#i'll be back to my non-problematic self soon
ihopesocomic · 7 months
What are some scraped ideas that you had for the IHS comic?
Here be a list:
Carnelian was originally planned to originate from an order of warrior lion mercenaries named after types of weaponry. They were located in an area of the map known as Acacia Grove (which was roughly in the empty territory between the Thundering Mountains and the Kingblessed Coast). We wrote it out because it seemed like a ton of wasted potential. I'm reusing the idea for one of my IHS OCs though.
A couple of things we had planned but changed due to critique from readers include: Hope opting to choose to disown her parents vs. being exiled and Diamond being non-binary trans masc as opposed to a trans lioness. The latter was back when we had them and Wind as our only canon trans characters and yep, we were in danger of falling into stereotyping so kudos to that anon who very kindly pointed it out for us.
Hopeful was originally going to have a broken back leg vs. an undeveloped limb. We changed this so that her disability would not feel like a tragedy hanging over her like it does with Nothing and somewhat switched this circumstance over to Bronze instead, showing that - despite the loss of his limb - he is still capable of carrying out the duties handed down to him but with assistance and accommodation from the other tunnel guards.
We were originally gonna use wc-style names similar to My Pride but that got dropped almost immediately because we wanted to make it easier for prides to be told apart.
We originally were gonna have a tigress character who the girls were going to meet and converse with, to highlight how tigers are critically endangered and how such a thing leads their culture of depending on the self vs. folklore heroes. Unfortunately, we couldn't verify if the South African reserves that house these tigers are managed ethically and we didn't want to promote anything problematic. Thus, she was replaced by a pair of cheetahs instead.
Daffodil was originally a lot older and a minion of Rose's. They were replaced by Heather and made into a reincarnation of Quiet.
We wanted to do a side comic for Careful but soon realised we would not have time for this. It's probable I'll dedicate a written story to her in the future however.
Fade was originally planned to be killed accidentally by Storm.
Diamond was originally going to be a deaf lion known as Zoisite. We changed this due to feeling that we would be unable to properly portray deafness in comic form. Zoisite as a name was retained for Amber's aunt, however.
Zircon was originally known as Topaz. - RJ
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fairyshuuu · 4 years
watch out: splash zone
Okay rant time.
I’m gonna sound like a right fucking ass but atm i truly don’t care because I’m tired, fed up and if I don’t say it now I’ll probably keep going down this road for another few months without complaining until I get so fed up I up and dip without a word. I don’t like complaining about the lack of feedback. I really don’t. It’s annoying for me as well as for you guys and though I don’t care about a lot of things deeply, I don’t really want to show up on yalls dash to nag.
But I’m really fucking frustrated. Some of you might follow my blog for the things I reblog, in which case I can’t say too much about that, but I think the large majority is here for the content I create. I love writing. I adore it, I love sharing it, love hearing feedback and making people happy or sad with something I did. It’s one of the few things I feel proud to say I’ve grown at over the years; so much so that there’s people who follow me for it! That’s amazing.
I am unbelievably thankful for every person who does leave a reblog, a message, an ask or a post, it might not sound like it since I’m bitching but I truly from the bottom of my heart am so thankful for those who took some time out of their day for me. But you have no clue how fucking disheartening it is to spend hours on something and having it flop completely. And when I say completely:  I have 3300 followers and my latest piece gets 6 notes. That is not 10% of my audience, not even 1%. It’s 0.18% of my audience who apparently can be bothered to click a heart button.
Tumblr doesn’t allow you to see how many people clicked on your post. There might have been 300 people who read it and just didn’t like, reblog, comment etc. but I don’t know that. I can’t know that. It’s the same with my more popular posts too. I’d say Wild valley is one of the most loved-on series on my blog. People send me messages about it, ask how it’s going, and I feel like it’s so loved. Which is great!! The first part has 457 notes, what a stupid big number. But then the next only gets 170, and then 120, then barely 80. Can you see how that is discouraging as a writer?
Also, Wild Valley is officially my most reblogged series ever. In numbers, the first chapter got 40 reblogs! 40 reblogs out of 457 notes... out of 3300 followers. A bunch of them are my own reblogs in hopes of sharing the thing around, and a lot of them are of my amazing friends who are the most supportive, lovely beings in the world. I know you’ve heard this a million times because writers are always saying it but that writers are always saying it, over and over and over, might mean something. Likes don’t mean anything on tumblr. It doesn’t do anything. It allows you to keep it in your likes, sitting there, doing nothing.
You can read it again if you want. That’s it. Reblogs give people more space on the site, allow them to be seen by others. It’s the only thing that gives creators exposure. That is why we’re always fucking begging for reblogs. Please, please please please reblog things of content creators so that they might be seen by others. Reading something and not liking it, dick move but at the end of the day I can’t see you anyway so why should I care, right? Getting likes is such a nice thing at first because it means that people are enjoying it, but your hard work still disappears into the void.
Me not posting my writing on here anymore won’t effect me that much. I’ll still be writing. I could focus my efforts on things that could better me financially. Could write personal commissions and put everything behind a paywall. I’d still be don’t what I love and I’d get money for it. But I never considered doing that because I wanted to share my work, for free, with like minded people who’d enjoy it. So if you enjoy it, then show people that you enjoy it. Reblog their things, share it around. What good is a piece if it’s pushed in the far corners of your mile-long ‘liked’ tag?
This isn’t meant to be a beg for attention. I don’t suddenly want a surge in notes in an attempts to soothe me or some shit. I want you all to sit with this and realize that it really, really means something. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about numbers in any other circumstance. But I don’t appreciate the blatant -I’m genuinely sorry to people who’ve been here supporting me, you know who you are and I love you for dear life- leeching happening on my blog and many of my friend’s blogs.
If the writer-reader mentality on this site doesn’t change, I am going to leave. That’s not a threat or smt, it’s just the truth. I don’t spend hours working on something I’m so excited about for it to get 6 notes. And if I go I’m taking my shit with me, so that’s that.
I would be sorry for sounding like a total bitch whale but in all honesty, it’s been a long time coming so
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inkblot-skyz · 3 years
mARTch, Week 1: Meet the Artist, Day 3: Inspirations
Okay, today's gonna be a text-post because I'm not sure how to format it in an art piece.
If you hadn't noticed, I'm very much into both Undertale and Your Boyfriend (I've said it before and I'll say it again, Minors DNI with the fandom and/or game, it's strictly 18+ with its NSFW and horror themes. Don't care if you "can handle it," just. Don't, thanks, for your own good).
Like, a lot. Undertale's been my ultimate hyperfixation since I was 13; about a year after it was released, in fact, so I've seen a lot of the fandom's growth, decline, then growth again when Deltarune was released. Your Boyfriend is understandably newer (I only turned 18 last October, and couldn't interact with the fandom when I first found it because I was a month early, but I miraculously remembered when the time came), and, heck, it could fade at any point. But both media have helped with my artstyle a ton.
I'll talk about Undertale's influences on my art first, since it came first.
I first found Undertale through Aphmau back in the Summer of 2016 (yawn, Aphmau, I know, I was that kid), but it wasn't until the end of the year where it properly kicked off. I watched a couple lets plays after remembering it in passing, and I was hooked. Undertale's the reason I wanted to draw digitally, mostly for the spriting aspect. It also affected my art in a non-visual way; its writing and plot has honestly encouraged me to pick up a pen or pencil and just write the most out of anything. I wanted to make a game because of Undertale, a project that I admittedly made no progress on, but I often find myself blowing the cobwebs off of it and updating with new lore and the like every so often.
Then, I found the fandom, which is admittedly the biggest part of why I've stayed so long.
I was a sans fangirl. I'll hold my hands up and say it without a lick of shame, because I was a dumb obsessive kid (who admittedly turned into a dumb obsessive adult, but at least I'm now self aware lmao). I will say I wasn't as bad as a large majority of the others at the time (I didn't understand the infighting because, cmon, guys, it's a fictional character, you can't claim ownership over him...I wonder if this was an early sign of my polyamory but probably not lmao), but it was...Something that happened.
That honestly didn't last long because after that I found the AUs and, yeah, I simped over Ink and Error for a while (albeit a very fanon version of them but it was 2017, everyone wrote them like that), realised they were cute together and voila, Sans x Sans shipping happened. I mention this not because it's a curse I can't rid of myself (which it is, don't get me wrong, but it's an enjoyable one), but it's crucial because:
As soon as I found Errink, almost immediately after I found TheGreatRogue. Yeah, that Rogue.
Their artstyle, and I hate to say it, completely shaped my own, even if it was Very Bad in comparison. This was before NaJ AU was a thing and a lot of their problematic content was a thing, but it was around the time Vampverse was being conceptualised iirc??
Basically, I slowly amalgamated Rogue's art style into my own.
Then it evolved into other creators' art styles being mimicked in my own. Tiny_Inky_Sans on Instagram and Comyet come to mind, the latter being especially influential when Ink's redesign came about. And I guess over time it's evolved into my own thing?
And, ok, it's important to note that I'm a huge anime fan (this is important!), because that used to influence my style a lot. Heck, it probably still does, hair wise. But I used to draw human characters with HUGE anime/manga eyes. Hell, have an example from last year!
Tumblr media
It's not terrible, but it's not the best either. There's worse of mine out there.
But here's where Your Boyfriend comes into play.
So, here's the scene. It's August. I'd just finished Yoosung's route on Mystic Messenger earlier in the week and, because I don't have enough of the in game currency to do his post-game story, I feel kinda empty inside. I'd play Pokemon but I'd just end up beating the League again and feeling worse, because I hate when I finish a piece of media I enjoy. So, I go onto YouTube, hopefully to watch some old Vine compilation.
That's when I stumble upon ManlyBadassHero's latest upload: a playthrough of the first Day of some dating game, which probably has horror elements because that's MBH's thing idk. Bored, with nothing else to do, I decide to check it out, because the name of the game rings a bell (I accidentally reblogged a piece of art to Mul71v3r53 earlier in the year without knowing what it was).
And oh boy.
I was hooked again.
I checked some stuff out online after the video was over, and to my dismay it's strictly 18+. That was understandable, it's obvious from the get go that the antagonist is creepy. So I waited a couple months, hoping my memory would be ok, and surprisingly it was for once.
And so, I did more digging into the fandom and the rest is history.
As I said yesterday, it did inadvertently remove ears from all my drawings, but ears are overrated (floating earrings are funny to draw lmao)
And uh, yeah, I think I've mentioned everything?
This is probably a mess, blame my brain,
and yayyyy Day 3 is done byebye see you tomorrow
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0chexmix0 · 3 years
Hello!! Bout time I make a semi intro lol, so here is a small get to know me!!
I'm Chex, but y'all can also call me Jester! I am 17 years old, but will be 18 in a couple of months!
I consider myself an artist, though I have not actually drawn somethin in a while lmao. I also like the play video games and write occasionally! I also cosplay but I don't think I'll be showing off any of my personal stuff on here anytime soon due to being underage and also just self conscious lol
I am a lesbian (atleast I'm p sure!!) and speculating being on the ace spectrum (kinda ironic considering I have kinks, but this is where it starts getting uncomfortable to talk about openly especially considering I'm a minor so I don't really wish to disclose WHY I think I am)
Since this acc is for kink and NSFW shit (and one of my kinks is snez), I'll mention that I usually prefer women sneezing wavs n stuff, though occasionally male sneezes are alright? Idk lol I think it's just the comphet subconsciously trying to attach any sneeze it here's to "this characters sneeze would sound like this!!!" Lmao idk
I like Ho/mes/tuc/k, Dan/ganr/on/pa, SG/T Fr/og, and a few other things (I promise I'm not a problematic tiktok child pls I've been stalkin SFF and Snzblr for a few years now and try to do actual analysis n research of and on characters n plot stories n all that--)
Im not the most active on this acc cause I have a job n have actually finally started hanging out with friends more, but I do try my best!!! I prob won't post much but I'll try to interact a bit!
Uhhh I like making friends? Don't be shy to message me or somethin!! Im a bit new to actually interacting community n all so I'm not sure how to like comfortably hold a conversation (that part isn't exactly new tbh lmao) so if I seem a bit rigid in conversation or iffy pls know I'm trying!!! I'm not used to just talkin bout this stuff lmao.
If anyone wants to roleplay I may be down. Ive been having a huge writers block recently n have some other non-kink rps to respond too but I really wanna get back into it and keep practicing in character writing and not just ocs!! (I do semi-lit to novella if anyone wishes to know lol)
My discord is 🕸️ChexMix💮#0871
I'm always open to talk, though I'm usually more comfy talkin to people around my own age ya know? It gets a bit awkward if you get really into talking about this stuff with someone older than ya lol
I'm one of those people who likes hearing people sneeze n stuff but I'm uncomfy sneezing myself n all. Idk if it's weird or hypocritical but that's my personal preference buuut if anyone wants to talk on discord or Tumblr bout sneezing and maybe do a call I may draw ya somethin if I have the time and motivation in return instead of sneezing 030 (I need to redownload KIK I don't have it anymore since it's got such bad shit round it lmao)
IIIIII think this is all for now I think??? Idk buuut I guess here is the end of my intro!! I hope to be able to finally make friends round my age who I can actually talk to and all that stuff!! Have a great day / night everyone!!!! :DD
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