#now get ready for bitch whales
zorosleftshoe · 2 years
Fat, Funny, Friend - (c.b)
Pairing: Colby Brock x plussize!fem!reader
Warnings: Body dismorphia, self hate
Summary: Colby has always dated skinny women, sometimes you just need a little reassurance
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Disgusts. Rage. Guilt. All feelings I became overwhelmed with as I looked at how the dress hugged every curve, every roll, that the glittery black dress outlined as if putting it on display. Instinctively, I tugged at the tight fitting fabric in an attempt to loosen it from my skin but it didn’t budge. A heavy sigh rolled off my tongue as I shrunk in defeat. A light knock on the door ripped me from my thoughts and away from the sad girl staring back at me from the mirror.
“Are you ready, darling?” Colby asked peaking his head into the room to respect my privacy as much as he could. “I don’t want to rush you.” I shook my head frantically and swallowed down the negative words that threatened to spill from my lipstick stained lips.
“Let’s go before I change my mind again.” His eyebrows furrowed together in worry but he obliged by sticking out his elbow and waiting for me to clasp my hand around it. With one last unforgiving look, I glanced back towards the mirror and watched as our two silhouettes mocked me. “Maybe I should stay home.” The suggestion fell on deaf ears as Colby had already gone into business mode with his eyes fixated on the two men in front of us.
“Sam!” Colby used his free hand to give Sam a half hug before looking to the brunette next to him. “Nate! So good to see you guys. Thanks for meeting us here. It just makes sense to ride together, no?” The two men nodded in agreement before I caught Sam’s gaze.
“Are you sure you want to wear that?” He asked referring to the strapless dress that clung tightly to my chest making it nearly impossible to breath and my heart began to hammer in my chest at the question. My eyes darted around the room as I frantically thought of an answer to his question. ‘What’ fell from my lips before I could form a coherent thought. “It’s cold outside. Are you sure you want to wear that? At least wear a jacket. We don’t want you getting sick!” I inhale deeply at the realization and happily accept his hug as he takes two steps forward.
“What’s up, bitches?” My heart drops at her voice. As if on cue, Amber walks into the room dressed in a gorgeous floor length gown. The baby pink mixed with a sharp gold that leaves you breathless. “Hi, Sam.” Her eyes lock onto Colby and I can’t help but hold my breath. “Colby.” Amber was a goddess. Someone who could walk into a room and catch the eye of everyone in it. I knew if it came down to Colby choosing between us I would never be his first choice. Honestly, I feared I wasn’t even on the roster.
It was no secret that before Colby and I met he had exclusively dated thin women. Of course, there was nothing wrong with that. Every body is beautiful and that is something I have always stood behind. Especially when the world isn’t always kind to women who look like me. The second we had gone public comments came flooding in by the handful. I had never seen so many whale comments in my life. High school hadn’t even been that bad and that was a horrid experience.
“You okay?” I nod but I can tell Colby isn’t satisfied with my answer. “We can table it for now but I want to talk about it later.” He presses a gentle kiss to my temple before stepping away to entertain Amber in a quick conversation. Sam noticed my uneasiness and tapped my shoulder.
“They’re just friends.” I nodded in response but failed to swallow down the bubbling fear of Colby leaving. “I’ve never seen him as happy with anyone as he is with you. I’m stoked he found you.” With a half smile and a firm hand on my shoulder, he saunters off to the next person before we’re all piling into the van that would be our Uber.
“Colbs.” The name is rushed as I graze over the number of seats as well as the number of people. Not enough room. Never enough room. Colby leans down so his ear is hovering next to my lips. “I,” I hesitate already feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I won’t fit.”
“Nonsense, baby. Of course you’ll fit.” He attempts to pull me forward with the hand he has resting on my left side but I don’t move. “Baby-“
“Colby, I really won’t fit. As embarrassing as that is to admit, it’s the truth. In a couple seconds we’ll be the last ones standing here and then everyone will know why I don’t want to get in the van. Amber will know.” His eyes widen in disbelief.
“What does Amber,” he pauses and lets out a heavy sigh. “You can sit on my lap. But we have to go.” Once again he attempts to step forward with me in tow but I stand my ground.
“I’ll crush you. You should just go without me.” He shook his head and finally turned his body to face me giving me his full attention.
“This is an important night for me. You know I want you there. You’re really gonna stay home because you’re scared of a seat?” I knew he didn’t mean it with ill intent but I could see his rising anger behind those baby blue irises. A bitter chuckle leaves his lips and he uses two fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose before raising his hands in surrender. “Do what you want. I can’t be late.” I watch as he climbs into the already crowded van and shuts the door. A few seconds later it pulls off and leaves me standing in the driveway in my fancy attire. Tears threaten to spill as I trudge up the long staircase to Colby and I’s shared room.
The mirror facing the door is the first thing I see upon entering our bedroom. A sob escapes my lips at the sight I see. A girl with sad eyes and mascara stained cheeks stares back at me and I quickly claw at the zipper of the dress before tugging it off my body and kicking it somewhere in the room. I dress myself in a comfy sweater and warm sweatpants before throwing a blanket over the mirror and flopping down onto the bed. Hot tears roll down my puffy cheeks as thoughts of Colby and Amber run through my mind.
Hours passed before the door finally opens and Colby steps into the room. The top buttons of his shirt are undone and his jacket is nonexistent. He takes a look at the mirror before noticing my position on the bed and slowly sitting next to me. I don’t need to look to know he’s thinking of what to say. A gentle hand touches my back and begins rubbing it in a soothing motion.
“Can we talk, love?” I turn my head towards him and watch as his eyebrows furrow together at the sound of my sniffling. “I’m sorry about earlier. I know how that would have triggered you and I should have been more understanding.”
“It wasn’t very ‘live, laugh, love’ of you.” I whisper trying to relieve the tension between us only to be given a disapproving look. “It is what it is.”
“Baby,” he moves from the bed to kneel on the floor so he’s eye level with me and uses his free hand to move a few stray hairs out of my face. “That mirror doesn’t define who you are. The way you look doesn’t define who you are. You are so beautiful to me and I know it’s hard for you to believe given the girls I’ve dated in the past, but honey,” he pauses searching my eyes for any sign of understanding. “I am so in love with you. Every inch of your skin. No matter how much there or how little there is. You will never be too much for me.” More tears fall from my eyes as I process his words. “You don’t need to cover the mirrors with blankets because you don’t like what you see. That woman you see staring back at you?” He rises to his feet and holds his hand out for me to grab. Hesitantly, I take it and he leads me to the mirror before slowly removing the blanket and taking a place behind me. “You see her?” I hum in response not tearing my eyes away from the ones that stare back at me. “She deserves love too.”
“How can I love something like that?” Colby moves his hands from my shoulders slowly down my neck. I watch as he traces the crest of my breasts and moves down to the excess skin I try so hard to hide.
“The same way I do. I love every part of you.” He places a sweet kiss at the base of my neck before resting his chin on top of my shoulder. “I will love the parts you hate even more. I’m sorry that you don’t see yourself the way I do, but I promise I won’t stop trying.” I turn away from the mirror and face him. He grazes his hands along my arms pulling them with his to place them around his neck before moving his hands to my waist. “I love you. I will say it every second of every day if that’s what it takes for you to believe it.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” Colby chuckles and presses his lips against mine.
“I think the more important question is, what did I do to deserve you?” I shake my head and lean in again to catch his lips is a sweet kiss. “You’re beautiful. So beautiful.” He places a hand on my right cheek and gently traces the apple of my cheekbone with his thumb. “Now what do you say we go get a milkshake and you tell me about that new show you want to watch?” My heart flutters at the words and I smile.
“You really are perfect.” He laughs and kisses me once more before taking my hand and leading me to the door.
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billkaulitzwife · 1 year
More Stupid Shit My Friends and I Have Said Feat. The Outsiders
"Are you seriously on fucking Tomodachi life rn."
"If I had a nickel for every time I got confused I'd be a fucking millionaire."
"I'm mad at you now. I was watching a Livestream of a bird eating and I had to click on your notification."
"I don't own the cat. The cat owns me"
"I love fruit. Why? My boyfriends a fucking fruitbowl, c'mon now."
"Shit I burnt the grilled cheese." *Goes outside and throws it at a squirrel* "Eat it or I'll kill you."
"What the fuck do you mean Johnny's getting married to Elvis??"
"I've never had a soda so when my mom brings soda home we all worry."
"You caused a Chain reaction. You got suspended last week then Pony tells me 10 girls got suspended today."
"I tried to quit smoking. Yeah didn't last long."
"What animal are Teletubbies?"
"They call me grilled cheese cuz I make a mean one."
"They call you queen bee cuz u been fuckin all of 'em."
"Next time I see Cherry Valance I'm throwing a box of cherries at her. Bitch."
"What animal is Mickey Mouse?"
"How the fuck do people on Discord have my Snapchat, too."
"If I had a nickel for everytime I worried you guys I'd be in California."
"Guys I'm almost 17 :)"
"I guess you could say that I am... a little silly in the morning."
*Talking to Steve while high* "Did you see how high Addie was this morning at school?"
"If I had a Nickel."
"I had a grilled cheese for breakfast."
"I'm not gay but my boyfriend is."
"If I had a Nickel for everytime I had something on my face I'd be on a yacht right now instead of staring at y'all's ugly bitch asses."
Addie: I know how to shoot a shotgun.
Darry: HOW?
Steve and Dallas, in the corner: 😳
Steve: That grilled cheese was good. Thanks Ads.
Addie: I made one and you live a mile away.
*Dallas and his mom in an argument*
His Gramma: *Sends a weird Facebook meme.*
Dallas: 🤓
Dallas: I remember when I used to sit on Santa's lap.
Johnny: Just like when some adult man made me sit on his!
Everyone else: 😥
Steve: Hey, hun did you check on the kids?
Sodapop: Hey, twins, Johnny, dinner's almost ready.
Darry: Top four animals
Addie: Kittens, frogs, turtles... Beluga.
Two-Bit: Birds-
Steve: I want a toasted cheese sandwich.
Pony: A fucking grilled cheese?
*Curtises hanging with their cousins*
The ginger cousin: I need to know what animal I would be and why.
Pony: A whale.
Cousin: HEY
Darry Curtis (active 4 hours ago): Phones on the tabke when you get home.
Ponyboy McLovin Curtis (Active Now): WHAT DID I DO
addie curtis (Active Now): are you serious.
Coca-Cola (Active Now): what happened
Darry Curtis (Active Now): None of you. Dallas and Steve.
Daddy dallas winston(Active.): is it cuz I took addie out to dinner or because we went to the shooting range after
Stevie (Active): I wasnt thwre i promise
Darry Curtis: what is this then *sends a picture of addie and dallas holding guns like bonnie and clyde while Steve is in the middle smiling huge*
guys i made a grilled cheese for the first time so These are mostly shit ive said. also ive found tumblr to actually be a safe space so idk.
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chaeyablood · 3 months
okay gang get ready for a rant
i fucking hate imaginarium theatre as it is right now. there are some things about it that i like, and there are definitely some improvements that could make it more fun. i think first of all locking out two thirds of characters is a bit much. i get that we're supposed to be focusing on one reaction and three elements, but there just isn't enough variety in the characters that are available for use right now. i think maybe this could be improved by focusing on two elemental reactions at the same time. then we could have five elements to choose from. more team comp variety! i also think giving characters an extra vigor would go a long way.
im not going to be one of those people bitching bc none of the characters ive really invested are available this time around and that's bc i know they will cycle in at some point and that's fine. i just wish they hadn't picked overload as the reaction focus to introduce us with. maybe hyperbloom would have been better bc then we would have had opportunities to use more characters that people have really invested in rather than a reaction that wasn't popular before and only recently got revamped. i just don't think a lot of us were prepared or had enough time to properly invest in good overload teams and now suddenly we're being forced to use them. i think also if we knew what the reaction was going to be for the next season so we could prepare accordingly, that would be nice. i don't want to have to waste time investing during the season bc then i wont have enough time to try and get through the combat as well since you have to start all the way over again if you want to claim any rewards at all. which is so stupid. i think rewards should be available after your run and claiming them shouldn't make you start all the way over. i got to act 6 on hard and hated every damn second of it. if i decide to try and get all the way to act 8, i have to restart from the ground up, which just makes it far less likely that I'll even be attempting.
i also understand that like everything else this is supposed to cater to players who have invested lots of time and money into their characters, and those players will always be the most important to hyv, but casual players are the ones who need freemogems ffs. whales buy characters anyway so what's the point of locking freemogems behind stupid hard combat levels?
overall i think the premise is very charming and i love the new location. i would die for wolfy. i adore the new voicelines and getting to hang out with characters outside of the teapot! i just wish the actual mechanics of this thing didnt make me want to tear my hair out.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
Wang, Inthuwat, Sasiwimol
One Night Stand
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Because one night is about all I can stand her (get it? haha). She may be hesitant to get in to the BL side of things, but maybe she just needs to bang one out with a queer and then she'll change her tune. Of course, she tried that for quite a bit of time and we see where that got her so...
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I'll take him as my husband when he's thirty, flirty, and thriving. I love travel and adventure but I have a tendency to instead spend every evening on my couch watching silly little gay shows. I think it would be helpful to have someone in my life that consistently wants to go and do things and push my comfort zone a little. And unlike Supreme Coward Inthawut, I would actually be amenable. Again, some of this comes down to communication. Of these three options, Wang is the one that is actually ready and willing to talk anything out.
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We know he sure as shit is not leaving his house, but I refuse to let that man be completely alone. We can drink and be sad bitches and talk about whales together, and maybe I can lure him out of his house a piece at a time by not having the face of his dead lover. I know I can not fix this man, but I think now that Wang has spewed shrapnel all over his home, I think he'd tolerate a guest now and again.
Send Me a Trio for Husband Spouse/ONS/BFF
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Hiiii could I possibly request a little Mando x reader where reader was raised by the tusken raiders? She's like their princess in a way. She doesn't wear the face thing BUT she's not allowed to leave her hut ever because they see her as super important. But one day she HAS to leave (idk why lol) so they ask the mandalorian to escort her away. Now she travels with him and they have crushes on each other. I'm thinkin tomboy edgy type reader who's also a bad bitch lol
Warnings: body guard Mando, FEM! reader, reader is kind of a bitch to Mando, I MIGHT MAKE THIS A SERIES MAYBE!, let me know if I missed anything
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"Fine.. I'll get you ice cream"
"ok and why do I have to go?! I don't want to go to a stupid invitational" you huffed trying to walk away but your dad grabbed your arm signifying it was no option
Your translator came in the room holding a long flowy purple dress "mi'lady, your father requested that you wear this to the invitational" she smiled at you holding the dress out. You sighed grabbing it
"something the matter princess?" She had a look of genuine worry on her face as she questioned you
"I just feel like everyone keeps making all my decisions for me! I don't want to go so I shouldn't have to..."
You looked down feeling defeated.
And your translator looked away blushing "what is it?"
"I-I have news but now knowing how you feel.." she took a deep breath "you're not going to like it"
You rolled your eyes again Turing to look at her and smiled "nothing could be much worse, what is it?"
"y-your father.. he well- well your father requested that you ha-" she was interrupted as a mandolorian walked in the room "who the hell are you?! Get out!" Your translator looked over at him "I haven't broken the news yet!" She whisper yelled.
As the mandolorian left she turned back to you "mi'lady I'm so sorry.." and it all fell together "no"
"mi'lady try to understand that this- well your father-"
You sprinted out from your hut only to be tacked to the ground "unhand me!" You started to scream and kick your feet back and forth "let me go! Now!" You heard a dramatic sigh "this is a lot harder for me then it is for you" the mandolorian said as he put you down back in the hut
"how is this harder for you mandolorian?"
"I just had to carry you back to your hut and I've only been on the job for 23 minutes-"
You groaned and threw your head back "this is so unfair"
"brat" you head the mandolorian mumble under his breath
" I'm sorry, but have you been locked in a tiny hut your whole? Oh and also, the only time you get to leave is to go somewhere you don't want to go!" To be honest Din didn't like the sound of someone being treated like that
You were right, it was unfair
Your translator was currently doing your hair, painting your nails, getting your shoes on. Basically some finishing touches before you had to hit the road with your mysterious new found mandolorian.
"hey mandolorian, is your ship big?" You called over while she was on her knees in front of you. She looked up at you once she had put on your shoes for you and looked away blushing
"you're all ready mi'lady.."
"thank you so much Amber" you leaned in kissing her cheek, this was considered all natural in your culture
You waved good bye to Amber while your mandolorian escorted you off to his ship, which was indeed..big.
He pushed in the code sending the door flying open "here" he said pointing to a small cot. "If you get tired you can sleep, and I have some nutrients bars and blue milk over on the bed side table" you watched as he pointed over to the objects he was talking about but you couldn't focus.
What was under that helmet? Why did he wear it? What was the point? But then again he probably had some of the same questions about your culture.
"so it should take about four or so hours to get to your invitational then I'll-"
"FOUR HOURS?" you whaled out "no no no please don't you have like a light speed thing?"
"then just fly faster!"
"if you could lower your voice, that would be amazing 'princess' "
Your face felt hot when he called you that..
"and why s-should I?" You tried your best to maintain composer but with the tall man looking down at you and now calling you "princess"?! Impossible.
"kids sleeping" your heart fell..he had a kid, did that mean he had a wife? Husband? Significant other? Where they married?!
"well he's sort of.. adopted"
Oh thank the maker... "Can I meet him? Please"
That was the first time you had shown respect for the mandolorian, asking him please and everything wasn't like you at all.
"he's sleeping.."
You wandered through the big ship, looking at the big boxes of cargo and wires everywhere. This place could use a serious makeover
"hey Mando.." you said leaning over the his seat feasting your chin on his shoulder
"I'm boreddd" you sounded so over dramatic (as usual)
"can we stop and like get ice cream?" You looked into his visor with pleading eyes. "Why would I get you ice cream?"
"because there's nothing to do on this old rust bucket! And also- I'm hungry" your stomach was starting to ache due to the little amount of food you had the last few days.
"and your little bar things aren't helping much!"
"fine..I'll get you ice cream"
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twilightofthe · 1 year
okay i put all my cranky thoughts into a separate post that's now drafted and it made me feel better so i'll be able to watch this episode now lol but if it gets me worked up again i'm posting the rant i'm sorry i cannot be helped or changed or saved <3
also i forgot to say so last episode but kevin kiner my ABSOLUTE BELOVED the return of the king is real so happy to have you here my dude the ending and full theme was absolutely gorgeous
anywayyyyyy so i am guessing sabine did not make like satine and survived her shish kabobing
well there's ahsoka
oh yeah there's bean she's fine she'll be fine xD
damn filoni really gave more handwaving to having a character survive a major impalement vs me twisting myself into fucking knots writing anakin getting run through lmao
ahsoka sorry but actually i'm gonna blame u for this you still kinda seem like a mess and i don't think you were a very good teacher to sabine and now ur dropping back in on her when she's convenient to you?
well at least we know why she's so adamant against training baby yoda lol
ope here's goth girl and the fuuuuck is his NAME again i keep calling him fucking bryan
i like the fancy sithy-looking sundial tho
pfff second ep is "toil and trouble" guess we're getting witchy!
yea ahsoka what happened to showing up in the nick of time and saving kanan and ezra from inquisitors in rebels u were slowwww girlie
that's all that matters
ope one more droid hanging around ezra's place
we do love the mechanic girl of my heart
sabine does love her explosions
no huyang hera just likes explosions
sabine works best under explosive pressure we LOVE HER
ope back to corellia i guess? we can reuse the old solo sets?
you were just
"but she's not the one who needs to hear it right now" ahhh there's the sabine and hera dialogue. ugh but i'm still not used to natasha and mary i can just hear tiya and vanessa doing it instead :(
"ancient ppl from a distant galaxy" waaaaaaait are they bringing in those eu dudes
no wait i think i remember something about these guys that was mention as the big bad in the canceled animated rebels sequel
or it could just be the chiss lmao
that could be it too, makes sense why they'd want thrawn
ok that is some real cool galactic map visuals i am an absolute sucker for a good starmap
ok but wait how the fuck did y'all get a map to thrawn anyway did the space whales write it
also sorry morgan but i don't personally think thrawn would go for u nothing personal you are hot but you don't quite seem his type
waaaait is fucking thrawn gonna have force sensitivity now THAT would be absolutely hilarious and he'd hate it so much
who's marrok i have no memory
y'all you can't just make thrawn work for you didn't he only work with the empire cuz he had to because it would advantage his people somehow (has read zero thrawn novels and only seen rebels)
please tell me sabine is in the fucking vents of ahsoka's ship
okay so i think my issue with Mary is she doesn't have any of the same authority and purpose Hera's meant to hav
oh yeah harping in that the new republic is a total fustercluck
ew a capitalist
bro you know hera used to steal from people like you for the rebellion
sdlkfjsdk omg sabine's mom needs to talk to the teacher to keep her from getting expelled
but also y'all sabine is like 25-30 right now she's not a kid
@ ahsoka bitch you have no fuckin clue what you're doing doooon't talk about readiness
y'know maybe the imperial era just advanced medicine so later impalements don't kill people
oh oh so it IS ezra's!
sabine go find luke he'd love to have you
ok so yeah she likely doesn't have force sensitvity
goddammit huyang neverMIND
so sabine IS force sensitive :) and kanan and ezra just never brought it up :) great :)
hera my beautiful ship nerd ily
bitch do NOT fuck with hera she has more presence than anyone ever
hera my dude you know better than anyone that if a ship wants to take off you gotta go try and stop it in person
ah i have been waiting like 5 long years to watch hera best pilot there was kick aerial ass
oh yeah ahsoka's fighting an inquisitor too lmao
ok this hera and chopper banter is perfect i do love it
oh and good job ahsoka lol
aghhh sabine and her therapy cat i'm ;_;
theeeeere's sabine's mando armor
okay it seems like mary's kinda on and off for hera so far, she has her moments but she can't hold them
rosario keeps losing me i'm sorryyyyyyyy
natasha is doing GREAT
aaaaaand we redoing the end of the rebels epilogue!
god this makes me miss zeb
and kanan obvs but i've come to accept his death
zeb's still hanging around where is he!!!!!
ah all is right
sabine has her gay haircut back
here we go gay roadtrip to find ezra time
alright so i'm still not really vibing with jedi!sabine at All but i have concluded that this show is watchable but honestly not that good, writing-wise, sorry dave, so i think i'll be able to watch it with my brain turned off
goddammit first i thought the holograms visiting morgan were nightsister witch ghosts xD
morgan stop simping for thrawn i guaranTEE he's not your type
we are through with the two episodes! it is very late for me so i'm gonna sit and think on what i've seen so far and shitpost a little. i did really like seeing my rebels blorbos again even if the live action actors don't quite have their groove yet. obviously very excited to retrieve ezra <3 so yeah that was that and i'll be back for more next week!
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silvergomez · 2 years
House Of Ashes : Trip To The Zoo 4
August 16 pm
Salim: Our Lady and now my god?
Salim: If I go down Will I die?
*explosion time*
salim: It must be a sign that I must stay here in the tree for a few more years, or centuries.
*other side*
Jason: What is that noise?
Merwin: you still ask? And just one more explosion In this place, I never thought Working in the army Was so tiring
Rachel: you haven't done anything since you joined!
Merwin: ah yes, but doing exercises is also tiring so it's still worth it....
Nick: And what do we do with Clarice passed out?
Merwin: Let me carry her, I'll show you that doing those exercises was worth it....
Jason: Go stallion!
*Merwin Holds Clarice on her back with ease*
Nick: Oh didn't he really tell the truth?
Merwin: I may even be "useless" in your view But I have a lot of capacity OK?
Jason: okay guys just let's go!
*the ground starts to shake*
Rachel: What is that?
nick: It must be a final fight with a Game Boss
Jason: are you serious?
Nick: No, but it could be too.....
Jason: Tabom, But where are joey and the colonel?
Joey: We're here!
Rachel: Where were you?
Joey: We were seeing animals!! Super incredible!
Merwin: Uh? Hello? Earth to joey! WE ARE IN A ZOO APOCALYPSE
Eric: We are aware....
*final blast*
Eric: what is it-
Nick; So he's the final boss?
Joey: Without wanting to end His time... king of lions but we already have A king here who is Eric...
joey: Child? Oh really? I'll Even Drink a Monster After This
Dar: No darling! I already won this war! You are at a disadvantage!
Joey: we are Seven! six Actually... Clarice is passed out...
Joey: And you are only one! and even if you count your lions, there are only 2 there together! Or is your mother's whale there too?
Merwin: this was good!
Joey: I learned from you, Bitch!
Merwin: That's how it's done!
Joey: Shut up Bitch!
*Throws a brick at Dar*
*Dar falls to the ground*
Rachel: I think this one died!
Nick: And now?
Jason: Let's run away!
Eric: It's almost dusk already! it's already 17 pm
Rachel: Yes! Let's go before we get killed by some bug!
Nick: And those lions?
Merwin: We can't take them, can we? they might not be eating us right now, but it must be because they're not hungry...
*Some minutes later*
Eric: So ready to go home?
Joey: We are not children!
Eric: so let's go!
*Driving the bus*
Nick: Wow it's going to rain tonight
Joey: After what happened today do you want to care about it?
Nick: I don't really know, I just thought it was cute....
joey: ;-;
Eric: Jeez fuck!
*Losing control of the bus*
Eric; Everyone hang in there!
*crashes the Bus and explodes*
*meanwhile elsewhere*
Salim: I don't know if I should leave....Damn..
Salim: I will try to get down....
*slips on one of the branches of the tree, falling and breaking his neck*
The end💥
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samscompliment · 2 years
hi neve let’s chat<3 i’ll do 1 and 19 pls
hiiiii camilla <33333
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
ok i already said the lovers choice for this one so instead im going to use my answer spot here to say that every day i think about your nb dean fic and hope to read it<3 like no pressure or anything but i would totally read it in its work in progress state if that was an option. its my white whale. nb dean forever and ever and ever
19. if you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
ok this is fun and also i talked forever so im gonna put this under a cut. so sorry you literally didnt ask for this but i simply dont know when to shut up i love writing soooooo much<3
so like to answer this one u have to understand that the lovers choise was my ultimate spn fix it but i wrote it while i was still on s7. you know???? it was so informed by early seasons spn and what i knew about the late seasons from tumblr and now i look at it and i go "um well cas definitely didnt know dean was in love with him and dean definitely DID know that he was in love so this is all wrong isnt it". like i do still love the first chapter a LOT but the rest of it. idk. so my ideal fic now would be a new spn fix it. bc i have. Thoughts. about what i need from a fix it having now seen s15.
i have this concept for a somewhat written fic that is told in two parts, one from cas' pov and one from dean's, and it is literally just the worst thing ever because the same things happen in both fics but they just interpret each other soooo badly. like i just cannot get over the miscommunication that happens in the show and ideally i would love to actually wrestle with that bc i say all the time that i think its their biggest roadblock and so i would love to actually deconstruct it one day. and it would have to include literally everything i feel ab them post s15, in the same way that tlc had to include everything i was feeling about them at the time. which now would be, like: dean letting go of his control issues, dean apologising to jack, unpacking all the John Stuff, crowley causing problems on purpose, some good old fashioned betrayal, a bit of godstiel thrown in, cas actually getting what he wants for once. and like i really really want to give cas his buffy s6 arc. idk if that means anything to you but i really want cas to have been genuinely at peace in the empty and then be brought back to life to a dean who is NOT ready to play happy families and for cas to be like WHAT the fuck. like he was literally never going to have to deal with the consequences of his actions and it was great but then DEAN brought him back and DEAN didn’t bring it up and in doing so he both REJECTED and DISMISSED miette. and so cas is like well FUCK you then im going to be a bitch. idk. im going to stop talking now. sorry for writing an essay that could have been 2 sentences. i love you <3
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
Since you disowned me
I want you to know that I'm gonna flip it -
I never owned you
From the fight.
A liar in shining armor of a night.
Left me in the middle of knight.
That's why I had to improve by improv the rest of my life - think on the fly.
Cause manyscripted.
A robotic emotion just three little words spittin'.
How could I love you?
Look at you.
You were the whole package.
Blonde surfer wavy hair
Skateboard skills
Blue eyes
Soccer boy
And you were white.
Then you grew up black.
Wherein a hood
Saying you down to ride.
But I tried to tell you be careful
Wolves hide in grandma's clothes m, right?
That lesson I learned in a hard night.
Titanic stretches rips the transgression.
Transmission I had to admittance.
So my whole game is to switch it up.
Born a boy
Now I'm a girl.
Flirting with two spirits.
Gender exploring.
Having fun cuz lame niggas is boring.
The world is my oyster
So damn right I'm gonna tour it.
Floor it like Maybach
I'm going air Jordan on the jump line
I come from way back
But this shit is easy
A free throw line
I need the rock back
If you smell what I'm cookin
Then you wouldn't talk that
Smack that
Eminem and Skittlez
Too lost in a world of melting in your handles.
Turn off the lights and blow out the candles.
I'm Moses walking these directs in sandals.
Man how does he do it when he's on the road like cannibals
I give more lectures than hannibal
Yall ain't ready for this kid ink shit
I'm spitting granimals
Niggas wanna change well I'm the animor0hs
Niggas wait around for the flame when I take the torch
This is not s relay race
If it was I'm passing it back to myself
I goes on my own pace
Teach lines
To the outlinez
World to steady coloring inside
I tell em color outside the lines
If you ain't wit it
You ain't gotta hate it
Just now we on the scene like a masturbation
We cummin'
So like a candy switch
I'll see you now and later
My haters I love you
You the ones that keep the gators aidin
This heart pumps myself
Muse says bitch get outta the way
I'm a lil ludicrous so forgive me if these bars are a fiasco
I lupe that shit
Another line for the foolish fish
Trying to swim upstream but ain't got the moxy to do that shit
Yall know what it is
I do this shit
We got a fireman and a snowman in the game
When I come in it'd likebtwobtornadoes hit
Lose your breath
What the fuck did I do to deserve this shift
Two twister boards on the floor
We family game knightin this shit
Switch to a will smith
Back when we chillin in Miami wit
Them Boyz in Black
Yall know the BlackOutBitch
Way weigh wait
Summertime shift
Like I dos this
Two works overnights shift
That overtime shit
Like my brain always on graveyard shit
I'm talking to deceased cuz the alive ones are too dead for this shit
Everyone tryna be supernatural
When. All. You. Gotta. Do. Is.
Be your super self naturally.
Like who's on first.
I don't knows on second. Costello and abbott
I can switch lines cuz I been hit wit different lines.
Well here's a one liner
Your nut must be so good because all the forest life are trying to bark up your tree
I hit em wit tha uh
That's cuz they know my lifestyles evergreen
And when you wit me you'll surely see
The D
Like damn I thought this dude was cocky
Now I can see why
It's cuz his cock meat
I ground beef
No need to pound beets.
If you ain't around the heat.
I can get cool as a Dolphin and as killer as Whale deep
Sheep skinnin it
Chestshire cat grinnin it.
I always play on kayfabe mode - sitting and pretending in
That don't mean I'm fake.
Watch your clocks
Tik toks of what you saying kid.
That mean my life so fucked up
I'm always envisioning.
Cuz ima Disney plus a nickelodeon
The dream works
All you gotta do is put a quarter in
Told yall long time ago
Life is like a vending machine
Press a button to see what gleam
See ima g ima always feed
Check the leam rearrange the four letter anagram
And see what I mean.
FooDBarz by Mr. PoetAll
0 notes
fairyshuuu · 4 years
watch out: splash zone
Okay rant time.
I’m gonna sound like a right fucking ass but atm i truly don’t care because I’m tired, fed up and if I don’t say it now I’ll probably keep going down this road for another few months without complaining until I get so fed up I up and dip without a word. I don’t like complaining about the lack of feedback. I really don’t. It’s annoying for me as well as for you guys and though I don’t care about a lot of things deeply, I don’t really want to show up on yalls dash to nag.
But I’m really fucking frustrated. Some of you might follow my blog for the things I reblog, in which case I can’t say too much about that, but I think the large majority is here for the content I create. I love writing. I adore it, I love sharing it, love hearing feedback and making people happy or sad with something I did. It’s one of the few things I feel proud to say I’ve grown at over the years; so much so that there’s people who follow me for it! That’s amazing.
I am unbelievably thankful for every person who does leave a reblog, a message, an ask or a post, it might not sound like it since I’m bitching but I truly from the bottom of my heart am so thankful for those who took some time out of their day for me. But you have no clue how fucking disheartening it is to spend hours on something and having it flop completely. And when I say completely:  I have 3300 followers and my latest piece gets 6 notes. That is not 10% of my audience, not even 1%. It’s 0.18% of my audience who apparently can be bothered to click a heart button.
Tumblr doesn’t allow you to see how many people clicked on your post. There might have been 300 people who read it and just didn’t like, reblog, comment etc. but I don’t know that. I can’t know that. It’s the same with my more popular posts too. I’d say Wild valley is one of the most loved-on series on my blog. People send me messages about it, ask how it’s going, and I feel like it’s so loved. Which is great!! The first part has 457 notes, what a stupid big number. But then the next only gets 170, and then 120, then barely 80. Can you see how that is discouraging as a writer?
Also, Wild Valley is officially my most reblogged series ever. In numbers, the first chapter got 40 reblogs! 40 reblogs out of 457 notes... out of 3300 followers. A bunch of them are my own reblogs in hopes of sharing the thing around, and a lot of them are of my amazing friends who are the most supportive, lovely beings in the world. I know you’ve heard this a million times because writers are always saying it but that writers are always saying it, over and over and over, might mean something. Likes don’t mean anything on tumblr. It doesn’t do anything. It allows you to keep it in your likes, sitting there, doing nothing.
You can read it again if you want. That’s it. Reblogs give people more space on the site, allow them to be seen by others. It’s the only thing that gives creators exposure. That is why we’re always fucking begging for reblogs. Please, please please please reblog things of content creators so that they might be seen by others. Reading something and not liking it, dick move but at the end of the day I can’t see you anyway so why should I care, right? Getting likes is such a nice thing at first because it means that people are enjoying it, but your hard work still disappears into the void.
Me not posting my writing on here anymore won’t effect me that much. I’ll still be writing. I could focus my efforts on things that could better me financially. Could write personal commissions and put everything behind a paywall. I’d still be don’t what I love and I’d get money for it. But I never considered doing that because I wanted to share my work, for free, with like minded people who’d enjoy it. So if you enjoy it, then show people that you enjoy it. Reblog their things, share it around. What good is a piece if it’s pushed in the far corners of your mile-long ‘liked’ tag?
This isn’t meant to be a beg for attention. I don’t suddenly want a surge in notes in an attempts to soothe me or some shit. I want you all to sit with this and realize that it really, really means something. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about numbers in any other circumstance. But I don’t appreciate the blatant -I’m genuinely sorry to people who’ve been here supporting me, you know who you are and I love you for dear life- leeching happening on my blog and many of my friend’s blogs.
If the writer-reader mentality on this site doesn’t change, I am going to leave. That’s not a threat or smt, it’s just the truth. I don’t spend hours working on something I’m so excited about for it to get 6 notes. And if I go I’m taking my shit with me, so that’s that.
I would be sorry for sounding like a total bitch whale but in all honesty, it’s been a long time coming so
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: Roommate HCs [V1]
To be honest, I just wanted to ramble some more and let my brainworms take over. This is sorta late but Happy Valentine’s everyone! I was gonna post this earlier but this honestly took me a long time to write so I moved it to today. 
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. Seriously, as much as I love writing this non-serious fics. Why do you people like this?
Based off my ramblings with Keqing anon: Link
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: University AU [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @kaechu @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @rokipersonal​@minakohasmanyhusbandos​ @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess​ @yuu-yuukurotsuki​ @hanniejji​  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii​ @stanzastic @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​ @nonniechan​ @htnicayh​ @genshins1mpact​ 
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What? Diluc has a roommate? Did you blackmail him in living with you? Is that even possible? Did you throw yourself in front of his car because you needed someone to pay for your student loans and the easiest way was to file a lawsuit? In this economy no one would blame you. Diluc seems like such the self-isolated character that would murder his roommate in cold blood but in reality, he act’s detached from the world because he forgot how to socialize and he’s desperately trying to cover it up without choking. That or he’s trying to learn how to astral project. If he could drink away the pain he would but instead he buys 20 packs of grape Kool-Aid and injects it into his veins. 
Does not and will not ever have a normal sleeping schedule. You’ll wake up to him working, come back home to him working, and will sleep to him still working. His daily dose of Vitamin D is from the brightness of his screen rather than the sun and he’s filter feeding at this point. It’s concerning. He’s going to crumble and he’s bringing the world down with him. Through the power of tax evasion. But as soon as he needs to walk out into society, he pulls movie magic and looks like perfection. It’s both physically and mentally disgusting. 
He’s actually is a really nice roommate to have just so long as you give him space. Great cook and knows to clean up after himself. Though he does have crash and burn days where’s he’s completely out of commission. You could set the entire apartment on fire and he would sleep through it. The entire two weeks are dedicated to zombie eye marathons and then he’ll suddenly collapse and sleep for 46 hours straight. When he wakes up from his hibernation he’s the most groggy and nonsensical person. His life blood is coffee because you keep hiding the 5 hour energy away from him because, you know, life is enjoyable and those cancer bottles will actually kill him.  
“University sucks our money out of our bodies faster than our will to live.” 
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Beidou [Happy Birthday Queen 💕]
Despite her appearance, she’s actually really strong and it scares the piss out of you when you’re doing something or scrolling through your phone mindlessly and you suddenly get your spine re-arranged when she slaps you on the back to ask what you’re doing. Likewise, when she hoists you up and throws you over her shoulder so you come with her on her 3am convivence store raids for alcohol. It’s either you change now or else we’re walking out of the apartment in your t-shirt and no pants self. She can and will carry you under her arm that way. It’s both incredibly attractive and horrifying at the same time. 
She’s really friendly and a great talker if you’re alright with her “I must hold you in my arms, fresh prince of bel air style”. It doesn’t matter if you’re taller than her, she’s doing it. She does however, get in a bit of trouble from her rowdiness and you often get noise complaints but Beidou just passes them off to Ningguang and everything is fixed. She has ovaries of steel when neighbors rather confront her personally and she’s ready to 1v1 in the parking lot. You’re trying to desperately hold onto her shirt to stop her from pile driving your neighbors for the third time this week but she’s too strong.  
She’s constant party until we die attitude and suffers the hangover in the morning. It’s actually really funny to catch her in her hangover moods because whatever filter Beidou had, which is none, is gone. She really takes “cursing like a sailor” or the next level and the amount of creativity she comes up with is actually impressive. She can be a bit messy but she’s really likeable and always down to go anywhere with you as long as you’ll do the same. It’s a very ride together, we die together situation. You’re my best friend, you’re dying with me. I’ll see you in hell. 
“Imma T pose over my dad and then crash the car into the parking garage.” 
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Kaeya on the surface seems like such a chill roommate. And he is for the most part. But he’s such an ass. Your things are his things, no questions asked. If you just bought a really nice sweater or you had leftover food, that’s his now. He’s innocent until proven guilty even if he’s literally holding your lunch. The pure amount of bullshit he can spit out to convince you that no, he did not pull the fire alarm because he wanted an excuse for not going to work, puts him on Shakespeare level. He’s also very pretty, way too pretty, sir can you share some of your genes? 
But aside from that, he’s actually super dependable. You forgot something at home? Sure, he has nothing better to do so he can bring them for you. We’re missing eggs? No problem, he’s just by the store. You’re 95% sure that he just wants to be cheeky and make you thank him for 20 minutes before he actually hands you what you asked for. It’s better for you if you never tell him anything you’re afraid of because Kaeya has no social cues, or more like he throws them out the window, and he’s probably a psychopath. 
He’s incredibly private of his room and things despite his attitude towards yours. You’re convinced he either has a secret lab or that’s where he’s storing the bodies. I was the good guy but due to unfortunate circumstances, I need to stab a bitch. But he’s a really good serious talker for those 3am, because everything happens at 3am, talks about life and the meaning of the universe. It absolutely wrecks your sleep schedule but some of the things you talk about are the most crackhead things like what’s the lowest amount of money someone would have to pay you to walk outside without clothes? It’s a legitimate question. 
“Never before have I been so offended with something I 100% agree with.”
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Okay, what world did you save in a past life to live with his absolutely wonderful woman? Mother Teresa take a load off, take a seat. You have nothing to worry about. She’ll bring home little treats back home and it’s the most wholesome thing ever?? Is this what love and affection feels like? We’ve been starved for so long. She says it’s not a big deal and anyone would do it BUT THE MOMENT SOMEONE BUYS FOOD FOR YOU. IT’S A MAGICAL MOMENT. They are forever stuck in your will until proven otherwise. An absolute ray of sunshine that must be protected. 
She does get super busy so you don’t often see each other or get to hang out as much. She’s a bit of a workaholic but a lot more easier to talk her into taking a break. She’s also a pretty decent cook but she prefers baking and jesus christ, girl can you calm down? Be still my beating heart, I’ve been smitten. Has mother hen vibes that you’re not sure if she’s your roommate or if she adopted you into her family. It’s time to start a petition for the Jean protection squad. Given the opportunity, I would aggressively hold your hand. 
She’s always open to whatever you want to do. Any recommendations or things that you like she will try out at least once despite her busy schedule. She’s lowkey lonely because work consumes her so any time you want to hang out or do something together, she jumps on it like she’s feral. She get’s a bit shy to ask if she can join in on your plans because she doesn’t want to bother you or intrude no matter how many times you tell her that’s okay, she still get’s a bit iffy about it. Please save this girl before she trips. In your arms. Platonically. Just kidding haha. Unless?
“I can’t wait to see you happy and not hating everyone again haha.”
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First impressions of Childe were great, until he opened his mouth and you realized how much of a two brain cell child(e) he was. He has two braincells because they constantly have to 1v1 in his brain. He’s lived with a lot of siblings so he has no social awareness or concept of privacy that you’re lucky if you come home and he’s half-dressed. It doesn’t matter if you’re 2 weeks older than him, he’s going to call you 82 years old and why your bones aren’t being fossilized at this point. He’s such a little shit, this fucker licks the yogurt lid peel.  
He get’s really restless when he’s stuck under house arrest, because apparently 1v1ing in the parking lot of a Wendy’s is illegal for some reason, so he makes dying whale noises until he get’s to go outside again. But he’s actually a really wholesome guy, probably because of his younger siblings, that he’ll sometimes get you something because you seemed down and it’s such whiplash? Who is this man and where did he come from? You’re starting to have a change of heart before he tells you that he got banned from the library for accidently punching the school’s computer. How you “accidently” punch something you have no idea but Childe always comes home with some sort of injury. Maybe he’s just incredibly clumsy. For your sanity, you’re going to go with that. 
He’s actually so uncultured that it’s crippling. You can’t blame him too much considering his upbringing and it’s great that he’s so interested in learning new things but...child no...It makes you want to take your spine out of your ass and rip it like a Beyblade. Watching him take chopsticks and stab his food like it’s marshmallows makes you want to fall into a blackhole and let the chair consume you. 
“I, too, fantasize about beating the living shit out of people.”
Is this another tag yourself game cause I resonate with Diluc. I’m crying in insomnia. As much as I enjoy writing these fics I absolutely hate tagging them. I remember I used to have a tag anon but that was back when I wrote for bnha. 
Valentine’s Day was fun tho. I had a drinking game with friends as we played league then ended it off with a movie night. 
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celestialrry · 4 years
a little jealousy never hurt anybody, right?
HIIHIHI this was requested by the lovely @angelsuestyles (their ask is in my recent posts!) ALSOOOO THANK YOU FOR 222 BILLION FOLLOWERS (∩˃o˂∩)♡ (not really but 222 :0 !!! I love all of you guys!! thank you, it literally means so much to me <<<<<333333) 
edit: I forgot to put this in here when I first posted but this IN NO WAY is hating on Camille at all (she's literally so hot PLS! she just inspired harry’s 2nd album so she worked for the story) and you guys shouldn’t hate on her either!!! 
summary: Y/N and Harry are idiots.
warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol and illusions to a boner ¨̮ ( I think that’s it...)
Y/N regrets quite a few things. 
Like that time when she took her senior photo and didn’t realize the small bit of concealer she had blended under her eyes would flash back so much. Or when she was being introduced to a set of twins and even though she had been completely sober that night, accidentally ended up kissing the both of them, not realizing who was who (she didn’t even remember who she wanted to kiss in the first place). And of course, she regrets somehow being able to put a check in one of those super specific love-cliche boxes.
It really wasn’t her fault for falling for Harry. How could she not? Ever since he asked her to join him on his sophomore tour after she played some guitar for his album, she knew there was no way to crawl out of the hole that had just been dug. All thanks to her her friend Sarah, who introduced the two at her intimate birthday party, just months before Harry started producing and writing for Fine Line. 
When an “Oh, shit! You’ll have t’show me sometime!” erupted from Harry after Sarah mentioned Y/N played guitar and even partnered with Mitch on a few projects of his own (that unfortunately, not even after Y/N’s begging, would never be released to the world), Y/N was sure that she would never end up showing Harry, and he was just being sweet. But when a few days later, Harry texted her explaining how he got her number from Sarah and asking if she could get together so he could hear her play, Y/N realized he had been serious, and well, the rest was history.
Harry had insisted she play for a track, then one became a few, then a few became practically the entire album, and soon Harry was talking about how “sick” it would be if she went on tour with them, and after arranging things with her uni and taking a leave from her job, she was ready.
Tour had no shortage of interesting moments, from the time Harry almost broke his ankle during rehearsal and tripping on the microphone wire (why he insisted it have a wire, Y/N had no idea) to Mitch getting really drunk after one show and blabbering on and on about British culture and how different it was from American culture, and YN was sure she’d never seen or heard him talk this much, but no one was complaining.
Y/N had found some sort of companionship in everyone on tour. Sarah had always been like a big sister to her, and the protective instinct really kicked in when they were in a different country, Y/N noticed. Charlotte was pretty new, just like Y/N was and they bonded quite fast over that, and their love for fashion they could never afford. Adam was more open and bubbly, and he took Y/N in like one of his own kids. She truly didn’t think being 23 was so different than everyone else being in their late 20′s and early 30′s but after being treated like a fragile puppy, she noticed that no one else felt the same as her-- she really wasn’t complaining though, it just meant she had all eyes looking out for her, and she kind of needed that to be honest.
Mitch practically became her older brother, and although he was a bit closed off and shy when they first met (which was a few weeks before Y/N met Harry) eventually he was joking around with just her, and teaching her new things on the electric guitar she hadn’t known before.
Finally, Harry. It would be an understatement to say Y/N and Harry got really close, really fast. He was always really good at making friends, but with Y/N it seemed they became great friends in a heartbeat. He opened up about almost everything, fame, missing home, his heartbreaks, his accomplishments, and everything in-between. Y/N did the same, told him how paying for uni was an absolute bitch (to which he offered to pay and she immediately turned him down), how her parent’s divorce impacted her own relationships (Harry had nodded in agreement with that), and about how being on this tour changed her life. By week 2 of tour, the two had become so close, even the fans had picked up on it just during their banter and contact during shows.
“They’re ‘shipping’ you guys,” Mitch had said, taking a sip of water backstage as everyone was gathered in the band’s dressing room. Harry was still getting dressed and ready, so it was everyone but him. “It’s quite cute, honestly.”
Y/N’s brow raised in confusion. “What- why? We act normal like we always do.” She pointed out, firm in her statement. A snort from Charlotte made Y/N turn her head to the strawberry-blonde and gape. “What? Do we- do we not act normal?” She asked, looking around at everyone, now flushing out of embarrassment. “You two act like you’re dating sometimes, love,” Sarah pointed out. “It’s nothing to worry about though, he’s just really affectionate, friends or partners, and we can tell you do too, so it’s inevitable that someone will mistake you guys for a couple.” 
“Mistake who for a couple?” A familiar voice asked, and everyone’s gaze wandered over to the door where Harry had walked in with his billowing dress shirt, and dress pants for the night. “You and Y/N.” Adam said, and Y/N’s head had snapped towards him to give him a death stare, but before her eyes could burn into his skull, her attention was dragged away by an arm draping across her shoulders and the dip of the couch next to her. She turned to look at him, and he gave her a soft smiled before squeezing her shoulder with his hand. “Makes sense, s’like we’re practically married.” 
“I’m waiting on a proposal.” Y/N said with a grin, and Harry smirked, pulling her in closer towards his body. “You’ll get one soon, pet, don’t worry.” The conversation had then shifted to Mitch and Sarah who were literally work-wife and husband, not yet anyways, but everyone knew he would ask her soon enough. Y/N always like this before shows, happy. Not that preforming and the adrenaline rush afterwards wasn’t enough, but everyone was always together, and she liked that a lot. 
She also liked how Harry’s arm had slid down from her shoulders to her waist and how his fingers splayed across her hip, how they gently squeezed, and how his thumb mindlessly ran up down across her skin. It wasn’t an overstatement to say that stayed on her mind the entire night.
Harry was always positively buzzing after a show. His narcissistic side loved it when everyone’s attention was on him for hours at a time, screaming his name and shouting their declarations of love.  He loved to be told how talented he was, how handsome he was, and how funny he was, it was safe to say he had a bit of a praise kink, if he’s being honest. But if it was even possible, he loved hearing it all from Y/N even more than the thousands of people in the crowd. He told himself many times that it was just because she cared about him, and he cared about her, and hearing praise from someone he knows and respects (not that he didn’t respect his fans) was just so much more fulfilling.  
So after every show when he’d rush offstage with he rest of his band, his attention always went to Y/N, waiting for her praise, and he always got it.  He, of course, complimented her back, and watching her smile was more than enough to keep him happy the rest of the night. This night had gone the same as all the others, an amazing show, running offstage, and hugs and kisses being thrown around like a beach ball at a rave. “That was awesome H, your whale seems to get better every time.” Y/N had commented, and he had attempted helplessly to keep his cheeks from flushing. “I’ve just got strong lungs, pet. Could never compare to your guitar playing though, the real star of the show. Don’t tell Mitch I said that.”
She waved off his compliment and laughed, pulling him into a soft hug with a soft kiss on the cheek that he was still thinking about when they made their way to a bar for the night. He couldn’t take it off of his mind, not even when there was a pretty blonde in front of him, her hand running flirtatiously over his arm and her smile as blinding as the sun had been earlier.
 Of course she was pretty, there was no way to deny it,  she just wasn’t as pretty as Y/N. No one was, not after he’d laid eyes on her and began using her beauty to determine everyone else’s attractiveness. 
So when his attention from the woman in front of him fades, he’s looking around for the familiar face that he can’t enough of. He meets Y/N’s eyes and immediately her own dart back to Charlotte, biting the inside of her cheek and praying he didn’t catch her staring at him with envy. 
Envy of the girl in front of him, who go to express her attraction towards Harry without hiding it, and not worrying about if he feels the same way or not, because of course he finds the girl in front of him attractive, who wouldn’t? 
It’s then, that Y/N starts to pity herself, physically and romantically. The partners she’s had before always seemed way too good for her, and she had never been the one to end it.  To say that destroyed her self-confidence in the long run would be an understatement. 
It wasn’t like she needed a partner to make her confident, no, she was perfectly capable of doing that on her own, but for the first time in a long, long time, Harry made Y/N feel really good about herself. Good about her personality, her humor, everything, because if someone she looked up to that much, if a man like Harry Styles wants to be friends with her? She thinks it just meant she was doing everything right.
So Y/N, in short, was jealous. So jealous and wound up by Harry showing attraction towards that girl, that everyone else seemed to notice she was a bit off. “Y/N, you okay?” Mitch asked from across the booth, his thick brows twisted in concern. “Hm?” She looked up from the wooden table beneath her to see everyone, sans Harry, looking at her with the most pitiful eyes she had ever seen, and god, did she feel disgusted. Disgusted that she had fallen so hard for a man she could never have, that everyone around her noticed and felt bad for her. 
“I’m fine, but I think m’gonna call it a night. I’m pretty tired after today’s show.” She said with a tight-lipped smile, hoping it would convince everyone that she was okay. Of course it didn’t though and Adam caught on. “Funny, I was about to say the same. I can’t stay up late like I used to anymore, wanna catch a taxi back?” He asked, and Y/N nodded with a real smile this time, albeit the fact it was small, because she really didn’t want to go back to the hotel alone, and Adam always knew what to say.
Sarah and Mitch slid out of the booth to let Adam out, and Y/N simply stood up on her side because she had the outside seat. Harry was supposed to sit next to her on the edge, but seeing as he went to the bar to grab everyone another round and then ended up talking to someone else, that didn’t happen. She slipped on her light beige coat and grabbed her purse, slinging it on her shoulder as Adam put on his jacket as well. When Y/N looked to the bar where she had last seen Harry, he was still standing there animately talking to the woman in front of him, dimples prominent in his rosy cheeks, and all she could do was hope he didn’t notice the two of them slip out as they made their way to the door.
Alas, Y/N could never be that lucky.
“Hey! Where are y’guys going?” 
Y/N and Adam turned around at the sound of his voice and that was when Adam went in full protective mode, slinging his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and pulling her in closer. She made a note in her head to thank him immensely when they escaped this bar. 
“Heading out for the night, we’re both pretty pooped.” Adam explained, eyes darting from Y/N to Harry who now stood in front of them, his own eyes darting from Y/N to Adam then back to the girl who was now avoiding eye contact at all costs. 
“Oh, alright then. Are- Y/N are you okay?” He asked softly and only then did her eyes meet his own. “Yes, I’m fine. I feel like such a baby when I’m around you guys.” She joked, her lips curling into a small smile. 
Adam chuckled at that and so did Harry, but Y/N could tell the curly headed one was still concerned. “Well we gotta catch a cab, so…” She trailed off, her thumb poking back to the door. 
“O-okay,” Harry nodded. “Get back safe, yeah? Have a good night.” He said in parting and Y/N and Adam both nodded, wishing him the same before turning back around and pushing through the door. Harry watched the two of them leave, and his stomach bounced around in an odd way. 
The cold air whipped across the duo’s faces, and and Adam rubbed Y/N’s shoulder comfortingly as he hailed a cab. They didn’t talk until they were settled in the back and Adam told the driver the destination. “Wanna tell me what’s up? Cause I’m not gonna bother you anymore when we get to the hotel.”
She smiled at him and scoffed a bit before trilling her lips, a soft noise releasing from her mouth at the movement. “Um,” She began, running her hands through her hair. “I’m pretty sure you already know.” 
At her words, Adam just raised a brow at her. “What? You guys all looked at me like someone just killed my puppy back there!” She defended, raising her hands. “Okay, fine, fine. It won’t help if you keep all your emotions bottled in though, you know?” 
“Yeah,” She sighed. “I know.”
After getting back up to her room, doing her nightly routine (which really was just her washing her face, brushing her teeth, and changing into the t-shirt Harry gave her a few weeks ago and her Spongebob decorated fluffy pajama shorts that she got in college as a joke but really ended up being her favorite item of clothing she owned, other than Harry’s shirt, of course) she slipped into bed and began scrolling on her phone. 
Only what felt like 15 minutes later, a knock on her door broke Y/N out of the trance she was in and she sighed a bit, pulling the covers back and grumbling as she made her way to the door, annoyed at whoever was behind it-oh.
Harry looked at her as she swung the door open for him and he immediately grinned. “Hi, love.”She could never stay mad at him. “Hey, H.” She smiled at him, still a bit confused. “What’s up?” He ran a hand thorough his hair and retained eye contact with her, before speaking. 
She nodded and let him in, and immediately he went to her suitcase without a word, pulling out some her biggest sweatpants and stripping to his boxers, slipping the joggers on and keeping his shirt off. Y/N suddenly was reminded of all of Harry’s tattoos she knew none of the meanings behind. 
Sleepovers were common with the two of them, and they always occurred in Harry’s suite, Y/N on the way too comfortable couch, and Harry guiltily on the bed even though she insisted she take the couch because “We can’t have your back hurting when you preform!” And he couldn’t say no when she also said “Please?” and looked at him with those soft eyes. 
So now it was a bit different, being in her room, because 1, there was only one bed that they would both consequently end up sleeping on, and 2, Y/N and Harry’s feelings had both developed a bit further than friendly (although neither knew about the other’s).  
She hesitantly crawled back into her bed and patted at the area right beside her, which Harry quickly traveled over to, lifting his side of the comforter and pulling it over the both of them while Y/N leaned over to the night-stand and grabbed the T.V. remote. She plopped back into the pillows and started scrolling through random channels, trying to find a decent movie for the two of them to fall asleep to. 
All the while, Harry was attempting to look at the T.V. but the light was shining on her face in a way that just made her look so pretty, not that she wasn’t always pretty, but she seemed to always look the best when she was in her natural state, no makeup, no nice clothes, it was just all so domestic and the feeling overwhelmed him when he realized he wanted to be the one to see her like this every night.
Her eyes darted from the T.V. over to her right where Harry was curled up in the covers, and she could feel the burn of his eyes on her. Now that really didn’t help with her insecurities, and as she continued switching through the channels she found herself burying under the covers more and more.  Soon, she landed on a stupid rom-com that she’s seen a few times before but she never really knows what it’s about because her attention gets easily dragged away from it.
She puts the remote back on the table and flips back around to be face to face with Harry, who was now looking at her with furrowed brows. “Why’re you burying yourself under the covers?” He asked with a frown, and she lulled her head away from him then back, biting the inside of her cheek. “M’just a bit cold.” 
His brows raised because he knew full well it wasn’t cold at all in this room, in fact it was quite hot, but he didn’t want to deal with her lying and thinking she could get away with it, so he pulled the covers off of himself, which actually cooled him off a good amount and piled them all on top of her. “Hey!” She cried out, muffled by the fabric on top of her. “M’hot, so I figured you could have my covers.” 
He heard a bit of grumbling and the covers were flung off of the bed entirely in a few seconds, Y/N sitting up and leaning on her arms breathing a bit heavy and turning to Harry with a stink in her eye. He just flashed his signature cheeky grin and she grabbed her pillow and hit him over the head before placing it back and pulling the sheets over her body. 
“Ow! You fucker.”
 Harry was sure about a lot of the things he did. 
Like when One Direction split up, he didn’t remain in constant contact with the boys, and while it was difficult at first,  they all needed a break, and it just made it so much better when they met up to hang out again. Or when him and Camille both decided it was for the best that they break up and they remain friends to this day. And of course, he was sure about bringing Y/N on tour. 
She was possibly one of the best people he had ever worked with, and one of the best friends he’s ever had. He was sure about getting close with her, and he was sure about keeping her close. Only, now keeping her close meant keeping her arms length apart, because if he got any closer he wouldn’t be able to handle being with her any closer than a few little touches and hugs and cheek and forehead kisses, not when he couldn’t have her. 
So it was safe to say when he opened his eyes the next morning with Y/N flung over him, her leg between his own, her arm wrapped around his chest with her face pressed into the junction of his shoulder and neck, and her warm soft breaths hitting his bare skin, making goosebumps pimple, he freaked out. 1, because friends did NOT cuddle like this, and 2, the close contact was making his chest clench and his lower abdomen heat up. 
He let out a shaky breath and thanked his lucky stars Y/N was a deep sleeper, and slowly slid out from under her, ignoring how his arms were wrapped around her and his hands were touching her bare skin where her shirt (his shirt really, and that just made it about a billion times worse) had ridden up in the night. As he was pulling his torso from her body after getting his legs out, she let out a whine and her grip on his back tightened. 
His heart beat wildly fast, so fast he wouldn’t be surprised if he looked down and saw it moving through his skin, and he stilled, terrified that she was awake. A few minutes went by, and she didn’t stir anymore, so after chalking her movements up to a dreaming Y/N, he moved a hand and gently took her soft hand off of his bare skin, letting out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. 
Finally he’s out of bed, and slipping on the clothes he wore the night before, folding the sweats he borrowed and putting them back in her suitcase.  He grabs his phone off the other side table Y/N never used and reaches her door, making the terrible mistake of looking back. Y/N’s face is smushed into the pillow he put under her head, her lips sightly open as she slept and her arms now curled around the pillow Harry had used last night, and he would swear on his mum’s life that she was breathing in his scent if not for the fact that he was certain she didn’t like him the way he liked her, and he didn’t want to barter his mum’s life on something so uncertain. 
His chest clenched for what felt like the billionth time this morning and even if he didn’t know it then, he had already decided that he couldn’t handle this anymore, whatever this was, and began to push the sleeping girl out of his mind and heart, in order to save himself from future heartbreak.
When Y/N woke up, her bed was empty, and she had never felt akin to a bed until that morning. 
The last time Harry really spoke to Y/N was the night he slept over.
It had been a little over a month since then, and she was trying really hard not to let it get to her, but seeing as Harry interacted just fine with everyone else, and his problem seemed to be with just Y/N, she couldn’t help the nagging feeling that she had somehow scared him off. 
A week after he slept over, the only times he spoke to her were for performances and work-related things, and her mind had been swarming with questions. Did she say something about him, or to him while she was sleeping? Sure, she had a dream about him, but it wasn’t anything dirty (although that had happened a few times before), they were just at a carnival and there was a ride in which they got to fly, it was quite fun. Did she cuddle him too much? Sure she could be really touchy when she’s tired, but so can Harry if his wandering hands (only in appropriate places) when they had movie nights were anything to go by.
So her questions went unanswered, and her attempts to speak with him were fruitfully ignored, whether that be he pretends he didn’t hear her the first time, or if he excuses himself before answering because he had to talk to someone about something. 
Everyone else in the band noticed, and Y/N didn’t know it, but everyone at tried to talk to Harry about it at least once. Adam mentioned how Y/N and Harry seemed to have drifted apart and Harry only hummed in agreement, making it obvious he didn’t want to talk about it. Charlotte had asked Harry if he was doing okay, to which he responded “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” And she didn’t feel like it was her place to tell him that Y/N had come to her crying about Harry’s actions, or lack thereof, towards her and she didn’t know what was wrong. Sarah was blunt with Harry, telling him how it was obvious Y/N and him weren’t speaking and asking what had happened to which Harry shrugged it off and told her that “people grow apart”, and it wasn’t anything personal.  Mitch had tried to the same, to no avail, despite being even more blunt than everyone else.
And that led them here, 15 minutes before Harry’s second, and last night in L.A. on his tour before they head to New York. He was quite looking forward to it, excited to see the few friends who couldn’t make it the night before. It was easy, going out with people after the performance, not having to think about Y/N as he drinks the night away. 
He looked in the mirror in front of him, patting the invisible dust off of his pearl adorned blazer and pants, the wife-beater under his coat so thin his tattoos could be traced. Usually after he was dressed he would pop into the band’s dressing room just to shake off the nerves beforehand, but he stopped doing that after he began to push himself away from Y/N. There would be no where else to sit but next to her, and that didn’t help his overwhelming need to hold her.  So instead, he made his way to the couch in his room, relaxing for the few minutes he had.
Y/N on the other hand was sitting in the dressing room with Sarah, Mitch, Charlotte, and Adam, all conversing about how ready they were, the energy in L.A. the night before had been off the charts, and they were more than excited to feel it again. All Y/N could think about, however, was that this just meant there was one more show to play, then tour would be over, and there would be no more reason to be in Harry’s band. Not when he clearly didn’t want to be friends with her anymore, and she thinks this is the worst she’s ever felt in a long, long time. 
The first part of the show goes really well. Harry is hyping up the audience, and everyone is smiling. “She” was the next song they were to play after Harry stopped interacting with the audience and Y/N was excited. It was one of her favorite songs to play, and she loved just stopping and listening when Mitch did his solo. He usually did the more detailed guitar work, while Y/N worked with the backing chords. 
“Alright, the next song we’ll be playing is “She”, let’s make sure not to get Mitch’s ego too high afterwards though.” Harry had laughed into the mic, walking back to the stand and clicking the mic into place. Then, it began. It was good, it really was, until Y/N noticed that Harry had faltered a bit in the chorus, and her eyes followed his own to the blonde hair in the VIP section. It was her, Camille, the muse behind this entire album.  Her heart stuttered as she noticed he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was gorgeous, prettier than all of the pictures she’s seen.
And Harry was looking only at her in the crowd.  It was then, that Y/N started to go a bit haywire. He began to sing the chorus, and she guesses her fingers held the pick a bit tighter, and strummed bit harder, because after 10 seconds of playing she realized she could no longer hear his voice. Almost immediately did she soften the strumming and look up to see Harry turn to face her, confusion and anger, maybe, written all across his face.  She ignores it and continues to play until the song is over. She’s not listening when the crowd cheers, but she regrets tuning in when Harry introduces the next song on the set list, how he says that it’s possibly one of his favorites, and meet’s his ex’s eyes when he starts to play Cherry.
It’s then that Y/N breaks. She keeps her eyes down, and her strumming quiet, just incase she falters (which she does about 2 times), and when her mouth moves up to sing the backing vocals she realizes that her eyes are welling up and her throat is closing in.  She closes her mouth and continues to play the guitar, missing Harry’s look back at her, and the rest of the band’s attempt to conceal the fact that she had stopped singing in the middle of the verse. 
The rest of the show goes on, and her tears are held back when they all wave goodbye, and when they rush offstage, and when Harry’s hand brushes her arm that she’s sure was a mistake (it wasn’t), and they continue to be held back until she bursts into the unisex restroom just a mere 20 feet away from the dressing rooms. She locks herself in a stall and sits on the closed toilet seat, shaking hands covering her face as she chokes on her sobs, knowing she would never be enough for Harry, thinking about how he want’s nothing to do with her, and how big of a mistake she made going on tour with them, because if she didn’t, then she wouldn’t have fallen in love with Harry, and she wouldn’t be feeling this way. 
What feels like hours, but was actually just 15 minutes of her crying all the tears she could cry, she decided it was better to mope in her own hotel room rather than in a public place where anyone could walk in. She steps out of the stall and doesn’t bother looking in the mirror, only washes her hands, then rinses her face, patting it dry with a cheap brown paper towel. She crumples it up and tosses it in the trashcan, walking out of the restroom to see Harry outside of his dressing room, his arms wrapped around Camille in an intimate embrace. 
Intruding would be a good word to describe how she felt right then, and quickly did she speed walk the other way, trying not to let any more tears fall as she opens the door to the bands dressing room to see Sarah and Mitch packing up her things. One look at her was all it took to break the dam that held her tears, and she covered her mouth with her hand, her head falling down and her other arm wrapping around her stomach, maybe it would make things better.
 Sarah quickly hands Mitch Y/N’s bag that held her sweats, sweatshirt, purse, and phone she brought to the venue, and takes the girl into a much needed embrace. She cried into Sarahs chest for a bit, snotty apologies from Y/N that Sarah waved off, insisting it was okay, and that she would be okay.
After calming her down a bit and receiving a hug from Mitch, she takes her bag and walks into one of the privacy divider boxes, changing into the clothes she would wear tomorrow on the flight, and tonight to sleep in. Mitch and Sarah lead her out of the venue with all of their arms locked, and bring her to the car, the hotel, and lastly her room.
“We’re right next door, if you need anything. Are you sure you don’t want us to stay?” Sarah asked, biting her lip in anxiousness. Y/N shook her head, her puffy eyes hurting from the movement. “No, I’m gonna be okay. Thank you- um, can-can you not tell anyone? I just-”
“Of course we won’t tell anyone,” Mitch interrupts her, making sure she won’t start crying again, because if there’s something he wants least, it’s to see her cry. “We’ll see you tomorrow morning, okay?” 
Y/N nods, and they all hug and part with declarations of love and goodnight’s.
Harry just arrived at the hotel after a quick late dinner with Camille at her flat, catching up and eating some really good Chinese take-out. It was always good seeing her, they weren’t super close anymore of course, she had a new boyfriend now, he was there too actually, a really fine lad that he thinks Camille deserves, but he enjoyed getting to see her with no bad-blood.  
So the night was going good, other than Y/N’s weird guitar mishap and her faltering voice during the show, that he couldn’t stop thinking about. 
Well, it was going good, until Mitch called him after Harry sent him a text talking about how he was back at the hotel, and told him that he was really stupid. Told Harry that Y/N seemed really hurt earlier, and how he thinks that Harry ignoring her caught up to her. Of course, Mitch knew it was partially untrue, but to remain loyal to Y/N he couldn’t tell Harry why she was so upset, and exactly how upset Y/N really was. 
Upon hearing this, Harry’s mood deflated and he rushed to Y/N’s hotel room, knocking a few times with a soft “It’s me, Harry.” through the door. Y/N heard it, but there was no way in hell she would open the door for him, so she feigned sleep and hoped he wouldn’t attempt to wake her up. “Are you awake, love?” No answer. “Pet?” No answer. “Okay, well, I just wanted to talk to you, um, but we can do that tomorrow, I-um, I’m sorry.” 
He left, after that, leaving her to curl up in her covers alone, tears leaking from her eyes.
The next morning was anything but fun, they were to wake up at 6 and catch the 7:30 AM flight from L.A. to New York.  Of course, everyone one in the band and a few others got first class, while the rest of the crew rode on Harry’s rented private jet, to hold all the equipment that wasn’t provided at the venue. 
So this meant that Y/N and Harry would have to be stuck in the same cabin of a plane together for about 5 and a half hours. Luckily they weren’t designated to sit next to each other, but Harry had other plans. 
He switched tickets with a hesitant Charlotte and got the aisle seat, where Y/N would have the window seat. He got on first, and got settled in,  biting his lip in nerves, he wasn’t really sure how he would be able to explain away all of his actions to her, but he knew that he had to, he didn’t want to loose Y/N.
Y/N stepped onto the plane, flashing a fake smile at the flight attendant who obviously noticed her puffy eyes and frowning face. Her eyes darted from the row number and seat letter to the ones on the top of the cabin, and when she found the matching pair of seats, there he was, in all his sweatpants-sweatshirt covered glory. 
Her mouth opened to tell him she didn’t want to sit next to him, but when he looked up at her with a soft smile, all she could do was close her lips and sigh, squeezing past him to plop down in the seat with the window. 
He didn’t try to speak to her, and she did the same, but he really wanted to. Wanted to ask her how she was, what she had been doing when they stopped talking (or when he stopped talking to her), if her Mom was still working at the job she wanted to quit or if she finally did it, if she still wanted to get a cat when tour was over, but he just couldn’t. 
He had no idea where to even start, does he talk to her, then hope the conversation will lead to a place where he can apologize, or does he just apologize straight up, but have no explanation as to why he hurt her in the first place.
The internal battle lasted until they landed, when they got off the plane, traveled to the hotel, and when they went to their respective suites.
Y/N considered herself lucky that Harry had decided to not speak to her on the flight. That wouldn’t have given her an option to opt out of the conversation, and she knew he was smarter than that.  She didn’t know however, that when she opened the door to her hotel room after a hasty knock, expecting another member of the band, that Harry would be standing in front of it, his eyes widened in anxiety. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out, interrupting her and walking past her into her room that she hadn’t invited him into. “I’m so sorry for ignoring you, and-and not talking to you when you tried to talk to me. You didn’t deserve it, I’m sorry.”
Her brows raised in surprise and she shut the door behind him, staying near the entrance.  As her mouth opened to accept the apology, her mind raced through how she had been feeling the past month and instead she said, “It’s been a fucking month Harry, I-I thought everything was fine, and then one day you just decided to cut me out?”
“I know,” He stepped closer to her, guilt rushing through him. “I know, it was stupid of me, and I shouldn’t have, but I didn’t even know what to say. You wouldn’t even look at me on the flight and I-“
He was interrupted by her walking up and pushing her finger against his chest. “I wouldn’t talk to you?” She scoffed, tears brimming her eyes. “I-what did you expect after you pushed me away for a month, no warning, no reason-”
“Of course I had a reason!” Harry raised his voice, eyes watery as well.  “I fucking love you! That’s why, and-and we were getting too close than friends should, and I couldn’t handle not being with you.”
“Fuck, Y/N I’m so sorry-mmph!”
His apology was silenced by her lips on his, and his eyes widened as he realized what was happening.  They fluttered closed, and his arms wrapped around her torso, while her hands were placed on his cheeks and wowthiswasreallyhappeningandhewasn’tdreamingwashedreamingnohewasn’t-
Y/N pulled away with a deep breath in and laughed a bit, her forehead resting against his. “If you didn’t catch on with that, I love you too.” 
Harry laughed and cheekily grinned, pulling her even closer than she was before. “Really? I’m not sure I got it, can you help me understand a bit more?”
She swatted his chest and kissed him once more. “Cheeky bastard.” 
303 notes · View notes
renaerys · 3 years
PPG One-Shot: Spelling Bee (Brick/Blossom)
Happy birthday to @genovah​! She is always inspiring me to come up with more PPG content, a true hero. I’m back with another entry in the ongoing Shooketh, Not Stirred high school AU Reds series for your entertainment. As always, this can be read alone, but it happens in the same universe as part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. This is also posted on my AO3.
Summary: Brick and Blossom hunker down in the library to study for the upcoming regional spelling bee.
***Reblogs are extremely appreciated, since this probably won’t show up in the tags due to cursing. Thank you! <3
In fairness, Brick had come to the library during his free period with the pure intention to learn. And he was certainly learning something. But somewhere between sliding into his seat opposite Blossom and watching her lips move around insouciant as if it were a strawberry slathered in ganache, his purity was torn from his weak, teenage boy fingers and there was absolutely no going back. 
“Brick, are you listening to me?” She touched his hand across the table. 
“Did you need me to repeat the word?”
“In-SOO-see-uhnt.” She sounded it out slowly, and hand to god, that dominating SOO went straight to his cock.
This, of course, was fine. 
“Origin?” he asked. 
She twirled her hair around her finger and puckered her lips. “French.”
Blossom mistook his increasingly horny stupor for plain old stupor and sighed. “Are you even trying? Because if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were completely fine with Darla Dimpleton going to regionals instead of one of us.”
“I am not fine with that.”
Darla Dimpleton was an unassuming, unthreatening nobody with the personality of plain oatmeal. Brick would never have even bothered to learn her name had she not committed the cardinal sin of scoring so much extra credit while everyone else was busy having lives that she stole the number one GPA right from under him. Which meant she stole it from under Blossom too. Which meant Brick was no longer a respectable silver medal to Blossom’s gold, but currently ranked third and therefor merely happy to be on the podium at all (and for the record, no one has ever been happy merely to be on the podium, just like no one has ever been happy winning Most Improved: you sucked, and now you suck a little less. Except this time, you actually suck more because Darla fucking Dimpleton decided to Quaker Oats her way to the top of this rat race that doesn’t actually matter, but it’s the principle of the thing, i.e., the only thing that matters.). 
All of this to say, Darla Dimpleton was the Worst™ and she was one hundred percent going down. 
“Are you sure? Because you’re being awfully cavalier about this. Some might even call you insouciant.”
It was a testament to Brick’s powerful fondness for winning and being seen doing it that he spelled insouciant in one Darla Dimpleton-shaped cock blocking breath.
Blossom smiled like she knew something. “Much better.”  
Yeah, she knows a lot of things.
The problem with dating, Brick was convinced, was that suddenly the mundane became extraordinary. Everyday experiences that he had previously taken for granted—flying around Townsville, enjoying a cup of coffee, thwarting his sometimes murderous demonic overlord from distributing incriminating polaroids, that sort of thing—were suddenly exciting, thrilling even. Because now he got to do those things with Blossom, and Blossom was cool in a smarmy, elitist sort of way that both softened his heart and hardened his dick all at the same time, and that was kind of A Lot to deal with at 9 a.m. on a Tuesday.
“All right, do me,” Blossom said, and Brick coughed so badly his aforementioned weak, teenage boy fingers shook to stifle himself. 
Mercy, he thought, probably. But all his blood was rushing south and it was going to take a supernatural willpower to get through these words so that one of them could beat the upstart porridge peasant to this year’s regional spelling bee. 
“You’re the boss,” he said, because it was true, and also because he liked the way she looked at him when he said it. Like he was now the ganache-coated strawberry in this overextended metaphor that he was too laden with Homeric concupiscence being in her general proximity to unpack. 
Concupiscence, there’s a ten dollar word for you, you horny genius. 
He made a mental note to brag to Blossom about this later. 
“Okay, let’s see…” Brick made a show of organizing the flashcards so that she wouldn’t see him discreetly re-situate his pants under the table. “Your word is cymotrichous.”
Blossom tapped her lips, and Brick found himself sympathizing with the Puritans in their absolute befuddlement over the libidinous effect of women having lips. Witchcraft, surely. “Could you use it in a sentence for me?”
Compelled entirely by black magic and therefor not responsible for his imminently questionable choices, Brick obliged her with: “Thinking about how I’d rather run my fingers through your cymotrichous hair for the rest of free period instead of sit here spelling words no one’s ever heard of.”
Blossom, who he was dead certain was extremely thirsty for him and had been for years long before they ever reconciled their rivalry, leaned over the desk separating them. Her hair, long and loose and indeed quite wavy today, was tempting. “Brick, are you flirting with me?”
It was a well-known fact of being a Weak-Fingered, Teenage Boy that one must never reveal such weakness, especially not in front of one’s girlfriend. On the other hand, co-opting said weakness and rebranding it as the suave truth was galaxy brain levels of flirting. And Brick, as has already been established, was a horny genius. “Yup.” He leaned in to meet her, and he twirled her hair between his fingers because they were weak for her, indeed. “How am I doing?”
Blossom, too determined to let her thirst deter her from her goal of sweet, academic retribution and bragging rights, tapped a finger to his lips. “Great. But we have so many words to spell, and only thirty minutes left to do them all. So get shuffling, stud.”
Well, he could work with that. One thing that made his relationship with Blossom work very well was their insatiable competitiveness. Whether they were whaling on each other over an empty parking lot, debating the efficacy of post-its as a note-taking device, or combining their powers to Captain Planet a cornmeal know-it-all back down the leaderboard where she belonged, they were relentless glory chasers. And the greater the challenge, the more they enjoyed the experience and each other. 
Blossom spelled her word perfectly, by the way. She stretched out the o-u-s at the end in a bewitching little whisper as she pulled away and her hair slipped through his fingers. That moment when the light changes and the temperature shifts and you’re weightless in a state of existential anticipation of something monumental about to happen, but not quite? That happened. Thirty minutes to explore the shape of that anticipation was enough time to taste it but not enough to savor it. Which, Brick supposed, was about to make this the best thirty minutes he was likely going to get all week. 
“Are you ready?” Blossom watched him from behind the card she’d drawn. She had a glint in her eyes that told him she was smiling behind that card. 
“Your word is eudaemonic.”
That fucking gorgeous ooh again.
“Define it.”
Blossom flushed as though he had just ordered her to bend over. She bit her lip (it must have been a ten Hail Mary’s kind of day when the Witch-Finder General caught a flesh and blood woman doing that with her improbably sorcerous lips) and grinned. “It means producing happiness. Based on the idea of happiness as the proper end of conduct.”
Producing happiness, which is proper, much like how Blossom came off as proper and even prim around adults, when really she was the most fun, most confident, most person he’d ever met, especially when she was spelling in that chiffon top (son of a bitch, that was a great top on her), and the only conduct he was interested in was of the happiest kind.
“Oh.” His throat clenched, and then his stomach twisted, and then his pants grew little too tight again in a full-body chain reaction that began and ended with a fierce determination not to give in first even though it would mean release because release would be meaningless without this etymological tête-à-tête. 
Don’t think about tête-à-têtes. 
Seventeenth century, noun, borrowed from the French meaning literally “head to head” (please, please stop hurting yourself like this).
Brick cleared his throat. “Yup. Got it. E-u-d…”
Crisis averted, Brick picked the next card and promptly choked on his own tongue. Blossom made a show like she was concerned and are you all right? and please drink some water. Brick drank her water, which of course she had had her anatomically heretical lips on earlier, which was just fantastic for him. Tuesday fucking morning. 
Milieu was her word. 
“Milieu, hmm.” Blossom’s smile was spellbinding, which was a pun because he punned when he panicked. “Origin?”
You bitch, he thought, and be cool, and also, witchcraft.
Brick leaned back in his chair, slipped his trembling hands in his pockets, and squeezed every ounce of anything you can do I can do better into a winsome grin. “French.”
Blossom’s adult-facing façade cracked like an egg, and he got a glimpse of the raw delight she felt for this game, for the words, and for him for making it happen. For cultivating the electric milieu, if you will, currently driving them both into a state of impassioned, competitive euphoria at 9:42 a.m. in the library. 
“Right, um…” She stumbled over her words, and Brick had to restrain himself from crowing for joy and risk the rheumy-eyed librarian coming to scold them. 
By the time they got through another set of words, they were each visibly frustrated and doubly turned on by the other’s masochistic resolve not to throw in the towel. 
“Okay, ready for another round?” 
She wasn’t even trying to hide her intentions now, and that was just fine with Brick. “Of course.”
One more.
If it was another French word, he was fucking done. 
“Really?” Blossom truly had ice in her veins for the way she was able to school her face then. He couldn’t read her, and that was very bad. 
If it’s another fucking French word…
He could be over the desk and on her faster than you could say concupiscence. 
“Okay.” Blossom set down the flashcard she’d drawn and folded her hands on the table. She looked him dead in the eye licked her lips. “Succedaneum.”
The bookshelf shook but Brick’s fingers didn’t as they pinned Blossom’s over a Dewey Decimal-stamped spine and he kissed her with all the horny passion of a teenage genius who would make a note to thank the devil for giving women lips. One of his better ideas. 
“Hey, has anyone seen Blossom? I’ve sent her, like, four texts!” Bubbles shoved her phone, open to the ignored texts in question, in her sister’s face. “She was supposed to help me with Chem homework.”
Buttercup ducked. “No, and watch where you’re swinging that thing.”
“I saw her earlier,” Boomer said. “She was with Brick coming out of first period.”
“Oh, yeah.” Mike slung his arm around Boomer’s shoulders. “Don’t they both have a free period right now?”
Buttercup rolled her eyes. “What a scam. Whoever decided to give the A-students free periods while the rest of us mere mortals gotta slave away is a straight-up Supervillain.”
Boomer snapped his fingers. “Hey, I just remembered! They both decided to compete for the spot at the regional spelling bee this year. I bet that’s what they’re doing.”
“God, that’s the saddest thing I have ever heard in my life. That’s a new low even for Blossom.”
“I heard there’s a cash prize for the regional winner,” Bubbles said. “It’s like twenty thousand bucks! Remember, everyone in school signed up and we had to have that assembly to narrow it down?”
“Twenty thou— How the tits did I miss that?!”
“I mean, it was all over the school,” Mike said. “We signed up too.”
“What? And no one thought to tell me I could’ve won the lottery?”
Boomer chuckled. “Dude, come on. You wouldn’t have stood a chance in hell against Darla Dimpleton.”
Bubbles cast Boomer a not worth it look, and he just sighed. “So, if they’re studying for the spelling bee, do you think they’re in the library?”
At that moment, Butch came bursting down the hall a little too fast to be human. Open lockers rattled on their hinges as he passed, and a Sophomore girl’s binder went flying, scattering looseleaf papers everywhere. Buttercup looked ready to punch him in the dick for breaking the no powers in school rule. “Guys, you’re gonna shit!” 
“Calm down before you blow a load, Jesus Christ.” Buttercup yanked him back down to the floor so he wouldn’t spontaneously float. 
Sensibly, Boomer asked, “Why?”
“‘Cause Brick and Blossom are making out in the library right now!”
Mike cringed. “Oh, come on.”
“The hell they are,” Buttercup said. 
Bubbles smiled. “Good for them.”
“I’m serious! There were books everywhere, and the noise—”
“Oh look, there goes my dignity. Better catch it before it gets away. C’mon, moron.” Buttercup dragged Butch down the hall over his protests. “What were you even doing in the library? I didn’t think you knew where it was…”
“Like that could ever happen,” Mike said. “Those two wouldn’t waste a minute of study time if it means beating out the competition.”
Boomer did not look so convinced. “I don’t know. I mean, they’re officially, for real dating now,”—“Finally!” Mike interjected—“so it’s not that unbelievable.”
The bell for the next period rang. Bubbles groaned thinking of stewing for an hour of Chem. At least she shared that class with Boomer and would not have to suffer alone. They parted from Mike and walked together through the throng of students rushing to get to their next period.
“Hey, do you think…” 
“I mean…” Boomer shrugged. 
They rounded the corner and nearly ran into Blossom dashing to her next class with a rushed “Got your texts talk later bye!” before she disappeared into the crowd. 
Bubbles whirled on Boomer. “Did you see her buttons—”
“Completely uneven—”
The late bell rang and made them jump. Among the last stragglers, they both dashed a bit too fast to get to class and made it to their seats just as Mr. Micelli finished writing a problem on the board. 
Boomer winked when she caught his eye a couple desks away from hers, and it took everything she had not to laugh.
“Good for her,” Bubbles said to herself. 
“You are late,” Mr. Micelli said. 
Everyone turned to watch Brick sink into his seat, his short hair totally askew and looking healthily flushed for a Tuesday morning. 
Boomer burst out laughing and needed a whole minute to calm down. 
He’d tell her later that the detention was worth it.
Witchcraft! 👁️👄👁️✨
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casiavium · 3 years
oh my gosh i am so sorry to ask you again but i meant the part after link has buffed up his sword fully and goes through the gate of time the first time. i know he has to go around getting the songs, is that when the volcano explodes? thank you for your other summary, it was amazing and very thorough and fun to read, you are wonderful
No problem!!
Right after the Fire Sanctuary with the Ghirahim battle and Din's flame you get the Master Sword (unpowered up). You go back to the Sealed Grounds to fight the Imprisoned (now with arms) and use the Groosenator that is ready now. You win, you unlock the Gate of Time with the Master Sword, go through, Zelda powers it up fully and she seals herself in the crystal. Sword is fully powered up. I think this is where you want a summary now!
Link returns to the present, learns about the goddess butterflies from Gorko, and you have to return to Skyloft. Talk to people in the academy about the Triforce, one of them tells you to go to the Thunderhead, learn the spinning bird attack and head into the dome. Get yourself some soup for Levias via the Lumpy Pumpkin (if you've repaid your debt), Scrapper carries the pumpkin soup to the Thunderhead and you land on the rainbow island. Levias the sky whale shows up but he's being attacked, there's a miniboss fight with a parasite before you can speak to him. Levias is better and the Thunderhead is no longer a thunderstorm. He tells you about the song of the hero and you need to revisit the dragons for all the pieces.
This is where supposedly you have some leeway, but I've only ever played and seen it played this way:
Go to the Sealed Grounds, the Imprisoned broke free again and this time he can fly. Fight him one more time and head into Faron where it is flooded (something about Faron still being pissed at Ghirahim, idk) Faron's a bitch and won't just give you the song and makes you work for it, so you have to swim all over the flooded woods looking for tadtones. Once you get those she gives you the song and unfloods the woods. You can now unlock the quest where Link kidnaps a kikwi.
THEN you go to Eldin but are interrupted by the volcano. Link falls off his bird and wakes up in a cell, triggering the best part of the game imo. With the help of one of the mogmas you have to retrieve all your items from the bokoblins without getting caught cause you don't have your sword, you retrieve the Master Sword, and Link has to go through the temple again to get to Eldin. He is nice and gives you the song for free (Link probably looks tired af and covered in volcanic ash like a victim of Pompeii) Eldin says oops my bad for the eruption and stops the volcano, you return to the sky and unlock the mogma kidnapping sidequest.
Ignoring the kikwi and mogma quests you head to Lanayru where Lanayru is fucking dead. He's bones. Trigger the Timeshift stone and this man has COVID or someshit and can't sing. You have to get a seed from a dead tree, go back to Faron, go to the past, plant the tree (which is implied to maybe possibly eventually be the Great Deku Tree??), go to the present, get the fruit from the tree, trigger Groose's latest existential crisis, and head back to Lanayru. Lanayru takes the fruit and is ~magically cured~ but he's still dead in the future so fat lot of good that did. At least he gives you the final part of the song of the hero. It also opens the boss rush, where you can obtain the Hylian Shield if you're insanely good at motion controls and not dying and want to fight Ghirahim and the Imprisoned six more times.
Return to Skyloft and learn the final part of the song of hero, go home for the Skyloft silent realm, open and complete the skykeep, get the Triforce, drop the statue, kill the Imprisoned, and then do everything I said in my last post!
I hope this is where you meant! I don't mind writing another one if it's not :)
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
choir and kisses
a niki x reader school au, where there in choir together and have a project to work on. maybe they kiss? maybe
this baisically inspired my school au tbh
Niki sat in her choir class, exhausted from her previous class. The kids were just too much to be around and didn't have the mental strength to deal with them sometimes. She opened her choir folder, putting it on her stand.
“Yo niki, you good?'' Wilbur says, sitting down next to her. “I'm fine, but Wilbur, you're not in this class. I thought you were in orchestra.” she answers, looking at the tall man. “I am, I just don't have a class right now so I decided to visit you.” niki nodded. “Oh right, seniors have free hours sometimes.” he nodded at niki’s statement, opening his phone. “Texting sally?” niki asks, making Wilbur blush. “No no I'm not.” niki laughs, turning to the front of the room when the bell rings.
“Alright everyone, we will be doing a group project today! Your gonna do a presentation of a musical and then sing a duet together! Your partners are posted on google classroom.” niki opened her phone, seeing who she was partnered with. Wilbur just sighed, staring at niki. “Mind if i hang with you and your partner?” wilbur asks. Niki nodded. “Yeah its fine. Seems like I'm partnered with your sibling!” wilbur just started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” he calmed down slightly. “It's just that you have the biggest crush on them, it's gonna be so funny.” niki blushed. “I don't have a crush on them! We’re friends, I don't like them like that wilbur.” he just laughed at this. “Niki, your blushing!” niki huffed. 
“Wilbur leave Nikki alone, besides we need to do work!” niki turned to see (y/n) yelling at their brother. “I'm still pissed at you for leaving me to deal with techno and tommy.” Wilbur laughs nervously. “I'll do your chores if you don't tell dad.” “deal!” (y/n) sits in the empty seat next to nikki.
“So, what musical do you want to do for the project? Note that we do have to do a duet.” (y/n) says, setting their folder down. “Maybe we could maybe do into the woods? It takes two isn't that hard of a song to do.” niki suggests. “Yeah, we can do that!” niki and (y/n) started to work on their presentation, getting what they needed before they had to leave for class. Wilbur occasionally budded in, bored out of his mind. 
“Maybe you should have chosen a different class wilbs. Maybe bother tommy.” (y/n) says, listening to the song they were gonna do. “I dont wanna hang out with Tommy, he's always bothering me about my music.” he crosses his arms and sinks into his chair. “Oh calm down, he's just excited.” niki says, gathering information on her phone. “Niki, you don't have any siblings, shoosh.” niki just laughs. 
Things went on like this, right until the class was nearly over. “Oh, niki, you should come over tonight to finish the project. We could practice the song as well!” (y/n) says, moving their chair for the orchestra class that was next. “Yeah, that would be great! I could come over after school?” niki asks. “Yeah, we can walk home together! Gotta make sure to leave Wilbur behind though, he would constantly complain if he were to come along.`` We laugh together. The bell soon rings. “Alright, see you after class ends!” (y/n) says, picking up their stuff. “See you then!” niki puts away her stuff and leaves soon after.
Class went on, (y/n) very excited that niki would be coming over, yet also very nervous. They knew Wilbur would just say something. (y/n) turned to techno, who was in their english class. “Techno, did you read the book we were supposed to read?” technoblade turned to them. “(y/n), this is the second time you're taking this class and you didn't read the book? Again?” (y/n) just glares at him. “I don't like the book, okay! Anyway, did you read it?” techno just sighs, nodding. (y/n) smiled. “Oh thank god! Okay, help me with the essay then.” techno agrees, knowing if they didn't pass, he would get in trouble for not helping.
After a half hour, the bell rings, signalling that school has ended. (y/n) picks up their things, heading to their locker. They see niki waiting for them there. “Did you get out of class early?” (y/n) asked, unlocking the locker. “Yeah, I asked the teacher and she said it was fine!” (y/n) shoves their things into their bag. “Well that's nice of her! Anyways, we better get moving or one of my brothers would force us to ride home with them.” niki nodded, closing (y/n)’s locker for them. They walked down the stairs, heading out of one of the school's many doors.
They walked home, talking about random things as they went along. “You ever think about getting run over when your crossing the road?” niki stared at (y/n), concerned at their comment. “No? Are you okay?” (y/n) nodded. “Yeah im fine.”
After ten minutes, they reach the minecrafts home, noticing that they weren't home yet. “Oh thank god, i forgot they had to pick up tubbo as well.” (y/n) says, opening the door. They both walked inside the dark home. “Im gonna get us some food, just head up to my room!” (y/n) says, taking off their shows and heading to the kitchen. “Alright!” niki says, taking of her own shoes and heading upstairs. Niki spotted a door that had the progressive flag on it. “Oh thats new!” niki says, entering (y/n)’s room. “Wow, their rooms changed since I was last here.
(y/n)’s room was painted (f/c), and had drawings and posters all over the room. They had a desk, with their pc and art stuff atop it. Their bed was unmade, having stuffed animals all over the place. Niki spotted a whale plushie seated on their pillow. “Aww they kept it!” niki had given it to them years ago, so she found it sweet that it was still there.
(y/n) soon came up, holding a bunch of snakes and some cokes. “Sorry this is all we had, tommy wont let us buy anything else.” (y/n) says, handing niki the coke. “Oh, that's alright!” they sit down on (y/n)’s bed. (y/n) sat their snakes on their desk, so as not to spill them all over. 
“Okay, we need to actually put the presentation together. You have the notes right?” niki nodded, grabbing her phone while (y/n) sat at their pc, not too far from the pink haired girl. “Okay, so we have-” they did this for a while, niki reading the notes while (y/n) wrote them into the google slide. It soon got to the part where they had to sing their song. 
“Okay, so I'll be the baker, and you can be the other one.” (y/n) says, opening the song for them to sing. “Okay, i can do that!'' They started the song, getting ready to sing.
“(Y/N) ARE YOU WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND???” (y/n) stops the song. “I swear to god I will kill tommy. NO JACKASS, WE’RE NOT DATING!!” niki tries to stifle a laugh. “ARE YOU SURE????'' Tommy responds, still downstairs. (y/n) glares at the laughing niki. “Sorry sorry.” niki says, still laughing. “IM POSITIVE, NOW SHUT UP WE’RE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING!!'' Tommy responds immediately. “ARE YOU TWO HAVING SEX??” niki chokes on her own spit, while (y/n) blushes profusely. “OH THAT'S IT, COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!” (y/n) says, jumping out of their chair, running downstairs to attack the child. Niki leaves as well, wanting to see (y/n) beat up a child.
She comes down the stairs to see (y/n) putting Tommy in a choke hold while techno cheered them on. Niki stands next to techno.
"Apologize! I'll take your Cds if you don't!!!" "No no not my disks!!"
Niki turns towards techno. "Does this regularly happen?" Techno nodded as a response. Niki turned back, seeing Tommy try to bite (y/n). "OH STOP IT RACOON CHILD!!" philza soon comes In and breaks them apart. "Awwe my free entertainment.'' Techno says. "Oh calm down. Tommy, please stop annoying your sibling. This is why you get choked.” Tommy pouts. “Okay phil.” philza glares at the young child. “Also, (y/n), next time, just punch him in the throat. You've learned from techno.” “HEY!'' Tommy says, offended. (y/n) laughs, “okay, will do dadza. Oh, what time is it?” techno looked at his phone. “Its close to 9 pm.” (y/n) pouts, going over to niki and clinging onto her. “Noooo, it can't be her time to leave.” niki giggles, patting (y/n)’s head. “I have to leave. I'll come over soon, okay?” (y/n) nodds, letting go. 
They go upstairs together, grabbing nikkis stuff. They go back downstairs to the front door. (y/n) and niki hug each other. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” (y/n) asked, letting go. “Yeah, we did never got to actually practice the song! I'll be over at 4 pm, like always.” (y/n) nodds. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow?” niki nodded, leaning over and kissing (y/n) on the cheek, making them blush. “Yep! See ya, bye!” she says, opening the door and closing it, leaving (y/n) a mess.
“Yep…” they say to themself, smiling happily. “YES!!!! I TOLD YOU THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!! PUSSY DIDN'T EVEN KISS HER THEMSELF HAHA!!” (y/n) turned around, running towards tommy. “COME BACK HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
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bunchofstraydogs · 3 years
You asked for it :> So may I request the rest of BSD playing Genshin? 😘🥰
Darling, since I can't write that many characters in one go, I thought I should give you something special. I present... 💫 women 💫
Women of BSD as Genshin Impact players
tw: you're in bsd fandom, you know all the tw there are by now
Kyouka Izumi- Assasin in the streets, babysitter in the... Genshin Impact
Kyouka is that cute, stubborn kid that overfixates on things. Atsushi is things. Look, we all know Kyo-chan is mad intelligent and talented and it shows in her game play. Right off the bat she got the sense of the gameplay of every type of character and decided what works best for her. She knows what type of team she's going for and knows how to manage her materials wisely.
When she plays alone, Kyouka works towards bettering her characters and pushing through the storyline. Her favourite way to play the game is with Atsushi, whether alone or in co-op with others. Playing with Jinko is a huge win-win situation for her - she helps him beat up whatever he needs to take down and complete puzzles, he gives her praises and gratitude. And materials, but seldom does she take them.
Her main job, though, is to protect Atsushi and his world from the otherworldly evil known as the suicidal maniac, Dazai Osamu. She's fairly successful.
Main Team: MC, Klee, Keqing, Rosaria
Sub Team: MC, Qiqi, Fischl, Hu Tao
Mains MC, both for her flexibility with elements and because she likes being the little sister to Atsushi's male MC.
Yosano Akiko- retired nurse, now a terrorist
Did you really think she'd stay a healer without having the sadistic satisfaction of hurting people in grotesque ways? Nay. She doesn't have a single healer on team. She either has a teammate who's a healer like Haruno, or she wastes abundance of food until she can teleport to a statue of the seven.
Her game play is on crack, basically. She has several energy spurs, sometimes several times a day, where she rages through the game, before losing interest and going shopping. It's very possible with her that days can pass before she feels like playing again. Then she binges the game for hours and repeat.
When i say she acts like on crack i mean it. She has rage in her veins instead of blood. She tanks her characters and goes out looking for fights with worst possible opponents. Hell, she'll under equip her party just to see how many mofos can she take down in weak state. Spoilers, a fair few. She does die quite a bit, and is almost always out of food, but she's just as stubborn as she's crazy. Those two thing correlate probably. Which is why she made Azdaha her bitch. Her party consists either of strong, hot milfs women like herself, or twinks. You won't see someone like Childe disrespecting her vibe.
Main Team: Beido, Venti, Hu Tao, Rozaria
Sub Team: Lisa, Yanfei, Ningguang, Xingqiu
Beido and Lisa main. Bad bitches only.
Naomi Tanizaki- the fangirl player
She basically collects the cutest characters possible.. That's how she chooses her characters, based on cuteness. She went for the hot ones first to pull her brother but she got jealous and changed her tactic. You know she's spending her money on character skins and certain banners. She's insanely lucky tho?? She got Qiqi on the standard banner as her first 5*, pulled Klee on her banner in little over four 10 pulles and got Diona eventually anyway. Baraba and Xiangling were free and she mained Xiangling untill Klee rolled in. She spent some money on Venti and was already in pity when Ganyu came around. She's fully ready to whale for Kokomi though.
Now i know i said she's incredibly lucky, right? Yeahh that luck has to turn against something to keep the balance and well... she's still crying over Chongyun.
She usually co-ops with her brother, it's a daily ritual. Loves co oping with everyone though, mostly Haruno, Atsushi and Kyouka. She made online friends as well. Actually, there is one person she co ops with almost as much as she does with her brother. IchiGawa is her Genshin bestie and they talk about their crushes and infatuations besides the game itself. Her friend is the only secret she keeps from her brother.
Main Team: Klee, Diona, Venti, Barbara
Sub Team: Razor, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Qiqi
A Klee main.
Haruno Kirako- the healer
Literal angel. You need her, i need her, ADA needs her, the president needs her, just... yes. Her whole team consists of support- healers and crowd control characters. She was a f2p at first, but realised she earns her own money and can spend it however she wishes and she chose the monthly cards.
She's a necessity, point blank. She can get intimidated by new foe at first, but when backed up by her friends, she becomes determined and flexible. Pays good attention to her teammates, most importantly, their health bars, and acts accordingly.
The only reason most of them made it as far as they have, being as reckless as they are.
Main Team: Albedo, Barbara, Jean, Venti
Sub Team: Qiqi, Noel, Jean, Xinyan
Mains Albedo and Barbara
Fan fact: She's very fascinated infatuated with Albedo!! He's even her home screen and has posters and key chain of him.
Gin Akutagawa- that cottagecore assassin
You may be wondering what that could even mean. Let me tell you, she brought Animal Crossing to Genshin Impact. Sure she takes care of her characters and they're pretty powerful, but she kicks ass in real life as well. The game is her little getaway, especially since Serenity pot has been introduced. She's been making away her home for her and her brother characters. You can see her chop wood, collect materials, taking pictures with her friends and her brother, sometimes of pretty scenery and cute moments. A very wholesome player.
She's the type to help her friends explore their world and help them find oculi, open chests, shrines, collect flowers, mine... She's very patient, but if she sees her co-op teammates struggle with something, she'll jump in to help do it herself untill told to back off. In which case she will listen and silently give her support, usually with the cheering stickers in the chat.
She's f2p! Sure, she could get the monthly card at least, as Ryunosuke told her, but she really wants to enjoy the game on her own terms and have what she does through her own effort and hard work. It just feels satisfying to her and more personal.
Main Team: Jean, Ayaka, Diluc, Barbara
Sub Team: Doesn't have one! She just changes characters if certain elements are needed.
Jean main!! She admirers the relationship her and Barbara have. While she's the younger of the two, she's taken the mantle of the older sibling, in a way, and is looking after her reckless as heck brother and cares for him like Jean does for Barbara. Jean is also a wonderful person in her eyes and Gin harbours great respect for the blonde.
Higuchi Ichiyo- IchiGawa 🤡
I love Higuchi so much, but my girl is a mess and a half. Help her, please. No, really, she needs help. She's been over compensating for not being dramatic and eye catching in the battlefield, and has now found a new way to prove herself to her Akutagawa-san. Problem is, as soon as she sees a potentially powerful character, she has to get them and boost them to the havens... yeahh, good thing you can't do loans in the game, otherwise she'd have sharks on her ass for having a bill as dramatic and eye catching as Tsunade's from Naruto. Our girl out there turning heads for wrong reasons. She's definitely spent her pay checks on the game "oh no no, i just buy the monthly subscription, ehe" ehe my ass, you bankrupt bitch. Baal is coming and she's looking to sell a kidney. No, it's not her own and no, it doesn't have anything to do with the game. It's a mission, for God's sake.
But hey, the game is a good investment for her! She even made a friend, one that totally understands her how she feels!! They're very alike as well, ready to do anything for the person they love. The two talk about love a lot and have bonded over it. Higuchi is actually a jealous and a protective type of person, so she hides her friend from Gin and Tachihara like snake hides it's legs. If only they knew 🤡. But it's better this way as they both have a certain sense of normalcy and familiarity they were missing in their daily lives. (Higuchi and Naomi meeting scenario when?)
Main Team: Xiao, Fischl, Xingqiu, Diluc
Sub Team: Baal (soon?), Venti, Ganyu, Zhongli
She mains Xiao because he reminds her of Akutagawa-san and yes, she uses characters from her sub team when playing with others.
Fan Fact: when she was asked why her username is IchiGawa, she said she's like a river 🤡 No, it does absolutely not stand for Ichiyo Akutagawa.
Ozaki Kouyo- the husbando and loli collector
Don't get the wrong idea when i said loli collector. She just needs to adopt them and look after them. She also enjoys watching her precious babies kick ass like her Kyouka. But that's a two way sword, because she gets angry when they die. Savage.
And yeahh, the real reason she's playing the game... Mr Zhongli. She switches often between eng and jpn audios because she can't decide which sounds sexier. Also, Mr Diluc? Yes, she would like to be served one sex on the beach please and thank you! Ah, Mr Kaeya, a perfect window of opportunity, yes.
She has a huge spot for the teenager group as well. Razor, Bennett, Fishl, Xiangling, Xingqiu and Chongyun are also her kids. She just finds them very precious (don't we all?).
Main Team: Zhongli, Kaeya, Bennett, Diluc
Sub Team: Diona, Klee, Qiqi, Sayu
A Zhongli and Diluc main.
Elise- the evil lackadaisical player
Mori found out about the game from Higuchi and Tachihara and introduced it to Elise, telling her she should make a team of sweet little girls like herself and have fun going on adventures around Teyvat. In response, Elise made a team that, not only does it not have a single child in it, but is using it to gaslight and bully Rintarou.
"Why aren't you smart and inventive like Albedo?"
"Why aren't you as passionate and persistent as Sucrose?"
"Look how capable, loved and admired Ningguang is. You could never."
"I wish i had someone as strong, caring, handsome and rich like Childe looking after me. He would treat me like a real princess. "
Mori has been crying rivers ever since.
Thing is, Elise isn't even that interest in the story. Actually, she couldn't care less. Some characters are interesting to her and she likes the graphics, but other than that, she's mostly playing the game to torture the greasy doctor (as she should).
Main Team: Albedo, Sucrose, Ningguang, Childe
Sub Team: doesn't have one
Doesn't have a main either, she plays whoever she feels like playing.
I wanted to add Lucy too, but my mind wasn't cooperating ;-; Sorry about that. I do hope you liked this, Eli 💛
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