#i’m not gonna lie this is my headcanon of what experiments pinky went through as a kid (because the
cutie--q · 2 years
do y’all ever think about how the scientists used a sock puppet as a stand in for pinky’s dad? coupled with pinky believing his dad is “incapable of feeling” and “never opened up,” do you ever wonder if pinky, as a child, went through an experiment similar to harlow’s monkey experiment? perhaps a similar, but tamer, experiment? maybe the experiment was ruined because he eventually realized it wasn’t his real dad.
(if you haven’t heard of harlow’s monkey experiment before and want to learn about it, i must warn you that it was a disturbing, inhumane experiment, and the results of it include descriptions of body mutilation/bodily harm, self harm, emotional neglect, and isolation. please be aware it is unsettling to read about.)
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The Wrath of the Dragons
Metal Bat Reader Insert
**Trigger Warning, Major Character Death, Skippable Brief Torture Scene, Grieving**
This is for my friend, @opmheadcanons​. This gets heavy, I hope you like it. And thanks to @fatherwhump​ for letting me dump samples on you.
I also want to put out there. If anyone else is struggling, please, reach out and let me write an insert for you. Writing is a way for me to deal with my inner demons, and allowing me to project my struggles onto yours, and sympathize helps me cope. Please, do not hesitate to ask!
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Their heart is pounding as they watch a pick-up truck collapse onto the civilians below it. All of the ability to give warning and spread information is now destroyed, so nobody knows where they are supposed to go, or what they’re supposed to do. It doesn’t matter anymore. Giant, scaly beasts were storming the city, knocking over buildings with their talons as if they are toddlers enjoying the terror they caused, knowing there is much glory to gain.
They keep running, even though their legs are slowly turning into jelly, and their vision is beginning to blur. Suddenly, someone grabs them by the waist. They wanted to squirm out of their grasp, but their legs had already been overworked. The second they get comfortable with their fate of being captured, they feel their capture push their head up so they both could lock lips. It was bruising, and rough, but it was passionate and familiar.
“Sorry to do this to you, sugar.”  He looks them dead in the eyes. “But, I wanted a chance to say goodbye, in case I don’t make it out of the shit show.” 
“You will.” They force themselves to say. “I love you, Badd.” 
“I love you too, (Y/N).” He starts to leave the alleyway. “And bye the way,” He shouts from halfway down the street. “Tell Zenko she’s gonna take over the world!” 
“I will baby!” They poke their head out from the alleyway. 
“Now, get that pretty little ass of yours outta ‘ere!” He smiles back at you, as he charges straight towards the seven dragons in the sky. 
Selfishness was eating them up inside. They desperately wanted to bring him back to their embrace, and kiss him one last time. Their mind drifts off to a time when he comes back; battered, beat up, and bruised, but safe. His eyes scan the crowd for them. When he sees them, he comes barreling over, kissing their face. They bring him his little sister, as he watches her cry of joy. The crowds begin to scream as he leans in for a tender, loving, kiss that says “I’m so glad you’re okay, and happy you’re in my life.”
A rusty pipe lands right next to them, causing them to realize where they are. They sprint off to see where he went. The orange beast’s flames turn the nearby park, and everything in it, to ash. The yellow one bashes a nearby office building with its tail. The green one roars, sending violent sound waves that harshly permeate the area.  
“ATTENTION HUMANS!"  The red beast growls. “If you want us to leave, you must agree to our terms!” Time stops for a minute. 
“Okay!” Badd shouts from the distance. “You punks have caused enough destruction already! We surrender! Whaddya want?”  
“We demand a sacrifice.” It continues. “It must be a powerful member of your species. He must be able to give us power, so that we can sacrifice it to our king. Then, and only then, will we leave.” A gasp spreads around the room. 
Badd takes a glance around at the surrounding area. City T had just been annihilated. So has City X, City V, and City W. There was nothing left of them but debris, ash, and corpses. City S was next. 
He knew what he had to do to stop them. 
“Alright, I volunteer.” The people part the way for their savoir to walk into his fate. Tears start welling up in their eyes. Their mind is begging him for him to not do this. Stay with them, just for long enough to grow old, start a family, watch Zenko graduate, get married, quit this stupid job, or for just one last, proper kiss goodbye. 
“Thanks for the ice cream, Badd.”
“No problem, baby. You deserve it.” He swings your arm over their shoulder. “You deserve the world. Hell, the universe!” 
“I thought I deserved the universe!” 
“You do too, Zen.” He picks her up with his other arm. “I’m going to do everything to give it to you. Both of you.” 
They don’t move. 
“Alright! I’m here!” Badd shouts. As he stands, the largest beast comes down, its royal purple wings softening his landing. One of its claws probes Badd’s chest. He presses it harder and harder, and they know Badd is doing his best not to scream.
“If we take this one, we can stop our slaughter for the next ten billion years!”
“Really, your majesty?” The red one says.
“Hey Scales, can we get on with this? Do you need me or not?” 
“Yes, we do.” The beast propels himself upwards. As the crowd awaits the event, Badd slowly raises his bat. Once his arm is fully extended, he lifts his pointer finger, pinky and thumb. The monarch of the beasts throws his arm back, charging a purple orb.  
“Stay strong everyone!” Badd addresses the crowd. 
“I’ll always be with you!” He stares directly at them. 
The orb comes crashing down, muffling his screams. All of the beasts have gathered to see their sacrifice writhe in pain. Badd can’t even see his shaking limbs as they give out. He feels his skin burning, as his cries of pain become weaker and weaker. He knows that his muscles and bones are next. He doesn’t waste his energy trying to save himself. He just thinks of the happy moments in his life on Earth, and the reason he was doing this. 
His gut told him it would all be worth it. 
The orb disintegrates, and nothing is left of the S-class hero. 
“HUMANS! WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRIBUTE! WILL WILL NOT BOTHER YOU FOR ANOTHER 10 BILLION YEARS.” The purple beast takes to the skies, and the rest follow. They sprint over, shaking and panicking to find something, anything remaining of their love. 
“NOOOOOO! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM?” They sob over the area where he should be laying. 
They lie in his queen sized bed. Everytime they tried to roll over and go to sleep, they couldn’t stop themselves from glance over to the other side, expecting to see his ruffled, black mop, the mesmerizing rise and fall of his chest, and his bulky muscles finally relaxing next to them.  His soft snores would normally bother them, but today, it would put them to sleep. It would give them the closure that everything would be okay, and that tomorrow, they would wake up in a cuddle puddle with his sister in the middle. He would kiss their nose and forehead, and recount the tale of his glorious victory of taking down an above dragon level threat as he made them breakfast. This couldn’t have happened. He couldn’t have been gone. Dragons don’t come from the sky demeaning sacrifice! He should be alive! He deserves life more than most of the heroes! He was 17! He had a very healthy and happy relationship! A bright future! A sister to care for! Instead, his sister was wrapped up in their arms, protecting them from the grief as long as they could. She had already seen enough, and she was only ten years old. The death of parents, and then her brother, the sweetest, kindest, toughest man they had ever met, was going to take a toll on this young girl's mind. She was tough, though. She fought for what she wanted. She was the spitting image of her brother, with a touch of her own grace She would make it through this. They knew they had a new job.
They needed to soften the blow as much as they could. 
Zenko had woken them up crying. 
“(Y/N)! I can’t sleep!” Zenko sniffles. 
“Me either, Zenko.” They lie. 
“I want my brother back!” She wails into their chest. 
“I want him back too, love.” 
“I want him to take me shopping! And make me mochi! And cake!” 
“I understand Zenko, darling. But, you have to get some rest.” They stroke her hair lovingly. It was the exact same color as her brother’s.
“WHY (Y/N)-chan, WHY?” They go quiet for a second.  
“You deserve the world. Hell, the universe!” 
“I thought I deserved the universe!” 
“You do too, Zen.” He picks her up with his other arm. “I’m going to do everything to give it to you. Both of you.” 
“He wanted to give us everything.” They look down at her puffy eyes and red cheeks, hugging her closer.
“Let’s make him proud.”
This for you, Forrest. I haven’t had the personal experience of grieving in my life, so I kind of went with my gut on writing this. I’m sorry if this is inaccurate, let me know, and I’ll fix it. You write some of the best headcanons for the fandom, and your little shitposts bring me joy. I understand that sometimes I may come off as annoying in private messages, but you seem very chill, and have quite a bit of wisdom to you. This makes your super enjoyable to be around.  Feel free to talk at any time. Thank you for all the good you bring. We’re happy to have you here! 
Requests Open! *Unedited*
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kirishimeth · 7 years
Saeran Headcanons
Hey ya howdy doodle doo. After writing my fanfiction, Peppermint, a bunch of head canons about Saeran just started flooding into my head. They’re a mix of my own HCs and some of those obvious HCs that are thrown out there. Enjoy~
First one’s the most obvious: HE SMELLS LIKE PEPPERMINT. Always. 
Saeran listens to any and every type of music genre; it depends on his mood. His taste ranges from Classical to EDM to punk rock to rap to K-pop to English pop. It’s just all over the place. He listens to whatever sounds nice to him.
He never downloads full albums. He picks out songs that sound good to him.
On that note, he won’t specifically follow any bands or music artists. Every once in a while, he’ll go back and check on them in case they released any new songs that sounds nice.
Instrumental > Lyrics.
He will into the depths of the internet if it means finding an instrumental version of a song with good bgm.
Saeran has cold hands, but a warm body. For some reason his hands are always cold?? 
But because of that high body temperature, his cold hands balance out the warmth. 
The tip of his nose and ears are also always cold.
Doesn’t like excessive physical contact.
Prefers initiating any forms of affection.
Likes it when you’re affectionate as well....But he’ll act all Tsundere about it.
Initially, he hated when you showed any affection towards him because his mind was still healing from his traumatic life experiences. He was insecure about himself and hence, always pushed you away. Like...why would you even love a person like him?? How could you be humanly capable of doing that?
But then as time went on, he accepts your love eventually. His emotions are set, somewhat, right and now he can’t live without your affection.
Gimme that daily dose of MC
Loves cuddling with you, especially on the sofa or on the floor in front of the sofa when you’re watching TV together. 
He sits behind you and tucks you into him by wrapping his arms loosely around your waist and placing his chin on your head while you sit between his half crossed legs.
He acts very nonchalant about it. Like it doesn’t affect him at all.
“Don’t lie to yourself Saeran I can feel your heart beating erratically.”
Turns red easily, especially the tips of his ears.
His sex varies depending on his mood. Sometimes he just wants innocent, vanilla sex. Other times, he’ll be up for some rough sex. 
Rough sex usually happens when he’s jealous or when you tease him too much about something.
“Oh? You won’t back down? Time to punish you MC.”
Doesn’t like bondage play or any form of BDSM. It reminds him of his childhood when his mother used to tie him up. So never in a million years would he ever tie you up.
Loves it when you play with his hair, especially when you run your hands through them. 
It soothes him.
His nightmares still haunt him so the first thing you do is wake him up by gently calling his name out, then running your fingers through his hair. It calms him down almost instantly.
Will hold you tightly next to him for the rest of the night after a nightmare episode.
And you will run your hands through his hair gently and softly whisper comforting things to him.
Wears his sweater and fluffy plain stuff at home. Maybe he’ll wear them for daily errands when he leaves the house. But turns into Edgelord™ when you go out on dates.
Yes, he still has his edgy Unknown clothes. 
Yes, he still wears them. 
No, they do not remind him of the time he was with Mint Eye because he picked these clothes out himself. No one forced him to wear them so it was one of the few things he had under his own control. His edgy clothes remind him that he is in control of his own life. Rika did not pick it out for him.
He mostly wears his plain clothes though. Because they’re more comfortable and “I just cba to change all the time MC.”
Is a child. He is definitely Saeyoung’s twin brother. He just has a different way of showing it. He’ll be all like “wtf are you idiots doing?” and then join in on that thing the said idiots are doing [namingly MC and Saeyoung].
“What are you talking about this is dumb. I want no part in this. Also MC, pass me the whipping cream. I’ll show you how it’s done.” *proceeds to put whipping cream into a sleeping Yoosung’s hand* “Hyung, pass me the feather. You’ll only mess up, which is why I’m doing it.” *Proceeds to tickle Yoosung’s nose*
He always denies his similarities to Saeyoung but on the inside, he’s actually relived that he turned out like his brother rather than his mother or father.
He’s felt loneliness, so he makes sure to never make you feel lonely. He loves you so much and you know it. And he knows that you know it. Even if you two ever fight, the silence between you two won’t last for more than an hour.
Loves ice cream - Another obvious one.
Ice cream dates in Edgelord™ clothing.
People stare at you two. They’re actually staring at Saeran because they feel intimidated.
Saeran doesn’t mind giving off an intimidating aura. It keeps people away. He is not a people person. He will practically die if a stranger comes and tries to initiate some small talk.
He hates small talk.
He’s the type of person who’ll make you talk to the call center operator or restaurant receptionist if he wants food. 
“Please MC, we’ll starve at this rate. Just do it.”
Doesn’t like PDA, but will hold hands with you or hook your pinkies together when you walk. There’s a lot of hand holding involved with him. Occasionally, he’ll wrap his arm around your waist in crowded places or if someone’s checking you out/attempt to flirt with you.
“Oh don’t mind me MC. I’m just openly marking you as my territory like this....unless you’d prefer me to kiss you?”
If you say yes, he turns red, then pecks your lips really quickly and his tough guy act drops.
Although he’s not a fan of PDA, he just can’t help kissing you if there’s ice cream at the corner of your mouth.
“I’m just helping you clean up MC.”
At home, it’s a different story though; kisses right after eating ice cream are his favorite thing because 1) your lips taste like ice cream. 2) They’re cold and it just feels so good kissing your lips because he has a high body temperature, especially during summer. Just...he lives for those cold kisses post-ice cream.
Initially doesn’t get along with Yoosung because he reminds him of Rika. Like, he knows they’re not the same and that Yoosung is a completely different person, but he can’t help it. Rika really messed him up.
“You should dye your hair another color, Yoosung.”
It takes some time, but Saeran can finally be around Yoosung without fidgeting so much.
After he gets over it, he gets along with Yoosung because video games.
Yes, Saeran games. You know it. I know it. He knows it. We all know it. He likes to play video games. However, he won’t obsess over them like Yoosung.
Doesn’t like Zen’s narcissism, but gets along with him otherwise.
Gets along with Jumin because he won’t initiate any unnecessary conversations. Again, this man can hold a conversation so he’s a yes to be around.
Also, with Jumin comes Elizabeth the III. Saeran loves Elly, but he’s not very different from his brother in showing his...”affection”. Mostly because he doesn’t know how to pet animals? His affection is low key animal abuse because he spins Elly around and attempts to hug her tight. So when Jumin tells him what to do and what not to do [”No, don’t hold her from there. It’ll disturb her fur arrangement.”] Saeran, much to Saeyoung’s dismay, is allowed near Elly. Elly is naturally terrified at first because “WHY ARE THERE TWO OF THEM??! THEY’RE IDENTICAL WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” And then eventually, she’s able to distinguish between Saeran and Saeyoung.
Once, Saeyoung takes his glasses off and puts on some mint green lenses, hoping to trick Elly to come to him.
The cat goes straight for Saeran.
“Hyung...she came to me.” is that a smug tone in his voice??
Gets along with Jaehee because she’s the most sensible person around.
Don’t even mention V to him.
This boy will get get nightmares if he’s able to sleep in the first place. That’s right. Those dark circles under his eyes aren’t just due to sleepless nights because of nightmares. Saeran can’t sleep at night. His mind starts overthinking and before he knows it, it’s dawn.
He’s most comfortable when the room is cold and he has a thick blanket weighing down on him. It makes him feel like someone’s hugging him. It helps him sleep. Plus, there’s no actual human contact involved. It’s a win win. 
He loves it when you sleep with him though. 
He doesn’t love it when you throw your leg over him while you sleep...
“Seriously MC, I'm trying to sleep here get off of me. Go to your side of the bed if you’re gonna be like this.”
When dawn cracks after a sleepless night, Saeran drags himself to the living room and settles onto the sofa.
Your sofas aren’t the cold, leather type that are uncomfortable to sit on. You guys own one of those huge, comfy sofas that swallow you whole if you sit on them.
When Saeran sits on the sofa, he makes sure to get his blanket with him.
The sofa is the one place he always falls asleep on. It’s just so comfy and warm that as soon as he lies down on it, he stuffs his face into a corner, because sunlight, and he’ll doze off.
You’ve woken up to find Saeran on the sofa about a million times.
Due to his lack of sleep at night, he often takes naps early during the day after dawn cracks. It’ll probably last for 3-5 hours or something before he’s woken up by the growling of his stomach and the scent of the food you’re cooking. His day typically starts at about 11 pm.
Saeran’s sleeping face is probably the most innocent thing you’ll set your eyes on. He’s so peaceful and stress free who he sleeps. 
If he ever got an official job, he would work as a professional hacker who tests security systems for big companies. 
“Gotta put those hacking skills to use MC. Gotta corrupt things outside the bedroom too y’know.”
He loves gazing at the sky, especially when it’s partially cloudy. He’ll just go to a park and lie down on the grass and stare at the sky for hours. Eventually, he’ll even fall asleep under the shade of a tree.
When he looks at the sky, he truly feels free.
Saeran probably studied the language of flowers at some point because of his inner Ray. 
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