#i'll attempt to get to replies but i'll also reblog some memes
hikaricharity · 5 months
I already died several times in muggshot's world, this is bullshit- /lh
0 notes
lurkingteapot · 9 months
2023 post round-up/summary
Lovely @twig-tea tagged me here, so I'll try my hand.
I'd abandoned tumblr for about 4? 5? years 2016ish through 2020, had a short stint with it again in 2020, took peeks and vehemently disagreed with much of what I saw in 2021-2022, and grudgingly settled back in in 2023. I wasn't going to interact. I wasn't.
Jan-April: *crickets* I was being strong!
Then, I saw people moaning about how they'd learn Thai if only it was on Duolingo, and you know how spite can be funnelled into positivity? I did that! Result:
Popular: Free Thai Language Learning Resources, most popular by a landslide. This pleases me greatly, as I put a lot of work into it and always hope more people start picking up this language.
Favourite: maybe my thoughts on Ming, piggybacking off @kenmakaashi's post?
Popular: my musings on translation and how it relates to fannish reception of media, which was my most popular post of the year and 'broke containment', if only in a very small way. Some of the additions in the tags and reblogs are fantastic, do go have a look if you like!
Favourite: toss-up between my attempt at showing a parallel between a silly moment in Our Skyy 2 x BBS and a scrapped shot from BBS proper and this rant about Romanisations of Thai and why G**gle translate is the devil (that bit is in the conversation downthread), which let me meet @plantsarepeopletoo.
Popular: Summary of James Welker's 2006 essay "Beautiful, Borrowed, and Bent: “Boys’ Love” as Girls’ Love in Shōjo Manga"
Favourite: the offerings are slim here … let's go with the one in which I once more was salty about the way folks talk about BL
Popular: Only Friends' Ray isn't just The Drunkard, but also The One Who's basically Given Up On Himself, as per his title card (this one was so popular it got stolen and reposted – without credit or permission – to twitter 🙃)
Favourite: Thinking about Drama, the Romance genre, and tropes, and how those relate to our perception of BL (good additions from various folks in the notes; conversation with @visualtaehyun in reblogs and @twig-tea in the replies).
Popular: IFYLITA Ep 6 poem context notes
Favourite: toss-up between complaining about badly machine translated content in Love in Translation and musing on the name of Khun Yai's favourite bar
Popular: my long-winded answer to @zimmbzon's ask "Hi, how would a non-binary person (me) get around the binary gender rules and vocab in Thai?"
Favourite: uhhh … maybe my musings on honorific translations in kimi ni wa todokanai? (yes, technically a reblog from sideblog, shh)
Popular: most popular was this throwaway therapy vent containing food for thought and while I guess this meme is mostly fannish I'm linking it anyway because it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to (or something)
Favourite: when I called out the resemblance between the Last Twilight trailer and Intouchables (2011). Literally no one cared, but then @my-rose-tinted-glasses independently came in strong with receipts as soon as the actual first episode aired and made me feel validated af.
Popular: Why I'm pretty sure Last Twilight's "fried rice/false rice" joke was funnier in Thai
Favourite: the saga of the songs in Ep 4 of Last Twilight
I didn't do any round-up posts, but I'll include the other category @twig-tea added:
Five other posts that I want to highlight because I can:
BL Favourites Tag Game (July 2023)
Link to fujoshi.info with information on WHY you should check out that site if you're interested in having an informed opinion on BL and the genre's history.
contemporary issues in Thailand as mentioned in Only Friends ep 1
Thoughts on code-switching in Step by Step
Reply to @mynameisnotthepoint's comment-via-ask on my anti viki rant
I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm completely lost – I was mostly off tumblr for nearly three weeks; if you made a post like this you'd like me to see, please link me/tag me! <3
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peculiarbeauty · 4 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  you can call me rose !
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she / her / hers
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯ so my main muse will always be belle but i also write in the persona fandom. <3 i absolutely do have other blogs but they are currently inactive and i really have no idea when my activity will pick up again on them. this blog and my other most active are:
peculiarbeauty : you are here !! welcome.
fatedprincess : this is haru okumura. she is my little meow meow.
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  &.
people reblogging callouts for unjust reasoning between friend groups that really should stay within a friend group. people dogpiling one person and assuming the position of a good human being for that. people overall spreading vagueposts , gossip , and other slandering things. in my opinion , unless people are threatening your very life or are a sexual predator , you should keep drama between you and the person in question. sort it out !! stop dragging the entirety of tumblr into your feud. i only learned this big lesson about tumblr callout culture over a year ago.
burnbooks : gross behavior to make a blog centered around talking badly about people.
elitism : people who believe that they are the only one out there who can write a muse and try to slander another person who likes the muse just as much as they do.
copying people's blogs and then preaching about how people should stop stealing from you : it's gross and i just find it so so hypocritical that anyone can say that they have been stolen from when they straight up are doing it themselves. look in the mirror , please.
autoshipping and forceshipping : first of all , if i did not agree to a ship , please do not suddenly act like it's okay to ship with me. it's okay if we build up to it but instantly shipping makes me question where our threads are going. not everything is about shipping , we can write many threads together. i would like to write many threads together before we instantly ship as some muns have chemistry with their writing more than others. forceshipping is gross and being a victim of someone attempting to forceship with me pretty continuously as well as stalk and harass me for years .. i'm really really not okay with it.
◈ EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯   i have been writing on platforms since 2008. i started on youtube back in the day ! i joined tumblr , however , back in 2015. i wrote in the disney fandom when it was CRAZY busy with blogs. i wrote for snow white very briefly around that time but had no true idea of how tumblr worked lol. it really was an experience. i remember roleplay groups were HUGE and there was one particular roleplay group in disney that was super popular. <3 i'll always remember that.
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  FLUFF AND ANGST IS MY GO TO. i do not write smut.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  it depends on the day you ask me this question tbh. most of the time it is memes because i am a teacher and i am perpetually tired when i get home. it's hard to think after work for me. on weekends though ?? i say plots. i am in a good headspace at that time.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  this ALSO depends. i am someone who can write a TON if the thread strikes me. like , angst ?? an ANGSTY long thread ?? i'm so there , girl. sign me up.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  i throw everything in the queue. i tend to find my writing habits existing more in the early parts of the day.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES  ⋯  if i said i was like my muse , i would feel like i need to humble myself a little. belle is an amazing , empathetic , intelligent woman. she is such a wonderful human being. am i a wonderful person ?? i definitely can work on that a little more. i will tell you though that i am very close to my father like belle is with her own. i love reading , literature is everything to me which makes it easy for book talk in threads. belle and i have a similar taste in stories too. belle and i are also empathetic towards people for better or worse. we love people and try to make the best decisions for them if they need advice or help. i just try to keep it real ?? there is a lot we can learn from disney princesses about how to live. so YEAH she inspires me truly. <3
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tagging : @guujies / @adversitybloomed / @revoeu + you ! tagged by : @historiavn ( thank you my love ! )
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voodoodaaddy · 6 months
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Mun is 40+ and will not interact with minors. If it’s not clear in your rules how old you are or if I even suspect you are under aged, I will block you.
People who Kin their characters DNI
Minors DNI
Pedophiles, Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Transphobes, assholes and creeps DNI
I'm only interacting with mutuals.
I do not have exclusives or mains. Everyone will be treated equally here.
Please reblog and like from the source. It’s okay to like my own RP threads just don’t reblog them if you are not a part of them. If you do this, I will have to block you as I assume you haven't bothered to read my rules. I am not a meme farm/art farm for you. However, if I tag you in art or anything you can like and reblog from me since that's my invitation to share with you.
I try my best to remember people's rules but please keep in mind I am human and can forget certain things, especially if it's specific. Please feel free to remind me or if you really need to unfollow be my guest. We all need our safe spaces.
I do have a job so my answers to threads may take time. It also depends on my muse. That being said, I will not be responding at snail speed. I try to answer within 2 weeks max. in turn if you take months to reply to me, I honestly don't think this will work. My muse needs to stay fresh and months after a thread is posted is not going to work for me. If you're taking a month to answer a reply I doubt there is interest in the thread anyhow.
I limit the amount of threads per partner at least 2 each to help with the amount of drafts that pile up. I will not be piling up drafts again.
If we are following each other and I am attempting to RP with you a few times, and you keep dropping or ignoring it, I’m going to assume you don’t have interest and I will soft block you. There’s no point in following each other if you choose to not interact with me. I’m here to interact, not to watch you interact with others.
I don't mind Dashboard shinanigans but I prefer to keep focus on threads owe and not creating more then I already have, because of this I won't be participating in dashboard commentary as often as I have.
I will not be participating in 'events'. I find these to be highly annoying and only cause drafts/muses to be ignored.
I do get duplicate anxiety. I don't mind other duplicates in general but keep in mind if you're constantly ignoring me for others of the same muse, we will not work out.
If I follow you and you do not follow back after a few days, I will assume you're not interested and will unfollow you. If you follow me and I don't follow back after a few days, I may not be interested in Rping with you. Sometimes certain muses do not catch my interest. It's perfectly fine to unfollow me.
My writing can vary depending on who I’m rping with. I can write short and paragraph style format. It will also depend on how much inspiration I have for the thread.
I’m open to multiship but I will warn you I lean more towards M/M then F/M.
Very very selective with OCs (I'll only accept OC's from close mutuals or if I so happen to like your OC I'll be following you). I'm not interacting with characters outside the Hazbin Hotel universe. Fan kids are fine though or angels. I will also interact with Helluva boss characters because I consider them part of the same verse.
I have no major triggers.
There will be sexual themes on this blog. I do not care if Alastor is Ace/Aromantic on the show. That's not how I play him here. Please do not hash that up with me. I'm here to have fun. That being said I'm not just looking for PWP there needs to be chemistry and some kind of buildup unless they are already in a relationship.
Alastor is not part of any set universe but can be multiverse if I have multiships. Multiships will be part of their own verse. Alastor will not be cheating unless it is plotted out by muns. 
Please no godmodding. there are only a very few that I trust to lead Alastor in certain situations but anything else that’s major needs to be talked with the mun first. 
I do not ship Alastor/Charlie (radioBelle), Alastor/Rosie, Alastor/Nifty Alastor/Husk (I tried this, just not for me)
Any hate/drama at all will be ignored and blocked.
I am not a grammar Nazi by any means, but if you respond back and I can barely understand what's being said, I don't think we will work out as rp partners.
Alastor is a cannibal and serial killer so there will be gore, blood, violence and all that applies.
I have the right to block whoever I want without explanation. However, if you are someone that I have been rping with for a while I would obviously reach out if there was something wrong.
I am open now to RP on discord if this is your preference. (I actually would prefer discord as I've been enjoying it so far)
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flameimpaler · 2 months
flameimpaler rp blog rules
ABSOLUTELY NO IN.CEST. No in.cest or ped.oph.ilia plots. No m.preg or a./b./o. Please TAG these things for me if they appear on your blog so I can content filter them.
No godmodding, infomodding or metagaming. No auto-hitting in fight threads.
Any and all smut will be "fade to black"
I do not accept magic anons at this time
Don't rush me for replies
Don't reblog threads you're not involved in
Folks who write the same muse(s) as me are more than welcome! You have some good taste and I'm of the opinion the more the merrier
Don't force ships.
No means no. So please don't guilt trip me into writing with you and don't force me to write anything I'm uncomfortable with.
Related to the above, Blocking means I don't want you to contact me in any way and I'll consider any attempts of circumventing a block to be harassment.
Please leave your drama, your callouts, etc at the door. Sometimes people can be pretty awful, I get it. But there are ways to deal with that which don't involve harassing people off-site. Please tag your drama and your callouts also so I can blacklist. If however you have a legitimate problem with me or someone I write with, my IMs and askbox are always open - but anything sent on anon with zero evidence whatsoever will merit a hard-block, as will trying to get me to 'pick sides' in drama.
I don't write with non rp blogs/"personals". You're free to follow and like things, but please don't reblog any of my writing unless it's tagged "ok to reblog".
If you are not planning to send in a meme, especially if it's an easy out of character one? Please reblog it from the source, not me. It sucks to reblog a meme and get excited about a notification hoping someone sent it in only to see someone has reblogged it from me without sending anything.
Fandoms I won't rp with for personal reasons are Viv.zie.Pop ones (Haz.bin ho.tel and Hell.uva Boss), muses based on dre.am and other sm.ps, Harr.y Po.tter, and Sou.th Pa.rk, but I have no issue blacklisting character or fandom tags for those if you are a multi.
Basically don't be a dick and you'll be fine.
Glad to tag any and all triggers upon request. I do my best to tag common ones, e.g. gore, torture, abuse, guns.
about me and general preferences
Call me Marker. Any pronouns are ok. I am over 21 and my pronouns are they/them.
I usually don't use icons and write in a para or multipara style
I'm not likely to continue banter style or very short threads because they don't hold my interest
I only share my discord information with mutuals. I'm fine rping there as well.
I also make gifs at the url swordofmoonl1ght.
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pateretfilia · 3 months
Blog Rules
Any smut will be "fade to black"
No magic anons
Don't rush me for replies
Don't reblog threads you're not involved in
Folks who write the same muse(s) as me are more than welcome! You have some good taste and I'm of the opinion the more the merrier
No godmodding, infomodding or metagaming. No auto-hitting in fight threads.
Don't force ships.
No in.cest or ped.oph.ilia plots.
Don't guilt trip me into writing with you and don't force me to write anything I'm uncomfortable with. No means no.
Related to the above, Blocking means I don't want you to contact me in any way and I'll consider any attempts of circumventing a block to be harassment.
Please leave your drama, your callouts, etc at the door. Sometimes people can be pretty awful, I get it. But there are ways to deal with that which don't involve harassing people off-site. Please tag your drama and your callouts also so I can blacklist. If however you have a legitimate problem with me or someone I write with, my IMs and askbox are always open - but anything sent on anon with zero evidence whatsoever will merit a hard-block, as will trying to get me to 'pick sides' in drama.
I don't write with non rp blogs/"personals". You're free to follow and like things, but please don't reblog any of my writing unless it's tagged "ok to reblog".
If you are not planning to send in a meme, especially if it's an easy out of character one? Please reblog it from the source, not me. It sucks to reblog a meme and get excited about a notification hoping someone sent it in only to see someone has reblogged it from me without sending anything.
Fandoms I won't rp with for personal reasons are Viv.zie.Pop ones (Haz.bin ho.tel and Hell.uva Boss), muses based on dre.am and other sm.ps, Harr.y Po.tter, and Sou.th Pa.rk, but I have no issue blacklisting character or fandom tags for those if you are a multi.
Glad to tag any and all triggers upon request. I do my best to tag common ones, e.g. gore, torture, abuse, guns.
Basically don't be a dick and you'll be fine.
About me and general preferences
I am over 21 and my pronouns are they/them.
I usually don't use icons and write in a para or multipara style
I'm not likely to continue banter style or very short threads because they don't hold my interest
I only share my discord information with mutuals. I'm fine rping there as well.
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vanessasweetkisses · 3 months
Forgot to pin the last one so here's another little introduction~
Hello! My name is Vanessa! This is my 2nd attempt at having a horny sideblog because the previous one got nuked. I'm 28, I live in Chile, I'm a trans lesbian and I love you~! 💖
I want to avoid getting nuked a second time, so I won't be reblogging explicit images. I wish I could, but I don't wanna lose contact with my friends again T^T only text and memes here!
That being said, if you wanna see some more explicit stuff DMs are open~ 💖
If you're also trans I'd love to be your friend~! Again, DMs are open, but it doesn't have to lead to anything explicit! I just really love talking to people ^^ if you WANT it to get explicit though, well, I'd like that very much~
If you're lonely I'm here for you~
I may not be on tumblr super often, but if you leave me a little message I'll reply as soon as I can! Thank you for visiting my blog, I love you so much!!! 💓
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I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of. This also applies to my headcanons, but I'm confident that the only people who reblog those are ppl who find it and don't realize this is an RP blog.
I'm lenient about this, but do not reblog art or memes from here, as it clogs up my feed.
Don't poop on the floor
You never know what you're going to get with me. You may get a multipara starter/reply, you may get a few sentences. I don't expect you to match my length, especially if I've written a behemoth of a starter... but I do ask that you try to match my effort. If I'm writing a huge reply and you respond with something that doesn't match the setting or context, (and do this consistently,) I'm more than likely doing to drop threads, and if this keeps happening, I'll just soft block you. Yes I do this for fun, but I put abouts and rules and everything you need to know for a reason, and if you can't be bothered to put in the effort to read it, or properly read my responses, then don't even bother.
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience. If posts don't get trimmed, I'll just have to make the reply and hit that big red X button that deletes everything before my response, so take that as a warning.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer, and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from the rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three strikes your out policy.
Due to this experience, I'm in a very weird place with ships, I currently don't ship Bonnie and I go back and forth as to whether or not I will in the future. You are free to talk about ships with me, but you must must MUST communicate with me!! Even if we have a ship, please communicate with me if you want to change something or break them up, please don't just end it without warning or talking to me first. I'll never force you to ship a ship you don't want, but if you don't warn me first, I will think that you want Bonnie to try and save it.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies.
I like to talk in the DMs!! Please don't think that this is a passive aggressive attempt to get you to reply, as eager as I get, this is a hobby, and I will not rush you intentionally!! Please tell me politely if I make you feel rushed or don't want to talk via dms. (I personally just think that writing is more fun when you know your partners.) That being said, I do not want you feeling like you are responsible for my personal feelings, and vice versa. You are allowed to say no, I am allowed to say no. If you try and guilt trip me, that will count against your three strikes. (And I will warn you dw.)
In addition to this, if you do NOT like communicating via dms, please tell me, and I will stop. If you just ignore me or ghost me, I'm either going to continue to try and reach out, thinking you forgot or didn't get notified, or I'll become intimidated, and think I did something wrong. We're all adults here, we can use our words. You don't have to follow me if you don't want to interact.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
From now on, this blog is run from a separate blog as well as this one in an attempt to distance myself from my toxic ex-friend. Since tumblr thinks this blog is now run from two separate blogs, DMs will not be able to be used from here any more, therefore, all DMs will have to be sent to @twoiesfnafocs. If there is some sort of emergency, and you need to contact me quickly for any reason, you will have to send an ask, even just sending in "hey can you log in, I need to talk to you asap," I will.
If you want to let me know you've read these, go ahead and like it, but it's not required, I use an honor system anyway.
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funtxmequeen · 6 months
I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of. This also applies to my headcanons, but I'm confident that the only people who reblog those are ppl who find it and don't realize this is an RP blog.
I'm lenient about this, but do not reblog art or memes from here, as it clogs up my feed.
Don't poop on the floor
Foxy is transfem. While I do not mind IN CHARACTER transph*bia for the sake of conflict and angst, I have an absolute ZERO TOLERANCE for ACTUAL transphobia. As such, anons who do not make it clear if the transph*bia is real or fake will be ip blocked immediately. (Ideally, send in an emoji of some sort so I can identify you, or if you're a mutual trying to stir up some drama, dm me ahead of time so we're on the same page.) Hate towards me or my muse will not be tolerated whatsoever.
IC transph*bia posts will be tagged "Transphobia," as a catch all, but if I need to make a specific tag, please tell me. I want the drama, but in no way do I want to make this blog unsafe for you. Any actual tr*nsphobic content I receive will not be posted.
If, even after all my efforts, this blog still does not feel safe to you, but you still would like to interact with me (not Foxy), DO NOT SOFT BLOCK ME! Some of you already know this, but this is not my only blog. Instead, please inform me that this blog makes you uncomfortable and you don't want to follow it. I will gladly reach out to you on my hub blog, and direct you to my other fnaf rp blogs. Your safety is more important than our hobby.
You never know what you're going to get with me. You may get a multipara starter/reply, you may get a few sentences. I don't expect you to match my length, especially if I've written a behemoth of a starter... but I do ask that you try to match my effort. If I'm writing a huge reply and you respond with something that doesn't match the setting or context, (and do this consistently,) I'm more than likely doing to drop threads, and if this keeps happening, I'll just soft block you. Yes I do this for fun, but I put abouts and rules and everything you need to know for a reason, and if you can't be bothered to put in the effort to read it, or properly read my responses, then don't even bother.
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience. If posts don't get trimmed, I'll just have to make the reply and hit that big red X button that deletes everything before my response, so take that as a warning.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer, and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from the rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three strikes your out policy.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies.
I like to talk in the DMs!! Please don't think that this is a passive aggressive attempt to get you to reply, as eager as I get, this is a hobby, and I will not rush you intentionally!! Please tell me politely if I make you feel rushed or don't want to talk via dms. (I personally just think that writing is more fun when you know your partners.) That being said, I do not want you feeling like you are responsible for my personal feelings, and vice versa. You are allowed to say no, I am allowed to say no. If you try and guilt trip me, that will count against your three strikes. (And I will warn you dw.)
In addition to this, if you do NOT like communicating via dms, please tell me, and I will stop. If you just ignore me or ghost me, I'm either going to continue to try and reach out, thinking you forgot or didn't get notified, or I'll become intimidated, and think I did something wrong. We're all adults here, we can use our words. You don't have to follow me if you don't want to interact.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
If you want to let me know you've read these, go ahead and like it, but it's not required, I use an honor system anyway.
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ccaptain · 6 months
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NAME: sam!! i also respond to zack c:
PRONOUNS: she/her, they/them!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: if you don't have my discord, IMs will do until i give it out! i definitely prefer discord over anything else. 
NAME OF MUSE(s): Kaeya!!!!! i grab this scrunkly man and throw him against a WALL. i also have wriothesley over at @wwriothesley, alhaitham over at @aaleaqlania and sampo at @ddazzlingblds c: i'm generally more active on Kaeya and Wrio!
BEST EXPERIENCE: COMING BACK TO THE PARA RP COMMUNITY, and specifically the genshin one, WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE I EVER HAD. i made so many friends, i finally felt relaxed in catching things up if i had to step away for a middle day nap, and my writing style improved so much......... i feel at peace now tbh. loving it here in my little zone 
- i have seen Some Shit in my years and there's not a single manipulation technique, façade of wholesomeness or trick  that i haven't seen or that i don't recognize. trying to manipulate me into ANYTHING is the fastest dealbreaker known to man, and it won't work to boot. i'm tired, man. just let me roleplay in peace
- i despise the Harem Setting and no, you cannot romance my Kaeya to drag him into your little enclosure of other Kaeyas because i will actively ignore your attempts at interacting with me if i sniff that this is your endgoal. i will also not be sorry about it. it's in my rules that i an highly uncomfortable with it. i will never change my stance against it.
- my worst pet peeve is when i don't wake up with caps-locked headcanons about our muses from my shipping partners sent at 5AM- no seriously, i think that's all, it's just the two things above that i haven't talked about. or talked about enough in the second one's case-
MUSE PREFERENCES: completely insane muses who don't operate without a known logic, but also muses who hide their pain behind a friendly smile and would go to great lenghts for their loved ones. muses who have suffered beyond their threshold and still take it. muses who had an horrible past and now they're more well-adjusted and even a little bit goofy. muses that- *i am sniped from the closest building*
PLOTS OR MEMES: i want to say both but,,,,, memes are so quick, while plotting can take up a lot of energy that i don't have,,,,, yes i'll go with memes
BEST TIME TO WRITE: after dinner when i am full of food and full of ideas c:
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): kind of? if i had to pick one i'd have to say that i resonate with Wriothesley a bit more? thanks to my mental illness i went through Some Shit but now i'm steadily getting better. i feel like it influences my portrayal and makes me understand how he feels much better? if that makes sense?
tagged by: @resolutepath MWA tagging: @predvestnik and anyone who wants to yoinks this i am enabling you
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queenharumiura · 10 months
name — Neo and on some other blogs An-chan
pronouns— She/her
preferred comms — I get webhooks alerts to replies and asks, and tumblr very rarely alerts me to ims, but it is available to those who prefer communications via tumblr. Discord is the most reliable.
name of muse — Haru Miura on this blog and many more that i'm too lazy to list out on other blogs.
experience in RP — Around 16 years I think. Crazy as it is, I started out on Quizilla when you used to be able to message people. Then I moved to a proboards site when a friend invited me to join one she created. Was there for a long time. Dabbled a bit in RP'ing with a group on DeviantArt. Did a bit of skype rp from there. Then I moved to tumblr rp. I may have attempted to dabble in discord RP and ye- it's not exactly for me, but I can do it. I hate feeling limited though.
best experiences— Any iteration of: "You know, you made me change my mind on how I see Haru." Truly, the biggest serotonin boost I'd ever need in life. This is my goal in life. What I aspire to do with my writing. Not RP, but I got a Haru hater to like Haru after reading a few of my fics years back. You thought you were going to hate read and give hate? Jokes on you, I OPENED YOUR EYES.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — If you've reposted fanart without credit nor permission and i've talked to you about it and you dismissed my concerns about reposting fanart, i'll instantly block you. It's in my rules for a reason. Tho- I suppose that's just breaking my rules so maybe it doesn't count as a dealbreaker?
Not necessarily a peeve but more of a turn off, but I really don't like it when someone has the repeat energy of 'No one would want to rp with me, I don't see why I bother,' 'Did anyone miss me? No? Okay' etc. It probably sounds petty of me, but I don't like it. It dismisses the efforts of those who have been trying to connect to you, and I come onto tumblr to have fun, so I don't want to come here and feel bogged down. The energy actually disheartens me and brings my own mood down because I end up sympathizing with them too much. For the sake of my own mentality, I end up distancing myself.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I enjoy fluff and angst a lot. Smut... depends... on the muse... and relationships... and how comfortable I am with the mun. I'm big shy in general so it can take time to warm me up to talking about smut in regards to muses. Once I'm used to talking to you about it and i'm comfortable with you, i'm pretty open about it. Truly, I'm big on troll humor though, so crack humor kinda threads really have my heart. If you wanna talk smut with me, you gotta be the one to bring it up because 99.5% of the time, it won't be me bringing it up first.
IF we aren't shipping, then you better hope one day I even reblog a risque meme for you to inquire about it. I'm a lil wary about talking about it to begin with.
plot or memes — Plots, as some of us know that i'm not very keen on memes as my relationship with the inbox is not positive. Still working on it though, one blog at a time. Memes are fun when i'm in the mood for them. This goes for reblogging them or sending in to people.
long or short replies — Both are fine with me, and both are great in their own right. Long ones are nice as they give you a lot to explore but it also takes a while to reply to and it can tire me out. Short threads are short and simple. They're nice, and then you get me being suddenly inspired and whoops- suddenly it's a long thread. (short replies = 3 paragraphs in my mind).
best time to write — I'm finding myself to be more active in the night hours, so the PMs. I do tend to be high inspiration in the AMs, but i'm usually at work or low energy. So that's when I spend the time thinking of what i'll write and then stow those ideas for when I do have the energy.
are you like your muse?: I've been told that I'm very much like Haru, and it's mostly in some habits, i'd say. Haru is a way better human than I am. Fit for life. I, a dehydrated prune is not fit for life. We both share our troll heart, our tendency for conspiracy thoughts, dramatics, speaking in third person and such. Basically, consider me the unhealthy introvert AU for Haru.
Tagged by: @ryuusake
Tagging: I don't tag
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twoiesfnafocs · 11 months
I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of. This also applies to my headcanons.
I'm lenient about this, but do not reblog art or memes from here, as it clogs up my feed.
Don't poop on the floor
You never know what you're going to get with me. You may get a multipara starter/reply, you may get a few sentences. I don't expect you to match my length, especially if I've written a behemoth of a starter... but I do ask that you try to match my effort. If I'm writing a huge reply and you respond with something that doesn't match the setting or context, (and do this consistently,) I'm more than likely going to drop threads, and if this keeps happening, I'll just soft block you. Yes I do this for fun, but I put abouts and rules and everything you need to know for a reason, and if you can't be bothered to put in the effort to read it, or properly read my responses, then don't even bother.
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine-tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience. If posts don't get trimmed, I'll just have to make the reply and hit that big red X button that deletes everything before my response, so take that as a warning.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from this rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three-strikes-your-out policy.
Speaking of boundaries, this blog in particular deals with themes of child abuse, racism, and possibly more dark themes. I will tag as needed, but I may also forget, so if you are easily triggered by this stuff, do not follow this specific blog. I can also be found at @reactivatedrockstar, but I can only be dmed here.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies unless it's been a few days. Maybe a notif bugged out, or maybe I thought I replied but didn't. General rule of thumb, if it's been less than a day, then don't pester me.
I like to talk in the DMs!! Please don't think that this is a passive-aggressive attempt to get you to reply, as eager as I get, this is a hobby, and I will not rush you intentionally!! Please tell me politely if I make you feel rushed or don't want to talk via dms. (I personally just think that writing is more fun when you know your partners.) That being said, I do not want you feeling like you are responsible for my personal feelings, and vice versa. You are allowed to say no, I am allowed to say no. If you try and guilt trip me, that will count against your three strikes. (And I will warn you dw.)
In addition to this, if you do NOT like communicating via dms, please tell me, and I will stop. If you just ignore me or ghost me, I'm either going to continue to try and reach out, thinking you forgot or didn't get notified, or I'll become intimidated, and think I did something wrong. We're all adults here, we can use our words. You don't have to follow me if you don't want to interact.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
If you want to let me know you've read these, go ahead and like it, but it's not required, I use an honor system anyway.
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darkweirdroad · 23 days
Blog Rules
This blog is mutuals-only for rp threads. Anyone can send asks; however, I may likewise choose not to answer any ask for any reason, especially from non-mutuals.
Don't guilt trip me into becoming mutuals with you or writing with you and don't force me to write anything I'm uncomfortable with. No means no.
I won't be writing smut on this blog, so please don't ask for it.
If your blog is dedicated to your specific fetish, or you use minor characters to rp your fetish (yes, even if it is nonsexual) please do not follow or interact. You will be blocked.
Don't rush me for replies
Don't reblog threads you're not involved in
Folks who write the same muse(s) as me are more than welcome! You have some good taste and I'm of the opinion the more the merrier
No godmodding, infomodding or metagaming. No auto-hitting in fight threads.
Don't force ships.
No in.cest or ped.oph.ilia plots.
I don't write with non rp blogs/"personals". You're free to follow and like things, but please don't reblog any of my writing unless it's tagged "ok to reblog". If your rp blog is a sideblog please let me know.
If you are not planning to send in a meme, especially if it's an easy out of character one? Please reblog it from the source, not me. It sucks to reblog a meme and get excited about a notification hoping someone sent it in only to see someone has reblogged it from me without sending anything.
Fandoms I won't rp with for personal reasons are Viv.zie.Pop ones (Haz.bin ho.tel and Hell.uva Boss), muses based on dre.am and other sm.ps, Harr.y Po.tter, and Sou.th Pa.rk, but I have no issue blacklisting character or fandom tags for those if you are a multi. I also don't feel comfortable rping with historical figures living or dead, or with real life people muses ("rpf"), and I won't rp with muses that are deities currently held sacred (Bud.dha, Je.sus Chr.ist, Abr.ahamic Go.d). Demons, angels, or mythological figures are OK and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Glad to tag any and all triggers upon request. I do my best to tag common ones.
I will not follow or will unfollow rp blogs that also post things that have absolutely nothing to do with rp and no way to filter them out. Nothing against you, but this is my rp dash, so I want to cultivate it as such.
If have a legitimate problem with me or someone I write with, my IMs and askbox are always open - but anything sent on anon with zero evidence whatsoever will merit a hard-block. I'm not here to entertain that and I know how nasty the rumor mill can get.
Related to the above, me hard-blocking means I don't want you to contact me in any way and I'll consider any attempts of circumventing a block to be harassment. I can be liberal with the block button and it doesn't necessarily mean I hate you — I'm just curating my space.
If I ever say or do anything to upset you or that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me! I want this to be a safe space for me and you. Sometimes I'm not the best at picking up on unspoken cues, especially online, and I would hate for someone to be upset and let that fester. I won't be angry when you set your boundaries or tell me what you need different, I promise.
Basically don't be a dick and you'll be fine.
I only share my discord information with mutuals. I'm fine rping there as well.
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goomarchaeologist · 3 months
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Muse Info, RP Rules, and Mun Info:
About the Muse
Goombella is a junior at U Goom, a university at which she studies archaeology under Professor Frankly. In her junior year, she goes to Rogueport, where she meets some unseemly chaarcters — and Mario, whom she accompanies on an adventure.
Sassy, blunt, and passionate, she'll protect her friends or fall trying.
I headcanon Goombella as a lesbian and if that makes you mad then there's the door.
Also for the record I have no problem writing Goombella where Everything Is The Same But She's a Human. Verses page tbd maybe.
RP Blog Rules:
I won't be writing smut on this blog, so please don't ask for it.
At this time, I don't take magic anons
Don't rush me for replies. I have a life outside of od rp stuff.
Don't reblog threads you're not involved in.
Folks who write the same muse(s) as me are more than welcome! You have some good taste and I'm of the opinion the more the merrier.
No godmodding, infomodding or metagaming. No auto-hitting in fight threads.
Don't force ships.
No in.cest or ped.oph.ilia plots.
Don't guilt trip me into writing with you and don't force me to write anything I'm uncomfortable with. No means no.
I don't write with non rp blogs/"personals". You're free to follow and like things, but please don't reblog any of my writing unless it's tagged "ok to reblog". If your rp blog is a sideblog please let me know.
If you are not planning to send in a meme, especially if it's an easy out of character one? Please reblog it from the source, not me. It sucks to reblog a meme and get excited about a notification hoping someone sent it in only to see someone has reblogged it from me without sending anything.
Fandoms I won't rp with for personal reasons are Viv.zie.Pop ones (Haz.bin ho.tel and Hell.uva Boss), muses based on dre.am and other sm.ps, Harr.y Po.tter, and Sou.th Pa.rk, but I have no issue blacklisting character or fandom tags for those if you are a multi. I also don't feel comfortable rping with historical figures living or dead, or with real life people muses ("rpf"), and I won't rp with muses that are deities currently held sacred (Bud.dha, Je.sus Chr.ist, Abr.ahamic Go.d). Demons, angels, or mythological figures are OK and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Glad to tag any and all triggers upon request. I do my best to tag common ones.
Please leave your drama, your callouts, etc at the door. Sometimes people can be pretty awful, I get it. But there are ways to deal with that which don't involve harassing people off-site. Please tag your drama and your callouts also so I can blacklist. If however you have a legitimate problem with me or someone I write with, my IMs and askbox are always open - but anything sent on anon with zero evidence whatsoever will merit a hard-block, as will trying to get me to 'pick sides' in drama.
Related to the above, Blocking means I don't want you to contact me in any way and I'll consider any attempts of circumventing a block to be harassment.
Basically don't be a dick and you'll be fine.
I only share my discord information with mutuals. I'm fine rping there as well.
Mun info: Marker / over 25 / she/any pronouns
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sentofight · 7 months
ooc. watching 'mouse' a kdrama and boy it activates date and saito's shenanigans. if u haven't watched it do it. im at ep8. also they dropped the 'i forgot you because had brain surgery but hey its slowly coming back to me that you are an important person in my life' plot at me and im like ..yo... im weak. i want that for a thread sobs. i want a lot but will i ever reply? who knows. anyway, no energy to continue the thread list so i wont force myself to perfect it and just focus on ...replying??? or attempt to. yeah. i'll get some asks maybe reblog more memes because hi new people. i dont bite. its free real estate here.
0 notes
Its time for a probrably wrong union X theory!
Welcome to my first ever attempt at a theory.yall are here to watch ne be wrong. Lmoa.
Union X is coming to an end and its time share with you my big end game theories connecting the dots of kingdom hearts 3 and Re:Mind to Union X. And that is by using some solid evidence from the games and from the light novels. Yes. I'm going there.
This first bit is to do with the idea that Vanitas is the Darkness that possessed Ven in Union X. Now, this could easily be disproven right? Well I think I can actually bring validity to it.
Fist there's the obvious evidence that Vanitas claims that "what I am is Darkness" in Kingdom Hearts 3 and hes been a part of Ven longer than he thinks, he was only extracted is something he mentioned in Re:Mind. This can be written off by him being all the pure darkness in Vens heart, but could be taken as him being the entity darkness.
Ok. So, remember how I said I would talk about the light novels? Well, in said light novels, Vanitas is said to originally have no face/true corporeal form, having the form more like dark Rikus outfit thing, but thanks to Sora touching Vens heart, he gained a more humanish form.
Well.... darkness in Union X...
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uhhhh....They have... no form. Just a cloud of purple and black with a figure resemblent of a human form in the center, if you look closely.
And if it were extracted from Vens heart by Xehanort to make Vanitas, that means darkness returns to lay within Ven dormant after the Union leaders defeat it, even when he travels to the time of Birth by Sleep! That or it has left remnents of itself within him to ensure darkness will follow into the future. Either way, it or part of it was in Ven until Xehanort took it away along with the natural darkness of his heart.
But if that's the case, then that would mean Vanitas wasn't technically a part of Ventus, but had resided there so long that that's what he believed. Because memories are stripped when they time travel. Does that effect darkness? Making it thinks its always been Vens darkness and Vens Darkness alone all this time.
Now for things to get a bit wonkey
There's still a big question lurking. What the hell is up with Dark inferno X? (chi pronounced key) its picture is below.
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The bio from Re:Mind states "The darkness that erupted out of Ventus's heart and turned into an aggressive heartless. But the voice that was heard at the time intimated that it was "darkness" itself. What did that mean..."
Well, let's not forget the basic rule of the Kingdom hearts universe. If your heart is lost or Overcome by darkness it becomes a heartless. 
Xehanorts heartless, Ansem, possessed Riku in Kingdom hearts 1 when it became a weak heart like spirit... who's to say other heartless who are strong enough can't do the same thing? And the design... who is one person with similar attributes like... a scarf, that Ventus at least encountered or knew?
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Quick point I'll refer to later, but remember, we see Ephemer help Sora with the light of the past later on in kingdom hearts 3. The keyblades all come to life with the hearts of the fallen weilders and stuff and Sora surfs them because video game. Now, this bit is a little confusing. What was Ephemer doing in the white void? Was that a ghostly form of his nobody or something? An appiration? Just his ghost? The moment he arrived in the future?
Well, the moment of him arriving can be crossed of I think. Where did he go if that were the case? Ephemer appearing in that moment does throw a spaner in the world, but I might be able to pull it out and fix the theory prediction.
My theory for this part is that the Ephemer we see in KH3... is Ephemers nobody in a ghost like form waiting for his heartless, Dark Inferno X.
His heartless must of found a way to hide or travel through time and went to hide within Ven's heart like Ansem did to Riku, but it has to be after Vanitas was removed. Otherwise, Dark inferno X would of been extracted by Xehanort too. The entity of darkness or its remnents, however, was with Ven when he travelled through time.
I think the best answer is Ephemers nobody died in the travel or after, is now a spirit, and helped the heroes of light. He's just waiting for his heartless to be destroyed so he can return as his somebody. And now that Sora has defeated it... who's to say we won't see him soon.
Oh and I think the secret Dark Inferno X boss in 3 was just a test for the remind one and went through a minor design change. Image comparison below, pictures from Google.
Kh3 Re:Mind
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The unversed floods did the same thing between birth by sleep, bbs final mix and 3 after all going blue to purple and back to blue (I like them purple).
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I really don't want to believe that it was Strelitzias heartless and that she might be able to return. I'd rather her remain a permanent death like the keyblade wilders of Union X, Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort. Its nice having a concept of death in Kingdom Hearts.
Where was I? Oh yes. I think Dark inferno X is Ephemers Heartless.
Now for one more problem. How Dark inferno X got to Ventus.
From what I see, it has 2 routes.
1: use the Ark and escape into the future. This leaves only a broken pod in the Union X time so Blain can not join the other leaders. Ephemer just has to wait. The only problem here is how Dark inferno X located Ven and got into castle oblivion without a hitch. Though I guess it did have 10 years to look.
2: hide in someone's keyblade. We've seen hearts contained by keyblades so I don't see why it can't happen again. A curse to the masters defender. I think it atratches its heart to the keyblade and thats how it escaped into Ven. When Aqua left him in Castle oblivion, the heartless snook away and hid within him, waiting for Vens heart to arrive so it could hide better and we could get the scene in Remind.
Either way, thats where Ephemers heartless would reside until it was reawakened.
So, to summarise what we've discussed into a timeline.
The Union leaders battle and defeat Darkness. Maybe temporarily, maybe for good. We don't know until its too late. It probably starts talking about some cryptic stuff, quoting things yet to be heard, who knows. This is where I believe Darkness overtakes Ephemer and turns his heart into dark inferno X (hence why it introduced itself to Sora as Darkness in Re:Mind. In a panic, Skuld and Blaine probably carry their unconscious friends out and flee to the ark, the time travel pods, darknesses remnants inside Ventus's heart and stays dormant until they are brought out. After waking the other 2 up and healing them Skuld, Lauriam and Ven go though the Ark pods, possibly joined by Elrena, and Blaine then stays behind and searches for Ephemers nobody. Hoping to reunite and reconnect the dark inferno X to Ephemer. 
Dark inferno X then hides away or travels to the future. I mean, I don't expect it to fit in the ark pods, but it might hide away in there or something. If it does then heres the first scenario.
There is one broken pod left. Blaine does his best to fix it, but its not safe enough so Ephemers nobody dies going through and it ends up as a spirit thing, waiting and searching for its heartless. Oh! And Blaine doesn't figure out how to properly build the things so he decides to remain in this time.
Dark inferno X then searches attaches to Ven to hide away.
The other scenario is it hides away in masters defender and slips by then. Blain sends Ephemer through, but since he's a nobody, things don't go smoothly and Ephemers Nobody probably dies in travel.
The generations pass and everything happens.
Dark inferno X is defeated by Sora.
The end game is coning.
And that's it. That's the whole theory. Here's to hope the Union leaders come out on top in the Union X finale, Sora is saved in the next game and Ven finally gets therapy once he recovers these memories. Actually let's order therapy for everyone! 
Also speaking of Ven, Nomura, if you hurt my boy again, I'm gonna punch you.
Theres a reason I made this cringy meme! (art of Ventus by me its one of my older arts of him)
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Phoenix out!
(Ps: reply or reblog with inaccuracies)
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