#i’m also never drawing armor again. why did i choose chainmail armor
astrobei · 1 year
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*hozier plays ominously in the background*
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inviouswriting · 4 years
This will be under a cut because it contains some spoils for 5.3 and my anguish over something that happened.
Aymeric x Kiya.
Kiya had returned after her lastest trip to The First. Bearing more with returning with her friends this time. She didn’t even have time to visit home, to her husband. To one she is avoiding. She huddles to herself in a corner unsure if she could even face him after what she had endured in Amarot this time. What she had to do to get through Elidibus’ mind games. 
Her head buried in her arms, she fights her own wits, she can’t get those events out of her head. Even as a pair of feet stand before her. She knows those feet, gold armor. It was a moment she knew she felt when she had a moment to herself. The anguish in her heart at having to slay everyone she held dear in that city. She had to, to progress. 
When everyone was safe, when everyone could return to their lives. Was when she found herself glued to the corner between crates and a wall. Shying away from all, refusing to be touched.
The person at her feet presses his hands to her shoulder, the one he can reach with her wedged between the wall and corner. He wonders what she witnessed to make her like this. Even her refusing to look at him. Aymeric waits patiently though, this isn’t the first time he has seen her in a state like this. Inconsolable and refusing anyone near her. He encountered her like this in his home after the events of Rhalgar’s Reach. Then she had managed to hide behind a bookshelf. He sits there and waits for her.
“Love? Talk to me.” His voice low, comforting. Kiya curls in herself more, he wonders if he is upsetting her more by being there. He wonders if one of the Scion’s was told of the events she endured to make her like this. He glances to G’raha Tia, he only shakes his head no.
“I’m afraid I don’t know this time. The others were separated before their reuniting. Not even Y’shtola knows of all that transpired before her first fight with Elidibus in Amarot..” He felt for his friend. He was the first to witness her shut down, and quickly went to Tataru who summoned Aymeric.
“Then all we can do is wait for her to come out of it.” Aymeric sits down next to Kiya, sitting just a few ilms away from her letting her have her time, but also letting her know his presence is there. He doesn’t touch her further, nor talk more until she snaps out. It would be hours from his guess. Not foreign to her traumas and the way she deals with it.
“We’ll leave her to you then, you have the most experience with her like this.” Of course he would. Aymeric nods and then settles into the waiting game of it. When she will reach to him. Seek him out.
The only thing he does is hold her left hand, grounding her to him. That “this” Aymeric is alive, this is “her” Aymeric. Not the illusion she fought with, the one she had to kill. She had hesitated in the fight, she even has new cuts from the sword on her face. Bandages applied. 
Kiya stares ahead of herself, her eyes drifting down to hand covered by his. She moves closer in resting her head on his side where she reaches. His arm moves to wind around her drawing her closer. He doesn’t say anything yet. He waits for her to break the silence. 
“You’re here... Really here?” Inward he sighs in relief at hearing her voice. Shaken and meek. Like she hadn’t seen him in months again.
“Aye, I am really here, my love. Tell me? What has you this distraught that you are hiding away even from me?” Aymeric sees her lift her head and look at him, he sees the pain in her eyes upon seeing his face. Then is bowled over with her wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his chest.
“I was in Amarot... and Elidibus had me fight illusions of everyone... I knew they were not real... but still...” Aymeric wears confusion in his face till he got what she meant. Everyone. Him included he lets her continue.
“From Papalymo... to Hien. To Lucia... to you...” His arms wind around her understanding why she is the way she is now. The man she had sworn to love and protect, she had to slay like they weren’t. He closes his eyes and tightens his hold on her.
“Dirty trick to use those you love against you. Anything to stay your hand or.. kill you. I rather you have lived if it were the case. The worlds need you before me.” Kiya sits upright on his stomach and glares down at him in a first of anger and a first a slap it echoes throughout the room. Enough that G’raha and Tataru flinch shrinking their shoulders they were around the corner listening to them. 
“Your people need you too... I NEED you! I don’t know what I’d do without you... Don’t you ever dare say that again!” He feels a hit on his chest in her flurry of emotions for him even suggesting such a thing. 
“Mine apologies my love.” He grabs her hands and holds them to him, using the back of his hand to rub the left side of his face where he feels the sting of her slap.
Kiya buries her face back into his chest to son freely.
“I’m sorry... I felt like I failed you having to do that.... Even with the success...” It is his turn to be stern with her. A shuffle and he pins her to the ground keeping her hands firmly above her head.
“Had you have died because you hesitated, you would have. You choosing what was right to do, no doubt with tears in your eyes and anguish in your heart over it. You did the right thing. And here we are. Still alive. You with me now.” Aymeric tilts her head up to look at him, Kiya keeps her eyes closed still not feeling like she can stare directly into those piercing blues that wait.
“Kiya. Look at me. Better yet.”  He takes one of her hands and presses it to his chest enough for her to feel the heartbeating a bit erratic from being smacked. Never had he thought she’d do it, but understands it is out of her anguish. 
The steady beating under her palm, she feels around his chest for it. Her fingertips lingering over the center. She is coaxed with him to sit up and press her ear to his chest. She hears it, and it lulls her out of her stupor. Arms wind around her and brings her even closer. To allow her, her weakness. 
“I’m here. We’re here. No one you love is lost here. Except those we could not save.. I know your heart hurts with those thoughts. I can’t erase them. I’m happy you have returned to me again. As you promised. Look at me.” Kiya lifts her head, and is greeted to the soft smile she knows first, then the calm eyes that soften when hers are on them finally. The messed black hair from the shuffling about. The slightly red cheek from where her slap connected. 
“Welcome home. Kiya.” Gentle words, enough to make her eyes peek with tears again and her ears to stand up in happiness. He catches her in his arms this time and holds her to him, so tight that she feels content.
“I’m sorry I slapped you...” 
“My back has endured worse my love. I still have the scars to prove of that.” Kiya’s face reddens and she pinches his thigh just above the chainmail he wears. Earning a fidget from him and retaliation in him blowing on an ear watching it twitch in the same manner his own cat does when irritated.
“May I take you home now?” Aymeric asks her, resting his forehead against hers. Eyes staring into hers pleading to let him take her home.
“Yes.. please...” She sees his eyes light up, and his chest heave a sigh he held. Relief in his entire being.
“We can talk more at home.” He feels a nod as he moves them both collecting her into his arms. He notes she is lighter than when she last left him. Probably from all her running around. He doesn’t press it further, instead he carries her now to head home. He sees Tataru and G’raha offer small smiles. Kiya buried her face into Aymeric’s chest.
Tataru passes up a cold cloth to Aymeric who shakes his head of not needing it.
“Thank you. Thanks for getting me for her. She would have been like this had you not. Probably till tomorrow.” Aymeric does take his wife’s left hand to press a kiss to her ring. An act that grounds Kiya even more to him.
“She chose well in someone who loves her so unconditional.” Tataru chimes up, she sees how Kiya is evenly breathing again, fallen asleep in his arms.
“Make sure she actually gets some rest!” Tataru adds, Aymeric nods.
“I will. I promise she will rest.” Aymeric gets nods then walks out with his wife in his arms.
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