#i'd really just rather romanticize falling in love the way i have been doing these last few years through anime fanfiction
rubberbandballqueen · 2 years
hgnnghh... college friend has been asking me questions abt adhd n how to get diagnosed n stuff recently, which i'm more than happy to help him with, but just now he sent a tik tok that was like "maybe i should ask abt this too?" n it was like "why do adhd people seem to crush so hard" n it was like.
now listen i haven't had a serious romantic feeling since i was in middle school, but the description in that tik tok literally dragged the memory of all that out of my chest n i just said to him "haha yep... that's accurate my dude" as though it hadn't just described what was easily one of my top ten "do not ever repeat this again" experiences of my life
#i then proceeded to tell him that he probably shouldn't be pathologizing every little trait n thinking it's a 'symptom' or w/e#like if adhd tips help n stuff then just follow them; if you feel medication would help talk to your doctor etc etc#but also like. i don't wanna live my life like 'ugh i'm hyperfixating on my crush again but i don't want to make a move'#'bc what if they think i'm weird/creepy/just not interested in me back ugh i'd literally just die' PLEASE LET ME BE NORMAL ABT THINGS#idk just the way everything was described. ugh! the shame!!#i think i used to talk abt this more in the very early days of the blog (bc that's when i was still rlly bitter abt my last crush)#but like yeah it seems i really don't like to think abt romance when it's abt myself or my past w/it#i'm okay with the idea of like. being older n doing things in a more mature way should anyone ever grab my interest#but like idk!! it's weird!!! bc when rereading my old middle school diaries it's like 'aww yeah i was really struggling w/this'#but it's very deeply sympathetic like 'yeah it was rough but you'll get through this; it gets better'#for some reason watching this tiktok was just like. a fucking ice bucket of shame. like what the fuck who gave you that right#the worm speaks#i'd really just rather romanticize falling in love the way i have been doing these last few years through anime fanfiction#and never ever ever ever ever ever ever deal with whatever the FUCK happened in middle school ever again bc we were v immature then
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...The love potion is Hell Viagra. Guys tHE LOVE POTION IS HELL VIAGRA-
Like okay maybe its not *exactly* that. I don't think Viagra like, actively turns ppl on or whatever, BUT I think it's primary intended purpose IS something similar. It's get horny juice. Cuz like, think about it for a second. Why sell something that's JUST advertised as a date r*pe drug? Why would you do that? Like, I get that it's hell, and bad people gonna do bad things, but the audience for that kind of thing is probably relatively limited. Plus, there are definitely people down there that would be VERY put off by a company that sells something being actively advertised as for date r*pe. Like, a lot of the sinners we see seem to be. Normal people. Which is also why Val shooting up the hotel would be considered bad for the Vees image- A lot of the truly nasty shit the Vees do has got to be kept at least kind of under wraps because a decent portion of Hell's population probably still wouldn't be okay with actively supporting that shit, no matter how much they're being encouraged to indulge in their worst impulses. It's like how, in jail, a lot of the time ppl will gang up on the worst criminals and beat the shit out of them or smthn. Like even the drone ad that explicitly stated one of the features was spying on your neighbors felt more like it was implying just spying rather then like, peeping on them naked. People are more likely to openly say they've been sticking their nose into their neighbors business then they are to say they've been peeping. Still not good, but like. Vaguely more socially acceptable and appealing to a wider market.
There's also the fact that, from the advertisements we've seen, it doesn't really look like that's what it's being advertised for? One of them is Velvette doing a magical girl pose and the other is Val(who is the porn guy. Aka the romanticized sex genre) and Vel just like, laying there together all sexy like. It's vague, but none of it, besides the name if you're genre savy(which I'd like to point out that not everybody is involved in media criticism enough to realize the issues w/ the love potion trope, which wasn't even taboo until a couple years ago tbh), really screams "use this to make people have sex with you against their will!" That, along with the fact that the love potion definitely CAN'T act how love potions normally do in fiction(making the person who ingested it fall deeply, head-over-heals in love with specifically the person that gave it to them), because that would be too difficult to mass produce, and the other usual approach(fall in love with the first person you see) is just too impractical unless someone is truly desperate, I think the use that gets ADVERTISED is "use this to make your sex better and more fun, just like in those pornos we also sell!(buy our shit)" rather than date r*pe.
That doesn't mean I think the Vees like. Actively discourage other uses though. A sale's a sale and one of them is fucking Valentino there's no way they care that much. Any negative reviews along the lines of "somebody used this to fucking drug me" probably get deleted and nothing is ever done about it because, in the end, as long as the suffering is invisible nobody's gonna care. This take doesn't really make the Vees any less shitty, it just makes them more ~realistically~ shitty.
It also makes the love potion a little bit funnier. Like just a lil bit. Bcuz it means you can make Hell Viagra jokes :)
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pleeease tell me more about this drug dealer/sex worker/rich client au you're rotating in your mind. it sounds incredible
Ok so I project onto Ed and I'm a sex worker, so, that's where this AU is born from. It's not my only job I do it as a side hustle the way that people sell bottle cap earrings on Etsy, but that's not the energy I necessarily have for this au.
So basically Ed's an out and out hooker, a sleep with clients for your only job kinda hooker, been doing it since he was young. Started working the street and then through a series of being extra charismatic to the right people he started a rapport with some more prestigious ladies of the night and wealthier johns and became one of those fancy high end escorts. Jack is a drug dealer whose one of Ed's clients from back in the day and they're... friends? I guess. He's also over time worked his way up in that industry so he keeps being able to afford Ed's increasing rates and they hang out outside of fucking so Jack is getting the friends discount, the only reason he still has to pay is because they were escort and client before they were friends and Ed's not gonna tell him to stop paying him. Now, Stede is a very rich guy who is having a sexuality crisis and he deals with that by paying an escort (Ed) behind his wife's back, just to try it out. Ed is actually kind of sick of his job, but this isn't like a oh poor hooker who needs to be saved thing its just a "used to like doing this, not really having fun anymore, but what else am I gonna do? Other things also sound like they suck pretty bad and mostly I just want to retire." And then he meets Stede who is like truly so sweet to him (which in my experience a lot of clients are actually rather sweet) and they click really well and they continue seeing each other, but Ed's life and Stede's life are very different. Like Ed's got all these criminal connections and he uses drugs recreationally (but in a non addict way where you like do a little bit on the weekends at a party and then be done the next day because like 90% of why I would write this fic if I did is because every time hookers and drug users get portrayed they're always very self destructive and while I respect those people and know some of them that is simply not my experience of sex work or drug use) vs Stede who has up to this point been very straight laced, but is having the most dramatic midlife crisis imaginable. So what ends up happening is Ed accidentally enables Stede to go careening off the rails, because he was always gonna do that, if it wasn't with Ed it was gonna be with some other hooker and his opportunist drug dealer bff.
Now, I mentioned this fic in the tags on a post about Izzy. That said this is not an Izzy fic, this is a blackbonnet fic with Jack causing problems in a non antagonist way on the side where the end game is Stede gets a divorce and Ed gets to retire on Stede's dime and they fall madly in love and Stede gets better because he's no longer in a failing marriage or trying to lead a double life. However if I had to put Izzy in it Izzy would be an annoying client of Ed's who is transparently in love with him in a creepy way, but if I were to actually write the fic I'd be a thousand times more likely to include Frenchie, for example, than I would be to include Izzy, just because if I'm gonna make Ed semi well adjusted he needs at least one non Jack friend and Frenchie is your guy, when looking for an Ed bestie.
Like I certainly don't want to romanticize sex work or drug use but I do absolutely want to de-stigmatize it. Like all of 5 people would read this fic if I wrote and published it so it's not that serious but also sex work is truly just a job and it is possible for some people to use drugs without without becoming addicted. And you know these guys are murderers for their job in universe so I don't see why I can't have an au where they do way less sketchy crimes than that.
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hypergamiss · 3 months
hey lovely, thank you for always being here for us and answering our questions ♥️ I’m wondering how I can stop overspending? I grew up never being allowed to go out or buy things that I wanted (like toys, books, etc.) and I realized it’s had a huge impact on me currently. I’ve been working two years and took a small break from college. I did pay around $4k for a semester so I’m not in debt thankfully, but the rest of my money is nonexistent. I overspend online shopping, and doordash, food, movie tickets you name it. I’m worried about not having enough after college and saving for an apartment, to eventually buy a car, etc, because I don’t have savings. I moved back in with my crazy parents and siblings and am doing online classes in a scholarship program to finish my degree starting September. My job is a good one, but I don’t save money. I need to even work a second smaller job on weekends to save for apartment expenses and a car. I don’t mind working, I like it, but I love spending money too. I have a lot of small collections and hobbies. But I do want to be financially independent and stable too. I need help.
"hey lovely, thank you for always being here for us and answering our questions ♥️"
You're very welcome🤍
"I overspend online shopping, and doordash, food, movie tickets you name it."
These are habits that are hard to change because they're made to make your life "easier." Physically shopping for what you need or cooking your own food at home doesn't exactly sound as appealing as receiving it in the mail or on your front door step. You're going to have to psychologically be more accepting of doing things the hard way (to save money) and somehow romanticize them or find joy in them. I know what life was like before the delivery apps and online shopping took over so it was never a big deal for me. But we can't say that for the younger generations who grew up having food delivered to their front door or receiving their items in the mail. As convenient as these new methods are, there is a premium that you pay for them. Is the premium worth it? In my opinion it is only worth it if the time that they save you, you are using towards something else that is making you more money than if you would have gone and done everything yourself. If you have the extra time to do your shopping in person, that's what you need to be doing. If you don't have the time to be doing that because the money you're making highly outweighs all of the premium fees, then don't bother doing it yourself. You have to analyze your own situation and determine which category you fall in. If it was up to me I'd cook every single one of my meals, but at some point I had to accept that having my groceries/meals delivered so that I won't miss a meeting (or whatever the case) was the smarter thing to do. Understand that all of these delivery apps with extra fees are meant to drain your bank account and if you're not benefitting from using them in any way, shape. or form, you need to delete them. Avoid online shopping if you are capable of doing it in person. It's a whole different process when you're carrying the items in person then just adding them to a virtual cart. Avoid trends, be really mindful of what you actually need. If you need to give yourself a few days to think the purchase over so you don't impulsively buy it, then do that. The more inconvenient you make the purchase, the more you're going to have to think about it (in a good way).
I don't think that you should fully cut off all of the activities that you enjoy doing, but rather have a budget where you allocate a percentage of your income to have fun. Having hobbies is a really good thing, just don't over spend on them either.
A good method I used at some point was only using cash (card for emergencies only). It forces you to only use the amount of cash you have on hand for spending and you have to go in person to make your purchases. Get creative if cash only is not an option. Open a second checking account for "spending money" only and only use the card that is linked to this account. Do whatever it takes.
One thing I still do is track my (personal) expenses on a spreadsheet every Friday. It forces me to input every transaction and be mindful of them. I tend to catch mostly unwanted subscriptions (a huge issue these days) and I get to rethink if all of the purchases were worth it or not.
Money goes where energy flows. If you keep spending frivolously without bothering to check your bank account or transactions often, your money will just disappear. Keep track of it all, the more you do, the more it will be preserved or compound depending on what you do with it.
There is no easy way to go about this, but if you're determined you can make it happen!
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rphelperblog · 2 years
These Broken Stars Book Quote RP Meme
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book by Amie kaufman and Meagan spooner- feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“I know she is playing games with me, but I don’t know the rules, and she got all the cards.”
“Dislike is much easier to handle than sympathy.” 
That's my kind of girl!”
“Sometimes you take all my words away from me.” 
“You don’t mention death when it was hovering near someone you love.”
“But she's here, she's mine. I'm hers.” 
“And there it is, against all hope, like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. The smallest hint of a smile.”
“I'm not doing much at all. I might as well be a rag doll. Comes complete with matching shoes. Spine sold separately.” 
“Then you ought to kiss me while you can. It may be a while before your next opportunity.” 
“The anger is a shield, and if I relinquish it, I’ll shatter.” 
“Promise me that no matter what you hear, you won’t go off on your own to investigate. I want your word.” There’s
“You saved my life. Again."
“I know what you would’ve given up for me. I could never let that be for nothing.” 
“If you die then I will too.” 
“How is it that I can want him so badly when he's only been gone from me for a minute?” 
“It’s all I can do not to turn my face toward his, the way a plant grows toward the light.” 
“When she smiles, she looks like somebody I could know.” 
“You'll face it all with me?"
“Just once I’d like to look like I’ve got myself together.” 
“Beautiful? I’ve always been reasonably pretty—but enough money would turn even a cow into a catch.” 
“I’m going with you. You kept telling me you’d take me home with you, and that’s what you’re going to do.”
"I had to. I wouldn't last a day around here without you.” 
“I love you, and I should’ve told you before you—” 
“You don't mention death when it's hovering near someone you love. You don't want to attract the reaper's attention.” 
“I'm not doing much at all. I mimght as well be a rag doll. Comes complete with matching shoes. Spine sold separately.” 
“Then she smiles, and it turns out she has dimples, and it's all over.”
“But who names a starship the Icarus? What kind of man possess that much hubris, that he dares it to fall?” 
I reach for her hand and wind my fingers through hers, turning them so the rain patters down onto her palm. I trace a circle there with my thumb, smoothing the water in her skin. I want to show her there's nothing to be afraid of.”
“...if you ever wanted to take a run at it, I'd say now's your time. There's hardly any competition, unless you count me. Though I am of course very handsome, even dead.” 
Even now, she looked radiant to him. How ridiculous that he'd be romanticizing her in these final hours. What could have once been love was now the resignation of a heart long broken. “
“All of it—for this. Leading us to a door we can't open, a password we don't have.” 
“How do you live again, knowing what waits for you in the end?” 
“I could tell myself that I’m doing it because she’ll get back to her feet just to spite me—but the truth is, I really just want to piss her off. Keeping her moving is a bonus.” 
“We’re being exact, Major. We’d appreciate it if you tried to do the same.” 
“I think I’d rather an instrument told me so. Not that I don’t trust your extensive training.” Her eyes narrow, and if looks could kill, then toxic atmospheres would be the least of my problems.” 
“We’re in luck. This place looks like it’s terraformed. There must be sensors for checking the air quality outside.” 
“Abandon her? If only my duty or my conscience would let me. The galaxy would be better off, if you ask me. Who’d even know we were in the same pod? Except that I would know. And that would be enough.”
“I know a thousand different smiles, each with its own nuanced shade of meaning, but I don't know how to reach the few feet away to touch this person next to me. I don't know how to talk to him. Not when it's real.” 
'You're the same girl who crashed on this planet with me, who I dragged through forests and over mountains, who climbed through a shipwreck full of bodies to save my life. You're the same girl I loved, and I love you now.” 
She rolls over with a little protesting noise, reaching sleepily after me. Then she begins to register the raindrops as they connect with her skin, and she sits up with straight with a gasp. I'm busy sitting up too, because when you go to sleep wrapped around a pretty girl, there are some things going on first thing in the morning that you don't exactly want making headline news. “
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squidproquoclarice · 5 years
I'm the anon you replied to about Ch XIII - ok, now I get it and thanks for taking the time to explain. It's obvious now and I think it was always obvious to most people. I just saw what was to me inexplicably low chapter number and panicked. Sorry! Anyway if you care to elaborate on this:"Honestly, the more I look, the more flaws I see. Some very weakly written chars." I'd appreciate it. Replaying the game, I am noticing so much more than the first time.
Hi again, friend!  Nah, I get how it’s confusing, and even the chapter vs Chapter may not be easily straightforward.  We’re just gonna blame R* for using “Chapter” on this.  ;)The thing is, when you start looking hard at any media you love, you’re going to start seeing some of the seams and thin spots.  Me maybe more so than most given how long-term and extensive and canon-adjacent (if I can use that term?) a project Sunrise is--I’ve spent a year now looking pretty damn hard at the game.  No matter how masterful a piece of media is, there are going to be spots that don’t hold up well under scrutiny, and a huge project like RDR2 is definitely going to be prone to that due to so incredibly many moving parts.That is to say, this is not be going “The game is shiiiiiiiiit”.  I love the game, but there are flaws I see now that I didn’t before.  It doesn’t take away my enjoyment, but it does make me rethink some things of how to handle writing this sequel/alternate ending thing.I just did a bit more of an Arthur’s death-based endgame critique again in one of my posts over the weekend, so I’m not going to reiterate that, but I do think it’s not a terrible ending, but it’s almost exclusively RDR1 driven, and not the ending it could have and should have been for a rather magnificent and still progressing char arc.I also critiqued what I felt was a mismatch between deeply thoughtful storytelling and forced endgame regardless of char actions, and the repeated endless murdersprees of the late chapters.  For example, I’ve had to scale back death numbers some in Sunrise when I refer to those events, because hundreds of people couldn’t have been killed, and also having Arthur and Sadie deal with the incongruity of continued massacres while also trying to do some pure and selfless things.  I honestly consider the Epilogue kind of a narrative hot mess after the tour de force that was Chapter 6 and feel like it plays a lot more logically if you imagine Arthur as the PC rather than John, but that’s a whole ‘nother long meta.Charwise, since you asked specifically, balancing that huge a cast means some chars get short shrift.  I’ve remarked before that Molly gets nothing in-game, but in a way, that marginalization fits her tragic plot arc, and Molly still makes for a haunting figure.
My biggest beef is with chars I feel are largely stereotypes to begin, and then don’t really have any char arc besides.  Swanson as the dissolute feeble clergyman is a stereotype, sure, but after Hosea dies and the flock needs a new shepherd, he steps up in a big way to become the man he wants to be.The ones that probably frustrate me most are Mary-Beth and Charles, because I feel like they deserve more.  Mary-Beth wouldn’t feel out of place at all written as an ordinary farm or city girl of the era, but her pie-in-the-sky romanticism and naivete feels out of place for a young woman who was supposedly orphaned and living on the streets, forced to become a pickpocket to survive, and generally was out of options enough to fall in with the Van Der Lindes as an outcast.   She just feels very sheltered, I guess, for me to buy her supposed backstory and place in this gang, and it’s like the devs decided they needed the “sunny good girl” to balance off the other women and forced that on her.  Then she has no real development.  She’s a dreamy, romantic writer in 1907 just like she is in 1899--the only thing that’s changed is she’s successful and published.  For Charles, I’ve critiqued how bizarre his Epilogue experience is and how forced it seems (and all the things he magically heard about in detail in Canada is nothing short of remarkable).  He’s a biracial man who’s oddly seen only as Native--his black heritage is totally ignored by everyone, even in the epithets he’s insulted with.  He comes across as a “stoic Indian” stereotype, which is really shitty given he could have, and should have, been a fantastic char with a lot of potential for numerous directions of development in a char arc.  Instead he’s more of a stereotypical plot device there to assist Arthur and then John, and that’s really, really disappointing.So yeah, stuff like that.  It’s not game-ruining by any means, but it’s just bringing different eyes to the thing, and does make you think about things a bit more, that’s all.  I’m sure I’ve made my own share of mistakes and pitfalls in Sunrise, so it’s hardly like I can claim any kind of high ground here.  ;)
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
Out Of The Woods (1/?)
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This multi chap fic has been one that I've wanted to write for a while. I'm hoping to connect a few loose ends, since my series is getting closer to the end. Don't worry, I still got a couple of fics left in me. I'd love to thank @xerxezra whose conversations with me are always inspirational. I'd also like to thank @dorkydisappointment whose writing got my creative juice flowing.
References to the woman in the journal is from What You Found Amongst The Pages.
In this fic the reader tries to uncover the mystery of the artist behind Zeta-7s portrait.
Chapter 1: A Glimpse Of The Past
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For some time, Rick had been looking forward to taking you here; to the middle of nowhere, in the northwest, where enormous pine trees lined the roads, and evergreens could be found as far as the eye could see. Initially, you weren't sure what you were expecting. A Bob Ross worthy getaway perhaps? Maybe, though unlike the paintings done on PBS, there were gas stations and convenience stores which broke the harmony of trees, roads, and sky; as few and far between they were.
The drive itself was fantastic, and the surrounding area was nice, though you had little to no cell phone reception. And since you couldn't pass the time exploring the weird parts of Reddit, you stared out the window while Zeta-7 sang along to silly travel tunes; the kind that kids would enjoy, but we're actually music recommendations from Tall Morty; another good Rick. You giggled when he sang ‘He had high apple pie, in the sky hopes’, but he didn't seem to mind, he was excited.
However, you were curious as to why Google maps couldn't find the address to the place you two were going to, but Rick seemed to know the directions. Honestly, as long as it wasn't like anything you'd saw in Gravity Falls, then it was going to be fine.
“W-we're here.”
Nope. This couldn't be right. Jumping out of the passenger's seat, you were taken aback and a bit creeped out by the amount of moose statues and decorations which surrounded the place as though to protect it. Could they be part of the security system perhaps? And if they were, was it generally safe to even be here?
“We are? Really?”
“Y-you bet.”
Before your thoughts ran away with the idea, you turned towards him. “Rick, do you need any help with the luggage?”
Opening a portal, he stepped through carrying all the luggage, then reappeared in front of you a few seconds later. “No, it's - I already took care if it.”
It was just like him to be one step ahead of you. How unfair. “Rick, I could've helped you know. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself.”
“True,” he admitted matter of factly. “but if I didn't do it, then I couldn't d-do this.”
To which he then took your hand and pressed a soft kiss on it. “I-I needed to make sure you had a warm hand t-to hold. It's cooler out here th-then it is back home. ”
You gave him a playful shove in return, which made him laugh wholeheartedly before he went on explaining the brief history of this place all the while giving your hand a light squeeze.
The moose lodge, as it was named, looked more like a tacky cabin at the edge of the woods instead of the forgotten shack amidst a family of trees. It was located almost two hours away from the nearest town, and the easiest way to get there was by taking a single dirt road right off the state road twenty miles back; both of you agreed that using his portal gun would've been more convenient. The house itself used to belong to an old colleague of his, but Rick bought it a few decades ago and used it when he wanted to get away from the city, and think about life and so forth; as well as paint. Walking up the steps, he commented, “I-I know it's not much,” unlocking the front door with a moose-shaped key. “but I hope y-you'll like it.”
You really didn't want to tell him that the place looked like a tourist trap, but he stood there, waiting for your approval, nibbling on his bottom lip.
Oh, you didn't like the overwhelming amount of moose decorations, but you smiled nonetheless. “I'm sure I will. I mean, I guess I didn't know what I was expecting, but at least it will be peaceful. Right?”
“Th-that's right.”
Whatever opinions you held about the exterior design, the interior was a different story. When he opened the door, your senses were invaded by the scent of old paint and aged wood, with hints of pine and decades-old smoke. Following right after him, you gasped at the sight of the walls; each inch of wall space covered with paintings. There were scenes and landscapes, hidden figures in the brush, creatures you couldn't begin to describe, flowers, trees, and anything which had and might still be alive; his own private art gallery. With a few clicks on his phone, the curtains opened up, allowing the light to chase away the shadows.
And when the light settled on a particular painting, you walked past him, towards the furthest wall, nearest to the master bedroom, where a large painting hung above the fireplace; it was a portrait of him, done in the romanticism style. “Oh my God. Rick, that's…. did you paint that? I can't believe it, it's amazing.”
“N-n-no, I didn't paint th-that one, but I-I wish I did.”
You found it hard to believe because it captured his essence so perfectly. It was of his form illuminated by the mid-afternoon light, kneeling next to a flowerbed, holding an unopened rose, kissing it gently as though to bless it. His hands were covered in dirt, and his loose fitted, round-collared shirt allowed for a few chest hairs to peek out. As always, when he was around his plants, he was in this trance-like, reverent state; the quintessence of his being; peaceful and alluring in the fact that he didn't seem so broken. The closer you stood to this work of art, the more you felt as though you were staring at a historical figure rather than a throwback photo of your boyfriend.
The posture featured you'd seen him do on multiple occasions, when he took a moment to meditate, appreciating the beauty of life, and all once, you were envious of the one who got to see him this way, taking their sweet time, appreciating the inner beauty of this soft, tender, but complex man. It also reminded you that Zeta-7 had been young once, and handsome even though he thought otherwise. Touching your shoulder lightly, he sighed. “I-I know. Time hasn't been kind t-t-to me.”
“What are you talking about? You look great, but I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing this. It's gorgeous.”
“Gee, that's - th-thank you.”
“When was this done? You look so young there.”
“Hohoho, not - not that young. It um - it was painted a-about thirty years ago, by a very good friend of-of mine.”
A good friend? Rick didn't have many good friends. “Were they an artist?” you wondered.
Scratching the back of his neck, he avoided your gaze. “While she'd never claim t-t-to be, I thought she was. I um - why don't y-you make yourself comfortable while I make us s-something t-to eat.”
She? You had many other questions you wanted to ask, but knowing him and how he changed the subject, it seemed that that was the end of that; for now. “Okay,” you acquiesced, determined to bring it up at the first opportunity. “but can I pick any room I want?”
“Out of the two bedrooms? Sure g-go ahead.”
After a simple dinner, you two went for a walk. There was a slight chill in the air, but thankfully you had a sweater and a warm hand to hold as you two followed the trail. You were glad to find that you were in better shape than you had anticipated, but that's what adventuring with a mad scientist will do. Here and there he found mushrooms which he took note of to return for later, and at some point, you climbed a tree, much to his disbelief, and teased him to come after you; he did, but you received a scolding which he then after profusely apologized for.
Later, after returning, you delighted in a warm bath and thought it would be a good time to unpack. Rick had disappeared somewhere around this time, which made you wonder if he had an underground lab here. Casually, you walked past the living room, with no intention of stopping but that larger than life painting caught your eye again. Unlike the other paintings along the walls, there was no artist signature. Hmm, what a tease the artist must've been.
In comparison, Rick hadn't changed very much over the years, except for the wrinkles of course and well his hair used to be darker. Still, you couldn't help but stare at that painting, envious of this old friend of his he had mentioned. Who was she? Was she beautiful? Did she love him too?
You thought more about it as you unpacked your stuff in the small bedroom next to the art room. It wasn't so far fetched to believe that he could've had his fair share of lovers, but then you had yet to see any feminine influences about his house except for a few treasured belongings of his mother. There was the woman from his journal, but he never brought it up and you had never confessed to having invaded his privacy, so you still weren't at liberty to do so. How was it that after all this time, there was still this bloom of mystery about him? Well, because he was humble and reserved, and only shared information which wouldn't hurt him.
Oh well. You'd have to get over it someday, but was it so wrong to be jealous of someone you never met?
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