#i'm alan partridge
24-hourpartypeople · 4 months
I'M ALAN PARTRIDGE S1: I mean, this is not just peak Alan, this is peak comedy. Every other line is a great joke if not a memorable quote yet it all still works in depicting Alan as a three dimensional character and not just a punching bag. It's all slightly exaggerated but gives back a sense of realness because the Alan universe is so perfectly crafted. What's really fascinating is that almost everything you get is from Alan's interacting with other people, but there's a strong underlyining sense of loneliness throughout and that's what makes you sympathetic towards the character. Yes he's opportunistic and arrogant but at times you want him to shut up not because he's annoying but because he's burying himself. Just cringe comedy played perfectly. I also absolutely love how you get comedy out of his little obsessions and pedantry, that's maybe my favourite definying trait of Steve's stuff.
Talking of Steve, he's unreal here. I've said it before but he has the incredible ability to go big while still playing on the subtleties, be it a face expression, the timing of inflection of a phrase or a small gesture. It's quite fitting that one of the most iconic moments of the series has him not speaking a single word. He's completely mastered the character by this point and there's nothing that's off limits for him. But what sticks out is that he's also able to bring the pathos and emotions when needed. Despair, childlike happiness, fear, awkwardness, disgust, it's all perfectly conveyed and even if it's for a laugh there's still another hidden message getting across.
It's very hard to pick a favourite moments but there's 3 quotes that I want to single out because I think in a way they're also either brilliant observations or great character detail.
"Yes, it's an extender". Because as I said I have a soft spot for all these mundane obsessions and they're an integral part of Alan's psyche, he gets worked over all these small, irrelevant things in a way that probably wears people out, or just confuses them. But the reality is, we all sometimes get overexcited about stupid things that bring some comfort to our lives, and your kitchen table being an extender is certainly a plausible candidate for that. It's like when you go to the supermarket and there's a discount on soap or when you come home and your flatmate has already put the bins out. The joys of life.
"At the end of the day you will pay the price if you're a fussy eater". That whole scene is fantastic and works on two level imo. The obvious one is the casual display of ignorance and racism. As the little englander that he is, even without being particularly engaged politically, Alan just looks down on irish people and doesn't even realise that all of his perceptions are based on old, reheashed stereotypes. But then I think the scene also captures something I believe we've all experienced. When you're out for dinner with a group, and there's someone you don't quite know. And that someone will say the most outrageous things without a worry because in his mind the possibilities that he's talking out of his arse, and that the other people sat at the table may not agree with his point of view, just don't exist.
"I just hate the general public". Again, in context, this works because it's just Alan refusing to admit his own defeat and instead blaming someone else, in this case everyone and no one in particular because he can't quite pin down the crowd that was at the event but he still feels they're inferior to him. But it's also such a great line to have come out of a guy that works as a tv presenter, especially a traditional one. He puts on this smiling face and pretends that the audience of the show are this kind of massive extended family when in front of the camera. He works with a different set of guests every time. He talks with executives, producers, collegues, members of crew. His whole career is based on pretending that what he's doing affects the public and keeps them company. And being successful and getting big viewing figures means you're popular with the everymen (and women) down in Bolton or something. Yet he *hates* the general public. Fantastic.
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'Basic Alan' is to I'm Alan Partridge what 'Boring' is to The Young Ones. Discuss. [25 marks]
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endingboyhansel · 10 months
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you ever hyperfixate and draw in your notebook on the first day of school
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timedusts · 10 months
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Alan Partridge (I'm Alan Partridge) stimboard
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requested by @endingboyhansel
thanks for requesting, let me know if you want anything changed.
🎙 📻 🎙 | 📻 🎙 📻 | 🎙 📻 🎙
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katiesteedart · 5 months
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Title - Dante Fires
#I'm Alan partridge #lynn #alan partridge
#lynn I've pierced my foot on a SPIKE!
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ramonaflow · 1 year
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James Lance - I'm Alan Partridge 1997
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starbug · 1 year
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gluttonyedits · 9 months
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“You know what this room says to me? Aqua. Which is French for water.” self-indulgent: Alan Partridge stimboard • • • # • • • # • • •
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Nick Ford, Queer Lawyer from Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge will be in the Fictional Lawyer Smackdown!
(Because he's from a radio show, he doesn't have a picture... unfortunately.)
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Part of me is excited that Britbox has just added every single Comic Strip (apart from Eat The Rich) to their platform - as well as a Channel 4 series looking back on the show - but I know from experience Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge, my beloved that they have a habit of cutting bits out of media seemingly at random. I mean, I'll still watch the ones I haven't yet seen, but the thought that I might be missing a good chunk of each of them is gonna niggle at me.
...maybe it's time to buy more DVDs (again)...
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If you had to pick just 1, what would you say your ultimate comfort show/movie is?
Hi! The answer to this changes, although it's always a sitcom as they're highly rewatchable.
At the moment, it's definitely I'm Alan Partridge. Alan Partridge should not be as endeared to me as he is, but he ticks all the right boxes for me as a comedy character and I am very fond of him. In fact, even though I'd say I'm Alan Partridge is my current comfort show, I wouldn't say that means it's definitely my favourite Partridge thing. There is so much - thank you Steve Coogan, you legend - I couldn't possibly choose. I think it depends on my mood. I'm looking forward to the third series of his podcast (sorry, series 2.2) whenever that comes out. Alan has been afforded this level of nuance and complexity after being around so long, and I just love it.
But anyway, I'm Alan Partridge. Absolutely classic. Back of the net!
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Thanks for the ask!
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endingboyhansel · 9 months
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Alan Partridge trying to sell Bouncing Back, circa 2002
original image from this video.
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timedusts · 8 months
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Alan Partridge (I'm Alan Partridge + others) wallpapers
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requested by @endingboyhansel
thanks for requesting, let me know if you want anything changed.
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panelshowsource · 20 days
recent upload requests
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did you have a chance to read my if you really feel like you've hit a dead end then i have resources there — next best would be to request this kind of content is on r/tv_bunny, which is what i did! and they came through with the link within the hour, such a great community! i added the 'talks funny' and 'voice of reason' standup specials to my google drive, so you can now find them there!
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i wish i did but i actually can't find any indication that this was ever recorded. do you have a source that it was?
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i don't mind, but there is SO MUCH alan content it'd be better if you just let me know what you need!
here's what i added to drive:
knowing me knowing you — i know it's 576p but it's a very good-looking dvdrip i think you'll love
i'm alan partridge — another dvdrip, be sure to set the aspect ratio to 16x9 so steve isn't squishyeed
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is that good or are you looking for something else?
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hi hi i will upload tm aus s2 for our guy lloyd! you can find it in the taskmaster folder :)
apart from aus, you can find various international versions of taskmaster here!
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hello anon and you're welcome!
you know...a greg folder would be an incredible amount of additional uploads because he's done SO MUCH over the last 15 years, and luckily so much of his content (past and present) is very easily accessible. i know how many people would have fun with a greg folder, and it would be really convenient to have all of his content in one place, so i'll definitely keep it on my list, but for now i don't have one. thanks for understanding :')
this googledrive link isn't mine but here is a reliable one for man down in good quality! if there is something else you're looking for just lmk :)
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2023 favorites
tagged by @godzilla-en-mexico
This list is a lot shorter if I confine myself to just stuff from 2023. Some albums what are new this year what I liked are:
Algiers - Shook Protomartyr - Formal Growth in the Desert Wednesday - Rat Saw God Boygenius - The Record Mandy Indiana - i’ve seen a way Death & Vanilla - Flicker New Pornographers - Continue as a Guest White Poppy - Sound of Blue Home Front - Games of Power Bruise Control - Useless for Something
Also special mentions for Jeanines - Don't Wait For a Sign, Lande Hekt - House Without a View, Ex-Void - Bigger Than Before, Ribbon Stage - Hit With the Most, The Beths - Expert in a Dying Field and Clear Channel - Hell, which are all really fun albums from 2022 except the Clear Channel one which is from 2020, and all of which I only heard this year. They would've been among my best of 2022 if I knew about them at the time.
I think I actually read four books that are new for 2023 this year, Anything That Moves by Jamie Stewart, Our Trade Unions by Nigel Flanagan, Dance Your Way Home by Emma Warren, and Vehicle by Jen Calleja. As for what my actual favourite books of the year were, probably Vehicle, What We Don't Talk About by JoAnn Wypijewski, The Baudelaire Fractal by Lisa Robertson, Umastered by Katherine Angel, Devil House by John Darnielle, Disnaeland by DD Johnston. Oh, and I have like extremely mixed feelings for complicated reasons about Pearls From Their Mouth by Pear Nuallak, but mostly positive about that one. Sag Harbor by Colson Whitehead and Life is Elsewhere by Milan Kundera were really good as well.
Killers of the Flower Moon is my favourite new film of 2023 cos I think it's the only new film I've watched this year. Other than that, think I watched Bodies Bodies Bodies, River's Edge, Halloween, Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Do the Right Thing, Death of Stalin, Videodrome and But I'm a Cheerleader for the first time this year, all those films have their merits.
Tagging uh @thewomanwithmissingfingers @orpheusdrinkinga40inadeathbasket @ultroid2068 @svankmajerbaby @poetickrogan @ashtrayfloors and indeed anyone else who wants to play
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24-hourpartypeople · 5 months
"I'm not Giorgio Armani, I'm Alan Partridge" shouldn't be this funny
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