#i'll tidy it up and post it to ao3 at some point because I Do That Now!
riddledeep · 22 days
FOP Sideblog Update - Sept. 2024
Hi! This lovely ol' sideblog's been tidied up in light of A New Wish! I have a new AU for New Wish works. Let's talk about it!
Main blog - @fountainpenguin
Tumblr media
My FFN - My AO3
Sideblog masterpost
Housekeeping Updates
- New avatar - @zachbrightside and I updated our FOP sonas. Tossed the headcanon'd honorary pixie hat on mine! :) Shout-out to that one kid in "School of Crock" who wore this hat with no explanation. And squared my gal's wings! Experimented with pink and purple hair options, but I like the brown too much to change.
- Fixed all broken masterpost links - Checked 3 or 4 times, so let me know if you find something wrong.
- Added things to the masterpost that weren't there (Ex: Art section)
- Combed through every post and changed the bullet point system so they're easier to read, following format update from several years ago that condensed the spacing between bulleted items.
-> As part of this, I've used indents and dashes in place of bullets in many posts. I've also added periods on otherwise blank lines to force blank space, as the blank space is another thing we lost during that format update.
-> This is so posts will look better on the dashboard. The dots may seem odd when viewed directly on the blog, but it definitely makes it easier to not lose my place while editing long posts. Also, they should be more readable now than they would be if they're reblogged to others' dashboards without this change.
- I combed through the short bios and long profiles and divided paragraphs more. There were many bulky paragraphs that have now been divided in a way that should make posts - especially these big profiles - easier to read.
-> Cleaned the "Appearances" sections of the long profiles. They used to list each 'fic that character is in, but now they have a labeled AO3 link to works written by me that include that character. Sleek, clean, and automatically updates!
- Shout-out to me having Dale Dimmadome already down as one of H.P. and Sanderson's past godkids 5+ years ago. I knew that was my headcanon, but I did not remember that was on his profile and I'm glad it was, haha... oh no. I don't know what my plan is for that in light of New Wish, but I'll figure it out.
- Changed posts that called my canon Riddleverse Classic to say Cloudlands AU, since that's the new name for my series. Left the name Riddleverse for posts that encompass multiple AUs.
-> Updated my Icebreaker post with this and other new info
- Deleted any posts tagged as "Delete later"
- I have a lot of long profiles and other posts saved to my drafts from years ago. Once Tumblr shifted to the new format (including with the queue), it became so distressing and ever-changing that I struggled a lot to find my footing.
Ex: They took away line dividers, which I thought was frustrating since I used those on my long posts and found them helpful. I was holding out hope they'd return. - Some posts (like my wing refs and the giant 20k-word class overviews) kept getting flagged if I edited them, and I was worried I'd lose my stuff or have the account deleted - Back then, the queue would only tell me which day of the week something was posting, not which month or day. It was just overwhelming to create a schedule or keep track of my stuff, so I took a break from Tumblr in general.
These days, I'm much more comfortable with the editor and my queue is now more specific about deadlines. I look forward to posting here again!
I won't be on a schedule, and the big character profiles do take a lot out of me, but my plan back in the day was to release one a month. Might be able to get to there! If not, maybe the short bios.
Future of this FOP Sideblog
- More worldbuilding posts! I let this blog sit a long time because I felt like I'd said all my worldbuilding and the only thing to do now was profiles and bios (which I was reluctant to prioritize when I felt "behind" in my 'fics).
However, I found some things I'd never moved to this blog, such as my notes on aging. I'd like to post that and others I found.
- No longer hesitant about sharing stuff for "weird" characters or OCs. I had a post about celebrity kids (Poof's age and younger) that I never posted because I didn't think anyone would care about my headcanons for Simon Sparklefield (who only appears in one obscure episode I don't count as fully canon anyway) or Billy Crystal Ball (also obscure) but... Hey, that's why you're here, isn't it? So let's talk celebrities!
In other words, I'd like to bring this blog back as the unapologetic place to share my FOP things. We have references to canon characters and talk of OCs (like Hadley, Emery, Whistle, Soren, China, Anti-Saffron, Kalysta, Iris, Idona... List goes on.)
- This blog will have more polished fanart than the doodles from my main blog
- Polished 'fic cover images will be reblogged here. By this, I mean the posts I do on my main blog that outline what to expect from a 'fic. I won't reblog my general chapter announcements; I don't want to flood this blog with those.
- 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash's cover will be reblogged, but the posts for individual trains won't be. - Existing cover images will get new, polished posts for their 'fics before I reblog them here.
- I went through the blog and added the tag "Cloudlands AU" to many posts, apart from a few I'm still hesitant to edit (or where it didn't seem worth noting). Cloudlands AU refers to my lore for the 11 seasons of the main series (i.e. including the "Oh Yeah!" shorts), and this is what my sideblog was meant for.
- The reason for this new tag is to separate it from City Lights AU: my new AO3 series for works about New Wish. These works are not compliant with Cloudlands AU, which was designed years ago.
Ex: Peri and Irep will get a short bio on this blogged tagged as City Lights AU to explain what we're setting up for their characters over there, distinct from the existing short bio for Poof and Foop in Cloudlands AU (who are very well established in their arcs). In other words, I'm not rewriting Cloudlands AU canon to fit with A New Wish, but I still want to write works for New Wish. Expect bios and art for Hazel and Dev here someday (and others).
The next thing I post will be Hadley's full character profile (now with updates that are compliant with A New Wish).
After that, I'll reblog my Cloudlands AU and City Lights AU guides to this blog so they'll be under their tags and on the masterlist.
When that's all done, I'd like to knock out full character profiles for Dale, Dev, and Hazel when I can (in addition to finishing my drafts for Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, and Foop). Long, slow process, but it would be cool to have those things done by the end of 2024 or early 2025.
Feeling decent about my idea for Hazel's birthdate. I have nice options for Dev, but no commitment until Zach and I nail down where "Operation: Birthday Takeback" goes in our New Wish timeline. Enjoying the process so far! -> Dev's b-day is QUITE the toss-up between options like "National Day of Unplugging," "Plant a Lemon Tree Day," and the absolutely golden combo of "Pizza Party & Virtual Assistants Day." And perhaps others we've not investigated!
I think that's everything! Hopefully, this is the last "blog news" announcement we have for a while, and the blog can return to being a landing spot for fanart and story meta.
As always, the sideblog's Asks are closed as I want to maintain a consistent feel for this blog. You can reach out to my main blog (Askbox here) if you want to ask a worldbuilding question.
Additionally, I'm interested in following other people's worldbuilding / AUs so I can engage more with the community, especially those passionate about FOP worldbuilding. -> I'm open to self-advertisement if you want to shoot me an Ask on my main blog telling me where I can find your work! -> I'd prefer to follow a blog that is primarily for FOP worldbuilding / art / 'fics (or subscribe to an AO3 series for FOP works), but I'm open to consideration if your blog is multi-fandom! My preference: Thoughtful takes on characters and world that dig deeper than just ship art / ship 'fics- Nothing against shipping, but I'm more interested in character analyses and worldbuilding. Bonus points for a focus on miserable children, Dale lemonade trauma, Pixies, or Timmy growing up to lose his memories and live an average human life. If you don't fit this, you can still recommend your AU and I'll check it out, but that's my wishlist :) Also, if there's anyone who makes Timmy/Molly content, you are my hero and should totally link me your work.
It's such an honor to see so many followers of this sideblog despite its long absence! To those of you interested in staying with me as we enter this next phase, thank you very much - it means a lot to me - and I hope you enjoy browsing!
And to anyone who's lost interest, thank you for spending time while you were here <3
One last note - My goal has always been to reblog others' fanart for my 'fics here, but most of them are still sitting in my drafts, unreblogged. I'll queue those up. I'm always delighted to receive gift art! Feel free to tag @riddledeep and I'll reblog it here! Same goes for gift 'fics, so don't hesitate to share!
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
Thank you @androxys for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
I have 46 works on AO3 at the moment. There's a handful more spread over various other places, but at this point I've uploaded all of my back catalogue that I want to have archived there.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
113,119 words. Which is pretty respectable given I tend not to write long pieces.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Whatever is currently causing my brain to itch! At the moment that's most DC Comics, but I do have a few Yuri!!! on Ice drafts sitting around that I may or may not finish, at least one Girl Genius piece I could tidy up, a bunch of ATLA snippets, and I can frequently be provoked into writing Vorkosigan Saga if people pose the right scenarios.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
College Daze: a Yuri!!! on Ice SkyGem Retirement Challenge piece, where I don't bother with the reveal. It's three separate scenarios where people meet Yuuri as a college student in the US and don't know who he is. I'm entirely unsurprised it remains my most popular - it was a very popular challenge in the fandom and it's a lot more accessible and pandering to fandom tastes than some other stuff I write.
Find Out What It Means To Me: an immediate sequel to Yuri!!! on Ice, set around Japanese Nationals. Yuuri doubts himself but succeeds and finds how much love and support he has from the whole Japanese skating community. I love this piece because it's very much a balance of things I enjoy (fiddly technical details) and characterisation.
the picture frames have changed and so has your name: DC Comics. What if Dick no longer loved Tim? What if Dick got Morrison Disease? Ahahaha I think you all know this one. It's my big DC piece so far, so I'm not surprised it's up here. It also contains female characters that casual DC fans have never heard of in major roles, so I'm also not surprised it doesn't get the attention fanon-based material does in this fandom.
Little Chick in a Nest: Yuri!!! on Ice. Victor introduces Yuuri to Lilia, without realising that Minako was also a famous prima ballerina. The YOI fandom loves Minako's Benois, but it's a tiny set dressing detail; Victor probably overlooked it and nobody ever talks about Minako as a famous dancer. I had a lot of fun setting up Victor to put his foot in it.
there's an endless road to rediscover: DC Comics. Dick and Tim playfight in the Cave and Damian misreads the situation. I think this one is popular just because of the interplay between the characters, and it was my first attempt at trying to get my head around Damian as a character.
5. do you respond to comments?
Pretty much always. It's the time I spent on LJ coming through, because comments are for talking, and if you talk to me I'll talk back. If you're waiting on a response it's usually because I'm formulating some massive post. Also I tend to meet people where they pitch their comment - the longer and more detailed it is the more detail and discussion you'll get back.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'll hold your memory in my hands tonight. It's pretty hard to beat this one for angst in terms of the subject matter. (I still giggle to myself over the pun in this title because it's dreadful) Anyway CTE is something I have a lot of feelings about and they recently diagnosed two women as having suffered CTE due to domestic violence, which is horrific and really shows the long term problems and dangers from family violence.
Then there's A Duty to Your Family and Soft, Small, Silent, Still, one of which contains attempted infanticide and the other which contains canonical accidental toddler death, so you know. When I give heads up warnings I tend to mean them.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...Happiest? hmmmm. I have a bunch of fluff, but probably Find Out What It Means To Me for YOI, Herds of Little Vorkosigans for Vorkosigan Saga, and These Small Hours for DC Comics?
Yes okay that's two baby fics and the one where everyone tells Yuuri he's the best.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Almost none that I'm aware of; there's occasionally a bit of pedantry on the Vorkosigan Saga fics but that's from known notorious figures in the fandom and I largely ignore them. If anyone's busy having a hate on for my fics they're kind enough to do it the correct way, which is privately where I can't see it.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. The closest I get is playing around with innuendo at times in my writing. I'd really rather insinuate and then fade to black, it's heaps less awkward to write.
10. do you write crossovers?
I was going to play good old 'what do you mean by crossover' as far as DC Comics goes, but the answer is a frank yes, because I've got a West Wing & Grease crossover drabble I'm Not Pregnant which is leveraging Stockard Channing appearing in both.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've ever noticed, and I honestly suspect it's unlikely to happen. I would need to write things that get more attention than I currently get, designed to hit fandom popular tropes.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. None of my Vorkosigan Saga stuff is popular enough to get a Russian translation and it doesn't fit the preferred tropes of that end of fandom anyway.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing I've ever specifically published as fic. I do have some commentfic over the years where there's been back and forth between me and someone else, but alas commentfic is a dying breed in fandom these days.
(and it's a LOT more informal than proper cowriting)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
All time favourite? Oh gosh. Probably Wally/Norah from Billabong, which hits just so many of my favourite notes for a relationship. Nothing for me will ever beat Wally throwing himself at Norah's mercy to confess that he would rather have died than Jim as he's 'nobody's dog', and Norah claiming him as her own.
I've loved those two since I was a little kid, and you know how it is with ships you acquire in that formative period.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I remain hopeful about a lot of my stash but I just can't see myself finishing a piece I have about Steph's baby and Helena Kyle. It's a fun scenario, but I cannot work out the villain who came after them both, and so it remains a setting without a plot.
16. What are your writing strengths?
From what people have said to me: I'm pretty good at paring down language and telling a lot of story in small scenes and understatement. There's a bunch of compliments I've had over the structure of TES 34/64 that I treasure, and everyone lost their minds over "the shoes had eventually come in handy. For the funerals." in a gap where a parent should be.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Oh, this is something I have strong feelings about. I don't like loan words being translated and multilingual fandoms often have a working level of loan words that is higher than background use: think for example the amount of French commonly used when discussing ballet. So I tend to think you should use languages at the level of comfort that the fandom has for them.
It often comes down to the fluency of the characters in the scene - I think dialogue in another language can be quite powerful if some of the characters understand it and others don't, because you can leverage that variation in understanding in your audience. However personally I'm more likely to note what languages are being used in dialogue tags than arrange for a translation.
I do try to localise for word choice to the setting of a fic but at this point I've been in fandom too long and and I'm too stubborn to localise spelling for my writing.
Which means if I were to write Wellington Paranormal fic I would probably be using my extremely scanty Māori mixed through the dialogue; I wouldn't bother translating kia ora or whānau for instance. But on the other hand I'm not going to write in another language unless it makes sense for the story to do so.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
That I published? Harry Potter. Which I'm not ashamed of or upset over, really. It was a good fandom to learn how fandom worked in, and it certainly inoculated me against a lot of nonsense behaviour later on. I still have friends I made back then, I learned a lot about how Internet communities function and behave, and it's sort of weird to have things I was on the fringe of and have contemporary memories of occurring having become Fandom Lore.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Oh damn. Hmmm. Look, probably the picture frames have changed and so has your name, because I'm super proud of myself for finishing it, but in terms of underrated pieces I have to to point to the Mother's Day series, particularly Tea for Two, because DC mothers deserve so much more love.
I don't have anyone specific to tag so let's make it an open offer.
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damienthepious · 1 year
did you know that it's a full moon tonight? because that fact has shaped ALL my writing progress today.
i fucking hate this new editor by the way. i can BARELY fucking post fic at all anymore and it's fucking banishing me to the phantom zone. go read my fic on ao3 instead im begging you.
raised by wolves
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationships: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Rilla, Sir Damien, Lord Arum, The Keep
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin' Tuesday, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Werewolf!Rilla specifically, Secrets, (look i think rilla deserves to have some angsst explored for once), (uhhhh god there have GOT to be more tags uhh. i don't know i'll add more later), (In later chapters there will be), Implied/Referenced Harm to Children, Implied/Referenced Violence, Mild Injury
Summary: Rilla is keeping secrets.
Notes: This didn't exist this morning and now i've got a new fucking multichapter to worry about jesus fuck. hopefully (LMAO) this one won't actually be that long? if it goes according to.. plan???? yeah. right. fine. okayfine.
Rilla has always liked straight lines. Consistent rules. Categories, into which data points will neatly fall.
This might, possibly, have something to do with all the categories she falls between the cracks of, herself. Or maybe she was always going to be like this. Who knows? She doesn't exactly have a control group to check with. Life doesn't work like that; neat and tidy like her experiments. Life is messy. Her life, in particular, is messy. But, hey, at least it's messy mostly on a predictable cycle. Mostly.
Rilla packs her usual bag, false bottom carefully in place with her new tinctures alongside the old standbys. She pulls her hair out of her face and into a braid, and picks her way down to the greenhouse to say her goodbyes.
A newer wrinkle in the routine: saying her see-you-in-a-couple-days, I-promise-I'll-be-safe, try-to-remember-that-I-love-yous in the Keep, now, and not in her own hut. Saying them to Arum, too.
Arum hasn't questioned her absences, yet, because she goes off on her own all the time anyway, and because he never really seems to question her about leaving the Keep. She can tell that he doesn't want to remind her of being kept here, and... that isn't necessary, really, but it's sweet, in a way.
He and Damien can keep each other company while she's gone, too. Which is nice. Damien doesn't have to be quite so lonely when she's gone, anymore (and Arum doesn't have to be lonely at all, if she can help it).
She kisses Damien deep, distracted by the way his skin smells, this close to the moon, and when she pulls back Arum nuzzles his snout into her neck in a way that makes her want to growl, though she manages to suppress the urge into just a shudder as she wraps an arm around him and squeezes. No time for fun, just now, unfortunately. She kisses Arum's cheek, light and sweet to make him scowl, and then she peels herself away with a casual wave.
The Keep's portal drops her in the front room of her hut, receding back into the wide planter to the left of the hearth with a gentle farewell warble from the Keep (or at least... what she assumes is a gentle farewell warble), and Rilla grabs another one or two things to stuff into her pack before she steps out of the hut, locks up, and marches into the jungle.
Damien thinks that her monthly disappearances have to do with harvesting rare medicinal plants with very particular blooming cycles, which is... partly true. There are flowers and herbs to be harvested during the day, when she can. She doesn't like being less than honest with Damien, but she's been less than honest with every single person she's ever known since her parents were Exiled. And- it's a medical condition. Sort of. She's allowed to keep a medical condition private if she wants to.
Arum complicates things. He's good at that.
Arum complicates her excuses for not telling Damien, specifically. Because if Damien can, in fact, put aside his animosities and find room in his heart for a monster...
(Maybe she could have told him ages ago.)
(Or maybe not. Maybe it would have been too much, before. Maybe he would have been terrified. Maybe he would have felt betrayed. Maybe he would have told the Crown. Maybe he would have-)
No one knows about the second hut, the same way no one knows about her condition. Though... "hut" is generous. Her home is a hut, cozy and carefully cluttered and warm and welcoming. This building is more of a shack, really. It's a fair hike from the hut, but she can get there before dusk with time to spare, which is pretty much the point. Technically speaking, she could just overnight here and then come back home during the day, if she really pushed it, but that would be a lot harder to explain than just saying that she needs to travel to a distant grove for botanical purposes.
It looks abandoned and ramshackle, but the door and the lock are sturdy, and Rilla has the key.
Sturdy, reinforced walls, a wooden locking bar to make certain that nothing gets in and out, no windows. Bare floors, excepting a chair and a desk in one corner for a little bit of reading or writing during the day, and a chest to keep her things in. Mostly open space, where Rilla spreads out the blankets she brought, right in front of the metal hoops for the chains.
She cut her timing a little close today, mostly because she wanted to actually enjoy her morning with Damien and Arum. She sighs, stretches, and unpacks her extra clothes into the chest so she can get to the false bottom of her pack and pull out her medicine.
First night. She'll go with her standby tincture, this time. She has a new experimental blend she wants to try, but she'd rather save it for tomorrow, the full moon, and see how it affects her on the day that hits her with the most severe symptoms. This one, she at least knows that it'll keep her mostly placid.
She sighs, uncorks the vial and slams it back like a shot, wrinkling her nose at the taste.
The medicine makes her memory a bit... muddy? But even before she developed this particular treatment regimen, she couldn't remember much about what happened, what she would do on the nights immediately surrounding the full moon.
She does know that she hates it here. Hates the chains, hates the wood against her claws, hates the drowsiness from the medicine. Hates being alone.
She packs her kit back up. She undresses to her underclothes, then stows her dress and shoes and the tinctures into the chest before she closes it with a click.
She goes to sit on the blankets on the floor, then, fixing the harness around her neck and chest and adjusting it to the marked positions. Rilla has been alone in one way or another since her parents left, she reminds herself as she settles in to wait, her skin already prickling and her eyes adjusting far too quickly to the dark.
The wolf will just have to cope.
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sp00kycrumpet · 11 months
Paradise (3/10)
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Rating: E
Tags: Javi is baby, fluff, holiday romance, Nick Cage is Nick Cage, reader is bilingual
Warnings: swearing
Summary: Working as Nicholas Cage's personal assistant was your favourite job; so when he asked you to accompany him to Mallorca for this birthday party he'd been invited to, you were more than happy to go. What you didn't anticipate was the host himself.
Will also be posted on my AO3
(Part One) (Part Two)
Over the next couple of days, Nick seemed a little off. You couldn't figure out why but you assumed it was just him working out the screenplay being adapted or the rich diet making him feel off. You didn't push him though, just spent time with him and Javi or trying to enjoy the luxurious home. Javi seemed to seek you out most nights for company, with or without Nick. You'd eat together, watch movies or just sit under the stars and share a drink.
One night you'd sat in the lounge with Javi, watching a movie he'd chosen but at some point you dozed off, full of good food and wine. You woke up with your head nestled against his shoulder and his arm wrapped around you, you glanced up at him without moving too much and found he was asleep as well. You debated getting up but didn't want to disturb him, so you settled again and closed your eyes, listening to the steady sound of his breaths and enjoying his warmth against you. You awoke again a few hours later when Javi moved, you blinked a little in the dark room; realising the tv had gone into standby.
"Did I wake you?" He asked softly, you hummed a little and sat up.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." You said shyly, running a hand through your hair. Javi just shook his head.
"I was going to get you a blanket, I was trying to not wake you." Your heart jumped at the gesture and smiled up at him, the light from outside highlighting his features. A delightfully cliched situation, but wonderful all the same. He finally stood up and offered a hand to you, you took it and he helped you up.
"I'll tidy up tomorrow, bed time." He smiled, squeezing your hand gently. You nodded, muffling a yawn into the back of your hand. Javi walked you back to your room as always, pausing to embrace you before making his way to his own. Sleepily, you stumbled through your room and climbed into bed. You had it bad for Javi, and you knew it would make going home difficult. You almost dozed off when there was a knock at your door, you lifted your head and part of you hoped it was Javi with some dramatic confession or something. You climbed out of bed and headed over, pulling the door open. You frowned in confusion at Nick standing there, he held a finger to his lips and stepped into the room.
"Where were you all night?" He asked in a hushed voice, flicking the light on and making you squint at the harsh light.
"What the fuck? I was with Javi like you left me, we were watching movies. We weren't tired, so we just stayed up a bit. We fell asleep on the couch then I came to bed when we woke up." You rubbed at your face, staring up at Nick. He paced the room a little, pausing to look at you.
"Do you like him?" You groaned at the question, turning to climb into bed.
"Nick. It's like three in the morning, why are you suddenly asking me this?" Nick followed you, watching you.
"We don't know him. You need to be careful." He frowned, you suddenly felt like a teenager being scolded for staying out at a party.
"Oh come on Nick! It's Javi!! The guy is like a puppy, he's sweet and a good guy. Why are you being so weird?! Is it because your number one fan is spending more time with your friend than you do?" You huffed, sitting up. Nick shook his head, pinching at the bridge of his nose as he sighed.
"Just. It's complicated. Be careful, please." He watched you for a moment before turning to head for the door. He hesitated for a second before turning the light off and walking out. You felt guilty for saying what you did but he was the one being weird about you spending time with Javi. You sighed and flopped back into the pillows, staring at the dark ceiling for a moment. Was there something weird about the screenplay that made Nick uncomfortable? Or was Nick just trying to keep you from falling in too deep with someone you barely knew. Eventually you dozed off, figuring you'd talk to Nick in the morning about his sudden outburst.
However it had slipped your mind that the next day was the day of Javi's party. The whole house was buzzing with people getting everything ready, decorating and setting up tables for guests and food. You helped where you could and eventually spotted Nick heading back to his room. You excused yourself and followed him. You knocked before letting yourself in.
"Nick?" You called out, Nick turning to look at you as he pulled his suit from the closet. "I just… want to apologise for what I said last night. I was tired and confused." Nick shook his head slightly.
"It's fine. I guess I have sort of neglected you this trip. You might be here on paper as my assistant but really you're here as my friend. So I'm sorry too, okay?" You smiled a little, nodding.
"You've not been yourself the past few days though Nick. Then that outburst last night really surprised me."
"I know. I shouldn't have done that, I don't have an excuse." You shrugged a little.
"Let's just enjoy the party and everything will be fine! Okay?" You smiled at your friend, Nick watching you for a moment before he nodded and stepped closer to give you a hug.
"Deal. I'll see you there." You nodded, patting his face playfully before turning to head out and see what else you could help with. Gabriela handed you some flowers to put out on the tables under the promise you went and relaxed afterwards, repeating you were the guest and shouldn't be working. Eventually you went back to your own room, taking a soak in the bath before starting to get ready for the party. You felt oddly nervous as you sat applying your makeup. You curled your hair and let it hang loose around your shoulders, opting for a simple yet elegant look. Your dress was a sleek black number you'd bought a few years ago but never had chance to wear. You spent a while in front of the mirror, making sure you were happy with everything before there was a knock at your door. You were surprised to see Gabriela stood there, she smiled warmly at you, explaining she'd come to fetch you because guests were starting to arrive. You said you'd get Nick then make your way to the party. Now your door was open, you could hear music coming from the outside of the house and the muffled sound of people talking. You felt that bubble of nervousness again as you walked to Nick's room and knocked.
"Nick? The party is starting, the guest of honour can't be late!" You called out, the door opening as Nick finished fastening his jacket. "White suit, classy! I like it." You grinned at him, Nick smiling at you as he pulled his door shut and offered you his arm. As the two of you made your way outside, you could hear the music properly. There were lights strung up around the garden and there were lots of people wandering around and socialising. A few stopped to speak to Nick, some just staring in awe that Javi had actually managed to pull off getting Nicholas Cage to his party. You separated from Nick to find you both a drink, finding your way to the small bar that had been set up.
"I don't think we were properly introduced before." Came a voice to your left, you looked up to see Lucas stood there, eyeing you over the top of his drink. You had to fight the instinct to step back and managed a polite smile as you gave him your name. He grinned and offered a hand, you reluctantly took it and greeted him properly. He was almost cornering you against the bar, you felt so uncomfortable and regretted leaving Nick. You turned to get the bar tenders attention, feeling Lucas's eyes burning into you.
"Lucas. Dejala sola." Javi's stern voice came from behind you and burst through your bubble of discomfort. You turned to greet him, pausing momentarily as you took in the sight of him in his expensive looking suit and his curls brushed back from his face. He looked breathtaking. He almost seemed surprised that it was you, apparently he hadn't realised who Lucas was bothering. He glanced at Lucas before his attention was back on you.
"Happy birthday Javi!" You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around him. He hugged you back and you pressed a little kiss to his cheek.
"Thank you. I'm sorry about Lucas." You waved one hand slightly, Javi leaning around you to get the bartender's attention so you could have a drink.
"Javi, it's fine. I don't think he recognised me either." Javi smiled a little, the way he kept looking at you was giving you butterflies in your stomach.
"You look beautiful. Not that you usually don't, but this is… you know, different." You felt your cheeks flush as he stumbled over his words.
"Thank you. So do you, you look good in a suit." You smiled, reaching to brush the light smudge of lipstick from his cheek. Javi smiled shyly, thanking the guy behind the bar as he slid over two glasses of champagne. As you walked to find Nick, Javi had one hand resting gently against your back like he was still protecting you from Lucas. Once you found Nick, the two embraced and Javi thanked Nick again for agreeing to come to his party. The three of you stood talking before Nick excused himself to use the restroom. Leaving you alone with Javi again, you smiled up at him.
"This is some party, Javi. It's incredible!" You looked around, watching as a troupe of dancers moved effortlessly and putting on a show on one side of the garden. You could feel Javi's eyes on you, finding him quickly looking away when you turned back to him. "You don't need to stay with me if you need to go play host, I'm a big girl who can look after herself." You teased, Javi waving one hand.
"Nonsense! You and Nick are my guests of honour! Plus you only know each other, myself and Gabriela. It would be rude of me to leave you all alone." He smiled and offered his arm to you. You couldn't help but smile back as you gently looped your arm through his and followed him through the crowd as he introduced you to a few people. His friends seemed impressed with your Spanish, relieved even that they didn't have to stumble over broken English to communicate. Javi stayed by your side the whole time, Nick seemed to just wander around and talk with a few people here and there. At one point you completely lost sight of him and just paid attention to Javi and the guests around you.
Without warning, the power suddenly went off. Guards seemed to surround Javi and he took your hand in his, pulling you closer to him almost protectively. You felt a moment of panic flutter through the party before the power came back on, Javi smiled brightly and gave everything a visual once over before his eyes were on you.
"Are you okay?" You nodded, glancing around.
"Your security is good. They could teach Hollywood security a thing or two." You laughed, Javi just smiled and offered you another drink. You almost pouted when his hand left yours to pass over your empty glasses in exchange for full ones. Part of you wanted to query his response to the power cut but the rest of you just wanted to indulge in the soft warmth of his hand in yours. A few people came to speak with Javi and you moved to stand with Gabriela, she seemed a little quiet but was happy to talk with you. After a little bit, Javi climbed onto the makeshift stage the dancers had been on, gently tapping his glass to get everyone's attention. You spotted Nick and went to join him, about to query where he'd been when Javi started to give a heartfelt speech thanking everyone for coming and about his father and how one of Nick's movies had brought them closer. Suddenly all eyes were on Nick, and he froze. You nudged him subtly and whispered 'say something' before he seemed to snap out of it and respond. He told everyone about Javi's screenplay, admitted he wasn't going to be in it but that he wanted to stay here a while longer and work on a whole new movie together. You were stunned, staring at him in surprise before looking over at Javi for his response. That handsome face lighting up with the biggest smile as he agreed and everyone cheered.
"We're staying longer?" You asked Nick once the party resumed, Nick looking at you before nodding.
"If you can't stay, that's okay." You shook your head, secretly revelling in the thought of spending more time here with Javi.
"Where you go, I go. We're a team." You smiled at him, gently clinking your glasses together in cheers before taking a drink.
Nick stayed for a little while longer before admitting to Javi that he was absolutely exhausted suddenly and needed to sleep, but promised him breakfast and a meeting about the movie in the morning. Javi nodded and bid Nick good night before turning to you. His face broke out into a huge excited grin.
"I can't believe this is happening! This is the best birthday ever!" He laughed and threw his arms around you in excitement. Javi really was adorable and his excitement was infectious.
"I told you it would all work out. I knew Nick was planning something, he's been so weird all week!" You laughed, stepping back as you took both of Javi's hands in yours. Javi smiled warmly at you, squeezing your hands gently before lifting them to kiss your knuckles.
"I have to speak with a few people but you aren't leaving yet, right?" There was an undeniable hint of hopefulness to his voice as you watched him, your heart skipping at the way those big brown eyes studied you.
"I'm staying up a little later, go do what you need to." You shooed him away, Javi smiling before disappearing off into the crowd. You shook your head and turned to go back to the bar, almost walking face first into Lucas.
"It seems my cousin has more than just Nicholas Cage on his mind lately. Hm?" You sighed softly, looking up at him.
"What are you talking about Lucas?" The blonde shrugged a shoulder, idly swirling his drink as he watched you.
"He's been…shall we say distracted all week. I see how he acts around you." He seemed to word it almost like a threat before he winked at you and walked off. You just sighed and grabbed yourself a drink as a couple came over to speak to you about Nick's surprise announcement. You couldn't give them any details since you only just found out as well, they seemed a little disappointed but ultimately accepted your answer. As time passed, the party started to wind down and secretly you were glad; your heels were starting to make your feet ache. Javi bid goodbye to a few guests before coming back to you, you gave him a smile.
"I'm afraid I too must head off. I'm so tired, especially after we were up late last night." You chuckled, Javi almost pouting at you.
"I understand, sorry that took longer than anticipated. I'll walk with you." He fixed a smile over his face and offered you his arm again. You gladly took it and followed his lead back inside. The closer you got to your room, the more you could feel sleep tugging at your every muscle.
"Well thank you for inviting us Javi. I hope you had an amazing birthday." Javi smiled as he turned to face you, absentmindedly lifting a hand to brush some hair from your face.
"I definitely did. One of the best I'd say! I can't believe he wants to write a movie with me." Javi beamed happily, you couldn't help but chuckle at his cute reactions.
"Don't be up too late, he'll want to get writing tomorrow." You teased and stepped closer to wrap Javi up in a hug. He held you close against his chest and it was a battle to not invite him in so you could steal some more time with him. He pulled back after a moment, his lips parting to say something when you both heard his name being called from the end of the hallway. Gabriela waved him over when he looked back at her.
"Even when it's my night, I must still play host unfortunately." He sighed a little, resting a hand against your shoulder as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Sleep well, I'll see you at breakfast." He said softly, watching you for a moment until Gabriela calling his name again pulled him away. You were frozen to the spot, your face feeling warm at the gesture as your brain went into overdrive. Realising you might look odd just standing there, you managed to finally turn to head into your room as a grin pulled across your lips. The amount of champagne you'd drank had given you a little buzz but that tiny kiss to your forehead made your head spin more than any alcohol ever could.
(Part Four)
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mylittleredgirl · 5 years
Fic promp: We were together. I forget the rest.
yeah so turns out i’m no longer capable of flashfic, so six hours later have this long angsty but hopeful fix-it-y thing instead!
John wakes up in the infirmary, gasping, like he’s been held underwater, and he doesn’t remember.
Someone calls for a doctor (Rodney, he knows that voice, it sounds like Rodney), there are warm hands holding him down, Teyla’s voice: “Remain calm. You are in Atlantis. You will be all right.”
His senses start to kick in: the beep of a heart monitor, his own harsh breathing, the infirmary blanket gripped in his hands and pain, and the feeling of something like electricity fizzing along his skin. He can’t—
A light flashes in his eyes (a pen-light, possible concussion) and Keller is talking, telling him to breathe normally.
He tries to, and he sags against the pillows, blinks away the spots. His team is all there—a sign whatever happened to him is bad enough to hold an audience—and he doesn’t—
Ronon asks, “Sheppard, do you remember what happened?”
He doesn’t, he doesn’t, and there’s someone missing—
The first word he gets out is: “Elizabeth.”
Keller says, “Just relax, Colonel, don’t try to talk. Your body’s been through a lot. It’ll take a while to—”
But Elizabeth was with him, the last time he was conscious. He doesn’t remember where he was or how he got there or anything else, but he knows they were together. He still feels shocks along his skin, not unpleasant but strange, something familiar and again he can’t remember, and he manages to say, “Where’s Elizabeth?”
They all exchange looks, Keller with Rodney, Ronon with Teyla, and John realizes there’s something he’s missing.
Teyla’s hand squeezes his shoulder. She asks, far too gently: “John, do you not remember?”
And then, with the sick, sinking feeling that’s been with him for almost two years: he does.  
This is what they tell him: There was an accident with the Stargate, an explosion. They knew only he would have rematerialized through a random Stargate at high velocity, and they had no way to know where. They never would have found him if they hadn’t received an incoming wormhole from the planet five days later—no IDC, but nine small strikes against the gate-shield, in a rhythm that Rodney taps out on the hospital table next to John’s bed: dit-dit-dit dah-dah-dah dit-dit-dit.
They found him almost thirty meters from the Stargate, lying out in the open in an arid landscape, unconscious, alive, with no other evidence of human life anywhere on the planet. His body shows evidence of a break across his spine that would have paralyzed him for life if the nerves hadn’t somehow remained intact, internal injuries that should have killed him long before he was rescued. Keller calls his potential for full recovery “astoundingly lucky.”
This is what he remembers: He was dying, slowly, alone, and then he wasn’t.
This is what he knows: Somehow, Elizabeth’s alive, and she saved him.
He also knows it’s crazy, of course. So does everyone else. Rodney calls it a hallucination, brought on by blood loss or head trauma. Ronon tells him that his mind gave him something to hold on to, a reason to fight through his injuries for a while longer.
Teyla says, “It is not uncommon near the point of death to be… visited, by loved ones,” and John turns over, rolling away from her, because he’d get up and leave if he wasn’t trapped in bed. Everything they’re saying is right, but it’s wrong and he can’t stand to listen to it.
He remembers: Elizabeth’s hand resting on his chest, real and warm, and the crushing pain lifted enough for him to breathe. Her voice—here, John, drink this—pouring cool water from somewhere between his parched lips. The night desert air was cold but she was warm, and he never had enough clarity to ask her how she got there, but he knows he’d never have survived five days on that planet in the shape he was in. He’d certainly never have made it to the DHD. Certainly would never have crawled back from the DHD to where Rodney says they found him.
Ronon says, “So maybe there was someone else on the planet, and they left before we got there.”
“There was,” John says, frustrated, because he knows how he sounds but she’s the only thing he remembers clearly. Someone else might have been there, but he was barely conscious enough to speak—he wouldn’t have been able to draw out a Stargate address, let alone explain Morse code to someone who didn’t already know it.
He wonders if he’s crazy—if he isn’t, he wonders where she went.
He remembers her saying, on the planet: I wish I could do more.
He remembers her saying, on Atlantis: You don’t get to die alone, John. Even if—we’re still with you, you know that.
Sometime after her first brush with nanites, after he nearly died in Kolya’s Wraith torture chamber, after neither of them had slept right in weeks, they found each other on the same lonely pier. They spent six hours talking, sitting side by side, looking out at the black ocean. She told him what happened to her, in a voice so raw he held his breath. He told her things too, dozens of sentences starting with I never thought I’d tell anyone, like there was a spell over both of them, like they were bound together out of time. He told her he wasn’t afraid to die, but he was afraid to die alone.
He remembers how she hugged him, how he wrapped his arms around her and promised himself he wouldn’t close up again, wouldn’t let her close up, because the last time he’d felt anything like this with someone—exposed, but safe—he’d married her. It was different with Elizabeth, of course. Their lives wouldn’t permit romance as anything but an occasional fantasy, but there was always something intimate between them. Elizabeth knew him. She trusted him. She stood by him, and she kept him honest. She made him feel whole.
And he hasn’t felt that, not once since he left her behind on the Asuran planet, until a Stargate explosion broke his spine and she was there, kneeling next to him with tears in her eyes, saving his life and saying I wish I could do more.
He’s finally released from the infirmary. It’s happened a few times since coming to Atlantis—too many—that he’s been away from his own room long enough that the first steps in feel surreal. A t-shirt over the back of a chair, a half-finished book he barely remembers on his nightstand—he’s changed so much since leaving those there that it feels like his room is lying in state, a monument to the John Sheppard he was the last time he got dressed here.
The feeing reminds him most sharply of the Cloister, of the time he spent six whole months angry and lonely and abandoned and then returned home the same day he left to a piece of chocolate cake from last night’s mess hall dinner wrapped up on the top of his dresser, still fresh.
He stops three steps inside his bedroom doorway, remembering the energy that crackled along his skin when he woke up in the infirmary, remembering—
He reaches for his earpiece, his radio, before remembering he’s still off-duty and not wearing it, rummages around until he finds—
“Rodney,” he says, and his hands are shaking. “She ascended.”
This time, John tells them everything he remembers, no matter how crazy it makes him seem, because it all makes sense now: how she looked like herself again, how he knew it was her, how she touched him and healed enough of his injuries to keep him alive, how she knew where to find him. How she disappeared afterward, without a trace.
She’s dead, but she’s free, and grief and relief are mashed up together. He thinks he’d walk through an exploding Stargate again right now if it meant he could hold her hand.
“I don’t get it,” Ronon says. “If these ascended people can do anything, why didn’t she heal you all the way?”
Teyla chimes in: “If Doctor Weir were aware of us with the power to intervene, would she not have done so before now?”
“The Others wouldn’t let her,” Rodney says, sounding annoyed the way he always does when he’s answering what he considers remedial questions. “Ascended beings aren’t supposed to meddle. She didn’t want to get caught. But if she helped you, maybe that means she’ll find other ways to help us—surely they wouldn’t notice if she happened to leave us a note? With the locations of a ZPN or two?”
“I’m just saying!”
“Wait,” Teyla says. “You said she would not want to get caught.”
Rodney crosses his arms. “Yes, I said that.”
“What would happen to her if she was?”
There’s a pause, then Rodney says, “Daniel Jackson had to interfere with a galactic war before the ascended Ancients in the Milky Way kicked him out. Saving one life might not even get her a slap on the wrist. She’ll be fine.”
Six days later, John wakes up in the middle of the night, and he knows.
He’s still not cleared for off-world duty and there are pressing emergencies requiring Atlantis’s resources, but John argues and badgers and sits in Woolsey’s office calling in every favor he can think of because he can’t let this be put on a mission schedule for next week or next month or when-we-have-time, what-evidence-do-you-have, wait-until-you’re-back-on-your-feet, even-if-you’re-right-you-don’t-even-know-where-she-is when he knows, he knows, he knows.
It’s Keller who ultimately turns the tide, telling Woolsey, “I think he needs to put this behind him.”
John doesn’t care what the rationale is, doesn’t care that the others are humoring him, because he gears up for the first time in six weeks.
The planet where he didn’t die is calm and quiet and looks familiar, even though he was barely conscious the last time he was here and there are no real landmarks to speak of. It’s empty, dusty and rocky, with only sparse low scrub for plant life and no water to speak of. John feels a chill go through him like—well, like he’s walking over what was almost his grave.
“Sheppard!” Rodney holds up his life-signs detector, and John picks up his own, and he forgets that his body is still knitting itself back together and he runs.
“Stay back,” he tells the others when he catches sight of something pale, huddled on the ground. Teyla hands him a blanket, and he tucks it under his arm as he approaches.
He can’t see her face, only pale skin and dark hair, and his heart is pounding. When he says her name it’s barely more than a whisper: “Elizabeth?”
She stirs, shifts until he can see her face, and he remembers, remembers everything about her he hasn’t been able to live without. He hears Rodney behind him—Sheppard, is it her?—but he can’t tear himself away long enough to answer, can’t do anything but cover her body with a blanket and sink to his knees, can’t do anything but feel. “Elizabeth—” He touches her cheek, real, real, real. “—can you hear me?”
Her eyelids flutter and slowly blink open. “Who…?”
“I’m John,” he says. “You’re going to be okay. You’re not alone.”
She whispers, “I don’t remember.”
He swears to himself that every day, every day, he’ll make it up to her. For leaving her, for all the years and pieces of her life she lost, for the afterlife she gave up to save him, for coming back. “It’s okay,” he promises. “You will.”
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itscinnafox · 3 years
STORY NOTES [akafuri] : By The Next Sunrise
Because I had sooooo much fun doing this with a friend (@miss-cactus) :] (also being the first collab' work that's posted) and had a lot of messy notes and drafts, it's just so precious to me not to ramble about it >w< also plenty of fun times in just 2 and half months despite life biting my ass at the same time, totally my stress relief lol. Also, this story really isn't just some cheesy stuff for the sake of romance. It's genuine love (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Read the story here in AO3 Summary: On the way to his brother’s house, the spring showers had begun again. With an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world. Furihata smiled. He would find out. Perhaps by one of the next sunrises.
.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚. Rambles undercut ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ .☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.
FIRSTLY, @miss-cactus has all my gratitude ♡(ŐωŐ人) without her; AkaFuri will be stranded in France LOL! Seriously, I'll just dump them in some random village in France and just maybe not even finish this story at all even. The time she took to find me a place, translate, edits and also judging me for my description of the place LOL yep... total life saver. With her help it really motivated and inspired me a lot! She's the oil to my car............. you get the idea :] .
BONUS, she's also a translator and translated many amazing works, basically a deity, breathing life back into them. Also, she has original works too :D check 'em out, it's cute! It's in French, but they're easily translated, she's that good! (๑>◡<๑) her AO3
WEIRD FACT, I also had a short break up with my boyfriend of 7 years while writing this. LOL. I was so upset but I got motivated by the similarities, that when he asked for us back I was like 'But-but the similarities though!' but I love him....bleeegh. So I said yes, and we're better than before. YAY!
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๑ Story Base ๑ The idea popped when I was listening to 'The sun after washed by spring rain' by Wang Lee Hom on a rainy day on my day off, and florist Akashi just looks so beautiful lol and the rest just came up.... and I really wanted this vibe for AkaFuri something incredibly soft and warm~ just cozy >w< huehue~
This story sets in Spring, spring here, spring there~ Spring is the breath of new life, basically Furi's story lol.
I was also aiming for this story to be short and a bit poetic...... LOL then 11k words later I just gave up and was like: well, if AkaFuri wanna romance then who are we to say no? (Akashi will shave my hair in my sleep lol)
๑ Playlist ๑ Play on Youtube The playlist is by order according to each part within the story. I really love to ramble about this since music is my inspiration for a lot of things and the vibe of the whole premise, section of their development and perspectives.
☆ 11 : 11 by Taeyeon Introducing Furihata's little sob lol and Furi's perspective. After Furihata breaks up with his girlfriend (who again, have no significant in his life what so ever), he goes through the phase on moving forward. It really isn't him moving forward with his feelings for her though, it's just him moving forward from the familiarity of being with her in his life. With her gone, he finally reconnects with who he is, like in this passage : "However, somehow with just a fling of his bag onto the island top threw him years back. He has not always been this tidy and clean." Furihata had basically lived his life to accommodate to those around him. (I wanna stress that Furi wasn't forced into a relationship or was it abusive. It was just a relationship with someone whom Furi had no infatuation for. It just so happens she wanted to date him after the wintercup, and Furi is just like 'yea ok?' but really he didn't exactly thought it through.)
So this is where Furihata moves on from the familiarity. He cries because they dated lol, but really he's just confuse.
☆ The Sun After Washed By Spring Rain by Wang Lee Hom Exactly one year after Furi's break-up. The source of this story idea lol. Also, Furi's perspective. The title and the song is literally what it meant; the sun after the spring rain which brings in new beginnings. I present you, this passage of the story: "Instead, with an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world."
☆ Reunite by Jordie Power I present you, when Akashi appeared and Furihata's crush on Akashi just awakened and go haywire LOL! In this AU, Furihata has genuine feelings for Akashi. They were long time friends, and there were even a few emphasis of their friendship through high school but because Furihata has a girlfriend and Akashi respected that (although most times, in my brain, is just Akashi crying to Kuroko LOL!)
☆ Passage by Miyano Mamoru Furihata and Akashi's similarities. The song is basically about finding yourself as you age, the experiences you go through as you age (i'm 27 and i'm still confuse lol) Even though this story focuses on Furihata a lot and little less on Akashi except for little hints here and there, Akashi was just as lost as Furihata.
Random thought (as I type this), my boyfriend had told me this before "Even though we don't need each other, and do well on our own. We have friends but it's so different. Is just something different to have someone you love around, so to an extend, I really do need you and to share everything with you, it really makes me happy." it really is something different to have someone by your side especially when you found someone. (p/s: you definitely don't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. you complete yourself okay? :3) Furi and Akashi have been in-love since high-school, they have accomplished a lot on their own but in a passage, they both felt lost and felt like something was 'empty' that was because they were still in-love, and they met each other and truly want to spend their life together and share everything.
☆ Moonlight by Miyano Mamoru Mmmmmm~ the juice. This is Akashi's perspective when he wants to romance Furihata (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞ and of course, sneakily confesses to him. OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS LITERALLY THE PART THAT I'VE BEEN DYING FOR! and wrote it sooooo many times. I wanted it steamy and a little desperate after their long pent-up-frustration unprofessed love, without making it 'explicit' kind of way. So I hope I captured it right lolol.
☆ Make Me Love You by Taeyeon Furihata's feelings towards Akashi. I was pondering on a song that would fit Furihata's pull towards Akashi and how Akashi makes him feel every time. No other songs seems to feel like then I was randomly humming to this song while I was working and this is perfect! Also, a wonderful vibe.
I think it has been emphasised a lot on how Furihata reacts to Akashi, how he blushes like crazy, how he also subconsciously wants Akashi to make him fall in love with him. Because deep down, as again, Furihata genuinely loves Akashi but he was never daring enough to do it and since Akashi had never showed any indication, so Akashi had to confess in order for Furihata to be brave enough to smack their lips together to confess too.
☆ Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel by Emmanuel Moire Infinitely bless @miss-cactus (and her naughty brother lol) for this! This is song is seriously sooooo beautiful ;w; I don't care if reader's don't listen to the playlist, but OH MY GOD! If nobody had listened to this, is seriously missing out. (just as a song in general is beautiful) and the lyrics are just akjsfhakjsfhaf AKASHI'S WORDS! In Akashi's perspective and the song that Akashi sang to when they were in the car, and Cactus chose the perfect line for it ;w;
This song basically concludes everything!!! From their feelings for each other since high-school and all the way until the day they die! It's basically everything I wanted this story to be about, just their pure love for one another and to share their happiness together ;w;
Also, I want to point out in regards of Furihata's decision on staying in France. It's really not just a spontaneous and reckless decision lol. As stated and shown in the story, Furihata is somewhat a successful person with a career, but Furihata has other passion and interest which he seemed to enjoy doing which is photography and Akashi notices this. Even though with a career, at a time some will have a change of heart. So if Furi wants to stay in France with Akashi, he has thought it through enough, and can afford to even live by even without Akashi's money lolol. ๑ Premises ๑ Cactus, without her, AkaFuri will be hobos. I . AM . NOT . KIDDING ! She just whip out the map of France and pin point me to everything! I didn't ask for that but her soul is made from angel clay and she showed me this beautiful town, and I am floored! I didn't feel that much motivation and inspiration before o(≧∇≦o)
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So why not Paris? XD 1, I didn't want Paris, I wanted a natural, country/cottage vibe and not the city. 2, proven by Cactus, "actual paris : if you want a cup of coffee you have to give up your wife and your 2 children bc it's way too expensive" (XD actually there's more but those parts are only between us lol) 3, I want to pull Akashi from his usual portrayal of rich and luxurious life style. I mean.... he's still rich, just not lavish in that lifestyle. In here, Akashi's basically bare as a canvas, and painting it on his own. 4, I google mapped Paris.... and if anything, Akashi and Furihata will probably get run over by traffic LOLOL! 5, we hate the crowds lolol and we'd do anything to drown the citizens for AkaFuri to be alone. I'm not even gonna be discreet about this xD.
☆ Mornac-Sur-Seudre This main village, is the most beautiful town picked by Cactus. It's not so 'in the face' although not so splashed in a lot of colours (except for the oyster huts), it is a very vibrant village. We totally fell in love with it. It's quiet, and not a lot of villagers, so it's perfect for AkaFuri to have their stroll hand in hand (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) They're also very famous for their oysters LOL! So yeah..... Akashi fed Furi oysters.... because....it's yummy.... LOL! Video reference here. There's another beautiful video but I can't find it no more. ;; Other references; here, here and here.
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☆ Seagull Train Furihata loves train (and so do I) and since the train exists here! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I really love writing this part! I fell in love with the department Cactus picked and everything was so perfect and beautiful. Pictures and videos of it was just so breath taking ;w; and it's a steam train! I've never ride one before, but I have been into exhibits in the train museum. The smell is amazing lol. It's like sniffing my humidifier......but bigger.
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This is the train I had saw mostly from it. the 030 T 3 from 1891. It's still operational so choo-choo!!! they go!
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Video reference ; here Train reference; here, here Other references; here, here, here and here.
☆ Saintes & Royan These two towns are what's closest to Mornac. I didn't have much on Royan because Saintes had a beautiful charm, so this is where they would have their wonderful date <3 and talk a little bit about their feelings.
Cactus correcting me on the description on the city as I just woke up from my sleep, is seriously a way to wake up in the morning at 5am XD LOLOL!!
There's a few churches too, and has an interesting history from the Roman empire :D really intriguing.
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The bridge where they have their little confession in high-school (◡‿◡✿)
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This video here, absolutely pretty!
☆ Akashi's Floristry; Fleurs d’acacia Cactus picked out the most beautiful name! "So either L’acacia (just the tree) or Fleurs d’acacia (acacia flowers)" The Acacia because it rhymes with Akashi's name : Aca - as in 'Aka' in Akashi. Ci - as in sea...because they're near the ocean. A - as in....... h(a)m because Cactus said so... and I can't even disagree because it's where Furi getting some of those..... meat....because Akashi's ham.....like his meat.......y'know..... We're very dignified ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
The design of Akashi's 3 story shop/studio/apartment..... I really don't have any reference, it's all in the head LOLOL! Akashi basically lives in simplicity, his shop all on the ground floor, and the second floor is his art studio where paints and do whatever he wants. Finally the third floor is where he stays, it was wasn't very detailed but it's very spacious and cozy >w<!
☆ The Drive-in theatre Bruuuuuh......the confession is the thing! Akashi sneaking in his opportunity to confess. What more is there need to be said? AkaFuri : mlemlemlemlemlemlemlemlem~
Ohh~ Akashi's pretty Bentley of course.
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☆ The Landes The finale of their romance ❀.(*´◡`*)❀. I think we all know what a Volkswagen van looks like LOL! And they had the funky in the van and Akashi took Jean's advice with the bamboo charcoal.
Cactus showed this pretty place and I'm just ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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Of course I'd really like to say it again. Furihata's decision to stay with Akashi was really not for the sake of a 'happy ending' or so. They've had deep feelings for each other since high-school and bonded closely, but Akashi didn't show any indication of romantic interest out of respect for Furihata's relationship, and Furihata knowing nothing about Akashi's mutual feelings just kept his feelings to himself. As told by the story, Furihata has a career and stable income. But even though his life is dandy in Tokyo with his job, that doesn't mean it's something he wants to keep pursuing or maintain, as we age, we search for something else to add into our experience. Not to say that we're forever unsatisfied, it's just how life is. We accomplish something, and we move on to another thing, and then another and another. It's really something beautiful about it, and life's just us exploring :] In Akashi and Furihata's case, is that they've already have what they wanted, a life of their own, choosing their own path and what they don't have was each other and now that they've bonded and opened up themselves, they can finally pursue another beautiful life together (>*^▽^*<)
๑ Book, Night on the Galactic Railway by Kenji Miyaza ๑ This is a real book. Also, my favourite! There is an anime as well, but if anyone wants the PDF feel free to drop me a DM and I'll give it to ya'.
In here, the story of the galactic railway impacted their lives a little bit differently. With Akashi the loss of his mother and Furihata to live the last adventure before death.
It is shown they have extreme love for this book, and it really is a beautiful book and there's just endless things to talk about, as it is place in an infinite travel of the train through the galaxy, meeting new people, seeing new things, the mysteries of stories and making meaningful relationship despite never being able to see them again.
The sentiment of Giovanni and Campanella is also similar to Akashi and Furihata. Before anything else, they want to have their adventure together before eventually parting their ways (and i really mean, until death do them apart.)
๑ Other Juices ๑ There some nitty stuff that aren't just there for show xD Well, kind of but there's some sentiments and stuff so...
☆ The Sunflower Maybe because I'm bias to sunflowers LOL! But Furihata is pretty with yellow! Sunflowers with darker brown florets are absolutely beautiful. The pendent I had in mind was literally the one I had when I was a kid (but I donno it's gone now lol). I googled other sunflower pendent but it's ugleh...
It associates with the theme of this story which is 'Sunrise' as in new beginnings, Furihata's fresh start to pursuing the person he actually loves.
Sunflowers also grow towards the sun. They radiate pure joy and positivity. They also symbolise unwavering faith and unconditional love; which is AkaFuri's undying love here despite the years.
Sunflowers are also given to show their deepest to the person, so Akashi gift him a sunflower :3 also because Furi looks pretty in yellow, fight me.
In chinese myth, sunflower are best for business... So with Furi around, Akashi's business will bloom LOLOL!
Funfact: In greek myth, a nymph named Clytie fell deeply in love Apollo, god of the sun. Although Clytie was beautiful by nymph standards, Apollo did not reciprocate her feelings, or acknowledge it. (except Akashi appreciates Furi's love okay?) After days of hopeless devotion, the nymph then transformed herself into a sunflower and constantly turned towards the sun so she could always be with the one she loved (Furihata's chasing sunrises because Akashi is there ok?).
☆ The Happy Street Cats :D This is actually a real book I have, a gift by my teacher before I leave S.Korea. The passage idiom is extracted by this page as well.
The front cover of the book is also yellow.
Yellow : Sunrise + Sunflower.
There's so much yellow in this story LOL!
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☆ The Movie Cactus : Idol movie Me : *internal screaming* I swear we are always soooooooo close to making this whole thing crack XD
This scene is a real brain wreck lololol. (Still contemplating if it was romantic enough)
☆ Akashi's Florist number I extracted that number from an oyster restaurant LOLOL! Thankfully Cactus changed it.... we were planning on a crack bonus in which, Furihata orders oysters before calling Akashi.
It didn't happen. But if it did.
Furihata will order some oysters. And not regret it.
*Akashi judging*
☆ French Dialogues + Akashi teaching Furihata French Bless Cactus, she's my happiness now. I have no idea how many weird noises were coming out from our mouths just to understand how the French consonant 'R' sounds like to put it into words LOL! XD Without her, it'd be a disaster.
We were looking at other romantic phrases and found the perfect one ;w;
“Je suis ton bonheur.” means "I am your happiness" (oh god, google translate voice just keeps playing in my head LOLOL! help) Which, what else can be said? LOL Akashi's happy ok? Since this story is from Furihata's perspective, I really wanted to put him into the spot of being a foreigner (he speaks english and mandarin lolol just clueless in French, because Akashi is supposed to guide him). So while Cactus work her magic, being the Akashi to my Furihata. I tried to emphasis a lot on the characters expression etc, at least to indicate of what was going on....tbh even I forgot what they were saying. *just as clueless as Furi and Cactus cackling somewhere.
Everything in here is just Cactus being amazing ;w; and pure patience LOLOL!
๑ Side Characters ๑
☆Shérine ............ We butchered the original female side. Her name was Camille.... but I was sooo tempted to name it after *coouugh* :] because it's pretty. Also her hair was blond with hazel-green eyes.... yea we buried her.
Shérine wins now... Shérine is life.
Shérine will be in their wedding.
☆Jean Kirstein (of AOT) It's JEAN! ...........someone gotta tease Akashi with no filter.
(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ FINAL NOTES
The last section when Furihata wakes up and makes his decision, believe it or not, I was in the bus. While typing to Cactus, I was literally shaking in the bus and my eyes stung because of dust and I was in tears. I was between crying and laughing. Finished it at home ;w; Cactus was such a darling through it all.
I really had fun writing this with Cactus ;w; she's the best!!!!!!! And hopefully we'll make some crack stuff because we're hooligans like that XD.
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druidx · 2 years
March Roundup/ WIP Whenever
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What was on the Task List for Jan Feb:
✅ Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls
❌ Put the Finishing touches on Dru-Reads-Writeblr so I can start using it
✅ Upload original stuff to Royal Road
✅ Upload missing fanfics to AO3
What have I been doing?
I've finally managed to tick of some stuff from my to-do list!
➼ I gave up on trying to make @\dru-reads-writeblr look good and just started using it. It has an avatar at least 😅
➼ I've added a few of my original short fics to RoyalRoad (you can find me as DruidX), and in adding them realised that I never really tidied up my larger original works. Maybe after I've finished The Ruby Falls, I'll work on The Skinwalker. I did consider putting up some of The MOW Files shorts, but they're so old I don't think they're reflective of my current ability. I might post (both here and to RR) the worldbuilding shorts I did for Astyria's Star, though -- again, they're older, but they're not embarrassingly terrible enough to keep me from posting them.
➼ AO3 and all masterposts are also finally up-to-date \0/
➼ Progress on The Ruby Falls is still slow as a sedated snail, but I finished Section 2, and am now on Section 3 \0/
What's next?
Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls
Post WIP Intro for Astyria's Star (so the worldbuild shorts make sense)
Post worldbuilding fics for Astyria's Star to Tumblr and RoyalRd
Post WIP Intro for Igazinyoka (because I never did this apparently? despite talking about it from time-to-time 😅)
As I said last month, I know there's a lot of structural changes to make on Section 3 of The Ruby Falls. The biggest one is that I'm going to be combining Section 3 and 4, because I think it makes more sense to have these together from a narrative perspective. I'm also at the point where I just wanna start posting the thing, "no beta, we die like men" style, but I know if I do that, I'll regret it. So all there is to do is keep on chugging on with it. There's not enough of Section 3 done for an except this month. I'm hoping I can pick up the pace in April, because I've fallen way behind my original schedule 😞
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