#i'll do ANYTHING if you play just one PAX AM song
pygmypandazilla · 11 months
who do i have to beg to get Fall Out Boy to play something from PAX AM Days at the Columbus show??
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sereinordic · 11 months
Coffee shop
Artem Wing x fem reader • fluff
'I just fall in love with him at the very first sight..'
• 07.59 am
As the older sister of Marius Von Hagen, you're expected and imagined by many to be full of dignity, elegance, and mature woman. Well that's not false, but you also had the inner side that well cheerful side or maybe beyond that and actually love to sing with playing a guitar.
Today was none other than the usual visit to one of the Pax cafe and by visit, it's not just come and just sit after ordering something. You visit the cafe to sing a song and play guitar.
Amidst the tranquil and sweet ambience of the cafe, you tied your hair into a ponytail, straightening the white shirt and blue jeans that you wore. After some little rehearsal, you start to sing.
Sweet melodies emit from your mouth, and you see the costumers enjoy your performance as well. It makes you happy to see them so relaxed and full of smile with the happy yet soft coffee shop song you've bought.
You then close your (e/c) orbs, still singing and playing the guitar, enjoying the ambience you felt at the moment. It's just, a ringing of the bell from the coffee shop's door making you open your eyes.
And by the time you open those (e/c) ones that soon encountered by that piercing blue orbs..
A soft blush formed instantly on your cheek, your body freeze and your guts saying that.. maybe you just fall in love at the first sight with the perfectionist looking man..
• 08.37 am
And damned as it was Marius, your teaser kind of brother immediately steps towards your frozen figure and nudge your side whilst smirking in full of tease. "Oho, what is it that i see? Does my older sister finally found her crushy crushh~?"
No reaction coming from you, but the blush on your cheeks surely is deepening. Damn it.
Immediately you covered both side of your face with your hands and turn to your back.
Too embarrassed by already messed up your performance over a guy and be teased by your brother. Although the costumers do not complain not minding their business to anything about it and still continue their activities, you still felt embarrassed..
That baritone voice send shudder to your body. Although it's not your name that is spoken.. that voice truly made your body acted up.
You took a peek from your hand.
"Yo artem!" You see Marius casually talk to your crush that turn out is none other than one of his acquaintance, god.
You can't be more damned about it.
The last time you've fall in love with Marius acquaintance, Marius end up making fool out of you in front of them and you end up crying before leaving the scene.. thus the memory of your childhood.. and you don't want that to happen again. Never.
"M-marius-" So the time you felt those blue eyes of your crush set upon you, immediately you bow your head to him giving him your business card that had your photo, basic info, and personal number before dashed out of the cafe all red because of the embarrassment you felt at the moment.
"Ah too bad you make sissy run out Artem." Marius snickered sipping the frappe he ordered while watching the way Artem stare at your business card in hand all indifferent.
Artem slightly amused at your shyness but still gave him your business card, maybe the next time he went to the cafe he will gave you his business card as well. "She's your sister?" The attorney ask.
"Yep. Pretty isn't she?"
Artem think for a while, recalling your all flustered appearance again before nodding in agreement. "She is indeed."
Knowing too well that maybe Artem had the slightest interest for you, Marius get into the point of what he wants to say.
"Oh, i think i overheard rosa said that a woman named celestine says your mother want you to have a girlfriend right? Why don't you take her?? She's single and you as well! Both of you will be a perfect couple! I don't mind having you as my older brother in law~"
At Marius sentence, Artem facepalm whilst sighing. "I'm married to my job. Also i'll took my leave if you still talk about matchmaking."
"Gee. Well just put in mind, sissy is a perfect woman in my opinion. Too bad she's my sister, probably if she's not related to me i'll marry her by now." With a shrug from Marius, Artem take a look at his watch before leaving for sure.
• 09.26 am ―
Your (e/c) orbs staring at the piled documents and paperwork on your office desk. 'It wasn't as much as Marius.. still.. rip my back for sure.' You cry internally as you took a seat.
The gold frame eyeglasses makes your figure even more professional whilst working on Pax important business. Surely.. you need some big teddy bear that you can hug on at your office room.
Although you believe you had focused that much at your work.. the image of the professional guy in the cafe successfully making you distracted from work. And instead of work you start daydreaming of him.
Be ready to get scolded by your secretary 😉
Artem now back on his office. Glancing at the documents here and there, he carefully analyze the documents with his knuckle over his mouth.
The attorney grab his fountain pen before circling a words, lining a sentence, and draw some arrow sign then wrote down the important point on his notebook.
One documents are done, he then work the other.
• 12.00 pm ―
'It's lunch.' Artem thought to himself as he set the documents neatly at the side of his work desk.
His hands goes to his bag, letting out a homemade dish he made before. Pairing it with the beverage he bought from the cafe he mets that clumsy-
'Ah.' Perhaps he's suddenly bewitched or not, he rummage his pocket and take a glance at the (h/c)-ed girl business profile card out of curiosity.
With thumb brushing the profile of the cute girl that he found out name is (y/n) von hagen, unconsciously a little smile form on his lips the more he thinks about her.
'(Y/n) von hagen.' her name completely flooding his mind as he recall the very first time he saw her performance at the cafe yet that time she doesn't recognize his presence at there who's enjoying her voice with a cup of coffee and glaze doughnut.
'She's now recognized me.'
Guess who's now eating his lunch whilst thinking of someone? Yes you're right the answer is the tsundere senior attorney!
• 13.00 pm ―
...lunch even has passed and you can't be more damned by these documents that you need to sign. Moreover you already scolded by your secretary sigh.
Munching some of the red velvet homemade cookies (that is a little burnt), the sweet taste from the choco chip and vanilla hopefully made your stomach filled. And with earl grey tea, you've fully stuffed belly.
'Ah.. cookies and tea... it's worth it to skip the lunch menu. But today's lunch.. is my favorite.. /sob. Why you're so harsh to me life!!!?'
• 18.50 pm ―
You do some stretching at your back.
And guess what? Finally. The paperwork are done.
Congrats to yourself woohoo! 🎉
You happily kick your desk whilst doing some victory poses, but the pain soon come and you're now laying on the floor whilst holding your knees.
Maybe.. you now need to call Marius beside your office room to pick you up..
Artem is now back at his home. What a hectic day but it's a good things he doesn't need to spend the whole day on Themis Law since his work today wasn't that complicated.
He place his suit to the laundry basket, unclapping the golden tie clip he wear almost everyday then undone his tie to hung them onto the hanger, he unbutton the top three button on his shirt before walking to the kitchen.
Mr. wing is now ready to cook for his dinner!
• 20.30 pm ―
You were getting carried by Marius back to home and he even had the nerve to call you his only lovable big sis.. heavy oh you make sure he learn how to kneel properly later.
After took some nice bath and change into pajamas, you have a family dinner with your father and Marius. It was a joyous and happy meal because it's quite rare that the three of you were free from work- until father bought up the topic of Marius having a crush, and Marius becoming a brat he is, really doesn't accept only himself labeled as a simp by father making you who recently got a crush mentioned too.
Your father sob dramatically as he say out loud how time passed fastly, it was like yesterday Marius still crying because he peeing on his pants and you run in a circle that surrounding him because you don't want him went to work.
You and Marius just eat quietly at the mentioned embarrassed moment..
After cleaning the dishes, Artem do his own attire laundry by himself. He took some nice bath and brush his teeth while checking the time.
He then went to his bedroom, quite proud of the tidy and neat room before goes to sleep.
• 10.00 am ―
The day after Marius were bored as usual when he got stuck with the merciless paperwork that yet to be signed on, so he thought something fun that includes you in.
He knew too well his older sister probably was missing out lunch again which is her favorite because how preoccupied she is with work.
Truly a corporate slave and workaholic if he thinks about her.
Then the young master of von hagen starts to dialing a number. Upon sensing his call received he immediately get to his point.
"Come visit PAX mann. If you don't occupied- wait no. Just come here. You always occupied I wonder why those paperwork never even end."
Without even having the attempt to replying Marius careless words, Marius himself has ended the call between them.
• 11.00 am ―
Lmao Artem really arrive at Pax company making Marius dramatically held such a grand greetings, and just that Artem knew that the reason behind Marius asking for his arrival were none other than another Marius boredom kill thingy.
Marius had those crocodile fake tear making Artem more despises him.
At the same time, you who's completely occupied was surely got disturbed by the fact there were such a loud noise on the outside of your office room. Grumpily, you went to the company hall ready to giving a lecture to whoever group it was, though you never ever come up with the idea that there will be 'his' arrival on the company.
It's from the name tag pinned on his pocket chest that you can tell his name is Artem Wing.. your crush.
"Yooo jie jie come here!!"
No bish. You come here :)
"What are you doing Marius!? There's nothing to celebrate and you create nothing but loud noise that interrupt everyone work." Pissedly you rub your temple, exhaling a really deep sigh.
"Probably it's just you who got pissed. Everyone enjoy it since they can get free from the hilarious amount of work."
"Tsk. Whatever I'm going back. If you're not gonna end this celebration then lower down the voice. Got it?"
"Alright! Byee corporate slave!"
Immediately you took a leaving from the room without batting any more eyes to catch your surroundings.
It's just that, you don't notice the lingering gaze someone had for you.
• 13.00 pm ―
'how to court someone you never interact with before! even mr. Introvert approve!'
It was quite embarrassing to bought the book, though compared to reading the book in public and getting watched is far more worst..
[The first step is muster up the courage!]
Artem upon seeing the first sentence on the book, he already exhale a very long sigh.
He start to reminisce all the time he want to talk with you that only end up his voice weren't out and he blushed madly.
'Sigh.. can I really do this..?'
'do I.. even deserve her? she's out of my reach...'
'n-no. I need to do this.. I need to muster up my courage. I like her. And want to be her significant other. Let's do this..'
You were buried under the ton piles of paperworks.
You start to swim around the sea of paperwork.
'am in da wotah!'
you start to became crazy.
It's until a notification pop up in your phone.
From unknown number? Who it might be?
[vChat - xx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx]
While laying down at your work desk, you look at the massage. Examine it.
'I-it's creepy.. um. They add dot to the end of their text HSHSHHS. W-what am i supposed to do..!?'
'The message I send.. was it so awkward..?'
Artem lean on the chair, staring at the massage he had sent.
He's nervous, really.
He really doesn't know how to woo someone..
Not to mention that someone is the older sister of someone he'd known. And the someone he'd known can be annoying so much 🙏🏻
But he had made up his mind, if he's going to be with her then he will also be in a good relationship with her family even if a certain younger brother of her can be annoying..
Well with the power of love even cat poop taste like chocolate.
Back to the matter at hand, he start to regret everything because there's any reply coming from her.
it's start to be some hours now, yet there's still no reply..
he knew it, his text were so awkward..
but then a notification pop up.
[vChat - (l/n) (y/n)]
Hey there, who is this if I may know?
/Ba-thump! Ba-thump!
She finally reply!!!
But the happiness and excitement growing inside him immediately changed into a despair as he held his head frustratingly.
'how can I forget to introduce myself!?'
[vChat - xx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx]
Sorry, this is Artem Wing.
A-another dot ending the sentence..
Oh it's Artem Wing-
- Notice -
Do you wish to save this contact as,
"My crush! :3"?
[Yes] [No]
[vChat - My Crush! :3]
If you're free, after work. Do you want to have a dinner with me? It's on me.
At his office room, Artem can only flusteredly burying his face deep to his hand.
There's no turning back now..
He can only hope she will say yes..
Here goes nothing..
Yet at the moment there's a notification popping up from his phone screen, he really hope she will agree because it's been half an hour after he send the text.
[vChat - (l/n) (y/n)]
Yes i would love to! :3
Thank you for the invitation ^^
I appreciate it so much!
Ah.. his heart beating so fast when he read those cute text..
And how butterfly dancing on his stomach..
He shyly smile at how cute she is.
Should he reply her an emoji?
[vChat - My Crush! :3]
• 19.00 pm ―
After make sure you aren't messy nor looking tired, you stood at the lobby waiting for Artem.
Usually you were now already at the car with your father and Marius, therefore your father was confused when seeing you alone and not in the car.
"Why are you here, (Y/n)?" He ask worriedly, he already look so tired from his work but his energy seems to recharge when he saw his daughter. He really love his daughter.
Right. You forgot to tell him..
"Father! Um.. I'm waiting for someone.."
Your father had this knowing look. As he coughed and look at his secretary.
Why do you sense that something will.. happen?
"I'm already so old, no? It must be great to have grandchildren." The CEO of PAX sob dramatically to a handkerchief that appear out of nowhere, the man even nailed his act by gorgeously snort.
As if not going to lose his acting skill to the CEO, the secretary also put this knowing look and nod dramatically. "You're right sir."
And finally your father gave you that smile before wave you off. "Marius also try to court a certain miss attorney, so he will not coming back with me. It seems both my child took a liking to an attorney huh?"
"This old man only want grandchildren, my child... A twin, plumpy grandchildren 😁."
You're left a blushing mess by what your father said to you. You just get to know him, do he want you and Artem to get married right now and had seggs!? H-he- really..
..had a nice idea.
"It's still too soon, father!!"
Just as your father want to tease you more, a car show up just in time. this making your father gives you another of 'that' look and smile.
Before leaving, he 'cough' as a farewell, the secretary also give you a look for farewell.
Artem whose unaware of everything since he just arrive is confused at how you're looking like a blushing mess.
He gets out of his car, and take out his coat for you to wear. He thought maybe he just thinking things and you just probably cold outside waiting for him.
He also give you his scarf to use.
After making sure that you're look like warm enough, Artem internally had this proud noises while you in the other hand blushing even more by his sweet act.
You bury your face deeper with the scarf and his coat, his scent emit from it. You smile softly.
It's.. warm and smell nice.
"Have you been waiting long..?"
With half face now covered by his coat, you're unable to look at his eyes as you became shy.
He's relieved to know that.
Artem then goes to opening the doorknob for you, all while treated gently like this making your heart beating so fast and butterflies partying in your stomach. The butterflies are feral.
Though you always get the same treatment by your assistants and people work in your house, these feeling you felt right now is totally different..
"Thank you Mr. Wing.."
• 19.37 pm ―
To broke the awkward silent (for him) he clear his throat while took a little glance at you before focusing at the road again.
"If it's fine by you, you can call me Artem."
The man really try his best to overpowering the shy and flustering mess he usually was. He was sure that this time without Celestine guidance and knowledge, he can have her love him back.. maybe.
"You can call me (y/n) then, Artem."
You give him a soft smile as you look at the city night view outside. It's so beautiful. But not as beautiful as Artem Wing, the pretty boy of prettiest boy ever.
"Alright. I'll do so.."
When seeing your bright smile, Artem cheeks reddened as he give a soft smile in return.
• 20.05 pm ―
The two of you arrived at a fancy romantic restaurants.
Artem as a gentleman he is, really try his best to make you feel special and treat you really nicely.
After ordering the food, there's this comfortable silence shared upon the both of you.
With only our eyes sharing glances, some minutes had passed and a soft laughter erupt from the both of us.
We chat about work and love life.
It seems Artem really never expect that you never dated anyone before, as well he didn't expect that someone had rejected your love confession.
You also quite shocked as to he never had dated anyone, although yes he found someone attractive and perhaps trying to court her, he really in the end still solely focused on his work. Therefore..
"R-really? I never expect you haven't dated anyone, Artem."
Said man let out a soft chuckle as he see you adoringly. "Yes. I think I might even clueless when it comes.. to relationships." He shyly scratch his nape.
You see, honestly it's rare of Artem to say his weakness or letting his unprofessional side of him out since he's always aiming for the best and cover it moreover in the front of his chosen life partner soon to be.
It was this time he trust his gut to just be himself, even letting his clumsy nature out.. he feels that the female he's infatuated with, would accept everything about him, even his flaws.
"I.. I think that.. Artem is so otherworldly amazing! Therefore um I thought you had plenty of ex.. and really experienced in relationships." Letting out a soft sheepish giggle, you then move your eyes to admiring his beauty.
His clumsiness only adding the adorable point he already exceeded, it's.. over beyond.
God. He's so perfect.
"You see? You're just so.. perfect to be true."
Artem choke on his food at the unexpected praises. He's a blushing mess now, he really thankful of the dim lighting that perhaps his blush can goes unnoticed.
He drink up a little before clear his throat, his hand over his mouth as he shyly glance at you.
You also can notice the way he fixed his tie whenever he's flustered or avoiding your gaze for a slight minute. He's so adorable.
You love him.
"(Y/n), you're as amazing as what you've took me for.."
Now it's time for you to blush.
• 20.58 pm ―
"(Y/n) my deepest apologize to take you out until this late.."
At the sudden mention of time, you finally take a glance at the forgotten hand watch that you've wear. It's so enjoyable with Artem that time become meaningless things to think about.
"Oh wow. Time passed so fast.. I don't even realize it's already so late.."
Out of sudden appear the imagery of your father, father's secretary and Marius interrogating you at home, you start to break out in cold sweat.
"Let me drive you home."
The imagery change to how your father, father's secretary and Marius, heck even the maids, butler of your house interrogating both you and Artem when you arrive at home.
Immediately you reject his offer.
"Ah no it's okay, I don't want to trouble you-"
"You're not troubling me (y/n). Please, let me drive you home.. I.. want to make sure you were safe and sound.."
But how can you reject him when he looks like such a cute puppy!?
'No, I'm just a sucker for Artem. I can't say no to him.'
"O-oh.. alright. Thank you then Artem.."
It's just the both of you were forgetting something, a notification coming from each of you.. family group.
[vChat - Papa <3 | family <3 ]
No plumpy grandchildren, no coming home :)
[vChat - adopted child | family <3 ]
No marriage, no coming home old sis :p
Oh should I call you Mrs. Wing now? :O
[vChat - Mother | Artie go married already. ]
I heard from someone, you're out there courting some girl??
Momma waiting the good news!
Finally. Give me a plumpy grandchildren!!
Don't forget to introduce her to us Artiee.
[vChat - Father | Artie go married already. ]
Stay virgin outside marriage life okay boy? @ Artem Wing
Make sure to give us plenty grandchildren ☺️ the more the merrier!!
• 21.40 pm ―
"Thank you for driving me home Artem. I really appreciate it.."
As you're ready to get off the car, he told you to stay put as he get off from the car and open the door for you.
He offer his hand out, you take his hand and get out from the car while smile sheepishly at his sweet act.
"The pleasure is all mine (Y/n).."
Holding your hand warmly, he gives you a charming smile in return.
You just can't hold it anymore as you lean closer to him and kiss him on the cheeks.
"A thank you kiss."
Artem blush heavily when he trace his cheeks that were kissed by you before goes to embrace you tightly that you return immediately.
Giggle emit from your mouth as you feel his breath fanning over your earlobe.
"..may I tell you something?"
His voice were nervous and quite shaky as his embrace get tightening even more.
"What is it, Artie?"
At the realization of you giving him cute nickname, the bravery he had mustered just a second ago breaking down instantly as he bury his face on your nape.
"..." He try to say it, but it's only emit as a humming.
"Take your time Artie.."
With a shaky breath, he break apart the embrace. His blue eyes lovingly gaze upon yours (e/c) one deeply.. as he carress your face with his right hand. His left hand's encircled your waist, holding your figure close to him.
It's such a bold action of him but he will risk it all.. he once overheard that Kiki and Rosa get really excited over the romantic scene where the male lead in drama got so bold over the female lead.. so.. perhaps you might love this too. He just need to make sure he doesn't cross the border of appropriate.
"..I love you."
"(Y/n).. do I have the chance to marry you?"
Oh. It seems the words get misplaced.. it's supposed to be 'get in a relationship with you' but somehow his mind filled with married life with her.
At the sentence Artem had uttered, both the attorney and the worker had their cheeks aflame instantly.
"I-i I mean-! (Y-y/n-"
Somehow you get the feeling that this man before you want to rephrase what he said but you don't want him to change any words he have said to you.
Therefore, pulling down his tie a little bit you goes in to kiss his lips. "Don't rephrase.. I want to marry you.. Artie."
"I love you too."
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ehlnofay · 1 year
writer asks... 🥺🛒🤡✨🎶🎨👀
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? I think that something that always gets me is when the interaction is nice and good and lovely, and it could continue to be nice and good and lovely, but there are underlying circumstances that will not let it be and even now the cracks are starting to show. I love it when you can see the painful dissolution of a relationship long before it actually comes to fruition. it's so hhhhh and I write it a fair bit with characters like arabella and j'zargo, torr and astrid, pax and martin, and so forth
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. the thing that draws me most to writing is the characters; I think most of my writing is in some form a character study. I'm perpetually fascinated by how people react to difficulty, how they relate to one another, how their experiences inform their actions. so I think most of the themes that crop up often relate to that. I like using a lot of images and motifs, as well, but I can't think of any that are ubiquitous, though most of my characters have one or two specifically assigned to them that I like to reference
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? hmm... I'll be honest almost anything with efri has at least one thing in it that is extremely funny to me. she just says things. I'm looking through her document to give an example and there's just so much in here. in her first meeting with savos she asks him how old he is and then raps her stick on the ground and says "you're dead," before he can finish answering. she announces to the group of vampires she's sitting around a campfire with that she isn't sure how she feels about her choice to free them, you know, ethically speaking. she refers to the eye of magnus exclusively as "the ball" and when mirabelle informs her what they've been calling it she says "huh. that's a weird name" (she does not know who magnus is)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉 I'm genuinely really happy with where my writing is right now. I'm proud of how much improvement I can see over the last few years in how I portray scenes, atmosphere and dialogue, and I see a lot of potential for growth which I find really exciting! since I was a little kid I've wanted to be a published author and I feel like that's actually in the cards for me at some point in the not-too-distant future (assuming, you know, I actually write a book)
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? I cannot play music or listen to literally anything when I'm writing. I close the door and the windows and ask my siblings to turn down their youtube videos or else I Cannot Focus An Inch. however I do love to listen to music to help me think through my stories and characters... it helps me get into a Mood and I've gotten a lot of ideas that way. most recent song I've begun to associate with a character is the amazing devil's the calling. it's pax (ish) at a very specific story beat
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories? LOVE IT FOREVER. I still regularly look at art fight attacks and go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I want to give each of them a turn as my profile picture but I keep forgetting :(
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! the Ludicrously Big Project.... if I keep the other sections to a similar length it will end up over a hundred thousand words, which is ABSURD. if I don't, the first bit will feel like such an insane outlier. I guess we'll see... I don't want to go into too much detail since I am only about a quarter of the way in (ridiculous) and I might trim the section I've written down a Bunch, so I don't want to like. jinx it. or say anything that ends up not being true. I will say that each main part focuses on the same story from the perspective of a different character and it is an exercise in not writing in little scenes pieced together (the reasons it is SO STUPID LONG methinks... if it was just the one character in vignettes it would have ten thousand words cut out and it would be done already) and that none of the characters in it are mine. unless you count the ones I made up expressly for this story. also it is pretty dark... which isn't super uncommon for my longer stuff it seems. I guess the more intense topics demand more space to resolve themselves. but there are parts that might be hard to read (definitely will be hard to write). whenever I post it in fifty years I will be sure to include comprehensive content warnings
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