#i’m very sad about [redacted] though 😭
elivanto · 2 years
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faerociousbeast · 3 years
oh hey hi it's me. here are some questions for your day.
first the ones about royal (of course):
First off, how was it?
Favorite music from the game?
In your opinion, what was the best palace?
Did your feelings on any characters change drastically throughout the story?
How long did you spend playing Tycoon
What do you think about the pancake memes now?
Anything else you want to say about it here.
Since those are a fair amount of questions, I'll send a different ask with more general topics.
hellololo :)) thank you for these !!
1. !!!!!! 10/10 i enjoyed it a lot :)) i’m really really bad at finishing things no matter how much i like them so considering how quick i managed to complete this,, yeah
2. ooo... like always i really enjoyed a lot of the songs but “throw away your mask” was particularly bittersweet i think
3. hmhmhmmm [redacted]’s pyramid one for sure :(( it managed to bring a lot of aspects of their character and their thought process into one thing and even while beating up shadows and things i guess it just.. the mood fit well. very dreary very hopeless. of course third semester’s palace was also very good it felt creepy but also hopeful but mostly really sad
4. mishima HGDBHB although that was mostly every other chapter,, i like him a lot most of the time but as soon as i go to talk to him it’s kind of. Hm. he’s changed a lot though by the end good for him. i didn’t like him at first, then pity, but now he’s pretty cool i think
5. nooo idea but way way wayy too long. i think i will continue playing even though im done actually 
6. HA OKAY so persona 5 specifically is fairly popular so i saw those around way before knowing well.. anything least of all the fact that i was going to play the game myself, and since they were always accompanied with captions about “different realities” i always assumed it’d be like.. a 4th wall breaking thing? the player says something about pancakes and that’s how he knew?? goro’s sentient???? now i finally understand them and i think they’re funny in a sad way yeah. kind of a pathetic way to go out
7. all the endings are absolutely.. yeah. yeah they made me think a lot. i think royal was a better decision than getting just plain old p5 bc all the extra bits and the ways you have to get them are... woah. and i dont get why everyone dislikes morgana again 😭😭 i thought i did near the start when they tried to frame him as suspicious but he’s just some not-a-cat. just a little guy. why all the hate he’s a friend he’s a pal. he’s actually the main reason i went for the true ending without realizing it was the “true” ending his.. other form really freaked me out ngl
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