#i'll rb this a few times
So I know most folks follow me for the FC5 goodness and Kit, but is there anyone who specifically wants to be tagged in cod stuff just so I know who to tag for that fandom? I feel weird tagging all the usual mutuals since I know you don't all go there.
this would be art, writing wips, and fic chapters (or only some of those, just let me know in the replies)
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decaeysa · 2 years
interest tracker just dropped hmu
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killjillvt · 2 years
I'm gonna start uploading all of my art to @killjillart instead of here, I'll still RB stuff to here but if u just want my art, there ya go
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
i'm thinking abt making a tag list for the toji apocalypse au series so if you want to be on said little list please leave a "i love toji" down below aaand i'll add you on there:33333333
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crimeronan · 11 months
kitkat's dirt-cheap writing and editing services!
hello all! i'm kitkat, i'm a professional writer and editor who's been professionally writing and editing for well over ten years. as far as tumblr audiences go, though, i'm better known for my work over at ao3 elliptical.
the vast majority of my prior clients have dropped me for AI, and i need to build my freelancing base up again. so i've created a fiverr profile.
however, in order to get work on fiverr, you need good reviews. and before you have good reviews, you need to offer your services cheaply enough for people to take a chance on you.
so! i have some dirt-cheap offerings at the moment (11/14/23):
writing 500 words for $5
writing 1,100 words for $10
writing 1,700 words for $15
editing 1,000 words for $5, $10, or $15 (depending on how in-depth you go)
transcribing audio/video (price starts at $5 and depends on length)
my MAIN ask if you take advantage of the offer is to give me a five-star rating and nice review. if just a couple people here buy my stuff, i can show fiverr that i actually am good at my job. and then they'll show my profile to more people, and i can work up to a living wage!
quick faqs:
can i buy fanfic from you?
i cannot legally write fanfic for money. however, if there's a certain AU, relationship, character, prompt, etc., that you want to see, you can tell me (there should be a free-write space to explain what you're looking for when you order). then i can write you something that's "like" that, just with original names.
can i pay for you to edit/beta my fanfic or original fiction?
ABSOLUTELY, yes. just keep in mind that only the $15 tier currently includes in-depth comments and constructive feedback. with the $5 and $10 tiers, i'll happily proofread and check your grammar, but i won't have a ton of actionable feedback to give!
what's the copyright situation on this stuff?
you have the full rights to anything you buy from me on fiverr, forever. more in-depth explanation here!
i can't buy anything right now but want to support you. how can i do that?
it is 100% okay if you don't have money to spend (or simply don't wanna buy my writing)! one helpful thing you can do is favorite my profile, if you have a fiverr account. you can also make a fiverr account pretty fast if you have a gmail, but it is completely reasonable not to want to do that.
you can also reblog this post if you want! i think most of my potential audience for this already follows me..... but if anyone wants to sing my praises in reblogs, i definitely won't say no, LOL
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aintashes · 19 days
i have to be honest, y'all. this site has done a giant number on my mental health and i think that being gone has shown me that it's actually just really bad for me. i've got a lot going on and every time i'm here it only makes my mental health worse, so i think the best decision that i can make for myself is to step away completely.
i don't know if this is a permanent goodbye. i hope that it's not, because rping on this site has been a giant part of my life for years and i genuinely want to be here, but at the same time, i can't take care of myself if i am.
if you want to keep up with my writing, i decided that i'll be posting ( mostly daryl-centric / twd-centric ) fanfics on ao3. i'll also be posting on a sideblog here, but it'll just be somewhere to dump my daryl / twd edits and i won't be actively engaged or checking notifs very often.
i sincerely appreciate everyone here and i love the things we've been able to create together. this community is full of wonderful writers and amazing people, and it's been a great privilege to meet and write with y'all. genuinely, thank you for the love you've always given to daryl and i on this blog. i cannot express enough how it truly means the world. ♡
tl;dr: my mental health is significantly better off without this site, so i'm stepping away. i'll still be writing and creating, just not here.
if we're mutuals and you want to keep in contact, please feel free to come find me anywhere listed below if you haven't already!
dscrd ( mutuals only ): glargyldixon edits sideblog: @finaldixon ao3 username: aintashes
i love y'all. thank you for everything. take care. :')♡
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ofpd · 11 months
hey besties ive decided im changing my name on here :) call me chana (pronounced like 'chanukah' but without the 'uk' in the middle) instead in posts etc! i don't mind my previous name in private like dms etc but i'd rather go by a different name in public on tumblr!
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revvywevvy · 1 month
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hi guys im still alive lol. havent been drawing too too much lately (depressions a bitch xd) but i do have a few things yay yippee!!!! i ended up doing a style study of sorts a few months ago (i dated em so yk when theyre from) and ive been trying to make this my new style bc i really like it (with some hiccups but hey. arts hard lol) so heres some pyrrlinas :-] (yes ik its a redraw (and u may have to zoom a little bc the croppings kinda. yeah.))
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aercnaut · 7 months
semi hiatus notice: for the month of march, my activity will be spottier than usual. for those who don't know, i lost my mom two years ago on the 15th, and the whole month is hard for me. i won't apologize for grieving, so i hope everyone understands my not being here. i love you all and will still try to write, but i can't make any promises much will get done.
thank you for your patience.
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elgaravel · 7 months
Going to jump on the train here and say to like/interact with this if you want me to tag you in tag games, wip/oc stuff, etc!!
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lovaboy · 5 months
mutuals/followers: i wanna make a list to pull from when i get tagged in games so if you like being tagged to share music, talk about ocs, do picrews, etc, pleaaase like or reply to this post !!
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molagboop · 5 months
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Reference sheet commission: client asked for Raven Beak.
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froghwon · 2 months
hi 👋
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lamortwrites · 3 months
If anyone from the server would like to talk about anything, I am done wallowing and here for anyone who needs me
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its crimis. that means TREE TIME pls leave a message if you want <3
(raw link: https://colormytree.me/2023/01GN2B0AA4BB22X2JKGEMSVH98 )
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fabdante · 10 months
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hello gang!
redbubble and inprnt are running black friday/cyber monday sales. i'm not sure on inprnt, but redbubbles ends december 2nd! if you ever wanted to buy my art from these places, now is an excellent time.
new prints have been added to both including all of my released zutara week pieces. my final zutara week piece will be added after it's posted as well!
you can find me on both services under the name fabdante (links here as well: redbubble and inprnt)
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