#i'll probs try to stand somewhere on the side or towards the back
you-will-return · 4 months
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silver-wield · 4 years
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Found a few more ficlets I thought I posted, but apparently didn't, unless tumblr ate them.
The biting cold wasn't much better inside the cave than out climbing the cliff face. The glacier was a hard task for the most experienced climbers and, Cloud and his friends weren't even close to that. So far, they owed a lot of their progress to luck, trust and teamwork. The flags left by former climbers, along with the odd frozen corpse warning them of what could happen if they lagged or lost faith.
It was hard on everyone. Aerith promised everything would be all right before she walked into the light, but mysterious words and a vague reassuring smile only took them so far. They needed something more to carry them the rest of the way to Sephiroth's hiding place.
"Aiya, why is it so cold!? Where's the fire materia!? Who's got it!? Hand it over!" Yuffie's complaining echoed through the cave, causing giant stalactites to tremor.
"Shh!" Barret put a finger to his lips, raising his eyes upward.
"Did you just shush me!?" Yuffie stomped her foot.
"Shut yer pie hole, Lassie. We don't wanna die."
"You're a robot, what you worried about?" Yuffie stuck her tongue out at Cait Sith.
"Yuffie, please," Tifa murmured, frowning. "We don't want to make things more unstable than they already are." She pointed up.
Yuffie pulled a sheepish expression. "Oops," she whispered.
"Oops," Vincent echoed in a bland voice.
Cloud hid a smile and looked around. "Could probably cut through that pathway over there," he said, nodding towards a snaking path that weaved upwards. It looked treacherous and slippery. They'd have to literally cut into the ground to give them something to grip onto.
"And just how d'you propose we keep our feet from going ass over head?" Cid questioned, pausing to blow on his gloved hands. "We ain't wearing skates."
Cloud frowned. "We'll cut a path," he explained, right hand moving to the hilt of his sword.
"Sounds risky to me," Barret replied. "If a loud noise makes those wobble like a bowl full o' jello, then what's hacking the ground gonna do?"
Cloud’s eyes narrowed, he wanted to get moving, not stand around talking. "You think a giant icicle'll get the best of me?" No way.
Tifa stepped forward as Barret opened his mouth to protest further. "How about we use the right tools?" She held up a hooked wall hammer and smiled.
Cloud ducked his head and smiled. "Right. The right tools for the right job." He'd been too hasty for no reason. He held his hand out for it.
Tifa tilted her head to the side and walked past him. "If we're worried about disturbing the area then someone lighter should go."
A dart of panic hit him in the chest. Familiar words, a similar situation. Wasn't it? "Maybe Red should look for a safer path."
"Hmm?" Red XIII stepped forward, flame on his tail flickering and casting a glow against the cave walls.
"Huh? Now we're not in a rush?" Yuffie looked from Cloud to Tifa.
"No, we are." Tifa shook her head. "Let's get this done quick." She shot everyone a reassuring smile and stepped forward.
"Tifa-" Cloud bit back his protests. "Be careful."
Tifa nodded. "No probs."
The first few strikes to break up the glassy surface went well. Tifa paused after each one, waited for the ominous shaking overhead to still, then struck again.
As a back up, Cloud still sent Red, Cait Sith and Vincent along another path to see if it looped around to where they needed to go.
"Slow and steady, T, you got this!"
Yuffie's quiet cheerleading set Cloud's teeth on edge. He opened his mouth several times to tell her to shut up, then stopped. She wasn't hurting anyone and was in fact helping keep Tifa motivated. His muscles still clenched like he was the one doing the job. The urge to hover and watch her back was strong. He knew she could handle herself and the danger was minimal.
"There." Tifa sat back and wiped her brow. "I think that's enough." She turned and gave everyone a thumbs up.
"Good job, girl," Barret said, nodding. He slapped Cloud on the back. "See? Ain't nothing to worry about." He followed up with a victory fanfare.
Cloud's eyes widened. He was already moving as the echoing crack died down. "Watch out!"
Tifa's eyes widened and she looked up as though in slow motion.
Snatching her by the hand, Cloud pulled Tifa out of the way as a giant icicle crashed into the ground where she'd been standing. "You okay!?"
"Shit, Tifa!" Barret took a step forward, then stopped. "Oh shit!"
The ground crumbled.
Everyone leapt towards the walls as a hole opened up.
"Whose dumbass idea was this!?" Cid dug his spear into a wall and grabbed Yuffie's wrist, as Barret leapt to a ledge and clung one handed.
Cloud and Tifa backed up towards the pathway. "Damnit."
"Is everyone all right?" Tifa let go of Cloud's hand and took a step forward. Her foot slipped and she gasped.
"Tifa!" Cloud dove for her as she slid towards the edge of the hole. Wrapping one arm around her waist, he spun them around and drew his sword.
"Cloud! Tifa!" Yuffie stretched a hand towards them as they fell.
"Shit! Toss 'em a goddamn line!" Cid fumbled for the rope attached to his waist.
Cloud slammed his sword into the wall and it cut into the icy surface, slowing their descent. He grunted with effort and felt his grip slip. The buster sword looked dingy reflected in the glacier. The blade hadn't dug in enough. It was sliding. It groaned with effort along with Cloud.
"I can't reach!" Tifa clung to him with one arm and stretched as Cid threw the end of the rope. As she swung out she lost her grip. "Cloud!"
"No!" Cloud let go of the sword and dropped.
Everything hurt, but something warm and soft brushed against his face. Cloud grimaced and opened his eyes. "Tifa?" She looked upset.
"Oh, Cloud." She looked ready to cry. The tight hug took him by surprise.
"What's wrong?"
"You're bleeding...and...you were mumbling."
What did I say? He put his hand to his head and drew it back. His vision blurred. Blood? Just like-? Pain lanced his skull.
"Cloud?" Tifa drew back and looked at him with concern. "What can I do?"
The soft look in her eyes calmed the ache. Words slipped past his lips without being filtered. "Stop falling."
"Huh?" She tipped her head to the side.
He pulled her back into his embrace and repeated the statement. "Stop falling." It hurt too much. He couldn't bear to see it. Not if he couldn't catch her. Still not good enough.
"Sorry. I'll try not to worry you so much."
Her arms around his shoulders felt nice. As did the soft puff of her breath near his ear that disturbed his hair. He could stay like this forever with Tifa beside him. Cloud closed his eyes and breathed deep. "Tifa-"
The sound of grit and ice particles sent him into hyper awareness. His eyes shot open and he was rising to meet the potential threat, pushing Tifa behind him with one hand and reaching for his sword with the other. His hand gripped air. "Shit." The buster sword was lodged somewhere high out of reach. He'd lost it. I was supposed to look after it. Another pain in his head had him gasping in pain.
"You're still alive, then." Vincent landed in front of them and the buster sword hit the ground soon after. "This yours?"
"Yeah." His answer didn't sound sure to his ears, but he shoo his head and dismissed it.
"You're bleeding."
"Yeah." He dug in his pocket for a potion.
Tifa picked up his sword and held it out. "Cloud, maybe we should find a weaponsmith soon?"
He frowned and shook his head. "It's fine." Looking around, he tried to get his bearings. "How'd you find us, and where are Cait Sith and Red?"
"We split up. They're helping the others."
He nodded. "Guess we should find a route." His gaze went to Tifa and his brows rose. "Something wrong?"
She didn't react, the slowly shook her head. "No, it's fine." As she walked past him towards a path Vincent uncovered, Cloud couldn't help but wonder if those words sounded as fake as when he said them.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 29)
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"Kitten.... Kitten" Colson gently wakes Luna.
"Nooooo...." She whines "I just wanna sleep." She starts to pout.
"I know, Kitten" he coaxes her gently. "Here." He puts her sunglasses in her hand.
"You're a wise man..." She continues to whine.
"Thank you. Here, sit up, I have water for you too." He puts the bottle in her hands.
She does what he says, begrudgingly. "Why am I uppppp" she whines again, after sipping the water, throwing herself back onto the bed. "AHHHHH!!" She yells out. Grabbing her shoulder.
"That's why. I got The Doc downstairs, he needs to check you out." He's trying to get her out of bed.
"Steph checked meeeee..." She argues.
"Did Steph give you antibiotics?" He asks firmly.
"No." She says quietly.
"C'mon then, Kitten." He's afraid to man-handle her because of her shoulder so he just scoops her up. Carrying her down the stairs in a white T and black panties. Luna doesn't even give a fuck.
Ashley's in the kitchen with The Dr as Colson carries Luna in, sunglasses and all. Ashley laughs loudly. "THIS Bitch." She says to Colson.
He sets Luna down. "I know." He says shaking his head and laughing. "It's the only way I could get her out of bed."
"Drink this." Ashley sets a large glass of seltzer and lemon beside her friend.
The Dr is setting things up moving around Luna.
"You're AMAZING..." Luna moans taking a large drink.
"I know..." Says Ashley with sass.
The Dr finally speaks "Ok, Miss Smith. Let's take a look, you mind taking your shirt off for me?"
She looks at Ashley. "I don't have a bra." She says flatly. Ashley snaps her fingers, pulling an unwilling Luna off the table into the hall. Where she magically produces a black sports bra. "You are amazing."
"I told you, I KNOW." Both girls laugh.
Luna changes and gets back on the table. As The Dr looks at her wound, Colson stares at her barely clothed body, feeling his dick grow. He doesn't want to look at her shoulder. It makes him think of Jackson and all that does is piss him off.
The Dr confirms it was a through and through but continues to tell Luna that she's lucky it didn't hit the brachial artery or plexus. Trying not to roll her eyes, she's pissed about all the probable damage to her tattoos. He writes her a script for 2 antibiotics and 30s. She thanks him for his time and discretion. As Colson walks him to the door, Luna whispers "What the fuck??" To Ashley as she lays back on kitchen table. Wincing when the wound hits it.
"Seeee..." Laughs Ashley. "Stop acting like an Asshole." She sits at the table over top of Luna. "YOU'RE really fucking lucky Jax was there." She says looking down at her.
"I was really fucking lucky he gave me a gun." She snaps back. Instantly sorry.
"I don't give a fuck HOW you were lucky. YOU WERE FUCKING LUCKY. I know you're gonna do what you do, Loons, but you gotta be more careful. I get this whole deportation thing and that the kid lost a dad but I'm sure the mom would agree, that you dying to save some stuffed animal, would fuck the kid up more than losing it."
"I know....." Luna sighs. "I'll be more careful, MOM." She says with a smile.
"FUCKING GET HER, ASH!" Colson thinks hearing the girls after he lets The Dr out.
Colson strolls back into the kitchen. Leans over Luna and kisses her. "Wanna do something fun tonight?" He asks.
"Not really, but you know." She shrugs one shoulder, still laying on the table.
"Pete's playing a show in Burbank. I lost a bet to him and I have to do a minute set."
"On stage?" Ashley asks.
"Yeah, Dude." Colson grins.
"Dom and I are THERE, Kells!" She exclaims.
"Greeeeat..." Colson looks at her and they both laugh.
Luna's still laying on the table. "What bet did you lose?" She asks Colson.
"That I couldn't keep my shirt on at his birthday party last year." He laughs.
"Waaait.... You were at his 29th? I was there too. I wonder why we didn't meet then." She says sitting up. She and Colson look at each other inquisitivly.
Ashley breaks their thoughts "Because you were only there for like a minute, Loons. You literally popped in to give him his gift and birthday love. Remember?
"Oh, yeeahhh..." Luna drifts off, thinking back to that night.
"So, wanna go, Kitten?" Colson asks her.
"Uh, yeah, Bunny. Of course. Ash, you're coming?" She asks.
"Mhm." She nods her head.
"What time's the show?" She asks Colson.
"I gotta be there by 930P."
"You guys wanna do dinner? I've been wanting to hit Toca Madera..." Luna asks.
"Yaaaaas Girl!!! Mexican all day!" Ashley hoots. Luna looks up at Colson who nods in agreeance.
"Alright, I'll pack a bag and shower at your house?" She asks Colson pulling the white T back on.
"Yup." Colson agrees, sad to watch her body disappear.
"Ashhhh...? Do me a favor, please?"
"What, Buddy?"
"If I run a load, will you throw my clothes in the dryer after?"
"No prob." Ashley agrees as Luna heads towards the stairs.
Colson leans into Luna's ear, following her up them "Mexican, hunh? I guess that means no butt sex tonight?" Poking her in the ass with his finger.
"Get the fuck away from me, You Weirdo!" She shrieks, laughing while running up the steps. "We don't do butt stuff!!" She shouts over her shoulder, making him laugh.
Back in her room Luna dumps her leather travel bag all over the floor as Colson lights a joint. She makes a pile of clothes she wants to wash. He passes her the joint. Finding new to restock her bag, she comes across her leather. There's a solid hole through the left side. Luna passes back the joint and digs through a make-up bag, pulling out a bunch of safety pins. A few minutes later she displays it. "Fixed." She laughs as she continues to pack. Colson smiles lightly, hating the jacket now and how that hole almost took Luna from him.
"She loves that fucking jacket. She's never gonna give it up." He thinks sighing to himself.
Once back from starting a load of laundry, Luna slips on a pair of cutoffs. "You ready?" She asks Colson. He nods grabbing her bag. As they head out the door Colson shouts to Ashley " WE OUT!!"
"See yous for dinner!" She calls back from somewhere in the house.
Heading back to Colson's Luna asks about the goldfish. "Oh fuck!! I forgot all about them!!" He exclaims.
"Can we stop and grab a bowl and shit in case they are alive? She asks him.
"Anything you want, Kitten." He takes her hand and kisses it. Before stopping off at a Target.
They are Assholes in Target. He carries her around piggy back style through out the store, tries to buy all the Betas for fighting. She says No so he attacks her with bouncy balls at her legs. As Luna's paying, she loses him for a second before he comes running passed her, screaming with his tongue out. They are not allowed in that Target anymore.
Still laughing about Target when they walk in they're greeted by a surprisingly quiet house and only 1 dead fish. "That's us." Colson nods at the fish. "Hades and Persephone. Can't kill The Devil and His Bride." He scoops up a laughing Luna, kissing her deeply.
"You do know how fucked up that myth is, don't you?" She asks, still laughing.
"Nope. I don't know and I don't care." He states.
"Hades and Persephone it is..." She laughs throwing her hands up. She sets the fish bowl up in the middle of the kitchen island.
"We have pets." He says kissing her on the head.
Upstairs Colson throws himself on the bed after dropping Luna's bag. Coming in after him, she can't help but jump on him. "Come're Haaaaadesssss..." She teases from above him, littering his face and neck with kisses. He sits up, she pulls his shirt off as he carefully goes for hers, terrified of hurting her. She sees his worry, taking off her shirt and sports bra herself to his relief. She stands up on the bed letting him unbutton and pull off her shorts and panties. He stares up at her naked body before pulling her down onto his face. Licking and lapping her every fold making her twitch and giggle.
"FUCKING PEACHES." He loves the way she tastes.
He hits her spots making her buck. "Bunnnnyyy!!!" She calls out, cumming all over his face as he holds her steady by the waist. Lifting her up off of him, he moves behind her, grabs her hips, setting her on all fours.
As he slides into her, he groans "GOD, YOU FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD, KITTEN."
"Mmmm you like that, Bunny?" She coos. "You like fucking me from behind?"
He's fucking her harder and faster with her words
"I do." He pants out. She's close and can tell he's right with her. She starts slamming against him hard making him moan. Pushing harder and harder she begs "Who's pussy is it, Hm? Who owns this fucking pussy, Bunny?" She moans as she cums.
"I DOOOOOO!!!" He shouts bursting inside of her.
"Yeah, you do." She giggles easing herself down on the bed. He makes sure his face isn't on her shoulder as he kisses her back. Taking their time and laying inside of her, he loves that they have little rituals like this.
She looks at her watch, it's 530P. They have dinner reservations at 7p. She tells him they should shower and he agrees.
They do it again in the shower because how can they be naked together and NOT?
Luna throws on a black long sleeve cotton shirt, black leather pants and her black Red Bottoms. She's has a fire engine red lip to match, jewelry piled on.
They leave a still empty house to head to dinner.
Luna rest her feet in Colson's lap as they smoke a joint on the way to grab Ashley and Dom. They figured they'd all ride together to Toca Madera, then Flappers. Both couples hold hands walking in, easily being sat. "Try not to beat anyone up in here." Colson whispers into her ear heading to their table.
"No promises." She smirks back before sitting down.
Dinners delicious. Their margaritas and fish tacos are to die for. Conversation is fun and engaging as always with the 4 of them. Colson and Dom are talking about their video. They're thinking about doing an open call in the next couple days. Ashley and Luna encourage them, both agreeing it's a gnarly idea. Luna and Ashley have enjoyed watching the guys collaborate. That's when it hits Ashley "We should fucking collab!!" She exclaims excitedly. "I don't know why we never thought of it before!!"
"RIGHT!!!" Shouts Luna in disbelief. "FUCKING RIOT GRL ANTHEM!!!" She's still shouting.
"YEEEEESSSSS!!!!" Oozes Ashley as they high five each other. The guys watch them in amusement as the girls chatter excitedly. Luna already pulling her notebook out.
Leaving Toca Madera is pure hell. Someone must have called the paparazzi alerting them to Ashley. Seeing the 4 of them together is just extra cash on their film.
"Halsey!! Halsey!!" One shouts.
"Yungblud! Over here!!" Shouts another. They push through the cameras with their heads down.
"MGK!!! MGK!!" They shout for Colson. Luna's tucked under Colson's arm, wound side in, head down as Colson pushes them through. As he opens the door for her, she looks up. That does it. She hears it as he shuts her door.
"IS THAT, THAT BROOKLYN BITCH!??? MGK!! MGK!! ARE YOU GUYS TOGETHER??" Luna leans over to push open his door for him, Colson slides into the driver's seat of his Benz. Sticking his tongue out and giving The Paps the middle finger as they pull off.
"Holy fucking shit balls!" Luna sighs, lighting a joint.
"I know." The other 3 say in unison.
To be continued.....
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