listening to blurryface right after the schott show and i was sad about the end of the era and kind of just emotional abt the band in general and how much they’ve done for me in the past 2 years. how embarrassing
30. you get to have a 30 minute lunch at taco bell with either tyler, josh, or jenna. who do you choose and what would you like to talk to them about?
ah man idk i’d. be terrified? probably josh bc i think he’d understand my nervousness and i think he’d be friendly and kind and we could just have a nice conversation. i would show him pictures of my cat obviously and we could talk about our favorite tv shows or something idk. also i’d wanna ask him about his tattoo
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jesterkard · 4 years
Any advice on how to play dbd? I just got the game and I would appreciate anything to help me along my journey-Noob at Everything
oh this is gonna be a long one Im forced to put this under a readmore (sry mobile users)
about character advice u should level everyone up and try their perks out, your main wont depend on the perks (as u will unlock all perks for everyone else) but rather if u can rly “play well” in the characters model. I recommend nea and claudette for beginners as nea is a stealth-aligned character (specifically the perk “urban evasion” that lets you crouch faster) and claudette is one for teamwork but also can heal urself. (perk is called self care) but in the end you can choose whoever just looks good to u and learn theri perks. make sure to not get too dependant on one perk and learn to adjust to any situation
honestly u wont have a lot of perks at the beginning, mostly the one of ur character and the genreal ones available to all survivors. a very good perk is “spinechill”- a perk that will give u a lot of insight on when the killer is going into ur direction and a good way tosee if he is still following you when you Are running away.
DONT WEAR BRIGHT CLOTHES you get spotted easier and if youre not more advanced ur just gonna be a quick target
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save up the purple colored items, like the purple flashlight. ESPECIALLY the purple flashlight. if you are a beginner and dont know how to deal with a flashlight yet its good to save them up and use the green and yellow flashlights instead to practice and by the time u become level 50 (and are about to prestige to prestige I) u will feel more secure and testing+playing around wtih the flashlight
honestly? I only use my purple flashlight wtih a white ward (an offering that prevents you from losing ur item PLUS addons when you die) I cant handle to get tunneled and lose a good item!! they rly are rare keep that in mind
work on gens thats the main objective and what will get u out, if someone JUST got hooked and hasnt like lost half of the hooked bar (the yellow bar underneath the survivors name) theyre still in “stage 1″ and u can work on the gen/try to finish it up before they get to “stage 2″.lets say you get unhooked and u were on stage 1, then you get hooked again. you get just put on stage 2 and just have to struggle while your teammates come to save you.now lets say you get unhooked and you were on stage 2, if you get downed and hooked youre fully dead. so keep that in mind and dont let teammates come to stage 2.
feel the courage to run to the generators that are more in the middle- and think of it that way: by getting the gen done in the middle you basically make the killer take longer to go check all gens. by the time a killer is going to another gen, kicking it and coming back, you can already finish one gen at one side.
you dont have to crouch around if the killer isnt near you (heartbeat wise) you can run, gameplay changes when you playagainst a myers, pig or ghostface (or any killers wiht a tinier terror radius) bc you wont hear the heartbeat that shows that hteyre near. 
looping is when you make the killer follow you around one obstacle, dont throw the pallet down if the killer is A: not close enough and B: youre not injured. pallet efficiency will make your gameplay and the one of ur teammates easier.
when you get chased by the killer around like jungle gyms (multiple walls wiwth like one window and one pallet), always look behind you to seeif the killer is still after you and not already going to the other side so you walk right into him. 
when the killer actually breaks a pallet that you dropped, take the time and immedaitely book it to the next jungle gym/out of sight. if you were not injured and the killer no longer can see you, stop running and sneak somewhere to hide- wait for the killer to come by and look around and then leave: run to the other side then. 
when you get hooked, DONT attempt to escape. there is a 4% escape chance. as long as youre not cowsIAM (who is KNOWN for unhooking himself all the time somehow) you wont have much luck. you can attempt to escape if thers rly no other way though. 
NURSE if she blinks and is about to teleport to you, run to her so she already teleports too far away 
HAGcrouch over her traps to not trigger them. if you get unhooked and the hag put traps around, immediately crouch the moment u get on the ground and sneak away.counter perk: urban evasion
THE SPIRITlets say the spirit suddenly stopped running after you- shes most likely in her phase power and about to teleport to you. if you are not injured immediately stop running and normally walk somewhere out of sight and hide. the spirit relies on scratch marks AND the grunts of paint the player gives.if you are in front of a pallet and the spirit is on the other side just standing still WALK AWAY dont walk over the pallet there are spirits who “fake phase” so they just stand there and grab you when you walk over.counter perk: iron will
MYERSrun away and always try to break line of sight so he cant stalk you. when you loop him just crouch when he tries to stalk you so he cant see your modelcounter perk: spinechill
HILLBILLYrun around obstacles so he more likely runs into the obstacles than you so you dont get immediately chainsawed downcounter perk: sprint burst
THE HUNTRESS IM STUPID. THIS IS NOT GHOSTFACEif you are looping her and are at the pallet, and you see her raise her arm to throw a hatchet- keep running. the pallet drop animation doesnt make u invincible and the animation is locked so she can easily hit you with the hatchet. KEEP RUNNNIIIING counter perk: not spinechill this rly does nothing for u
TRAPPERif the trapper is playing, always look around for traps. they are almost always at pallet spots etc. if you trigger a trap either to disarm it or u walk into it- the killer gets a notification and will most likely return to it. avoid the place in general.
PLAGUEdont cleanse, if you cleanse urself in one of teh devotional water..things Idk you basically “corrupt it” and when she gets to it, she can get insta down attacks. u dont want that. it sucks either way since you will have teh broken status effect (youre injured and cant be healed up) but ykno. 
WRAITHif you flashlight him (just point the flashlight at him) when hes using his invisible power- he will get stunned :) be careful doing this they get easily mad and facecamp u either that or Im just that hated
DEATHSLINGERdont run ina  straight line just do curves and keep an eye on him when hes chasing you so that when he starts aiming you start running “chaoitcally” so he has a harder time to aim & hit you 
DOCTORwhen you are shocked and on any madness level, there might come up “fake doctor visions” that are just the model of the doctor looking at you. its not the killer himself just an illusion- and you should always stay on the move bc the killer can also see the illusion, know that somewhere is there, and imediately go to check it out. counter perk: calm spirit
CANNIBALdisconnect its not worth it (jk u get a penalty if u do disconnect.)
FREDDYwake urself up always byusing the time clocks, waking eachother up will at one point take way too long.counter perk: object of obsession
LEGIONloop him and try to avoid getting hit. outrunning him with speed perks is always good so he cant hit you. this is the dumbest tip so far. dont drop pallets too soon as he is able to vault them like you are. try to stun them when dropping the pallet if theyre close enoughcounter perk: sprint burst, lithe 
THE PIGthe pig is most likely always trying to sneak up on you so always make sure to keep ur surroundings in check. the moment you hear a ..groan? u will know what I mean- immediately run as she was about to attack you and has a light sprint animation.counter perk: spinechill, sprint burst
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astheravensighs · 4 years
F/O Asks to Rile Yo Up: 1 and 10 + Prussia
oh gosh those r actually very easy 2 answer for my hubs lmfaO thank u for the ask!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ there’s a LOT of tw content here so I’m gonna tag them as well as slap em up here in case i forget one!!
so warning for: tw nazi, tw misogyny, tw drinking, tw suicide mention, tw drinking, tw mental health, tw incest, tw hetalia ???? just general tw for like everything honestly sorry guys :O if i wasn’t on mobile id put this under a readmore just in case so pls be careful!! anyway here’s the Hot Takes!
1. a hot take abt this f/o
ok first of all. the official animation? the Source Material (tm)? ugly. he looks like he’s made of legos. like a minecraft skin. a fool. his english voice is also Horrific. 0/10. honestly 99% of the actual canon content of him i just.... i am Not Looking...... additionally: he definitely used 2 be... Problematic. like. v bad innapropriate jokes. a lot of ‘get in the kitchen’ type shit. he didn’t REALLY mean it but like... he’s several hundred yrs old that’s just. he didn’t know it was hurtful bc he’s absolutely a dumbass. he’s learned a LOT since ‘retiring’ bc he has nothing to do but Internet Around and he was like ohh. oh. so I’M the problematic fave. huh. he has made a great effort 2 unlearn the icky shit!! but sometimes it slips out and he feels AWFUL but hes rly trying i promise....
also: unhealthy coping mechanisms galore. boy drinks. i do Not like when peopl drink around me it scares the shit outta me i am the least helpful person 2 text if ur drunk and need help bc i will nope the fuk out and I’m SRY but i just can’t. deal with that lol. but he Really likes drinkin. refuses to go to therapy bc hes a stubborn dumbass. a LOT of compartmentalizing. he basically thinks as long as he’s not sad ALL the time then he’s fine, even if when he IS sad he is severely depressed and has full on panic attacks and breakdowns like twice a year (which is not tru fyi!! u dont have 2 be constantly sad to seek treatment!!! don’t do what he does he’s a dumbass)
2. what made you think ‘of course i had to like THAT character’?
shkahdkfjks the list is a mile long lol.... first of all. the one associated with nazis. of COURSE it would be that one. and obv in my hc he was and is NOT abt it but like. the amt of nazi content for him is deeply unsettling and i Do Not Like...... also: idk specifically why (tho i have a few ideas) but apparently hetalia is a v problematic show/fandom ?? which i wasn’t aware of ??? i watched it in like. 2008/2012 era-ish idk when exactly but i was DEF uneducated in the whole problematicness area so,,,,, of course i had to like the most problematic character in a problematic show what the hell. why. why am i like this. also he’s like. dead ? question mark ? or at least he’s supposed to be ??? so there’s always the potential he canonically disappears and i have to yank canon out of the creator’s hands and put him back 🙃 also the one that has a virtually unknown japanese voice actor so there’s like NO other content for his voice ugh ,,,,,, AND the actor in the stageplay just. didn’t capture him at ALL unfortunately so. not much good content other than fanart where everyone ships him with his brother 🙃
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transssexualheart · 6 years
:^( had to get this out of my system, this post has a lot of triggering shit in it such as mentions of abuse, suicide, and murder so if anyone is going to read this, please do so at your own discretion. i’m on mobile and idk how to do readmores. it’s just late and i was thinking about a part of my trauma i don’t really mention a lot and i had to write about it or smth
currently thinking about how it was very very likely that my father truly did commit suicide considering his past and the fact that he was clearly very mentally ill and his depression got passed onto me
but also his girlfriend at the time? who was the abusive ex wife of his best friend who had died years prior, a racist shithole, and a woman who was very intent on convincing me to hate my mother, did actually attempt to poison and kill my dad while they were together. he saw her poison his drink from the balcony and simply didn’t drink it when he returned, but never called her out, and stayed with her because he didn’t care for his wellbeing whatsoever. he was in a really bad place and that’s why it’s very likely that he actually did kill himself but that woman came into her daughter, me and my brother’s bedroom the morning we found him all like “oh ur dad disappeared last night idk where he went”. when her ex husband died it was supposedly of a heart attack that they assumed either resulted from a peanut allergy or smoking, which it was i can’t remember, and when my mom and dad came when they heard the news, they found his ex wife’s sister in his home, kneeling on the ground, crying “she killed him!” over and over and never do i ever want to invalidate my dad’s suffering as a person who’s father was absent in his life (his mom’s sisters threatened to hurt him unless he left her, why i don’t know), a person who attempted suicide multiple times and was never officially diagnosed nor did he ever get help, but had very severe depression and also very likely OCD, schizophrenia, and bpd, but i mean it’s not unplausable for her to have killed him. like it would have been easy for her to make it seem like a suicide considering his past. regardless she still tried to murder him prior and also possibly murdered her ex husband and because my dad isn’t alive it would be very hard to provide evidence that she tried to kill him but she still needs to be taken to justice
and before any of you fucking demons turn this into “what an iconic lady murdering her husbands and boyfriends bc they were probably abusive” let me remind you that first of all this is real life and not a fictional lady and also that she was incredibly racist, used the n word on a regular basis despite being white, manipulated my brother, me, and her own daughter into the concept that if we were perfect at everything we would not be punished, but every slight imperfection we were shamed and punished for, such as the time that she forced my brother, six years old at the time, to stand in the corner with his arms held in the air for an hour without being allowed to move or put his arms down, tried to convince me and my brother to hate and physically harm my mother because she didn’t like her, also used my brother and i as a weapon against her, trying to convince us to get her to beat us so that she wouldn’t be able to have custody of us, made me take showers with her and her daughter when i was nearly nine years old and not related to either of them, and held my brother, her daughter and i under this constant impression that we were being treated wonderfully and spoiled with new toys that we wanted while simultaneously manipulating us and occasionally just loosing her mind to the point of screaming at us for three hours with all sorts of threats to punish us for misbehavior that never existed in the first place
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luwuket · 7 years
i wish i knew how 2 do read mores on mobile wtf i just rlly wanna gush abt my supervisor and how happy he made me tonight at work but in particular BACKSTORY these buff white dudes at work who im already scared of as is were talking abt how Bad people with Radical Views are and i tend to shut up around them anyway but this topic in the workplace made me super uncomfortable BUT BASICALLY they moved from feminist stuff onto like, "dont force ur views onto me" onto "if ur a vegan dont make me go vegan" sorta thing?? and it took so much of my strength to not be like Friendly Reminder I'm A Vegetarian And This Is Making Me Feel Bad About My Dietary Choices and they were talking really graphically abt eating meat as if it was some symbol of aussie manhood or some shit it was just generally really gross BUT ANYWAY supervisor came back from his break during this time and just said straight up "i'm a vegan" and the other guys were calling bullshit and saying theyd seen him eat animal products recently n whatever but im p sure he was telling the truth? bc he mentioned going on a diet to me a lil while ago so i was like Aw Nice ! but he just didnt respond to them after that exchange and i rlly envy how easily he just spoke back to them like obv they dont scare him like they scare me bc hes older and higher up than us lowly regular casuals are but afterwards he asked me in private more abt what sparked the topic etc and basically said he's wanted the guys who were talking abt all this outta decant (where i work) for the past 6 months (basically since my supervisor got here??) bc its not the right attitude to have and they're rude arrogant guys etc etc and he came to talk to me about it bc he said HE SAID he trusts me and i felt really honoured w that trust that i'm now fuckin blabbing to the entire internet whatever, but also recognised how i might've felt personally in regards to what they were discussing because it really does directly affect me more than anyone else who was present there as an openly trans guy who is also gay, and idk it felt really nice to know someone w more power than i do to stop this sorta stuff is actively on my side and trying to resolve these issues bc u hear so many bad workplace stories and i've been told that my manager was sorta shitty about stuff when i transitioned at work but like. someone is here who i can go to and trust and it's really fucking good and a huge relief to know that idk i just need to talk about this at length because nothing can really capture how grateful i am towards him for just. being a decent human being in regards to this sorry ill put this under a readmore when i learn how to not be dumb on tumblr mobile thanx for probably skipping over this wall of text my hot milos gone lukewarm now so tah tah for now laddies
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mogamifucker666 · 7 years
EDIT/UPDATE: i added stuff from the reblog i and put this huge thing under a readmore
i’m stuck on mobile 4 now so some Quick Thoughts on the shishou swap au (watch me get sucked into writing this aaaaaa)(update: i got rlly sucked into writing this)
- Shigeo comes to the office during Mogami’s mom’s final weeks/months - having Shigeo around after her death keeps Mogami from going into his comPlete Downward Spiral (…… somehow.. idk how but Somehow Probably??????) - so he’s.. very attached to Shigeo (i’m into this timeline where Mogam’s mom dies before the narrative starts bc Mogami would have gone through that state of all-consuming hatred and resentment for humanity and moved onto something.. not quite as extreme. he’s still bitter and angry and wants revenge but he’s not Completely Out Of Control and also has Shieo to think about. Additionally because i like idea that Mogam drops his TV thing, no point anymore, supporting himself isn’t an issue compared to hospital bills, but he still works consulting ppl. could also b interesting how he reacts to ppl bringing it up afterwards. not to mention working with the underground would b less of an issue once he’s out of the spotlight
!!!!fast forward to when Shigeo is 14 like in canon - Mogami is more particular with who he’s killing. generally it’s still for hire but i think he does punish the kind of ppl he does in canon (this pisses off ppl in the underground sometimes) - uses a very strong rhetoric with Shigeo abt how u can’t allow ppl to take advantage of you - asks Shigeo what he wants, encourages him to speak up?? that’s not a consistent thing tho, Mogam would force Shigeo into some things (either by talking him into it, by surprising him, or some other means) - Mogam has a hand on Mob’s shoulder a lot, often for his own reassurance but it’s also just a habit at this point (Reigen has no friends and Mogami is emotionally dependent on a 14-year-old pass it on) - Shigeo is a lot more cold/direct. more distant from his family. more unstable. - the first person Shigeo Really physically harms (possibly kills??) is an esper sent after Mogami (this person wouldn’t be a conjurator, they’d have some kind of power over physical things and Mogami can’t rlly combat that?? like he doesn’t have those kinds of abilities)(maybe it’s that smoke guy from the world domination arc 🤔🤔🤔) - Mogami is injured during that whole episode - after tho he’s like “you saved my life, thank you, you did the right thing” etc etc - Mob is So Shaken but like. his master is still there and it’s okay because they’re both alive and have each other he was able to keep Mogami safe. Mob is literally shaking and like. damn. Mogami is probably holding him. doesn’t let Mob see the body on the way out. Mogami knows how to clean up this kind of mess so.. he does. - Mogami is Bad and one way or another this leads him to train Mob as an assassin
omg i completely forgot to talk abt Mogami getting hired to exorcise Reigen LMAO… (the subject of that 300 note drawing) currently i’m thinking it’s kind of like this: - Minori pretends to be her father and hires Mogami to get rid “the pesky ghost haunting my daughter” etc - her actual dad doesn’t have anything to do with it because, while Reigen is annoying and having a ghost around is Weird, Reigen is actually keeping Minori from getting hurt/doing bad things and Dad-Asagiri supports that - Minori hires Mogami bc he is/was on TV and she doesn’t care to do actual research and money isn’t a problem LMAO - Mogami shows up with Mob and, while talking to Minori, it becomes clear her father didn’t actually hire him and she was trying to play him (plus she’s been teasing/making fun of Mob and just generally being rude af) - he’s definitely not going to exorcise Reigen now, out of spite and also, as someone who has/had money problems, there’s no need to piss off a bazillionaire (pissing off the bratty heiress of a bazillionaire isnt ideal either? but??) - (idk what Reigen has been doing this whole time i have like 0 sense of his voice/personality in action lmfao) - anyway Mogami would be.. pretty mad.. i don’t know if he’d direct that at Minori at all. probably not. he’d tell her father, let him know of any channels she used to contact him (probably email?? maybe she had an attendant make a call to his office or something too) - Minori really is the kind of person Mogami hates. Mob knows this, and why Mogami hates these people (bc they’ve used him in the past, etc) so Mob does something to At Least intimidate/scare her. Mogami wouldn’t let Mob hurt her bc No Need To Piss Off A Bazillionaire (Even If His Daughter Is A Fucking Rude Asshole). - Reigen is like YIKES™ that small boy needs help
from there idk where it’d go… maybe Reigen persuades Minori to pursue friendship with Mob in some capacity. he’d know that would put her in danger though (Mogami is BAD NEWS and Mob is unstable too) so??? probably not that.
maybe he’s like “ok Minori ur still a very wild gal but uuuuh that kid needs help i’m gonna.. go.. put my post-mortem life on the line! please be good?? u can do that, right?? okay okay bye, see you–” and she’s like “UUUUHM???? EXCUSE M E?????” and insists on tagging along. That or she’s like “ya bye bizch those guys r freaky af Good Fuckin Luck Pal BYE FOREVER I GUESS” small tears bc she and Reigen do care about each other. cue drama and danger and maybe eventually Minori and Mob become good kids together or maybe not.
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shadowolven · 6 years
Plz put ur stories under a read more. It's exhausting to scroll past.
Hello Anon! I’m a little confused because I... I do put most of my stories under a read more? :c Granted, the read more link isn’t until a few hundred words in, but... That’s usually to set the tone if people want to continue reading, but I do try my best to find an early place to put it so it’s not taxing for my followers and people on the tag to go through!
I know there’s only two stories of mine that I’ve posted that do not have a ‘read more’ attached, but those aren’t exactly terribly long either, and one is a gift fic that I don’t want to restrict on just my page for the giftee to read, so for that one in particular, I will have to be stubborn about not putting a ‘read more’ on. I’ll add a ‘read more’ to the other one now, though.
If it is still a bother though, you’re always more than welcome to blacklist my writing tag: “#shadowolven writes”. As much as I’ll be saddened by it, I also don’t want to burden you from your scrolling adventures.
I’ll keep this in mind for future updates/posts of stories of a great length, though! My apologies once more, Anon.
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harryisntstraight · 7 years
Sorry that was so long i just am feeling very confused about how i identify and i thought maybe you would have some advice or be able to help me out a little? You're always so sweet and kind and im feeling very lost atm. Sorry about only 2 of the asks going through tumblr didnt eat them my phone was just not letting me send them so i had to switch to my computer. You can just read all the asks and reply to just this one on your blog if thats ok? :)
aaww hey i’ll post the rest under a readmore so it doesnt clog ppl dash (soz if ur reading this on mobile jfhsdjh) also i posted the rest of ur ask just bc i feel like there might be ppl who resonate w the whole thing yanno
I've known I liked girls for a few years now and I've always labeled myself as bisexual and I have dated one guy and it was a pretty eh relationship. Didn't feel much so I broke it off. I recently have been really questioning my attraction to men. I feel sexually attracted to some men but not that many. I'll see the occasional guy I find attractive irl but that's pretty rare mostly I find some celebrity men hot but even that is very few when compared to the amount of women I find attractive I just feel like I find all women so beautiful and am attracted to them in this whole different way to men? Like it takes a lot for me to find a guy hot and when I do it's almost never to the degree that I feel for women. And when I think about men romantically it does nothing for me all the cute stuff you're supposed to want I don't? I can think about sex with certain men and find it very appealing and that's it. But when I think about dating a woman and doing really cute mushy stuff with her it feels so right and makes me feel like its all i want? And I can see myself having a wife and being with a woman forever but men just dont really appeal to me in that way i just cant see it? Thing is I've never actually dated a girl so i keep telling myself im kind of making it up in my head how much i want it or how it could be but idk. And i feel sexually attracted to some guys so i think oh but maybe there will be a guy you want all that with? and i just dont know anymore?
firstly hiiii i relate so much to so many things u said here and i feel like this such common experience for women that are into other women. i think for me personally, i’ve always kind of been quite into the idea of not labelling my sexuality specifically. i feel really comfortable with using labels like gay or lgbt or queer as umbrella terms when talking about myself, but referring to myself as bisexual or lesbian never really feels 100% right for me. like you said, i know that i’m attracted to women romantically and sexually so i definitely identify as being lgbt i just always find it difficult to point to one precise label thats more specific. i think in a way, a lot of what your describing is probably down to heteronormativity and a degree of internalised homophobia, like its something that we all have to battle with and deal with daily even on a subconscious level. when being same gender attracted is still seen as ‘abnormal’ i think its only natural to feel weird about that part of yourself and want to repress it slightly. i think being a woman as well we’re so defined by our supposed attraction to men that its hard to get over that and accept that it’s something you dont feel. even if you know if ur heart that loving women is a natural and beautiful thing, when ur constantly surrounded by a society thats so focused on heterosexuality it can be so difficult to accept that part of you no matter how much you want to. i cant tell you how you identify or what the right label is for you but i think just being open and not pressuring yourself into fitting one specific label can actually be really helpful and take a lot of the stress and anxiety away. i think once you stop frantically trying to put a name to what you feel, it gets easier to just....Feel(tm) what youre feeling and sort of go with the flow. not second guessing and analysing my attraction has honestly helped me a lot, if i feel something for someone i sort of just feel it. i try not to get caught up in putting a name on my sexuality, but instead just experience it as it happens. i think its a really natural thing to want to understand yourself and figure out who you are but honestly, you have so much time to do that that if you cant figure it out right now then its not that important. i think as long as you acknowledge your attraction to women and are open to exploring it then not knowing for sure whether or not you also like men isn’t a big deal. i definitely think that experience is helpful to understanding yourself better, once you have that experience it does help solidify things in your mind and i know for myself that once i started being with girls i became 100000% more sure that i wasnt ‘faking’ anything and that i was into them. that being said, it isnt mandatory and not having experience with the same sex doesnt by any means devalue your feelings or sexuality. long story short just give it time, dont stress yourself out too much with forcing a label that you’re unsure about. things will get clearer for eventually and maybe someday you’ll find a label that fits you. and maybe you wont and honestly thats okay too. sexuality is complex as hell and understanding yourself is genuinely a journey, it’s totally okay if you’re only just getting started. hope this helped a bit, love you 💖
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