#i’m the og author writing them for the first time it’s physically impossible for them to be ooc
autistic-katara · 10 months
they should invent a drug that shuts up the part of ur brain that tells u a character breathing is ooc
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your--isgayrights · 4 years
Okay i actually have no clue on how tumblr works (hope I'm doing this right lmao) but I'm writing my first fic (I still can't really move on from orv so I decided to make my own content lol.), I really love your writing style, do you have any tips??
Hmmmm tips tips tips tips.... First of all I’m really flattered that you like my writing enough to ask me about it! I’ll try to give my best answer... I think that I used to read a lot of people’s “writing tips” but ultimately I ended up not really understanding them until I started writing a lot? Either way it’s fun to read how other authors think... It’s really cool that you’re writing your first fic and you thought to come to me... did I already say that? Okay long post under the cut.
I don’t think this will be all that helpful, but this is just things that I think about if that’s interesting!
For me a lot of writing is like struggling with motivation (I have ADHD so that’s probs why), I really have to pace myself while writing because I can’t just force myself to do it. If I go in every day and think “I have to write today I’m not doing anything so I should be writing” I can get burnt out really easily, even if I really like the thing I’m writing and know how it’s supposed to go. So one of my big things is that when I’m not thinking about writing I’m not thinking about writing. that gives my brain a break and refreshes me when I get back to my google document.
Something I’ve also struggled with having to remember is that there’s like. Never a perfect way to write. What I end up doing is thinking up ideas and fragments and sentences in my head and the very moment I think of something I like I have to write it down in my notes app. Most of my writing process ends up being like. Filling in the blanks and connecting the dots between scene fragments. 
For fics in particular I’d also just recommend rereading your favorite parts of the og work! I’m the kind of person who has a pretty good reading memory, so people may have noticed that I include a lot of little details referencing the text in my fic. Just reading the work kind of helps you remember the voices of the character and the style of the narration, and if you just like. internalize it. you can probably replicate it pretty well if you wanted to.
OKAY I say that but don’t worry too much about replicating things in the og work perfectly. I find that a lot of times when I’m writing I’m inserting a lot of personal touches and putting things that are a part of me in the work. Writing is always going to be like. an extension of your voice, no matter what you’re writing. I think that when I heard about stuff like that from authors in the past I was always like. What? I’m not writing about things that happened to me. I’m writing about grown adult men having emotional issues, silly. But there’s like a lot more nuance to writing about yourself, I guess. Like you don’t have to have like a self insert or be projecting onto a character to have yourself reflected in something you’ve written.
I’d say that like, whatever you write as your first fic is going to be lovely, but when you grow up as a writer and look back on it, you’re not going to remember who you were when you wrote it. I think that’s why a lot of people look back on their first works and are like “I can’t believe I wrote that, what was I thinking, cringe cringe cringe ugh.” Like I definitely do that sometimes, but I’ve found that the old work I’m happiest with nowadays is the stuff where I can recognize myself in it, even if I’m not in that fandom anymore or if there’s old jokes or typos I don’t remember making. 
With that being said, I’m the kind of person who always gives myself a mission statement when I’m writing. I sort of mentally go, okay, I’m writing this kind of thing, and this is why I’m writing it. It can be something like oh I’m writing this fluff piece because I love this character and wish they had a happier ending, or  oh I want to write this multi chapter fic exploring an issue touched on in the original work but I feel like with my own experiences I could expand on it more than the author did. Just something that tells me why it is important to me to write this thing when I’m writing it.
AAAH I feel like I made that sound more dramatic than it really is, that’s just how I think I guess. I’m the kind of guy where its like things need to have like MEANING to me when I do them. I’m dramatic and gay and that’s my personality I guess 😔.
Hmmm maybe it’s also my BIGGEST writing tip tho. Like kind of just thinking things through when you’re writing is pretty important. When I was first learning to write at all (talking about baby baby me here this is like sort of a side tangent sorry) I think that a lot of times I would copy phrases and developments that I had liked in things that I had read without really fully considering why I would include those things other than the fact that that was just what I thought writing was. It’s important to consider what importance every scene and sentence has to do with the flow of the story. Are they just things that are happening, or is there a reason that the audience needs to know these things? The weight of your words should have some sort of consequence as a result of you writing them. Are you telling the audience information they need to know? Is it about how the character feels? What does this say about the character? Etc.
I suppose that’s sort of my own writing style. You’ll probably notice that I don’t write a lot of descriptive prose if you read my fic. The thing about me is that I never want to write something that makes my audience question why they’re reading it, I guess. I’m sort of self conscious and think about the reading experience a lot. All of the things I choose to describe are usually so that the reader can understand where people are in the scene and what emotions they are having. There’s a lot of emphasis that I put in like. A reader’s ability to read into things, which works against me sometimes because I’m not always certain if people picked up on different things that I put a lot of thought into (the curse of being seen... sob).
ALSO use paragraph breaks. In my first fic (that I’m not going to tell anyone what is even though its on ao3 because im shy) the thing I always regret the MOST is that there are big chunky paragraphs that are hard to read through at the start. Like my eyes get lost. I mentioned I have ADHD before but even though I like. physically can’t read a big chunky paragraph I will always write them that way if left to my own devices. Paragraph breaks don’t have to just be broken up by dialogue they can be wherever you feel like doing them. You need a lot of them. This post should probably have more of them... oh my god it’s so long...
I have a lot of like. academic trauma, so maybe this is just me, but the reason I didn’t write fic until I was like 16 was because I was always really scared that whatever I wrote wouldn’t be good enough for some impossible standard I was setting for myself. I was always telling myself that I had certain bad writing habits or that I was terrible for never being able to focus on things for very long and all of my projects were doomed to failure before I even started. But then I wrote my first like 8 chapter fic in the summer of my junior year and I was like... oh. that wasn’t so bad. Like. It’s okay to know your limits, but you don’t really know them until you start writing. Like I wrote an 8 chapter fic, and then a few one shots, and then I tried to take on a very complicated project that ended up being over 40 chapters and I had to put it down because I just wasn’t really at the writing level to finish it. I would advise against writing fics that take so long to write that you start hating the way you wrote the first chapter, basically lol. Know how whatever you’re writing is supposed to begin and end before you start writing it.
Nowadays I always have like. plot outlines in my head when I start a fic. Like okay this needs to happen here this needs to happen here etc. I like making lists if it seems to overwhelming when I’m writing something long, just to organize my thoughts. 
Defo feel free to dm me if you have like questions or just want to chat about orv or whatever. I’m a lonely little man out here floating on my pile of words, and I’d love to hear what your fic is about!! 
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anigamer10 · 6 years
The Teachings of a Genius
This is it gang, my final DBZ Lemon on Tumblr, and it’s ending how it began. Admittedly, this story isn’t really mine. It was originally written by ‘FutureGohan’sApprentice’ and revamped by ‘SupermanInTrousers’ on FF dot net. However, since both authors retired from fanfiction, and I just happened to have saved the story offline (since the OG got nuked by FF...twice), I took it upon myself to preserve and breathe new life into the story that inspired me to do dirty Dragon Ball lemons in the first place (Whether or not this is considered art-theft is beyond me, but I want to make a disclaimer and say that I am not taking credit for the original story, nor am I claiming the idea as mine. I’m just trying to save a major part of my writing inspiration, and if the original writer(s) see this and request me to take it down I will...provided Tumblr doesn’t do it first. The overall premise is the same as the original, but it’s been modified slightly to match my writing style as well as a few other general edits. With all that said, enjoy the story that started it all: A hot threesome between Gohan, Videl, and Bulma
The Teachings of a Genius
Majin Buu had been defeated and in honor of the Z-Fighters' latest voctory, a party was being thrown. Everyone, including secluded warriors like Tien and Chiaotzu had opted to attend, and Bulma, the hostess couldn't help but watch everyone having fun and enjoying themselves with a glimmer in her eyes. In some ways, this felt like the ond of the journey she started all those years ago when she accidently hit a young Goku with her car.
Te two of them have had so many adventures since then, from traveling the world to venturing across the universe, but now it was all over. Majin Buu the most powerful enemy they'd ever faced, a being so powerful that even the highest tier of Kai's feared his prowess was now their ally. It was nigh impossible to imagine any being even more dangerous.
Somewhere on a remote planet, a certain catlike deity let out a loud, explosive sneeze. Of course both Bulma and Goku had experienced a different kind of adventure with meeting loved ones, having kids and starting families. Bulma glanced over to her lover, watcing him with pride and affection, alone as usual in the corner. She couldn't help but smile when she spotted the slight twirl of his lips. Vegeta would never admit it, but this was his home and he'd die to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Her son however was less than predictable. Not seeing him with the others enjoying the party, she safely assumed he was off doing something with Goten. Whatever they were up to, she just hoped they were staying out of trouble. Those two could be such a handful. Bulma let out a sigh. Why couldn't those two be more like Gohan? Son Gohan was everything a mother could want in a child. Strong, smart, independent, caring, the list could go on. 'Handsome to,' she mentally added with a small blush. Unfortunately for any women who may have had an eye on the young saiyan, Gohan managed to find himself an equally as wonderful girlfriend. Although now that she realized it, they were missing from the party as well. "Ohhho?" she quietly, but excitedly squealed. The thought of Gohan sneaking off with his girlfriend lit a twinkle in her eye as she slyly rubbed her hands together. As much as she loved the kid, the Capsule Corp heiress was still just as mischievous as she's ever been. She'd never hesitate to embarrass someone she cared so much for. [ ] Bulma made her way through Capsule Corp, the clacking of her heels echoing through the halls. She could still remember the days when she and Yamcha were younger. Roaming the halls, searching for an empty room to fool around in without her mother finding them. There was a certain sense of adventure that was lost as she grew up. Not that she didn't enjoy sex with Vegeta, but sometimes she yearned for the times when she had to be secretive. After searching and reminiscing for a few more minutes, Bulma couldn't help but notice a ruffling sound in a room a few feet away from her. Swiftly darting over to the room, she slowly cracked the door open and peeked inside, catching a glimpse of Gohan and Videl inside, on the couch, hesitantly locking lips with each other. Their bodies were quite a few inches apart, and aside from their lip contct, the two young warriors kept the rest of their bodies distant from each other, too hesitant to explore each other physically. Bulma shook her head and sighed. This was NOT how it was done at al. Startling the young couple, causing them both to flush red and dart away from each other, Bulma loudly cleared her throat making her presence known to them. "B-Bulma!" Gohan shrieked in distress. Both he and Videl stared at Bulma, eyes widened from the act of getting caught. Before either of them could say anything, Bulma spoke up first. "What was that all about?" she asked. "W-well...," Gohan stammered. "Well you see...uhh...we were just...um..." Gohan continued to hesitantly babble until Bulma spoke again. "You guys call that kissing!?" Bulma exclaimed. "Huh?" Bulma let out a disappointed sigh as she shook her head. She'd expected someone with Saiyan blood would have more raw passion with a significant other. Gohan and Videl could only uncomfortably glance at each other from the jab at their kissing skills. Neither of them were very experienced when it came to physical affection, but hearing it out loud was quite embarrassing. Their awkward silence was interrupted by the sound of Bulma's heels as she made her way over to couch, setting herself in between the two. As the young couple shyly glanced away, Bulma inwardly snickered to herself; two inexperienced tens in desperate need of help? Now this was the sort of excitement she'd been looking for. Gohan and Videl each fidgeted nervously from the awkward position they were in. Gohan nervously rubbing his hand behind his head, Videl rapping her fingers against her thighs. Anything to release the nerves that were bundled inside their bodies. "Guys...be honest with me," Bulma began. "Have either of you ever kissed anyone before?" The young couple could only look down before shyly nodding 'No'. "Hmmmmmm..." Bulma crossed her arms in contemplation. This was a predicament. Vegeta would most likely say that this wasn't her problem and tell her to leave the two youngsters to their own, but someone had to teach Gohan the proper way to act in these intimate occassions, especially since neither his strict mother or childlike father were likely to have taught him how to be a real man in situations like this. As for Videl, being her senior (though not A SENIOR, mind you), surely it was her duty to teach her how to properly handle her man. She wasn't about to let the two teens she cared for continue as they were, not being able to hold each other as they locked lips. Bulma flashed the two a wry smile. Her mind was made up. "You want me to teach you?" ".........Huh?" "W-What!?" Videl shrieked. Expecting this to be some sort of joke, Videl swiftly turned to Bulma but could find no signs of humor on her face. Bulma was actually serious about her proposition. "Uh Bulma...what do you mean?" Gohan's already open mouth fell agape when Bulma showed Videl exactly what she meant: Placing her hands on the sides of Videl's face, Bulma quickly told Gohan, "Watch closely," before pulling the younger closer to her until their lips clashed. Videl gave a muffled protest, but failed to make any attempt to disjoint herself from Bulma, though mostly due to pure shock. Surely enough, Videl remained frozen in place as Bulma continued to ravage her lips. Had her mouth not been preoccupied, Bulma would be flashing a confident smile. Videl was so surprised by her initiative that her mouth hung open, making it easy for Bulma to slip her tongue into the young girl's mouth. Though she was still trying to grasp the fact that she was suddenly kissing another woman, Videl perked up when Bulma's tongue began to clash with her own,  letting out a muffled moan in the process. She'd never used her tongue while kissing before, but the thought of a battle urged her on as she challenged Bulma's tongue to a hearty duel. As the two woman continued to clash tongues, Bulma ran her hand along Videl's raven black hair, slowly gliding her hand down the side of her cheek. Now that she was certain Videl wouldn't pull away, it was time to show these two how to really explore. Using her free hand, Bulma surprised the duo when she rested her hand on Videl's perky breasts. The young girl let out a muffled yet bashful shriek as her mound was gently groped. She tried to detach their lips and create some distance between them, but Bulma kept her firmly in place. Videl's breasts were smaller than her own, small enough to fit in her hand.  They were much firmer as well, undoubtedly due to the muscle mass she gained from her fierce traing regime. Gohan eyed the two women with a hesitant, yet intensly lustful gaze. In his mind, he figured he probably should've attempted to separate the older woman from his girlfriend, but watching two incredibly attractive women kiss and fondle each other caused his sense of reason do vanish. The small tent that had been pitched in his pants from before Bulma even arrived had grown to a much larger and conspicuous size, protruding uncomfortably against his shorts, yearning to be unleashed from it's confines. With Videl's mouth still tangled with Bulma's, the bluenette beauty brought her hand further down. First her neck, then past the hand still fondling her breast, then her stomach until she finally reached her tight black short. Her hand slipped through the fabric and briefly poked against Videl's opening through her notably moistened panties. "Kya! NO!" The contanct between her legs was just the trigger Videl needed as she harshly shoved Bulma away, with a shriek and darted off of the couch attempting to create as much distance as she could between them. Sweat ran down her head as her face flashed the deepest shade of red ever. Videl's body was all but lit on fire due to a strange combination of rage, excitement, and embarrassment, though mostly the latter. "Bulma...what the hell do you think you're doing!" shrieked an angry and flustered Videl. Bulma was surprised that Videl was still resisting. She thought she'd convinced her to go along with her plans, but it seems she still had plenty of fight left in her. Though judging from the wetness that now adjourned her fingers, that rebellious flame was sure to be extinguished soon enough. "What am I doing?" Bulma repeated. "I told you, I'm teaching you." She turned to Gohan. "Both of you." Gohan couldn't help but wonder what Bulma had in store for him. Though he'd never admit it, he hoped that he would be receiving a similar treatment to Videl. Lifelong friend or not, the effect Bulma had on Gohan was unmistakable as his body lightly shuddered with desire. Unfortunately, Bulma's attention to Goan was brief as she got up from the couch and strolled over to Videl, her hips swaying ever so enticingly to Gohan's eyes. As Bulma approached Videl, the younger girl, shockingly made no attempt to retreat. Though she stood firm with a sense of incrdedulity. Videl couldn't help but let out a small gasp as Bulma slipped behind her and rested her hands on her shoulders, lightly massaging them. "Videl?" Bulma started. "Why don't we let go of all this tension and...continue?" she purred. Videl was still very hesitant. On the one hand, she was interested in playing this out, but on the other hand, her modesty prevented her from caving to her inner desires. Bulma dipped her head down to Videl's ear. "A guy like Gohan would LOVE for his cute girlfriend to please him, and I know he'd appreciate it if you took the initiative. We both know he wouldn't know what to do with a girl." Bulma's hand slid down until itoce again rested on her firm mound, causing Videl to let out a small breath. "Are...you sure...?" Videl replied. Avoiding eye contact with Bulma, her gaze drifted over to her wide eyed boyfriend still sitting on the couch. He'd been unapologetically staring at them since the very beginning. Videl managed to catch a glance at the front of Gohan's pants and saw that he was CLEARLY enjoying the show. "So Videl, you wanna continue?" Bulma purred. Videl remained silent for a few seconds before meekly replying, "Y-yes...." "That's the spirit," said a perversely grinning Bulma. "Just follow my lead." Grabbing the hem of Videl's shirt, Bulma hoisted it up as Videl meekly lifted her arms allowing the cloth to be pulled over her head and off, fiercly flushed all the while. Gohan's face lit up a scarlet hue as his eyes instantly fell upon his girlfriend's semi naked upper body. He let out a short string of gasps as his eyes went up and down the length of Videl's torso until he heard a soft 'clicking' sound. He was unsure what it was until the cups of Videl's bra fell almost suddenly. Gohan's breathing began to hasten at the sight of Videl's bare, perky, breasts, as they briefly bounced as the bra hit the floor. Gohan's eyes remained glued to Videl's chest as the bashful young girl glanced aside, failing to cover herself, but unwilling to look Gohan in the eye. "Well, are you coming or not?" Bulma urged the befuddled young Saiyan to come closer, which he did. Gohan's eyes still laid on Videl's chest once he finally joined the two women. Being so close to Videl's uncovered breasts, Gohan felt a strange, undeniable urge to touch them but was hesitant. Was he even allowed to? Sure Videl was exposing herself but that wasn't really consent...was it? "Oh come on Gohan!" Bulma interjected. Before he could react, Bulma grabbed his hand and yanked it, pressing his palm against Videl's right breast. "Waaah...!?" Videl let out a small squeal at the surprise contact. "G-Gohan..." Videl's breathing hitched causing her chest to expand and recede. Feeling Gohan's warm hand on one of her sensitive areas served to light a small spark inside of her, a spark she could feel from the pit of her stomach down to her core. Placing her hand on Gohan's wrist, she slowly slid it up his arm until her hand covered his that held her breast. Taking that as a sign of approval, Gohan moved his free hand to Videl's uncovered tit and cupped them together in his hands, squeezing them lightly. Videl let out a soft gasp and moan as Gohan's gentle, yet masculine hands fondled her womanly mounds. As Gohan continued to grope Videl's firm breasts, he became lightly more forceful as he suddenly planted his lips against a surprised Videl's. Moving past her initial surprise at Gohan's unexpected initiative, Videl moved her hands up Gohan's arms until they rested on his shoulders. Bulma seemed pleased that her brief lesson seemed to already be bearing results as she watched the young couple lock lips with a new sense of vigor. Breaking the kiss, Gohan surprised both women when he lowered his head down and planted a series of kisses down Videl's body starting from her cheek, then her neck until he landed on the curves of her boobs, pressing his lips against the sensitive, erect tip at the end. "Aha...!" As Videl let out a soft pleasured gasp, Bulma decided to get in on the fun as she lowered herself down to Videl's neck and let her tongue roll over her sensitive area. 'How cute,' Bulma thought. Trailing her hand down the younger girl's body, she slipped her fingers through the tight black spandex and cottony panties to make direct contact with Videl's moistened folds. Videl let out a high pitched squeal as her breasts and pussy were now being gently, yet intensely handled. Bulma glided her fingers along Videl's nether lips, quickly becoming coated with her natural lube. 'If she's this wet already, then maybe I can...' Bulma decided to test her incomplete theory by lowering her fingers down to Videl's core and punctured her. Videl gasped in surprise at being breached. 'She's so tight,' Bulma mentally noted. Makes sense that a virgin like Videl would be so snug. 'Gohan, you lucky boy.' she added with a wicked smirk. As Bulma slowly delved deeper into Videl, she noticed something rather surprising. 'No hymen...she probably broke it herself with all that training. This'll make things a lot easier for Gohan.' Videl's canal was a snug fit, but she could very easily be stretched a bit further. As if to prove the point, Bulma nudged a second finger inside Videl's heat, but that was all she could take as she elicited a groan of discomfort. Bulma slowly began moving her fingers in and out of Videl's snatch, spreading her wider with each motion. "Ahh...ha!" Videl could feel herself on the brink of release as Bulma and Gohan continued to mercillessly work her body. Bulma pushed and retracter her fingers at an incredible pace while Gohan had taken Videl's entire boob into his mouth, sucking ferverently while he lightly pinched and rolled her neglected breast. At this rate, Videl knew she wouldn't last much longer. Gohan rolled his tongue over her erect nub, making Videl whimper in satisfaction. Over time, he'd regularly switch breasts making sure both of her mammaries received the same special treatment as the other, massaging which ever boob he was neglecting at the time. All the while, Bulma could feel Videl begin to tighten around her fingers. Her inner walls began to contract as her climax drew closer and closer until... "Oh..oh GOD!....!" Videl's entire body tensed up as she came, the strength in her legs waning. Thankfully, both Bulma and Gohan managed to keep her on her feet as her core erupted and her nectar stained Bulma's delicate fingers. Videl lightly rocked her hips as Bulma and Gohan never ceased to continue pleasuring her body allowing her to ride her orgasm much longer than normal. After a few blissful seconds, Videl's orgasm finally began to recede and Bulma and Gohan retreated from her body. Her strength giving out, Videl fell forward into Gohan's arms, lightly panting. At Bulma's request, Gohan gently laid her down on the bed in the corner of the room. Gohan let out a breath that he hadn't even known he was holding. What just happened was intense...really intense. Though he felt a hint of shame in admitting this, he wanted more, a fact that was evidenced by the twitching in the front of his pants as his fully salute manhood grinded against his boxers. Judging from Bulma's expression, it seemed like she wasn't finished yet either. "W-what now?" Gohan asked. Gohan's massive erection did not go unnoticed by Bulma, causing her to playfully lick her lips. Sensually strolling over to him, she caught him completely off guard when she suddenly clasped her hand around the large bulge in his pants. Gohan's breath hiked up as his body tensed. "Why don't we take care of your little problem here. Although..." She squeezed his rock hard cock. "There's nothing little about this beast, is there?" Gohan let out an awkward chuckle at Bulma's embarrassing compliment. Though he couldn't deny the relief he felt now that someone was doing something about the uncomfortable strain in his pants. "Gyagh!" Gohan let out a surprised yelp as he was suddenly pushed down, rather forcibly, back onto the couch. In his brief moment of haze, he hadn't even noticed Bulma fall to her knees and clasp her hands around his waistline. With one harsh yank, Bulma pulled Gohan's pants and shorts down releasing his cock from it's confinement. "Oh my God!" Even Bulma couldn't hide her surprise at the sight of Gohan's massive penis. He had to have been eight inches long, at least, and he was notably thick as well. She expected him to be well endowed, but thhis was just a bit bigger than she expected. The wonders of saiyan blood and youthful hormones. "Wow..." Bulma trailed a finger along the underside of his shaft, causing it to eagerly throb. Who knew little Gohan would grow up to have such a package. Gohan was too stupored to respond, too ecstatic that a feminine hand was trailing across his length, and what a hand it was. Bulma was one of the most beautiful women he'd come to know, and age hadn't done a thing to change that. Gohan let out a groan when she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, holding him flawlessly. Bulma simply held him for a brief moment getting a feel for his hardness and warmth. Finally, she gave his dick a firm but gentle stroke and was met with a hefty batch of pre-cum from the small slit at the top. She repeated her action and yielded the same result. Gathering the translucent fluid, she squirmed her hand around his sensitive tip and smeared it across his shaft, eliciting some soft pleasured moans from Gohan. Before long, she was gliding her hand up and down on him with extreme ease. Gohan was so easily aroused. 'Hmmm...wonder how he'd react if I took his cock in my mouth?' thought an impish Bulma. Off to the side, Videl had finally recovered from her orgasm and watched intently as another woman gave her boyfriend a handjob. Surprisingly, she didn't seem as jealous as she expected. Quite the opposite in fact, as the sight was just enough to cause her to moisten yet again. Not one to be left out, Videl hastily made her way over to join the two, kneeling down beside Bulma. Videl's eyes brightened as she watched Bulma bob her hand over Gohan in fast strokes while her other hand went to fondle his balls. Now that she had a close up, Videl couldn't help but think that Gohan's was a LOT bigger than she'd thought a penis would be. "You wanna try?" Bulma asked, stirring Videl from her inner musings. The older woman had ceased her actions on Gohan and urged Videl towards him. Turning to Gohan then back to Bulma, Videl gave an eager nod and took him between her fingers. "What do you think?" Bulma asked. "He's...so warm..." Videl said hazily. Mimicking Bulma's actions, she started jerking him off, though at a comparatively slower pace than her. She couldn't help but marvel at how much Gohan was leaking until it ran down his cock and trailed over her fingers. "Very good," Bulma praised. Truth be told, this scene was really erotic even for her. Gohan let his head fall back, his eyes closed as Videl continued to stroke him. It felt less pleasurable than with Bulma, but still very enjoyable. With each pump, Videl's confidence grew. Along with Bulma's encouragement, she soon began jerking him like a pro. Gohan let out a set of soft sighs, casually enjoying the feel of Videl's hand.He had et to even open his eyes until he felt something rough suddenly brush against the tip of his dick. Sharply bringing his head forward, his eyes took in an incredible sight. Videl kept bobbing her hand against his length, while Bulma had brought her head a few inches closer and flicked her tongue over his cockhead. Videl was briefly caught off by Bulma's enthusiasm. As she watched Bulma lick along Gohan's slit, the thought of what Gohan's pre-cum would taste like flashed in her mind. Before she could change her mind, she too moved her head forward and lashed her tongue against her boyfriend's throbbing dick. Gohan couldn't help but let out a soft moan at the two women lapping their tongues on his sensitive skin. It felt like he could explode at any minute. If this was his reward for defeating Cell, it was a great reward indeed. Just when Gohan thought it couldn't get any better, he felt an invigorating warmth surround him. Bulma proceeded to bring her lips over his head and roll her tongue around him while she slowly descended her head further and further. She kept going until he reached her esophogus and proceeded to flex her throat which he audibly enjoyed. "B-Bul...ma...!" Gohan moaned. A small hint of irritation appeared on Videl's face as her boyfriend called out the older woman's name, though the notion quickly evaporated once she saw Bulma remove herself from Gohan's manhood. "H-hey!" Gohan whined. As Bulma rose to her feet and ordered Videl to do the same, she couldn't help but notice the look of desperation on Gohan's face as his cock twitched in dissatisfaction. "Don't worry Gohan," she consoled him. "I promise you'll feel much better real soon." Gohan had his doubts, but held his tongue out of curiosity. Before either of them could respond, Bulma slipped herself behind Videl and grasped the waistline to her bottoms. "Kyaaa...!" Videl screeched as the impetuous Bulma yanked her tight shorts and panties down her legs leaving her completely bare to the shocked Gohan's view. Gohan's eyes nearly bugged out as he stared readily at Videl's womanhood which still showed signs of her previous orgasm. Videl instinctively tried to cover her intimate areas with her hands, but was kept exposed by Bulma holding her by the wrists. Videl's superior strength allowed her to pull away and resume covering herself, much to Gohan's dismay. Bulma let out a sigh at Videl's rebellious actions. She could understand her hesitance, but she shouldn't be this innocent, right? With a determined glint in her eye, Bulma strolled over to Gohan and towered over him. "Why don't we make things a bit more even here," Bulma noted. Bulma hovered over Gohan's body and grabbed the hem of his shirt. Gohan instinctively raised his hands as Bulma very slowly slid the cloth off Gohan's body, unveiling his youthful muscular body to both women. Bulma was used to seeing a saiyan's muscular physique, so while she was still very much attracted to the young saiyan's toned, chiseled body, Videl on the other hand was practically marvelling in awe at Gohan's fully exposed form. She couldn't help but gasp at every muscular contour of Gohan's pecs. Her hand that was covering her crotch slowly became damp as Videl's body began to heat up at the sight of her boyfriend's naked body. Gohan could also feel himself heat up from the close proximity between himself and Bulma. As she pulled his shirt off, her breasts swayed ever enticingly over Gohan's lustful gaze. Gohan was so focused on Bulma's breasts that he failed to realize that he momentarily forgot that Videl was also naked right beside them. Bulma retreated from Gohan and went back over to Videl. "Now why don't we pick up where we left off." Taking Videl by the hand, she brought her closer to Gohan, who now resumed staring at Videl's naked body, constantly glancing from her breasts all the way down to he moistened core. Videl could only stare at Gohan's manhood, pulsing with desire, causing her legs to squirm. They knew what Bulma was expecting of them, but neither had the will to announce their obvious hesitation. Per Bulma's instruction, Videl straddled her boyfriend, her legs at his side and her hands on his shoulders. "Ehh-!" "Eek-!" The young couple both cried out as Bulma took a hold of Gohan's member and lightly swayed him around until he was level with Videl's moistened nether lips, briefly brushing it against her cunt. The heat from her core showed no doubt that she was ready for him. All that was left was for her to descend her hips. Easier said than done when still a virgin. "Videl...?" Gohan called out his girlfriend's name as he could tell how uneasy she felt about this whole situation. He wanted to tell her not to force herself to do this, but was unable to get the words out due to his own desire. Truthfully, he couldn't help but internally chastise himself for not speaking up beause he felt just as uneasy about this as he suspected she was, but he felt too eager from their earlier actions to consider stopping now. Videl looked Gohan in the eye as she tried to find the courage to sink her hips. Despite not knowing him for very long, all things considered, she truly did love him with all her heart. Gohan was undoubtedly the nicest boy she'd ever met, and he'd fought so hard and sacrificed so much for the world...for her sake. As if to thank him for all he's done, Videl smiled and planted a quick kiss on Gohan's cheek before lowering herself and accepting him into her folds after applying some pressure. Videl grit her teeth as she sunk down, accepting him into her snatch ever so tardily. He felt even bigger now that she tried to take all of him inside of her. Her walls sprea around him aided by the release of his arousal through his cock, slickening her already secreting walls. Gohan's hands clenched onto the couch below before he latched onto Videl's slim hips. He couldn't believe how hot and tight it was around his cock, her walls instantly coercing him to release his load. Nothing could've prepared him for the intense feeling of breaching a woman. Videl began to falter when she was about halfway. "Videl...are you alright?" asked a concern Gohan. "Don't...worry Gohan...I just...need a moment." After a couple of minutes, Videl managed to adjust to feeling so stuffed and descended taking two more inches through her folds. There were a couple of inches left, but Videl had reached her limit, the cushions of her ass bouncing against his thighs. The couple remained still or a moment allowing Videl to adjust to the width that spread her. Clasping him by the shoulders, Videl rose her hips again before falling back down his length. "Nnnnngg...!" It took some directions from Bulma and some practice on Videl's part but before long, she was pumping up and down Gohan's cock, her perky tits bouncing enticingly all the while. Thanks to her strong legs, she could keep up the pace. As Videl steadily increased her speed, she began to let out a string of heated, pants. Gohan soon started thrusting his hips to match Videl, causing her to cry out much louder. Even Bulma couldn't help but let out a heated breath at the wet sounds of pleasure. Wiping some seat off her forehead she couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever been this heated before. 'I've really lost my cool, haven't I?'. As Bulma watched the pair engage in their debauchery, her eyes fell down to Videl's cute butt cheeks. They weren't very broad or soft, but Bulma only found that more appealing. Snatching her hands around Videl's ass, she spread her further apart, though Videl hadn't the mind to notice...until Bulma put a finger against her rear and started pressing her digit through her asshole. "Whaaaa-!" Videl turned back to face Bulma as she continued to wriggle her finger through her back end. She tried to protest, but lacked the mental fortitude to emit anything but a long string of moans. Though it hurt like hell, Videl continued bouncing up and down Gohan's thick rod, assisting Bulma in her anal invasion. As Videl tightened around Gohan due to Bulma's actions, Gohan's body began to quiver intensely. 'She's so tight here,' Bulma thought. "B-Bulma...stop...stop!" Videl managaed to get out. "Just try to relax Videl," Bulma replied. Videl could only breathe deeply to try and steel herself as Bulma continued to probe her. Before long, Videl could feel her end nearing closer and closer. Bulma's exploration of her backside hurt at first, but now only amplified her pleasure. Videl's walls constricted around Gohan, clamping him tighter and harder with each stroke. He continued to caress her breasts, squeezing them and lightl tweaking her nipples. It soon became too much for Videl who let out a shrill shiek as she pronounced her release. "Ahhhhhhh...! Gohan...I...I'm cumming again...!" All at once her walls convulsed around Gohan, tightening around him as her released sprayed all over his cock. Videl's body fiercely thrashed back and forth reveling in the orgasmic burst, trying to prolong it as long as. Bulma continued driving her finger in and out of Videl's ass helping her lengthen her orgasm, while Gohan continued thrusting, though at a much slower pace as her tightness made it extremely difficult for him to move. Her orgasm soon subsided and Videl fell on top of Gohan's chest a tired and drained heap. Bulma finally removed her finger, eliciting a relieved sigh from Videl. Desperate for his own release, Gohan proceeded to rise and fall Videl on his length, but Bulma quickly stopped him. "Easy Gohan. We really should let her rest." Gohan shyly avoided eye contact with Bulma as she removed Videl from his cock and laid her down on the bed beside them. He knew she was right, but he didn't have to like it. Although, his previous grief would soon vanish once Bulma turned to him with a lustful grin in her eye. "In the meantime Gohan, I'd be more than happy to help you cum." she spoke seductively. The older woman had waited long enough to have her fun. Watching the two young lovers had only served to get her body heated with excitement. Grabbing the straps of her dress, she slid them to the side until the green garment fell into a pile at her feet, revealing her mature, feminine curves to the young saiyan's gaze. Gohan continued to heat up as Bulma was left in a brown, lacy, lingerie set; an absolute knockout. The first thing he noticed was her bust size. They were big, much bigger than Videl's. "Whadaya think Gohan? You like these?" she teased cupping her breasts in her hands. While she loved the idea of teasing Gohan with her breasts for a little while, she was far too hot and bothered from the young couple's earlier actions to wait much longer. Placing her hands at the straps of her bra, she unclasped the fabric and let the cups fall to the floor. Her heavy mammaries fell with a slight bounce, boasting their suppleness and Gohan's eyes fiercely bugged out of his head. 'They're so big...they look so soft...!' Gohan's eyes followed Bulma's ever swaying tits as she bent over forward, her hands at the waistline of her panties. Bulma proceeded to slide the garment down her long, desirable thighs until they too fell in a heap at her feet. Gohan's gaze shifted from her breasts to her fully shaven slit, which was dripping with feminine arousal. He couldn't help but tense up as Bulma swaggered towards him, her hips swaying sensually. His face the deepest shade of red possible, Gohan could only gulp when Bulma, mimicking Videl's earlier actions, lay her hands on his shoulders and mounted him. As she straddled the young saiyan, her large globes swaying ever alluringy in his face, she lightly stroked his raven locks with one hand and gripping his shaft with the other. Lowering her head to his ear, she lightly blew her hot breath into his lobe causing him to shudder before asking, "Are you ready Gohan?" Not waiting for him to answer, she angled his dick with her dripping folds, rubbing against her moistened lips before she descended her hips, her walls instantly yielding to Gohan's massive erection. "Gaaahh...!" Gohan let out a long pleasured groan Bulma's walls began secreting along his length, his manhood throbbing as he penetrated through the mature woman's canal, his pre-release mixing with hers. He could only grit his teeth as Bulma bore down on him. She was tight, nearly as tight as Videl who, lest not forget was a bonafide virgin before today. What was even more surprising is how Bulma was able to take him inside her without faltering. Unlike Videl, Bulma didn't stop until his entire girth was fully sheathed inside her womanly core, showing no signs of discomfort whatsoever. At least, outwardly. Though she put up a composed front, Bulma had to inwardly admit that it stung a little to feel Gohan's dick poking against the entrance to her womb, but there's now way she'd show her distress after boasting of her own sexual prowess. "Bulma?" Gohan gave Bulma an expectant look, no doubt expecting her to move. With an inward flinch, she was forced to admit her struggle. "I'm fine...you're just...a little harder to adjust to than I thought." A small but cocky smile grew onto Gohan's face at Bulma's confession. "In that case, why don't I help you out a little," he smirked. Gohan drew his hands up to her hips before rising up her bod and planting them on her firmly developed breasts. He drew the undersides up, testing their weight. 'They're heavier than Videl's, and a lot softer too.' Gohan noted. "Mmmph!" Bulma let out a small muffled gasp as Gohan unapologetically groped her, tweaking his thumbs over her fully erect nipples. Bulma let out yet another light pleaasured squeal when Gohan brought his head closer to her alluring mammaries. Bulma instinctively placed her hands behind Gohan's head and brought his face in even closer to her tits. His face mere centimeters away from Bulma's ever inviting bust, Gohan couldn't restrain himself any more and brought his tongue out against her erect nubs. Rolling his tongue over her nipples, Gohan then proceeded to bring his lips completely around the swelled bulb and began to suck them, increasing the pressure in his hand on her opposite breasts. Gohan would constantly switch between which breasts he'd suck and which he'd vigorously grope and Bulma seemed to be enjoying every second of it. The longer Gohan fondled her tits, the more her hands would tense on his broad, stiff shoulders. It was hard to believe that the shy, well mannered little boy that she met at Kame House so many years ago was the same young man who was pleasuring her breasts so readily. While Bulma reveled in his gratifying handling of her chest, the earlier discomfort had finally faded and Bulma was more than ready to commence and start riding him. Lightly pulling Gohan's head away from her chest, Bulma looked the eager saiyan straight in the eye and asked, "Are you ready to see how a real woman handles a cock like yours Gohan?" As she removed his hands from her breasts and placed them on her hips, Bulma couldn't help but snicker when she heard Videl scoff in an offended manner behind her. She had such obvious buttons to push. True to her word, Bulma manuevered a bit before hefting her hips up, rising until only the very tip of his dick remained inside her, coating his manly rod with her womanly nectar, before forcefully descending again. "Geeeeeh...!" Gohan's body tensed as Bulma used this technique repeatedly, rising and falling on his hips time and again. "Ah...gghhh!!" Gohan gripped the sofa beneath them as Bulma steadily began to increase her speed and intensity, much to Gohan's and her own delight. Right behind them however, Videl could only watch enviously as another woman rode her boyfriend with a level of skill and grace that she could only dream of. Her jealousy only rose with each pleasured whine that escaped from Gohan's lips as Bulma continued to bounce on his cock. Even so, she couldn't fight the intense heat her body was feeling from watching the two. Videl reached her apex however, once Bulma wrapped her head around Gohan's head and brought him in for a deep kiss. She couldn't hold bck anymore. Without realizing it, one hand had fallen down to her crotch and began tracing around her lower lips, dripping with desire while her other had risen to the peaks of her perky breasts. Videl coudln't help but cry out as the hand at her chest had lightly began to pinch her nipple and the other one ran her finger across the sensitive bulb at the top of her cunt. Gohan could only let out a string of hot, hearty groans and moans as Bulma's walls mercilessly milked him whenever she fell on his lap. While he'd only been holding onto Bulma up to this point, Gohan still had enough mind left to want to take action himself. Lowering his hands from  her waist to the fullness of her ass, Gohan briefly paused as he felt up Bulma's ass cheeks. He shouldn't have been surprised, but she was just as soft and supple down there as she was in the chest. Firmly squeezing her rear end, Gohan started putting his muscles to use and began lifting and dropping her on his cock himself at a much faster pace than she'd been using before, thrusting upwards all the while. "Ahhha...haaaa...!! Gohan...your cock feels amazing...!" Bulma moaned. His initiative was unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Still, Bulma was used to being attempted to be dominated by Vegeta, so she was more than able to keep up with Gohan's increased intensity. Gohan's actions almost slowed as he couldn't help but be mesmerized by Bulma's frantically swaying breasts. The more he watched them bounce, the more he wanted to grope them, feel their unmatched suppleness some more. Before he could remove himself from her ass however... "Kyaaaagh!" Bulma couldn't help but let out a surprised yelp as a pair of soft, feminine hands latched onto her breasts from behind. "V-Videl?" Bulma turned back to see the girl in question, flashing her a toothy grin as she pressed her own perky tits against Bulma's back while continuing to grope her. Videl couldn't help but marvel at Bulma's impressive bosom. They were big enough to the point where they couldn't even fully fit her hands (then again, she could just have small hands), her fingers sinking inside as she firmly squeezed them. 'She's even bigger than Erasa!' Videl thought. Videl continued to lift and caress Bulma's tits, absolutely stupefied at how much she actually enjoyed fondling them. "Amazing..." she accidently said aloud. Bulma flashed Videl her own grin as the young girls face flashed red once she realized what she'd said. "Oh don't worry Videl. You're still maturing, so I'm sure you'll have a growth spurt sooner or later." A vein popped on the embarrassed Videl's reddened forehead. Lucky for Videl, she (along with Gohan) were in control, so she was more than prepared for a little payback by grabbing Bulma's tits by the nipples and tweaking them hard. "Ahh...ow...! N-not so...Kaaaah!" Bulma couldn't help but wriggle uncomfortably ass Videl continued to harshly work her nipples. Gohan on the other hand had slowed down considerably as the sight of the two beautiful women touching and groping each other was more than his focus could handle. Before long however, he soon resumed thrusting into Bulma with fully renewed vigor. Bulma was unprepared when the horny saiyan harshly grasped her ass and proceeded to push and pull her up and down his thick rod. "Ahhhhhh...oh God...!!" Bulma clutched onto Gohan's shoulders for dear life, intent not to fall off due to his wild actions. Her body clenched tightly in a sexual frenzy as all the heat from her stomach dropped to her crotch, causing her toee to curl in absolute delight while Videl continued to pluck her stiff nipples. 'I can't...they're gonna...make me cum!' The young coupple felt delight in the fact that they were dominating the older woman who had mocked their lack of experience earier, though Gohan was feeling much more victorious as he felt Bulma's walls squeeze even tighter around him while his lap became drenched with her nectar. Although, Gohan quickly found himself in the same situation. After screwing Videl and enduring her orgasm against his dick, Bulma was just as intense, if not more so. Couple that with Videl enticingly groping Bulma's breasts, it was incredibly erotic for the young Saiyan. It wasn't long before Gohan's cock began to twitch, a heft amount of prelease slipping out and mixing with Bulma's own. "Gohan...Videl...!" It was all too much for Bulma. Gohan's massively incredible cock and intense strength and vigor mixed with Videl's skillful but brutal fondling of her bust was a two pronged attack she couldn't handle for long. Clawing into Gohan's skin, Bulma threw her head back and let out a shrill howl as her tunnel caved in and her climax erupted over Gohan's manood. "I'm......CUMMING!" Gohan attempted to keep thrusting, but her orgasm clamped around his cock so tightly he could hardly move. The feeling of her vagina throbbing so readily against him was more more than he could handle. Though he had more than impressive endurance for a virgin, pounding both Videl AND Bulma to massive intense orgasms, even a Saiyan could only last for so long, especially with a woman as beautiful as Bulma. With one final thrust through Bulma's throbbing canal, it was over for him. "B-BULMA-!!" Gohan called out the mature woman's name as his body flinched intensely and his cock erupted in a hot, creamy burst inside Bulma's snatch. SPLUUURT! "Ahh!" Bulma gasped when she felt Gohan's rod explode inside her. 'There's...so much...and it's so hot!' The amount was absolutely staggering. A hefty load years in the making was finally unleashed inside Bulma's innards, mixing with her own and oozing out onto Gohan's shaft, prolonging her own climax for a few blissful moments. If not for the smaller set of hands currently fondling her tits, Bulma would've grasped them herself in an attempt to prolong this incredible, intense feeling even longer. Though the sheer pleasure was absolutely mind numbing, both Bulma and Gohan soon fell back from their respective highs, both of them extremely winded. "Well...done...Gohan..." Bulma managed to get out through pants. Videl meanwhile had removed herself from Bulma and eyed the two with a pang of irritation and jealousy in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel jealous that Bulma was the one to make Gohan cum, but she wasn't about to be beaten so easily. It was her turn again, and she wasn't going to rest until her own actions made her boyfriend cry out in bliss. Looping her arms beneath Bulma's, the young fighter hastily tried to pull the older woman off of her lover's cock. "Hmph, well someone's impatient," Bulma uttered, annoyance evident in her voice. With less grace than she'd have liked, having not fully recovered from her climax, Bulma eased herself from Gohan's cock standing as straight as she could. Despite her efforts to stay balanced, Gohan's trained eyes could see the tremble in her muscles, as well as both of their respective releases dribbling down her legs, causing him to blush yet again. The sight would've been enough to get him hard again, if he'd withered after his climax, but nope. He stood as tall and erect as ever. Videl's eeyes glimmered. She was ready for round two. Standing in front of Gohan, her crotch eye level with his face, Videl shamefully spread her legs open, giving him a full view of her moistened womanhood. "Gohan..." After a hesitant gulp, Gohan took the initiative by grabbing Videl's by the waist and pulling her closer to him, pressing his lips against her soaked, nether lips. "Kya!" Videl tightly clenched Gohan's hair as her boyfriend proceeded to go down on her, lashing his tongue out against her folds. She steadily began to cry out more intenesely as Gohan lowered his hands down to her butt cheeks and started groping and massaging her, pulling her closer and forcing his tongue deeper inside her canal. "Haa...haa...Gohan...!" Videl wriggled her hips in time with Gohan's movements, grinding her hips against his mouth. Truthfully, she wanted to ride him until he exploded inside of her, but being eaten out like this was just as good. Closing her eyes, she lolled her head back as Gohan continued to orally pleasure her. Thanks to their current situation, neither Videl nor Gohan had a clear grasp of their surroundings. Still, they could both hear Bulma step closer to them, but they hadn't thought much of it...until she felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her midsection and toss her on the bed that is. "H-hey!" Videl had fallen so that she was now laying on her stomach. Though as she tried to get up, Bulma somehow managaed to hold her down...for the moment at least. "Bulma...let go of me...!" Videl demanded. "Stop...struggling...!" Bulma chided in a surprisingly motherly tone. She hoped Videl would listen as it was getting harder and harder to keep her pinned down. During their struggle, Bulma managed to pry Videl's legs open and hoist her ass up, keeping her upper body flat on the bed. She couldn't help but chuckle as Videl's ass shook enticingly as she attempted to free herself. Videl finally came close in freeing herself from Bulma's grasp, until the older woman surprised her by spanking her cheeks with her open palm, causing her to falter and cry out. Every time Videl tried to free herself, Bulma would give her ass a firm snack. This continued until Videl's backside was practically all red that she finally yielded and stopped resisting. "Good girl."
With a grin and a light moan, Bulma pierced her own core with two fingers, coating her finger with the reamins of Gohan's release that remain inside her. Meanwhile, Gohan was watching the two with a shameless, lustful expression. His arousal continued to simmer, but was accompanied by surprise when Bulma removed her fingers from her own opening and aimed them at Videl's tight ass. The young martial artist yelped as a strange substance was smeared over her rim. "N-Not again!" Videl screeched, displeased with Bulma's intrigue with her backside. Being fingered there earlier was...strangely pleasant when she was riding Gohan, but that was enough exploration as far as she was concerned. "Trust me Videl, you'll thank me later for prepping you," Bulma assured her. "Prepping me for wha-! Kyaa!!" Videl could only whimper as Bulma continued wedging her finger alarmingly easy compared to the first time thanks to her makeshift lube. 'She's so tight here.' Bulma internally noted. Gohan was more than satisfied to be just a spectator as the two most beautiful women he knew were having their tussle, but when Bulma beckoned him towards them, he happily obliged. With a few powerful strides, he too stood behind Videl, Bulma knelt down besides his waist. With her free hand, Bulma lightly began stroking Gohan's shaft, smearing the remains of his earlier orgasm over the swelled head. Videl let out a relieved sigh as Bulma finally removed her finger from er ass, feeling the stress leave her body instantly. Turning bacck to pair behind her, she willingly backed up against Gohan's manhood, expecting Bulma to guide him into her dripping folds. Bulma however, had different plans. Before he could be inserted into Videl's vagina, Bulma angled him upwards, shocking both of them. "Whaaa-!?" Videl's eyes nearly popped and her entire body fiercely twitched as she felt Gohan's massive size bump against her rear end. If Bulma hadn't been pinning her down, she'd have probably darted away. Even Gohan couldn't hide his surprised as he fiercely backed away, though not very far with Bulma still holding him. 'Geeze, just how innocent are these two?' Bulma thought rolling her eyes. Thugh she wasn't too fond of their hesitance to continue, she had to admit that darkening two pure souls like this was pretty exciting. "Oh come on you two," she said alluringly, tenderly stroking Gohan's twitching shaft in her hand. "Where's your sense of adventure?" She continued trying to persuade them telling Gohan how good it felt and assuring Videl that the pain would fade quickly. 'Easy for you to say,' Videl thought. After nearly keeling over just from Bulma's fingers, there was no way IN HELL she was allowing something so huge anywhere near her asshole. Her eyes remained focused on Gohan wondering what he was thinking. To her surprise, he looked to be deep in conteplation. He wasn't actually considering...? "Uhhh...Gohan...?" Maybe it was pure curiousity, maybe it was his saiyan blood, maybe it was because of Bulma's warm hand still stroking him, but right now, Gohan  wanted nothing more than to pierce his cock inside his girlfriend's tight ass. He could feel his heart pounding faster and faster as he confirmed his curiosity. "W-well...we could try right...?" he suggested much to Videl's horror. "Of cocurse you can!" Bulma quickly chimed in before Videl could protest. "And Videl being the good girlfriend that she is doesn't mind rewarding her lovely boyfriend for saving everyone from Cell and not minding her father taking the credit, right Videl?" smirked a mischievous Bulma. Low blow Bulma. That was just dirty. How was Videl suppposed to refuse now? With her heart racing nearly two miles a minute, Videl nodded and answered with a quaky voice, "G-go ahead...Gohan." "Go ahead and what Videl?" Bulma purred, enjoying her dominance over the young woman. "Go ahead and..." Videl gulped, swallowing away her last ounces of hesitation. "...Put it in my ass, Gohan!" Had Gohan's cock lost any of it's potency, it would've undoubtedly regained it's vigor from hearing his normally strong and confident girlfriend so submissive and whimpering. He felt a certain unfamiliar sense of dominance as he latched his hands onto Videl's waist while Bulma guided his cock to the small hole with one hand using her other hand to spread Videl's cheeks apart. Videl let out a small whimper once Gohan's cock came in contact with her ass, but held her tongue, clutching the sheets of the bed as Gohan started to apply pressure. Bulma smirked as Videl's hole slowly started to spread, memories of her first time with Vegeta flooding back. It may have been rough, unexpected, and a bit painful at first, but these days, Bulma enjoyed it a lot, and was sure that Videl would end up feeling the same. In this moment however, Videl was a sobbing mess as she felt excruciating pain as her ass finally yielded passage to Gohan's mushroom like head. "Aaaaggggghh...!" No feeling of guilt due to her father was worth this amount of agony and discomfort as her walls were ever so slowly stretched apart by the massive appendage. Videl could only muffle her displeasure through tightly grit teeth. Gohan on the other hand felt like he could cum at any moment. She was soo tight! Neither of the women's wet, blazing snatches could compare to this incredibly intense feeling. His fingers dug deeper into her skin in pleasure as she pushed her body towards him, making it easier for him to push himself in. Tears began to stream down Videl's face from the intense pain, praying that Gohan would finally bottom out soon. She was however stirred from her thoughts when the bed began creaking and Bulma ploughed down in front of her, her legs spread unapologetically. Watching Gohan take Videl in the ass had served to excite Bulma as evidenced by the new streams of nectar flowing out of her opening. As Bulma used her fingers to spread her nether lips open and show Videl the full extent of her pussy, even despite her current position, Videl couldn't help her breath from hitching at the erotic sight. As Videl's eyes lay on the protruding nub at the top of her vagina, Bulma shook her hips expectantly and asked what Videl was waiting for. Before the younger girl could ask what she meant, Bulma latched her hand to the back of her head and buried Videl's face into her valley. Bulma was eager for more action and she honestly couldn't wait anymore. Though Bulma did enjoy simply riding Videl's face, the young martial artist was too preoccupied to focus on pleasuring Bulma, what with having an eight inch cock pushing into her ass. A short moment later, Videl let out a shrill yelp, her voice echoing against Bulma's core once Gohan finally bottomed out. His face lolled back and his eyes shut tight, Gohan slowly pushe in and out of Videl's bowels. In a manner similar to what Bulma had done earlier, Gohan retracted his hips until only the tip remained nestled between Videl's cute little butt cheeks before shoving his cock back in all the way. "Gaaaagh...!!" Gohan began slow and gentle, but steadily picked up the pace as Videl slowly became accustomed to feeling spread apart so wide, and the huge size inside her. She began to rock her hips in time with Gohan's thrusts, increasing the pleasure for both of the, her breasts swaying enticingly. Bulma couldn't help but notice that Videl seemed to be starting to enjoy herself when she became much more active, rolling her tongue against Bulma's core. Bulma responded by rocking her hips along with Videl's tongue, coating the rough orifice with her nectar. As Gohan became more intense, Videl did as well, clamping her lips against the sensitive bulb at the tip of Bulma's womanhood and sucking feverently. "Kyyaah...' Bulma cried out in bliss as Videl flicked her tongue against Bulma's erect clit. Dying for more sexual gratification, Bulma's one hand remained on Videl's head as the young girl contined eating her out while the other hand rolled up her body until it rested on her left breast, rolling her nipples around intently. With one hand preoccupied, Bulma would have to consistently switch which breast demanded more attention until both of her nipples were burning red from being pinched so hard. As if Videl's tightness wasn't enough, seeing her eat out Bulma while the latter groped her breasts was almost too much for Gohan to handle. He was already stiff and throbbing and it took an inhuman (or rather in-saiyan) amount of willpower to not cum right then and there, but it was a nigh fruitless effort. Slamming his pelvis against Videl's ass harder and harder, Gohan only increased his vigor everytime he heard her cry out. Desperate to hear more, Gohan slithered one hand down her butt and onto her drenched pussy. Using two fingers, he punctured her core while his thumb went to work in massaging her aching clit. "AAAAhhh...eeeegghh...!" Videl grit her teeth as the feeling of getting fingered while being so vigorously pounded in the ass was more than she could handle. Her hips began to twitch much more sporadically as Gohan thrusted relentlessly. It only took a couple short minutes before Videl's body spasmed and her womanhood erupted in a hot sticky burst. "Kyaaaaaaaaagh..." Videl was the first to cum, screaming her release to the heavens, and staining her lover's lower half yet again. In the midst of Videl's insane climax, Bulma harshly pressed Videl's face against her crotch reveling as Videl's screams reverberated through her core. Videl's climax caused her inner walls to constrict around Gohan's length, and that was the final trigger that caused his restraint to fail. "V-Vi-del...!! GGGGGGGHHHHH!!" Gohan let out a bestial grunt as his cock finally erupted, filling Videl's innards with white, elicitng even more yelps of pleasure from the hazed girl. "Oh God...! MMgghh!!" Thanks to Videl's oral actions and her own groping of her bountiful bust, Bulma joined the young couple in a sea of pleasure as she finally came as well. Placing both hands on Videl's head, she rocked her hips against Videl's face in an effort to prolong the orgasmic burst, spraying her nectar all the while. The trio remained in their climactic highs for a brief but intense moment before it died down for all three of them. Feeling fulfilled and truly satisfied, Gohan's cock finally began to whither and he fell backwards, removing himself from Videl's rear end eliciting a relieved sigh from the young girl. Videl instinctively placed a hand on her sore backside, though she perked up when she felt a warm sticky sensation at her rear. Though she tried not too think too hard about what that meant, she knew something had to be done about it. Meanwhile, Bulma was dazed from her last string of orgasms. Not the most intense she's ever had, but definitely up there. As she made a mental note to get both her AND Videl a morning after pill, she also made a note to make this up to Vegeta somehow. She was stirred from her thoughts however by a bashful looking Videl. "H-hey Bulma?" Videl whispered, embarrassment evident on her face. "Huh...?" Bulma meekly replied. Videl gulped before finishing with, "Can I...use your bathroom?" The blue-haired genius let out a cross between a sigh and a chuckle as she shakily got to her feet and led the young girl to her destination, leaving a winded, and unconscious Gohan on the bed.
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