#i'll probably look at this later and realize its incoherent but oh well
Some of my random twisted wonderland headcanons because I feel like being even more annoying on main then usual
Azul does drag and is a semi well known drag queen
Cater is nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns but hasn't come out yet because they don't want to bother anybody with using new pronouns/is always wearing like 8 masks anyway (she is so deeply troubled someone PLEASE help her oml)
Jade slowly becomes more and more alternative in his fashion during his years in NRC, including heavier and darker eye makeup and a lot of different piercings! During formal events he takes them out and uses clear studs/magic to hide the holes though. He also probably experiments with his hair style but not drastically as he enjoys matching with Floyd
Floyd wears skirts and dresses!! They're flowy and fun to spin in, plus they aren't constricting!! He loses his shit when he can find a dress/skirt with pockets
Riddle also likes wearing longer dresses and skirts, but does so very rarely due to having a somewhat strict routine with his wardrobe. (If that makes any sense aksgrksjdg)
Almost the whole cast is autistic and/or some form of queer and you literally cannot convince me otherwise
Kalim is genderfluid!
Jamil is FTM!
Idia is autistic!
Jade is autistic!
Azul is autistic!
Look under your chair!! ITS AUTISM!!!!!!!
The octotrio all just agreed to use he/him on land to make things easier for people, but all of them have either no gender or a gender so nebulous it cannot be described with mortal tongue. They're cool with any pronouns but when alone together, Floyd will default to she/they for Jade just cuz it feels right. Jade agrees
Azul's blood is blue!! He's self conscious about it because it's something that makes him different and he doesn't have a good track record with being different from others, but if you compliment him he gets a blue flush to his cheeks under that layer of foundation he puts on in the morning
Azul can and will carry Jade and Floyd at the same time, one in each arm. This boy is STRONG and he will use it to physically remove the tweels from causing problems (and maybe to give them affection but shhhhh)
Octotrio are qpps sorry I do make the rules
Jack, Jade, and Riddle will get together and talk plants!! They all sit in the gardens and have tea and talk about recent developments with each of their roses and cacti and mushrooms respectively
Azul and Jade are both scares of heights and get very motion sick. Brooms are rough and they're very thankful they haven't had to ride in cars too much since coming to land because that was a rough two hour trip of nonstop nausea. A plane is literally their worst nightmare. Floyd also gets slightly motion sick from cars but it takes him much longer than it does the other two, and heights don't bother him at all. He (lovingly) teases them a lot about this
Rook makes bombs in science club and Trey pretends to hate it but then they sneak off campus to blow something up together
All fae are gender funky by default. Except Sebek. That's a cis man and you can't convince me otherwise, sorry
Floyd and Jade are both mommas boys. They love their dad and respect him greatly, but mama eel just hits different.
Speaking of the Leech parents, momma Leech is the head of The Family while her husband takes the role of second in command in a sense. Grandma works behind the scenes as well, but the twins still aren't exactly sure how. She's a secretive fish.
Riddle will take a rare holiday break not to see his mom, but to hang out with Trey and Che'nya. He isn't the most knowledgeable on how one should normally spend free time with friends, but Trey and Che'nya are more than happy to lead the way. They both live for Riddle's smile and make it their personal mission to have him smile just as much as they have him cheeks puffed out red in the face with how annoyed he is with their teasing
Ortho helps Ruggie shop by mass searching what websites have the best deals for whatever he's looking for, in return Ruggie hangs out with him and tells him stories about his home and his childhood
Rook "The French Freak" hunt has locks of certain people's hair to try and make Potions to transform into them temporarily in science club. Trey is scared
I haven't slept or eaten and my brain is failing so I'm leaving it here, but I might add on later! Feel free to reblog on which headcanons you agree with or just shoot an ask to talk about them!!! The brainrot is real rn so I'm okay with social interaction for once SKSHHSOAHDBD
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lihikainanea · 5 years
Tiger calling Bill in the smallest, most submissive headspace she's ever been in. She doesn't even sound like herself on the phone, its soft and almost high pitched because she's floating so sweetly. And Bill is shook. The poor guy is at a loss for words because hearing her like that makes his dick hard. Plus its brand new territory for him because she's never been like this before. What got her there? No clue LOL I'll leave that up to you ;)
Ohhh baby, I love this so, so much.
But like hang on here, is she small in a good way or a bad way? YOU KNOW WHAT LET’S DO BOTH.
Okay so like, a bad way, right? And I kind of love this idea that there’s really nothing that triggered it. Nothing drastic, anyway. I don’t know I feel like we all get in terrible moods that sometimes have no catalyst other than just we feel like being in a terrible mood. Maybe the entire thing is mundane—like, it’s a Wednesday or something. They didn’t have an intense night. Really nothing would have set this off. And tiger is grumpy, because Wednesday. But Bill woke her up, and she was basically just on his chest so when he sat up slowly she didn’t have a choice but to wake up. And he gives her some gentle hugs, some butt pats to coax her into the shower so she can start getting ready. He has a few meetings today and he really didn’t have to be up until later, but may as well start the day now. Bill is annoyingly optimistic like that.
So anyway, he packs up her lunch and she’s basically just like, grumbled incoherent sounds at him the entire time but he’s used to that. Mornings are hard for tiger. But with a sweet smooch and a little butt pinch, she’s on her way.
And who knows—maybe her coworkers are kind of dicks and that triggered it. Maybe she has a lot to do and that triggered it. Or maybe legitimately nothing triggered it, and she just started to spiral. Started to not feel so well, as her mind got away on her. And progressively over the course of like, half an hour—everything just became so loud and overwhelming and so too much and she couldn’t quiet it. Couldn’t fight her way back to rational.
So she called the one person who always can. Who always makes it all go away, and makes everything more clear.
“Hey kid,” he answered on the second ring, “What’s up?
“Hi,” she stuttered out. And Bill has gotten so good that he can tell just by the tone of her voice. Can tell she’s slipping, or that she’s gone completely. In this case, she’s probably halfway there.
“Oh sweet girl,” he murmurs softly, “What happened?”
“I…I don’t know,” she’s trying to talk over the lump in her throat.
“Okay,” he said, “Tiger, where are you?”
“At work,” she mumbles.
He checks his watch. His next meeting isn’t until this afternoon but he can leave home now, meet her at her work, and then go to his meeting after.
“What time are you taking lunch at today, kid?” He asks. She shrugs even though he can’t see her.
“I don’t know.”
“Come downstairs at noon, tiger. I’ll meet you in the lobby,” and he tells her, he doesn’t ask. It’s better that way.
“Okay,” she stutters out. And man, she sounds broken.
“You’re okay sweet girl,” he murmurs to her, “Hang in there for another half an hour, okay? Just half an hour. And then I’ll make it better.”
She sniffles a bit, nodding.
“Do you want to stay on the phone with me until then?” He asks.
“No I can…I can manage,” she mumbles.
“Yes you can. I love you kid, I’ll see you soon. I’ll make it go away for you,” he promises.
And she knows that he will—because he always does—so already he can relax just a tad. And at noon she goes downstairs to the lobby and he’s there, tucking her under his arm and walking her out to his car. There’s not enough time to go home, but he finds a secluded spot—maybe in the dark corner of an indoor parking.
“Climb in the back with me, kid,” he says as he opens the door. He folds into the back and when she joins him, he reaches for her immediately and pulls her into his lap. He kisses her slow and deep, weaving his hands through her hair. 
“Did something happen, sweet girl?” He asked when he finally pulled away. She shook her head.
“I just started to feel…bad,” she mumbled. She dragged her bottom lip between her teeth but he reached forward, gently tugging it loose with his thumb. He gently pushed on her lip and she opened readily, sucking his thumb inside.
“It happens sometimes,” he reassured, “You did good to call me, tiger. That took a lot of strength. You’re so good for me, sweet girl.”
She looked up at him with big eyes and he just pulled her forward, tucked her under his chin and wrapped his arm tight around her.
“You’ve had a lot going on,” he kissed the top of her head, the side of her nose that he could reach, “It’s normal that it all starts to get a bit overwhelming.”
And he let it fall into a comfortable silence, just her in his arms, his thumb in her mouth, trying to pull her out of her own thoughts and just give her a bit of comfort. When it’s almost time for her to go back to work, he shifts her so that she’s facing him again.
“Eyes on me kid,” he commands softly and her eyes snap to his, “I know you have some important shit you need to get done this afternoon, tiger. And you will.You’re going to get through it because that’s what you do. And then when you get home—we’ll really make this go away, okay? I’ll put you on your knees like you need, and we’ll get you feeling good again. Okay?”
She whimpers a little, then nods.
“Just get through the next few more hours kid. You can do it,” he murmurs.
He probably walks her back in, staying with her as much as he can until she has to go. And you know, tiger’s a bad ass bitch and she absolutely powers through the afternoon because now at least…she knows. She knows it’s going to get better, if she can just make it through. And she does. And I’ll bet when she gets home—oh man. She comes through the door and just frantically kicks off her shoes. She can hear Bill in the kitchen and I’ll bet that she barely even greets him. I’ll bet she just goes running in and just…immediately gets on her knees in front of him, her hands in her lap, looking up at him and begging.
“My good girl,” he purrs, walking over to her.
Okay so what if she’s actually in a small head space but in a good way? And again, there’s really nothing that triggered it. Maybe she’s just out with some friends for brunch and she ate well and it’s a beautiful crisp day outside and she’s warm and full of good feelings and she’s just so goddamn soft for her big dude. And she just wants to hear his voice—that deep, velvety purr that still has the slightest lilt to it no matter how much he tries to fight it. So she slips away for a second, goes to find an empty hallway or something and calls him.
“Hey tiger,” he greets, and she can hear the smile in his voice.
“Hi Billy,” she says softly—and again, Bill knows. Bill knows right away. He can’t even pinpoint it, but there’s something in her voice that just tips him off every time.
“Ohhhhh,” he says in realization and his smile gets even bigger, “Hi sweet girl.”
She’s smiling now too—and goddamnit, she’s even blushing.
“Hi,” she says again. Because why fight it? She is his sweet girl.
“Are you having a good time?” He asks. He definitely talks to her a little different when she’s this way, especially if she’s in a good space, because it helps her enjoy it even more.
“Yeah, it’s nice,” she says, “What uh, what are you doing?”
And Bill is a bastard. But he also loves, loves when she gets like this with him. And the fact that she got a little small when she was out with friends, and that she CALLED HIM to talk to him? Bill could die. He could just die.
“Just at home, wishing I had you all wrapped up in my arms,” he tells her, “God, what I wouldn’t give to have my sweet girl on her knees in front of me.”
Tiger actually whimpers. He hears it.
“What?” She stutters.
“You heard me. All soft and sweet for me, those warm lips around my thumb until I give you what you really want to put your mouth around. God kid, I’d pick you right up and lay you out on the bed, my good girl…”
“Bill,” she says feebly, and he smiles. Has to bite his lip to stop the chuckle.
“I’d get you under me, all small and shit. I’d get you feeling so good sweetheart, just bury my face between your legs until you’re screaming for me.”
Tiger is red. Red as a tomato, and her knees are giving out.
“Bill—“ she whimpers again.
“Nothing tastes sweeter than when you’re coming for me, tiger. I crave it. God I’d give my left fucking arm for a taste of you right now.”
Tiger can’t breathe. She literally can’t even make a sound, her eyes closed, her mouth hung open as she leans on the wall for support.
“Are you still with me sweet girl?” He asks after a beat. She takes a minute to try and gain some composure, but he’s still grinning like an asshole.
“Y-yeah,” she stutters, “I’m uh, I’m coming home.”
“I’m not there until closer to dinner time, kid,” he says, “But I’ll tell you what. You stay out with your friends, have a good time. Have a good long think about all the things you want me to do to you tonight.”
She bites her lip.
“And then I’ll text you when I’m on my way home. And tiger?”
“Yeah?” But it comes out as more of a breathless sigh.
“I expect you on your knees for me when I walk through the door,” his voice gets stern and she literally clamps her legs tighter together.
“I will be,” she promises.
“Good girl,” he purrs, “Oh, and one more thing.”
“Anything,” She says.
“Are you wet for me?”
“Bill—“ she can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Are you?” He demands.
“Yes,” she admits pitifully, “You have no idea how much.”
His deep groan comes through the line and it sends a shiver down her spine.
“God I can’t wait to taste you,” he purrs, “Don’t keep your friends waiting. Go on.”
And she hangs up the phone reluctantly, going back to join their table. But 5 minutes later, a pitcher of mimosas hits the table and all the girls look at the server, confused.
“From a man who calls himself,” the server pauses, clearing his throat as if the next words pain him, “Big daddy.”
Confused looks are exchanged, a few eye rolls, and if anybody caught the way tiger’s cheeks turned pink, nobody said anything. Clearing her throat, she reached for the pitcher.
“Well I for one don’t give a fuck what he wants to call himself, whoever he is,” she says and pours out a glass, “I never refuse free mimosas.”
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