#i’m probably overreacting
ashleander · 6 months
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More Undertale Yellow
I couldn’t resist drawing more of them! All of it is mostly about Starlo but Clover’s here for the heck of it! I really admire Starlo a lot from the cast and also because he has me in a chokehold grahhhh… He’s engraved in my brain! Don’t mind me I’m just liking/saving “every” artwork and videos of this guy! Also don’t mind the bottom right sketch, i was too lazy to come up with an idea for them..
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teddymochi · 2 months
I don’t why I just had a spiral at just looking at the account I don’t think..
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guerrilla-operator · 7 months
I think the whole thing with Bianca has warped my brain to the point where I just hate women now.
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scrrufffy · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about posting my art online again recently ( I don’t think I’ve publicly posted any artwork since like 2021 lmao ), but I’m honestly a bit hesitant I’ll regret it later on. Maybe it’s just where it’s been so long, or maybe I’m secretly worried about others not liking it or my current “art style”, if it even counts as one.
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Is anyone mad at me because I feel like everyone is…
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cosmicvaca · 1 year
Had a bad dream where I was watching tv with my friends and it was my turn to pick what we were watching next. I was really excited because I had pick out my favorite episode of something (I can’t remember what it was of but knowing me it was probably trek) and they immediately started playing tictoks at full blast on their phone. I didn’t say anything until the credits where I asked why did they did that and they replied “no one takes you seriously. Stop trying”. And then I woke up.
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confused-confucius · 21 days
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I wanna bash his head in with a hammer
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pissfizz · 3 months
dios mío that was horrible how dare that happen to you
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dont-dove-dead-inside · 5 months
I can’t tell if I’m just rsd moment but I’m heavily indulging in my hyperfixation right now and not a single person has replied to me in chat
Like they’re online and responding to other chats just not mine
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selfship-assfuckery · 5 months
I’m starting to think that those posts may not actually be ftm themselves djbbsbshdb are you just catering to some damn ftm fetishists and not real trans men??
Cuz I just…can’t believe that ALL you guys think words like that are sexy and good to use for yourself. I’m sorry it’s so disgusting to me.
Even just cunt/pussy is so fucking gross in reference to my body.
You people need to start tagging more for vaginal sex at least.
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loko4koko · 7 months
>BRUH i just was skimming through don’t tell me to go away from you and i got to a paragraph and the whole BEGINNING OF THE SENTENCE WAS GONE
>so i just fcking fixed it
>and now i am so EMBARRASSED that you lovely folks had to try and figure out what i meant by this for the past few weeks 😭 like the whole highlighted part was just not there wtffffff
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vphraxo · 9 months
i’m just a mess of creativity that is constipated in my mind
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anyone have any tips for how to deal with back pain? It hurts my lower back to move or bend at all, and it’s kinda annoying. This has happened before, and I had to take a few days off school cuz I couldn’t walk. If anyone knew how to stop it, I’d appreciate some suggestions, please.
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Kyle doesn’t have anger issues he’s just the only one with a brain and common sense in a town full of lunatics
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qsmprambles · 7 months
QMaxo being dead frfr just breaks my heart it makes sense with his character but he deserved to live a happy life, or just one happy moment, just one win and now he‘ll never get the chance to…
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Hi, this is Cardhamine (commented on your post about your character's similarity to Gregory). You didn't ask my advice/thoughts but here they are -
I've been designing characters a long time, and I've been on the internet a long time, and many people refuse to apply context to what they encounter. To me, your character design is very obviously not Gregory even at a first look based on outfit alone. In linearts, their hair has more volume/length than Gregory's. Even people who are colorblind should be able to identify that difference. Also, since when does Gregory canonically enjoy being around the DCA? So just by context someone would know to take a second look and identify what's going on in the context of the art piece.
If they're giving you crap about it, it might be intentional bc it gives them a rush to give someone grief online. Or they have the passive and active perception of a rock - no harm meant there. Either way, their opinion about the artwork is... not necessarily super useful. If they don't take 20 more seconds to accurately evaluate the context of a piece, I wouldn't give them more than 20 seconds of your brainpower caring about their comment.
That said, when this has happened to me before, I just added some obvious identifiable thing that the 100% Canon character wouldn't wear/do with their appearance. Like a hair star barrette? But your character wears a specific employee uniform in a lot of art, so whoever isn't getting it seems unlikely to get it then, too. :/
i literally had to delete the tiktok and reupload it hours later with color because of how many people mistook it for gregory, and this has happened so often in the past that i expected it, but the amount of people who didn’t take the time to use critical thinking skills before commenting “IS THAT GREGORY?” and genuinely saying shit like “oh thank god i thought sun was into minors” pissed me off so bad i got a headache 💀
i really did everything i could to make sure they didn’t look like gregory, i put context in the caption AND i made sure to tell them it wasn’t a child in the comments, but people are still commenting “i almost had a heart attack i thought it was gregory” which i think is obnoxious when this many people are saying it
i hate sounding like an asshole and i hate being mad at people but holy shiiiit dude, im genuinely concerned for these people
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