#i'd like to compile it and put it on ao3 but i wouldn't feel comfortable putting other people's writing there without their permission
aparticularbandit · 11 months
If Tumblr is winding down, will you be archiving or backing up the Jessica blogs and the Timeline Canon stuff? For future generations?
I've been going through everything @photomatt posted earlier in regards to the leak, and I don't think Tumblr is necessarily winding down like we expected.
That said, I would like to have those stories and threads archived or backed up somewhere. I'm just not sure what the best way to going about that would be.
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Part one of Projecting onto Genesis because I can
This series is just me projecting onto Genesis and saying he has adhd bc I said so, and thank you to the wonderful Beth and two friends who know nothing about FFVII for reading this over for me <3
And for the sake of my own sanity I'm pretending that the deserion never happened, again bc I said so.
AO3 link:
Story under the cut :]
Behaviour 1
When first meeting Genesis you would assume he was just some kid that registered for Soldier, has a love for the poem Loveless that can't be rivaled by anyone and an uncontrollable rage.
From an outside perspective of Genesis you would most likely have seen what he was always described as by others, though from the quick glances in the halls or overheard conversations you could usually bet on the red head to be ranting to his friend about Loveless, or one thing and another. Though he always appeared fixated on the poem he held with such high regards.
When Sephiroth became something akin to a friend to Angeal and Genesis he heard the poem even more, it was endless ranting and raving with quoting it thrown into the mix. But it gave Genesis a flavor to him that just made him feel distinct from many others. And this friendship would stick around and bloom later into the future.
Behaviour 2
Being in a friendlier position with the two gave Sephiroth an odd bonding experience, Angeal seemed similar to many others, or in the way he did certain things, usually just the finer details. Genesis however was a melting pot of experiences, bonding with him was more sharing things that he enjoyed with such intensity you might as well be intimidated just a little.
Among that he always seemed to be moving in some way, if it was fidgeting with something he had in his hands, drumming his fingers against the table, and readjusting in his seat almost constantly. Though there were times where he was uncharacteristically quiet and spaced out, those were the times where he or Angeal had to nudge him back to reality every now and again. It was a surprise he hadn't been kicked from the program before from what Sephiroth was observing.
Behavior 3
To Sephiroth and anyone not by the name of Angeal Hewley, would have found it concerning how much coffee Genesis drank sometimes, it was in an irregular pattern but it did happen every now and then.
Though he did see a slight difference in behaviour, when the coffee consumption was at a relatively regular level Genesis always seemed more aware and less spacey in a way. As if everything was just less organized than usual.
Behaviour 4
Being at company gatherings had always been quite boring, there was never much going on other than keeping the upper plate important people happy with Shinra.
Though it was always at these kinds of gatherings where Genesis seemed uncomfortable in more ways than one, seemingly sticking to Angeal or Sephiroth for as long as he could. He did appear just as confident as usual, if not a bit more.
At the end of it he seemed to practically dash out the doors and back to his apartment at the Shinra tower and that was practically the last he saw of him for the night.
Behaviour 5
To no one's surprise Genesis had gotten both Angeal and Sephiroth to go to an orchestration of the music used in the Loveless productions. The experience had been quite pleasant, Genesis seemed to be almost vibrating in excitement where he stood.
When they entered the music hall the orchestration was to be in and got to the seats in the Shinra owned box, they waited for the concert to start. When it did Genesis gave the most excited applause for the orchestra when they entered the stage, shuffling in his seat occasionally as per usual.
Sephiroth appreciated the music, it was quite wonderful, though he couldn't help but notice the slight discomfort on Genesis's face in the louder parts of the piece. By the end of it Genesis looked like was about to be as excitable as Angeal's puppy was on a daily basis, he couldn't help but smile at his friend.
When they got out of the box to leave and go back to the Shinra tower Sephiroth took notice of a similar face of discomfort, it felt odd to him, it might just be the change in noise levels and bigger crowd, though it felt like a reach to him.
Angeal patted Genesis's shoulder and whispered something in his ear, which made the latter respond by lightly headbutting the former's shoulder.
The Explanation
It had been a relatively quiet evening of reading when there came a knock on Sephiroth's door, standing up and putting the book away on the coffee table he went and answered the door, seeing Angeal standing there. "Hello there Angeal" he stepped aside, letting his friend step inside.
"Hello to you too Sephiroth, I was wondering, could you possibly do me a favor?" this caught Sephiroth slightly off guard, as it was not often that Angeal asked for favors.
"I should be able to, depending on what it is. Why?" he looked at his friend with a questionng look.
"It's quite simple, I'll be gone for a while on a mission soon and I just need you to send a message to Gen every morning until I get back to remind him of the thing." he said simply.
"What 'thing' am I reminding him of?" he gave Angeal a perplexed look.
Angeal hummed in thought and then said "It's not really my place to go saying what it is, but if you need to know I'd go to Genesis if I were you."
"I might just do that if you won't give me the answer, if it's not something bad then I'll be sure to remind him."
"That's understandable, thank you." Angeal gave him a nod as a moved to leave the doorway to go back to his apartment.
The choice to go see Genesis had been made after some thought, leaving his apartment walking with even strides was spent thinking what this 'thing' that Angeal wouldn't clarify on.
Knocking on Genesis's apartment and hear a fumbling over something as the owner of the apartment opened the door. "Why hello there Sephiroth, didn't expect to see you, what brings you here?" he seemed focused on looking anywhere but Sephiroth's eyes.
"Angeal asked me to do something and he wouldn't explain it to me, so I must ask. When he asks me to remind you of 'the thing' what is it that I'm reminding you of?" He gave Genesis a raised eyebrow as he spoke.
This had caught said person off guard, as he beckoned Sephiroth inside, he curiously followed, wondering what was so important, ot secret, that it needed to be discussed in private. Away from the possibly peering eyes of the halls.
"I- uhm, it's uhh, yknow what, it'll be easier to explain if I just show you, hold on for a moment." Seeing Genesis stutter over his words so much was an odd sight to see as the door was closed and soon he dashed off to the hall of his apartment.
Returning soon he held up a small case of medication labeled after the days of the week, all of them seemingly having the same contents, though the days before the present were empty.
"And these are?" He gave Genesis a questioning look, wanting a slightly more indept explenation.
Even with his enhanced hearing he could only hear Genesis's mumbled response, the few words he heard were "they're --- meds, --- need 'em --- better than --- without ---."
"Could you possibly repeat that? I won't judge you, I just want to know what I'm supposed to be reminding you to do and how important it is." He said in a warmer tone.
"I- uhm, it's perscribed and I-uh, really need them" followed by some uncharacteristic stuttering as all eye contact was avoided.
"That's a good enough explenation for now, if you feel more comfortable with telling me some time later I'll be all ears, have a good evening Genesis." He gave him a small smile.
"Oh, uh alright then, good night Seph." He gave his friend a small wave as he left the apartment.
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