#i’m bored home alone with a 3d printer
cellgatinbo · 1 year
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Mr. Sandman pt. 2 (Miss Venable x reader)
After one month I finally finished the second pt, whooho :) Well i guess its a bit different, than the first chapter, but i hope yall like it- I can imagine making a third pt of this, but it would be much more fucked up and weird, than this chapter..lol I wanted to say thank you for your nice comments under the first chapter, they made me really happy :3
summary: three weeks have passed and you are trying to understand everything
warnings: depression (idk if a robot can have depression-), uhm bruises,..
And if ur name is Laura, don't hate me! yikes hahah
here is the first pt. :
hello google translate:3
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Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Make her the cutest that I've ever seen Give her two lips like roses and clover And tell her that her lonely nights are over
It had been 3 weeks since the thing with the letter. 3 fucking weeks since you found out you were nothing more than a programmed machine.
And everything had gotten weird.
Ordinarily, you might call your behavior depression, but you were a goddamn robot and couldn't actually feel anything.
Sometimes you would spend hours in front of the mirror looking at your strange body. No.. to look at her body. You were just an image of her and your body was just a thing made of metal, tied through with cables and covered with a skin-colored rubber.
It all made no sense, all your memories of your family, your friends and your meeting with Mina (your first meeting in your bookstore, your first date, the first kiss, ..) all of this had to be real. But as Mutt had explained to you, your brain was just a hard drive with a stored script in which Mina had invested a lot of time to make your "memories" as detailed as possible. After all, she wanted you to be perfect.
To be honest, you had no idea how to act towards Mina. She was right somewhere, without her, you wouldn't exist. Maybe you should be grateful or happy that she created you. And on top of that, you really thought you loved her, needed her, or wanted her. But inside you knew that you only did all of these things because she programmed you to do so. Nothing you ever did was really your own excuse. You were just what she wanted you to be and in addition to that, you weren't even unique anymore. Mina had just copied you and used you for her own purposes.
Inwardly, you tried to fight the urge to kiss her, sit on her lap, or even smile at her, simply because you knew it wasn't what you wanted, but what she wanted. She wanted you to kiss her, wanted you to sit on her lap and wanted you to smile at her.
And all these feelings that cooked in you at the same time, the forced love for Mina and at the same time the hate because she was so selfish, let you get tired and pulled you down into a deep hole.
But you were a robot, you couldn't feel anything.
"You should fucking stop coking while you're working on her", hissed Mina, staring into the stupid faces of Jeff and Mutt.
"She should be perfect, do you understand that?"
"Calm down", Mutt mutturd, raising both hands as Jeff swept the rest of the cocaine off the table. The fine powder fell like snow on the floor and the fact that these drugs were now on the white floor made Mina even more angry.
"We're the best at this and we know that if she doesn't turn out perfect, you'll probably kill us," Jeff explained with a smug grin on his ugly face.
"It's better for you if you know," Mina growled, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"How far are you?"
"So," Jeff got up bored to go to his project.
"All we have to do is insert her face and load your script from her hard drive and then we're done."
Mina's gaze wandered to the 3D printer Jeff was pointing to. Inside was the mask of a face ... your face. It was her eyes staring at some point, the same blush of her cheeks on yours, as was the gentle curve of your lips as hers.
"May I ..?" Mina asked and held out her hand for the mask. Jeff shrugged.
"Do what you want, but then bring the mask with you to her body, then we can finish it off."
The man turned to go to the computer next to the body on the table.
"Meanwhile I'll be loading your script on her hard drive", he called afterwards, but Miss Venable no longer listened to him. Her attention was fully focused on the mask, which she had carefully removed from the printer.
The face looked almost dead in her hands as not a single facial muscle was tense and yet Miss Venable could already tell that you were exactly as she had imagined. Just like she remembered Y / N.
Miss Venable stepped away from the 3D printer to walk past Jeff to your body.
She took off her leather gloves before running her fingers over the exposed skin of your arm. It was fascinating how much the rubber felt like real skin. It wasn't the first time, that she saw the result of your body, but it always fascinated her.
Her gaze wandered to your head and she was startled, when she saw directly in your head on the hard drive, that was connected to Jeff's computer by a black cable.
"And she won't ask any questions?" She asked, turning to Jeff.
"Nope," said Mutt, who stood with his arms folded next to his colleague to stare at the computer.
"I took the liberty of reading your script and apart from all the crazy sex you wrote down there, it seems to be very verbose."
Mina's eyes narrowed at Mutt's words and she bit the inside of her cheek to swallow all the insults that came into her mind. This script had been private.
On the other hand, she was tired of waiting for you and just wanted it to be over as soon as possible and that she could finally have you after waiting so many years.
"Okay, this is what we got," Jeff began as he got up from the computer and walked over to your body to pull the cable out of your head.
"Y / N will think, she was here to pick you up from work and then she would have passed out for whatever reason. So she won't wonder why she is here. Well, you know, she thinks that you've been together for a few years, so you have to play along right away. "
"I've spent so many years preparing for this moment," Mina hissed as she watched Jeff insert the face into your body.
And she was right, for years she had lived in her house like a second person was living with her. She had bought Y / N's size clothes, her make-up, her perfume, the books she liked ... Someone would have called it madness, but to her it was confidence. Just because she knew she'd have you one day. And today she could finally take you home with her.
"We're ready," Jeff said, turning to Mutt.
"You can power her up."
"Wait," Mina interrupted while she stared down into your blank face. Your eyes were closed and now it almost looked like you were sleeping.
"I want to be alone with her, when she wakes up."
"B-but what if something doesn't work?"
"It will work."
"Your decision", Jeff mumbled and went to Mutt to leave the room with him.
"Oh and Miss Venable, you know, that telling her about your her identity wouldn't be the best idea."
"She will never know, I'll make sure", Mina replied and went to the computer to switch you on. As quickly as she could, she came back to the table you were lying on, staring expectantly into your face.
And then you came to life.
First your eyes opened and Mina saw you blink a few times confused at the bright ceiling lamp.
"What's up, honey?" You asked her with a frown, but Mina couldn't answer. You looked so damn real, just like her.
"Are you okay?", You grinned crookedly while you sat up.
Your smile, the slightly curved eyebrows and your lively eyes, it was perfect.
"I- I am just happy that you're awake again," Mina finally managed to stutter.
"Naww you were worried about me? You're cute," you muttered, reaching for her hands.
"Can we go home now?"
Mina nodded slowly while she stared into the loving glitter eyes.
You were perfect
Wilhemina opened her eyes. The image of your sparkling eyes was still buzzing around in her head while she stared at the ceiling of your bedroom. Damn it, how many weeks had you not looked at her like that?
Miss Venable was usually not one to wake up at night, but since you knew what you really were, she slept badly and at night dreamed of the time when you didn't know and you were both happy. In addition, the weight of your head was missing on her chest..Your arm wrapped around her waist and the locks of hair that usually tickled her face.
It was almost impossible to sleep like this. She just needed to feel like you belonged to her. How many times had Miss Venable dreamed of Y/N in Jonathan's arms one night and then woke up only to see, that you were as close to her as you could possibly be?
And since you knew it, you just lay next to her in bed, curled up in yourself and felt worlds away from Mina. She was sure you were toying with the idea of ​​sleeping in the guest room. But you could never do that, because that's how she programmed you. You wanted to be with her.
Mina turned her head to the side to see you. You lay on your back next to her and stared out the window with glassy eyes. Lost, thought Miss Venable.
"Why are you awake?" She asked softly and grabbed your hand, which was on your chest.
"I can't sleep"you replied dryly without looking at her.
I don't need to sleep, I'm a fucking robot Wilhemina.
"Do you want to read? Uhm- We haven't read together in ages," she asked and began to run her thumb over the back of your hand.
You just shook your head before turning to her and looking at her with such a pain in your eyes, that she wanted to cry.
"I'm not real, Mina," you said in a thick voice as tears came out of your eyes. You reached your other hand to your face to wipe away the tears.
"These tears are not real."
"That is not true." Mina whispered and took your other hand as well.
"You are here and you are real."
"I'm not even alive. I'm just a dead thing made of cables, I live as much as your computer does."
"Don't say something like that.", Mina mumbled reaching behind her to turn on the bedside lamp. She actually wanted to say something, but when she turned back to you, her eyes fell on the small bruises on your arm.
"What the hell, Y / N", she scolded in horror and ran her fingers over the dark spots.
"Oh, it's not that bad," you said quickly as you pulled your arm away.
"It's actually quite interesting, you know, when we were in the office to fix my hand, Mutt explained to me that I have certain sensors under this rubber layer, that make me think I'm feeling pain. And how my skin changes color when I injure myself..you know, its really cool"
Mina looked at you disturbed, while you explained to her factually how interesting you found that.
"Mutt sent me the plans for my body too," you continued, staring thoughtfully at your forearm.
"It's so fascinating to see how my body digests food or how my emotions work."
"Why are you in contact with this idiot?", Mina frowned.
"Because I wanted to know how I work..I also noticed that I can't get any older and it's kind of funny."
"Funny", Mina repeated, planning a thousand ways in her head, how she would kill Mutt.
"You fucking idiot," she hissed the next day as she hobbled into Jeff and Mutt's office.
"How dare you even think you have the right to clear Y / N?"
"I thought, it would be good, after she found out everything," Mutt muttered without looking up from his computer.
"Oh yeah?", Mina's eyes sparkled with anger.
"And I thought, we said,  it would be best if she didn't know."
"I understand why he gave her the plans," Jeff interjected.
"Who the hell asked you ??", Mina spat and Jeff shrugged.
"I'm just saying, that I think it's better for her. You want her to be happy and I think that's only possible, if she knows who she is."
"Oh no," Mina shook her head. "I want her to be like Y / N again and unfortunately that won't work if you explain how her robot body works. You could have sent her the script right away."
"Who knows, maybe I'll do that too," Mutt mumbled and looked enviously at Jeff, who was already coking again. "She deserves to know everything."
"You won't do anything like that," Mina growled dangerously.
"You both still work for me and what I do with my girlfriend is my decision".
With that she turned to walk out of the office and eventually out of the building. She just wanted to go home, but at the same time she knew that you and not Y / N would be waiting for her there.
"I'm home princess", she called out loud as she always did when she came home and like the weeks before she got no answer from you. Mina sighed as she hung her jacket on the stand. She hobbled into the bedroom and saw you the night before, just lying there and staring out the window. You hadn't gone to work in the past few weeks, it felt kind of pointless.
"How was your day, princess?" Asked your girlfriend, who was lost in the doorway and tried to get you to talk somehow.
"Good," you said curtly. "You didn't want to tell me how long I've been around, but I think I figured it out today."
Mina's breath caught.
"Did Mutt tell you that too?"
"Nope," you mumbled. "It was me alone. Well, I noticed that based on what I thought I knew, we've been living together for 4 years, but there are only pictures of the last two years, so I think, I'm 2 years old. Somehow that sounds funny, doesn't it? You're dating a two year old. "
For a few seconds, Mina just stared at you. You were right, you were two years old.
"When will you finally get back to normal," she finally mumbled and stepped outthe door frame to sit on the bed. You snorted in annoyance and shook your head as you sat up.
"Define normal, Mina."
"When will you talk to me again? When will you kiss me again? Will you sit on my lap or at least smile at me?" She screamed, making you wince at her volume.
"You treat me like I did something wrong."
"Sorry, but do you find it normal to live with someone, who is actually dead and looks like your 'big love'?" You yelled back.
"It was normal until you knew it and now you pretend there was something wrong with it," Mina stared at you in disbelief, as if she didn't understand how fucked up these facts actually were.
"You could at least have made me unique with a will of my own .. I could have loved you anyway and if I had decided it myself, that's actually how it works," you spat as you leaned against the headboard.
"Then you wouldn't have been like her," Mina replied dryly and you just rolled your eyes.
"So what?".
"So what ?!", Mina repeated angrily.
"Maybe because the only person I love is her and not you?"
Your eyes widened at her words.
"You- you are insane, Mina," you stuttered and got up to walk out of the room. And you would have loved to leave, but you were a human boomerang, no matter how far away you went, you would keep coming back to her. Because that's how she programmed you.
A few days went by and you thought a lot about the fact, that she had told you in the face, that she didn't love you but this woman. And you started to hate it all. You hated Mina for her incredible selfishness. You hated yourself for being completely at the mercy of her because she programmed you that way and you hated Y / N (although you were actually Y / N, only in lesbian and metal) because Mina loved her and not you.
You knew, that Mina regretted telling you that, at least she tried to apologize to you later, but you ignored her.
In your eyes, what Mina felt was no longer love, but madness. And if you hadn't hated Y / N, you would probably have prayed for her, that Mina wouldn't have the idea of ​​kidnapping her. Probably the next step on the insane scale. First Y / N had decided on Jonathan and then the stupid robot broke, so Mina was only left with kidnapping as a way out.
You really did your best to understand her behavior, but you just couldn't. Okay, well ... you were just a stupid robot and you only knew empathy from Mina's script.
"Well," you began when you came into her working space on Wednesday afternoon and sat across from her at the desk.
"I've thought of something."
That was the first time in days that you spoke to her without being asked.
You had actually decided to ignore her, until it was enough for her and she decided to leave you. However, the human part of you (Mina's ugly script) thought it would be fair to at least give her the opportunity to explain to you why she was the way she was.
Mina looked up from her laptop and smiled gently at you.
"Anything you want, princess".
You could hear the relief in her voice and you knew she was probably glad you spoke to her again.
And to be honest, you liked that situation. The fact, that she was so eager to talk to you again gave you an incredible feeling of power.
Usually you played by her rules and now you had the reins in hand.
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked at her for a few seconds with narrowed eyes. Despair literally glittered in her eyes and you couldn't help but enjoy this moment.
"I want to get to know Y / N", you finally said and watched as her brown eyes widened.
"You can't be serious," she whispered in disbelief.
"I am absolutely serious."
You shrugged your shoulders.
"You want me to get 'normal' again, but for that to happen, I have to understand you first, and here we are."
"But- ..", Mina started and then broke off herself. This stunned look sparked another war in you.
One side wanted to love her and tell her the idea was stupid, while the other side of you hated her profoundly.
"I hope you are aware, that this is not possible," she said quietly.
"And why not? Because then she finds out that you are a psychopath? This is your problem and not mine."
"Y / N, I can't do this," she mumbled, always seeing youstill horrified.
"I can dress up or something," you replied and immediately hated yourself for your willingness to compromise.
Mina shook her head.
"That's impossible Y / N ... your voice even sounds like hers."
"Nobody pays attention to the voice."
"Jonathan would notice," Mina said, pressing her lips together.
"Jonathan?" You repeated, confused, and raised an eyebrow.
"Her Husband," she mumbled softly.
"And why should your husband come with her, when I just want to see her?"
"He does not like me."
"And why should you come with me, when I want to see her?"
"Oh Y / N, come on", Mina rolled her eyes. "Do you really think, I'm so stupid and leave you alone with her? No way."
You snorted in annoyance and shook your head as you stood up.
"It was clear that you wanted to be in control of that too," you muttered, turning to walk out of the room.
"I'll leave the decision to you, Mina, but don't expect me to come back to you if you don't even give me the opportunity to understand you."
And Mina actually didn't seem to have given up hope, when she told you on the same day, ,that she would agree to your request.
It was maybe a bit ridiculous to dress up because of the whole thing, but otherwise Mina would not have agreed and you also wanted to spare Y / N, what had happened to you the last few weeks. By being basically Y / N, you knew exactly what it would feel like for her to find out the truth about you.
"So .. what do you think?" You asked when you walked into the hallway to Mina, who was already waiting.
Mina looked you up and down critically.
You had to do your best not to look like yourself, or rather not to look like her.
Dyed hair, different make-up, more conspicuous clothing and jewelry.
"I don't like it," Mina muttered and you rolled your eyes.
"It's not about whether you like it, it's about whether I look like her."
Mina shook her head.
"You definitely don't do that and I still think it's ugly."
"Well, maybe I should always dress like this now," you muttered as you stepped forward to leave the house.
During the drive to the café, Mina explained her rules to you and that she would interrupt the whole thing immediately if you didn't follow them.
But you didn't listen to her at all. In your mind you were with Y / N and the life that was actually intended for you and it annoyed you, that Mina was so addicted to control.
"So, behave, understand?" She finished her sermon as she parked the car.
"Do I have any other choice? Otherwise you would probably take me to the junkyard," you joked and climbed out of the car, only for Mina to come to you and take her hand in yours. You wanted to push her away, her behavior was disgusting, but instead you gave her a warm smile and pressed a quick kiss on her cheek.
You knew exactly how much that would hurt her.
Mina pulled you into the overcrowded café and despite the many people you immediately discovered the young couple, who were sitting at one of the back tables.
Y / N, who had a child on her lap and her husband Jonathan.
Shit, shot through your head. They look so happy ..
You felt Mina's grip on your hand tighten a little, and if your bones weren't made of steel, you would have been afraid, Mina would break your hand. As you both approached the table, your eyes were glued to Y / N. In fact, she looked exactly like you, the only difference being that her hair was a little longer than yours. She moved like you, had the same posture as you and wore the same innocent smile on her face as you always did.
And as much as you loathe Mina, you had to give her one thing: she had done an excellent job designing you and you finally understood, what she always meant when she told you, that you were perfect.
She could have shown you a photo of Y / N and you would have been 100% sure that it was you.
"Oh Mina, hi", Y / N squeaked excitedly and got up from her seat when she saw Mina and you and you couldn't help but grin. Stupid thing.
"Hello Y / N," Mina mumbled when Y / N came and hugged her.
"I'm Y / N," Y / N said to you with a polite smile after letting go of Mina.
"And this is my husband Jonathan and our daughter Emily."
Your gaze wandered to the child who paid you no attention and to Jonathan who smiled crookedly.
"Uhm Y / N, that's my girlfriend Laura", Mina stammered and you looked at her confused. Laura?
"Hi," you mumbled tersely, trying to bring a smile to your face.
You watched Y / N turn away from you againe to sit next to your husband and put the child back on your lap.
"God, I'm so glad, that we can meet," Y / N said excitedly as Mina and you sat down (Mina across from Y / N while you sat down across from her annoyed husband).
"You know, I was really sad when you said a few weeks ago you weren't going to our college meeting .. I missed you, Mina."
You knew how much Y / N's words would hurt Mina and suddenly you found the fact, that you were sitting with her in this cafe with the real Y / N and her great life more than just amazing. And you knew that Mina made herself very vulnerable at that moment, which was actually a rarity.
"You know, Mina, I was really happy for you when you told me that you had a girlfriend," Y / N said while she stared at you curiously. Holy shit.
"How did you meet?"
"Uhm she-" Mina began, but you interrupted her.
"Let me tell her, honey."
You grabbed Mina's hand, that was on the table and crossed her fingers with yours.
"Well, as you know, Mina works in this robot company. And because Mina is not stupid, she had the great idea to create a human robot that exactly meets her ideas, who wouldn't do that if you were CEO of this company? And unfortunately her ideas looked exactly like me and in front of you sits the end result of her experiment and thats our lovestory. "
Y / N and Jonathan stared at you in confusion and you could hear Mina holding her breath. You held this tension for a few seconds before you laughed out loud.
"Oh my god, guys..that was a joke", you laughed and immediately the looks of the others relaxed again. Mina cleared her throat only to growl a quiet "not funny".
"So you know, I work in a bookstore and she was my customer back then. Love at first sight and that shit. And then we started dating," you explained and looked at Mina lovingly from the side. Disgusting.
You heard Y / N squeak softly next to Jonathan and you wondered if you were as annoying as she was.
"Thats so cute," she said. "And how long have you been together?"
"4 years", Mina muttered and you hummed in agreement.
"I'm happy for you," said Y / N and looked back and forth between you and Mina, smiling.
"Jonathan and I have known each other since college, as Mina must have told you."
"Oh yeah," you said, staring at the child playing in Y / N's lap. It looked just like her, and who knows, maybe it was just a robot?
"Mina told me a lot about you, unfortunately a little late. Well, whatever, what are you two doing?"
"We're both mechanics and work in rocket construction," Y / N explained and Jonathan just nodded.
"You know, Jonathan is currently working with other mechanics on a rocket that will go to Mars."
Y / N gave Jonathan a proud look.
"Oh wow, that's so cool," you said with mock admiration as you stared at Jonathan with bright eyes.
"You know, Mina's work is really boring, but rocket building? That is so interesting, tell me more about your work, jonathan."
The man in front of you looked at you confused as you cocked your head and smiled sweetly at him.
"Uhm, so I work in a team with 14 other mechanics," he explained bored and crossed his arms over his chest. "And we plan to finish the whole project within the next two years."
"And should the rocket be for humans?" You asked as you put your hand on his arm to remove a lint that didn't exist. Beside you, you could feel Mina squeeze your hand tight and you knew, that she hated to see you obviously flirting with the man.
Jonathan cleared his throat and pulled his arms apart again so that you had to remove your hand again.
"This rocket is supposed to be for robots," he muttered, looking at his wife, who was sitting next to him, smiling gently.
"Oh, did you hear Mina? Robots?" You said as you turned to Mina to look at her with shining eyes.
"Maybe I should report to NASA, I would be the perfect astronaut for this mission".
You looked back at Y / N and Jonathan, who obviously didn't know what to make of your statement again. You grinned cheekily when you put your hand on Jonathans again.
"I understand, that all of the robot comments might sound a bit confusing, but you have to know, that Mina has some really weird fetishes."
"What the hell was that supposed to be?" Scolded Mina after the two of you had reentered your house. You turned to her and shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know what you mean, honey," you said with an innocent smile on your face as you approached her passed to enter the living room. Mina watched you angrily as you let yourself fall on the sofa to stare indifferently out of the window.
"Those stupid robot comments?" She hissed angrily.
"And then the disgusting way you stared at Jonathan with .."
You snorted in annoyance.
"Of course it is that thing that bothers you".
"Yes, it bothers me because you know that I hate him", Mina hissed and hobbled into the room to stand in front of you.
"You fucking belong to me Y / N .."
"Of course I'm yours," you mumbled sadly and while you were still looking out the window, you could feel her angry eyes digging into your skin. You thought back to the previous afternoon. Y / N had started talking about their perfect life in response to your questions. Her and Jonathan's career, and then cute Emily, who had been sitting at the table the whole time playing with a teddy bear. You noticed, that as a stupid robot you could probably never have children and you couldn't help but feel envy for this woman and again there was this hate for Mina.
"Okay, take that off," Mina suddenly said in a sharp voice. You looked at her confused and blinked a few times.
"Please what-?"
"Take. That. Off.", She repeated, growling, while her eyes wandered over your body. "This makeup, the jewelry and these clothes, that's not you. And I want you .. now"
"Oh no ... I definitely won't do that," you breathed as you stood up.
"I told you, I didn't want anything physical from you until things were cleared up."
"I waited a long time Y / N and nothing happened, so take this shit off," Mina spat, staring at you impatiently.
"Leave me alone, Wilhemina," you muttered as you stepped past her to leave the room.
"You will come back immediately, Y / N", Mina suddenly shouted in a tone that was strange to you and immediately made you jump. Her voice suddenly sounded so shrill that it gave goose bumps over your body.
You turned around automatically to go back to the living room, where Mina was still angry and looking at you expectantly.
"I want you to take your clothes off," she said sharply, and you just couldn't argue. There was that sound in her voice that she had never yelled at you with, even though you had argued a lot in the past few weeks.
"Now, Y / N," she hissed loudly before she hit the floor with her stick and you immediately began to take off all the jewelry, that you had only been wearing to not look like Y / N. You grabbed an unused kleenex, that was lying on the living room table to wipe the lipstick off your lips. Your fingers carefully removed the lashes, that you had placed on your eyelashes. Your eyes were still on Mina, who had meanwhile sat down on the sofa and watched your every move. You stood in front of her, undecided after throwing the handkerchief with your lipstick and lashes on the table.
"I want you to sit on my lap," said Mina and suddenly you understood why you were actually doing what she wanted. 
“I want.”
Damn robot.
You carefully climbed onto her lap and stared sadly into her brown eyes, which were dark with lust.
"Good girl," she hummed, sending warmth through your whole body.
"Its that what you want, isn't it? Be my good girl?"
You looked down at her with glassy eyes before you nodded.
Immediately her hands began to wander over your body and you knew that you had failed.
You had never hated yourself and your stupid body as much as you had for the next few hours. As warm tears of frustration ran down your face, you moaned her name like a whore. It was fascinating how your body reacted to her touch, you wanted her so bad, simply because she programmed you that way.
With that she had won.
You had fought her for 3 weeks, only to end up in bed with her again. You hated her for it and you hated yourself and still you let her fuck you so senselessly.
When you found yourself in your bed a few hours later and felt her naked body pressed against yours, you felt more terrible than ever. Mina had her arms wrapped tightly around you and you could feel her breath on your neck. It was all disgusting and you noticed how it got too much.
You carefully freed yourself from her iron grip to go quietly from your bedroom into the bathroom. You turn on the light and stand in front of the mirror to examine your naked body. Disgusting.
Your face looked completely tearful, with a swollen lower lip that she had a few hours agohad eyes.
Your body was covered with small bruises and the prints of her fingernails and suddenly you could feel her hands running over your body again. It was electrifying.
You hated this picture in front of you. You were only there to be hers. To do what she wanted. And there was nothing you could do about it.
Your fingers carefully traced her markings. None of this was real. Your skin was some kind of rubber that only discolored. An illusion to hide your cables. And you've had enough of this human shell, this illusion. You were a robot and you looked like a human, you acted like a human and that didn't make any sense. You finally wanted to know who or rather what you were. Your eyes wandered from your reflection in the mirror to the sink and the small nail scissors stabbed your eyes.
The whole thing was idiotic, but you couldn't help but hold out your trembling hand for it.
A few minutes after you got out of bed, Mina woke up too. The lack of warmth in your body was missing, as was your weight in her arms. For a brief moment she was afraid, that you would finally have run away, but then it occurred to her, that you couldn't run away, that's how she had programmed you. Still, she had the feeling that something was wrong.
Mina sat up to grab her dressing gown, which she pulled over her naked body, and then hobbled out of the bedroom into the hallway to look for you. She didn't have to look far as the light shone from the open bathroom and she saw you leaning over the sink.
"Princess?" She asked softly and put a hand on your bare shoulder. You winced at her touch as you turned and revealed to Mina what you had done. Mina let out a shocked scream and stared in horror at your slashed arm, which revealed all the cables and your metal bones.
"What the fuck are you doing ?!", She screamed angrily as she grabbed your arm.
"I- I just wanted to see my real body," you stuttered and hid the nail scissors behind your back.
"Don't you see that you are destroying everything?", Mina spat and looked at you hurt.
"You're the one who breaks everything."
"Mina, please," you mumbled and pulled your open arm back again.
"I just want you to be normal again," she breathed and felt tears come out of her eyes. You shook your head slowly.
"We already had this conversation, I'm not going back to normal, you have to understand."
"Oh I understand it now".
Mina looked at you thoughtfully for a moment before continuing.
"Get dressed."
"It's 5 am," you said and watched in confusion as Mina turned around to go back to your bedroom from the bathroom.
"You understood me, Y / N", Mina mumbled and heard how you ran after her angrily.
"Make up your mind Mina," you hissed as you walked past her to your closet. "Before you wanted me to take my clothes off, just so you would tell me now to get dressed again."
"You can also accompany me to my office naked," Mina hummed, who started to get dressed. You spun around and stared at her in confusion.
"You want us to go to your office?"
"Forget it," you snorted and shook your head.
"I won't do that shit. You can't-"
"Shut the fuck up!" Shouted Mina.
"I want us to go to my office and you will come with me, do you understand me?"
She glared at you and you nodded quickly.
"Good," she hissed. "Now damn it, get dressed and shut up."
Mina was incredibly nervous when she drove to her office. She didn't really know what she wanted there herself.
She wanted you to go back to normal, but you didn't go back to normal. She wanted you to be Y / N again, but you weren't. Mina could feel that you were scared when you sat silently next to her in the car without moving. But she didn't care, earlier she might have calmed you down, but earlier you were still like Y / N.
Mina parked the car in the company's parking lot before opening the door for you to get out. Without a word, she ran through the building, clutching your wrist with her free hand. What hadn't been cut open. She stomped angrily into the office of Jeff and Mutt, who were bent over the table again to coke.
"Look Mutt, Venny joins the chatroom," grinned Mutt as he lifted his head from the table and recognized Miss Venable.
"What gives us the honor?"
Mina put her hand on your back and pushed you forward.
"She is broken," she croaked. "She doesn't work anymore .."
"So what should we do now?" Asked Jeff, as he got up and walked over to you to look at your cut arm.
"I want you to fix her, she should be normal," Mina hissed and felt tears sting in her eyes again.
"Otherwise replace her if you have to, I don't want her if she is like that."
Mina looked sadly into your fearful eyes. There was nothing left of the loving glint she'd seen when you smiled at her the first time. You weren't like Y / N and as long as you weren't like her, she didn't want you. Damn robot.
Sandman, I'm so alone Don't have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
114 notes · View notes
kronk-is-launchpad · 4 years
Here in the Garden (Chap. 1)
Summary:  Della Duck didn't think of the possible consequences of leaving her unhatched eggs. Nor did she think of the pain she'd cause to her 3 yr old daughter. Donald takes the triplets in a fit of emotions, but doesn't think to take his only niece. After being forced to give up searching for Della, Scrooge now devotes all his time & affection to his youngest niece. Elliot has grown up unaware that she has brothers, and now that very fact is holding her up by the thread.
[DuckTales 2017]
[DuckTales OC insert]
Elliot was at a meeting with Scrooge & the 'penny pinchers', bored out of her mind. Though surprisingly, she'd rather be no where else. Scrooge is the only person she could trust, and she didn't plan on that changing anytime soon.
   On the limo ride back Scrooge was telling Elliot about how annoying Glomgold was, and she responded with the usual "hm" And "huh". As the gate pulled into view, she could see a station wagon. LaunchPad lurched to a stop, sending Scrooge & Elliot out their seats. Scrooge got up, mad as ever.
"Why aren't we movin?!" He shouted.
Scrooge immediately moves over LaunchPad to honk the horn and get out the limo.
"Ay!!" He yelled angrily, "Jettison that jallopy from my driveway this instance you deadbeat!!"
A familiar duck exits the station wagon and walks towards Scrooge. They meet halfway, glaring at each other with sheathed anger.
"Donald Duck." Scrooge seethed.
"Uncle Scrooge." Donald responded.
Elliot's eyes widen, and she slowly gets out the limo.
"Dona?" Elliot called out quietly, tears starting to fill her eyes.
"Ellie?" Donald whispered, taking a step towards her.
Scrooge cuts Donald off, glaring at him with the fierceness of a beast.
"JETTISON THAT JALOPY FROM MY DRIVEWAY THIS INSTANT YA DEADBEAT!!" Scrooge growled loudly, annunciating each word with a poke of his cane.
The two duck spiraled off into a pointless argument as Elliot shifts her attention to the 3 kids in the car who were filled with excitements. They were clearly triplets, with different color-coded outfits to distinguish one from the other. The one duckling wore a red polo shirt with a baseball cap to match. The duckling to the right wore a green hoodie, and to the left was a duckling in a light blue long-sleeve with a darker blue t-shirt over it.
'Dona had kids?' she wondered, 'did he really forget about me?'
She gets shaken out her thoughts by Scrooge's yelling.
"YOU'RRREEEE WELCOME!!" he taunted loudly, but then realizing what had happened, "wait what?"
Donald huddles the triplets out of the station wagon, and over to Scrooge.
"Huey, Dewy, Louie," he introduced, "meet Scrooge McDuck."
The ducklings looked like they were about to burst from the intensity.
"Remember," Donald warned, "no tricks, no lies, no trouble."
"Yes Uncle Donald," the ducklings responded in-sync.
"I wasn't talking to you," Donald corrected, his eyes narrowing at Scrooge, who returned the favor.
After Donald drove away the 4 ducks start heading back to the car, sending Elliot into panic.
'What do I do?!' She thought nervously, 'I don't know these kids?!'
Then the limo door opened.
"EEEEEEEEEEEE!" Huey squealed, "it's you!"
"It's me?" Elliot questioned nervously.
"THE Elliot McDuck is my Aunt!" He screamed, "this is the greatest day of my life!"
 Huey jumped up & down outside the limo,  giddy with glee. The other 2 looked at the teen with curiosity & amazement. Scrooge ushers the triplets into the limo, and Huey immediately start bombarding the young duck with questions.
"How do you create such innovative designs for your prosthetics? What 3D printer do you use for the models? Do you build them here or at the McDuck bin? How much work do you get done in a day?"
Before Elliot could answer, Scrooge was already blocking the red clad duckling.
"Leave the lass alone," Scrooge grumbled.
"No Coo, it's quite alright," Elliot interrupted, "curiosity brings discoveries.
I think of what people need in a prosthetic, and strive to make it happen. I don't 3D print as of now, but I do have a small lab in McDuck Manor for making models though the prototypes & final products are made in the McDuck laboratory. I can get a sketch & model in a 9-5 work day, but I do take days off to cool down. I hope I've answered all your questions."
Huey looked at the teen in awe, writing down everything she said. The limo lurched to a stop, causing the triplets to fall out of their seats. The partition rolled down to reveal LaunchPad.
"You're all home now Mr.McDee," he announced, "have a great day Elli!"
"Much appreciated LaunchPad," Elliot thanked as she exited the vehicle.
 She bolts to the door, Mrs. Beakly opening it automatically as she disappeared inside. Scrooge followed, walking normally. Once Scrooge made it through, the door is slammed shut on the triplets for a few seconds, before quickly being opened by Mrs. Beakly.
- - - - - -
'I didn't know Donald had kids,' Elliot thought as she made her way through the house, 'Did he really forget about me so easily?'
 She reached the garage, a wave of emotions fell over her. Seeing the souvenirs brought an old feeling of naivety, but it also brought tears to her eyes. Seeing all that happened while she was stuck to a garden with no social interactions outside of a butler. While lost in thought, she didn't notice 4 ducklings sneak in. As she ponders an old painting she hears a loud gong. She whips her head to see Webby being chased by a headless horse.
"*gasp* Ms. McDuck?" Webby blurted, "what are you doin in here?"
Before Elliot could counter there was another gong. The girls turn to see a ghost pirate chasing the triplets. Elliot runs past them, grabbing the kids and hiding.
"What are you 4 doing here?!" She shouted, "this isn't a playground!"
"We were bored!" Dewey responds frantically, "how was I supposed to know there were ghost pirates!?"
"And if we hear one more gong, an unspeakable evil will be set loose!" She screams.
"Not if I can help it!" Elliot growled, getting up.
She runs out, grabbing a sword and jumping on top of boxes.
"Hey Dorky Jones!" She shouted, catching the pirate's attention, "Where'd you get that hat? Party City?"
 The ghost let out a screech as it flew toward the teen at lightning speed. Elliot quickly dodges, flipping over the undead attacker and landing gracefully behind him. The pirate grabbed a glowing sword, ready to fight. Before either could charge a heavily accented voice rang out.
"What in Dismal Downs is going on here?!"
The 4 young ducks sheepishly turn to the elder one, as Elliot smiled nervously.
"Why good noon Coo!" Elliot greeted hurriedly, "What brings you here to garage?"
Before Scrooge could tear into the 5 ducks, another screech ripped itself free from the beak of Elli's opponent. Elliot quickly parries the glowing sword that was speeding towards her. She deflected it up, but the sword quickly turned itself around and was back to speeding at her face full-force.
"Aw phooey," she muttered tirelessly as she parried the endless attacks from the sword, getting pushed away from the group more and more.
"Could *pant* really use-woah! SOME HELP!" The teen shouted as the swipes got faster.
"The sword won't stop till it hits its target!" Webby shouted from the side lines as Scrooge is facing the ghost pirate and its new partner, the headless man horse.
'What do I do? What do I do?' Elliot thought frantically as she was growing tired from the persistent saber.
She could feel a lightbulb go off in her head.
'Ah-hA, That's it!'
After a final deflect she drops her sword, her stare calculated and confident as the sword was speeding back at her.
"Ms. McDuck what are you doing?!" Huey screeched out in terror as he covers his younger brothers eyes.
"Trust me!" The teen called out, her gaze still on the sword.
Just as the blade was about to impale her she quickly side stepped, ripping her sleeve and drawing a small amount of blood. The sword stopped glowing, dropping immediately. Elliot returns to the others to find the headless horse and ghost pirate gone.
"Now what are you all doing in the ga-rage?!" The Scotsman shouted, slamming his cane to the ground.
"So it IS a garage!" Huey exclaimed.
"B-but what about all this treasure?" Webby asked desperately, "The garden hose of destiny, Montezuma's stack of old magazines?"
It takes the energetic duck a moment to realize her words, and she slumped her shoulders in defeat.
"Unbelievable..." Scrooge growled, "I invite you into my home-"
"You locked us in a room!" Louie countered angrily.
"You did whAt?" Elliot cried out in disbelief.
" I gave them marbles!" Scrooge shouted back."
"All we wanted to do was spend time with you." Huey explained.
"Well now you have," Scrooge grumbled, "and look at the mess it's got me."
"I guess family's nothing but trouble," Dewey muttered aloud, "right Scrooge?"
Elliot watched as Scrooge's face contorted into an anger she never saw often. She took a step towards her angered parental.
"Everybody out." He growled.
"Coo let's just calm down for a min-"
"OUT!" He screeched, hitting the gong with his cane.
Everyone gawked at the action, some covering their beaks in shock.
"Oh what are you gaping at?"Scrooge asked, "the curse is only activated if you ring the gong three times, and-and you already hit it two times didn't you?"
Then the statue started to crack.
The stone crumbled away to reveal a slithery golden dragon. It broke through the roof, letting out a mighty roar.
"Pixiu, the Gold-Hunting Dragon," Webby muttered out.
"Gold hunting? Sounds great!" Louie commented.
"Not when you're Duckburg's single largest owner of gold!" Huey exclaimed.
"Aah! Me money bin!" Scrooge screeched in horror as he grabbed the dragon's tail, "Elliot! Take them inside!"
Elliot watched in awe as her legal guardian gets yanked into the sky. After minutes of shock pass, Webby starts to walk out of the garage with a mission.
"Where are you going?" Dewey called out.
"I'm gonna go eat a hamburger." Webby stated confidently.
"We're in!" Shouted the triplet
"Anything for Coo." Elliot said, joining the quartet.
"Cool!" Webby squealed, "and to be clear, I'm gonna go catch the dragon. The hamburger was a metaphor from before."
"Yeah, yeah, no, we get it. We get it." Dewy responded, "But how are we gonna get up there?"
Launchpad pops in out of nowhere, scaring the living daylights out the teen.
"I'm a pilot," He informed, an excited smile on his face.
"Well what are we wait for? To the Sunchaser!" Elliot shouted as they all ran to the large plane.
They quickly board the aircraft, Elliot buckling up the kids. She barely sits down when launchpad lurched the Sunchaser into the sky. Elliot struggles to look over her shoulder.
"You guys doing alright?" She calls out.
She here's a shaky chorus of "yeah!"s, along with one "We're gonna die!".
"Yeah they're fine," Elliot muttered reassuringly to herself.
Once the plane steadied enough Elliot hopped out of her seat and over to the kids, unbuckling them.
"Ok listen up team," Elliot commanded, "we need to form a chain to grab Scrooge. I'll be second in line while three of you support me. Who's grabbing him?"
"Step aside comrades," Dewey instructed, stepping out from the group, "I was born for this."
They all get in a line, linking arms with each other. The plane is becoming more unstable as they approach the flailing Scotsman.
"Launchpad now!" Elliot ordered, tightening her grip on Dewey's hand.
Launchpad opens the hatch, the air almost vacuuming Dewey out if not the duck-made chain. Dewey reaches out just as Scrooge looses grip on the golden dragon, grabbing the old duck's arm.
"Now heave!" the teen shouted over the thrashing winds.
The 5 ducks pull with all their might, dragging the Scotsman into the plane.
"I thought I told you to go to your-" Scrooge was cut off by Dewey.
"No time. We gotta work fast." He turns to the pink duck, "Webby, how do we stop it?
"It's mystical, so we need a mystical device," Webby stated, "like an oblivion mirror, or a medusa gauntlet, or-"
"Like this?" Louie suggested, pulling the gauntlet out of his pocket.
Everyone stares at the youngest duck, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"What? I was gonna give it back," He assured horribly, "Now, how do we get him down there?"
"Garden hose of destiny!" Huey chanted, pulling the makeshift rope out of thin air, "Launchpad, we need to swing him out. Nosedive towards the bin and get ready to pull up!"
"Yes, sir, random kid I just met!" Launchpad responded enthusiastically as the kids tied Scrooge to the makeshift rope.
"Any questions?" Dewey asked.
"Since when is Launchpad a pilot?" Scrooge questions as the hatch opens up again.
Elliot puts her hand on the Scotsman's should.
"Have a nice trip Coo," she said jokingly before pushing him out of the plane, "see you next fall!"
Launchpad nosedives towards the money bin, pulling up at the last moment and swinging Scrooge towards the mythical beast. Scrooge grips onto the tail with his gauntlet clad hand, reveling in his victory.
"You guys, our family is awesome!" Dewey cheered as they all held on to the garden hose of destiny.
The golden dragon upon realizing its predicament, started to thrash about, catapulting Scrooge high into the air. The ducks (minus Elliot) watched in horror as the Scotsman was free falling in the air.
"Ah for old times sake," Elliot mumbled before leaping out of the plane in a swan dive.
She caught up with Scrooge, who she gave a mischievous smirk to.
"See you in the gold," she shouted smugly, "old man!"
She accelerates past an offended Scrooge and dives gracefully into the money bin, the latter following suit. She comes up up for air, laying back onto the cold hard cash as faint cheering can be heard in the background. The cheering doesn't last for long as she then hears a loud crash. She lurches out of the bin along with Scrooge to help the kids.
"In the short time I've known you," Scrooge stared angrily, "you've wrecked my home and my money bin, unleashed several ancient evils, and almost got me killed, twice!"
"Four times if you count...each..monster...as an...individual..time," Huey corrects nervously.
Scrooge stomps in front of the 4 kids, Elliot gasping lightly as he does. Then in a turn of events he let's out a boisterous laugh.
"That was incredible! When you pulled me into the airplane and said 'No time!' And who would have thought of a Medusa Gauntlet?! Brilliant! Oh, and then you swung me out and pulled up just in time and..." Scrooge gets up, "You kids are nothing but trouble! Curse me kilts, have I missed trouble! I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on you to teach you how to get into trouble properly."
Scrooge pulls out his golden flip phone as the kids look excitedly at him.
"You mean?" Dewey questioned hopefully.
"Beakley! Clear my schedule!" Scrooge commanded into the flip phone, "I'm taking the wee ones on a field trip."
He hangs up the phone, turning to the other ducks.
"Now," He says devilishly, "let's go find the lost city of Atlantis!"
The Ducks cheered out a great big yeah.
"And no one tell your uncle Donald!" Scrooge adds.
The Ducks cheer even louder.
"Wait who is that?" Launchpad asks.
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Exactly 79 Photos & Videos Concerning The Game Boy (plus other handhelds)
So... hope you’ve all been following me on Twitter, which is more or less the unofficial new home for Attract Mode. Mostly cuz Tumblr’s days are, alas, numbers, plus I haven’t warmed up to Medium as much as I had hoped to. Though I’ve actually spent the past two months republishing every single post that contains mainline Game Culture Snapshots, so it has remained somewhat useful at least.
Now, for a while there, I had been compiling every single thing tweeted. But because I’m now so damn active on that end… plus I’m busier than ever with other projects… I’m way behind with those digest posts, and the very idea of playing catch up legit gives me anxiety. Yet I have been sharing lots of cool things, which all deserve to be in the blog proper… and because a lot of them are specific to the Game Boy, I figure, why not just focus on that?
Like the above, which is a technique for producing full color photographs via the Game Boy Camera, and yet another thing that I can’t believe hasn’t made the rounds!
Sticking with Game Boy photography, here have a pair of mods that will greatly enhance picture quality. The first involves mounting SLR lens onto a Game Boy Camera (via ekeler.com)...
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And the second has one shoving a Game Boy Camera into a SLR itself (via @MaxKriegerVG)...
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As someone who was into video games as a kid, and also interested in photography, the Game Boy Camera was the first camera I was able to call my own. Am pretty sure this was the case for others as well?
I also remember seeing this ad in Nickelodeon Magazine (which I would eventually writer for, not too long later) and being absolutely gob smacked (via nintendroid.org)…
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Though as much I loved Nintendo brand of FUNtography, I would quickly discover… as did everyone else I also assume… that taking pictures is serious business (via @PolandNintendo)…
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Not only did I have a Game Boy Color, but I also had the Game Boy Printer (I still own both, for the record). Unfortunately my snapshots from Link’s Awakening have long since faded, but as with many things, you can find copies online (via gameandgraphics.com)…
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Speaking of the world of print, coming soon is a handy guide to Nintendo handy game machine (via miki800.com)…
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That one magazine ad featuring Princess Peach catch your eye as well? Well here’s a much better look at it (via suppermariobroth)…
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I love handheld gadgets of all kinds, yet some of the popular ones confuse me. Like Hudson’s Shooting Watch; it makes no sense to have a gadget that can detect button presses without a game attached. Guess I’m not alone (via instagram.com/kazzycom)…
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A realization I made while sifting through Game Boy related content is how popular the color yellow is with many. Cuz Pokemon? Anyhow, the final post from a blog that specializes in gorgeous photographs of gorgeous hardware, which I just brought up again very recently (via hard-aware)…
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How your parents used to trade Pokemans online (via melonjaywalk)…
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And no, Game Boys weren't the only things that one could connect to keitais ya know. And yes, Game Boys aren’t the only portables I’ll be showcasing (via anthony10000000)…
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I own quite a few VMUs and am always looking to expand my collection… but nothing yellow, sorry. Instead, I want the one covered with dolphins (via anthony10000000)…
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So my new favorites artist is Eri Kitamura, and not just cuz she makes pretty looking Game Boys…
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She also makes pretty looking girls playing Game Boys (well, this one is technically listening to music)…
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Was originally going to post the first thing from Eri that caught my eye, which is a Game Boy with a girl on it, but instead here’s a Game Boy with a girl on it playing a Game Boy…
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Time for two more videos from the same individual responsible with the process for producing color photographs at the very top. And it’s what everyone has been waiting… specifically the backlit Game Boy Color mod everyone has been waiting for.
The process is detailed in this two-part video, and here’s the first one (it’s about 50 minutes long cuz spoilers: this shit ain’t easy)…
And here’s part two, which is ONLY 40-ish minutes long…
The author of the videos actually has a store, so if the process seems a bit too daunting, you can purchase a pre-modded unit for $250. Actually, this one is $260, cuz of the dual shells. Quite the price tag, yet somehow totally worth it (via instagram.com/esotericmods)…
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Now might be a good time to mention how… remember that GBA with the GameCube finish from eBay a few months back? Well, I decided to get the one that resembles a Super Famicom, something I’ve been lusting over for years.
Well, here’s what the aforementioned seller had in his listing…
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And this is what I got instead…
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Yeah, that green shoulder button is not the right shade. After some complaining, I got the seller to admit that the one in the picture was hand painted; he didn’t know where it get ones that it’s exact color as on a Super Fami controller.
He also had a no refund policy, yet I bitched & moaned enough to warrant an exchange, for another Cube-esque model, one sans the stick. Cuz it’s comparatively boring to look at, here’s a version with the stick…
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Again, mine just has the standard d-pad. As for my replacement… the colors of the A & B buttons are not an exact match, once again. But it’s close enough (am mostly just sick of dealing with that guy, aka johnnys_merchandise, whom you should all avoid btw), plus I have started to scour AliExpress for replacements.
BTW, my failure to obtain a modded handheld that channels another form of hardware has me wondering if I should go for something completely different instead (via instagram.com/wakuwakuisland)…
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Up in the mountains, flower bloom amongst Game Boys & Game Boy Colors, whereas deep in the forest, you’ll find mushrooms and Game Boy Advances (via pxchinko)…
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Some say memories are fuzzy, though for others, they're leafy (via lyosphe)…
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I’ve looked all over for tinycartridge's original post, but no luck, so you can all instead have my personal copy of the earthy wallpaper that was shared years ago (and which I still to this very day)...
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The Game Boy Micro, DS, and DS Lite are like family, and like siblings, there can the occasional squabble (via benkyo-es)…
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@frankcifaldi: When I met this guy in 2003 and he told me he was going to make an extensive fan site about the Supervision, a Taiwanese Game Boy knockoff, I was like "sure dude." 15 years later he actually launched the thing??
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Meanwhile, the Game & Watch Perfect Catalogue just came out, with the full low down on all 59 models. BTW, had no idea there were 59 in total until @ionadisco mentioned it…
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How Game & Watches were sold in America; I fondly recalls this ad in-between the pages of Amazing/Spectacular/Web of Spider-Man (via suppermariobroth)…
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And how Game Boys were sold in Japan, one day one apparently, which would explain this salesperson’s rather perplexed demeanor (via flashbak.com)…
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Silly as it sounds, and as silly as he looks, the US version of Firebrand is nonetheless a warm & welcoming face from my childhood (via nintendometro)...
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Mario dropping a knowledge bomb (via suppermariobroth)…
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Here’s Peach seemingly kicking Toad’s ass in Super Mario Bros Deluxe, which I’ve been meaning to tweet for a while now, but now seems like the right time & place for obvious reasons (via nintendometro)…
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A cute comic about someone finally beating a game after ten years, or at least I believe that's the case (you know, language barrier and all; via @desune593)
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Sailor Moon seems to enjoy handheld gaming more so than in the arcades (via uglygreenjacket)…
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It saddens me that ravages of time is robbing me of my precious memories, including the names of 90s anime, hence why I had to ask on Twitter who exactly is this (answer was Tenchi Muyo; via shxtfased)...
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It’s SethEverman, just playing some pokemon blue…
Speaking of music, it again saddens me that I wasn’t about to make the trip to Japan to catch chiptunes at Square Sounds, and various associated venues. At least @bit_shifter_ took this great snapshot of Glomag at Cyberpunks Osaka…
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Meanwhile, here in NYC, we actually still have record stores. And you can grab Josh’s latest release, his first in 12 years(!) at Rough Trade (via bit-shifter)…
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Though back to Japan; attended Square Sounds would have also afforded me the chance to check out Tokyo Game Show, where I could have gotten that VMU shaped USB drive that was being sold at the Sega booth (via miki800)…
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A few weeks before TGS, there was an earthquake in Japan, in northern island Hokkaido. Many were left without power, but one person was able to keep up with the news, thanks to an old DS peripheral that basically provides bunny ears (via kotaku.com)…
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On a semi-related note, here’s someone watching old ECW VHS tapes on their Game Gear (via heavyelectricity)…
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Sorry, but the only other thing I have that’s related to Sega’s Master System on the go is this gif from a pizza ranch salad dressing (yikes) commercial, which was cross-promoting Sonic Chaos (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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I have no idea why I'm so amused by this Getty Image of a Neo Geo Pocket that was confiscated at summer camp. Or perhaps no explanation is needed? (via hellomrkearns)…
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Speaking of the Great Outdoors, here’s my buddy Steve enjoying some Mario Kart 8 in the middle of a forest (via instagram.com/vitaminsteve)…
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And speaking of Mario Kart on the Switch, Bowser seems like a pretty cool dood to have a car trip (via suppermariobroth)…
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The Switch is so beloved that people are doing fan art, not for any particular game but the simple the act of playing with it (via annazees)…
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Granted, one of the best things about the Switch is all the different ways in which one can play (via kanekoshake)…
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If you enjoy your Switch on the go and are looking for a way to store games… and are a diehard Breath of the Wild fan as well… plus if you have access to a 3D printer (via miki800.com)…
It’s a tribute to Star Wars… games… all of them… featuring Princess Leia focused on her DMG (via deviantart.com/robduenas)...
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BTW, do you still have your Game Boy? If not, here ya go (via anthony10000000)…
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When the realization hits that your Game Boy Color library is incomplete (via @Bootleg_Stuff)…
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Back to my buddy Steve, who visited the Primark at the Staten Island mall and took pics of the game related apparel that, sadly, were no longer in stock by the time I was able to swing by. With the one thing I really wanted being this shirt…
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This pair of Super Mario Land X Air Jordans is only $1,350.00 (via miki800.com)…
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I’m sure you’ve seen him already, but for the sake of completion, here’s that grandpa from who rigged this bike with 11 phones to become a Pokemon Go master (via bbc.com)…
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Yet another sign of our times, literally (via fuckdragonballz)…
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This image features a PSP and a MacBook, both of which are from the mid-2000s, yet feels very late 1990s/early 2000s. Why? Those USB cables (via jcgraphix)…
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And last but not least, here’s Paris Hilton with her DS in 2005 (via @ParisHilton)…
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Pretty average day today - woke up at about 9 but was still so tired from work and leg day yesterday that I had breakfast and then tried to go back to sleep for an hour or so. I think it was probably because I was so aware that I was missing out on valuable Persona time that I couldn't settle properly, though I did manage to find that weird state between wakefulness and sleep where you’re sort of in a very vivid daydream. I wouldn’t quite call it lucid dreaming, although if I recall from when I used to practise it you can use the WAKE technique that’s pretty similar to that in order to gain lucidity. Anyway...
I can’t really remember what the dream was about, all I can think was that there was a girl with blonde frizzy hair telling me it was important that I do something, but I don’t know anyone like that in real life and have no idea what I should be doing at the best of times, so that’s kind of a bust.
When I eventually got up properly, I put a few hours into Persona and waited for Scott to be ready so we could hit the gym. Decided to take a jog to the supermarket in the meantime to pick up some more Quark to take to work tomorrow, there’s 5 tubs in my fridge now, which is otherwise empty as I haven't been bothered to go shopping properly while my parents have been away. Met George the Big-Issue guy at the door and greeted him with a bro shoulder-hug. I always feel so cool when I do that as he’s a big Romanian guy with a thick accent and he always says “ahh mah maaan, how youuu?” Dunno why but it always makes me feel kinda special. He’s always so chill, especially since I never actually buy the Big Issue, just chat a bit about the gym and stuff.
Went back via Scott’s and walked down to the gym together, talking mostly about the shitty business practices of certain employers and how we could fix the economy in an instant if we had the power. It was big chest day today, and I was pretty anxious about it since my bench numbers have fluctuated a lot recently - my current PB is 92.5, but I only got 2 reps out of that and they were pretty janky, and since then I’ve stayed at about 80 max because of my weak wrist. We did the usual “feeling pretty tired today so don’t expect great things” disclaimer, and got on the bench. Scott came away with a good 95 and I hit 90 for 6 easy reps, which I felt really good about! Not particularly worried about missing the PB, just want to get my base strength up a bit and let the connective tissues catch up as I seem to be getting increasingly injured these days. Bumped into Sam and Phil while we were there which was nice - had a bit of a catch up with them and heard a bit more about Phil’s £1000 3D printer purchase. Can’t believe how serious his business is getting, I really can’t wait to see how it all works out!
We finally headed home after some reverse pyramid pulldowns and upper chest work, swinging by Lidl where we discussed old school acquaintances and what they were doing now, whilst waiting in the queue. That topic always stresses me out, as it invariably seems like everyone else is doing way better than me. I get so embarrassed having to tell people that I haven’t seen in ages: “yep, still just working two days a week at Marks’, not a lot else going on”. Even Scott’s only going to be around until September before he leaves for the merchant navy. I definitely feel like that’s a deadline for me to find a ticket out of here, I really can’t bear being here alone again.
Left Scott at his gate and headed home for some big eats. I’ve been listening to The Last Podcast On The Left recently while I cook - I highly recommend it if you’re into anything paranormal or crime-related, plus the hosts are so funny and always have me in stitches! I really need to branch out with my cooking though, I kinda just rotate between the same 3 meals that I know hit my macros, but I’m so bored of them by now that I get no pleasure from it. I mixed it up a bit today using turkey eggs that someone at work bought in for me - was not prepared for quite how big they were and I think that 3 may have been slightly overkill, I’m feeling a bit sick now.
Unfortunately I’m working tomorrow so I’ll have to be in bed by about 8 if I want anywhere near a decent night’s sleep, so I think I’ll spend the next hour or so looking up Numbers Stations again. My parents should be back in about 15 minutes too, kinda hoping I don’t get dragged into talking to them about their holiday all evening because I’m all out of active-listening today. Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Peace out!
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