#i’m so hot and sexy. would you believe i had a delusional about final destination being real and happening to me
lilgynt · 1 year
so cool i was running to the mall to not live my life for a minute but then there was a random carnival? so i got a ticket and then went on the rides with random people bc u can’t do it as a single rider and the basketball guy let me try it once for freesies and i almost got it and i was like if i actually paid and had 3 i’d kill this anyway cool day
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perriewinklenerdie · 3 years
Festival (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1,2 k
Summary: Ethan takes Claire out for a date.
Warnings: None
A/N: Guess who’s back. Back again. Consider this my ‘I’m back, my dudes’ fic. I dipped my toes back into writing, hence the length of this fic. Please enjoy this fluff fest.
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„Ethan Ramsey eating cotton candy? Never thought I’d see that day coming.” Claire grinned, teasing her boyfriend slightly. His hand, that was moving a piece of fluffy sugar to his mouth, froze halfway and his eyes shifted towards her. Something like a hint of a blush appeared on his neck, making her giggle even more.
“Childhood nostalgia, you could say.” Ethan shrugged, then finally took a bite of his treat. The corners of Claire’s eyes crinkled a tiny bit, her voice suspiciously innocent.
“God forbid anyone taking a photo. Tobias would never let you live that down if he knew.”
“Tobias finds the most ridiculous things to ‘not let me live down’, so you’re right, cotton candy would not be an exception. Good thing no one’s around to take a pho- “ his words get cut at the sound of the photo being taken. When he looks over at his girlfriend again, she’s holding up her phone, still taking photos. “Claire?”
“Oops.” She bit her lip, hiding her phone into her purse. Ethan took a step towards her, a smirk growing on his face. Claire tilted her head, making a show of looking sideways as though she was looking for a way to run. An act that would be impossible to pull off in her condition – a twisted ankle doesn’t make it easy to walk, let alone run.
While she was weighing her options, Ethan looped his arm around her waist, bringing their bodies closer. His lips hovered over hers, barely brushing as they talked.
“You think you’re cute when you do that, don’t you?” he hummed, looking intensely at her lips before moving to her eyes. Claire shrugged.
“No.” she pecked his lips a few times, shortly and playfully, making him laugh. “I know I am.”
“You’re so attractive when you’re confident.” Ethan muttered, tightening his hold on her, lifting her slightly to let her rest her injured foot on his. Her teeth sunk into her lower lip again and his eyes followed the movement instantly. “Even more when you do that.”
“Yeah? That’s sexy to you?” She threw her arms over his shoulders, fingers tangling into the hair on the back of his head. He nodded firmly, schooling his features into a look of certainty.
She guided him into a real kiss. It was short-lived – their surrounding incredibly sufficient in reminding them that they were not alone. A man bumped into Ethan, throwing the pair off balance a bit. He opened his mouth to call out after the man, but Claire silenced him with a finger pressed to his mouth.
“Maybe a festival isn’t the best place for a hot make out session, huh?” she whispered, taking a cautious step backwards. He held onto her shoulder, stabilizing her.
“I’ll make sure to pick it back up as soon as I get you alone. Now.” he turned around and bent his knees a little. “Your carriage awaits, ma’am.”
“Thank you, kind sir.” She played along, both of them laughing. He helped her climb onto his back, his grip secure on her thighs.
That’s the way Claire’s been traveling for the whole day, hospital included. She considered crutches, but after tripping twice and not being able to do her work efficiently enough, she decided to take it easy and take a day off. Fortunately for her, she had an in with the Chief – who, coincidentally, decided to take a day off as well, carrying her out of the hospital around noon.
The idea for a date night out appeared in Ethan’s head when he saw festival stands being set up on their way home. Before they both knew it, they were dressed and thrown into the middle of a crowd, bright lights and music surrounding them. If anyone asked Ethan three years ago if he’d willingly go to a festival, he would laugh in their face and call them delusional. Here he was, however, carrying his injured girlfriend on his back as she pointed towards various attractions they just had to try.
“How is that possible that you’ve never tried this before?” she wondered as he sat her down in the seat attached to the game booth. They were about to shoot some fake guns in hopes of knocking down targets. Well, Ethan was – he saw Claire’s eyes lighting up playfully at the sight of the plush bear dressed like a doctor and he decided to win it for her.
All would be well if it wasn’t for the fact that Ethan was spectacularly bad at shooting targets – he wasn’t tragically bad, but two out of twelve targets he managed to hit weren’t nearly enough to win them the prize. That’s when Claire leaned out of her seat, taking the gun from him.
“Pay the nice lady for another game. It’s my turn.” She winked, lining up her shot.
“You know how to shoot?” he asked while passing the bill to the lady in the corner of the booth. His question was answered when she hit the first target. Dead center. Then the second one, and every other after that, until all the targets were lying flat.
“Take that, you stupid duck!” Claire exclaimed triumphally, placing the gun back into its holder. When she turned towards Ethan, she was met with his wide eyes. “Does that answer your question, babe?”
“How- “
“Don’t tell me you didn’t think Ryan Herondale would teach his children how to shoot a gun. We are spoiled rich, after all.” She grinned, then turned towards the lady. “We’ll take the doctor teddy bear, please.”
The teddy didn’t remain in her hands for long – she passed it to Ethan the moment they were in some distance from the booth.
“Here. Never hurts to practice CPR some more.” She tried not to laugh too much, but she couldn’t help herself as he looked at her with betrayal in his eyes.
“Oh, so now you believe me it was CPR?”
“I have to.” she sighed, then hopped around him until she was facing his back. Climbing onto the tips of her toes, she whispered into his ear. “If I didn’t, it would mean that you’ll be kissing someone other than me. And we can’t have that.” She jumped onto his back, turning his head with her hands so she could press her lips to his cheek. “Now, let’s go get some food so we can get home and practice kissing, huh?”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He mused, squeezing her thighs. “As soon as I get you home, you’ll be saying my name- “ he growled, prompting Claire to cover his mouth with her hand and a breathless ‘Ethan Ramsey!’ near his ear. “Yes, exactly like that.” He added. Her laughter trailed behind them as they went into the direction of their next destination.
We all know he was kissing that bear.
Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you. Thank you all for still being here, I dipped from tumblr basically right after OH3 ended (funny how my uni waited until OH finale to murder me. How considerate of them.) but I was here in the background. 
To all people that sent me asks - I will try to answer them (no matter how outdated my answers are going to be)
Have a nice day/evening/night, and see you in the next one <3
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