#i’ve already reread it this year👀😅
ofstarsandmoonlightt · 8 months
time for an aftg reread👀?!
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lyranova · 1 year
Hi Lyra! I hope you're doing well. For your writer's ask game, can I have 3, 8, 23, 40, and 45 please? (I hope that's not too many 😅). Thank you so much, dear! Cheers!! 🥰
Hiya Acacia! I’ve been doing well I hope you have been too 🥺💕! Of course you can, and this isn’t too many don’t worry 😁, I hope you enjoy them!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I’m not too sure if these are tropes but I notice I like to include head pats and wearing each others clothes in my fics 😆! I also notice I tend to write people sighing a lot which…is a very bad habit of mine that i’ve been trying to break *for years*. But the headpats and clothes is what i notice I tend to include in my fics so I think those are probably the most characteristic things in my fics!
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I have so many of these 😭! But this one would be perfect imo 👀.
“Have We Met Before?” By Eric Nam and Sarah Barrios!
I can already imagine it being either a fantasy or just modern fic where these two meet and feel this strange pull towards one another and they keep asking themselves (and each other) have we met before? And it turns out that they actually used to be lovers or friends in a past life before they were tragically pulled apart 🤧!
The fantasy aspect could be where only one of them recognizes the other and tries to keep them at a distance so they won’t have to go through the pain of losing their lover again in this life (like they did before) and aaahhh I would love to read or write it 😭🤧💕!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
I have so many 😭! Right now as far as AU’s that I’d like to try and write…maybe medical? I like watching medical shows and have some medical knowledge (not much admittedly) and I think it would be fun and chaotic to imagine everyone being in a hospital and as doctors and nurses 😁!
Also I’d love to write a “Shakespeare in Love” type fic someday, although, I doubt i’ll be able too 😅!
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Hm it depends 🤔! I’m usually a “one and done” kind of person, but if I really like a fic I’ll re-read them 😁! For example I’ll re-read a lot of the collabs I’ve done or I’ll re-read a lot of works my mutuals have put out (especially their next gen stuff 😅👉👈)! So it depends, but I do love re-reading fics 😁!
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
Besides researching I think my vocabulary is something I’ve improved on 😁! I tend to google or look at thesarus’s now when i write more than I used to and I think it’s made my writing a little better and a little more interesting!
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
😅🤡🍦❌🏆👀💥 (for fanfic writer emoji asks <3)
😅Fics Of Regret: We do not Speak of this. Not since the year 2005, the year of our lord and savior Edward Cullen. Honestly any twilight fanfic I write I’m embarrassed about but ya know what, I feel like your 30’s are all about being cringe so fuck it.
🤡Comedic Genius: Oh man I think I’m so damn clever, it’s actually ridiculous, but I love making myself laugh with my writing. I love to amuse myself and I LOVE when I make other people laugh too. I really like the post I made as an ad for my fic The New Kid. I felt like it really captured the awkward/irritation of the scene I wrote when Harry meets Peter’s ex MJ.
🍦Sweetest fic so far.. hmm, probably Pocket Angel or Trick or Treating with baby Avengers. I haven’t written fluff in a while! But these two are super cute imo based on numerous incredible artists on tumblr. Pocket Angel was inspired by baby castiel art by @jennilah
❌I don’t really have any hard limits when it comes to writing. I don’t usually write cis M/F relationships. Mostly cus there’s so much out there already and I really enjoy writing queer characters since I am in fact queer.
🏆Most popular fic? Oh man based on what? Overall views? Kudos? Not really sure! but I can say the one that has been pretty consistently viewed (based on my weekly kudos email from ao3) is probably Tony Stark: Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Daddy. I’ve even had people translate that one so that’s pretty popular I think! And so fun to write =]
👀UP AND COMING WIP! Well I’ve been writing an Eddie/Billy smut fic with an eventual Eddie/Billy/Steve threesome in the locker room because when is a locker room scene not hot? I was hoping to have that one ready by Sunday but I had muse for Ride with U. BUT IM STOKED FOR THAT ONE
💥I don’t mind criticism, I like knowing where my proofreading has missed something because I always feel so silly when I see something OBVIOUSLY wrong in a reread months later haha. I have had a few nasty comments that feel more like person attacks disgued as criticism and I don’t love that. But otherwise yeah let me know!
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arnold-layne · 6 years
Couldn’t decide which question to ask for the writers thing so ALL OF THE ABOVE
ayy girl i knew you would send something like this :D alriiiight let’s go
sorry i won’t be doing questions with lines because i don’t remember shit from my previous works and at this point i’m too afraid to reread them
💜- top 3 favorite lines
☕️- favorite passage
this one is from jealousy, my last posted fic which is actually not that good except for this piece
“And they are kissing like it’s their last time, because it really is, at least at this very moment, because they never know if they would meet again the next morning, because Vince has a lot of cars and whiskey at home, and Nikki has his white lady and syringe. Because they lost their taste for life a long time ago, and their meetings only make it more bitter… but, maybe, it’s even good, because otherwise Vince would have already stopped”
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
“How much?”
“Depends on the type,” the redhead closed his eyes and blew out a whiff of smoke. Izzy couldn’t help but look at him curling his thin delicate lips around a cigarette. He’s never seen such a pretty hooker. “Oral, handjob, blowjob, classic?”
“All at once.”
yeah girl that’s from your axl/izzy fic enjoy
😅- a line that made you feel second hand embarrassment
well lmao i’ve already deleted it but in my recent fic Vince had a line of dialogue where he said that Nikki looked like BDSM-version of American Gothic and when i tried to picture it looked so ridiculous
👁- series or oneshots?
ONESHOTS because i’m not able to concentrate on one idea for more than like two months and that’s why i’ve never written something big before. ok well there’s one idea that i want to write for like a year and a half but that’s an exception and i’m not likely to write it any time soon
💍- your most underrated story
i feel like it’s Haunted, a oneshot i wrote in may which turned out especially good, the best version among all my attempts to create “rhyming prose” which is a kind of prose with some kind of rhythm so it would read more smoothly than usual prose but not quite like poetry, something in between. it has only 7 likes.
☺️- a line that made you feel a fluffy happiness
😳- your scariest line
😏- your most risky line
💁‍♀️- reader insert or OC?
i’m not a big fan of both, but between these two i’d choose oc
👶- advice for new writers
idek if i can be considered a good example of a writer... ok, so. firstly, destroy your fucking perfectionism and allow yourself write imperfect things because otherwise you will never fucking finish anything. secondly, don’t turn writing into something that you are terrified of. i mean, i had a phase when i thought i should write a certain amount of words every day but i actually wasn’t able to do it and it made me think about writing with fear and disappointment and caused a huge writer’s block so. don’t go to such extremes and just enjoy it.
👀- favorite response to one of your works
There’s only one comment on Haunted but it’s my favourite so far because the reader said that they’d been rereading this fic for a few days in a row and can’t stop thinking about it and how i pictured Nikki’s emotions there and when i got it i almost cried i’ve never had such comments before
⭐️- how do you get your inspiration?
i have an idea which can come literally from anywhere => the idea starts forming in my head => the stars align and i’m sitting in front of my computer at two am and the right song starts playing in my headphones and That One Line appears in my head and suddenly i’m on a writing spree typing two words per second
repeat every two months
🎲- your favorite chapter/part from a multiparty series
i don’t have any finished multichapter fics lol but if i had it would probably be the chapters with smut
💻- three works of yours that are must reads
uhh idk go to my writing blog and check out something there? i’m afraid it’s won’t make sense if i post links to my russian fics here
ok i’ll do it anyway
Afraid - prison au, the second fic in my dark vinikki series (this is not actually series, just a number of separate oneshots with one topic)
Haunted - a n g s t. the third in dark vinikki series
Seventh Veil - fem!Nikki & fem!Vince work as strippers and are in love with each other. this is fluff!!! wow arnold is able to write fluff!!!!
yeah all titles of my fic are in english. why? because i can
💊- what is something that you wish you knew before you started writing?
hmmi’m not sure there’s anything i would change in my process of learning the craft? maybe just to allow myself make mistakes and produce imperfect works
🎈- what’s a spoiler for a wip or series?
there’ll be forbidden love in halloween au but shhh
😂- a line that made you laugh out loud
🎀- favorite story
Killing the pain by Nikki 666. a perfect dark vinikki just the way i see it. it has everything i aspire to have in my fics.
👎- if you could change something in one of your works, what would you change and why?
idk, i probably would want to fucking rewrite them because almost all of them now seem so trashy to me, like did i really wrote this? i’m too ashamed to reread them actually
😢- a line that made you cry
💬- describe one of your completed works in three words
angst. angst? angst!
💭- any ideas for a possible wip?
Spaceship AU anyone?
💕- opinion on AUs?
LOVE THEM. love them even more than canon lmao
💘- what’s your favorite AU? Least favorite?
i would die for stripper/prostitute aus as some of you have already learned, and least favourite is probably coffeeshop au?? not that i don’t like them, i would read one if it’s good, but i would never write such a thing
🔍- does anyone in your personal life know that you write on tumblr?
sister does, but she doesn’t care
✏️- favorite part about writing
that sweet sweet validation i get after posting a piece lolalso writing Extremely Sassy dialogue between romantic partners
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