#i'd rather do a couple well than a bunch half assed basically
drinkupthesunrise · 7 years
I mean it wouldn't even even really be much of AU, but definitely here for Wedge/Mon Mothma, long distance relationship, because that pairing has definitely been in my head.
To, what I’m sure is absolutely no one’s surprise, this got a little out of hand. Properly AU, because the only other fic I could think of was the love letters on I really want to write one day, and I want to do that justice. So instead of that, have something that is really very id-ficcy and contains too many feelings about having the person you adore live far away from you. (to be ao3ed later, I’m sure. now on ao3!) Also! Tagging @sassysnowperson and @harusamemosuke as the other people I’ve dragged onto this ship somehow.
Theymeet in the comments section of a blog post about D H Karver’slatest romance novel.
Lookingback, it’scertainly an odd start to a relationship. The fact that it goesanywhere is something near a miracle.
Butsix months later, Wedge spends almost his entire day in contact withher. She’sthe first person he messages when he wakes up, and the last person hetalks to before he goes to sleep. His friends are all highly bemusedby the situation, wondering why Wedge is now almost surgicallyattached to his phone, wondering who the mystery woman is.
Wedgedoesn’t have an answer to that.
Hedoesn’t really know himself.
WedgeAntillesMorning,Mon. Sleep well?
MonShit.…I might have worked all night.
WedgeAntillesIt’sstill morning? :DThothat’s not good, what on earth were you doing? Something importantenough to justify you being up all night?
MonInsome ways.I’lllive Wedge, this is hardly the first time.
WedgeAntillesIknow, but doesn’t mean I like it. You should take better care ofyourself.
MonAsyou keep telling me.Toobad I don’t actually have you to look after me.
WedgeAntillesPhysicallydragging you to bed is beyond me, I’mafraid.Gohave something to eat and then try and get a nap, okay Mon?
MonCan’tmake any promises, but I’ll try.
Hestill doesn’tknow much about the particulars of her life, what she does for a job,what her last name is, what she looks like. None of it matters,because he also knows her as well as he knows anyone else in theworld. He tries to stop himself falling for her too hard, knowingthat he’s only got a limited picture of who she is. But thefeelings are there, no matter how hard he tries to stop them.
Itdoesn’tmatter what she looks like, or what she does. He knows the truth ofher, and that’s all he needs to know.
Hesent her a photo of himself, seven months in. It’s a candid one thatTycho snapped, of him at one of their community activism events. It’sreasonably flattering, though he only meant to send it so she had anidea of what he’d looked like.
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WhatI did today.
MonIsthat you, on the right?
WedgeAntillesYeah.… why?
MonYou’revery handsome.
Wedgeremembers blushing. He remembers trying to wave her off, but she’dbeen quietly insistent on the truth of it. He’d asked for one in return, but she’d never sent one back. 
WedgeAntillesSo.Look. No pressure, but my friends and I are coming to London in threeweeks for personal reasons, and I was just wondering – do you wantto have dinner?Iunderstand if you don’t, I know you’re busy.AndI’mjust some random guy off the internet.
Mon(Mothma? Unconvinced)Wedgeyou’rean important part of my life, not some random guy off the internet.Whenare you here? There might be something I can’tget out of, but I’ll try.
WedgeAntilles25thMay. It’s a Friday.Youprobably have better plans for a Friday than me.
Mon(Mothma? Unconvinced)Can’tthink of anything better than spending time with you, don’t putyourself down.I’llhave to check with my aide.AmI good to pick the restaurant? Where are you staying? What do youlike?
WedgeAntillesI’measy :D Surprise me.
Wedgetexts Mon throughout the day, though they are both busy, and thereplies are sporadic. As the day draws to a close, Wedge feels thebutterflies starting to form in his stomach.
He’snot nervous. Well, maybe a little, but it’s a thrill, not a deeprouted anxiety. He can’t quite believe he’ll finally get to meether.
Allhis friends know where he’sgoing. He leaves to his fair share of ribbing, but he really couldn’tcare. He makes his way down the escalators to the tube, cursing thelack of signal means he can’t text Mon, his usual strategy to dealwith his dislike of crowds and hustle and bustle.
Hedrums his fingers against the overhead rail as he waits for his stop.
Monhas picked a restaurant not far from the Palace of Westminster. Itmakes Wedge wonder whether he’sgot it right about her identity. He’s starting to think that it isn’ta coincidence she shares a name with the leader of the oppositionparty. He doesn’t really want to think about it that hard, hasn’tpressed because he doesn’t want to know. He’s trusted that she’lltell him what he needs to know.
Nowhe will find out anyway.  
Heclimbs up from the tube, around the corner, checks his phone. He hasa text from her confirming that she’sthere. He sent her a photo, a selfie snapped off earlier that day, soshe knows what he looks like. He hopes that she’ll spot him.
Hepushes the door open. It’s more rustic than he figured, closer to apub than a restaurant. He glances round, looking for a woman at atable on her own. He can’t see one clearly. He moves into the tables,trying to look in the crevices.
Ahand is at Wedge’selbow. It’s not a woman’s hand, it’s a man. He smiles warmly atWedge. “Yes?” Wedge replies.
“Mon’sthis way, if you’ll just follow me.” The man leads Wedge to atable behind a partition. There’s a woman sitting at the table. Awoman who is familiar.
Aclose crop of red hair sits atop a long, pale face. Her shirt – asalways – is white, with a single red and silver broach pinned to herchest the only spot of colour. Her mouth is pulled into a soft smile.She’sknown for her neutrality, her position as a figurehead, the unitingfront of her party. There are others who fight her battles for her.
“Youknow, you could have told me,” Wedge says, as he sits down. “Ihad my suspicions.”
Montucks a strand of hair behind her ears. She’snervous. “I didn’t want to scare you off,” she says. “Andthen… it just seemed easier to explain in person.” She smiles athim, and Wedge feels his stomach flip. Then she turns. “It’s okaySinjir. He’s clearly exactly who he says he is.”
Sinjir,the man who brought Wedge over casts an asparaging eye over Wedge. Hecrosses his arms. “Ifyou say so. He doesn’t look like a threat. Call me if you needanything.”
Heturns on his heels and leaves, and finally, Mon and Wedge are leftalone.
Fifteenminutes in, Wedge’sphone goes off.
“I’vegot to get this, sorry.” Wedge answers it, and lifts it to his ear,knowing that despite the caller ID saying Tycho, it could be any oneof his friends who’s decided to give him an out. If he doesn’tpick it up, they’ll all come down there. “Yes?”
“Hereis your fifteen-minute-emergency get out call, Hobbie is primed tomake up some Grade A bullshit if you need it.”
It’sWes. Of course it’s Wes. “Tell your boyfriend to stand down, I’mfine.” Wedge runs a hand back through his hair. “I’ll keep youguys posted on when I’ll be home, don’t do anything stupid whilstI’m gone.”
Wedgehangs up. He puts his phone back in his pocket. When he looks backup, Mon is giving him an odd look, one eyebrow raised. “Myfriends,” Wedge explains with a wave of his hand. “Promised tocall and give me a reason to get out of this if it wasn’t goingwell.” Mon’s eyebrow remains raised. “Their idea,” Wedge tagson. “I knew it would all be fine.”
“I’mglad you have friends who look out for you like that.” Mon’swords are soft. There’s an undercurrent that Wedge is familiarwith, having felt it many times himself. There’s only so much youcan do for someone who lives that many miles away from you. It’sreassuring to know that there are people in their corner, who can bethere for them when all you can offer is kind words down a line.
Wedgefights the urge to reach over and take her hand. “They’regood eggs. Pain in the backside too, but they’re good.” Wes,Tycho, Hobbie – they’re the best friends a guy could ask for,really. And then Wedge laughs to himself.
“What’sso funny?” Mon asks.
Wedgegets himself under control. “Youknow how we met? Talking about D H Karver’s novels?” Mon nods.“This is ridiculous, I’m warning you.”
“Goon.” Mon smiles again, and Wedge is determined to make her smile asmuch as he can that evening, because her smile is so delightful.
“So,it’s a pen name, we all know that. But no one knows who she is,she’s mysterious as fuck—” Mon laughs as Wedge swears without acare. “You know why? She’s actually my friend Hobbie.”
Monlooks at him for a moment, trying to decide if he’sserious. “Your friend Hobbie, the same one who took ten years torealise he was head over heels in love with his best friend, is famedromance novelist D H Karver?”
“Apparentlyso.” Wedge shrugs. “I only found out last week, when the guyswere interrogating me about you – sorry, I tried not to say toomuch – and Wes burst out into violent laughter when I told them howwe met.”
Monstares at him for another long moment, before her face crinkles upand she starts laughing. It’sjoyful and jubilant and Wedge can’t help but join in. He laughswith her, grateful that he’s with her in that moment, to see herreact and not to have to rely on the tools of text and emoji for herto convey her delight. “That’s amazing,” she says. “What acoincidence.”
Theyfinished eating long enough ago that they should probably be movingon. Dinner has been more delightful than Wedge ever even dreamed itwould be. At some point, he slipped over to Mon’sside of the booth to show her some pictures from his day, and henever left. He’s stayed by her side, the two of them brushingagainst each other constantly, sharing touch with ease.
Hewatches her. More than he probably should. He wants to remember her,the way her face lights up as she talks, so he can picture it later.If he looks long enough maybe he can commit her to memory.
Shepauses in the middle of her speech. “Sorry,I’m going off on one again.” She looks back over and Wedge iscaught staring.
Heducks his head, feeling as the heat covers his cheeks. “Sorry,”he mumbles. He doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Doesn’twant to be that guy, who can’t clamp down his feelings, who makesit weird.
“Youdon’t need to be embarrassed,” Mon says. She places a hand on hisknee, squeezing softly, and then runs her hand along the outside edgeof his thigh.
Wedgeis from a circle of touchy-feely friends, who live in each otherspockets and will fit four of them on a two-person sofa. But thisfeels different. It’snot some bullshit heteronormative nonsense, where it’s differentbetween a man and a woman, because Wedge is about as straight as awinding country road. It feels different because he wants Mon,because there is this connection between them, and Wedge hopes tohell and back he’s not misreading this.
Helooks back up at her. Her smile takes his breath away. He tries togather up the courage to say something, thinking if there is a momentwhere he could, it is now. But the words stick in his throat. Theuncertainty haunts him. He’drather things just stayed like this. He doesn’t know what to do ifshe disappeared out of his life.
“Wedge?”she enquires.
“It’sokay, carry on.” Wedge smiles back at her. He reaches for her hand,the one that’s on his leg, tangling her fingers in his. “I likehearing you talk.”
Theytalk a little while longer, and then Mon suggests a walk, around andalong the river. Wedge, who has no wish for this night to end, agreesreadily. Mon takes care of the check, despite Wedge’soffer to go half with her – she chose the place, she pays, that’swhat she says. He can pay next time.
Wedge’sheart jumps at the thought that there will be a next time.
Monmakes a striking figure in her long white coat. She’staller than him, and gains another inch or so from the low heels onher shoes. Wedge doesn’t mind that. He doesn’t have manypreferences when it comes to looks. Mon is an objectively lovelywoman – she’s not a classic beauty, but there’s something abouther features, her character, that makes people believe in her, towant to do anything for her. Wedge knows her better than that, andthe feeling only gets worse as you know the strength of her heart andconvictions.
(She’solder than him too. That doesn’t bother him either. His friendshave always says he’s an old soul.)
Theystep out, and there’sa chill in the air now that comes with the late evening. “You knowaround here better than I do,” Wedge says, looking at the way thewarm light from the streetlamps catches in her hair. “Lead theway.”
“Alright.”Mon offers her arm. It takes Wedge a moment to realise she’soffering it to him, and then he accepts it, linking his arm throughhers.
Theysettle into step easily. Mon points out relevant important landmarkswhen they pass them, but mostly they walk in quiet. She leads himround, and then down to Westminster Bridge. They stop halfway acrossit, pausing to watch the river.
“Idon’t like London much,” Wedge admits. Mon lives here, representsone of the many London constituencies, and he doesn’t know ifshe’ll take offence. “It’s too busy for me. But from here, Iguess I could.” It’s quiet, and he can see the stars above, andMon is by his side, and Wedge thinks that he’d like anywhere, ifonly she was with him.
“Theriver is one of my favourite places,” Mon says. Her hand rests inthe small of Wedge’s back. “Especially at this time of night. Icome out here sometimes, just to think. Spent a lot of time textingyou from this exact spot, actually.”
Wedgelifts his head up to the sky. “Irecognise the stars,” he says, finding the constellations the sameway he did in all the pictures she sent. He thinks of all those latenight messages, stray thoughts that crossed her mind, accompanied bya snapshot of her view. He turns his head to look at her, only tofind she’s already looking at him. “Thanks for sharing this withme.”
“I’vewanted to for a while.” Her fingers reach up, brushing Wedge’shair out of his face and behind his ear. As her hand pulls back, herfingers graze across the line of his jaw. Wedge wants to lean intoher touch, but it’s so fleeting, been and gone before he has timeto reach up and keep her hand here. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“WishI was here for more than an evening.”
“You’rewelcome to come back,” Mon suggests. “Or I could come and visityou. I’m sure I could find some excuses to be north of the border.”
“Notsure how welcome you might be, given how hard you campaigned for theunion.”
Monshoves him, playfully. “WedgeAntilles, don’t tell me you’re a nationalist.”
Wedgelaughs, leaning back into her. “Ifear politics may be a dangerous thread of discussion.” He shrugs.“Eh, I don’t have any stakes in that game. I’d like you tovisit. I’d like to spend any time with you I could. I’d certainlylike to see you more than once a year or so.”
“I’llmake it happen. Find a date. You’re really not that far away,really.”
“Scotlandmight as well be another country from London, honestly.” Wedgelaughs. “I’d take another date.” He pauses, when he realiseswhat he’s said.
Monmust catch his wariness. She reaches over, tangles her fingers inhis, and speaks before Wedge can backtrack. “Thiscan be a date, if you want it to be.” Her grip tightens. “I’dlike it to be,” she says, voice soft and sweet, and so utterlysincere.
“Oh.”Wedge gasps.
Shelikes him. She wants this. Wedge isn’tthe only one with a mess of feelings he doesn’t know what to dowith. This evening has been exactly what Wedge has wanted to think itwas.
“Iwant that.” The words are awkward, but Wedge reckons it’s ablessing that he gets them out at all. “I—” He forces himselfto look at her, to meet her eyes. “I like you. I’ve liked you fora while now. I just… I didn’t want to put that on you. But I’dlike to date you, very much.”
Thewords feel clumsy in his mouth. He hopes that he gets enough acrossthat she understands, the way she’salways understood him.
“Ilike the sound of that,” Mon says back.
She’ssmiling, and Wedge feels the tug of desire. He steps forward,bringing them closer. “Can I—” He inclines his head towardshers. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,”Mon says, before closing the gap herself.
Theymeet and it’sall Wedge has dreamed of, in those quiet moments where hisimagination got away from him. There’s nothing inherentlyspectacular about it, but it feels like home. It feels like they’vekissed a thousand times before, but no less exciting for that fact.
Itends too soon. Wedge pulls back to look at her. Two bright spots ofred colour her cheeks. Her smile is bright, reaching right up to hereyes. She looks giddy with it all. As is Wedge. He’sso happy right now, happier than he ever remembers being, filled withan infectious joy.
Andso he kisses her again.
“Idon’t want to go.” Wedge scuffs his feet along the floor, knowingfull well that he should be responsible. It’s late. He’s tired.His friends are probably starting to wonder if he is coming home thatnight.
“Well,you don’t have to.” Mon cocks her head at him. “You couldalways come back to mine. My sofa’s free, if you want it, or I’vegot an empty half of a bed.” She blushes, looking away, a littleembarrassed. “If you don’t think that that’s moving too fast.”
“Youdid point out we’ve basically been dating for six months or so, wejust didn’t know it.” Wedge reaches in his pocket for his phone.“I’d love to, I just should probably check that my friends aren’twaiting up to interrogate me – which they will be – and let themknow I’m fine.”
“Youdo that.” Mon squeezes his hand as he steps away. He dials Luke,given that it’s Luke’s flat they’re all crashing in. Also, Lukeis unlikely to give him the full dose of grief. If he’s the one whoactually picks up his phone.
Wedgelistens to the line ringing, and prays that his exceptional run ofluck holds. Luckily, it does. Luke lets him go with minimal fuss,thanks him for calling, and ignores the way Wes and Hobbie areheckling in the background. It leaves Wedge to turn back to Mon, witha wide smile. “I’mall yours,” he says.
Wedgewakes the next morning, in a bed that isn’this own, a warm body along his side. He blinks his way toconsciousness slowly, stretching out.
Besidehim, Mon mumbles a noise of displeasure, and nestles closer to hisside. She throws a leg over his thigh and an arm round his waist,determined not to let him go. Wedge lets himself lie back into it fora moment, enjoying the physicality of her lying beside him, knowingthat its absence will haunt him later. He runs his hand over her arm,tucks his nose into her hair.
Theylie like that for a while. Wedge doesn’twant to ever get up, to leave the comfort of her arms. But he has atrain to catch. “Mon.” He pokes the soft flesh of her upper arm,as deliberately as he can muster. “Mon, darling, I’ve got to getup. I’m booked to get out of London by midday, because past me wasan idiot who didn’t think this through.”
Shegrumbles, clutching him even tighter. “No.I’ll book you on another train. A flight. Whatever.”
Wedgeallows himself to consider it for a moment. To stay with her, in thisbed, ignoring the world and their responsibilities. It would bebliss.
Butthey’donly buy themselves some scant hours. Wedge has a number of thingsfrom his event yesterday that need wrapping up, and a weekend’sworth of chores to do. Mon has – christ, Mon probably has goodnessknows how many things she needs to do.
“Ican’t,” Wedge murmurs back at her. “Next time.”
Monuntangles herself from him. She stares at him, her red hair rumpledand falling every which way over her head. She’slovely like this, Wedge thinks, unguarded and completely herself.“Next time,” she says. “I’m clearing three days of myschedule and we’re not leaving the bed.”
Wedgelaughs, and ducks into kiss her.
Wedgeends up dashing across Euston station for his train, to where Wes,Hobbie and Tycho are all waiting in the first carriage for him. Theytug him on a moment before the guard signals for the train to depart.“Surehope your lady friend was worth it, Wedge,” Wes teases, as theymake their way to their seats.
“She’sworth the entire world,” Wedge replies, not caring what amount ofshit he gets for waxing lyrical over her. As they sit down, Wedgepulls his phone out of his pocket. He’s got a text waiting.
MonMothmaMissyou already x
Wedgesmiles softly to himself, knowing he must look lovestruck.
WedgeAntillesMissyou too.Ilove you.
MonMothma…you couldn’t have said that when you were here????
WedgeAntilles… sorry?
MonMothmaIlove you too.Callme when you get home safe.
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ladywinterwitch · 3 years
Run Away (Ten - Strangers)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings: pregnancy talk, fluff, A N G S T, I think that's it??
Words Count: 3739
A/n: Next chapter is longer and INTENSE
Series masterlist , main masterlist
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(GIF not mine)
Y/n and Steve ended up falling asleep, which was a bit embarassing especially on his part. In the end tho they woke up around two in the afternoon and were starving. You also thought about the fact that Helen must've already set in by now. After cleaning up a bit and getting redressed the two actually went to separate directions, Steve to the gym because he had a bunch of new recruits to train by three sharp, while Y/n was heading to the kitchen.
-FRIDAY, would you call up ms Simon for me?- she found Tony, Vision and Thor in the common room so she quickly greeted them.
-Hey guys, taking a break?- she smiled when Thor got up to greet her properly. He was such a physical and affectionate person. He reminded her of a golden retriever; huge, with long hair and a heart of gold. Your smile widened when he bent down to press his ear to her belly.
-Well yes darling, do you forget that aside from kicking some ass every now and then we're basically jobless?- Tony joked. Both he and Vision were looking at you two.
-How is your pregnancy going, Y/n?- Vision asked in his posh and polite manner. She tilted her head to the side. Thor still touching the smooth and round surface. She didn't mind at all.
-It's going smoothly, thank you. Tho if I have to be honest I can't wait to at least give birth. I love my belly but it's so complicated to live with. I also miss actually moving around and exiting the tower. I don't think I've ever been so still and babyed in my life.-
-If it was an easy job, God wouldn't have gave it to women.- they all turn around when you hear an unfamiliar voice, which they soon found out to be Helen's. Thor stands straight in all his tallness and gets in front of her protectively.
-Who are you?- he asks suspiciously. She put a hand on his arm to calm him down.
-It's okay, Thor. This is Helen Simon, she's my new midwife. The one me and Steve hired this morning.- her head turns quickly to Tony then back to Helen. Tony stands up, fixing the invisible fold in his tracksuit pants and smugly walks to the older woman.
-Stark. Tony Stark. I actually hired you, but I'll let the happy couple have the glory.- he joked and you shook your head amused. They shook hands and then Vision introduced himself as well. Thor just acknowleged her with a nod. It's not like the God of Thunder had to introduce himself.
-Okay guys, see you later. I'm starving so.- you decided to cut it, but obviously Tony had to sneak in a joke. Had to.
-I'm sure cap worn you out.- Thor, which didn't know what timing was, bless his heart, decided to burst out laughing. You rolled your eyes not looking back.
-Jealousy doesn't match with your shoes Anthony.- you clapped back, still hearing Thor laugh and Tony calling him out.
A few feet down the corridor there was the kitchen, and when Y/n finally tought that her and Helen could have a minute alone, they found Wanda intently reading a book while she mover her finger around to spin the teaspoon in a mug. She looked up when they entered the room. Her finger stopped working and so did the spoon, the faint magenta colored aura disappearing.
-Hello?- she said, tentatively. Y/n ignored her cold stare and walked to the fridge taking out the leftover chicken and some salad to mix.
-She's Helen, the midwife me and Steve talked about.- there was a subtle warning in Y/n's voice. She thought 'Be nice' in her mind, and when Wanda sighed she knew she read her mind.
-Nice to meet you. If you'll excuse m- - Wanda was about to get up from the stool but the old woman's voice stopped her.
-You aren't eating that chicken cold are you? How old is it?- she walked closer, grabbing the plastic box from her hands. Both her and Wanda were a little taken aback by her bluntness, and shared a look.
-Uh..Yeah? I was actually going to put it in the salad. And it's..I'm not sure, a couple of days old? Still perfectly fresh and untouched.- she answered trying to reassure her, but she wasn't having it at all.
-This isn't eating healthy. If you want a healthy baby you need to eat properly. I'll take care of your meals from now on. - she stated, putting the box aside. - The non pregnant teammates can risk getting sick with that chicken. - Wanda's gaze darkened and her eyes took a light shade of red.
-What's that supposed to mean, old lady? - Y/n saw her fingers starting to move around with the corner of her eye and put her own hand on hers.
-Helen didn't mean anything, Wanda. She just meant that I have to be extra careful in comparison to the rest of you, ok? Don't you have to be somewhere right now?- she asked in the most calm way. The last hting she needed was Wanda yeeting Helen out of the tower on the first day. Wanda closed and picked up her book and mug, walking towards the exit of the kitchen.
-I mean, I'd like to go to the terrace to chill, but I can't.- Y/n frowned while sitting on a stool. Meanwhile Helen had already started to inspect their whole frige.
-I can feel Bucky and his girl going at it so yeah, I did not plan to watch a live performance.- she choked on water and the old lady turned around with a rather disgusted face. Wanda just shrugged and left them. The girl turned towards the older woman with an awkward smile.
-Welcome I guess.- the short fake laugh was over as soon as Helen sat in front of her, her hands conjoined in front of her.
-This isn't good.- the girl shifted uncomfortably, then uncosciously starting to rub her belly as a sign of comfort.
-What isn't?- the lady sighed. -First off, there are way too many people here. This place is chaotic, the people aren't giving you the peace that you need. This isn't a baby-space. At all. I just looked into your frigde and there isn't a single thing ready or 100% healthy probably except vegetables. Y/n if you want to be a good mother and be healthy for your baby you need to change a few things.- her words at first irritated her, setting off her protectiveness towards the people she called family, but then as she went on, she made her feel little. Like a little girl who wasn't good enough. She sighed silently.
-What would you have me do then?- she asked. Helen shrugged, still mantaining her perfect posture.
-I'm not gonna suggest you to buy a new place, because where you'll live after the baby is born is your business, but..- she paused, -I can offer you to come live at my place for these last two months or so. I have a nice, peaceful place a little outside New York. I already had eight of my patients do this, it's not so absurd.- she explained like it was the most normal thing in the world. Y/n was listening, but she wasn't convinced. She decided that she had to think about it first. She had to know for sure that she was professional and competent.
-I don't know, Helen. I'll admit that it isn't the most tranquil place to live, but...these people are my family. They have always been by my side, pregnant or not. And what about Steve? The father of my firstborn?- she marked the last phrase, tilting her head to the side. A little habit she probably took from Wanda.
-Because they care about you. But in truth, tell me, aren't you feeling like a burden? Like you get into their business?- she mirrored the young woman's expression. Y/n didn't answer at first.
-You're really not going soft on this are you?- Helen released a dry laugh. Shook her head and paused before talking.
-Yes. I began working as a nurse unofficially when I was 13 years old, during the Prague Spring reforms in '68. The hospital was in short of nurses so.- she explained, -That time wasn't easy. Not that the one before it and after it wasn't, that is. You either grow a thick skin or you don't survive.- Y/n felt for her, as she had a very similar destiny. First she doesn't know how she ended up in an orphanage, and then when she was fifteen and nobody took her, they kicked her out. She was homeless for a year until SHIELD recruited her, and the rest is history.
The older woman got up and took some vegetables, washed them and then placed them down to slice them. Y/n got up as well and started helping. She eyed the fresh eggs, so she guessed that Helen wanted to make a quick frittata.
-How did you end up in America? As midwife, nonetheless.- she asked.
-Why most foreign people come to America? Certainly not the food.- The woman responded with a slight hint of irony. The girl chuckled.
-In any case, I've been here more than half of my live, moved many states mainly for my own choice. Being a private midwife pays decently.- she paused to dump the sliced vegetables into a pan with a little oil and salt.
-I became one because I was fascinated by the whole process that the woman's body goes through both before, during and after birth. I assisted two of my older sisters, and in the end ended up doing it as a job.- Y/n nodded, listening.
-That's actually amazing. But if I can ask, you do not have kids yourself?-
-No. Didn't have the possibility at first. Then decided that just it was my profession but not my future. No regrets.- she answered even tho the girl could sense that something was off. She decided not to intrude.
Silence fell between them while they were cooking, and the younger woman took the popularity to think about what she said. The woman was practical, a bit harsh maybe. But she also had a lot of experience. She didn't like the thought of leaving her family, but she had to admit that she often felt like a burden lately. More than once someone stayed behind to look after her, and even tho they didn't seem to mind at all, she did. She wasn't used to being so pampered and looked after, and sometimes she almost felt suffocated. Guess that spending many years of your life having to take care of yourself takes a toll on you.
She didn't want to decide anything without talking it out with Steve first. And it wouldn't be permanent, just for the last couple months or so, until she had the baby. If she really thought about it maybe she needed some time to reconnect with herself, to learn how to take care of her baby in the best way possible. Even the stupidest thing like cold chicken could potentially make her sick, and it was such a small thing. But that doesn't change the fact that she didn't knew. She wasn't one of those moms who surrounded herself with books teaching her every do's and don'ts, but at this point insecurity was kicking in. The last thing she would ever want was to be a bad mother even before actually becoming one.
Between a baby shop and another, and a whole new diet including an embarrassing amount of tea, Y/n finished her eight month of pregnancy. She was feeling as tired and as big as ever. Helen actually helped a lot both with the cooking, the health tips and with the shopping. She actually sobbed when they bought the crib. Both because she was emotional, a bit because hormones and also because Steve was again away on a mission. The whole team was actually. They had new leads in the Hungarian case and another completely different mission in South Korea, a tough one. So it required the whole team split up. That was the fist time Y/n was left alone since she knew she were pregnant. It all went smoothly, the tower actually felt quiet for once.
Y/n and Helen had found a nice dynamic, and most of the time spent time in a comfortable silence, each doing their thing. A downside that she wasn't realizing was the distance that was slowly creeping from her to the team. They didn't really like the midwife that much, Wanda, Thor and Bucky especially didn't like her at all. But Y/n felt for her, she felt like she knew her better than them so she often took her side, which hurt them back.
Steve on the other hand wasn't realizing it almost at all. All he cared about was his wife being healthy and that she got along with the midwife. They didn't sleep together often anymore, due to the fact that he was often away and she was constantly tired. Bruce did warn her at the beggining that this 'enhanced' baby would've probably tired her out, and it did at first but then she was feeling very well. She and Helen both blamed it on the tiredness of the pregnancy as a whole.
The last straw was when some of the guys, specifically Sam, Thor and Peter, whom didn't live at the tower and was rarely involved in missions because of Tony, went to see them and in some way, nobody actually know how, they made a whole ass hole in the floor above the library. Fate wanted that Y/n and Helen were reading just a few feet away. If they were just a bit closer to the door, they would've been hit by the pavement pieces.
Helen gasped and jumped out of her seat, book still in her hand by the corner. The younger woman on the other hand was more mad than anything.
She rose from the armchair, struggling a bit and marched towards the now destroyed door. The damage wasn't so bad, but it was still damage and it could've been way worse. She was fuming.
-Y/n! Shit are you okay? - Sam yelled from above. The three guys looking down from the hole they created.
-I'm so sorry it wasn't me! It was Thor! - Peter joined in and caused the God to respond, and from that a whole lot of mess arose.
The people who weren't on a mission, which were Wanda, Bucky and Tony, came running.
Y/n didn't know where to look and all of a sudden started felling a bit suffocated. She brought a hand to her forehead, distubed by the chaos arouns her.
-Stop! Fucking stop it! - she yelled, groaning from frustration. Everyone stopped talking while the girl started to feel her eyes prickle with tears of frustration.
-Why is never, ever a single day if peace in here? There's always someone around, making a mess, making noise, complaining- - she almost stumbled on a piece of ceiling that had fallen, but Bucky and Tony were right behind her and helped her stabilize herself, but she shoved them off.
-Leave me be!- she exclaimed frustrated. She huffed, trying to take a deep breath. -I'm moving out.- a chorus of 'What' arose. Bucky stepped forward and grabbed her wrist gently.
-What are you talking about?- his eyes showed confusion and panic.
-And when would have you decided this stupid thing?- Tony crossed his arms and went straight up 'Tony Stark' on her. Y/n rolled her eyes, ignoring both questions and walked out of the now damaged library. Helen followed suit.
-At least wait for Steve to return!- Wanda said. Thor jumped down, through the new hole in the ceiling and followed her like the others.
-Y/n, we're sorry! Look, I'm gonna fix the ceiling myself okay? Please don't go- Y/n's ached to see them upset, but she was tired. Too tired. She was afraid that if she had stayed more than she could withstand, their relationships could've been ruined. That was the last thing she wanted. She didn't knew exactly what was that overwhelmed her so much. She felt constantly tired and in pain, all the noise, number of people..it had become just too much. She needed to finish this pregnancy alone, or at least in a more quiet place.
She stopped in her tracks and exhaled silently. Her eyes passed through everyone in the room. Even in that moment, they were decimated because of the mission, yet there were still eight people in the room. When normally it would've been around 15. That's too many people.
-It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault, specifically. I just.. I feel overwhelmed. There's too much going on here at the tower. And for me it's like seeing life go on without being able to do anything. I need some space, okay? It won't be forever. Hell, if everything goes well it's gonna be a month, at best. But I really, really need a break. I am going to pack and leave by afternoon, when Steve returns, just send him to the address that I'll leave for him. Okay? I love you guys, you're my family and I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Its just temporary.- she smiled softly, trying not to get emotional. Wanda was visibly upset, on the verge of crying. The others just looked sad, maybe disappointed. But nobody said anything, so she turned her heels and went straight to her room.
By five pm she and Helen were already gone. The older woman called them a cab, the driver took care of their stuff and then they were gone. Y/n was silent during most of the trip, both because of the extreme tiredness and sadness. She never changed home since she moved to the tower. She also thought about what she would tell Steve. She knew she couldn't contact him, so she didn't. They had left two days prior, so it was a bit early to know when he'll be coming home. But she knew a hundred percent that he would've gotten to her even before going home.
The two women were headed to the older one's house, which was in Avalon, New Jersey. Helen had told her about her beach house, quite far from the city. Y/n did actually fall asleep after the first hour or so, they had around three in total so she didn't worry about not waking up. By her surprise though, she did sleep throughout the whole trip, and yet, she was still tired. In those days her head gave her particular discomfort, so any noise at all really disturbed her.
Helen woke her up gently when they arrived, the she helped her get out of the car. Meanwhile the driver, which was a quite young man, probably around her age, which was 27, with curly black hair, stubble and dark green eyes, took their luggage off of the trunk.
-That's all. Have a nice stay.- he smiled slightly. Y/n frowned, what about the money?
-How much do we owe you?- she asked sweetly. He waved his hand dismissively, going back in the driver's seat.
-The lady already paid me, I'm ok. Bye.- he waved goodbye and drove off. Y/n and Helen dragged the luggage insider her villa, by which the girl definitely was taken aback.
-You didn't tell me that you live in a Villa?-
-Maybe, but I did tell you that being a private midwife pays well. I also need space if I want to take people living with me.- she explained. The first thing that you could see was the huge open space which showed a not exaggeratedly large living room with a window door on the right, on the left there was the kitchen and in the middle a staircase.
It wasn't very decorated, but the light palette of the whole place defines had a calming effect. Y/n was so used to the high rise and high technology of the Avengers tower that she had almost forgot how nice and intimate a normal house could be.
Helen showed y/n around a little, then ended up in the spare room, which had a large bed, a balcony and some essential forniture pieces such as a wardrobe, a vanity, a full length mirror, an armchair.
-This is really nice, Helen.- she smiled tiredly, caressing her big belly while she walked around. But as she was walking towards the balcony, she had a slight attack of vertigo, and her knees buckle for a second. The woman was at her side in a few seconds, helping her onto the bed. Y/n huffed, the back of her hand on her eyes.
-Why am I so shitty? I was pretty good until a few months ago.- she whined, and Helen shook her head while she stroked her arm.
-Every pregnancy is different, Y/n. You're just tired, from the car and that chaotic place.- the disdain in her voice didn't really pleased Y/n, but she didn't say anything. She didn't have the strength and besides, it's not like she was particularly liked at the tower anyway.
-I'll get you a tea, be right back.- Y/n chuckled.
-I drank more of your Hungarian tea than water in the last months.- Helen pulled a tight smile.
-Well, it is a traditional recipe for pregnant women. Not that you seem to mind it either.- the girl relaxed her eyes and discarded her sneakers to the ground.
-No, it has a peculiar taste but not bad.-
-Good.- and with that she left the girl alone. Helen went down the stairs, and turned on the stove to warm some water. She then opened a drawer, forcing the wood layer to come up by using her fingernails, pulling out an old fashioned phone.
She went to the contacts and dialed the only one there was. She waited a few minutes, when someone picked up.
-Közeledünk. Készülj fel.- she said, hanging up.
Translation from Hungarian: ‘Yes?’ ‘We’re close. Get ready.’
Hiii, this is quite a short chapter but I wanted to end it with ✨ suspense ✨ the next one tho is gonna be way longer. Lastly, friendly reminder that my taglist and my ask inbox are open!
Taglist : @polarcrystall @a--1--1--3  @jessyballet​
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comebackolivia · 3 years
So many of these appear to be related because of how they're titled, but knowing you, they're tangents of similar ideas. After much thought, I'd love to know more about Jason fucks right off.
Oh yes. So many of these are the exact same trope/idea/plot line done in just slightly different ways. Fun fact: Jason fucks right off is the same basic plot for Break the Chain so you’re getting a twofer here!
Jason fucks right off follows immediately after they bring Damian back from the dead. He’s happy Damian’s back but he is DONE with Bruce after the shit Bruce pulled taking him back to where he took him back to where he died. Jason leaves Gotham and wages a one man war on the international human trafficking business. It is in my 2018 folder. Here’s a snippet:
Tim calls often, usually to chew him out. Interestingly enough though, it’s not necessarily the what Jason’s doing, near as much as the how, and that says a lot, Jason thinks, for how bitter Tim is with everything. How done he is with Bruce and his shit that he doesn’t once lecture Jason for the amount of human traffickers that have been shot and killed since he left Gotham, but instead fusses at Jason for what he considers “unnecessarily reckless risks”.
Jason’s not at all surprised when he gets a phone call first thing in the morning after what had been a strenuous workout the night before.
“Ugh, what do you want, Drake?” he grumbles grumpily into the phone, rolling over on the rather uncomfortable futon in the small studio flat he’d rented for the next few nights. His body aches and he wants nothing more than to sleep for a year, so it makes sense that Tim would call and wake him up after only an hour.
“You blew up Ostrava,” Tim’s voice accuses on the other side of the line.
Jason, rubs his face into his pillow a little before settling on his stomach, balancing his phone on the side of his face, and stretching both arms up under the pillow. “You’re exaggerating,” he replies, voice rough with exhaustion. “I blew up a block or two of Ostrava.”
“Six warehouses,” Tim corrects.
“Six warehouses belonging to the Khasanov trafficking ring,” Jason replies. “Five of which contained weapons and other illegal items, and one with over a dozen young boys and girls slated for auction tomorrow. They’re now with Interpol so job well done to me.”
“Are you injured?”
“Nothing major,” Jason replies tiredly. And he’s not even lying. He’s got a couple of bullet grazes, a few bruises, but nothing debilitating or remotely life threatening.
“Jason,” Tim sighs, and he sounds exhausted. “You can’t keep doing this. You’ve got every criminal even remotely involved in human trafficking in Europe after you, and now there’s talk of a bunch of the bigger rings teaming up so they can hunt you down and eviscerate you.”
“Not surprising,” Jason says tiredly. He’s been kicking a lot of hornets’ nests so a swarm isn’t exactly unexpected.
“And you’re on Interpol’s most wanted.”
“To be fair, I’ve been on Interpol’s most wanted before,” Jason points out.
“You have half of Europe after your head, Jason.”
“Looks like.”
Tim groans, exasperated. “So how do you plan on not getting caught or killed here?”
“With your help, obviously,” Jason replies flippantly, knowing it’ll piss Tim off even more. Sure enough he goes on a long, slightly muffled tirade of curses that has Jason snickering into his pillow. “Are you finished?” he asks after a moment.
“How am I supposed to keep you from getting your ass killed all the way from California?” he demands.
“Don’t even try and tell me you aren’t hacked into Interpol,” Jason retorts. Twice now Tim’s sent him warning messages that Interpol was closing in on whatever city he was in.
“That helps keep you from getting caught. What about all the criminals hunting you down?”
“Without the Hood, I’m just a regular guy backpacking around Europe. One person in a sea of millions. Odds are in my favor.”
“And what happens when one of these places or shipments is a trap?”
“Despite appearances, I’m not actually trying to die. I do significant recon first. I’m not going into anything blind with guns blazing. I’ve already avoided a few traps.”
“So this isn’t a cry for attention then?” Tim demands.
Jason snorts derisively into his pillow, “You think I’m trying to get B’s attention?”
“It’s not like you’re avoiding attracting attention here,” Tim argued sensibly. “You blew up Ostrava last night—”
“Six buildings in Ostrava.”
“—you’re all over international news,”
“They’re calling it an organized gang war. Interpol hasn’t released any information about the Red Hood’s involvement to the media.”
“—and you’ve provoked half of Europe into hunting you down. To me it looks like you’re waving a giant banner that says, Daddy, look at me!”
Jason makes a disgruntled noise in the back of his throat. “As if Bruce gives a damn if it’s not happening in Gotham. And I’m trying to make a dent in trafficking rings at the source here, baby bird. B has absolutely nothing to do with it. But I’m only one damn person and this is a global problem I’m dealing with. I don’t have the luxury of being subtle here. I don’t have the luxury of gathering evidence and working with the various criminal justice systems involved to take out the head honchos, because most of the government officials across these countries are on the take anyway. I’m not trying to get anyone’s attention; I’m just trying to make a dent.”
Tim’s silent for a moment before he lets out a gusty sigh. “It’s not even going to do much good in the long run, Jason. What you’re doing now is unsustainable. As soon as you clear a branch out, more flood in to take their places.”
“Not arguing there,” Jason replies grimly. It was disgustingly true. “But in the meantime, bad guys are dying and people are getting rescued. That counts for something.”
“You can’t keep this up forever though. I’m not even sure you can keep it up for another month. What’s the endgame, Jason? You just keep blazing through Europe until someone gets lucky or you burnout?”
“Don’t know,” Jason answers honestly. “It’s something to do and it needs to be done. And if I run out of things to burn here than there’s always Asia.” Which is something he’s been thinking about a lot lately. Asian trafficking circles have been booming in business lately while the Red Hood has been wreaking havoc on their European competition. That bothers him.
Tim clearly is unsatisfied with his answer. “You’re not going to let yourself die, right? You swear this isn’t some sort of weird suicide quest?”
It’s the tone of Tim’s voice more than his words that Jason finds concerning. He sounds tired. Defeated even. And overall it makes Jason a little suspicious. He makes a mental note to check and see what the Titans have been up to lately. Maybe Tim is transferring his own emotions onto Jason’s actions and he’s got his own suicide quest going. He frowns, but keeps his voice light as he answers.
“I’ve done the whole death thing and I’m not really looking to go a second round. It sucked enough the first time. But if it makes you feel better, I can take a week off from provoking murderers.”
“Do that,” Tim replies. “Where are you?”
“Budapest,” Jason lies. He’s in Bratislava, actually.
Tim makes a disbelieving noise and retorts, “Make sure you go see St. Martin’s Cathedral before you leave. It’s got catacombs beneath it and the spire is topped with real gold.”
Jason rolls his eyes, unsurprised that Tim knows exactly where he is. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll send you a picture. And hey, if you get bored with the Titans, you can always come play Europe’s Most Wanted with me. I’ll be sure to schedule us some time to play tourist too.”
“Yeah, sign me up for that,” Tim replies sarcastically. And then, after a final “Don’t die,” he hangs up.
Jason shoves his phone off his face and moves the pillow over his face. He’ll sleep some more then maybe he’ll get out into the city and take some pictures to send Tim. After he does a little reading up on what Tim’s been up to, of course.
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biomic · 3 years
well i've now watched all the child's play movies (minus the remake because lol), clearly one of my finer achievements. here are my thots
child's play - didn't actually rewatch this one just bc i've seen it multiple times in the past and the major plot beats are still fresh in my mind. it's a classic, we know this
child's play 2 - was kinda blown away by how much i was nostalgic over this one. i've never thought of it as an iconic movie of my youth, i don't even know if i saw it more than once or twice, but i was remembering every scene super clearly. super fun movie to revisit, anchored by andy and kyle's genuinely sweet bond and brad dourif getting to chuck it up from the start. the final showdown in the toy factory? utterly iconic in the genuine sense of the word
child's play 3 - this movie was so aggressively nothing. apparently they rushed this whole production out in under a year and god does it show. it tries to differentiate itself by being set at a military school but those tropes bore me to tears. chucky's settled into more of a comedic character, but the story's still playing itself serious, so his one-liners just come off as corny and lame rather than campy fun. and my GOD do the kills suck complete ass in this one. half of them are chucky killing people indirectly, like replacing paint guns with real bullets. that'd be a scary idea if this were a normal military movie, but it's not the kind of the thing that keeps me on the edge of my seat in a killer doll flick. it's just a very uninspired sequel, the only one in the franchise i'd call stale
bride of chucky - MASTERPIECE. the screamification of late 90s horror did this one a lot of good, and jennifer tilly as tiffany is the best thing to happen to this franchise. i wasn't even annoyed by katherine heigl in this movie! a feat i thought impossible in a post-grey's anatomy world. it's definitely my favorite of the bunch, seeing chucky and tiffany bounce off each other as the world's most dysfunctional homicidal couple is just way too fun
seed of chucky - they literally named this movie Chucky's Cum. so this wasn't as bad as i was expecting, but i can't really say it's Good either. a big sticking point for a lot of fans is the portrayal of glen/da's genderfluidity, and while i get why people felt it was in bad taste, i wasn't personally bothered by it. i mean, for a gross-out horror comedy about killer dolls from 2004, certain parts felt almost progressive in a weird way. i dunno, depends on how much you can line up with this movie's wavelength i guess. still, i could've done without a lot of the piss gags and chucky jerking off. this movie's saving grace? jennifer tilly playing herself acting alongside tiffany as a doll. i was losing my shit the entire time they interacted, huge brained shit truly
curse of chucky - if bride is how to do a revamp, this is how to go back to basics. this was the first chucky movie i had never seen before (most of the other ones i caught on tv 15ish years ago), and damn was it refreshing. going back to a more suspenseful horror tone where chucky doesn't talk for the first half of the movie was a huge risk, but it really paid off. im not scared of dolls, but the redesign they gave him genuinely hits just the right level of uncanny valley to freak me out for the first time in the entire series. don mancini's skill as a director got a huge upgrade from last time, and the end result is a really cool gothic horror movie featuring chucky. loved it. nica pierce best final girl 2k13
cult of chucky - THEY MADE CHUCKY A HOT WOMAN :( this film is absolutely fucking BONKERS and i completely dug it. i was a bit hesitant about the movie being set in a psychiatric hospital, but aside from a few dodgy portrayals i think they managed to mostly avoid the whole "ooooh aren't mentally ill people ~scary~" deal. this one for sure had the gnarliest kills in the whole series, im not that affected by gore in horror movies but i was wincing and looking away multiple times in this one. by the time you get to the multiple chuckies and nica getting possessed, you can just tell they were having a blast making this one, and it's infectious
when i started going through these i didn't know how i'd feel about them, i just wanted to be caught up for the show, but the experience has been pleasantly surprising. with don mancini having creative control over every film since its inception, there's a level of consistency here that can't be said for, i don't know, whatever the hell texas chainsaw's been trying to do since the original. but he's also not afraid to experiment and try out new things, so the series is able to maintain its identity without getting stale. this was a great time, and im super excited for the show now!
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