#i'm about to lose my mind i haven't eaten all day like an idiot
sootbird · 4 years
Hey Rox, random question. How can one learn to draw? I mean, I got the whole take a pencil and a paper and practice everyday but I mean, after doing that you understand proportions, light, perspective? Naturally? Just by practicing everyday?
Artists telling people just to practice art and not giving them any solid starting place is a bullshit cop-out and something I’ve probably said at some point, but I’m going to rectify it now by giving you a comprehensive guide to starting art.
Some people may disagree with me (and honestly I recommend asking other artists this same question to see what they say and what you yourself agree with), but I think no matter what kind of 2D art you want to make, you should start with traditional, realistic drawing or painting. The reason for this (aside from anecdotal evidence of it working for me) is that learning to draw things that occur in real life gives you a foundation for branching out into different styles or media down the line. Even if you want to draw cartoons or anime, learning realistic drawing will help you, because it will familiarize you with the complicated shapes that more cartoony drawings simplify or exaggerate. For example, if you learn to draw a realistic nose, then you can see different ways to turn that realistic shape into a simplified version of itself. Practicing realistic art can also help train your eye and get you accustomed to different techniques such as line quality, shading, color theory, composition, and various types of art materials, or media, as I will probably begin referring to it as.
So, the next step is to figure out how the hell to start learning to draw realistic stuff. I will help, using written descriptions, tips, and videos I have found online to help you.
First off is Materials/Media.
You can make art with practically anything. Anything from the humble paper and pencil to the most expensive and high-end art supplies. You can burn a piece of wood in a fire for a bit and then use the charred end to make marks with. You can use mud to paint with. You can dip your toe in ink and use that as a paintbrush. My point is that you can really get creative with it and I think creating art should be a joyful experience, not a painful one.
Art supplies can be very expensive, so for beginners I really do recommend a paper and pencil. Not a mechanical pencil either, but one of those wooden ones. They work well for drawing because you can use both the point and the side of the lead to make marks with. I also recommend getting a good eraser. My favorite kind are the grey kneadable ones, because you can squish them into any shape you need for any particular area that needs erasing. I’ll link to some on Amazon later on.
You can practice pencil drawings on lined paper (I have a whole lot of sketches I did in high school that are just on lined paper), printer paper, cardboard, etc, or you could invest in a sketchbook. Cheap sketchbooks are pretty easy to find, like they have them at my local grocery store, but you can also find them online for fairly cheap. Sketchbooks are made of different paper depending on the media (drawing materials) that you’re using. Paper intended for pencil drawings tends to have quite a fine grain for smooth blending, whereas paper in watercolor sketchbooks is rough and absorbent to suit the wet medium. You can get a sketchbook with any paper you want, really. I’ve done pencil drawings on pastel paper before, because it was the only paper around, and it still looked nice, just different than it would on finer grain paper. What materials you choose to use depends on the look you’re going for, and you’ll figure that out more with experience.
To start with, just grab some paper and a pencil and start making marks on it. See how many different looking marks you can make on the paper. I’m not really talking about shapes persay, but literal marks with the pencil. Thin lines, thick lines, scribbles with lots of pressure or just a little bit of pressure. Scrape the side of the pencil along the paper and see what it does. Try blending the lines with your finger. Just take some time to play with the material without getting hung up on creating anything. Do this sort of experimenting with any new art material you’re introduced to. The first thing you should do with a new tool is acquaint yourself with it, and that’s what this is doing. Get used to how the pencil feels in your hand and what motions feel comfortable with it. Keep in mind that you don’t have to hold the pencil the same way as if you were writing. Often if I’m shading with a pencil, I will hold it with all of my fingers around it and use my thumb to put pressure on it.
Now, shading.
Shading and mark making go together, because shading is basically using the marks you’re making with your pencil or pen to indicate lightness vs. darkness. To practice mark making and the techniques that are used for shading, I recommend watching this video and drawing along with the exercise. The artist uses pens in it but you can do it with pencil too! 
When you’re ready, you can start trying to shade basic forms (shapes). Shading gives a two dimensional shape a three-dimensional look. It turns a flat circle into a sphere. Once you learn how to shade basic shapes, you can pretty much figure out how to shade just about anything. For example, once you learn how to shade a sphere, you know how to roughly shade a head! And what is an arm if not a cylinder? A nose if not a pyramid?
There are lots of videos online for practicing this. Here’s one that’s pretty good.
This is where I recommend starting. Once you are more comfortable with that, here is a list of things that you can look up and try to get a handle on, in what I think is a pretty alright order.
Perspective (one-point, two-point, three-point)
Value, Tint, Shade
Drawing negative space
Drawing from life
Color theory
It would take me a very long time to outline all of this stuff, which is why I’ve given you that list of stuff to look for online. There are a lot of great resources out there and I recommend searching for them and comparing them. I can’t go into depth on everything right now because there’s a LOT of stuff, but I hope the little outline I gave you will help give you a foundation and know where to look and what to look for! If you have any questions about specific stuff, feel free to come and ask me about it and I’ll try to help.
Here are links to some cheap art materials on Amazon:
Grey kneadable eraser
Sketchbook for pencil
Pen set
There are lots of other listings for stuff like this online, so do check around for what you want! The ones I linked are just options.
I hope this helped! Thank you for the ask anon, and good luck!
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Lost | Harry Styles
[part 4] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 5]
You were Harry’s neighbor. And someone that crawled her way through Harry’s life. But you thought the world of him, what happens when you realize he doesn’t? He loses you. And he’s lost.
Warnings : Swearing, Kissing, Heartbreaking. Short.
Containing : Mostly Angst, some fluff. Friends to Enemies to Idiots to lovers.
Pairing : You and Harry styles
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Your eyes were drooping now, but you were still alert. Wide awake. Your mom had texted you that your father had gotten another seizure, and you panicked. See, now being the only daughter in the family, you had to make sure nobody else panicked. So, you tried to calm your mum down as your own cheeks were stained with tears, which were not stopping to roll down.
You slightly hit the window as your lip quivered a bit. Why wasn't the traffic moving? "Fuck!"You hated this. It felt like you couldn't do anything, you hated feeling like that. It did not help your anxiety. You were becoming nervous and nervous by the minute and the fact that you also had the bad memories here was worse. You knew how hard it was going to be, considering some stuff.
You breathed, as the traffic started to move again.
Your heartbeat started to rise as you still hadn't heard anything from your mom. You started to tap your feet constantly, and your mind went to the consequences of coming here.
You were going to live next to the person you didn't want to see the most.
How ironic.
Will he try to talk to me? Or will he ignore me? You don't even know if he's still here. You sighed as you realized that he never really liked this town. Or maybe it was just because of you. You rolled your eyes at that. Then maybe he's really enjoying his time in your town. You looked outside the window, and saw the lake that extended up till your part of the town. You remembered how you used to watch the ducks swim by every time you went to school. Why did you exactly leave the place again? It was paradise.
You quickly averted your gaze. You didn't want to think of that.
You sat up straighter; and wiped your cheeks. "Can you turn the radio on?"
"Sure, mam." You slightly smiled at his southern accent.
You sighed and put on a weak smile on. "Climb on board,
We'll go slow and high tempo
Light and dark
You hummed along and closed your eyes. "Hold me dark and mellow
I'm seeing the pain and seeing the pleasure
Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us
Tears fell slowly from your eyes, and you let them flow. It was a humane thing to do, it was what made you human.
Bodies together
"Hey, you okay?" You asked him. He looked unusually tense, all week. You were concerned about him; but didn't want to pry. But this was making you worry too much. You looked at him. He looked pale, and his eyes were tired. Exhausted.
"What do you want?" He asked, harshly.
"Um," You played with your fingers. "You look sick, you haven't really eaten anything for the past days-"
"So what? You're so obsessed, god! You're noting my behavior now?"
"I was just worried," Your voice became low. "I mean, you haven't exactly been as cheerful as you always has been and-"
"Oh, like you know me? You don't know anything about me! Stop!" You tensed, your shoulders flinching. Maybe, you had gone too far. "I'm sorry." You whispered lightly, "Are you okay? I'm always here to talk, you know." Your eyes softened as you kept your gaze on his figure. "Is it the tests or the exams? I mean, I understand-"
"No you don't!" He turned his eyes at you sharply. "Its fucking hard, okay? You don't understand. You've always been like this, jumpy and cheery, like everything is alright, everybody is happy. Well, guess what, chirpy? It's not!" You stared at him, quietly. You nodded as you took in his burst. His eyes were red, they held a lot of tears in them. You breathed in deeply and exhaled. "It's alright to cry." You whispered, again. "What?" He whispered back, sharply.
You inhaled shortly. "It's okay to cry."
Suddenly, his whole posture turns. He becomes more relaxed but still alert. He had a faraway look in his eyes; as if he was remembering something else. "I know." He said, softly.
"Good." You replied.
"You wanna put on the radio?"
"Sure." You gave him a wry smile.
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
You hummed back, and looked at the hills that were covered with fogs.
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I'd love to wake up next to you
"So we'll piss off the neighbors
In the place that feels the tears
The place you lose your fears
Yeah, reckless behavior
"Mam? Mam?"
"Oh! Yes?"
"We're almost here." Your driver said. You didn't understand how you fell asleep. You quickly wiped off your tear-stained cheeks, and sighed. "Um, how much time?'"
"15 minutes, mam."
"Thank you."
You breathed in and out, picturing what you were going to see in the hospital. Your breathing became shaky again, and you tightened your fists again and again. "It's going to be okay."
You looked outside your window, and sighed. Houses and trees passed by, children on cycles and skateboards, some new faces, gasping as she saw some old and familiar ones. You clutched your purse in hand, and mentally got ready to run to the hospital. Your taxi started to slow itself, and you gaped outside. You could see the big building that was standing tall a few blocks ahead.
"How much is it?" You asked, your hand going to fish in your purse. "12 $ and 35 cents mam." Your hand halted. You knew you didn't have that much money, your cheeks and neck turned hot from embarrassment. "Um, is it okay if you stand outside while I get the money? I have 5 dollars right now-"
"It's okay, mam." You sighed and smiled. "Thank you for understanding." He dismissed you with a smile.
You hastily opened the door, got all of your luggage and purse, and ran to the hospital. You panted as you reached the terribly busy hospital. You walked quickly towards the receptionist, "Excuse me." You tapped on the table. "Yes, miss?"
"Uhm," your voice shook, "Mr. L/n. Where is the Mr. L/n's ward?"
"Oh, he's in the emergency ward," She stated. Your hands started to sweat, as they reached your forehead. "C-Can you-" She pointed to where the emergency ward was, as you gave her a nod filled with gratitude. You ran again, dodging many doctors in white robes, as well as nurses in pink and blue uniforms. You scanned all the rooms as you went passed them. Why the hell was the most important room the farthest? What you didn't see was a blue-eyed doctor walking right towards you. You let out an adorable 'uff' as you bumped right into the doctor's chest.
Your mind went unexplainably blank, as your spine went stiff. Your head was against this man's chest. You slowly looked up, just to be intimidated by a beautiful pair of baby blue eyes.
"Oh god," You whispered. But it was like your body didn't have control, because you didn't dare to move, or even budge. He grabbed your arms and gave you support. You stood up, staring at him. Hotness creeping up your neck. "I'm so sorry." You try to say but it came out as a whisper. You mentally slapped your forehead. What was happening to you?
"Are you lost?" Came out his voice. You almost swooned. God. You cleared your throat, "I, uhm, was looking for the emergency ward."
His eyebrows scrunched, and you studied his face. You took his confused face in, as he opened his mouth again. "Are you someone of Mr. L/n?" You desperately nodded at the mention of your father. "I'm his daughter." You said. He took in your declaration and showed you to the way to the emergency ward. "Turn left after two more rooms." You glanced at him for the last time, and started jogging again. Who was that? You shrugged as you realized that was a highly irrelevant thought, given the circumstances.
You stopped before a room, taking a deep breath. You read the 'Emergency Ward', that was written in big bold red letters. Tears started to build up in your eyes as you spotted your father and your mother, talking to each other merrily. You let out a breath you were holding and sighed, he was fine. They were fine. You weakly smiled and carefully opened the door.
"Dad," You whispered. And they both looked at you. You smiled widely. Your mother walked towards you, "Y/n!" You hugged her, your bag slipping to the floor. "What took you so long?" She asked you, and you chuckled. "Traffic," you said. You walked towards your father laying in the bed, "Hi, dad." You said.
"Hey, there, Rainbow sprinkles." He said, smiling. You laughed, as you sit at the edge of the bed. "How are you?" You asked him. And he looked at you with gentle eyes. "Lovely." He said and touched his throat, briefly. "And a bit thirsty." You chuckled. He was okay. "I gotcha." You got up and strode towards the water cooler. You filled up the glass, and turned around to be faced with your dad who was looking at someone else. You looked at him as he gestured over to the door. Your face held confusion, so you twisted your neck.
Your eyes met green orbs.
The green orbs that you adored so much.
The green orbs that you had utterly fallen in love with.
You took in shaky breaths, what the fuck? Why the hell was the person you were trying so hard to avoid right in front of you? Why was the world so cruel? You stared at him, like he was some kind of unusual and abnormal creature. Your heart was racing, and your whole body had frozen. Your eyes were wide. You didn't acknowledge that your mother had let him in.
Your cup slipped out of your hands and the water dramatically splashed on the floor.
Your throat was suddenly dry, and your voice came out low.
"Harry! Come ere'!" Your father called him. Your voice was stuck in your throat, you were beyond shocked. You thought you were ready for it, maybe you'll be able to face this. You'll be able to face Harry, but this honestly came out of nowhere. "H-How-" you tried to talk, but your voice died again as you saw your father beam at Harry. You took in some deep breaths and studied the scene in front of you.
Why was he here?
You flinched when suddenly you felt a hand on your forearm. "Mom?" you whispered, "Why, and--and h-how--" You stuttered miserably. You looked at your mother, and she just looked at you apologetically, but you knew something was going on in her mind. Your mind was racing, but you knew the inevitable thing to do. You had to act normal. Because your father didn't know anything. He didn't know what had happened between you and harry. You looked at your father laughing freely with Harry, and put on a stiff yet somewhat genuine smile. You cleared your throat, and watched as Harry's spine froze.
"Dad, do you need anything?" You asked, gently. He just smiled at you and shook his head. "I bet you didn't have dinner, how about a garlic steamed rice?" you asked cheekily. You giggled as you saw your father wiggling his eyebrows at your mother. "Fine!" She groaned and threw her hair back, "But! You'll not meddle in, with all your 'i'm trying to help!' shit." You raised your hand in surrender. "-and maybe Harry can join us!" Your mom added, and your head jerked to the side to glare at your mother. "I don't think that's a good idea-" Harry protested, as you opened your mouth to agree with him. "Oh! That's a wonderful idea!" your father exclaimed, clapping his hands once as if to declare it. Your glaring intensified as your mother talked again.
"It's done then! I'm sure Anne wouldn't mind, I'll call her." Your mother said. You gave her a 'seriously?' look, and you were almost on the tip of breaking into a '!!!!!!' rant as you say your mother shrug. "Great!!!" Your father shouted excitedly until his ecstatic face transformed into an alarmed one as he started to cough loudly. Panic struck you and Harry, as you both started to quickly walk towards to the water cooler. You reached for the glass, and a barely audible gasp came out, when your hand brushed against his, but he heard it. He reluctantly pulled his hand back and you took in a deep breath, and resumed filling up the glass again. "Here you go, dad." You said, and handed him the glass. "You good?" Harry asked him, and you glanced at him.
His voice held so much care and concern in them, that your mind was confused. Did he care for your father? Maybe he did. You quickly averted your eyes to your father as he gulped and nodded towards Harry. You stroked your father's hands and looked at him as he sighed and closed his eyes. "Dad, you should rest now. Get a little sleep? Yeah? I'll be back when mom brings dinner." You said, your voice low. Your father hummed back, and breathed calmly. You kissed his forehead and sighed. You stood up again and turned around, only for Harry to catch your eyes. He almost flinched when he saw your eyes turn cold. You quickly paced towards the door, until you heard a soft voice. "Y/n,"
You softly swallowed. "What?" You whispered harshly, Harry looked at you and took the sight in. You were here. You were finally here. "What? Spit it out, Harry." You said, careful not to wake your father. There was a moment of silence. "Will you just look at me?" He asked, his voice breaking. "Look, I get that you might even care for my father, but that's it. There's no need to converse with me. I still don't believe you do care for him, but he's okay now, right? You might've taken care for him or shown concern for him and I appreciate it, but he's fine now, I'm here. You're not needed here," You say, and breathed sharply.
You gulped again when you heard his stern voice. "I do care for him."
You stood still for a few seconds, your hand lingering over the handle, and then opened the door, storming off. Your breath wavered off, your eyes threatening to spill tears. You jogged towards an unattended counter and rested your hands over it. You sniffled and you closed your eyes, only for those tears to fall.
You rubbed your reddened cheeks with your extended sleeves. You looked at the glass window in front of you. Your nose was red and your tear-stained cheeks were clearly visible, you shuddered as you felt another tear trickling down your neck.
"We have mirrors in our bathrooms, miss."
You chuckled and quickly wiped whole face and turned around. "I know. Thank you for the reminder, mister-"
"Brown. Roger Brown." He introduced himself, giving you a wicked smirk and putting his hand forward for a shake. "L/N. Y/n L/n." You said cheekily, mocking his James Bond style. "So two things I know about you is that you are my patient's daughter, and you are a fan of James Bond." He pointed out. "Pierce Brosnan is superior," You said and tilted your head to the side.
"I'll fight you on that later. But we have some things to discuss," He said and sighed. "I know," you said blankly and shivered a bit. "We'll discuss that later because you honestly look like you need to eat."
"Are you asking me out?" You asked directly.
Roger looked at you and pouted. "Obviously not, unless you want to-"
You gave him a pretty judgmental look which he noticed and rolled his eyes. "Hey, don't judge me like that," He said and put his hands up in surrender, "You look tired and I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten, because you must have drove from the airport to here directly," He stated. You raised your eyebrows, "Oh yeah?"
"Your dad talks a lot about you." You shook your head, and looked at him. "Of course he did," You said, smiling, feeling a bit embarrassed. "He talks very fondly of that guy too," He said and your face went from a smiling one to a confused one. "What guy?"
"That guy, you know? Curly hair, green eyes-"
"Oh," Your eyebrows scrunched up. "That guy."
Roger looked at you, "Hey, you okay?" You just nodded, "So..." You looked up at him and smiled, "You want a cheeseburger?" You chuckled and shook your head. "Maybe next time? My mum is making garlic steamed rice." He looked at his feet, pouting. "But you owe me a cheeseburger, got it?" You said, cockily. He smiled at you and gestured you to goon. "Bye, Enjoy."
"Thanks," You said, remembering who was going to be present there. "I'll try." You sighed and put a strand of your hair behind your ear and walked towards the door.
"I'm back!" You smiled as you saw your mom, walking through the door of your father's ward. You got up from your spot and sprinted towards her to help her with the containers. You sighed as you took in the beautiful smell of your mother's garlic steamed rice.
"So, what were you both up to while I was gone?"
You and your father just giggled. "We were up to watching The Simpsons." Your mom rolled your eyes when she heard your response. "You guys and your Simpsons."
She set up the rice on one of the tables, and was about to say something but refrained and started to look for something. "Where's Harry?" She asked. You grunted silently at her question. Doesn't she remember what he did to you?
"Y/n?" You rolled your eyes. "What?" You replied. She looked at you with a warning look, and you averted her eyes from her to your father. "Well go get him!" He said to you as well. You got up and grabbed the door handle, but you walked right into another firm chest. You smiled, "We've got to stop meeting like this," You say giddily. But when you looked up, your eyes met sparkly apple-green eyes. You gasped lightly but your eyes were stuck again, threatening to drown you in them. Again.
Harry stared at your eyes as well, his breath was caught. What did she mean by that? Who was she talking about? Unable to move, Harry was frozen in the place. "What?" He whispered. Your body shook and you coughed. Harry let you go and you pulled back from his chest. You glanced at him and looked back at your mom. "He's here." You dismissed, while your mom narrowed her eyes.
Harry cleared his throat and noticed how the warmth of your body leave his. He stared as you walked towards the table. Why were his eyes obsessed with you? He shook the thought and slowly strolled towards you-no the table. He shyly smiled at your mom, who softly smiled at him too. "Well, how are we gonna sit?"
"I can sit next to dad." You said but when you turned, Harry had already settled next to him. His eyes widened when he realized you wanted to sit in his place, but when he looked up, you were glaring at him. He went to get up but your mom started speaking again. "Nevermind that then. You sit next to Harry on the bed while I take the chair."
"Come on, be quick. I'm hungry," She complained, and you just groaned and sat next to Harry. Really close to him. You sighed and started to eat the rice and hoped that your mind wouldn't focus on Harry's position but on the food. Yet it doesn't.
You breathed in and expected the aroma of the rice to fill your lungs, but instead your nose picked the scent of Harry's shampoo. Oranges. He never changed it. You glanced at Harry who was eating his rice calmly. Why was he here again?
"Did you meet your father's doctor?" You nodded while gulping your rice. "He's a nice guy. He invited me tomorrow to discuss," you glanced at your dad. "Some things." Your mom raised one of her eyebrows. "Invited?" She asked slyly, and you noticed Harry's knuckles turning white.
"Yes." Your mom looked at you expectantly, as if knowing there was something more. "And promised me a cheeseburger." Suddenly Harry started coughing. "Oh dear!" Your mum cried. "Are you okay? Y/n help him!"
You quickly took a glass of water, concern washing over you too, and handed it to Harry, absent-mindedly placing your hand on his back. He accepted the glass of water and gulped it down while staring at you. Your heart started to melt under his gaze so you quickly pulled your gaze from him to your bowl. You started playing with your food and gulped. Your movements stopped when you heard his deep voice.
"So, a cheeseburger?"
"So what do you want?" He grunted out. You were hungry but had forgotten your lunch. So, you seeked out Harry and asked him if he could buy you lunch. Now, you were in the cafeteria, trying to choose what to have while Harry was losing his patience.
He was honestly having the best day until obviously, you came along. His day started when the captain of the football team actually noticed him and called him 'bro' in the hallway making his other football mates call out to him too. Other girls didn't look at him and bully him, instead, one of the beautiful blondes smiled and winked at him. So, he didn't meet you once and even if he didn't have you to help him in algebra, his day was going fantastic.
Until, you came up to him in lunch while one of the greatest players in their football teams was sitting with him, and asked if he could buy your lunch because you forgot your lunch. He looked at the boy who was staring at you judgingly. But he didn't really have a choice.
So, rolling his eyes, he got up and apologized to the guy and proceeded to the cafeteria.
"Quick, Y/n!" He snapped and you flinched. "Sorry." You whispered. "Um, I would like a cheeseburger." You muttered. "Can't hear you!" He said. You gulped and tried to refrain your tears from reaching your eyes. "A cheeseburger would be great." You said and looked up at him. When the cheeseburger was getting made, you studied Harry. You hadn't seen him in two days and he was already looking so pale.
"Are you okay?" You asked him, but he just rolled his eyes, and chose to ignore you. You sighed and looked at the worker prepare the burger and put in the tomatoes. "Have you ever eaten a cheeseburger from the cafeteria?" You asked him, but he just shook his head.
Your eyes suddenly beamed. "Why don't you try it!" You exclaimed.
"Come on! Try it with me." You said but Harry shook his head again. "Please Haz!" His eyes widened when you called him that. He frantically looked around hoping that nobody heard that. He snapped at you, "I said don't call me that didn't I?!!"
You silenced down. You kept pouting at the ground and quietly took your burger, thanked Harry, and sat down at your table, alone. You wished Harry sat with you, but he never did. He always sat with other football players or alone, never with you. Did he not like to sit with you?
Harry walked towards his table and sat down next to his football mate again. "Who is she?" He asked. Harry glanced at you and shook his head. "No one," He muttered. The football player raised his eyebrows at Harry, and he noticed it. "Leave it alone, Charlie." Harry grunted. "Mhmm," Charlie hummed back, knowingly.
Harry observed you from afar. You were eating your cheeseburger contently. How were you happy even if you were so alone? He hated it. He hated you. And he hated that cheeseburger. Why did it have to look so dangerously delicious? He groaned and Charlie looked up at him again. "Dude, what's happening to you?" But Harry just shook his head again. He kept staring at you as you ate that cheeseburger.
He suddenly got up and stomped angrily towards you. He pulled the chair and sat in it. You were too surprised, and your mouth was agape. What was he doing here? He took your tray and slid it towards him, and took the cheeseburger in his hands. "I hate you." He mumbled, and looked at you as you grinned and your enchanting eyes sparkled again. He took a big bite of the burger and moaned. You giggled and blushed at his moan. "I can't believe this burger's that good." He said, with his mouth full.
"Maybe this can be our thing. Cafeteria cheeseburgers!" You said and giggled again. He just hummed back and had a warm feeling in his chest. "Maybe." He said and smiled.
Harry sighed as he remembered the cafeteria cheeseburgers. "It's our thing." He laughed and told your mom. Your blood began to boil, and you laughed bittersweet. "It used to be our thing. It's not anymore." You said and smiled coldly. Your mom frowned at your response. Harry looked down and his heart sank. You've changed.
"Um, I'm done," Harry said suddenly. "I should go. Thank you for the dinner, it was really delicious." He said and smiled at your mom. You scoffed internally. "Oh, okay Harry," She said and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Can you take Y/n with you? She just came, so she might need to rest." You scrunched your eyebrows. "That's not happening." You said sternly, "I'm staying with dad."
Your mom raised her eyebrows. "No you're not. I'm staying with him."
"I don't wanna go home, mom! I wanna stay." You complained, also wanting to stay with your dad while not liking the idea of Harry taking you with him. But your mother gave you the most serious look.
"Look Y/n, I'm staying the night with your father. You can go home, freshen up and get rest, then come up tomorrow. Okay? Tomorrow you can stay with him. Right now, you're going."
"But -"
"You're going! And thats that." Your mom declared. You groaned and stormed out of their not taking regard of Harry standing behind you, embarrassed.
"You can go." Your mom said sweetly.
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slepyfibre · 4 years
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Shattered Dream uwu
Angsty writing under the cut lol
It’s... dialogue...
"Is this what you wanted? In your sick, deranged mind, nothing mattered more than your own selfish desires."
"You might not have chosen to become this, but look at you. You're doing the very thing you hated so much. Are you satisfied? Dream's too nice to say anything. He was still cared so much about you, even after you've treated him like shit. Treated me like shit."
"Shut the fuck up! You don't understand, Dream never did! He never could!"
"You- you get out of him!"
"Wouldn't you just love that? Pity, but I am him. You should understand. I'm the Dream that resents you. The Dream who cares enough to hate what you've done to him. Decades of torment, oh how you reveled in that! Speaking those unkind words, blaming him for the things he had no control over, pressing into his guilt, even though you knew how it broke him inside."
"He's suppressed me long enough, or should I say, I am finally showing you how I truly feel? I hate you, I hate you, I hate- hate youIhateyouIhateyou- heheheeheh! I hate you so much!"
"You're not Dream, you disgusting freak. You can never be him. He… he would never act like this."
"The truth is right in front of you. Eating the apple… maybe I did want to understand. But it's funny, isn't it? Now you understand how I feel. Hahah… how it hurts. It hurts, it hurts, Nightmare, why does it hurt so much? Hahah!! The pain it's so excruciating, I just want to rip my own soul out!"
"You're not supposed to give in… so easily. You've always been the stronger one, haven't you?"
"Pathetic, pathetic! This is no time for sappy words, I did it for you! I did it for you!"
"Shut up, SHUT the fuck up! I'm not speaking to you!"
"You've always been the stronger one. You were always able do what I couldn't. Surely… I thought you could handle everything. I lost because had to. You're different. You're supposed to be different! Only a WEAKLING gives up like this. You’re NOT someone that gives up easily!"
"Stop it, stop it with your empty words. What do you know about me? I am tired of your lies. People cannot change overnight. Oh, so you feel guilty all of a sudden? Fat chance. There's no way. No way."
"Just… I only wanted one thing. But I understand now that I'll never have it."
"How did I think you could handle everything…? I suppose really am a fool. I am a fool and you're an idiot. What do you think this accomplishes? Nothing. You only lose. You know that this is irreversible. What are you so desperate for? WHY? I NEVER WANTED THIS FOR YOU!"
"You want to know what I wanted the most?"
"I wanted you to accept me. I wanted the old days to return. Selfish, I know. But I never stopped hoping, that you would turn from your ways, even if I already knew it was impossible. I knew anchoring my hopes on something so inconceivable would only lead me to ruin. But I couldn't stop. I couldn't, I felt so incredibly hollow, but I never should have! What a failure as a guardian! Laugh at me, humiliate me! You've done it so many times before. It's all my fault!"
"Haha… I knew… it was impossible, unless I sacrificed everything."
"So I did what I had to."
"How… how the fuck did you ever think eating the black apple would SOLVE ANYTHING?"
"I thought that if I understood your pain, surely… you would accept me."
"I had nothing to lose. My life is a living hell. I distract myself with much, but the heaviness never leaves. Every time I see you, I only see regret, do you know how debilitating that is?"
"If only this, if only that, if only you hadn't eaten that apple! If only you hadn't been so weak!"
"How dare… I'll never… I'll never be weak like that again. Don't you understand? IF I NEVER DID WHAT I DID, WE'D BE DEAD. I DID IT TO SAVE US BOTH, I DIDN'T WANT TO DIE, AND YOU DIDN'T DESERVE TO!"
"You… I…"
"NO… I just… I hated myself. If I ate the black apple like you did, you would be happy. I would be like you. That's what I thought. So why… do you look at me like that? S-stop it!"
"I made the right choice. I… I can't regret this now. But it hurts, it hurts… brother it hurts so much…"
"Come on… y-you can't do this to me…"
"I'm so sorry… I s-shouldn't-"
"D-don't worry, you'll never have to see me again."
[Dream leaves. Nightmare is left alone.]
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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All Might X Reader
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- You and All Might are a new couple and after a year of dating, you guys decided to move in together! All Might is worried because for some reason your not sleeping!
Pairing: All Might X Reader
Word Count: 3K
Genre: Fluff and comfort! 
Warnings: Minor cussing
Author Note: This is part of bnha collab i’m doing from the server Bnha Sanctuary! that @myherowritings​ created! It was @therainroguefanfiction​ idea to do the collab! This is my first completed fic? (one-shot) i’ve ever done! so lmk what you guys think and thank you so much for letting me be a part of this collab!!! 
The Collab!!
Also thanks for @ambershaydeoffical​ for helping me edit the first half!! ILYSM THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME <3 and grammarly too <3
Y/N and All Might were in their new house together, they had finally unfinished unloading all the boxes from the moving in truck. Y/N leaned on the counter of the living room, drinking a glass of water when suddenly All Might had received an urgent call from Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. All Might went through a spectrum of emotions, from anger to guilt to anxiousness. His face paled, and his body shook a bit; finally, he turned to look at Y/N. He spoke in an apologetic tone, "Do you think you can hold off the dinner plans for tonight? I need to head to the police station, one of my students is… in a sticky situation right now..." He flashed her one of his brilliant smiles, "No need to worry though, it's nothing that I can't handle!"
Y/N set her cup down, only for it to crack. She stared at it and had a bad feeling. She chose to ignore it and proceeded to walk towards her lover. She gracefully cupped his cheek in one hand and leaned to peck his lips. "All that matters to me is that you come home safe. I'll be here," she whispered.
All Might’s gaze never faltered, and leaned in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around his lover’s waist “I’ll be back soon” and out he went to save the day.
                Hours passed, and Y/N has not heard anything from Toshi. The homemade cooked dinner Y/N had left for her dear boyfriend was cold, sitting on the kitchen table untouched.
Y/N woke up in a cold sweat, her body shaking as she looked to her side and noticed that her man still was not back home. She looked at the time, and it was past midnight. She unlocked her phone with shaky hands, and the first thing she noticed was the news of All Might fighting All for One. Her breath hitched, and she started to watch the live news feed.
               “DESTRUCTION! THEFT! EXPLOITATION! MANIPULATION! THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, JUST TRYING TO LIVE DAY TODAY! YOU LAUGH AT THEM, SCORN THEIR HARDSHIP, THOSE ARE THINGS THAT I CANNOT..." All Might move to punch All for one “FORGIVE!” he went and socked All for One while pinning down the villain with his left hand. Steam started to rise from his body 'my time limit…' All might thought.  
Y/N gasped in horror as she saw the steam emitting from his body, knowing that he was severely injured, saw the blood, and sweat on her lover. She saw that he was half deflated. She recognized that pained look on his face. She did not know what they were saying but knowing her boyfriend and the situation wasn't anything pleasant.
                All Might is pushed back, and he flies up in the air, heading towards the helicopters, but Grain Torino swoops in, grabbing All Might like he was a child, and placed him on the ground. A bit of shifting occurred, and the talking resumed. All for One went and punched All Might, and All Might was left in a weakened state. He was his usual scrawny self, but with many wounds, his arms battered, and his clothes barely holding themselves together. It seemed all the life of the symbol of peace was gone, it was a devasting sight for the world to see. All Might was no longer smiling.
Y/N was clutching at her phone tightly. Her heart was beating erratically, and she already knew how Toshinori looked at his standard form. After all, that's how she met him for the first time, not knowing it was All Might. Tears were streaming down her face.
"You promised me that you'll be back home soon," she choked out. No one was in the room with her as she continued to spoke "Our life is barely just starting…our life…our future…please honey…come back home alive” she was desperate.
She didn't know what else was going to happen, and here she was watching the love of her life be torn into pieces, on live television. She was at home, being utterly useless in a situation she cannot help. Y/n broke out into a cold sweat, her breathing became hysterical, as many intrusive thoughts swarm her brain, her vision blurred, and chills ran up her body. Her left hand clutched at her chest as she was in pain.
‘Toshi…Toshi…’ his name kept repeating in her head. ‘You need to calm down and breathe. Just breathe.’ She thought. She couldn’t speak as she tried to calm herself down, ‘have faith in him, he is the number 1 hero, and he can do it. He will survive,' she advises herself.  
All Might bulk up his right arm and spoke to All for One “YOU’RE RIGHT, THERE’S SO MUCH WE HEROES HAVE TO PROTECT! AND THAT’S WHY WE DON’T LOSE!” all the surrounding heroes joined All Might, helping him in the background, giving him back up, and moving all the nearby civilians out of the way. There was an explosion and a cry “UNITED STATES… SMASH!” and another impact was heard. The land shook, and the smoke cleared out, revealing a broken bleeding All Might, with his right fist up in the air. He then faced the camera, pointing it and uttering out the words "You're Next."  
Y/N immediately threw her phone onto the bed. She shoved the covers off her, ran into her closet, grabbed a random coat, and slipped onto her slippers. She grabbed her purse, phone, and keys, and rushed out the door. Dialing detective Naomasa, to find out which hospital her beloved would be staying in.
At the hospital, Y/N wasn’t allowed to see Toshinori immediately. She walked briskly in the waiting area, and a few of the nurses not believing that she was All Might’s girlfriend, thinking she was just another crazed fan. It wasn’t till detective Naomasa had told the nurses she was, indeed, the lover of All Might, and promptly led in. She burst into Toshi’s room and fell by his side.
There lay All Might, and he was bruised and scarred. He was bandaged from head to toe with a broken arm. He was shocked by the sudden loudness and appearance of Y/N. He immediately sat up "Y-Y/N!" his lover marched up to him and lightly threw her arms around him. She started sobbing onto the crook of his neck.
“Y-You idiot!” she bawled. All Might awkwardly held his girlfriend with his one arm, trying to calm her down frantically “H-Hey W-Why are you crying?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!”
Y/N pulled away from All Might slightly but had still kept him at arm's length. "Why am I crying?! Am I okay?! Are you out of your damn mind?!" she spoke angrily, her jaw was clenched, and tears streamed down her face. "The question is, are You okay?! I just saw you get beaten up on television!” she exasperates. She was in disbelief that he was asking about her safety; she took a deep breath.
“Honey, I’m fine. But you worry me so much. I’m only glad that you are alive and okay” she kisses his cheek and takes a seat in front of his hospital bed.
She pulls out a protein bar from her purse and shakily hands it to him "Here, you haven't eaten anything. You should get something in your system…" All Might's cheeks flush a light pink, as he glances at Detective Naomasa and Gran Torino, who looked at him with knowing grins. His focus goes backs to Y/N and gently takes the protein bar from her, and he gives her an awkward chuckle.
"I'm the number 1 hero, dying is the last thing that will be on my list."  
Once All Might was discharged from the hospital, he was surprised to see that all the boxes from the moving truck were unpacked and unloaded. All their stuff was already placed around the house! He came to a beautiful home, where it was clean and smelled a lot like Y/N. She really did put that girlish feel into the house which he loved.
He thought that Y/N was utterly fantastic, unloading everything, and still manage to bring warm cook meals to him at the hospital, along with maintaining her job. His arm was broken, so whenever he needed help, Y/N was there, and she did a great job where he never felt babied. He felt blessed and loved as he knows that Y/N is doing her best to support him whenever she can.  
They had already gotten to the routine where in the morning, Y/N likes to cook breakfast for the two. They both get ready in the morning, and off to work they go, he felt like they were newlyweds. Still, he always blushed at the thought. It was too early in the relationship to think about marriage, even though that's where it seemed to be headed in the future.
After having dinner, you and Toshi decided it was time to head for bed, as he had a class to teach in the morning. He wanted to help develop his student's quirk abilities. You were changing into your PJs, and All Might had his back facing you, -he, himself, changing into his own proper sleepwear. Once you finished, you cough awkwardly to let him know you were done changing, and you both crawled into bed.
You were stiff and tense as you laid to the side, and shifted toward him, as he pulled out a book 'how to teach and motivate students for DUMMIES'; you snorted once you saw what he was reading. Toshi looked at you, embarrassed. "I need to help my kids develop a special move, but I don't know how too," he admitted shyly.
You flashed him a smile, “Honey, all you have to do is be yourself and provide them encouragement without giving them the answer. Don't stress too much; they are smart, creative kids, and they'll soon find the answer," you responded.
Toshi’s gaze shifted away and mumbled out an "It is not that easy as your making it sound…"  
You pressed your lips to the side of his cheek, and pulled away, speaking in a soft loving tone “I’m going to go to bed, Goodnight and get some rest, don't be up too late."
 You got comfortable on your side of the bed. Except, and sleep never came to you. You were awake when All Might had turned off his lamp, put his book away, gave you a peck on the top of your head, which you found endearing.
You laid there in the dark, with your eyes close, remembering that when your friend spoke to you, her boyfriend broke up with her because she kept kicking him in sleep. Or that she snored too loudly, and that she spoke in her sleep and tended to sleep-walk.
You thought he was an asshole, and that he did not deserve your friend! You had many sleepovers with her before! She honestly didn't move that much, and you felt that he was exaggerating.
Your thoughts had shifted in, and you began to wonder how you slept at night. You grew paranoid, ‘Do I move a lot in my sleep? Do I hog all the blankets? Do I snore loudly? Oh god, what if I hurt Toshi, especially since he's injured,' you thought.  
You knew Toshi, he wasn’t the type to break up with someone because they
were snoring loudly, but you couldn’t help the paranoia feeling of accidentally hurting him in your sleep.
Your alarm had pulled you from your thoughts, and you let out a deep sigh. You started getting ready for the day and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast for the day! You even decided to make Toshi a cute-looking bento. Luckily, you planned and had already prepped most of the ingredients at night, so it didn't take you long to prepare in the morning. You wrote a cute note, too, and placed it in the bento box with a cloth wrapping and set it to the side.
You were putting the pans in the dishwasher and cleaning the countertops when All Might showed up. He sniffed the air, "You didn't have to cook again," he spoke.
You can tell that he was grateful, as he was giving you a gaze with so much love that it made your heartthrob. "I didn't have too, but I wanted too," you replied back with a grin on your face.
“I also made you lunch for today! Who’s the best girlfriend~?” you sang.
All Might laughed “You, of course, and thank you for making lunch” he murmured as he wrapped his arm around you from behind, and kissed the top of your ears, to your head.
“Tonight, I'll help make dinner, and I'll help you set the table right now."  
He pulled away from you and started putting out the plates and cups onto the table. He already knew how you liked your coffee (or tea) for the day. You walked towards the table, where you found Toshi, waiting for you. You both picked up your chopsticks "itadakimasu!” and started to dig in.
Toshinori sighed in content, exclaiming how delicious the food was.
All Might wasn't much of a cook, so he didn't eat homemade meals until you came along. When you found out that Toshi, mostly ate take out, you took it upon yourself to cook every day. Honestly, it was a hobby of yours, and you enjoyed cooking, it was something that you did with your mother when you were young. It was very satisfying when you had friends and love ones take a bite of your cooking, and they always exclaimed how they loved it.
You felt even more appreciated when Toshi started looking forward to your cooking. He also started asking to join you, trying to help you as much as he can. Trying out new recipes was always fun, and you loved teasing him! You never let him into the kitchen when cooking secret family recipes, as he’s not allowed to know your secrets!
A week has passed, and the same repetitive thoughts kept you up at night, worried that you might disturb Toshi’s sleep. You always felt tired and were sluggish in your movements, your eyes were puffy, and you had dark bags. You kept up with your extensive cooking every morning, lunch, and dinner. At work, you kept getting distracted and even doze off a few times in the job.
Your co-workers had begun to worry along with Toshi, as he kept trying to coax you to sleep. The other night he gave you a gentle back massage since his arm was now healed. No matter what kinds of methods you tried, you always woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. It got to the point where you started cleaning random areas in the house, and when Toshi would wake up, he would try to bring you back to bed, only for you to snap angrily at him.
Today was another night, and Toshi had decided to buy you some lavender bath bombs for you to try before bed. While you were in the bath, All Might had set up a humidifier that spewed out a Lavender and Chamomile scent. (He read online about aromatherapy), he pulled out a shopping bag, and out came a cute expensive pillow, he put your favorite [color] pillow sheets and had settled it on your side of the bed.  
He stood back, marveling out the room, and wondering what else he was missing, and he pondered why he couldn't sleep. He felt awful that he was getting a good rest, whereas you couldn't wake up for the day without feeling cranky.  
A Light bulb went off in his head, he had also gotten you another gift! He goes and gets another shopping bag, and as he does, you walk into the bedroom, look at the sight, the aromatherapy, the pillow, the bath bombs, and tear up at sight.
You notice, Toshi, walking next to you and handing you some fuzzy socks, "I read online that socks can help you sleep..?"
You noticed that they were brand new and start to sniffle.  All Might saw your teared-up face and started panicking, "Did you not like the color of the socks?!"  
You start to laugh, which confused him even more. Were you laughing or crying?! Which is it?! Why are you distress?! Are you distress?! What is going on?!
"No, you dummy," you sniffled some more and threw your arms around him. "I'm just so grateful," you whisper.
Your voice starts to crack “You are doing so much for me, and trying all these kinds of things for me, so I can sleep, how did I get so lucky?” you ask.
All Might, pulls you close to your chest “I think the question is, how did I get so lucky?”
He kisses the top of your head. "I just want you to take care of yourself and get a good night sleep, you're always worrying about my health, but sometimes, you need to remember to take care of yourself too" He paused, "In fact, take care of yourself first, before worrying about me, okay?"
You visibly relaxed, as you leaned in his arms, "You know that I love you?"
You soon froze. YOU JUST BLURTED OUT THAT YOU LOVED HIM! You internally started panicking; it seemed natural to you that you didn't think about it.  
All Might had tensed slightly when he heard your confession, but soon lifted you up in his arms as he briefly transformed into his buff form with a stupid grin on his face “No, I love-“
he had de-transformed and started coughing to the side, but still held on to you “I Love you too!” he blurted out with a heavy blush on his face.
You looked at him in bewilderment and started laughing, you were no longer unsure, and nervous. You truly felt loved, "shall we go to sleep, love~?" Toshinori continued to hold you in his arms, "We shall" and carried you to the bed.
You snuggled up to him in the bed and sighed happily, "Do you know what's stupid?"
All Might look down on you "What is?" he was massaging your scalp with his hand and was occasionally playing with your hair.
"I couldn't sleep because I thought I was going to hurt you in your sleep" you confessed, "and I thought I was a blanket stealer, or that I snored too loudly" you continued to ramble other thoughts that kept you up at night.
All Might had paused and tapped your cheek “I am the number one hero, you think you can hurt me?” he teased.
You huffed, "I did say it was stupid!" Toshi shook his head, "not stupid, my lover isn't stupid," he corrected you.
He chuckled a bit, "and Why do you need blankets to keep you warm when you have me?" he teased again.
You poked him in the face, "stop being cocky, Mr. Number One," you giggled.
Your confession was a weight lifted off your shoulders, and when Toshi had continued to massage your scalp, you soon drifted off to sleep, and not once did you wake up in the middle of the night.
Y/N and All Might laid in the extravagant bed together, all snuggled up with one another, the blankets wrapped around them. All Might’s arm was wrapped around Y/N waist, and his head laid on top of Y/N head, taking in her scent. The bright fuzzy socks were on the floor, forgotten.
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hyukmark · 6 years
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Masterlist | prev. | next
↳ A Reader X Mark swimmer!au series in which Johnny’s little sister Y/N finally moves back to Korea after graduating high school in Chicago. A written/social media fusion au!!  ↲
A/N sorry that it's been a while I've been so busy with school and homework and sis,,, I'm exhausted
It had been around three months since Jaemin and Jeno had come out to you all, a week later they had told the whole swimming club, the girls included, that they were in fact dating. It was cute how welcoming everyone was to it, in fact Yuta had made a bet with everyone that they were together and ended up rich at the end of the day.
You and Kyungmi were best friends still, you and Hyosonn had also become closer and even Hyunjae made conversation with you. Jaehwa still was off though she put up with you more and both Eunjung and Chunhei seemed to be tolerating you too.
You had become closer with the dream team plus you, Mark and Lucas were practically inseparable now. You'd spend most of your days either at their houses or your own, being wrapped up in a quilt and surrounded by snacks as you'd sit and watch films together. You were mainly all together, the ten of you, including Kyungmi, just snuggled up either on the bed or on the floor and talking about life or how your days had gone.
"Y/N, when are you coming to our college?" Lucas had asked you once, you and Mark were sitting side by side whilst Lucas had taken up his bed with his long body.
You tutted, "Lucas I've already told you that they haven't accepted me yet! They're looking for a reference and don't really want to contact my old school in Chicago so it's taking even longer."
Mark glanced at you and smiled at your pout, "just turn up with us. They'd never know, you'd fit right in."
"Maybe..." You had trailed off, remembering what both your parents had told you.
You heard the bed shift under Lucas' weight as he flopped his head down next to yours, "a penny for your thoughts?"
You and Mark both burst out laughing, Lucas' serious tone entertaining the both of you more than it should have. "Dude!" Mark laughed, reaching over you and pulling him off of the bed with a thump, "that was so cringe."
"Ow!" He yelled, rubbing his head which he bumped on the way down, "hey Y/N looked troubled I only wanted to know why!"
"Idiots," you mumbled happily, this trio was the only thing which made you feel like you were still a kid, "it's just my parents, they don't want me going to this college just because two of my friends go there."
"But this college is like-- the best in Seoul?" Mark quizzed and he wasn't wrong, it was a super good school and you'd have wanted to go there even if you didn't know these two.
"I know, they want me to make a presentation of why I want to go there and they said if I mentioned any of you two then it's an immediate no," you flung your head back onto the bed, the stress of college was hitting you and you hadn't even gone to a single class yet.
"It's fine Y/N," Mark had whispered from beside you, "we can always help you make it, who else is better than two college students themselves?"
And that was when you first noticed your feelings for Mark Lee, that was about a month ago and he had kept to his word. He let you borrow his laptop and came round to give you quotes or photos he had taken around school. Lucas tried to help too but a majority of the time he ended up falling asleep in your bed, leaving both you and Mark to do the presentation yourselves.
Now though you were getting ready to go out to town with Mark and Lucas once again, Johnny was getting slightly suspicious of why you hung out so much but you knew secretly he was just being jealous.
"Y/N!" You heard him shout mid doing your hair, you hummed loudly in response, "where does mum keep the cereal?"
"I don't know Johnny, leave me alone I need to get ready!" You yelled back, you had gotten dressed and done minimal makeup but your hair took time and you didn't want to ruin it.
He knocked on your door, something he does to see if he's able to come in. You sighed but let him in anyway, "why are you going out again?"
You rolled your eyes, here we go again, "Johnny it's called having friends, you might not understand that concept but when you have them- you go out together."
"Ouch," he huffed, sitting on the edge of your bed, "but I mean, you never hang out with me anymore sis."
"Johnny," you finished the final touches on your hair then turned to face him, "I love you okay? You're always going to be the number one man in my life."
He looked at you skeptical, "What about dad?"
"Fine, maybe dad's a little bit more above you...you're a very close second though!" He smiled, opening his arms wide for you.
"Just stop growing up, okay Y/N?" You giggled, slapping his chest lightly.
"I'll see what I can do Johnny."
The sound of your doorbell ringing made the both of you jump, you quickly jumped out of Johnny's arms and ran to the door.
"Very close second, sure Y/N," Johnny muttered under his breath as he trailed after you.
"Y/N!" Lucas screamed pulling you into a hug, "you ready to get your shop on? You haven't eaten today right? We want to go to all those small snack bars and try something from each one!"
"Back it up buddy," Johnny deadpanned, coming up behind you.
Lucas quickly let go and hid behind Mark, everyone knew that Mark and the dream team were the only ones Johnny could tolerate being around you, Lucas would've been too if he hadn't been caught flirting with you by Johnny.
"Hey hyung, we will meet you at the club later alright?" Mark said, doing his usual hand shake with your brother.
"That's fine Mark, see you guys," Johnny hugged you one more time, "have fun Y/N, not too much fun though."
"Yh yh, see you oppa."
You closed the door behind you, giving the two boys in front of you a bright smile, "so who's driving today?"
Lucas gave Mark a light shove from behind him signalling that Mark would be your driver for today. The three of you walked down the few flights of stairs, saying anything random that came to mind and laughing about it like it was the funniest thing in the world.
You had gone to multiple shops already, not one of you had bought anything yet but you didn't need to, you were having enough fun chasing Lucas around the different aisles with Mark worrying behind you about being kicked out.
"I'm hungry," Lucas said out of nowhere, eying up the rows of restaurants and fast food chains.
"When aren't you?" Mark smirked, earning a punch in the arm from the taller boy.
"I'm quite hungry too," you mumbled as your stomach rumbled quietly, "should we go to that noodle bar?"
The boys followed your finger and nodded. You three walked over to the place, Lucas opened the door and immediately burst out laughing, "Jisung! LeLe! Kyungmi!" He cried, walking in further so both you and Mark could come in.
"What are you guys doing here?" Jisung groaned, Kyungmi and Chenle were sitting together opposite him. Kyungmi waved, telling you to bring a chair next to her.
Mark too a seat next to Jisung, you sat inbetween Kyungmi and Jisung and Lucas inbetween Chenle and Mark.
"How come you didn't invite anyone else?" Mark questioned, slurping up some of his noodles.
"Same reason you three didn't," Chenle teased.
"You know if you were born in 99 then you'd be able to come on our excursions too," you joked, taking a sip from your drink.
"And if you were apart of maknae line then you'd be invited with us too eonnie," Kyungmi poked you causing you to laugh at her cuteness, "What have you guys done today anyway?"
"Nearly got kicked out of a store thanks to these two idiots," Mark sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Mark getting kicked out of somewhere? That's unheard of," Jisung laughed.
"I know right? But I'm full, when you're all finished you wanna head to the club?" Lucas asked with a raised eyebrow, "I wanna race Y/N again."
"You're on pretty boy," you smirked, you weren't going to lose this time. With an extra three months training on your belt you were sure you could beat him now.
"On your marks," Chenle started, you slid your goggles down and made sure your hat was on tight.
"Get set," you readied up, smirking one last time at Lucas then concentrating completely on the water around you.
You set off with a backwards stroke. You blocked out everyone's yells and ignored the splashing of water that came your way as Lucas powerfully attacked the water. You blocked him out completely, it was just you and the water.
Not wanting to lose this time you tried to be even more in tune and to have a rhythm to your strokes. You were practically glaring at the ceiling as you sped down your lane.
You quickly flipped, using your legs to boost off of the back wall and transfered into a front crawl. This was your strong suit.
You quickly edited your rhythm in your mind, remembering to take an ample amount of air when you looked up from the water. Instead of the ceiling being the target of your vicious glare it was now the floor of the pool, and occasionally Lucas if you looked up in his direction.
Before long you hit the finish, flinging your head back out of the water you took the time to catch your breath before tuning in on everyone shouting at you.
"I can't believe I lost..." You heard Lucas pant beside you, his hand running through his hair. Wait, had you won?
"Eonnie! You stormed ahead of Lucas, that was so cool!" Kyungmi yelled as she ran across to you, almost slipping into the pool herself but Chenle steadied her from behind.
"I- I won?" You were dazed, of course you had wanted to win but you never expected that you would.
"Yes dumb dumb, did you not notice?" Chenle laughed, offering his hand to you to lift you out the water, "Lucas was so far behind you!"
"Is anyone gonna help me out?" Lucas grumbled, watching as Jisung also came to grab your other hand.
"I gotchu bro," Mark chuckled, lifting his friend out of the water, "you still raced well, I think that's your fastest time yet."
"Thanks man," he was back to his normal self now, the compliment making him less grumpy, "guess it's one to one now Y/N."
You shrugged, "we should have a decider one time, don't get hurt if I beat you again though."
Kyungmi made a series of 'ooh' noises and Chenle joined her, both finding fun in teasing the older boy.
"I think this loss means you should buy us food hyung," Jisung offered, also taking the time to bully him.
Mark doubled over laughing at Jisung's cheekiness, "he's got you there," he cackled, slapping his friends arm.
Lucas ran his hand through his hair again, his attention focused on you, "fine but you're all limited, Y/N though, you can have whatever you want babe."
"Ewwww Lucas is trying to flirt," Kyungmi scowled in disgust, standing in front of you protectively.
You glanced warily at Mark who had suddenly stopped laughing, "he always does Kyungmi, never learns even after I do this."
Lucas looked at you confused, "do what?"
You slapped the top of his head making him fall back at the sudden pain, "do that!" You howled, the smile returned to Mark's face and the younger ones started crying out of laughter.
"Now...last one to the cafe has to split the bill!" Jisung yelled, dashing towards the doors with everyone else following close behind him.
It seemed like everytime you were going to eat together, it always ended like this. You weren't going to complain though, you enjoyed it.
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