#i'd expand on this but i'm too lazy. too damn lazy!
absentlyabbie · 2 years
don't be afraid of buying things that make your life easier. don't talk yourself out of it, beat yourself up for being "lazy", or shame yourself for not being able to do things the "right" way so you don't deserve to try it a different way.
if there's a thing out there that can make something faster, more bearable, less painful, more tolerable, anything like that at all, and you can afford it? you have the right, you deserve it, and you should do it.
i've stuck for the last several years with exclusively those detachable sprayer showerheads, because i need to be able to sit down in the bath and it makes the entire operation easier, so i'm less likely to risk a concussion or pass out or wobble and slip.
for the last few years, i've been using one with a little powerwash spray setting and i use it before and after every shower and it keeps my tub and shower cleaner so much longer, which is great because i hate cleaning the bath and can put it off for months, and scrubbing kills my shoulders.
sometimes, whether it's the executive dysfunction, or the depression, or knowing that i become entirely detached from the concept of time when in the shower, if i can't bring myself to get in the damn thing and do a full-blown shower, and i know i'd just be uncomfortable and not clean and still keep putting it off (because i can easily lose well over an hour once in there), i will kneel on my (cushy, quick-dry, memory foam) bathroom mat beside the tub and lean over it to wash my hair and face and maybe soap up to my shoulders. then later when it feels like a way more manageable and shorter task i can do a quick scrub and rinse.
i've bought cbd for when my joint pain makes sleeping otherwise impossible (even though it's expensive) and a work desk that has expandable legs to be a bed desk if i ever need to work sick (i'm lucky to be remote since my job change).
i've bought the screw-top, 40oz, insulated mugs and extra long plastic straws (do not @ me) and the pop-bottom giant cube ice trays all because every one of those helps ensure i drink more water every day (and so does the faucet-mounted water filter).
i buy specific individual snacks that require little to no prep so even when the execution of making a sandwich is Too Damn Much, i can still make myself do some calorie intake.
i talked myself into a cushioned mattress topper to relieve my spine and because it's way cheaper than a new mattress. i bought blackout curtains for our old apartment because the outdoor lights were insanely bright at all hours and made sleep even more elusive.
i've purchased slip on-only shoes or no-tie laces because i hate tying shoelace knots, my hands are less dexterous than ever (and hurt), and because i struggle with time management and it's one small thing to shave off just a little more time so i'm a little less late.
i didn't buy all of these things all at once, definitely. i am, sadly, made of meat and not money.
but i started budgeting, slowly, more and more of whatever amount of disposable income i had after bills towards "thing to make life suck less and not be so hard" and i can't regret it in the least.
i deserve not only small comforts and joys, but also less pain and difficulty, and ways to make challenging parts of life a little more within my reach with not quite as much effort.
so do you.
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mud-castle · 2 years
Why yes I am continuing this, bc I have more time for this but less time to draw due to lowering the number of projects I'm focusing on but also taking only one less credit hour than the allowed max at school, thanks for asking.
Anyway, onto reading The Hidden Kingdom:
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How many dragons are in the Talons of Peace? I got the vibe that they were a super small group from the first book, due to the dragonets only knowing the three guardians and Morrowseer, but dragons being surprised that the Talons actually existed.
I know their main purpose was to raise the DoD, but that does bring to question what everyone who was not a guardian did. They didn't serve as any back up or help when the DoD was captured. Or really do anything as the DoD was running around the continent.
It would've been interesting to expand on what they actually did aside from raising the DoD. Did they run relief operations? Help those displaced or injured by the fighting? Etc.? They had some dragons under cover, what did they do?
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I've always wondered. If Nightwings are held in such a high regard of being able to perfectly predict the future and read minds, and the Talons (as well as many others) seem to have faith in the prophecy, why bother with the false dragonets at all?
I'd kinda expect Morrowseer to get offended that they're questioning him to the point of having possible replacements who didn't hatch on the brightest nights. I always thought it was Morrowseer's backup plan, but rereading this, I'm realizing it was Nautilus's plan.
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Squid knows what's up.
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Dragons canonically have tea in WoF, worldbuilding time. Some teas can be made with bone broth, and I'm choosing to assume dragon tea isn't leaf juice so much as bone juice spiced up with some leaves. Since this is only mentioned with Queen Moorhen, it's a Mudwing invention, that might've been adopted by their allies the Skywings, hence why Glory knows what it is.
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Hmmm, ya know, it would've been super interesting if the Rainwings actually were the ones behind this in some way but withheld that info from the DoD since they're total strangers.
You could make it work too, a Queendom of reclusive dragons who don't want this terrible war anywhere near their home, so they scare them away. Orr the Queens of the Queendom want to keep their pacifist dragons happy and kill these trespassers in secret to both keep the peace, their own territory, and their way of life safe.
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Damn, that's really sad tbh.
I think it says a lot that Glory has had more positive thoughts about FUCKING QUEEN SCARLET than any of the guardians.
Fuck the guardians, all my homies hate the guardians.
Also Glory is touch-averse.
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This is meant to be seen as a bad thing that Rainwings don't take prisoners considering how Tui presents them later on and the way this scene is portrayed.
But honestly, Liana has a point, what would they do with them? They're not in the war. They don't need anything from them. At most they'd probably just want them to leave.
This doesn't hint at Rainwing laziness so much as the effect of Glory's hypermilitarized upbringing.
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That is super cool.
I imagine Rainwings are world-class botanists, who are quite skilled in breeding plants for particular purposes. An example being flowers that can line your floor and not die from you walking on them everyday, or that perhaps regrow so quickly it seems like they're not dying.
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I'm continually upset with the narrative of this book for making Rainwings out to be the exact stereotype everyone thinks they are, because there were a number of directions the messaging could've gone.
Glory goes on to say that sun time probably makes you smarter and fiercer, when really it's just good for your overall physical and mental health.
I'm not saying make the Rainwings especially skilled or scary, as fun as that would be, but she could just let them be peaceful, what's so wrong with that?
This book could've been about Glory --- who was raised to think you always had to keep giving to the world to be worth something, that you should expect the worst in others, that this world with always chew you up and spit you out so you gotta be tough and always hide your vulnerabilities--- realizing that yeah, the Rainwings are genuinely just a peaceful, calm group who do mostly enjoy napping in the sun, and spending time with their friends. That's fine.
There seems to be this thought that you must be sacrificing or suffering in some way to be good or worth respect, but that's not a healthy mindset.
Like the book could've gone the route of Glory getting angry at them for being (in her eyes) uncaring and lazy, content with giving nothing to the world, only for it to be pointed out to her that hey, maybe we don't want to be risking our safety and happiness for petty squabbles that lead to nothing but tears and bloodshed. Maybe we want to live in a place where we can raise our families and live and work alongside friends without fear of war and destruction looming over our heads. What's so wrong with that? Why are they considered stupid for living like that?
Sure others don't live the way you would think is ideal, but who are you to come into their home that they welcomed you into and judge their livelihoods?
Like bitch, I wish I lived there. I wasn't built for the grind.
No, we will not talk about the fact that the Rainwings didn't seem to care when their friends, queen, and students disappeared for long periods of time because I am not emotionally calm enough, and we're not in that part of the book yet.
I also just noticed that, though Glory may hate Kestrel, she also thinks the most like her out of all the DoD, which is... giving me a number of thoughts and ideas.
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the-takosader · 6 months
I found the password to my account again!
Nah I'm just joking, I've been logged in all along. Anyway, welcome back to Takosader's ramblings. This is part 2 of the Cherry XII project detailing.
Last month, I outlined the madness that I'm doing with this kit, including:
The inspiration
The logic
The methods
...and other such inane phrases incomprehensible to people who don't trawl Wikipedia and TVTropes pages for fun.
So. Let's review - where am I up to with the build? What's happened in the 6 weeks and a day since I last posted?
When I wrote the post last month, I was as far as making a router template for expanding the neck pocket. I'd already made a centre line (what mathblr may call a datum line), and was getting ready to sort out that router template. By the end of the 9th Feb, I suddenly had a new set of 3 cuts on my right index finger. Ouch.
So yeah, that was not fun. 3 weeks off to let my finger heal up, and I was back up at the beginning of March to continue where I left off. In those 3 weeks, my aunt (who is so very kindly helping me build this and is teaching me how to do woodwork at the same time) had routed out the neck pocket of the semi-hollow Telecaster body I acquired for this madness to accommodate a neck heel of 59mm, expanded from the standard 56mm that it was routed for originally.
We worked our arses off on March 1st, and that's an understatement. In the 6 hours we worked on it, not only did we modify the body to support the bridge pickup, which requires modifying the rear pickup cavity, but we also designed a new scratchplate for it and we attached the neck too.
Most of last week was spent just making the scratchplate, ensuring that it actually fit on the guitar. By the end of it, well...
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I'd say these photos prove more than anything that we came up with a pretty damn good design. Yeah, for my fellow guitar nerds out there, this is in fact a Telecaster Thinline body modded to fit '69 pickup styling. Why '69 specifically? Because according to Fender, the '70s thinlines were H-H, not S-S. Also '69 was the first year they even came out.
Of course, to be fair, the entire thing, aside from the scratchplate, is purely pre-built stock. I think I mentioned last time that this is a kit-build right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm too lazy to check right now.
Next week's going to be fun, though. Might actually get to first assembly stage of putting the bridge and the string ferrules in, and then, who knows, maybe I'll get to start finishing the damn thing. Either way, it's been 3 months well spent, I'll tell you that. And that's not even accounting for making the brand new nut that's going to be required for this!
Maybe I can set up the pickups on the 6 string (which I'll make from the original kit's body) in such a way that combining them has the same effect as on a J-Bass, or the Red Special. Hell, maybe I could do that on the Sunset Fade. Options, options, options.
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serotoninnow · 1 year
Nihilism: why it makes everything matter more for some reason
To start off, a definition. According to Dictionary.com (so sue me, I'm lazy), nihilism is "An approach to philosophy that holds that human life is meaningless and that all religions, laws, moral codes, and political systems are thoroughly empty and false." So what the hell does this mean in normal people (i.e. me) terms? "The universe is big, we are small, so nothing really matters." Functionally, the "grand scheme of things" people always talk about. The idea is that nothing, no people, events, or relationships, matter in terms of the whole universe.
Here's why I (an obvious philosophical genius) think this is kinda dumb. If nothing matters in terms of the universe, why do we look at things in terms of the universe? What kind of feelings does the universe have? Adding onto that, even if nothing matters in terms of the universe, that means everything matters equally. "Well, if everything matters equally, that means no one matters." Wrong again, because you're still looking at this from a universal scale. Let's narrow this down really quick.
I have a family that I love and a lot of other people do too. Now this sounds harsh, but the universe does not care. Does this mean I should stop caring about my family? Of course not dummy, I still care about my family. The universe may not care, but I sure as hell do. My family is real damn valuable to me
The universe is such a vast perspective to look from, and doing so can lead to oneself missing the forest for the trees. Everything is so infinitesimally small, nothing matters, and we are just a blip in the radar of time. Given this information, everything in the universe matters equally, and this shouldn't be forgotten. Let's give this a little bit of math to help some people (like me) get a visual understanding here
So hypothetically, m1, m2, m3... mn-1, and mn are all the things in the universe. Every. Single. One. In the grand scheme of things, m1 matters 0 amount (m1 = 0). Continuing on, m2 = 0, m3 = 0, etc. Now then, using the transitive property of equality, m1 = m2 = m3 = m4... to infitinity. Everything matters the same.
Now some might be asking, "well if everything matters the same, why should we care." My answer to that is quite simple, I dunno. You tell me why things matter. Tell me why this Pokémon card collection, or your pet, or that random opossum in the street matter to you. Once you can answer that, try solving everything else as best you can. You won't always get an answer, but asking never hurts. Try figuring out why things matter to you, then go from there.
Tldr, I think nihilism is stupid BUT can be used to make everything matter more
Please, feel free to interact, comment, reblog, etc. I'd genuinely love to hear y'all's feedback so I can get some different perspectives on all of this
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tls123 · 2 years
au where wei wuxian comes back only to find out the backlash from the seal’s destruction killed jiang cheng
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Light's Corruption- Chapter IV
Pairing: The DarklingxAlina
Summary:With few friends at the Little Palace, Alina must work to win the favour of her fellow grisha and their commander, who makes her feel light headed every time she sees him.
After training in Os Alta for two years, the king grows tired of waiting and demands the Sun Summoner joins a western post near the Fjerdan border along with the rest of The Second Army to test her abilities.
Something happens. Suddenly, Alina wants blood to run down the rivers and those who stand in her and The Darkling’s way will be blinded by her light and swallowed by his shadows.
It won’t be pretty
Rating: 18+
Click here for chapter 3
Tags are in the comment section. If you dont wanna be there or wanna be added please let me know 😊
Anyways, I hope you like this one. I'm really excited over a particular scene 😏😏
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Chapter 4: golden butterfly, black rose
Alina woke up with a new purpose: to observe and listen.
She hastily threw the blankets and sheets off of her and put on her kefta as she realized she might be late for breakfast.
Running down the stairs, hair a mess, the Sun Summoner smiled and greeted everyone on her path.
Some replied. Others just stared oddly.
She entered the hall to find that, as usual, Marie and Nadia had left a seat empty between them. Alina gingerly took it.
"Good morning!"
They gave her smiles as they reciprocated the greeting.
"You're in a good mood today." Nadia noticed, taking her spoon.
"I slept like a baby." she lied. She hadn't gotten that much sleep -Genya must've gotten even less- but she felt good that day.
Just the day before, she had been able to summon on her own for the first time, and she had to stay positive if she wanted to accomplish her new mission.
She engaged more in the chatter with the grisha women that day, venturing so far as to reply with questions of her own to get to know them better.
"I didn't know you had a brother, Nadia." she said, genuinely surprised as they made their way to Botkin's stables.
The woman nodded with a half-annoyed, half-endearing smile.
"He's grisha too. A few years younger, so he's still at school. His name's Adrik."
"Is he a Squaller too?" 
Nadia confirmed that he was, because of course, the little rat had to copy everything about his older sister.
Alina laughed at that.
"The little girl seems very happy for someone who's about to get into a fight?" were the words with which Botkin received her.
Alina fought back the need to recoil. The only time she had won so far had been against Zoya, …if one could consider that a win given what happened right after.
"Maybe I'll be lucky today." she beamed at him.
Botkin seemed almost surprised.
"Positivity is fine, little girl, but you need to focus during a fight. But first." he clapped his hands twice, immediately getting all the attention. "Run around the lake. Twice. The last one to get back here will help the stable hands for the rest of the day."
Alina really ran like never before that day.
Her side hurt, and she almost felt like she wasn't getting enough air; but after the first half, her legs didn't burn so much anymore, and she felt almost as good as she did when walking.
"Damn, Starkov." she turned her head to see that Michail, a heartrender with a hard-shaped face and kind, green eyes, was easily keeping up with her. "When did you get this fast?"
"Practice." she said, a little breathless but feeling nice with the cold air slapping against her face. "Besides, I really don't wanna end up in the stables."
He laughed at that.
"That makes two of us. I hate those animals."
Alina frowned. She just didn't wanna clean up their shit, but other than that, she could find nothing wrong with horses.
"Those long faces," he said, gesturing over his own. "they're scary."
"You're scared of horses?!" she asked, disbelieving. 
"Why don't you yell it a little louder?" he asked, looking around at the disperse group, but he was smirking. They weren't at the front, but they weren't slagging at the back either.
"Sorry." she leaned in. "I'll keep your secret if you help me not to be the last."
"I don't think you need my help," he laughed. "but sure."
She got knocked down on her ass by a short Inferni woman with dark blonde hair, but Alina laughed it off, hiding her embarrassment, and stretched out a hand. The Inferni rose an eyebrow and then helped her up.
"Thanks." she told her, dusting off the back of her kefta.
"For kicking your ass?"
"Hey, I think I did learn a thing or two." she winked. "Next time I'll be ready."
"Oh, so you want a rematch?" the woman asked, amused, as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
"If you're up for it." Alina shrugged.
"Deal." they shook hands. "But it'll have to wait until we're done with him." she said, nodding towards Botkin, who was busy making rounds, watching the others. "I'm Natasha, by the way."
"Oh, I know. Everyone knows." she smiled once more before retreating to a small group of Inferni that had reunited by a corner.
As she passed by the lake in her usual route to Baghra's hut, Alina got startled by the damage she had done to the perfectly green grass. Gardeners were still at work getting rid of the black mass she had left in her path, going so far as to dig into the earth. They saw her passing and glanced up, some frightened, others definitely not amused.
"I am so sorry." she whispered frantically, before hurrying her steps.
"Don't let the heat out!" was all the greeting she got from the ancient woman.
Alina closed the door and hurried to the chair that awaited her. She was smiling.
"I don't think that will be a problem." she said, proud of herself.
She scoffed. "So I have heard. Show me." she said, hitting her in the arm with her cane.
With a nasty frown, Alina placed her palms in front of the others and called the light that she had rejected for so long. So eager to answer, her power rushed through and out of her, and she was almost puzzled by its intensity. She focused on keeping the orb small.
"Uh. Well, it took you long enough."
"A 'Congratulations' would be nice."
She got hit again. Her light wavered and then solidified again.
"Congratulations? What? Do you want a parade thrown in your honour as well? For what? Doing what you were supposed to do your entire life? Shut up and expand the orb. Make it encompass the entire place."
With deep breaths, both to concentrate and control her anger, Alina steadily expanded her light, making it fill the hut.
"Bend it to its shape."
Carefully, she tried to do as she was told.
"You were right, about being held back." she uttered as she tried to shape her light to blend in with the walls.
"I know." the woman said, petulant. "Now call it back and repeat until there is no effort to it."
Alina tried, and tried again, but as eager as her power was to explode, her body was eager for a long, long nap. There had been so much repression, so much denial for so many years, that it was as if the light wanted to just explode out of her body and consume it all.
It scared her a little, but she focused.
The Darkling had told her she was magnificent, Alina remembered, and he had made it sound like she was capable of anything.
The way his grey eyes shone with such intensity, like he wanted to engulf her into his arms and have her all to his own, the way in which his hand felt against hers, or how just even being next to him made her want to lean into and over him like a lazy, overly clingy cat. 
She'd lay on top of him all day if she could.
Alina wondered what would've happened if Genya hadn't arrived at the moment she did. Would The Darkling had kissed her? What would his lips taste like? How would his beard feel against her skin? Just exactly how good was he with his tongue?
Alina blushed. The light flickered, as if excited at the mere idea of the man.
She had kissed a few people before, but him, there was something about him that told her that if he should kiss her only once, she'd spend the rest of her life running after the very same sensation and more.
"Dreaming about your dark prince again?"
She looked at Baghra.
"What?" looking around, she noticed that her light had expanded farther than the hut and she was glowing.
Alina snapped her hands, and everything was dark again. Her fingers tingled with power, her eyelids closed with exhaustion.
"I-I wasn't-" she blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the new environment.
"Stupid, stupid girl. You need to focus on your task."
"I'd concentrate better if I wasn't being hit every five min-OUCH!"
"Do not make excuses with me. You are lazy, easily distracted, you do not know what you are getting yourse-"
"You know, for someone who's supposed to be such a great teacher, I've still got to see some actual teaching." Alina snapped. "All you do is yell at me, hit me and belittle me; yet one conversation with The General I can finally summon." the brunette spat, each word more angrier than the previous one. "So don't try to blame me for your shortcomings."
Baghra was silent, nostrils flaring. When it looked like she might raise her cane and hit Alina right in the head with it, she opened her thin lips instead:
"Out." she uttered, almost inaudible. "Out! And do not come back!"
Alina stood up and marched for the door, her steps almost as loud as the insults the old woman was throwing after her.
"Stupid girl! Unconscious! Just another pawn of his! You never learn! Lazy! Stupid! Blind!"
 It was a good thing the old crone couldn't see the tears of frustration and shame in her eyes.
She was on her way back to the Little Palace, trying to decide if she should bathe or go to the library first.
Baghra’s words still rang in her head.
Maybe, if she was quick, really quick with her bath,...but then again, she was getting too used to such a luxury, that once in there it was quite difficult to leave unless the water turned cold.
But if she went to the library, she’d be there until the words blurred and her eyes burned.
On the other hand, there were other grisha in the library, and she couldn’t afford to walk in there smelling like-
General Kirigan's smooth voice had her turning on her heels, hand still massaging the spot on her arm Baghra's cane had so harshly landed. She had managed to hold back the tears, but the woman's word still stung.
"Moi Soverennyi." She greeted but forgot to bow.
He looked at her arm.
"How was your lesson?"
"I spent months with her and nothing; five minutes with you and I can summon." She basically spat, still bitter at Baghra's harsh words. "I think that speaks for itself."
He smiled, almost.
"Give the old woman some credit. She is good at what she does."
"Terrorizing isn't teaching." she replied, and then, with her head high, added: "She didn't get me to summon."
"No." The Darkling agreed, taking a step towards her. All engulfed in his black cloak, he almost seemed to float. "You did it. It was all you." He said it with such reverence that her breath became shallow.
She didn't look away from his eyes. The storms swirling in there were magnetic. There was so much going on in there at the moment, yet it all sped up through those grey orbs so fast she couldn't make sense of it.
"Why don't you teach me?" The words slipped from her tongue before she could think better of it.
He rose an eyebrow, taking another predatory step towards her.
"I serve the King. I run an entire army. I do not have the time to train everyone personally, nor would I want anyone to think they are favoured above others." 
He was so close to her now, she had to crane her neck to look up.
"You once said there was no one else like us; who could be a better teacher?"
In truth, she also wanted to see him more often. Glimpses as he passed through the Little Palace or left Os Alta, and the occasional conversation weren't enough for her.
"You flatter me, Miss Starkov."
"I only state my opinion." she took a step, shortening the distance, like he was a magnet calling for her.
Mirth shone in his eyes. It made her smile. 
"I will be going away for a few weeks." At this, her smile fell, and his formed as he tilted her chin up with his gloved fingers.
Alina stared up into his eyes, dark with something.
"I'll miss you." She whispered, foolishly, without thought. 
"Will you?" He asked, almost perplexed for a moment.
She found herself nodding.
"I know we don't get much chance to talk, but I like talking to you." She confessed, a knot in her throat. "You understand all,...this." she flickered her fingers and a tiny orb of light formed above her hand.
His eyes followed suit, almost fascinated, like he still couldn't quite believe her power was real. And when he looked at her, it was like he couldn't believe she was real.
His hand rose and shadows swallowed her light. Alina watched them dance, entranced by his power, and noticed it taking shape.
"For you." The Darkling said, handing her a black rose, from the base of its steam to the very last petal. "To remember me by while I am gone."
Disbelieving, she reached out and gasped as she touched the shadow. There was a little bit of gold in there, her own power hidden within, shimmering weakly here and there.
"I don't have anything to give you." She said, lamenting.
He leaned down, his beard rough against her soft cheek.
"Trust me, Alina," he whispered, her name on his lips against her ear making her tremble. "I could not forget you if I tried."
There was the whisper of a kiss against her cheek that seemed to linger for the longest moment, …and then he was leaving, cloak flipping behind him as he left the sun Summoner holding onto a small piece of shadow and a piece of her heart gone with him.
Click here for chapter Five
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hello! May I request for a matchup?
I am a bisexual, Demigirl ENFP-T personality type.
I'd say I'm somewhat independent but would love to have someone by my side to happily live with, I find trust as something that is very important and due to past reasons it can be difficult to earn my full trust. I try to always be a reasonable and mature person, but I can get irritated at a few things (like LGBTQ+ discrimination, racism or plain asshole stupidity) that can tick off a temper, but usually I'm a person of patience, though if I do get really angry then I'm gonna also end up having a mental breakdown later -. I'm fine with waiting and am usually very forgiving. Religiously I'm an atheist, technically ex-christian due to family reasons. I come from Estonia, so I'm bilingual with English and Estonian but am also learning Russian and German. (Thinking of learning Japanese one day too)
I'm a rather fidgety person, fingers always have to be doing something, I can also have rather terrible memory sometimes with things and can forget.
I have low self confidence and self worth, usually struggle to be optimistic and can be rather emotional, also often an absolute empath when it comes to fictional characters for example.
I can be a workaholic and can be terrible at taking care of myself, I easily lose track of time and can forget to eat at times, also have a fuzzy appetite so sometimes I might not want to eat anything at all. I care alot about other people's well being though, for me appearance doesn't matter, I care for the personality and think everyone is beautiful in their own way. I am a short chubby brunette with a boy haircut and brown eyes, my hair is often thick and poofy and sometimes hell to take care of, due to some health reasons I have an itchy scalp and have to often scratch my head. My fashion depends on just if the clothes are comfortable to wear in the moment, that's it. I wear glasses due to a bit of a negative in my sight.
I sometimes struggle to have a balanced sleep schedule and am often stressed.
I hold a strong love for animals and the nature around us. I especially love cats and reptiles and own a cat and a leopard gecko who I would die for.
Fiction is an important part of my life, the moment I get interested in in some show or franchise you can expect me to become an absolute nerd for it, (good example is Pokemon.) I am the type to analyze characters and really care about everything. Books, shows, movies, theatre, anything goes. I really also love music, 60% of the time you can find me listening to music somewhere, maybe even singing, I multitask alot too. My music taste depends on what connections I make to fictional media, especially that of my own, aka stories and characters I've created. My mind is always going like a 1000km/h with all types of thoughts, my own fictional universe only keeps expanding which I wish to share with the world. My dream is to become a writer one day, which I'm very passionate about, and another thing I really want to do one day is travel the world. I also do some art and animation, but intend to keep it as a hobby on the side.
I'm an ambivert, shy and hesitant around new people especially those of higher authority and importance, but incredibly outgoing with the people I'm familiar and comfortable with, never getting tired from them. Affection starved, expect lots of hugs, not that much into PDA tho. For me first impression matter, on my part, I am quick to think that people hate me or are annoyed with me.
Even with my fuzzy appetite I do like food, especially of strong flavour, I tend to seem to like asian or Italian food alot. I'd say I'm decent and cooking but not very good at baking.
Minimalistic, not very demanding when it comes to anything, it's basically like "Better than nothing." would be the type to live in a rather small house one day. Somewhat organized in my own way, sometimes I can act a little OCD though when something is out of place in a manner that it's just - no.
I can be rather talkative, when getting in a conversation with me expect to talk for hours about all types of things, wherever the conversation goes. Even better when it's over a cup of tea or a long walk somewhere outside.
I usually try to be as polite and kind as possible, though I sometimes struggle, I always try to have hope for the world, despite my incredibly pessimistic mindset.
For a partner, I look for someone I can geniuenly be happy and comfortable with, someone I can be open with and not worry about being lied to. I would be incredibly loyal to them and I'd hope them to be as well, of course, I don't get jealous or worked up if they're hanging out with friends. I want them to also be happy, someone I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with. Someone who'd be okay with traveling and seeing the world with, someone I can just have a moment to relax with, sometimes just talk and listen to eachother. Like stated before the appearance for me doesn't matter, it's the personality- what's inside that does. I shall note, the harmless teasing can get to me. Someone who's a geniuenly good person despite whatever flaws they might have.
I hope this is long enough ^^
Hi my dear patient anon! 
guess what time it is!✨
i put a read more because it’s one long post! 
OK so as I read through your request I had Levi, Belphie, Beel and Satan on my mind. Though Belphie is out of the picture fast since you have low self-esteem and if anyone then he probably would take advantage of that. Satan too I think. (I know in general he is viewed as an overall good boy but i feel like he might scare someone with low confidence levels when he is at his worst. also he can be manipulative too if there is a situation)
wait- damn- Simeon also exists (also Mammon? though with him and you it’d be a very rough start)
so after some elimination and comparison between dynamics including Simeon, Levi and Beel I decided to match you with Levi but I highly encourage befriending the other two!  ✨ Simeon because of the similar interests + excellent cooking and Beel because he is a mom-friend + you’d always have something to eat too if he is your friend! 
phew it wasn’t an easy decision but here it is! 
Okay so let’s see Levi
Okay first things first I think we need to change your level of confidence my friend. Which means starting off this relationship as friendship - honestly he is on the same page as you regarding this for similar reasons so you two can relate to the other. But once you gain a healthy amount of sense of self-worth + confidence I think this friendship could develop into a very loving and healthy relationship! 
Just because he is a demon I don’t think he would use you, lie to you, manipulate you or anything similar to that. I mean you have similar interests and in canon Levi shows just the bare minimum of interest to someone whose lifestyle + likes aren’t similar to his. Also you’re his only friend besides Henry so why would he treat you bad I mean come on!!! he’s not stupid!! 
Since your relationship is based on being friends trust will come in time, do not worry! Levi is also picky when it comes to ppl so again as you are in the same boat you understand the other deeply. 
I mean Levi can be serious when the situation calls for it but in general you being with him would give you a nice balance with your maturity. He’s not childish but he has different approaches! Meaning he could learn from you but you could also learn from him! 
Tbh i highly doubt he would ever tick you off either or purpose or not. He is mostly annoyed by stupid ppl (like Mammon) and normies but since you are also into anime you’re safe!  
You having an interest in languages is something he will find fun! if i recall in the devildom there’s only one language? (they speak human for you though) so finding out about human world lore like that through you is going to be fun! also pls learn Japanese with him! (pretty sure he already knows so he could help you practice)
Okay so he can also spiral down due to lack of self-worth + self-love but as his friend you’re not supposed to let that happen!! 
well he also tends to forget about himself but on a side note he is very caring about you and your health so he is faster at taking care of you than himself. That’s why you have to look after the other especially at first when both of your self-worth levels are so low. 
pls tell him he is beautiful he will be flustered for the rest of the day but it’s worth it trust me
he absolutely finds glasses cute af he just has to look at you and !!!  
He’s not big into fashion either, though he would love to cosplay with you so hopefully you are ok with wearing cosplay sometimes!
Also your workaholic tendencies might get to him sometimes? like i’m not saying he is lazy but for sure he could do better. Thanks to your influence he will do better! 
the two of you gushing over fictional characters is just so cute;; think about that!! 
ok he is your #1 supporter of becoming a writer!! pls let him be your beta reader aaaaa
well both of you are passionate so the emount of encouragement happening in this relationship is to die for
him being a shut-in means he’s not very big on traveling, but if he could go with you he’s quick to change his mind! 
he also has trouble balancing a healthy sleep schedule but that just means you two can spend more time together so it’s a win-win situation
pls leave your cat with Satan when you visit Levi’s room because of Henry :( your gecko is more than welcome though!!! 
okay he is also affection starved af but he would never initiate to save his life so here you being an ambivert is helpful!! also it leaves you space to tease him which is always fun! 
regarding food you have a nice balance going on, he is more of a baker and you are the opposite! though cooking/baking with the other is always fun!! when he notices your lack of eating he will make sure to order/bake delicious food from the human world for you! 
well he isn’t the messiest so hopefully your OCd wouldn’t kick in when you spend time in his room. I like to HC that he is actually very clean. If anything is out of place in his room it is because it was meant to be there. Or he was in a hurry. 
about long walks outside you’d probably have to nag him a bit but soon he will realize that it’s actually not so bad.
bby is one of the most loyal demons out there so no worries you’re safe!! however he can be jealous easily so it’s nice that you are also loyal! just make sure to clear boundaries before establishing a relationship! 
he’s not one to tease you but he is very into you teasing him, so that’s that
overall i don’t think this relationship would have huge conflicts - sure, you have to nag him about going out but he is not going to protest once he learns that it’s actually. fun. to go out sometimes. i’m more concerned about the two of you’s self-worth and confidence levels, but again it’s about what you do for growth and it’s not something that can’t be changed if you want to change it. besides these i think it’s a very healthy relationship and you both can be yourselves!  
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